Kobe·Bryant科比英文介绍 ppt课件
• NBA西部冠军:7次(2000—2002, 2004,2008—2010)
The NBA Regular Se•asoNnB’A总s决赛MMVVPP(:常2次规(赛200M9V,P2)0:10)once(2008)
The NBA All-Star’••s MNNVBBPAA常全(全规明赛星明赛MV星MPV:赛P1:次M4V次(P2()020:080)24,t20i0m7,es(2002,
•He was the 13th pick (十三顺位) in the First Round of the 1996 NBA Draft by the Charlo traded their draft selection to the Lakers(湖人队) before picking Kobe.
In his senior year of high school, Kobe led the Aces to their first
state championship in 53 years. During the run, he averaged
30.8 points, 12 rebounds, 6.5 assists,
爱我或者恨我,两者必有其一。一直都这样。有人恨我 的比赛,我的狂妄自大;恨我的后仰投篮,我对胜利的 渴望;恨我是一名老将,恨我获得过总冠军。恨吧,用 你的全部心思去恨吧。然而也有很多人深爱着我,理由 却和恨我的人一样.
“I don’t want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.”
•He attended Lower Merion High School and averaged 31.1 points, 10.4 rebounds(篮板) and 5.2 assists(助攻) and was named Pennsylvania Player of the Year!
Kobe Bryant(科比ppt介绍)
06 科比·布莱恩特的 精神品质与价值 观
科比以“黑曼巴”为绰号,象征着他在比赛中的凶猛和无畏,无论 面对何种挑战,他都能保持冷静并全力以赴。
推动体育公益事业 科比利用自己的影响力,积极推广体育公益事业, 鼓励更多人关注和参与体育公益活动。
科比在2006年和2007年获得了NBA 常规赛得分王。
科比从2002年开始,连续11次入选 NBA最佳阵容一队。
科比从2000年开始,9次入选NBA最 佳防守阵容,其中8次是一队。
科比在职业生涯中获得了33次月最佳 球员称号,排名历史第一。
科比将“曼巴精神”定义为对目标的极度专注和不懈追求,他通过 刻苦训练和精心准备,确保自己在比赛中发挥最佳水平。
作为球队领袖,科比以身作则,带领队友共同奋斗,他的责任感和担 当精神赢得了广泛的尊重和赞誉。
刻苦训练 科比以超乎常人的毅力和自律著称,他通过长期刻苦的训 练不断提升自己的技能水平,为比赛做好充分准备。
爱我或者恨我,两者必有其一。一直都 这样。有人恨我的比赛,我的狂妄自大; 恨我的后仰投篮,我对胜利的渴望;恨 我是一名老将,恨我获得过总冠军。恨 吧,用你的全部心思去恨吧。然而也有 很多人深爱着我,理由却和恨我的人一 样。 。
I’ll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.
科比· 布莱恩特是美国职业篮球运动 员,自1996年起效力于NBA洛杉矶湖 人队,司职得分后卫。.科比是NBA 最好的得分手之一,突破、投篮、 罚球、三分球他都驾轻就熟,几乎 没有进攻盲区。
Do you know who he is ?
Yes,itˊs Kobe Bryant
what did he say to the world?
I don’t want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.
我不想成为乔丹二世,我只想做 自己。
Hale Waihona Puke Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran. A champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I'm loved, for the exact same reasons.
I’ll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.
科比· 布莱恩特是美国职业篮球运动 员,自1996年起效力于NBA洛杉矶湖 人队,司职得分后卫。.科比是NBA 最好的得分手之一,突破、投篮、 罚球、三分球他都驾轻就熟,几乎 没有进攻盲区。
Do you know who he is ?
Yes,itˊs Kobe Bryant
what did he say to the world?
I don’t want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.
我不想成为乔丹二世,我只想做 自己。
Hale Waihona Puke Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran. A champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I'm loved, for the exact same reasons.
Tattoo 纹身
NBA的2002-2003赛季、2006-2007 赛季、 2008-2009赛季、 2009-2010 赛季,科比的球衣销量在NBA联中盟 都排在首位
Kobe Bryant's jerseys sales in rows is the first place in the NBA
读秒杀手Buzzer Beater Bryant 黑暗骑士Dark Knight
81分先生Mr. 81 指环王Lord of the Rings
In November 1999, 21 year old Bryant met 17 year old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer on a music video.
许愿基金会 Make-A-Wish Foundation) 圣犹达儿童医院 St. Jude's Children's Hospital 美国男孩女孩俱乐部 Boys & Girls Clubs of America
科比还与中国宋庆龄基 金会签署合作协议,成 立了科比中国基金会。
They married on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California. There were only about 12 guests at the wedding. Neither Bryant's parents, his two sisters, nor Bryant's Laker teammates attended.
他们于2001年4月 18日在加利福尼亚 州的Dana Point (加州南端的一个 海滨城市)举行了 婚礼。但是科比的 父母、两个姐姐, 还有他的湖人队队 友都没有出席婚礼。
Tattoo 纹身
NBA的2002-2003赛季、2006-2007 赛季、 2008-2009赛季、 2009-2010 赛季,科比的球衣销量在NBA联中盟 都排在首位
Kobe Bryant's jerseys sales in rows is the first place in the NBA
读秒杀手Buzzer Beater Bryant 黑暗骑士Dark Knight
81分先生Mr. 81 指环王Lord of the Rings
In November 1999, 21 year old Bryant met 17 year old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer on a music video.
许愿基金会 Make-A-Wish Foundation) 圣犹达儿童医院 St. Jude's Children's Hospital 美国男孩女孩俱乐部 Boys & Girls Clubs of America
科比还与中国宋庆龄基 金会签署合作协议,成 立了科比中国基金会。
They married on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California. There were only about 12 guests at the wedding. Neither Bryant's parents, his two sisters, nor Bryant's Laker teammates attended.
他们于2001年4月 18日在加利福尼亚 州的Dana Point (加州南端的一个 海滨城市)举行了 婚礼。但是科比的 父母、两个姐姐, 还有他的湖人队队 友都没有出席婚礼。
科比英文介绍 PPT课件
在职业生涯的同时,科比投身 于慈善事业,从各种途径帮助 贫困儿童。
The three most important stage of his charity
许愿基金会 Make-A-Wish Foundation) 圣犹达儿童医院 St. Jude's Children's Hospital 美国男孩女孩俱乐部 Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Position:Guard Born:08/23/78 Weight::99.8 kg Height:2.013 meters HighSchool:Lower Merion(PA) Team:Lakers
Mr. 81
American NBA basketball player, is now playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, the secretary shooting guard, thought to be the most powerful American basketball player.
‘clock in the morning.He training so
hard is said to be influenced by Michael
Jordan, Kobe just into the league, once
agreed training together with Michael,
Bryant at hard training, genius out of diligence, Kobe has proved that the
"I know the
The three most important stage of his charity
许愿基金会 Make-A-Wish Foundation) 圣犹达儿童医院 St. Jude's Children's Hospital 美国男孩女孩俱乐部 Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Position:Guard Born:08/23/78 Weight::99.8 kg Height:2.013 meters HighSchool:Lower Merion(PA) Team:Lakers
Mr. 81
American NBA basketball player, is now playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, the secretary shooting guard, thought to be the most powerful American basketball player.
‘clock in the morning.He training so
hard is said to be influenced by Michael
Jordan, Kobe just into the league, once
agreed training together with Michael,
Bryant at hard training, genius out of diligence, Kobe has proved that the
"I know the
He love his family .he likes to make breakfast for his family .everyday ,after training he would catch cartoon with his lovely daughters.
Bryant's fortunes would soon change when Phil Jackson became coach for the Los Angeles Lakers. After years of steady improvement, Bryant had become one of the premier shooting guards in the league, a fact that was evidenced by his annual presence in the league's All-NBA, All-Star, and All-Defensive teams. The Los Angeles Lakers became perennial championship contenders under Bryant and O'Neal, who formed an outstanding center-guard combination. Their success gave the Lakers three consecutive NBA championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002 . Bryant has been a diligent person . He had five champion rings until 2010. And at same time ,he has a sweaty life. He married Vanessa in April,2001,he was 22 and Vanessa was 20. Then they had two daughters, Natalia /Gianna Maria.
科比--英语介绍PPTPPT 课件
Kobe Bryant
on Kobe Bryant was born in August 23,1978,
he is an American All-Star
shooting guard in the National Basketball Association (NBA) who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers now. He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school. And in 16 years, he has become the best fabulous Shooting Guard after Michael Jordan. He once scored 81 points at a single game in 2006. The next year, he got four 50+ games in straight. In 2008, He got the MVP award, and lead Lakers back to the top.
也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望
on Kobe Bryant was born in August 23,1978,
he is an American All-Star
shooting guard in the National Basketball Association (NBA) who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers now. He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school. And in 16 years, he has become the best fabulous Shooting Guard after Michael Jordan. He once scored 81 points at a single game in 2006. The next year, he got four 50+ games in straight. In 2008, He got the MVP award, and lead Lakers back to the top.
也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望
Kobe Bryant(科比英文ppt介绍)
• 62 points. • The 2006 Most Valuable Player Award.
The End Thank you
• Accomplishments • In many ways the team's improvement in 2005-06 was often overshadowed by the individual scoring accomplishments posted by Kobe which resulted in the finest statistical season of his career: • On December 20, Kobe scored 62 points despite playing only three quarters of play against the Dallas Mavericks. Entering the fourth quarter Kobe had, by himself, outscored the entire Mavericks team 62-61, the only time a player has done this through three quarters since the advent of the 24-second shot clock. • On January 22, Kobe scored 81 points in a 122-104 victory against the Toronto Raptors. In addition to breaking the previous franchise record of 71 set by Elgin Baylor, his point total in that game was second in NBA history only to Wilt Chamberlain's legendary 100-point game in 1962. • Also in January, Kobe became the first player since 1964, and the only player aside from Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor to score 45 points or more in four consecutive games. • Kobe won the league's scoring title for the first time, posting the highest scoring average (35.4) since Michael Jordan's 37.1 average in 1986-87. • Kobe finished in fourth-place in the voting for the 2006 NBA Most Valuable Player Award, but also received 22 first place votes — second only to winner Steve Nash, and by far the highest number of first-place votes Kobe had ever received in his career.
生日:1978年8月23日 身高:2.013米 体重: 95.3kg 语言:英语,并能说一口 流利的意大利语,还略懂一 些法语
languages : English, and speaks fluent Italian, has little knowledge of some French
Legend 传奇
He was selected with the 13th overall pick Bryant enjoyed a successful from the name of an Italian in the 1996 NBA Draft high school basketball style steakby the Charlotte career and made instant Hornets, then traded “科比”的名字来源于意大 headlines when he decided to the Los Angeles 利的一道风味牛排 to go directly into the NBA Lakers.
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• “As far as carrying the torch for the years to come, I don’t know. I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.” “我不知道需要多长时间才能取得辉煌, 我只是想尽我所能去成为最出色的篮球运 员。”
• 13th pick in the First Round of the 1996 NBA Draft by the Charlotte Hornets
• His first NBA team is Los Angeles Lakers and he is still there
Kobe Quatations
vt. 给…以特许(或特权);赋予公民权 the previous franchise record: 之前的职业生涯记录 • Elgin Baylor:埃尔金·盖·贝勒(生于1934年9月16日)曾是美国 NBA明尼阿波利斯湖人队的职业篮球运动员,位置为小前锋,从 1958至1972年为球队效力长达14个赛季。 • Wilt Chamberlain's legendary:张伯伦的传奇 • consecutive [kən'sekjutiv]adj. 连贯的;连续不断的 • Steve Nash:史蒂夫纳什(NBA篮球运动员)
• On December 20, Kobe scored 62 points despite playing only three quarters of play against the Dallas Mavericks. Entering the fourth quarter Kobe had, by himself, outscored the entire Mavericks team 62-61, the only time a player has done this through three quarters since the advent of the 24-secondKobe
• Born in Pennsylvania
• The son of famed NBA star Joe 'Jellybean' Bryant
• Attended Lower Merion High School
• Went to NBA straight from high school
The ninth set
Brief Introduction
• Name: Kobe Bryant • Nationality: American
• Born: 08/23/78 • Height: 1.98m • Team: Lakers • Position: Basketball Guard
• Also in January, Kobe became the first player since 1964, and the only player aside from Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor to score 45 points or more in four consecutive games.
• How many points did Kobe score when he played against the Dallas Mavericks on December 20th?
• What did Kobe vote for when he finished in fourth-place?
• “What I’m doing right now, I’m chasing perfection.” “我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加 完美。”
• “I dont want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.” “我可不想成为乔丹第二,我只想成为科 比-布莱恩特。”
• Accomplishments
• In many ways the team's improvement in 2005-06 was often overshadowed by the individual scoring accomplishments posted by Kobe which resulted in the finest statistical season of his career:
• On January 22, Kobe scored 81 points in a 122-104 victory against the Toronto Raptors. In addition to breaking the previous franchise record of 71 set by Elgin Baylor, his point total in that game was second in NBA history only to Wilt Chamberlain's legendary 100-point game in 1962.
New Words
• overshadow [,əuvə'ʃædəu] vt. 使失色;使阴暗;遮阴;夺去…的 光彩
• statistical season: 统计赛季 • The Dallas Mavericks:达拉斯小牛 • outscore [aut'skɔ:]vt. 得分超过,比分领先 • advent ['ædvənt]n. 到来;出现;基督降临;基督降临节 • shot clock: (NBA 篮球术语 )时限钟,进攻时间 • The Toronto Raptors: 多伦多猛龙 • franchise ['fræntʃaiz]n. 特权;公民权;经销权;管辖权
• 13th pick in the First Round of the 1996 NBA Draft by the Charlotte Hornets
• His first NBA team is Los Angeles Lakers and he is still there
Kobe Quatations
vt. 给…以特许(或特权);赋予公民权 the previous franchise record: 之前的职业生涯记录 • Elgin Baylor:埃尔金·盖·贝勒(生于1934年9月16日)曾是美国 NBA明尼阿波利斯湖人队的职业篮球运动员,位置为小前锋,从 1958至1972年为球队效力长达14个赛季。 • Wilt Chamberlain's legendary:张伯伦的传奇 • consecutive [kən'sekjutiv]adj. 连贯的;连续不断的 • Steve Nash:史蒂夫纳什(NBA篮球运动员)
• On December 20, Kobe scored 62 points despite playing only three quarters of play against the Dallas Mavericks. Entering the fourth quarter Kobe had, by himself, outscored the entire Mavericks team 62-61, the only time a player has done this through three quarters since the advent of the 24-secondKobe
• Born in Pennsylvania
• The son of famed NBA star Joe 'Jellybean' Bryant
• Attended Lower Merion High School
• Went to NBA straight from high school
The ninth set
Brief Introduction
• Name: Kobe Bryant • Nationality: American
• Born: 08/23/78 • Height: 1.98m • Team: Lakers • Position: Basketball Guard
• Also in January, Kobe became the first player since 1964, and the only player aside from Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor to score 45 points or more in four consecutive games.
• How many points did Kobe score when he played against the Dallas Mavericks on December 20th?
• What did Kobe vote for when he finished in fourth-place?
• “What I’m doing right now, I’m chasing perfection.” “我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加 完美。”
• “I dont want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.” “我可不想成为乔丹第二,我只想成为科 比-布莱恩特。”
• Accomplishments
• In many ways the team's improvement in 2005-06 was often overshadowed by the individual scoring accomplishments posted by Kobe which resulted in the finest statistical season of his career:
• On January 22, Kobe scored 81 points in a 122-104 victory against the Toronto Raptors. In addition to breaking the previous franchise record of 71 set by Elgin Baylor, his point total in that game was second in NBA history only to Wilt Chamberlain's legendary 100-point game in 1962.
New Words
• overshadow [,əuvə'ʃædəu] vt. 使失色;使阴暗;遮阴;夺去…的 光彩
• statistical season: 统计赛季 • The Dallas Mavericks:达拉斯小牛 • outscore [aut'skɔ:]vt. 得分超过,比分领先 • advent ['ædvənt]n. 到来;出现;基督降临;基督降临节 • shot clock: (NBA 篮球术语 )时限钟,进攻时间 • The Toronto Raptors: 多伦多猛龙 • franchise ['fræntʃaiz]n. 特权;公民权;经销权;管辖权