



The Process of Making West Lake Vinegar Fish West Lake Vinegar Fish, as a traditional dish in Hangzhou, is widely loved by diners for its bright red color, sweet and sour taste, and tender fish meat. Below, I will detail the process of making West Lake Vinegar Fish.Firstly, select a fresh grass carp and wash it thoroughly. Starting from the tail, gently split the fish into two pieces. The piece with bones is called the "male slice," and the boneless piece is called the "female slice." Clean out the gills and other internal organs to ensure the fish is clean and free from impurities.Next, prepare a pot of clear water and add slices of ginger and scallions, along with cooking wine. Bring to a boil over high heat. Once the water is boiling, add the "male slice" first, followed by the "female slice." Reduce the heat to low and gradually add cold water a few times to maintain a stable water temperature, avoiding overcooking the fish. After soaking the fish slices in the water for about 10 minutes, remove them, drain excess water, and set aside on a plate.Then, take out 250 grams of fish soup from the potas the base for seasoning. Finely chop the ginger for the next step of seasoning.Next, pour the 250 grams of fish soup into the pot, add 50 grams of sugar, 60 grams of rice vinegar, 70 grams of soy sauce, and a little cooking wine. Simmer over low heat, allowing the various seasonings to fully blend, forming a rich sweet and sour sauce. Once the sweet and sour sauce comes to a boil, thicken it with starch to make the sauce more viscous.Finally, evenly pour the thickened sweet and sour sauce over the arranged fish slices and sprinkle with the finely chopped ginger. At this point, the West Lake Vinegar Fish, with its bright red color and delicious sweet and sour taste, is complete.Though the process of making West Lake Vinegar Fish may seem simple, each step requires careful handling. Only in this way can the final dish achieve the best texture and flavor.中文:西湖醋鱼的制作过程西湖醋鱼,作为杭州的传统名菜,以其色泽红亮、酸甜可口、鱼肉鲜嫩而广受食客喜爱。



锅内留大约500毫升鱼汤(如果你觉得鱼汤有点腥那就洗净锅直接加清水)放入生抽调味老抽调色汤汁调至红色加100毫升香醋 60克白糖调成酸甜适口用淀粉勾好芡汁加入一把生姜末关火出锅






杭州西湖醋鱼 鱼香味美汁鲜可口

杭州西湖醋鱼 鱼香味美汁鲜可口




一、杭州西湖醋鱼的制作方法杭州西湖醋鱼的制作方法可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 准备材料:主要的材料包括草鱼、葱姜蒜、料酒、醋、糖、酱油、盐、淀粉等。

2. 处理草鱼:将新鲜的草鱼宰杀后,用刀将鱼身去鳞去腮,刮去鱼鳍和鱼尾,剖开鱼腹,将内脏洗净。


3. 炸制鱼块:将鱼块用干净的厨房纸巾擦干水分,然后在鱼块表面均匀地撒上细盐,稍微腌制片刻。


4. 炒制调料:热锅倒入适量的食用油,放入葱姜蒜末炒香。


5. 制作酱汁:在炒制好的调料中加入适量的醋、糖,翻炒均匀。


6. 烹饪鱼块:将炸制好的鱼块倒入调料锅中,翻炒均匀,让鱼块充分吸收酱汁的味道。


二、杭州西湖醋鱼的特色杭州西湖醋鱼的特色主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 鱼香味:杭州西湖醋鱼独特的鱼香味,是由调料中的酱油、醋、糖等与鱼块烹煮时产生的化学反应所带来的。


2. 口感丰富:杭州西湖醋鱼的鱼肉鲜嫩细腻,炸制后酥脆可口。


3. 汁水浓郁:制作杭州西湖醋鱼时,调料的配比非常关键。



4. 营养丰富:草鱼富含丰富的优质蛋白质、维生素等营养元素,对人体有益健康。



项目3.6 西湖醋鱼

项目3.6 西湖醋鱼
• •
(三)工艺流程 1、刀工处理:将鱼去鳞、腮后从鱼尾处平刀法片开两片都带着半边 鱼头,有脊椎骨的一片为雄片连着鱼尾,没脊椎骨没尾的一片为雌片 ,洗净后在两片鱼上反剞斜刀深3厘米左右,间距4厘米 2、锅内放清水2000克,同时放入姜块,料酒烧开后,放入两片鱼盖 上锅盖, 再次烧开后关火焖烫鱼5分钟至断生即捞出鱼装盘,鱼皮朝 上、鱼背靠背 3、锅内留250克鱼汤放入酱油、白糖、醋、料酒、姜末、水淀粉 、用手勺推匀至汤浓稠时淋沸油,见沸滚起泡时起锅,徐徐浇淋在鱼 身上即成
• • • • • • • • • 烹调方法:软熘 软熘就是将质地柔软细嫩的主料先经过蒸熟、煮熟、或汆熟,再浇汁 成菜的一种烹调方法 (一)制品要求:姜醋香味浓郁、口味有层次、先有酸、后有甜、再 有咸、鱼肉滑嫩异常 (二)原料选择: 1、主料:草鱼一尾约750克 2、配料:姜末10克 3、调料:白糖60克、绍酒25克、老抽65克、醋50克、水淀粉50克
• • • • • • • • • •
(四)操作要领 1、本菜不放盐 只利用老抽的咸味、故老抽用量稍多 2、确保鱼肉的鲜嫩所以采用稍煮即转为烫熟的方法 3、勾芡收汁要恰当 (五)菜品延伸: 五柳青鱼 软熘鲈鱼 (六)示范操作及学生练习 (七)巡回指导及个别辅导 (八)学生产品点评 (九)作业布置:写出本产品实习报告 (十)思考题:软熘是用什么作传热介质的?

浙江西湖醋鱼 鱼香汁美醇厚

浙江西湖醋鱼 鱼香汁美醇厚




一、浙江西湖醋鱼的制作过程1. 准备材料:- 鲜活的草鱼一条,约500克左右;- 高汤适量;- 食用油适量;- 姜蒜末适量;- 辣椒段适量;- 酱油、醋、盐、白糖适量;- 淀粉少许。

2. 制作步骤:a. 鱼的处理:将鲜活的草鱼宰杀、去鳞、去内脏,洗净后斩成块状备用。

b. 鱼的炸制:将鱼块用盐和淀粉腌制片刻,然后放入炸锅中用油炸至金黄色,捞出备用。

c. 鱼香汁的制作:取一个小锅,加入适量的食用油,烧热后加入少许姜蒜末、辣椒段煸炒出香味,然后加入高汤、酱油、醋、盐和白糖,搅拌均匀煮沸成鱼香汁。

d. 汁与鱼的拌炒:将炸好的鱼块倒入煮好的鱼香汁中,用中小火翻炒均匀,直到汁水收干后即可关火。


其风味特点主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 鱼肉鲜嫩:选用新鲜的草鱼制作,经过适当腌制和炸制后,鱼肉变得鲜嫩可口,入口即化。

2. 鱼香汁丰富:浙江西湖醋鱼的核心调料是鱼香汁,通过姜蒜末、辣椒段等独特的香料,搭配高汤、酱油和醋的调和,形成了丰富的味觉层次。

3. 口感丰富:鱼香汁的糖醋味道使得整道菜肴有着酸甜可口的口感,搭配着炸鱼块的酥脆口感,给人带来丰富的食用体验。

4. 香气四溢:在炸鱼和煮鱼香汁的过程中,各种香料的香味渗透到鱼肉中,使得整道菜肴香气四溢,让人垂涎欲滴。







制作红烧鱼的菜谱英语作文 ### Red Braised Fish Recipe.Ingredients:1 whole fish (about 1-2 pounds)。

2 tablespoons cooking oil.1 cup fermented black bean paste.1/2 cup soy sauce.1/4 cup brown sugar.1/4 cup rice wine vinegar.1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine.1 tablespoon sesame oil.1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger.1 teaspoon chopped garlic.1/2 cup chicken broth.1/4 cup green onions, thinly sliced.Instructions:1. Clean and scale the fish. Remove the head and tail if desired.2. Score the fish on both sides to make it easier for the marinade to penetrate.3. In a large bowl, combine the fermented black bean paste, soy sauce, brown sugar, rice wine vinegar, Chinese rice wine, sesame oil, ginger, garlic, and chicken broth. Mix well to form a marinade.4. Immerse the fish in the marinade and turn to coat evenly. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, or up to overnight.5. Heat the cooking oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat.6. Add the fish to the skillet and cook for 3-4 minutes per side, or until golden brown and cooked through.7. Pour the remaining marinade into the skillet and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until the sauce has thickened and reduced.8. Garnish with green onions and serve with rice.### 红烧鱼家常做法。



酸菜鱼的做法英语作文英文回答:Sichuan-style Pickled Cabbage Fish.This classic Sichuan dish is a flavorful and spicy soup made with tender fish fillets, pickled cabbage, and avariety of fragrant spices. Here's a step-by-step guide to make this mouthwatering dish at home:Ingredients:1 pound boneless, skinless fish fillets (e.g., tilapia, bass, cod)。

1 cup finely shredded pickled cabbage.1/2 cup vegetable oil.1 tablespoon minced garlic.1 tablespoon minced ginger.2 dried red chili peppers, broken into small pieces. 1/2 teaspoon ground Sichuan peppercorns.1/4 cup soy sauce.1/4 cup rice vinegar.1/4 cup chicken broth.Salt and white pepper to taste.1 tablespoon chopped green onions.1 tablespoon chopped cilantro.Instructions:1. Cut the fish fillets into bite-sized pieces.Marinate them in soy sauce and rice vinegar for 15 minutes.2. Heat the vegetable oil in a large wok or skillet over medium heat. Add the minced garlic, ginger, and chili peppers. Cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds.3. Add the pickled cabbage and stir-fry for 1 minute.4. Push the cabbage aside and add the fish fillets. Cook until lightly browned on both sides, about 2 minutes per side.5. Add the ground Sichuan peppercorns, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and chicken broth. Bring to a boil.6. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through.7. Season with salt and white pepper to taste.8. Stir in the chopped green onions and cilantro.9. Serve hot over rice or noodles.中文回答:酸菜鱼做法。



如何用英文介绍制作酸汤鱼的步骤和方法?Introduction:Sour Soup Fish is a popular dish in Chinese cuisine known for its tangy and flavorful broth. This article will guide you through the step-by-step process and methods of preparing this delicious dish. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with this traditional recipe!Ingredients:- 500g fish (preferably carp or catfish)- 1 tomato, diced- 1 onion, sliced- 1 ginger, sliced- 2 cloves of garlic, minced- 2 green onions, chopped- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil- 2 tablespoons soy sauce- 1 tablespoon vinegar- 1 tablespoon sugar- 1 tablespoon cornstarch (optional, for thickening)- Salt and pepper to taste- Fresh cilantro for garnishStep 1: Preparing the Fish1. Clean the fish thoroughly under running water and pat it dry with a paper towel.2. Cut the fish into bite-sized pieces and season with salt and pepper. Set aside.Step 2: Preparing the Broth1. Heat the vegetable oil in a large pot over medium heat.2. Add the ginger, garlic, and onion slices to the pot and sauté until fragrant.3. Add the diced tomato and continue cooking until it becomes soft and releases its juices.4. Pour in 4 cups of water and bring it to a boil.5. Reduce the heat to low and let the broth simmer for about 15 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.Step 3: Cooking the Fish1. Gently add the seasoned fish pieces to the simmering broth.2. Cover the pot and let the fish cook for about 5-7 minutes or until it turns opaque and flakes easily with a fork.3. Be careful not to overcook the fish as it can become tough and rubbery.Step 4: Adding Flavor1. In a small bowl, mix together soy sauce, vinegar, and sugar until the sugar dissolves completely.2. Pour the mixture into the pot and gently stir to combine.3. Taste the broth and adjust the seasoning according to your preference by adding more salt or sugar if needed.Step 5: Thickening the Broth (Optional)1. If you prefer a thicker broth, mix cornstarch with a small amount of water in a separate bowl to make a slurry.2. Slowly pour the slurry into the simmering broth while stirring continuously.3. Allow the broth to simmer for an additional 2-3 minutes to thicken.Step 6: Serving1. Ladle the hot and flavorful sour soup fish into servingbowls.2. Garnish with chopped green onions and fresh cilantro for added freshness and aroma.3. Serve the dish with steamed rice or noodles for a complete meal.Conclusion:Making Sour Soup Fish is a delightful culinary experience that brings together the tanginess of the broth and the succulent fish. By following this step-by-step guide and method, you can easily recreate this traditional Chinese dish in your own kitchen. Enjoy the flavors and share this delicious recipe with your friends and family!。






所需材料:1. 新鲜草鱼一条2. 醋鱼调料包(可在超市购买)3. 生姜适量4. 清水适量5. 食用油适量6. 葱花适量7. 醋适量8. 白糖适量9. 盐适量步骤一:准备工作1. 将草鱼宰杀干净,刮鳞、去内脏、洗净备用。

2. 生姜切成片状备用。

步骤二:烹饪草鱼1. 在炒锅中倒入适量的食用油,放入几片姜片煸炒。

2. 煸炒姜片时,将草鱼放入炒锅中,用中小火慢煎。

3. 煎至两面金黄,鱼身微微发硬即可取出备用。

步骤三:制作醋鱼调料1. 将醋鱼调料包放入小碗中。

2. 倒入适量的醋,并加入适量的白糖、盐和清水。

3. 充分搅拌均匀,使调料溶解。

步骤四:制作醋鱼1. 取一只干净的盘子,将煎好的草鱼整齐地排放在盘中。

2. 将调料均匀地淋在草鱼上,确保每一块鱼都能充分浸泡在醋汁中。

3. 撒上适量的葱花作装饰。

步骤五:上桌享用1. 将制作好的西湖醋鱼放入蒸锅中,用中火蒸5分钟使醋汁浸入鱼肉。

2. 蒸煮后取出,撒上适量的葱花,再倒入适量的醋进行提鲜。

3. 将西湖醋鱼摆放在精美的盘子上,即可用于上桌享用。







西湖醋鱼制作过程英语作文West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy, a famous dish from Hangzhou, is known for its delicate flavor and unique taste. Here is how you can prepare this traditional Chinese dish.Firstly, select a fresh carp that weighs around 1 kilogram. Clean the fish thoroughly, removing the scales, gills, and innards. Make a few diagonal cuts on both sides of the fish to allow the flavors to penetrate.Next, marinate the fish with a mixture of salt, sugar, and white wine for about 15 minutes. This step helps to tenderize the fish and infuse it with a subtle sweetness.In a wok, heat a generous amount of peanut oil until it reaches a high temperature. Gently place the marinated fish into the hot oil and fry until it is golden brown on both sides. Be cautious not to overcook the fish, as it should remain tender and moist.While the fish is frying, prepare the sauce. Combine vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, and a splash of water in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil and thicken it with a bit of cornstarch to create a glossy, slightly viscous sauce.Once the fish is fried to perfection, remove it from the oil and place it on a serving plate. Pour the hot sauce over the fish, ensuring that it covers the entire surface.Garnish the dish with finely sliced ginger and green onions, which not only add a burst of color but also enhance the flavor profile with their aromatic qualities.Serve West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy immediately while the fish is still hot and the sauce is bubbling. This dish is best enjoyed with steamed rice, allowing each grain to absorb the tangy and savory sauce.The key to a successful West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy lies in the balance of flavors—sweet, sour, and savory—with the fish remaining the star of the dish. It is a testament to the culinary artistry of Hangzhou cuisine, a dish that is both simple and complex in its execution.。



西湖醋鱼英语作文The traditional Chinese dish "West Lake Vinegar Fish" is a popular dish in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. It is well-known for its tender, flavorful fish and tangy vinegar sauce. The dish is a perfect combination of sweet, sour,and savory flavors, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.The key to making a delicious West Lake Vinegar Fish isto use fresh, high-quality fish. The fish is usually sliced and marinated with salt and cooking wine before being deep-fried until crispy. The crispy fish is then topped with a rich and tangy vinegar sauce made from black vinegar, sugar, and soy sauce. The sauce is often infused with ginger, garlic, and other aromatic ingredients to enhance the flavor.The dish is typically garnished with finely chopped scallions and cilantro, adding a refreshing and aromatic touch to the overall flavor profile. The combination of crispy fish, tangy vinegar sauce, and fragrant herbscreates a delightful sensory experience that is both satisfying and memorable.西湖醋鱼是浙江杭州传统的一道美食,以其嫩滑的鱼肉和酸甜的醋汁而闻名。



西湖醋鱼英文作文英文:Crispy and sour, the West Lake vinegar fish is a must-try dish when visiting Hangzhou. As a local, I have had the pleasure of indulging in this dish many times and can confidently say that it is one of the best dishes in Hangzhou.The dish consists of tender fish fillets that are deep-fried until crispy and then coated in a sweet and soursauce made with black vinegar, sugar, ginger, and other seasonings. The sauce perfectly complements the crispy fish, creating a delicious contrast of textures and flavors.One of the best places to try this dish is at the Lou Wai Lou restaurant, which has been serving up this iconic dish for over 150 years. The restaurant is located right by the West Lake, providing a beautiful view while enjoying your meal.Another great place to try the West Lake vinegar fishis at the Zhi Wei Guan restaurant, which is known for its authentic Hangzhou cuisine. The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere and serves up some of the best West Lake vinegar fish in the city.中文:作为当地人,我已经多次品尝过西湖醋鱼这道菜肴,可以自信地说这是杭州最好的菜之一。



酸菜鱼的英语制作过程作文The Delicate Process of Making Fish with Pickled Mustard Greens.The aroma of fish with pickled mustard greens, a traditional Chinese dish, fills the kitchen as it simmers on the stove. This dish, known for its robust flavors and tender texture, is a favorite among many. Its preparation, however, is an art that requires meticulous attention to detail.To begin, one must select the freshest ingredients. The fish, typically a firm white fish like grass carp or black carp, should have a shiny scale and a fresh, oceanic scent. The pickled mustard greens, or "suan cai" in Chinese, add a unique sourness that balances the dish's flavors. These greens are prepared by fermenting mustard plants in brine, a process that takes weeks and results in a pungent, tangy delicacy.After selecting the ingredients, the fish is cleaned and prepared for cooking. The scales are removed, and the fish is gutted, rinsed, and patted dry. It is then cut into slices or fillets, depending on the recipe, to ensure even cooking.The next step is to marinate the fish. A blend of soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and sometimes white pepper is rubbed into the fish, penetrating the flesh with savory flavors. This marination process not only seasons the fish but also helps tenderize it, as the acids in the soy sauce break down the protein fibers.While the fish marinates, the pickled mustard greens are rinsed to remove excess brine and chopped into bite-sized pieces. They retain their bright green color and crispy texture, a testament to their careful fermentation.Once the fish has marinated for a sufficient time, it is ready to be cooked. A wok or deep frying pan is heated over medium-high flame, and a generous amount of oil is added. The oil should be hot enough to sear the fishwithout overcooking it. The fish is carefully placed in the pan, and it sizzles as it contacts the hot oil.As the fish cooks, it turns a golden brown, releasingits juices and absorbing the flavors of the oil. Thepickled mustard greens are then added, along with some reserved marinade, to create a sauce that coats the fish. The greens wilt slightly, releasing their sour aroma, which mingles with the fish's savory scent, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.The fish is gently turned and cooked on the other side, ensuring that it remains moist and tender. The process is completed when the fish is cooked through and the sauce has reduced to a glossy consistency, coating the fish in a rich, flavorful glaze.Finally, the fish with pickled mustard greens is removed from the heat and plated. Garnishes like chopped scallions or red chili flakes can be added for a pop ofcolor and extra heat, if desired. The dish is now ready to be enjoyed, its aroma wafting through the air, invitingfamily and friends to gather around the table and share in this culinary masterpiece.The preparation of fish with pickled mustard greens is not just a cooking process; it is an art that requires patience, skill, and a deep understanding of flavors. Each step, from selecting the ingredients to plating the final dish, contributes to the overall experience of enjoying this timeless Chinese delicacy.。












西湖醋鱼的制作过程作文-概述说明以及解释English Answer:The process of making West Lake vinegar fish involves several steps. First, the fish, usually grass carp or mandarin fish, is cleaned and deboned. Then, it is marinated in a mixture of vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, ginger, and garlic for about 30 minutes.Next, the fish is lightly fried until it turns golden brown. After frying, it is placed in a pot with vinegar, sugar, ginger, and water. The pot is then covered and simmered for about 10 minutes until the fish is cooked through.Once the fish is cooked, it is carefully transferred to a serving plate. The remaining liquid in the pot is reduced to a thick sauce by simmering it for a few more minutes. This sauce is then poured over the fish, giving it a tangy and flavorful taste.Finally, the dish is garnished with green onions and cilantro for added freshness and aroma. West Lake vinegar fish is usually served hot and pairs well with steamed rice.中文回答:制作西湖醋鱼的过程包括几个步骤。



西湖醋鱼文化元素英文作文Nestled amidst the serene beauty of West Lake, Hangzhou, the vinegar fish of the region stands as a culinary icon, embodying the rich cultural heritage and traditions of this picturesque locale. The dish, known locally as Xihu Vinegar Fish, is not just a meal; it's a tapestry of flavors and historical anecdotes that have been passed down through generations.The essence of Xihu Vinegar Fish lies in its meticulous preparation process and the careful selection of ingredients. The fish, usually a grass carp, is marinatedin a blend of vinegar, sugar, ginger, and other spices, resulting in a dish that is both tangy and sweet, with a slight kick from the vinegar. The cooking technique itselfis an art, requiring precise timing and temperature control to ensure that the fish retains its tender texture and absorbs all the flavors of the marinade.Beyond its culinary appeal, the dish is deeply rootedin the cultural traditions of Hangzhou. It is often associated with festivals and special occasions, serving as a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. The aroma ofvinegar fish wafting through the air is a familiar scent during festivals, bringing families together to share in the joy of the moment.Moreover, the dish has also become a cultural ambassador, introducing the culinary wonders of Hangzhou to the world. Many tourists visiting the city make it a point to try Xihu Vinegar Fish, not only for its taste but also to experience a slice of local culture.In conclusion, Xihu Vinegar Fish is not just a culinary delicacy; it's a cultural icon that represents the rich tapestry of Hangzhou's history and traditions. It's a dish that tells a story, a story of a city, its people, andtheir love for good food and shared moments.**西湖醋鱼文化元素中英文作文**杭州西湖,以其宁静之美闻名于世,而西湖醋鱼则是这一美景中的一道文化美食,承载着这片如画之地的丰富文化遗产和传统。

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西湖醋鱼westlake Steamed Grass Carp in Vinegar Gravy,
主料:活草鱼1条700 克Main ingredients:a 700 g Live grass carp
辅料:白糖60 克, 绍酒25 克,湿淀粉50 克, Accessories: 60 grams sugar,25 grams rice wine,50 grams wet starch
调料:姜末 1.5 克,醋50 克,酱油75 克
Seasonings:1.5 grams ginger minces,50 grams vinegar, 75 grams soy sauce
production methods


1,raising the grass carp hungry two or three days, promote their forage and earthy drained , harden fish meat, kill fish, remove
scale ,gill, viscera, wash it clean.
2、把鱼身劈成雌雄两丬(连背脊一边称雄丬,另一边为雌丬),斩去鱼牙,在雄丬上,从颌下 4.5 厘米处开始每隔 4.5 厘米斜片一刀(刀深约 5 厘米),刀口斜向头部(共片五刀),片第三刀时,在腰鳍后处切断,使用鱼分成两段,再在雌丬脊部厚肉处向腹部斜剞一长刀(深约 4 至5 厘米),不要损伤鱼皮。

2, split the fish body into male and female two slices (the back side called male slice,other side called female slice), cut off fish teeth on the male slice, start 4.5 cm from the lower jaw ,diagonal slice every 4.5 cm space length with a knife,(about 5 cm knife deep),oblique blade to head (a total of five knife),
while the third knife, cut off on the fish waist fins of hind
place , the fish is divided into two segments, cut back thick meat place to abdomen of the female slice a long oblique knife cut (about 4 to 5 cm deep), do not damage the fish skin.
3、将炒锅置旺火,舀入清水1000 克,烧沸后将雄丬前后两面相继放入锅内,然后,将雌丬并排放入,鱼头对齐,皮朝上,盖上锅盖。

继续用旺火烧煮,前后共烧约 3 分钟,用筷子轻轻地扎鱼的雄丬颌下部,如能扎入,即熟。

炒锅内留下250 克汤水(余汤撇去),放入酱油、绍酒和姜末调味后,即将鱼捞出,装在盆中。

3, wok on high heat, scoop 1000 g clear water into, after water boiling, put two sides of male slices into the pot, then, put the female slice in side by side , fish head alignment, skin upside,
cover the pot lid . when water boiling again, uncover and skim froth, turn the frying pan, continue cooking on large fire for about 3 minutes, gently stick fish's lower jaw of male slice with chopsticks, if it can plunge into, namely fish cooked. leave 250 g liquid soup in frying pan,(skim remnant soup), add soy sauce, shaoxing rice wine and ginger minces,
seasoning, take out fish and place it in a basin.

4, add white sugar, wet starch and vinegar in the liquid soup of the frying pan,use hand spoon push stir them into gravy , when boiling bubbling, dish up
immediately, slowly pour gravy on the fish, serve.。
