
篇一:追忆柏林墙追忆柏林墙肯尼迪在柏林墙边的演说:kennedy二千年以前,最自豪的夸耀是civitas romanus sum,今天,自由世界最自豪的夸耀是ich bin ein berliner。
“lasst sie nach berlin kommen.”自由有许多困难,民主亦非完美,然而我们从未建造一堵墙把我们的人民关在里面,不准他们离开我们。

追忆柏林墙肯尼迪在柏林墙边的演说:Kennedy二千年以前,最自豪的夸耀是Civitas Romanus sum,今天,自由世界最自豪的夸耀是Ich bin ein Berliner。
“Lasst sie nach Berlin kommen.”自由有许多困难,民主亦非完美,然而我们从未建造一堵墙把我们的人民关在里面,不准他们离开我们。

首先,不得不提的是中国的长城(The Great Wall)。
埃及的金字塔(The Pyramids)同样闻名遐迩。
其中最著名的要数胡夫金字塔(The Pyramid of Khufu),它以其巨大的规模和神秘的建筑结构让世人为之惊叹。
印度的泰姬陵(Taj Mahal)是爱情的象征。
这座美丽的白色大理石建筑,在英文中被称为“Taj Mahal”,散发着无尽的浪漫与凄美。
法国的埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)也是世界知名的地标性建筑。
美国的自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)代表着自由与民主。
“Statueof Liberty”这个名称让人铭记着美国的核心价值观。
英国的大本钟(Big Ben),准确来说是伊丽莎白塔(Elizabeth Tower),其庄重的钟声在伦敦上空回荡。
澳大利亚的悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)以其独特的设计而闻名于世。
柬埔寨的吴哥窟(Angkor Wat),展现了高棉王朝的辉煌。
德国的柏林墙(Berlin Wall),虽然如今已大部分拆除,但它的名字“Berlin Wall”仍然铭刻在历史的长河中。

关于柏林墙的高中作文英语The Berlin Wall, a stark reminder of the Cold War era, stood as a physical and ideological barrier that divided East and West Berlin from 1961 to 1989. It was more than just a wall; it was a symbol of the Iron Curtain that separated the capitalist West from the communist East, embodying the political and social tensions of the time.Constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR), the Wall was officially termed the "Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart,"a name that belied its true purpose: to prevent East Germans from fleeing to the West. The Wall was not a single structure but a complex system of walls, fences, and barriers, complete with watchtowers, guard dogs, and armed guards. It was a grim testament to the lengths to which the GDR was willing to go to maintain control over its population.The Wall was also a powerful symbol of the human spirit's resilience and the desire for freedom. Many stories of courage and ingenuity emerged during the Wall's existence, as people attempted to escape from the East to the West. Some tunneled under the Wall, while others used hot air balloons, cars, or even tightrope walks to cross the divide. These daring escapes were not just acts of defiance but also a testament to the universal human longing for liberty andself-determination.The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, was amomentous occasion that signaled the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new era. It was a peaceful revolution, with East Germans gathering at the Wall, demanding to be allowed to cross into the West. The joyous scenes of people chipping away at the Wall with hammers and chisels, dancing on its remnants, and reuniting with loved ones on the other side, were broadcast around the world.The fall of the Wall led to the eventual reunification of Germany and the dismantling of communist regimes across Eastern Europe. It was a triumph of the human spirit over oppression and a symbol of the power of peaceful protest and the desire for freedom. Today, the remnants of the Wall that still stand serve as a reminder of the past and a cautionary tale for the future.In conclusion, the Berlin Wall was a poignant symbol of division and a testament to the human struggle for freedom. Its fall represents a significant moment in history when the world witnessed the power of unity and the triumph of freedom over repression. As we reflect on the legacy of the Wall, we are reminded of the importance of upholding democratic values and the need to continue the fight for human rights and liberty across the globe.。

慕尼黑的啤酒节 (又称“十月节”, Oktoberfest)每 年九月末到十月初 在德国的慕尼黑举 行,持续两周,是 慕尼黑一年中最盛 大的活动。2002年 大约有六百万人参 加了啤酒节,许多 其他城市也仿效慕 尼黑举办“十月 节”。
奔驰新B级汽车 定位为时尚的年轻一族,运动性与充 足车内空间的兼备,具备了中型旅行车 的负载能力.
民主德国”或“东德”)在己方领土上建立环绕 西柏林边境的边防系统,目的是阻止民主德国 (含首都东柏林)和德意志联邦共和国(简称西 德”)所属的西柏林之间人员的自由往来。 柏林墙始建于1961年8月13日,全长155公里。 柏林墙是德国分裂的象征,也是冷战的重要标志 性建筑。柏林墙已于1990年拆除。
汉堡:位于易北河 下游,是德国最 大的港口城市和 造船工业中心。
慕 尼 黑 街 景
科 隆
科隆大教堂是世界上最高的教堂 慕尼黑啤酒节1810年 之一、德国最大的教堂。是中世 创建,每逢9月最后一个 纪格特式建筑艺术的代表作。高 星期到10月初共16天被 达161米,像两把利剑直插苍穹。 定为慕尼黑啤酒节或叫 四周林立着无数小尖塔,中央大 “十月节”,举国狂欢。 礼拜堂穹顶高达43.35米,钟楼上有5座响钟,最重达24吨。
1 印欧语系,日耳曼语族 属于同一语族的还有:英语,荷兰语,挪 威语,瑞典语,冰岛语(大多数德语词汇 源于印欧语系日耳曼语族的语言,一些词 汇来自拉丁语和希腊语,还有部分来自法 语和英语。) Sport,Computer,Text,Zoo,Hotel 2 30个字母=26个英语字母+ä ö ü ß 3 所见即所读:掌握音标和字母之间的对 应规律后,能够顺畅的朗读和听写文章。 (法)

想去德国英文作文英文:I have always dreamed of visiting Germany. The country has a rich history, beautiful architecture, and a unique culture that I would love to experience firsthand. I have been doing some research on the best places to visit and things to do in Germany, and I am excited to share my findings.Firstly, I would love to visit Berlin. The city is known for its vibrant art scene, historical landmarks, and bustling nightlife. I would love to visit the Berlin Wall and learn more about its significance in German history. I also want to visit the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag Building, both of which are iconic landmarks in Berlin.Another place I would love to visit is Munich. The city is famous for its beer gardens, delicious food, and beautiful architecture. I would love to visit theHofbräuhaus, one of the oldest beer halls in Munich, and try some traditional Bavarian dishes like schnitzel and bratwurst.Apart from the cities, I also want to explore the German countryside. I have heard that the Black Forest is a beautiful region with stunning scenery and charming villages. I would love to go hiking in the forest and try some of the local cuisine.Overall, I am excited about the prospect of visiting Germany and experiencing its culture and history. I know that there is so much to see and do, and I can't wait to start planning my trip.中文:我一直梦想着去德国旅游。
德国 柏林墙的诉说

就在這時,西柏林人的吼聲嚇壞了軍警,他們這才發現自己也已經 越到鐵絲網的對側,於是膽戰心驚地退回到東德一側,眼睜睜看著越境者 一瘸一拐地脫險。小夥子其實是撿了條命,僥倖于軍警嚇蒙了。
事實上柏林牆並非騎著邊 境修築的,離邊境還有幾十米 距離 ,軍警完全可以向越境 者開槍。與此同時,也有人跳 進施普雷河遊到對岸;有幾棟 居民樓位於邊境,甚至有的人 心一橫眼一閉,在朝向西柏林 的窗口縱身跳樓。
就在東德軍人拉鐵蒺藜、築水泥牆的同時,聞訊而來的西德人湧向 牆下,朝牆那邊的同胞投擲自己的身份證和通行證,不少人使用這些證件, 混在返回西柏林的人群中偷渡到西德。
就在13日下午,第一 個越牆的勇士挺身而出!沖 向一段鐵絲網,三名全副武 裝的軍警尾隨追捕。就在這 年輕人翻身越境之時,軍警 追上來將他撲倒,年輕人的 腿被刀刺傷,栽倒在 地„„„
柏林牆壁畫: 那是一個象徵 自由的女神, 帶著一個年輕 人,在柏林的 空中自由飛翔, 她帶著他,從 東柏林飛到西 柏林。現實中, 自由女神變成 了熱氣球。
1979年,又有位東德人再創奇跡,自己研製出一個28米高的熱氣球,帶 著兩對夫婦和4個孩子從2600米高空飛過柏林牆!他們飄了半個多小時終於 落地,但不知道自己是在東德還是西德,直到他們被巡邏的西德軍人發現。
1989年11月9日,正是柏林牆倒塌的日子。從1961年到1989年,在 這漫長的28年裡,柏林牆目睹了東西德人的悲歡離合。說到它真正的倒 塌,德國人還要感謝匈牙利人。
多瑙河 夜景
1989年9月10日,決定和平變革的匈牙利政府宣佈:從此日零點開始 開放邊境,為滯留在匈牙利境內的6萬東德人提供了一條經過奧地利通往 西德的通道。
經 典 之 跳 ( 雕 塑 )
兩天之後,19歲的東德大兵康得拉•舒曼,他借值勤之機,頭戴鋼盔、 肩背步槍,從容不迫地越過了當時只用鐵蒺藜拉成的一道矮牆。舒曼騰空 一躍的瞬間,被一位攝影師用鏡頭捕到,成為攝影史上的經典之作。

介绍柏林的英语作文Berlin, the capital of Germany, is a city that holds a rich history and a vibrant contemporary culture. 柏林是德国的首都,是一个拥有丰富历史和充满活力当代文化的城市。
Walking through the streets of Berlin, one can feel the echoes of its tumultuous past, from the scars of World War II to the remnants of the Berlin Wall. 漫步在柏林的街头,人们可以感受到其动荡过去的回声,从第二次世界大战的伤痕到柏林墙的残留物。
The city's museums and memorials serve as powerful reminders of its complex history, inviting visitors to reflect on the past and contemplate the future. 城市的博物馆和纪念馆作为它复杂历史的有力提醒,邀请游客思考过去,反思未来。
Berlin is known for its thriving arts and culture scene, attracting creatives from around the world to its diverse neighborhoods. 柏林以其繁荣的艺术和文化场景而闻名,吸引着来自世界各地的创作者到其多元化的社区。
From street art to classical music, the city offers a range of cultural experiences that cater to every taste. 从街头艺术到古典音乐,这座城市提供了一系列迎合各种口味的文化体验。
修筑柏林墙的原因(The reasons for building the Berlin wall)

修筑柏林墙的原因(The reasons for building the Berlin wall)The reasons for building the Berlin wallThe official name of the Berlin wall is called the anti fascist defensive wall, which is the product of the Second World War and the East West Cold War relationship. The general thought of East Germany in order to prevent the population fled and the building, in fact, East German leader fell into the Berlin wall stands up overnight.In 1960s, the situation in the world became increasingly tense. As the leading cities of the cold war, the two major military groups of the East and the West often fought and bled in Berlin, germany. Any moment here could lead to an outbreak of war.From 1949 to August 13, 1961, the total number of people fleeing from East Germany to West Germany (including West Berlin) was about 2600000, accounting for about 1 / 8 of the total population of East Germany at that time, of which about 1 million 500 thousand were in Berlin. Especially in 1961, the number of refugees increased month by month: in June there were 20 thousand people, and in July the number rose to 30 thousand.With the rapid increase of the East Germans fled into the west, the West German government secretly complain incessantly. The US government has also begun to worry about the possibility of unrest in East germany. Once this happens, things will lead to the balance is broken, President Kennedy also worried that the Soviet leader Khrushchev will be angry, and the Western World War, even face the danger of a nuclear war.At the behest of Kennedy, the CIA immediately launched all the agents lurking in East Germany, allowing them to spread the message that if East German citizens continue to flee, it will be a matter of life and death for East germany. The move certainly touched the nerve of East Germany's leader. After a series of secret consultations, they argued that only coercive measures could prevent citizens from fleeing to West Germany, and that the concrete way would be to build a wall between East and west. The decision can not be told to the Soviet Union in advance, because Khrushchev does not want to engage in a large-scale conflict with the West. If the plan is reported to him in advance, he will certainly be refused. Therefore, they decided to act. At midnight on August 13th, the East German nation, the people's army, the police force and the workers' battle group were on standby for action. Thousands of fighters in Berlin also rang, rang, and knocked at the door. People came from all directions to the appointed place. At 1 a.m., the border lights between Berlin and East Germany went out, and a military vehicle carried soldiers and barbed wire to the workplace. Order: within half an hour, 81 channels leading to West Berlin will be closed, and within 3 hours, the military and police must completely control the transit passage (68). Under the cover of darkness, all on the road with a pneumatic drill hole, erected cement column, erected barbed wire. In some areas, people or by the river, or the use of existing buildings, or the legacy of war broken walls, quickly pull up a fence. At dawn, a winding in the streets, residential areas, gardens, buildings, through the woods, rivers, 164 kilometers across the border fence built. The passage between East and west between Berlin and East China was interrupted.Khrushchev heard the East began building be startled at the Berlin wall report, he worried that it would offend the west, causing the entire western economic sanctions against Russia, more afraid of conflict with the United States further intensified, even worry about war with the west. But Khrushchev knew that his brother, East Germany's little brother, had driven him away from any retreat and had to bite the bullet and let the whole world know that the wall was the Soviet government's claim to repair. Then Khrushchev said in a speech: "the Berlin wall is to prevent the Western imperialist aggression fence, the German working class built this wall, the wolf can't get into the German Democratic Republic!"But Kennedy did not close hand, but led the western countries strongly condemned the overnight out of the Berlin wall, it can cover up their conspiracy, and wantonly attacked by the Soviet Union and Eastern Group "is how inhuman, how warlike.Museum Hau Am Check-point CharlieCharlie post next to the Allied headquarters in Berlin before, now is the Berlin wall museum. I thought it was a collection of historical material about the construction and demolition of the Berlin wall. I came in to find out that it chose another, more realistic way of understanding Berlin people's memory of the Berlin wall. In this house like museum, there is no sermon, no boring chronicle, only a lot of stories about the wall.The museum's owner Sid Brown in Berlin. Reina wall was built second years began his collection, many people successfully entered the West Berlin to their use of tools donated to themuseum, the reporter also put their shot of the success or failure of the wall story donated.Ad locum,I saw a huge pincers, people used to cut the original barbed wire of the Berlin wall to dig to West Berlin tunnel with a shovel and a transport cart, to hide the smugglers' car, homemade diving apparatus are used to cross the river......There was a picture of an East German soldier guarding the wall, bringing up a loose wire fence and letting a little boy through the hole below. The soldier raised his head, a pair of frightened eyes, looking at the boss not far away. The little boy's father worked in West Berlin, and the good soldier finally paid for his job in order to reunite the boy with his father.A West Berlin man dug a secret tunnel under the wall of Berlin, leading to the opposite building to pick up his wife and children to West Berlin. However, he did not know at the same time, a group of students also dug a tunnel in the vicinity of the other, when the two tunnel intersection, the ground suddenly collapsed, the man from the caves in the hole out of the moment, the East German soldiers pulled the trigger.The wisdom of the Berlin people continue to come up with all kinds of new methods.A father built a pulley for his son, and placed his son on a rope to the west of Berlin on the border.A musician hid his East German girlfriend in a loudspeaker box and escaped the border check.One of the largest exhibits is a 28 meter high heat balloon. This is the two hand father for their two of eight people dive in West Berlin made plans, materials are old oil drums, pipe. The family took advantage of a wind is suitable dark night launch balloon in their own backyard, lifting their organs carefully designed to help them cleverly escaped the East German soldier's bullet in flight after half an hour, finally landed in the western suburbs of Berlin a piece of land.On the two floor of the museum, one of the exhibits surprised me. It was a huge net welded with dozens of bars of steel, with many sharp steel spines vertical, each of which had dozens of centimeters in length. It was laid under the boundary river bed to prevent jumping across the river. The border between Berlin and East is very long, along the river, and people who live by the river often jumpTo swim in the river to the other side, in order to prevent this behavior, the East German forces invented the steel net this terrible, spread them in the river one after another. Many people trying to enter West Berlin did not fall into the gunshot of the soldiers, but on a steel stab in the bottom of the river. But there have also been a brave diver and dive into the water to one of the 14 steel gill lift, then dressed in diving equipment East German submarine to shore success.In the introduction of museum exhibits, I found a frequently occurring word: "Escape Helper" (escape assistant). It seemsto have become a specific term, even a specific profession. It was many of these people from Berlin who came to the city again and again as their mission. Up for ten years the day in the Berlin wall, people of West Berlin a big sign hanging on the wall of the checkpoint, saying: "sincerely thank those who struggle in the Berlin wall or the people over there, they do everything to help their compatriots; sincerely thank those who did not want East German soldiers escape the accurate shot."That day, after visiting the museum, it was already evening, and the cold wind of Berlin in autumn. Walking in the dark alleys, I particularly want to see the faces of the people around Berlin. How do the Germanic people face the wall of memory?The SONY center in particular. The Potsdam square, there was the cold war the Berlin wall a deserted area, now built this magnificent building, Berlin has become the center of leisure shopping. Its roof is a huge glass umbrella, and it is said that its designers want to convey the message that, in today's united Germany, the people will finally have an umbrella and will not be harmed again.But I inadvertently think a report in Berlin before, said after the reunification of the German government to blood transfusion policy assistance the East German economy, now the East German economy level has reached the average level of 90%. However, the visible Berlin wall collapsed and the people of Berlin, after a brief period of euphoria, might not have completely melted the invisible Berlin wall that existed in their hearts. In my office in Munich, my colleagues from East Germany face no sign of identity. In my opinion, all the colleagues areGerman, and they are equally optimistic, frank and behave in accordance with the rules. But one day my two colleagues in Germany because of a quarrel in the work of things, when I tried to persuade one of her colleagues do not personally, she said with a smile: "oh,He's an East German man!"The separation of the 28 years did not melt so quickly. Fortunately, the umbrella has been erected in the middle of the city. The people of Berlin have been firmly moving forward. Now they need only time.East Side GalleryThe second day early in the morning I went to the river Spree on Ober paume bridge, the bridge itself was a checkpoint. This section of the Berlin wall is along the East Bank of the Berlin river. But in fact, the border between East and West is not a wall, but a zone about 50 meters between the river and the wall. It has become a "no man's zone"". Now there is still the land of weeds, only a few isolated old buildings.The style of the bridge is very special, Castle style, but what I care about is not the bridge or the river itself. At the east end of the bridge, I met a talkative old German man. He lived on the west side when there was the Berlin wall. Pointing to the river at his feet, he told me, "the river, which was visited every year, was killed every year in the river.". Speaking of this, the old man pointed to the middle of the river and remained silent for a long time. The river does not take away the soulof the people of Berlin, leaving only a grief, and reflection.I asked the old man when he had to cross the river side, he said it is not allowed to come to the west of Berlin, East and West Germany in 70s signed an agreement to allow transit permit issued to the people of West Berlin day trips, they can come to visit, and the East Berlin people still can not to go to the west of Berlin. He said that even if the over, can not be close to the wall, close to the border, for him, which represents death.The old man told me that the eastern gallery was next to it. It was a wall left over. I patted my shoulder and said humorously, "the wall is true, rest assured."! Now everything is made in China. This wall is not. It's original!"This is a two kilometer long Berlin wall with a weedy neighborhood and one side of the road. In 1990, the German government invited many painters to paint on this wall. Because it is in the eastern part of Berlin, called the eastern gallery".The subject is mostly about peace and unification of the two, after more than 10 years of wind and rain, has some mottled, but I think this is a way to encourage people in Berlin to remind people of themselves, and engraved on the wall of reflection, more convincing than thick textbooks.Across the street from the gallery, there was rubble left over by the buildings. It's a big construction site, and the old Soviet buildings are giving way. Maybe another SONY center willemerge. To sharpen the Berlin people are out of history, full of energy to build their homes.The gallery on a picture of a torn a breach of the Berlin wall, the crowd rushed to the opposite through the gaps, the faces of people are panic, joy and dull, curious.In 1998, the German government erected a monument to the Berlin wall on the avenue of botswana.The Berlin wall seems to have been buried in twentieth Century in the past, those who cast all solution technique, people beyond the forbidden, and used the weapon in the hands of hand over border crossers life veterans, now living in the city, they have been this meandering hundred kilometers from the sun young monster no, the Berlin wall and abolishment of punishment. I'm just a passer - by, I don't know how to judge the Berlin wall, but the story of the Berlin wall for 28 years left me thinking. Should changes in the social system, racial conflicts, or economic differences be grounds for the erosion of human nature?A wall. Does it have a reason to stand between us? I think it is only when all the barriers on earth are buried that the wall of Berlin can truly fulfill its mission.。
my trip to柏林英语作文

my trip to柏林英语作文During my trip to Berlin, I had the opportunity to visit many famous landmarks and learn about the rich history of the city. One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Berlin Wall. It was a surreal experience to see the remnants of this once-divisive barrier that separated East and West Berlin.我在柏林的旅行中,有机会参观了许多著名的地标,了解了这座城市丰富的历史。
Another memorable experience was visiting the Brandenburg Gate. This iconic landmark symbolizes the reunification of Germany and is a must-see for any visitor to Berlin. Standing in front of the gate, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and appreciation for the history that took place there.另一个令人难忘的经历是参观勃兰登堡门。
I also had the chance to visit the Berlin Cathedral, a stunning piece of architecture that offers panoramic views of the city from its dome. The cathedral's intricate design and beautiful interior left me in awe of the craftsmanship anddedication that went into building such a magnificent structure.我还有机会参观了柏林大教堂,这是一座令人惊叹的建筑,从它的圆顶可以俯瞰城市的全景。

Objective criticism isn't given or received easily. Compliments are seldom given for work product.
Strict vertical hierarchy exists. Power is held by a small number of people at the top. Deference is given to authority. Subordinates rarely contradict or criticize the boss publicly. Decision making is slow with thorough analysis of all facts.
Corporate Culture and Negotiation Style
Germans take punctuality for business meetings and social occasions seriously. Tardiness/late is viewed as thoughtless and rude. Call with an explanation if you are delayed. Send company profiles, personal profiles, etc., to German colleagues before your visit to establish credibility.(可信性) Contacts are vital to a business success. Use a bank, German representative or the Industrie und Handelskammer (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) when possible. Rank is very important in business. Never set up a meeting for a lower ranked company employee to meet with a higher ranked person.

第二次世界大战以后,纳粹德国及其首都柏林被美国、英国、法国和苏联分成四区占领。原纳粹德国首都柏 林被分割为东柏林与西柏林。
柏林墙倒塌25年今昔对比(19张) 1949年,德意志联邦共和国与德意志民主共和国相继成立。两个德国的分 裂对峙持续了41年。民主德国和联邦德国成为东西方两大阵营交锋的最前沿,各为其主,各不相让。这期间,柏 林墙的出现,便具有了标志性意义,成为冷战的符号和象征。
柏林墙的建立是冷战期间美国和苏联两大阵营之间冲突导致的。第二次世界大战后,原纳粹德国首都柏林被 分割为东柏林与西柏林;柏林墙修建之前,约有350万德国居民逃离苏联占领区以及之后的民主德国和东柏林地 区,其中1949年到1961年间约260万人。除此之外还有大量波兰人和捷克斯洛伐克人也把柏林视为通往西方的通 道,他们中的许多人通过西柏林前往西方资本主义国家。柏林墙修建后在1961至1989年间这类逃亡被大幅限制 下 来 , 约 有 5 0 0 0 人 在 此 期 间 尝 试 翻 越 柏 林 墙 。 1 9 6 0 年 起 《 开 枪 射 击 令 》 ( S c h i e ßb e f e h l ) 生 效 , 民 主 德 国 边 防 军允许对非法越境者开枪射击,此举于1982年通过立法被合法化。据截止2009年的统计,被枪杀人数约在136至 245人之间,确切死亡人数目则不得而知。
现在柏林墙原址拥有柏林墙遗址纪念公园以及世界上最大的露天画廊——东边画廊。柏林墙遗址纪念公园位 于柏林轻轨北火车站和柏林地铁伯恩瑙大街站之间;东边画廊位于柏林东火车站至奥伯鲍姆桥之间,是1990年9 月28日,来自21个国家的180位艺术家在长达1316米的柏林墙上创作的不同主题绘画组成的画廊。
Berlin wall柏林墙

The first victim of the Wall The first victim of the Wall was Ida Siekmann. She to be shot at was Günter was fatally injured after Litfin. He was 24 years old In 1966, two children, jumping out of the and was shot by police, aged ten and thirteen window of her apartment. near the railway station of years, were killed in She fell onto the Berlin Friedrichstrasse, bled to Peter Fechter the border strip. This is pavement on the west when he tried to get into death in the death strip, unusual because the side. the West. This17 August, 1962. This on was on 24 East German border August, 1961, only public outcry. led to a eleven police had orders to days after the bordertroops watched American had not shoot on pregnant been closed. but could not help him, women, children or him. The East-German mentally ill people. border policemen, who had wounded him, did not help him either. The last death took place on 6 February, 1989, when Chris Gueffroy died trying to escape into West Berlin.

The fall of the WallToday we celebrate the bi-decennial of the demolition of the Berlin Wall - the concrete barrier erected by the then German Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany) that completely encircled the city of West Berlin, separating it from East Germany, including East Berlin.The Wall included guard towers placed along large concrete walls, which circumscribed a wide area (later known as the "death strip") that contained anti-vehicle trenches, "fakir beds" and other defenses. The separate and much longer inner German Border (the IGB) demarcated the border between East and West Germany. Both borders came to symbolize the Iron Curtain between Western Europe and the Eastern Bloc.Prior to the Wall's erection, 3.5 million East Germans had avoided Eastern Bloc emigration restrictions and escaped into West Germany, many over the border between East and West Berlin. During its existence from 1961 to 1989, the Wall stopped almost all such emigration and separated the GDR from West Berlin for more than a quarter of a century.[1] After its erection, around 5,000 people attempted to escape over the wall, with estimates of the resulting death toll varying between around 100 and 200.During a revolutionary wave sweeping across the Eastern Bloc, the East German government announced on November 9, 1989, after several weeks of civil unrest, that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. Crowds of East Germans climbed onto andcrossed the wall, joined by West Germans on the other side in a celebratory atmosphere. Over the next few weeks, parts of the wall were chipped away by a euphoric public and by souvenir hunters; industrial equipment was later used to remove almost all of the rest. The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on October 3, 1990.。

第四层防线:音响警报缆 第五层防线:通电的铁丝网
柏林墙(德语:Berliner Mauer;英语:Berlin Wall,正式名称为反法西斯防卫墙(antifaschistischer Schutzwall),是德国首都柏林在第二次世界大战以后,德意志民主共和国(简称民主德国或东德)在己方领土上建立的围墙,目的是隔离东德(含东德的首都东柏林)和德意志联邦共和国(简称联邦德国或西德),从而阻隔东西柏林之间市民的往来。柏林墙的建立,是二战以后德国分裂和冷战的重要标志性建筑。1961年建造,1989年拆除,两德重归统一。柏林墙的建立,是德国历史上难以抹去的一道伤疤,这个民族那时最大的悲哀,莫过于再次分裂。

2009年11月9日数千名德国人和世界各国领导人聚会庆祝“Mauerfall” (Mauerfall是一个专有名词, 专指1989 年11 月9日柏林墙倒塌这一历史事件)、柏林墙拆除、德国重新统一,并纪念这些年里为试图越过边界而死去的大约100-200人。

介绍德国景点英语作文Germany is a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, making it a popular destination for tourists from all around the world. 德国是一个历史悠久、文化丰富、自然风光优美的国家,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。
One of the most famous and popular landmarks in Germany is the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. 这项建筑作品是巴洛克艺术的杰作,被誉为代表柏林的象征。
Aside from the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin is also home to many world-class museums such as the Pergamon Museum and the Berlin Wall Memorial. 除了勃兰登堡门,柏林还有许多世界级的博物馆,如佩加蒙博物馆和柏林墙纪念馆。
Another must-visit destination in Germany is the Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, which served as the inspiration for Disney's Sleeping Beauty Castle. 德国的另一个必游之地是位于巴伐利亚州的新天鹅堡,它为迪士尼的睡美人城堡提供了灵感。
For nature lovers, the Black Forest offers stunning scenery with its dense forests, rolling hills, and picturesque villages. 对于喜爱大自然的人来说,黑森林以其茂密的森林、起伏的山丘和如画般的村庄而闻名。

柏林墙景点英语作文Title: Exploring the Iconic Berlin Wall: A Historical Landmark。
Introduction:Berlin Wall, a symbol of division and unity, stands as a poignant reminder of Germany's tumultuous history. Erected in 1961, it divided East and West Berlin for 28 years, embodying the ideological conflict of the Cold War era. Today, its remnants serve as a powerful testament to human resilience and the pursuit of freedom.Historical Significance:The Berlin Wall's construction was a pivotal moment in history, marking the division between East and West amidst the ideological struggle between communism and capitalism. Its existence represented the physical manifestation of the Iron Curtain, separating families, friends, and ideologies.Sights to Explore:1. East Side Gallery:The East Side Gallery is perhaps the most famoussection of the Berlin Wall. Stretching for over a kilometer, it features vibrant murals painted by artists from around the world, each conveying messages of hope, freedom, and unity. Walking along this open-air gallery is a captivating journey through history and art.2. Checkpoint Charlie:Once a major crossing point between East and West Berlin, Checkpoint Charlie now serves as a museum dedicated to the Cold War era. Visitors can explore exhibitions detailing the Wall's history, escape attempts, and the geopolitical tensions of the time. Standing at thishistoric site, one can feel the weight of history and the courage of those who sought freedom.3. Berlin Wall Memorial:Located at Bernauer Strasse, the Berlin Wall Memorial offers a comprehensive look into the Wall's history. Here, visitors can see preserved sections of the Wall, watchtower remnants, and a documentation center providing insightsinto the lives affected by the division. It's a solemn reminder of the human cost of political oppression.4. Mauerpark:Mauerpark, once a "death strip" dividing East and West Berlin, is now a vibrant public space. Every Sunday, it hosts a bustling flea market and outdoor karaoke,attracting locals and tourists alike. The park's transformation symbolizes Berlin's resilience and itsability to overcome division.Reflections on Unity and Freedom:Visiting the Berlin Wall evokes a range of emotions, from sadness at the suffering endured by those living underoppression to awe at the resilience of the human spirit. It serves as a reminder that freedom should never be taken for granted and that unity is possible even in the face of division.Conclusion:The Berlin Wall stands as a powerful symbol of both the darkest and brightest aspects of human history. Exploring its remnants allows us to reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and envision a future where walls are torn down, and unity prevails. As we walk in the footsteps of those who lived through this tumultuous period, may we carry their stories with us and strive for a world built on freedom, equality, and understanding.。

也是欧洲著名的林荫大道。它东起马克思— 恩格斯广场,西至勃兰登堡门,全长1390 米, 宽60 米。街两边4 行挺拔的椴树(被误译为菩 提树),像翠绿的长廊,笔直地伸向勃兰登 堡门。
柏林墙,英语:Berlin Wall,正式名称为反法西斯 防卫墙,是德国首都柏林在第二次世界大战以后, 德意志民主共和国(简称民主德国或东德)在己方 领土上建立的围墙,目的是隔离东德(含东德的首 都东柏林)和德意志联邦共和国(简称联邦德国或西 德),从而阻隔东西柏林之间市民的往来。柏林墙的 建立,是二战以后德国分裂和冷战的重要标志性建 筑。1961年建造,1989年拆除,两德重归统一。 柏林墙的建立,是德国历史上难以抹去的一道伤疤, 这个民族那时最大的悲哀,莫过于再次分裂。
Platz)是德国首都柏林市 中心的一个广场,位于勃兰登堡门内,菩提 树下大街的西端,西面勃兰登堡门外是 Tiergarten。它得名于法国首都巴黎,以纪念 1814年反法同盟占领巴黎,是该市的主要焦 点之一。
纪念教堂 波茨坦广场 柏林德国国家歌剧院 国会大厦 博登堡门 共和国宫 更多
车站的德国柏林中央火车站落成剪彩。这 座历时10年、耗资130亿欧元建成的五层钢 结构玻璃建筑,占地1.5万平方米,已成为 欧洲最大的火车站,也成为柏林继帝国议 会大厦和勃兰登堡门后的第三座地标性建 筑。
博物馆岛在柏林市中心,由新博物馆、 国家画廊、佩加蒙博物馆、博德博物馆 组成。因位于施普雷河的两条河道的汇 合处,故有博物馆岛之称。
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In the last phase of the wall's development, the "death strip" between fence and concrete wall.
East Germans were killed if they tried to escape.
• In the summer of 1972 I traveled to Berlin with my family (my second encounter). • This is the sight I saw.
Berlin, 1961. Berlin Wall at Zimmerstrasse. West Berliners watching over the Wall to the East.
Berlin Wall being built – separation.
Berlin. Bernauer Strasse/Brunnenstrasse View from West to East Berlin.
President Kennedy says, “Ich bin ein Berliner.” (I am a Berliner) – I support you.
Due to the Allied Air Lift, from a few years prior, and President Kennedy’s support, West Berlin remained a vigorous and healthy city. Berlin, unfortunately, remained divided.
United States President Ronald Reagan delivers his famed "Tear Down This Wall" speech at the Berlin Wall in June of 1987, in which he called for Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall.
Berlin, Potsdamer Platz, 60s
Berlin, Potsdamer Platz, 60s
Brandenburg Gate photographed through the barbed wire there, from the West Berlin, April 1963
In 1989 the Berlin Wall came DOWN!!
My friend sent be a post card showing people walking under the Brandenburg Gate for the first time since 1961. My 4th encounter.
The Berlin Wall
By Jim Olsen
My Life and the Berlin Wall
• Jim Olsen born 1956. • The Berlin Wall was erected in 1961 by the communist government, to make it impossible for East Germans to leave their country.
Brandenburg Gate View from West Berlin to East Berlin
Berliner Mauer, Berlin 1983.
In 1985 I took a group of students to Germany (3rd encounter). This is what I saw.
Checkpoint Charlie Berlin, April 1963
Berlin, 1963. John F. Kennedy visiting Berlin ois famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech.
Potsdamer Platz has been restored. They have kept a section of the Wall.
Potsdamer Platz restored.
Potsdamer Platz Sony Center 2007
Berlin, Checkpoint Charlie View from West to East Berlin, 1961
Standoff between US and Soviet tanks at Checkpoint Charlie, 1961.
• In sixth grade my social studies teacher showed slides of her visit to Berlin. • My first encounter with the Berlin Wall. • This is what she described.
In summer 2007 I took my family to Berlin. My 5th encounter. It was awesome!
Here we are at the Hard Rock Café, Berlin with my friend, Heinz.
They have the line marked where the Wall stood.