(预付款保函)银行保函样本1致: (下称受益人):鉴于 (下称被担保人)已与受益人签订了合同编号为___________的 (下称合同),工期自年月日至年月日,且受益人向被担保人支付了金额为_ 的预付款。
我方接受被担保人的委托,在此向受益人提供不可撤销的预付款保函:一、本保函的最高担保金额为人民币 (币种) ¥ (小写) (大写)。
三、在本保函的有效期内,我方将在收到受益人经法定代表人或其授权委托代理人签字确认并加盖公章的关于受益人认定被担保人违反合同约定的书面索赔通知及本保函原件后 15 个工作日内,不争辩、不挑剔、不可撤销地向受益人支付索赔款,但累计索赔金额不得超过本保函的最高担保金额。
担保人: (盖章)负责人人或其授权委托代理人(签字或盖章):单位地址:邮政编码:电话:传真:日期:年月日(履约保函)银行保函样本2致:鉴于_________________________________________(以下简称乙方)已保证按_____________________________(编号:_________________________)(以下称合同)实施;且鉴于你方在上述合同中要求乙方通过经认可的银行向你方提交合同规定金额的不可撤销的银行保函,作为乙方履行合同责任的担保;而且本行同意为乙方出具本银行保函;本行作为担保人在此向你放确认承担支付人民币_______________元(大写______________)的责任,在你放书面提出要求得到上述金额内的任何付款时,本行即予支付,不提任何异议,也不要求你方出具证明或说明背景或理由本行放弃你方应先向乙方要求赔偿上述金额,然后再向本行提出要求的权利。
履约保函规范文本(2024版)细则本合同目录一览1. 保函定义与范围1.1 保函的含义1.2 保函的适用范围2. 保函的类型2.1 分类2.2 各类保函的特点3. 保函的当事人3.1 保函的发出人3.2 保函的接受人3.3 保函的受益人4. 保函的金额与有效期4.1 保函的金额4.2 保函的有效期5. 保函的开具与提交5.1 保函的开具程序5.2 保函的提交要求6. 保函的履行6.1 保函的履行条件6.2 保函的履行方式7. 保函的修改与撤销7.1 保函的修改条件7.2 保函的撤销条件8. 保函的责任与义务8.1 发出人的责任与义务8.2 接受人的责任与义务8.3 受益人的责任与义务9. 保函的违约处理9.1 违约情形9.2 违约处理方式10. 保函的争议解决10.1 争议解决方式10.2 争议解决的适用法律11. 保函的监督与监管11.1 监督机构11.2 监管要求12. 保函的税收与费用12.1 税收政策12.2 相关费用13. 保函的生效、变更与终止13.1 保函的生效条件13.2 保函的变更条件13.3 保函的终止条件14. 保函的附件与补充说明14.1 附件内容14.2 补充说明第一部分:合同如下:第一条保函定义与范围1.1 保函的含义1.2 保函的适用范围保函适用于受益人根据与发出人之间的合同约定,向接受人提供货物、服务或者其他履约行为时,为证明其履行合同的能力和信用,要求发出人提供的书面担保。
第二条保函的类型2.1 分类保函分为融资保函、非融资保函、投标保函、履约保函、预付款保函等类型。
2.2 各类保函的特点(1)融资保函:用于融资项目的保函,保证融资项目按期还款和履行相关义务。
付款保函、预付款保函与投标保函(doc 20页)
![付款保函、预付款保函与投标保函(doc 20页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bbdf5cd565ce05087732130d.png)
付款保函、预付款保函与投标保函(doc 20页)编号:付款保函________________________(受益人):鉴于贵方与买方________________________于______年___月____日签订的编号为________的合同(下称主合同)履行需要,应买方申请,我行特开立以贵方为受益人、金额不超过________(币种)_____________________(大写)万元的付款保函:一、我行保证,买方将在贵方按照主合同的约定交付货物后,向贵方付款。
• 担保、保函、备用 信用证
• 当事人 • 开立方式 • 独立性与从属性
主要保函类型及相关 政策解读
• 保函产品标准 • 融资性保函 • 付款保函 • 诉讼保函 • 对外承包工程保函
风险专项资金业务 • 税款保函 • 提单遗失保函 • 货运监管保函
• 厂库仓单履约保函 • 内保外贷项下售后
新政策给企业带来的影响 ➢企业可自行提供跨境担保
✓新政策取消了对企业提供跨境担保须事先向外汇局逐笔审批的要求,便利了 信用评级较高的企业直接向债权人提供跨境担保
✓新政策取消了对中资企业办理外保内贷须事前向外汇局申请外保内贷额度及 外资企业只能在投注差范围内办理外保内贷业务的限制 ✓新政策实行后,中外资企业在外保内贷项下未偿本金余额不得超过其上年末 经审计的净资产与外债额度(如有)之和
关联企业可借助申请人的实力通过银行担保获得在金融机构的授信支持 为借款人增信,便于借款人取得资金融通 增强借款人信用,降低融资成本
应境内企业申请,为其境外关联企业向境外金融机构融资或取得授信额度而 出具的担保,保证境外企业履行贷款本息偿还义务或授信协议规定的资金偿 还义务。
机遇 挑战
➢ 是指银行应买方或业主申请向卖方或承包方出具的,保证合同项下货款支付或承 包工程进度款支付的书面保证文件。
附件四:对外保函参考格式一、付款保函PAYMENT GUARANTEETo:(Name And Address Of The Beneficiary)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(Guarantee Number)We have been informed that (Name Of The Applicant)(hereinafter ca11ed the Applicant), has entered into contract No.(Contract Number) dated (Date Of The Contract) with you, for (Description Of Goods And /Or Services Or Project) at a total price of (The Contract Price).Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the contract, a payment guarantee is required.At the request of the Applicant, we, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Name Of The Branch)Branch,(Address Of The Branch), hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (Amount In Figures) (say: Amount In Words) plus interest at (Agreed Percentage) % p.a. accrued on a 360 days basis calculated as from (Agreed Date) up to (Agreed Date), within (agreed Number Of Days) business days upon receipt of your first written demand stating that the Applicant is in breach of his payment obligation(s)under the underlying contract and the respect in which the applicant is in breach..Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following document(s): (specify document(s) if any, or delete)1.2.The amount of this Guarantee will be automatically reduced in proportion to the sum or sums plus interest already paid.This payment guarantee shall become effective from issuing date and shall expire on (Expiry Date) at the latest. Consequently, any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date. Upon expiry, this Guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether or not it is returned to us for cancellation.This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCH二、预付款保函ADV ANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEETo:(Name And Address Of Beneficiary)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(Guarantee Number)We have been informed that (Name Of The Applicant)(hereinafter ca11ed the Applicant), has entered into contract No.(Contract Number)dated (Date Of The Contract) with you, for (Description Of Goods And /Or Services Or Project) at a total price of (The Contract Price).Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the contract, an advance payment in the sum of(Amount In Figures)is to be made against an advance payment guarantee.At the request of the Applicant, we, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Name Of The Branch)branch,(Address Of The Branch),hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (Amount In Figures)(say:Amount In Words) (representing (Agreed Percentage)% of the contract price) within (Agreed Number OF Days) days upon receipt of your first written demand stating that the Applicant is in breach of his obligation(s)under the underlying contract.Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following document(s): (specify document(s) if any, or delete)1.2.3.This Guarantee shall become effective from the date that the said advance payment has been credited to the Applicant’s account with our Bank and shall expire on (The Expiry Date) at the latest. Consequently, any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date. Upon expiry, this Guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether or not returned to us for cancellation.This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCHBID BOND/TENDER GUARANTEETo:(Name and Address of Beneficiary)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(Guarantee Number)We have been informed that(Name Of The Applicant)(hereinafter ca11ed the Applicant), in response to your invitation to the bid No. (Bid Number) dated (Date Of The Bid) for (Description Of Goods And/Or Services Or Project), has submitted to you his offer No.(Number Of The Offer)dated (Date Of The Offer)(hereinafter called the offer).Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, offers must be supported by a Bid Bond/Tender Guarantee.We, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(Name Of The Branch)Branch, (Address Of The Branch), at the request of the Applicant, hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (Amount In Figures)(say: Amount In Words)(representing (Agreed Percentage)% of the bid value) within (Agreed Number Of Days) Business Days upon receipt of your first written demand stating:a.The Applicant has withdrawn the offer after submission of it and before theexpiration of its validity period; orb.The Applicant has failed to enter into a contract(s) with you after notification ofcontract awards; orc.The Applicant as successful Applicant has failed to establish an acceptableperformance bond(s) within (Agreed Number Of Days) days after the effective date of the contract; ord.This Bond/Guarantee shall become effective from (Effective Date)and expire on (Expiry Date)at the latest. Consequently, any demand for payment under this Bond/Guarantee must be received by us at our office on or before that date. Upon expiry,this Bond/Guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether or not it is returned to us for cancellation.This Bond/Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCHTo:(Name and Address of Beneficiary)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(Guarantee Number)We have been informed that,(Name Of The Applicant)(hereinafter ca11ed the Applicant), has entered into contract No. (Contract Number)dated (Date Of The Contract) with you, for (Description Of Goods And/Or Services Or Project) at a total price of (The Contract Price).Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the contract, a Performance Bond/Guarantee is required.At the request of the Applicant, we, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Name Of The Branch)Branch, (Address Of The Branch)hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (Amount In Figures)(say: Amount In Words)(representing (Agreed Percentage)% of the contract price) within (Agreed Number Of Days) Business Days upon receipt of your first written demand stating:1.that the Applicant is in breach of his obligation(s) under the underlying contract;and2.the respect in which the Applicant is in breach.Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following document(s): (specify document(s) if any, or delete)1.2.This Bond/Guarantee shall become effective from (Effective Date)and expire on (Expiry Date)at the latest. Consequently, any demand for payment under this Bond/Guarantee must be received by us at our office on or before that date. Upon expiry,this Bond/Guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether or not it is returned to us for cancellation.This Bond/Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCH五、质量/维修保函QUALITY/MAINTENANCE GUARANTEETo:(Name and Address of The Beneficiary)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(The Guarantee Number)We have been informed that (Name Of The Applicant)(hereinafter ca11ed the Applicant), has entered into contract No.(The Contract Number)dated (Date Of The Contract) with you, for (Description Of Goods And /Or Services Or Project) at a total price of (The Contract Price).Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the contract, a Quality/Maintenance Guarantee is required.At the request of the Applicant, we, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Name Of The Branch)Branch, (Address Of The Branch), hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (Amount In Figures)(say: Amount In Words), (representing (Agreed Percentage)% of the contract price) within (Agreed Number Of Days) Business days upon receipt by us of your first written demand stating that the Applicant is in breach of his obligation(s)under the underlying contract and the respect in which the Applicant is in breach.Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following document(s): (specify document(s) if any, or delete)1.2.This Guarantee shall become effective from(Effective Date)and expire on (The Expiry Date) at the latest. Consequently, any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date. Upon expiry, this Guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether or not it is returned to us for cancellation.This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCH六、补偿贸易保函GUARANTEE UNDER COMPENSATION TRADETo:(Name And Address Of The Beneficiary)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(Guarantee Number)We have been informed that (Name Of The Applicant)(hereinafter ca11ed the Applicant), has entered into contract No. (The Contract Number) dated (Date Of The Contract) with you, for (Description Of Goods And /Or Services Or Project) at a total price of (The Contract Price).At the request of the Applicant, we, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Name Of The Branch)Branch, (Address Of The Branch), hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (Amount In Figures) (say: Amount In Words) plus interest at (Agreed Percentage) % p.a. accrued from the aforesaid amount on a 360 days basis calculated as from (Agreed Date) up to (Agreed Date), within (Agreed Number Of Days) days upon receipt of your first written demand stating that the Applicant is in breach of his obligation(s)under the underlying contract.Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following documents:1. A true copy of commercial invoice and2. A true copy of B/L evidencing the equipment under the contract has been shipped to the Applicant.3. Inspection certificate issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau in (Chinese Port) certifying the goods shipped to China are qualified.4. Certificate certifying applicant’s satisfact ion to the equipment signed by the Applicant.5. A copy of the Letter of Credit for the related shipment(s) of buying back under the contract.The amount of this Guarantee will be automatically reduced in proportion to the sum plus interest already paid.This Guarantee shall become effective from issuing date and expire on (The Expiry Date) at the latest. Consequently, any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date. Upon expiry, this Guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether or not it is returned to us for cancellation.This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCH七、留置金保函RETENTION MONEY GUARANTEETo:(Name And Address Of The Beneficiary)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(Guarantee Number)We have been informed that (Name Of The Applicant)(hereinafter ca11ed the Applicant), has entered into contract No.(Contract Number) Dated (Date Of The Contract) with you, for (Description Of Goods And /Or Services Or Project) at a total price of (The Contract Price).Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the contract, retention money in the sum of (Amount In Figures)covering the Applicant’s warranty obligations will be released against a retention money guarantee.At the request of the Applicant, we, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Name Of The Branch) branch,(Address Of The Branch)hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (Amount In Figures)(say: Amount In Words) (representing Agreed Percentage% of the contract price) within (Agreed Number Of Days) business days upon receipt your written demand stating that the Applicant is in breach of his obligation(s)under the underlying contract.Your demand for payment must also be accompanied by the following document(s): (specify document(s) if any, or delete)1.2.This guarantee shall become effective from the date of receipt of the said retention money by the Applicant and expire on (Expiry Date) or on the date of issuance of the acceptance certificate by you (Name Of The Beneficiary), whichever date is earlier. Consequently, any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date. Upon expiry, this Guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether or not it is returned to us for cancellation.This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCHGUARANTEE FOR CUSTOMS DUTIESTo: (The Name Of The Beneficiary)Date: (Issuing Date)No.: (Guarantee Number)At the request of (Name Of The Applicant)(hereinafter called the principal), we, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Name Of The Branch) branch (Address Of The Branch )issue this letter of guarantee on our full responsibility in favor of (Name Of The Customs)Customs to the extent of(Amount In Figures)(Say Amount In Words) to ensure that the exhibition delegation of the Principal will pay customs duties for the items sold at (Name And Place Of The Exhibition) Export Commodities Exhibition in (Place Of The Exhibition) according to the customs regulations of (Name Of The Country).This letter of guarantee shall be valid as from its issuance date until (Expiry Date). The guarantee amount under this letter of guarantee shall be automatically reduced according to the payment of customs duties effected by the delegation of the Principal to (Name And Place Of The Customs) Customs.We hereby undertake to pay you, if the exhibition delegation of the Principal fails to pay the necessary customs duties for the items sold, the sum or sums not exceeding the above mentioned guarantee amount or any balance under this letter of guarantee upon our receipt of your written demand together with a photo copy of the customs invoice lodged by (Name Of The Customs) Customs within the validity of this letter of guarantee. Claims, if any, must reach us before or on the expiry date.This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHIAN(Name Of The Branch)BRANCHGUARANTEE FOR MARITIME ACCIDENTTo:(Name and Address of Beneficiary)Date :(Issuing Date )No.:(Guarantee Number)In consideration and on condition that you release and/or refrain from arresting or otherwise detaining the vessel (name of the vessel) or any other vessel or property of the ship-owners (Name Of The Ship-owners), we, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Name Of The Branch)Branch,(Address Of The branch), hereby undertake to pay you on demand any sum (interest and costs inclusive) not exceeding the amount of (Amount In Figures)(say: Amount In Words), which will be adjudged as due to you in respect of the damaged and short of cargo from (Name Of The Carriers) as carriers of the goods and/or ,as responsible as owners of the vessel (Name Of The Vessel) by written agreement between the parties or final arbitration award or enforceable judgment of the competent court at (Place Of The Court ) or (Name And Address Of The Institution).This Guarantee shall become effective from issuing date and expire on (Expiry Date). Consequently, any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date. Upon expiry, this Guarantee shall automatically become null and void and shall be returned to us for cancellation.This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCHGUARANTEE FOR OVERDRAFTTo:(Name And Address Of Beneficiary)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(Guarantee Number)At request of (Name Of The Applicant), we hereby issue this Letter of Guarantee in your favor to the extent of (Amount In Figures) (Say: Amount In Words) for the purpose of your providing the overdraft facility to the account held by (Name Of The Applicant). We hereby undertake to refund you, should (Name Of The Applicant) fail to repay you the overdue amount which they have overdrawn on the A/M account, the amount not exceeding the above-mentioned sum upon our receipt of your written claim received by us within the validity of this L/G.This Guarantee shall become effective from issuing date and expire on (Expiry Date). Consequently, any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date. Upon expiry, this Guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether or not it is returned to us for cancellation.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCH十一、飞机租赁保函AIRCRAFT LEASE GUARANTEETo: (Name And Address Of The Beneficiary) (Herein called the Beneficiary) Date: (Issuing Date)No.: (Guarantee Number)We refer to the Lease Agreement (the Lease) entered into between you (the Lessor) and (Name Of The Lessee)(the Lessee) in respect of (Description Of The Lease). Terms defined in the Lease shall bear the same meanings when used herein.We, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, (Name Of The Branch) Branch, at the request of the Lessee, and in consideration of the Lessor entering into the Lease, issue this Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee in your favor in respect of the Amounts due and payable by the Lessee to the Lessor under the Lease. We hereby unconditionally guarantee the punctual payment of all Amounts due and payable by the Lessee in accordance with the provisions of the Operative Documents to which the Lessee is or will become a party.Should the Lessee fail to effect payment of any of the Amounts wholly or partially, we shall, within (Agreed Number Of Days) Banking Days after receipt of your written demand, pay the amount stated in such demand in US Dollars to the account you are to have previously specified to us in writing. You may make any number of such demands in accordance with the provisions of the Lease or any other Operative Documents while this Letter of Guarantee is in effect; Provided Always that the aggregate amounts paid hereunder shall not exceed US Dollars (Amount In Figures) (US$ Amount In Words) (the Available Amount) in respect of any claim(s) made relating to the period from the date hereof up to and including the Rent Payment Date falling in the first month specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereto and thereafter, with respect to each period ending on and including a Rent Payment Date falling in such relevant subsequent month specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereto, the Available Amount will be automatically reduced to the lesser amount set out in Column 2 of the Schedule hereto opposite the Rent Payment Date falling immediately prior to such relevant subsequent month (subject in each case to the receipt in full by the Lessor of each and every sum due and payable in respect of the Amounts attributable to any period ending on and including each Rent Payment Date falling prior to such relevant subsequent month).We hereby waive promptness, diligence, presentment, demand, protest and notices of any kind as to the obligations guaranteed hereby and acceptance of this Letter of Guarantee, and we agree that this Letter of Guarantee shall be effective regardless of whether or not the failure of the Lessee to make any payment resulted from the Lessee's inability or refusal to do so. We will not be required to consent to, or receive any notice of, any amendment or modification of, consent or extension withrespect to any of the Operative Documents that may be made or given; Provided Always that any amendment to any of the Operative Documents (other than one contemplated by the terms thereof) which would increase the Available Amount payable hereunder or extend the term of this Letter of Guarantee or alter the Schedule attached hereto shall require our written consent.We represent that we have full power, authority and legal right to execute and deliver this Letter of Guarantee and perform our obligations hereunder, and that this Letter of Guarantee has been validly authorised, executed and delivered on our behalf and constitutes our legal and binding obligation.We confirm that issuance of this Letter of Guarantee constitutes a commercial activity by us.This Letter of Guarantee is a guarantee of payment and not of collection, and we waive any right to require that resort be made to the Lessee or any security.All rights, title and interest in and to this Letter of Guarantee may be assigned in whole or in part with our prior consent.Each notice and communication hereunder shall be made in the English language and shall be made in writing and may be made by telex or letter. Each notice or communication shall be deemed duly given or made when received (in the case of personal delivery or letter) or when dispatched and the appropriate answer back received (in the case of telex). All notices to us shall be sent to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,(Name Of The Branch)Branch, (Address Of The Branch).This Letter of Guarantee including all matters of construction, validity and performance shall be construed in accordance with the laws of (Agreed Country Or Region).We hereby irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of (Agreed Name And Place Of The Court) and irrevocably appoint (Name And Address Of The Agent), as our agent to receive service of process in England and service on such agent shall be deemed good service on ourselves. We agree that in any legal action or proceedings against us or our assets in connection with this Letter of Guarantee, no immunity (by reason of sovereignty or otherwise) from such legal action or proceedings (which shall include, without limitation, suit, attachment prior to judgment, other attachment, the obtaining of judgment, execution or other enforcement) shall be claimed by or on behalf of ourselves or with respect to our assets and we irrevocably waive any such right of immunity which we, or our assets now have or may hereafter acquire or which may be attributed to us or our assets and we consent generally in respect of any such legal action or proceedings to the giving of any relief or the issue of any process in connection with such action or proceedings including, without limitation, the making, enforcement or execution against anyproperty whatsoever (irrespective of its use or intended use) of any order or judgment which may be made or given in such action or proceedings.This Letter of Guarantee shall remain in effect until the date on which the term for the leasing under the Lease has expired and the Amounts have been paid in full, after which it has to be returned to us. All claims under this Letter of Guarantee must be made before (Agreed Date).INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCH十二、其他租赁保函GUARANTEE FOR LEASINGTo:(Name And Address Of The Beneficiary)Date :(Date Of Issuing)No.:(Guarantee Number)We refer to the Lease Agreement No.(Contract Number) entered into (the Lease) between you (the Lessor) and (Name Of The Lessee)(the Lessee) in respect of (Description Of Leasing Of Goods or Equipments).We, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, (Name Of The Branch) Branch, (Address Of The Branch) at the request of the Lessee, and in consideration of the Lessor entering into the Lease, issue this Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for an amount not exceeding (Amount In Figures)(say: Amount In Words). Should the lessee fail to pay the rent within the time limit as stipulated in the Lease Agreement, we undertake to effect such payment within (Agreed Number Of Days)business days after receipt of your first written demand to the extent of the amount of guarantee for the unpaid amount.The amount of this guarantee shall be automatically reduced in proportion to the sum or sums that already paid.This guarantee shall become effective from issuing date and expire on (Expiry Date) at the latest. Consequently, any demand for payment under it must be received by us at our office on or before that date. Upon expiry, this Guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether or not it is returned to us for cancellation.This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCH十三、借款保函LOAN GUARANTEETo:(Name and Address of Beneficiary) (, Hereinafter called the “Lender”)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(Guarantee Number)Referring to the Loan Agreement dated (Date Of The Agreement), (hereinafter called the Loan Agreement) between you and (Name Of The Borrower), (hereinafter called the Borrower), we hereby issue this Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee in favor of yourselves.We, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, (Name Of The Branch) Branch, (hereinafter called the “Guarantor”), hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee the punctual payment for the principal amount (Amount In Figures) (say: Amount In Words) plus interest accrued from the aforesaid principal amount (such interest to be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement), and relevant banking charges payable by the Borrower in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement . We shall, within (Agreed Number Of Days) business days after receipt of your written demand, pay the amount stated in such demand in (Name Of The Currency).(All payments under this guarantee shall be made without set-off or counterclaim and without any deductions or withholdings for any present or future taxes. If any deduction or withholding is required to be made from any such payment, we shall together with such payment pay such additional amount as is necessary and permitted by Taxation Laws of P.R.C. to ensure you will receive the full amount due to you.)The guaranteed sums will be reduced correspondingly as and when payments thereof are made by the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement or by the Guarantor. When the Guaranteed sums have been paid in full by the Borrower and /or the Guarantor, this Guarantee shall automatically cease to be in force and shall be returned by the Lender to the Guarantor for cancellation.Any amendment or modification of, consent or, extension or renewal with respect to the Loan Agreement could only be made at our prior written consent.We hereby consent that the Lender may at any time assign its rights and benefits hereunder or parts thereof to any one or more banks or financial institutions at our prior written consent.Each notice and communication hereunder shall be made in the English language andshall be made in writing by telex, SWIFT or letter. Each notice or communication shall be deemed duly given or made when dispatched (in the case of letter) or when dispatched and the appropriate answerback received (in the case of telex or swift), at the address or telex number specified herein or to such other address as you may from time to time designate in writing. All notices to us shall be sent to (Address Of The Guarantor).This Letter of Guarantee, including all matters of construction, validity and performance, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of (Agreed Country Or Region).We hereby irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of (Name And Place Of The Agreed Court). / (All disputes arising from the execution or in connection with this Letter of Guarantee shall be submitted to the (Name of The Agreed Institution) for arbitration in accordance with its rules of procedures. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. The fees and expenses of the arbitration proceeding must be paid in the manner and proportions stated in the written arbitral award of the arbitrators.)This Letter of Guarantee shall become effective on the date hereof and expire on the date on which all payments and other amounts due under the Loan Agreement have been paid in full. All claims under this Letter of Guarantee must be made before (Agreed Date).This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA(Name Of The Branch) BRANCH。
保函的种类和介绍 SANY GROUP system office room 【SANYUA16H-一、投标保函(BidBond,TenderGuarantee)是指在投标中,招标人为防止中标者不签定合同而使其遭受损失,要求投标人提供的银行保函,以保证投标人履行招标文件所规定的义务:1、在标书规定的期限内,投标人投标后,不得修改原报价、不得中途撤标;2、投标人中标后,必须与招标人签定合同并在规定的时间内提供银行的履约保函。
的请求,银行金融机构向工程的业主方(受 益人)做出的一种履约保证承诺。如果劳务 方和承包方日后未能按时、按质、按量完成 其所承建的工程,则银行将向业主方支付一 笔约占合约金额5%~10%的款项。履约保函 有一定的格式限制,也有一定的条件。
( 一) 投标保函(tender guarantee) 投标保函是银行(担保人)应投标人(委托人) 的请求,向招标人(受益人)开立的一种担保。 银行在保函中承诺,如投标人未能履行由于参 加投标而应承担的各项义务,则银行将按保函 规定向招标人赔付一定金额,以弥补其损失。 这些义务通常包括: 投标人在开标前不得中途撤标或片面修改标 书 中标后不得拒绝与招标人签约 签约后应按期提交履约保函以取代投标保函
银行应设备或技术的引进方申请,向设 备或技术的提供方所作出的一种旨在保 证引进方在引进后的一定时期内,以其 所生产的产成品或以产成品外销所得款 项,来抵偿所引进之设备和技术的价款 及利息的保证承诺。
பைடு நூலகம்
(五) 来料加工、来件装配保函
国际技术贸易 在技术贸易中,引进方通常要在引进技术 并正式投产后,按销售额的一定比例向转让方 支付提成费。引进方需向转让方提供付款保函, 保证按合同规定的方式和期限支付提成费。这 种保函的特点是有效期长,基础合约没有固定 的总金额,担保总金额和减额条款需另行拟订。 此外,租赁贸易中,承租人要求银行开具 的租赁保函,也属于类似的付款保函。
银行保证函银行保证函(banker's letter of guarantee),简写为L/G),又称银行保证书、银行保函、或简称保函,它是指银行应委托人的申请向受益人开立的一种书面凭证,保证申请人按规定履行合同,否则由银行负责偿付债款。
简单些:不是支付方式,只是一个银行的承诺如果满足承诺条件,银行应该无条件支付保函(Letter of Guarantee, L/G)又称保证书,是指银行、保险公司、担保公司或个人应申请人的请求,向第三方开立的一种书面信用担保凭证。
(贰) / 。
(贰)提交/ 仲裁委员会(仲裁地点为/ ),按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。
什么不同? 2、此案例中对中国光大银行股份有限公司沈
三、按付款形式分类 (一) 融资型保函 (二)保释金保函
四、按在国际贸易结算中的具体使用情况不 同分类 (一) 出口类保函 1、投标保函
2、履约保函 3、预付金保函 4、质量保函 5、关税保函
(二)进口类保函 1、付款保函 2、延期付款保函 3、租赁保函
(三)对销贸易类保函 1、补偿贸易保函 2、来料加工/来件装配保函
案例:甲银行于2007年4月为乙公司 2000万港币借款出具保函,受益人为 丙银行,期限为9个月,利率12%。由 于乙公司投资房地产失误,导致公司负 债累累,在还款期满后未能依约归还丙 银行贷款。
• 1999年3月18日,中国投资银行沈阳分行的债 权债务由被告承继。
• 2000年9月12日,裁定书准予沈阳机械设备进 出口公司撤回起诉。
2002年1月9日,被告中国光大银行股份有限公 司沈阳分行向原告支付了保函项下20万美元, 被告尚欠原告保函项下174 150美元没有支付。
2002年8月13日,本案原告的代理律师向被告发 出律师函,提出尽快解决保函余额174 150美 元的支付问题,但被告至今没有向原告支付该笔 余额,故原告诉至法院。
• 2002年1月9日,在沈阳机械设备进出口公 司已经自愿撤回起诉且沈阳市中级人民法院冻 结保函的裁定的效力终止后,被告向原告支付 了保函项下20万美元,但余额174 150美 元虽经原告多次催促至今尚未支付,故原告诉 讼至法院。
• 仲裁:沈阳市中级人民法院经审理裁决被 告中国光大银行股份有限公司沈阳分行于 本判决生效后10日内向原告马来西亚KUB 电力公司(KUB Power Sdn.Bhd.) 支付保函金额174 150美元;案件受理费 20 062.82元人民币,翻译费用50元人 民币,均由被告中国光大银行股份有限公 司沈阳分行承担。
银行保函合同范本合同编号:_______甲方(委托人):_______乙方(银行):_______鉴于甲方因业务需要,向乙方申请开具银行保函,为确保双方合法权益,经甲乙双方友好协商,特订立本合同,以共同遵守:一、保函的基本情况1.1 保函金额:人民币(大写):_______元整(小写):_______元。
1.2 保函类型:_______(如:投标保函、履约保函、预付款保函等)。
1.3 保函有效期:自保函签发之日起至_______年_______月_______日止。
1.4 保函受益人:_______。
二、甲方的权利与义务2.1 甲方应按照乙方的要求提供真实、完整、有效的申请材料。
2.2 甲方应按照乙方规定的期限支付保函费用。
2.3 甲方在保函有效期内,未经乙方同意,不得擅自变更保函金额、类型、有效期等事项。
2.4 甲方应在保函到期后及时向乙方申请撤销保函,并办理相关手续。
三、乙方的权利与义务3.1 乙方在收到甲方申请材料后,应在5个工作日内审核完毕,并通知甲方审核结果。
3.2 乙方在保函有效期内,应按照甲方的要求开具保函,并确保保函的真实性、合法性和有效性。
3.3 乙方在收到受益人索赔申请后,应在5个工作日内进行审核,并在确认索赔申请符合保函约定的条件下,按照约定金额向受益人支付赔偿金。
3.4 乙方在保函到期后,应及时通知甲方撤销保函,并办理相关手续。
四、保函费用4.1 甲方应按照乙方规定的费率支付保函费用,费用为保函金额的_______%。
4.2 甲方应在保函开具前一次性支付保函费用。
五、违约责任5.1 甲方未按约定支付保函费用,乙方有权拒绝开具保函。
5.2 甲方未按约定履行合同义务,乙方有权解除合同,并有权要求甲方承担相应的违约责任。
5.3 乙方未按约定开具保函,甲方有权要求乙方支付违约金,违约金为保函金额的_______%。
六、争议解决6.1 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(贰) / 。
(贰)提交/ 仲裁委员会(仲裁地点为/ ),按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。
(贰) / 。
四、在本保函的有效期内,如保函申请人发生以下情形之一:1.在投标文件有效期内撤回投标;2.在接到中标通知书后天内:(a)保函申请人不能或拒绝按招标文件的要求签署施工合同;(b)保函申请人不能或拒绝按招标文件的规定提交履约担保;本行将在收到你方提交的本保函原件及符合下列全部条件的索赔通知后叁拾个工作日内,以上述保证金额为限支付你方索赔金额:(一)索赔通知必须以书面形式提出,列明索赔金额,并由你方法定代表人(负责人)或授权代理人签字并加盖你单位公章;(二)索赔通知必须同时附有:1. 一项书面声明,声明索赔款额并未由保函申请人或其代理人直接或间接地支付给你方;2.证明保函申请人有责任赔偿其服务对象损失或支付罚款、罚金以及相关损失、罚款或罚金金额的证据材料。
(贰)提交 / 仲裁委员会(仲裁地点为 / ),按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。
保证人(盖章):负责人或授权代理人(签字):签发日期:年月日预付款保函(参考格式)编号:致受益人:因(下称“保函申请人”)与你方签订了编号为的(合同或协议名称)并按该合同或协议约定预收你方预付款,(币种及金额大写) 。
(贰) / 。
(贰)提交 / 仲裁委员会(仲裁地点为 / ),按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。
(贰) / 。
(贰)提交 / 仲裁委员会(仲裁地点为 / ),按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。
(贰) / 。
(贰)提交 / 仲裁委员会(仲裁地点为 / ),按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。