应用型大学英语视听说教程第四册答案 (2)

应用型大学英语视听说教程第四册答案Unit 1:1.Listening:–Part A:1.The woman is happy about theupcoming party.2.The man will be taking a course incomparative literature.3.The woman plans to work part-timeduring the summer.4.The man suggests that the womanshould join the drama club.–Part B:1.In London.2.By subway.3.The British Museum.4.There was a lot of traffic.5.Because she could see the famouspaintings in person.6.Take a subway or a bus.2.Speaking:–Part A:1.Yes, I have. I saw a movie last night.2.No, I haven’t. I’m not a big fan ofconcerts.3.Yes, I have. I went camping in themountains last summer.–Part B:1.I prefer going to the cinema. I enjoywatching movies on the big screen withsurround sound.2.I prefer listening to music. It helpsme relax and focus.3.I prefer reading books. It allows meto use my imagination and escape intodifferent worlds.Unit 2:1.Listening:–Part A:1.They are talking about the benefitsof studying abroad.2.It is based on a book about a younggirl growing up in a small town.3.By participating in student clubs andorganizations.4.To practice their language skills in areal-life setting.–Part B:1.By studying history, literature, andart.2.By checking out books and videosfrom the library.3.Yes, it is. It helps students gain abetter understanding of different cultures.2.Speaking:–Part A:1.Yes, I have. I went to France lastsummer.2.No, I haven’t. But I would love tovisit Japan someday.3.Yes, I have. I lived in the UnitedStates for a year.–Part B:1.I think studying abroad can broadenyour horizons and expose you to newcultures and perspectives.2.I believe studying abroad canenhance your language skills and make youmore independent.3.I feel that studying abroad can helpyou build a global network and open doorsfor future career opportunities.Unit 3:1.Listening:–Part A:1.The woman is looking for a presentfor her best friend.2.The man suggests a photo album ora personalized necklace.3.The woman is going to a concert.4.The man suggests checking theweather forecast.–Part B:1.The woman’s younger sister.2.By baking a cake and throwing asurprise party.3.Buying her sister a new laptop.4.By inviting her friends over for amovie night.2.Speaking:–Part A:1.Yes, I have. I usually go shoppingwith my friends on weekends.2.No, I haven’t. I prefer to stay at homeand relax.3.Yes, I have. I went to a shopping malllast month.–Part B:1.I think shopping in physical storesallows you to try on clothes and see theproducts in person.2.I believe online shopping is moreconvenient because you can shop from thecomfort of your own home.3.I feel that shopping in physicalstores gives you the opportunity to supportlocal businesses and interact withsalespeople.Unit 4:1.Listening:–Part A:1.The man is making a travel plan.2.He plans to take a direct flight.3.He will be staying for three days.4.The woman suggests visiting thelocal markets and trying the street food.–Part B:1.By taking a taxi or using publictransportation.2.The Forbidden City and the GreatWall.3.Because it is a bustling city with amix of traditional and modern elements.4.By trying local delicacies and visitingcultural landmarks.2.Speaking:–Part A:1.Yes, I have. I went to Thailand lastyear.2.No, I haven’t. But I would love tovisit Greece someday.3.Yes, I have. I traveled to South Koreafor a week.–Part B:1.I think traveling allows you toexperience different cultures and broadenyour perspective.2.I believe traveling helps you relaxand break away from your daily routine.3.I feel that traveling providesopportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.Unit 5:1.Listening:–Part A:1.The woman is talking to her friendabout her new job.2.She enjoys the flexible workinghours and the friendly colleagues.3.The woman suggests getting a pet ifthe office allows it.4.The man says that it is important toask for help when needed.–Part B:1.By sending an email to the manager.2.By attending team meetings andparticipating in discussions.3.Because it provides an opportunityto learn new skills and gain valuable workexperience.4.By presenting their ideas confidentlyand being open to feedback.2.Speaking:–Part A:1.Yes, I have. I worked as a part-timetutor last semester.2.No, I haven’t. But I plan to do aninternship next summer.3.Yes, I have. I volunteered at a localcharity organization for a month.–Part B:1.I think part-time jobs providevaluable work experience and help developtime management skills.2.I believe internships allow you toapply what you have learned in school toreal-world situations.3.I feel that volunteer work gives youthe opportunity to give back to thecommunity and make a positive impact. Unit 6:1.Listening:–Part A:1.The man is talking about his favoritebook.2.He believes the book teachesvaluable life lessons.3.The man suggests reading the bookbefore watching the movie adaptation.4.The woman agrees and adds that thebook provides more details and insights.–Part B:1.By reading book reviews andsummaries.2.It explores themes of love, loss, andthe human condition.3.By joining a book club or discussingthe book with friends.4.By making connections with thecharacters and reflecting on their own lives.2.Speaking:–Part A:1.Yes, I have. I read a science fictionnovel last month.2.No, I haven’t. I’m not a big reader.未知驱动探索,专注成就专业3.Yes, I have. I enjoy reading mysterynovels.–Part B:1.I think reading allows you to escapeinto different worlds and use yourimagination.2.I believe reading helps improve yourvocabulary and language skills.3.I feel that reading broadens yourknowledge and understanding of differentcultures and perspectives.以上是《应用型大学英语视听说教程第四册》的答案,希望对您的学习有所帮助。

新编大学英语视听说4答案Unit 1Part OneExercise 21. B2. C3. D4. AExercise 31. right before2. spring break3. ski trip4. about an hour5. catch up on6. wait a minute7. anytime you want 8. read the end 9. go to the cinema10. care aboutPart TwoListening IExercise 11. A2. C3. A4.C5.C6. BExercise 21. F2. T3.F4. F5. TListening IIExercise 11. T2. F3.F4. F5. F 6 TExercise 21. B2. C3.C4.A5. DPart Three More ListeningPractice OneExercise 21.escape into2. horror films3. follow the detective4. around these days5. ring upPractice TwoExercise 11. T2. F3. T4. TExercise 21. A2. C3.B4. DPractice ThreeExercise 11. B2. B3.C4.B5. A6. A7. B8. C1. T2. F3.T4. F5. T 6 T 7. F 8. FPractice FourExercise 11. D2. A3. D4. C5.CExercise 2 1. F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5. FPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. A2. C3. C4. A5. C6. BSection II1. C2. B3. D4.C5.B6. ASection III1) dinner/ band / cake 2) house / drinks3) invite/ arrive/ fifty 4) drinks/ newUnit 2Part OneExercise 2 1. F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T 6 T Exercise 31. donations/ individuals and organizations2. dedicate/ time and resources3. loving and caring4. keep coming5. keep the best6. feel better about7. not necessarily8. lovely surprise9. truth/ understanding 10. real keyPart TwoListening I1. department store2. attend college3. difficult4.physical education5. terrifiedExercise 21. F2. T3. T4.F5. TListening IIExercise 11.80/ eighty2. Caps, sweaters and scarves3. Her daughter-in-law4. Because she is blind5. 19/ nineteen6. In China7. 1/ One8. TorontoExercise 21. 60/ sixty2. making up3. various parts of the world4. a printed slip of5.Never before6. a personal letter7. who is wearing the clothingPart Three More ListeningPractice OneExercise 1 1.C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. BExercise 21. approaching2. left3. toilet4. locked5.Tickets6. please7. pushed8. stampedPractice TwoExercise 1 1. C 2. A 3. DExercise 2 2. 4. ThreeExercise 1 Written language 2. 3. 5.6Spoken language 1. 4Exercise 21. spoken language2. sign language3.representations4. derived fromPractice FourExercise 11. misunderstanding 2 . lump 3. 5/ five 4. cancer 5. fineExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. T5.T6.FPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. A 2 . D 3. A 4. B 5. CSection II1. moods2. regularly3. meet4. risks5.hurt6. satisfy7. disappointed8. should9.unless 10. stuckSection III1. F2. T3. F4. F5.T6.FUnit 3Part OneExercise 21. react/ perform2. pick up3.brains4. society/ way Exercise 3 1. when it comes to 2. get lost 3. seem true / more than4. host/ active games5. college education / well-paid6 second-class citizens 7. leave/ raise 8. feel guilty9.are involved in/ available 10. getting readyPart TwoListening IExercise 1 5 4 1 6 2 3Exercise 21. F2. F3. F4. T5. TListening IIExercise 11. language, culture, society / cultural expectations2. develop closeness intimacy/ earn status3. collaborative supportive/ aggressive/ competitiveExercise 2 1.C 2. B 3. A 4. BPart Three More ListeningPractice OneExercise 11. hit2. in wonder3. dress up/ play house4. lock/ public5.painting their faces6 dig into7 boys 8.talkExercise 21. try to catch2. turn into3. tear off4. careless5. painting the walls6. lazy/ cut7. dirt8. make machine-gun noisesPractice TwoExercise 1 3. 2. 4.1Exercise 2 1. B 2 . D 3. A 4. C 5. BPractice ThreeExercise 1 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. TExercise 2 1. D 2 . A 3. B 4. A 5. BPractice FourExercise 1 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. FExercise 21. reflects/ descriptions2. parents’ attitude 3 suggest/ act 4. raising their family/ supporting their husbands5. used to be/ share these responsibilitiesPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. C 2 . A 3. D 4. C 5. DSection II1. T 2 . F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. TSection III1. aggressive2. taking risks3. crimes4. biology5. function6. roles7. unsatisfactory8. weaker9. heart attack 10. rate of survival 11. vary12. be infected with 13. average lifespan 14. do exist15. deny 16. behaveUnit 4Part OneExercise 2 31. get my hands2. put an end3. must have known4.can’t afford5. come up with6. make it sticky7. stuck to the floor 8. the wayPart TwoListening IExercise 1 1. F 2 . T 3. F 4. F 5.TExercise 2 1. C 2 . B 3. D 4. A 5. CListening IIExercise 1 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. FExercise 21. race2. proceed3. wander4. proficient5. originalPart Three More ListeningPractice OneExercise 1 2. 1.3Exercise 21. China/ 7,900 BC2. stronger/ harden3. 3100 BC / quickly/ shapes4. artPractice TwoExercise 11. partly underground2. living3. digging into the ground4. wood / grass/ waterproof Exercise 21. C2. D3. A4. B5. DPractice ThreeExercise 11. A2. C3. D4. C5. DExercise 21. 35/ thirty-five2. dot/ broad white3. easy / studied4. every possible angle/ obviousPractice FourExercise 11. D2. A3. A4. F5. C6. E7.A8. B9. BExercise 21. 17622. 18883. 18904. 19775. 1514/15576. 1492/ 19037. 1925/ 1868Part Four Testing YourselfSection 11. bicycle2. rips3. overnight4. analyzed5. release6. cross7. weekly8. thorough9. show 10. bicyclesSection II1. B2. B3. C4. A5. ASection III1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. T7. T8. F9.F 10. TUnit 5Part OneExercise 21. R2. O3. Be4. Y5. Ba6. Be7. O8. R9. J 10. R 11. Be 12. O 13. Y 14. Ba 15. Ba 16. Be 17. Y 18. Be 19. Y 20. R 21. Be 22. Ba 23. Y 24. Ba Exercise 31. counted on2. keeps a good balance3. give up4. figure out5. Apart from6.makes excuses7. no one can match 8. in his time 9. would rather10. works wonders 11. comes across 12. proud ofPart TwoListening IExercise 1Ted: tennis quite youngMike: football a little kid/ nearly forty yearsLisa: skiiing rememberExercise 21. tennis2. football3. skiing4. skiing5. tennis6. skiing7. tennis8. skiing9. football 10. footballListening IIExercise 1 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. CExercise 21. T2. T3. F4. F5. F6. F7. F8. T9.T 10. TPart Three More ListeningPractice OneExercise 11. tobogganing2. building snowmen3. throw snowballs4. ice-skating5. skiing Exercise 2Finland Germany Norway USA Sweden ItalySwitzerland France RussiaPractice TwoExercise 1 2. 3. 5.7Exercise 2Bo BobSwedish Americancycling long distance runningAmerican 3000-meter championship5:30a.m-12:00 a.m 10:00 am-5:00 p.mswimming listening to musicPractice ThreeExercise 11. team spirit2. A. spend time together B. individually/ pressureC. autonomy interfered drop a playerExercise 2 1.2. 4.6. 8. 10Practice FourExercise 1 1. C 2.B 3. BExercise 21. Criticism2. harmfully employed3. a big family4. Hostilities5. The majority of people6.continuedPart Four Testing YourselfSection 1 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7.D 8. ASection II1. A2. C3. A4. A5. B6. D7. C8. B9. D 10. BSection III1. strength2. training3. coaching4. new and superior5. publication6. engineering7. sports clothing8, more comfortable 9. technological input 10.limitsUnit 6Part OneExercise 21. D2. A3. B4. C5. C6. AExercise 31. farm animals /hold / feed2. small pets3. bury/ toss them out4. real shame5. dangerous/ destructive/bring disease6.have a point7. humanely /limit8. time/ money/ warm place9. isolated/ company 10. storm of debatePart TwoListening I Exercise 11. B2. C3. D4. BExercise 21. T2. F3. F4. F5.T6.TListening II Exercise 11. Her son2. snake/ crocodile3. quiet4. picky/ particular Exercise 21. big2. dogs3. tiger4.bit5. cat6. friendly7. eat 8. clean 9. wash 10. space 11. noisy 12. train 13. speak 14. keep 15. quietPart Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 11. 21. A2. B3. C4. A5.DPractice Two Exercise 11.3Exercise 21. for free2. small donation3. $204. hundreds5. eat little6. $507. annual shots8. numerous shots9. diseasePractice Three Exercise 11. C2. B3. D4. C5.AExercise Four Exercise 11. C2. C3. A4. B5.D1. crowding / water/ grass2. what is happening/ low3. target practice/ over the area4. gotten rid of / stayPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. F2. T3. F4. T5.F6.T7.T8. F9.F 10.TSection II1. A2. C3. D4. B5. B6. BSection III1. conserve nature2. donation3. eggs4. meat5. oil6. handbags7. shoes8. fur coats9. ivory 10. reduced 11. 5,000 12. embarrassed 13. advertise the furs 14. export bans 15. importation 16. turtlesUnit 7Part OneExercise 21. C2. B3. C4. D5. AExercise 31. fun holiday2. natural scenery/ historical interest3. summer/ too cold4. long history/ vast territory5. feed the monkeys6. as many places as possible7. you name it8. host city/ ancient civilization / modern architecture9. city wall / treat yourselves 10. express trainsPart TwoListening I Exercise 11. C2. B3. B4. C5. D6. AExercise 2Flight number SN 862 SN 863Time 17:50 on July 11 15:10 on July 14Listening II Exercise 1B C F G H IExercise 2Part 1 F T T TPart 2 F F T FPart 3 T T T T FPart Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 1Advantages ADH Disadvantages EExercise 21. C2. D3. B4. CPractice Two Exercise 11. seedy2. company3. shared4. noisy5. early6. private7. booking8. convenient9. restaurants 10. bathrooms Exercise 21. T2. F3. T4. TPractice Three Exercise 11. Fuel2. Water3. Vehicles4. clothesExercise 21. passing lorries2. enough water3. drinking4. vehicle5. emergency6. self-sufficient7. car repairs8. cost mush / or be costly 9. sweaters 10. European winter Practice Four Exercise 1Occupations B a. actress A. b. actress and author1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A 5) B 6) A 7) A 8) BExercise 21. T2. F3. F4. F5.F6.T7.F8. T Part Four Testing YourselfSection 11. F2. T3. T4. T5.FSection II1. B2. C3. C4. C5. A6. DSection III1. D2. B3. C4. D5. AUnit 8Part OneExercise 2Section A 5,7,1,4,6,3,2Section B 1) F H I 2) A 3) CEJ 4) BDGJExercise 31. passed out/ in shock2. back and forth3. knows the reason why4. no doubt/ living without her5. plays a great role6. brilliant boy7. very few cases8. deny/ nature9. bright or not/ CAN 10. thicker than/ genetic relationship11. react to / not to mention 12. hard decisionPart TwoListening I Exercise 11.F2.F3. T4. F5. TExercise 21. genes2. sex3. blood4. tooth5. mirror6. left-handed7. right-handed8. language9. young 10. alike 11. separated 12. apart 13. careers 14. interestsListening II Exercise 11. B2. D3. A4. DExercise 21. 4. 6. 8. 10. 11. 12Part Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 13. 6. 9Exercise 21. six2. four3. 1954. broad5. slim6. extended7. short 8. elbows 9. knees 10. size-14 11. lungs 12. heartPractice Two Exercise 11.19212. fit the child3. ordinary schools4. adult conceptionExercise 21. good being2. wise3. realistic4. psychology5. freedom to be themselves6. discipline7. suggestion8. religious instruction 9. scholars10. scholars 11. street cleanersPractice Three Exercise 11. C2. B3. C4. BExercise 2 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5.FPractice Four Exercise 11) A 2) C 3) D 4) AExercise 21. F2. T3. T4. T5.T6.TPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. talent2. dancing3.creative4. early5.physical6. energy7. less8. curiosity9. particularly 10. cause11. fundamental 12. meaning 13. superior 14. fluently15. read 16. exceptional 17. preparation 18. fullySection II1. F2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7.F 8 TSection III1. C2. A3. C4. B5.DUnit 9Part OneExercise 21. C2. C3. C4. W5. W6. C7. C8.C9.C 10.W11. W 12. W 13. C 14. W 15. W 16. C 17. W 18.W1. prefer / old-fashioned2. as old as3. account for4. own/ play/ earn a living5. very proud of6. 1.5 billion / had the chance7. hills / small bridges/ singing of birds8. full of energy9. holes / buttons/ precise notes 10. indirectly/ individualistic 11. places great importance 12. a universal languagePart TwoListening I Exercise 11. restaurants/ airports/ supermarkets / banks2. A. attitudes/ in the right moodB. a better feeling/ the people around himC. happy/ work better3. A. World War II / happy/ calmB. a machine/ kinds of music / different times/ faster/ slower Exercise 21. T2. F3. F4. T5.T6.F7. T8. F Listening II Exercise 11. eases their minds / operations2. classical / instrumental jazz3. A. reduce tension B. 50 / fifty male doctors C. MathematicsD. 1) quickly 2) calmly 3) chosen for them 4) No music5) the worstExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. F5.FPart Three More ListeningPractice OneExercise 1B D A CExercise 21. their own style2. the nature3. sounds / experimented4. songs records5. films/ awardsPractice Two Exercise 11. 1) 2) 3)2. 2) 1)Exercise 21. picks the strings2. as hard as3. makes the notes4. on the strings5. manages the bow1. learn2. carry3. popular4. satisfying5. progress6. easiest7. less satisfying8. most difficultPractice Three Exercise 11. T2. T3. T4. F5.F6.F7.F8. T Exercise 2Bruce Springsteen: communicative, direct, exciting, simpler Sting: naturalPeter Gabriel:musicalBranford Marsalis: brilliant, humorousYoussou N’Dour:not so heavy/ rhythmic/ sophisticated/unusualPractice Four Exercise 11. A2. B3. A4. C5. AExercise 21. T2. N3. T4. F5.TPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. T2. F3. F4. T5.F6.T7.T8.TSection II2. 4.7. 8. 10. 12Section III1. falling2. nice3. cold4. inside5. raining6. tears7. happen 8. arms 9. fire 10. goneUnit 10Part OneExercise 21. F2. F3. T4. F5.T6.F7. T8. T Exercise 31. terrible rubbish / deafening/ stand2. slow-paced/ peaceful3. concentration on them4. dreamt of / afford5. dwell on the past / more freedom5. keep up with/ totally different 7. have a date8. on the Net/ not unusual 9. adapt to / we have been saying 10. kept complaining / let it bePart TwoListening IExercise 1 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. BExercise 2 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5.FListening II Exercise 11. quietly2. myself3. pity4. sympathy5. Understanding6. favor7. rocking8. wrong9. tired 10. lazy11. same 12. luckyPart Three More ListeningPractice OneExercise 1 1. name of the ship2. number of people/ passengers3. names of the people/ passengersExercise 21. N2. F3. T4. F5. TPractice TwoExercise 1 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8. T Exercise 21. marvelous2. shines3. lovely4. little team5. the best players6. football stadium7. public8. name 9. notice board 10. in two weeksPractice ThreeExercise 11. beginners’2. copy down3. days of the week4. an 8th day5. sure enough6. convince7. Australia8. that oneExercise 2 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5.TPractice FourExercise 11. work, family, health, friends, spirit2. work / bounce back / marked/ damagedExercise 21. undermine your worth2. special3. set your goals4. take for granted5. meaningless6. slip through your fingers7. all the days8. give up9. stop trying 10. encounter risks 11. to be brave 12. shut 13. give 14. hold 15. wings 16. learn 17. treasure 18. retrieved 19. race 20. journeyPart Four Testing YourselfSection I 1. D 2. B 3. D 4.C 5. ASection II 1. C 2. B 3. D 4.A 5. BSection III1. interpret2. forest3. flowers4. chased5.run6. catch7. jumped8. giant9.long 10.black 11. white 12. shaking 13. wet 14. sweet 15. delicious 16. angel 17. grave 18. nights 19. days 20. taste。

大学英语实用视听说教程第4册课后练习题含答案第1单元听力部分Part A1.What is the name of the man’s friend who lives inCanada?Answer: Jack2.What is the man’s occupation?Answer: A pilot3.What is the woman’s occupation?Answer: A flight attendant4.Where does the woman come from?Answer: Brazil5.How many passengers are there in the plane?Answer: 400Part B6.What is the man’s name?Answer: Jack Peterson7.Where did Jack first meet the woman and the man?Answer: In a café in Paris8.How long will Jack stay in New York?Answer: For a week9.What is Jack’s occupation?Answer: A businessman10.What does the woman and the man plan to dotogether with Jack?Answer: To go sightseeing in New York阅读部分Section A11.What is Jack’s occupation?Answer: A businessman12.What does Jack do when he gets bored in ameeting?Answer: He imagines all the people in the room dressed in different costumes.13.What does the author of the passage suggest todo when feeling bored or unmotivated?Answer: To take a break or do something different to refresh your mind.Section B14.What is the purpose of the article?Answer: To provide tips for improving your English speaking skills.15.What is the first tip?Answer: To join an English language club or group.16.What are some other tips mentioned in thearticle?Answer: To practice with a friend, watch movies and TV shows in English, and listen to English radioprograms or podcasts.第2单元听力部分Part A1.What does the woman’s mother do?Answer: She is a doctor.2.How long has the woman been learning English?Answer: For 2 years.3.What is the woman’s occupation?Answer: A student.4.What does the woman want to do next year?Answer: To study abroad.5.When is the woman’s mother coming to visit her?Answer: Next month.Part B6.What is the man’s occupation?Answer: A teacher.7.What is the woman’s nationality?Answer: Japanese.8.What does the woman plan to do after finishing herstudies in the US?Answer: To return to Japan and work as a translator.9.What is the woman’s impression of her Englishteacher?Answer: He is patient and kind.10.What does the woman find difficult aboutlearning English?Answer: The pronunciation of some words and phrases. 阅读部分Section A11.What is the purpose of the article?Answer: To provide tips for improving your pronunciation in English.12.What is the first tip?Answer: To practice speaking English with a native speaker.13.What are some other tips mentioned in thearticle?Answer: To record yourself speaking and analyze your pronunciation, to focus on the sounds of individual words and practice them separately, and to listen torecordings of native speakers and try to imitate their pronunciation.Section B14.What is the mn idea of the article?Answer: To expln the importance of body language in communication.15.What are some examples of body language mentioned in the article?Answer: Facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, posture, and tone of voice.16.Why is body language important in communication?Answer: It can convey emotions and intentions, help to establish rapport and understanding, and enhance the effectiveness of verbal communication.。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第四册答案(总11页)-本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-新视野大学英语视听说教程第四册答案Unit 1 Enjoy you feelings!II. Basic Listening Practice;1. C2. B3. D4. A5. DIII. Listening in;1. D2. A3. C4. B5. CS1. owner; S2. running; S3. drop; S4. outlaw; S5. uneventfully; S6. yelling; S7. lives; S8. As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. H e’s muscular, and is growling as he approaches the bar; S9. The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking; S10. I got to get out of town! Didn’t you hear Big John is coming.1. D2. C3. B4. D5. AVI. Further Listening and Speaking1. A2. B3. C4. C5. D1.T2. F3. F4. T5. F1.We usually have two choices: to fight or to run;2.The writer says the option of walking away and calming down is the moreproductive method of handling anger;3.The writer says, “If you refuse to admit that you’re angry or hurt, or if you makeit appear that everything is peaches and cream, you are not managing anger in a productive way.”4.We must ask ourselves, “What made me angry?”5.Finally you can ask yourself, “Why did that make me angry?” Through suchlogical reasoning, one tends to calm down and move toward a sensible solution. News Report:1.passengers;2. height;3. released;4. dive;5. independently;6. 360;7. backand forth; 8. facing; 9. adds; 10. length; 11. measure; 12. capacity; 13 thrilling.Unit 2 Beauty can be boughtII. Basic Listening Practice1. B2. A3. C4. D5. BIII, Listening In1. C2. A3. D4. B5. AS1. nose; S2. voice; S3. match; S4. sound; S5. inserted; S6. neck; S7. fat; S8. The voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging population, who try tomake themselves sound younger; S9. a retired construction engineer who underwent the voice lift several years ago; S10. Voice lift can also benefit people like performers, lawyers, teachers, and telephone operators who need to have a strong voice.1. C2. C3. B4. B5. DVI. Further Listening and Speaking1. A2. C3. D4. B5. A1. F2. T3. F4. T5. F1.It is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks—and boost your confidence;2.Clients often says, “I want to cut my hair, but I should lose weight first. “But thepopular stylist says, “That’s not the right sequence; it’s the other way around.”3.The speaker says that if you have a round face, you may look better with shorterhair;4.That depends on the length of your neck. The longer the neck, the shorter youcan go;5.They change the shape of your face, making it seem shorter.News Report1.finals2. billion3. hosted4. one-time5. winners6. white7. dominated8.majority 9. charm 10. personality 11. figure 12. title 13. represented 14. went15. fierce 16. turn 17. waved 18. celebrationsUnit 3 Watch out when nature strikes backII. Basic listening practice1.D2. A3. C4. B5. CIII. Listening In1.B2. C3. A4. D5. CS1. climb S2. reports S3. missing S4. assistance S5. factor S6. presence S7. originating S8. Rainfall exceeded 500mm(or inches) along the border areas of Haiti and the Dominican Republic during that period; S9. This made it difficult for humanitarian relief workers to rescue strandedpeople and deliver badly-needed food, medicine and supplies to residents; S10. Analysis of the past data shows that major floods in the Dominican Republic and Haiti are now a near-annual event.1.A2. B3. C4. D5. CVI. Further Listening and Speaking1.A2. C3. B4. D5. A1 F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. TNew Report1.knocking2. coast3. tearing4. described5. managed6. following7. drop 8. battled 9. making up ground 10. leader 11. struggled 12.teamwork 13. recovery 14. setting 15. winds 16. legs 17. chance18. despiteUnit 4 Is work just another four-letter word?II. Basic Listening Practice1.C2. B3. A4. B5. D1.C2. B3. D4. A5. AS1. shortened S2. known S3. independent S4. enterprises S5. spread S6. nearly S7. so S8. the acronym SOHO have been used to a great extent by companies that sell products to large numbers of small businesses with a small-sized office; S9. Many books are written andsold specifically for this type of office to tell people how to equip a small office; S10. In the field of software development, engineers often have to work 20 hours or more at a stretch, so they can hardly adapt to normal office hours.1.B2. D3. D4. A5. CVI. Further Listening and Speaking1.D2. B3. C4. A5. C1.F2. T3. F4. T5. FNews Reporttravelers, past, behind, translation, voice, combine, portable packaging, general idea, assist, available, communicate.Unit 5 Distant pastures are always greenerII. Basic Listening Practice1.B2. D3. A4. C5. D1.B2. D3. A4. C5. CS1. watched S2. when S3. pile S4. around S5. leaned S6. hiding S7. indifferently S8. Stone rushed into the cashier’s office, took $250 from the cash box, and returned, “Take it,” he said, “and get out! Don’t let me see you around here again!”S9. Seeing the young man showed no sign of embarrassment, Stone got furiousS10. He was waiting for the 20 dollars we owe him for lunch. He works for the coffee shop around the corner.1.D2. C3. B4. C5. AVI. Further Listening and Speaking1.A2. B3. C4. D5. A1.T2. T3. F4. F5. FNew Reportannounced, massive, surprise, rescue, 22,00; discontinued, salary, turnaround, profit, hit hard, closings, emotion, quality and productivity.Unit 6II. Basic listening practice1.C2. C3. A4. D5. B1.C2. B3. A4. D5. CS1. terrible S2. misfortune S3. reflection S4. damaged S5. heaven S6. pick S7. washed S8. Some people claim that the numbers is bad luck because thirteen people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified;S9. Friday the thirteenth of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and Friday the thirteenth of March is the worst of them all;S10. when people talk about the “seven-year itch” they mean that every seven year a person undergoes a complete change in personality.1.A2. B3. D4. D5. BVI. Further Listening and Speaking1.A2. C3. D4. C5. B1.T2. T3. F4. F5. TNews Reportdate back, ancient, modern, inspection, covers, rights, opened, downtown, below, account, damaged, uncovered, questions, significance, worthwhile.Unit 7 What shall we do when there’s nothing to do?II. Basic Listening Practice1.A2. A3. D4. B5. CIII. Listening in1.A2. B3. C4. D5. CS1. audience S2. tricks S3. whenever S4. parrot S5. magician S6. hat S7. cardsS8. The magician was furious. Each time the parrot revealed one of his secrets, the audience roared with laugher;S9. He dreamed of various ways he could do away with the troublesome bird. But he didn’t dare to touch it. It was the captain’s parrot after all; S10. They stared at each other with hate, but did not utter a word. This went on for several days.1.C2. A3. B4. B5. DVI. Further Listening and Speaking1.D2. A3. C4. B5. D1.F2. T3. T4. F5. FNews Reportspace walk, install, moved, first attempt, temporary, goal, extended, equipment, positions, relocation, living quarters, complained, sound, cause, solution, on board.Unit 8 Is biotechnology our friend or enemy?II. Basic Listening Practice1.B2. C3. D4. A5. CIII. Listening in1.B2. A3. A4. A5. DS1. Research S2. genes S3. journal S4. warn S5. productivity S6. grow S7. survivalS8. Plant breeders have already used preliminary information from the rice genome to create experimental strains of rice that better resist cold and pests;S9. The new map could better explain more than just rice. Rice shares a common ancestor with other cereal crops;S10. While significant progress has been made in the analysis of the rice genome, the mapping of human genes is also making headway. 1.A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. CVI. Further Listening and Speaking1. A2. B3. C4. C5. D1. T2. T3. F4. F5. TNews Reportinformation, mapped, sense, pioneer, link, software, understand, accurate, drugs, discovering, returns, overall, potential, developing, race.Unit 9 You can learn how to ride the business cycleII. Basic Listening Practice1.A2. C3. D4. B5. A1.C2. D3. C4. A5. BS1. downtown S2. loan S3. security S4. agreed S5. against S6. proceeded S7. settleS8. That will be $5,000 in principal, and $ in interest,” the loan officer said. The woman wrote out a check and started to walk away;S9. We’re very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled;S10. Where else in Manhattan can I park my car for two weeks for only $ and expect it to be there when I return1.D2. B3. C4. A5. DVI. Further Listening and Speaking1.C2. D3. D4. A5. B1.F2. T3. F4. T5. TNews Reporton display, 90 percent, largest, city and country, folded, side doors, outdoors, shower, top, ride, cells, innovative.Unit 10 Culture makes me what I amII. Basic Listening Practice1.C2. A3. D4. B5. A1.C2. A3. C4. B5. DS1. roots S2. what S3. moral S4. diligence S5. sin S6. teachings S7. centuriesS8. Even as children they were taught, “If it’s worth doing at all, it’s worth doing well;S9. In English a new word has been created to describe people who work compulsively;S10. Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society because they are extremely productive.1.C2. A3. D4. B5. CVI. Further Listening and Speaking1.C2. B3. A4. C5. D1.T2. F3. T4. F5. FNews Reportheart, introduction, delicacy, artists, painting, painstaking, 120, equivalent, witness, onlookers, followed, consuming, voiced, sense, hours, delicious mess.。

全新版大学英语视听说教程4答案U1ListeningA:Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. to go somewhere; to meet someone; for health reasons)2、Answers will vary.3、Answers will vary. (e.g. Yes, because most people are interested in having a better life.)B. Listen and Infer1、Answers will vary. (e.g. to clari fy what she means when she talks about “upgrading” something)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. to make what she says more believable; to ensure that her listeners trust what she says; to encourage more people to listen to her podcasts)3、Answers will vary. (e.g. healthy eating, exercising, avoiding unhealthy habits, etc.)C:Vocabulary1、c2、g3、e4、a5、I6、d7、j8、h9、f10、bD:Listen for Main Ideas 2E:Listen for Details DoctorRadio30CanadianAuthornatureExercise FJapan(the) 1990s(many) health benefits 50,000 peoplePublicshorter life/livesExtended ListeningExercise A:1、C2、B3、B4、D5、AExercise B:1、Noa. can hardly find a really tranquil corner thereb. Shanghai lacks natural scenery and tranquility because of the city’s rapid development.2、Yesa. murmur of cicadas and frogs; lively; charmingb. enchanted by lights, music, and flowing clear water; attracted to stay here for goodc. refreshing tea and melodies; delighted to have an opportunity to connect with my true selfExercise C:1、C2、B3、AExercise D:1、exhausted and cranky2、Return the call3、Read a paper book4、hiking trip5、LaughterExercise E:1、B2、C3、BExercise F:1、F2、T3、F4、F5、TExercise G:1、C3、DExercise H:To people who smile1、brain2、happier3、reducedlower4、pain pillsTo people who see a smile1、they have won a prize2、smile3、more relaxed4、go down Conclusion:win-wineveryone concernedno effort to producSpeakingExercise E:2、B3、ATEDTalksC. Vocabulary:1、f2、e3、a4、b5、g6、i7、h8、j9、d10、cD. Watch for Main Ideas: 31425E. Watch for Details:1、20102、1950s3、72.9 years4、Almost 80 years.5、SmileF.Watch for Supporting Evidence1、b2、e3、a4、d5、c6、fG. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B long-lasting2、A stumbled upon3、C aha! moment4、C judgment was impaired5、C tap intoSelf-test1—5: CDABB6—10:CABDB1—5:BABCD6—10:BCCBAU2ListeningA. Communicate:1、Answers will vary. (e.g. It represents women seeking the right to vote in the U.S.)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. movements regarding environmental protection, race relations, human rights, etc.)3、Answers will vary.Exercise BBC. Vocabulary1、A2、C3、A4、C5、B6、C7、A8、C9、B10、CD. Listen for Main Ideas·The right to know movement focuses on getting organizations to disclose information. ·The movement for transparency aims to get organizations to be open with information.·The right to know and transparency movements led to political changes in the U.K. and Iceland.E. Listen for Details1、60spblctn of Silent Spring2、2004rqstd info3、2008cllpsdcrrncy ↓ 50%4、201440% N Amer cnsmrsExercise F144323Extended Listening Exercise A1、D2、A3、CExercise B September 28government-heldNew developments:1、September 19,2011 Access to Information African Platform2、transparency Situation today:1、40-502、Ten3、some time15 yearsExercise C1、C2、C3、DExercise D1、1442、72nd3、2464、affluent5、transparentExercise E1、A2、C3、DExercise F1、F2、T3、F4、F5、TExercise G1、C2、D3、A4、C5、A Exercise H1、The AMA is committed to working with members of2、The AMA has embraced the groundworkhas developed educational programs and practice-based tools3、it is unprincipled to ignore the problem4、What is needed now is the synthesis of these efforts5、the responsibility ofremains unchanged6、any steps towill draw the health care community closer toSpeakingExercise A1、B simile3、A metaphor5、B personificationTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、a2、j3、c4、h5、e6、f7、g8、d9、I10、bD. Watch for Main Ideas 645321E. Watch for Details totalmedicalpublicvoluntaryHugeF. Watch for Multiple Viewpoints1、f2、c,b3、a4、d5、bG. Interpret Figurative Language1、A2、B3、B4、AH. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B provoke anger2、C took my oath3、B short of breath4、A deeply intimate5、B ensure6、C change the paradigmSelf-test1–5: CBADB6—10:BCDAC1—5: BCDCB6–10:BCBCAU3ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. doctors, teachers, police)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. People believe that we learn how to listen through experience.)3、Answers will vary.(e.g. There would be greater understanding and compassion among people, leading to fewer conflicts.)C. Vocabulary1、f2、b3、c4、a5、e6、d7、g8、h9、j10、iD. Listen for Main IdeasBoth content-focused and people-focused listening have benefits. Even though listening seems easy, not everybody can do it well. Listening carefully to others is a valuable skill that can lead to success.E. Listen for Details6132457Exercise G1a1b2b3aExtended Listening Exercise A1、C2、A3、D4、BExercise B1、U.S.2512、Beijing95Exercise C1、F2、F3、T4、TExercise DcharityHopedisabilities medalsExercise E Lord Minister Philanthropist peerExercise F1、B2、B3、B4、A5、CExercise G1、C2、A3、C4、BExercise H1、20042、practical valuehelp themselves or their own communities 3、understand themforeignExercise IExercise J1、B2、A3、C4、DExercise K1、F2、T3、F4、T5、FExercise LTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、c2、a3、f4、I5、b6、g7、e8、j9、d10、hD. Watch for Main Ideas1、a2、e3、c4、bE. Watch for Main Ideas1、first clientthree days2、five fishermen$15 per kilo3、one year27 projects4、40,000 businesses 300 communitiesF. Draw Conclusions1、C2、C3、D4、C5、C6、DH. Watch for HumorI. Expand Your Vocabulary1、A shaped by2、B in the nick of time3、B blundering around4、B one-on-one5、C tryoutSelf-test1–5: CBBAA6–10: DABAB1—5: BDCAB6—10: BCACDU4ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. It’s made of the words data and entertainment. It means data that is used as a part of entertainment, for example by posting statistics to social media sites.)2、Answers will varyC. Vocabulary1、a2、c4、e5、f6、I7、g8、h9、j10、dD. Listen for Main Ideas 34521E. Listen for Details1、F2、F3、F4、T5、FF. Communicate Facts: 3 2 Opinions: 4 1Exercise G1、fact2、opinion3、fact4、fact5、fact opinionExtended Listening Exercise A1、B2、C3、B4、A5、BExercise B2、F3、F4、T5、N6、FExercise C1、B2、C3、B4、C Exercise DExercise E1、B2、C3、A4、C Exercise F1、a few drops of water easy to see and count2、a cup of watera bucket of water measured and analyzed difficulty3、a huge waterfall rapid speedhardcontain4、storage systems holdhigh speedprocesssoftware systems managingExercise G1、B2、A3、C4、CExercise H1、examine trendswhat products it should make2、Advertisers3、analyze datadevices and machines improve their products4、Online supermarkets customerthe demand5、what policiesthe economy6、genetic codediseasestreatmentsTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、c2、f3、j4、a5、e6、h7、I8、b9、d10、gD. Watch for Main Ideas1、MI2、SD3、MI4、MI5、SD6、MIE. Watch for DetailsThe basic principle of machine learning is to give data to computers and let them infer rules from it.Machine learning has many beneficial applications, including helping doctors identify cancer cells.Many things we do with technology, such as searching the Internet, rely on machine learning.F. Distinguish Facts from Opinions1、fact2、opinion3、fact4、fact5、opinion6、opinionH. Watch and Note Causes and EffectsI. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B sick of2、A burnt to a crisp3、B In this respect4、B telltale signs5、C assembly line6、A frame of referenceSelf-test1–5: CBBAB6—10: DCBAB1–5: CBDCB 6–10: CBCBCListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. TV, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, newspapers, magazines, etc.)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. We hear about scary events happening in the world on the news, and we also see scary images on TV, in movies, and in the news. It can seem like the TV is scaring viewers or spreading fear among them.)C. Vocabulary1、c2、I3、a4、e5、h6、j7、g8、b9、f10、dD. Listen for Main IdeasBothMinaMinaMateoExercise E1、1/32、<6003、>7004、≈805、≈3/46、20MF. Listen for Details1、The world is scarier and more dangerous than it used to be.2、To sum up.3、To emphasize his opinion about the topicExtended ListeningExercise A1、B2、C4、DExercise B1、882、103、58 percent45、Pandemics6、Reptiles7、DeathExercise Cthe definition of the impostor syndromethe symptoms of the impostor syndromethe negative effects of the impostor syndromethe number of people with the impostor syndrome the advice for those who have the impostor syndromeExercise D1、B2、C3、DExercise E1、D2、D3、A4、CExercise F1、T2、F3、F4、T5、FExercise GJia Jiang came across and decided to try the strategy it introduced. Jia Jiang planned to find a way to be rejected every day for one hundred days.Jia Jiang learned that he should have stayed and faced up to his fear in his first challenge. The donut shop made the donut as Jiang requested on the third day.Jia Jiang gained confidence and learned some important strategies through his failures and successes.Exercise H1、C2、C3、D4、CSpeakingExercise A1、5 engages listeners2、2 introduces his opinion3、3 introduces a key idea4、1 defines “if it bleeds, it leads5、4 signals a new topicTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、j2、f3、I4、e5、a6、g7、h8、b9、c10、dD. Watch for Main IdeasHer main goal is to illustrate an idea about fear by describing what the men of the Essex experienced.F. Give Examples689G. Expand Your VocabularyabdeJ. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B situation would be really dire2、C dismissing their fears3、C illuminating example4、A embarked on5、B resorted to6、C steered forSelf-test1–5: ACCDA6—10: BBDCC1–5:BDCAC6—10: ADBDBU6ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary.2、Answers will vary.3、Answers will vary.C. Vocabulary1、b2、e3、f4、h5、I6、a7、c8、j9、d10、gD. Listen for Main IdeasThe professor: (Two relevant ideas) dfAmal: (Three relevant ideas)abfE. Listen for Detailslayersitemnutrients machinesfarmslayersnutrientsplantsF. Collaborate Answers will vary.G. Communicate1、Amal / FS2、prof3、Austin / MSExtended Listening Exercise A1、C2、C3、A4、D1、products made from soy beans2、meat3、cultured meatcellsgrowing meat from these cells4、microscopic organisms SeaweedExercise C1、C2、B3、D4、BExercise D1、70% of their earnings2、increase by 25%3、over 2 billion4、high3 or 51、A2、B3、B4、DExercise F1、T2、T3、F4、T5、FExercise G1、B2、C3、B4、DExercise H1、a thin layer of good soil wind and water erosion2、the side of a hilltake some of the good soil3、a plastic filmholesgrow through4、do not need as much wateryield profitsSpeakingA. Communicate1、Personally, I’m neutral onFor me2、I feel thatFor me3、At first, I was skeptical and didn’t thinkI came to thinkTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1–5: ABBCB6-10:BAACCD. Watch for Main Ideas1、Chefs want to sell fish that is sustainable, but global fish stocks are declining.2、The goal of agriculture, including fish farming, should be to create food that is delicious.3、Focusing on the relationships among plants and animals will lead to better food.E. Watch for DetailsMiguel, the biologist at Veta la Palma, is an expert in relationships, not in fish.Veta la Palma does not feed its fish because they eat the same food as wild fish.Veta la Palma loses one fifth of its fish and fish eggs to predators such as flamingos. Miguel thinks that the number of birds at Veta la Palma shows the system’s health.The water at Veta la Palma comes from a polluted river, but the system purifies it.F. Watch and Take Notesthe head of P.R. for a fish farm companythe head biologist for the fish farm companya biologist at Veta La PalmaG. Expand Your Vocabulary54231H. Expand Your Vocabulary1、A for better or for worse2、B a straight answer3、A set us up4、A soak up5、B works its way throughSelf-test1—5: DCAAB6–10:CDBDB1–5: CBCAB6—10:DCCACU7ListeningA. CommunicateAnswers will vary.(自我发挥)B. Communicate1、Rembrandt.2、Vermeer3、Answers will vary.C.Vocabulary1—5: ABCCA6–10:ACBACD. Listen for Main IdeasThe quality of each artist’s paintings Whether or not each artist had students How many people discussed each artist The number of works each artist produced Each artist’s links with people of high st atusE. Listen for Details1、F2、T3、T4、T5、F6、FExtended ListeningExercise A1、B2、D3、C4、CExercise B1、T2、F3、F4、FExercise C1、A2、B3、D4、AExercise D1、It’s essential to the company’s survival.2、Companies should be conscious of their reputations and be responsive to any crisis that may impact their reputations.3、a. Consumer preference.b. Support for the company in times of crisis or controversy.c. The future value of the company in the marketplace.4、Consumers prefer a company’s products even if other companies offer the same or similar products or services for different prices. Take organic products for example, consumers are willing to pay a premium price for products that are considered more prestigious.Exercise E1、B2、C3、D4、DExercise F1、He had everything. He was wealthy and handsome, and a war hero. He was a member of Parliament. He married a popular actress. Above all, he was the war secretary in the British government.2、The Prime Minister was forced to resign and one man who was involved in the matter killed himself. Profumo’s friends who believed his lies and defended him were made like fools after the scandal was revealed publicly.3、She chose to stand by him and encourage him to face up to it.Exercise G1、C2、D3、A4、DExercise Htoiletsdishesrichraise money presidentinvitedQueen of England buildings interview scandalHumilitydiedadmiredheroExercise I1、yearsbuildmoments destroy2、loststart over forgiveness3、dedication serviceSpeaking Exercise A1、Repeat2、Repeat3、lExplain4、DefineD. Communicate1、one2、40。

新标准视听说教程4答案Unit 1。
Part I。
1. B2. A3. C4. A5. B。
Part II。
1. What’s your name?2. Where are you from?3. What’s your favorite color?4. Do you like sports?5. What’s your favorite food?Part III。
1. T2. F3. T4. F5. T。
Unit 2。
Part I。
1. B2. A3. C4. A5. B。
Part II。
1. How do you go to school?2. What do you do in your free time?3. What’s your favorite subject?4. Do you have any brothers or sisters?5. What do you want to be in the future? Part III。
1. T2. F3. T4. F5. T。
Unit 3。
Part I。
1. B2. A3. C4. A5. B。
Part II。
1. What did you do last weekend?2. How do you usually spend your holidays?3. Do you like to watch movies?4. What’s your favorite type of music?5. Have you ever traveled to another country? Part III。
1. T2. F3. T4. F5. T。
Unit 4。
Part I。
1. B2. A3. C4. A5. B。
Part II。
1. What’s the weather like today?2. What do you usually do on weekends?3. Do you like to cook?4. Have you ever been to a concert?5. What’s your favorite season?Part III。

Uint2II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: Did you hear? Helen got modeling jib! She’s going to be sashaying down the catwalk.M: Wow, that’s great! All that walking practice really paid off. And foe once she won’t be complaining about being so tall.Q: Why did Helen get modeling job?2.ScriptM: Julia, come and see the Miss America contest on TV. All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits, so the judges can decide who has the best figure. W: Bah! That’s the worst kind of exploitation. They are treating women like toys for people to enjoy. I would never take part in this kind of contest.Q: What do the man and the woman think about the beautify contest?3. ScriptW: What shall I do? I’m fat. I want to be slim and beauty, but I’m fat. I’ve tried all the new ideas, high carb and low carb, but nothing works.M: Those diets are just fads, popular for a while and then forgotten. Just follow the usual diet with fruits, vegetables, fish, water, and get plenty of exercise. Before long you’ll see results.Q: What has the woman tried?4. ScriptW1: I think Lily is really attractive. She’s half Spanish and has this really sultry look about her.W2: That explains why she tans so well. I’ve always been jealous of her skin color in the summer.Q: Which of following is true of Lily?5. ScriptM: Trust me, it was tight there on the Internet: “Plastic Surgery Increasing at a Faster Rate Among Men”. Apparently more and more men are trying to improve their appearance.W: I saw it too on the news. Face-lifts, nose jobs, and box to hide wrinkle are now very popular with men. Men say it’s for business reasons, but we know it’s vanity. Q: What does the woman think the real reason is that men have plastic surgery? Keys: 1.B 2.A 3. C 4D 5BIII. Listening InTask 1: A Friendly StylistStylist: Morning, sir. This chair, please. What can I do for you?Nick: A simple haircut: short on the back and sides.Stylist: Very good. I can, of course, do something fashionable for only $60.Nick: 60 dollars! That’s highway robbery—twice what I ordinarily pay.Stylist: Perhaps, sir. But your haircuts haven’t been in harmony with your character.Your hair is at war with your soul.Nick: I’ve never heard of such a thing.Stylist: If I may say, I’m an expert at matching hairstyle to personalities. Believe me;you’re suffering a “disjunction”.Nick: A disjunction? What the devil is a disjunction?Stylist: Your hair does not match you.Nick: This is utter nonsense. However, I’d like to hear how you’d solve this so-called problem.Stylist: Your character is artistic, imaginative. But your hair is dull. I can correct that imbalance in seconds.Nick: Okay, let me see what can you do about the…uh…disjunction, as you call it. Stylist: We’re going to use scissors to create peaks, which we’ll keep in place with a liberal helping of gel….This tuft in the back we’ll braid into a pigtail. Now, it’s the new you!Nick: I love it. It’s just like me: imaginative and artistic. Now what are you doing?What’s wrong? Don’t you see harmony in my new hairstyle?Stylist:Something’s preventing your hairstyle from being a true fashionable statement.Nick: For heaven’s sake, tell me what’s missing.Stylist: Streaks. By putting in a few yellow streaks in your hair, it will become a work of art. Streaking will cost you more, but…Nick: Do it. Forget the cost. But, by the way, what is the total getting to be? How much am I paying to avoid disjunction?Stylist: That’s…$135. Sir? Sir, are you all right? Oh, he fainted.1.When the stylist mentions $60, what does the customer say?2.What does the stylist think about the customer’s hairstyle?3.What will the stylist do with the customer’s hair?4.What will streaking do to the man’s hair according to the stylist?5.What is the passage mainly about?Keys: 1C.A 3.D4.B 5.AFor Reference:1.It means there is no match between you and your hair.2.That’s…$135. Sir? Sir, are you all right? Oh, he fainted.Task 2: The Voice LiftScriptAfter the face-lift, the forehead tightened, and the (S1) nose job, something still might be revealing your age: your (S2) voice.For patients who think their trembly, hoarse words don’t (S3) match their newly face and figure, there’s a procedure that claims to make them (S4) sound younger too: the voice lift.There are two general kinds of voice lifts. In some cases, implants (S5) inserted through an incision in the (S6)neck bring the vocal cords closer together. Doctors also use injections of (S7) fat or other substances to plump up the cords, so that the voice sounds younger.(S8) The voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging population, who try to make themselves sound younger.“I speak in a great deal, or I was shouting, on a particular day, at the end of the day, I would feel exhausted,”said Robert Brown, 75, (S9) a retired construction engineer who underwent the voice lift several years ago, “I don’t know if I sound younger, but the hoarseness is gone, which is such a great improvement.”(S10)V oice lift can also benefit people like performers, lawyers, teachers, and telephone operators who need to have a strong voice and hope to shave years off the sound of their voice.Task3: A View of HappinessScriptMen are turning to plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures to brighten up their appearances at a faster rate than women, according to a survey released on Wednesday.Men’s use of fat injections to soften deep wrinkles leaped 47 percent last year from the previous year. Women’s use of the injections fell 36 percent, according to a survey by the American Academy of Facial and Plastic Reconstructive Surgeons.Men’s use of botox injections to eliminate frown lines rose 88 percent, while women’s botox use fell 8 percent.And for smoothing skin, the use of laser resurfacing among men rose 13percent, the survey showed. Meanwhile, women’s use of laser resurfacing dropped 38 percent during the same time period.The number of men getting nose jobs rose 47 percent, while the number of women doing so rose 5 percent.Typically, men and women visiting plastic surgeons for cosmetic reasons were age 40 to 59.The study said 44 percent of men and 57 percent of women tell their doctor that looking younger is the reason they are choosing cosmetic surgery.By about 18 percent, men are more likely than women to say they want facial cosmetic surgery for work-related reasons.The study was conducted by written questionnaires from January 20 to March 3 among more than 2,600 members of the association, who focus on treatment of the face, head, and neck.By comparison, in the previous year, women’s use of botox rose 60 percent while men’s fell 14 percent; women’s use of laser resurfacing rose 13 percent while men’s fell 19 percent; women’s use of fat injections fell17 percent and men’s fell 54 percent.1.What is true of men and women’s use of fat injections?2.While of the following is true of nose jobs?3.How much greater is the percentage of women choosing cosmetic surgery to lookyounger than the percentage of men?4.What is true of men and women using botox in the previous year?5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?Keys: 1C 2.C3. B 4.B 5.DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 She’s having some cosmetic surgery.Amy: Did you hear Nora’s off to Korea?Bill: why is she going to Korea?Amy:She is having some cosmetic surgery.Bill:I’m floored! I thought she was beautiful already.Amy: I know what you mean. She’s having her nose fixed.Bill: Was it broken?Amy: No, stupid, she’s having it made smaller.Bill: If she wasn’t beautiful already,I could understand getting surgery. But she already has a nice nose.Amy: But not a fashionable one. She’s also having her teeth straighten. She wants to have a perfect smile.Bill: What for?Amy: She believes a better physical appearance will improve her chance of getting a good job.Bill: We won’t even recognize her when she gets back.MODEL2 I think I need a face-lift.ScriptSusan: Hey!Amy: Hi! Don’t you know anyone who’s had cosmetic surgery?Susan:You mean like a liposuction? I don’t think that’s necessary. That’s not the way a woman should stay attractive.Amy: Honestly, I won’t go as far as that. With surgery, I might look gorgeous, but it wouldn’t be the real me.Susan: Yeah, people should be happy with the way they are.Amy: I see your point. But I’m worried about the wrinkle around my eyes. I think I need a face-lift. Why can’t we go back to the way things were?Susan: Because…I don’t know! But, Amy, you wouldn’t do that, would you?Amy:Darned right I would! I don’t expect my skin to be baby-smooth, but I should at least be young-looking.Susan: Isn’t makeup enough?Amy: Come on, Susan. Be open-minded! Look at my eyes! They’re puffy. And my lower lids are dark and loose, and full of lines and circles. I really hope surgery can wipe out the tired look.Susan: But what would other people think?Amy: I don’t care other people think. I’m already for a lift.MODEL3 How did you find the plastic surgery there?ScriptSusan: How was your trip to Korea? How did you find the plastic surgery there? Nora:It was all pretty scary at first.Susan: As I see it, they certainly did a beautiful job for you. If I hadn’t recognized your clothes, I wouldn’t have known it was you!Nora: Tanks, but underneath this surgery, it’s still the same old me.Susan: Well, why did you want the surgery after all?Nora:If I want to be competitive in the job market, I think this is indispensable. Susan: How can you say that! You don’t need to change your looks to get a good job.Anyway, shall we get some lunch?Nora: I’m not hungry, really I’m not.Susan: Did you already have lunch?Nora:I’m skipping lunch. I want to stay in good shape. I think I’m getting a bit too fat already.Susan:Oh, Nora, don’t be so silly! You’re not fat at all, and you need to eat. If you don’t eat, you’ll get sick and wind up in hospital.Nora: Ok, maybe I could eat a little. I do want to stay healthy.Now Your TurnTask 1SAMPLE DIALOGSally: Hi, John, nice to see you here.John: Hi, sorry, your name escapes me momentarilySally: Oh, I’m Sally. Don’t you recognize me?John: Now I see, you’re Sally! You have changed beyond recognition!Sally: I had cosmetic surgery.John: I’m confuses! I thought you were good-looking before.Sally: My nose was rather flat. The bridge of my nose wasn’t high enough. So I got my nose fixed.John: That’s absolutely unnecessary. I can also see your eyes have changed a lot.Sally: Yeah, my single-folded eyelids have become double-folded.John: What else did you do?Sally: I also have my teeth straightened. I felt uncomfortable about my uneven teeth whenever I smiled. Now I think I have a better smile.John: Why do you have so much surgery?Sally: I believe a better physical appearance will help me land a better job.John:Nonsense. Most employers are more interested in your practical ability than your looks.V. Let’s TalkScriptGreetings, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you’ll find it interesting how to be fashionable without spending too much money.Sure, some famous stars always look stylish. They have unlimited clothing budgets that put the latest looks at their fingertips! But you can also look amazing without spending lots of money on your wardrobes. Simple try the following suggestions on for size.First, you should make seasonal purchases; that is, you should buy winter coats, leather jackets, bathing suits, ad summer dress at the end of the season. You’ll get major discounts as you stock up for the next year.If you want clothes to wear right now, you can go to discount stores. They may not be the place to buy an expensive evening dress, but they’re perfect for buying things like T-shirtsThere is yet another cheap way of you to buy stylish clothes. Many department stores have a store brand. It means they offer current styles but are much cheaper than big-name brands.To save money, an important principle for you to follow is to not buy “outfits”. With the exception of suits, interchangeable piece are more affordable—buying clothing in separate.Wear-with- anything pieces are always a good buy. For example, you can almost always wear a pair of black trousers and a white dress skirt; you can wear them several times a week, paired with different accessories.If you can’t afford expensive clothes, you can spend money on accessories such as nice shoes and fashionable bags. Such extras make even the simplest outfit look polished.Finally, a great haircut always helps. When you hair looks fabulous, you look more stylish and fashionable.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Beauty Contests and Plastic SurgeriesScriptJuliana Borges, who was named “Miss Brazil” early on Tuesday, had plastic surgery four times and underwent 19 smaller operations. She was just one of many competitors who were determined to improve their appearance through surgery. “Plastic surgery make me more beautiful and gave me confidence in myself and the perfect measurement that won me this title,” said the beauty queen in a green dress, who was representing Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul.Borges, 22, had liposuction and had her chin, nose, and ears worked on, as well as, had her breasts enlarged.With the development of plastic surgery, more and more of Brazil’s would-be beauty queen are finding it easier to achieve the ideal measurements. These days, younghopefuls from the Amazon jungle to big cities in Brazil’s south are planning surgery.A third of the 27 finalists at the beauty contest went under the scalpel after rules were changed in the 1990s.The new rules permit plastic surgery, colored contact lenses, and hair dye at beauty contests.The organizers of the Miss Brazil contest said, “It’s a war out there, and all of the beauty tools that can be used should be used. Other countries like Venezuela paved the way, and Brazil is going to have to use those tools as well if it wants to compete in Miss University beauty contests.”But Brazil’s love for plastic surgery is not limited to beauty contests. Most young women who undergo surgery want to find a better man or a higher-paying job.1.How many surgical operations did the former Miss Brazil have altogether?2.What change has plastic surgery brought, according to the passage?3.Which of the following is allowed after the rules changed in the1990s??4. Which of the following countries is mentioned as a pioneer in using beauty tools?5. What is the goal of most young Brazilian women who undergo surgery?Keys: 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.ATask 2: Is it true beauty?ScriptJohn:There goes Camilla. She looks gorgeous today, doesn’t she? Her skin is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Her lips are a perfect Cupi d’s bow. She must have dozens of admirers.Becky: I wonder what she looks like without all makeup. She must out it with a spoon.It’s like a mask. I don’t understand what men find so attractive about her. John: Do I detect a hint of jealousy?Becky: She has nothing for me to be jealous about.John: I’ll be you believe in those saying like: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Becky: True beauty comes from within. Natural materials should be enough to bring it out.John: But do you always stick to those rules? When I went past your apartment last night, I saw you in the kitchen with some green substance smeared all your face.Becky: They were cucumbers. They’re natural healers of the skin. Haven’t you heard people say on TV that they soften the skin, wipe out the roughness, and buildstrength and resilience?John: Yeah, yeah, yeah! They wipe out lines and age signs. Blah, blah, blah! See, I can even recite that advertisement.Becky: You’ve learned a lot, haven’t you?John: Since you can keep your skin so young-looking and maintain your figure so well, you might as well as write a book on beauty secrets.Becky: Don’t pull my leg. Anyway, you’d do well to try the cucumber treatment on yourself. Put some cucumber slice on your head. At least they’ll keep thatbald spot from shining so brightly..Keys: FTFTFTask3: Changing Your Hairstyle to Improve Your AppearanceScriptIf you want to look better, changing your hairstyle can be a simple fix. If you’re trying to reach a weight-loss goal, a new hairstyle is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks—and boost your confidence.According to a popular hair stylist, clients often say, “I want to cut my hair, but I should lose weight first.” But that’s not the right sequence; it’s the other way around. You should know what hairstyle will flatter you the most, the style that will show off you particular feature to the best advantage even before you begin to lose weight.For example, many may want to follow a tread and wear long hair. But some may look better with shorter hair if they have a round face. “When it’s too long, it can drag your face down and actually bring attention to the features you don’t want to emphasize,” says Guy Riggio, a famous hair stylist in Los Angeles. How short is too short? That depends the length of your neck. Riggio says, “The longer the neck, the shorter you can go.”Some top stylists believe that women should stay clear of bangs. Thick bangs may be fashionable at times, but even thin bangs are hard to wear. “They change the shape of your face, making it seem shorter,” says New York hair stylist O’Connor. Instead, you should pull your hair away from your face. It will make your face look longer. Finally, pick a stylist who’s knowledgeable and whose opinion can be trusted. Then have fun with the new style.For Reference:1. It is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks—and boost your confidence.2. Clients often say, “I want to cut my hair, but I should lose weight first.” But that’s not the right sequence; it’s the other way around.3. The speaker say if you have a round face, you may look better with short hair.4. That depends the length of your neck. The longer the neck, the shorter you can go.5. They change the shape of your face, making it seem shorterNews ReportMiss WorldScriptThe Miss World title went to first black African contestant ever in its 51-year history at the Miss World finals in Sun City, South Africa on Friday.Organizers of the pageant said they expected about one billion people to have turned in to watch the beauty queen extravaganza. The event was hosted by American talk show host, Jerry Springer, at a glitzy resort in the heart of South Africa’s bush country.[SOUND BITE]The pageant was created in 1951 by a public relations executive for a small leisure and entertainment company. It was initially intended to be only a one-time event, but was continued after the United States began the rival Miss Universe contest in 1952. In more than half a century, there have been only three Miss World winners from Africa, two of them white South Africa and the third from Egypt.Miss World has until now been dominated by winner from Europe, the Americas, and India, the majority of them being Caucasian.The contestants in this pageant are judges in three different categories: beauty, grace, and charm; talent, poise, and personality; and figure and deportment. After the first round of judging, the original group of 92 contestants was pared down to only tenfinalists who would go on to compete for the title.The second-runner up in this ten year’s pageant was Miss Scotland, 18-year-old Juliet-Jane Horne.[SOUND BITE]The People’s Republic of China was represented for the first time this year by 18-year-od Bing Li.[SOUND BITE]The title of first runner up went to Miss Aruba, 19-year-old Zerelda Lee.[SOUND BITE]The competition was fierce as each of the ten finalists took her turn in the spotlight in front of a live audience.But out of the 92 contestants, it was Miss Nigeria, 18-year-old Agbani Darego, who took home covered title and the $100,000 prize.[SOUND BITE]Before being crowed, Darego took the victory walk wearing a lime-green, body hugging dress and waved to a cheering crowd.The news of her victory sparked rapturous celebrations all over Nigeria’s biggest city, Lagos.。

新视野⼤学英语视听说教程4原⽂+答案新视野⼤学英语视听说教程第四册听⼒练习录⾳⽂本和答案Unit1II. Basic Listening Practice1. ScriptM: I’m beside myself with joy. I’m so lucky. Guess what? I’ve won a lit of money in the lottery.W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q: What does the woman mean?2. ScriptW: Mary was furious. Her son wrecked up her car.M:He shouldn’t have driven a car without a driver’s license. He‘s still taking driving lesson.Q: What do we know about Mary’s son?3. ScriptM: Susan, I hear you’re going to marry that guy. Some people think you’ll regret it.W: Is that so? Only time tell.Q: What does the woman imply?4. ScriptM: Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mother’s passing. I know how close you two were?W: Thank you. It was so sudden. I’M still in a state of shock I don’t know what to do.Q: Which of following is true?5. ScriptW: I get furious at work when my opinions aren’t considered just because I’m a woman.M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard.Q: What is the woman complaining about?Keys: 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.A 5.DIII. Listening InTask 1: Soft answers turn away wrath.Mary: Dam! You’re spilled red wine on me. My new dress is ruined. John: I’ m terrible sorry! What can I do to help? Here’s some water to wash it off.Mary:Stop splashing water on me! Oh, this is so embarrassing! I’m a mess. John:Well, you do look a little upset. Please don’t blow up. Don’t lose your cool.Mary: Hmm, you’ve got the nerve talking like that! Who shouldn’t fly off the handle? This dress cost a fortune.John: You look really cute when you’re mad. I kid you not. Some people do look attractive when they are in a rage.Mary: This is very expensive dress. I saved for months to buy it, and now it’s ruined. Look at this stain!John: Accidents do happen. Give me your dress, and I’ll take it to the cleaners.Mary: Sure! You want me to take it off right here in public and give it to you? I don’t even know you!John:This might be a really goof time to get acquainted. I’m John Owen. Mary: Mmm, at least you’re polite. I guess I really shouldn’t have flared up. After all, it was an accident. I’m Mary Harvey.John: Come on. I’ll take you home. You can change your clothes, and I’ll get the dress cleaned for you.Mary: Now you’re talking. Thanks. You’re a real gentleman.John: You’d better believe it. I’m glad to see that you’ve cooled down.Feel look a bite to eat afterward? I’m starving.Mary: Ok. You’re pretty good. I’m not nearly as mad. If you can get this stain out, I’ll be very happy.John: I’ll try my best. But if I can’t get the stain out, please don’t let your happiness turn to wrath.1. Which of the following would be the best title for the dialog?2. Why does the woman get angry?3. What does the man say to please the woman when she looks angry?4. Why does the woman say the man is a real gentleman?5. What is the man’s final proposal?Keys: 1D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.CTask 2: Big John is coming!ScriptA bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender. This (S1) owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on (S2) running the place. He tells the timid man, “If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town, (S3) drop everything and run for the hills! He’s the biggest, nastiest (S4) outlaw who’s ever lived!”A few weeks pass (S5) uneventfully. But one afternoon, a local cowhand comes running through town (S6) yelling, “Big John is coming! Run for your (S7) lives!”When the bartender leaves the bar to start running, he is knocked to the ground by several townspeople rushing out of town. (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. He’s muscular, and is growing as he approaches the bar.He steps up to the door, orders the poor barkeep inside, and demands, “I want a beer NOW!”He strikes his heavy fist on the bar, splitting it in half. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. He takes the beer, bites the top of the bottle off, and downs the beer in one gulp. As the terrified bartender hides behind the bar, the big man gets up to leave, “Do you want another beer?” the bartender asks in a trembling voice.“Dang it, I don’t have time!” the big man yells, (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task3: A View of HappinessScriptDr. Smith has proposed a reasonable, if perhaps somewhat oversimplifies, view of happiness. According to his theory, happiness might be described as a state if balance. And when human or certain animals achieve that balance, they rend to remain in that condition in order to repeat the happy feeling.To illustrate this, we may study two magnets. When their positive and negative poles meet, they are comfortably joined, and they remain there. In other words, they have attained a balance or state of happiness. If on the other hand, one of the poles is reversed, and positive pole is presses against positive pole, there is resistance, instability, imbalance a state of unhappiness. Animals with some degree of intelligence seem to find happiness in reinforcement. Once they have gained one or more of their goals such as food, and water, they learn to repeat the actions that led to satisfaction of those goals. This repetition or reinforcement produces a state of balance or sense of happiness.According to this theory, only animals with a significant capacity to learn should be able to experience happiness. But in truth learning can take place through surprisingly simple short-term action such as scratching an itch, followed by pleasure, followed by more scratching, and so on. Thus learning can occur with almost no conscious thought. For human beings, blessed with the ability to reason, goals are not limited to the short-term satisfaction of needs. Indeed, there is a strong link between happiness and the fulfillment of long-term goals. Even if humanstrive for goals that are more complex and longer-term than the animals’goals, once those goals are gained, happiness is reinforced.1. Why does the speaker mention “magnets”?2. According to the passage, what may animals do after they have got food?3. Which of the following is true according to the speaker?4. What does the speaker say is special about the goals of human beings?5. Which of the following best captures the main idea of the passage? Keys: 1D 2.C3. B 4.D 5.AIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Don’t let it get to you!Susan: You look so angry. What happened?Chris: Nothing I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask. Susan: Come on. Relax. Talk to me.Chris: All right. This morning I took my car to the garage to check the air conditioner. They only gave it a quick look, refilled it with some Freon, and charged me 300bucks!Susan: No wonder you’re livid. I’d be mad too if someone ripped me off like that.Chris: Yeah. And they were rude. They said I didn’t know anything about cars, which I don’t, but they didn’t have to be blunt! Susan: Sounds like you got a raw deal!Chris: What’s worse, as I was leaving, I herd then saying, “Don’t trust that guy. He looks broke.”When I heard that, I almost hit the roof. Susan: Don’t let it get to you. Better ignore them.Chris: I agree. I did manage to keep my cool.Susan: Well, the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency.Chris: sounds like a good idea.MODEL2 I’m too depressed.ScriptSusan:Chris, I hear you’ve been down in the dumps, so I’ve come to cheer you up.Chris: It’s not gong o work. I’m too depressedSusan: Come, on. Tell me what’s on your mind.Chris: Everything. My girlfriend left me; my dog ran away; my wallet was stolen.Susan: Don’t worry. I’ll help you solve the biggest problem: finding you a new girlfriend.Chris: Forget it. Anyway, I’m getting bad grades, and I was told that I’d have to repeat a lot of courses next year. When I heard that,I almost lost it.Susan: Look, relax. I’ll help you with those courses.Chris: Yeah, but I also have three week’s laundry to do., and my room is a pigsty.Susan: Forget it. You’re on your own.Chris: Come, on. What are friends for?Susan: To keep you in high spirits; not to do your laundry.MODEL3 You seem to be on top of the world.ScriptNora: Oh, hey, John!John: Hey!Nora:You seem to be on top of the world tonight. What’s up?John:I’m so happy I’m about to burst. Guess what?Nora:You’ve got me.John: It might be true that misfortunes never come singly, but you can also have a “double blessing”. And that’s what I had. Nora: You mean you’ve had two happy events in your life?John:Exactly. You know, I was strong in all subjects except physics. Now I’ve finally passed the test--the one I needed to qualify for a Bachelor’s degree.Nora:Congratulations! You’d failed it three times. Now wonder you’re beaming. What’s the other good news?John:The multinational I was dong my field project at offered me a job at a good staring salary.Nora: Wow, wonderful, simple wonderful.John:I feel like celebrating. Shall we go to a bar?Nora: Why not?Now Your TurnTask 1SAMPLE DIALOGA: You look furious. What happened?B:Nothing. I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.A: Come on. You shouldn’t keep your feeling to yourself. You need to let off some stream. So, talk tome.B: All right. This morning I went to a shop to buy a digital camera, I only need an ordinary one. It is enough for my tours in the summer vacation. Buy they persuaded me to buy a professional camera, which cost three times as much.A: But you were willing to buy for it. Anyway, it must work better. B: You see, I know next to nothing about photography. So they simply tricked me into buying an expensive one.A: No wonder you’re livid with rage. I’d be mad too if I were robbed like that. What are you going to do?B:I already went back to them and asked to exchange it for a cheaper one. A: What did they say?B: Oh, they were rude. They insisted that they hadn’t encouraged me to buy a professional camera, and that I bought it myself.A: Sounds like you got a raw deal!B: What’s worse, as I was leaving, I heard they say, “That guy looks broke. He shouldn’t have bought any camera.”A: Don’t let it get to you. Better ignore their rude remarks.B: I agree. I did manage to keep my cool.A: Well, the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency. If they talk to the shop, maybethey will give youa refund.B: Sounds too good to be true.V. Let’s TalkScriptHello, everyone. Today I invite you to join me in an exploration off the causes of depression. There ate many factors involved, but I believe some deserve special attention.Heredity certainly plays a role. .The tendency to develop depression may be inherited; there is evidence that this disorder may run in families. Physiology is another factor related to depression. There may be changes or imbalances in chemicals which transmit information in the brain called neurotransmitters. Many modern antidepressant drugs attempt to increase levels of certain neurotransmitters so as to increase brain communication. While the causal relationship is unclear; it is known that antidepressant medications do reliever certain symptoms of depression.Researchers also study psychological factors. They include the complex development of one’s personality and how one has learned to cope with external environmental factors, such as stress. It is freeqently observed that low self-esteem and self-defeating thinking are connected with depression. While it is not clear which is the cause and which is the effect, it is known that sufferers who are able to make corrections to their thinking patterns can show improved mood and self-esteem.Another factor causing depression is one’s early experiences. Events such as the death of a parent, the divorce of the parents, neglect, chronic illness, and severe physical abuse can also increase the likelihood of depression later in life.Some present experiences may also lead to depression. Job loss, financial difficulties, long periods of unemployment, the loss of a spouse or other family member, or other painful events may trigger depression. Long-term stress at home, work, or school can also be involved.It is worth nothing that those living with someone suffering from \depression experience increased anxiety which adds to the possibility of their also becoming depressed.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Reason and EmotionScriptEmotion is sometimes regarded as the opposite of reason; s is suggested by phrase such as” appeal to emotions rather than reason”and “don’t let your emotions take over”. Emotional reactions sometimes produce consequences or thoughts which people may later regret or disagree with; but during an emotional state, they could not control their actions. Thus, it is generally believed that one of the most distinctive facts about human beings is a contradiction between emotion and reason. However, recent empirical studies do not suggest there is a clear distinction between reason and emotion. Indeed, anger or fear can often be thought of as an instinctive response to observed fact. The human mind possesses many possible reactions to the external world. Those reactions can lie on a continuum, with some of them involving the extreme of pure intellectual logic, which is often called “cold”, and others involvingthe extremes of pure emotion not related to logical agreement, which is called “the heat of passion”. The relation logic and emotion merits careful study. Passion, emotion, or feeling can reinforce an argument, event one based primarily on reason. This is especially true in religion or ideology, which frequently demands an all-or-nothing rejection or acceptance. In such areas of thought, human beings have to adopt a comprehensive view partly backed by empirical argument and partly by feeling and passion. Moreover, several researchers have suggested that typically there is no “pure” decision or thought; that is, no thought is based “purely””on intellectual logic or “purely”on emotion—most decisions are founded on a mixture of both.1. What results does the speaker may some from emotional reactions?2. What is the popular belief about reason and emotion?3. What does the speaker mean by “cold“?4. According to the passage, what should people do in religious matters?5. What is the speaker’s conclusion?Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.DTask 2: DepressionScriptPat: You look depressed. Are you feeling blue? I’ve come to cheer you up.Ted: But there’s nothing that can cheer me up. I’m down in the dumps.Life’s miserablePat: You have to try to get your mind off things.Ted: But I can’t. I just feel there’s too much pressure on me sometimes! Pat: You can’t let things get you down. Learn to relax and stop worrying all the time. What’s your problem?Ted: I failed my last exam, and another exam is coming, I get bored. Pat: If I were you, I’d start working hard. If you work hard for a long time, you’re bound to get better grades. You see, “no pain, no gain”.Ted: It’s easier said than done! If I read for fifteen minutes, I get bored.Pat: You have to learn some self-discipline.But how can I stay cheerful all the time?Ted: Worse than that! If I read for half an hour, I get a headache. ThenI start to worry about passing the next exam.Pat: It’s all in your mind. If you stay cheerful like me, everything will soon be OK.Ted: But how can I stay cheerful all the time?Pat: Try to look on the bright side of things.Ted: But what if there isn’t a bright side?Pat: You know the saying: Every cloud has a silver lining. It means there’re always tow sides to everything—both the dark and the bright sides. So, try to identify your strengths and bring then into full play.Ted: Oh, no! Your corny old sayings are making me even more depressed. Keys: TFFTFTask3: AngerScriptAnger is an emotion that can be hard to control. Despite this, we should learn how to manage anger in a constructive manner. In the most intense moments of anger, we usually have two choices: to fight or to run. Some choose the option of violence, which is a negative reaction to anger; and others choose to run. Some may think running means you are a coward. But the option of walking away and claiming down is the more productive method of handling anger. It is difficult to walk away, especially when your heart is racing, and your anger is boiling over.There are constructive ways of handling anger in any situation. First, you have to stop for a brief moment and think before you act. Take that moment and calm down id you feel yourself being pushed.At that moment you should admit you are angry. If you refuse to admit you’re angry or hurt, or if you make it appear that everything is peaches and cream, you are not managing angry in a productive way. You should first admit you are angry and let your feelings out before you blow up. Foe example, you can stay in a quiet place by yourself and shout; or you can talk to a close friend to vent your rage. If you do not acknowledge your anger, it only builds up inside you and will eventually explode like a volcanoThen, in order to manage your angry, you can ask yourself an important question that we all must ask ourselves, “What made me angry?”When you get the answer, and then ask yourself, “Why did that made me angry?”Through such logical reasoning, one tends to calm down and move toward a sensible solution.News ReportU.S. Roller CoasterScriptThe world’s first 4D roller coaster, “X”, took on its first passengers last week at the Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park, just outside Los Angeles.After climbing on board and properly securing their safety harnesses, “X” riders are first to a height of over 66meters. At the top, thepassenger train is released and builds up enough speed to race and plummet around the track at speeds of over 130km an hour.The rider takes the daring passengers down an incredible 66m dive and over the top of a 62m loop, in cars that spin independently of the roller coaster train. This unique design allows riders to spin360degree, both forwards and backwards, through the entire ride.Passengers hurtle through this ride often moving in many different directions at the same time ad the cars somersault back and forth and the roller coaster twists, loops, and dives.The complicated series of maneuvers includes two raven turn, one front flip, one twisting front flip, and two back flips.Since passengers aren’t always facing the right direction to see what’s coming up next, the element of surprise is high. For “X” riders, this adds to the thrill of the ride.The track of this newest roller coaster runs a total length of a little over1, 100meters. The passenger trains measure 6meters wide and 21meters long, large enough to carry 28 passengers at a time. At full capacity, the trains can take 1,600passengers for the ride of their lives each hour. The entire ride lasts for only a total about 2minutes, but you can tell from the exhilarated faces of passengers returning to the boarding dock that they were two of the most thrilling minutes of heir lives.Uint2II. Basic Listening Practice3. ScriptW: Did you hear? Helen got modeling jib! She’s going to be sashaying down the catwalk.M: Wow, that’s great! All that walking practice really paid off. And foe once she won’t be complaining about being so tall. Q: Why did Helen get modeling job?4. ScriptM:Julia, come and see the Miss America contest on TV. All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits, so the judges can decide who has the best figure.W: Bah! That’s the worst kind of exploitation. They are treating women like toys for people to enjoy. I would never take part in this kind of contest.Q: What do the man and the woman think about the beautify contest? 3. ScriptW: What shall I do? I’m fat. I want to be slim and beauty, but I’m fat.I’ve tried all the new ideas, high carb and low carb, but nothing works.M:Those diets are just fads, popular for a while and then forgotten. Just follow the usual diet with fruits, vegetables, fish, water, and get plenty of exercise. Before long you’ll see results.Q: What has the woman tried?4. ScriptW1: I think Lily is really attractive. She’s half Spanish and has this really sultry look about her.W2: That explains why she tans so well. I’ve always been jealous of her skin color in the summer.Q: Which of following is true of Lily?5. ScriptM: Trust me, it was tight there on the Internet: “Plastic Surgery Increasing at a Faster Rate Among Men”. Apparently more and more men are trying to improve their appearance.W: I saw it too on the news. Face-lifts, nose jobs, and box to hide wrinkle are now very popular with men. Men say it’s for business reasons, but we know it’s vanity.Q: What does the woman think the real reason is that men have plastic surgery?Keys: 1.B 2.A 3. C 4D 5BIII. Listening InTask 1: A Friendly StylistStylist: Morning, sir. This chair, please. What can I do for you? Nick: A simple haircut: short on the back and sides.Stylist: Very good. I can, of course, do something fashionable for only $60.Nick: 60 dollars! That’s highway robbery—twice what I ordinarily pay. Stylist: Perhaps, sir. But your haircuts haven’t been in harmony with your character. Your hair is at war with your soul.Nick: I’ve never heard of such a thing.Stylist: If I may say, I’m an expert at matching hairstyle to personalities. Believe me; you’re suffering a “disjunction”. Nick: A disjunction? What the devil is a disjunction?Stylist: Your hair does not match you.Nick:This is utter nonsense. However, I’d like to hear how you’d solve this so-called problem.Stylist: Your character is artistic, imaginative. But your hair is dull.I can correct that imbalance in seconds.Nick: Okay, let me see what can you do about the…uh…disjunction, as you call it.Stylist: We’re going to use scissors to create peaks, which we’ll keep in place with a liberal helping of gel….This tuft in the back we’ll braid into a pigtail. Now, it’s the new you!Nick: I love it. It’s just like me: imaginative and artistic. Now what are you doing? What’s wrong? Don’t you see harmony in my new hairstyle?Stylist:Something’s preventing your hairstyle from being a true fashionable statement.Nick: For heaven’s sake, tell me what’s missing.Stylist: Streaks. By putting in a few yellow streaks in your hair, it will become a work of art. Streaking will cost you more, but…Nick: Do it. Forget the cost. But, by the way, what is the total getting to be? How much am I paying to avoid disjunction? Stylist: That’s…$135. Sir? Sir, are you all right? Oh, he fainted.6. When the stylist mentions $60, what does the customer say?7. What does the stylist think about the customer’s hairstyle?8. What will the stylist do with the customer’s hair?9. What will streaking do to the man’s hair according to the stylist?10. What is the passage mainly about?Keys: 1C.A 3.D4.B 5.AFor Reference:1. It means there is no match between you and your hair.2. That’s…$135. Sir? Sir, are you all right? Oh, he fainted.Task 2: The Voice LiftScriptAfter the face-lift, the forehead tightened, and the (S1) nose job, something still might be revealing your age: your (S2) voice. For patients who think their trembly, hoarse words don’t (S3) match their newly face and figure, there’s a procedure that claims to make them (S4) sound younger too: the voice lift.There are two general kinds of voice lifts. In some cases, implants (S5) inserted through an incision in the (S6)neck bring the vocal cords closer together. Doctors also use injections of (S7) fat or other substances to plump up the cords, so that the voice sounds younger.(S8) The voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging population, who try to make themselves sound younger.“I speak in a great deal, or I was shouting, on a particular day, at the end of the day, I would feel exhausted,” said Robert Brown, 75, (S9) a retired construction engineer who underwent the voice lift several years ago, “I don’t know if I sound younger, but the hoarseness is gone, which is such a great improvement.”(S10)Voice lift can also benefit people like performers, lawyers, teachers, and telephone operators who need to have a strong voice and hope to shave years off the sound of their voice.Task3: A View of HappinessScriptMen are turning to plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures to brighten up their appearances at a faster rate than women, according to a survey released on Wednesday.Men’s use of fat injections to soften deep wrinkles leaped 47 percent last year from the previous year. Women’s use of the injections fell 36 percent, according to a survey by the American Academy of Facial and Plastic Reconstructive Surgeons. Men’s use of botox injections to eliminate frown lines rose 88 percent, while women’s botox use fell 8 percent.And for smoothing skin, the use of laser resurfacing among men rose 13percent, the survey showed. Meanwhile, women’s use of laser resurfacing dropped 38 percent during the same time period.The number of men getting nose jobs rose 47 percent, while the number of women doing so rose 5 percent.Typically, men and women visiting plastic surgeons for cosmetic reasons were age 40 to 59.The study said 44 percent of men and 57 percent of women tell their doctor that looking younger is the reason they are choosing cosmetic surgery. By about 18 percent, men are more likely than women to say they want facial cosmetic surgery for work-related reasons.。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版4级答案(全新版本)Unit1 enjoy your feelingsIIC BD A DListening InTask 1 what a clumsy man!Keys: A C D C BTask 2 causes of depressionKeys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain (5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxietyTask 3 happiness indexKeys: B D A A CLet’s TalkKeys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learnFurther Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Big John is coming!(S1) owner(S2) running(S3) drop(S4) run(S5) local(S6) yelling,(S7) lives!”(S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall.(S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task 2 Reason and emotionKey : A B C C DTask 3 Every cloud has a silver liningKey : T F F T FViewing and speakingKey :(1) seven (2) 150 (3) favorite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15) £60 (16)cheapUnit1 Test1.C D B C D2. (1)over (2) companionship (3) lover (4) definition (5 scarce (6) diary (7) sight (8) Thank God, I've done my duty Thank God, I've done my duty (9) In a workforce made up entirely of happy people, the competitive edge would soon be lost (10) It may take centuries before philosophers and scientists can arrive at a clear definition of happiness3. B A D C C4.A D C A B C B D A AUnit 2I f d a e h i b c jII BACDBIII 1.CAADB2.Correct answerthe enddiscountsT-shirtsbig-name brands Interchangeable pieces black trousers several times simpleststylish and fashionable 3.ABACDV let’s talkTask 1wealthyclothing stylesfigureslimmer constructionlightlargerformalbrightly coloredthe rich and the poorone classoccasionsPoorer peopleFurther listening > Task 1CAABATask 2BABABTask 3She chose two colors, then built her wardrobe around them.She has a pair of black dress slacks, with black shoes to match. If she wears that with her turquoise silk blouse and a matching necklace and earrings, she will look dressed up.If she wears a T-shirt with the black dress slacks, she is more casual.If she brings a pashmina, or another dress scarf, she can dress up the T-shirt into casual chic.Her suitcase will be nearly empty, with lots of room for shopping.Viewing and speaking > Task 1(1) combining clothing withnew technology(2) brand-new style(3) new industrial designsolutions(4) electronics and fashion(5) into your collar(6) went into partnership with(7) bring them together(8) the modern-day worker(9) 600 pounds(10) to what we might expectUnit2Part I CBCBDPart II contest queens outgoing cheers title tours performed A beautiful womanhas very great powers to convince,and we have done a great job.Women's liberation organizations in the United States regularly demonstrate.All the same,some Australians were hoping the two-hour show would draw world attention to the be.Part III ADCBBPart IV CDADD BCBDBUnit 3Task 1drought earthquake flood forest fire landslide snowstorm tsunami typhoon volcanic eruptionBasic listening DACBCListening inTask 1 BCADCTask 2 BBABATask 3Correct answerdroughttsunamiundersearesult indry spellfloodwater suppliesfamineagricultureheavy rainfallmeltingswellman-made damsLet’s talkTask 1Correct answer eruptedburyingfewoverseasrescueinjured damaged islanderssevenbiggestclose aftershockstrap20 million pounds diseaseFurther listening >Task 1BADACTask 21. Since the company was composed entirely of men over 65, there was doubt that they would be of any assistance.But the farmer called the company anyway because the fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle, and there was no other help available.2. The truck drove straight toward the fire and, instead of stopping in front of the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames.3. After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.4.He presented the volunteer fire company with a check for $10,000.5. The captain said, "The first thing we're going to do is to get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck." That suggests that they drove right into the middle of the flames because of useless brakes rather than bravery. Task 3 ABCDCViewing and speaking >Task 1rescuedworst floodingsurprisefloodedmy son'screwsbursthitsavehigh tidefurniturenormalcomputer systemdrugsheavyUnit 3 TestP1 A C C D DP2 at , section, connects, bottom, shining, As, cross,Ten minutes later,as we were looking out the window,we saw everyone was running away from something.A huge flood was streaming down the mountain.Wwere standing on a high place,so we could see everything.It was reported that the flood destroyed a big area and approximately 300 people were killed or disappeared that day.P3 A B B D CP4 B D A C C D A B D AUnit 4Lead inc d a e h f i g bBasic listeningCBABDListening inTask l CBDAATask 2Relationshipsmarketing managerin conflict withexpensesended in vaintraining administrator visitedestablish closer relationships long-termpicked upTask 3 CDDCALet's talkTask 116featuresbriefeightpaperguidelinesinterviewstreatmentcome backDeadlinesmeetguidancescaryFurther listening >Task 1 DBCACTask 2 BABABTask 31. They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer, Carl Martin, and say goodbye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson.2. The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO.3. The message read, "Blame your predecessor." So, the new CEO held a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.4. The message read, "Reorganize." The new CEO did it, and thecompany quickly rebounded.5. The message said, "Prepare three envelopes." It implied that it was time for Carl to leave and give three similar envelopes to the next CEO. Viewing and speakingTask 1earninglive onfrustratingheadchasingtelevisioneditorlaunchingbasisprivilegedUnit 4 TestP1 D D A D DP2expensive ,declined ,averaged ,compared ,agency ,floor ,accommodation. But the biggest climber of all was Dublin,with the Irish capital jump nine places to the tenth among the world’s most expensive office location. Globally,most office locations continued to register declines in occupancycosts last year,reflects the weak and uncertain global economy environment.In Euro terms,London is some 17 perce cheaper than last year,but in dol terms it is virtually unchanged.P3 D C A D BP4 A B D C A D D C C D补充第一空为supermarketsUnit 5Unit 5 test P1 CDCBDP2P3 CBDAC P4 ABDCD CDBBA Unit 6Basic listening CCADBListening inTask 1 CBADCTask 2terriblemisfortunereflectiondamagedheavenpickSome people claim that the number is bad luck because 13 people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucifiedFriday the 13th of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and Friday the 13th of March is the worst of them allthey mean that every seven years a person undergoes a complete change in personalityTask 3falling stock marketseven more superstitious much lessconstructive actionless luckymore satisfied examstrust revisionLet's talk Task 1 mystery inside out largestthree million outside innerhis theory used upthe base137-meter purpose tall, narrow 100,000 or so radarFurther listening and speakingTask 1 ABDDBTask 2 AABBATask 31. The magician did the same tricks over and over again.2. The captain's parrot watched every show and began to understand what the magician did in each trick. Once he understood that, he started shouting in the middle of the show.3. Each time the parrot revealed one of his secrets, the audience roared with laughter. The4. performance he intended to be dark and mysterious turned into a comedy.4. The ship collided with an enormous iceberg and sank. The magician found himself on a piece of wood, in the middle of the ocean, and the parrot was by his side.5. He said, "OK, I give up. But I hope you'll tell me what trick you are going to do with the boat."Viewing and speakingTask 1feetshapestheoryman-madelook afterexpertsa millionouter space extraterrestrial conceivablecircle makerimageexplaingenuinelifting out ofrubbishmysterymysteriousfarmerscatchappearlandscapeUnit 6 test P1 DACCCP2P3 BDACDP4 ADDDC ABCCC Unit 7Basic listeningAADBCListening in > Task 1 DCAABTask 2DCAABrestSundayindustrial revolution Godsix-day work week late 19th and early 20th relaxationgreat boon consumer spending Second World War two daysdo not workreligious activitiesLet's talkTask 1held backtransporthighestsubsistencelower2,000-kilometerpotentialdevelopmentnumber onetourismonly twolandscapesfascinatingcommutingtouristruinedhistorytraditionalmistakesFurther listening and speaking> Task 1 AABBBTask 2CABBDTask 3ABCDCViewing and speaking Task 1booksearch enginesreal customersjudge250 poundstwo days / 2 days partyingclicktargetingUnit 7 test P1 CABDDP2P3 CABDDP4 CACDB AACBBUnit 8 test P1 CBDBDP2P3 BDCACP4 BDCAC ABBADUnit 9Lets Talk ACBDCUnit 9 test P1 ACDCD P2P3 BCDACP4 ADDAA DCBBA Unit 10Basic listeningDCABCListening inTask 1future needssharesriskbanks30a halfratecapital lossinterchangeablysavingsTask 2DBCCATask 3ABBAALet's talkTask 11) they must sort out their cash flow problem by selling a part of the business to investors.2) it's a realistic amount to take this manufacturing business forward. 3) they must update their initial business plan4) it's time to put on the suit and try to sell part of Cyclepods to an5) so I'll have to... maybe get the heavies in or something.6) The most important thing James needs to do over the next two months is to raise cash7) Cyclepods can't do anything without an updated business plan.8) it's back to basics for a fun evening of number crunching and spread sheets,9) it's time for a professional and considered rehearsal to get his sales pitch just right.10) Presentation skills are going to be crucialFurther listening and speaking Further listeningTask 1ABDBCTask 2CBDAC1. He has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and it's driving him mad.2. Stocks are pretty hard to predict. So she has put her money into hedge funds.3. A hedge is a way of reducing risk. A hedge fund is a company that creates a stock portfolio that tries to balance the market activity.4. Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, and which will likely go down.5. He says that if he leaves his money with a fund manager, perhaps the manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way.Viewing and speakingTask 1casheasyresultspaybillshead26 percent / 26%close the dealfiguresideaplanfinebusiness guidevoting rightssaystrong pointinvestment150,000 / 15000026 percent / 26%1. He has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and it's driving him mad.2. Stocks are pretty hard to predict. So she has put her money into hedge funds.3. A hedge is a way of reducing risk. A hedge fund is a company that creates a stock portfolio that tries to balance the market activity.4. Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, and which will likely go down.5. He says that if he leaves his money with a fund manager, perhaps the manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way.Unit 10 testP1 BDCDBP2 (1) individualP3 CDCAAP4 BCADB CDADB。

新编⼤学英语视听说教程4听⼒原⽂与答案.pdf视听说4 听⼒原⽂及答案Unit 1 Leisure activitiesPart 1 listening oneEver wish you could do magic tricks, or introduce yourself as “magician” at a party? Imagine, everybody wants to have fun, but nothings’ really happening, it’s time for you to show one of your ne w tricks. Here, you can learn how, and without any need for special materials or much practice.A trick with a coin, a handkerchief and a friend:Put the coin on your palm. Cover the coin with the handkerchief. Ask several people to put their hands beneath the handkerchief and feel the coin, to make sure that it is still there. Then take the corner of the handkerchief and pull it rapidly off your hand. The coin has gone! How? You must make sure the last friend who feels the coin knows the trick and removes the coin when he seems to be just feeling it. And nobody knows where it has gone!A trick with a piece of paper and a pencil:Tell your friend that you can communicate your thoughts without speaking to other people. Write on the piece of paper the word No. Don't let your friends see what you have written. Say, "Now I will communicate this word into your minds." Pretend to concentrate. Ask them if they know what is written on the paper. They will say, "No!" And you say, "Quite correct! I wrote No on the paper!"A trick with an egg and some salt:Ask your friends to stand the egg upright on the table. They won't manage to do it. Say that you can speak to the chicken inside. Say, "Chicken! Can you hear me? Get ready to balance your egg!"When you first get the egg back from your friends, pretend to kiss the egg at the base. Make the base wet. Then put the base into salt which is in your other hand. The salt will stick to the egg. Then put the egg on the table. Twist the egg around a few times as this will arrange the grains of salt. Then it will stand up. Don't forget to thank the chicken.Questions:1.What does the magician ask people to do in the first trick2.What happens to the coin?3.How does the magician prove that he can communicate histhoughts to the audience in the second trick?4.What is the first step to make the egg stand upright?5.What else is needed to make the egg stand upright?Keys: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. DPart 1 listening two(The following is an interview from a weekly sports program.) Presenter: Good morning, listeners. Welcome to our weekly sports programaimed at all those underactive youngsters with time on their hands!Listen to what our two guests have to say about their hobbies andhow their hobbies have made a difference to their lives. Adriennefirst, then, Jonathan.Adrienne: I collect very interesting jewelry. I tend to travel a lot as most of my family do, so whenever I have a holiday, I like to go traveling.Whenever I travel somewhere, I like to pick up something to remindme of the place that I visited. And, the easiest thing to do is to pickup a small piece of jewelry instead of getting a poster or a T-shirtthat won’t last. I like the idea of having something small and also, Ifind whenever I wear jewelry from somew here, it’s a goodconversation piece. Usually people ask you, “Where did you getthis?” I then have a story to tell, and it’s a good way to meet and talkto people. It’s just interesting. I have jewelry that I picked up when Itraveled to Thailand, when I traveled to Africa and when I traveled toEurope.Presenter: Wow! Sounds nice. You’ll have to show your collections to us. Adrienne: I’d love to.Presenter: Thank you, Adrienne. Now Jonathan.Jonathan: I prefer canoeing because you've always got the water there for support. If you're a good swimmer, have a good sense of balanceand strong arms, you'll like canoeing! The main trouble istransporting your canoe to the right places—my father takes it onthe roof of the car—or sometimes I put it on the roof of the club’sLand Rover. What it has taught me most is to be independent. It'sjust you and the canoe against the wind, the weather and the water.It gives you a lot of self-confidence and it can be really exciting aslong as you don't mind getting soaked, of course! It makes you feelclose to nature somehow. Last year, when I was qualified, I began torun my own canoeing center.Presenter: So you are making your hobby work for you.Jonathan: People are usually very skilled at their hobbies. The combination of interest and skills is a very compelling reason to choose a particularcareer.Presenter: Then, Adrienne, do you have a similar plan?Adrienne: Yes, I love making beaded jewelry. I’ve decided to get some formal training. I want to learn how to be a jewelry designer. Questions:1. Who is the target audience in the program?2. What is Adrienne’s hobby?3. What does Adrienne usually buy when she visits a place?4. How does Jonathan benefit from canoeing?5. What should be the major concern in choosing a career according to Jonathan?Keys: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. BPart 1 listening threeGerry: I've just been to see Gone with the Wind. It was fantastic. Well worth seeing. Have you ever seen it?Judy : No, but I've read the book. I don't think I would like to see the film really. It would spoil the story for me.Gerry: Really? Oh, give me a film any day. Honestly, if I had to choose between the film of a story and the book of it, I'd go for the film. Judy : Would you?Gerry: Yes. It's much more real. You can get the atmosphere better. You know, the photography and location shots, period costumes, theright accents. Don't you think so?Judy : Not really. I much prefer to use my own imagination. I can imagine how I want it, rather than how someone makes me see it. Anyway, I think you get much more insight into the characters when you read a book. Part of a person's character is lost on film because you never know what they are thinking.Gerry: True, but I don't know. It's much easier going to the cinema. It takes less time. I can get the whole story in two hours but it might take mea week to read the book.Judy : I know, but it's so expensive to go to the cinema nowadays.Gerry: I know, but it's a social event. It's fun. You can go with your friends.When you read a book you have to do it on your own.Judy : All right. Let's agree to differ. I'll get some coffee.Keys:1.1.s poil the story 1.2. and day1.3. Honestly choose the film1.4.Atmosphere photography location period1.5.insight into the characters 1.6. social event1.7. agree to differ2.Films: get the atmosphere better---photography/locationshots/period costumes/right accenteasiertake less time: two hoursan social event: fun, go with friendsBooks: take more time: one weeknot a social event: do it on your ownbooks: use readers’ own imaginationget much more insight into the charactersfilms: spoil the storyexpensivePart 1 listening fourSally Marino gets married. After the wedding, there is a big party—a wedding reception. All the guests eat dinner. There is a band and, after dinner, everyone dances. Sally's mother and father pay for everything. At the end of the reception, Sally andher new husband cut the wedding cake and all the guests get a piece.Pete and Rose buy a new house. After moving in, they invite their friends and family to a party—a housewarming party. Everybody comes to see the new house. They look at the bedrooms, the dining room, even the garage. Pete and Rose serve drinks, sandwiches, and snacks. The party is on a Saturday afternoon.It is Christmas time. Ted and Sarah Robinson want to see many of their friends over the holiday. So they invite their friends to an open house. The hours of the party are from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. The guests arrive and leave whenever they want. The Robinsons serve sandwiches, drinks, and snacks. Some guests stay for just 20 minutes, others stay for 3 hours. About fifty people come to the open house.Mr. and Mrs. Todd ask their neighbors to come to an evening party. They don't serve much food, just snacks—pretzels, chips, peanuts and many types of drinks. No one dances. Conversation is important with people asking questions like "What's new with you?".Keys:1.√2 √32.4.d inner band dances piece2.5.house drinks snacks2.6.Invite arrive fifty/502.7.snacks Conversation new with youPart 4 Listening 1Receptionist: Good morning. Can I help you?Cathy: Er...a friend told me that you have exercise and dance classes here.Receptionist: That's right.Cathy: OK. Can you give me some information about days and times, please?Receptionist: Yes, there are four classes a day, every day from Monday to Saturday with nothing on Sunday.Cathy: Yeah, can you tell me the open hours?Receptionist: The first one is an aerobics class from 8:30 to 9:30 in the morning. Then there's another aerobics class at lunchtime from12:30 to 1:30.Cathy: Right.Receptionist: Then in the evening from 5:30 to 6:30—another aerobics class too. And there's a jazz dance class from 6:30 to 7:30. Cathy: Right. And what level are they for? I mean, would they be OK fora beginner?Receptionist: The morning aerobics—8:30 to 9:30—is advanced. All the others are at the beginner to intermediate level. But let me giveyou a schedule.Cathy: Thanks. And how much does it cost for a class? Receptionist: You pay a £1 entrance fee and then the classes are £2.50 each and £3.50 for the jazz dancing. It's there on the sheet. Cathy: Oh, yes, I see.Receptionist: If you become a member, entrance is free and...Cathy: Oh, no, it's OK. I'm only in London for two weeks. Receptionist: Oh, right. That's no good then.Cathy: And I guess you have showers and everything? Receptionist: Yes, sure, and in the evenings you can use the sauna free, too. Cathy: Oh, great. So the next class is at 5:30? Well, I'll see you then. Receptionist: Fine. See you later!Questions:1. Where does the dialog most likely take place?2. How many classes are there every day except Sunday?3. At what time does the last class end?4. How much is the entrance fee?5. Which class will Cathy most probably attend?6. What can we learn about Cathy from the conversation?Keys: 1. A 2.C 3.C 4. A 5. C 6. BListening 2Woman: Why don't we go abroad for a change? I'd like to go to France, Spain, or even Italy.Man: Mm. I'm not all that keen on traveling really. I'd rather stay at home. Woman: Oh, come on, Steve. Think of the sun! Man: Yes, but think of the cost! Going abroad is very expensive. Woman: Oh, it isn't, Steve. Not these days.Man: Of course it is, Juliet. The best thing about having a holiday here in Britain is that it's cheaper. And another thing, traveling in Britainwould be easier. No boats, planes or anything.Woman: Even so, we've been to most of the interesting places in Britain already. What's the point in seeing them again? Anyway, we cantravel round Britain whenever we like. There's no point in wastingour summer holiday here.Man: Mm, I suppose you're right. Nevertheless, what I can't stand is all the bother with foreign currency, changing money and all that when wego abroad. I hate all that. And it's so confusing.Woman: Oh, don't be silly, Steve.Man: And what's more, I can't speak any of the languages—you know that.It's all right for you. You can speak some foreign languages. Woman: Exactly. You see, what I'd really like to do is practice my French and Spanish. It would help me a lot at work.Man: Mm, but that's no use to me.Woman: But just think of the new places we'd see, the people we'd meet! Man: But look, if we stayed here, we wouldn't have to plan very much. Woman: I'm sorry, Steve. No. I don't fancy another cold English summer. Questions:1. Where does the man want to spend the summer holiday?2. According to Steve, what is considered important in planning vacation?3. What does Steve find confusing about traveling abroad?4. What will help Juliet in her work?5. What does Juliet think of summer in Britain?Keys:1. C2. B3. D4. C5. BListening 3The game of football may have started in Roman times. It seems that theRomans played a game very much like our modern rugby but with a round ball.English villagers played football in the 16th century and they often had almost a hundred players on each side. It was a very common game, which was very rough and even dangerous until the early part of the 19th century. In the 18th century a Frenchman who had watched a rough game of football in a village wrote, "I could not believe that those men were playing a game. If this is what Englishmen call playing, I would not like to see them fighting!"From the mid-19th century, it was played in schools in England and soon spread all over Britain and Europe. Until in 1850, it was not possible to have football matches between one school and another, because each school had different rules! So set rules had to be made. They were not improved though until, in 1863, when those who preferred to play with hands as well as feet formed the Rugby Union while the others started the Football Association (F.A.). It was only in 1863 that the first set of rules for all football clubs was agreed upon.Nearly 150 years later, football has become by far the most popular sport in the entire world. Would that 18th century Frenchman have believed it possible?Questions:1. According to the passage, when may the game of football have first started?2. How many team members were often involved in the game when the English began to play the game?3. What did the speaker say about the earliest football game in England?4. Why was it NOT possible to have football matches between two schools until 1850?5. What happened to football in 1863?Keys:1. D2. D3. A4. C5. CListening 4In one town, there were three longtime friends, Pat, Mike and Bob. Pat and Bob were quite bright, but Mike was rather dull.One day as Pat and Mike were walking down the sidewalk together, Pat put his hand on a solid brick wall and said, "Mike, hit my hand as hard as you can." Mike struck a hard blow, but Pat pulled his hand away from the wall just before Mike's fist hit it. Of course, it hurt Mike's hand very much when he hit the wall, but Pat said, "That was a good joke on you, wasn't it?" Mike agreed, but was not too happy.The following day Mike and Bob were walking in the town square. Mike decided to play the joke on Bob. He looked around, and seeing no solid object, he placed his hand over his face and said, "Bob, hit my hand as hardas you can." Bob agreed, and as he struck a hard blow with his fist, Mike quickly pulled his hand away and was knocked to the ground, unconscious. After a few minutes Mike recovered, and saw Bob worriedly looking down at him. Mike said, "That was a good joke on you, wasn't it?"Questions:1.Who was NOT clever?2.What did Pat ask Mike to do?3.Who was hurt finally?4.On whom was Mike going to try this joke?5.Where did Mike put his hand when he asked Bob to hit him?6.What happened to Mike after Bob struck a hard blow with his fist?Keys:1.1A2. C3. A4.B5. C6. B2.√2 √5Unit 3 Gender DifferencesPart 1 listening oneThree guys are out having a relaxing day fishing. Out of the blue, they catch a mermaid who begs to be set free in return for granting each of them a wish.Now one of the guys just doesn't believe it, and says, "OK, if you can really grant wishes, then double my IQ." The mermaid says, "Done." Suddenly, the guy starts to recite flawless Shakespeare followed by a short pause and an extremely insightful analysis of it. The second guy is so amazed that he says to the mermaid, "Hey, triple my IQ." The mermaid says, "Done." The guy begins pouring out all the mathematical solutions to problems that have puzzled scientists in all fields.The last guy is so impressed by the changes in his friends that he says to the mermaid, "Quintuple my IQ." The mermaid looks at him and says, "You know, I normally don't try to change people's minds when they make a wish, but I really wish you'd reconsider."The guy says, "No, I want you to increase my IQ five times, and if you don't do it, I won't set you free." "Please," says the mermaid, "you don't know what you're asking... It'll change your entire view of the universe. Won't you ask for something else? A million dollars or anything?"But no matter what the mermaid says, the guy insists on having his IQ increased by five times its usual power. So the mermaid sighs and says, "Done." And he becomes a woman.Keys: 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T2.1. set free in return 2.2 extremely insightful analysis2.3 pouring out, puzzled, in all fields2.4 normally, change people’s minds, reconsider 2.5 usual powerPart 1 listening two(Dr. Herring, author of a book on language and communication, is being interviewed by Bob White, a writer for an academic journal on communication.)Bob White: Good morning, Dr. Herring! We both know that many communication specialists believe that gender bias exists in language, culture and society. Do you think this is really so? Dr. Herring: Yes, I certainly do. How we talk and listen can be strongly influenced by cultural expectations, and these begin duringchildhood. Children usually play together with other childrenof the same gender, and this is where our conversational styleis learned.Bob White: Can you give some specific examples?Dr. Herring: Certainly. We find that girls use language mainly to develop closeness or intimacy as a basis for friendship. Boys, on thecontrary, use language mainly to earn status in their group.Bob White: But, in communication through electronic devices like e-mail discussion groups, there should be no gender distinction ifwriters' names are not used in the messages.Dr. Herring: One might think so, but in fact, email writing style is more comparable with spoken language, so basic language stylesare still evident.Bob White: I thought e-mail messages were gender neutral!Dr. Herring: No. While theoretical gender equality exists for the Internet, in reality women are not given equal opportunity because ofdifferent communication and language styles between thesexes.Bob White: How does that happen? Do you have any hard facts to back up this impression?Dr. Herring: Yes. I've done a research project using randomly selected e-mail messages from online discussion groups. I found thatfemales use language that is more collaborative andsupportive such as "Thanks for all your tips on...", "Goodpoint." and "Hope this helps!". Men tend to use moreaggressive or competitive language such as "Do youunderstand that?", "You should realize that...", "It is absurd tothink...".Bob White: How great are these gender differences?Dr. Herring: Males write messages using aggressive, competitive language more than twice as often as females did, while females usecollaborative and supportive language three times as often asmales did. In this study, it is clear that there is a genderdifference in e-mail messages just as in other communicationmedia.Bob White: So the "battle of the sexes" is still with us, even online. Questions:1. According to Dr. Herring, when is children’s conversational style learned?2. Which of the following is most similar to e-mail writing in style?3. Why is there still no equality on the Internet?4. What comparison did Dr. Herring make in her speech?Keys: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B2.1. language, culture, society, cultural expectations2.2 closeness intimacy, earn status2.3 collaborative supportive, aggressive competitivePart 1 listening threeJohn: Cathy, do you think it's appropriate for females to continuously expect guys to behave in a standard gentlemanly fashion like opening cardoors?Cathy: W ell, I think it would be nice if men could do such things.John: My side of the theory is that we all have to admit that we are living in the world of change. Right? Sometimes the equation changes if the driver is a girl and the passenger is a guy who doesn't drive. So what happens? Should the girl open the door for the guy or should the guy open the door for the girl? Maybe we should just adopt an "open your own door" policy.Cathy: Yes, I agree, John. But...sometimes it's just a matter of courtesy. It doesn't matter who opens the door for whom. Maybe females just should not expect too much. Life isn't a fairy tale after all.John: It's absolutely true. Sometimes I feel that there isn't any difference in the roles both genders can perform. Of course I'm not saying that men can give birth. Rather what I meant was except for the physical and natural differences between both sexes, there isn't much difference between them.Cathy: But honestly, although I don't expect guys to open doors for me, or to pull out a chair for me, I am usually quite impressed if they do so, asmany guys don't do it nowadays. If the guy was walking in front of meand went through the door first, I'd appreciate it if he could hold thedoor and not let it slam in my face.John: Well, if I'm the one walking in front, I will open the door and hold it for。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第四册听力练习录音文本和答案Unit1II. Basic Listening Practice1. ScriptM: I’m beside myself with joy. I’m so lucky. Guess what? I’ve won a lit of money in the lottery.W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q: What does the woman mean?2. ScriptW: Mary was furious. Her son wrecked up her car.M: He shouldn’t have driven a car without a driver’s license. He‘s still taking driving lesson.Q: What do we know about Mary’s son?3. ScriptM: Susan, I hear you’re going to marry that guy. Some people think you’ll regret it.W: Is that so? Only time tell.Q: What does the woman imply?4. ScriptM: Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mother’s passing.I know how close you two were?W: Thank you. It was so sudden. I’M still in a state of shock I don’t know what to do.Q: Which of following is true?5. ScriptW: I get furious at work when my opinions aren’t considered just because I’m a woman.M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard.Q: What is the woman complaining about?K eys: 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.A 5.DIII. Listening InKeys: 1D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.CTask 2: Big John is coming!ScriptA bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender. This (S1) owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on (S2) running the place. He tells the timid man,“If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town, (S3) drop everything and run for the hills! He’s the biggest, nastiest (S4) outlaw who’s ever lived!”A few weeks pass (S5)uneventfully. But one afternoon, a local cowhand comes running through town (S6) yelling,“Big John is coming! Run for your (S7) lives!”When the bartender leaves the bar to start running, he is knocked to the ground by several townspeople rushing out of town. (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. He’s muscular, and is growing as he approaches the bar.He steps up to the door, orders the poor barkeep inside, and demands, “I want a beer NOW!”He strikes his heavy fist on the bar, splitting it in half. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. He takes the beer, bites the top of the bottle off, and downs the beer in one gulp.As the terrified bartender hides behind the bar, the big man gets up to leave,“Do you want another beer?” the bartender asks in a trembling voice. “Dang it, I don’t have time!” the big man yells,(S10) “I got to get out of town! D on’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task3: A View of HappinessScriptKeys: 1D 2.C3. B 4.D 5.AIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Don’t let it get to you!Susan: You look so angry. What happened?Chris: Nothing I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.Susan: Come on. Relax. Talk to me.Chris: All right. This morning I took my car to the garage to check the air conditioner. They only gave it a quick look, refilled it with some Freon, and charged me 300bucks!Susan: No wonder you’re livid. I’d be mad too if someone ripped me off like that.Chris: Yeah. And they were rude. They said I didn’t know anything about cars, which I don’t, but they didn’t have to be blunt!Susan: Sounds like you got a raw deal!Chris: What’s worse, as I was leaving, I herd then saying, “Don’t trust that guy. He looks broke.”When I heard that, I almost hit the roof. Susan: Don’t let it get to you. Better ignore them.Chris: I agree. I did manage to keep my cool.Susan: Well, the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency.Chris: sounds like a good idea.MODEL2 I’m too depressed.ScriptSusan:Chris, I hear you’ve been down in the dumps, so I’ve come to cheer you up.Chris: It’s not gong o work. I’m too depressedSusan: Come, on. Tell me what’s on your mind.Chris: Everything. My girlfriend left me; my dog ran away; my wallet was stolen.Susan: Don’t worry. I’ll help you solve the biggest problem: finding youa new girlfriend.Chris: Forget it. Anyway, I’m getting bad grades, and I was told that I’d have to repeat a lot of courses next year. When I heard that, I almost lost it.Susan: Look, relax. I’ll help you with those courses.Chris: Yeah, but I also have three week’s laundry to do., and my room isa pigsty.Susan: Forget it. You’re on your own.Chris: Come, on. What are friends for?Susan:To keep you in high spirits; not to do your laundry. MODEL3 You seem to be on top of the world.ScriptNora: Oh, hey, John!John: Hey!Nora:You seem to be on top of the world tonight. What’s up?John:I’m so happy I’m about to burst. Guess what?Nora:You’ve got me.John: It might be true that misfortunes never come singly, but you can also have a “double blessing”. And that’s what I had.Nora: You mean you’ve had two happy events in your life?John:Exactly. You know, I was strong in all subjects except physics. Now I’ve finally passed the test--the one I needed to qualify for a Bachelor’s degree.Nora:Congratulations! You’d failed it three times. Now wonder you’re beaming. What’s the other good news?John:The multinational I was dong my field project at offered me a job at a good staring salary.Nora: Wow, wonderful, simple wonderful.John:I feel like celebrating. Shall we go to a bar?Nora: Why not?Now Your TurnTask 1SAMPLE DIALOGA: You look furious. What happened?B:Nothing. I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.A:Come on. You shouldn’t keep your feeling to yourself. You need to let off some stream. So, talk tome.B: All right. This morning I went to a shop to buy a digital camera, I only need an ordinary one. It is enough for my tours in the summer vacation.Buy they persuaded me to buy a professional camera, which cost three times as much.A: But you were willing to buy for it. Anyway, it must work better.B:You see, I know next to nothing about photography. So they simply tricked me into buying an expensive one.A: No wonder you’re livid with rage. I’d be mad too if I were robbed like that. What are you going to do?B:I already went back to them and asked to exchange it for a cheaper one. A: What did they say?B:Oh, they were rude. They insisted that they hadn’t encouraged me to buy a professional camera, and that I bought i t myself.A: Sounds like you got a raw deal!B:What’s worse, as I was leaving, I heard they say, “That guy looks broke. He shouldn’t have bought any camera.”A: Don’t let it get to you. Better ignore their rude remarks.B: I agree. I did manage to keep my cool.A: Well, the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency. If they talk to the shop, maybe they will give youa refund.B: Sounds too good to be true.V. Let’s TalkScriptVI. Further Listening and Speaking Task1: Reason and EmotionScriptK eys: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.DTask 2: DepressionK eys: TFFTFTask3: AngerScriptAnger is an emotion that can be hard to control. Despite this, we should learn how to manage anger in a constructive manner. In the most intense moments of anger, we usually have two choices: to fight or to run. Some choose the option of violence, which is a negative reaction to anger; and others choose to run. Some may think running means you are a coward. But the option of walking away and claiming down is the more productive method of handling anger. It is difficult to walk away, especially when your heart is racing, and your anger is boiling over.There are constructive ways of handling anger in any situation. First, you have to stop for a brief moment and think before you act. Take that moment and calm down id you feel yourself being pushed.At that moment you should admit you are angry. If you refuse to admit you’re angry or hurt, or if you make it appear that everything is peaches and cream, you are not managing angry in a productive way. You should first admit you are angry and let your feelings out before you blow up. Foe example, you can stay in a quiet place by yourself and shout; or you can talk to a close friend to vent your rage. If you do not acknowledge your anger, it only builds up inside you and will eventually explode like a volcano Then, in order to manage your angry, you can ask yourself an important question that we all must ask ourselves,“What made me angry?”When you get the answer, and then ask yourself, “Why did that made me angry?” Through such logical reasoning, one tends to calm down and move toward a sensible solution.News ReportU.S. Roller CoasterScriptThe world’s first4D roller coaster, “X”, took on its first passengers last week at the Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park, just outside Los Angeles. After climbing on board and properly securing their safety harnesses, “X”riders are first to a height of over 66meters. At the top, the passenger train is released and builds up enough speed to race and plummet around the track at speeds of over 130km an hour.The rider takes the daring passengers down an incredible 66m dive and over the top of a 62m loop, in cars that spin independently of the roller coaster train. This unique design allows riders to spin360degree, both forwards and backwards, through the entire ride.Passengers hurtle through this ride often moving in many different directions at the same time ad the cars somersault back and forth and the roller coaster twists, loop s, and dives.The complicated series of maneuvers includes two raven turn, one front flip, one twisting front flip, and two back flips.Since passengers aren’t always facing the right direction to see what’s coming up next, the element of surprise is high. For “X”riders, this adds to the thrill of the ride.The track of this newest roller coaster runs a total length of a little over1, 100meters. The passenger trains measure 6meters wide and 21meters long, large enough to carry 28 passengers at a time. At full capacity,the trains can take 1,600passengers for the ride of their lives each hour. The entire ride lasts for only a total about 2minutes, but you can tell from the exhilarated faces of passengers returning to the boarding dock that they were two of the most thrilling minutes of heir lives.Uint2II. Basic Listening Practice3. ScriptK eys: 1.B 2.A 3. C 4D 5BIII. Listening InKeys: 1C.A 3.D4.B 5.AFor Reference:1. It means there is no match between you and your hair.2. That’s…$135. Sir? Sir, are you all right? Oh, he fainted.Task 2: The Voice LiftScriptAfter the face-lift, the forehead tightened, and the (S1) nose job, something still might be revealing your age: your (S2) voice.For patients who think their trembly, hoarse words don’t (S3) match their newly face and figure, there’s a procedure that claims to make them (S4) sound younger too: the voice lift.There are two general kinds of voice lifts. In some cases, implants (S5) inserted through an incision in the (S6)neck bring the vocal cords closer together. Doctor s also use injections of (S7) fat or other substances to plump up the cords, so that the voice sounds younger.(S8) The voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging population, who try to make themselves sound younger.“I speak in a great deal, or I was shouting, on a particular day, at the end of the day, I would feel exhausted,” said Robert Brown, 75, (S9) a retired construction engineer who underwent the voice lift several years ago, “I don’t know if I sound younger, but the hoarseness is gone, which is such a great improvement.”(S10)Voice lift can also benefit people like performers, lawyers, teachers, and telephone operators who need to have a strong voice and hope to shave years off the sound of their voice.Task3: A View of HappinessScriptMen are turning to plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures to brighten up their appearances at a faster rate than women, according to a survey released on Wednesday.Men’s use of fat injections to soften deep wrinkles leaped 47 percent last year from the previous year. Women’s use of the injections fell 36 percent, according to a survey by the American Academy of Facial and Plastic Reconstructive Surgeons.Men’s use of botox injections to eliminate frown lines rose 88 percent, while women’s botox use fell 8 percent.And for smoothing skin, the use of laser resurfacing among men rose 13percent, the survey showed. Meanwhile, women’s use of laser resurfacing dropped 38 percent during the same time period.The number of men getting nose jobs rose 47 percent, while the number of women doing so rose 5 percent.Typically, men and women visiting plastic surgeons for cosmetic reasons were age 40 to 59.The study said 44 percent of men and 57 percent of women tell their doctor that looking younger is the reason they are choosing cosmetic surgery. By about 18 percent, men are more likely than women to say they want facial cosmetic surgery for work-related reasons.The study was conducted by written questionnaires from January 20 to March 3 among more than 2,600 members of the association, who focus on treatment of the face, head, and neck.By comparison, in the previous year, women’s use of botox rose 60 percent while men’s fell 14 percent; women’s use of laser resurfacing rose 13 percent while men’s fell 19 percent; women’s use of fat injections fell17 percent and men’s fell 54 percent.6. What is true of men and women’s use of fat injections?7. While of the following is true of nose jobs?8. How much greater is the percentage of women choosing cosmetic surgeryto look younger than the percentage of men?9. What is true of men and women using botox in the previous year?10. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? Keys: 1C 2.C3. B 4.B 5.DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 She’s having some cosmetic surgery.Amy: Did you hear Nora’s off to Korea?Bill: why is she going to Korea?Amy:She is having some cosmetic surgery.Bill: I’m floored! I thought she was beautiful already.Amy: I know what you mean. She’s having her nose fixed.Bill: Was it broken?Amy: No, stupid, she’s having it made smaller.Bill: If she wasn’t beautiful already,I could understand getting surgery. But she already has a nice nose.Amy:But not a fashionable one. She’s also having her teeth straighten.Shewants to have a perfect smile.Bill: What for?Amy:She believes a better physical appearance will improve her chance of getting a good job.Bill: We won’t even recognize her when she gets back.MODEL2 I think I need a face-lift.ScriptSusan:Hey!Amy: Hi! Don’t you know anyone who’s had cosmetic surgery?Susan:You mean like a liposuction? I don’t think that’s necessary. That’s not the way a woman should stay attractive.Amy: Honestly, I won’t go as far as that. With surgery, I might look gorgeous, but it wouldn’t be the real me.Susan: Yeah, people should be happy with the way they are.Amy: I see your point. But I’m worried about the wrinkle around my eyes.I think I need a face-lift. Why can’t we go back to the way thingswere?Susan:Because…I don’t know! But, Amy, you wouldn’t do that, would you? Amy: Darned right I would! I don’t expect my skin to be baby-smooth, butI should at least be young-looking.Susan: Isn’t makeup enough?Amy:Come on, Susan. Be open-minded! Look at my eyes! They’re puffy. And my lower lids are dark and loose, and full of lines and circles. I really hope surgery can wipe out the tired look.Susan:But what would other people think?Amy:I don’t care other people think. I’m already for a lift. MODEL3 How did you find the plastic surgery there?ScriptSusan:How was your trip to Korea? How did you find the plastic surgery there?Nora:It was all pretty scary at first.Susan:As I see it, they certainly did a beautiful job for you. If I hadn’t recognized your clothes, I wouldn’t have known it was you! Nora: Tanks, but underneath this surgery, it’s still the same old me. Susan: Well, why did you want the surgery after all?Nora:If I want to be competitive in the job market, I think this is indispensable.Susan:How can you say that! You don’t need to change your looks to geta good job. Anyway, shall we get some lunch?Nora: I’m not hungry, really I’m not.Susan: Did you already have lunch?Nora:I’m skipping lunch. I want to stay in good shape. I think I’m gettinga bit too fat already.Susan:Oh, Nora, don’t be so silly! You’re not fat at all, and you need to eat. If you don’t eat, you’ll get sick and wind up in hospital. Nora: Ok, maybe I could eat a little. I do want to stay healthy.Now Your TurnTask 1SAMPLE DIALOGSally: Hi, John, nice to see you here.John: Hi, sorry, your name escapes me momentarilySally: Oh, I’m Sally. D on’t you recognize me?John: Now I see, you’re Sally! You have changed beyond recognition! Sally: I had cosmetic surgery.John: I’m confuses! I thought you were good-looking before.Sally: My nose was rather flat. The bridge of my nose wasn’t high enough.So I got my nose fixed.John: That’s absolutely unnecessary. I can also see your eyes have changed a lot.Sally: Yeah, my single-folded eyelids have become double-folded. John: What else did you do?Sally: I also have my teeth straighten ed. I felt uncomfortable about my uneven teeth whenever I smiled. Now I think I have a better smile. John: Why do you have so much surgery?Sally: I believe a better physical appearance will help me land a better job.John:Nonsense. Most employers are more interested in your practical ability than your looks.V. Let’s TalkScriptG reetings, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you’ll find it interesting how to be fashionable without spending too much money.Sure, some famous stars always look stylish. They have unlimited clothing budgets that put the latest looks at their fingertips! But you can also look amazing without spending lots of money on your wardrobes. Simple try the following suggestions on for size.First, you should make seasonal purchases; that is, you should buy winter coats, leather jackets, bathing suits, ad summer dress at the end of the season. You’ll get major discounts as you stock up for the next year. If you want clothes to wear right now, you can go to discount stores. They may not be the place to buy an expensive evening dress, but they’re perfect for buying things like T-shirtsThere is yet another cheap way of you to buy stylish clothes. Many department stores have a store brand. It means they offer current styles but are much cheaper than big-name brands.To save money, an important principle for you to follow is to not buy “outfits”. With the exception of suits, interchangeable piece are more affordable—buying clothing in separate.Wear-with- anything pieces are always a good buy. For example, you can almost always wear a pair of black trousers and a white dress skirt; you can wear them several times a week, paired with different accessories. If you can’t afford expensive clothes, you can spend money on accessories such as nice shoes and fashionable bags. Such extras make even the simplest outfit look polished.Finally, a great haircut always helps. When you hair looks fabulous, you look more stylish and fashionable.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Beauty Contests and Plastic SurgeriesScriptJuliana Borges, who was named “Miss Brazil”early on Tuesday, had plastic surgery four times and underwent 19 smaller operations. She was just one of many competitors who were determined to improve their appearance through surgery.“Plastic surgery make me more beautiful and gave me confidence in myself and the perfect measurement that won me this title,”said the beauty queen in a green dress, who was representing Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul.Borges, 22, had liposuction and had her chin, nose, and ears worked on, as well as, had her breasts enlarged.With the development of plastic surgery, more and more of Brazil’s would-be beauty queen are finding it easier to achieve the ideal measurements. These days, young hopefuls from the Amazon jungle to big cities in Brazil’s south are planning surgery.A third of the 27 finalists at the beauty contest went under the scalpel after rules were changed in the 1990s.The new rules permit plastic surgery, colored contact lenses, and hair dye at beauty contests.The organizers of the Miss Brazil contest said, “It’s a war out there, and all of the beauty tools that can be used should be used. Other countrieslike Venezuela paved the way, and Brazil is going to have to use those tools as well if it wants to com pete in Miss University beauty contests.”But Brazil’s love for plastic surgery is not limited to beauty contests. Most young women who undergo surgery want to find a better man or a higher-paying job.5. How many surgical operations did the former Miss Brazil have altogether?6. What change has plastic surgery brought, according to the passage?7. Which of the following is allowed after the rules changed in the1990s??4. Which of the following countries is mentioned as a pioneer in using beauty tools?5. What is the goal of most young Brazilian women who undergo surgery? K eys: 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.ATask 2: Is it true beauty?ScriptJohn:There goes Camilla. She looks gorgeous today, doesn’t she? Her skin is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Her lips are a perfect Cupid’s bow.She must have dozens of admirers.Becky: I wonder what she looks like without all makeup. She must out it with a spoon. It’s like a mask. I don’t understand what men find so attractive about her.John: Do I detect a hint of jealousy?Becky: She has nothing for me to be jealous about.John: I’ll be you believe in those saying like: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Becky: True beauty comes from within. Natural materials should be enough to bring it out.John: But do you always stick to those rules? When I went past your apartment last night, I saw you in the kitchen with some green substance smeared all your face.Becky: They were cucumbers. They’re natural healers of the skin. Haven’t you heard people say on TV that they soften the skin, wipe out the roughness, and build strength and resilience?John: Yeah, yeah, yeah! They wipe out lines and age signs. Blah, blah, blah! See, I can even recite that advertisement.Becky: You’ve learned a lot, haven’t you?John: Since you can keep your skin so young-looking and maintain your figure so well, you might as well as write a book on beauty secrets. Becky: Don’t pull my leg. Anyway, you’d do well to try the cucumber treatment on yourself. Put some cucumber slice on your head. Atleast the y’ll keep that bald spot from shining so brightly..K eys: FTFTFTask3: Changing Your Hairstyle to Improve Your AppearanceScriptIf you want to look better, changing your hairstyle can be a simple fix. If you’re trying to reach a weight-loss goal, a new hairstyle is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks—and boost your confidence. According to a popular hair stylist, clients often say, “I want to cut my hair, but I should lose weight first.”But that’s not the right sequence; it’s the other way around. You should know what hairstyle will flatter you the most, the style that will show off you particular feature to the best advantage even before you begin to lose weight.For example, many may want to follow a tread and wear long hair. But some may look better with shorter hair if they have a round face. “When it’s too long, it can drag your face down and actually bring attention to the features you don’t want to emphasize,” says Guy Riggio, a famous hair stylist in Los Angeles. How short is too short? That depends the length of your neck. Riggio says, “The longer the neck, the shorter you can go.”Some top stylists believe that women should stay clear of bangs. Thick bangs may be fashionable at times, but even thin bangs are hard to wear. “They change the shape of your face, making it seem shorter,” says New York hair stylist O’Connor. Instead, you should pull your hair away from your face. It will make your face look longer.Finally, pick a stylist who’s knowledge able and whose opinion can be trusted. Then have fun with the new style.For Reference:1. It is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks—and boost your confidence2. Clients often say, “I want to cut my hair, but I should lose weight first.”But that’s not the right sequence; it’s the other way around.3. The speaker say if you have a round face, you may look better with short hair.4. That depends the length of your neck. The longer the neck, the shorter you can go.5. They change the shape of your face, making it seem shorterNews ReportMiss WorldScriptThe Miss World title went to first black African contestant ever in its 51-year history at the Miss World finals in Sun City, South Africa on Friday.Organizers of the pageant said they expected about one billion people to have turned in to watch the beauty queen extravaganza. The event was hosted by American talk show host, Jerry Springer, at a glitzy resort in the heart of South Africa’s bush country.[SOUND BITE]The pageant was created in 1951 by a public relations executive for a small leisure and entertainment company. It was initially intended to be only a one-time event, but was continued after the United States began the rival Miss Universe contest in 1952.In more than half a century, there have been only three Miss World winners from Africa, two of them white South Africa and the third from Egypt. Miss World has until now been dominated by winner from Europe, the Americas, and India, the majority of them being Caucasian.The contestants in this pageant are judges in three different categories: beauty, grace, and charm; talent, poise, and personally; and figure and deportment. After the first round of judging, the original group of 92contestants was pared down to only ten finalists who would go on to compete for the title.The second-runner up in this ten year’s pageant was Miss Scotland, 18-year-old Juliet-Jane Horne.[SOUND BITE]The People’s Republic of China was represented for the first time this year by 18-year-od Bing Li.[SOUND BITE]The title of first runner up went to Miss Aruba, 19-year-old Zerelda Lee. [SOUND BITE]The competition was fierce as each of the ten finalists took her turn in the spotlight in front of a live audience.But out of the 92 contestants, it was Miss Nigeria, 18-year-old Agbani Darego, who took home covered title and the $100,000 prize.[SOUND BITE]Before being crowed, Darego took the victory walk wearing a lime-green, body hugging dress and waved to a cheering crowd.The news of her victory sparked rapturous celebrations all over Nigeria’s biggest city, Lagos.Uint3II. Basic Listening Practice5. ScriptW: Did you see the paper today? There was an earthquake in Brazil. M: Yes, but it only measured 3.5 on the Richter scale. I don’t think there were any casualties.Q: What is the result of the earthquake of 3.5 on the Richter scale according to the man?2. ScriptW: I’d a bit worried about Suzie traveling to southern India. It’s the rainy season there, a nd there may be landsides.M:Suzie can take care of herself; she won’t go anywhere too risky. Besides, you can always e-mail her if it makes you feel better.Q: What is Suzie doing?3. ScriptM: Hi, I thought you were on holiday in Asia! Back already?W:we never got there! Our travel agent cancelled our arrangements because the whole region is flooded. We were so disappointed; we won’t get another chance to g o this year.Q: What is the woman doing?4. ScriptM: Our flight to Tokyo was delayed by twelve hours. Can you believe it?A typhoon hit the east coast and it was chaos.W:I saw it on the news. The flooding and damage were terrible. I don’t think anyone was hurt though.Q: What is the consequence of the typhoon?5. ScriptW: Did you see the program last night about volcanoes? It was fascinating! M: Yes, the weird thing is the molten lava looks so beautiful, yet it’s so destructive. And I couldn’t believe how far the ash can travel. I’m glad we don’t have any volcanoes here!Q: What does the man think the volcano is?K eys: 1.D 2.A 3. C 4.B 5.CIII. Listening InTask 1: Soft answers turn away wrath.Son:Hi,mom, what are we having for dinner tonight?。

○6don’t show up ‘ll call
○2211(1.do you hear final or non-final intonation)
2/5 positive
do it over
taking my place
won out
take it from me
kick myself
3A/5 were hadm’t asked would return could give knew
...record button
...rewind the tape
i've ruined
she ...experience
how to
get reinstated on
Just a minute
rewound going on
○4be on the rebound play the field
○1get had it cut told was going
○2were talking neither so do heard
○3told to write who
○4make me do help him write let her miss the class next week

最新版新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版4答案(全新版本)Unit 1 enjoy your feelings!IIC BD A Dl Listening InTask 1 what a clumsy man!Keys: A C D C BTask 2 causes of depressionKeys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain (5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxietyTask 3 happiness indexKeys: B D A A Cl Let’s TalkKeys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learnl Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Big John is coming!(S1) owner(S2) running(S3) drop(S4) run(S5) local(S6) yelling,(S7) lives!”(S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall.(S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task 2 Reason and emotionKey : A B C C DTask 3 Every cloud has a silver liningKey : T F F T Fl Viewing and speakingKey :(1) seven (2) 150 (3) favorite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15)&60 (16)cheapUnit 2If d a e h i b c jII BACDBIII1.CAADB2.Correct answerthe enddiscountsT-shirtsbig-name brands Interchangeable pieces black trousers several times simpleststylish and fashionable 3.ABACDV let’s talkTask 1wealthyclothing stylesfigureslimmerconstructionlightlargerformalbrightly coloredthe rich and the poorone classoccasionsPoorer peopleFurther listening > Task 1CAABATask 2BABABTask 3She chose two colors, then built her wardrobe around them.She has a pair of black dress slacks, with black shoes to match. If shewears that with her turquoise silk blouse and a matching necklace and earrings, she will look dressed up.If she wears a T-shirt with the black dress slacks, she is more casual.If she brings a pashmina, or another dress scarf, she can dress up the T-shirt into casual chic.Her suitcase will be nearly empty, with lots of room for shopping.Viewing and speaking > Task 1(1) combining clothing with newtechnology(2) brand-new style(3) new industrial designsolutions(4) electronics and fashion(5) into your collar(6) went into partnership with(7) bring them together(8) the modern-day worker(9) 600 pounds(10) to what we might expectUnit 3Basic listening DACBCListening inTask 1 BCADCTask 2 BBABATask 3Correct answer droughttsunamiundersearesult indry spellfloodwater suppliesfamineagricultureheavy rainfallmeltingswellman-made damsLet’s talkCorrect answer eruptedburyingfewoverseasrescueinjured damaged islanderssevenbiggestclose aftershockstrap20 million pounds diseaseFurther listening >Task 1 BADAC1. Since the company was composed entirely of men over 65, there was doubt that they would be of any assistance.But the farmer called the company anyway because the fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle, and there was no other help available.2. The truck drove straight toward the fire and, instead of stopping in front of the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames.3. After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.4. After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.5. The captain said, "The first thing we're going to do is to get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck." That suggests that they drove right into the middle of the flames because of useless brakes rather than bravery.Task 3 ABCDCViewing and speaking >Task 1rescuedworst floodingsurprisefloodedmy son'sbursthitsavehigh tidefurniturenormalcomputer systemdrugsheavyIII 3A natural disaster is the consequence of a hazardous event, occurring when human activities are affected by adverse natural phenomena such as flood, drought, hailstorm, heat wave, forest fire, hurricane, typhoon, tornado, tsunami, landslide and mudslide, or volcanic eruption. The scale of the resulting deaths or property damage depends on the human ability to resist the disasters.Sometimes two seemingly different disasters may be related to each other. For example, an undersea earthquake may result in a tsunami. While there is a long dry spell in one area, there may be a great flood in another.A drought is a long-lasting weather pattern consisting of dry conditions with very little or no precipitation. During this period, food and water supplies can run low, and other conditions, such as famine, can occur. Droughts can last for several years and are particularly damaging in areas in which the residents depend on agriculture for survival.A flood follows too much rain or water in a location, and could be the result of many different conditions. Floods can be caused by heavy rainfall from a storm, including thunderstorms, rapid melting of large amounts of snow, or rivers which swell from too much precipitation upstream, causing widespread damage to areas downstream. Another possible cause of floods is the bursting of man-made dams.Unit 3 V 1Disaster has struck inHaiti. An earthquake of huge proportions erupted in theCaribbeanisland—one of the poorest communities in the West. Buildings, which were badly built, tumbled, burying thousands of people in their own homes.Haitiis a poor country with few emergency services to help. The islanders had to use their bare hands to search for their families. They waited forteams from overseas countries likeBritainand theUnited Statesto bring equipment and manpower to help rescue any survivors they could find.It's feared that more than 100,000 people have died. One school friend lies injured on the pavement. Another voices her sorrow. The historic cathedral was badly damaged; and at the presidential palace, the roof collapsed.The islanders here know about earthquakes.Haitilies in an area where there are frequent tremors and also tropical storms. But last week's earthquake registered seven on the Richter scale—almost as high as the scale can go. It was the biggest for 200 years. It happened eight kilometers beneath the Earth's crust—that's quite close to the surface, so the tremors were really strong.There were also lots of aftershocks—tremors that happen after the main earthquake. Those aftershocks can also cause damage as buildings collapse further and trap people who might have survived the first disaster.The British government has promised 20 million pounds of aid to helpHaiti, and many people have also made donations.Now the concern is to prevent disease hitting areas without clean water or enough medical help.Unit 3 VI 21.Since the company was composed entirely of men over 65, there was doubt that they would be of any assistance. But the farmer called the company anyway because the fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle, and there was no other help available.2. The truck drove straight toward the fire and, instead of stopping in front of the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames.3. After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.4. He presented the volunteer fire company with a check for $10,000.5. The captain said, "The first thing we're going to do is to get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck." That suggests that they drove right into the middle of the flames because of useless brakes rather than bravery.Unit 3 viewing and speaking 1V oice-over: Trapped indoors by raging floodwaters for more than 24 hours, a 91-year-old woman is rescued by firemen and carried to safety. It's the worst flooding in Coggeshall and the surrounding villages inEssexin more than 50 years, and it's taken residents here by surprise. Elderly woman: I came from home, because my place was flooded with burst pipes, so I came down to my son's to be safe and got this. So, I just wonder what I've done wrong to get all this!V oice-over: Emergency crews have been evacuating people like this woman and her baby since the banks of the River Blackwater burst this weekend. Parts of easternEnglandwere hit yesterday after a month's worth of rain fell here in a day. People told me there was no time to save their belongings.Woman: By the time the high tide had come up at quarter to four in the morning, the water was up to the piano keys. It'd come right up here, and I mean you can just see on the, on the, on the furniture where the water had come up to.V oice-over: There was flooding in Cambridgeshire too. Staff were mopping up water at this doctor's surgery in Borne, trying to get the facilities back to normal.Doctor: It's wrecked all the computer system. It's managed unfortunately to get to a few of the old notes. It's also affected all our drugs that are here, including the flu jabs we were hoping to run our flu jabs sessions.V oice-over: A few roads inEssexin Cambridgeshire remain virtually impassable, but water levels are dropping. The question for residents here now is what will happen if they get even more heavy rain in the next few days.Unit 4Lead inc d a e h f i g bBasic listeningCBABDListening inTask l CBDAATask 2Relationshipsmarketing managerin conflict withexpensesended in vaintraining administrator visitedestablish closer relationships long-termpicked upTask 3 CDDCALet's talkTask 116featuresbriefeightpaperguidelinesinterviewstreatmentcome backDeadlinesmeetguidancescaryFurther listening >Task 1 DBCACTask 2 BABABTask 31. They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer, Carl Martin, and say goodbye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson.2. The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO.3. The message read, "Blame your predecessor." So, the new CEO held a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.4. The message read, "Reorganize." The new CEO did it, and the company quickly rebounded.5. The message said, "Prepare three envelopes." It implied that it was time for Carl to leave and give three similar envelopes to the next CEO.Viewing and speakingTask 1earninglive onfrustratingheadchasingtelevisioneditorlaunchingbasisprivilegedIII 2Lillian: Mr. Baxter, you have worked in the company for five years, and now you manage everything here smoothly, like a clock. Could you tell us the secrets of your successful career?Baxter: Just as the golden rule of real estate is "location, location, location", the golden rule of work is "relationships, relationships, relationships". Unfortunately, many workers focus so hard on the job at hand that they never develop useful relationships with people in other parts of their organization. Worse, when they do interact with colleaguesin other departments, they may not treat them with respect.Lillian: Could you give me more details?Baxter: Let's take Wendy as an example. She switched jobs several months ago in the company. In her first position, as a marketing manager, she frequently found herself in conflict with the financial department over her staff's expenses. Her argument for more funds usually ended in vain. Then in her new job as training administrator, she wanted to launch an on-the-job training project. She needed the financial department to support her request for a budget. How did she convince them this time? Although the financial department's offices were located in another city, Wendy decided to visited them in their offices and try to establish closer relationships. She believed she must first of all understand their mission and their own training needs. Then she found an ally in the company's chief financial officer, who saw how her group could help develop his staff. Thus the two forged a long-term alliance, which led to a training program so successful that it has since been picked up by the company's offices inGermanyandJapan. Winning allies throughout your organization has an additional benefit. These days, it's far too risky to expect your work to speak for itself. Having allies who speak well of you increases your reputation with the top management.Unit 4 let’s tallk 1Ayesha: In the newsroom you have about 16 reporters. The news reporters sit in one part of the room, and you have features on the other side of the room. I'm just going to see Kev, he's my news editor and he's gonna do a brief, basically brief me on a story that's happening later on. When I walk into my newsroom I don't know what to expect. You start at eight but you don't know how long that's gonna go on for. Hello. Kevin: Hi Ayesha. So we're really looking for a featurey sort of piece for tomorrow's paper.Ayesha: FrenchayHospital, which is one of our hospitals inBristol. They're celebrating their 10 years of this head injury unit, and we've been invited up. We're gonna obviously cover and take pictures, and I'm gonna get to speak to people. So he was really giving me guidelines.Kevin: You know when you're doing your interviews, speak to people in some detail about, you know, how they were injured in the first place, but then the treatment they've gone through. OK?Ayesha: Yeah. Excellent! Thank you!Well, I've just started writing up for my next, and just basically from the day. I've got to get something through, I think, by about four. Sometimes I come back and I've got so much going on in my hands. So I'm just tryingto, sort of, just work it through. Deadlines are very stressful. But you have to meet them because it's important; it's part of what newspaper journalism is all about. You get used to it by getting the guidance, managing your time, but it's still scary. OK. It's all done. OK. This is theBristolfinal. If I have a look at page 14, there we are, and that's my story. Exciting!Unit 4 VI 3They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer, Carl Martin, and say goodbye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson.The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO.The message read, "Blame your predecessor." So, the new CEO held a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.The message read, "Reorganize." The new CEO did it, and the company quickly rebounded.The message said, "Prepare three envelopes." It implied that it was time for Carl to leave and give three similar envelopes to the next CEO.Unit 4 viewing and speaking task 1You don't come into journalism for the money. When you start, you're sort of earning, I think, about 150 to 180 pounds a week, which really isn't very much to live on. But then as you move up, you get more, so you're looking to get14,000 ayear, 15,000,16,000 ayear. And you know you're working really long hours, and it's hard work.OK thanks, bye.Waiting for phone calls and waiting for people to get back to you is really frustrating. Like today I had other things to keep me going and I was doing other things, but you know I've got this thing over my head because I know I've got to get this quote and I've got to keep chasing it and then while you're working on other stories whether they're bigger or smaller ones you know. It's very frustrating because you just want to get this done and out of the way, but it just doesn't happen.Journalism is just a, is a great career to go into because (there's) so much you can do. So you can stay in newspapers, you can go into radio,television—there's just so much out there, and I guess at the stage where I am—sort of just starting out, just really looking at what there is and what I will enjoy doing more.In 10 years I think I'd like to be an editor of a section of a national paper either here or abroad, 20 years, launching my own paper.Journalism is just fantastic because you don't know what's happening on a day-to-day basis. You meet so many different people and it just puts you in such a privileged position. And I just love it. I just think it's great.Unit 6Basic listening CCADBListening inTask 1 CBADCTask 2terriblemisfortunereflectiondamagedheavenpickwashedSome people claim that the number is bad luck because 13 people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucifiedFriday the 13th of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and Friday the 13th of March is the worst of them allthey mean that every seven years a person undergoes a complete change in personalityTask 3falling stock marketseven more superstitiousmuch lessconstructive actionless luckyworkedmore satisfiedexamstrustrevisionlistening in task 2Are you worried because you have just broken a mirror? Some people believe that breaking a mirror is a terrible thing to do. They say it willbring you seven years of misfortune. The reason behind this belief stems from the old idea that a person's soul is in their reflection, so if you smash your mirror, your soul will be damaged too, dooming you to an early death, and not giving you entry to heaven. Is there any way to reverse this bad luck? Yes, if you very carefully pick up all the broken pieces of the mirror and throw them into a river or stream, then the bad luck will be "washed away".Of all numbers, 13 is the most associated with bad luck. Some people claim that the number is bad luck because 13 people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified, and with this in mind few hosts will serve dinner with 13 at the table. And according to an ancient Norwegian tale, 12 gods had gathered for a feast when a 13th, Loki, entered. After the meal, Loki killed Baldr, who was the most beloved of all the gods.Friday the 13th of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and Friday the 13th of March is the worst of them all.The number seven also has some superstition connected to it. It is said that God created the world in seven days, and any association with the number is lucky. The seventh son of the seventh son is said to be the luckiest of men, and when people talk about the "seven-year itch" theymean that every seven years a person undergoes a complete change in personality.Unit 6 listening in task 3Thanks, perhaps, to falling stock markets and unrest in theMiddle East, Britons have become even more superstitious than usual, according to a report published today. "There has been a significant increase in superstition over the last month, possibly as a result of current economic and political uncertainties," stated Dr. Dick Armstrong. He launched an Internet survey of national superstition, and found it to be surprisingly high, even among those with a scientific background. Only one in ten of those surveyed claimed not to be superstitious at all. Three out of four people inBritainfeel the need to touch wood, and 65 percent cross their fingers.It is interesting to note that lucky people were much less superstitious and tended to take constructive action to improve their lives. Conversely, superstitious people tended to regard themselves as among the less lucky,worried about life, had a strong need for control, and could not tolerate ambiguity.The survey also revealed some unexpected beliefs. For example, one respondent could not stay in the bathroom once a toilet had been flushed.There was no evidence that superstitions ever worked, even when people were instructed to carry lucky charms for a week. They didn't feel any luckier or more satisfied with their lives at the end of that week than when they started.Armstrong attempted to explain this phenomenon: "When students are preparing for exams with a lucky charm, they may trust the charm, rather than doing some extra revision."falling stock marketseven more superstitiousmuch lessconstructive actionless luckyworkedmore satisfied examstrustrevisionLet's talk Task 1 mysteryinside out largestthree million outsideinnerhis theory used upthe base137-meter purposetall, narrow 100,000 or so radarFurther listening and speakingFurther listeningTask 1ABDDBTask 2AABBATask 31. The magician did the same tricks over and over again.2. The captain's parrot watched every show and began to understand what the magician did in each trick. Once he understood that, he started shouting in the middle of the show.3. Each time the parrot revealed one of his secrets, the audience roared with laughter. The4. performance he intended to be dark and mysterious turned into a comedy.4. The ship collided with an enormous iceberg and sank. The magician found himself on a piece of wood, in the middle of the ocean, and the parrot was by his side.5. He said, "OK, I give up. But I hope you'll tell me what trick you aregoing to do with the boat."Viewing and speaking Task 1feetshapestheoryman-madelook afterexpertsa millionouter space extraterrestrial conceivablecircle makerimageexplaingenuinelifting out of rubbishmystery mysteriousfarmerscatchappearlandscapeUnit 7Basic listening AADBCListening in > Task 1 DCAABTask 2DCAABTask 3restSundayindustrial revolution Godsix-day work week late 19th and early 20th relaxationgreat boon consumer spending Second World War two daysdo not workreligious activitiesLet's talkTask 1held backtransporthighestsubsistencelower2,000-kilometermineralspotentialdevelopmentnumber onetourismonly twolandscapesfascinatingcommutingtouristruinedhistorytraditionalmistakesFurther listening and speaking Further listening > Task 1 AABBBCABBDTask 3ABCDCViewing and speaking Task 1booksearch enginesreal customersjudge250 poundstwo days / 2 days partyingclicktargetingUnit 10Basic listeningListening in Task 1future needs sharesriskbanks30a halfratecapital loss interchangeably savingsTask 2 DBCCA Task 3 ABBAALet's talk1) they must sort out their cash flow problem by selling a part of the business to investors.2) it's a realistic amount to take this manufacturing business forward. 3) they must update their initial business plan4) it's time to put on the suit and try to sell part of Cyclepods to an investor.5) so I'll have to... maybe get the heavies in or something.6) The most important thing James needs to do over the next two months is to raise cash7) Cyclepods can't do anything without an updated business plan.8) it's back to basics for a fun evening of number crunching and spread sheets,9) it's time for a professional andconsidered rehearsal to get his salespitch just right.10) Presentation skills are going tobe crucialFurther listening and speakingFurther listeningTask 1ABDBCTask 2CBDACTask 31. He has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and it's driving him mad.2. Stocks are pretty hard to predict. So she has put her money into hedgefunds.3. A hedge is a way of reducing risk. A hedge fund is a company that creates a stock portfolio that tries to balance the market activity.4. Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, and which will likely go down.5. He says that if he leaves his money with a fund manager, perhaps the manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way.Viewing and speakingTask 1casheasyresultspaybillshead26 percent / 26%close the dealfiguresideaplanfinebusiness guidevoting rightssaystrong pointinvestment150,000 / 15000026 percent / 26%1. He has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and it's driving him mad.2. Stocks are pretty hard to predict. So she has put her money into hedge funds.3. A hedge is a way of reducing risk. A hedge fund is a company that creates a stock portfolio that tries to balance the market activity.4. Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, and which will likely go down.5. He says that if he leaves his money with a fund manager, perhaps the manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way.。

全新版大学英语视听说教程4答案u41、Two()in our school were sent to a remote village to teach for a month. [单选题] *A. women teachers(正确答案)B. woman teachersC. women teacherD. woman teacher2、32.There are about __________ women doctors in this hospital. [单选题] * A.two hundred ofB.two hundreds ofC.two hundredsD.two hundred (正确答案)3、15.This kind of bread is terrible. I do not want to eat it ________. [单选题] * A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer4、My friend and classmate Selina()running in her spare time. [单选题] *A.likeB. likes (正确答案)C. is likedD. is liking5、People cut down many trees ______ elephants are losing their homes. ()[单选题] *A. ifB. butC. so(正确答案)D. or6、Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _______ her to do so. [单选题] *A. forbidB. allowC. follow(正确答案)D. ask7、Chinese people spend _____ money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. [单选题] *A. more than twiceB. as twice muchC. twice as much(正确答案)D. twice more than8、My dog is very _______. It is safe to touch it if you want to. [单选题] *A. luckyB. deliciousC. friendly(正确答案)D. helpful9、He always ______ the teacher carefully in class. [单选题] *A. listensB. listens to(正确答案)C. hearsD. hears of10、( ) The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example______us in learning English. [单选题] *A. to(正确答案)B. forC. withD. on11、I’d?like _______ the English club. [单选题] *A. to join inB. joinC. to join(正确答案)D. join in12、In the past, Mary _______ listening to music in her spare time. [单选题] *A. will likeB. likesC. likeD. liked(正确答案)13、19.Students will have computers on their desks ________ . [单选题] * A.in the future(正确答案)B.on the futureC.at the momentD.in the past14、Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet, and _______ is noisy. [单选题] *A. anotherB. the other(正确答案)C. othersD. other15、--_______ does Ben go to school?--By bus. [单选题] *A. How(正确答案)B. WhatC. WhereD. Why16、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)17、Having stayed in the United States for more than ten years, he got an American()[单选题] *A. speechB. accent(正确答案)C. voiceD. sound18、Whatever difficulties you have, you should not _______ your hope. [单选题] *A. give inB. give outC. give up(正确答案)D. give back19、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] *A. watchB. watching(正确答案)C. to watchD. watches20、In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you___ take care of your luggage. [单选题] *A. canB. mayC. must(正确答案)D. will21、He has bought an unusual car. [单选题] *A. 平常的B. 异常的(正确答案)C. 漂亮的D. 废弃的22、Jack would rather spend time complaining than_____the problem by himself. [单选题] *A.solve(正确答案)B.solvedC.solvesD.to solve23、Mr. White likes to live in a _______ place. [单选题] *A. quiteB. quiet(正确答案)C. quickD. quietly24、I repeated my question several times. [单选题] *A. 到达B. 惊奇C. 重复(正确答案)D. 返回25、Growing vegetables()constantly watering. [单选题] *A. neededB. are neededC. were neededD. needs(正确答案)26、He was?very tired,so he stopped?_____ a rest. [单选题] *A. to have(正确答案)B. havingC. haveD. had27、He _______ maths. [单选题] *A. does well in(正确答案)B. good atC. is well inD. does well at28、_______! Jack,the floor is wet. [单选题] *A. Be careful(正确答案)B. Be careful toC. Be careful forD. Be careful with29、He asked for help from his friends who owned a computer company in New York. [单选题] *A. 拥有(正确答案)B. 经营C. 工作D. 了解30、I’m not sure whether we’ll go on ______ foot or by _____ bike? [单选题] *A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /(正确答案)D. the; /。

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程第四册答案Unit1SharingTask3bcfdcaTask4Task51. (1)anti -social2. (1)appreciate3. (1)tolerant4.impress(2)awareof(2)attidude(2)cometoanend(3)walkawayListeningTask2activity2Lark:Speaker1Owl:Speaker2Speaker6Speaker3Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7Task2activity31. p eaceful2. b eautiful3.lovelypart4. p arty5. w ithapassionstsecond7. w alkingtheirdogs8. withabounce9. a way10. thebestpartoftheday11. thinkingstraight12. atmysharpest13. wehadchildren14.inthemornings15.intheeveningsViewingTask2activity2Role-playingTask1activity2gafhbdceMorepracticeinlisteningshortconversations1 DABCC longconversations CBDA Passages:Passage1 ACDC Passages:Passage21. distressing2. desperate3. urge5. aretotallyunawareof6. areisolatedfrom7. affirm 8.interactwith 9.impulse10. a reconvincedof News: Report1 BC Report2 BAC Unittest part1 DDBCD part2 CAAAD part3 CBDDC part41. at2. section3. connects4. atthebottomof5. shining6. As7. cross8. runningawayfrom9. streamingdown10. d estroyed Unit2Sharing Task21. excited2.onthebanks3. beachparties4. findout5.lookingforwardtoTask3 fadcebTask4123810Task5ListeningTask2activity1A:2345B:16Task2activity21. Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204. bytheriver5. raining6. fancied7. havethegutstotellhim8. good -looking, romantic and intelligent9. three children10.I'm happy11. fellgoodaboutwhoIwas12. G oodluckforthefuture13. b ehappywithwhoyouareTask2activity1Task2activity21. thelongest -livingcommunities2.9003. goabouttheirbusiness4. fruitandvegetable5.ingredients6. celldamage7. highquantities8. healthprotective9.1,200 10.20percentless11. g ettingmorefortheirmoney12. h ealth ' sworth Role-playingTask1activity213457810Morepracticeinlistening shortconversations ADCBD longconversations CBAD Passages:passages1BCDA Passages:passages21. proportion2. estimated3. haveprofoundimpactson4. potential5. economically6. pensions7.originatefrom8. residential9. posesachallengeto10. b etransformedinto News Report1 BDReport2 BDC Unittest part1 BDCBC part2 DCCBA part3 BCAAD part4unched2. corner3. bankruptcy4. virtually5. directing6. dischargedfrom7. secured8. substantial9. Notsurprisingly10. f ashionaccessories Unit3SharingTask21. enjoy2. free3. music4.internationally5. festivals6. spendyourfreetimeTask3deghbacfTask42356Task52458ListeningTask2.1adgebfcTask2.21368ViewingTask2.11. (1)huskysledding2. (1)wing -walking(2) 38(2) 353. (1)drivingonRoute66(2)194. (1)bungeejumping5. (1)swimmingwithdolphinsTask2activity224 7 8 9(2)17(2)1Role-playingDBReport1News10. a uctionoff1. resorts2. sprungup3. dramatically4. havinganadverseeffecton5. combat6. wilderness7. unspoiled8. steamsof9. guidelines Passages:Passage2 BCAC Passages:Passage1 DDBC longconversations DDCBA shortconversations Morepracticeinlistening Task1.21347Report2BCUnittest part1ABBBC part2CCDDB part3DABCD part41. audience2. teenage3. celebrate4. Popular5. conquers6. columns7.iscentralto8.aprivatearrangement9. tochoose10. a partfromUnit4SharingTask3 dfaebgcTask41. brightenyourmood2. anurturingenvironment3. astablefamily4. health5. Feelcontentment6. makesthedifference7. feelingsatisfiedwithTask5 ListeningTask2.1 speaker1: e speaker2:af speaker3: speaker4: speaker5: b c d Task2.21. hotelsorevencities2. makemoney3. hasdoubled4. whereverhegoes5. whatkindoffoodsheeats6. junkmailoradverts7. robbed8. morecrimes9. havenoneedtoworry10. b emorecareful11. s enttothenewspapers12. postedonline Views Task2.1 DBACD Task2.21. (1)rethinkeverything(2)Giveitup(3)transform2. (1)standardofliving3. (1)commutefurther(2)theopposite4. (1)slowdown(2)takemoreleisure (2)diminished5. (1)economicgrowth possessions(2)consumergoods(3) material Role-playing Task1.11. Cosmeticsurgery2. Against3. dangerous4. frozensolid6. health7. Downloadingmusicforfree8. Against9. theft10. s tealingfromthem11. w ithoutpaying12. m akeanymoney13. F or14. C Dsales15. f ilesharing16. c oncerts17. B anning cars from city center18. Against19. p ollutingthancars20. a reductioninshopsales21. p erfectlyfine22. F or23. t heenvironment24. e lectricbuses25. p ollutedTask1.213467910Presenting:Task1.2ebcdaMorepracticeinlistening shortconversations CABCD LongconversationBABDPassage:Passage1ADDCPassage:Passage21. prevalent2. scary3. beclassifiedas4. epidemic5. ratio6. diagnosed7. keepingtrackof8. wasstillassociatedwith9. affirm10.intermsofNewsReport1Report2ACUnittestpart1DBACDpart2CDACBpart3ABABDPart41.over2. companionship3.lover4. definition5. scarce6. diary7. Thesightof8. defeated9. madeup10. p hilosophersandscientistsUnit5SharingTask3dhafbecgTask4146Task51. (1)enrich(2)expandourhorizons(3)Terribly2.intellect3. specific4.learnthroughart5. allaspects6. (1)alive(2)performance(3) intenseemotionsListeningTask2.1Sarah(Woman):BTim:ANigel:CTask2.21. getsyourvote2. (1)infavorof(2)usefulandbeneficial(3)bringjobs (4) entertainmentandactivities3. (1)concernme(2)expensive4.Ipersonallywouldprefer5. (1)withdisabilities(2)excellent(3)enjoygardens6. (1)mentionedyouth(2)involved(3)notsosure7. costs8. (1)myvotewouldgoto(4) routine(2)leaveout(3)hangingaround(5) bringingalong9. theoldergenerationViewingTask2.1134Task2.21. A2. makesamess3. publicbuildings4. wrong5. V6. definitely7. A8. quiteexciting9. V10.A11. p leasingtotheeye12. p ositive13. e nvironment14. A15. nicepicture16.offensiveRole-playingTask1.1cabdTask1.21. (1)extendsoutwest(2)northabove(3)goup2. (1)aroundthecorner(2)overthere3. aroundtheneighborhood4. (1)ontheleft5. (1)headoverto6. (1)walkingby(5) folkmusic (2)hangoutandread (2)circleback (2)acenterof(3)attracted 7.lookslike8. (1)modeledon (2)thehundredthanniversary Presenting:Task1.1 1.Settingofthemovie2. Actor(s)/Actress(es)3. plotsummary4. Recommendation5. Director6. Reviewer ' sopinionofdifferentelements Presenting:Task1.21. skillfully2. (1)gripping(2)shocking(3)hilarious3. sensational4. electrifying5. (1)poignantly(2)moving6. (1)breathless (4)thoroughly(2)hard -hitting(3)emotionally -draining Morepracticeinlistening shortconversationsCDBCD LongconversationBDCA Passages:passage1CADB Passages:passage21. anticipation2. glamorous3. beconferredupon4. collective5. nominatefor6. exceptionsto7. accomplished8. absolute9. recipients 10.isentitledto News Report1 CAReport2 ADB Unittest Part1 CCBBD Part2 ABDCA Part3 DBACC Part41. tremendous2. strategic3. applied4. honored5. escape6. defeated7. reflecting8. aseriesof9. strongrelationship10. a widerangeof Unit6Sharing Task21. quitelate2. goon3.important4. goingon5. themediaandthenews Task3 1.Internet2. Television3.Internet4. Radio5. Newspapers6. Newspapers Television Internet Task4 ecbafd Task51. (1)laptop(2)latestheadlines(3)realtime2. (1)sources(2)media3. (1)havetopay(2)discriminate4. (1)outlets(2)spread(3)riskTask6123ListeningTask2.1fedgcabTask2.21. (1)hearthisstory2. whathappenedwas3. (1)rememberallthedetailschallenge(2)aboutthisguy(2)recall(3)thefirst4. (1)thenfromthat(2)somethingtodo5. (1)thenextthing(2)accordingtothereport(3)apartin hisfilm6. (1)myimpressionwasthat(2)endedup7. that's what happenedViewingTask2.1BAADCCCTask2.21. startsgoingwrong2. fillanawfullotoftime3. deeplyembarrassingforus4. (1)championoftheWrongGuestdivision(2)charmingbutinappropriate5. (1)livingthecelebritylifestyle(2)loveagoodnewsblunder Role-playingTask1.1badcTask1.2ABBABAABBAPresenting:Task1.1MorepracticeinlisteningshortconversationsBABDCLongconversationCDACPassages:passage1DCDBPassages:passage21. differentiatethemselvesfrom2. frownupon3. concise4. combat5. severe6.isgearedupfor7. embraced8. compact9.issupplementedwith10. s ensationalNewsReport1CAReport2DCBUnittestPart1DBAADPart2BDACCPart3CBDACPart41. contest2. queens3.outgoing4.cheers5. title6. tours7. performed8. toconvince9.inprotest10. d rawworldattentionUnit7SharingTask21. minor2. worry3. affectsTask31. verycrowdedplaces2. heights3. height, flying4. flying5. spiders6. rats7. committingtomarriageandfamily8. dogs9. pencilsandthenoisetheymakeonpaper Task4Task51.likedorloved2. (1)keeppeopleintheirhomes(2)society3. (1)closedin(2)transport(3)probably4. trappedinasmallspace Viewing Task2.1 aeghfbdc Task2.2 1357 Role-playingTask1.2 1345689101214161719 20 Presenting:Task1.2 1246789 Morepracticeinlistening shortconversations BACBDLongconversationDBDA Passages:passage1BADC Passages:passage21. motivations2. hazard3. developanappetitefor4. associatedwith5. contributeto6. followsuit7. consensus8. authorities 9.inadequacies10. e xaggeration NewsReport1 DBA Report2BDAUnittestPart1ADBBDPART2CBADDPART3B A DC CPART41. five -day2. competitiveness3. unmanned4. regularly5. extra6. households7. Previously8.lesstime9.illeffects10. r emainedunaffectedUnit8SharingTask3aedcbTask423Task51. funniestnovel2. completelynormal3. easy4. (1)complex(2)darkandmonstrous5.bydefaultListeningTask2.21.tookupthechallenge,2.tagline3. playingoff4. blownaway5. (1)tooklifeundercontrol(2)makeaswitch6. comebackwithViewingTask2.1BDCABTask2.2RoleplayingTask1.21.I'mabigfanofdetectivenovels2.WhatIreallylikedaboutitwasthemaincharacter3.I'mnotthatkeenondetectivenovels4.Ijustcouldn'tgetintoit5.Icouldn'tstandit6.I'mnotreallyintofantasy7. thethingIloveaboutitisthewriting Presenting:Task2dcefab Morepracticeinlistening, Shortconversations, DC B A C Longconversations, BC A D, Passages1, AC B D Passages2 1.refugee 2.desperate3. entitled4. becameinformedof5. areconfrontedwith6. spokesperson7. seekout8. profiles9. stayedloyalto10. v irtually NewsReport1 DB Report2 B C Unittest Part1 CD D B B Part2 AA A D C Part3 BA A C D Part4 1.hunting 2.baseball3. published4. childhood5. novels6. hopeless7. ambulance8. againstnature9. NobelPrize10. t hegreatestinfluences。

2/19 a juice barsoccer player and a journalistmeeting with someone from a sports shoes company8/19 1 .The company wants him to be in a commercialhad to wear the shoes3She's working on a story about a soccer starwants to helpmet in the lobby,went out to lunch, and10/19 likes the ideathinks Jackie recorded their conversationsits on a park bench11/19 nick to agree toshoes12/19 Hang on leave out the deal wear ads Sounds good work out appear Cool In fact Picture So far so good comes up like that What else all edited accepting accepting a bribe1A/5 e-mail each other very oftenschoolgo out for lunch or just talkwere on the same show together1b/5in a show my age get to went away meet up together sort of like hung out hate talking back and forth keep this friendship going a long way away2b/53b/5 thinking have we have beening working had shouldn't are going to have isn't4/5 incredible frame commercial innocent endorse5a/5 What's going onTo get back toAs I was sayingBy the way5b/5 By the way.What's up with the English project3/19 is jealous ofwas tricked's voice was8/19't beeagerwants moreassistancethat9/19 wants to getdoesn't's a member4. Try to11/19 't want anyonePatty thinkwants to12/19 get iced tea Coming right up a little get hold of told used to stopped coming Too bad brother works out I'd rather complicated acting catch up acting tip likewise major falling out awkward kind of mean complaining to sort ofhyper weird with ruining so bad conflicts right in the middle quit pretty much coming back to1A/5 How speaker feel→awkwardWhat kind→very niceHow you boss feel→选最长What's wrong→mean to kindsWhat happened at last→选最短What boss&worker→quarrel2b/5 of lineme a linethe same linelineit on the linehard line7. read between the linesyou a line3/52. many3. was edited6. a lot oflot of4/55a/5 Is something wrongI'm really stressed out Here's an idea Hmmm...that might work5b/5 1. You seem you OK's a thoughtUnit 33/19 she has beening taking about 10 minutestalk to jackie8/19 's very inspiringhas taught her3. make her4. Jackie's drama classesshe knows jackie6. angry about7. Jackie might10/19 agentlook at3. To have dinner4. to introduce11/19 wantsdepending3. she doesn't wantloves12/19 by the way real real stage an agent As a matter of fact incredible surprised do seem film director wait adore celebration celebrating Nothing really ever eaten ate exciting the right places booked perfect people-watching impressed plan ahead1a/5 a little houseis nolot of toolsuseshand-made card1B/5 hand-made funniest usually do cut around the edges favorite a bunch of cut out creativity no limits2/5an unplanned--improvisationto research--do your homeworkexcellent--fabulousto get--find outencouraging--inspiring3/5 1.'ve called2.'ve hadyou been doing4.'ve been watching5.'ve eatenyou taken4/5 fabulous improvisation drama semester inspiring 5/5 1. What do you think of his lectures's absolutely amazing's really inspiringwas your meeting with Jackiesactors were absolutely amazingdid you think of itUnit 43/19 she works in journalism2. walking aroundhas to go to class8/19 majors are differentwants toneeds to talkteaches Jackie's5. she wants her toshe saw her7. To remind her10/19 's excited2. She acts as3. Nick and Talia4. To make a dinner11/19 jackieis angrymodest12/19 shoe company serious quite serious I've got must be talking to find out celebrate booked Great work Piece of cake reservation was planning being understanding anything else a lot two hours1/5 to see a moviein'll e-mailThursdays and Saturdaysminutes away1B/5 have got to go by in between your schedule good for really good otherwise ever good for close by quite a bit coming out2/5 a piece=something reallycharmed=pleased withhold= wait aOops=something you say3/5 Jackie is being--must notTalia gets=mustDo you think=can't beYou know=couldI'm worried=feelSally and=mightI noticed= might notJackie's hair=must4/5 hold charmed run familiar5/5 Look at the time=It's getting late .I have to go now Thanks,=It's been niceIt was great seeing you = Yes,Sorry I=Catch you laterTest A 题目顺序随机,根据答案自己找合适的题ListeningCustomer sometimes=offerCustomer service=find outAvia Airline's=to give optionsHow does Amy describe =She says he is very goodWhy does talia ask Amy=Talia needs time toDirections:out of line beef up ads charmed Fancy struck hasn't she eat me to visita little are going to goingto ask can’t you much is completedhave been working have decidedmust yourselfif we can get where the restaurant is excitedmust have can each otherPronunciation: he was TRICKED no,it just SOUNDS that way Is there Anthing Else you WANT me to DO I was PLANing to CALL NICKmight have was/u/ noun compoundWhat's your impression It's fabulous What do you like about itIt's beening nice talking to you It was great seeing you Give me a call sometimeUnit 53/19 They're on good termsShe asked NIckTo overhear10/19 asked the maitre d', because they don't3. He watches forplants11/19 1. a great idea2. optimisticalmost4. are too concerned12/19 as I was saying feeling as soon as conversation plant their table Brilliant researcher their table watch for plant the mike cough or something warn Hurry up close the menu order though really hungry Neither am I here comes 1A/5 familyshow modestythe award4. Preparing1B/5 wonderful award even though deserve earned audience Teacher of the Year sounds sort of appreciate throughout the years an honor to be chosen honestly support of principal superintendent grateful opportunity bestowed on me2a/5 1. conversation2. By the wayfor5. about6. wore itsomething2B/5 Halloween career to put on message cared about take out on a date forgot what’s going on miss you look nice in that costume so do you having conversation by the way 3A/5 cleanhas theyto workneitherdid3B/5 gochangeneither do Iso do I4/5 conversationHalloweencareerbrilliantmaitred5/5 1. Thanks. I like it ,too 2. I didn't playdid my besthad a5. Nothing muchwas7. I boughtUnit 63/19 tell hergive each otheris afraid people will8/19 she wantshe doesn't want to attractbecause she didn't bringtwobecause he hasamy's friends10/19about helping hershe pretendedboth nick and jackie no,...from the beginning11/19proud of herjackie's partbyron walters can't helpshe will try to do somthing calm down worried get into phony tape posed as Big deal superb get suspendedactress Speaking of which introduce film directora star patient ridiculous quit the businessmy big break at alltricked stand for1/5 a lot of control from government2. She felt it scarya whole person,because the living5. She thinks that cloned children1B/5 really curious opinion cloning kind of crimpy science fiction personality something like that clone organs genetic material getting completely out of hand nature versus nurture debate upbringing grieving government control draw the line2a/5don't=keep everyong guessing: But=keep their shirts on3 .Tony: Good=keep me posted4. Talia: Yeah= keep quiet5. Talia: I'm going=keep back2B/5 show up superb so phony slight pose as what if get into ridiculous break calm down suspended big deal trick stand for keep your voice down3/5 big deal that gets him to calm down didn’t know is who’s involved making make4/5 interrupt superb familiar suspend ridiculous 5/5 ,well2. Excuse me3. But the bankdon't kown about that5. Big deal6. I see your point's nonsense。
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Unit one
Inside view
6. d d a c
7. 1) It’s not always very easy working with
2) How did he end up in London
3) the least experienced person
4) He’s good at his job
5) He’s confident and very competent
6) I get on with him quite well
Listening in
3. b d a d c
Unit two
Inside view
6. a b d c c
7. 1) He wasn’t being at all fair
2) sometimes he really gets on my nerves
3) keep his problems away from the studio
4) He was born in Portsmouth
5) he set most of his stories in
6) Whereabouts in London are his stories set
7) some of his stories take place
8) Cheer up
9) I’ll get over it
Listening in
2. 1) it began over 20 years ago
2) about ones every four or five weeks
3) ten
4) the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts
5) modern novels, classics, non-fiction like history and travel writing 3. d a c a b
7. 1) I’m not a professionally literary specialist
2) their close links with well-known writers
3) the home of many well-known writers
4) the memorial of great British writers
5) rich in its literary history
6) because of the recent series of films
7) because it was the home of the three sisters
8) also made into successful films
9) around the English-speaking world
10) those work contributes
Unit three
Inside view
4. b d a b c
5. 1) started talking about fashion
2) She’s giving out free tickets
3) made up your mind
4) the London fashion scene
5) As far as I’m concerned
6) The way I see it
7) that will look good
8) come and pick up on their style
9) only for a few rich people
10) if you ask me
11) it’s getting late
Listening in
8. a d c b c
9. 1) they will not be following; during similar events
2) had been told by her model agency; if she lost weight
3) taking your weight in kilos; a more accurate measurement
4) comment on or interfere in; would use their common sense
5) who are promoting zero models;design and promote
Unit four
5. d c d a c
6. 1) what does; have to do
2) So we’re not actually
3) Basically
4) you come in here on the left
5) moving through to this room
6) What this room on the left
7) And this room here below contains
Listening in
3. 1) we exchanged things, didn’t we
2) exchange don’t last
3) a lot easier to use
4) Coins then appeared
5) started producing them
6) a big advantage of
7) has a certain value
8) exchanged the grain
9) a certain amount of silver
10) 1870 to 1915
7. b a a a c
Unit five
Inside view
4. 1) only 5 to 10% 2) about 75% 3) women
4) nursing 5) engineering 6) football 7) men
5. b c c a b
6. 1) It’s not fair
2) I may be wrong
3) About 60 percent of
4) the percentage
5) are in a slight majority
6) Mind you
7) I give up
8) I bet you
9) It’s typical of you men
Listening in
8. 1) the result of upbringing
2) learn to speak earlier
3) in intelligence tests
4) are better at language skills
5) less interested in women
6) have better social skills
7) boys and girls quite differently
Unit six
Inside view
5. 1) 1859 2) 1870 3) Westminister Hall 4) the 11th century
5) two 6) the people 7) the prime minister
6. c a c b a
7. 1) is widely believed to be
2) No, that’s not what I’m trying to say
3) It would appear that
4) It seems that
5) there’s little doubt that
6) it’s widely thought that
7) is considered to be
8) But what’s even more amazing is
Listening in
3. 1533 1536 1558 1568 1587 1603
4. b b c d d d
Unit seven
Inside view
5. d b a a b
6. 1) It’s just round the corner from where
2) It’s really convenient for work
3) it’s fairly cheap
4) it’s fashionable now
5) it’s always been an advantage
6) Can you tell me something about it
7) to be paid on top
Listening in
2. nine; early 30s; 100,000; 483; male; 40-50 percent
3. 1) next spring
2) and hospitals
3) the next four years
4) three quarters
5) Charities; 26 and 45
6) family or friends
7. d a b a d。