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Unit 1 My name ' s Gina?


择。 1. ---Sit dow n, please.

3.Tha nks you B. 2. My En glish teacher

Yes, you ' re right. C. Thanks D. All right. 's name is Bruce Hall, so we all call him . A. Miss Bruce B. 3. ---What color is the bag? Mr. Bruce C. Mr. Hall ---It 's .It ' s D. Sir Bruce


C. oran ge, oran ge, orange bag an

orange bag

B. D. an orange, orange bag

oran ge, a orange bag

( )4.Here a book and two pen.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. do

( )5.

a b aby pan da. We don 't know


A. It ' sit

's B. It ' si,ts C. Its, it 's D. Its,

( )6.There is “f ” in the word “ frie nd ” and there " A. a, a

B. an, a


an, an

D. a, an ( )7.Kate is

En glish. She is

En glish stude nt.

A. an, an

B. X X

C. an, X

D. X an

( )8. ---Is your n ame Brow n?


A. Yes, it is

B. Yes, I am

C. Yes, I 'm

D. No, ( )9.- —Is this your pen? --- .It 's his pen.

( ) ,I ' m not

,its ss in the word “student ” A. It is my pen. 10.---Mom, ___ B. Yes, it is C. No, it isn my good frien ds, Susa n and Sam.

A. there are

B. they are

C. that is 11.That woma n is America n teacher.

't D. Yes, it ' s ---Nice

to meet you!

D. this is

Name is Kate Gree n.

( )12.--- your n ames? ---My n ame is Gi na, and her n ame is Lily

A. What

B. What ' s

C. Who

D. What are ( )13. are my sisters.

A. This

B. She

C. That D These

( )14.I Sally. What your n ame?

A. am; is

B. is, am

C. is, is

D. am, am

( )15.---

.What ' s your n ame?-Joh n Gree n.

A. Hi

B. Ok

C. Sorry

D. Excuse me ( )16.She is a girl (女孩) .What ' s name?

A. her

B. she

C. she ' s

D. his ( )17.---What'

s her

n ame? ---Tina.

A. last

B. first

C. family

D. full

( )18.His name is To ny Williams. His n ame is Williams. A. first B. last C. give n


mother ' s

( )19. name is Mark and name is Gina.

A. My, he

B. His ,her

C. his, Her

D. Her, his

( )20.---

---Yes, C-A-S-E.

( ) A. they; His B. their; His C. they; Her

D. their; Her

A. Can you spell “ case ” , please? How do you spell “ case ”?

C. Spell “ case ” , please.

D. Is that a case?

二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 12.lt

' s nice __________________ (meet) you.

13. Thanks for _____________ (you) answer. 14. What ' _s ___________ (his) name? 15. Her _____________ (one) name is Mary.

16. I ________ (be) a student, and my name ___________ (be) Tom Green. 三、 根据句意将单词补充完整。 1. H __ name Tony.

2. W _____ her telephone number?

3. His telephone n __________ is 58764321.

4. What ' s you aunt

' s first name? Hirst name is Tanya.

5. What ' s her l _____ name? Lopez.

6. Are you Michael Scotfield? No, I am his son. This name is my f ____________ 四、根据汉语完成句子。

17. 我可以知道你的电话号码吗? _________ I _________ your _________ 18. 你怎么拼 被子"这个单词? _____________ do you _________________ 19. 打扰了,这张学生证是你的吗? ______________________ ,

is this _____________________ ? 20. 这是你哥哥的房间吗? Is this ___________________________ ?

21. 那是紫色的卷笔刀。 _________________________________________ .

Unit 2 Is this your pen cil? 一、 单项选择。


)1.---What' s this in En glish?---

A. It ' esaser.

B. It ' asi eraser.

C. It ' not eraser.

D. Yes, it ' asi



)2.---Your English is really wonderful!---

A. Yes

B. No

C. Tha nk you

D. You are welcome


)3.---Excuse me! Is that ___________ backpack? --- No, it isn ' t. It 's ___________ A. he; my B. she; your C. his; I ( )4.There is

“h ” in the word

A. a; a

B. an; the

C. an; a


)5.---Is that dictionary on the desk yours? --- _

A. Yes, it ' s

B. Yes, it is

C. Yes, that ' s

D. Yes, that is


)6. --- __________ teaches __________ history. She is very interesting.

C. Tony Ha nd; us

D. David Miller; us (

)7.— ______ .

—G-E-O-G-R-A-P-H-Y , geography.

A. How do you spell it?

B. Can you spell it?

C. How do you spell?

D. What do you spell it?

( )8.---- Is Nick your En glish teacher?

Yes, ________

A . he is B. she is C. it is D. this is

( )9.What did you get from your pare nts on your last birthday?---- _________ acket.

A. orange

B. An C, An orange D. A orange

D. your; his

"hou ___________ letter has no sound. D. the; a

A. Ala n Brow; our

B. Kelsey Brow n; us
