

bid/b?d/CET4 TEM4( bidding, bids )


N-COUNT A bid for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it. 努力尝试[journalism]例:

...Sydney's successful bid for the 2000 Olympic Games.



N-COUNT A bid is an offer to pay a particular amount of money for something that is being sold. 出价


Hanson made an agreed takeover bid of $351 million.



V-T/V-I If you bid for something or bid to do something, you try to obtain it or do it. 力求获得; 努力争取


Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports.



V-I If you bid for something that is being sold, you offer to pay a particular amount of money for it. 出价


She wanted to bid for it.



The bank announced its intention to bid.


blunder/?bl?nd?/CET6 TEM8( blundering, blundered, blunders )


N-COUNT A blunder is a stupid or careless mistake. 愚蠢错误


I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.



V-I If you blunder, you make a stupid or careless mistake. 犯愚蠢错误


No doubt I had blundered again.



V-I If you blunder into a dangerous or difficult situation, you get involved in it by mistake. 误入(危险境地或困境) 例:

People wanted to know how they had blundered into war, and how to avoid it in the future.



V-I If you blunder somewhere, you move there in a clumsy and careless way. 跌跌撞撞地走


He had blundered into the table, upsetting the flowers.


cater/?ke?t?/CET6 TEM4( catering, catered, caters )


V-I To cater to a group of people means to provide all the things that they need or want. 满足…需要; 迎合


We cater to an exclusive clientele.



V-I To cater to something means to take it into account. 考虑


Exercise classes cater to all levels of fitness.



...shops that cater to the needs of men.

… 经营男士用品的商店。


V-T If a person or company caters an occasion such as a wedding or a party, they provide food and drink for all the people there. (在婚礼、派对等场合) 提供餐饮服务; 承办酒席


...a full-service restaurant equipped to cater large events.




N-UNCOUNT Catering is the activity of providing food and drink for a large number of people, for example, at weddings and parties. (婚礼、派对等的) 餐饮供应; 酒席承办[also 'the' N, oft N n]


His catering business made him a millionaire at 41.


accord/??k??d/CET4 TEM4( according, accorded, accords )


N-COUNT An accord between countries or groups of people is a formal agreement; for example, to end a war. 协议


UNITA was legalized as a political party under the 1991 peace accords.



V-T If you are accorded a particular kind of treatment, people act toward you or treat you in that way. 给予(某种待遇) [正式]


His predecessor was accorded an equally tumultuous welcome.



On his return home, the government accorded him the rank of Colonel.



→ see also according to##according to


PHRASE If something happens of its own accord, it seems to happen by itself, without anyone making it happen. 自动地例:

In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.



PHRASE If you do something of your own accord, you do it because you want to, without being asked or forced. 自愿地例:

He did not quit as France's prime minister of his own accord.


affirm/??f??m/CET6 TEM4( affirming, affirmed, affirms )


V-T If you affirm that something is true or that something exists, you state firmly and publicly that it is true or exists. 公开肯定[正式]


The court affirmed that the information can be made public under the Freedom of Information Act.



...a speech in which he affirmed a commitment to lower taxes.



affirmation N-VAR公开肯定


The North Atlantic Treaty begins with the affirmation that its parties "reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations."



V-T If an event affirms something, it shows that it is true or exists. 证实[正式]


Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion.



affirmation N-UNCOUNT证实[also 'a' N]


The ruling was a welcome affirmation of the constitutional right to free speech.


avail/??ve?l/CET6 TEM8( availing, availed, avails )


PHRASE If you do something to no avail or to little avail, what you do fails to achieve what you want. 徒劳[书面]


His efforts were to no avail.



V-T If you avail yourself of an offer or an opportunity, you accept the offer or make use of the opportunity. 利用[正式]例:

Guests should feel at liberty to avail themselves of your facilities.


baffle/?b?f?l/CET6 TEM8( baffling, baffled, baffles )


V-T If something baffles you, you cannot understand it or explain it. 使困惑

An apple tree producing square fruit is baffling experts.



baffling ADJ令人困惑的


I was constantly ill, with a baffling array of symptoms.


coordinate/k?????d??ne?t/CET4 TEM4( coordinating, coordinated, coordinates )

BRIT also co-ordinate


V-T If you coordinate an activity, you organize the various people and things involved in it. 协调


Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to coordinate the relief effort.



coordinated ADJ协调的


Coalition forces were planning a coordinated effort to attack the drug trade.



...a well-coordinated surprise attack.



V-T If you coordinate the different parts of your body, you make them work together efficiently to perform particular movements. 使(身体各部位) 协调


You need to coordinate legs, arms, and breathing for the front crawl.



V-RECIP If you coordinate clothes or furnishings that are used together, or if they coordinate, they are similar in some way and look nice together. 搭配(衣服、饰品)


She'll show you how to coordinate pattern and colours.



Tie it with fabric bows that coordinate with other furnishings.



N-COUNT The coordinates of a point on a map or graph are the two sets of numbers or letters that you need in order to find that point. 坐标[技术]


Can you give me your coordinates?


defect CET4 TEM4( defecting, defected, defects )



N-COUNT A defect is a fault or imperfection in a person or thing. 缺陷

He was born with a hearing defect.



A report has pointed out the defects of the present system.



V-I If you defect, you leave your country, political party, or other group, and join an opposing country, party, or group. 背叛


...a KGB officer who defected in 1963.



defection N-VAR背叛


...the defection of at least sixteen parliamentary deputies.


deflect/d??fl?kt/CET6+ TEM4( deflecting, deflected, deflects )


V-T If you deflect something such as criticism or attention, you act in a way that prevents it from being directed toward you or affecting you. 转移


Cage changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism.



V-T To deflect someone from a course of action means to make them decide not to continue with it by putting pressure on them or by offering them something desirable. (通过施压或给予好处) 使改变


The war did not deflect him from the path he had long ago taken.



V-T If you deflect something that is moving, you make it go in a slightly different direction, for example, by hitting or blocking it. 使(动作) 偏斜


My forearm deflected the first punch.


coherent/k???h??r?nt, -?h?r?nt/CET6 TEM8


ADJ If something is coherent, it is well planned, so that it is clear and sensible and all its parts go well with each other. 连贯的


He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernizing the service.



coherence N-UNCOUNT连贯性


The campaign was widely criticized for making tactical mistakes and for a lack of coherence.



ADJ If someone is coherent, they express their thoughts in a clear and calm way, so that other people can understand what they are saying. 条理清楚的[v-link ADJ]


He's so calm when he answers questions in interviews. I wish I could be that coherent.



coherence N-UNCOUNT条理性


This was debated eagerly at first, but with diminishing coherence as the champagne took hold.


compensate/?k?mp?n?se?t/CET4 TEM4( compensating, compensated, compensates )


V-T To compensate someone for money or things that they have lost, means to pay them money or give them something to replace those things. 补偿(损失)


The damages are designed to compensate victims for their direct losses.



V-I If you compensate for a lack of something or for something you have done wrong, you do something to make the situation better. 弥补(过失)


The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost.



V-I Something that compensates for something else balances it or reduces its effects. 抵消


Senators say it is crucial that a mechanism is found to compensate for inflation.



V-I If you try to compensate for something that is wrong or missing in your life, you try to do something that removes or reduces the harmful effects. 弥补


Their sense of humour and ability to get along with people are two characteristics that compensate for their lack of experience.



高考英语词汇:book的用法说明 1. 用作名词,表示书,汉语的看书有两层含义。如: (1) 表示阅读性地看书 (即读书),一般要用动词 read。 如:He is reading a book in his room. 他在房里看书。 I’ve read yourbook with pleasure. 我已高兴地拜读了你的大作。 (2) 不是表示阅读性地看书,而只是大概地看一看,比如看看书的封面、定价、内容提要等,或者回答问题时看看书的某些章节或字句等,或者是考试时偷看书本等,此时都不宜用动词 read, 而用lookat, see等动词。 如:Can I look at those books? 我可以看看那些书吗 Jim demanded to see my books. 吉姆要求看看我的书。 Please answer my questions without looking at your books. 请不看书回答我的问题。 Students must not look at their books duringexaminations. 学生考试不准舞弊。 2. 用作动词,意为预定,可以用作及物或不及物动词。 如:Seats (for the theatre) can be booked from 9 am to 6 pm.

(剧院的)定座时间是上午9点至下午6点。 Please book a ticket for Londonplease. 请订一张去伦敦的票。 You’d better book early for theplay. 你最好早点预定戏票。


重点单词的用法 1.help v. / n. ---- adj.helpful 1)v. Help sb. (to) do sth. = help sb. with sth. 2)Thanks for your _________. Thanks for _________ me. Can you help me ______ my English? Here is a dictionary. It’s ________ for you to learn English. 2.want v. = would like 1)want to do sth. 2) Want sb. To do sth. 3) Want sth. 3.like v. / n. / prep.----- dislike 1)v. like sb. / sth. like to do sth. = like doing sth. 2)n. Likes and dislikes 3)prep. be like sound like, look like What’s the weather like? What do you look like? 4.enjoy v. enjoy doing sth. finish doing sth. have fun = have a good time doing sth. practice doing sth. spend time / money doing sth. 5.watch / hear / see / find / feel sb. doing sth. watch monkeys climbing around see a snake sleeping near the fire feel things moving 6.go camping / shopping / skating / swimming / boating / go to the movie = go to the cinema go to the countryside go the museum go to the supermarket go to the beach go to school go to work go to bed go to sleep go home 7.put on put up cut up cut down wake up pick up blow out 属于动词和副词构成的短语,要求宾语是_________词时,必须放在动词和副词之间,如果是名词,则位置可__________, 可__________. 1) Here are two apples. Please _______. A. cut it up B. cut them up C. cut up them 2) Every morning, my mother _____. A. wakes me up B. wakes up me C. woke me up 8.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. Teach sb. Sth. = teach sth. To sb. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. For sb. make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. 9.make 1) V. 制作,做make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. make dinner be made of 2)v. 使,让make sb. do sth. make sb. + adj. keep sb. / sth. +adj 3) make friends with sb. Make soup make the bed make a wish


全部的英语单词的用法与区别 both,either,neither,all,any,none的用法与区别,相信很多同学都傻傻分不清楚。下面是小编为您收集整理的全部的英语单词的用法与区别,供大家参考! 全部的英语单词的用法与区别 这些词都可用作代词或形容词。其位置都在be 动词之后,行为动词之前或第一助动词之后。 1) both (两者都),either(两者中任何一个),neither (两者都不)。以上词使用范围为两个人或物。 Neither of the two boys is clever. 两个男孩都不聪明。 2) both,either both与复数连用,either与单数连用。 Both the boys are clever. 两个男孩都很聪明。 Either of the two boys is clever. 两个男孩都很聪明。 There are flowers on both sides of the street. (两岸) There are flowers on either side of the street. (岸的两边) 路边长满了野花。 3) all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一个),none (都不)。

以上词使用范围为三者以上。 All the flowers are gone. 所有的花都谢了。 I dont like any of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。 I like none of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。 注意:all与none用法一样。跟单数名词,用单数动词;跟复数名词,用复数动词。 All of the students are there. 所有的学生都在那。 All (of) the milk is there. 所有的牛奶都在那。 in,put on,wear,dress,have on的用法与区别 in,put on,wear,dress, have on, pull on 用法辨析 都含有穿、戴之意,但用法不同。 in是介词,后接表示衣服或颜色的词,着重于服装的款式或颜色。它所构成的短语只能作表语或定语。例如: This is a picture of a young man in a black coat. 这是一张穿着黑色外套的年轻人的照片。这里in a black coat 是young man的定语。 He is in a black nylon jacket today. 今天他穿着黑色尼龙夹克。 In a black nylon jacket在这个句子里作表语。 put on 穿上、戴上,强调穿戴的动作,后接衣服、鞋帽等。例如:


The new curriculum geography The map teaching and the ability of reading related research Zhejiang SongYang one Que fire Ming 323400 TEL: 323400 [to] picked ordinary high school new curriculum plan in the fall of 2006 in zhejiang province into the comprehensive implementation stage, the implementation of the high school geography new curriculum concept is a gradual process. Map of new geography curriculum teaching for students of geography subject ability, geographic methods, the cultivation of the geographical point of view is very important. New geography course standard, the examination standard and the college entrance examination examination outline in are clearly the ability of reading requirements. Through questionnaire survey, the student individual interview, methods of communication between the teacher found that did not really play in the geography teaching map teaching effectiveness, teaching map establishment not science, teachers use graph to guide teaching strategy worth exploring, the imperfection of the map teaching resources, autonomous learning ability is insufficient, students use map through the map teaching to cultivate students' ability to geography has huge potential. In the actual teaching with new ideas for teaching design, attention to reflect the teacher guided students' autonomous, inquiry and cooperative learning, so that the students have to all-round development of personality; To clear the status of geography image teaching on the map, try in the teaching according to different geographical image, the different students and different effective combination between teaching content; To strengthen exchanges and cooperation, teaching in the teaching achieve resource sharing, promoting successful map teaching mode, improve teaching effectiveness. Specific measures are in the teachers, students, curriculum resources to improve the level of influence map teaching effectiveness factors such as, through effective map teaching to ensure the concept of new geography curriculum implementation and achieve the teaching goal. [key words] map of the new curriculum teaching ability of reading Ordinary high school new curriculum plan has smooth implementation in the country. However, the implementation of the new concept, from the theory to the education practice, there are quite a long way to go. For geography teaching, how to implement new ideas in the usual teaching, especially in the map teaching in the best legacy of traditional teaching methods and teaching means on the basis of innovation, change the past some backward teaching ideas and teaching ideas, to the new curriculum concept map teaching, new teaching material view, the new view of teachers and students to teaching orientation, to improve the effectiveness of the geographical map teaching, is an important task to geography teachers. A, high school geography new curriculum teaching and the requirements of evaluation on the ability of reading 1. The geography curriculum requirements for students' ability of reading In the ordinary high school geography curriculum standard (experiment) "[1] objective knowledge and skills, this dimension has such a demand:" learn to independent or cooperation geographical observations, geographical experiments, the geographical investigation; mastering reading, analysis, using the geography diagram and geographic data skills ". Teaching Suggestions in the implementation suggestion may require attaches great importance to the geography teaching the use of information resources and information technology: "in the


2020中考英语:重点单词短语用法总结(2) ◆21. 能,会。be able to can ※情态动词后面都接动词原形。 ⑴ We should______ able to finish the work tomorrow . ⑵ I can______ (play) the guitar .⑶ He ______able toplay chess . ◆22. too many 太多—修饰可数名词复数→ Ihave too many rules in my house . too much 太多—修饰不可数名词→Maybe you have too much yin . much too太—后跟形容词或副词原级→ This coat is much too expensive . ⑴ Eating_____ ______ is bad for your health . ⑵ It’s ______ ______cold today . You’d better not go out. ⑶There are____________ students in the hallways . It’s dangerous. ◆23. have / has been to 去过某地→He has been to Beijing . (现在不在北京) have / has gone to 去了某地→He has gone to Beijing . (现在可能在北京,或在去北京的途中) have/has been in / at在某地

⑴I have ever_______ ______ America twice . ⑵ He has______ ______ Beijing for ten years . ⑶– Where is your brother ? - He______ ______ to Hainan . ⑷ _____ you ever ______ ______ Disneyland ? ◆24. used to do sth .过去常做某事→ This riverused to be very clean . be(get)used to doing sth .习惯于做某事→ I’m not used t o getting up early . be used to do sth = be used for doingsth .被用于做某事→ Pens are used for writing . ⑴ XiaoGang______ ______ ______ afraid of the dark . ⑵ The broom is ______ ______ clean the room . = The broom is ____________ cleaning the room. ⑶ He ____________ ______ living countryside .There is fresh air and sweet well . ⑷ Wood __________ _____ making paper .◆25. belong to + 名词 / 人称代词宾格 (属于) be + 名词所有格 / 名词性物主代词 (是) ⑴It must ______Ning’s .= It must _________ Ning . ⑵ The pencil must be ______ (my) . = The pencil must belong to ______(my) . ⑶ This ball______ to me .= This ball is ______ .


ear的基本含义 1 ? n. 1.耳,耳朵(人耳的组成): 1.the external ear 外耳 2.the middle ear 中耳 3.the inner ear 内耳) 2.耳部,(可见的)耳朵外部,外耳 3.[亦作复数]听觉 4.听能,听力;灵敏的听力;辨音力 5.耳状物 1.(如大水壶、杯子等器物两旁的)耳子,捏把,把儿,耳状突 2.报头(左或右)角小栏(刊登简短广告或天气预报等),报眼(报纸头版上报头两侧的)广告栏 3.(鸟的)耳羽 6.倾听;注意 7.【建筑业】门耳,窗耳 8.[复数][美国俚语] 1.民用频带(或波段)无线电台(或收音机) 2.(用于近距离联络的)无线电收发两用机的天线 2.vi.,vt. 1.[美国俚语]听;听见 3.短语: 1.about one's ( someone's) ears 1.身旁,近旁 2.[与bring , have , collapse , tumble等动词连用]引起麻烦,惹出乱子;遭到抨击(或猛烈攻 击) 3.猛烈地,彻底地 4.崩溃;(计划、希望等)破产,落空[亦作around one's ears] 2. a drumming in the ears 耳鸣 3. a flea in one's ear 见flea 4.an ear for对…的欣赏力 5. a thick ear[口语]耳朵被打肿,(被打得)青肿的耳朵

6. a musical ear对音乐有鉴赏力(的耳朵) 7. a word in someone's ear 见word 8.be all ears[口语]专心倾听,全神贯注地听,洗耳恭听 9.(be) deaf of (或in) an (或one) ear 聋了一只耳朵 10.believe one's ears 1.相信自己的耳朵,相信听到的话 2.以所闻为实(或真);确信[此短语常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句] 11.bend an ear注意地听,聚精会神地听,倾听,洗耳恭听 12.bend someone's ear 1.[俚语] 2.与某人喋喋不休地说,与某人絮絮叨叨地说 3.和某人谈重要(或有趣、秘密)的事;和感兴趣的人交谈 13.be on one's ear 1.[美国俚语] 2.在生气,发脾气,发怒 14.be primed to the ear[美国俚语](因酗酒或吸毒而)醉的 15.Blow it out your ear![美国口语]“去你的! ”,“瞎扯淡! ” , “我才不信呢!” 16.bore someone's ears[废语]使某人成为终身奴隶 17.bow down one's ear to someone垂听某人的话,降格倾听某人的话,屈尊倾听某人的意 见 18.box someone's ears 打某人耳光 19.bring something down around one's ears 使自己干的某事失败(或破产) 20.burn someone's ears[俚语]狠狠责骂某人,痛斥某人,呵斥某人 21.by ear 1.(不看乐谱)凭听觉,凭听觉记忆(演奏或唱) 2.凭直觉,跟着感觉(走) 22.by the ears 1.(动物)相斗,相咬 2.不和;在争吵(或争斗,打架,扭斗)中 23.chew someone's ears off 1.[美国俚语] 2.训斥某人,教训某人;责骂 3.长篇独白;唠叨不已;沉闷地与某人谈话


2016中考英语重点单词用法梳理(一)(收藏必备) 1.unless除非;若非;如果不。它是个从属连词,引导条件状语从句。由于unless 具有否定意义,因此它引导的是个否定的条件。在中学阶段可以把它看作是if……not的同义表达。值得注意的是,unless从句如同if从句一样也常用一般现在时态表将来。如: Unless he works hard, he will not pass the final exams。 =If he doesn‘t work hard, he will not pass the final exams。 要是他不努力的话,期末考试将会不及格。 I‘ll not go to her birthday party unlesss he invites me in person。=I‘ll not go to her birthday party if she doesn’t invite me in person。我不会去参加她的生日晚会,除非她亲自邀请我。 2.go.[主要用法] 1。用作不及物动词,表示?去、离开?。如: We must go for lunch now。 2。用作不及物动词,表示?进行、进展?。如: Every thing goes well。 3。用作系动词,表示?变得(常常指由好变坏)?。如: Fish soon goes bad in hot weather。 4。用于have gone to结构,表示?去了某地?。如: Mr.Wilson isn‘t here.He has gone to Wuhan。 5。用于begoingto结构,表示?打算、将要?。如: He is going to buy her some shoes。 [短语搭配] go ahead往前走、做吧、干吧 go by(指时间)过去、消逝 go to sleep入睡 go for awalk / walks去散步 go home回家 go off离开、(闹钟)响起 go on继续 go over复习、过一遍 go skating / shopping去滑冰/购物 go to movie去看电影 go to bed上床睡觉 go to school / work去上学/上班 [考题回放] —Where can I find Jack? —He_____the post office。(06湖北武汉) A.has been to B.had been to C.has gone to D.had gone to


英语单词and用法总结: 一、表示并列或对称的关系and可以用来连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子,可译为“和”、“并”、“又”、“兼”等。如: Lucy and I go to school five days a week. 我和露西每周上五天学。(连接两个并列主语) You must look after yourself and keep healthy.你必须照顾自己并保持身体健康。(连接两个并列谓语) They teach us Chinese and we teach them English.他们教我们汉语,我们教他们英语。(连接两个简单句) 如果连接两个以上的词语,通常把and放在最后一个词语前面;为了强调,可在两者之间分别加上and;把词语连接起来时,通常把较短的词语放在前面。如:I like eggs,meat,rice,bread and milk.我喜欢鸡蛋、肉、米饭、面包和牛奶。All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did all kinds of things.那天整个下午我又唱又跳,做各种各样的事情。 The apples are big and delicious.苹果又大又好吃。 有些用and连接的词语,次序是固定的,不能随意改变。如: men,women and children男人、妇女和儿童; fish and chips 炸鱼加炸土豆片等。 二、表示目的在口语中,and常用在go,come,try等动词后连接另一个动词,表示目的。此时and相当于to,不必译出。如: Go and see!去看看! Come and meet the family.来见见这家人。 三、表示条件和结果在祈使句后,常用and连接一个简单句,表示条件与结果的关系,它们在语法上是并列关系,但在意义上却是主从关系,也可译为“如果……就……”。如: Work hard and you will live happily.=If you work hard,you will live happily.如果你努力工作,你就会活得愉快。 Come early and you will see him.=If you come early, you will see him.如果你早来的话,你就会见到他。 四、表示承接关系and用在句首,起承上启下的作用,可译为“因此”、“那么”、“于是”等,也可不译。如: And what's this?那么这是什么呢? And the air today is nice and clean.今天的空气真清新。 五、表示动词的先后关系and常用来连接两个动词或动词词组,后一个动词所表示的动作发生得迟一点。此时and相当于then, 可译为“然后”。如: Then he got out of the lift and climbed up to the fifteenth floor on foot.于是他从电梯里走出来,然后步行爬上第15层楼。 Go along the street,and take the third turning on the right.沿这条街走,然后在第三个路口向右拐。


初中英语重点单词用法 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

初中英语重点单词用法 Attention 1. attention是名词,意为“注意,留心,专心”。常用于短语pay attention to,意为“对……注意、留心”。这里的to是介词,其后常接名词、代词或动名词。attention 前可用more, close, great等来修饰,以加强语气,表示“更加注意”。如: Please pay more attention to the problem we have to face.请多注意我们所面临的问题。 2. 在pay attention to后若无宾语,则不用 to。如:Today is your last lesson in French. I beg you to pay attention. 今天是你们上的最后一节法语课了,恳请你们认真听。 terrify 1. terrify是动词,意为“使害怕,使恐惧”。如:His terrifying stories terrified the girls.他讲的恐怖故事吓坏了这些女孩子。 2. be terrified of sth./ doing sth.意为“对某物/干某事感到恐惧、害怕”。如: I was terrified of the tiger when I first saw it. 我第一次看见老虎时吓坏了。 He is terrified of speaking English in class. 他害怕在课堂上讲英语。 注:be terrified比be afraid 的语气更强,害怕的程度更大一些。 practice 1、practicev. 练习;实习。后面多跟名词(词组)或v-ing形式作宾语。如: I want to practice my spoken English in the English Corner this weekend.这个周末我想去英语角练习口语。Listen! Someone is practicing playing the piano.听!有人在练习弹钢琴。 2、practicen. 实践;练习;经验。多为不可数名词。如:


[一般用法]be able to do [特殊注意]反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。 Be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。 2.abroad [一般用法]表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面不加介词。 [特殊注意]可以说from abroad,表示从国外回来。 3.admit [一般用法]表示承认的时候后面要加动名词形式。 [特殊注意]表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。 4.advise [一般用法]advise sb. to do; advise doing [特殊注意]后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,即:advise that sb. (should do)的形式。5.afford [一般用法]通常与动词不定式搭配使用。 [特殊注意]前面需要有be able to或can等词。 6.after [一般用法]表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。 [特殊注意]用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点;而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days. 7.agree [一般用法]与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。 [特殊注意]agree on 表示达成一致;agree to 表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的话。 8.alive [一般用法]表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 [特殊注意]可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury alive.

[一般用法]allow doing; allow sb. to do [特殊注意]可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in. 10.among [一般用法]用在三者或三者以上的群体中。 [特殊注意]还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best. 11.and [一般用法]用于连接两个词、短语、句子或其他相同结构。 [特殊注意]与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:Work hard, you’ll succeed sooner or later. 12.another [一般用法]表示又一个,泛指,相当于one more的含义。 [特殊注意]不能直接加复数名词,需要与一个数词搭配,如:another 2 weeks. 13.answer [一般用法]及物动词,但在作名词时要与介词to搭配。 [特殊注意]可以表示接电话、应门等。如answer the phone/door. 14.anxious [一般用法]be anxious for/about/to do [特殊注意]be anxious about表示担心;be anxious for表示盼望得到。 15.appear [一般用法]不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。 [特殊注意]还可以作为系动词,与seem同义,表示看起来……。 16.arrive [一般用法]arrive at表示到一个小地方;arrive in表示到一个大地方。 [特殊注意]引申含义表示得出,如:arrive at a decision/conclusion. 17.ask [一般用法]ask to do; ask sb. to do; ask for


常用单词用法 1.劝告advise caution warn admonish counsel advise: 普通用词,vet/vi,泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。 用法: 及物动词advise+ thatWe advised her that she (should) wait. 我们劝她等。 Advise sb against doing sth/ sth 劝某人不做某事 We advised him against acting in haste. 我们劝他不要匆忙行事。 不及物动词advise against I advised against their doing it. 我劝他们不要做这件事。 名词:(不可数)advice 劝告, 忠告, 意见;消息, 报道; (商业)通知 Give advice 提供建议,劝告 take advice 接受建议,劝告 caution : 主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意味。及物动词&不及物动词警告,告诫,使小心[(+about/against/for)] caution oneself against error 谨防有误 The policeman cautioned me for parking here. 警察警告我不可在此停车。 名词:(不可数)小心, 谨慎, 慎重, 警告 Caution is the parent of safety. 小心驶得万年船。 warn: 含义caution 同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。 及物动词/不及物动词 1.警告;告诫;提醒[(+of/against/about)]He warned me against going outside alone at night. 他提醒我晚上不要单独出去。The police warned us not to go out at night. 警察告诫我们夜间不要出门。They warned him of/about the danger.


bid/b?d/CET4 TEM4( bidding, bids ) 1. N-COUNT A bid for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it. 努力尝试[journalism]例: ...Sydney's successful bid for the 2000 Olympic Games. …悉尼对2000年奥林匹克运动会成功的申办。 2. N-COUNT A bid is an offer to pay a particular amount of money for something that is being sold. 出价 例: Hanson made an agreed takeover bid of $351 million. 汉森按约定出价3.51亿美元进行收购。 3. V-T/V-I If you bid for something or bid to do something, you try to obtain it or do it. 力求获得; 努力争取 例: Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports. 据传,新加坡航空公司正在努力争取这两个机场的管理合约。 4. V-I If you bid for something that is being sold, you offer to pay a particular amount of money for it. 出价 例: She wanted to bid for it. 她想出价买下它。 例: The bank announced its intention to bid. 银行宣布了其投标意向。 blunder/?bl?nd?/CET6 TEM8( blundering, blundered, blunders ) 1. N-COUNT A blunder is a stupid or careless mistake. 愚蠢错误 例: I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time. 我认为他如此提早宣布消息是犯了战术上的错误。 2. V-I If you blunder, you make a stupid or careless mistake. 犯愚蠢错误 例: No doubt I had blundered again. 不用说我又犯了个蠢错。 3. V-I If you blunder into a dangerous or difficult situation, you get involved in it by mistake. 误入(危险境地或困境) 例: People wanted to know how they had blundered into war, and how to avoid it in the future. 人们想弄清他们怎么会错误地卷入战争,将来如何才能避免这样的事。 4. V-I If you blunder somewhere, you move there in a clumsy and careless way. 跌跌撞撞地走 例: He had blundered into the table, upsetting the flowers. 他撞上了桌子,打翻了花。 cater/?ke?t?/CET6 TEM4( catering, catered, caters )


英语词汇用法 1.a/an/the/a book/an apple/an “s”/an hour/a European/at a loss/ in danger/at risk/go on a diet/for fun/be great fun/have a knowledge of 2.abandon one’s family/abandon one’s plan 3.work to the best of one’s ability/ develop one’s ability of listening/ have the ability to do sth 4.be unable to do anything but wait/ an able man 5.abnormal/normal 6.go aboard/go aboard a ship 7.was about to do sth when…/was on the point doing sth = happened to be doing sth when…/what about =how about sth?/set about doing sth=set out to do sth 8.be above the sea level/sb/be ahead of sb/above all 9.go abroad for futher study 10.in the absence of sb/sth = for lack of sth/ sb/sth be absent from 11.absolute ignorance/absolute power /absolute proof/relative/absolutely/ definitely 12.Black cloth absorbs light/absorb a heavy blow/be absorbed in 13.The idea of happiness is abstract/ the abstract of book 14.abuse one’s eye/abuse one’ son 15.academic degree/an academic interest in politics 16.accept…as…/be acceptable to sb 17.the only access to the village/gain access to the house through the window/have/obtain the access to the Internet/be accessible to my car(by car) 18.by accident = by chance = accidentally = occasionally/ accidental 19.accommodation 20.accompany sb to the school/keep sb company/be with/stay with sb/ accompany the singer on piano 21.accomplish wonders/something/ nothing 22.according to what he said/the fact that he was ill 23.account for = explain(to sb)= bring out = set out/account for 4%/ give sb a vivid account of=report vividly/open a bank account/on account of/on no account=under no circumstances=by no means=in no way/at no time/by no means will I do/accountant 24.accumulate a large fortune 25.accurately/accurate timing/timer/ accuracy 26.accuse sb of doing sth/theft/charge sb with doing sth 27.accustom children to getting up early/get (oneself) accustomed to/ accustom oneself to new surrounding 28.achieve one’s goal/set one’s goal/ achieve nothing without effort/ achievement 29.acid taster/acid rain 30.acknowledge doing sth / one’s mistake/acknowledge one’s letter/ be acknowledge as(to be)/admit 31.acquire = obtain 32.get across/ run across/come across = meet with/3 meters across/shout across (through) the room/across the station 33.an act of kindness/in the act of… /Act. / act the part of sb / act out dialogue/act as/act as if/act for /act on(upon) /take strict action to
