英国人最爱的有关友谊的诗歌 The Arrow and the Song 箭与歌




• 赏析:这一节写“箭”:“我”曾经随意 射出一枝箭,眼睛跟不上箭飞翔的速度, 所以不知道它落到哪里去了。写的是生活 中普通的小事,细细品味,我们发现它寓 意丰富,耐人寻味。生活中许多事情就像 射出的箭一样,我们不知道会产生什么样 的后果,时间一长便忘记了。
• 这一节写“歌”:随随便便哼支歌,歌声飘扬, 自认为没人会记住它。在日常生活中,我们也会 毫不费力地将一句话、一个微笑、一个理解的眼 神等施予别人。或许我们觉得这无足轻重。友爱、 帮助等等被我们随随便便地施予,轻轻松松地忘 却。表面上看,第二节与第一节毫无关系,其实 是以箭作为歌的喻体。诗人的描绘揭示出某种相 似:歌也像箭那样飞逝了,再也见不到踪迹。
• 意象鲜明 寓意深刻 • 《箭与歌》是朗费罗歌颂友谊的一首著
名抒情短诗,入选各种英语诗歌读本,在 西方可谓家喻户晓。这首诗看似意思浅显, 其实内容深刻;看似信手拈来,其实匠心
; https:///cgjq/ 炒股技巧


(1807--1882)美国诗人。生于美国缅因州波 特兰,13岁就开始发表诗作。 从博多因大学毕业后赴欧深造,1826年至 1829年间在英国、法国、西班牙、意大利、德 国等国研读外国语,后来还曾几度赴欧,熟悉 欧洲古老和近代的文化。 从1836年起,朗费罗开始在哈佛大学教书。 晚年辞去教职,专门从事创作。 语言淳朴,韵律谐和,雅俗共赏,抒情味浓 是朗费罗诗歌的共同特点。他的诗歌在欧美大 陆流传极广。
• 箭


• 歌

时光飞逝 友谊长存
• 橡树
2.说说中国传统文学中的作 品。
• • • •Байду номын сангаас• • • •
仰天长啸,箭羽飞翔 付与苍穹,栖身何方 弃我远去,渐疏渐响 • 疾兮快兮,四顾茫茫 • • 寄语上苍,轻歌飞扬 • 付与流云,息声何方 弃我远去,渐疏渐长 风兮雨兮,四望苍苍
爱人者人恒爱之 敬人者人恒敬之 ---老子
以诗化的语言说出你最想 对朋友说的一句话
• 燕子去了,有再来的时候; • 杨柳枯了,有再青的时候; • 桃花谢了,有再开的时候。 • 但是,聪明的,你告诉我, • 我们的日子为什么 • 一去不复返呢?

第3节赏析:写“箭”和“歌”的归宿 在前两节貌似平淡的叙述后,诗歌忽然出现转 折,诗人发现了“箭”和“歌”的归宿:发现 箭插在一棵橡树上,同样,那支歌也自始至终 藏在朋友心中。朋友为什么“一直”把“歌” 藏在心中?





1、我心雀跃My Heart Leaps Up 我心雀跃My heart leaps up when I behold当天边彩虹映入眼帘,A rainbow in the sky:我心为之雀跃;So was it when my life began;初生时即如此,So is it now I am a man;我现在仍不变,So be it when I shall grow old,将来也会如此,Or let me die!否则我宁愿死去!The Child is father of the Man;儿童是成人之父;And I could wish my days to be愿自然虔诚的意念,将我生涯的每个日子连串起来。

Bound each to each by natural piety.自幼至老,深信不移。

2、Jingle, Bells 铃儿响叮当Dashing thro the snow,奔驰过雪地,In a one-horse open sleigh,只马无蓬的雪车,Oer the fields we go,我们越过田野,Laughing all the way;一路笑语不绝;Bells on bobtail ring,铃儿在截短的马尾上响叮当,Making spirits bright;使我们的精神愉快;What fun it is to ride and sing 今晚驾着雪车唱雪车歌A sleighing song tonight!乐似活神仙!(Refrain:) Jingle, bells! Jingle, bells!(反复)铃儿响!铃儿响!Jingle all the way!一路响叮当!Oh! What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!啊!坐在只马蓬的雪车上,哦!说多乐有多乐!Now the ground is white,大地一片雪白,Go it while youre young;趁着年轻去吧;Take the girls tonight,今夜带着女孩们,And sing this sleighing song.唱着雪车歌。

The Arrow and the Song(箭与歌) H.W. Longfellow(H.W.朗费罗)英语原文、中文翻译

The Arrow and the Song(箭与歌) H.W. Longfellow(H.W.朗费罗)英语原文、中文翻译

The Arrow and the Song
H. W. Longfellow
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where,
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight,
Could not follow it in its flight.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where,
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the fight of song?
Long, long afterwards, in an oak,
I found the arrow, still unbroken.
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.








True Friend

Standing by All the way Here to help you through your day Holding you up When you are weak Helping you find what it is you seek Catching your tears When you cry Pulling you through when the tide is high Absorbing your voice When you talk Standing by when you learn to walk

1、孔子:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。 2、万两黄金容易得,知心一个也难求 。 -(清) 曹雪芹 3、鲁迅:人生得一知己足矣。 4、冰心:得奇书读胜看花,有好友来如对月。

二、少 年 行 王维
李白 李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。
1.Auld 相当于Old, Auld Lang Syne 相当于Old Long Since,意思是The good old days. 2.acquaintance是熟人的意思. 3. gie's相当于give us 4.o' thine 5.tak' =take 6. o'=of
第三章 友谊诗歌欣赏

“如果你把快乐告诉一个朋友,你将得到两个快乐;而如 果你把忧愁向一个朋友倾吐,你将被分掉一半忧愁.” 这说明了朋友是我们身边必不可少的一个角色,可以为我 们的生活增添色彩. “友谊之重要在于,它能够稀释排解我们心头郁结的情绪。 因阻塞而引起的疾病,对我们身体的危害尤大,远甚于思 想上的闭塞。萨洒(药名,音译)清肝,铁能通脾,硫磺 的气味通肺,卡脱露(药名,音译)明脑。唯有朋友,才 能让人敞开心扉,除此外别无他物。你将与他一起,带着 向善的心情,分担悲伤、恐惧、怀疑,分享欢乐、希望、 忠告。”



友谊经典英语诗句_歌颂友情诗歌带翻译友谊经典英语诗句:A F o r e v e r F r i e n d A f r i e n d w a l k i n w h e n t h e r e s t o f t h e w o r l d w a l k s o u t.别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。

S o m e t i m e s i n l i f e,有时候在生活中,Y o u f i n d a s p e c i a l f r i e n d;你会找到一个特别的朋友;S o m e o n e w h o c h a n g e s y o u r l i f e j u s t b y b e i n g p a r t o f i t.他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活。

S o m e o n e w h o m a k e s y o u l a u g h u n t i l y o u c a n t s t o p;他会把你逗得开怀大笑;S o m e o n e w h o m a k e s y o u b e l i e v e t h a t t h e r e r e a l l y i s g o o d i n t h e w o r l d.他会让你相信人间有真情。

S o m e o n e w h o c o n v i n c e s y o u t h a t t h e r e r e a l l y i s a n u n l o c k e d d o o r j u s t w a i t i n g f o r y o u t o o p e n i t.他会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。

T h i s i s F o r e v e r F r i e n d s h i p.这就是永远的友谊。



第一篇:美国文学诗歌名篇翻译赏析I shot an arrow……我射出一支箭……---Henry Wadsworth LongfellowI shot an arrow into the air,我把一支箭射向空中It fell to earth I knew not where;不知它落在何方For so swiftly it flew the sight飞得那么快Could not follow it in its fight.眼睛难以追寻它的方向I breathed a song into the air,我对着天空轻轻唱歌It fell to earth I knew not where;不知它消逝在何方For who has the sight so keen and strong谁的眼光能如此敏锐犀利That can follow the flight of a song.能跟上歌声的翅膀Long, long afterwards in an oak,很久很久以后,在一棵橡树上I found the arrow still unbroke;我找到了那支箭,仍未折断And the song, from beginning to end,也发现了那支歌,自始自终I found again in the heart of a friend.在朋友的心中欢唱This poem is written in a traditional iambic form with the feet “aabb aacc ddee”. In the poem, Longfellow sings the friendship implicitly and skillfully. The arrow and the song in this poem stand for the friendship. When he shot an arrow and breathed a song into the air, he did not expect to find them any more. But many years later, he came across with the arrow and found that his song was always in the heart of his friend. This suggests that the friendship is everlasting.I’m Nobody!我是无名之辈Emily DickinsonI’m nobody! Who are you?我是无名之辈!你是谁?Are you nobody, too?你也是无名之辈吗?Then there’s a pair of us----don’t tell!那么我们就是一对儿了!千万不要透露出去They’d banish us, you know!不然我们都会被他们驱逐,你知道。



小溪与海浪The Brook and the Wave小溪从山上流下,The brooklet came from the mountain,象诗人边走边唱,As sang the bard of old,用它那银白的小脚Running with feet of silver奔跑在金黄的沙上。

Over the sands of gold!在那远远的咸水洋,Far away in the briny ocean奔腾着狂暴的海浪,There rolled a turbulent wave,忽而高歌在海滩畔,Now singing along the sea-beach,忽而怒吼在洞穴旁。

Now howling along the cave.尽管相隔得这么远,And the brooklet has found the billow,小溪也找到了海浪,Though they flowed so far apart,用她清新而甜美的甘泉And has filled with its freshness and sweetness注满那狂暴、苦涩的胸膛!That turbulent, bitter heart!箭与歌The Arrow and the Song我向空中射一枝箭,I shot an arrow into the air,不知它落到哪里;It fell to earth, I knew not where:它飞得好快呵,For so swiftly it flew, the sight眼睛跟不上它的踪迹。

Could not follow it in its flight.我向空中唱一支歌,I breathed a song into the air,不知它落到何方;It fell to earth I knew not where;谁有这样尖、这样强的眼力For who has sight so keen and strong,能追上歌声的飞翔?That it can follow the flight of song?很久很久以后,在橡树上Long, long afterward, in an oak,我找到那枝箭,还不曾折断;I found the arrow still unbroke;还有那支歌,也被我找到,And the song, from beginning to end,从头到尾藏在朋友的心间。



[关于友情的英语诗句阅读]关于友情的诗句 henry wadsworth longfellow亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗i shot an arrow into the air,我向天空射出一支箭,it fell to earth i knew not where;它飞落在不知何处的地面;for so swiftly it flew the sight,它飞驰得如此迅速,could not follow it in its flight.没有视线能够跟随它的脚步。

i breathed a song into the air,我向天空轻唱一首歌,it fell to earth i knew not where;它消逝在不知何处的角落;for who has the sight so keen and strong,谁的目光能够如此锐利,that can follow the flight of a song.可以追随歌声的旋律。

long,long afterwards in an oak,很久很久以后,在一棵橡树上,i found the arrow still unbroke;我发现那支箭依然完好如初;and the song, from beginning to end,而那首歌自始至终,i found again in the heart of a friend.都深深印在一位朋友的心中。

Friendship is like the breeze,You can't hold it,Smell it,Taste it,Or know when it's coming,But you can always feel it,And you'll always know it's there,It may come and then go,But you can know it'll always be back.友谊如和煦的微风,你握不住它,闻不到它,尝不到它,无法知道它何时光临,不过你总能感觉到它,而且总能意识到它的存在,它可能会来了而又走开,但你知道它总会回来。



The Arrow and the Song 箭与歌Henry Wadswo‎r th Longfe‎l low亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗I shot an arrow into the air,我向天空射出‎一支箭,It fell to earth I knew not where;它飞落在不知‎何处的地面;For so swiftl‎y it flew the sight,它飞驰得如此‎迅速,Could not follow‎it in its flight‎.没有视线能够‎跟随它的脚步‎。

I breath‎e d a song into the air,我向天空轻唱‎一首歌,It fell to earth I knew not where;它消逝在不知‎何处的角落;For who has the sight so keen and strong‎,谁的目光能够‎如此锐利,That can follow‎the flight‎of a song.可以追随歌声‎的旋律。

Long, long afterw‎a rds in an oak,很久很久以后‎,在一棵橡树上‎,I found the arrow still unbrok‎e;我发现那支箭‎依然完好如初‎;And the song, from beginn‎i ng to end,而那首歌自始‎至终,I found again in the heart of a friend‎.都深深印在一‎位朋友的心中‎。






I shot an arrow……我射出一支箭……---Henry Wadsworth LongfellowI shot an arrow into the air,我把一支箭射向空中It fell to earth I knew not where;不知它落在何方For so swiftly it flew the sight飞得那么快Could not follow it in its fight.眼睛难以追寻它的方向I breathed a song into the air,我对着天空轻轻唱歌It fell to earth I knew not where;不知它消逝在何方For who has the sight so keen and strong谁的眼光能如此敏锐犀利That can follow the flight of a song.能跟上歌声的翅膀Long, long afterwards in an oak,很久很久以后,在一棵橡树上I found the arrow still unbroke;我找到了那支箭,仍未折断And the song, from beginning to end,也发现了那支歌,自始自终I found again in the heart of a friend.在朋友的心中欢唱This poem is written in a traditional iambic form with the feet “aabb aacc ddee”. In the poem, Longfellow sings the friendship implicitly and skillfully. The arrow and the song in this poem stand for the friendship. When he shot an arrow and breathed a song into the air, he did not expect to find them any more. But many years later, he came across with the arrow and found that his song was always in the heart of his friend. This suggests that the friendship is everlasting.I’m Nobody!我是无名之辈Emily DickinsonI’m nobody! Who are you?我是无名之辈!你是谁?Are you nobody, too?你也是无名之辈吗?Then there’s a pair of us----don’t tell!那么我们就是一对儿了!千万不要透露出去They’d banish us, you know!不然我们都会被他们驱逐,你知道。

旧日的时光 箭与歌 别离

旧日的时光 箭与歌 别离

3.《别离》和其他十四行诗一样,均作于1941年。原是作者在 昆明时送给朋友的。那时,为躲避日寇的飞机轰炸,诗人从昆明 来到近郊的一座深山。他虽然离开了闹市,身居茅屋,但仍关心 着天下大事。
1.《旧日的时光》第2节中,诗人为什么不写成我们, 而要将你我分开来写呢?
[自我核对]第2节诗通过老朋友相逢喝酒干杯的典型动 作,把真挚的浓烈的友情渲染出来。这里把你我分写,便 于将朋友间都珍重友谊的感情详尽地表达出来,同时也 便于诗节写得完整。
2.《箭与歌》中,诗人为什么要写 “箭”和“歌” 的归宿?
[自我核对]以此表现朋友间的心心相印、彼此默契的感 情。
3.赏析《别离》中“我们招一招手,随着别离,我们 的世界便分成两个”这句话的含意。
[自我核对]分别前的那一招手,仿佛是在把世界劈成两 半。诗人的这种奇想完全有现实依据。因为彼此工作都 很忙,再加上相距遥远,相聚的机会就更少了,仿佛分别 处在两个世界。
1.罗伯特•彭斯(1759—1796),苏格兰诗人,在英国文学史上 占有特殊的地位。他复活并丰富了苏格兰民歌;他的诗歌 富有音乐性,可以歌唱。彭斯生于苏格兰民族面临被异族 征服的时代,因此,他的诗歌充满了激进的民主、自由的思 想。诗人生活在破产的农村,和贫苦的农民血肉相连。他 的诗歌歌颂了故国家乡的秀美,抒写了劳动者淳朴的友谊 和爱情。作品有《一朵红红的玫瑰》《自由树》《苏格兰 人》《威利长老的祈祷》《致拉布雷克书》《两只狗》 《快活的乞丐》等。除诗歌创作外,彭斯还收集整理了大 量的苏格兰民间歌谣,编辑出版了6卷本的《苏格兰音乐总 汇》和8卷本的《原始的苏格兰歌曲选集》。
2.《旧日的时光》 第3、4节主要写什么内容?是从什么 角度写的?能给人怎样的感受?



世界上最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youY et you don’t know thatI love youThe furthest distance in the worldIs not when i stand in font of youY et you can’t see my lov eBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from bothY et cannotBe togehterThe furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when plainly can not resist the yearningY et pretendingY ou have never been in my heartThe furthest distance in the worldIs notBut using one’s indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you1.世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死而是我就站在你的面前,你却不知道我爱你世界上最遥远的距离,不是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你而是明明知道彼此相爱,却不能在一起世界上最遥远的距离,不是明明知道彼此相爱,却不能在一起而是明明无法反抗这股想念,却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里世界上最遥远的距离,不是明明无法反抗这股想念,却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里而是用自己冷漠的心对爱你的人掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠2. The Pride of Y outh 青春的骄傲Proud Maisie is in the wood,Walking so early;Sweet Robin sits on the bush,Singing so rarely.“tell me ,thou bonny bird,when shall I marry me?”-“when six braw gentlemenkirkward shall carry ye.”“who makes the bridal bed,birdie, say truly?”-“The gray-headed sextonThat delves the grave duly.“The glowworm o’er grave and stoneShall light thee steady;The owl from the steeple sing,Welcome, proud lady.”2. 骄傲的梅西漫步林间,踩着晨曦;伶俐的知更鸟栖息树丛,唱得甜蜜。



The Arrow and the Song箭与歌By H. W. LongfellowI shot an arrow in the air,It fell to earth,I knew not where;For so swiftly it flew,the sightCould not follow it in its flight.我向空中射出一箭,它已落下掉到地上,然我不知其去何方。


I breathed a song into the air,It fell to earth,I knew not where;For who has sight so keen and strong,That it can follow the flight of song?我向空中低声歌唱,它已落下掉到地上,然我不知其去何方。


Long,long afterward,in an oakI found the arrow still unbroke;And the song,from beginning to end,I found again in the heart of a friend.就在很久很久以后,就是在一棵橡树上。


Translated into Chinese by Cissycissymary on Oct. 13, 2015 茜茜茜茜玛丽于2015年10月13日译成中文。




店铺整理了友情英语小诗歌带翻译,欢迎阅读!友情英语小诗歌带翻译篇一the arrow and the song 箭与歌henry wadsworth longfellow亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗i shot an arrow into the air,我向天空射出一支箭,it fell to earth i knew not where;它飞落在不知何处的地面;for so swiftly it flew the sight,它飞驰得如此迅速,could not follow it in its flight.没有视线能够跟随它的脚步。

i breathed a song into the air,我向天空轻唱一首歌,it fell to earth i knew not where;它消逝在不知何处的角落;for who has the sight so keen and strong,谁的目光能够如此锐利,that can follow the flight of a song.可以追随歌声的旋律。

long,long afterwards in an oak,很久很久以后,在一棵橡树上,i found the arrow still unbroke;我发现那支箭依然完好如初;and the song, from beginning to end,而那首歌自始至终,i found again in the heart of a friend.都深深印在一位朋友的心中。

友情英语小诗歌带翻译篇二Friendship Is Like the Breezeby Terri FanningFriendship is like the breeze,You can't hold it,Smell it,Taste it,Or know when it's coming,But you can always feel it,And you'll always know it's there,It may come and then go,But you can know it'll always be back.友谊如微风特里-范宁友谊如和煦的微风,你握不住它,闻不到它,尝不到它,无法知道它何时光临,不过你总能感觉到它,而且总能意识到它的存在,它可能会来了而又走开,但你知道它总会回来。



1I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth I knew not where;它飞落在不知何处的地面;For so swiftly it flew the sight,它飞驰得如此迅速,
Could not follow it in its flight.没有视线能够跟随它的脚步。

2I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth I knew not where;
For who has the sight so keen and strong,
That can follow the flight of a song.可以追随歌声的旋律。

3Long,long afterwards in an oak,
I found the arrow still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,而那首歌自始至终,
I found again in the heart of a friend.都深深印在一位朋友的心中。

Thank you!



简短经典的英语诗歌1.求简单经典的英语诗歌WhenYouAreOld Whenyouareoldandgrayandfullofsleep Andnoddingbythefire,takedownthisbook, Andslowlyread,anddreamofthesoftlook Youreyeshadonce,andoftheirshadowsdeep; Howmanylovedyourmomentsofgladgrace, Andlovedyourbeautywithlovefalseortrue; Butonemanlovedthepilgrimsoulinyou, Andlovedthesorrowsofyourchangingface; Andbendingdownbesidetheglowingbars,Murmur,alittlesadly,howlovefled Andpaceduponthemountainsoverhead, Andhidhisfaceamidacrowdofstars.2.求简短、经典的英文诗歌Rememberme---ChristinaRossetti RemembermewhenIamgoneaway, Gonefarawayintothesilentland; Whenyoucannomoreholdmebythehand,NorIhalfturntogo,yetturningstay. Remembermewhennomoredaybyday Youtellmeofourfuturethatplanned: Onlyrememberme;youunderstand Itwillbelatetocounselthenorpray. Yetifyoushouldforgetmeforawhile Andafterwardsremember,donotgrieve: Foritdarknessandcorruptionleave AvestigeofthethoughtsthatonceIhad, Betterbyfaryoushouldforgetandsmile Thanthatyoushouldrememberandbesad." 思忆——克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂——朵儿(译)请记住我,当我离去时我去到那遥远的静谧的土地那时你再不能牵住我的手而我也再不能欲去还留。



Hope Is the Thing with Feathers
Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all. And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm. 。 I’ve heard it in the chillest land, And on the strangest sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of me.
When you are old
--- William Butler Yeats
When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire,take down this book, And slowly read,and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once,and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur,a little sadly,how Love fled And paced upon the mountains over head And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
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The Arrow and the Song箭与歌
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth I knew not where;
For so swiftly it flew the sight,
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth I knew not where;
For who has the sight so keen and strong, 谁的目光能够如此锐利,
That can follow the flight of a song.

Long, long afterwards in an oak,
I found the arrow still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
















