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1.The whole nation watched the two candidates (arguing, debating) the issue of raising taxes on


Argue: (transitive) to state, giving clear reasons, that something is true, should be done etc Debate: (transitive) to discuss a subject formally when you are trying to make a decision or find a solution

2.It was a (proud, arrogant) moment for my cousin when she shook hands with the President. Proud: feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own, or about someone or something you are involved with or related to

Arrogant: behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people

3.Even if you (mix, blend) oil and water, they will not (mix, blend).

Mix: if you mix two or more substances or if they mix, they combine to become a single substance, and they cannot be easily separated

Blend: to combine different things in a way that produces an effective or pleasant result, or to become combined in this way

4.Some people watch television so much that they cannot (conceive, imagine) of living without it. Conceive: (formal) to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way Imagine; to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like

5.As it was an informal dinner, most people (wore, were dressed) in their comfortable clothes. Wear: [transitive] to have something such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery on your body

Dress: to put clothes on yourself or someone else (一般跟IN搭配)

6.Do you think those young people are (idealistic, ideal) or pragmatic?

Idealistic: believing that you should live according to high standards and principles, even if they cannot really be achieved, or showing this belief

Ideal: the best or most suitable that something could possibly be

7.Filled with great (adulation, admiration) for their integrity and courage, e was determined to be

a man like them.

Adulation: praise and admiration for someone that is more than they really deserve Admiration: a feeling of great respect and liking for something or someone

8.Deep at night, they could still hear gun-fire (rambling, rumbling) in the distance.

Ramble: to talk for a long time in a way that does not seem clearly organized, so that other people find it difficult to understand you(漫谈); To go on a walk in the countryside for pleasure

Rumble: to make a series of long low sounds, especially a long distance away from you

9.The professor looked over our papers with a hasty (sight, glance).

Sight: the act of seeing something

Glance: to quickly look at someone or something

10.Before ordering their dinner, they considered the (relevant, relative) merits of chicken and roast


Relevant: directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or


Relative: having a particular quality when compared with something else(强调比较)

11.the little boy’s constant noise (exhilarated, exasperated) his father, who was busy writing a

paper for a symposium(座谈会).

Exhilarate: to make someone feel very excited and happy

Exasperate: to make someone very annoyed by continuing to do something that upsets them

12.isn’t it (wholesome, noisome) to live in a city with so many vehicles passing day and night? Wholesome: likely to make you healthy

Noisome: very unpleasant

13.He was born in a small town (lived, inhabited) by about 500 people.

Live: if you live in a place, you have your home there

Inhabit: if animals or people inhabit an area or place, they live there

14.Her desk was all (jumbled, cluttered) with old papers, strings, and other odds and ends. Jumble: to mix things together in an untidy way, without any


Clutter: to cover or fill a space or room with too many things, so that it looks very


odds and ends: small things of various kinds without much value(零星东西)

15.He thinks they are extremely (idealistic, ideal), for all their pragmatism.

Idealistic, ideal: see number 6

16.She made one last (attraction, appeal) to her father for permission to go to the party. Attraction: a feeling of liking someone, especially in a sexual way(强调双方相互吸引) Appeal: a quality that makes people like something or someone(强调一方吸引另一方)
