
投资学考试试题及答案一、选择题1. 在投资学中,以下哪种投资方式具有最小的风险?A. 股票投资B. 债券投资C. 期货投资D. 期权投资答案:B. 债券投资2. 下列哪种投资组合可实现资产的分散化?A. 只投资一只股票B. 投资多只股票C. 只投资一种债券D. 投资股票和债券混合组合答案:D. 投资股票和债券混合组合3. 以下哪种情况会导致投资组合的系统风险增加?A. 增加投资种类B. 减少投资种类C. 提高资产流动性D. 降低资产回报率答案:B. 减少投资种类二、简答题1. 请简要解释什么是资产配置,以及它对投资组合的重要性。
2. 请解释什么是夏普比率,以及它对投资业绩评估的意义。
三、计算题1. 投资者A的投资组合有60%是股票,40%是债券。
如果股票的年化收益率为10%,债券的年化收益率为5%,则该投资组合的年化收益率是多少?答案:(60% * 10%)+(40% * 5%)= 6% + 2% = 8%2. 投资者B的投资组合中,有30%是美国股票,40%是中国股票,30%是英国股票。
如果美国股票的夏普比率为1.2,中国股票的夏普比率为1.5,英国股票的夏普比率为0.8,则整个投资组合的夏普比率是多少?答案:(30% * 1.2)+(40% * 1.5)+(30% * 0.8)= 0.36 + 0.6 + 0.24 = 1.2以上是投资学考试的试题及答案,希望对您的学习有所帮助。

1、根据 CAPM,一个充分分散化的资产组合的收益率和哪个因素相关( A )。 A.市场风险 B.非系统风险 C.个别风险 D.再投资风险
2、在资本资产定价模型中,风险的测度是通过( B )进行的。
A.个别风险 B.贝塔系数
3、市场组合的贝塔系数为( B )。
6、下列属于非系统性风险范畴的是:( ABC ) A.经营风险 B.违约风险 C.财务风险 D.通货膨胀风险 E.流动性风险
1、贝塔值为零的股票的预期收益率为零。FT 2、CAPM 模型表明,如果要投资者持有高风险的证券,相应地也要更高的回报率。T 3、通过将 0.75 的投资预算投入到国库券,其余投向市场资产组合,可以构建贝塔值为 0.75 的资产组合。F 4、CAPM 模型认为资产组合收益可以由系统风险得到最好的解释。T 5、如果所有的证券都被公平定价,那么所有的股票将提供相等的期望收益率。F 6、投资组合中成分证券相关系数越大,投资组合的相关度高,投资组合的风险就越小。 F 7、对于不同的投资者而言,其投资组合的效率边界也是不同的。F 8、偏好无差异曲线位置高低的不同能够反映不同投资者在风险偏好个性上的差异。T 9、在市场模型中,β 大于 1 的证券被称为防御型证券。F 10、同一投资者的偏好无差异曲线不可能相交。T
14、反映证券组合期望收益水平和单个因素风险水平之间均衡关系的模型是( A )
B.特征线模型 C.资本市场线模型 D.套利定价模型
1、关于资本市场线,下列说法正确的是( ABD )。 A、资本市场线是所有有效资产组合的预期收益率和风险关系的组合轨迹 B、资本市场线是从无风险资产出发经过市场组合的一条射线 C、风险厌恶程度高的投资者会选择市场组合 M 点右上方的资产组合 D、风险厌恶程度低的投资者会选择市场组合 M 点右上方的资产组合

CA. 购买汽车作为出租车使用B. 农民购买化肥C. 购买商品房自己居住D. 政府出资修筑高速公路2、投资的收益和风险往往()。
AA. 同方向变化B. 反方向变化C. 先同方向变化,后反方向变化D. 先反方向变化,后同方向变化二、判断题1、资本可以有各种表现形态,但必须有价值。
()×三、多项选择题1、以下是投资主体必备条件的有()ABDA.拥有一定量的货币资金 B.对其拥有的货币资金具有支配权C.必须能控制其所投资企业的经营决策 D.能够承担投资的风险2、下列属于真实资本有()ABCA.机器设备 B.房地产 C.黄金 D.股票3、下列属于直接投资的有()ABA.企业设立新工厂 B.某公司收购另一家公司60%的股权C.居民个人购买1000股某公司股票 D.发放长期贷款而不参与被贷款企业的经营活动四、简答题1、直接投资与间接投资第2章市场经济与投资决定习题一、单项选择题1、市场经济制度与计划经济制度的最大区别在于()。
BA. 两种经济制度所属社会制度不一样B. 两种经济制度的基础性资源配置方式不一样C. 两种经济制度的生产方式不一样D. 两种经济制度的生产资料所有制不一样2、市场经济配置资源的主要手段是()。
DA. 分配机制B. 再分配机制C. 生产机制D. 价格机制二、判断题1、在市场经济体制下,自利性是经济活动主体从事经济活动的内在动力。
()×四、简答题1、市场失灵、缺陷第3章证券投资概述习题一、单项选择题1、在下列证券中,投资风险最低的是()AA、国库券B、金融债券C、国际机构债券D、公司债券2、中国某公司在美国发行的以欧元为面值货币的债券称之为()BA.外国债券 B.欧洲债券 C.武士债券 D.扬基债券3、中央银行在证券市场市场买卖证券的目的是()DA、赚取利润B、控制股份C、分散风险D、宏观调控4、资本证券主要包括()。



大一投资学考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 投资学中,投资组合的风险主要来源于()。
A. 系统性风险B. 非系统性风险C. 市场风险D. 利率风险答案:B2. 根据资本资产定价模型(CAPM),下列哪项不是决定资产预期收益率的因素?()A. 无风险利率B. 市场风险溢价C. 资产的贝塔系数D. 资产的流动性答案:D3. 在现代投资理论中,下列哪项不是有效市场假说(EMH)的类型?()A. 弱式有效市场B. 半强式有效市场C. 强式有效市场D. 完全有效市场答案:D4. 以下哪项不是投资学中的风险度量指标?()A. 方差B. 标准差C. 夏普比率D. 收益率答案:D5. 投资组合理论中,投资者通过分散投资可以降低的是()。
A. 系统性风险B. 非系统性风险C. 市场风险D. 利率风险答案:B6. 根据债券定价理论,下列哪项不是影响债券价格的因素?()A. 利率水平B. 债券的信用等级C. 债券的到期时间D. 债券的面值答案:D7. 股票的股息贴现模型(DDM)中,下列哪项不是决定股票内在价值的因素?()A. 预期股息B. 贴现率C. 股票的面值D. 股息增长率答案:C8. 在投资中,下列哪项不是财务杠杆的作用?()A. 增加收益B. 增加风险C. 减少收益D. 增加风险和收益的潜力答案:C9. 投资学中,下列哪项不是投资决策的基本原则?()A. 风险与回报的权衡B. 多元化投资C. 市场时机选择D. 长期投资答案:C10. 投资学中,下列哪项不是投资分析的主要方法?()A. 基本分析B. 技术分析C. 宏观经济分析D. 行为分析答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 投资学中,下列哪些因素会影响股票价格?()A. 公司的盈利能力B. 利率水平C. 通货膨胀率D. 投资者情绪答案:ABCD12. 投资组合管理中,下列哪些是风险管理策略?()A. 资产配置B. 风险预算C. 衍生品对冲D. 市场时机选择答案:ABC13. 根据资本资产定价模型(CAPM),下列哪些因素会影响资产的预期收益率?()A. 无风险利率B. 市场风险溢价C. 资产的贝塔系数D. 资产的流动性答案:ABC14. 投资学中,下列哪些是影响债券价格的主要因素?()A. 利率水平B. 债券的信用等级C. 债券的到期时间D. 债券的面值答案:ABC15. 投资学中,下列哪些是投资分析的主要方法?()A. 基本分析B. 技术分析C. 宏观经济分析D. 行为分析答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)16. 投资组合理论认为,通过分散投资可以消除所有风险。



投资者基础知识题库100道及答案一、投资基础概念1. 投资的目的是()。
A. 获得收益B. 保值增值C. 分散风险D. 以上都是答案:D2. 以下哪种投资风险相对较低?()A. 股票投资B. 债券投资C. 期货投资D. 外汇投资答案:B3. 投资组合的主要作用是()。
A. 降低风险B. 提高收益C. 分散投资D. 以上都是答案:D4. 风险承受能力较低的投资者适合投资()。
A. 高风险资产B. 中等风险资产C. 低风险资产D. 以上都不适合答案:C5. 投资的三要素不包括()。
A. 收益B. 风险C. 流动性D. 稳定性答案:D二、股票投资6. 股票是一种()。
A. 债务凭证B. 所有权凭证C. 衍生金融工具D. 以上都不是答案:B7. 股票的价格主要受()因素影响。
A. 公司业绩B. 宏观经济环境C. 市场供求关系D. 以上都是答案:D8. 以下哪个指标可以衡量股票的投资价值?()A. 市盈率B. 市净率C. 股息率D. 以上都是答案:D9. 股票市场中的“牛市”是指()。
A. 股价持续上涨B. 股价持续下跌C. 股价波动较小D. 以上都不是答案:A10. 股票投资的风险主要有()。
A. 市场风险B. 公司风险C. 行业风险D. 以上都是答案:D11. 投资者购买股票的收益主要来自()。
A. 股息收入B. 资本利得C. 红利分配D. 以上都是答案:D12. 股票的交易方式主要有()。
A. 现货交易B. 期货交易C. 期权交易D. 以上都是答案:A(主要是现货交易,期货和期权交易属于衍生交易方式)13. 股票的发行方式主要有()。
A. 公开发行B. 非公开发行C. 配股D. 以上都是答案:D14. 以下哪个是股票市场的主要指数?()A. 上证指数B. 深证成指C. 沪深300 指数D. 以上都是答案:D15. 股票投资的分析方法主要有()。
A. 基本面分析B. 技术分析C. 量化分析D. 以上都是答案:D三、债券投资16. 债券是一种()。

投资学期末考试题一、选择题1. 以下哪项不是投资组合的目的?A. 实现资本增值B. 分散投资风险C. 提高资产流动性D. 实现财务自由2. 市场上流通的理财产品通常包括哪些类型?A. 股票、债券、期货B. 房地产、黄金、外汇C. 股票、基金、保险D. 理财产品只包括银行存款3. 下列哪位投资者属于散户?A. 家庭主妇购买股票B. 风险投资基金经理C. 证券公司交易员D. 国家投资基金经理4. 以下哪种投资工具属于固定收益类投资?A. 股票B. 债券C. 期货D. 房地产5. 市场风险是指A. 投资的损失B. 政策风险C. 经济波动D. 市场潜规则二、简答题1. 请简要说明投资组合的优点和不足之间的平衡关系。
2. 请简要说明风险和收益之间的关系。

投资学考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题4分,共40分)1. 投资学是研究什么问题的学科?A. 资金的筹集和分配B. 资产的收益和风险C. 经济发展和社会进步D. 企业管理和决策2. 股票的收益主要由以下哪些因素决定?A. 利润收益B. 股息收益C. 股价上涨收益D. 所有选项都正确3. 以下哪种投资组合可以实现风险分散?A. 只投资一种股票B. 只投资一种债券C. 投资多种不同类型的资产D. 所有选项都无法实现风险分散4. 在现金流折现决策中,下列哪个指标可用来评估投资项目的收益性?A. 净现值B. 内部收益率C. 投资回收期D. 所有选项都正确5. 风险资产的预期收益率和风险程度之间的关系是:A. 收益率越高,风险越低B. 收益率越低,风险越低C. 收益率越高,风险越高D. 收益率与风险无关6. 以下哪个指标用于评估投资组合的风险和收益之间的关系?A. 夏普比率B. 贝塔系数C. 布朗修正系数D. 所有选项都正确7. 在股票市场上,以下哪个指标用于衡量股票价格波动的大小?A. 均值B. 方差C. 标准差D. 所有选项都正确8. 资产组合的有效前沿是指:A. 所有可行的资产组合构成的曲线B. 高收益率资产构成的曲线C. 低风险资产构成的曲线D. 所有选项都不正确9. 什么是资本资产定价模型(CAPM)?A. 一种基于资产收益率和市场风险的定价模型B. 一种用于计算股票价格的模型C. 一种用于计算债券收益率的模型D. 所有选项都不正确10. 标准差衡量的是:A. 资产的期望收益B. 资产的风险敞口C. 资产的现金流D. 所有选项都不正确二、判断题(每题4分,共20分)1. 长期债券的价格波动较大,风险相对较高。
( )2. 投资组合的风险可以通过对冲来降低。
( )3. 投资组合的效用函数反映了投资者对风险和收益的偏好。
( )4. 若两个资产间的相关系数为-1,则它们的收益率具有正相关关系。
( )5. 在投资组合理论中,有效前沿上的资产组合都具有最大效用。

投资学期末试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 投资组合理论是由哪位经济学家提出的?A. 亚当·斯密B. 哈里·马科维茨C. 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯D. 米尔顿·弗里德曼2. 以下哪项不是投资风险的类型?A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 流动性风险D. 收益风险3. 股票的贝塔系数衡量的是:A. 股票价格波动性B. 股票与市场的关系C. 股票的收益潜力D. 股票的流动性4. 债券的到期收益率与市场利率的关系是:A. 正相关B. 负相关C. 无关系D. 有时正相关,有时负相关5. 以下哪种投资策略不是基于市场效率假说?A. 被动投资B. 技术分析C. 基本面分析D. 指数基金投资二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简述资本资产定价模型(CAPM)的基本假设和公式。
2. 什么是有效市场假说(EMH)?它对投资者的决策有何影响?3. 请解释什么是杠杆收购(LBO)以及它在投资中的作用。
三、计算题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你拥有一个包含两种股票的投资组合,股票A和股票B。
2. 某公司发行了一张面值为1000美元,期限为10年,年利率为5%的债券。
四、论述题(共30分)1. 论述私募股权投资与公开市场投资的主要区别,并分析它们各自的优点和局限性。
2. 请结合当前市场环境,讨论投资者如何平衡风险与回报。
答案:一、选择题1. B2. D3. B4. A5. B二、简答题1. 资本资产定价模型(CAPM)的基本假设包括:市场是有效的,投资者是理性的,不存在交易成本和税收,投资者可以无限制地借贷资金等。
CAPM的公式为:E(Ri) = Rf + βi * (E(Rm) - Rf),其中E(Ri)是资产i的预期收益率,Rf是无风险利率,βi是资产i的贝塔系数,E(Rm)是市场组合的预期收益率。

投资学题库与参考答案一、单选题(共30题,每题1分,共30分)1、对于股票有一种描述“人在江湖漂,哪有不挨刀”表明( )。
A、承担股票风险是获得收益的前提B、股市风险不可预料C、投资收益与风险成正比D、股票具有高风险特征正确答案:D2、根据预期假设理论,收益率曲线向上倾斜,则说明市场预期未来短期利率( )。
A、会上升B、会下降C、会保持平稳D、趋势变化不明确正确答案:A3、期货交易中最可能采取实物交割的是( )。
A、投机客B、套利交易者C、套期保值者D、期货空头正确答案:C4、“中央决定,加快股票发行注册制推出步伐”,这条信息是( )。
A、微观信息B、宏观信息C、中观信息D、行业信息正确答案:B5、开放基金的发行价格一般( )。
A、由于超额需求,高于净资产价格B、由于费用和佣金,低于净资产价格C、由于费用和佣金,高于净资产价格D、由于有限的需求,低于净资产价格正确答案:C6、未来同等数额现金流的价值( )现在同等数额的现金流。
A、小于B、等于C、不等于D、大于正确答案:A7、投资的收益和风险往往( )。
这句话最能说明的基本原理是( )。
A、牛熊市周而复始B、投资收益和投资风险形影相随C、尊重市场、适应市场D、分散投资降低风险正确答案:B9、股票除权过程中,上市公司对外宣告一个日期,这个日期被称为( ),当天收市后持有公司股票的投资者享有公司宣称的各种权益。
()A、股票除权日B、社会公告日C、对外宣告日D、股权登记日正确答案:D10、期货具有多种功能,其中不包括( )。
A、投资功能B、价格发现功能C、避险功能D、投机功能正确答案:A11、公司债券的信誉要( )政府债券和金融债券,风险较大,因而利率一般也比较( )。

金融投资学考试试题一、选择题(每题 3 分,共 30 分)1、以下哪种投资工具风险相对较低?()A 股票B 债券C 期货D 外汇2、投资组合能够降低风险的主要原因是()A 分散化B 集中化C 长期投资D 短期投资3、当经济处于衰退期时,以下哪种行业可能表现较好?()A 房地产B 汽车C 食品D 奢侈品4、有效市场假说中,弱式有效市场认为()A 技术分析无效B 基本面分析无效C 内幕消息有用D 所有分析都无效5、以下哪个指标可以衡量投资的系统性风险?()A 方差B 标准差C 贝塔系数D 阿尔法系数6、债券的票面利率是指()A 市场利率B 实际利率C 名义利率D 到期收益率7、股票的市盈率是指()A 股价除以每股收益B 每股收益除以股价C 股价除以每股净资产D 每股净资产除以股价8、基金的单位净值是指()A 基金资产总值除以基金份额总数B 基金资产净值除以基金份额总数C 基金份额总数除以基金资产总值D 基金份额总数除以基金资产净值9、以下哪种投资策略属于被动投资?()A 价值投资B 成长投资C 指数投资D 波段操作10、金融衍生品的基本功能包括()A 套期保值B 价格发现C 投机D 以上都是二、判断题(每题 2 分,共 20 分)1、投资的风险越大,收益一定越高。
()三、简答题(每题 10 分,共 30 分)1、简述资本资产定价模型的基本内容。

A.半强式B.强式C.a>b和cD.弱式正确答案:D12、传统理论认为投资者____ ,行为金融认为他们oA.是理性的;是理性的B.可能不是理性的;可能不是理性的C.是理性的;是非理性的D.是理想的;可能不是理性的正确答案:D13、信息处理错误包括了o(1)预测错误(2)过度自信(3)保守主义(4)框定偏差A.(3)和(4)C.(1)和(2)D.⑴、(2)和(3)正确答案:D14、在企业被收购或变换经营者的可能性较大时,适宜选用()模型进行估价A.股利折现B.净利润C.股权现金流量D.预期自由现金流量正确答案:C15、与固定利率债券不同,浮动利率债券通常会在特定日期调整利率。

A 支出B 储蓄C 投资D 消费答案: C2.证券投资通过投资于证券将资金转移到企业部门, 因此通常又被称为______。
A 间接投资B 直接投资C 实物投资D 以上都不正确答案: B3.直接投融资的中介机构是______。
A 商业银行B 信托投资公司C 投资咨询公司D 证券经营机构答案: D三、多项选择题1.投资的特点有_______。
A 投资是现在投入一定价值量的经济活动B 投资具有时间性C 投资的目的在于得到报酬D 投资具有风险性答案: ABCD2.证券投资在投资活动中占有突出的地位, 其作用表现在______促进经济增长等方面。
A 使社会的闲散货币转化为投资资金B 使储蓄转化为投资C 促进资金合理流动D 促进资源有效配置答案: ABCD3.间接投资的优点有______。
A 积少成多B 续短为长C 化分散为集中D 分散风险答案: ABCD1.进入证券市场进行证券买卖的各类投资者即是证券投资的______。
A 主体B 客体C 工具D 对象答案: A2.由于______的作用, 投资者不再满足投资品种的单一性, 而希望建立多样化的资产组合。
A 边际收入递减规律B 边际风险递增规律C 边际效用递减规律D 边际成本递减规律答案: C3.通常, 机构投资者在证券市场上属于______型投资者。
A 激进B 稳定C 稳健D 保守答案: C4.商业银行通常将______作为第二准备金, 这些证券䠠??______为主。
A 长期证券长期国债B 短期证券短期国债C 长期证券公司债D 短期证券公司债答案: B5.购买股票旨在长期参股并可能谋求进入公司决策管理层的投资者被称为______。
A 投机者B 机构投资者C QFIID 战略投资者答案: D6.有价证券所代表的经济权利是______。
A 财产所有权B 债权C 剩余请求权D 所有权或债权答案: D7、按规定, 股份有限公司破产或解散时的清偿顺序是______。

a. 半强式b. 强式c. 弱式d. a、b和c2.很多情况下人们往往把能够带来报酬的支出行为称为______。
A 支出B 储蓄C 投资D 消费3、当其他条件相同,分散化投资在那种情况下最有效?( )a. 组成证券的收益不相关b. 组成证券的收益正相关c. 组成证券的收益很高d. 组成证券的收益负相关4.如果强式有效市场假定成立,下列哪一种说法是正确的?()A、未来事件能够被准确地预测。
5. 市场风险也可解释为()。
a. 系统风险,可分散化的风险b. 系统风险,不可分散化的风险c. 个别风险,不可分散化的风险d. 个别风险,可分散化的风险6.半强式有效市场假定认为股票价格()A、反映了已往的全部价格信息。
7.对已经进行贴现,尚未到期的票据转做一次贴现的行为称为( )A.再贴现 B.承兑 C.转贴现 D.多次贴现8、其他条件不变,债券的价格与收益率()。
a. 正相关b. 反相关c. 有时正相关,有时反相关d. 无关9.在红利贴现模型中,不影响贴现率k的因素是()。
A 5%B 10%C 15%D 20%11、在合约到期前,交易者除了进行实物交割,还可以通过______来结束交易。
A 投机B 对冲C 交收D 主动放弃12、以包销或代销方式帮助发行人发行证券的商号或机构叫做( )A.证券承销人 B.证券交易经纪人 C.证券交易所 D.证券结算公司13、期权交易是对______的买卖。

第一部分:选择题1. 以下哪个是投资学的核心概念?a) 股票b) 风险c) 利率d) 债券答案:b) 风险2. 投资组合是指投资者持有的一组投资资产,以下哪个是投资组合的主要目标?a) 最大化回报b) 最小化风险c) 最大化流动性d) 最小化成本答案:b) 最小化风险3. 市场有效假设是投资学的重要理论之一,以下哪个描述最符合市场有效假设?a) 市场上的价格是随机波动的,无法预测b) 市场上的价格是由供求关系决定的c) 市场上的价格是由投资者的心理预期决定的d) 市场上的价格是由政府的干预决定的答案:a) 市场上的价格是随机波动的,无法预测第二部分:简答题1. 请简要介绍一下投资组合理论。
2. 什么是资本资产定价模型(CAPM)?答案:资本资产定价模型(CAPM)是投资学中的一种重要模型,用于估计资产的预期回报率。
第三部分:计算题1. 假设有两个投资项目A和B,其预期回报率和风险如下表所示:项目预期回报率风险(标准差)A 10% 15%B 8% 10%请计算项目A和B的夏普比率,并分析哪个项目更具吸引力。

投资学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不属于投资的基本类型?A. 股票投资B. 债券投资C. 外汇投资D. 保险投资答案:D2. 以下哪个因素对股票价格影响最大?A. 公司盈利能力B. 市场利率C. 通货膨胀D. 政府政策答案:A3. 以下哪个指标可以用来衡量债券的信用风险?A. 债券收益率B. 债券评级C. 债券到期时间D. 债券面值答案:B4. 以下哪种投资方式风险最低?A. 购买国债B. 购买股票C. 投资房地产D. 投资黄金答案:A5. 以下哪个因素会导致股票价格下跌?A. 公司盈利增长B. 市场利率上升C. 通货膨胀下降D. 政府减税答案:B6. 以下哪个市场属于金融衍生品市场?A. 股票市场B. 债券市场C. 外汇市场D. 期货市场答案:D7. 以下哪个指标可以用来衡量股票市场的整体估值水平?A. 市盈率B. 市净率C. 股息率D. 股息支付率答案:A8. 以下哪个因素会导致债券价格下跌?A. 市场利率上升B. 市场利率下降C. 债券评级上升D. 债券到期时间缩短答案:A9. 以下哪个投资策略属于被动投资策略?A. 定期调整投资组合B. 长期持有指数基金C. 追逐市场热点D. 根据宏观经济预测调整投资组合答案:B10. 以下哪个市场具有高收益、高风险的特点?A. 股票市场B. 债券市场C. 外汇市场D. 黄金市场答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 投资者购买股票的目的是获取______和______。
答案:股息收入;资本增值2. 债券的到期收益率等于______与______的比值。
答案:债券的年利息收入;债券的市场价格3. 股票市场的价格波动受______、______、______等多种因素的影响。
答案:宏观经济状况;公司盈利能力;市场心理4. 投资者在投资过程中应遵循的四大基本原则是:______、______、______、______。
答案:收益与风险相匹配;分散投资;长期投资;定期调整投资组合5. 以下属于金融衍生品的有:______、______、______。

投资学基础试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 投资组合理论是由哪位经济学家提出的?A. 亚当·斯密B. 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯C. 哈里·马科维茨D. 弗里德里希·哈耶克答案:C2. 股票价格指数反映了什么?A. 特定股票的价格变动B. 特定行业的股价变动C. 整个股票市场的价格变动D. 特定国家的经济发展水平答案:C3. 以下哪项不是投资的基本要素?A. 投资主体B. 投资对象C. 投资时间D. 投资风险答案:D4. 债券的面值通常是多少?A. 100元B. 1000元C. 10000元D. 100000元答案:A5. 以下哪项不是股票投资的优点?A. 流动性强B. 收益稳定C. 可以参与公司决策D. 价格波动大答案:B6. 以下哪项不是影响股票价格的因素?A. 公司业绩B. 市场利率C. 政治因素D. 月球引力答案:D7. 投资组合的多样化可以降低哪种风险?A. 系统性风险B. 非系统性风险C. 市场风险D. 信用风险答案:B8. 以下哪项不是投资分析的方法?A. 基本面分析B. 技术分析C. 心理分析D. 宏观经济分析答案:C9. 以下哪项不是投资决策的基本原则?A. 风险与收益相匹配B. 长期投资C. 短期投机D. 资产配置答案:C10. 以下哪项不是投资的类型?A. 直接投资B. 间接投资C. 风险投资D. 慈善投资答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题)1. 以下哪些因素会影响债券的收益率?A. 利率水平B. 债券的信用等级C. 债券的期限D. 投资者的个人偏好答案:A, B, C2. 以下哪些是投资基金的特点?A. 专业管理B. 多样化投资C. 低风险D. 高流动性答案:A, B, D3. 以下哪些是投资风险的类型?A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 操作风险D. 法律风险答案:A, B, C, D4. 以下哪些是投资决策时需要考虑的因素?A. 投资目标B. 投资期限C. 投资预算D. 投资偏好答案:A, B, C, D5. 以下哪些是投资分析的步骤?A. 收集信息B. 分析信息C. 做出决策D. 执行决策答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题(每题1分,共5题)1. 投资组合的多样化可以完全消除非系统性风险。
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Chapter 11The Efficient Market Hypothesis Multiple Choice Questions1、 If you believe in the ________ form of the EMH, you believe that stock prices reflect all relevant information including historical stock prices and current public information about the firm, but not information that is available only to insiders、A、 Semistrong2. When Maurice Kendall examined the patterns of stock returns in 1953 he concluded that the stock market was __________、 Now, these random price movements are believed to be_________、A、 inefficient; the effect of a well-functioning market3. The stock market follows a __________、B、 Submartingale4. A hybrid strategy is one where the investorD、 maintains a passive core and augments the position with an actively managed portfolio、5. The difference between a random walk and a submartingale is the expected price change in a random walk is ______ and the expected price change for a submartingale is ______、D、 zero; positive6.6、 The difference between a random walk and a submartingale is the expected price change in a random walk is ______ and the expected price change for a submartingale is ______、D、 zero; positive7、 Proponents of the EMH typically advocateB、 investing in an index fund、C、 a passive investment strategy、E、 B and C8. Proponents of the EMH typically advocateC、 a passive investment strategy、9. If you believe in the _______ form of the EMH, you believe that stock prices reflect all information that can be derived by examining market trading data such as the history of past stock prices, trading volume or short interest、C、 Weak10. If you believe in the _________ form of the EMH, you believe that stock prices reflect all available information, including information that is available only to insiders、B、 strong11、 If you believe in the reversal effect, you shouldC、 buy stocks this period that performed poorly last period、12、 __________ focus more on past price movements of a firm's stock than on the underlying determinants of future profitability、D、 Technical analysts13、 _________ above which it is difficult for the market to rise、B、 Resistance level is a value14、 _________ below which it is difficult for the market to fall、C、 Support level is a value15、 ___________ the return on a stock beyond what would be predicted from market movements alone、A、 An excess economic return isC、 An abnormal return isE、 A and C16、 The debate over whether markets are efficient will probably never be resolved because of ________、A、 the lucky event issue、B、 the magnitude issue、C、 the selection bias issue、D、 all of the above、17、 A common strategy for passive management is ____________、A、 creating an index fund18、 Arbel (1985) found thatA、 the January effect was highest for neglected firms、19、 Researchers have found that most of the small firm effect occursD、 in January、20、 Basu (1977, 1983) found that firms with low P/E ratiosA、 earned higher average returns than firms with high P/E ratios、21、 Jaffe (1974) found that stock prices _________ after insiders intensively bought shares、C、 increased22、 Banz (1981) found that, on average, the risk-adjusted returns of small firmsA、 were higher than the risk-adjusted returns of large firms、23、 Proponents of the EMH think technical analystsE、 are wasting their time、24、 Studies of positive earnings surprises have shown that there isA、 a positive abnormal return on the day positive earnings surprises are announced、B、 a positive drift in the stock price on the days following the earnings surprise announcement、D、 both A and B are true、25、 Studies of negative earnings surprises have shown that there isA、 a negative abnormal return on the day negative earnings surprises are announced、B、 a positive drift in the stock price on the days following the earnings surprise announcement、D、 both A and B are true、26、 Studies of stock price reactions to news are calledB、 event studies、27、 On November 22, 2005 the stock price of Walmart was $39、50 and the retailer stock index was 600、30、 On November 25, 2005 the stock price of Walmart was $40、25 and the retailer stock index was 605、20、 Consider the ratio of Walmart to the retailer index on November 22 and November 25、 Walmart is _______ the retail industry and technical analysts who follow relative strength would advise _______ the stock、A、 outperforming, buying28、 Work by Amihud and Mendelson (1986,1991)A、 argues that investors will demand a rate of return premium to invest in less liquid stocks、B、 may help explain the small firm effect、C、 may be related to the neglected firm effect、E、 A, B, and C、29、 Fama and French (1992) found that the stocks of firms within the highest decile of market/book ratios had average monthly returns of _______ while the stocks of firms within the lowest decile of market/book ratios had average monthly returns of ________、C、 less than 1%, greater than 1%30、 A market decline of 23% on a day when there is no significant macroeconomic event______ consistent with the EMH because ________、D、 would not be, it was not a clear response to macroeconomic news、31、 In an efficient market, __________、A、 security prices react quickly to new informationB、 security prices are seldom far above or below their justified levelsC、 security analysts will not enable investors to realize superior returns consistentlyE、 A, B, and C32、 The weak form of the efficient market hypothesis asserts thatB、 future changes in stock prices cannot be predicted from past prices、C、 technicians cannot expect to outperform the market、E、 B and C33. A support level is the price range at which a technical analyst would expect theC、 demand for a stock to increase substantially、34. A finding that _________ would provide evidence against the semistrong form of the efficient market theory、A、 low P/E stocks tend to have positive abnormal returnsC、 one can consistently outperform the market by adopting the contrarian approach exemplified by the reversals phenomenonE、 A and C35、 The weak form of the efficient market hypothesis contradictsD、 technical analysis, but is silent on the possibility of successful fundamental analysis、36、 Two basic assumptions of technical analysis are that security prices adjustC、 gradually to new information and market prices are determined by the interaction of supply and demand、37、 Cumulative abnormal returns (CAR)A、 are used in event studies、B、 are better measures of security returns due to firm-specific events than are abnormal returns (AR)、D、 A and B、38、 Studies of mutual fund performanceA、 indicate that one should not randomly select a mutual fund、B、 indicate that historical performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance、D、 A and B、39、 The likelihood of an investment newsletter's successfully predicting the direction of the market for three consecutive years by chance should beC、 between 10% and 25%、40、 In an efficient market the correlation coefficient between stock returns for twonon-overlapping time periods should beC、 zero、41、 The weather report says that a devastating and unexpected freeze is expected to hit Florida tonight, during the peak of the citrus harvest、 In an efficient market one would expect the price of Florida Orange's stock toA、 drop immediately、42、 Matthews Corporation has a beta of 1、2、 The annualized market return yesterday was 13%, and the risk-free rate is currently 5%、 You observe that Matthews had an annualized return yesterday of 17%、 Assuming that markets are efficient, this suggests thatB、 good news about Matthews was announced yesterday、43、 Nicholas Manufacturing just announced yesterday that its 4th quarter earnings will be 10% higher than last year's 4th quarter、 You observe that Nicholas had an abnormal return of -1、2% yesterday、 This suggests thatC、 investors expected the earnings increase to be larger than what was actually announced、44、 When Maurice Kendall first examined stock price patterns in 1953, he found thatB、 there were no predictable patterns in stock prices、45、 If stock prices follow a random walkD、 price changes are random、46、 The main difference between the three forms of market efficiency is thatD、 the definition of information differs、47、 Chartists practiceA、 technical analysis、48、 Which of the following are used by fundamental analysts to determine proper stock prices?I) trendlinesII) earningsIII) dividend prospectsIV) expectations of future interest ratesV) resistance levelsC、 II, III, and IV49、 According to proponents of the efficient market hypothesis, the best strategy for a small investor with a portfolio worth $40,000 is probably toE、 invest in mutual funds、50、 Which of the following are investment superstars who have consistently shown superior performance?I) Warren BuffetII) Phoebe BuffetIII) Peter LynchIV) Merrill LynchV) Jimmy BuffetC、 I and III51、 Google has a beta of 1、0、 The annualized market return yesterday was 11%, and the risk-free rate is currently 5%、 You observe that Google had an annualized return yesterday of 14%、 Assuming that markets are efficient, this suggests thatB、 good news about Google was announced yesterday、52、 Music Doctors has a beta of 2、25、 The annualized market return yesterday was 12%, and the risk-free rate is currently 4%、 You observe that Music Doctors had an annualized return yesterday of 15%、 Assuming that markets are efficient, this suggests thatA、 bad news about Music Doctors was announced yesterday、53、 QQAG has a beta of 1、7、 The annualized market return yesterday was 13%, and the risk-free rate is currently 3%、 You observe that QQAG had an annualized return yesterday of 20%、 Assuming that markets are efficient, this suggests thatC、 no significant news about QQAG was announced yesterday、54、 QQAG just announced yesterday that its 4th quarter earnings will be 35% higher than last year's 4th quarter、 You observe that QQAG had an abnormal return of -1、7% yesterday、This suggests thatC、 investors expected the earnings increase to be larger than what was actually announced、55、 LJP Corporation just announced yesterday that it would undertake an international joint venture、 You observe that LJP had an abnormal return of 3% yesterday、 This suggests thatD、 investors view the international joint venture as good news、56、 Music Doctors just announced yesterday that its 1st quarter sales were 35% higher than last year's 1st quarter、 You observe that Music Doctors had an abnormal return of -2% yesterday、 This suggests thatC、 investors expected the sales increase to be larger than what was actually announced、57、 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just announced yesterday that they would approve a new cancer-fighting drug from King、 You observe that King had an abnormal return of 0% yesterday、 This suggests thatD、 the approval was already anticipated by the market58、 Your professor finds a stock-trading rule that generates excess risk-adjusted returns、Instead of publishing the results, she keeps the trading rule to herself、 This is most closely associated with ________、B、 selection bias59、 At freshman orientation, 1,500 students are asked to flip a coin 20 times、 One student is crowned the winner (tossed 20 heads)、 This is most closely associated with ________、D、 the lucky event issue60、 Sehun (1986) finds that the practice of monitoring insider trade disclosures, and trading on that information, would be ________、E、 not sufficiently profitable to cover trading costs61、 If you believe in the reversal effect, you shouldC、 sell stocks this period that performed well last period、62、 Patell and Woflson (1984) report that most of the stock price response to corporate dividend or earnings announcements occurs within ____________ of the announcement、C、 2 hoursShort Answer Questions63、 Discuss the various forms of market efficiency、 Include in your discussion the information sets involved in each form and the relationships across information sets and across forms of market efficiency、 Also discuss the implications for the various forms of market efficiency for the various types of securities' analysts、The weak form of the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) states that stock prices immediately reflect market data、 Market data refers to stock prices and trading volume、 Technicians attempt to predict future stock prices based on historic stock price movements、 Thus, if the weak form of the EMH holds, the work of the technician is of no value、The semistrong form of the EMH states that stock prices include all public information、 This public information includes market data and all other publicly available information, such as financial statements, and all information reported in the press relevant to the firm、 Thus, market information is a subset of all public information、 As a result, if the semistrong form of the EMH holds, the weak form must hold also、 If the semistrong form holds, then the fundamentalist, who attempts to identify undervalued securities by analyzing public information, is unlikely to do so consistently over time、 In fact, the work of the fundamentalist may make the markets even more efficient!The strong form of the EMH states that all information (public and private) is immediately reflected in stock prices、 Public information is a subset of all information, thus if the strong form of the EMH holds, the semistrong form must hold also、 The strong form of EMH states that even with inside (legal or illegal) information, one cannot expect to outperform the market consistently over time、Studies have shown the weak form to hold, when transactions costs are considered、 Studies have shown the semistrong form to hold in general, although some anomalies have been observed、 Studies have shown that some insiders (specialists, major shareholders, major corporate officers) do outperform the market、Feedback: The purpose of this question is to assure that the student understands the interrelationships across different forms of the EMH, across the information sets, and the implications of each form for different types of analysts、64、 What is an event study? It is a test of what form of market efficiency? Discuss the process of conducting an event study, including the best variable(s) to observe as tests of market efficiency、A event study is an empirical test which allows the researcher to assess the impact of a particular event on a firm's stock price、 To do so, one often uses the index model and estimates e t, the residual term which measures the firm-specific component of the stock's return、 This variable is the difference between the return the stock would ordinarily earn for a given level of market performance and the actual rate of return on the stock、 This measure is often referred to as the abnormal return of the stock、 However, it is very difficult to identify the exact point in time that an event becomes public information; thus, the better measure is the cumulative abnormal return, which is the sum of abnormal returns over a period of time (a window around the event date)、This technique may be used to study the effect of any public event on a firm's stock price; thus, this technique is a test of the semistrong form of the EMH、Feedback: The rationale for this question is to ascertain if the student understands the methodology most commonly used as a test of the semistrong form of market efficiency、65、 Discuss the small firm effect, the neglected firm effect, and the January effect, the tax effect and how the four effects may be related、Studies have shown that small firms earn a risk-adjusted rate of return greater than that of larger firms、 Additional studies have shown that firms that are not followed by analysts (neglected firms) also have a risk-adjusted return greater than that of larger firms、 However, the neglected firms tend to be small firms; thus, the neglected firm effect may be a manifestation of the small firm effect、 Finally, studies have shown that returns in January tend to be higher than in other months of the year、 This effect has been shown to persist consistently over the years、 However, the January effect may be the tax effect, as investors may have sold stocks with losses in December for tax purposes and reinvested in January、 Small firms (and neglected firms) would tend to be more affected by this increased buying than larger firms, as small firms tend to sell for lower prices、Feedback: The purpose of this question is to reinforce the interrelationships, that "effects" may not always be independent and thus readily identifiable、 Also these effects are widely discussed in the financial press, and the January effect appears to be quite persistent、66、 Why might the degree of market efficiency differ across various markets? State three reasons why this might occur and explain each reason briefly、1、 Market efficiency depends on information being essentially free and costless to market participants、 In the U、S、 markets this is the case to a large extent、 The U、S、 markets are well developed and professional analysts often follow securities、 Information is available on television, in the press, and on the Internet、 The opposite may be true in other markets, such as those of developing countries, where there are fewer or no analysts and few market participants with these resources、2、 Accounting disclosure requirements are different across markets、 In the U、S、 firms must meet SEC requirements to be publicly traded、 In other countries the requirements may be different or nonexistent、 This has implications about the ease with which analysts can evaluate the company to determine its proper value、3、Markets for "neglected" stocks may be less efficient than markets for stocks that are heavily followed by analysts、 If analysts feel that it is not worthwhile to give their attention to particular stocks then ample information about these stocks will not be readily available to investors、Feedback: This question leads the student to look at some of the fundamental reasons for market efficiency and why there may be differences among markets with regard to the reasons、 Alternative answers are possible、67、 With regard to market efficiency, what is meant by the term "anomaly"? Give three examples of market anomalies and explain why each is considered to be an anomaly、Anomalies are patterns that should not exist if the market is truly efficient、 Investors might be able to make abnormal profits by exploiting the anomalies, which doesn't make sense in an efficient market、Possible examples include, but are not limited to, the following、1.the small-firm effect - average annual returns are consistently higher for small-firm portfolios, even when adjusted for risk by using the CAPM、2、the January effect - the small-firm effect occurs virtually entirely in January、3、the neglected-firm effect - small firms tend to be ignored by large institutional traders and stock analysts、 This lack of monitoring makes them riskier and they earn higher risk-adjusted returns、 The January effect is largest for neglected firms、4.the liquidity effect - investors demand a return premium to invest in less-liquid stocks、 This is related to the small-firm effect and the neglected-firm effect、 These stocks tend to earn high risk-adjusted rates of return、5、book-to-market ratios - firms with the higher book-to-market-value ratios have higherrisk-adjusted returns, suggesting that they are underpriced、 When combined with thefirm-size factor, this ratio explained returns better than systematic risk as measured by beta、the reversal effect - stocks that have performed best in the recent past seem to underperform the rest of the market in the following periods, and vice versa、 Other studies indicated that this effect might be an illusion、 These studies used portfolios formed mid-year rather than in December and considered the liquidity effect、Investors should not be able to earn excess returns by taking advantage of any of these、 The market should adjust prices to their proper levels、 But these things have been documented to occur repeatedly、Feedback: This question tests whether the student grasps the basic concept of anomalies and allows some choice in explaining some of them、。