
M1U1 Sharks: from birth to a life with helpers I. Word boxII. Phrase listIII. Notes1.One reason scientists worry about sharks disappearing is that humans are killingsharks faster than the sharks can reproduce.科学家担心鲨鱼消失的一个原因是:人类捕杀鲨鱼的速度要快于鲨鱼繁殖的速度。
2.Most pups are carried for up to twelve months. 大多数的幼鲨(在母鲨体内)被携带着长达12个月。
★are carried (be +done 构成被动语态)被携带3.In other species, shark pups hatch from eggs (which are) laid by their mother. 在其他鲨鱼物种里,幼鲨从母鲨鱼产下的蛋中孵化。
★laid by their mother 过去分词短语作定语修饰前文的eggs。
4.When two different kinds of animals live together in this mutually beneficial way,scientists call this relationship symbiosis, which simply means ‘living together.’当两个不同种类的动物以互惠互利的方式生活在一起,科学家把这种关系称之为共生,简单地说就是‘生活在一起’。
M1U2 Are all sharks dangerous?I.Word boxII.Phrase listIII.Notes1.Scientists think that most attacks are due to the fact that sharks may mistakepeople in the water for seals or large fish, which are their prey. 科学家认为大多数(鲨鱼对人的)袭击是因为鲨鱼可能将在水中的人误当成了海豹或大的鱼类(他们是鲨鱼的猎物)★第一个that引导宾语从句,从句作think的宾语;第二个that引导同位语从句,从句作fact的同位语;which引导非限制性定语从句,which指代seals or large fish。

50套高中英语阅读理解(科普环保)含解析一、高中英语阅读理解科普环保类1.犇犇阅读理解While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for some elementary school students in Auckland, New Zealand. They became the world's first kids to be "taught" by a digital teacher. Before you start imagining a human-like robot walking around the classroom, Will is just an avatar that appears on the student's desktop, or smartphone screen, when ordered to come.The autonomous animation platform has been modeled after the human brain and nervous system, allowing it to show human-like behavior. The digital teacher is assigned to teach Vector's "Be sustainable with energy" — a free program for Auckland elementary schools.Just like the humans it replaced, Will is able to instantly react to the students' responses to the topic. Thanks to a webcam and microphone, the avatar not only responds to questions the kids may have, but also picks up non-verbal cues. For instance, if a student smiles at Will, he responds by smiling back. This two-way interaction not only helps attract the students' attention, but also allows the program's developers to monitor their engagement, and make changes if needed.Nikhil Ravishankar believes that Will-like avatars could be a novel way to catch the attention of the next generation. He says, “I have a lot of hope in this technology as a means to deliver cost-effective, rich, educational experience in the future.”The program, in place since August 2018, has been a great success thus far. Ravishankar says, " What was fascinating to me was the reaction of the children to Will. The way they look at the world is so creative and different, and Will really captured their attention." However, regardless of how popular it becomes, Will is unlikely to replace human educators any time soon.(1)What was special for some elementary school students in Auckland?A. A digital teacher taught them.B. They first saw something digital.C. This was the start of a new school year.D. They could get close to smartphone screen.(2)What is the benefit of this two-way interaction?A. It can smile back.B. It can use microphone.C. It can talk any topic for free.D. It can change if necessary.(3)What's Ravishankar's attitude to Will's replacing Human educators soon?A. Optimistic.B. Doubtful.C. Unclear.D. Disapproving.(4)What might be the best title for the passage?A. New High-tech Contributes to EducationB. The World's First Digital Teacher Appears in Classroom.C. The World's First Digital Teacher, a Help to StudentsD. New Zealand Will Replace Teachers in Classrooms【答案】(1)A(2)D(3)D(4)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一款智能机器人走进小学课堂,为孩子们讲授能源可持续发展。

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYThe world we live in is changing fast! For example, modern houses are differentfrom traditional ones. They are made of new materials such as concrete, iron andglass instead of natural materials such as stone, wood and leaves. Inside a modernhouse we find electric lights, refrigerators, gas cookers, radios, television sets- perhaps even computers. People are usually much healthier than they used to be.We expect to live longer than our ancestors. Many of us wear new kinds of clothes,made from new kinds of cloth. We eat different foods from our ancestors, andprepare them differently. We also travel further and faster than they did. They walked, or rode an animal, or paddled a canoe. Now we use a bicycle, a car, atruck or a motorboat. There are also much larger vehicles that carry many peopleand move huge loads. We can fly long distances at great speeds in aeroplanes. Wecan pick up a telephone and speak to people who are far away. And we learn aboutas they are happening, by listening to the radio, watching television or 'going onthe internet'. In some places, changes like these started long ago and happenedvery slowly. In other places, change is much more recent and has happened very quickly.Traditional life Modern lifeWhen our grandparents were young, it would have been difficult for them to imaginesome of the marvels of the modern world. What has caused all these amazing changes?The answer is science and technology! Science is a method used by people called scientists to find out about the world around us. Science also refers to theknowledge that scientists have obtained. Technology is how we apply our knowledge and experience to make things and do things that are useful to us.10 INTERESTING SCIENCE FACTS1/ It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth.2/ 10 percent of all human beings ever born are alive at this very moment.3/ Every year over one million earthquakes shake the Earth.4/ Every year lightning kills 1000 people.5/ If you could drive your car straight up you would arrive in space in just over an hour.6/ The Earth is 4.56 billion yea rs old…the same age as the Moon and the Sun.7/ One million, million, million, million, millionth of a second after the Big Bang the Universe was the size of a …pea.8/ The tallest tree ever was an Australian eucalyptus –In 1872 it was measured at 435 feet tall.9/ The earliest wine makers lived in Egypt around 2300 BC.10/ There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.Funny Science JokesOld chemistry teachers never die, they just fail to react.What did the biologist wear on his first date? Designer jeans.Why do tigers have stripes? So they don’t get spotted.What did the receiver say to the radio wave? Ouch! That megahertz.What do astronauts do when they get angry? Blast off!Where did the lightning bolt propose to his girlfriend? Cloud 9.What do you call two dinosaurs that have been in an accident?If an experiment works, something has definitely gone wrong.How do spacemen kill time on long trips? They play astronauts and crosses.Teamwork is essential, it means you can always blame someone else.How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?Can't be done sorry, it's a hardware problem.Pictures about science科普阅读:每天笑15分钟,心脏更健康Laughter is Good for the HeartLaughter is good for the heart because it prolongs life while depression increases the risk of an early death, according to two new studies. A good bout of laughter eveLaughter is Good for the Heart Laughter is good for the heart beca use it prolongs life while depression i ncreases the risk of an early death, ac cording to two new studies.A good bout of laughter every day p rovides similar cardiovascular benefits as exercise because it stimulates the blood flow, said Michael Miller, who he aded one research team at the Universit y of Maryland.On the other hand, depression -- or the lack of laughter -- is often linke d to unhealthy habits such as smoking a nd drug addiction and increases the ris k of death by 44 percent, said Wein Jia ng, who led a study of 1,000 heart patients for the University of North Caroli na.Miller said laughter produced a "ma gnitude of change ... in the endotheliu m ... similar to the benefit we might s ee with aerobic activity, but without t he aches, pains and muscle tension asso ciated with exercise"While laughter should not replace e xercise, he said, "We do recommend that you try to laugh on a regular basis. T hirty minutes of exercise three times a week, and 15 minutes of laughter on a daily basis is probably good for the va scular system." 参考译文:美国科学家的两项最新研究结果显示,笑能使人精神愉悦,同时还对心脏大有好处;相反,心情沮丧则不利于身体健康,甚至会增加早死的危险。

中学生科普英语趣味阅读I. 生物篇Biomes(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article) Para 11. ecosystem 生态系统2. interact with 与……相互作用How does he interact with his kids?他和孩子是怎么交流的?Para 23. distinctive 独特的4. thrive 兴旺,繁荣,成功e.g. The real estate business is thriving.房地产生意兴隆。
Para 35. marine 海的,海生的,海产的6. coral reef 珊瑚礁7. regulate 管理,控制;调整,调节e.g. Private schools regulate the bahaviour of students.私立学校规范学生行为。
regulation n. 规章,规则;调整8. habitat 栖息地,产地9. diverse 不同的,多种多样的Para 610. mate (with)(鸟、兽)交配11. whisker (一根)须,似须物(II) Notes to sentencesPara 2Each biome has a distinctive combination of life forms that can thrive in its particular conditions.每个生物群系有独特的、在其特殊情况下欣欣向荣的生命形态组合。
Tundra(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article) Para 212. moss 苔藓,泥沼13. permafrost 永久冻土层Para 314. musk oxen 牛15. arctic hare 北极兔16. snow owl 雪鹰17. lemming 旅鼠Para 418. altitude 高度,海拔Para 519. kea 肉食大鹦鹉Para 620. vegetation 植被(II) Notes to sentencesPara 4The lower areas do not have permafrost, and soils are generally more suited to plants.低洼地区没有永久冻土层,而且土壤也更适合植物生长。
高中英语-科普热点类阅读理解8篇 (含解析答案)

Test 1A Robot with a Sense of HumorWanna hear a joke?This nifty little robot’s got a few—and it can tell if you’re interested. Recently the Japanese company Hitachi has invented a robot that has its own sense of humor and the ability to understand when someone else doesn’t share it.The redandwhite robot is known as EMIEW2.It stands at 80 centimeters—no taller than a small child—and is equipped with a pair of roller skates that allow it to quickly move around.The robot is programmed to recognize key words in a sentence,such as “how many”,in order to understand what sort of question it’s being asked.The little robot is further programmed to understand a wide range of human responses,such as shrugs or nods.It has the ability to carry on a short conversation with a human—without being given a script and it allows the robot to work out whether or not the person it’s talking to understands its joke.For example,the robot is asked how many people work at the Hitachi lab,and it answers,“We have two swans.” When its human conversation partner appears puzzled,the robot says,“You got it?I’m kidding.We have about 800 people working here.”“Maybe EMIEW2’s sense of humor needs a lot of work,” said Hitachi’s Hisashi Ikeda,“its ability to understand human reactions was an important step forward.”“The new technology makes it possible for a robot to understand what a human means,even if they gesture,”he said.EMIEW2 is short for Excellent Mobility and Interactive Existence as a Workmate.Hitachi hopes to have EMIEW2 provide company to people,serving as a housepet or even a receptionist or caregiver.Notes:1.nifty [′nIftI]adj.俏皮的;漂亮的2.Hitachi日立,日本一家全球最大的综合跨国集团3.response [rI′spɒns]n.反应4.shrug [ʃrʌɡ]n.& v.耸肩5.script [skrIpt]n.剧本6.Excellent Mobility and Interactive Existence as a Workmate具有卓越的灵活性和交互性的工作伴侣7.receptionist [rI′sepʃənIst]n.接待员Have a Try:1.How does the robot move around?A.By a pair of roller skates.B.By its two legs.C.By human beings.D.By electricity.2.The robot can do the following things EXCEPT .A.having a talk with humansB.making gesturesC.telling jokesD.recognizing whether you understand its jokes3.We know from the reading that .A.the robot determines if you’ve got the “joke” it has just told by asking you questions B.the robot tells perfect jokesC.the robot can answer whatever questions you askD.the robot will be a perfect house or office helper in the futureTest 2Family MealsTeenagers who turn off the TV and sit down to family meals are less likely to have eating disorders,take drugs,drink or struggle at school.A study has connected eating together with lower rates of bulimia and anorexia.Kids who are used to eating round the table are less likely to take up smoking to lose weight.Besides,they are more likely to have meals on time.Researcher Barbara Fiese said,“In many people’s opinion,teenagers don’t want to be around their parents very much.Besides this,they are too busy with their studies and spend more time with their friends.”The study shows happy families have teenagers who eat with their parents often.These teens have less bad diet or dangerous eating habits.“For most parents,it is difficult to get their families together around the table seven days a week.But if they can have three family meals a week,it will be good for their children’s health,”she added.Professor Fiese has found that teens who eat at least five meals a week with their families are 35 percent less likely to be “disordered eaters”.Even three family meals a week helped,withyoungsters 12 percent less likely to be overweight than those who ate with their families less often.They were also 24 percent more likely to eat healthy foods and have healthy eating habits than those who didn’t share three meals with their families.Teens can also use family meals as a time to get their thoughts across.Professor Fiese said,“Family meals give them a place where they can go regularly to check in with their parents and express themselves freely.”Notes:1.eating disorders饮食失调症2.bulimia [bu′lImIə]n.暴食症3.anorexia [ˌænə′reksIə]n.厌食症Have a Try:1.Which of the following is NOT a reason why children don’t eat with their parents? A.They don’t want to be with their parents too often.B.They spend a lot of time with friends.C.They think their parents are too strict.D.They are too busy with their studies.2.What can we learn from the passage?A.It is hard for family members to sit together for meals often.B.It is good for family members to watch TV while having meals.C.Parents will have meals on time if they eat with their children.D.Teenagers who have meals with their parents are cleverer.3.In the article,the author intends to tell us .A.eating together as a family creates better eating habits later in lifeB.the more often teenagers have meals with their parents,the less likely they behave badly C.eating with parents is importantD.the more often teenagers eat with their families,the healthier they areTest 3I Listen to ColorI come from a place where the sky is always grey,where flowers are always grey,and wheretelevision is still in black and white.I actually come from a world where color doesn’t exist.I was born with achromatopsia.I was born completely colorblind.So I’ve never seen color,and don’t know what it looks like.But since the age of 21,I can hear color thanks to a magic electronic eye called “eyeborg”:a color sensor between my eyes connected to a chip installed at the back of my head that transforms color frequencies into sound frequencies that I hear through my bone.I’ve had the electronic eye permanently attached to my head and I’ve been listening to colors nonstop since 2004.So I find it completely normal now to hear colors all the time.Since I started to hear color,my life has changed dramatically.Art galleries have become concert halls.I can hear a Picasso.And supermarkets have become like night clubs.I love how they sound. My sense of beauty has changed.Someone might look very beautiful but sound terrible,and someone might sound very harmonious but look awful.So I find it reallyexciting to create sound portraits of people.Instead of drawing the shape of someone’s face I write down the different notes I hear when I look at them,and then I send them an mp3 of their face.Each face sounds different.I can even give face concerts now,concerts where I play the audience’s faces.The good thing about doing this is that if the concert doesn’t sound good,it’s their fault.I also found out that things I thought were colorless are not colorless at all.Cities are not grey.Lisbon is yellow turquoise;London is very golden red...and humans are not black and white.Human skins range from light shades of orange to very dark shades of orange.We are all orange.If we extend our senses,we will consequently extend our knowledge.Notes:1.permanently [′pз:mənəntlI]ad v.永久地2.turquoise [′tз:kwɒIz]adj.蓝绿色的;宝石绿的Sentence:If we extend our senses,we will consequently extend our knowledge.延伸感官,获得知识。

初一科普英语小文章范文Science is all around us, even in our daily lives. It's not just about complicated experiments or hard-to-understand theories. It's actually pretty cool and interesting!Let's start with something simple: the rainbow. Have you ever seen one? It's a beautiful sight, with all those colors spread across the sky. But did you know that a rainbow is actually a reflection of sunlight and water droplets? That's right! When the sun shines and the rain falls, the light gets refracted and reflected by the raindrops, creating that colorful arc we call a rainbow.Now, let's talk about something a bit more technical. Have you ever wondered why your phone battery drains so fast? It's because of something called energy consumption. Every time you use your phone, whether it's to text, play games, or take photos, it's using energy. And that energy comes from the battery. So, if you want your battery tolast longer, try using your phone less or turning off someof the features you don't need.And here's a fun fact: did you know that chocolate is actually a kind of fruit? Well, technically speaking, it is! Chocolate comes from the cocoa bean, which grows on a tree. And since trees produce fruits, the cocoa bean isconsidered a fruit too. But don't worry, you can stillenjoy your chocolate without feeling guilty!Lastly, let's talk about something that's really cool: space! Have you ever looked up at the night sky and seenall those twinkling stars?。

I. Life Science生命科学The Five Senses视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉和触觉是人类最基本的五种感觉,即五官感觉。
Sport injuries肌肉是支撑人体活动的重要部分,我们要当心保护,防备肌肉受伤。
·Warm-upDo you know any kind of sport injuries? Have you suffered from any of them?·Big question to think about while you readWhat are sprains and fractures?Content Vocabulary1. sprain n. a painful injury to a joint caused by a sudden wrenching of its ligaments扭伤2. break n. the place where a bone in your body has broken 破碎3. ligament n. a band of strong material in your body+ similar to muscle, that joins bones orholds an organ in its place 韧带4. fracture n. a crack or broken part in a bone or other hard substance 断裂5. swell v. to become larger and rounder than normal肿胀Sprains occur when a muscle is pulled too far. The result can be a break or a tear of a ligament. Sprains can sometimes happen as the result of an injury, such as a fall.Sprains can also happen when you do not warm up your muscles before you exercise.A broken bone often occurs as the result of an accident. A broken bone is called a fracture.How can you tell if a bone is broken? The pain in the area is very strong. You cannot movethe part that is broken. The part that is broken begins to swell or grow bigger.In most cases, you should not move because a bone may be broken Get someone's help tocall an ambulance immediately.You will be taken to a hospital nearby to check whether or not you have a broken bone. To check this, you will normally get an X-ray. An X-ray is a black and white picture of the bonestaken with a special machine. It lets a doctor see if a bone is broken.(178 words)·Reflection questions on what you read1.What are the differences between sprains and fractures?2.How can a doctor tell whether there's a broken bone or not?3.What should you do if a sprain occurs?4.Which one do you think is more serious, a sprain or a broken bone?Measuring speed优秀的骨骼构造和强壮的肌肉令人和动物在运动时拥有较高的速度,下边的文章会告诉你什么动物运动速度最快。

【英语】50套高中英语阅读理解(科普环保)一、高中英语阅读理解科普环保类1.犇犇阅读理解Slowly but surely we're moving closer and closer to 5G world. From smart-home security to self-driving cars, all the internet-connected devices in your life will be able to talk to each other at lightning-fast speeds with reduced delay, Objectively speaking, the fastest 4G download speeds in the U. S. top out at an average of 19.42 Mbps. But by comparison 5G promises gigabit (千兆) speeds.“5G is one of those signs, along with artificial intelligence, of this coming data age,” said Steve Koenig, senior director of market research for the Consumer Technology Association. “The self-driving vehicle is a great emblem of this data age, and that is to say, it is a sign of time, because with one single task, driving, you have massive amounts of data coming from the vehicle itself, and a variety of sensors are collecting a lot of information to model its environment as it moves. It's pulling in data from other vehicles about road conditions down the lane. It could be weather information, but also connected infrastructure (基础设施) construction. There's lots of data behind that task, which is why we need high speed.Augmented reality glasses and virtual headset haven't yet broken the mainstream, but tech companies are joyfully betting that these devices will eventually replace our smartphones. With 5G, that could actually happen. This is notable because companies such as Apple are reportedly developing AR glasses to assist — or perhaps even replace — smartphones.Ericsson stated at February's Mobile World Congress how smart glasses could become faster and lighter with a 5G connection, because instead of being weighed down with components, the glasses could rely on hardware for processing power.But don't get too excited. There's still a lot of work to be done in the meantime, including various trials to make sure the radios play nicely with hardware and infrastructure construction so 5G isn't concentrated only in big cities.(1)What does the author want to stress in Paragraph 1?A. The lighting-fast speed of 5G.B. The expectation of 5G world.C. The difference between 4G and 5G.D. The internet-connected devices in our life.(2)What does the underlined word "emblem" in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Exhibition.B. Success.C. Symbol.D. Explanation.(3)We can infer from the text that ________.A. 5G world won't come without AR glassesB. 5G helps to create the artificial intelligence vehicleC. Apple company is developing AR glasses worldwideD. Tech companies will face the fact that smartphones may be replaced(4)What will the author probably tell us next?A. How to fully expand 5G coverage.B. Smart glasses will become faster and lighter.C. Why 5G isn't concentrated in big cities.D. The importance of infrastructure construction.【答案】(1)A(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了我们离5G世界越来越近了。

初一英语趣味阅读1It’s Sunday. There are many people in the bus. And an old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty seat. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a young man is sitting beside it."Is this seat empty?" asks the old man."No, it’s for a woman. She goes to buy some bananas."Says the young man. "Well," says the old man, "Let me sit here please. When she comes back, Iwill leave here."The bus starts."She doesn’t come, but her bag is here. Let me give her the bag." Then the old man throws the bag out of the bus window.The young man jumps up and shouts, "Don’t throw! It’s my bag!"< >1. The old man wants to find an empty seat _____.A. in the roomB. in the busC. beside the driverD. in a car< >2. The old man finds an empty seat. He goes there and finds there is ____ on it.A. a manB. womanC. a bagD. a coat< >3. The young man says the seat is for ________.A. a manB. a womanC. a boyD. a girl< >4. The bus starts. The old man ______.A. asks the woman to sit on the seatB. takes the bag to the womanC. throws the bag to the young manD. throws the bag out of the window< >5. The bag is ________. The young man doesn’t want the old man to throw it away.A. the woman’sB. the old man’sC. the driver’sD. the young man’s参考答案:1-5BCBDD2It is in autumn. A young man comes to a forest. He’s walking beside the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is the forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A tiger is getting ready to jump on him.What does he do? He must jump into the river. But in the river there is a big crocodile . Its mouth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger is now in the mouth of the crocodile.那是一年秋天。

II. Life Science 生命科学Animal Kingdom早在人类出现之前,史前动物已经在地球上繁衍发展。
下面让我们一起去探索奇妙的动物世界吧!Rearing of lion cubs狮子是唯一雌雄两态和群居的猫科动物,生活于开阔的草原疏林地区或半荒漠地带。
·Warm-upHave you ever seen the movie The Lion King? Do you know how lions live in the wild in reality?·Big question to think about while you readHow does the rearing of lion cubs go according to the text?protective of their mates while they are breeding. At the end of the approximately 105-day gestation period, the lioness leaves the pride to go to a sheltered, isolated area to give birth to its litter of two to five cubs. Cubs are born blind. They weigh 1.5 to 2 kilograms, and they have a soft, woolly grayish-yellow-brown coat. The lioness rarely leaves her cubs. When she does, either to hunt or drink, she risks losing them to predators, such as cheetahs, leopards, jackals, or hyenas.At first, the cubs will stay close to their mother as they explore their surroundings. Male cub mortality is high because males are more active and more likely to leave their protected shelter.Cubs accompany their mother on hunting expeditions when they are three to four months old.Cubs will not be able to kill their own prey until they are about two years old. Through early play experiences, the cubs learn how to hunt, crash, leap, and kill their prey.Adolescent males tend to remain near the pride's territory at first and then go off on their own. They will try and join another pride. Male lions display excellent teamwork when threatened by another male wanting to dominate the pride. The typical duration for which a strong group of males is able to defend their pride is two to three years, during which time they father all of the offspring. ( 256 words) ·Reflection questions on what you read1. Why does the lioness rarely leave its cubs?2. What contributes to the high mortality of male cubs?3. How long will it take before cubs are able to kill their own prey? How are they able to do so?4. In the movie The Lion King, Simba finally became the mighty king. Can you explain why would adolescent males like to defend their pride according to the text?Leopards豹在四种大型猫科动物(其余三种为狮、虎、美洲豹)中体积最小,颜色最鲜艳。

英语专项阅读—科普小品AWe know that many animals do not stay in one place. Birds, fish and other animals move from one place to another at a certain time. They move for different reasons: most of them move to find food more easily, but some move to get away from places that are too crowded.When cold weather comes, many birds move to warmer places to find food. Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. The most famous migration is probably the migration of one kind of fish, which is called “salmon”. This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water. There it spends most of its life. When it is old, it returns to its birthplace in fresh water. Then it gives birth and dies there. In northern Europe, there is a kind of mouse. They leave their mountain home when it becomes too crowded. They move down to the low land. Sometimes they move all the way to the seaside, and many of them are killed when they fall into the sea.Recently, scientists have studied the migration of a kind of lobster(龙虾). Every year, when the season of the bad weather arrives, the lobsters get into a long line and start to walk across the bottom of the ocean. Nobody knows why they do this, and nobody knows where they go.So, sometimes we know why humans and animals m ove from one place to another, but at other times we don’t. Maybe living things just like to travel.Choose the best answer according to the passage.( )1. The main reason why animals move from one place to another is ________.A. to find food more easilyB. that they are afraid of humansC. that they feel too crowdedD. that they don’t like the same place( )2. The salmon is born in ________ and live in ________ most of the time.A. warm water; fresh waterB. cold water; salt waterC. fresh water; salt waterD. warm water; cold water( )3. The underlined word “migration” in the second paragraph means “______” in Chinese.A. 撤退B. 迁徙C. 活动D. 游动( )4. The lobsters usually move when ________.A. the place is crowdedB. winter comesC. the bad weather arrivesD. they give birth ( )5. What’s the main idea of this passage?A. The migration of some animals.B. Why living things like to travel.C. Some interesting fishes.BWhat is life on Pluto(冥王星) like? Is it any different to life on the earth?If you lived on Pluto, you’d have to live 248 earth years to celebrate your first birthday in Pluto years. It takes Pluto much longer to make one lap (circle) around the sun. One Pluto year is the same as 248 earth years.If you weigh 45 kilograms on the earth, you would weigh only 3.6 kilograms on Pluto! Pluto is much smaller than the earth. Gravity(重力) on Pluto is only 8 percent of that on the earth.Remember to bring plenty of clothes if you visit the star. Pluto is cold. Because it is far away from the sun, the temperature on it is about 200 degrees centigrade below zero. It gets even colder as it moves farther from the sun in its orbit(轨道). From Pluto, the sun looks like a dot in the sky, and it is the brightest star you can see. The light from the sun is as bright on Pluto as the light from the full moon on the earth.Complete the table below according to the passage.A 1-5 ACBCAB 1. 248 2. 3.6 kg 3. 100% 4. 200℃below zero5. The light from the sun is as bright on Pluto as the light from the full moon on the earth.CBananas don’t grow on trees. They grow on a thick stalk(茎) that looks just a little like a stalk of corn. The stalk is soft enough to be cut with a knife.It takes about a year before bananas are ready to be picked. Some are as small as fingers. Others are as long and thick as men’s arms. Some banana plants grow as tall as a house — even taller!Not all bananas are eaten as fruit. Some never get sweet, and they are cooked as a kind of vegetable.People in most countries never see a banana until it reaches the store. But if you visited a country where it’s hot and rains a lot all the year, you might see a banana plantation(种植园), a large farm where bananas grow.The tasty fruit doesn’t come from a seed but from a root planted deep in the ground. First a stalk pushes up into the air. Then leaves appear. In the beginning the banana plant grows very fast—sometimes as much as the length of your feet in one night. Soon, sweet-smelling flowers appear, and when their flowers drop off, bananas begin to grow.As they get bigger, bananas start turning up. It looks as if they’re growin g upside down! Bananas are ready to eat when they turn soft and yellow. But they’re picked long before this —when they’re hard and bright green. This is because bananas have to travel many miles before they arrive at a store. On trucks and boats and trains bananas travel all over the world. There are special boats just for bananas and special trains that keep them just cool enough so that they will get ripe while traveling. If bananas are picked when they are ripe, they will spoil(变坏) on the way. Complete the following sentences according to the passage.1. Bananas grow ________ instead of ________.2. You’d better ________ the bananas until they grow for ________.3. Some bananas can ________ a kind of vegetable and some can ________.4. We might visit a banana plantation in a place ________.5. Bananas are usually picked long before they _________.。

1.Honesty 诚实A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured. The manager of the office asked him how old his parents were when they died.“Mother had a bad heart and died at the age of thirty. Father died of tuberculosis when he was thirty-five.”“I am very sorry,”said the manager,“we cannot insure your life as your parents were not healthy.”As the man was leaving the office, depressed, he met a clerk, who had overheard the conversation.“You must not be so frank and tell the truth,”said the clerk,“no office will insure you if you speak like that. Use your imagination a little.”The man went to another office and was shown into the manager's room.“Well, young man, how old were your parents when they died?”“Mother was ninety-three, and she died from a fall off her bicycle. Father was ninety-eight and he died while he was playing football.”判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

英语趣味阅读八年级上English:English Fun Reading for Grade 8 is a great resource for students to develop their English reading skills. It contains a variety of interesting and engaging stories that can captivate the attention of young readers. The stories are not only entertaining but also educational, helping students improve their language comprehension and vocabulary.Chinese:八年级上的英语趣味阅读对于学生发展英语阅读技能是一种很好的资源。
English:One of the main benefits of using English Fun Reading for Grade 8 is that it helps students improve their reading fluency. By reading a wide range of texts and genres, students can enhance their reading speed and comprehension. This can be especially helpful forstudents who struggle with reading or are looking to improve their overall reading skills.Chinese:使用八年级上的英语趣味阅读的主要好处之一是帮助学生提高阅读流畅性。

趣味阅读:Colorful school lifeWe have lived in Lida School for more than one year. I enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge and other things I need.There are many trees and flowers around us. The trees are green all the year. When we sit in the classroom and look out of the windows, we can see a big tree shaking its strong arms to us. It is really wonderful.In some ways, our thoughts are at large. Perhaps it makes our brains creative. I believe that nothing can tie up my mind even it stands for authority. The free life is just like our school life.In our school, of course, there are both success and failure. We should not be proud but modest because there are too many people much better than myself. Actually, we also should muster up courage and work harder.I like to sing:“We are honest.We always keep promises.We often think a lot.We are never afraid of anything.”So we have our own school life different from others.At last, it is impossible for me to resist the temptation to say: what a perfect school life I have!1 / 1。

初中英语科普类阅读理解Long,long ago people made the first lightening(闪电).But they had to keep the fire burning,for they couldnt start it again if there was noter,they found out hitting two pieces of stone together could make a spark(火花).The spark could fire dry leaves.In this way they could make the fire again if it went out .Then people also learned to make a fire byrubbing(摩擦).They made a hole on a piece of wood and put a smaller stick into the hole. They turned the stick again and again.After a few minutes they got a fire.As years went by, people learned other way to make a fire.Sometimes they used the heat from the sun.They held a piece of glass in the right way and made a piece of paper on fire.About two centuries ago, people began to make matches.Matches brought people a quick and easy way to make fires.Today matches are still being used, but people have more new ways to make fires.One of them is to use an electric fire starter.Of course an electric fire starter is much more expensive then a box of matches, But it is very useful.1. From the text we know that a spark can________.A.fire and leavesB.burn anythingC.burn dry leavesD.keep fire burning2. We can also get a fire by__________.A.making a hole on a big piece of woodB.putting the smaller stick into the holeC.turning the stick hard for a whileD.all above together3. Matches have been used ___________.A.for about two thousand yearsB.for about two hundred C.since people began to use fire for cookingD.since people used the heat from the sun4. From the text, we know that _________.A.electric fire starters are widely usedbbs.B.people havent used matches since they had electric fire startersC.today there are only two ways to make fireD.some forest fires happen from lighting5. Which of the following is the right order of the ways to make fires that people got to know?a.with a matchb.from the sunc. from lighteningd.by rubbinge. with an electric fire starterA.a,b,c,d,cB.b,c,a,e,dC.c,d,b,a,eD.d,a,c,b,eA.butB.andC.soD.or3. The smile on my mothers face showed that she was _______with me.A.sadB.pleasedC.angryD. sorry4. Youd better _______the book to others.A.dont lendB.not to lendC.didnt lendD.not lend5. The text is very easy for you. There are _____new words in it.A.a fewB.a littleC. fewD.little6. The box is________far for the boy______reach.A.too....to....B.to; tooC.so;thatD.no;to7. May I use your dictionary? I want to ____a word.A.look atB.look forC.look afterD.look up8. ---Would you like some chicken ?---_______.Ive had enough.A. Yes, thank you.B.No, thanksC.Thats all rightD.Just fine.答案:1. C 解析:本题从第一段第四行可以得到答案。

高中英语科普阅读练习题50题(答案解析)1. The Amazon rainforest is known as the "lungs of the Earth" because it _.A. has a large number of animalsB. produces a great amount of oxygenC. is the largest rainforest in the worldD. has a lot of beautiful scenery答案解析:B。
2. Penguins are birds, but they _.A. can't flyB. live in the desertC. are very large in sizeD. have four legs答案解析:A。
3. V olcanoes can be dangerous because _.A. they are very highB. they can erupt and release hot lavaC. they are difficult to climbD. they are far away from human settlements答案解析:B。

A shark moving around the coastline is normally a worrying sight,but this waterborne drone (无人机) threatens floating rubbish instead of people.Developed by Dutch company RanMarine, the WasteShark takes nature as its inspiration with its whale shark-like mouth. Responsible for collecting waste, the drone will begin operations in Dubai Marina in November after a year of trials with local partner Ecocoast.According to RanMarine, the WasteShark is available in both autonomous and remote-controlled models. Measuring just over five feet by three-and-a-half feet (1.5 meters by 1.1 meter), it can carry up to 352 pounds of rubbish (159.6 kg) and has an operational battery life of 16 hours.By 2016 there were approximately 150 million tons of plastic in the world's oceans. One paper from December 2014 estimated that over a quarter of a million tons of ocean plastic pollution was afloat."WasteShark also has the abilities to gather air and water quality data, remove chemicals out of the water such as oil, and heavy metals, and scan the seabed to read its depth and outlines," said Oliver Cunningham, one of the co-founders of RanMarine. "Fitted with a collision-avoidance system, the drone uses laser imaging detection and ranging technology to detect an object in its path and stop or back up if the object approaches.""Our drones are designed to move through a water system, whether it's around the perimeter (周边) or through the city itself. The drones are that last line of defense between the city and the open ocean," added Cunningham. "WasteSharks are operating in Dubai, South Africa and the Netherlands and cost $ 17, 000 for the remote-controlled model and just under $ 23, 000 for the autonomous model."Dubai-based operator Ecocoast has two WasteShark drones. Co-founder Dana Liparts says they will clean waterfronts for clients including hotels and environmental authorities and that Ecocoast' intention is to have the collected rubbish recycled or upcycled. However, Liparts argues that cleaning waterways doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution and requires a combination of new technology, preventative measures and changing people's attitudes towards littering.(1)What do we know about the WasteShark?A. It can frighten sharks away.B. It is an ocean explorer.C. It is a rubbish collector.D. It can catch fish instead of people.(2)What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?A. The causes of ocean pollution.B. The dangers of using plastics.C. The severity of ocean garbage pollution.D. The importance of ocean protection.(3)What will the WasteShark do with an approaching object?A. Avoid crashing into it.B. Break it into pieces.C. Swallow it.D. Fly over it.(4)Which of the following ideas does Liparts agree with?A. The WasteShark should be used more widely.B. More measures should be taken to make water clean.C. The production cost of WasteSharks should be reduced.D. People should take a positive attitude to new technology.【答案】(1)C(2)C(3)A(4)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍一种水上无人机可以用于清理浮在水面上的垃圾。
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中学生科普英语趣味阅读集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#中学生科普英语趣味阅读I. 生物篇Biomes(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article) Para 11. ecosystem 生态系统2. interact with 与……相互作用How does he interact with his kids他和孩子是怎么交流的Para 23. distinctive 独特的4. thrive 兴旺,繁荣,成功. The real estate business is thriving.房地产生意兴隆。
Para 35. marine 海的,海生的,海产的6. coral reef 珊瑚礁7. regulate 管理,控制;调整,调节. Private schools regulate the bahaviour of students.私立学校规范学生行为。
regulation n. 规章,规则;调整8. habitat 栖息地,产地9. diverse 不同的,多种多样的Para 610. mate (with)(鸟、兽)交配11. whisker (一根)须,似须物(II) Notes to sentencesPara 2Each biome has a distinctive combination of life forms that can t hrive in its particular conditions.每个生物群系有独特的、在其特殊情况下欣欣向荣的生命形态组合。
Tundra(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article) Para 212. moss 苔藓,泥沼13. permafrost 永久冻土层Para 314. musk oxen 牛15. arctic hare 北极兔16. snow owl 雪鹰17. lemming 旅鼠Para 418. altitude 高度,海拔Para 519. kea 肉食大鹦鹉Para 620. vegetation 植被(II) Notes to sentencesPara 4The lower areas do not have permafrost, and soils are generally m ore suited to plants.低洼地区没有永久冻土层,而且土壤也更适合植物生长。
Forest Biomes(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article) Para 11. approximately 大约,近似地Para 122. emergent 出现的,紧急的(学过 emerge; emergency)3. exotic 外来的,异国的Para 144. gorilla 大猩猩5. abundant 丰富的,充裕的(II) Notes to the sentencesPara 2The forests are home to evergreen trees.森林是常青树的生息地。
Para 3As a result, the needles are dark in color, so they absorb what l ittle light falls on their surface.结果,针叶的颜色变黑,他们吸收了照在表面上的那一点点光线。
Para 7New leaves capture the enrgy of the sun and sprout quickly before the tall trees grow too thick to let sun reach them.新绿的树叶吸收了太阳的能量并在高大树木长得太茂密而无法让阳光照到他们之前迅速开花。
Grassland and Desert Biomies(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article) Para 31. tramping -- tramp 践踏;步行2. creeping stems 匍匐茎Para 43. the Arabian Peninsula 阿拉伯半岛4. the Asian subcontinent 亚洲次大陆Para 65. evaporate 蒸发;失去水分Marine and Freshwater Biomes(I) Vocabulary (not including those at the end of the article) Para 31. breach 突破Para 42. ferocious-looking 看起来凶猛的Para 63. cling (to rocks) 紧贴;附着4. trout 鳟鱼Para 75. algae 水藻,海藻6. glide 滑行;滑翔;溜走(II) Notes to sentencesPara 4Deep-sea fish typically have big mouths, long sharp teeth, and st omachs that stretch to swallow prey whole.深海鱼典型的特点是:大嘴巴、长尖牙,胃大得足以把猎物整个吞下。
II.哺乳动物篇Adaptable Mammals1. If the total number of species for the major animal groups are compared , mammals, with about 4000 species, are last.如果与主要的动物群的物种数量相比,哺乳动物只有4000种,位居最后。
2. Finally,there are humans, whose very dominance is based partly on theirability to walk on hind limbs alone.最后,就有了人类,而人类的绝对优势一定程度上在于他们单独依靠后肢行走的能力。
(Edited by Shao Chongwen)Diet and home for mammalsI. VocabularyII. Notes to difficult sentences1. Species that are not closely tied to one food source or method of eating have the best chance for continued survival and adaptation.那些不受食物来源和捕食方法束缚的物种往往最能持久地适应与幸存下来。
2. It varies in design from a single hole to a complicated network of underground tunnels.这些地洞构造上从简单的洞到复杂的地下“隧道”网络各不相同。
(Edited by Shao Chongwen)Social organizationI. VocabularyII. Notes to difficult sentences1. Groups of mammals that do not seem to maintain any particular order when fee ding or moving about are, in fact, highly organized.哺乳动物群落看似在进食与移动时不保持特别次序,事实上他们是非常有组织性的。
2. This arrangement is to be adopted to make sure that if a predator threatens a m ember of the troop from any direction, it will first have to encounter the strongest members: adult males.采用这个安排是为了确保当天敌从任何一个方位威胁到群落中的成员时,它将首先遭遇最强的群落成员:成年雄性猩猩。
(Edited by Shao Chongwen; supervised by Spring)ElephantsI. VocabularyIII. 现代技术篇Technology Used in Medical Field1) For example, vaccines can control and even eradicate diseases that in the past eliminated entire populations.比如,疫苗能够控制甚至根除那些在过去能使全部感染者身亡的疾病。
2) A vaccine is a medicine that contains a weak form of a disease that peop le can fight off to develop immunity to the actual disease,疫苗是一种能够通过控制疾病处于较弱状态而使类能够自行抵抗并对现行的疾病提高免疫力的药物。
(By Shao Chongwen)Technology in daily life1) Other "torches" developed when people soaked dried reed plants into hot ,melted animal fat.其他的“火把”也在人类将芦苇浸泡于热的融化的动物油脂中应运而生了。
2) However,they had not developed anything even remotely practical for home use.然而,他们却甚至连与家用还相当遥远的东西都没有发明出来。
3) It was the start of a flood of electrical inventions that later entered the home,including the te levision and the computer.这是这些电器发明的潮流,包括电视和电脑,的开端,并在后来逐渐进入了家庭。