



联邦机动车辆安全标准(49 CFR 571部分)MVSS 302汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性原版:F.R.V ol.36 No.232-02.12.1971修订于1992.8 随后修订期号:1 MVSS 302国家:U.S.A原版:F.R.V ol.36No.232-02.12.1971§571.302 标准No.302;汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性S1. 范围本标准指定了用于汽车内舱材料的抗燃性要求。

S2. 目的本标准的目的是为了减少因汽车起火特别是由于汽车内部因火柴或香烟所引起的起火而引起的伤亡。

S3. 应用本标准适用于轿车、多用途轿车、卡车和公共汽车。

S3A. 定义车内气室即汽车内舱内盛满新鲜空气的部分。

S4 要求S4.1 S4.2部分所描述的以下汽车内舱部分与S4.3部分的要求是一致的,汽车坐垫、座椅靠背、安全带、顶蓬、扶手、所有装饰性衬板包括门前、门后和侧边面板、搁板、弹性头垫、地板、遮阳板、窗帘、遮阳物、车轮外罩、发动机罩,垫罩和其他任何室内材料包括撞车时吸收碰撞能量的填料、缓冲装置等材料。

S4.1.1 [保留]S4.2 位于内舱气室的1/2英寸的单一材料或层积复合材料的任何部分应满足S4.3部分的要求。

S4.2.1完全不与其他材料相连接的材料在单独试验时应满足S4.3.S4.2.2 与其他材料完全相连接的材料在作为层积复合材料试验时应满足S4.3的要求。



S4.3 (a)当按S5试验时,S4.1和S4.2所描述的材料不会燃烧,也不会使火焰前端以4英寸每分钟的速度通过其表面。





联邦机动车辆安全标准(49 CFR 571部分)MVSS 302汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性原版:F.R.V ol.36 No.232-02.12.1971修订于1992.8 随后修订期号:1 MVSS 302国家:U.S.A原版:F.R.V ol.36No.232-02.12.1971§571.302 标准No.302;汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性S1. 范围本标准指定了用于汽车内舱材料的抗燃性要求。

S2. 目的本标准的目的是为了减少因汽车起火特别是由于汽车内部因火柴或香烟所引起的起火而引起的伤亡。

S3. 应用本标准适用于轿车、多用途轿车、卡车和公共汽车。

S3A. 定义车内气室即汽车内舱内盛满新鲜空气的部分。

S4 要求S4.1 S4.2部分所描述的以下汽车内舱部分与S4.3部分的要求是一致的,汽车坐垫、座椅靠背、安全带、顶蓬、扶手、所有装饰性衬板包括门前、门后和侧边面板、搁板、弹性头垫、地板、遮阳板、窗帘、遮阳物、车轮外罩、发动机罩,垫罩和其他任何室内材料包括撞车时吸收碰撞能量的填料、缓冲装置等材料。

S4.1.1 [保留]S4.2 位于内舱气室的1/2英寸的单一材料或层积复合材料的任何部分应满足S4.3部分的要求。

S4.2.1完全不与其他材料相连接的材料在单独试验时应满足S4.3.S4.2.2 与其他材料完全相连接的材料在作为层积复合材料试验时应满足S4.3的要求。



S4.3 (a)当按S5试验时,S4.1和S4.2所描述的材料不会燃烧,也不会使火焰前端以4英寸每分钟的速度通过其表面。



FMVSS 302汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性.

FMVSS 302汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性.

Nat ’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT §571.302[40 FR 48353, Oct. 15, 1975. Redesignated and amended at 41 FR 9350, Mar. 4, 1976; 41 FR 36026,36027, A ug. 26, 1976; 53 FR 8204, Mar. 14, 1988; 53 FR 49990, Dec. 13, 1988; 58 FR 5638, Jan. 22,1993; 61 FR 19202, May 1, 1996; 63 FR 28953, May 27, 1998]§571.302Standard No. 302; Flamma-bility of interior materials.S1. Scope. This standard specifies burn resistance requirements for mate-rials used in the occupant compart-ments of motor vehicles.S2. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to reduce the deaths and in-juries to motor vehicle occupants caused by vehicle fires, especially those originating in the interior of the49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–01 Edition§571.302vehicle from sources such as matches or cigarettes.S3. Application. This standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose pas-senger vehicles, trucks, and buses.S3A. Definitions. Occupant compart-ment air space means the space within the occupant compartment that nor-mally contains refreshable air.S4. Requirements.S4.1The portions described in S4.2of the following components of vehicle occupant compartments shall meet the requirements of S4.3: Seat cushions,seat backs, seat belts, headlining, con-vertible tops, arm rests, all trim panels including door, front, rear, and side panels, compartment shelves, head re-straints, floor coverings, sun visors,curtains, shades, wheel housing covers,engine compartment covers, mattress covers, and any other interior mate-rials, including padding and crash-de-ployed elements, that are designed to absorb energy on contact by occupants in the event of a crash.S4.1.1[Reserved]S4.2Any portion of a single or com-posite material which is within 13 mm of the occupant compartment air space shall meet the requirements of S4.3.S4.2.1A ny material that does not adhere to other material(s at every point of contact shall meet the require-ments of S4.3 when tested separately.S4.2.2A ny material that adheres to other materials at every point of con-tact shall meet the requirements of S4.3 when tested as a composite withthe other material(s.Material A has a non-adhering inter-face with material B and is tested sepa-rately. Part of material B is within 13mm of the occupant compartment air space, and materials B and C adhere at every point of contact; therefore, B and C are tested as a composite. The cut is in material C as shown, to make a specimen 13 mm thick.S4.3(aWhen tested in accordance with S5, material described in S4.1 and S4.2 shall not burn, nor transmit a flame front across its surface, at a rate of more than 102 mm per minute. Therequirement concerning transmission of a flame front shall not apply to a surface created by cutting a test speci-men for purposes of testing pursuant to S5.(b If a material stops burning before it has burned for 60 seconds from the start of timing, and has not burned more than 51 mm from the point where the timing was started, it shall be con-sidered to meet the burn-rate require-ment of S4.3(a.S5.1Conditions.Nat ’l Highway Traffic Saf ety Admin., DOT§571.302S5.1.1The test is conducted in a metal cabinet for protecting the test specimens from drafts. The interior of the cabinet is 381 mm long, 203 mm deep, and 356 mm high. It has a glass observation window in the front, a closable opening to permit insertion of the specimen holder, and a hole to ac-commodate tubing for a gas burner.For ventilation, it has a 13 mm clear-ance space around the top of the cabi-net, ten holes in the base of the cabi-net, each hole 19 mm in diameter and legs to elevate the bottom of the cabi-net by 10 mm, all located as shown inFigure 1.S5.1.2Prior to testing, each speci-men is conditioned for 24 hours at a temperature of 21 °C, and a relative hu-midity of 50 percent, and the test is conducted under those ambient condi-tions.S5.1.3The test specimen is inserted between two matching U-shaped frames of metal stock 25 mm wide and 10 mm high. The interior dimensions of the U-shaped frames are 51 mm wide by 330mm long. A specimen that softens and bends at the flaming end so as to cause erratic burning is kept horizontal by supports consisting of thin, heat-resist-ant wires, spanning the width of the U-shaped frame under the specimen at25mm intervals. A device that may be used for supporting this type of mate-rial is an additional U-shaped frame,wider than the U-shaped frame con-taining the specimen, spanned by 10-mil wires of heat-resistant composition at 25 mm intervals, inserted over the bottom U-shaped frame.S5.1.4A bunsen burner with a tube of 10 mm inside diameter is used. The gas adjusting valve is set to provide a49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–01 Edition§571.303flame, with the tube vertical, of 38 mm in height. The air inlet to the burner is closed.S5.1.5The gas supplied to the burn-er has a flame temperature equivalent to that of natural gas.S5.2Preparation of specimens.S5.2.1Each specimen of material to be tested shall be a rectangle 102 mm wide by 356 mm long, wherever pos-sible. The thickness of the specimen is that of the single or composite mate-rial used in the vehicle, except that if the material’s thickness exceeds 13 mm, the specimen is cut down to that thickness measured from the surface of the specimen closest to the occupant compartment air space. Where it is not possible to obtain a flat specimen be-cause of surface curvature, the speci-men is cut to not morethan 13 mm in thickness at any point. The maximum available length or width of a specimen is used where either dimension is less than 356 mm or 102 mm, respectively, unless surrogate testing is required under S4.1.1.S5.2.2The specimen is produced by cutting the material in the direction that provides the most adverse test re-sults. The specimen is oriented so that the surface closest to the occupant compartment air space faces downward on the test frame.S5.2.3Material with a napped or tufted surface is placed on a flat sur-face and combed twice against the nap with a comb having seven to eight smooth, rounded teeth per 25 mm.S5.3Procedure.(a Mount the specimen so that both sides and one end are held by the U-shaped frame, and one end is even with the open end of the frame. Where the maximum available width of a speci-men is not more than 51 mm, so that the sides of the specimen cannot be held in the U-shaped frame, place the specimen in position on wire supports as described in S5.1.3, with one end held by the closed end of the U-shaped frame.(b Place the mounted specimen in a horizontal position, in the center of the cabinet.(c With the flame adjusted according to S5.1.4, position the bunsen burner and specimen so that the center of the burner tip is 19 mm below the center of the bottom edge of the open end of the specimen.(d Expose the specimen to the flame for 15 seconds.(e Begin timing (without reference to the period of application of the burner flame when the flame from the burning specimen reaches a point 38 mm from the open end of the specimen.(f Measure the time that it takes the flame to progress to a point 38 mm from the clamped end of the specimen. If the flame does not reach the speci-fied end point, time its progress to the point where flaming stops.(g Calculate the burn rate from the formula:B = 60 × (D/TWhere:B = Burn rate in millimeters perminuteD = Length the flame travels in milli-meters, andT = Time in seconds for the flame to travel D millimeters.[36 FR 22902, Dec. 2, 1971, as amended at 40 FR 14319, Mar. 31, 1975; 40 FR 42747, Sept. 16, 1975; 40 FR 56667, Dec. 4, 1975; 63 FR 28954, 28956, May 27, 1998;63 FR 51003, Sept. 24, 1998]§571.303Standard No. 303; Fuel sys-tem integrity of compressed natural gas vehicles.S1. Scope. This standard specifies re-quirements for the integrity of motor vehicle fuel systems using compressed natural gas (CNG, including the CNG fuel systems of bi-fuel, dedicated, and dual fuel CNG vehicles.S2. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to reduce deaths and inju-ries occurring from fires that result from fuel leakage during and after motor vehicle crashes.S3. Application. This standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose pas-senger vehicles, trucks and buses that have a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less and use CNG as a motor fuel. This standard also applies to school buses regardless of weight that use CNG as a motor fuel. S4. Definitions.Bi-fuel CNG vehicle means a vehicle equipped with two independent fuel systems, one of which is designed to supply CNG and the second to supply a fuel other than CNG.。

GB 8410汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性

GB 8410汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性

G B8410-200 6汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性阻燃材料事业部GB8410-2006汽车内饰标准发布于:2009-7-12 被浏览1800 次【打印】【关闭】GB 8410-2006 (代替GB 8410-1994)前言本标准的第3章、第4章为强制性的,其余为推荐性的。

本标准对应于美国联邦机动车辆安全标准FMVSS 571.302《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》,本标准与FMVSS571.302《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》一致性程度为非等效。

本标准代替GB 8410-1994《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》。

本标准与GB 8410-1994标准相比,主要变化如下:——根据GB 3730.1-2001标准的要求,修改了第1章中汽车分类方法;——按照GB/T 1.1-2000标准的要求,修改了第2章中术语部分的编排方式,并增加了英文内容;——修改了层积复合材料定义,见2.2条;——完善了内饰材料的定义,加宽了内饰材料的定义范围,见2.5条;——修改了第3章的技术要求,取消了原标准技术要求中的3.1条及3.3条,将其内容体现在4.6条中;——修改了试验用热源的要求,见4.2.4条;——增加了零件弯曲无法制得平整试样时的试验要求,见4.3.2条;——增加了零件形状和尺寸不符合取样要求时如何制备试样的要求,见第4.3.2条;——增加了零件厚度不均时的取样要求,见第4.3.2条;——增加了取样示例并附图示,见第4.3.2条;——修改了试验程序中表面起毛试样试验前梳理的方向,见第4.4.1条;——增加了试样慢燃时的试验方法,见第4.4.9条;——增加了结果表示的内容,见第4.6条。





本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:——GB 8410-1987、GB 8410-1994。



GB8410-2006汽车内饰GB 8410-2006(代替GB 8410-1994)前言本标准的第3章、第4章为强制性的,其余为推荐性的。

本标准对应于美国联邦机动车辆安全标准FMVSS 571.302《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》,本标准与FMVSS 571.302《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》一致性程度为非等效。

本标准代替GB 8410-1994《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》。

本标准与GB 8410-1994标准相比,主要变化如下:——根据GB 3730.1-2001标准的要求,修改了第1章中汽车分类方法;——按照GB/T 1.1-2000标准的要求,修改了第2章中术语部分的编排方式,并增加了英文内容;——修改了层积复合材料定义,见2.2条;——完善了内饰材料的定义,加宽了内饰材料的定义范围,见2.5条;——修改了第3章的技术要求,取消了原标准技术要求中的3.1条及3.3条,将其内容体现在4.6条中;——修改了试验用热源的要求,见4.2.4条;——增加了零件弯曲无法制得平整试样时的试验要求,见4.3.2条;——增加了零件形状和尺寸不符合取样要求时如何制备试样的要求,见第4.3.2条;——增加了零件厚度不均时的取样要求,见第4.3.2条;——增加了取样示例并附图示,见第4.3.2条;——修改了试验程序中表面起毛试样试验前梳理的方向,见第4.4.1条;——增加了试样慢燃时的试验方法,见第4.4.9条;——增加了结果表示的内容,见第4.6条。





本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:——GB 8410-1987、GB 8410-1994。

GB 8410-2006汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性Flammability of automotive interior materials1 范围本标准规定了汽车内饰材料水平燃烧特性的技术要求及试验方法。







一、FMVSS302阻燃标准概述1.1、FMVSS302是什么FMVSS302是美国联邦汽车安全标准局(NHTSA)制定的汽车内饰材料阻燃标准,全称为Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No.302。












联邦机动车辆安全标准第 571.302条汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性摘要:联邦机动车辆安全标准的第 571.302条给出了机动车辆内饰材料阻燃性试验的要求以及试验过程。

1 范围本标准规定了机动车辆乘员舱内饰材料的阻燃性要求。

2 目的本标准的制定是为了减少车辆起火,尤其是减少那些由车辆内部的火源例如火柴或香烟引起的火灾所造成的乘员伤亡。

3 适用性本标准适用于乘用车、多功能乘用车、卡车和客车。

3.1 定义乘员舱空气间层是指乘员舱内空气常流通的空间。

4 要求4.1 车辆乘员舱里的下列组件中, 第 4.2节所描述的那些部位应满足第 4.3节的要求,这些组件包括:座垫, 座椅靠背,安全带,顶盖内饰,车篷,扶手,所有前围、后围和侧围内饰板,舱内货架,头枕,地板覆盖件,防晒板,窗帘,遮阳帘,轮罩覆盖件,发动机舱覆盖件,床垫罩以及任何其他设计来吸收发生碰撞时作用到乘员上的能量的内饰材料,包括填料和碰撞破坏元素。

4.1.1 [保留 ]4.2 乘员舱空气间层里,如果某单一或复合材料的任一部分厚度在 13mm 以内,应满足第 4.3节的要求。

4.2.1 任何不和其他材料在每个接触点都采用粘接的材料,当将其和其他材料分离做试验时,应满足第 4.3节的要求。

4.2.2 任何和其他材料在每个接触点都采用粘接的材料,当其和其他材料作为一种复合材料做试验时,应满足第 4.3节的要求。

材料 a 和材料 b 有一个非粘接的接触面, 做试验时 a 和 b 分离。

材料 b 的一部分在乘员舱空气间层小于乘员舱空气间层厚度非粘接表面粘接表面分离测试的材料剪切处作为复合物测试的材料毫米(mm乘员舱空气间层所有尺寸单位均为毫米(mm13mm ,且材料 b 和材料 c 在每个接触点处都采用粘接;所以 b 和 c 作为一种复合材料做试验。

图示的切割线表示要制作一份 13mm 厚的试样。

4.3(a 在第 5节规定的条件下做试验时,速率大于 102mm/s,则第 4.1节和第 4.2节描述的材料不应燃烧或在其表面上传递火焰锋。


















49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–02 Edition)§571.302[40 FR 48353, Oct. 15, 1975. Redesignated and amended at 41 FR 9350, Mar. 4, 1976; 41 FR 36026, 36027, A ug. 26, 1976; 53 FR 8204, Mar. 14, 1988; 53 FR 49990, Dec. 13, 1988; 58 FR 5638, Jan. 22, 1993; 61 FR 19202, May 1, 1996; 63 FR 28953, May 27, 1998]§571.302Standard No. 302; Flamma-bility of interior materials.S1. Scope. This standard specifies burn resistance requirements for mate-rials used in the occupant compart-ments of motor vehicles.S2. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to reduce the deaths and in-juries to motor vehicle occupants caused by vehicle fires, especially those originating in the interior of theNat ’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT§571.302vehicle from sources such as matches or cigarettes.S3. Application. This standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose pas-senger vehicles, trucks, and buses.S3A. Definitions. Occupant compart-ment air space means the space within the occupant compartment that nor-mally contains refreshable air. S4. Requirements.S4.1The portions described in S4.2 of the following components of vehicle occupant compartments shall meet the requirements of S4.3: Seat cushions, seat backs, seat belts, headlining, con-vertible tops, arm rests, all trim panels including door, front, rear, and side panels, compartment shelves, head re-straints, floor coverings, sun visors, curtains, shades, wheel housing covers,engine compartment covers, mattress covers, and any other interior mate-rials, including padding and crash-de-ployed elements, that are designed to absorb energy on contact by occupants in the event of a crash. S4.1.1 [Reserved]S4.2Any portion of a single or com-posite material which is within 13 mm of the occupant compartment air space shall meet the requirements of S4.3.S4.2.1A ny material that does not adhere to other material(s) at every point of contact shall meet the require-ments of S4.3 when tested separately. S4.2.2A ny material that adheres to other materials at every point of con-tact shall meet the requirements of S4.3 when tested as a composite withthe other material(s).Material A has a non-adhering inter-face with material B and is tested sepa-rately. Part of material B is within 13 mm of the occupant compartment air space, and materials B and C adhere at every point of contact; therefore, B and C are tested as a composite. The cut is in material C as shown, to make a specimen 13 mm thick.S4.3(a)When tested in accordance with S5, material described in S4.1 and S4.2 shall not burn, nor transmit a flame front across its surface, at a rate of more than 102 mm per minute. Therequirement concerning transmission of a flame front shall not apply to a surface created by cutting a test speci-men for purposes of testing pursuant to S5.(b) If a material stops burning before it has burned for 60 seconds from the start of timing, and has not burned more than 51 mm from the point where the timing was started, it shall be con-sidered to meet the burn-rate require-ment of S4.3(a). S5.1Conditions.49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–02 Edition)§571.302S5.1.1The test is conducted in a metal cabinet for protecting the test specimens from drafts. The interior of the cabinet is 381 mm long, 203 mm deep, and 356 mm high. It has a glass observation window in the front, a closable opening to permit insertion of the specimen holder, and a hole to ac-commodate tubing for a gas burner. For ventilation, it has a 13 mm clear-ance space around the top of the cabi-net, ten holes in the base of the cabi-net, each hole 19 mm in diameter and legs to elevate the bottom of the cabi-net by 10 mm, all located as shown inFigure 1.S5.1.2Prior to testing, each speci-men is conditioned for 24 hours at a temperature of 21 °C, and a relative hu-midity of 50 percent, and the test is conducted under those ambient condi-tions.S5.1.3The test specimen is inserted between two matching U-shaped frames of metal stock 25 mm wide and 10 mm high. The interior dimensions of the U-shaped frames are 51 mm wide by 330 mm long. A specimen that softens and bends at the flaming end so as to cause erratic burning is kept horizontal by supports consisting of thin, heat-resist-ant wires, spanning the width of the U-shaped frame under the specimen at 25 mm intervals. A device that may be used for supporting this type of mate-rial is an additional U-shaped frame, wider than the U-shaped frame con-taining the specimen, spanned by 10-mil wires of heat-resistant composition at 25 mm intervals, inserted over the bottom U-shaped frame.S5.1.4A bunsen burner with a tube of 10 mm inside diameter is used. The gas adjusting valve is set to provide aNat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT§571.303flame, with the tube vertical, of 38 mm in height. The air inlet to the burner is closed.S5.1.5The gas supplied to the burn-er has a flame temperature equivalent to that of natural gas.S5.2Preparation of specimens.S5.2.1Each specimen of material to be tested shall be a rectangle 102 mm wide by 356 mm long, wherever pos-sible. The thickness of the specimen is that of the single or composite mate-rial used in the vehicle, except that if the material’s thickness exceeds 13 mm, the specimen is cut down to that thickness measured from the surface of the specimen closest to the occupant compartment air space. Where it is not possible to obtain a flat specimen be-cause of surface curvature, the speci-men is cut to not more than 13 mm in thickness at any point. The maximum available length or width of a specimen is used where either dimension is less than 356 mm or 102 mm, respectively, unless surrogate testing is required under S4.1.1.S5.2.2The specimen is produced by cutting the material in the direction that provides the most adverse test re-sults. The specimen is oriented so that the surface closest to the occupant compartment air space faces downward on the test frame.S5.2.3Material with a napped or tufted surface is placed on a flat sur-face and combed twice against the nap with a comb having seven to eight smooth, rounded teeth per 25 mm.S5.3Procedure.(a) Mount the specimen so that both sides and one end are held by the U-shaped frame, and one end is even with the open end of the frame. Where the maximum available width of a speci-men is not more than 51 mm, so that the sides of the specimen cannot be held in the U-shaped frame, place the specimen in position on wire supports as described in S5.1.3, with one end held by the closed end of the U-shaped frame.(b) Place the mounted specimen in a horizontal position, in the center of the cabinet.(c) With the flame adjusted according to S5.1.4, position the bunsen burner and specimen so that the center of the burner tip is 19 mm below the center of the bottom edge of the open end of the specimen.(d) Expose the specimen to the flame for 15 seconds.(e) Begin timing (without reference to the period of application of the burner flame) when the flame from the burning specimen reaches a point 38 mm from the open end of the specimen.(f) Measure the time that it takes the flame to progress to a point 38 mm from the clamped end of the specimen. If the flame does not reach the speci-fied end point, time its progress to the point where flaming stops.(g) Calculate the burn rate from the formula:B = 60 × (D/T)Where:B = Burn rate in millimeters perminuteD = Length the flame travels in milli-meters, andT = Time in seconds for the flame to travel D millimeters.[36 FR 22902, Dec. 2, 1971, as amended at 40 FR 14319, Mar. 31, 1975; 40 FR 42747, Sept. 16, 1975; 40 FR 56667, Dec. 4, 1975; 63 FR 28954, 28956, May 27, 1998; 63 FR 51003, Sept. 24, 1998]§571.303Standard No. 303; Fuel sys-tem integrity of compressed naturalgas vehicles.S1. Scope. This standard specifies re-quirements for the integrity of motor vehicle fuel systems using compressed natural gas (CNG), including the CNG fuel systems of bi-fuel, dedicated, and dual fuel CNG vehicles.S2. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to reduce deaths and inju-ries occurring from fires that result from fuel leakage during and after motor vehicle crashes.S3. Application. This standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose pas-senger vehicles, trucks and buses that have a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 10,000 pounds or less and use CNG as a motor fuel. This standard also applies to school buses regardless of weight that use CNG as a motor fuel. S4. Definitions.Bi-fuel CNG vehicle means a vehicle equipped with two independent fuel systems, one of which is designed to supply CNG and the second to supply a fuel other than CNG.。



GB 8410-2006汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性阻燃材料事业部GB8410-2006汽车内饰标准发布于:2009-7-12 被浏览1800 次【打印】【关闭】GB 8410-2006 (代替GB 8410-1994)前言本标准的第3章、第4章为强制性的,其余为推荐性的。

本标准对应于美国联邦机动车辆安全标准FMVSS 571.302《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》,本标准与FMVSS571.302《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》一致性程度为非等效。

本标准代替GB 8410-1994《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》。

本标准与GB 8410-1994标准相比,主要变化如下:——根据GB 3730.1-2001标准的要求,修改了第1章中汽车分类方法;——按照GB/T 1.1-2000标准的要求,修改了第2章中术语部分的编排方式,并增加了英文内容;——修改了层积复合材料定义,见2.2条;——完善了内饰材料的定义,加宽了内饰材料的定义范围,见2.5条;——修改了第3章的技术要求,取消了原标准技术要求中的3.1条及3.3条,将其内容体现在4.6条中;——修改了试验用热源的要求,见4.2.4条;——增加了零件弯曲无法制得平整试样时的试验要求,见4.3.2条;——增加了零件形状和尺寸不符合取样要求时如何制备试样的要求,见第4.3.2条;——增加了零件厚度不均时的取样要求,见第4.3.2条;——增加了取样示例并附图示,见第4.3.2条;——修改了试验程序中表面起毛试样试验前梳理的方向,见第4.4.1条;——增加了试样慢燃时的试验方法,见第4.4.9条;——增加了结果表示的内容,见第4.6条。





本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:——GB 8410-1987、GB 8410-1994。

GB 8410-2006汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性Flammability of automotive interior materials1 范围本标准规定了汽车内饰材料水平燃烧特性的技术要求及试验方法。



汽车内饰件的水平燃烧实验一站式的材料检测、分析与技术咨询服务汽车内饰件的水平燃烧实验标准GB 8410-2006、FMVSS 571.302-2013、ISO 3795-1989等测试范围坐垫、座椅套脚垫、后备箱垫、方向盘套、头枕、抱枕、腰靠等。




一站式的材料检测、分析与技术咨询服务汽车内饰水平燃烧示意图案例3典型案例参考标准GB 8410-2006汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性测试条件样品尺寸:356×100×3.0mm,火焰高度38mm,点火时间15s,最大燃烧速度不超过100mm/min。

一站式的材料检测、分析与技术咨询服务测试结果一站式的材料检测、分析与技术咨询服务备注1. 如果试样暴露在火焰中15s,熄灭火源试样仍未燃烧,或试样能燃烧,但火焰达到第一测量标线之前熄灭,无燃烧距离可计,则被认为满足燃烧速度要求,结果均记为A-0mm/min。

2. 如果从试验计时开始,火焰在60s内自行熄灭,且燃烧距离不大于50mm,也被认为满足燃烧速度要求,结果记为B。

3. 如果从试验计时开始,火焰在两个测量标线之间熄灭,为自熄试样,且不满足2项要求,则按照试样燃烧速度公式进行计算,结果记为一站式的材料检测、分析与技术咨询服务C-燃烧速度实测值mm/min。

4. 如果从试验计时开始,火焰燃烧到达第二标线,或者存在主动结束试验,(如果从试验计时开始,试样长时间缓慢燃烧,则可以在试验计时20min时中止试验,并记录燃烧时间及燃烧距离)则按照试样燃烧速度公式进行计算,结果记为D-燃烧速度实测值mm/min。

FMVSS 302汽车内饰材料阻燃.

FMVSS 302汽车内饰材料阻燃.

§ 571.302 Standard No. 302; Flammability of interior materials.S1. Scope. This standard specifies burn resistance requirements for materials used in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles. S2. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to reduce the deaths and injuries to motor vehicle occupants caused by vehicle fires, especially those originating in the interior of the vehicle from sources such as matches or cigarettes.S3. Application. This standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses.S3A. Definitions. Occupant compartment air space means the space within the occupant compartment that normally contains refreshable air.S4. Requirements.S4.1 The portions described in S4.2 of the following components of vehicle occupant compartments shall meet the requirements of S4.3: Seat cushions, seat backs, seat belts, headlining, convertible tops, arm rests, all trim panels including door, front, rear, and side panels, compartment shelves, head restraints, floor coverings, sun visors, curtains, shades, wheel housing covers, enginecompartment covers, mattress covers, and any other interior materials, including padding and crash-deployed elements, that are designed to absorb energy on contact by occupants in the event of a crash.S4.1.1 [Reserved]S4.2 Any portion of a single or composite material which is within 13 mm of the occupant compartment air space shall meet the requirements of S4.3.S4.2.1 Any material that does not adhere to other material(s at every point of contact shall meet the requirements of S4.3 when tested separately.S4.2.2 Any material that adheres to other materials at every point of contact shall meet the requirements of S4.3 when tested as acomposite with the other material(s.Material A has a non-adhering interface with material B and is tested separately. Part of material B is within 13 mm of the occupant compartment air space, and materials B and C adhere at every point of contact; therefore, B and C are tested as a composite. The cut is in material C as shown, to make a specimen 13 mm thick.S4.3(a When tested in accordance with S5, material described in S4.1 and S4.2 shall not burn, nor transmit a flame front across its surface, at a rate of more than 102 mm per minute. The requirement concerning transmission of a flame front shall not apply to a surface created by cutting a test specimen for purposes of testing pursuant to S5.(b If a material stops burning before it has burned for 60 seconds from the start of timing, and has not burned more than 51 mm from the point where the timing was started, it shall be considered to meet the burn-rate requirement of S4.3(a.S5.1 Conditions.S5.1.1 The test is conducted in a metal cabinet for protecting the test specimens from drafts. The interior of the cabinet is 381 mm long, 203 mm deep, and 356 mm high. It has a glass observation window in the front, a closable opening to permit insertion of the specimen holder, and a hole to accommodate tubing for a gas burner. For ventilation,it has a 13 mm clearance space around the top of the cabinet, ten holes in the base of the cabinet, each hole 19 mm in diameter and legs to elevate the bottom of the cabinet by 10 mm, alllocated as shown in Figure 1.S5.1.2 Prior to testing, each specimen is conditioned for 24 hours at a temperature of 21 °C, and a relative humidity of 50 percent, and the test is conducted under those ambient conditions.S5.1.3 The test specimen is inserted between two matching U-shaped frames of metal stock 25 mm wide and 10 mm high. The interior dimensions of the U-shaped frames are 51 mm wide by 330 mm long. A specimen that softens and bends at the flaming end so as to cause erratic burning is kept horizontal by supports consisting of thin, heat-resistant wires, spanning the width of the U-shaped frame under the specimen at 25mm intervals. A device that may be used for supporting this type of material is an additional U-shaped frame,wider than the U-shaped frame containing the specimen, spanned by 10-mil wires of heat-resistant composition at 25 mm intervals, inserted over the bottom U-shaped frame.S5.1.4 A bunsen burner with a tube of 10 mm inside diameter is used. The gas adjusting valve is set to provide a flame, with the tube vertical, of 38 mm in height. The air inlet to the burner is closed.S5.1.5 The gas supplied to the burner has a flame temperature equivalent to that of natural gas.S5.2 Preparation of specimens.S5.2.1 Each specimen of material to be tested shall be a rectangle 102 mm wide by 356 mm long, wherever possible. The thickness of the specimen is that of the single or composite material used in the vehicle, except that if the material's thickness exceeds 13 mm, the specimen is cut down to that thickness measured from the surface of the specimen closest to the occupant compartment air space. Where it is not possible to obtain a flat specimen because of surface curvature, the specimen is cut to not more than 13 mm inthickness at any point. The maximum available length or width of a specimen is used where either dimension is less than 356 mm or 102 mm, respectively, unless surrogate testing is required under S4.1.1.S5.2.2 The specimen is produced by cutting the material in the direction that provides the most adverse test results. The specimen is oriented so that the surface closest to the occupant compartment air space faces downward on the test frame.S5.2.3 Material with a napped or tufted surface is placed on a flat surface and combed twice against the nap with a comb having seven to eight smooth, rounded teeth per 25 mm.S5.3 Procedure.(a Mount the specimen so that both sides and one end are held by the U-shaped frame, and one end is even with the open end of the frame. Where the maximum available width of a specimen is not more than 51 mm, so that the sides of the specimen cannot be held in the U-shaped frame, place the specimen in position on wire supports as described in S5.1.3, with one end held by the closed end of the U-shaped frame.(b Place the mounted specimen in a horizontal position, in the center of the cabinet.(c With the flame adjusted according to S5.1.4, position the bunsen burner and specimen so that the center of the burner tip is 19 mm below the center of the bottom edge of the open end of the specimen.(d Expose the specimen to the flame for 15 seconds.(e Begin timing (without reference to the period of application of the burner flame when the flame from the burning specimen reaches a point 38 mm from the open end of the specimen.(f Measure the time that it takes the flame to progress to a point 38 mm from the clamped end of the specimen. If the flame does not reach the specified end point, time its progress to the point where flaming stops.(g Calculate the burn rate from the formula:B = 60 × (D/TWhere:B = Burn rate in millimeters per minuteD = Length the flame travels in millimeters, andT = Time in seconds for the flame to travel D millimeters.[36 FR 22902, Dec. 2, 1971, as amended at 40 FR 14319, Mar. 31, 1975; 40 FR 42747, Sept. 16, 1975; 40 FR 56667, Dec. 4, 1975; 63 FR 28954, 28956, May 27, 1998;63 FR 51003, Sept. 24, 1998]。



§ 571.302 第302号标准; 内部材料的燃烧性能。







S3A. 定义。


S4. 要求.S4.1 S4.2中描述的乘客车厢中所包含的成分需符合S4.3中的要求:座垫、座椅靠背、座椅安全带、车顶衬里、可折叠车顶、扶手、所有装饰面板(包括车门、前、后、侧面面板)、车厢货架、头枕、地板覆盖物、遮阳板、窗帘、遮光罩、轮罩、发动机舱盖、垫套以及其它内部材料,包括那些用来吸收碰撞事故中产生震荡和碰撞能量的元件。

S4.1.1 [保留]S4.2乘客车厢空气间层中如果某单一或复合材料的任一部分是在13 mm以内,应满足S4.3中的要求。

S4.2.1 如果某种材料在每一个接触点都不黏附其他材料,单独测试时应该符合S4.3中的要求。

S4.2.2 如果某种材料在每一个接触点都黏附其他材料,在测试中应该按S4.3中的要求作为其他材料的复合物来测试。


材料B的部分在乘客车厢空气间层小于13 mm,材料B和C在每个点都黏附,因此,B和C就作为一个复合材料来测试。

在C上的剪切如图所示,使试样为13 mm厚。

S4.3(a) 按照S5进行测试时,S4.1和S4.2中描述的材料不应该被燃烧或在其表面传递超过102 mm/min的火焰锋。


(b) 如果材料在从开始计时燃烧到停止燃烧不超过60秒的时间,并且燃烧的长度从计时点到停止点不超过51 mm则被认为符合S4.3(a)燃烧率的要求。



GB-8410汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性GB 8410-2006汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性阻燃材料事业部GB8410-2006汽车内饰标准发布于:2009-7-12 被浏览 1800 次【打印】【关闭】GB 8410-2006 (代替GB 8410-1994)前言本标准的第3章、第4章为强制性的,其余为推荐性的。

本标准对应于美国联邦机动车辆安全标准FMVSS 571.302《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》,本标准与FMVSS571.302《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》一致性程度为非等效。

本标准代替GB 8410-1994《汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性》。

本标准与GB 8410-1994标准相比,主要变化如下:——根据GB 3730.1-2001标准的要求,修改了第1章中汽车分类方法;——按照GB/T 1.1-2000标准的要求,修改了第2章中术语部分的编排方式,并增加了英文内容;——修改了层积复合材料定义,见2.2条;——完善了内饰材料的定义,加宽了内饰材料的定义范围,见2.5条;——修改了第3章的技术要求,取消了原标准技术要求中的3.1条及3.3条,将其内容体现在4.6条中;——修改了试验用热源的要求,见 4.2.4条;——增加了零件弯曲无法制得平整试样时的试验要求,见4.3.2条;——增加了零件形状和尺寸不符合取样要求时如何制备试样的要求,见第4.3.2条;——增加了零件厚度不均时的取样要求,见第4.3.2条;——增加了取样示例并附图示,见第4.3.2条;——修改了试验程序中表面起毛试样试验前梳理的方向,见第4.4.1条;——增加了试样慢燃时的试验方法,见第4.4.9条;——增加了结果表示的内容,见第4.6条。





本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:——GB 8410-1987、GB 8410-1994。



汽车内饰材料燃烧测试简述及发展趋势作者:匡龙来源:《科技资讯》 2013年第21期匡龙(深圳市计量质量检测研究院广东深圳 518000)摘要:本文首先对国内外汽车内饰材料燃烧测试标准进行简述,其次分析国内外之间的差异,最后结合当今现状,预测我国汽车内饰材料的发展趋势。

关键词:内饰材料燃烧测试中图分类号:O657.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2013)07(c)-0077-02作为内饰材料质量判定的重要标准之一,内饰材料燃烧试验的重要性不言而喻。


1 国内外汽车内饰材料燃烧测试标准的简述1.1 我国汽车内饰材料燃烧测试标准简述1987年,我国出台了最早的汽车内饰材料燃烧测试标准GB8410-1987,并于1994年进行了第一次修订。


该标准参考了美国联邦车辆安全标准FMVS S571.302《汽车内饰材料的燃烧性能》,进一步指导我国的汽车内饰材料的生产。


标准要求内饰材料的燃烧速度不大于100 mm/min。

1.2 国外汽车内饰材料燃烧测试标准简述国外对汽车内饰材料燃烧测试均有较高的要求。









一、FMVSS302阻燃标准1. 了解FMVSS302标准FMVSS302标准是美国联邦汽车安全标准的一部分,旨在规定车辆内部材料的阻燃性能要求。



2. FMVSS302标准的优势FMVSS302标准的制定,无疑提高了汽车内部材料的阻燃性能,从而增加了车辆的安全性。



二、V0阻燃等级1. 了解V0阻燃等级V0阻燃等级是指材料在垂直状态下进行燃烧测试时,在火焰移除后,试样不应该出现燃烧,且燃烧物体的时间应该小于10秒。


2. V0阻燃等级的应用V0阻燃等级广泛应用于电子电气设备领域,例如电路板、插座、电源适配器等。


三、FMVSS302与V0对比分析1. 不同领域的应用FMVSS302标准主要应用于汽车行业,旨在提高汽车内部材料的阻燃性能;而V0阻燃等级主要应用于电子电气设备领域,用于评定电子电气设备材料的阻燃性能。


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联邦机动车辆安全标准 第571.302条

1 范围

2 目的

3 适用性

3.1 定义

4 要求
4.1 车辆乘员舱里的下列组件中,第4.2节所描述的那些部位应满足第4.3节的要求,这些组件包括:座垫,座椅靠背,安全带,顶盖内饰,车篷,扶手,所有前围、后围和侧围内饰板,舱内货架,头枕,地板覆盖件,防晒板,窗帘,遮阳帘,轮罩覆盖件,发动机舱覆盖件,床垫罩以及任何其他设计来吸收发生碰撞时作用到乘员上的能量的内饰材料,包括填料和碰撞破坏元素。

4.1.1 [保留]
4.2 乘员舱空气间层里,如果某单一或复合材料的任一部分厚度在13mm 以内,应满足第4.3节的要求。

4.2.1 任何不和其他材料在每个接触点都采用粘接的材料,当将其和其他材料分离做试验时,应满足第4.3节的要求。

4.2.2 任何和其他材料在每个接触点都采用粘接的材料,当其和其他材料作为一种复合材料做试验时,应满足第4.3节的要求。

材料a 和材料b 有一个非粘接的接触面,做试验时a 和b 分离。

材料b 的一部分在乘员舱空气间层小于
厚度 非粘接表面
粘接表面 分离测试的材料 剪切处
毫米(mm )
所有尺寸单位均为毫米(mm )





5 试验条件
5.1 试验条件
5.1.1 为了防止试样飘动,试验在一个金属柜中进行。






5.1.2 测试前,每个试样都应在温度为21℃,相对湿度为50%的环境中放置24小时,然后试验在那样的条件下进行。

5.1.3 试样插入两个匹配的U型框架之间,这种框架用金属材料制作,宽25mm,厚10mm,U型框架的内部尺寸为宽51mm,长330mm。






5.1.5 输送到燃油器的气体具有与天然气等同的燃烧温度。

5.2 样品准备
5.2.1 在条件允许的情况下,每种材料都应提供长度356mm,宽度102mm的长方形试样。




5.2.2 试样应通过按照可能对测试结果产生最不利影响的方向切割材料而获取。


5.2.3 如果所用材料表面是毛绒状或簇状物,应置于平稳表面上,并用一个有七八个光滑圆齿、间距为25mm 的梳子逆着毛绒梳理两次。

5.3 试验过程










[1971年12月2日36 FR 22902,经1975年3月31日40 FR 14319的修订;1975年9月16日40 FR 42727;1975年12月4日40 FR 56667;1998年5月27日63 FR 28954和28956;1998年9月24日63 FR 51003]
译自《FMVSS 571.302 Standard No. 302; Flammability of interior materials》;。
