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You should get above-average results from them -- You should make them get higher marks than the average children results -- n. (pl.) marks, grades , etc. that one gets after taking an examination or a test Examples: ---We already have their examination results. ---You need good A-level results.
You use something to mean a quality or an element which you cannot describe or do not understand, but which is present and affects you in some way. Examples: Something about the man's tone raised the girl's suspicions. There is something about her which many men find appealing. See also in the following paragraph of the text: the special ''something'' the strongest ''something''
1—8 A teacher got above-average results from a group of average students with IQs within the normal range. 9—11 A scientist trained a group of ordinary mice to run a maze more quickly than other mice. 12—17 The principle of labeling and its consequences at various levels.
the next time around -- (= the next time when he was around) the next time when hቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ was available for some work. be around -- be present or available
He will measure up to the graduation requirements. It was fatiguing (累人的) sometimes to try to measure up to her standard of perfection.
as often happened = which often happened . the student was not treated with disappointment, anger, or annoyance -the teacher did not regard the student
The remarkable thing about it all .... -- What was worthy of notice about the whole case ....
In reality--in actual fact; really 实际上,事 实际上,
She didn't tell them that in so many words, but … her attitude convinced the students .... -She didn't tell them that (= that they were special and could do superior work) directly, but obviously certain things in her attitude made the students believe .... (not) in so many words -- (not) clearly and in a way that is plain and understandable This is what he wants, only he doesn't say it in so many words. A member of Parliament is not supposed to say in so many words that another has lied.
He went back down again to see who was around. It's an old tradition which has been around for hundreds of years.
) live up to what the teacher knew he would be -- achieve what the teacher expected of him. Verbal---a. of or in words 用言辞的;用 用言辞的; 文字的,口头的 文字的 口头的 ,Examples: We have a verbal agreement with her. The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills.
He failed to live up to his parents' expectations. The concert was brilliant -- it lived up to all our expectations. It'll be difficult to live up to the standards set by our director.
she was advised -- she was told
advise -- vt. inform (sb.) about (sth.); tell .
The company always keeps its salesmen advised of new products. Please advise us of (= tell us) the expected time of arrival
One point it did make with …expectations when the child believes those expectations are honest. - One thing it (= the study) certainly revealed very clearly is that children will usually achieve what a teacher expects of them if they believe that the teacher really means it about the expectations.
gifted -- a. very intelligent or talented; more intelligent ---Even gifted children fail to progress without good teaching. ---She is gifted - she's a wonderful athlete, she writes beautifully and plays the guitar and so on.
communicate -- v. give (thoughts, feelings,
ideas or information) successfully to others through speech, writing, bodily movements or
---Writers communicate their ideas to the readers by writing. ---Unable to speak a word of the language, he communicated with his hands.
make a point -- express an idea
This is the first point I want to make. You made some interesting points in your speech.
) In what way did the teacher communicate to the students that ...? -- By what means did the teacher make the students aware that ...?
she was getting just that, better than average work -- she was exactly getting such results, the above-average results
average work = average performance
She looks young, but in reality she is past forty. The house looks quite old, but in reality it's very new.
Within /beyond the range of— Uncover --vt. make known or disclose (sth.); discover (sth. previously secret or unknown) 揭露,暴露;发现 揭露,暴露; Digging in her garden she uncovered a box of gold dating back to the 9th century. These reasons can easily be uncovered with a little inquiry.
The children picked up these signals and reacted positively to them. -- The children got the information (conveyed by the teacher's voice and tone) into their minds and performed well in response to this information. Measure up to---reach (the standard required or expected) 符合,达到 (要求或期望的标准 符合, 要求或期望的标准) 要求或期望的标准
superior(to)-- better in quality (than sth./sb.
在质量等方面)较好的 else) (在质量等方面 较好的;优良的,优秀的 在质量等方面 较好的;优良的,
--A few years ago it was virtually impossible to find superior quality coffee in local shops. --My watch is good enough, but yours is superior. --Your knowledge of electronics is much superior to mine. Inferior(to)
This study uncovered many answers .... -This research revealed many answers
Live up to ---behave as well as or be as
good as expected 符合,不辜负 (期望 符合, 期望) 期望