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1.请问有多少人用餐?For how many people, please?

2.请稍等,我得查一下餐桌预定的情况Just a moment, please. I’ll check our reservation list.

3.我想确认您的预定.I’m calling for confirming your table reservation.

4.请问您喜欢大厅的席位还是包间?Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a

private room?

5.请问几点光临?At what time can we expect you to come?

6.我们期待您的光临。We are looking forward to seeing you.

7.每位100元,包括酒水。100 yuan for each person, including drinks.

8.您准备吃中餐还是西餐?What should be prepared for you, Chinese food or western food?

9.您要什么样的规格?What rate do you have in your mind?

10.您想坐在哪个位置呢?Where would you prefer to sit?

11.餐前您想喝点什么,茶还是咖啡?What would you like to drink, tea or coffee before your


12.请问您有预定吗?Have you made reservation?

13.很抱歉,我们现在没有空位。I’m sorry to say that we haven’t got any vacant seat at present.

14.您愿意稍等一会儿吗?Would you mind waiting for a while?

15.一有空位我就马上给您安排。I’ll seat you if the table is free.

16.请问您预定的餐桌号是多少?What’s your table number, please?

17.您想点菜的时候请告诉我。Please let me know when you are ready to order.

18.对不起,所有靠窗户的桌子都满了。I’m sorry. All the window tables have been occupied

19.请问现在可以点餐了吗?Excuse me. Are you ready to order now?

20.您想点什么汤?What kind of soup do you want?

21.您的菜20分钟后可以准备好。Your dishes will be prepared in about 20minutes.

22.在等待期间您想喝点什么?Would you want something to drink while waiting?

23.今日厨师推荐是。。。。The chef’s recommendation for today is…

24.要什么样的甜品?What would you like for your dessert?

25.现在上咖啡还是等会儿上?Would you like your coffee now or later?

26.请问您需要点酒吗?Would you like to have some wine for your meal?

27.喝点什么呢,先生?Anything to drink, sir?

28.我们还有别的酒,如茅台、五粮液等We have other wines such as Mao-tai, Wuliangye.

29.您想要国产的还是进口的?Which one do you like, Chinese one or foreign one?

30.很高兴为您服务,您现在可以点餐了!It’s my pleasure to serve you and you can take your


31.对不起给您上错菜了,我马上撤走!I’m terribly sorry, sir. I do apologize for giving you the

wrong dish. I’ll take it away immediately.

32.这是水果拼盘。This is the fruit combination.

33.包间的最低消费是200元。The minimum charge for a private room is 200yuan.

34.给您备什么酒水?What drinks should be prepared for you?

35.我们尽快把菜单给您传真过去。We fax the menu to you as soon as possible.

36.中式宴会是以冷盘开始的。A Chinese banquet is started with cold dishes.

37.北京菜口味重,香料多。Beijing food is heavy and spicy.

38.您想要喝什么果汁?What kind of juice would you like to have?

39.我们这里有罐头果汁和新鲜果汁。We have canned juice and fresh juice.

40.来点新鲜果汁怎么样?How about some fresh juice.
