USP 35阿司匹林原料药质量标准








1国内外药典中阿司匹林原料药的质量检测1.1鉴别1) 《中国药典》(2010年版)二部采用阿司匹林加水煮沸、水解生成的水杨酸能与三氯化铁试液生成紫堇色络合物进行鉴别。


2) 《中国药典》(2010年版)二部采用阿司匹林加碳酸钠试液煮沸、水解生成水杨酸钠。


BP (1993年)用氢氧化钠代替碳酸钠,按上述操作生成的水杨酸经水洗、干燥后测定熔点。












石河子大学小学期制实验结课论文阿司匹林的质量标准、姓名:王义西班级:药学(3)班学号:指导老师:李乐日期:2013年9月3日乙酰水杨酸抗炎药物的分析王义西石河子大学药学院小学期药学第三组第三实验组摘要阿司匹林,化学名为2-( 乙酰氧基) 苯甲酸,作为主要的解热镇痛抗炎药收载于《中国药典》(2010 年版)二部,临床上主要用于治疗感冒发烧, 牙痛、肌肉痛及神经痛等慢性疼痛,急、慢性风湿病及类风湿病等, 是风湿、类风湿关节炎治疗的常用药物。

本品主要的副作用是引起幽门痉挛及刺激胃黏膜的胃肠道反应, 长期服用导致胃肠出血。



关键词: 阿司匹林鉴别杂质检查含量测定 HPLC 紫外分光光度法 TLC 阿司匹林临床上主要用于治疗感冒发烧, 牙痛、肌肉痛及神经痛等慢性疼痛,急、慢性风湿病及类风湿病等, 是风湿、类风湿关节炎治疗的常用药物。


1 实验部分1.1仪器与试剂仪器:紫外分光光度计(Cintra404,GBC)、电子天平(A B135-S,梅特勒-托利多仪器(上海)有限公司METTLER TOLEDO)、微孔滤膜(尺寸25mm,孔径0.8μ,上海半岛实业有限公司净入器材厂)高效液相色谱仪、紫外检测器、自动进样器、色谱数据处理机、U V 一26 0 分光光度计、HPLC 色谱柱、超纯水器、展开槽、水浴锅、研钵、移液管(1、2、5、10ml)、吸耳球、容量瓶(25、50、100ml)、烧杯(10、100、500ml)、胶头吸管、直尺试剂:复方乙酰水杨酸片(25mg/片):阿司匹林贮备液溶液(1.5368m g/ml)、无水乙醇、氯仿、丙酮、冰醋酸、甲醇、95%乙醇、酚酞指示液、碳酸钠试液,稀盐酸、稀硫酸、三氯化铁试液、乙醚、硫酸铁铵试液(新制)、蒸馏水1.2 性状阿司匹林为白色结晶或结晶性粉末;遇湿气即缓缓水解。



阿司匹林质量标准与检验规程1 目的:建立阿司匹林质量标准与检验规程,保证阿司匹林质量。

2 适用范围:本规程适用于阿司匹林入库检验,也适用于留样观察检验。


4 内容4.1 技术标准4.1.1 本标准引用中国药典2010年版二部。

4.1.2 质量指标4.2 准备工作仪器试剂的准备4.2.1 玻璃仪器移液管、锥形瓶、碱式滴定管4.2.2 氢氧化钠滴定液(0.1mol/L)4.2.3 乙醇(分析纯)、水杨酸对照品。

4.2.4 酚酞指示液、三氯化铁试液、碳酸钠试液。

4.3 操作4.3.1 性状本品为白色结晶或结晶性粉末;无臭或微带醋酸臭,味微酸;遇湿气即缓缓水解。


4.3.2 鉴别4.3.2.1 取本品约0.1g,加水10ml,煮沸、放冷,加三氯化铁试液1滴。

即显紫堇色。 取本品约0.5g,加碳酸钠试液10ml。

煮沸2分钟后,放冷,加过量的稀硫酸,即析出白色沉淀,并发生醋酸的臭气。 本品的红外光吸收图谱应与对照的图谱一致。

4.3.3 检查4.3.3.1 溶液的澄清度取本品0.50g,加温热至约45℃的碳酸钠试液10ml溶解后,溶液应澄清。 游离水扬酸取本品0.1g,精密称定,置10ml量瓶中,加1%冰醋酸甲醇溶液适量,振摇使溶解,并稀释至刻度,摇匀,作为供试品溶液(临用新制);取水杨酸对照品约10mg,精密称定,置100ml量瓶中,加1%冰醋酸甲醇溶液适量使溶解并稀释至刻度,摇匀,精密量取5ml,置50ml量瓶中,用1%冰醋酸甲醇溶液稀释至刻度,摇匀,作为对照品溶液。




































项目一阿司匹林 原料药检测
子任务一 阿司匹林的性状检查
•3.物理常数 具有鉴别意义,也反映该药品的纯净程度。 比旋度 在一定波长与温度下,偏振光透过长1dm且每 1ml中含有旋光性物质1g的溶液时测得的旋光度称为比
• 旋度。 吸收系数 在给定的波长、溶剂和温度等条件下,吸 光物质在单位浓度、单位液层厚度时的吸收度称为吸 收系数。
项目一阿司匹林 溶质颗粒或液滴时,即视为完全溶解。
子任务一 阿司匹林的性状检查
外观、溶解度和物理常数 1.外观 指药物的聚集状态、晶型、色泽及臭、味等性质。 2.溶解度 是药物的一种物理性质,在一定程度上反映了
项目一阿司匹林 原料药检测
子任务二 阿司匹林的鉴别
具有不饱和键与高锰酸钾或溴水反应,如司可 巴比妥钠。
项目一阿司匹林 原料药检测
子任务二 阿司匹林的鉴别
常用的荧光发射形式有以下类型: 1)药物本身可在可见光下发射荧光; 2)药物溶液加硫酸使呈酸性后,在可见光下发射荧光; 3)药物和溴反应后,于可见光下发射出荧光; 4)药物和间苯二酚反应后,发射出荧光及药物经其它
化学鉴别法是根据药物与化学试剂在一定条件下发生 离子反应或官能团反应生成不同颜色,不同沉淀,放 出不同气体,呈现不同荧光,从而做出定性分析结论 的方法。
项目一阿司匹林 原料药检测
子任务二 阿司匹林的鉴别



阿司匹林的原料质量检验设计方案阿司匹林拼音名:Asipilin英文名:Aspirin书页号:2005年版二部-283C9H8O4 180.16本品为2-(乙酰氧基)苯甲酸。















C16H19N3O5S,3H2O 419.454-硫代-1-氮杂双环[3.2.0]-庚烷-2-羧酸,6-[[氨基(4-羟苯基)乙酰基]氨基]-3,3-二甲基-7-氧-,三水合[3S-[2α,5α,6β(S*)]]-;(2S,5R,6R)-6-[(R)-(-)-2-氨基-2-(p-羟苯基)-乙胺基]-3,3-二甲基-7-4-硫代-1-氮杂双环[3.2.0]-庚烷-2-羧酸水合物无水物365.41定义:每mg阿莫西林包含C16H19N3O5S不少于900ug不多于1050ug,由无水物计算。



流动相:乙腈和稀释液(1:24)标准溶液:用溶剂溶解阿莫西林标准品(USP)1.2mg/ml(注意:在6h之内使用)试样溶液:用溶剂溶解阿莫西林1.2mg/ml[注意:在6h之内使用]色谱系统:(见液相色谱(621),系统适应性)模式:LC检测器:UV 230nm柱:4mm×25cm;填充物L1流速:1.5ml/min进样量:10ul系统适应性:样品:标准溶液适应性需求:拖尾因子:不大于2.5相对标准偏差:不大于2.0%分析:试样:标准溶液和样品溶液计算C16H19N3O5S,3H2含量ug/mg用以下公式结果=(ru/rs)×(Cs/Cu)×Pru=样品溶液中得出的峰面积rs=标准品中得出的峰面积Cs=标准品阿莫西林溶液的浓度Cu=样品溶液的浓度P=阿莫西林标准品的效价(ug/mg)验收标准:每mg无水化合物中900~1050ug C16H19N3O5S杂质:有机杂质:步骤:溶液A:2.72g/l磷酸二氢钾。

用1N氢氧化钾或20%磷酸调节pH到5.0±0.1溶液B:含磷的流动相:见下表梯度标准溶液:溶于溶液A中12.5ug/ml阿莫西林标准品系统适用性溶液:溶于溶液A中12.5ug/ml阿莫西林相关物质A和阿莫西林相关物质D样品溶液:用溶液A配置成1.25mg/ml阿莫西林[注意:在4°储存4h之内使用]色谱系统(见色谱,系统适应性)模式:LC检测器:UV 210nm柱:4.6mm×10cm;5um填充物L1柱温:40°流速:1.5ml/min进样量:10ul自动进样器温度:4°系统适应性:样品:标准溶液和系统适应性溶液适应性需求:[注意:在杂质表格1中通过相对保留时间鉴别峰]分辨率:在阿莫西林相关物质A和阿莫西林相关物质D第二峰不少于1.5系统适应性溶液相对标准偏差:不多于标准物质的10%分析:样品:标准溶液和样品溶液计算阿莫西林每一种样品含量的百分率:结果=(ru/rs)×(Cs/Cu) ×F×100ru=从样品溶液中或的的每一个杂质峰rs=从标准溶液中获得的阿莫西林峰Cs=阿莫西林标准品的浓度Cu=阿莫西林样品溶液标示浓度F=单位转换因素(0.001mg/ug)验收标准:[注意:限制是阿莫西林标准溶液吸收峰的0.03%]单杂质:见杂质表1总杂质:不多于5%杂质表1a (R)-2-氨基-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酸b色谱系统区分了两种青霉噻唑酸c(4S)-2-{[(R)-2-氨基-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺基](羧基)甲基}-5,5-二甲基四氢噻唑-4-羧酸d (2S,5R,6R)-6-氨基-3,3-二甲基-7-氧-4-硫代-1-氮杂双环[3.2.0]-庚烷-2-羧酸e列出的化合物仅仅是用作信息不用来报导f(2S,5R,6R)-6-[(S)-2氨基-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺基]-3,3-二甲基-7-氧-4-硫代-1-氮杂双环[3.2.0]-庚烷-2-羧酸g(2S,5R,6R)-6-{(R)-2-[(R)-2-氨基-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺基]-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺基}-3,3-二甲基-7-氧-4-硫代-1-氮杂双环[3.2.0]-庚烷-2-羧酸h色谱系统区分了两种青霉噻唑酸i (4S)-2-{[(R)-2-氨基-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺基]甲基}-5,5-二甲基四氢噻唑-4-羧酸j(2S,5R,6R)-6-(2-[(R)-2-氨基-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺基]-2-((4S)-4-羧基-5,5-二甲基四氢噻唑-2-卤代)乙酰胺基)-3,3-二甲基-7-氧-4-硫代-1-氮杂双环[3.2.0]-庚烷-2-羧酸k 3-(4-羟苯基)对二氮杂苯-2-羟基l (4S)-2-[5-(4-羟苯基)-3,6-二氧哌嗪-2-卤代]-5,5-二甲基四氢噻唑-4-羧酸m(2S,5R,6R)-6-((2R)-2-{2-[(R)-2-氨基-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺基]-2-[(4S)-4羧基-5,5-二甲基四氢噻唑-2-卤代]乙酰胺基}-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺基)-3,3-二甲基-7-氧-4-硫代-1-氮杂双环[3.2.0]-庚烷-2-羧酸n(2S,5R,6R)-6-{(2S,5R,6R)-6-[(R)-2-氨基-2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺基]-3,3-二甲基-7-氧-4-硫代-1-氮杂双环[3.2.0] 庚烷-2-羧氨基}-3,3-二甲基-7-氧-4-硫代-1-氮杂双环[3.2.0]-庚烷-2-羧酸。



Aspirin(USP 34)Aspirin contains not less than 99.5 percent and not more than 100.5 percent ofC9H8O4.calculated on the dried basis.根据干燥品计算,本品C9H8O4为标示量的99.5%~100.5%。

Packaging and storage -Preserve in the tight containers.包装与贮藏-贮藏于封闭的容器中。

USP REFERENCE STANDRANDS<11>-USP Aspirin RSUSP 标准物质-USP 阿司匹林对照品Identification-A: Heat it with water for minutes,cool,and add 1 or 2 drops ferric chloride TS: a violed-red color is produced.鉴别-1.水浴加热数分钟,冷却,加入1到2滴FeCl3 试液,测得颜色为紫红色。

B: Infrared AbsorptionLoss on Drying-Dry it over silica gel for 5 hours: it loses not more than 0.5% of its weight.干燥失重-硅胶干燥器中干燥5小时,减少重量不得超过0.5%。

Readily carbonizable substances-Dissolve 500mg in 5ml of sulfuric acid: the solution has no more color than matching fluid Q.易碳化物-取500mg本品溶于5ml硫酸溶液中,溶液颜色不得深于标准溶液Q。

Residue on Ignition: not more than 0.05%.炙灼残渣-不得超过0.05%。














美国药典USP35标准 Alpha Lipoic Acid Tablets

美国药典USP35标准 Alpha Lipoic Acid Tablets

Alpha Lipoic Acid TabletsDEFINITIONAlpha Lipoic Acid Tablets contain NLT 90.0% and NMT 115.0% of the labeled amount ofC8H14O2S2.IDENTIFICATION• The retention time of the major peak of the Sample solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution, as obtained in the test for Content of Alpha Lipoic Acid.STRENGTH• Content of Alpha Lipoic AcidMobile phase: 0.025 M phosphoric acid and acetonitrile (62:38)Standard solution: 0.05 mg/mL of USP Alpha Lipoic Acid RS in acetonitrile and water (1:1)Sample solution: Transfer the equivalent of 100 mg of alpha lipoic acid from NLT 20 finelypowdered Tablets to a suitable container. Add 70 mL of a mixture of acetonitrile and water (1:1), and shake for 45 min by mechanical means. Transfer to a 100-mL volumetric flask, dilute with the mixture of acetonitrile and water (1:1) to volume, and filter a portion of this preparation,discarding the first 5 mL of the filtrate. Transfer 5.0 mL of the remaining filtrate to a 100-mLvolumetric flask, and dilute with acetonitrile and water (1:1) to volume.Chromatographic system(See Chromatography 621, System Suitability.)Mode: LCDetector: UV 220 nmColumn: 3.9-mm × 30-cm; packing L1Flow rate: 1.5 mL/minInjection size: 20 µLSystem suitabilitySample: Standard solutionSuitability requirementsColumn efficiency: NLT 1300 theoretical platesTailing factor: NMT 1.2 for alpha lipoic acidRelative standard deviation: NMT 1.0%AnalysisSamples: Standard solution and Sample solutionCalculate the percentage of the labeled amount of alpha lipoic acid (C8H14O2S2) in theportion of Tablets taken:Result = (rU/rS) × (CS/CU) × 100rU== peak response from the Sample solutionrS== peak response from the Standard solutionCS== concentration of USP Alpha Lipoic Acid RS in theStandard solution (mg/mL)CU== nominal concentration of alpha lipoic acid in theSample solution (mg/mL)Acceptance criteria: 90.0%–115.0%PERFORMANCE TESTS• Disintegration and Dissolution of Dietary Supplements 2040: Meet the requirements for DissolutionMedium: Water; 900 mLApparatus 2: 75 rpmTime: 60 minStandard stock solution: 1 mg/mL of USP Alpha Lipoic Acid RS in a mixture of acetonitrile and water (1:1)Standard solution: 0.02 mg/mL from the Standard stock solution in waterSample solution: Withdraw a portion of the solution under test, and filter, discarding the first portion of the filtrate. Transfer an aliquot to a volumetric flask, and dilute with water to volume to obtain a solution having an expected concentration of 0.02 mg/mL of alpha lipoic acid.Mobile phase and Chromatographic system: Proceed as directed in the test for Content ofAlpha Lipoic Acid.Injection size: 50 µLAnalysisSamples: Standard solution and Sample solutionCalculate the percentage of alpha lipoic acid (C8H14O2S2) dissolved:Result = (rU/rS) × (V × C × D/L) × 100rU== peak area from the Sample solutionrS== peak area from the Standard solutionV== volume of dissolution Medium, 900 mLC== concentration of USP Alpha Lipoic Acid RS in theStandard solution (mg/mL)D== dilution factor of the sampleL== label claim of alpha lipoic acid (mg/Tablet)Tolerances: NLT 70% of the labeled amount of alpha lipoic acid (C8H14O2S2) is dissolved.• Weight Variation of Dietary Supplements 2091: Meet the requirementsADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS• Packaging and Storage: Preserve in well-closed containers.• Labeling: Tablets that are coated are so labeled.• USP Reference Standards11USP Alpha Lipoic Acid RS。








4. 合成路线如下:5. 阿司匹林中的“有关物质”系指除“游离水杨酸”外的合成原料药苯酚及其他合成副产物,如醋酸苯酯、水杨酸苯酯、水杨酸水杨酸、水杨酸酐、乙酰水杨酸苯酯、等杂质。








1. 成分标准:阿司匹林片的主要成分是乙酰水杨酸(aspirin),每片含量通常为81毫克或325毫克。

2. 质量标准:阿司匹林片应符合国家药品监督管理局发布的《中华人民共和国药典》中关于乙酰水杨酸的质量标准。

3. 包装标准:阿司匹林片应采用符合国家药品监督管理局规定的药品包装材料和规格,并标明药品名称、含量、生产日期、保质期、使用方法等信息。

4. 使用标准:阿司匹林片的使用应遵循医生的处方和说明书,不得超量使用或长期连续使用。


5. 储存标准:阿司匹林片应储存在干燥、阴凉、通风的地方,避免阳光直射和高温潮湿环境。







阿司匹林的质量检测手段和含量测定方法作者:梅文君陈晓文顾方来源:《上海医药》2011年第09期中图分类号:R927 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2011)09-0453-02阿司匹林,化学名为2-(乙酰氧基)苯甲酸,作为主要的解热镇痛抗炎药收载于《中国药典》 (2010年版)二部,临床上主要用于治疗感冒发烧,牙痛、肌肉痛及神经痛等慢性疼痛,急、慢性风湿病及类风湿病等,是风湿、类风湿关节炎治疗的常用药物。




1国内外药典中阿司匹林原料药的质量检测1.1鉴别1) 《中国药典》 (2010年版)二部采用阿司匹林加水煮沸、水解生成的水杨酸能与三氯化铁试液生成紫堇色络合物进行鉴别。


2) 《中国药典》 (2010年版)二部采用阿司匹林加碳酸钠试液煮沸、水解生成水杨酸钠。





1.2检查《中国药典》 (2010年版)二部规定阿司匹林应检查溶液的澄清度、游离水杨酸、易炭化物、炽灼残渣和重金属。





USP 35阿司匹林原料药质量标准

USP 35阿司匹林原料药质量标准

USP 35Official Monographs / Aspirin 2245W = weight of Sample (mg)•USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 〈11〉Acceptance criteria: 98.5%–101.5% on the dried basis USP Aspartic Acid RSIMPURITIES•R ESIDUE ON I GNITION 〈281〉: NMT 0.1%•C HLORIDE AND S ULFATE , Chloride 〈221〉Sample solution: Dissolve 0.7 g of Aspartic Acid in 10 mL Aspirinof diluted nitric acid, and dilute with water to 15 mL.Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution shows no more chloride than corresponds to 0.20 mL of 0.020 N hydrochloric acid (NMT 0.02%).•C HLORIDE AND S ULFATE , Sulfate 〈221〉Sample solution: Dissolve 0.8 g of Aspartic Acid in 4 mL of hydrochloric acid, and dilute with water to 15 mL.C 9H 8O 4180.16Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution shows no more Benzoic acid, 2-(acetyloxy)-.sulfate than corresponds to 0.25 mL of 0.020 N sulfuric acid Salicylic acid acetate [50-78-2].(NMT 0.03%).•I RON 〈241〉: NMT 10 ppm» Aspirin contains not less than 99.5 per cent and •H EAVY M ETALS , Method II 〈231〉: NMT 10 ppm not more than 100.5 per cent of C 9H 8O 4, calcu-•C HROMATOGRAPHIC P URITYSystem suitability solution: 10 mg each of USP Aspartic lated on the dried basis.Acid RS and glutamic acid in 2 mL of ammonia TS. Dilute Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers.with water to 25.0 mL.Standard solution: Transfer 5 mg of USP Aspartic Acid RS to USP Reference standards 〈11〉—a 100-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in 2 mL of 17%USP Aspirin RS ammonia solution (prepared by diluting ammonium Identification—hydroxide, 6 in 10), and dilute with water to volume.Sample solution: Transfer 0.1 g of Aspartic Acid to a 10-mL A: Heat it with water for several minutes, cool, and add 1 or volumetric flask, dissolve in 2 mL of 17% ammonia solution 2 drops of ferric chloride TS: a violet-red color is produced.(prepared by diluting ammonium hydroxide, 6 in 10), and B: Infrared Absorption 〈197K 〉.dilute with water to volume.Loss on drying 〈731〉—Dry it over silica gel for 5 hours: it Chromatographic systemloses not more than 0.5% of its weight.(See Chromatography 〈621〉, Thin-Layer Chromatography .)Readily carbonizable substances 〈271〉—Dissolve 500 mg in Mode: TLC5 mL of sulfuric acid : the solution has no more color than Adsorbent: 0.25-mm layer of chromatographic silica gel Matching Fluid Q.mixtureApplication volume: 5 µLResidue on ignition 〈281〉: not more than 0.05%.Developing solvent system: Butyl alcohol, glacial acetic Substances insoluble in sodium carbonate TS—A solution acid, and water (3:1:1)of 500 mg in 10 mL of warm sodium carbonate TS is clear.Spray reagent: 2 mg/mL of ninhydrin in a mixture of butyl Chloride 〈221〉—Boil 1.5 g with 75 mL of water for 5 minutes,alcohol and 2N acetic acid (95:5)cool, add sufficient water to restore the original volume, and System suitabilityfilter. A 25-mL portion of the filtrate shows no more chloride Sample: System suitability solutionthan corresponds to 0.10 mL of 0.020 N hydrochloric acid Suitability requirement: The chromatogram of the System (0.014%).suitability solution exhibits two clearly separated spots.Sulfate —Dissolve 6.0 g in 37 mL of acetone, and add 3 mL of Analysiswater. Titrate potentiometrically with 0.02 M lead per chlorate,Samples: System suitability solution , Standard solution , and prepared by dissolving 9.20 g of lead per chlorate in water to Sample solutionmake 1000 mL of solution, using a pH meter capable of a mini-Proceed as directed in the chapter, except dr y the plate at mum reproducibility of ±0.1 mV (see pH 〈791〉) and equipped 80° for 30 min, spray with Spray reagent , and heat at 80°with an electrode system consisting of a lead-specific electrode for 30 min. Examine the plate under white light.and a silver–silver chloride reference glass-sleeved electrodeAcceptance criteria: No secondar y spot from the Sample containing a solution of tetraethylammonium per chlorate in gla-solution is larger or more intense than the principal spot cial acetic acid (1 in 44) (see Titrimetry 〈541〉): not more than from the Standard solution .1.25 mL of 0.02 M lead per chlorate is consumed (0.04%).Individual impurities: NMT 0.5%[NOTE —After use, rinse the lead-specific electrode with water,Total impurities: NMT2.0%drain the reference electrode, flush with water, rinse with meth-anol, and allow to dr y.]SPECIFIC TESTS•O PTICAL R OTATION , Specific Rotation 〈781S 〉Heavy metals—Dissolve 2g in 25 mL of acetone, and add 1Sample solution: 80 mg/mL in 6N hydrochloric acid mL of water. Add 1.2 mL of thioacetamide–glycerin base TSAcceptance criteria: +24.0° to +26.0°, at 20°and 2 mL of pH 3.5 Acetate Buffer (see Heavy Metals 〈231〉), and •L OSS ON D RYING 〈731〉: Dry a sample at 105° for 3 h: it loses allow to stand for 5 minutes: any color produced is not darker NMT 0.5% of its weight.than that of a control made with 25 mL of acetone and 2 mL of Standard Lead Solution (see Heavy Metals 〈231〉), treated in ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSthe same manner. The limit is 10 µg per g.•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE : Preserve in well-closed containers,Limit of free salicylic acid—Dissolve 2.5 g in sufficient alco-and store protected from light.hol to make 25.0 mL. T o each of two matched color-compari-son tubes add 48 mL of water and 1 mL of a freshly prepared,diluted ferric ammonium sulfate solution (prepared by adding 1mL of 1N hydrochloric acid to 2 mL of ferric ammonium sul-fate TS and diluting with water to 100 mL). Into one tube pipet 1 mL of a standard solution of salicylic acid in water, containing 0.10 mg of salicylic acid per mL. Into the second tube pipet 1mL of the 1 in 10 solution of Aspirin. Mix the contents of each tube: after 30 seconds, the color in the second tube is not2246Aspirin / Official MonographsUSP 35more intense than that in the tube containing the salicylic acid Standard preparation—Prepare a solution in Diluting solution (0.1%).having known concentrations of about 0.4 mg of USP Aspirin RS and 0.01 mg of USP Salicylic Acid RS per mL.Assay—Place about 1.5 g of Aspirin, accurately weighed, in a flask, add 50.0 mL of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide VS, and boil the Assay preparation—Weigh and finely powder not fewer than mixture gently for 10 minutes. Add phenolphthalein TS, and 10 Boluses. Transfer an accurately weighed portion of the pow-titrate the excess sodium hydroxide with 0.5 N sulfuric acid VS.der, equivalent to about 400 mg of aspirin, to a 100-mL volu-Perform a blank determination (see Residual Titrations under Ti-metric flask, dilute with Diluting solution to volume, and stir by trimetry 〈541〉). Each mL of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide is equiva-mechanical means for about 15 minutes. Pass a portion of this lent to 45.04 mg of C 9H 8O 4.solution through a filter having a 0.5-µm or finer porosity, and use the filtrate as the Assay preparation .Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 〈621〉)—The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 254-nm detector and a 4.6-mm × 25-cm column that contains 5-µm packing L1. The Aspirin Bolusesflow rate is about 1 mL per minute. Chromatograph the Stan-dard preparation , and record the peak responses as directed for » Aspirin Boluses contain not less than 90.0 per-Procedure: the relative retention times are about 0.6 for salicylic acid and 1.0 for aspirin, and the relative standard deviation of cent and not more than 110.0 per cent of the the aspirin peak response for replicate injections is not more labeled amount of aspirin (C 9H 8O 4).than 2.0%.Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers.Procedure—Separately inject equal volumes (about 20 µL) of the Standard preparation and the Assay preparation into the Labeling—Label Boluses to indicate that they are for veterinar y chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and measure the use only.responses for the major peaks. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of USP Reference standards 〈11〉—aspirin (C 9H 8O 4) in the portion of Boluses taken by the formula:USP Aspirin RS1000C (r U /r S )USP Salicylic Acid RS Identification—in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Aspirin A: Crush 1 Bolus, boil a portion of the powder, equivalent to RS in the Standard preparation; and r U and r S are the aspirin about 300 mg of aspirin, with 50 mL of water, cool, and add a peak responses obtained from the Assay preparation and the drop of ferric chloride TS: a violet-red color is produced.Standard preparation, respectively.B: The retention time of the aspirin peak in the chromato-gram of the Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chro-matogram of the Standard preparation, as obtained in the Assay .Dissolution 〈711〉—Aspirin CapsulesMedium: 0.5 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4; 900 mL.Apparatus 2: 75 rpm.» Aspirin Capsules contain not less than 93.0 per-Time: 45 minutes.cent and not more than 107.0 per cent of the Diluting solution—Prepare a mixture of acetonitrile and for-labeled amount of aspirin (C 9H 8O 4).mic acid (99:1).NOTE —Capsules that are enteric-coated or the Procedure—Determine the amount of aspirin (C 9H 8O 4) dis-contents of which are enteric-coated meet the solved by employing UV absorption at the wavelength of the isosbestic point of aspirin and salicylic acid at 265±2 nm on requirements for Aspirin Delayed-Release Capsules .filtered portions of the solution under test, suitably diluted with Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers.Diluting solution, if necessar y, in comparison with a Standard solution having a known concentration of USP Aspirin RS in the USP Reference standards 〈11〉—same Medium . [NOTE —Prepare the Standard solution at the time USP Aspirin RS of use.]Identification—Tolerances—Not less than 80% (Q) of the labeled amount of C 9H 8O 4 is dissolved in 45 minutes.A: Heat about 100 mg of the Capsule contents with 10 mL of water for several minutes, cool, and add 1 drop of ferric Uniformity of dosage units 〈905〉: meet the requirements.chloride TS: a violet-red color is produced.Limit of salicylic acid—Using the chromatograms of the B: Shake a quantity of the contents of Capsules, equivalent Standard preparation and the Assay preparation, obtained as di-to about 500 mg of aspirin, with 10 mL of alcohol for several rected in the Assay, calculate the per centage of salicylic acid minutes. Centrifuge the mixture. Pour off the clear supernatant (C 7H 6O 3) in the portion of Boluses taken by the formula:and evaporate it to dr yness. Dry the residue in vacuum at 60°for 1 hour: the residue responds to Identification test B under 100,000(C /W A )(r U /r S )Aspirin .in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Salicylic Dissolution 〈711〉—Acid RS in the Standard preparation; W A is the quantity, in mg,Medium: 0.05 M acetate buffer, prepared by mixing 2.99of aspirin (C 9H 8O 4) in the portion of Boluses taken, as deter-g of sodium acetate trihydrate and 1.66 mL of glacial acetic mined in the Assay; and r U and r S are the salicylic acid peakacid with water to obtain 1000 mL of solution having a pH of responses obtained from the Assay preparation and the Standard 4.50 ± 0.05; 500 mL.preparation, respectively: not more than 0.3% is found.Apparatus 1: 100 rpm.Assay—Time: 30 minutes.Mobile phase—Dissolve 2g of sodium 1-heptanesulfonate in Procedure—Determine the amount of C 9H 8O 4 dissolved from a mixture of 850 mL of water and 150 mL of acetonitrile, and UV absorbances at the wavelength of the isosbestic point of adjust with glacial acetic acid to a pH of 3.4. Make any neces-aspirin and salicylic acid at 265±2 nm of filtered portions of sary adjustments (see System Suitability under Chromatography the solution under test, suitably diluted with Medium, if neces-〈621〉).sary, in comparison with a Standard solution having a known Diluting solution—Prepare a mixture of acetonitrile and for-concentration of USP Aspirin RS in the same Medium. [NOTE —mic acid (99:1).。








实验仪器及试剂:高效液相色谱仪、溶出度测定仪、分析天平;水浴锅、锥形瓶、量瓶、滴定管;阿司匹林原料药、阿司匹林肠溶片、水杨酸;三氯化铁试液、碳酸钠试液、稀硫酸;中性乙醇、酚酞指示液、氢氧化钠滴定液;磷酸钠、冰醋酸、甲醇、四氢呋喃.实验内容:(1)鉴别:取本品约0.1g,加水10ml ,煮沸,放冷,加三氯化铁试液1滴,即显紫堇色。

实验结果,出现紫堇色,证明本品符合要求.(2)检查游离水杨酸:取本品5片,研细,用乙醇30ml 分次研磨,并移入100ml 量瓶中,充分振摇,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀。

立即滤过、精密量取续滤液2ml ,置50ml 纳氏比色管中,用水稀释至50ml,立即加新制的稀硫酸铁铵溶液(取1mol/L 盐酸溶液1ml ,加硫酸铁铵指示2ml 后,在加水适量使成100ml )3ml 摇匀,30s 内如显色,与对照液(精密量取0.01%水杨酸溶液4.5ml 加乙醇3ml 、0.05%酒石酸溶液1ml,用水稀释至50ml ,再加上述新制的稀硫酸铁铵溶液3ml ,摇匀)比较,不得更深。


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USP 35Official Monographs / Aspirin 2245W = weight of Sample (mg)•USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 〈11〉Acceptance criteria: 98.5%–101.5% on the dried basis USP Aspartic Acid RSIMPURITIES•R ESIDUE ON I GNITION 〈281〉: NMT 0.1%•C HLORIDE AND S ULFATE , Chloride 〈221〉Sample solution: Dissolve 0.7 g of Aspartic Acid in 10 mL Aspirinof diluted nitric acid, and dilute with water to 15 mL.Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution shows no more chloride than corresponds to 0.20 mL of 0.020 N hydrochloric acid (NMT 0.02%).•C HLORIDE AND S ULFATE , Sulfate 〈221〉Sample solution: Dissolve 0.8 g of Aspartic Acid in 4 mL of hydrochloric acid, and dilute with water to 15 mL.C 9H 8O 4180.16Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution shows no more Benzoic acid, 2-(acetyloxy)-.sulfate than corresponds to 0.25 mL of 0.020 N sulfuric acid Salicylic acid acetate [50-78-2].(NMT 0.03%).•I RON 〈241〉: NMT 10 ppm» Aspirin contains not less than 99.5 per cent and •H EAVY M ETALS , Method II 〈231〉: NMT 10 ppm not more than 100.5 per cent of C 9H 8O 4, calcu-•C HROMATOGRAPHIC P URITYSystem suitability solution: 10 mg each of USP Aspartic lated on the dried basis.Acid RS and glutamic acid in 2 mL of ammonia TS. Dilute Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers.with water to 25.0 mL.Standard solution: Transfer 5 mg of USP Aspartic Acid RS to USP Reference standards 〈11〉—a 100-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in 2 mL of 17%USP Aspirin RS ammonia solution (prepared by diluting ammonium Identification—hydroxide, 6 in 10), and dilute with water to volume.Sample solution: Transfer 0.1 g of Aspartic Acid to a 10-mL A: Heat it with water for several minutes, cool, and add 1 or volumetric flask, dissolve in 2 mL of 17% ammonia solution 2 drops of ferric chloride TS: a violet-red color is produced.(prepared by diluting ammonium hydroxide, 6 in 10), and B: Infrared Absorption 〈197K 〉.dilute with water to volume.Loss on drying 〈731〉—Dry it over silica gel for 5 hours: it Chromatographic systemloses not more than 0.5% of its weight.(See Chromatography 〈621〉, Thin-Layer Chromatography .)Readily carbonizable substances 〈271〉—Dissolve 500 mg in Mode: TLC5 mL of sulfuric acid : the solution has no more color than Adsorbent: 0.25-mm layer of chromatographic silica gel Matching Fluid Q.mixtureApplication volume: 5 µLResidue on ignition 〈281〉: not more than 0.05%.Developing solvent system: Butyl alcohol, glacial acetic Substances insoluble in sodium carbonate TS—A solution acid, and water (3:1:1)of 500 mg in 10 mL of warm sodium carbonate TS is clear.Spray reagent: 2 mg/mL of ninhydrin in a mixture of butyl Chloride 〈221〉—Boil 1.5 g with 75 mL of water for 5 minutes,alcohol and 2N acetic acid (95:5)cool, add sufficient water to restore the original volume, and System suitabilityfilter. A 25-mL portion of the filtrate shows no more chloride Sample: System suitability solutionthan corresponds to 0.10 mL of 0.020 N hydrochloric acid Suitability requirement: The chromatogram of the System (0.014%).suitability solution exhibits two clearly separated spots.Sulfate —Dissolve 6.0 g in 37 mL of acetone, and add 3 mL of Analysiswater. Titrate potentiometrically with 0.02 M lead per chlorate,Samples: System suitability solution , Standard solution , and prepared by dissolving 9.20 g of lead per chlorate in water to Sample solutionmake 1000 mL of solution, using a pH meter capable of a mini-Proceed as directed in the chapter, except dr y the plate at mum reproducibility of ±0.1 mV (see pH 〈791〉) and equipped 80° for 30 min, spray with Spray reagent , and heat at 80°with an electrode system consisting of a lead-specific electrode for 30 min. Examine the plate under white light.and a silver–silver chloride reference glass-sleeved electrodeAcceptance criteria: No secondar y spot from the Sample containing a solution of tetraethylammonium per chlorate in gla-solution is larger or more intense than the principal spot cial acetic acid (1 in 44) (see Titrimetry 〈541〉): not more than from the Standard solution .1.25 mL of 0.02 M lead per chlorate is consumed (0.04%).Individual impurities: NMT 0.5%[NOTE —After use, rinse the lead-specific electrode with water,Total impurities: NMT2.0%drain the reference electrode, flush with water, rinse with meth-anol, and allow to dr y.]SPECIFIC TESTS•O PTICAL R OTATION , Specific Rotation 〈781S 〉Heavy metals—Dissolve 2g in 25 mL of acetone, and add 1Sample solution: 80 mg/mL in 6N hydrochloric acid mL of water. Add 1.2 mL of thioacetamide–glycerin base TSAcceptance criteria: +24.0° to +26.0°, at 20°and 2 mL of pH 3.5 Acetate Buffer (see Heavy Metals 〈231〉), and •L OSS ON D RYING 〈731〉: Dry a sample at 105° for 3 h: it loses allow to stand for 5 minutes: any color produced is not darker NMT 0.5% of its weight.than that of a control made with 25 mL of acetone and 2 mL of Standard Lead Solution (see Heavy Metals 〈231〉), treated in ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSthe same manner. The limit is 10 µg per g.•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE : Preserve in well-closed containers,Limit of free salicylic acid—Dissolve 2.5 g in sufficient alco-and store protected from light.hol to make 25.0 mL. T o each of two matched color-compari-son tubes add 48 mL of water and 1 mL of a freshly prepared,diluted ferric ammonium sulfate solution (prepared by adding 1mL of 1N hydrochloric acid to 2 mL of ferric ammonium sul-fate TS and diluting with water to 100 mL). Into one tube pipet 1 mL of a standard solution of salicylic acid in water, containing 0.10 mg of salicylic acid per mL. Into the second tube pipet 1mL of the 1 in 10 solution of Aspirin. Mix the contents of each tube: after 30 seconds, the color in the second tube is not2246Aspirin / Official MonographsUSP 35more intense than that in the tube containing the salicylic acid Standard preparation—Prepare a solution in Diluting solution (0.1%).having known concentrations of about 0.4 mg of USP Aspirin RS and 0.01 mg of USP Salicylic Acid RS per mL.Assay—Place about 1.5 g of Aspirin, accurately weighed, in a flask, add 50.0 mL of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide VS, and boil the Assay preparation—Weigh and finely powder not fewer than mixture gently for 10 minutes. Add phenolphthalein TS, and 10 Boluses. Transfer an accurately weighed portion of the pow-titrate the excess sodium hydroxide with 0.5 N sulfuric acid VS.der, equivalent to about 400 mg of aspirin, to a 100-mL volu-Perform a blank determination (see Residual Titrations under Ti-metric flask, dilute with Diluting solution to volume, and stir by trimetry 〈541〉). Each mL of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide is equiva-mechanical means for about 15 minutes. Pass a portion of this lent to 45.04 mg of C 9H 8O 4.solution through a filter having a 0.5-µm or finer porosity, and use the filtrate as the Assay preparation .Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 〈621〉)—The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 254-nm detector and a 4.6-mm × 25-cm column that contains 5-µm packing L1. The Aspirin Bolusesflow rate is about 1 mL per minute. Chromatograph the Stan-dard preparation , and record the peak responses as directed for » Aspirin Boluses contain not less than 90.0 per-Procedure: the relative retention times are about 0.6 for salicylic acid and 1.0 for aspirin, and the relative standard deviation of cent and not more than 110.0 per cent of the the aspirin peak response for replicate injections is not more labeled amount of aspirin (C 9H 8O 4).than 2.0%.Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers.Procedure—Separately inject equal volumes (about 20 µL) of the Standard preparation and the Assay preparation into the Labeling—Label Boluses to indicate that they are for veterinar y chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and measure the use only.responses for the major peaks. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of USP Reference standards 〈11〉—aspirin (C 9H 8O 4) in the portion of Boluses taken by the formula:USP Aspirin RS1000C (r U /r S )USP Salicylic Acid RS Identification—in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Aspirin A: Crush 1 Bolus, boil a portion of the powder, equivalent to RS in the Standard preparation; and r U and r S are the aspirin about 300 mg of aspirin, with 50 mL of water, cool, and add a peak responses obtained from the Assay preparation and the drop of ferric chloride TS: a violet-red color is produced.Standard preparation, respectively.B: The retention time of the aspirin peak in the chromato-gram of the Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chro-matogram of the Standard preparation, as obtained in the Assay .Dissolution 〈711〉—Aspirin CapsulesMedium: 0.5 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4; 900 mL.Apparatus 2: 75 rpm.» Aspirin Capsules contain not less than 93.0 per-Time: 45 minutes.cent and not more than 107.0 per cent of the Diluting solution—Prepare a mixture of acetonitrile and for-labeled amount of aspirin (C 9H 8O 4).mic acid (99:1).NOTE —Capsules that are enteric-coated or the Procedure—Determine the amount of aspirin (C 9H 8O 4) dis-contents of which are enteric-coated meet the solved by employing UV absorption at the wavelength of the isosbestic point of aspirin and salicylic acid at 265±2 nm on requirements for Aspirin Delayed-Release Capsules .filtered portions of the solution under test, suitably diluted with Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers.Diluting solution, if necessar y, in comparison with a Standard solution having a known concentration of USP Aspirin RS in the USP Reference standards 〈11〉—same Medium . [NOTE —Prepare the Standard solution at the time USP Aspirin RS of use.]Identification—Tolerances—Not less than 80% (Q) of the labeled amount of C 9H 8O 4 is dissolved in 45 minutes.A: Heat about 100 mg of the Capsule contents with 10 mL of water for several minutes, cool, and add 1 drop of ferric Uniformity of dosage units 〈905〉: meet the requirements.chloride TS: a violet-red color is produced.Limit of salicylic acid—Using the chromatograms of the B: Shake a quantity of the contents of Capsules, equivalent Standard preparation and the Assay preparation, obtained as di-to about 500 mg of aspirin, with 10 mL of alcohol for several rected in the Assay, calculate the per centage of salicylic acid minutes. Centrifuge the mixture. Pour off the clear supernatant (C 7H 6O 3) in the portion of Boluses taken by the formula:and evaporate it to dr yness. Dry the residue in vacuum at 60°for 1 hour: the residue responds to Identification test B under 100,000(C /W A )(r U /r S )Aspirin .in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Salicylic Dissolution 〈711〉—Acid RS in the Standard preparation; W A is the quantity, in mg,Medium: 0.05 M acetate buffer, prepared by mixing 2.99of aspirin (C 9H 8O 4) in the portion of Boluses taken, as deter-g of sodium acetate trihydrate and 1.66 mL of glacial acetic mined in the Assay; and r U and r S are the salicylic acid peakacid with water to obtain 1000 mL of solution having a pH of responses obtained from the Assay preparation and the Standard 4.50 ± 0.05; 500 mL.preparation, respectively: not more than 0.3% is found.Apparatus 1: 100 rpm.Assay—Time: 30 minutes.Mobile phase—Dissolve 2g of sodium 1-heptanesulfonate in Procedure—Determine the amount of C 9H 8O 4 dissolved from a mixture of 850 mL of water and 150 mL of acetonitrile, and UV absorbances at the wavelength of the isosbestic point of adjust with glacial acetic acid to a pH of 3.4. Make any neces-aspirin and salicylic acid at 265±2 nm of filtered portions of sary adjustments (see System Suitability under Chromatography the solution under test, suitably diluted with Medium, if neces-〈621〉).sary, in comparison with a Standard solution having a known Diluting solution—Prepare a mixture of acetonitrile and for-concentration of USP Aspirin RS in the same Medium. [NOTE —mic acid (99:1).。
