






请问:这位老板因这笔生意共亏了多少钱?虽不是很难,却是决定成败的一题.答案:鉴于如此简单易想的一道逻辑应用题论坛上的各位大大居然答错率在70%以上,我不得不为中国的应试教育感到悲伤,毕竟我也是受毒害的一员.由于万恶的楼主给题目不给答案的做法使回复高达100多页也争论不出个结果,所以我现在来用理论而非数字仔细的来分析一下这道题,使大多数人能真正理解明白这道题,得出正确的答案.将老板的行为划分成2个方向分析价值流向即可:1.老板与客户方向:收到假币,价值为0,付给客户鞋子标价30,加上找零70元真币,0-30-70=-100;2.老板与邻居方向:拿出价值0元的假币(还不知是假)换回邻居100零钱真币,-0+100,后被发现是假币又还给邻居100真币,变为-0+100-100=0,不亏不赚,白忙活;3.答案是不是上诉两个方面代数和: -100+0= -100 即亏100呢?还不是,还差一点,,,,,(30元的货物中有10元的利润,实际成本只有20元,利润可以算到亏损里吗,当然不可以,利润没有亏损一说,只有成本的损失才可以叫亏损,换个方式想想,假设老板进一批货由于各种原因最终只能以成本进货价格全部卖出你能说老板亏损了吗....)新闻联播里面常说某大型国企去年亏损或盈利**万元,可以知道这是两个完全对立的概念,不应把那本来有可能得到而没有得到的10元利润算进去,亏损多少只是相对于“不亏不赚,一年白干来”说的,而不是相对于预期收益来说的,所以应该将与客户之间的交易盈亏计算写成:0-20-70= -90,即售出的鞋子按成本价计算,最后答案:亏损90元。






















麦肯锡方法培训试题(100分)感谢您能抽出几分钟时间来参加本次答题,现在我们就马上开始吧!1、姓名【填空题】________________________2、麦肯锡思考问题是哪三个原则?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 依据;思维;求证(回答包含答案即可得分)3、大胆假设的应用方法是什么?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 初步;事实;检验(回答包含答案即可得分)4、探索和分析的基本准则是什么?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 事实;客观;分析(回答包含答案即可得分)5、探索和分析问题的误区是什么?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 迷惑;刻意;试图(回答包含答案即可得分)6、常用的沟通方法是哪几种?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 风暴;访谈;总结(回答包含答案即可得分)7、头脑风暴的成功核心是什么?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 充分;到位(回答包含答案即可得分)8、头脑风暴的现场控制什么?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 坏点;适可而止;好记性(回答包含答案即可得分)9、访谈的成功要点是什么?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 见面;两人;倾听(回答包含答案即可得分)10、总结汇报时领导希望看到的信息是什么?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 简洁;全面;系统(回答包含答案即可得分)11、麦肯锡解决问题的七个步骤是什么?【填空题】(10分)________________________正确答案: 陈述;分析;去掉;制定;分析;论证;讲述(回答包含答案即可得分)。



Failure is the mother of success. 同学互助一起进步(WORD文档/A4打印/可编辑/页眉可删)麦肯锡面试方法麦肯锡面试经验失败总结麦肯锡面试经验一共三轮,每轮两个面试官。

每轮都包括be havior interview和case interview。


然后她就给我做了一个关于mobile phone manufactuer进入中国市场的案例,整个过程还算nice。




因为聊的太久了,所以做了一个brain teaser的case。









让我满足的是有个剑桥的被拒了,还有一个拿到BCGoffer 的也被据了。






我被问的是一个corprate finance的现金流的问题。



第1篇1. 请介绍一下你自己。




2. 你为什么选择这个职位?解析:面试官想了解求职者对这个职位的认识和兴趣。


3. 你的优势是什么?解析:面试官想了解求职者的核心竞争力。


4. 你的劣势是什么?解析:面试官想了解求职者的自我认知和改进能力。


5. 你对薪资有什么期望?解析:面试官想了解求职者的薪资期望是否合理。


6. 你有什么问题想问我们?解析:这是求职者了解公司和职位的机会。


7. 你能接受加班吗?解析:面试官想了解求职者的工作态度。


8. 你在团队合作中遇到过什么困难?解析:面试官想了解求职者的沟通能力和解决问题的能力。


9. 你如何处理工作中的压力?解析:面试官想了解求职者的抗压能力。


10. 你如何看待工作中的失误?解析:面试官想了解求职者的责任心和改进能力。


11. 你如何提升自己的专业技能?解析:面试官想了解求职者的学习能力和自我提升意识。




转】麦肯锡咨询面试经验汇总贴肖承浩 2012-07-16 14:48:35同行热帖•[普华永道会...]非常详细的普华永道PwC本科和研究生薪...•[普华永道会...]2014普华永道暑期实习•[中国专利信...]专利审查协作中心薪酬待遇•[尼尔森公司]尼尔森应届生薪酬待遇揭秘6.1 麦肯锡精彩面经分享马拉松归来~~刚刚进行完McK的面霸之旅,虽然是第一次面试经历,不过这样一番折腾,自觉都快成面霸了。

在回来的火车上,信号拉拉差,反正没事干,决定积攒 rp,乘热打铁,写写面经,也算总结经验,回头再战….(我承认第一段看完我就可以直接被淘汰了。







收到确认信,关于MDay (Marathontag就是面试的那天,马拉松我没跑过,无从比较,但是体力确实要跟上)的流程,酒店地址,前一天自愿的非正式晚宴的邀请,(说是自愿,大概没有人敢没有理由的拒掉,不过其实对于放松心情还是挺管用的) 还有就是笔试的练习题了。

消息插播,准备的3个礼拜过程中,经历了另外两个企业的电面,主要关于简历的,虽然最后也不是Ha ppyEnding,但是对于练习面试德语有一定效果,至少在后面MDay的简历部分比较自信。


晚上时间延长? 周末时间延长? 周末提早开馆?
准备更多的当代小说? 不同的专题? 更多的精装而非平装书?
使借阅现有材 料更方便能否 改善业绩?
目前图书馆的布置是否最理想? 读者是否非常了解如何借阅资料? 是否备有回答问题的服务?
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
图书馆如何能在不超 出现有预算的情况下 ,通过延长时间,选 择更好书刊或者改进 借阅现有材料的方法 来改善服务?
延长开馆时间 能否有重要的 改善机会?
通过更好地 选择书籍/刊 物能否改善 业绩?
பைடு நூலகம்
图书馆书刊材料的收集工作有改变吗 ? 图书馆员工有改变吗? 图书馆的布置改变了吗? 图书馆的借阅程序有改变吗?
计划 组织 带领 控制
沟通与协调 问题的解决与决策
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
4、 管理就是PDSA的过程
行为修正 反思,总结
ACT 行动
运用所学到的方法 修改理论 调整方法 明确进一步的学习需求
8、 解决问题的常见的迷思
“解决问题的高手 是天生的,而不是 培养出来的。有的 人生来就有这个天 赋,而有的人却没 有,这是一种天生 的创造能力...是教 不出来的。”
“善于解决问题的能力 通常是缜密而系统化思 维的产物,任何一个有 才之士都能获得这种能 力。有序的思维工作方 式并不会扼杀灵感及创 造力,反而会助长灵感 及创造力的产生。”





















第1篇一、开场白及自我介绍1. 请简单介绍一下自己。

2. 您为什么选择我们公司?3. 您能谈谈您的优势和劣势吗?4. 您在上一份工作中取得了哪些成就?5. 您在团队中是如何发挥作用的?6. 您如何看待加班文化?7. 您对未来的职业规划是什么?二、工作经历及项目经验1. 请详细描述一下您在上一份工作中的职责。

2. 您在上一份工作中遇到的最大的挑战是什么?您是如何解决的?3. 您在团队项目中扮演了什么角色?您认为您的贡献有多大?4. 您能分享一个您在项目中遇到的问题,以及您是如何解决它的吗?5. 您在项目中遇到过哪些跨部门合作的情况?您是如何协调的?6. 您认为您在上一份工作中最大的成就是什么?为什么?7. 您在上一份工作中学到了哪些宝贵的经验?8. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些团队冲突?您是如何处理的?三、专业知识及技能1. 请简要介绍您的专业技能。

2. 您能谈谈您在专业技能方面的优势吗?3. 您认为您在哪些领域还有待提高?4. 您在哪些软件或工具方面有丰富的使用经验?5. 您能举例说明您如何运用您的专业知识解决实际问题吗?6. 您对行业的发展趋势有何看法?7. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些技术难题?您是如何克服的?8. 您认为在您的专业领域,有哪些新兴的技术或方法值得学习?四、团队合作及沟通能力1. 您在团队合作中遇到过哪些困难?您是如何克服的?2. 您认为团队合作中最重要的是什么?3. 您在沟通中遇到的最大挑战是什么?您是如何应对的?4. 您能分享一个与同事或上级沟通成功的案例吗?5. 您在团队中如何处理不同意见?6. 您认为在团队中,领导者的角色是什么?7. 您在跨文化团队中遇到过哪些问题?您是如何解决的?8. 您如何平衡团队目标与个人目标?五、应变能力及解决问题的能力1. 请描述一次您在紧急情况下解决问题的经历。

2. 您在遇到压力时是如何应对的?3. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些突发事件?您是如何处理的?4. 您认为在解决问题时,最重要的是什么?5. 您能分享一个您在团队中成功解决难题的案例吗?6. 您在遇到问题时,通常会采取哪些方法?7. 您认为在解决问题时,团队协作的重要性如何?8. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些失败的经历?您从中学到了什么?六、个人品质及价值观1. 您认为自己的性格特点有哪些?2. 您在团队合作中是如何展现您的领导力的?3. 您如何看待竞争与合作的关系?4. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些道德困境?您是如何处理的?5. 您如何定义成功?6. 您认为在职场中,诚信和责任的重要性如何?7. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些困难,但最终克服了?这给您带来了哪些启示?8. 您认为自己的价值观与公司的价值观是否相符?七、职业素养及适应能力1. 您认为自己在职业素养方面有哪些优点?2. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些行业变化?您是如何适应的?3. 您认为自己在适应新环境方面有哪些优势?4. 您如何平衡工作与生活?5. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些工作压力?您是如何应对的?6. 您认为自己在职场中最大的优势是什么?7. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些跨文化工作经历?您是如何处理的?8. 您认为自己在职场中最大的挑战是什么?八、求职意向及薪资期望1. 您为什么选择这个职位?2. 您对薪资有什么期望?3. 您对公司的福利待遇有什么要求?4. 您能谈谈您对工作的期望吗?5. 您在以往的工作中遇到过哪些与职位不符的情况?您是如何处理的?6. 您认为自己在哪个领域还有提升的空间?7. 您对未来五年的职业发展有什么规划?九、结束语1. 您还有什么问题想问我们吗?2. 您对这次面试有什么期待?3. 您认为我们公司有哪些优势和劣势?4. 您对未来的工作有什么期待?5. 感谢您的参与,期待与您共事。





1基本的提问了解事物的本质究竟为什么会发生这样的事情呢?问题出在哪儿?(Where)为什么事态会变成这样?(Why)应当怎样做呢?(How)面向将来的提问想要有一个怎样的将来?为了实现这一点,眼下应当怎么做?阻碍变化发生的事情是什么?跳脱束缚,拓宽更多的可能性真正重要的事情是什么?真的是那样吗?也有这种可能吗?假如一切顺当的话,想要做什么呢?鼓舞人心对你来说真正重要的事情是什么呢?一直以什么样的心情来面对工作呢?不考虑其他因素的话,最想做什么?能让你兴奋的事情是什么?2用来解决问题的提问应当……呢?当前所面对的真正问题究竟是什么呢?最重要的课题是什么?那真的算是重要的课题吗?他们究竟需要的是什么呢?将事物朝正确的方向推进真正想做的是什么?那真的很重要吗?工作无法顺当推进时是什么让工作不能顺当推进呢?从什么时候开头变得不顺当的呢?为什么会不顺当?原本我们想要达到的目标是什么?为什么会定那样的目标?这次的危机能给我们带来什么样的转变? 怎样才能将其转变为机遇?转变环境这能带来什么样的机遇呢?怎样才能将事态向前推进?这具有什么样的意义呢?3催生思想的提问目标客户会为了什么而消费呢?原本他们的消费需求是什么?他们所需求的真正价值是什么?真的是那样吗?PainorGain?(是痛点还是益处?)在哪里完成那件事?(关于有益的价值)究竟是指哪一方面呢?4让沟通更顺畅的提问之所以那样说的背景原因是什么呢?当前,现场发生了什么状况呢?5提升工作效率的提问真的那样做就没问题了?能不能更进一步呢?眼下,怎样做才能将工作成果最大化呢?回顾之前的工作为什么能够顺当推进?(假如顺当的话)这对今后会产生什么样的影响? 没能获得成果的原因是什么?自己发生了哪些转变?把握了哪些学问或技能?没有任何铺张,缩短工作时间眼下必需立刻去完成的工作是什么?当前最应当集中精力去做的事情是什么?那件事真的很有必要的?那真的是很重要的事情吗?假如不去做的话,真的会变成一个问题吗?对方真正想了解的是什么?避免滥用信息真的是那样吗?这个人所说的内容是基于什么样的前提呢?6打动人的提问了解对方的意图什么时候会需要用到?(When)会在什么场景下使用到?(Where)对方想成为什么样的人呢?(Who)无法回避的重点内容是什么?(What)这项工作的目标是什么呢?( Why )以怎样的方式来使用呢?(How)真的如此吗?(跳脱出思想束缚的提问)激励对方为什么会选择那种方法?那真的是很重要的事情吗?对于现状是怎么考虑的?什么是导致无法取得成果的罪魁祸首?不情愿去做的原因是什么?7转变对方想法的提问眼下,对什么事情感到迷茫呢?目前最介意的事情是什么?当前,把大量的时间都用在什么事情上了呢?你想达到什么样的状态?最想去完成的大事是什么?你的抱负是什么?那真的是一件重要的事情吗?为什么会认为那很重要?重要的事情会带来什么样的影响?什么事情是不去完成也没有问题的?不情之请你能去完成这件工作吗?假如是这样的条件,你怎么认为的?这个和那个,你觉得哪个更好呢?了解对方的价值观最近,你最关注的事情是什么?最近,曾感动你的事情是什么?8提升团队实力的提问此时此刻,正在想些什么?什么让你感到厌烦呢?原本我们想要达到什么样的状态?我们的初心是什么?究竟是为了什么而努力工作呢?团队成员的强项都体现在哪儿?将各成员的强项汇聚起来,那团队的优势体现在哪儿?团队的实力以及应被重视的事情是什么呢?该如何发挥团队的实力呢?团队成员发生冲突时现在,究竟发生了什么状况?当前团队内的气氛是什么样的呢?头脑风暴、会议那真的是很重要的吗?(某项工作推进缓慢时)此时此刻,我们在思索什么呢?(会议陷入僵局时)眼下,发生了什么状况?(会议陷入僵局时)现在最介意的事情是什么呢?(会议陷入僵局时)最想重视的事情是什么?(会议陷入僵局时)此时此刻,大家都是什么感受呢?(气氛变得生硬时)我们的初心是什么呢?(转变想法)9提高人生质量的提问自己觉得最应当去完成的重要事情是什么?假如今日是生命中的最终一天,你还会连续去完成今日想做的事情吗?自己真正想去做的事情是什么?能让自己快乐的事情是什么?给多少钱也不情愿转变的事情是什么?能否将眼前的工作变成让自己兴奋的事情呢?拥有什么才能让自己欢乐地生活?真的只能那样了吗?你是以什么样的想法来做事情的?假如可以选择,你想要什么样的将来?10消退苦恼的提问什么事情让你感到头疼?你觉得哪方面无法顺当往前推进?那真的是很重要的事情吗?被否定时假如把这视作一次机遇,其中蕴含了什么样的机遇呢?那样说的前提是什么呢?。



McKinsey1st Round:1) We are back in the 80s, and Daewoo wants to enter the Italian market. They approachyou and say that they want to sell 100,000 cars after one year. What do you tell them?Its own productivity and the Capacity of the local market2) A steel producing company wants to cut costs. It currently operates 2 large mills at 75% capacity and four small ones at 100% capacity. It is experiencing profitability issues. What action would you recommend it takes?Compare the Cost/Profit index---Fixed Cost---Operating Cost---3) Our client is a retail brokerage. We have seen our customer base decline over the past 18 months. Why this happening is and what can we do about it?Why--- Market Change(New Suppliers, New Policies, New Products immerge)Competitors(New One/ Old one grew fast)Inside Operation(Strategy/Process/structure/system/人员流失……)4) The client owns mines that produce high and low grade ore and processes it into an alloy that is then sold as an additive to strengthen steel (sold directly to steel manufacturers). A new foreign competitor has shown up in the market and the company is losing profits. A general manager of one of the processing plants asks what he should do to maintain profits.Find our characters and position5) The past few years a Health Insurance Company has been growing at a rate of about 15%a year. This past year it only grew by 1%. Costs are rising 12% each year. What is the problem and what should the company do?6) Company X is a chemical manufacturer. They make a product that is very similar to Company Y’s product. Company X and Y are direct competitors in many geographic markets, but each also has unique areas in which the sales forces do not face direct competition. Company X buys Company Y. How do you integrate the sales forces?7) You are working for a Brazilian soda manufacturer that is experiencing declining profits over the last two years. Why is this occurring? [competition from generics] What is the size of the market for canned cola? What are the company's options for improving profitability? What are the possible effects of a change in the cola's price?8) Our client is a mid-Western HMO. They have 300 doctors and 300,000 subscribers. They handle mostly checkups and routine visits. The HMO outsources specific cases to local specialists. Over the last two years the HMO has seen their profits decrease. They've called us in to find out why.2nd Round1) A European iron mining company bought a piece of land in ffice:smarttags" />Australia with a high content of iron. Should they proceed with extraction of the ore or not? /2) A PC manufacturer wants to add a new line of pocket PCs. Should they do it? What doyou tell the CEO?3) A health and fitness center, a chain of gyms, like Bally's is considering building more tennis courts. The cost of the land development isgh occupancy rates averaged 80 percent. - charts given3) a music company is bringing out a cd for a new artist. how would you market and price, knowing that you''d like to charge a premium for the cd?final round (nov. 2002)1) you are consulting to the manufacturer of airplane engines (2 main engines: for wide body planes and narrow body planes ——> regional and low cost airlines, which are growing, use the narrow body planes). the client is considering entering the airplane leasing market, because one of its competitors (ge) is already there, and the client hypothesizes that ge''s presence in leasing helps its engine sales. what do you tell him?2) last year, lawsuits cost corporations $200 billion compared with $70 billion in 1990. how would you advise a roundtable of ceos to attack tort reform?3) the u.s. post office lost millions last year. how would you advise the new ceo to turn the post office around?4) we have been hired by a mexican company that has a dominant position in all of its markets but one: ketchup. although its ketchup sales have been increasing, its market share is stagnant (10%) and its profit margin remains below that of its competitors. what do you think might be happening? what would you suggest the client do in order to increase market share and profits?a small pharmaceutical research company is about to start clinical trials for a new and promising molecule. the trial process has three phases, with different associated costs and probabilities of success:costs (million) pr. success- phase 1 $10 .40- phase 2 $5 .2- phase 3 $80 .105if the process is successful and the new drug is introduced in the market, it would generate total income flows of $300 million.+ draw a graph showing the income stream for the next ten years (assume that full adoption is reached in year 7)+ the pharmaceutical company is looking for a buyer. how much should it ask for?booz1st round1) our client is a magazine publisher. they are considering a new pricing program where the price for subscriptions would increase every year. evaluate how such a decision would impact their business. would you advise they do it?bain1st round (nov. 2003)1) our client is apple publishing, the largest publisher of children’s fiction in the industry. seven years ago the ceo became concerned that childhood literacy rates were low and decided to make a difference. he entered the telemetry textbook market. he thinks they are the best now, but hasn’t been rewarded. seven years later he has 70 million dollars in sales and 20 million dollars inlosses. they are less than 5% of the market, but the ceo wants to stay in the market, how can he do it?2) our client produces 2-inch wrenches. they sell to home depot and also toauto-mechanics directly. if you were a store manager at home depot, how many varieties of wrenches would you display to sell and at what price points? how are the home depot wrench buyers different from the auto mechanics? if you wanted to provide discounts to the auto mechanics, which of them would you target and why? what information would you want from them first?3) university town has a population of 40,000 students. currently there are nine restaurants. you''re client is thinking about opening up the tenth. is this a good idea and should she open up a fast food or a specialty restaurant?4) a major airline is thinking about going head to head with the discount airlines by offering "cheap" fares. does this make sense? estimate the size of the european "discount" airline market.5) your client sells coffee on the five japanese bullet trains (high speed trains). estimate the size of the market. how would you advise them to increase sales?6) our client, a private equity firm, is considering an investment in a manufacturer of digital inkjet printers (printing large billboards). the manufacturer wants to enter the screen printing market (printing signs and point-of purchase posters, e.g. for supermarket sales). how big is the screen printing market? which particular segment is the most attractive?7) estimate the market size of printers in hong kong. a u.s.-based pc manufacturer now wants to get into the printer market. assess the opportunity.8) we have been hired by a global wealth management company that has 2 divisions: asset management and private banking. our asset management profits have been decreasing, and our private banking profits have been increasing. we need to help our client determine strategy to increase all his profits.9) we have been hired by the board of a company that is loosing money. the board has asked us to determine whether any of this loss can be attributed to the leer jet that the management team uses.10) we have been hired by a company that has just finished making the millennium eye,a large ferris wheel that will be placed in the middle of london. our client wants to know how big the market is and how much we should charge per ticket.a.t. kearney1st round (oct. 2003)1) the cfo of a top 3 retailer wants you to evaluate the viability of developing exclusive contracts with distributors. the three questions you should address are:1. pro''s and con''s of pursuing exclusive contracts2. identify the categories that should be explored for exclusive contracts3. how would you operationalize these contracts?2) case setup (facts offered by interviewer):your client is a u.s. basedq oil refinery. the refinery has a single location and is a small to medium-sized refinery. your client, although profitable, believes it is lagging behind the competition and could improve. you are brought in as part of a joint consultant-client team that will review overall operations and make recommendations on ways to improve the bottom line.you have been assigned to work with the maintenance division. the maintenance depa rtment’s primary objective is to prevent equipment failure and to repair equipment when it does fail. understanding of its organization is important. it consists of three primary areas: nine assets areas, one central maintenance area and one group of contractors. the first two areas are employees of the client, the third an external source of labor. an asset is a physical area of the plant that contains various pieces of equipment (pumps, heat exchangers, etc.). there are nine assets. each asset has a maintenance supervisor who is responsible for all maintenance to be performed in his/her asset. working for the maintenance supervisor in each asset is, on average, eleven “craftsmen”. the craftsmen are the actual workers that perform the maintenance. the craftsmen are unionized and divide into twelve different craft designations (e.g. electricians, pipefitters, welders, etc.). each craft designation has a defined set of skills they are qualified to perform. they are not allowed to perform skills outside of their defined craft, or help in the performance of activities involving skills beyond their craft. collectively the twelve different crafts can perform any maintenance job that might arise at the refinery. the maintenance supervisor and his/her assigned craftsmen are “hardwired” to their asset. that is, they work only on equipment in their given asset.central maintenance is a centralized pool of maintenance supervisors and craftsmen, who are dispatched to support the different assets during times of high workload. they are employees of your client and fit the description contained in the above asset explanation. the only difference is that they may work in any of the different assets as determined by workload. there are a total of 11 maintenance supervisors and 100 craftsmen that comprise central maintenancecontractors are a group of outside supervisors and craftsmen who support your client during times of high workload. they also are capable of performing any maintenance job that may arise, but differ f rom your client’s craftsmen in that they divide the collective skills required into five designations rather than twelve. thus, the craftsmen of the contractor are capable of performing a broader set of skills. they, like your client’s craftsmen, don’t per form skills outside of their defined craft but do allow different craft designations to help each other. there are an average of 7 contractor maintenance supervisors and 140 contractor craftsmen at the refinery on any given day.question:whatq opportunities exist to increase profits?what recommendations can you make to capture savings related to the identified opportunities? what is the cost savings associated with your recommendations?suggested solutions:the first question involves identifying opportunities to improve profits. the candidate must start with either revenues or costs. although one could make the argument that maintenance supports revenue by maximizing the operating time of the refinery equipment, maintenance should be seen to be a support function. thus, it is more appropriate to focus on costs and cost reduction. the following questions will help the candidate gain insight into cost reduction opportunities.how does the maintenance department track its costs?if the candidate phrases the question about material or overhead costs, the interviewer would inform the candidate that detailed reviewed showed no major opportunities. the candidate would be steered toward labor costs and given the following tables regarding maintenance labor costs forthe past year.to support understanding of the following tables, turnaround work is long term preventive maintenance (e.g. complete rebuilding of a boiler) that may be performed once every few years. all other work (short term emergency repairs, small scale preventive maintenance, other routine work, etc.) fits into the category of daily workcraftsmen daily work turnaround totalclient $ 8mm $ 2mm $ 10mmcontractor $ 5mm $ 9mm $ 14mmtotal $ 13mm $ 11mm $ 24mmsupervisor totalclient $ 1mmcontractor $ 0.5mmtotal $ 1.5mmsince the craftsmen table represents a larger dollar amount than the supervisor table, it is logical to pursue cost savings opportunities in this area first.what is the utilization of craftsmen in the assets?in central maintenance?and for contractors?assume each area is utilized 100% of the time, 50 weeks per year, 40 hours per week.how does the labor cost of craftsmen ($24mm) on a refinery-sized basis (i.e., $cost / per barrel of crude oil processed) compare with industry averages?consulting your industry data base shows that costs appear to be about 20% above the average of peer refineries.this is an important question to determine if there is a problem with costs (don’t assume there is, the client may be performing better than industry average!)is there any particular reason why turnaround work is so heavily skewed toward contractors? turnaround work tends to be more cyclical. an external workforce is used to absorb some of this additional work. keep in mind that both client and contractor craftsmen are capable of performing any maintenance job at the plant.after further analysis of the tables the key fact that should become appear odd is the large difference in the cost per unit of labor between your client’s craftsmen and the outside contractor’s craftsmen. often candidates will ask for the hourly wage rates of these two groups. there is sufficient data to calculate these numbers. the calculation is:annual cost of client craftsmen = $10mm/ (11 craftsmen/asset x 9 assets + 100 craftsmen in central maintenance) = $50,000 / yearannual cost of contractor craftsmen = $ 14 mm/ 140 contractor craftsmen = $100,000 / year again, this difference should provoke a series of questions to understand the difference.is there any difference in the work performed by the client and contractor craftsmen?no, other than the different levels of turnaround work vs. daily work performed as noted in the previous table. both groups are capable of doing any job with roughly equal levels of quality.is there any difference in efficiency between the two groups of craftsmen?the candidate would at this point be asked how they would measure this.after reaching an understanding of the difficulty involved in measuring the efficiency of aworkforce (especially a unionized workforce), the candidate would be told that through a series of interviews with maintenance supervisors, there is a consensus that contractor craftsmen are roughly twice as productive as client craftsmen.this is a critical point in the case. the candidate must recognize that in the present environment the client is largely indifferent about units of labor. you can have a client worker who is half as efficient or a contractor worker who is twice as expensive. the key now is to determine if there are ways to create an opportunity where the client would no longer be indifferent.what is cau sing the inefficiencies associated with the client’s labor?again, the candidate would be encouraged to offer their own ideas.after some discussion the candidate would be told that many of the maintenance supervisors complain endlessly about restrictions placed on them by the existing union labor contract and the tightness of craft designations.the interviewer would probe to ensure the candidate understands why the present craft designation creates the inefficiencies. essentially work is too finely divided. it makes planning and supervision extremely cumbersome. as an example, if one of six crafts required to perform a job is absent or late, the entire job must shut down, as craft designations are not allowed to support other craft designations.is it possible to change the existing union contract?the present labor contract is a three year contract that is due to be renegotiated/renewed in six months.will the union resist changes to the existing contract?indeed!!at this point, the candidate should recognize a major (albeit difficult) opportunity to reduce labor costs. the client would essentially like to have its own employees look and function like its contractors, but continue to get paid at present rates. in reality, management will need to make wage concessions in order to change present work practices. however, through planned negotiations a scenario can be created which presents a favorable opportunity for your client to begin to replace outside contractors with its own craftsmen.there are several ways to address the third question of the case, the actual savings that might be achieved. one quick method is to assume that these changes would bring maintenance costs back in line with industry average. utilizing the cost benchmark mentioned earlier, one could assume costs could be reduced to $24mm/1.20 = $20mm, a $4mm savings.a second, and more detailed, method would be to take the extreme scenario where the client’s craftsmen is paid its present rate, but is made as efficient as the contr actor’s craftsmen. in this case, you begin with the present level of 200 client craftsmen who are functioning as 100 equivalent contractor craftsmen (they’re one-half as efficient). by improving their efficiency, you are effectively “creating” 100 equivale nt contractors. thus, you are immediately able to replace 100 contractors and save $10mm. this could be taken one step further by assuming you would want to replace all contractors. this would save an additional $2.5mm ($4mm existing contractor expense - $2mm required to hire additional client craftsmen + $0.5mm in contractor supervisors). as noted earlier, in reality, this approach would require wage concessions to the union, so actual savings may be something significantly less.key takeaways:this case requires the candidate to quickly digest a large amount of organizational issues and then quickly check some ratios to uncover the basic problem (the client workforce is inefficient). creativity must then be used to structure a recommendation that would create a more favorable situation for the client. as in other cases, acceptable solutions need not follow the exact method above nor cover all of the above points.mercer1st round1) a new england telephone company is thinking of entering the home security market. what is the potential market size and what would you recommend they do?2) if i gave you $10 million dollars to invest in any one business, which would it be?3) should kraft foods expand and incorporate ice cream into their product mix? if yes, how should they enter this market?4) you are starting a new business, a gourmet coffee shop. the shop is located next to a train station. you''re building the business with the hope of selling it within two years. what is your strategy?5) how big is the market for window display marketing books?2nd round(nov 2004):we have been hired by a client to help her evaluate his product mix and determine the best one going forward. refer to graphs.。



SWOT分析表 Ⅰ.优势 用对钩(√)标出你对下面每一项陈述的看法 不同意 1.我们的实力很强 2.我们有高超的竞争技巧 3.我们的经验超群 4.我们有足够的资金来源 5.我们在客户总信誉很好 6.我们是公认的市场领先者 7.我们有精心设计的运营战略 8.我们有规模经济的优势 9.从某种程度上说,我们没有竞争压力 10.我们的技术有专利权 11.我们有比竞争对手更好的广告战略 12.我们善于研制新产品 13.我们有管理优势 14.我们的技术一流 15.我们有成本或定价优势 √总数 Ⅱ.劣势 用对钩(√)标出你对下面每一项陈述的看法 不同意 1.我们没有清晰的战略方向 2.我们的社备过时 3.我们缺乏管理深度和管理才能 4.我们缺乏一些关键技术和能力 5.我们在贯彻战略时没能进行有效跟踪 6.我们被内部运营问题搞得焦头烂额 7.我们在研发方面落后于人 8.我们的产品单一 9.我们的市场形象糟糕 10.我们的营销技巧很弱 11.我们缺乏资金来改变战略 12.我们的总成本比主要的竞争对手高 13.我们的赢利水平低于标准 √总数 中立 同意 中立 同意
Ⅳ.挑战 用对钩(√)标出你对下面每一项陈述的看法 没有 1.成本低廉的国外竞争者正在进入市场 2.更新换代产品的销售节节上升 3.市场的增长速度比我们预期的慢 4.汇率和贸易政策对我们不利 5.各项法规让我们不堪重负 6.我们因业务周期或衰退而处于劣势 7.我们的客户或供应商越来越喜欢讨价还价 8.客户的需求和品位与我们目前所擅长的相去甚远 9.地域因素对我们不利 10.本行业门槛太低 11.本行业技术的转变总是悄然来临 (事先很少或没有预兆) √总数 也许有 有
Ⅴ.评分说明 1.优势和劣势 (1)选“不同意”得1分 (2)选“中立”得2分 (3)选“同意”得3分 2.挑战和机会 (1)选“没有”得1分 (2)选“可能有”得2分 (3)选“有”得3分 优势(S)总分 挑战(T)总分 机会(O)总分 劣势(W)总分 (S+O) 减去(T+W) 总得分(制定战略的基础)



一.Case Interview1.类型介绍(1) 什么是Case Interview?一般来讲,Case Interview要紧针对咨询公司面试而言。


咨询公司的Case Interview能够分成两个部分,一开始先是Warm-up。


接下来才是真正的Case Interview。

简而言之,Case Interview确实是现场对一个商业问题进行分析的面试。


你的面试官会给你提出一个Business Issue,同时会让你给出分析和意见。

而你的任务是向面试官有逻辑的提出一些问题以使得你能够对那个Business Issue有更全面,更细致的了解,同时通过系统的分析最后给出建议。

一般而言,Case Interview是没有绝对正确的答案的。



Case Interview一般是一对一的,一轮会有两个Case Interview,由两个不同的面试官来负责,每个Interview持续45分钟,包括10-15分钟的warm-up以及一些Behavior questions,剩下的30分钟确实是讨论Case。


(2) 什么缘故使用Case Interview?由于咨询师在工作上的许多时刻差不多上在和客户以及同事进行相互的沟通,同时咨询工作本身的特点要求咨询师必须具备一系列的特质才能够成功。

















麦肯锡案例面试题:Magna Health案例分析(英文,有答案)面试, 案例分析Practice CasesMagna HealthIntroductionTo step through this case example, we will give you some information, ask a question, and then, when you are ready, give you a sample answer. We hope that the exercise will give you a sense of the flow of a case interview. (Please note, you can stop this exercise and pick up where you left off later. Your cookies must be on to use this feature).In this exercise, you will answer a series of questions as the case unfolds. We provide our recommended answers after each question, with which you can compare your own answers. We want to emphasize that most questions in a case study do not have a single right answer. In a live case interview, we are more interested in your explanation of how you arrived at your answer, not just the answer itself. An interviewer can always assess different but equally valid ways of approaching an issue, and then bring you back to the particular line of inquiry that he or she wants to pursue.You should also keep in mind that in a live case, there will be far more interaction with the interviewer than this exercise allows. For example, you will have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions.Finally, a live case interview would typically be completed in 30 - 45 minutes, depending on how the case evolves. In this on-line exercise, there is no time limit.There are ten questions in this on-line case study. This case study is designed to roughly simulate one during your interview, so you will not be able to skip ahead to the next question until you have answered the one you are on. You can refresh your memory of previous answers by clicking the highlighted Q&A links to the left. To print the answer, click on the print icon that appears in the TOP RIGHT corner. At the end, you can print the entire on-line case study at once.Start Case Study====================================================================== =======================================Client Goal: To determine how to improve its financial situation.Our client is Magna Health, a health care company in the Midwest. It both insures patients and provides health care services. Employers pay a fixed premium to Magna for each of their employees in return for which Magna covers all necessary health services of the employee(ranging from physician care and medications to hospitalization).Magna currently has 300,000 patients enrolled in its plan. It has 300 salaried physician employees who provide a broad range of services to patients in six centers. These physicians represent a wide range of specialty areas, but not all areas. When a patient needs medical treatment in a specialty area not covered by a Magna physician, they are referred outside of the Magna network for care, and Magna pays all referral costs on a fee-for-service basis. Magna does not own any hospitals itself, instead contracting services from several local hospitals.Magna's CEO has retained McKinsey to help determine what is causing the declining profitability and how Magna might fix it.QUESTION 1What key areas would you want to explore in order to understand Magna's decline in profitability? ANSWER 1Some possible areas are given below. Great job if you identified several of these and perhaps some others.Magna's revenuesPrice paid by employer for employee health coverage.Number of employees covered by Magna.Magna's costs (or fixed and variable costs)Magna's main cost components consist of administrative (non-medical) and medical costs (e.g., hospital, drugs, outpatient care)Outpatient costs can be split into internal physician costs versus external referral costsMagna's patient base demographics/overall risk pro may affect medical costs====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 2The team discovers that the demographics of Magna's subscribers have changed significantly in the past 5 years, from majority industrial workers/laborers to majority office employees. Knowing this, are there any specific areas you would investigate first?ANSWER 2We are looking for a few responses, similar to the ones below:Claim costs, as the change in the subscriber base will change the pro diseases (e.g., more heart disease/stress and less work related injury)External referral costs, due to the change in the disease pro which they have in-house competency =============================================================================================================QUESTION 3After reviewing the basics of Magna's business, your team believes that one of the root causes of Magna's financial problems is how it manages medical costs, particularly the cost of referrals to specialists outside of its physician network. Your team has gathered the following information on Magna and its primary competitor, Sunshine HMO:Number of patientsAverage cost of referral(per member per month)Magna Health300,000$20Sunshine HMO500,000$15What are the most likely reasons that the average cost of referral at Magna is higher than at Sunshine? (At this point you should feel free to offer hypotheses, and you could ask your interviewer questions to clarify the information)ANSWER 3Although there are a number of possible responses, you might have the following suggestions:Referral pricing: Magna might be paying more than Sunshine for specialist services (e.g., its outside contracts with oncologists might be at higher rates than Sunshine's contracts).Number of referrals: Magna's physicians might have different practice patterns than Sunshine physicians, i.e., they may be less comfortable treating heart disease patients or have different training/protocols.Mix of specialties: Magna's mix of specialties that requires referrals (cardiology and neurosurgery) are probably more expensive specialties (than cardiology and psychiatry, Sunshine's referral specialties).Mix of patients: Magna has sicker or older (>65) patients (individuals over 65 are more likely to need medical care in the specialty areas outside of Magna's network, particularly cardiology).====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 4What analyses would you do if the things you suggest were contributing to this problem? ANSWER 4In giving the answer, it's useful if you are clear about how the analysis you are proposing would help to answer the question posed.You might take the following approach, where we’ve outlined different areas of analysis:Referral pricing:Gain data on prices currently being paid by Magna for a sample of common specialtiesGain similar data for a competitor if possible for an industry average (perhaps through interviews with non-Magna specialists)Number of referrals:Interview Magna physicians and non-Magna physicians to see if any obvious behavioral differences existConsult industry publications on this issueMix of specialties:Check number of referrals by specialty for Magna and estimate similar for SunshineInterviews with external specialties used by Sunshine may help again hereMix of patients:Compare demographic data for Magna and Sunshine: should be easy to obtain from Magna; a scan of the employee schemes covered by Sunshine should give a good general picture of their demographic profileSee if Magna's referral cost has increased in line with the change in demographics of the subscribers====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 5Magna's CEO has a hypothesis that Magna is paying too much in cardiology referral costs for its patient population. He asks the McKinsey team to look at Magna's cardiac patient population more closely and tell him how many referrals he should expect on an annual basis. Assume the following:Magna has 300,000 patients in any one year20 percent of its patients are age 65 or olderIn the U.S., patients with serious heart disease visit specialists (cardiologists) on average of five times per yearYou should always feel free to ask your interviewer additional questions to help you with your response. In this case, you should recognize the need to know the prevalence rate of serious heart disease to complete this calculation. Once asked, your interviewer would provide you with the following information:The prevalence rate of serious heart disease in the 65+ population is 30 percentThe prevalence rate of serious heart disease in the under age 65 population is 10 percentANSWER 5While you may find that doing straightforward math problems in the context of an interview is a bit tougher, you can see that it is just a matter of breaking the problem down. We are looking for both your ability to set the analysis up properly and then to do the math in real time.Based on the correct calculations, your response should be as follows: Magna should expect210,000 cardiac referrals annually based on its patient population. You should have approached the calculations as follows to arrive at that answer:300,000 total patients20 percent x 300,000 = 60,000 patients age 65+18,000 x 5 = 90,000 referrals per year240,000 Magna patients under the age of 65240,000 patients x 10 percent = 24,000 patients under age 65 with serious heart disease and 24,000 x 5 visits peryear = 120,000 visits per year total90,000 + 120,000 visits per year = 210,000 total Magna patient external cardiology visits====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 6When the team tells Magna's CEO that based on Magna's patient population he should expect about 210,000 cardiology referrals a year he exclaims, "We currently pay for 300,000 annual cardiology referrals for our patient population!"Why might Magna's annual cardiology referrals be significantly higher than U.S. averages?What would you do to try to verify if any of these were a key cause of this problem?ANSWER 6We would not expect you to come up with all of these answers, but we hope some of your answers head in the same direction as ours. Yours may bring some additional insights. In either case, be sure that you can clearly explain how your reasons will bring you closer to why the referrals might be higher.There are a number of answers to these questions, and you are on the right track if your responses included some of the ones below:The prevalence rate of heart disease in Magna's patient population is higher than average. To see if this was a cause of the problem, McKinsey should audit the internal data on heart disease prevalence and compare it to US National data.Magna's primary care physicians are referring patients who do not have serious heart disease to specialists. The team should interview specialists to get their opinion, or follow through a sample of patients who were referred.Primary care physicians are not comfortable (e.g., they are poorly trained or inexperienced) treating cardiac patients, even those with minor problems; they want to avoid malpractice suits. McKinsey should interview Magna physicians and institute an external review.Magna doesn't have clear guidelines on when physicians should be referring patients to specialists (or if guidelines exist, physicians are not complying with them). The team should gain an expertopinion on the current guidelines to see if this was a key cause of the problem.There are no incentives or penalties to prevent physicians from referring patients with less serious problems to specialists. In order to verify this is a key cause of the problem, the team should review incentive schemes if they exist. They should also compare similar companies/situations (e.g., prescription control mechanisms, etc.).====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 7At this point in the study, you bump into Magna's Head of Health Services in the corridor. He is responsible for all matters related to the provision of services to subscribers, both inside and outside the Magna Network. He asks you if you have made any progress. How would you respond?ANSWER 7Think about the person you are talking with, and how best to communicate the findings you have come up with so far.The ability to come to a logical, defensible synthesis based on the information available at any point in an engagement is critical to the work we do. Even though we'd consider ourselves to be early in the overall project at this point in the case, we do want to be able to share our current perspective. One ideal answer would include the following points:FindingsWe have investigated all the drivers of profit for Magna. Although there is likely to be room for improvement in a lot of areas, it seems the claims cost is a big area for improvement.Relative to the market and to competitors, Magna seems to have high claims cost per patient. Our initial indication is that there may be highest room for improvements in the cost of referrals outside the network.There are a number of reasons as to why this may be happening (list as in previous question). Next StepsWe are working to pin down the most significant reasons why Magna has high claims cost per patient.We are going to be looking into other areas such as reduction potential in other costs, as well as improvement potential in terms of premiums or other sources of revenue.====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 8After some additional investigation, your team thinks that changing the behavior of Magna'sprimary care physicians has potential to reduce cardiac referral costs while maintaining high-quality care. The team believes that introducing some sort of incentive plan for physicians might help reduce the referral rate.The team's idea for a pilot plan is to increase overall fees that Magna pays to primary care physicians to handle more of their patients' basic cardiology needs. Overall fee increases would total $1 million.In addition to the team's proposal, Magna's medical director wants to pilot the following idea: Magna pays bonuses of $100,000 per year to each of the 10 primary care physicians with the lowest cardiac referral rates consistent with good patient outcomes.Although the team mentions to the medical director that there are other issues to consider relating to the pilot that are not financial, such as the ethical impact of incentivizing physicians not to refer patients to specialist treatment, he wants the team to do the first calculation including both ideas. How many fewer cardiology referrals will Magna need to have in order to recoup the cost of the pilot incentive plan (including the team's and the medical director's idea)? For simplicity’s sake assume:The cost of a cardiology referral is $200.Magna currently has 300,000 cardiology referrals per year.ANSWER 8If the incentive plan reduces cardiology referrals by 3.3 percent or 10,000 referrals, Magna will recoup the cost of the incentive plan. One potential approach to the calculation:$1 million + (10 * $100,000) = $2 million for incentive plan$2 million/$200 =10,000 referrals10,000 referrals/300,000 total referrals = 3.3 percent reduction would pay for incentive program====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 9Your team projects that the incentive plan has the potential to reduce referrals by 5 percent in its first year, and an additional 2 percent in its second year. If these projections are correct, how much referral cost could Magna save in total over the first two years of the incentive plan?ANSWER 9Referral costs would be $4.14 million lower in the second year. Over the two years Magna would save $7.14 million. One potential approach to the calculation:Year 1 Savings with Program300,000 total referrals5 percent reduction in referrals = 15,000 referrals15,000 x $200 = $3.0 million in savings in year 1Year 2 Savings with Program285,000 total referrals2 percent reduction in referrals = 5,700 referrals5,700 x $200 = $1.14 million in savings$3 + $1.14 = $4.14 million in savingsTherefore, total cumulative savings over the 2 years = Year 1 savings + Year 2 savings = $3.0m + $4.14m = $7.14m.====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 10Your team presents its physician incentive proposal to Magna’s CEO. The CEO, in consultation with his medical director, agrees that this is feasible and says that they will definitely pilot the overall higher fees to primary care physicians to handle more of the basic cardiology needs and they will think about the idea with the bonuses again due to the ethical concerns the team raised.At the end of the meeting the CEO says, "I like the work you’ve done, but even if we did implement the bonus payment it's not enough to address our current financial situation. Physicians are professionals who care deeply about patient care and I think there's a limit to how much cost we can expect to reduce utilizing financial incentives exclusively. Besides cardiac financial incentive programs, what other ideas should we consider to reduce the cost of Magna's specialist referrals?"Based on what we have discussed today, and any other ideas you might have, how would you respond to the CEO?ANSWER 10You may have a slightly different list. Whatever your approach, we love to see candidates come at a problem in more than one way, but still address the issue as directly and practically as possible. This question is a good one for demonstrating creativity because there's a long list of possible ideas. You might give the following response:Pursue additional ways to change physician behaviorProvide training on how to treat patients with minor or stable medical problemsDefine and clarify medical guidelines for referrals (e.g., establish a medical committee to define the difference between “serious” and "minor" heart disease)Institute peer review committee charged with approving a subset of referrals (e.g., those that are considered "high cost")Spend time investigating "outlier" physicians (i.e., those who seem to refer patients to specialists at much higher rates than others) to determine how widespread the referral problem is and whether simply focusing on a few physicians will dramatically reduce referral costsDetermine whether Magna can reduce referral costs in the other medical areas where it does not have specialists (i.e., neurosurgery)Look at the contracts Magna has for specialist services to determine if it is paying too much relative to competitorsConsider whether bringing cardiology, neurosurgery, and oncology specialists in-house (i.e., within Magna) might reduce cost转载请注明出自应届生求职招聘论坛,本贴地址:6794-1-1.html。



面试问题大全(1)Posted 11 months, 2 weeks ago in 招聘选拔影响他人的能力如果你是某事的负责人的话,你很容易让他人听你的;但是,当你不是负责人时,让别人听自己的话是非常难的事。


















第1篇一、基本素质类1. 题目:请简单介绍一下自己。




2. 题目:你为什么选择我们公司?最佳答案:我对贵公司的企业文化、发展前景和行业地位非常认可。



3. 题目:你的优缺点是什么?最佳答案:我的优点是责任心强、团队协作能力强、善于沟通。



4. 题目:你如何看待加班?最佳答案:我认为加班是工作中不可避免的现象。



5. 题目:你如何处理工作中的压力?最佳答案:面对工作中的压力,我会保持冷静,分析问题的原因,寻求解决问题的方法。


二、专业知识类6. 题目:请简述[专业]的基本概念。


7. 题目:请谈谈你对[专业]领域的最新研究动态。



8. 题目:请举例说明你在专业课程中的实践经历。



9. 题目:请谈谈你对[专业]未来发展趋势的看法。










在解决这个问题之前,请回答以下问题:1. 在制定全球战略时,你认为哪些因素是最重要的?为什么?2. 同行业的其他公司可能具有什么优势?该公司如何应对这些竞争对手?3. 你将如何评估该公司在不同市场的竞争优势?你将使用哪些指标来衡量其绩效?4. 基于你的分析,你将提出哪些战略建议来帮助该公司增加市场份额并提高收益?解决方案问题1:全球战略的重要因素制定全球战略时,有几个关键因素必须考虑。











问题4:战略建议基于分析结果,提出以下战略建议以帮助该公司增加市场份额并提高收益:1. 加强研发和创新能力,推出更多具有差异化竞争优势的产品。



Thank you for taking part in the On-Line Case Study. You will note that this exercise does not have the kind of latitude necessary to develop findings. Rather, we chose to focus on next steps in response to question eight. In a live case interview, however, you will be expected to derive specific findings based on your analysis. Interviewing techniques may vary depending on the office or practice you are applying to, but we hope this exercise has been useful in helping you prepare.To get a full copy of all the questions and answers (including yours) from the case study, click on the print icon.You can learn more about the possible exercises you may be asked to perform at your McKinsey interview by clicking on the Case Study Tips item in the navigation to the left.Good luck.On-Line Case Study Questions and AnswersQuestion 1Client Goal: Double the number of recruits while maintaining their quality with minimal increase in resources expendedOur client recruits graduating college seniors for entry-level positions in locations around the world. It currently hires and places 500 graduates per year but would like to triple in size over the next ten years while maintaining quality. Assume that the increase must all come from hiring graduating seniors. (In an actual case, you may not be given this and other assumptions unless you ask.)The client's current recruiting budget is $2 million annually, and while it is in a strong financial position, it would like to spend as few additional resources as possible on recruiting. McKinsey is advising the client on what steps it will need to take in order to meet its growth targets, while staying within its budget constraints.Q: What levers does the organization have at its disposal to achieve its growth goal?A: Some possible levers are given below. It's terrific if you identified several of these and perhaps some others.∙Attract more applicants at the same cost∙Review the list of campuses targeted (e.g., optimize resource allocation across schools). The review may result in adding certain higher potential campuses andeliminating other ones that appear to have more limited potential.∙Review recruiting approach at each campus (e.g., optimize cost-effectiveness of messages and approaches at each school).∙Extend offers to a higher percentage of applicants while maintaining quality (e.g., reduce the number of people who are turned down who would have performed equally well in the job)∙Improve acceptance rates among offerees (e.g., better communicate the benefits of the job relative to alternatives or improve the attractiveness of the job relative to alternatives)Question 2For the remainder of the discussion we'd like to focus on the two specific levers involving attracting more applicants at the same cost.∙Review the list of campuses targeted (e.g., optimize resource allocation across schools).The review may result in adding certain higher potential campuses and eliminating other ones that appear to have more limited potential.∙Review recruiting approach at each campus (e.g., optimize cost-effectiveness of messages and approaches at each school).Please note that if you identified different but equally valid levers, the interviewer would be able to assess them. But for the purpose of this case study, we are going to focus on these two levers.Q: How would you initially approach determining whether the client can increase hiring by adjusting the list of campuses targeted? What sort of analysis would you want to conduct and why?A: You might take the following approach, where we've outlined two avenues of analysis:∙Estimate the hiring potential across schools∙Analyze the number of hires by school over the last several years∙Develop a comprehensive list of schools that meet our requirements and a minimum set of standards for recruits∙Survey seniors at these schools to determine interest in an entry-level position with the client∙Consider the size of the graduating class at each school, determine how that class might be segmented (e.g., each class could be segmented by discipline orsegmented based on career interests in response to the survey), then calculatethe size of each segment∙Estimate the optimal cost-per-hire across schools∙Compare the current cost-per hire across schools∙Identify opportunities to decrease the cost-per-hire at each schoolHelpful TipYou may have a slightly different list. Whatever your approach, we love to see candidates come at a problem in more than one way, but still address the issue as directly and practically as possible. In giving the answer, it's useful if you are clear about how the results of the analysis would help to answer the original question posed.Question 3Twenty-five percent of the annual recruiting budget is spent on candidates (i.e., attracting, assessing, and getting them to accept). Twenty percent of hires are categorized as "most expensive" and have an average cost-per-hire of $2,000.Q: What is the average cost-per-hire of all other candidates? Remember that the client hires 500 students per year and its annual recruiting budget is $2 million (information that we hope you noted earlier).A: The answer is $750 per hire (or less than half the cost-per-hire of the "most expensive" candidates).Amount spent on the less expensive candidates:25% of $2 million budget = $500,000 spent on candidates20% of 500 student = 100 students categorized as "most expensive"100 x $2,000 cost-per-hire = $200,000 spent on "most expensive" hires$500,000 recruiting budget - $200,000 = $300,000 remaining for all other hiresThe number of less expensive candidates:500 hires - 100 = 400 "other hires"Cost-per-hire of the less expensive candidates:$300,000/400 =$750 per hireHelpful TipWhile you may find that doing a straightforward math problem in the context of an interview is a bit tougher, you can see that it is just a matter of breaking the problem down. We are looking for both your ability to set the analysis up properly and then to do the math in real time.Question 4Q: In order to decide whether to reduce costs at the least efficient schools (i.e., those with an average cost per hire of $2,000), what else would you want to know?A: Some of the possible answers are given below.Basic questions:∙What are the components of costs at these schools (why is it so expensive to recruit there)?∙What opportunities exist to reduce costs?∙How much cost savings would result from implementing each of the opportunities?∙What consequences would implementing each of these opportunities have on recruiting at the least efficient schools?Questions demonstrating further insight:∙Why is the cost lower at more efficient schools, and are there best practices in resource management that can be applied to the least efficient schools?∙If we reduce costs at the least efficient schools, what will we do with the cost savings (i.e., what would be the benefit of spending the money elsewhere vs. where it is currently being spent)?Helpful TipWe would not expect anyone to come up with all of these answers, but we hope some of your answers head in the same direction as ours. Yours may bring some additional insights. In either case, be sure that you can clearly explain how your question will bring you closer to the right decision.Question 5The McKinsey team conducts some analysis that indicates that increasing spending on blanket advertising (e.g., advertisements/flyers on campus) does not yield any significant increase in hires.Q: Given that increased blanket advertising spending seems to be relatively ineffective, and the client doesn't want to increase overall costs, what might be some other ideas for increasing the candidate pool on a specific campus?A: We are looking for at least a couple of answers like the ones given below:∙Improve/enhance recruiting messages (e.g., understand target candidate group, refocus message on this group, understand competitive dynamic on campus) ∙Utilize referrals (e.g., faculty, alumni)∙Come up with creative ways to target specific departments/clubs of the school∙Rethink advertising spending - while increasing blanket ad spending doesn't seem to work, advertising might still be the most efficient and effective way to increase the number of candidates if it is deployed in a more systematic, targeted wayHelpful TipThis question is a good one for demonstrating creativity because there's a long list of possible ideas. Additional insights into how a given idea would be approached and how much it would cost are helpful.Question 6For simplicity's sake, let's say we've conducted market research and found that there are two types of people on each campus, A and B. Historically, our client has also used two types of recruiting messages in its advertising. The first, called "See the World," gets one percent of type A studentsto apply, but three percent of type B students. The second, called "Pathway to Leadership," gets five percent of Type A students to apply, but only two percent of type B students.The chart below lists the breakdown of types A and B students at some of our major campuses, and the message our client is using on campus.Q: Assuming there's no difference between the costs of each message, what can you tell me from this information?A: According to these numbers, the client should use the "Pathway to Leadership" message across all four universities. The "See the World" message is preferable only if more than 80% of the students at a given university are of type B.Helpful TipAn even more insightful response would mention that the ultimate answer depends on the cost of each message, whether the cost increases depending on the number of students at the campus, and how interested we are in students of Type A vs. Type B (e.g., will one type be more likely than the other to get an offer and to be successful on the job). One could imagine using both messages on some campuses if the additional cost were justified by the resulting increase in hires.Question 7University 4 graduates 1,000 seniors each year.Q: How many new candidates might be generated by changing the recruiting message at University 4 to Pathway to Leadership?A: The answer is 20 candidates (i.e., an increase of over 100%).Number of each type of student at University 4:1,000 seniors x 60% = 600 Type A students1,000 seniors x 40% = 400 Type B studentsCandidates attracted be See the World message:(1% x 600) + (3% x 400) = 18 candidatesCandidates attracted by Pathway to Leadership message:(5% x 600) + (2% x 400) = 38 candidatesIncrease in candidates resulting from change in message:38 - 18 = 20 more candidates (an increase of over 100%)Question 8Q: What sort of next steps should we tell our client we'd like to take based on what we have discussed today?A: The ability to come to a logical, defensible synthesis based on the information available at any point in an engagement is critical to the work we do. Even though we'd consider ourselves to be very early in the overall project at this point in the case, we do want to be able to share our current perspective. The ideal answer would include the following points:FINDINGS∙There appears to be an opportunity to significantly increase total applicants of the same quality that we are getting today at the same or reduced cost:∙Increasing blanket advertising is ineffective and costly, but changing the advertising message on some campuses could increase applicants significantlywithout increasing costs. At one of the campuses we've looked at, University 4,the number of applicants would go up more than 100 percent∙The cost-per-hire varies dramatically from school to school. This suggests that there may be opportunities to reduce costs in certain places or reallocateresources more efficientlyNEXT STEPS∙We plan to explore further ideas for increasing quality applications by changing the mix of schools, beginning with a more detailed review of the opportunities to reduce costs at certain schools∙After looking at levers to increase total applicants, we will be analyzing opportunities to improve the offer rate (i.e., ensure we're not turning down quality applicants) and to increase the acceptance rate∙We will examine additional methods for attracting more applications from our current campuses (e.g., referrals, clubs) in addition to assessing the impact of improved messaging on campus。

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McKinsey1st Round:1) We are back in the 80s, and Daewoo wants to enter the Italian market. They approachyou and say that they want to sell 100,000 cars after one year. What do you tell them?Its own productivity and the Capacity of the local market2) A steel producing company wants to cut costs. It currently operates 2 large mills at 75% capacity and four small ones at 100% capacity. It is experiencing profitability issues. What action would you recommend it takes?Compare the Cost/Profit index---Fixed Cost---Operating Cost---3) Our client is a retail brokerage. We have seen our customer base decline over the past 18 months. Why this happening is and what can we do about it?Why--- Market Change(New Suppliers, New Policies, New Products immerge)Competitors(New One/ Old one grew fast)Inside Operation(Strategy/Process/structure/system/人员流失……)4) The client owns mines that produce high and low grade ore and processes it into an alloy that is then sold as an additive to strengthen steel (sold directly to steel manufacturers). A new foreign competitor has shown up in the market and the company is losing profits. A general manager of one of the processing plants asks what he should do to maintain profits.Find our characters and position5) The past few years a Health Insurance Company has been growing at a rate of about 15%a year. This past year it only grew by 1%. Costs are rising 12% each year. What is the problem and what should the company do?6) Company X is a chemical manufacturer. They make a product that is very similar to Company Y’s product. Company X and Y are direct competitors in many geographic markets, but each also has unique areas in which the sales forces do not face direct competition. Company X buys Company Y. How do you integrate the sales forces?7) You are working for a Brazilian soda manufacturer that is experiencing declining profits over the last two years. Why is this occurring? [competition from generics] What is the size of the market for canned cola? What are the company's options for improving profitability? What are the possible effects of a change in the cola's price?8) Our client is a mid-Western HMO. They have 300 doctors and 300,000 subscribers. They handle mostly checkups and routine visits. The HMO outsources specific cases to local specialists. Over the last two years the HMO has seen their profits decrease. They've called us in to find out why.2nd Round1) A European iron mining company bought a piece of land in ffice:smarttags" />Australia with a high content of iron. Should they proceed with extraction of the ore or not? /2) A PC manufacturer wants to add a new line of pocket PCs. Should they do it? What doyou tell the CEO?3) A health and fitness center, a chain of gyms, like Bally's is considering building more tennis courts. The cost of the land development isgh occupancy rates averaged 80 percent. - charts given3) a music company is bringing out a cd for a new artist. how would you market and price, knowing that you''d like to charge a premium for the cd?final round (nov. 2002)1) you are consulting to the manufacturer of airplane engines (2 main engines: for wide body planes and narrow body planes ——> regional and low cost airlines, which are growing, use the narrow body planes). the client is considering entering the airplane leasing market, because one of its competitors (ge) is already there, and the client hypothesizes that ge''s presence in leasing helps its engine sales. what do you tell him?2) last year, lawsuits cost corporations $200 billion compared with $70 billion in 1990. how would you advise a roundtable of ceos to attack tort reform?3) the u.s. post office lost millions last year. how would you advise the new ceo to turn the post office around?4) we have been hired by a mexican company that has a dominant position in all of its markets but one: ketchup. although its ketchup sales have been increasing, its market share is stagnant (10%) and its profit margin remains below that of its competitors. what do you think might be happening? what would you suggest the client do in order to increase market share and profits?a small pharmaceutical research company is about to start clinical trials for a new and promising molecule. the trial process has three phases, with different associated costs and probabilities of success:costs (million) pr. success- phase 1 $10 .40- phase 2 $5 .2- phase 3 $80 .105if the process is successful and the new drug is introduced in the market, it would generate total income flows of $300 million.+ draw a graph showing the income stream for the next ten years (assume that full adoption is reached in year 7)+ the pharmaceutical company is looking for a buyer. how much should it ask for?booz1st round1) our client is a magazine publisher. they are considering a new pricing program where the price for subscriptions would increase every year. evaluate how such a decision would impact their business. would you advise they do it?bain1st round (nov. 2003)1) our client is apple publishing, the largest publisher of children’s fiction in the industry. seven years ago the ceo became concerned that childhood literacy rates were low and decided to make a difference. he entered the telemetry textbook market. he thinks they are the best now, but hasn’t been rewarded. seven years later he has 70 million dollars in sales and 20 million dollars inlosses. they are less than 5% of the market, but the ceo wants to stay in the market, how can he do it?2) our client produces 2-inch wrenches. they sell to home depot and also toauto-mechanics directly. if you were a store manager at home depot, how many varieties of wrenches would you display to sell and at what price points? how are the home depot wrench buyers different from the auto mechanics? if you wanted to provide discounts to the auto mechanics, which of them would you target and why? what information would you want from them first?3) university town has a population of 40,000 students. currently there are nine restaurants. you''re client is thinking about opening up the tenth. is this a good idea and should she open up a fast food or a specialty restaurant?4) a major airline is thinking about going head to head with the discount airlines by offering "cheap" fares. does this make sense? estimate the size of the european "discount" airline market.5) your client sells coffee on the five japanese bullet trains (high speed trains). estimate the size of the market. how would you advise them to increase sales?6) our client, a private equity firm, is considering an investment in a manufacturer of digital inkjet printers (printing large billboards). the manufacturer wants to enter the screen printing market (printing signs and point-of purchase posters, e.g. for supermarket sales). how big is the screen printing market? which particular segment is the most attractive?7) estimate the market size of printers in hong kong. a u.s.-based pc manufacturer now wants to get into the printer market. assess the opportunity.8) we have been hired by a global wealth management company that has 2 divisions: asset management and private banking. our asset management profits have been decreasing, and our private banking profits have been increasing. we need to help our client determine strategy to increase all his profits.9) we have been hired by the board of a company that is loosing money. the board has asked us to determine whether any of this loss can be attributed to the leer jet that the management team uses.10) we have been hired by a company that has just finished making the millennium eye,a large ferris wheel that will be placed in the middle of london. our client wants to know how big the market is and how much we should charge per ticket.a.t. kearney1st round (oct. 2003)1) the cfo of a top 3 retailer wants you to evaluate the viability of developing exclusive contracts with distributors. the three questions you should address are:1. pro''s and con''s of pursuing exclusive contracts2. identify the categories that should be explored for exclusive contracts3. how would you operationalize these contracts?2) case setup (facts offered by interviewer):your client is a u.s. basedq oil refinery. the refinery has a single location and is a small to medium-sized refinery. your client, although profitable, believes it is lagging behind the competition and could improve. you are brought in as part of a joint consultant-client team that will review overall operations and make recommendations on ways to improve the bottom line.you have been assigned to work with the maintenance division. the maintenance department’s primary objective is to prevent equipment failure and to repair equipment when it does fail. understanding of its organization is important. it consists of three primary areas: nine assets areas, one central maintenance area and one group of contractors. the first two areas are employees of the client, the third an external source of labor. an asset is a physical area of the plant that contains various pieces of equipment (pumps, heat exchangers, etc.). there are nine assets. each asset has a maintenance supervisor who is responsible for all maintenance to be performed in his/her asset. working for the maintenance supervisor in each asset is, on average, eleven “craftsmen”. the craftsmen are the actual workers that perform the maintenance. the craftsmen are unionized and divide into twelve different craft designations (e.g. electricians, pipefitters, welders, etc.). each craft designation has a defined set of skills they are qualified to perform. they are not allowed to perform skills outside of their defined craft, or help in the performance of activities involving skills beyond their craft. collectively the twelve different crafts can perform any maintenance job that might arise at the refinery. the maintenance supervisor and his/her assigned craftsmen are “hardwired” to their asset. that is, they work only on equipment in their given asset.central maintenance is a centralized pool of maintenance supervisors and craftsmen, who are dispatched to support the different assets during times of high workload. they are employees of your client and fit the description contained in the above asset explanation. the only difference is that they may work in any of the different assets as determined by workload. there are a total of 11 maintenance supervisors and 100 craftsmen that comprise central maintenancecontractors are a group of outside supervisors and craftsmen who support your client during times of high workload. they also are capable of performing any maintenance job that may arise, but differ from your client’s craftsmen in that they divide the collective skills required into five designations rather than twelve. thus, the craftsmen of the contractor are capable of performing a broader set of skills. they, like your client’s craftsmen, don’t perform skills outside of their defined craft but do allow different craft designations to help each other. there are an average of 7 contractor maintenance supervisors and 140 contractor craftsmen at the refinery on any given day.question:whatq opportunities exist to increase profits?what recommendations can you make to capture savings related to the identified opportunities? what is the cost savings associated with your recommendations?suggested solutions:the first question involves identifying opportunities to improve profits. the candidate must start with either revenues or costs. although one could make the argument that maintenance supports revenue by maximizing the operating time of the refinery equipment, maintenance should be seen to be a support function. thus, it is more appropriate to focus on costs and cost reduction. the following questions will help the candidate gain insight into cost reduction opportunities.how does the maintenance department track its costs?if the candidate phrases the question about material or overhead costs, the interviewer would inform the candidate that detailed reviewed showed no major opportunities. the candidate would be steered toward labor costs and given the following tables regarding maintenance labor costs forthe past year.to support understanding of the following tables, turnaround work is long term preventive maintenance (e.g. complete rebuilding of a boiler) that may be performed once every few years. all other work (short term emergency repairs, small scale preventive maintenance, other routine work, etc.) fits into the category of daily workcraftsmen daily work turnaround totalclient $ 8mm $ 2mm $ 10mmcontractor $ 5mm $ 9mm $ 14mmtotal $ 13mm $ 11mm $ 24mmsupervisor totalclient $ 1mmcontractor $ 0.5mmtotal $ 1.5mmsince the craftsmen table represents a larger dollar amount than the supervisor table, it is logical to pursue cost savings opportunities in this area first.what is the utilization of craftsmen in the assets?in central maintenance?and for contractors?assume each area is utilized 100% of the time, 50 weeks per year, 40 hours per week.how does the labor cost of craftsmen ($24mm) on a refinery-sized basis (i.e., $cost / per barrel of crude oil processed) compare with industry averages?consulting your industry data base shows that costs appear to be about 20% above the average of peer refineries.this is an important question to determine if there is a problem with costs (don’t assume there is, the client may be performing better than industry average!)is there any particular reason why turnaround work is so heavily skewed toward contractors? turnaround work tends to be more cyclical. an external workforce is used to absorb some of this additional work. keep in mind that both client and contractor craftsmen are capable of performing any maintenance job at the plant.after further analysis of the tables the key fact that should become appear odd is the large difference in the cost per unit of labor between your client’s craftsmen and the outside contractor’s craftsmen. often candidates will ask for the hourly wage rates of these two groups. there is sufficient data to calculate these numbers. the calculation is:annual cost of client craftsmen = $10mm/ (11 craftsmen/asset x 9 assets + 100 craftsmen in central maintenance) = $50,000 / yearannual cost of contractor craftsmen = $ 14 mm/ 140 contractor craftsmen = $100,000 / year again, this difference should provoke a series of questions to understand the difference.is there any difference in the work performed by the client and contractor craftsmen?no, other than the different levels of turnaround work vs. daily work performed as noted in the previous table. both groups are capable of doing any job with roughly equal levels of quality.is there any difference in efficiency between the two groups of craftsmen?the candidate would at this point be asked how they would measure this.after reaching an understanding of the difficulty involved in measuring the efficiency of aworkforce (especially a unionized workforce), the candidate would be told that through a series of interviews with maintenance supervisors, there is a consensus that contractor craftsmen are roughly twice as productive as client craftsmen.this is a critical point in the case. the candidate must recognize that in the present environment the client is largely indifferent about units of labor. you can have a client worker who is half as efficient or a contractor worker who is twice as expensive. the key now is to determine if there are ways to create an opportunity where the client would no longer be indifferent.what is causing the inefficiencies associated with the client’s labor?again, the candidate would be encouraged to offer their own ideas.after some discussion the candidate would be told that many of the maintenance supervisors complain endlessly about restrictions placed on them by the existing union labor contract and the tightness of craft designations.the interviewer would probe to ensure the candidate understands why the present craft designation creates the inefficiencies. essentially work is too finely divided. it makes planning and supervision extremely cumbersome. as an example, if one of six crafts required to perform a job is absent or late, the entire job must shut down, as craft designations are not allowed to support other craft designations.is it possible to change the existing union contract?the present labor contract is a three year contract that is due to be renegotiated/renewed in six months.will the union resist changes to the existing contract?indeed!!at this point, the candidate should recognize a major (albeit difficult) opportunity to reduce labor costs. the client would essentially like to have its own employees look and function like its contractors, but continue to get paid at present rates. in reality, management will need to make wage concessions in order to change present work practices. however, through planned negotiations a scenario can be created which presents a favorable opportunity for your client to begin to replace outside contractors with its own craftsmen.there are several ways to address the third question of the case, the actual savings that might be achieved. one quick method is to assume that these changes would bring maintenance costs back in line with industry average. utilizing the cost benchmark mentioned earlier, one could assume costs could be reduced to $24mm/1.20 = $20mm, a $4mm savings.a second, and more detailed, method would be to take the extreme scenario where the client’s craftsmen is paid its present rate, but is made as efficient as the contractor’s craftsmen. in this case, you begin with the present level of 200 client craftsmen who are functioning as 100 equivalent contractor craftsmen (they’re one-half as efficient). by improving their efficiency, you areef fectively “creating” 100 equivalent contractors. thus, you are immediately able to replace 100 contractors and save $10mm. this could be taken one step further by assuming you would want to replace all contractors. this would save an additional $2.5mm ($4mm existing contractor expense - $2mm required to hire additional client craftsmen + $0.5mm in contractor supervisors). as noted earlier, in reality, this approach would require wage concessions to the union, so actual savings may be something significantly less.key takeaways:this case requires the candidate to quickly digest a large amount of organizational issues and then quickly check some ratios to uncover the basic problem (the client workforce is inefficient). creativity must then be used to structure a recommendation that would create a more favorable situation for the client. as in other cases, acceptable solutions need not follow the exact method above nor cover all of the above points.mercer1st round1) a new england telephone company is thinking of entering the home security market. what is the potential market size and what would you recommend they do?2) if i gave you $10 million dollars to invest in any one business, which would it be?3) should kraft foods expand and incorporate ice cream into their product mix? if yes, how should they enter this market?4) you are starting a new business, a gourmet coffee shop. the shop is located next to a train station. you''re building the business with the hope of selling it within two years. what is your strategy?5) how big is the market for window display marketing books?2nd round(nov 2004):we have been hired by a client to help her evaluate his product mix and determine the best one going forward. refer to graphs.。
