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uni t1主谓一致练习


1. My bro ther,toge ther wi th h i s c lassmates________(have) gone to Shangha i.

2. The number o f people inv i ted________(be)f i f ty, bu t a nu mber o f them ________absen t fo r di f f e ren t reasons.

3.--Each o f the s tudents, work ing har d a t h i s o r he r l e ss ons,________(hope)to go to un ivers i t y.

--So do I.

4. A la rge number of s tuden ts in our s chool________(be) boys.

5. The pan t s________(be) a b i t too t i ght.

6. He i s the on ly one o f the s tuden t s who________(be)e lec ted.

7. Look! The whole c lass________(l i s ten)to the t eacher a t t en t ive ly.

8. Ten minu tes________(seem)l ike an hour when one i s wa i t ing fo r a phone ca l l.

9. Sure ly someone________(know)where the documents a re.

10. The Uni ted S tat e s o f A mer ica ________(be)one o f the mos t deve loped count r ies in the world.

11. Th is pa i r o f shoes________(be)t oo b ig fo r my l i t t l e son.

12. Be tween the two rows o f t r ees________(s tand)the t e ach ing bu i ld ing.

13. Every poss ib le means________(use)to p reven t the ai r po l lu t ion, bu t the sky i s s t i l l no t c lear.

14. E-mai l,a s we l l a s t e l ephones,________(p lay)an impor tan t pa r t in da i ly com munica t ion now.

15. There________(be) many p laces o f in te res t in Nanj ing.


1.The teacher and wr i te r ________(be)respec ted by a l l the peop le.

2.Not on ly h i s f r i ends,bu t a l so he himse l f ________(be)look ing fo rward to the mee t ing.

3.Tha t our t eacher i s go ing to l eave us ________(make) us d i sappoin ted.

4.The fami ly ________(have) d i f fe r en t op in ions abou t the i r go ing abroad.

5.This k ind o f shoes________(be) popula r wi th young wo men.

6.A l ib ra ry wi th f ive thousand books________(be) o f f ered to the na t ion as a g i f t.

7.T wo f i f ths o f t he l and in tha t a rea________(be) covered wi th t r ees and g rass.

8.Many a s tuden t________(have) made the same mis take s ince yes te rday.

9.The Olympic Ga mes ________(be) he ld once every four years.

10.Nei ther my g l oves nor my ha t ________(go) wi th the d ress.


Our school l ib ra ry,a long wi th many o the r bu i ld ings,i s very d i f fe ren t f rom o the r schoo ls'.There1.________(be)two compute r rooms,th ree a r t rooms, a meet ing room and a read ing room i n the l ib ra ry bu i lding.The number o f the books

2.________(be) l a rge, and maybe there a re 100, 000 books in i t.I t i s said tha t a l l the books cos t our school 200, 000 dol la r s.Maybe 200,000 do l la r s

3.________(be)l a rge to every s tuden t.In the e ra o f knowledge exp los ion,the num ber o f the s tuden ts who

4.________(have) a thi r s t fo r knowledge i s inc reas ing day by day.Nowadays, our l ib ra ry has been deve loped in to a mul t i func t i ona l bu i ld ing.There a re50computer s in i t.Many a s t uden t

5.________(l ike) to su r f the In te rne t a t weekends here,and now you can see tha t my c lassmates, Mike and John

6.________(p lay) compute r games the re.When you tu rn to ano ther room, you wi l l f ind tha t a p rofessor a nd wr i te r

7.________(de l ive r)a s peech.Each boy and each g i r l

8.________(focus)on h i s in te res t ing speech.








6.I s

7.Are l i s t en ing



10.I s

11.I s

12. S tands

13. Has been used

14. P lays

15. Are

二.is;i s;makes;have;is;i s;is;has;are;goes

1.a re

2.i s

3.i s


5.l ikes

6.a re p lay ing
