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姓名: _____________ 成绩: _________________

、读一读,写出相应的交通灯涂色。(6%) 1. look! It ' s the light, so we must wait. 2. look! It

' s the

light, so we must stop.

3. look! It ' s the _______ light, so we can go. 、选出不同类的单词,并把序号写在括号里。 (5%)


( ) ually I go to school on ______ . A. bike B. foot C. pla ne

( )2. ________ d o you go to school?

A. How

B. Who

C. Where

( )3.ln England and Australia, drivers drive on the _____ s ide of the road. A. left B. right C. straight (

)4. ______ at a yellow light.

) 1. A . ship

B. light

C. subway ) 2. A ..red B.yellow C.gree n ) 3. A . how B.wait

C.stop ) 4. A .Chi na B.Hangzhou C.Australia ) 5. A .sometimes



D. pla ne D.co untry D.go

D.En gla nd D.often



5. pla ne ( )

4. train (


A. Stop

B. Wait

C. Go

( )5.lf you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the _________ .

A. traffic lights

B. traffic

C. traffic light

( )6.Can I go on foot?

A. Yes, you can.

B. I go there on foot.

( )7. Look at the traffic lights.

A. We must stop.

B. It ' s not far.

( )8.How can I get to the supermarket?

A. You can get there by bike.

B. Yes , you can.

( )9.当你建议和朋友一起去动物园的时候,你应该说:

A. Let ' s go to the zoo.

B. How do you go to the zoo?

( )10.当你询问别人怎样去Australia时,应该说:

A. Do you go to Australia by pla ne?

B. How do you go to Australia?


1 . I go to Beijing by plane.

2 . I go to the zoo by bus.

3 . I go to the book store by subway.

4 . I go to the supermarket by bike.

5 . I go to school on foot.


七、读一读,选一选。(4% )

( )I.You can go by train. ( )3. Go at a green light.

A. B. ( )2.You can go straight. (

)4.I go to school by bus.

C. D.


where, how, on foot , n ear , bus , go to

A : Let's __________ the park this morning.

B : Great ! But __________ do we go to the park? A : It's easy. Come to my home by _________ . B : OK. But _________ is the park ?

A : It's _________ my home. We can go ____________

九、选择正确的句子。(10%) ( )1.想询问对方是怎样去学校的,可以问:

A. How do you go to school?

B. How can I go to school ? ( )2.想询问对方 我”可以怎样去公园,可以这样问:

A. How do you go to the park?

B. How can I go to the park?


)3.别人跟你说“ Thank you ”你应该这样回答:

A. You ' re welcome.

B. Ok..

4. ____

H u n n H r.

u n u

n n
