
外研社剑桥小学英语Join_in四年级上册整体课时教案Starter Unit Let's begin第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:How are you today? I’m fine/OK.Goodbye.The pupils learn to use:What’s your name? I’m (Alice).How are you? I’m fine. I’m OK.Activities and skills:Decoding meaning from teacher input.Using phrases for interaction in class.Greeting each other.I Introduce oneself.Asking someone’s mane.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.Sing a song. Hello, what’s your name?Step 2: Presentation.1. What’s your name? I’m….(1) The teacher introduces herself, saying:Hello, /Good morning, I’m Miss Sun.(2) Asks a volunteer’s name:What’s your name?The teacher prompt the pupil by whispering, I’m (Alice).(3) Asks all the pupils the same question and help those who need it by whisperingI’m….2. How are you today? I’m fine. I’m OK.(1) The teacher explains the meaning of How are you today? (2) Tell the class to ask the question all together and introduce two answers,I’m (notvery) fine/I’m Ok.(3) Asks all the pupils the same question and make sure that all the students can reply.Step3: Speak English in class.1. Tells the pupils to open their books at page3, look at the four photographs, andlisten to the tape.2. Asks the pupils to dramatise the situations depicted in the four photographs. Avolunteer will play the part of the parts of the other pupils, answering as a group.第二学时:The pupils learn to use these new words:Sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, puller, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, Taxi, clown, superstar.Activities and skills:Singing the song and colouring picture frames.Teaching process:Step 1:Warm—up:Greetings:(1) Good morning!(2) I’m Miss Sun. What’s your name?I’m (Alice, John…).(3) How are you today?I’m fine/OK.Step 2: New words.1. Learn to say these words one by one using flash cards.2. Guessing game.Is it a cowboy/snack bar…?No, it isn’t. Yes, it is.3. Read them following teacher.4. Colour the frames.(1)Open book at page4, take your colour pens. Listen and colour.(2)Colour your (hamburger, orange…).(3)Let’s check.The hamburger is orange.Step 3: Sing the song.1. Listen to the tape.2. Teacher sings the words.3. Learn to say the words.4. Let’s sing it one sentence by one sent ence.5. Sing the song and do the actions together.Step 4: Say good—bye.Goodbye, children.Goodbye, Miss Sun. See you next time.第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:Watch me. Stretch. Clap your hands. Stand back to back.Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. The pupils learn to use: Good morning./Morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.Good night.Activities and skills:Carrying out action story.Listening to the tape and filling numbers.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up(1) Greetings.(2) Play guessing game with flash cards. (3) Sing the song: English is easy.Step 2: Mime the action story.1. The teacher and the pupils listen to the instructions on the cassette. The teacherperforms each action and the pupils watch and then imitate the teacher. Repeat thisstage several times.2. The teacher gives the instructions in the same order which the pupils heard them onthe cassette during Phase 1. The pupils listen and do the actions one at a time,following the teacher’s instructions.3. The teacher gives the instructions in jumbled order. The pupils listen and performsthe actions one at a time.Step 3: Listen and fill in the numbers.(1) Listen and mime.(2) Fill in the numbers.(3) Check it. Make sure that everyone is correct.Step 4: Learn to say.The teacher draws a clock on blackboard. When it is 7:30, says “Good morning” or“Morning” to the pupils. The pupils answer “Good morning” or “Morning”.“Good afternoon”, “Good evening” and “Good night” are the same above.第四学时:The pupils learn to use:How are you? I’m fine/very well/OK.Thank you. And you?Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.Activities and skills:Speaking and comprehension:Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up.1. Greetings.Good morning. /Morning.Good afternoon.2. Sing a song: Join in.Step 2: Let’s read and act.1. T: Hello, I’m Miss Sun. What’s your name?S: Hi, I’m Alice.T: Nice to meet you.Tell the student that he or she should say “Nice to meet you, too.”Have this conversation with others, and make sure that all the pupils can say itcorrectly.2. Other sentences just to be taught and learnt like those above.3. Actions:(1). Pair work: Two pupils to act the conversations. (2). Boys and girls competition.Step 3: The end.Goodbye, children.Goodbye, Miss Sun.Unit 1 Numbers第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:The tiger jump.Do the numbers rock.The pupils learn to say:Numbers 1—12.Twelve o’clock; do the numbers rock.Yippee!Let’s do the tiger jump.Your turn.Activities and skills:Singing the song: The numbers rock.Saying the chant : The tiger jump.Colouring the numbers.Listening to conversations and matching the names of children with numbers ondice.Playing two number games.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.1. Count numbers from 1 to 10.2. Sing the song. Hop.Step 2: Listen and sing the song. The numbers rock. 1. Learn to say:11 eleven, 12 twelve. Twelve o’clock.2. Listen and say the chant.Step 3: Listen and say the chant.1. The teacher says the chant and performances in the same order,the pupils follow.2. Teacher says, pupils do in the same order.3. The teacher saysand pupils do in the jumbled order. 4. Listen to the tape and say the chant, do the actions.Step 4: Colour the numbers.1. Show numbers’ cards 1—12 to the pupils. Count them.2. Open book at page9, match numbers with the words.3. Colour them and check them.Step 5: Listen and match.1. Teacher writes numbers on the blackboard. The pupils read them.For example: 3, 6, 1 5, 4 5, etc.2. Listen and match then check.3. learn to say “Your turn.”4. Play the game in class.第二学时:The pupils learn to understand:What’s in the box?Guess the number.Super prize!Come on, (Fred).Here is your prize, Emma.Thank you, Emma.Great!The pupils learn to use:What’s in the box?Snails! Yuk!How many?Activities and skills,Listening to and understanding a story. Playing game: “Guess the number.”Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.1. Say the chant : The tiger jump.2. Sing the song: The numbers rock.Step 2: A game. Guess the number. 1. Count numbers 1—12.2. Shows the pupils numbers’ cards, guess the number.3. Take a box, put some glass balls in it. Shows them a glass ball, asks:What’s this? What’s in t he box? How many?If the pupils are right, says “Great! Here is your prize.” And give them a glass ball.Step 3: A story. The snails.1. Teacher says, You will hear a story. The snails. Please listen carefully.2. Listen to the tape several times.3. Make sure that the pupils fully understand the meaning of this story.4. Play this game in class.第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:Guess the number.The pupils learn to use:Twelve is two plus ten, now let’s start again.How many?Yes. / No.Activities and skills:Saying the rhyme.Playing two number games.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.Sing the song. The numbers rock.Step 2: Listen and say the rhyme. 1. Count numbers 1—12.2. Read the words line by line several times.3. listen to the tape, say the rhyme.4. Asks a group of 6-7 pupils stand in a circle, and say the rhyme, see who is left out.Step 3: Play a game.1. Teacher asks a pupil to come to the front of the class and demonstrate the game asshown in the first two pictures.2. Play in pairs and proceed in the same way for the second game.3. Play this game one by one.第四学时:The pupils learn to understand and use:What’s your phone number?Activities and skills:Listening and taking notes of phone numbers and saying what they are.Asking other pupils for their phone numbers and taking notes.Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up.1. Count numbers 1—12.2. Say the rhyme.Step 2: Listen and write the phone numbers.1. Draw a big telephone on the board. Introduce the word Phone or telephone immediately followed by the sentence My phone number is ….2. Listen and write.Tell the pupils that they are going to hear some recorded interviews, and that theyhave to listen and discover the telephone numbers of a few children. Read the names of the children out loud and ask the pupils to repeat them. Listen to the tape several times and write.3. Let’s check.Step 3: Write your phone numbers.1. The pupils write their phone number. Tell them how to read the number.2. Read your number yourself.Step 4: Asks children’s phone number.1. Teacher asks, what’s your phone number? A volunteer answers, other pupils write down.2. Work in pairs.3. The pupils ask and answer each other, and write.4. Let’s check.第五学时:Teaching aims:1. Learn to say:How many girls/boys/flags…can you see?Let me count. I can see….2. Learn to say:What is (seven) plus (twelve)?What is (eleven) minas (nine)?3. Write the numbers 1—12.Teaching process:Step 1: A game.Prepare a box which is full of glass balls. Shows them the box, and asks, what’s in it?Let pupil guess, and then someone touches it. (Glass balls.)How many? How many glass balls? How many glass balls can you see? Count, please. The pupil counts. One, two, three, four…Step 2: Learn to say.1. Teacher chooses a group of pupils, and asks, how many girls can you see? Tellsthem to reply, let me count. And then, count. One, two,…. Tells them to say, I can see…2. Repeat this exercise several times.3. Ask and answer with other words which they learned, such as boys, flags, dogs…Step 3: Learn to say.1. Write those below on the blackboard:7+5 8+2 11-96+4 12-9 2+2Point a pupil to read them.2. The teacher asks What is 7 plus 5,Make sure that each pupil can reply “It’s…” correctly.3. Pupils open book at page 15, work in pairs.Some pairs of pupils wok in class.Step 4: Complete the word puzzle.1. Show the pupils flashcards of numbers 1—12. Read them, and spell the words. 2. Open book at page 15, complete the 14th exercise.3. Check it.Unit 2 Colours第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:What colour is this/The pupils learn to use:Colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white.I like (green) and (red); I like orange, too.Oh, what a rainbow!Activities and skills:Listening to words and pointing at the appropriate pictures in the box.Sing a song.Teaching process:Step 1: warm—up.1. Greetings.Good morning. / Good afternoon.2. Sing a song. Butterfly.Step 2: Listen and point—presentation.1. Introduce the following colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white and black.Show the pupils colours with the help of coloured flash cards and objects in the classroom,2. Say the words.(1) Show a colour and say the word several times, then ask thepupils to repeat it. (2) Name a colour and ask the pupils to touch something of that colour. 3. A game.(1) Teacher names a colour, four pupils touch an object of the correct colour. The last pupil is “out”. The winner is the person who touches the correct one first.(2) Asks of the pupils to take over the role of the teacher.(3) Proceed in the same way for the other remaining colours.Step 3: Listen and point.Open their book at page 16, listen to the tape carefully, point the corresponding colour.Step 4: Listen and sing s song. Rainbow.1. Draw a picture of a rainbow on the board and introduce the word Rainbow.2. Listen to the word and repeat it.3. Sing the song following the tape.第二学时:The pupils learn to understand:1. What colour is (the wizard’s house)?2. I’m from Italy; (Great Britain; Argentina; Brazil).The pupils learn to use:I’m (Lucia). I’m from China. This is my flag.Activities and skills:Finding out from a listening text wha t colour the wizard’s house is (listening for detail).第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:Help.Open the door.The pupils learn to use:(Green), please. Here you are.Good night! Good morning!What’s this? Wow!Activities and skills:Listening to and understanding a story.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.1. Sing a song. The rainbow.2. (1) Teacher walks around the classroom asking the pupils:Blue, please. Green, please, etc.The pupils should give me a colored pencil requested. (2) Do the same exercise by the pupils in pairs.Step 2: The story.1. Introduce and practise new vocabulary. Here you are. Help. Open the door. What’s this?2. Pupils listen to the text two or three times with their books closed and try toimagine what is happening from the tone of the voices and blackboard noises. 3. Pupils listen two or three times with their books open.4. Pupils listen one more time with their eyes closed and try to imagine what they saw in the text.Step 3: Act out the story.Two pupils for wizards, somebody to make the noises of boiling water, and explosion, colored bottles.第四学时:The pupils learn to understand:What’s my favourite colour? Is it (blue)?What’s your favourite colour?Yes, that’s right.The pupils learn to use:Guess.What’s my favourite colour? Is it (blue)?What’s your favourite colour?Yes, that’s right.Activities and skills:Playing a game based on the principle of information gap.Completing dialogues in writing.Listening to a chant and circling patches of colour.Saying a chant.Doing a crossword puzzle.Teaching process:Step 1: Play a guessing game.1. Ask a pupil to touch a part of the coloured fish.The teacher can’t see what colour the pupil is touching and, naming several different colours, should try to guess.2. Once the pupils have understand the way game works, they can play in pairs and exchange roles.Step 2: Complete the dialogues.1. Learn to write the words and sentence:Green, blue, white, please.Here you are.2. Ask the pupils to look carefully at the four scenes and to complete the dialogues according to what they see in the pictures.Step 3: A chant.1. The pupils should listen to the chant once all the way through.2. Then they listen a second time, but this time the tape should be stopped after each question to give the pupils time to circle the colour.3. Finally they listen a third time to check the answers.The teacher should check that the pupils have understood and ask which colours theyhave circled. The pupils say the colours in the correct order.4. The teacher writes them on the blackboard. The pupils copy the words.5. Repeat the chant in two separate groups.第五学时:The pupils learnt to understand:What about you?What about this?What’s that over t here?The pupils learn to use:I’m from (America).I like (red) best.What’s your favourite colour?What colour do you like?Activities and skills:Speaking those sentences in groups. Talking about the birthplace and the favourite colours of themselves.Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up1. Say the chant: what’s your favourite colour?2. Revise the words: Great Britain, Italy, Brazil, Argentina.I’m from China.Step 2: Let’s learn and work in groups.1. Introduce new words.America, England, Canada, best, about. 2. Learn to say.I’m….I’m from….I like (red) best.3. Introduce how to use “what about you?”. Make sure that everyone has understoodit.4. Read the sentences.Step 3: Work in the groups.1. Pair work.2. Teacher and student act in class.3. Work in tablemates as the model.Step 4: Let’s talk.1. Introduce new words: jeep, over there.2. Using some flashcards, ask and answer. T: What’s this? (A car.)S: It’s a car.T: What colour is it?S: It’s (red).And tell the volunte er to say: It’s a Chinese car. All the class repeat it.The teacher shows them another flashcard, and asks: What about this? Make sure that the student can answer it correctly.3. Talk about the flashcards in pairs.4. Let’s talk in class.Unit 3 School things第一学时:The pupils learn to understand:What colour is the wizard’s schoolbag,The pupils learn to use:Pen, pencil, pencil case, schoolbag, ruler, eraser, book..Activities and skills:Listening to the words on the tape and filling in the numbers in the book. Listening to the tape and finding out what colour the wizard’s schoolbag is.Teaching process:Step1: Warm--up.1. Show pupils some school things, such as:pencil, book, pen, schoolbag, pencil case. Ask pupils: What’s this? It’s a (p en).2. A game Toby says:Touch your (pen). Take your (book).Step2: Listen and fill in the numbers.1. Introduce the new vocabulary using regalia, rule, eraser,2. The pupils open their books at Page 24.The teacher reads the words, first in the order in which they are presented and then injumbled order, ask the pupils to point to the corresponding picture.3. Listen and fill in the numbers.(1) The first time, the pupils listen to the tape without interruptions for general dothe exercise by themselves.(2) The second time, the pupils listen to the tape without interruptions so that everybody can do the exercise.Check the answer. Name the objects and ask the pupils to answer with the corresponding numbers.Step3. Listen. What colour is the wizards schoolbag.1. Tell the pupils in Chinese that they have to discover the colour of the wizards schoolbag.2. Give them an example.The pupils point to the word start, the teacher says blue and the pupils point to the blue square. Then say ruder and the pupils touch the ruder.Proceed in this way from ruder to yellow, and then to pencil to blue to eraser.At this point ask what colour is the wizards schoolbag? (Blue). 3. Listen to the tape and follow the sequence of squares using a pencil. 4. Listen two or three times to check the answer.第二学时:The pupils learn to understand:Open your (schoolbag).Take out (a ruler).Take out (two books).What’s this? A skipping rope.Hooray!The pupils learn to use:Three pens, four pencils, two books.Activities and skills:Understanding instructions and miming actions.Listening to the tape and filling in numbers.Teaching process:Step 1: Warm—up.Ask and answer.Show the pupils a ruler, a pen , a schoolbag, two erasers, four books, three pencils. Ask: What’s this? What colour is it? How many books can you see? Etc.Step 2: New word.Show them a skipping rope and teach the new word.Step 3: Mime the action story.1. The teacher and the pupils listen to the instructions on the cassette. The teacher performs each action and the pupils watch and then imitate the teacher. Repeat this stage several times.2. The teacher gives the instructions in the same order which the pupils heard them on the cassette during Phase 1. The pupils listen and do the a ctions one at a time, following the teacher’s instructions.3. The teacher gives the instructions in jumbled order. The pupils listen and performs the actions one at a time.Step 4: Listen and fill in the numbers.(4) Listen and mime.(5) Fill in the numbers.(6) Check it. Make sure that everyone is correct.第三学时:The pupils learn to understand:How many (red) things are there?The pupils learn to use:Two pens, three erasers, four pens, five rulers.Activities and skills:Reading what is in the picture and colour frames around word groups in the appropriate colour.Counting school things in a picture puzzle.Teaching process:Step1: Warm—up.A guessing game.1. Show the pupils a box which is full of pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, and books.And ask the pupils to guess how many pens/ pencils/rulers/erasers/books are there?T: Guess! How many (pens)?2. When the pupils guess correctly, ask them: What colou are the (two pens)?Step 2: Read and colour the frames.1. Introduce how to do the exercise.Point out to the pupils that there are 10 pictures and only five boxes on the right. Thepupils have to colour the frames of the boxes on the right following the example. Theframe of the box containing the words two pens, is orange like the two pens in thedrawing.2. The pupils colour the frames themselves.3. Check the answer.Ask the pupils to say which colours match which words.Step3: Count and write the numbers.1. Read the sentences several times. And translate the questions.2. The pupils write exercise in the book.3. Check the answer.Ask the question and the pupils answer orally.第四课时 :Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to understand:Stop it.Come here, Timmy.Help me, please.Where’s my pencil case?It’s not here.I’ve got it!2. Acticities and skills:Decoding the meaning of the language in a story. Important and Difficult front:Understand the sentences of the story.Teaching process:Step 1:Warming-up1. Sing an English song: Join in.2. Revise the school thing. Which have learnt in this unit.3. Revise the sentence: Here is your prize. Here is my prize.Step 2 : Presentation1. Listen to the story.2. Ask the students to open their books at page 28.3. Ask them listen to the tape, listen to an English story.4. Ask the students to tell the meaning of the story.Step 3 : Learn to understand the sentences.1. Ask some students do a action, then say: Stop it, xxx.” Let the students tell themeaning of the sentence. Then practise it.2. Pre tend to find something, and say: Where’s my pen?” Ask the students to say whatam I doing. And tell the meaning of the sentence.3. Ask someone xxx, help me, please.” Let him/her find things with me. Then ask them to tell the meaning of the sentence.4. Practise the two Sentences in pairs.5. Say:It’s not here,” while finding the thing. Let them say the meaning of thesentence. Then practise it.6.When finding the thing, say: I’ve got it!” Let the students tell the meaning of thesentence. then practise to say it.Step 4 : Consolidation1. Listen again and say the sentences after the tape.2. Perform the story in the class.第五学时 :Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to use:How many desks are there?What about Chairs?How many pens have you got?2. Activities and skills:Let’s read.Let’s work in groups.Important and difficult point: Read the conversation.Teaching process:Step 1 : Revision1. Sing an English song: In our classroom.2. Show some pictures to the students and ask them to read it. (desks). (chairs).3. Revise the colours.4. Revise the sentences. Which they have leaned in previous class.5. Spell the words.Step 2 : PresentationA: Learn to say the conversation.1. Show a picture to the students.2. Ask the m How many desks are there”?3. Ask: What about Chairs? How many chairs are there?”4. Show some other things to the student, practise to the sentence How many(desks)are there?”5. Read the conversation to the students, ask them to tell me the meaning of theconversation.6. Read the conversation after the teacher several times. Then practise by themselvesin pairs, until they can read it correctly.7. Ask someone to perform the conversation in the front of the classroom.Step 3 : Play a game and do the group work.1. Send something to the students.2. Ask them one by one: How many pens have you got?” Answer the question in steadof the students. Then ask them to tell me the meaning of the sentence. 3. Ask them to read the sentence after the teacher several times. 4. Practise the sentence by themselves, until they can read it correctly. 5. Do the group work.第六学时 (12. Revision)Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to read the sentences:I have got (a small room).It’s (nice) and (cle an).There is (a bed) (in my room).There is (a computer) (on the desk).I often work at the desk.2. Activitise and skills: Read the text.Important and difficult point:Can read the text of the lesson.Teaching process:Step 1 :Revision1. Sing an English song.2. Spell and read the words:pencil, pencil case, pen, book, eraser, ruler, schoolbag. 3. Look the pictures and say.Two pencils two blue pencils ect.5. Ask and answer:How many pencils are there?How many blue things are there?How many pens have you got?Step 2 :PresentationA : Look at the pictures, learn to say the new words. 1. Point the thing and say the English of it.2. Ask the students to read the word after the teacher. (bed computer)3. Practise to say the words by themselves, and then say out loudly, until they can redit correctly.B : Look at the picture again. Ask and answer:Where is the (bed),1. Ask the students to look at the picture and answer: Where is the bed?2. Answer in stead of the students: It’s in t he room.e the same way to teach:It’s by the window.It’s on the desk.Step 3: Learn to say the text.1. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher read the text.2. Ask them to tell the meaning of the text.3. Read the text after the teacher several times.4. Practise to read the text by themselves, until they can read it correctly.5. Ask someone to point the picture and say the text.Unit 4 Pets第一学时:Teaching aim And demand:1. The pupils learn to use:What have you got?Have you got a pet? Yes, I have.2. Learn to use the words:Cat dog mouse fish budgie, rabbit. Hamster. 3. Activities and skills: Saying a chantListening to a cassette and finding out what the wizard’s pet is.Important and difficult point:pictures, radio and tape.Teaching process:REVISION:1. Sing an English song: join in.2. Conversation:What’s your favourite colour?What colour is the schoolbag? ect.PRESENTATION:A: Learn to say the six new words.1. Learn to say the word: cat.Show a picture of a cat to the students, tell them: This is a cat.” Ask them to read the word after the teacher several times. Then practise by themselves, until they canread the word correctly.e the same way to teach the other words: dog, mouse, fish,budgie, rabbit.3.Fun time.Listen to the sound of these animals or mine these animals. Ask the students to saythe words and at the same time point to the corresponding flashcard.B: Learn to say the sentences.1. Learn to say the sentence: Have you got a pet?Pretend to need a pen and ask a pupil: Have you got a pen? If necessary translatethe sentence.2. Read the sentence after the teacher several times.3. Practise the sentence by themselves:Use the flashcard and ask the students:Have you got a (ha mster)? And then answer “Yes.” And then ask the students to askthe teacher answer.e the same way to teach:What have you got?C: Listen and say the chant.Play the chant two or three times and ask the pupils to repeat it, until they can readit correctly.D: Listen and find the wizard’s pet.Ask the same way before.BLACKBOARD DESIGN:PetsCat dog mouseFish budgiz rabbit。

《Join_In》剑桥小学英语导学案例《Join_In》剑桥小学英语导学案例《Join In》1剑桥小学英语导学案例――四年级小学英语教材Colours---Let’s learn and work in groups武汉市洪山区广埠屯小学夏爱华《Join_In》剑桥小学英语导学案例《Join In》1剑桥小学英语导学案――四年级小学英语教材Unit 2: Colours(Part 9)武汉市洪山区广埠屯小学夏爱华一.设计背景教案,是教师教学活动的设计。

(Join In)剑桥小学英语入门阶段教材分析安徽街小学李娅敏一.教材分析(一)教学目标《英语课程标准》明确指出:基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。
(二)编写思路以话题为纲. 以功能为主线融汇语言基础有效完成任务话题——功能——结构——任务以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务。
剑桥join in3课文分析

一、《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》教材介绍:《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》是英国剑桥大学出版社2000年的最新版本教材,该教程是以非英语国家少年儿童为学习对象的,本套教材非常显著的特点之一是借鉴了Gardner的多元智能理论,是以20世纪末国际教育心理学,语言教学理论的最新研究成果——多元智能理论(Theory of Multiple Intelligences)作为编写的主导思想。
《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》特别注重对少年儿童认知系统与心理机制的开发,教材的设计力图让他们的各种智能特征得以表现,如:用生动的卡通画和有声有色的语言夸张表现的方式,启动孩子们对英语的感知能力;用强烈音乐节奏刺激的英语韵文,让孩子们轻松自然地形成良好的发音习惯和标准的发音;用易学而又优美动听的英语歌曲,使孩子们在艺术的陶冶中得到英语表现的美感;用模仿、做游戏、表演等多种活动形式,激发每个孩子的兴趣,培养他们的合作精神。
二、《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》的特点1、.以学生为主体,全面提高学生素质学生的发展是学科教材及其教学过程设计的出发点和归宿。
《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》教程的书名及其设计,确立了其教学过程必须是学生参与学习的过程。
2、《剑桥小学英语JOIN IN》教程的教学目标循序渐进,设置科学该教材的编写依据语言学习的客观规律,充分体现不同年龄段和不同语言水平学生的学习特点和学习需要。
小学 JOIN_IN_剑桥英语单词汇总

180.bathroom ['bɑ:θru:m]浴室
181.check [tʃek]检查
182.clock [klɒk]钟
183.crazy ['kreizi ]疯狂的,蠢的
184.downstairs ['daun'stєəz]楼下的,底楼的
192.afternoon ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n]下午
193.chicken ['tʃikin]鸡,小鸡
194.give [giv ]给
195.music ['mju:zik]音乐
196.cow [kau ]奶牛
197.duck [dʌk]鸭
198.elephant ['elifənt ]大象
172.drive [draiv ]驾驭,开车
173.everybody [evribɒdi ]每人,人人
174.never ['nevə]从未,永不
175.nobody ['nəubɒdi]没有人,无人
176.piano [pi'ɑ:nəu]钢琴
177.sister ['sistə]姐妹
178.swim [swim ]游泳
185.everywhere ['evrihwєə ]到处,处处
186.garden ['gɑ:dn ]花园
187.hall [hɒ:l]大厅,礼堂
188.midnight ['midnait]午夜
189.police [pə'li:s]警察
190.quick [kwik]快的,迅速的
剑桥小学英语join in教材目录

给力英语网剑桥小学英语join in三年级上册目录•.课本封面和目录•.Starter Unit Let's begin•.Unit 1 Hello!•.Unit 2 Numbers•.Unit 3 Colours•.Revision 1•.Unit 4 School things•.Unit 5 Happy birthday!•.Unit 6 My classroom•.Revision 2•.单词表•.字母表•.26个英文字母书写格式•.分类词汇•.补充活动剑桥小学英语join in三年级下册目录•.课本封面和目录•.Starter Unit Good to see you again•.Unit 1 Pets•.Unit 2 The days of the week•.Unit 3 Clothes•.Revision 1•.Unit 4 Feelings•.Unit 5 Food•.Unit 6 Body•.Revision 2•.单词表•.分类词汇•.补充活动•.音乐剧•剑桥小学英语join in四年级上册目录•.课本封面和目录•.Starter Unit Welcome back•.Unit 1 When is your birthday?•.Unit 2 In the classroom•.Unit 3 Numbers•.Revision 1•.Unit 4 School•.Unit 5 Free time•.Unit 6 Games•.Revision 2•.补充活动•.音乐剧•.单词表•剑桥小学英语join in四年级下册目录•.课本封面和目录•.Starter Unit Let's join in!•.Unit 1 Time•.Unit 2 Friends•.Unit 3 Animals•.Revision 1•.Unit 4 My room•.Unit 5 School life•.Unit 6 Holidays•.Revision 2•.补充活动•.单词表•剑桥小学英语join in五年级上册目录•.课本封面和目录•.Starter Unit I'm going higher•.Unit 1 My family•.Unit 2 Mascots•.Unit 3 Time•.Revision 1•.Unit 4 What do you collect?•.Unit 5 A party•.Unit 6 Dreams•.Revision 2•.补充活动•.三部独幕剧•.单词表Join in五年级下册电子课本:.课本封面和目录.Starter Unit Join in again.Unit 1 A phone call.Unit 2 Life in the Arctic.Unit 3 Television.Revision 1.Unit 4 In town.Unit 5 On the beach.Unit 6 Adventures.Revision 2.补充活动.独幕剧Sandra.独幕剧The mask.单词表剑桥小学英语join in六年级上册目录••.Unit 1 School is great fun!•.Unit 2 Big cities•.Unit 3 Festivals•.Revision 1•.Unit 4 Accidents•.Unit 5 Animals in danger•.Unit 6 Children of our world•.Revision 2•.补充活动•.单词表•.小学英语不规则动词表••剑桥小学英语(join in)六年级下册.Starter Unit Join us.Unit 1 My cousin and I.Unit 2 Food and health.Unit 3 Mary's diary.Revision 1.Unit 4 My heroes.Unit 5 I love reading.Unit 6 The world of my dreams .Revision 2.补充活动.单词表。
小学 JOIN_IN_剑桥英语单词汇总

143.fifty ['fifti]五十
144.forty ['fɒ:ti ]四十
145.friend [frend]朋友
146.hole [həul ]洞,孔
147.lunch [lʌntʃ ]午餐
148.pair [pєə]一双,一对
149.seventy ['sevnti]七十
172.drive [draiv ]驾驭,开车
173.everybody [evribɒdi ]每人,人人
174.never ['nevə]从未,永不
175.nobody ['nəubɒdi]没有人,无人
176.piano [pi'ɑ:nəu]钢琴
177.sister ['sistə]姐妹
178.swim [swim ]游泳
185.everywhere ['evrihwєə ]到处,处处
186.garden ['gɑ:dn ]花园
187.hall [hɒ:l]大厅,礼堂
188.midnight ['midnait]午夜
189.police [pə'li:s]警察
190.quick [kwik]快的,迅速的
191.watch [wɒtʃ]表
8.eleven [i'levn]十一
9.four [fɔ:]四
10.five [faiv]五
11.flag [flæg]旗
12.guess [ges]猜
13.jump [dʒʌmp]跳
14.nine [nain]九
15.number ['nʌmbə]数字
小学剑桥JOIN IN 教材优秀案例论文 蹲下来

案例描述:例如,在教学《Join in》入门阶段第6单元My classsroom第二部分的Listen and colour. Sing the song.时,我采用了小组合作的学习方式。
这一课时的主要内容是理解The (board)is (black).某物是什么颜色。
并学唱歌曲“Our happy classroom”,小组合作改编歌词中的表示教室物品和颜色的词汇并演唱。
歌曲“Our happy classroom”旋律简单,歌词主要部分都是用的类似句型表达,有六句组成,适合分角色演唱,歌词如下:In our classroom . In our classroom.In our happy , happy classroom.In our classroom . In our classroom .In our happy , happy classroom. The floor is brown. The board is black.The door is pink and blue. The chairs are red.The desks are green .The windows are green,too.In our classroom . In our classroom .In our happy , happy classroom. In our classroom . In our classroom .In our happy , happy classroom当进行学唱歌这个环节时,我想向学生展示了Toby 的教室,(见下图),并让学生仔细观察自己教室里的具体物品,并要求学生以六人小组为单位改编歌词,并进行演唱表演,改编歌曲的方式是:根据图片内容,把歌词中的物品和颜色进行替换,要求每个成员都要参与改编。

JOIN IN 英语四年级上册
上 3b 的练习。
3.consolitation 1.学生看日历说出对应的月份单词, 2.学生根据所说的月份单词,在日历上指出月份。 3.操练句型达到熟练。
When is your birthday? My birthday is .....(月份)。 When is ( )’s birthday? ( )’s birthday is in ...... 4. Summary 今天这节课我们继续学习了一年十二个月的单词和问 别人生日的句型,回家后同学们还要继续巩固。 5. Homework 1.巩固复习一年十二个月单词。 2.书写 3b 句型。注意句子书写要求。 6.blackboard writing
Unit 1 When is your birthday?
Lesson 3(part4,5)
教学重难点 教学准备
1. 继续巩固练习一年十二个月的单词。 2. 能用句子...(人名)’s birthday is in ...(月份)表述某人的
生日月份。 3. 能用句子 Happy birthday!致生日问候,并用 Thank you 道
2.播放歌曲,学生唱英语歌曲《The birthday chant》
2.Presentation and practice
1.完成 part 4 look carefully When are the children’s
birthdays? 教师在完成这道题之前,先热身练习句型:
When is your birthday?
2.Presentation and practice 1.完成 3a listen and circle When are the chilren’s birthdays?

六年级下剑桥joinin知识点六年级下剑桥 Join In 知识点Join In系列教材是剑桥出版社专为中国小学生设计的英语教材,该教材覆盖了小学一到六年级的所有知识点。
在六年级下册的Join In 中,学生们将进一步巩固和拓展他们的英语能力,在听、说、读、写等方面都有了更高的要求和期望。
一、听力与口语1. 听力技巧六年级下册的 Join In 强调了学生们的听力技巧培养。
2. 口语表达在六年级下册的 Join In 中,学生将继续培养自己的口语表达能力。
二、阅读与写作1. 阅读技巧在六年级下册的 Join In 中,阅读技巧的培养非常重要。
2. 写作能力六年级下册的 Join In 要求学生们能够独立完成英语写作任务,并能够准确、流畅地表达自己的想法和观点。
三、语法与词汇1. 语法知识六年级下册的 Join In 将进一步学习和巩固英语语法知识。
2. 词汇积累在六年级下册的 Join In 中,学生们将进一步扩大他们的词汇量。

《剑桥小学英语Join in —入门阶段》教材教法分析(上)一、教材分析:(一).教材特点:《Join in 》教材的突出特点表现在以下几个方面:1.以学生为主体,全面提高学生的素质。

Teaching PlanTeaching Contents: Revision 1, Part 4, 5 & Pairwork (Join in, 三年级上册)Teaching Aims:1、Knowledge aim:A: the pupils review the numbers from zero to nine; colours; and other words they learnt in Unit 1-3B: the pupils can use the following sentences to exchange information with each other: -What’s your name? -My name is …./ I’m-What’s your phone number? -My phone number is ...-What’s this? -It’s a/an ….-What colour is it? -It’s ….2、Ability aim:The pupils can get information from pictures and audios.The pupils can obtain needed information smoothly by talking with each other.3、Emotion aim:The pupils can be brave to talk in English and be happy to use English in daily life;The pupils learn to make friends with strangers.Key Points and Difficult Points:1、Key points: obtain needed information smoothly by Q&A.2、Difficult points: pupils be brave to talk in English;pupils use “What’s your phone number?” and “My phone number is XXX.”to exchange phone numbers.Teaching Aid: IQ Board, some pictures.Teaching Process:Step 1: Warming up.1. Greetings and free talk.2. Revision of zero to nine.T: Now look here. What’s this? (0-9 are on the whiteboard. T points in mixed order)Ss: ….Step 2: Practice1. Revision of “What’s your phone number?”1) T guides Ss to review “What’s your phone number?”2) Ss work in groups and finish the survey of Part5.3) Ss act out their dialogues.2. A listening practice.1) Ss listen, match and finish Part4.2) T & Ss check answers together.3. Revision of “What’s this?”, “What colour is it?” and words in Unit 1-3.1) T & Ss play a guessing game and review “What’s this?” & “It’s a/an…”2) Quick review of the words in Unit 1 to Unit 3.3) Ss work in pairs and talk about the things in Part 13, 14 and 15.4) Ss act out their dialogues.Step 3: Extension1. T sets Jerry and Xiyangyang as an example and make up a dialogue.2. Ss read the dialogues together.3. Ss choose the cartoon characters they like and make friends with each other.4. Ss show their dialogues in the classHomework:Find some things, take it to school and talk about it in the next class.Blackboard Design:Revision 1---Part 4, 5 & Pairwork-What’s this?-What’s your phone number? -It’s dog.-My phone number is 8484 1589. -What colour is it?-It’s brown.。

Let's talk ! How are you? Have you got a pet? How many rabbits are there? How are you feeling? What's in your shoolbag? Is there a cat in the box?
Do you like my school uniform? what can you do? What’s your favourite day? How much is it ? How much are they? Can you roller blade? Are there any books in the schoolbag?
six-teen seven-teen eigh-teen nine-teen twenty
30-thirty 40-forty 50-fifty
60-sixty 70-seventy 80-eighty 90-ninety 100-a hundred
how much is it
பைடு நூலகம்
Clothes Hidden Pictures Game
Can you play the . I can stand on head. she can stand on head.
一.Fill in the blanks. • • • • • • • • 1. What time is it ? It’s eight o’clock . 2.What time is it ? It’s ten o’clock . 3.Is it two o’clock? . Yes , it is . 4.Is it ten o’clock? . No , it isn’t
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《剑桥小学英语Join In ——Book 3 下学期》教材教法分析2012-03-12 18:50:43| 分类:JOIN IN 教案| 标签:|字号大中小订阅.一、学情分析:作为毕业班的学生,六年级的孩子在英语学习上具有非常显著的特点:1、因为教材的编排体系和课时不足,某些知识学生已遗忘,知识回生的现象很突出。
三、单元教材分析以及教学建议Unit 6 Life in the Arctic本单元介绍的是冰天雪地的北极生活,同学们将走进北极熊的故乡,在这里,住着加拿大最北端的因纽特人。
单元重难点:1.本单元里学生学会理解:(二会)Most of the year it’s very cold here.In winter it’s always dark. Build an igloo.Their fur is white.Other animals cannot see them when they hunt.Their favorite food is seals.They live in groups. Snowy owls hunt in the daytime.There are no shopping mallsWe’re going to the shopping mall.2.本单元里学生学会运用(四会):重点单词:polar bear北极熊,arctic hare 北极兔,arctic fox北极狐,snowy owl雪猫头鹰,seal海豹,lemming旅鼠,snowmobile雪地摩托,igloo冰屋,always总是,hunt捕猎重点句型:What’s over there?Polar bear.To catch a hare. To jump in the water. To swim across a lake.To walk through the snow.To run up the hill.To come to the top.To come to a stop.3.难点语法:Their favorite foodis(seals).There are no shop ping malls, no playgrounds and there’s no TV.4.活动和技能:1.(1)学说歌谣⑵阅读课文⑶阅读课文回答提问⑷发现其他的不同文化⑸理解故事Nicola’s holidays单元课时划分:本单元可分为5个课时:第一个课时:Part 1 Listen and say the chant第二个课时:Part 2 Read the text.教学重难点:1.学会理解: Northern Canada. Most of the year it’s very cold here.In winter it’s always dark.This is my father on his snowmobile.Build an igloo.Inside an igloo.2.活动和技能:阅读课文,了解不同与我们生活的极地文化。
第三个课时:Part 3 Read the text. Then do the quiz根据学生的实情,这一课也可能用两个课时完成。
教学重难点:1.学习理解:Their fur is white.Other animals cannot see them when they hunt.Their favorite food is seals.They live in groups.They can hide in the tunnels.Snowy owls hunt in the daytime.They also hunt bird.2.活动和技能:阅读理解课文,然后回答提问。
⑴请学生说说他们知道的在北极生活的动物,老师带领学生复习或学习新的动物单词polar bear, seal, arctic fox, lemming, arctic hear, snowy owl, bird,可以用图片或PPT呈现出来。
⑵用一些游戏让学生熟悉这些单词,如:猜图片⑶用提问或图片呈现让学生理解单词fur, tunnel, hunt。
这里学生可能会对snowy owl提出疑问,和普通的猫头鹰不同的是雪猫头鹰在白天捕食,daytime是白天的意思,它们最喜欢的食物也是lemming旅鼠,它们也猎捕鸟类,also也,同样。
与too 不同,also 不放在句子末尾,他一般放在动词前面。
第四、五个课时:Part 4 A story –Nicola’s holidays教学重难点:1.学习理解:Do you like it here?There are no shopping malls.We’re going to the shopping mall.Can we go fishing again tomorrow? Tomorrow I’ll show you my TV.Wasn’t it boring?2.活动和技能:理解故事,了解北极地区人们的生活。
语言点:放寒假了,Nicola离开mother and father到Grise Fjord度假、看望她的祖母grandmother - mother’s mother 还有祖父grandfather - father’s father。
一家人见面说话自然随意些,所以Nicola称呼祖父为爷爷granddad ,称呼祖母为奶奶grandma。
在故事里,Granddad兴致勃勃地向Nicola 介绍了他们自己的房子This is our house. This is...这个句型虽然简单但是很实用,常用来介绍人或物。
老师可以让学生用This is …造句。
Do you like it here? 记住这句话里的here千万不能掉了,否则就成了Do you like it? 意思是你喜欢它吗?显然Nicola并不喜欢这里。
她喜欢在户外运动场play grounds活动,她还喜欢在超大规模购物中心shopping mall里逛。
可是这里没有shopping mall没有playgrounds也没有TV。
正因为这里没有Nicola 喜欢的东西,Nicola 认为这里很无聊。
她是这样说的It’s boring.接下来的几天granddad给Nicola安排了丰富多彩的活动。
他们去钓鱼go fishing 建造拱形圆顶小屋build an igloo 观察北极熊watch the polar bears。
Nicola 玩得兴高采烈,一边玩一边说:This is great fun. 这真是太好玩了!这真是太有趣了!愉快的寒假生活让Nicola 流连忘返。
临别时她问:Can Icome again next year? 明年我能再来吗?next 是下一个的意思,next year 指明年。