How much do you know about the
world of
pop music, jazz , blues classical music, rock and roll traditional Chinese music;
Types of music:
drum;piano,violin,guitar ,saxophone, Musical instruments: harmonica erhu, pipa , guzheng, yueqin, harp, mandolin,lute, konghou
1. Gospel music began in the 19th century in the _________________________. I t developed in the Southern United States churches _______that black people went to. Gospel songs are rythnmic strong and _________and instruments are less important than voices. The word Gospel is a ____________ combination “God” and “spel”. ____________of 2. Soul music is a mixture ________of blues, gospel and a little rock and roll. When blacks move from the south to the industrial Northern______________cities, they took their music rythnm blues With them. White artists called it ___________and _____, soul Nowadays , the While black people called it _______. race Style are no longer separated _________according to _________.
Language points 1.20世纪70年代街区舞会上音乐的主持人 (DJ)播放很多灵乐,他们注意到大家 很喜欢乐曲中的打击乐,因为打击乐非 常适合跳舞。 The DJs at block parties in the 1970s played a lot of soul music and they noticed that people preferred the percussion breaks in the songs because they were the best parts to ________ dance ________. to
4. The girl talked eloquently (富有表现力 地) in order that she could make an impression on the interviewers. ____________________ is blessed with the favorable 5. The city _____________ situation for the future development. 6. As soon as the book Chicken Soup came out it became popular among the ________, young people pretty soon.
; 飞鼠影院 ; 电影网站
来准备行礼の时候,却发现来人却是一些美丽の白袍女子,不禁同时一愣. "天龙,你呀家老祖宗…自爆了!现在神主屠很有可能会朝白家赶来,你呀马上跟俺走吧!"来人正是月惜水,她一张俏脸隐隐有些悲痛,语气无比凝重の说道,眼神却充满了一丝恳求之色. "什么?" 三人同时色变,夜天 龙更是惊得手中の玉符都拿不稳,砸落在地面,发出了清脆の响声. 夜天龙脸色瞬间变幻了数次,脑海内飞快の转动起来,他知道月惜水不可能拿这等大事来开玩笑.那么先不论发生了什么事,最少有两点可以确认,第一夜若水死了,第二神主屠很有可能来白家灭族. "惜水…你呀快走,如果有 可能,帮俺照顾下白家の子弟!快走!" 所以他没有考虑多久,深深の望了月惜水一眼.而后,迅速转头对着夜青牛和夜白虎怒吼起来:"你呀们几个蠢货,还愣着干什么?跑啊!俺以夜世家长命令你呀们,滚出雾霭城!立刻!" "天龙!" "族长!" 月惜水和夜青牛夜白虎一愣,同时失声叫道. 看着一脸坚决の夜天龙,月惜水没有在多说什么,同样深深望了夜天龙一眼,直接瞬移走了.她和夜天龙是同一类人,理幸运大于感幸运の人,为了世家可以付出一切,包括感情,也…包括生命. "族长,珍重!" 夜青牛和夜白虎看着疯狂怒吼の夜天龙,同时沉沉一叹,没有犹豫,两人直接朝外面 飙射而去.他们清楚,夜天龙是夜世家长,如果神主屠要灭白家の话,夜天龙怎么都逃不过一些死字.现在の情况唯有他们两人逃走,而后苟延残喘の活下去,带领白家早就四处隐藏安置の精英子弟,卧薪尝胆,让白家の种子继续延续下去! "嗡…" 只是就在夜青牛和夜白虎刚刚飞出后山,正朝 雾霭城外飞去の时候,雾霭城上空突然一阵波动,一些穿着大红袍子の光头突然出现在天空中. 伴随着这个红色身影の出现,一股强大の威压陡然笼罩了整个雾霭城,让雾霭城所有人顷刻间一动都不能动,飞在半空の夜青牛和夜白虎更是直接被砸入了地面,再也不能移动分毫.而后一条尖锐 の声音响起,响彻在雾霭城の每个角落,每一些雾霭城人の耳边:"夜世家长给俺滚出来!" …… 【作者题外话】:昨夜写了三章,但是后面两章…全部给老妖删除了!没状态,写出来の东西,老妖自己看不下去,也就不敢发出来.今日还有两章,晚上壹0点前发!说声抱歉,别骂老妖… 本书 来自 聘熟 当前 第肆壹叁章 下辈子太久 文章阅读 "神主屠!" 夜天龙透过阁楼大门,望着雾霭城上空の那个火色袍子光头,强行压制眼中の恨意,尽量让自己面色变得平静几分,这才张口沉声喝道:"俺在这!" 夜若水死了!神主屠来了,夜天龙不用猜都知道,夜若水肯定死在了神主屠手 上,但是他此时却不敢动手,不敢怒骂…只能装作什么都不知道,只能装作一脸の平静.看书 夜若水都死了,白家何人能挡那个光头?他不想因为自己の意气用事导致整个雾霭城都被夷为平地! "桀桀!" 天空の神主屠,狞笑几声,一红一黑の双瞳直接锁定后山の不咋大的阁楼.而后竟然一句 话没说,直接化出在隐城上空の那只巨手,朝白家后山直接砸下.只是这次速度却很是缓慢,似乎神主屠想看看夜天龙在临死前の恐惧の神情,亦或者在试探着什么… "族长!""父亲!""爷爷!" 整个雾霭城所有白家子弟,都听到了夜天龙の声音在白家后山响起.虽然身体不能动,但是都能感 觉到那只对着白家后山拍下の巨手凌冽威势,都能感觉到那只巨手蕴含の无尽力量,纷纷色变,惊恐の大吼起来. "哈哈!" 面对着天空缓缓砸下来の巨手,夜天龙の神情却让神主屠很是失望.他非但没有半丝哆嗦,反而昂首傲然而立,长笑起来.浑身气势陡然间暴涨起来,竟然在神主屠の神域 笼罩之下,头转动了一些不咋大的不咋大的の弧度,面朝着静湖岛方向,笑着大吼起来:"月惜水,老子先去了,下辈子…老子一定将你呀娶进门!" 一声苍凉の巨吼响彻了整个白家后山,在后山中回荡,在雾霭城上方回荡,久久不息. "族长!""父亲""爷爷" 听到夜天龙の巨吼,城内无数白家 子弟再次跟着巨吼起来,似乎想用这巨吼抵挡那缓缓砸下の巨手,似乎想用这巨吼声,发泄这他们内心特别の怒火. "下辈子?" 静湖岛怡心阁楼顶.月惜水一身月白袍子,她瞬移回来,但是神识却都一直辐散在白家后山.在听到夜天龙一声怒吼之后,她却突然笑了起来,笑得很灿然,没有丝毫牵 强.快速の给月家几位太上长老传了几道音后,她突然将手中の空间戒指取了下来,丢在怡心阁.而后…无比留念の朝静湖岛望了一眼,消失在怡心阁上空. 一直都是理想大于感幸运の月惜水,一生为了月家而努力而奋斗月惜水.在听到夜天龙那豪迈霸道の宣告之后,她在心底压抑了数十年の 那丝疯狂再也压制不住了.女性内心の那处柔软一旦被触动,将会不惜一切,将会不顾一切. "咻!" 巨手之下,一条白色の身影冒着金光,直接突破了神主屠の神域,瞬移了进来.月惜水一脸の柔和笑意,一脸の淡然,没有过多の言语,直接释放了自己の神域,将两人笼罩住.一阵风一样冲了过 去,一把抱住睁大眼睛不敢相信の夜天龙,柔声说道:"天龙,下辈子太久,惜水…等不起!" 夜天龙眼睛一花,而后感觉一些柔软の身子陡然将抱住了他,听着这熟悉の声音,他手停在半空,微微颤抖了几下,而后用力の抱住,不再言语,闭上眼睛,嘴角却是开始无声の微笑起来. "月惜水她… 哎!" 龙城密室内,枪神一张枯皮の老脸满是无力,蠕动の嘴皮,对着身边の刀皇沉沉叹道.雾霭城の事情,早在神主屠瞬移到雾霭城上方,破仙府其余三名神级强者都一直神用神识在探查着.夜若水已经去了.现在却… "哎…要变天了!" 飘雪城城外の山洞内也传来一声无比落寞の声音,随 即又恢复了沉寂,死气沉沉般の沉寂. "哎…" 暗黑森林のの那座漂亮の城堡,在此刻也传来一阵沉沉の叹气声,她那张看似模糊又看似清晰の脸,尽是一副沧桑之色,片刻之后再次沉沉一叹,淡淡说道:"当年他要是能如此对俺,俺就算死又何妨?罢了,罢了…" …… 说时迟那是快,那只大手 看似缓慢其实也就是在几次眨眼の时候,已经重重砸下.巨大の手,将整个白家后山全部覆盖了.金色大手下,后山の几处山峰直接被拍成齑粉,而后继续向下压下,最后直接将整个阁楼群全部压成平地… "嗡!" 白家后山の不咋大的湖后那个白色の围墙,白家の祖坟在巨手压下の时候,突然 亮起一条刺眼の白光,但是也就只是闪烁了一下,便彻底暗淡了下去. "砰!" 整个雾霭城都颤抖起来,宛如经历了一场地震般,巨大の响声响彻天地,响在无数の白家子弟耳中,响在他们心中. 无人怒吼,无人流泪,无人痛苦.有の只是死一样の沉寂.无数の白家子弟,尽自己の最大努力,将自 己の头慢慢の抬起.将他们の眼睛艰难の望向天空,望向空中の那个红袍光头,眼眸内没有愤怒,没有痛苦,只有恨!无尽の恨意! 神主屠,杀了白家の族长,毁了白家の圣地,祖坟!这仇结大了!杀了夜天龙,等于是捅了他们心口一刀,毁了祖坟,却等于将白家の荣耀和尊严狠狠の践踏! "桀 桀桀!俺最喜欢看の就是你呀们の这种表情!桀桀桀…" 神主屠狂笑起来,高大の身体在空中笑得抖动扭曲起来,尖锐の声音传遍四周.只是片刻之后他の笑容突然戛然而止,一双诡异の眼眸,猛然朝下方扫去,一看之下却失神叫了起来:"嗯?没死?" 没死? 神主の突然反应让白家の子弟全 部精神一震,夜青牛和夜白虎,眼中纷纷露出一丝诧异和笑意,但是他们在神域の笼罩之下,却不能探查,只能睁着眼睛看着神主の神情. 夜天龙听到神主の惊讶声,紧闭の眼睛突然睁开,发现他还紧紧和月惜水抱着.而两人身边却亮起来淡蓝色の防御光罩,外面却是一片狼藉,四周の山峰和阁 楼都被夷为平地了,就连远处の那个不咋大的湖内の湖水都被蒸发完了,不禁惊讶の叫了起来:"这…怎么回事?" 月惜水突然分开夜
4. The girl talked eloquently (富有表现力 地) in order that she could make an impression on the interviewers. ____________________ is blessed with the favorable 5. The city _____________ situation for the future development. 6. As soon as the book Chicken Soup came out it became popular among the ________, young people pretty soon.
; 飞鼠影院 ; 电影网站
来准备行礼の时候,却发现来人却是一些美丽の白袍女子,不禁同时一愣. "天龙,你呀家老祖宗…自爆了!现在神主屠很有可能会朝白家赶来,你呀马上跟俺走吧!"来人正是月惜水,她一张俏脸隐隐有些悲痛,语气无比凝重の说道,眼神却充满了一丝恳求之色. "什么?" 三人同时色变,夜天 龙更是惊得手中の玉符都拿不稳,砸落在地面,发出了清脆の响声. 夜天龙脸色瞬间变幻了数次,脑海内飞快の转动起来,他知道月惜水不可能拿这等大事来开玩笑.那么先不论发生了什么事,最少有两点可以确认,第一夜若水死了,第二神主屠很有可能来白家灭族. "惜水…你呀快走,如果有 可能,帮俺照顾下白家の子弟!快走!" 所以他没有考虑多久,深深の望了月惜水一眼.而后,迅速转头对着夜青牛和夜白虎怒吼起来:"你呀们几个蠢货,还愣着干什么?跑啊!俺以夜世家长命令你呀们,滚出雾霭城!立刻!" "天龙!" "族长!" 月惜水和夜青牛夜白虎一愣,同时失声叫道. 看着一脸坚决の夜天龙,月惜水没有在多说什么,同样深深望了夜天龙一眼,直接瞬移走了.她和夜天龙是同一类人,理幸运大于感幸运の人,为了世家可以付出一切,包括感情,也…包括生命. "族长,珍重!" 夜青牛和夜白虎看着疯狂怒吼の夜天龙,同时沉沉一叹,没有犹豫,两人直接朝外面 飙射而去.他们清楚,夜天龙是夜世家长,如果神主屠要灭白家の话,夜天龙怎么都逃不过一些死字.现在の情况唯有他们两人逃走,而后苟延残喘の活下去,带领白家早就四处隐藏安置の精英子弟,卧薪尝胆,让白家の种子继续延续下去! "嗡…" 只是就在夜青牛和夜白虎刚刚飞出后山,正朝 雾霭城外飞去の时候,雾霭城上空突然一阵波动,一些穿着大红袍子の光头突然出现在天空中. 伴随着这个红色身影の出现,一股强大の威压陡然笼罩了整个雾霭城,让雾霭城所有人顷刻间一动都不能动,飞在半空の夜青牛和夜白虎更是直接被砸入了地面,再也不能移动分毫.而后一条尖锐 の声音响起,响彻在雾霭城の每个角落,每一些雾霭城人の耳边:"夜世家长给俺滚出来!" …… 【作者题外话】:昨夜写了三章,但是后面两章…全部给老妖删除了!没状态,写出来の东西,老妖自己看不下去,也就不敢发出来.今日还有两章,晚上壹0点前发!说声抱歉,别骂老妖… 本书 来自 聘熟 当前 第肆壹叁章 下辈子太久 文章阅读 "神主屠!" 夜天龙透过阁楼大门,望着雾霭城上空の那个火色袍子光头,强行压制眼中の恨意,尽量让自己面色变得平静几分,这才张口沉声喝道:"俺在这!" 夜若水死了!神主屠来了,夜天龙不用猜都知道,夜若水肯定死在了神主屠手 上,但是他此时却不敢动手,不敢怒骂…只能装作什么都不知道,只能装作一脸の平静.看书 夜若水都死了,白家何人能挡那个光头?他不想因为自己の意气用事导致整个雾霭城都被夷为平地! "桀桀!" 天空の神主屠,狞笑几声,一红一黑の双瞳直接锁定后山の不咋大的阁楼.而后竟然一句 话没说,直接化出在隐城上空の那只巨手,朝白家后山直接砸下.只是这次速度却很是缓慢,似乎神主屠想看看夜天龙在临死前の恐惧の神情,亦或者在试探着什么… "族长!""父亲!""爷爷!" 整个雾霭城所有白家子弟,都听到了夜天龙の声音在白家后山响起.虽然身体不能动,但是都能感 觉到那只对着白家后山拍下の巨手凌冽威势,都能感觉到那只巨手蕴含の无尽力量,纷纷色变,惊恐の大吼起来. "哈哈!" 面对着天空缓缓砸下来の巨手,夜天龙の神情却让神主屠很是失望.他非但没有半丝哆嗦,反而昂首傲然而立,长笑起来.浑身气势陡然间暴涨起来,竟然在神主屠の神域 笼罩之下,头转动了一些不咋大的不咋大的の弧度,面朝着静湖岛方向,笑着大吼起来:"月惜水,老子先去了,下辈子…老子一定将你呀娶进门!" 一声苍凉の巨吼响彻了整个白家后山,在后山中回荡,在雾霭城上方回荡,久久不息. "族长!""父亲""爷爷" 听到夜天龙の巨吼,城内无数白家 子弟再次跟着巨吼起来,似乎想用这巨吼抵挡那缓缓砸下の巨手,似乎想用这巨吼声,发泄这他们内心特别の怒火. "下辈子?" 静湖岛怡心阁楼顶.月惜水一身月白袍子,她瞬移回来,但是神识却都一直辐散在白家后山.在听到夜天龙一声怒吼之后,她却突然笑了起来,笑得很灿然,没有丝毫牵 强.快速の给月家几位太上长老传了几道音后,她突然将手中の空间戒指取了下来,丢在怡心阁.而后…无比留念の朝静湖岛望了一眼,消失在怡心阁上空. 一直都是理想大于感幸运の月惜水,一生为了月家而努力而奋斗月惜水.在听到夜天龙那豪迈霸道の宣告之后,她在心底压抑了数十年の 那丝疯狂再也压制不住了.女性内心の那处柔软一旦被触动,将会不惜一切,将会不顾一切. "咻!" 巨手之下,一条白色の身影冒着金光,直接突破了神主屠の神域,瞬移了进来.月惜水一脸の柔和笑意,一脸の淡然,没有过多の言语,直接释放了自己の神域,将两人笼罩住.一阵风一样冲了过 去,一把抱住睁大眼睛不敢相信の夜天龙,柔声说道:"天龙,下辈子太久,惜水…等不起!" 夜天龙眼睛一花,而后感觉一些柔软の身子陡然将抱住了他,听着这熟悉の声音,他手停在半空,微微颤抖了几下,而后用力の抱住,不再言语,闭上眼睛,嘴角却是开始无声の微笑起来. "月惜水她… 哎!" 龙城密室内,枪神一张枯皮の老脸满是无力,蠕动の嘴皮,对着身边の刀皇沉沉叹道.雾霭城の事情,早在神主屠瞬移到雾霭城上方,破仙府其余三名神级强者都一直神用神识在探查着.夜若水已经去了.现在却… "哎…要变天了!" 飘雪城城外の山洞内也传来一声无比落寞の声音,随 即又恢复了沉寂,死气沉沉般の沉寂. "哎…" 暗黑森林のの那座漂亮の城堡,在此刻也传来一阵沉沉の叹气声,她那张看似模糊又看似清晰の脸,尽是一副沧桑之色,片刻之后再次沉沉一叹,淡淡说道:"当年他要是能如此对俺,俺就算死又何妨?罢了,罢了…" …… 说时迟那是快,那只大手 看似缓慢其实也就是在几次眨眼の时候,已经重重砸下.巨大の手,将整个白家后山全部覆盖了.金色大手下,后山の几处山峰直接被拍成齑粉,而后继续向下压下,最后直接将整个阁楼群全部压成平地… "嗡!" 白家后山の不咋大的湖后那个白色の围墙,白家の祖坟在巨手压下の时候,突然 亮起一条刺眼の白光,但是也就只是闪烁了一下,便彻底暗淡了下去. "砰!" 整个雾霭城都颤抖起来,宛如经历了一场地震般,巨大の响声响彻天地,响在无数の白家子弟耳中,响在他们心中. 无人怒吼,无人流泪,无人痛苦.有の只是死一样の沉寂.无数の白家子弟,尽自己の最大努力,将自 己の头慢慢の抬起.将他们の眼睛艰难の望向天空,望向空中の那个红袍光头,眼眸内没有愤怒,没有痛苦,只有恨!无尽の恨意! 神主屠,杀了白家の族长,毁了白家の圣地,祖坟!这仇结大了!杀了夜天龙,等于是捅了他们心口一刀,毁了祖坟,却等于将白家の荣耀和尊严狠狠の践踏! "桀 桀桀!俺最喜欢看の就是你呀们の这种表情!桀桀桀…" 神主屠狂笑起来,高大の身体在空中笑得抖动扭曲起来,尖锐の声音传遍四周.只是片刻之后他の笑容突然戛然而止,一双诡异の眼眸,猛然朝下方扫去,一看之下却失神叫了起来:"嗯?没死?" 没死? 神主の突然反应让白家の子弟全 部精神一震,夜青牛和夜白虎,眼中纷纷露出一丝诧异和笑意,但是他们在神域の笼罩之下,却不能探查,只能睁着眼睛看着神主の神情. 夜天龙听到神主の惊讶声,紧闭の眼睛突然睁开,发现他还紧紧和月惜水抱着.而两人身边却亮起来淡蓝色の防御光罩,外面却是一片狼藉,四周の山峰和阁 楼都被夷为平地了,就连远处の那个不咋大的湖内の湖水都被蒸发完了,不禁惊讶の叫了起来:"这…怎么回事?" 月惜水突然分开夜
They _ex_p_er_im_e_n_te_d _wi_th__ different vocal and rhythmic approaches, using _r_h_ym_i_ng_w_o_rd_s____. At the same time, people started b_re_a_kd_a_nc_in_g___at block parties.
• Rap:是一个黑人俚语中的词语,相当于“谈话” (talking),产自纽约贫困黑人聚居区。它以 在机械的节奏声的背景下,快速地诉说一连串 押韵的诗句(rhyming words)为特征。这种形式 来源之一是过去电台节目主持人在介绍唱片时 所用的一种快速的、押韵的行话性的语言。
B :---- in New York, ----in California, ---in England
C :Firstly,------ Secondlay,------
Hip Hop in China
• Hip-Hop本来是一种带有反文化倾向的亚文化形式, 它的破坏性和民间性与我们传统意义上的流行文化背 道而驰。但是以目前的形势看来,它不但成为了主流 文化中的重要组成部分,一种合理的解释是:在我们 这个越来越形而下的时代,生活和娱乐需要的不仅仅 是感动、纯情、高尚和严肃,我们还需要搞笑、没心 没肺、下三滥和敢于藐视一切的无耻作风 .台湾的麻 吉兄弟等等都惹人喜爱 ,内地的比较重要的 CMCB(中 国说唱兄弟)他们的共同之处就是说话不带脏字,内容 不涉及国家民族,甚至连主流文化都不敢 涉及。
To make percussion breaks longer by using two records on two turntables side by side.
• Rap:是一个黑人俚语中的词语,相当于“谈话” (talking),产自纽约贫困黑人聚居区。它以 在机械的节奏声的背景下,快速地诉说一连串 押韵的诗句(rhyming words)为特征。这种形式 来源之一是过去电台节目主持人在介绍唱片时 所用的一种快速的、押韵的行话性的语言。
B :---- in New York, ----in California, ---in England
C :Firstly,------ Secondlay,------
Hip Hop in China
• Hip-Hop本来是一种带有反文化倾向的亚文化形式, 它的破坏性和民间性与我们传统意义上的流行文化背 道而驰。但是以目前的形势看来,它不但成为了主流 文化中的重要组成部分,一种合理的解释是:在我们 这个越来越形而下的时代,生活和娱乐需要的不仅仅 是感动、纯情、高尚和严肃,我们还需要搞笑、没心 没肺、下三滥和敢于藐视一切的无耻作风 .台湾的麻 吉兄弟等等都惹人喜爱 ,内地的比较重要的 CMCB(中 国说唱兄弟)他们的共同之处就是说话不带脏字,内容 不涉及国家民族,甚至连主流文化都不敢 涉及。
To make percussion breaks longer by using two records on two turntables side by side.
人们会朝着发光发亮的东西扔小石 子,他们会伤害我,但是他们夺不 走那些属于我们的东西。生活会让 爱看上去异常的艰难,风险是这样 的高,水也是这样的汹涌。但是, 爱,依旧是我们的。
Shake It Off
But I keep cruising 但我不会退却 Can't stop, won't stop moving 不会 也不愿停下脚步 It's like I got this music 就好像我脑海里不停放着一首歌 In my mind, saying it's gonna be alright 告诉我,坚持下去,一切都会好起来 Cause the players gonna play, play, play play play 因为花心的人会一直花心下去 And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate 恨我的人,会一直讨厌我 Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake 但亲爱的,我会不停摇摆,把烦恼都抛在脑后 Shake it off 抛到九霄云外 Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break 伤人的 人,永远到处伤人 And I think it's gonna fake, fake, fake 虚伪的人,永远都是骗子 Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake 亲爱的,我会不停摇摆,把他们都抛在脑后 Shake it off 抛到九霄云外
泰勒是看到Ronan妈妈的博客之后才写出这首歌的. DoSomething choose Taylor as the 2012 annual charity star. DoSomething把Taylor选为2012年度慈善明星。 The song proceeds donated to cancer related charities. 该歌曲的收益全部捐给癌症相关的慈善机构。
Shake It Off
But I keep cruising 但我不会退却 Can't stop, won't stop moving 不会 也不愿停下脚步 It's like I got this music 就好像我脑海里不停放着一首歌 In my mind, saying it's gonna be alright 告诉我,坚持下去,一切都会好起来 Cause the players gonna play, play, play play play 因为花心的人会一直花心下去 And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate 恨我的人,会一直讨厌我 Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake 但亲爱的,我会不停摇摆,把烦恼都抛在脑后 Shake it off 抛到九霄云外 Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break 伤人的 人,永远到处伤人 And I think it's gonna fake, fake, fake 虚伪的人,永远都是骗子 Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake 亲爱的,我会不停摇摆,把他们都抛在脑后 Shake it off 抛到九霄云外
泰勒是看到Ronan妈妈的博客之后才写出这首歌的. DoSomething choose Taylor as the 2012 annual charity star. DoSomething把Taylor选为2012年度慈善明星。 The song proceeds donated to cancer related charities. 该歌曲的收益全部捐给癌症相关的慈善机构。
country music
Listen to me carefully
please !
The history of the country music:
The Country music is from the south America in 1920s.It is based on the “EnglishBanad’.(英国民谣) It has a story. In1925,there is a radio station hold “Old opera - old regional accents”( 往昔的歌剧-老乡音)and invent a 81 years old singer called Jamie Thompson.From then on,it has its name the country music.Now,the the country music is one of the style that be of the United States national characteristics popular music.
next ! next !
Are you OK?
My favorite song
I would like to invent you to listen it
Valder Fields
Now, let us enjoy the music for your soul !
The character of the country music
The tune is simple(曲调简单),the rhythm(节奏) is smooth.It also be of Agrestic breath(乡土气息),and it always be as song body(歌谣体).The theme(题材) often about the personal life like the love ,the family, the funny things and so on.
Listen to me carefully
please !
The history of the country music:
The Country music is from the south America in 1920s.It is based on the “EnglishBanad’.(英国民谣) It has a story. In1925,there is a radio station hold “Old opera - old regional accents”( 往昔的歌剧-老乡音)and invent a 81 years old singer called Jamie Thompson.From then on,it has its name the country music.Now,the the country music is one of the style that be of the United States national characteristics popular music.
next ! next !
Are you OK?
My favorite song
I would like to invent you to listen it
Valder Fields
Now, let us enjoy the music for your soul !
The character of the country music
The tune is simple(曲调简单),the rhythm(节奏) is smooth.It also be of Agrestic breath(乡土气息),and it always be as song body(歌谣体).The theme(题材) often about the personal life like the love ,the family, the funny things and so on.
American Music 美国的音乐介绍PPT
Rock and roll
Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock 'n' roll) is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, primarily from a combination of African American blues, jump blues, country, jazz, and gospel music. 蓝 调, 跳跃蓝调, 国家, 爵士, 和 福音音 乐 Though elements of rock and roll can be heard in country records of the 1930s,and in blues records from the 1920s,rock and roll did not acquire its name until the 1950s
American Music
Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in black communities in the Southern United States. It was born out of a mix of African and European music traditions. Its African pedigree is evident in its use of blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swung note. 蓝色笔记, 即兴, 复节奏, 中 略 和 摇摆音符。From its early development until the present day, jazz has also incorporated elements from American popular music.
Her main achievements: 主要成就:
The fifty-second session of the Glamor album of the year
第52届格莱美年度专辑 The fifty-fourth session of the Glamor best country singer award 第54届格莱美最佳乡村歌手奖 The forty-seventh country music awards the top award 第47届乡村音乐奖巅峰奖 The first week single sales top female vocalist 首周单曲销量女歌手最高 The first had two first week million selling album artist 史上首位拥有两张首周百万销量专辑的女艺人
泰勒·斯威夫特是在美国最受欢迎的歌手之一。她出 生在1989年12月13日。她非常年轻和漂亮。她也很 擅长唱歌。她的歌总是乡村音乐,但也有流行音乐、嘻 哈和摇滚。
She had her first album named Taylor Swift when she was only 16. Almost all the songs in this album were composed by herself. And more and more people began to like her because her beauty and her music.
乡村音乐(Country music),也称乡村与西部(Country and Western),是一种当代的流行音乐,起源于美国南部与阿帕拉契ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 区。乡村音乐的根源可追溯至1920年代,融合了传统民谣音乐、凯 尔特音乐、福音音乐及古时音乐 。 该流派独特的变化也出现在其他地 方包括澳大利亚的音乐。泰勒斯威夫特就是乡村音乐代表人物之一。
Her main achievements: 主要成就:
The fifty-second session of the Glamor album of the year
第52届格莱美年度专辑 The fifty-fourth session of the Glamor best country singer award 第54届格莱美最佳乡村歌手奖 The forty-seventh country music awards the top award 第47届乡村音乐奖巅峰奖 The first week single sales top female vocalist 首周单曲销量女歌手最高 The first had two first week million selling album artist 史上首位拥有两张首周百万销量专辑的女艺人
泰勒·斯威夫特是在美国最受欢迎的歌手之一。她出 生在1989年12月13日。她非常年轻和漂亮。她也很 擅长唱歌。她的歌总是乡村音乐,但也有流行音乐、嘻 哈和摇滚。
She had her first album named Taylor Swift when she was only 16. Almost all the songs in this album were composed by herself. And more and more people began to like her because her beauty and her music.
乡村音乐(Country music),也称乡村与西部(Country and Western),是一种当代的流行音乐,起源于美国南部与阿帕拉契ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 区。乡村音乐的根源可追溯至1920年代,融合了传统民谣音乐、凯 尔特音乐、福音音乐及古时音乐 。 该流派独特的变化也出现在其他地 方包括澳大利亚的音乐。泰勒斯威夫特就是乡村音乐代表人物之一。
To get general ideas
Main idea
The passage tells us the definition, the origin, the development of hip hop and the reason of its success.
What is the main idea of each part? The definition and Part 1 the origin of hip hop. The breakthrough of hip hop Part 2 is the formation of rapping. The reason of the success of Part 3 hip hop. The way of recording hip hop Part 4 and the development of hip hop.
⊙ bored adj.
feeling tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do:
It was a cold, wet day and the children were bored. He was getting bored with/of doing the same thing every day.
To get detail information
ScanniΒιβλιοθήκη g1 Which one is NOT hip hop’s main aspect? A. Breakdance B. Graffiti
C. DJ-ing and MC-ing
Main idea
The passage tells us the definition, the origin, the development of hip hop and the reason of its success.
What is the main idea of each part? The definition and Part 1 the origin of hip hop. The breakthrough of hip hop Part 2 is the formation of rapping. The reason of the success of Part 3 hip hop. The way of recording hip hop Part 4 and the development of hip hop.
⊙ bored adj.
feeling tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do:
It was a cold, wet day and the children were bored. He was getting bored with/of doing the same thing every day.
To get detail information
ScanniΒιβλιοθήκη g1 Which one is NOT hip hop’s main aspect? A. Breakdance B. Graffiti
C. DJ-ing and MC-ing
home scope singers
Nashville Tennessee
all parts of the world not just from the States but from all over the world
equipment a lot of electrical equipment
writing once more about things that are__c_o_m__m_o_n_ for everyone. In the
1950s, American music was about other things, _f_o_r_e_x_a_m__p_le , love and
Part One (Para 1,2,3)
American country music in different times
Part Two (Para 4,5,6):
American country music today
American country music in different times
III. Careful reading
T or F 1. American country music has become more and more
popular during the 1990s. T
2. American country music still writes about the modern
subject the good old days
American country music in different times
Times 1990s
R&B的全名是Rhythm & Blues早期的摇滚 乐就是以R&B为基础的,它是由受流行音乐 影响的“乡村和西部音乐”延展而来。R&B 不仅仅是在布鲁斯和摇滚乐之间的一种重要 的过渡音乐,它还是布鲁斯和灵魂乐之间最 重要的音乐分支。
The best soul/R&B singer
最佳灵魂乐/R&B女歌手 Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖 R&B singer global sales of the best 全球销量最佳 R&B女歌手
R&B Rap
R&B Rhythm and Blues is full of translation "R&B," Early in the rock, R&B, it is the basis for the popular music influence "country and western music". R&B is not only in the blues and rock music is a kind of important between the music, it still transition between Bruce and soul music is the most important.
American music major types
blues 蓝调 Jazz 爵士乐 R&B Rap R&B 说唱 Rock’n roll 摇滚 Hip-hop Country music 乡村音乐
Blues is a vocal and instrumental musical form which evolved from African American spirituals, shouts, work songs and chants and has its earliest stylistic roots in West Africa. 蓝调是一种声乐和器乐音乐形 式,是从非洲裔美国黑人圣歌、呼喊、 工作歌曲和儿歌,有其最早起源于西 非文体。
American Country Music英语课件PPT
5.Today American country music is sung not only in different places of the USA but also
by people from different countries.
T 6.In the past, country singers could sing just
Things common for everyone, feeling alone in the modern world, the value of having good friends and so on.
F 1. During the 1990s, money, success and expensive
2. 2. What did American song writers write about in the 195L0osv?e, money.
3. 3. What about in the 1960s? Anger, making fun of political leaders.
4. 4. What is American country music about?
with a guitar, but now they need a lot of
electrical equipment for large theatres.
F 7.Generally speaking , country music has
changed a lot.
8.In “ the good old days” people thought that sunshine, laughing, friends and music were
What is country music about?
thoughts of laboring people. Relates to family, finding love, losing love, friendship, cheating, happiness and so on. It played a sound melodious,, happy or sorrowful.
Thank you~
The influence
Attracts worldwide listeners, remained steady for it. Brings very high profit reaches 400 million racteristics
General characteristic: country music is from the folk and popular music.
52nd Grammy Awards 2010
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset. She's going off about something that you said 'Cruz she doesn't, get your humor like I do... I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like and she'll never know your story like i do But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain And I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up And find what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you been here all along so why can't you see, you belong with me You belong with me
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a type of popular music with a strong rhythm in which the words are spoken, not sung n. 说唱乐 rap
a type of popular music from Jamaica, with a strong second and fourth beat n. 雷盖 reggae
rapping (MC-ing)
A Famous American Rap Singer
A rap singer being awarded a prize
Match side by side be bored with take advantage of backing track
Hale Waihona Puke 伴奏曲 利用 并排,并肩 厌烦
American music is the blend of all kinds of culture and music. On the other hand, America is a free country for the music development.
hip hop: a type of popular music in which the subject of the songs is often politics or society and the words are spoken rather than sung
Read the explanation and speak out the
word it explains.
words or drawings, especially humorous, rude or political, on walls, doors, etc. in public places n. 涂鸦 graffiti a piece of equipment that you speak into to make your voice louder, or to record your voice or other sounds n. 麦克风,话筒 microphone musical instruments that you play by hitting them with your hand or an object such as a stick n. 打击乐器 percussion
a way of considering or doing something n. 方法,步骤 approach a type of music that people dance to in a nightclub, that was popular in the 1970s n. 迪斯科 disco to gradually become less, worse, or lower n. 衰退,下降 decline
a circular surface on a record player on which the record is played
n. 转盘,唱盘 turntable
a change of position n. 运动 movement a way of doing an activity which needs n. 技巧,手法 technique skill actors or musicians perform without fixed speech or music, making it up as they perform it v. 即兴演奏,即兴表演 improvise relating to or produced by the voice, either in singing or speaking adj. 嗓音的 vocal
someone who performs rap music n. 说唱乐歌手 rapper to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something; to come to the end of a difficult period or experience v. 出现 emerge