



二年级英语上册知识点归纳总结二年级英语上册知识点1.I'm Sam.我叫萨姆。

2. Hello / Hi你好3. Goodbye / Bye-bye再见4. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。

5.I'm Ms Smart.我是斯玛特老师6.What's your name? I'm Sam. 你叫什么名字?我叫萨姆。

7. He's/ She's a doctor / policeman / farmer.他/她是一名医生/警察/农民。

8.Stand up.起立9.sit down.坐下10.It's red.这是红色。

11.It's a black dog/ blue desk/red chair..这是一条黑色的狗/一张蓝色的桌子/一把红色的椅子。

12.This is his head/arm. 这是他的头/胳膊。

13.Point to her nose/eyes.指向她的鼻子/眼睛。

14.This is my school / my mother / father.这是我的学校/妈妈/爸爸。

15.What's this/ that? It's a desk.这/那是什么?这/那是桌子。







●学习中要注意的几点:(DOS AND DON'ts)1、要点滴积累,不要急于求成。

记住:ROME IS NOT MADE IN ONE DAY!急于求成就可能会造成消化不良,或者一事无成的结果。




以下是二年级英语上册的知识点汇总:一、单词1. 数字:1-100的基本数字。

例如:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten等。

2. 颜色:红色、蓝色、黄色、绿色、黑色、白色等。

例如:red, blue, yellow, green, black, white等。

3. 动物:狗、猫、鸟、熊、猴等。

例如:dog, cat, bird, bear, monkey 等。

4. 水果:苹果、香蕉、橙子、葡萄、草莓等。

例如:apple, banana, orange, grape, strawberry等。

5. 学校用品:书、橡皮、尺子、钢笔、铅笔盒等。

例如:book, eraser, ruler, pen, pencil case等。

6. 交通工具:汽车、飞机、火车、自行车、船等。

例如:car, plane, train, bike, boat等。

7. 蔬菜:胡萝卜、西红柿、土豆、黄瓜、豌豆等。

例如:carrot, tomato, potato, cucumber, pea等。

8. 食物:面包、牛奶、鸡蛋、米饭、汉堡等。

例如:bread, milk, egg, rice, hamburger等。

二、句型1. 问候语:Hello, Hi, Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening等。

2. 自我介绍:My name is…, I am… years old.3. 问答句:What's this/that? It's a…(这是什么?这是一个……)4. 介绍他人:This is…, He/She is…。

5. 表示喜欢:I like…, Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.6. 表示拥有:I have a/an…, Do you have a/an…? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.7. 表示喜欢做什么:I like…ing, Do you like…ing? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.三、语法1. 名词单复数:单数名词加-s,复数名词加–s。



二年级上学期英语复习资料一、单词认读《新维度2》Unit5: hallway(走廊)use(使用)walk(走)right(右边)dry (干燥的)watch out(小心)tell(告诉)Unit6:glass(玻璃/玻璃杯)broken(破碎的)write(写)note (便条)bread(面包)big pieces(大碎片)fold(折叠) trash bin(垃圾桶) should(应该)Unit7: make(制作)color(颜色/涂色)green(绿色)red(红色)blue(蓝色)yellow(黄色)glue(灰色)brown(棕色)paper(纸)Review:stop(停)stand(站)cross(穿过)watch out(小心)together(一起)left(左)《新维度3》Unit1:short hair(短发)long hair(长发) a big nose(一个大鼻子)big eyes(大眼睛)short(矮)tall(高)feet (脚复数)foot(脚单数)teeth(牙齿复数)tooth (牙齿单数) a small mouth(一个小嘴巴)small feet(小脚)big ears(大耳朵)different(不同的)circle(圆圈)scar (伤疤)half circle (半圆) dot(点)missing a tooth / lost a tooth (掉一颗牙齿) draw(画)二、图文配对《新维度2》Unit 5use “excuse me” walk on the right watch out foropen doorsalways walk keep your hands keep the floor dryto yourselfUnit 6broken glass use your hand ask for helpkeep it there a broken glass ask for helpput big pieces into a bag use breadput the bread into the bag fold the bagwrite a note put the bag in the binUnit 7take out four boxes make four bins color it greencolor it yellow color it red color it blueput the paper and the put it into the green bin broken glass into the blue binput the trash into the put it into the red bin yellow binReview 书P61三、听指令做动作。



二年级英语上册知识点归纳总结Unit 1 - Greetings and Introductions•Vocabulary: hello, hi, goodbye, name, I’m, nice to meet you, bye.•Phrases: “Hello. What’s your name?” “My name is ____.”•Sentence structure: Subject + am/is + name. Ex. “I am Sarah.”Unit 2 - Colors and Numbers•Vocabulary: colors - red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, pink, black, white, brown. Numbers - 1 to 10.•Phrases: “What color is ____?” “It is ____.” “How many ____ do you have?” “I have ____.”•Sentence structure: Subject + verb + color/number. Ex. “The flower is pink.”Unit 3 - Animals and Food•Vocabulary: animals - cat, dog, bird, fish, rabbit. Food - bread, milk, fruit, chicken, pizza.•Phrases: “What’s your favorite animal/food?” “My favorite animal/food is ____.”•Sentence structure: Subject + like + animal/food. Ex. “I like pizza.”Unit 4 - Family and Home•Vocabulary: family - mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather. Home - house, room, bed, window, door.•Phrases: “Who is in your family?” “I have a ____.” “What is in your ro om?” “There is a ____ in my room.”•Sentence structure: Subject + have + family member. Ex. “I have a sister.”Unit 5 - Body Parts and Clothes•Vocabulary: body parts - head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, feet. Clothes - shirt, pants, shoes, dress, hat.•Phrases: “What are you wearing today?” “I am wearing a ____.” “Where is your ____?” “My ____ is here/there.”•Sentence structure: Subject + wear + clothes. Ex. “I am wearing a blue shirt.”Unit 6 - Weather and Seasons•Vocabulary: weather - sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy. Seasons - spring, summer, fall, winter.•Phrases: “What is the weather like today?” “It’s ____.” “What season is it?” “It’s ____.”•Sentence structure: Subject + like + weather/season. Ex. “I like the fall season.”以上就是二年级英语上册的知识点归纳总结,主要包括了常见的词汇、短语,以及句子结构。



小学二年级上册英语期末总复习资料整理Unit 1: My SchoolVocabulary- Classroom- Playground- Desk- Chair- TeacherGrammar- Singular and plural nounsSentences- I study in a classroom.- The teacher is in the school.- We play on the playground.Unit 2: My FamilyVocabulary- Father- Mother- Brother- Sister- Grandfather- GrandmotherGrammar- Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her)Sentences- This is my brother.- Her mother is at home.- His father is at work.Unit 3: My ToysVocabulary- Doll- Ball- Car- Teddy bear- BicycleGrammar- Simple present tense of the verb "have"Sentences- I have a doll.- He has a car.- She doesn't have a bicycle.Unit 4: My BodyVocabulary- Head- Eyes- Ears- Nose- MouthGrammar- Parts of the bodySentences- I see with my eyes. - I hear with my ears. - I smell with my nose.Unit 5: My FoodVocabulary- Apple- Banana- Cake- Milk- SandwichGrammar- Countable and uncountable nounsSentences- I like apples.- He eats a cake.- We drink milk.Unit 6: My ClothesVocabulary- Shirt- Pants- Shoes- Hat- DressGrammar- Plural forms of nounsSentences- I wear a shirt and pants.- She has new shoes.- They wear dresses.Unit 7: My HouseVocabulary- Bedroom- Bathroom- Living room- Kitchen- GardenGrammar- Prepositions of place (in, on, under, next to)Sentences- The bedroom is upstairs.- The bathroom is next to the bedroom.- The kitchen is in the house.Unit 8: My DayVocabulary- Wake up- Brush teeth- Have breakfast- Go to school- PlayGrammar- Simple present tense of daily activities verbsSentences- I wake up at 7 o'clock.- We brush our teeth in the morning.- They play after school.这些内容包括了小学二年级上册英语课程的核心知识点,通过进行总复习可以帮助同学们回顾和巩固这些知识,为期末考试做好准备。



部编版二年级上册英语期末复习专题汇总Unit 1: Greetings and Introductions- Basic greetings (Hello, Hi)- Introducing oneself (What's your name? My name is...)- Numbers from 1 to 10Unit 2: Classroom Objects- Colors (red, blue, green, etc.)- Singular and plural forms of nounsUnit 3: Family Members- Family members (father, mother, brother, sister, etc.)- Possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, etc.)- Describing family membersUnit 4: Food and Drinks- Basic food items (apple, banana, milk, etc.)- Asking for food and drinks (Can I have an apple? Yes, you can.) - Expressing likes and dislikesUnit 5: Animals- Describing animals (small, big, fast, slow, etc.)- Animal sounds and actionsUnit 6: Daily Activities- Daily routine (get up, eat breakfast, go to school, etc.)- Time expressions (in the morning, in the afternoon, etc.)- Simple present tense verbsUnit 7: Seasons and Weather- Four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter)- Weather conditions (sunny, rainy, windy, etc.)- Describing favorite seasons and weatherUnit 8: Parts of the Body- Body parts (head, eyes, nose, etc.)- Actions with body parts (touch your nose, clap your hands, etc.) - Describing physical appearancesUnit 9: Clothes- Basic clothing items (shirt, pants, dress, etc.)- Colors and patterns on clothes- Describing what someone is wearingUnit 10: Transportation- Asking for and giving directions (How do I get to the park?)- Describing different transportation optionsUnit 11: Occupations- Different occupations (doctor, teacher, firefighter, etc.)- Asking about and telling one's occupation- Describing what someone does for a livingThese are the main topics covered in the first semester of the textbook. By reviewing these topics, students will be well-prepared for their final exams. Good luck!。



小学二年级英语上册知识点总结Unit 1:Hello!1. Greetings•Hello!•Hi!•Good morning/ afternoon/ evening!2. Introductions•What’s your name?•My name is…•This is…3. Classroom Commands•Sit down.•Stand up.•Open/ Close your book.•Look/ Listen/ Repeat.•Draw/ Write/ Erase.4. Vocabulary•apple•ball•cat•doll•egg•flower•girl•hatUnit 2:Colours1. Basic Colours•red•blue•yellow•green•pink•purple2. Matching Colours•What colour is it?•It’s (colour).3. Colours in Objects•red apple•blue sky•yellow lemon•green grass•pink shirt•purple flowerUnit 3:Numbers1. Basic Numbers•zero•one•two•three•four•five•six•seven•eight•nine•ten2. Counting Objects•How many (object) are there?•There are (number) (objects).3. Addition and Subtraction•(Number) plus/ and (number) is (sum).•(Number) minus/ take away (number) is (difference). Unit 4:Family1. Family Members•father•mother•sister•grandfather•grandmother2. Possessive Adjectives•My (family member)•Your (family member)•His/ her (family member)3. Family Activities•play with (family member)•go to (place) with (family member)•eat/ watch/ read with (family member) Unit 5:Animals1. Basic Animals•cat•dog•bird•fish•rabbit2. Animal Characteristics•big/ small•fast/ slow•cute/ ugly•loud/ quiet3. Habitat and Behaviour•Cats live in houses and catch mice.•Birds live in trees and fly in the sky.•Fish live in water and swim.Unit 6:Food and Drink1. Basic Foods•bread•milk•cheese•rice2. Meal Times•breakfast•lunch•dinner3. Likes and Dislikes•I like/ don’t like (food).•Do you like (food)? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.以上是小学二年级英语上册的知识点总结。



小学二年级上学期英语复习资料介词冠词练习:2A 小练习班级________ 姓名_______ 学号_______一、用介词in, on, under, at 填空1. A big apple is ___ a big bag.2. A girl is ___ the gate.3.She has a plate ____ her hands.4.Harry has an insect, an insect is __ a jar.5.The mouse is _____ the net.6.Put the book _____ the desk.7.Look _____ your room.8.It ’ s __________ a plate.9.There is a table and a chair _ the room.10.The bowls are ______ the floor.11.The queen is sitting ____ the chair.12.Look ______ the sky.13.Tom ’ s rabbit sits _________ the table.14.Look ______ me.15.Wendy is ______ a van, with two umbrellas ____ her hands.16.There is a tiger ___ the zoo.二、用冠词a, an, the填空1.____ apple and ______ bag.2.I ’ m _____girl. You ’ re _______ boy.3.This is ___ elephant.4.Can you skip ____ rope? Can you ride ______ bicycle?5.The fox likes ___ meat.6.This is ___ old man.7.Harry has _____ insect in ___ jar.8. ____ big lion and ___ small kite.9.I can see ____ mouse.10.Paula has ____ orange.11.Can you see the stars in ___ evening?12.I like to run in _morning.13.Do you ride a bicycle in ___ afternoon?14.Look at ____ animals.15.The hippo likes _____ grass.16.____ sun is bright. But I like _ moon.17.Give me ____ egg, please. Here you are.18.Wendy has ______ umbrella.语法小知识:2A 语法小知识Be 动词:I am 我是=I ' m, We are们是=We reYou are 你是=You' re, You ar际们是=You' eHe is 他是=He' s, She i鼬是=She' s, It i宴是=It ' s, They a他她它)们是=They 物主代re词:my 我的, your 你的, her 她的,Tom' s rabb---Tom 的兔子,the hippo ' s mOUth的嘴巴介词:in 在・・•里,on 在・・•上,under在…下元音字母开头用an: an apple, an egg, an ear, an eye, an elephant, an insect, an orange, an old man, an umbrella 这些单词复数加es: box---boxes, fox---foxes, dress---dresses, peach---peaches, wolf---wolves这个单词变复数很不规则:mouse---mice这些单词是不可数名词,没有复数,后面不加s:hair, meat, grass, jelly, ice cream, milk, soup, water, cola, juice, rice单数、复数相同,后面不加s:sheep常用复数的名词:noodles,shorts,chopsticks世界上独一无二的东西前要加the:the sun, the moon第三人称单数的动词(书本上出现过的):Harry has a jar.The man has a net.Paula has an orange.Tom’ s rabbit sits on the table and eats Tom ’ s soup.It likes meat. It likes bananas. It likes grass.She takes them to her friends.Wendy closes the window with her hand.BE 动词专项练习:2A be动词(am, is, are)专项练习班级________ 姓名________ 学号_______1.How _________ you today? I ___ very well. Thank you.2. A big apple ________ i n a big bag.3.Hello, I _______ Danny. You _____ K itty.4.Oh, you ________ tall. I ___ short.5.Who _________ I? You ____ Miss Fang.6.I ______ big. You _____ small.7._____ it a cat? Yes, it _ a cat.8.This ________ Peter. That ____ my grandmother.9._____ you Alice? _____ you a girl? ____ you seven?10.Who ________ she? She _______ Sally. She _____ m y sister.11.Who ________ he? He _______ Jim. He _____ my brother.12._____ that a boy? Yes.13.My hair _______ short. My face _____ round. My nose _____ small. My eyes ______ b ig.14.You ________ Giant. You _____ big and tall. Your hair ___ short. And your eyes ____ big.15.What colour ________ it? It ____ y ellow.16.The mouse _________ i n the net.17.It _______ o n a plate. It ____ for her pig. Her pig __ fat and big.18.Here you ________ , Mum.19.20.How many spoons? There ________ o ne. There a table and a chair in the21 .There ______ two bowls on the table.22.Ginger _____ o n the chair.23.The bowls __ ___ on the floor.24.The queen _ ___ fat. She ____ sitting on thechair.25.Tom’ s rabbit ____ smooth and soft.26._____ it big? Yes, it ___ b ig. It ____ bright. 27.Wendy _____ in a van. One ____ black.28.I ____ sorry .29.The flowers_ ____ beautiful. They ____ nice.30.We ______ singing. We _____ dancing.必须掌握的句型:2AM1 必须掌握的句型Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Good night.Hello.Hi.Goodbye.How are you (today)?--- I ’ m fine. / I ’ m very well. Thank you.How do you do?---How do you do?Who am I? Who are you?--- I ' m •(名字)I ' m ••名(字、体型、年龄)You' re 体型、年龄).---Yes. / No. I ' m …I'm a性别)Is it a ---Yes, it ' s a …Touch your …Pick up …Draw a …Are you •冬字、体型、年龄)?---Yes. / No. I ' m …Are you a 性)?---Yes. / No. I ' m a …必AM2握的句型① Can you write? 你会写吗?---Yes, I can. 是的,我会./No, I can 不,我不会’ t. .② Can Danny read? Danny 会读吗?---Yes, he can. 是的,他会./No, he can 不,他不会’ t. .③ Can Supergirl run? Supergirl 会跑吗?---Yes, she can. 是的,她会./No, she can 不,她不会’ t. .①What can you do?你会什么---I can swim. 我会游泳.②What can he do?他会什么?---He can sing. 他会唱歌.③What can she do?她会什么?---She can draw. 她会画画.I can read.I can draw.But I can ' W取!我不会飞A girl at the gate. 一个女孩在门口.She has a plate in her hand她有一只盘子在她的手里.A boy at the gate.He has an insect.Who' s she她是谁?---She' s Sall她是Sally.Is she your sister?她是你的姐妹吗?---Yes, she is. She ' s my^siister她是我的姐妹.Who' s he?B是谁?---He' s JimM是Jim.Is he your brother?他是你的兄弟吗?---No, he isn 不工他不是.He' s my frien他是我的朋友.Who’ s this?---This is Peter.Who’ s that?---That is Alice.This is my grandmother. 这是我的祖母.She is old. 她是年老的.Is she tall?她是高的吗?---No, she isn 不,她不是’ t. .Is she thin?她是瘦的吗?---Yes, she is. 是的,她是.I like my grandmother. 我喜欢我的祖母.Is that a boy?那是一个男孩吗?---Yes. He ' s a boy■的.他是一个男孩No. she ' s a邪是.她是一个女孩.Harry has a jar. Harry 有一个广口瓶.Harry has an insect. Harry 有一只昆虫.Harry has a small insect.I ' m Giant no喊现在是巨人.I ' m big and ta眩是大的和高的.My head is big. 我的头是大的.My hair is short. 我的头发是短的.My mouth and eyes are big. 我的嘴巴和眼睛是大的.My ears are big.My hands are big.You are Supergirl. 你是Supergirl.You are small and short. 你是小的和矮的.Your face is round. 你的脸是圆的.Your eyes are big and your hair is long. 你的眼睛是大的和你的头发是长的I like you. 我喜欢你.2AM3 必须掌握的句型What can you see? 你能看见什么?I can see a slide.我能看见一个滑滑梯.What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?It ' s「虱是红色的.They like to play. 他们喜欢玩.The man has a net.这个男人有一个网.The mouse is in the net. 这只老鼠在这个网里.Put the box on the chair, please.请把盒子放在椅子上.OK./ Yes./ All right. 行,好的.Look at your desk. 看着你的书桌.I ' m sorry, MumBt;很抱歉,妈妈.I love my room like Kitty and Ben. 我爱我的房间就像Kitty 和Ben 一样.I use the box every day! 我每天使用盒子!I keep it clean every day! 我每天打扫干净!Paula has an orange. Paula有一个橘子.It,s on a plate在一个盘子上.Her pig is fat and big with four short legs. 她的猪是肥胖的还有四条短腿.---A spoon? 一个调羹?---No, thanks. 不,谢谢.---Chopsticks?筷子?---Yes, please.好的,请吧.---Give me a plate, please.请给我一个盘子.---Here you are.给你.This is my kitchen. 这是我的厨房.---How many bowls? 有多少碗?---There are four bowls. 有四个碗.---How many spoons? 有多少调羹?---There is one. 有一个.There is a table and a chair in the room. 有一个桌子和一把椅子在房间里.There are two bowls on the table. 有两只碗在桌子上.Ginger is on the chair. Ginger 在椅子上.Look! Ginger can jump. 看!Ginger 会跳.The bowls are on the floor. 碗在地板上.Ginger is under the chair. Ginger 在椅子下.The queen is sitting on the chair. 这位皇后正坐在椅子上.The rabbit is sitting under the chair. 这只兔子正坐在椅子下.M4 必须掌握的句型Look at the sky. 看着天空.---Can you see the sun (moon, stars)?你能看见太阳(月亮,星星)---Yes, I can.是的,我能./ No, I can'巷,我不能.---Is it big? 它是大的?---Yes, it ’ s big. It 是的,它是大的’ s bright. .它是明亮的.Tom’ s rabbit is smooth and soft. Tom 的兔子是光滑和柔软的.Tom' s rabbit sits on the table. Tom的兔子坐在桌子上.Tom' s rabbit eats Tom ' s soilp^Tom了Tom 的汤.Look at me. I ' m a fox. I ' m small. lUke我㊀我是一只狐狸我是小的.我喜欢肉.Look at me. I ' m a hippo. I ' m big. Ifkegra哦是一只河马.我是大的.我喜欢草.Look at the animals. 看这些动物.Look at the lion. It ' s big. It 1崎/meat子.它是大的.它喜欢肉.Look at the monkey. It ' s small. It likes banOnasR猴子.它是小的.它喜欢香蕉.Look at the hippo. It likes grass. 看这只河马.它喜欢草. Look at the hippo ’ s mouth. Wow! It 看这只河马的嘴巴’ s so big! .哦!它很大.Wendy is in a van, with two umbrellas in her hands. Wendy 在一辆货车里,有两把伞在她的手里.One is black. One is red. 一把是黑色的.一把是红色的.She takes them to her friends. 她把它们带给她的朋友们. Oh, raindrops fall on her head. 哦,雨点掉在她的头上. Wendy closes the window with her hand. Wendy 用她的手关了窗.---Don' t pick the flowers.不要才If花.---I ' m sorry.不起.---Don' t climb the tree不要爬树.---I ' m sor例不起. Don' t ru怀要跑. Don' t cryF要哭.I like this park. It ' s bi献喜欢这乍snce..它是大的.它是漂亮的.Look at the flower. It ' s看eaUtifUl..它是漂亮的.---What' s this这是什么?---It ' s a bee是一只蜜蜂.Look at my zoo. 看我的动物园. Can you see a zebra in the box? 你能看见一只在盒子里的斑马吗?Yes, I can see a zebra in a yellow box. 是的,我能看见一只在黄色盒子里的斑马.单词复习:复习单词部分 1 单词是学习英语的重点,二年级需要把单词能够背默出来,考核形式有看图形写单词,或者去掉几个字母让你填写完整.m ____ ning, aft _____ noon, ev ______ i ng, n ___ h t, a ____ le, b__ gb ____ , g _____ l, s __ ll, b__g, c__t, d__gs__v__n, e ____ h t, n__ne, t__n, ele ___ antr__n, s ___ m, wr__te, f ____ , gi ___ , h ____ dy ____ ng, __ld, in __ ct, j ___以上单词都是必须掌握的单词:将字母按正确的次序排列并写出中文:mrgonni __________ ( ), aefrnotno _________ ( ), evgienn __________ (), hnitg _________ ( ),plape __________ ( ), abg ___________ ( )ybo ___________ (), rgil ________ (),salml __________ ( ), igb ___________ ( ),atc __________ (), og d ___________ ( )sneev __________ ( ), hteig __________ ( ),inne ___________ ( ), ent _________ ( ),epelhtan _________ ( )nru ______________ ( ),misw ___________ ( ), riwet __________ ( ),yfl __________ (), rl gi ________ (),anhd ___________ ( ),young ____________ ( ),dol ___________ (), tiecns ________ ( ),rja ___________ ()其他需要掌握的单词She , he, my, your, brother, sister, 对单词除了对字形的掌握外,也要了解它的意思.其中选择不同类的次考核的比较多.Read and choose (找出不同类的词叫:将字母代号写在括号内)(1)( )A. moming B.good C.night D.evening(2)( ) A. apple B. bird C. pear D. peach(3)( ) A.bag B. pencil C. ruler D.dog(4)( ) A. Mrs B. Mr C. Miss D. Mum(5)( ) A. Alice B.Sam C.Mrs D.Fddie(6)( ) A. big B. small C. dog D. tall(7)( ) A.I B. my C. you D. she(3)( )A. Mary B. Danny C. Miss r D. Alice(4)( )A. cat B. dog C. sheep D. apple(5)( )A. boy B. ball C. doll D. kite(6))1. A. big B. small C. tall D. dog(7))2. A. Danny B. Mary C. bag D. Eddie(8))3. A. who B. touch C. what D. how(9))4. A. some B. one C. three D. four(10)) A. fine B. nine C. five D. four(11)( ) A. elephant B. monkey C. pear(3)( ) A.big B.sixC. short D. thin4)( ) A. morning B. night C. father D. afternoon(5)( ) A.who B.what C.how D.warm(6) ( ) A. one B. two C. girl D. ten(l) ( ) A.fly B.read ‘ C.girl : D.write(2)( ) A.hand B.bird C.face D.ear(3)( ) A.swim B.draw C.ride D.boy(4) ( ) A. hen . B. seven C. nine D. eight(1)( ) A. am B. can C. is D.are(2)) 1. A. seven B. eight C. ten D. duck)(3))2. A. pizza B. Per:er C. Kitty D. Alice(4)) 3. A. tall B. short C. fat D. play(5))4. A. I B. me C. you D. ’ he(6))5. A. what B. read C. dance D. sing(7))1. A. hair B. yellow C. red D. green(8))2. A. big B. small C. short D. are(9))3. A. my B. your C. our D. kite(10))4. A. lion B. bear C..wolf D. eight(11))5. A. Giant B. young C. old D. tall以上是圈出不同类的词学生最难掌握的是有关语法知识的选择填空:现提供一些,家长可以根据具体情况进行有针对的进行练习(12)( ) This is _____ apple.B . A .aB .anC./(13)( ) _________ m oming,Danny.A.Good B.Well C.ls(14)( ) A big apple __ in a big bag. A. am B. is C. are(15)( ) ___ are you? l ’ m very well. A. Who B. How old C. How(16)( ) I have a ___ . It is big. A. orange B. bag C. apple(17)Is the weather in the morning? It B’. Ws hsounCn.yH.Aow.What(18)( ) This is _Wang. She is Alice ’ s mother. A. MrB. MrsC. Miss(19)( )I_? ? ____ f ine. Thank you. A. am B. is C. are(20)( ) What can you ? ??___ at night? I can see the moon.A. hearB. smellC. see(21)( )___ she your friend? Yes, she is. A. Is B. Are C. Am(1)( ) Hello. I_____ P eter. A. am B. is C. are(2)( ) You _______ my friend. A. am B. is C. are(3)( ) __ it a small cat? Yes.A. Am B. Is C. Are(4)( ) __ are you? Fine, thank you. A. Who B. How old C. How(5)( ) - am I? You are Tom. A. Who B. What C. How(6)( ) __ is the cat? It ’ s yellow. A. What B. What colour C. Who(7)( )- You are big. ___ ,I ’ m big. A. Yes B. No C. Oh(8)( ) — Is it a dog?it ' s a cat.A. Yes B. No C. Good(9)( ) Look. The book is ___ A. tall B. fat C. small1.( ) This is __ elephant. A . a B .an C./(2)( ) ____ you a girl? Yes. A. Am B .Is C .Are(3)( ) __ it your bag? Yes. A. Am B .Is C .Are(4)( ) ____ are you? I ’ m fine, thank you. A. Who B. What C. How(5)( )___ are you? I ’ m Eddie. A. Who B. What C. How(6)( )I need _____ dress. A. a B. two C. ten(7)( )l see ____ ducks in the river. A. A B. four C. fine(8)( ) ___ ? Nine dogs. A. How many dogs B.Where is the dogC. What colour is the dog(9)( ) ___? Yes, I ’ m a girl. A. Is she a girl? B. Are you a girl? C. Are you a boy?(IO) ( ) Are you short? A. Yes, I ’ m tall. B. No, I ’ m short. C. No, I ’ m tall.(1)( ) Mary is a ____ . She is my friend. A. boy B. girl C. book(2)( ) My hand ___ big. A. am B. is .C. are(3)( ) Can you skip a ____ ? Yes, I can. A. rope B. bicycle C. plate(4)( ) My mother can __ a bicycle. A. fly B. sing C. ride(5)( ) Can you fly? __ ,I can ’ t. A. Yes B. No C. Can(6)( ) _ can you do? I can write .A. What B.复习 2期中复习二对句子的考核主要是对一下主要的表达形式的考核,期中人称的考核是学生比较容易错的地方:特别是人称和be动词的搭配是考核的重点,其次男性和he,女性和she配对也是考核常见形式.先提供一下练习的题型以供大家复习用she , he,it ,you ,I 填空1.Is your sister tall? Yes, __ i s.2.How are _________ ? I ’ m very well. Thank you.3.Where is the dog? ______ is under the tree.4.My brother is six. ________ can dance very well.用am, is, are填空1.______ Kitty your new friend? No, my new friend _______ Alice.2.Who _____ I? You ________ Danny Wang.3.This insect _______ very small.4.Who _______ t hat boy? He _________ Jim.5.My books __________ in the desk.6.How ________ y our friend? He ’ s fine.本单元还要考核反义词,fat---thin tall —short big —small old---young old( 旧)—new (新)其中比较又t的是:this---that open - close (一年级白单词) he----she here十here(三年级会出现)brother---- sister father---mother grandfather - grandmother (这些比较另类)相关练习:写出所给单词的反义词1.That girl can skip. ____ g irl can run.2.The dog isn ’ t fat. It ’ s __________ .3.I haven ’ t got a brother. I have got a ______________ .4.. Don ’ t open your book. Please ______________ it.5.Mary has got a small apple. I have got a __ apple.6.Is your mother tall? No, she is.特殊疑问句是学习的重点,其中what how how many how old who what colour等都是考核的重点-( How How old ) _________ are you? I ’ m five.-( Who How ) ________ am I? You are Kitty.How are you? _________ A. I am five. B. I am fine. C. I am Sam( Who How ) _______ are you? I’ m very well.用How, Who, What, How old 填空1. ___________ is your sister? She ’ s a nurse.2. _________ i s your brother? He ’ s five.3. _________ c an you draw? A snake.4. _________ i s he? He ‘ s Sam.5. _________ is she? She ’ s my teacher其中第一题的选择是what 回答是职业的话,一般用what 提问.How are you? . I ’ m five.How is your father? . He ’ s fine..Good afternoon. I ’ m fine.Goodbye. Good afternoon.How old are you? Bye-bye.练习二What can you do? He can run.Can you draw? I can run.What can your sister do? She can runCan your brother dance? No, I can ’ t.What can your father do? No, he can ’ t.情景对话也是考核的项目之一,现提供一些练习(1)当你与别人初次见面的时候,可以说( )A. How do you do?B. How are you? C .Who am I?(2)当你向别人作自我介绍的时候,岭应该说( )A. Hello, Danny.B. Hello. I ’ m. HDealnlon.yY. oCu are Danny.(3)当你和同学在做游戏时,你让对方猜猜你是谁时,你应该说(A. Who are you?B. How are you?C. Who am I?(5) 当别人间你笼子里的动物是不是一只狗,他会问(A. Is it a cat?B. This is a dog.C. Is it a dog?(1)当你想告诉别人你今年七岁了,可以说(A .I ’ m ten. BI.’ m seven. C. Are you seven?(2)当你想了解对方是否八岁了,你应该问(A. Are you eight?B. Is she eight?C. You are eight.(3)当你看到树上有四只鸟时,你可以告诉别人(A. Look! I see five birds.B. Lookl I see four birds.C. Look! That is a bird.(4)你的个子不高,当别人间你是否高个子时,你可以回答(A. Yes, I ’ m short.B. Yes, I ’ m tall.C. No, I ’ m short.(5) 当你想告诉别人你的朋友已经十岁了,你可以说(A. My friend is ten.B. My father is ten.C. My classmate is ten.(1) 当你想知道Supergirl 会不会骑自行车,可以问(A. Can Supergirl ride a bicycle?B. Can Supergirl read a bicycle?C. Can Supergirl fly a kite?(2)你想告诉别人你会跳绳,可以说( )A. You can skip a rope.B. I can skip a rope.C. Can you skip a rope?(3)你想了解对方会干什么,可以问( )A. Can you draw?B. What can she do?C. What can you do?(4)你告诉妈妈,你的朋友不会游泳,可以说(A. My friend can swim.B. My friend can ’ t swim.C. My friend can ’ t smg.(5)你告诉你的同学,你爸爸会唱歌,但不会跳舞,应该说(A. My father can sing. He can dance.B. My father can ’ t sing. He can dance.C. My father can sing. He candance.期中复习三( )1. ________ are you, Kitty ? I ’ m very well, and you? A. how B. How . C. What( )2. I hear a ________ . It goes “ woof, woof ” . A. cat B. hen C. dog( )3. It ’ s summer afternoon. It ’ s ___________________ A. Warm B. hot C. cool( )4. I eat ________ egg in the morning. A . a B.an C./( )5. How is the ________ ? It ’ s yellow and long. A. pear B. lemon C. banana( )1. .Who _________ you? I am Eddie. A is B. am C. are( )2. An elephant has a _________ nose. A tall B. long C. short( )3. Is it a big cat?? ________ ,it is a big cat. A. / B. No .C. Yes( )4. “ Quack, quack “ I hear a _______ A cat B. dog C. duck( )5. How is the weather? It ’ sA morgninCg. wBin. deyvenin( )1. How many ________ ? Five. A an elephant B. elephant C. elephants( )2. Is it _ big apple? A. an : B a C . /( )3. What you draw? I can draw a snake. A do B. are C. can( )4. This is ______ Peter. A a B / C . the( )5 . ______ you seven? A . am B. Is C. Are( )6. Eddie, please pick _______ the books. A up B. at C. to( )1. I ‘ m ___ Sup . eragirl.BA . an C . /( )2. She has ________ e lephant. A a B an C . /( )3. Can you ________ a rope? A ride ,B. skip C. play( )4.What can _________ do? You can sing a song. A she B. you C. I( )5. Don ’ t _____________ a bicycle in the playground. A ride B. skip C. play( )1. My little brother is one year old. He _ write . Can B. can C. can’t ( )2. That ’ s Mary. She _________ a hamburger. A have B. has C. is( )3. Can Mr Li _______ a kite? A run B. dance C. fly( )4. _________ May draw a lion? A. Is B. Has C. Can( )5. It ’ s winter. It _ A. H ’ ost _B_._c_o_ld__C. cool( )l. ______ is that? That ’ s Miss Fang. A. What B. How C. Who( )2. What can an _______ do? It can fly. A. dog B. elephant C. insect( )3. Harry __a jar. It ’ s big. A. hisasB. have C.( )4. Is Paul Eddie ’ s friend? No, _____ isn ’ t. A. She B. he C. it( )5. Eddie has a _______ . She ’ s Sally. A. father B. sister C. brother 问答句配对:)1. How is your Grandma? A No, I can fly a kite.)2. Can you skip a rope? B. He )3. Who is he? . C. Yes, I )4. How old are you? D. She )5. Are you fine? E. I)m nine. ( )1. Are you tall? A Yes, it ’ s a snake.( )2. What can you do? B. No, I ’ m short.( )3. Who am I ? C. I can draw a snake.( )4. Is it a snake? D. Very well, thank you.( )5. How a re you? E. You ’ re Mrs Wang.( )1. How is Helen? A. She ’ s Helen.( )2. How is the weather? B. It,s the sun.( )3. Who is this? C. I can see the sun.( )4. What is this? D. She fine. ’ s( )5. What can you see? E. It ’ s sunny.( ( ( ( ( ’ s mybrother. m fine.’ fine.Thanks.。






二、语音1. 字母发音人教版二年级(上)英语首先教授学生26个英文字母的发音,包括元音字母和辅音字母。


2. 音标随着学习的深入,学生会逐渐接触音标的知识。


三、词汇1. 日常用语人教版二年级(上)英语课程重点教授与日常生活相关的词汇,包括问候语、数字、颜色、家庭成员、动物、食物等。


2. 常见单词除了日常用语,课程还涵盖了一些常见的单词,如school、teacher、cat、dog等。


四、语法1. 单数与复数学生将学习名词的单数和复数形式,掌握名词变化的规律,并能在日常交流中正确使用单数和复数形式。

2. 助动词人教版二年级(上)英语还教授了一些基本的助动词,如am、is、are等。


五、阅读1. 词汇理解阅读部分将通过图文结合的方式,帮助学生理解词汇的含义和语境,提高阅读理解能力。

2. 简单故事人教版二年级(上)英语还设置了一些简单的故事阅读内容,帮助学生提高语言表达能力和阅读理解能力。

六、写作1. 句子组织课程中还涵盖了一些基本的写作内容,要求学生能够用学过的词汇和语法知识阅读和写简短的句子,表达自己的想法。

2. 作文随着学习的深入,学生将逐渐接触到一些简单的作文写作,通过这些作文练习,提高自己的写作能力和表达能力。



二年级英语上总复习食物 :cake 蛋糕 sweet 糖果 meat 肉 fish 鱼 chicken 鸡肉 rice 米饭 jelly 果冻 egg 鸡蛋 pizza 匹萨饼 noodles 面条 ice-cream 冰激淋biscuit饼干hot dog热狗饮料 :water 水 juice 果汁orange juice橘汁milk 牛奶soup 汤tea 茶coke 可乐交通工具 :bus 公交车car 小汽车ferry 渡船plane 飞机train 火车frog 青蛙 rabbit 兔子 butterfly 蝴蝶bee 蜜蜂bird 小鸟dog 小狗 cat 小猫 sheep 绵羊fish 鱼cow 奶牛hen 母鸡 chick 小鸡 elephant 大象pig猪duck 鸭子tiger 老虎 snake 蛇monkey 猴子bear 熊panda 熊猫horse 马donkey 驴水果 :apple 苹 果 pear 梨banana香蕉peach 桃 子orange橘子melon 甜瓜waterlemon 西瓜lemon 柠檬学习用品 :pen 钢笔 book 书 desk 课桌ruler 尺子bag 书包rubber 橡皮 knife 小刀 chair 椅子pencil 铅笔pencil-box 文具盒blackboard 黑板衣服 :coat 外套 shirt 衬衫 dress 连衣裙 hat 帽子 scarf围巾红领巾 glove 手套 shoe 鞋 sock 袜子tie 领带belt 皮带身体部位 :hand 手 face 脸 eye 眼睛ear 耳朵 mouth 嘴巴toe 脚趾nose 鼻子职业 :postman 邮递员 policeman 男警察 policewoman 女警察cook 厨师fisherman 渔夫 farmer 农夫 teacher 老师driver 司机milkman 送奶工 doctor 医生nurse 护士称呼 :uncle 叔叔aunt 阿姨grandmother 奶奶grandfather 爷爷sister姐( 一 ). 单词 一. 名词 动物 : brother 兄弟妹 mother 妈妈 father 爸爸van 货车bike (bicycle )自行车 motorbike摩托车其她 :kite 风筝present 礼物card 卡片sky 天空moon 月亮year 年dinner 晚饭 school 学校 winter 冬天 leaf 树叶 tree 树 flower 花 wind 风 classroom 教室 snow 雪 snowman 雪人 floor 地板 birthday 生日. 动词show 给…瞧 try 试试 make 制作 draw 画画 write 写 fold 折like 喜欢 see 瞧见 have 有 , 吃喝 run 跑 sleep 睡觉 use 使用 keep 保持 pick 捡has 有 , 吃喝colour涂颜色follow 跟着 turn 转 clean 把… 擦干净 sweep 打扫listen 听say 说 come 来 go 去 read 读书 by 乘(车,船等 )look 瞧play 玩 take 拿drink 喝 eat 吃get in上车get off下车open 打开 close 关上fly 飞三. 形容词颜色 :orange 橘色的 pink 粉红色的 black 黑色的 white白色的red 红色的 blue 蓝色的green 绿色的brown棕色的 yellow 黄色 的 purple 紫色的10) go home 回家12)cross the road 穿马路 14)get on the bus 上公共汽车其她 : tall 高的 short 矮的 new 新的 old 旧的 , 老的 young 年轻的thin 瘦的 fat 胖的 big 大的 small 小的long 长的 strong 强壮 的 weak 瘦弱的 fast 快的slow 慢的cold 冷的hot 热的thirsty渴的 hungry 饿的little 小的 ,可爱的四、 介词at inon underoffto about五、 数字one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4five 5six 6seven 7eight 8nine 9ten 10eleven 11twelve 12六. 词组1)wait for the train 等火车2) eat or drink吃或喝3)have some sweets 吃些糖 4)have some juice喝些果汁5)open the window 开窗6)want a pair of shoes 想要 一双鞋 7)need a pair of socks 需要一双袜子 8)go to school 上学9)go to bed 睡觉11)read my book 瞧我的书 13)get in the car上小轿车25)hello (hi )您好 26) listen to听… look at 瞧…27)very well 非常好28) how many 多少29)whatcolour 什么颜色30) come here 过来 31)come back回来32) go there去那里( 二) 、句型1) Hi, …Hi,…您好,…2) A: What 's your name? B: I ' m …/My name is … 您叫什么名字? 我就是… 3)Good morning 、早上好Good afternoon 、下午好。



二年级上册英语背诵知识汇总(部编版) 1. 人教版二年级上册英语单词背诵1.1 单词列表- apple- banana- cat- dog- elephant- fish- grape- hat- ice cream- jacket- kite- lion- monkey- nest- orange- pen- queen- rabbit- snake- tiger- umbrella- van- watch- xylophone- yogurt- zebra1.2 单词用法示例- I ate an apple for breakfast.apple for breakfast.- The cat is sleeping on the chair.cat is sleeping on the chair.- My friend has a pet dog.dog.- Look at that big elephant in the zoo.elephant in the zoo.- The fish is swimming in the pond.fish is swimming in the pond.- Can I have some grapes?grapes?- He is wearing a red hat.hat.- I want to eat an ice cream.ice cream.- She is wearing a blue jacket.jacket.- Let's fly a kite in the park.kite in the park.- The lion is the king of the jungle.lion is the king of the jungle.- The monkey is jumping on the tree.monkey is jumping on the tree.- The bird built a nest on the tree.- I like to eat orange.orange.- Please give me a pen.pen.- The queen is wearing a crown.queen is wearing a crown.- The rabbit is running in the garden.rabbit is running in the garden.- Be careful of the poisonous snake.snake.- The tiger is a strong animal.tiger is a strong animal.- Take an umbrella with you when it rains.umbrella with you when it rains.- The delivery van is here.- Do you know what time it is? Check the watch.watch.- The boy is playing the xylophone.xylophone.- I like to eat yogurt.- Look at the black and white zebra.zebra.2. 人教版二年级上册英语句子背诵2.1 常用句子列表- Hello, my name is [name].- How are you?- I'm fine, thank you.- What's your favorite color?- I like [color].- How old are you?- I am [age] years old.- Where do you live?- I live in [place/city].- What's your favorite animal?- My favorite animal is [animal].2.2 句子用法示例- Hello, my name is Lisa.Hello, my name is Lisa.- How are you?How are you?- I'm fine, thank you.I'm fine, thank you.- What's your favorite color?What's your favorite color?- I like blue.I like blue.- How old are you?How old are you?- I am six years old.I am six years old.- Where do you live?Where do you live?- I live in Beijing.I live in Beijing.- What's your favorite animal?What's your favorite animal?- My favorite animal is a panda.My favorite animal is a panda.以上是二年级上册英语的背诵知识汇总,包括常用单词和句子。






一、词汇1. 基本动词:be(am, is, are)、have、do、like、can等。

2. 数字:1-100的基本数字,学习基数词和序数词的用法。

3. 颜色:认识并能正确运用基本颜色词汇,如red、blue、green等。

4. 家庭成员:认识并能正确使用家庭成员的英文表达,如father、mother、brother等。

5. 学校用品:学习学校常见用品的英文名称,如pen、book、ruler 等。

6. 动物与食物:学习基本动物和食物的英文单词,如cat、dog、apple、banana等。

二、句型1. be动词句型:学习be动词在不同人称和单复数形式下的用法,如I am a student. He is my friend.2. have句型:学习have在不同人称和单复数形式下的用法,如I have a book. They have pens.3. Wh-问句:学习构建以Wh-字母开头的简单问句,如What's your name? Where is the school?三、语法1. 形容词:学习形容词的基本用法,并学会用形容词描述物品、动物等,如a red apple、a big dog。

2. 一般现在时:学习一般现在时的基本用法,如主语加动词原形,表示经常、习惯性的动作或状态,如I go to school every day.3. 介词:学习一些常见的介词及其用法,如in、on、under等,如I put the pencil on the table.4. 反义词:学习一些常见的反义词,如big-small、happy-sad等。

四、综合运用1. 对话练习:学习进行简单的对话练习,如问候、寻找物品等。



二年级上册英语总复习资料打印版一、单词复Unit 11. apple2. banana3. cat4. dog5. elephantUnit 21. table2. chair3. desk4. book5. pencilUnit 31. school2. teacher3. student4. classroom5. blackboard二、基础语法复1. 一般现在时:用来表达现在的状态或行为。

例如:I eat breakfast every morning.(我每天早上吃早饭。

)2. 疑问句:将助动词或be动词提到句首形成疑问句。

例如:Do you like ice cream?(你喜欢冰淇淋吗?)3. 反意疑问句:将陈述句的主语和助动词或be动词相反形式连接在一起形成反意疑问句。

例如:You are a student, aren't you?(你是学生,不是吗?)三、课文内容复Unit 1: Hello!1. Greetings: Hello, Hi, Good morning, Goodbye.2. Introducing oneself: My name is [name]. I am [age] years old.3. Questions and answers: What's your name? How old are you?4. Classroom objects: desk, chair, book, etc.Unit 2: My Family1. Family members: father, mother, brother, sister.2. Introducing family members: This is my [family member].3. Questions and answers: Who is this? Is this your [family member]?4. Describing family: My family is happy.Unit 3: At School1. School facilities: school, classroom, blackboard, etc.2. Roles at school: teacher, student.3. Classroom phrases: Sit down, Stand up, Open your book, Close your book.4. Classroom rules: Listen carefully, Be quiet.四、听力练请根据录音内容,选择正确的答案。




以下是一些重要的知识点的总结:1. 词汇单词- 数字:one, two, three, four, five, six...- 颜色:red, blue, green, yellow...- 动物:cat, dog, bird, rabbit...- 交通工具:car, bus, bike, train...- 水果:apple, banana, orange, pear...- 蔬菜:tomato, carrot, potato, cabbage...- 家庭成员:father, mother, brother, sister...- 学校设施:classroom, library, playground...- 时间:morning, afternoon, evening...- 天气:sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy...- 四季:spring, summer, autumn, winter...短语- 问候语:Hello, Good morning, How are you?- 介绍自己:My name is [姓名]. I am [年龄] years old.- 日常用语:Can I go to the bathroom? May I drink water?- 上课用语:Open your book. Close the door. Sit down, please. - 询问时间:What time is it? It's [具体时间].2. 句型- 问句:What color is it? Is it a cat?- 答句:Yes, it is. No, it isn't.- 描述:It's a red car. It's a big house.3. 语法- 人称代词:I, you, he, she, it...- 现在式动词:am, is, are, have, has...- 名词复数:apples, cats, dogs, houses...- 介词:in, on, at, under, next to...以上是二年级上册英语期末复习的知识点总结。



人教版二年级上册英语知识点汇总一、词汇1. 日常生活词汇•家庭成员:father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt 等。

•身体部位:head, eye, ear, nose, mouth, hand, foot, leg, arm 等。

•日常用品:book, pen, ruler, eraser, pencil case, bag, desk, chair 等。

•颜色与数字:red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, one, two, three, four, five 等。

2. 动物与食物•常见动物:dog, cat, bird, fish, monkey, panda, elephant, tiger 等。

•水果与食物:apple, banana, pear, orange, cake, bread, milk, water 等。

二、基本句型•问候与告别:Hello! Hi! Good morning/afternoon/evening! Goodbye! See you!•自我介绍:I'm ... / My name is ...•介绍他人:This is ...•询问与回答:What's your name? How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?•表达喜好:I like ...三、语音与发音•初步学习26个英文字母的发音,包括大小写书写。

•掌握元音和辅音的基本发音规则,如短元音/i/, /ə/, /ɒ/等和辅音/p/, /t/, /k/等。






部编版人教版二年级英语上册上册期末各单元复习资料Unit 1: Greetings- Greet someone by saying "Hello" and "Hi."- Ask someone "How are you?" and respond with "I'm fine, thank you."- Practice introducing yourself and others using "My name is..." and "His/Her name is..."Unit 2: Colors- Learn the names of different colors such as red, yellow, blue, green, etc.- Practice using colors to describe objects, e.g., "a red pen," "a blue car," etc.- Play color recognition games to reinforce learning.Unit 3: Numbers- Count from 1 to 20.- Learn the names of numbers in English and practice writing them.- Use numbers to identify objects and count the quantity of items.Unit 4: At School- Learn vocabulary related to school, such as teacher, student, book, etc.- Practice asking and answering questions about school, e.g., "What's this?" "It's a pencil case."- Describe school activities using simple sentences, e.g., "I read books at school."Unit 5: Family- Learn vocabulary for family members, such as mother, father, brother, sister, etc.- Practice describing family members using possessive pronouns, e.g., "This is my father. His name is John."- Play family role-play games to reinforce vocabulary and sentence patterns.Unit 6: Animals- Learn the names of different animals in English.- Identify and classify animals based on their appearance and characteristics.- Practice describing animals using adjectives, e.g., "big elephant," "small fish," etc.Unit 7: Food and Drinks- Learn vocabulary for different types of food and drinks.- Practice ordering food and drinks using simple phrases, e.g., "I want a hamburger, please."- Describe preferences for food and drinks using adjectives, e.g., "I like pizza. It's delicious."Unit 8: Actions- Learn verbs for different actions, such as run, jump, eat, drink, etc.- Practice using action verbs in sentences, e.g., "I run in the park."- Play action charades to reinforce vocabulary and sentence patterns.Unit 9: Clothes- Learn vocabulary for different types of clothing, such as shirt, pants, dress, etc.- Practice describing what you and others are wearing using sentences, e.g., "I'm wearing a red T-shirt."- Play dress-up games to reinforce vocabulary and sentence patterns.Unit 10: Weather- Learn vocabulary related to weather, such as sunny, rainy, windy, etc.- Describe the weather using simple sentences, e.g., "Today is sunny. I can go outside."- Practice discussing weather preferences using adjectives, e.g., "I like sunny weather."Unit 11: Places- Learn vocabulary for different places, such as park, supermarket, school, etc.- Practice asking and answering questions about locations, e.g., "Where is the library?" "It's next to the park."- Describe activities in different places using simple sentences, e.g., "I play soccer in the park."Unit 12: Sports- Learn vocabulary for different sports, such as soccer, basketball, swimming, etc.- Practice discussing favorite sports and activities using sentences, e.g., "I like playing soccer."- Play sports-themed games to reinforce vocabulary and sentence patterns.以上是部编版人教版二年级英语上册上册期末各单元复习资料,希望能够帮助你复习和巩固所学内容。



教科版二年级上册英语复习资料Unit 1: Greetings- Vocabulary: hello, hi, goodbye, bye- Sentences:- Hello, my name is [name].- Hi, how are you?- Goodbye, ___.- Bye, take care.Unit 2: Numbers- Vocabulary: numbers 1-10- Sentences:- How old are you?- I'm [number] years old.- What's your phone number?- My phone number is [number].Unit 3: Colors- Vocabulary: red, blue, green, yellow- Sentences:- What color is it?- It's [color].- What's your favorite color?- My favorite color is [color].Unit 4: Family- Vocabulary: father, mother, brother, sister - Sentences:- Who's this?- This is my [family member].- How many brothers/sisters do you have? - I have [number] brothers/sisters.Unit 5: Animals- Vocabulary: dog, cat, bird, fish- Sentences:- What's your favorite animal?- ___ a [animal].- Do you have a pet?- Yes, I have a [animal] as a pet.Unit 6: Food- Vocabulary: apple, banana, cake, ice cream - Sentences:- What's your favorite food?- My favorite food is [food].- Can I have an apple/banana/cake/ice cream? - Of course, here you go.Unit 7: Body Parts- Vocabulary: head, eyes, nose, mouth- Sentences:- Where is your [body part]?- My [body part] is on my [body].- How many eyes/noses/mouths do you have? - I have [number] ___.Unit 8: Weather- Vocabulary: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy- Sentences:- What's the weather like today?- It's [weather].- Do you ___?- Yes, I like [weather] days.以上是教科版二年级上册英语复习资料的内容摘要。



二年级上册英语复习资料注:书写要求标准的手写体,请参照课本最后一页字母表(手写体)二、各模块主要词汇及句型bike自行车, car小汽车, kite风筝, panda熊猫, toy玩具,你喜欢什么?2.I like jigsaws/…我喜欢拼图/…3.Do you like dolls/…? 你喜欢布娃娃/…吗?4.Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 是的,我喜欢。


, shirt衬衫, T-shirt(T恤衫), dress连衣裙, trousers裤子,…他喜欢T恤衫/…2.He likes this T-shirt/…他喜欢这件T恤衫/…3.She likes dresses/…她喜欢连衣裙/…4.She likes this dress/…她喜欢这件连衣裙/…5.Here’s a dress/… for you. 给你一件连衣裙/…6.Thank you. 谢谢!7.He doesn’t like this shirt/…他不喜欢这件衬衫/…8.He doesn’t like these shoes/…他不喜欢这双鞋子。

, Math数学, Chinese语文, Music音乐, Art美术, PE体育,, morning上午, afternoon 下午… in the morning. 我们上午有英语/…2.We have Math/… in the afternoon. 我们下午有数学/…3. Do we have Music/.. ? 我们有音乐课/…吗?4.Yes, we do. / No, we don’t. 是的,我们有。


6.PE/… is my favourite subject. 体育/…是我最喜欢的科目。

二, three三, four四, five五, six六, seven七, eight八, nine九,十一, twelve十二, o’clock点钟(表示整点)什么时间了?(几点钟了?)2.It’s two/… o’clock. 两/…点钟了。

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young(年轻的、幼小的)kangaroo(袋鼠)bear(熊)zebra(斑马)giraffe(长颈鹿)four(四)cat(猫)cute(可爱的)dog(狗)pig(猪)sheep(绵羊)horse(马)donkey(驴)nine(九)three(三)lion(狮子)eight(八)tiger (老虎)five(五)rooster(公鸡)hen(母鸡)turkey(火鸡)goose(鹅)two(二)eye(眼睛)ear(耳朵)one(一)mouth(嘴)hair(头发)black(黑色)blue(蓝色)pink(粉色)purple(紫色)long(长的)short(短的)neck(脖子)arm(手臂)leg(腿) shoulder(肩)hand(手)six(六)feet(脚)toe(脚趾)finger(手指)
ten(十)eleven(十一)twelve(十二)thirteen(十三)fourteen(十四)fifteen(十五)sixteen(十六)seventeen (十七)eighteen(十八)nineteen(十九)twenty(二十)day(天)week(周)seven(七)month(月)year(年)today(今天)game(游戏、运动)play (玩、玩耍)go(去、走)swim(游泳)school (学校)chess(棋、国际象棋)class(班级)weekend(周末)park(公园)cinema(电影院)bookstore(书店)museum(博物馆)see(看见、看到)film(电影、影片)grandpa(爷爷)grandma(奶奶)zoo(动物园)sing(唱歌)dance(舞蹈、跳舞)draw(画)pictures(图片)it(它、这、那)tree(树)

big and tall (又大又高)birds nest (鸟巢)black hair (黑头发)brush teeth (刷牙)play chess(下棋)go skating(去滑冰)
go roller skate(去滑旱冰)play football(踢足球)
play basketball(打篮球)play games(做游戏)
see uncle and aunt(看望叔叔和婶婶)go to a book fair(去书展)draw pictures(画画)sing and dance(又唱又跳)
Christmas gifts(圣诞礼物)Christmas card(圣诞卡片)
Santa claus(圣诞老人)New Year’s Day(新年)
Happy New Year(新年快乐)red lantern(红灯笼)
colorful balloons(五颜六色的气球)birthday gift(生日礼物)birthday cake(生日蛋糕)birthday parth(生日聚会)
birthday card(生日卡片) go to the museum(去博物馆)
go to the bookstore(去书店)go to the park(去公园)
have classes(上课)on weekends(在周末)see a film(看电影)see grandpa and grandma(看望爷爷奶奶)each day(每一天)
last day(最后一天)go to the zoo(去动物园)sing and dance(唱歌跳舞) 三、句型。

This panda is old and fat. (这个熊猫又老又肥。

That monkey is young and thin.(那个猴子又瘦又小。

This bear is old and fat. (这个熊又老又肥。

That kangaroo is young and thin.(那个袋鼠又瘦又小。

Do you like cats? (你喜欢小猫吗?)
Yes, I do. I like dogs, too.(是的,我喜欢。


Do you like ducks? (你喜欢鸭子吗?)
Yes, I do. I like lions, too.(是的,我喜欢。


Do you like rabbits? (你喜欢兔子吗?)
Yes, I do. I like tigers, too.(是的,我喜欢。


)There are so many toys here. These toys are so lovely/cute.


There are so many ducks in the lake. These ducks are so lovely. (有许多鸭子在湖里。


There are so many cats i n the yard. These cats are so cute. (有


What color is your hair? I t’ white.(你的头发是什么颜色的?它是白色的。

I have a long neck. I am tall.(我有一个长脖子。


I have short arms and small hands。


I have long arms but short legs.(我有长长的手臂,但是腿很短。

)What’s your number ? My number is twelve. /My number is eleven.(你的号码是多少?我的号码是十二。


I have thirteen cows. I have sixteen turkeys.


I have fourteen roosters and fifteen hens.(我有十四只公鸡和十五只母鸡。

)Are there seventeen girls in our class?No. There are eighteen girls.(我们班有十七个女孩吗?不,有十八个女孩。

There are nineteen boys in our class.(我们班有十九个男生。

How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. (一周有多少天?一周有七天。

I play ping-pong on Monday. I play chess on Wednesday.


I go swimming on Thursday.(我星期四去游泳。

I go to the park on weekends./ I go to the zoo on weekends.


I often go to see my grandpa and grandma on Saturday.

I often go to see a film on Saturday. (我经常去看电影在星期六。

)I go to the park or ti the zoo on Sunday.

I go to a museum or to the bookstore on Sunday.

How colorful it is!(它的颜色多么丰富啊!)
Let’s sing and dance.(让我们唱歌和跳舞吧!)
How old are you? I’m seven today.(你几岁了?我今天七岁了。

