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And there, almost ____ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet. D、?lost

Are those your ______?C、books

A candidate for the democratic presidential nomination ______ at this moment.C、is being interviewed

Bob is one of the ______ in our school.B、foreigners

Do you need ______ at once? A、to go

Linda's parents died when she was a baby, and she was __________ by her aunt.D、brought up

Lilei never ______ a decision.D、makes

I like dancing and so ______ Tom.A、does

I want ______ orange juice. I am thirsty.B、a glass of

I______a big toy.A、have

I don't need ______ the doctor.B、to see

It’s a ______. It isn’t an ______.A、cherry,apple

It's very hot here. Why not ______ your coat?B、take off

It ______ me some timeto make a plan.B、takes

It ______ him an hour to finish his work.B、takes

It ______ him half an hour to write the letter.B、takes

It ______ two hours for him to repair his computer.B、takes

We can't ______ because we don't have wings.A、fly

We should never______today's work till tomorrow B、put off

We need______here this evening. A、to stay

Will you ______ this evening?A、work

How much ______ is there in the tin?A、water

How much ______ that pants?B、is

How many ______ do you have every week?A、classes

How many ______ do we have?B、pictures

He______up to work at eight o’clock.A、gets

He has been to Beijing . So ______ I.A、have

He can ride a motorbike, so ______ I.A、can

He is a teacher and so ______ his wife.B、is

He often ______ supper at restaurant.C、has

He can ride a motorbike, so ______ I.A、can

Linda's parents died when she was a baby, and she was __________ by her aunt.D、brought up

Tim and Jim are ______.A、friends

Tom doesn’t like bananas. Neither ______ his wife.B、does

This box is ______ heavy for this child to carry.A、too

The blue coat is his ______.C、brother’s

The ______ in our garden are very beautiful.C、flowers

The child brushes her ______ every day.B、teeth

The ______ are singing.C、women

The ______ are playing the guitar now.C、children

The park is ______ .A、not quiet enough

That day he ___ his clothes before he came to see me. C、had been washing

They come from different ______.B、countries

There______seven days in a week.A、are

There is ______ on the table.C、some water

There are ______ books in your bag. But there aren’t ______ pens in it.C、some, any There are many ______ here.C、boxes

You'd better______now C、do

You’d better______to see the doctor. D、do

On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she __________ pale.C、went Please get me a new ______ when you go back home.B、dress

Please give her ______ paper.D、a piece of

She ______ TV alone.A、watches

My aunt has three ______.C、children

Mark and Paul can ______ basketball.A、play

We don’t have ______ milk in the fridge.A、any

_____do you like the new play?It’s good and interesting.A、How


Are these your bags? Yes, they are ours.正确

A: Your handwriting is very good. B: No, my handwriting is bad.错误
