autotrophic littoral flora 沿岸自养植物 autotrophic phytoplankton 自养浮游植物 auxiliary boat 副船,备用船 available stock 可利用资源
ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)香鱼 azoic zone 无生物层
alfonsin 金眼鲷 alga 藻类,海草类 algicide 杀藻剂 algology 藻类学 alimental migration 觅食洄游 alkali digestion 碱液消化 allagenetic plankton 外来浮游生物
allis shad,Alosa alosa 西鲱 allowable catch 最大渔获量 altered muscle 变性肉 algal blooms 藻华,赤潮 algal toxins 藻毒素 amberfish(Seriola Quinqueradiata Temminck and Schlegel)鰤,圆鲹 ambergris 龙涎香 American Fisheries Society 美国渔业协会 amilan 阿米兰(聚酰胺系合成纤维) ammonia concentration 氨浓度 amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) 记忆缺损 性贝毒,失忆性贝毒
angling fishery 钓渔业 angling gears; fishing tackle 钓渔具
carp in captivity(A) foster mother(1). Sexual maturity and sexual cycle of the Yangtze river basin (female general 2 age, male of 1 year of above the carp reach sexual maturity. Generally 3 ~ 5 month for the gonads mature and spawning period. After the first phase of the eggs Ⅵovarian to absorb degradation in July to the first Ⅱperiod, then gradually development to enter the first Ⅳperiod in November, and, on the winter period, the second year 3 ~ 4 months, meet appropriate environmental conditions, ovarian it quickly mature soon Ⅳphase, the first to the first V period. The male sexual maturity (after the first JingChao degradation to reproduce Ⅲperiod, 8 to 9 months into the first Ⅳperiod, December to the first V period, and this period winter. Laying eggs in the different season all over south laying eggs for 2 ~ 3 month stage; The Yangtze river basin as a 3 ~ 4 month; The Yellow River is 4 ~ 5 month; The northeast region for 5 ~ 6 months. Spawning period sustainable 2 months or so commonly. (2). The choice of mother and raising female carp should choose 2 years old, weight more than 1 kg, the male carp slightly small weight for about 0.5 kilograms. The choice should be body height, mother back thick, healthy body, strong, the figure is good, strong activity without injury. Source of good for breeding in the pond. Kiss fish pond area is general 1 to 3 mu, depth of water 1.5 meters or so, every year to clear a pond. Mother stocking density general 100-150 kg/mu, also can a few silver carps, it collection fish, to control the excessive breeding of plankton. After laying eggs in winter carp have to kiss before male and female fed separately, in order to avoid sudden high temperature when natural reproduction and sporadic carp spawn, usually can be male and female FenYang collection or a pond. Carp for bears are, appetite is big, raising the period shall be given enough food, also can be appropriately fertilization make water quality fertile, natural feed enough. Note 10 ~ 15 days before laying eggs with high quality feed to strengthen the cultivation, so as to facilitate the development of the.(B) natural fertilized eggs1. Laying eggs, hatch pool choice spawning pool to 0.5 ~ 1 mu is better, water depth 1 ~ 1.5 meters. Rappel/abseil stations should be exposed to the shelter, less, silt, note drainage convenient, the environment is quiet pond. Put the fish from seven to 10 days before with lime and clear pond, when water tight filters, water quality and pure and fresh, oxygen levels high. General is encouraged by raising pool and be hatching pool, fry in them after they hatch, raised on the spot. Request the pond area 1 ~ 2 acres, water depth 0.7 ~ 1 m, put the fish before qing pond.2. Fish and making of nest eggs is to produce cohesive set carp, need has attached objects, so that a fertilized egg adhesion on development. Usually the artificial setting for the fish eggs attached objects called nest. Copper natural materials nest fish, as long as the quality of a material soft, fine need more, in the water easily spread out the long-lived all can be used. Commonly used in production plants (poly grass, horworts), willow roots, palm skin, ferns, etc, and is now the artificial fiber production development of fish nest, more durable. Fish nest materials by disinfects processing, tie beam is made, the right size, not thin not close, and then the fine bamboo or tied to a tree in the article. Common set mode have suspension type peace column type. General fish arranged in nests away from the shore 1 meter ofshallow water, bamboo pole sink into 10 ~ 15 cm underwater, so that the fish float state in the nest. According to the situation when management attention to the nest eggs for fish in time.3. With eggs in general river's lake of carp, pond are natural laying eggs, when spring water temperature rise to 18 ℃or so, it will begin to reproduce themselves by laying eggs. Male and female of FenYang mother needs and pool with group, appropriate in the warm sunny without the wind, or after the rain pround of the weather, choose a mature good male and female(C) artificial inseminationArtificial oxytocin and artificial insemination, can make egg matures, laying eggs, seedling and tidy. The dose of hormone oxytocin carp to request is not very strict, pituitary, predict the hormone and analogues flooded to carp are effective. Females of the pituitary gland dose of 4 ~ 10 mg kg or gut hormone 1500 ~ 2000 international units kilograms or release the hormone analogue 35 to 100 MCG/kg, also can let take two hormones mixed use, the effect is better. The dose of the male fish for half the females, all use an american-style injections. The preparation of the injection and injection method and four everybody fish the same. Injection in the afternoon general 4 ~ 5 and injection after mother will put people spawning pool, blunt water 1 ~ 2 hours, put mermaid nest, general that night or the next day morning can spawn. After oxytocin can also be artificial insemination, carp eggs in water is not in viscosity, generally USES the dry fertilization. First the body surface mother wiped, crowded eggs one bowl, then squeeze in semen on eggs, gently toss with feather, fully contact with the sperm or eggs, add water to make its fertilization, will be evenly in advance from fertilized eggs on the fish of shallow water the nest to hatch.(D) hatch1. The pond on the current production hatch directly use fry breeding pool to hatch, to reduce the trouble and fry turn pond loss. Will the fish sticks has the nest eggs on pool under the water 10 centimeters and fixed, the water can be put per 25 to 300000 grain of eggs or so, if 60% of the survival rate computation, the density of goldfish fries per for 15 ~ 180000 tail. Fry just hatch, not immediately put the fish nest take out, most of the time at fry attached to the fish the nest, rely on the yolk sac provides nutrition for fry can active swimming foraging, can remove fish nest.2. The eggs hatch will drench water fish nest in a room suspension or flat out on shelves, using the method of pouring water so that the fish nest keep wet. This method to control the mercury hotshots indoor temperature, humidity, observation embryonic development, an incubation speed is consistent, reduce water mildew damage, hatch from climate change effects, etc. When the embryonic development of departure will be immediately eye when fish nest moved to hatch in the pool hatch, pay attention to indoor pool temperature varies with no more than 5 ℃.3. Debonding water in sticky eggs hatch carp after artificial insemination, its viscosity is taken away, and then use the hatch equipment fish house water to hatch. Use this law can avoid DiHai attacks, water quality and pure and fresh, dissolved oxygen rich, and is suitable for mass production, need not make fish nest, save materials and artificial.(1) the mud debonding method use first yellow soil synthesis rare mud water, general 5 kgwater to add 0.5 ~ 1 kg yellow, the 40 eye nets cloth filter. Fertilized eggs into the water will slow the mud, kept banging on the mud water 2 ~ 3 minutes, will debonding eggs into after washing cages to mud, can put in hatch incubator running water.(2) the talcum powder debonding method will be 1.00 grams of magnesium silicate and talc powder that is adding 20 ~ 25 g salt dissolve in 10 premium, stir to a mixed suspension, can be used to take off sticky eggs 1 ~ 1.5 kg carp. When operating a face suspension in slowly pour eggs, a stir gently with feather, after half an hour later, the fertilized egg scattered with granular, rinse in the incubator water to hatch.翻译部分鲤鱼的人工繁殖(一)亲鱼培育1.性成熟和性周期长江流域的雌鲤一般2龄,雄鲤1龄以上达性成熟。
水产养殖专业英语Ocea n TodayOpe n Rivers, Abundant FishMany species of fish, i ncludi ng those that are importa nt to the U.S. economy, migrate from the ocean to freshwater rivers and streams to spawn. After spending years in the ocean, fish instinctually return to the same rivers where they were born, making the often-treacherous journey upstream. Some fish, like salm on, travel n early a thousa nd miles.If they make it past stro ng river curre nts and hungry predators, these determ ined fish may the n find themselves blocked by man-made barriers, such as dams.As many as two million dams and culverts are located in the streams and rivers of the United States. Unfortunately, many of them block access to more than 600,000 miles of river habitat. Special “ fish ladders ” are built to help fish pass over these dams so they can continue swim ming upstream to reach their spaw ning gro un ds.Some of the dams that block fish passage are importa nt producers of clea n electrical power. But other dams in the way of fish migrati ons are old and out of use, even dan gerous if they are left un checked and not maintain ed. Often the best soluti on is to take them dow n.In 2007, Portla nd Gen eral Electric removed the Marmot Dam in Oreg on, which ope ned 100 miles of freshwater habitat to thousa nds of migrati ng fish. Among them were several salm on species, which are listed as 'threate ned' un der the Endan gered Species Act.The Merrimack Village Dam in New Hampshire was ano ther successful dam removal. The small dam, orig in ally built in the 1730s, had falle n into disuse and disrepair.Loiselle:“ Removal of the Merrimack Village Dam is going to make way for river herri ng, America n shad, American eels, and Atlantic salmon that have been blocked from migrating up the Souhegan River for almost two and a half cen turies.…[big smile] we anticipate that we ' re going to see many more fish, other wildlife in the area and in our river system than we ' ve ever seen before. ”NARRATOR:When we remove a barrier to migrat ing fish, we not only in crease the health and qua ntity of local fish populati ons, we also in crease the overall health of the river and even the econo mic health of the com muni ty.NOAA has helped remove over 50 dams in 12 years, en abli ng migratory fish to fin ally reach their historic habitat.Fish on a FarmEvery weekend small farmers around the country head to their local farmer ' s markets to selltheir fruits and veggies.Well guess what? There ' s a new farmer in town. Fish farmers.In the U.S., we import over 80% of the seafood we eat, and half of that is farmed. This grow ing dema nd for safe, healthy seafood has prompted a revival of the fish farming in dustry here athome.Farmers raise fin fish using a variety of methods, but they all start out with baby fish or fin gerl ings raised in a hatchery. Once they are large eno ugh, the fish are placed in either surface pens n ear the shore or submersible cages in the ope n ocea n. The n ett ing or cages allow ocea n water to flow in and out, but keeps the fish contained in one area. Fish food is dispe nsed from buoys floati ng on the surface at the top of the pen. Once the fish have matured —they are harvested using large vacuums. The fish are the n prepped, placed on ice, and take n to market. There are some environmen tal concerns associated with fish farmi ng: For example, the pellets used to feed the fish are actually made from small fish caught in the wild. I n order to keep larger nu mbers of these importa nt fish in the food cha in, experts are now finding alter nativein gredie nts for fishmeal.Ano ther concern is that too many cages in the wrong locati on can lead to water polluti on. But experts are now using computer models to map out sites where cages would have lessen vir onmen tal impact.Fish farming can gen erate jobs and profits here at home. And with the use of new tech no logies, it can also safely and susta in ably meet the dema nds of a seafood hungry n atio n.Seafood Does a Body GoodWhen we head to the beach we think of sun, sand, and fun.At the end of the day many of us like to enjoy fresh, local seafood. Even if you are not on the coast, seafood is beco ming a nu mber one treat for going out to eat. The good n ews is safe seafood does a body good. Seafood supplies prote in, nu trie nts, and esse ntial omega-3 fattyacids;protects aga inst cardio-vascular disease; and ben efits brain developme nt. And seafood is good for the economy. In 2012, the U.S. commercial fishi ng in dustry gen erated $141 billio n in sales, $39 billi on in in come, and supported 1.3 milli on jobs.Aquaculture, also known as fish and shellfish farming —is outpac ing wild harvest fisheriesglobally in order to meet seafood dema nd.The US also has a vibra nt and grow ing aquaculture in dustry.While the U.S. is a world leader in susta in ability, with NOAA Fisheries managing and improvi ng fish habitats and stocks, our marine scientists are at the cutting edge of research that ' s keepingour seafood supply safe.For example, researchers are successfully develop ing and test ing alter native feeds for farmed freshwater and marine fish to help maintain high nu triti onal value while reduci ng our relia nee ona limited supply of fishmeal and fish oil in aquafeeds.And, scientists at NOAA' s Northwest Fisheries Science Center are testing the Environmental Sample Processor to help forecast blooms of harmful algae and bacteria up to a week in adva nee in order to protect shellfish beds and the public from possible exposure. The shellfish in dustry in the Pacific Northwest supplies milli ons of pounds of seafood to the U.S. and the world.And milli ons of dollars in funding opport un ities through NOAA Sea Grant and the U.S.Departme nt of Agriculture ' s Small Busin ess Inno vati on Research will help foster otheradva nceme nts in aquaculture scie nee and tech no logy.These efforts across NOAA, other federal age ncies, and their partners will continue to support a safe, healthy and secure seafood supply for us all to enjoy.Because seafood health, the ocean ' s health, and our health, all rely on one another.North Atla ntic Right WhalesThe North Atla ntic right whale got its n ame from whalers. Because these whales travel slowly and spe nd a lot of time at the surface, they were easy targets. For whalers they were the “ right ” whales to hunt. With fewer tha n 400 left, they are now the “ right ” whales to save.Marine biologists track their migratory routes off North America for the spri ng and fall, but the win teri ng gro unds for much of the right whale populati on are unknown. Using hydropho nes, scie ntists recorded whale calls in the waters betwee n Gree nland and Icela nd from July to December of 2007. A hydroph one is simply a microph one desig ned to capture un derwatersoun ds.North Atla ntic right whale calls sound like screams, ban gs, and groa ns. After decipheri ng thousa nds of these new record in gs, there was evide nee of right whales calli ng n earby many times. This area was thought to be an aba ndoned habitat, but this discovery con firms that itcon ti nues to be used.New discoveries always lead to more questi ons: How many whales are there? Could these whales be members of a totally separate populati on, or eve n an easter n populati on thought to beextinct?Whatever the an swers may be, hydroph ones helped us find these whales in a hard to reach locati on. But most importa nt, if we know where these right whales are win teri ng, the n we can better protect them and maybe even help them recover.An tarctic KrillKrill are small crustacea ns found throughout the ocea n. They play an importa nt role in theaquatic food cha in, particularly in the Souther n Ocea n.An tarctic krill provide a vital food source for whales, seals, ice fish, and penguins. These ani mals depe nd on eati ng large qua ntities of krill for survival in the harsh climate.For their own meals, An tarctic krill eat small pla nts like phytopla nkton, as well as algae un der thesurface of sea ice.Krill have the ability to shri nk their bodies and un dergo long periods of starvati on. These adaptati ons allow them to survive the win ter mon ths in the An tarctic.Krill travel in swarms so dense they can actually be seen from space. And it' s estimated that the total weight of An tarctic krill is more tha n the weight of all huma ns on Earth. Pretty impressivefor an ani mal the size of your pin ky.And that' s life with the ice for Antarctic krill.Build ing Good MusselsFarmers grow all kinds of seafood such as fish, shrimp, and oysters. That may sound funny but it is a method called “ aquaculture. ” Aquaculture happens in ponds, rivers, bays, and the ocean. Farmers also grow a type of shellfish called “ mussels.” You may have seen mussels growing from a pier, jetty, or dock. Their black shell is hard and, in the wild, they grow in clusters. Mussels are easy to farm and great to eat.They also help clea n the water. Mussels are filter-feeders, which mea ns that they feed by collect ing tiny orga ni sms from the water. So they clea n and filter the water as they eat. Fisherme n from Rhode Isla nd to Mai ne are begi nning to farm mussels in socks in the ocea n. First, they collect baby mussel seed on ropes n ear the shore. The seed goes into a sock around a long rope. On the water, the sock with the rope is conn ected to buoys, dropped into the water, and left to grow in the ocea n for at least a year. After one year, juicy mussels are bursti ng through the socks. They are collected, packed on ice, and brought back to shore to sell.A small farm with 12 long lines can produce up to 180,000 pounds of mussels each year. Farm ing mussels on rafts and on the bottom is hard work, muddy, and messy. But it can be fun, too. Right now, in the United States, mussel farming is catching on among fishermen and farmers. It ' s help ing provide the seafood we n eed in a healthy and susta in able manner.。
关于新疆养殖红鳟鱼的英语阅读In the vast expanses of Xinjiang, a unique fishingindustry thrives. The region's pristine waters and favorable climate conditions provide an ideal habitat for thecultivation of rainbow trout.The local farmers have embraced modern aquaculture techniques, ensuring the fish are raised sustainably. These practices not only protect the environment but also enhancethe quality of the fish, making them a sought-after delicacy both locally and internationally.The rainbow trout farming in Xinjiang has become a vital part of the local economy. It supports numerous families and contributes significantly to the region's agricultural output, showcasing the harmonious blend of tradition and innovation.The process of raising these fish is meticulous, from the selection of eggs to the nurturing of the fry. The farmerstake pride in their work, ensuring that each trout is healthy and strong, ready to be enjoyed by consumers.The taste of Xinjiang's rainbow trout is unparalleled,with its firm texture and rich flavor. It has become a signature dish in many local restaurants, attracting food enthusiasts from all over the world.Educational programs have been implemented to teachyounger generations about the importance of sustainable fishing practices. This ensures that the legacy of Xinjiang's trout farming will continue to flourish for years to come.In conclusion, the story of Xinjiang's rainbow trout is one of environmental stewardship and culinary excellence. It is a testament to the region's commitment to sustainable development and the preservation of its natural resources.。
水产养殖利弊英文作文英文:Aquaculture, also known as fish farming, is the practice of raising aquatic animals and plants in controlled environments. It has become an important industry worldwide, providing a significant amount of the seafood that is consumed globally. However, like any industry, aquaculture has its pros and cons.One advantage of aquaculture is that it can help to meet the increasing demand for seafood. As the world's population continues to grow, the demand for protein is also increasing. Aquaculture can provide a sustainable source of protein that is not dependent on wild fish populations, which are often overfished. Additionally, aquaculture can help to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in rural areas.On the other hand, aquaculture can also have negativeimpacts on the environment. Fish farms can generate large amounts of waste, which can pollute nearby waterways and harm wild fish populations. Additionally, fish farms can spread disease to wild fish populations, which can have devastating effects on local ecosystems. Finally, some fish farms use antibiotics and other chemicals to prevent disease, which can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Overall, I believe that aquaculture can be a valuable industry, but it must be done responsibly and sustainably. This means minimizing the environmental impacts of fish farms and ensuring that they do not harm wild fish populations. It also means using best practices to prevent the spread of disease and reducing the use of antibiotics and other chemicals.中文:水产养殖,也称为养鱼业,是在受控制的环境下饲养水生动植物的实践。
农林牧渔业英文【篇一:水产常用英文】水产养殖活动aquaculture 水产养殖 aquaculture activityaquaculture farm 水产养殖场 aquaculture production 水产养殖生产 aquaculture site 水产养殖地点 aquaculturist 从事水产养殖业的人士 aquatic biota 水生生物 aquatic community 水生?落 aquatic ecosystem 水生生态系统 aquatic environment 水生环境 水生生物 aquatic organism 水生生物 aquatic system aquatic life水体 aqueous waste 含水废物水产:aquaculture水产业:fishery淡水养殖:fresh water aquaculture海水养殖:mariculture溶解氧:do(dissolved oxygen)总氨氮:tan(total ammonia nitrogen)亚硝酸:nitrite硝酸:nitrate盐度:salinity碱度:alkaninity硬度:hardness增氧机:areator增氧:aeration亲鱼:brood stock子鱼:offspring鱼苗:fry虾苗:pl(post larvae)石灰:agriculture lime生石灰:slaked熟石灰:hydrate lime南美白对虾:pacific white shrimp斑节对虾:tiger shrimp拟穴青蟹:mud crab淡水小龙虾:cray fish蛤:clam螺丝:snail牡蛎:oyster双壳类:bivalve腹足类:gastropod海星:sea star海胆:sea urchin海带:kelp鲈鱼:bass加州鲈:large mouth bass 大菱鲆:founder石斑鱼:grouper鲍鱼:abalone鲤鱼:carp草鱼:grass carp青鱼:sapphire鳙鱼:bighead carp鲢鱼:chub鲶鱼:catfish罗非鱼:tilapia鲟鱼:sturgen淡水龟:tortoise海龟:turtle鳖:softshell turtle浮游生物:plankton浮游植物:phytoplankton 浮游动物:zooplankton硅藻:diatom甲藻:dinoflagellate轮虫:rotifer丰年虫:artemia桡足类:copepod枝角类:cladoceran无节幼体:nauplii细菌:bacterium弧菌:vibrosis真菌:fungi病毒:virus寄生虫:parasite食物转换率:fcr(feed conversion ratio)维生素:vitamin蛋白质:protein脂类:lipid食道:esophagus胃:stomach肠:intestine肝:liver胆:gallbladder胰:pancreas肝胰腺:hepatopancreas鳍:fin鳃:gill鳞:scale侧线:lateral line鳔:swim bladder生殖乳突:genital papilla【篇二:植物名称中英文对照】植物名称中英文对照矮牵牛,学名:petunia hybrida 别名:碧冬茄、蕃薯花、撞羽朝颜,科属:茄科碧冬茄属白晶菊,学名:chrysanthemum paludosum 别名:晶晶菊,菊科百日草,学名:zinnia elegans 别名:百日菊、对叶梅、步步高,科属:菊科百日草属半支莲,学名:portulaca grandiflora 别名:松叶牡丹、太阳花、死不了、大花马齿苋,科属:马齿苋科马齿苋属波斯菊,学名:cosmos bipinnatus 别名:秋英、大波斯菊、扫帚梅,科属:菊科秋英属雏菊,学名:bellis perennis别名:延命菊,春菊,科属:菊科翠菊,学名:callistephus chinensis 别名:蓝菊、江西腊、五月菊,科属: 菊科翠菊属蛾蝶花,学名:schizanthus pinnatus别名:蛾蝶草、荠菜花,科属:茄科蛾蝶花属繁星花,学名:pentas lanceolata deflers 别名:星形花、雨伞花、草本仙丹花,科属:茜草科飞燕草,学名:delphinium grandiflorum 别名:大花飞燕草、翠雀,科属:毛茛科翠雀花属非洲万寿菊(情热),学名:osteospermun‘passionmix’别名:科属:菊科非洲紫罗兰,学名: saintpaulia ionantha 别名:非洲堇、非洲紫苣苔,科属:苦苣苔科非洲紫苣苔属风铃草,学名:campanula medium别名:钟花、瓦筒花,桔梗科凤仙花,学名:impatiens balsamina 别名:指甲花、小桃红、争性子、透骨草,科属:凤仙花科凤仙花属高雪轮,学名:silene armeria,别名:石竹科,科属:瓜叶菊,学名:senecio cruentus 别名:富贵菊 菊科千里光属桂竹香,学名:cheiranthus cheiri,别名:香紫罗兰,黄紫罗兰,科属:十字花科含羞草,学名:mimosa pudica 别名:知羞草、怕羞草,科属:豆科含羞草属旱金莲,学名:tropaeolum majus 别名:金莲花、旱荷叶,科属:金莲花科金莲花属花毛茛,学名:ranunculus asiaticus,别名:芹菜花,波斯毛茛,科属:毛茛科花烟草,学名:nicotiana alata,别名:烟草花,科属:茄科烟草属黄秋葵,学名:abelmoschus moschatus 别名:黄葵,科属:锦葵科秋葵属霍香,学名:agastache rugosa,别名:科属:越桔科(唇形科)霍香蓟,学名:ageratum conyzoides 别名:科属:菊科别名:鸡冠,科属:苋科青葙属鸡冠花,学名:celosia cristata姬金鱼草,学名:linaria moroccana,别名:柳穿鱼、小金鱼草、摩洛哥柳穿鱼,科属:玄参科假龙头花,学名:physostegia virginiana 别名:随意草、芝麻花,科属:唇形科假龙头花属角堇,学名:viola cornuta别名:科属:堇菜科堇菜属金光菊,学名:rudbeckia hybrida别名:科属:菊科金鸡菊,学名:coreopsis basalis 别名:科属:菊科金鸡菊属金鱼草,学名:antirrhinum majus 别名:龙口花、龙头花、洋彩雀,科属:玄参科金鱼草属别名:长生菊,科属:菊科金盏菊,学名:calendula officinalis金盏菊属锦葵,学名:malva sinensis 别名:钱葵、小熟季,科属:锦葵科锦葵属桔梗,学名:platycodon grandiflorus 别名:六角荷、铃档花、道拉基,科属:桔梗科桔梗属孔雀草,学名:tagetes patula 别名:红黄草、小万寿菊,科属:菊科万寿菊属蜡菊,学名:helichrysum bracteatum 别名:麦杆菊、贝细工,科属:菊科蜡菊属六倍利,学名:lobelia erinus别名:翠蝶花,科属:山梗菜属山梗菜科龙面花,学名:nemesia strumosa别名:囊距花、龙头花,科属:玄参科龙面花属美兰菊(柠檬乐趣),学名:melampodium ‘lemon delight’别名:科属:菊科腊菊属美女樱 ,学名:verbena hybrida 别名:铺地锦、四季绣球、美人樱,科属:马鞭草科马鞭草属迷迭香,学名:rosemarinus officinalis 别名:科属:唇形科迷迭香属棉花,学名:gossypium hirsutum linn. 别名:陆地棉,科属:陆地棉鸟尾花,学名:crossandra infundibuliformis别名:科属:爵床科欧洲报春,学名:primula vulgaris 别名:德国报春,科属:报春花科报春花属蒲包花,学名:calceolaria h erbeohybrida 别名:荷包花,科属:玄参科蒲包花属千里光,学名:senecio scandens 别名:科属:菊科千里光属千日红,学名:gomphrena globosa 别名:火球花、千年红,科属:苋科千日红属乳茄,学名:solanum mammosum 别名:五代同堂、金兔果,科属:茄科茄属三色堇,学名:viola tricolor var.hortensis别名:蝴蝶花、鬼脸花、猫脸,科属:堇菜科堇菜属矢车菊,学名:centaurea cyanus 别名:蓝芙蓉、翠兰,科属:菊科矢车菊属白花鼠尾草,学名:salvia coccinea 别名:科属:唇形科鼠尾草属。
The coastal waters of British Columbia are among the most scenic in the world, both above and below the surface. Looking at murky waters of the Fraser River mouth, it is hard to believe that the nearby ocean is clear. Often a diver can see as far as fifty meters and observe a surprising variety of marine life.
3. According to the author, scuba diving is
b.fairly easy
d.very slow
4. The author thinks that sea creatures
a.do not pay much attention to divers
3.The fish, the seals, the whales and all other sources of food, trade and livelihood that the sea provides, is the only reason why the Norwegian coast was populated in the first place.
水产养殖英文作文I've always been fascinated by aquaculture. There's something so intriguing about the idea of raising fish, shellfish, and other aquatic animals in a controlled environment. It's not just about producing food, but also about managing ecosystems and balancing the needs of humans and nature.One of the most important aspects of aquaculture is water quality management. It's crucial to maintain theright balance of oxygen, pH, temperature, and nutrients in the water in order to ensure the health and growth of the aquatic animals. This often involves using filtration systems, aeration devices, and regular water testing to monitor and adjust the conditions as needed.Another key consideration in aquaculture is the selection of species to raise. Different types of fish and shellfish have different requirements in terms of water quality, feed, and habitat. Some species may be moresuitable for intensive farming, while others may thrive in more extensive, open-water systems. It's important to carefully research and plan the stocking of aquatic animals to ensure their welfare and the success of the operation.In addition to managing water quality and selecting the right species, aquaculture also involves addressing environmental and sustainability concerns. This includes minimizing the impact of waste and effluents from the farm, as well as considering the sourcing of feed and the potential for disease transmission. Many aquaculture operations are working towards more sustainable practices, such as using alternative feeds, reducing water usage, and implementing eco-friendly waste management systems.Overall, aquaculture is a complex and dynamic fieldthat requires a deep understanding of aquatic ecosystems, animal husbandry, and environmental stewardship. It's a challenging yet rewarding industry that has the potential to provide a significant and sustainable source of food for the growing global population.。
对虾养殖的英文作文英文:Shrimp farming is one of the most popular aquaculture practices in the world. As a shrimp farmer, I have gained a lot of experience in this field. In this article, I will share some of my thoughts and experiences with you.Firstly, it is important to choose the right species of shrimp to farm. There are many different species of shrimp, each with its own unique characteristics and requirements. Some of the most commonly farmed species include whiteleg shrimp, black tiger shrimp, and giant tiger shrimp. I prefer to farm whiteleg shrimp because they are relatively easy to manage and have a high survival rate.Secondly, water quality is crucial for shrimp farming. Shrimp are highly sensitive to changes in water quality, and poor water quality can lead to disease outbreaks and low survival rates. I always make sure to test the waterregularly and maintain appropriate levels of dissolved oxygen, pH, and salinity.Thirdly, shrimp feed is an important factor in the success of shrimp farming. Shrimp require a balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients for growth and development. I use a combination of commercial shrimp feed and natural food sources, such as algae and plankton.Finally, proper pond management is essential for shrimp farming. This includes regular water exchange, pond cleaning, and disease prevention measures. I also use probiotics to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the pond, which can help to improve water quality and shrimp health.中文:对虾养殖是世界上最受欢迎的水产养殖之一。
150·书 评·水产养殖英语属于科技英语的一种,其逻辑结构严谨,语言也更为准确,语言需要准确客观,在术语翻译的时候,翻译人员要确保水产科技本身具有的风格。
水产养殖英文话题作文1. Well, when it comes to aquaculture, I have to sayit's a booming industry. You know, with the increasing demand for seafood, especially fish, it's no wonder that more and more people are getting into fish farming. And let me tell you, it's not just about the fish, but also about the entire ecosystem that goes into it. From water quality management to feed production, there's a lot that goes into ensuring the success of a fish farm.2. Speaking of water quality management, it's crucialfor the health and growth of the fish. You see, fish are very sensitive to changes in water conditions, so it's important to monitor things like oxygen levels, pH, and temperature. And let me tell you, it's not an easy task. It requires constant monitoring and adjustments to ensure that the fish have the best possible environment to thrive in.3. Now, let's talk about feed production. Fish need a balanced diet to grow and stay healthy, just like us humans.And that's where feed production comes in. You know, it's not just about throwing some pellets into the water and calling it a day. It's a science, really. You need to make sure that the feed contains all the essential nutrientsthat the fish need, in the right proportions. And let me tell you, it's not just about the ingredients, but also about the processing techniques. It's all about finding the perfect balance to ensure the best possible growth and health of the fish.4. And let's not forget about disease prevention. Just like any other animal, fish are susceptible to diseases. And in a crowded fish farm, the risk of disease outbreak is even higher. That's why it's important to implement strict biosecurity measures. From regular health checks to proper disinfection protocols, every step is taken to ensure that the fish remain healthy and disease-free. It's a constant battle, really, but one that's absolutely necessary for the success of a fish farm.5. Finally, let's talk about the market. You know, with the increasing demand for seafood, there's a huge marketout there for fish farmers. And let me tell you, it's not just about selling the fish, but also about building relationships with buyers and distributors. It's all about finding the right market for your product and establishing a reputation for quality and reliability. And let me tell you, it's not an easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but the rewards can be great.So, there you have it. Aquaculture is a complex and diverse industry, with many different aspects to consider. From water quality management to feed production, disease prevention, and market strategies, there's a lot that goes into running a successful fish farm. But with the right knowledge and dedication, it can be a rewarding and profitable venture.。
七年级海洋学英语阅读理解20题1<背景文章>The ocean is a vast and mysterious world that can be divided into different layers. The first layer is the sunlight zone. This is the top layer of the ocean, reaching down about 200 meters. It is called the sunlight zone because it gets a lot of sunlight. This sunlight allows plants like seaweed to grow through photosynthesis. Many colorful fish, such as clownfish and angelfish, also live in this zone. These fish are often very beautiful with bright colors.The next layer is the twilight zone. It goes from about 200 meters to 1,000 meters deep. There is less sunlight in this zone. Some of the animals that live here have special adaptations. For example, some fish can produce their own light to find food or attract mates. Squid and some types of jellyfish are also found in this zone.The third layer is the midnight zone. It is very dark and cold, starting from 1,000 meters and going all the way down to the ocean floor in some places. The pressure in this zone is extremely high. However, there are still some amazing creatures. Some deep - sea fish have large mouths and sharp teeth to catch whatever little food comes their way. There are also strange - looking worms and other invertebrates that can survive in this harshenvironment.1. <问题1>A. The sunlight zone gets a lot of sunlight because it is close to the surface.B. The sunlight zone has no plants.C. The sunlight zone is too cold for fish to live.D. The sunlight zone is the deepest part of the ocean.答案:A。
Better Freshwater Fish Farming The Pond淡水鱼养殖_1
Better Freshwater Fish Farming The Pond淡水鱼养殖75. Now dig a ditch in the bottom of the pond from the centre to the lower end. The ditch should be ~~ about 50 centimetres wide and about 20 centimetres deep. This ditch will help to drain out all the water when you empty your pond. ntre ditch \ 76. When the ditch is finished, remove all loose soil and other trash from the bottom of the pond. 77. Now you are ready to install your inlet, outlet and overflow. 28 The inlet 78. You will need an inlet to let water into your pond when you want to fill it. 79. You should place the inlet at the point nearest to the water supply. Most often this will be at or near the upper end of your pond. 80. Your inlet can be made from a piece of heavy bamboo or a pipe of plastic or metal. The inlet pipe should be about 10 centimetres in diameter. 81 I The inlet pipe should be long enough to reach through the top of the bank from one side to the other. You will need a pipe about 3 metres long to reach through the bank at the upper end of your pond. 29 82. Now dig a gap in the bank where you want the inlet to be. It should be a little above the water-level on the inside of your pond and a little below the level of the water which flows from1/ 8the source on the outside of your pond. level of water water-level 83. Put the inlet pipe in the gap in the bank and rebuild the bank over it. 84. You can also make an inlet by cutting a shallow trench through the bank to let the water into the pond. 85. If you use a shallow trench to get water into your pond, you can improve it and keep it from washing away by using a trough of roofing metal to line the bottom of the trench. The outlet 86. You will need an outlet to let water out of your pond when you want to empty it. 87. You should place the outlet at the bottom of the bank at the lower end of your pond at the deepest part. 88. The outlet can be made from a piece of heavy bamboo or a pipe of plastic or metal. The outlet pipe should be about 10 centimetres in diameter. The bank of your pond is much wider at the lower end than at the upper end, so the outlet pipe will have to be longer than the inlet pipe. 89. The outlet pipe should be long enough to reach through the bottom of the bank from one side to the other. You will need a pipe about 6.5 metres long to reach through the bank at the lower end of your pond. 31 90. If you cannot get a pipe that is long enough to go through the bank, you can join shorter pieces of pipe together using straight pieces of pipe like the ones in the drawing. join using straight pieces 91. If you are using bamboo,you can join short pieces of bamboo together with pieces of smaller bamboo in the centre, but the smaller pieces should be at least 8 to 9 centimetres in diameter. Wrap the bamboo joints with rope and close them with tar to keep water from seeping out. rope and tar / 32 92. Now dig a gap in the bank where you want the outlet to be. It should reach from the deepest part on the inside of the pond through the bank to the outside of the pond. 93. If the outlet pipe is below ground level on the outside of the pond, you will have to dig a ditch to take the water away from the outlet. water-level itch 94. Put the outlet pipe in the gap in the bank and rebuild the bank over it. 95. If you use an outlet of about 10 centimetres in diameter, it will take about half a day to empty your pond. 96. It is easier to place the outlet where you want it to be before you dig out the centre of the pond and build the banks. When you build another pond, you will understand this and you will be able to do it when you are building the banks. But now, when you are building your first pond, you should place the outlet in the way you have just learned in this booklet because it is easier to understand. 33 A better outlet 97. If you use a plastic or metal pipe for the outlet of your pond, you can make it better3/ 8by putting an upright length of pipe on the end of the outlet using an L or a T piece like the ones in the drawing. Close the T piece with a plug as shown. 98. Put the L or T piece and the upright pipe on the end of the outlet outside the pond, but protect it so that it cannot be reached by animals or other people. 99. The top of the upright pipe should reach about 3 to 5 centimetres above the water-level of your pond. If the water rises above this level, it will overflow from the upright pipe. 34 100. Tie the upright pipe to a pole which has been pounded into the ground so that it will not slip down and let the water out of the pond before you want it to. 101. When you want to let out the water, untie the upright pipe and push it down. The water will then flow out of the pond. 102. There is still another way to let water out of your pond, using a siphon. You will learn how to use a siphon in Items 114-124. The owerflo 103. If there is too much water in your pond, some of the water may flow over the banks. This may wash the banks away and some of your fish may get out. ~ ~ 104. You can use an overflow to keep the water in your pond from rising over the banks. 35 105. The better outlet you learned about in Items 97-l 01 will act as an overflow. 106. If you use a straight pipe outlet or a siphon to let water out of your pond, you will need another kindof overflow. 107. This kind of overflow can be made from a piece of bamboo or a pipe of plastic or metal. The overflow pipe should be about 6 centimetres in diameter. 108. The overflow pipe should be long enough to reach through the top of the bank from the inside of the pond to a place far enough on the outside to keep overflow water from washing away the bank. You will need a pipe about 4.5 metres long to do this. 109. If you cannot get a pipe that is long enough, join short pieces of pipe or bamboo together. (see Items 90 and 91). 110. It is best to place your overflow in the bank at the lower end of your pond right above the outlet so that the water that overflows can run off in the outlet ditch. 36 111. If you are going to put the overflow over the outlet, you can put it in the same gap that you dug for the outlet in Item 92. The water-line should be about 50 centimetres below the top of the bank, so put your overflow there as you rebuild the bank. water-l 112. If you are going to put the overflow in another place, you will have to dig another gap in the bank about 50 centimetres deep. 113. When the pond isfull, the overflow will keep the water about 60 centimetres deep at the shallow upper end and about 90 centimetres deep at the deepest part. 37 A siphon 114. You can also use a siphon to empty5/ 8your pond. If you use a siphon, you will not need an outlet but you will need an overflow like the one described in Items 103-I 13. 115. A siphon is a simple tube that runs from the inside of the pond over the bank and lies on the ground outside the pond. 116. A siphon can be made of plastic or rubber tubing at least 3 centimetres in diameter. tside pond 117. The siphon must be long enough to reach from the deepest part of the pond, run over the top of the bank and down the outside of the bank. You will need a siphon about 8 metres long to reach over the top of the bank from the deep part to the outside. 118. When you are ready to empty your pond, put all of the siphon into the pond. It will fill with water. Be sure the tube is full of water from one end to the other. If the siphon is not full of water, it will not work. 38 119. While the siphon is still in the water, close one end of the tube with a plug and leave the other end open. 120. Leave the open end of the siphon below the surface of the water. You can use stones to hold the siphon under the water, but be sure that they are not so heavy that the water will be shut off. 121. Take the other end of the siphon, which is closed with the plug, over the top of the bank and put it on the ground outside the pond. 39 If the ground on the outside of the pond is higher than the pond bottom at the deepest part,you will have to dig a ditch so that the end of the siphon on the outside of the pond will be lower than the end of the siphon in the pond. The ditch will also take the water away when you empty your pond. 122. Now, take the plug out of the siphon. If the end on the outside is lower than the end in the pond and if the end in the pond is under water, water will start to flow through the tube and out of your pond. 123. If the end of the siphon in the pond comes to the surface, the water may stop flowing. If this happens, put the siphon into the pond to fill it with water and begin again. 124. It will take a lot more time to empty a pond with a siphon than with an outlet. If you use a siphon of about 3 centimetres in diameter, it will take about three days to empty your pond. 40 Screens 125. Your inlet should have a screen to keep out wild fish, dirt and trash when you fill the pond. 126. If you fill your pond with an inlet trench, it should have a screen, too. 127. A siphon, which is very small, usually does not have a screen. 128. Your outlet should have a screen to keep your fish from getting away when you empty your pond. 129. Your overflow should have a screen to keep your fish from getting away when the pond is too full and the water begins to overflow. 4-l 130. You can easily make screens for your inlet,7/ 8outlet and overflow from fine-mesh plastic or metal or from a tin with holes in the end. 131. Screens should be placed outside the pond on the inlet pipe and inside the pond on the outlet and overflow pipes. place inlet screen outside the pond place outlet and overflow screens inside the pond 132. This will keep the pipes from filling with trash which could stop the flow of water. 133. Lash the screens tightly in place on the pipes, using heavy cord or light wire. lash with cord or wire tin with holes 42 134. If you fill your pond by cutting a trench through the bank, you can screen the opening using a fish trap, split and woven bamboo, a clay pot with holes in the bottom or a piece of metal roofing with holes, as you did in Booklet No. 27, page 21. 135. When you are filling or emptying your pond, clean the screens often. If you do not do this, dirt and leaves will cover them up and the water will not flow. 136. This book has told you how to build a bigger pond and how to buiid it better. 137. Now that your new pond is built, you will have to learn more. You will need to learn how to fill your pond with water how to fertilize your pond about the fish you will put into your pond how to feed your fish every day how to care for your fish how to harvest your fish 138. The next booklet in this series Booklet No. 30, er fis . the fish, will help you. 43。
Raising OystersIn the past oysters were raised in much the same way as dirt farmers raised tomatoes - by transplanting them. First, farmers selected the oyster bed, cleared the bottom of old shells and other debris, then scattered clean shells about. Next, they "planted" fertilized oyster eggs, which within two or three weeks hatched into larvae. The larvae drifted until they attached themselves to the clean shells on the bottom. There they remained and in time grew into baby oysters called seed or spat. The spat grew larger by drawing in seawater from which they derived microscopic particles of food. Before long, farmers gathered the baby oysters, transplanted them in other waters to speed up their growth, then transplanted them once more into another body of water to fatten them up.Until recently the supply of wild oysters and those crudely farmed were more than enough to satisfy people's needs.But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance. The problem has become so serious that some oyster beds have vanished entirely.Fortunately, as far back as the early 1900's marine biologists realized that if new measures were not taken, oysters would become extinct or at best a luxury food. So they set up well-equipped hatcheries and went to work. But they did not have the proper equipment or the skill to handle the eggs. They did notknow when, what, and how to feed the larvae. And they knew little about the predators that attack and eat baby oysters by the millions. They failed, but they doggedly kept at it. Finally, in the 1940's a significant breakthrough was made.The marine biologists discovered that by raising the temperature of the water, they could induce oysters to spawn not only in the summer but also in the fall, winter, and spring. Later they developed a technique for feeding the larvae and rearing them to spat. Going still further, they succeeded in breeding new strains that were resistant to diseases, grew faster and larger, and flourished in water of different salinities and temperatures. In addition, the cultivated oysters tasted better!饲养牡蛎过去人们饲养牡蛎的方式很大程度上类似于田地里的农夫种植蕃茄——通过移植来饲养它们。
养海鱼的英语作文Raising marine fish is a rewarding and challenging experience. It requires a lot of attention to detail and care, but the end result is a beautiful and vibrant aquarium teeming with life. 养海鱼是一种既有益又具有挑战性的经历。
One of the most important aspects of raising marine fish is maintaining proper water quality. This involves regular water testing, filtration, and maintaining appropriate levels of salinity and pH. Keeping the water clean and balanced is crucial for the health and well-being of the fish. 养海鱼最重要的一个方面是保持水质。
Another important consideration when raising marine fish is selecting suitable tank mates. Not all marine fish get along with each other, and some can be aggressive towards others. It's essential to research and choose fish that are compatible with each other to avoid any potential conflict or harm. 在养海鱼时另一个重要的考虑是选择适合的队友。
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1. Microalgae contain large amounts of useful carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and antioxidants. This makes them an essential food source in the rearing of all stages of marine bivalve molluscs (clams, oysters, scallops), the larval stages of some marine gastropods (abalone, conch), larvae of several marine fish species and penaeid shrimp, and zooplankton.2.Shrimp are infected by more than 20 virus-caused diseases, these viruses being classified within more than 10 families that are quite diverse in their genetic material, infection cycles, geographic distribution, host range and pathogenesis. The emergence and spread of these pathogenic agents have led to considerable economic losses, threatening the economic viability and long-term sustainability of the shrimp aquaculture industry worldwide. For some countries, the economic and social impacts of these pandemics have been sometimes so important that shrimp production has never fully recovered. As a consequence, the need for better control and understanding of viral diseases has prompted an increasing interest in the study of the shrimp immune system, and significant advances into the molecular bases for antiviral immunity in these animals have been gained in the last years.3.The effects of recent global climate change have devastated some commercial aquatic organisms, which has resulted in considerable economic losses. Temperature is one of the most important environmental factors to consider when growing organisms in aquaculture. Temperature affects many chemical and biological processes including: the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, chemical reactions, photosynthesis and aerobic respiration, the mobility and metabolism of organisms as well as their sensitivity to toxic substances, parasites and disease. Any change in the culture water temperature can have a dramatic effect on the growth and survival of aquatic organisms, and low temperature stress has deleterious effects on many aquatic animals. For example, fish farming in southern China has been adversely affected by winter mortality for several decades, especially in 2008.4. Accumulating evidences indicate that low temperature can induce oxidative stress in aquatic organisms. When cells are exposed to low temperature, the rate of enzymatic reactions falls down, leading to a decrease in the demand for ATP and accumulation of electrons in certain points of the respiratory chain. The situation promotes a sudden increase in the production of a number of ROS which remove the burden of excess reducing potential. ROS are continuously generated by aerobic metabolism or oxidative stress and can damage important biomolecules, such as DNA, proteins and lipids. Due to the potentially serious effects of ROS, organisms have evolved defense mechanisms that act at various levels and can prevent, ameliorate or repair the damage caused by ROS.Water temperature is one of the most important environmental factors which directly affect the survival, growth, and metabolism of shrimp. Shrimp farming in southern China has been adversely affected by winter mortality for several decades, especially in 2008. Recent studies of shrimp have shown that acute low temperature stress would induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and hemocyte apoptosis, increase caspase-3 transcription and activity levels, cause DNA damage and lipid peroxidation, reduce the immune functions and resistance against pathogen infection. These studies conducted acute low temperaturestress experiment by transferring rapidly from a suitable temperature to a low temperature. However, in the natural environment, water temperature fluctuation is more complicated, and shrimp may suffer in the process of water temperature decrease. So far, only few study focus on the effects of temperature decrease on shrimp.5. Hemocytes play an essential role in physiology and immune defense of shrimp. Loss and damage of circulating hemocytes would depress the immune ability, increase the susceptibility against pathogens, and even endanger the survival. Rapid low temperature transfer has been reported to cause total hemocyte count (THC) reduction which resulted from increased apoptotic hemocytes.6. Streptococcosis has become a major problem for tilapia farmers and there is still no effective commercial vaccine available that can be used to prevent streptococcosis in tilapia. Tilapia growers must therefore focus on prevention and treatment of the disease. Streptococcosis can cause mass death in tilapia farms, and unlike many other tilapia diseases it will affect even large and otherwise healthy fish. Fish weighing at least 100 grams are actually more susceptible to streptococcosis than small fish. Streptococcosis outbreaks are known to take place primarily when the fish has been subjected to some form a stress, e.g. due to overcrowding, improper water chemistry or changing water temperatures.7.Streptococcosis can be acute or chronic. Acute streptococcosis normally occurs during the warm season when the water temperature is high and will typically result in peaks of mortality that goes on for 2-3 weeks. Chronic streptococcosis occurs when the water temperature is lower and does not cause any peaks of mortality. The mortality rate will be low but the amount of dead fish will become high in the long run since the mortality level tends to be really persistent.In farmed tilapia, the major cause of streptococcosis is Streptococcus agalactiae. The closely related bacterium Streptococcus iniae can also cause streptococcosis in tilapia, but is normally not as lethal as Streptococcus agalactiae. All species of Streptococcus are gram-positive, non-acid fast, non-motile, oxidase-positive, catalase-negative cocci.8. The fish gut microbiota contributes to digestion and can affect the nutrition, growth, reproduction, overall population dynamics and vulnerability of the host fish to disease; therefore, this microbial community is highly relevant for aquaculture practice. Recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies and bioinformatic analysis have allowed us to develop a broader understanding of the complex microbial communities associated with various habitats, including the fish gut microbiota. These recent advances have substantially improved our knowledge of bacterial community profiles in the fish intestinal microbiota in response to a variety of factors affecting the host, including variations in temperature, salinity, developmental stage, digestive physiology and feeding strategy.9.The immune system in fish is customary divided into innate (non-specific) and acquired (specific) system. Superoxide anion production and lysozyme activity are widely used as non-specific immune parameters in fish. Several reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced by fish phagocytes during the respiratory burst. Oncebacteria or fungi are engulfed by leucocytes, the host’s NADPH-oxidase is activated, which in turn increases oxygen consumption and subsequently produces ROS such as superoxide anion (O2−). The release of superoxide anion is known as the respiratory burst, and together its derivates are bactericidal.10.Tilapia is widely cultured in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The production of tilapia has increased from 332,186 MT in 1990 to 4,080,898 MT in 2012 (FAO, 2014) and has been recognized by FAO as the most potent culture fish species in supplying human protein source of the Century. Feed is the most expensive cost item in aquaculture industry, often ranging from 50 to 60% of the total variable expenses. Fish meal is the major dietary protein source, comprising between 20 and 60% of fish diet in general. Due to increasing demand, limited supply, and the dramatic increase in fish meal price, efforts to replace fish meal by other plant protein source such as soybean meal have been increasing in aquafeed.11. As aquaculture becomes more important for feeding the growing world population, so too do the required natural resources needed to produce aquaculture feed. While there is potential to replace fish meal and fish oil with terrestrial feed ingredients, it is important to understand both the positive and negative implications of such a development. The use of feed with a large proportion of terrestrial feed may reduce the pressure on fisheries to provide feed for fish, but at the same time it may significantly increase the pressure on freshwater resources, due to water consumption and pollution in crop production for aquafeed.12. Mediterranean marine aquaculture has been dominated by two leading species, gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). However, risk of market saturation and reduced prices led to consider species diversification as a priority. Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) presents a very good potential for large scale farming in Mediterranean countries. Meagre adapts easily to captivity, exhibits high growth rates reaching 1.2 kg in less than 2 years in cages, and tolerates wide temperature (2–38 °C) and salinity (5–39‰) variations. Meagre has good market characteristics, namely an attractive body shape for selling as whole-fish, good processing yield and nutritional values, low fat content, excellent taste and firm texture. Currently, meagre is produced in small scale with a global aquaculture production of 10,221 tons in 2012, and it is sold at high prices in niches. Countries like Spain, France, Greece, Italy, and Egypt, stand out as main juvenile producers. Due to its recent introduction in the aquaculture industry, little data is available about nutritional requirements, and potential of feed ingredients for the species. In fact, diets currently used for feeding meagre are similar to those used for European sea bass and gilthead sea bream13.Fish meal (FM) has been the main protein source in feeds for carnivorous species such as meagre. However, the increasing demand, high price and supply fluctuations, makes it a priority to replace dietary FM by alternative protein sources. Soybean meal (SBM) is by far the most used plant protein source in fish diets, followed by other oleaginous such as rapeseed and sunflower meal. Leguminous seeds are also good dietary protein sources, particularly if they are locally produced, contributing to the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of fish-farming.Among leguminous seeds,soybean, peas and lupines are the most widely used in aquafeeds.14. Many different terrestrial protein and oil sources have been evaluated for potential fish meal replacements in aquaculture diets.The soybean (Glycine max), when processed, produces a high quality source of protein with a balanced amino acid profile and can replace fish meal as an economically and nutritious alternative.In some species such as tilapia, soybean meal can replace a majority of the fish meal in a diet with no adverse impacts on growth or health.However, in most commonly farmed carnivorous species such as Atlantic salmon, coho salmon, and Japanese flounder, soybean meal can only be incorporated into diets at much less than 50% due to the presence of antinutritional factors in soybean meal that cause enteritis and significant negative health implications and reductions in growth. However, replacing fish meal with soy protein has shown promising results for many species of flatfish, such as Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), Egyptian sole (Solea aegyptiaca), and Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). Soy protein concentrate is a refined soy product in which many of the antinutritional factors have been removed; therefore it can replace the majority or all of the fish meal in diets for carnivorous species.15.Apoptosis is involved in all fundamental processes in the immune system of animals. It is a mechanism to regulate the course of an immune response and to establish immunological memory as well as central and peripheral tolerance. The host immune system and viral anti-immune strategies during virus infection have evolved to create a suitable environment for virus replication in vertebrates. The cellular perturbation caused by virus infection can inadvertently trigger any one of many diverse cellular detectors to initiate an innate apoptotic response. In many cases, apoptosis has an adverse effect on virus replication, and, in these situations, viruses frequently express proteins that block the death response of hosts. It is revealed that the antiviral immune response of invertebrates requires the participation of immune system. The p53-dependent apoptosis may take great effects on the immune responses of invertebrates.16.One of the most important aspects in aquaculture is the nutrition, as for optimum development of organisms, it is essential to have all the necessary nutrients, in terms both of quantity and quality. Nutrients are important for species in culture to stay alive, be healthy and to grow. Even though nutritional principles are similar for all animals, the required level of nutrients varies between species. Animals in production systems need a diet that is properly balanced for the specific requirements of species; however it must also be considered that nutritional requirements are affected by the growth rate, growing conditions, and environmental factors. Knowledge of these allows the formulation of well-balanced and cost-effective feeds.17.The identification, evaluation, and development of ingredients is a key step in the development of effective formulation strategies for all aquaculture feeds. Traditionally there has been much reliance on the use of fish meal and fish oil in aquaculture diets and because of this intensive aquaculture has been perceived as a net fish user rather than producer. However, in addition to alleviating concerns about the reliability of aquaculture as a food provider, and also the long-term sustainability of aquaculture as an industry, the use of alternative ingredients also empowers the formulator withadditional options. These options include improving the technical qualities of pellets and also introducing certain nutrients and nutraceuticals to increase the value of the resultant compound diet in which the ingredients are included.18.The concept of functional aquafeeds represents an evolving concept for fish and crustaceans diets. In the design of functional feeds, a wide range of feed additives can be used to extend beyond the satisfying basic nutritional requirements of the target species to improve growth and feed utilization, but also to support the health and stress resistance of the animals. The nature and characteristics of these feed additives is quite diverse, and their application into diet formulations targets a specific purpose. Some additives, such as acidifiers, exogenous enzymes, are used to improve the an imals’ performance by providing enhanced digestibility of the feed materials, or counteracting the negative effects of antinutrients. Other additives, such as probiotics, prebiotics, phytogenics, and immune-stimulants target the improvement of intestinal health, stress, and disease resistance.19. Shrimp farming was introduced to Sri Lanka in 1985. By the early 90s the industry was booming with production rates of up to 9000 kg/ha/year. High export volumes contributed significantly (48–70%) to the total foreign exchange earnings during this period. However, in 1993 the first outbreak of the White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) dealt a heavy blow to many farmers. The industry revived, but a second disease outbreak in 1998 caused severe economic losses to all shrimp farmers in Sri Lanka. The final and most devastating outbreak came in 2004 and caused a permanent reduction in the productivity of the industry. Production reduced to under 4000 kg/ha/year and export of shrimps in 2012 (volume and value) dropped by more than 65% compared to 1999. Currently, an estimated 90% of the shrimp farms are abandoned, leaving the coast dotted with areas that are unsuitable for other forms of agricultural/aquaculture production, mainly due to changes in the hydrology and polluted residual matter.20. The environmental costs that accompanied the establishment of shrimp farming in Sri Lanka are significant. For the establishment of shrimp farms in Puttalam District, over 50% of healthy mangrove forest in the area was removed. With the loss of mangroves, an important buffer zone and habitat for marine life has disappeared. The construction of shrimp farms also led to the removal of above and below ground carbon, along with the potential for future carbon sequestration. Other impacts include pollution of surface and ground water, in addition to the depletion of wild stocks and healthy broodstocks for coastal fisheries. As a result, rather than providing permanent economic benefits, the establishment of shrimp farms has led to unstable livelihoods and has increased the vulnerability of coastal populations to climate change impacts.。