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学完一个学期的外国文学下来,回头想想我最喜欢的作家还是简,奥斯汀。之前喜欢她,是因为她的作品《傲慢与偏见》,当时觉得,这个作家太有才了,怎么能写出这么美的故事,这么多美丽的人,漂亮的风景,觉得她仿佛是个画家,给读者描绘了一幅栩栩如生的画。也被她笔下所描绘的男女主人翁的爱情故事所吸引,觉得“傲慢”、“偏见”真是两个很有趣的事。从那之后很敬佩她。所以然后又不由自主的读了她的另一部作品《奥斯菲尔德庄园》,虽然这部小说给我的感觉不如《傲慢与偏见》来的强烈,可能是男女主人公之间的故事不如后者来的更有戏剧性吧,不过依然非常喜欢,不管在哪她笔下的世界,都让我觉得是那么美丽,宁静。很向往她所描写的世界。书中女主翁芬妮的善良的性格也给了我很深刻的印象,不过印象最深的应该是芬妮和她哥哥威廉之间美丽的兄妹之情吧,让我突然遗憾自己没有哥哥呢。从那之后就开始想更多地了解简,想知道她为何会写出这些故事。学完外国文学后,更了解了她的生平,她所生活的环境,她所经历的人生,以至于慢慢开始了解,为何她能写出如此多美丽的故事和美丽的风景。正是她精彩的人生,成为了创作的源泉的吧。虽然她的人生在许多人看来是不尽完美的,不过我觉得哪能有事事都完美的事呢。所以很喜欢她,喜欢她的作品,和她作品中的人和世界。At the end of a semester of foreign literature, think back of my favorite writer was Jane Austen. Like her before, because of the pride and prejudice of her works, see the the writer so talented, how could you write such beautiful stories, so many beautiful people, beautiful scenery, felt as if she was a painter, painted a vivid picture of readers. Is characterized by her men and women attracted by the masters of love story, "pride" and "prejudice" are two very interesting things. Admired her since then. So then could not help reading her a piece of the aosifeierde estate, although this novel as much as I feel the pride and prejudice to strongly, possibly between the heroine's story more dramatic than the latter, but still loves, regardless of where in the world, so I think it is so beautiful and peaceful. Very long for her description of the world. Female master Weng Fenni's good character in the book also gave me a very deep impression, but what impresses is the beautiful between Fanny and her brother William of brother and sister, so I suddenly regret he has no brother. Since then started thinking more about Jane, wondering why she would write the stories. After the completion of foreign literature, more about her life, her living environment, what she's been through in life, that slowly begin to understand why she was able to write so many stories and beautiful landscapes of the beautiful. Was her great life, became the source of creation. Although she lives in the eyes of many is not perfect, but I think what about where to have everything perfect. So like her, like her work, and she works in the people and the world.
