Monopoly and Oligopoly








机会成本(opportunity cost):为了得到某种东西所必须放弃的东西。

理性人(rational people):系统而有目的地尽最大努力实现起目标的人。

边际变动(marginal change):对行动计划微小的增量调整。


市场经济(market economy):当许多企业和家庭在物品与劳务市场上相互交易时,通过他们的分散决策配置资源的经济。

产权(property rights):个人拥有并控制稀缺资源的能力。

市场失灵(market failure):市场本身不能有效配置资源的情况。


市场势力(market power):一个经济活动者(或经济活动者的一个小集团)对市场价格有显著影响的能力。


经济周期(business cycle):就业和生产等经济活动的波动(就是生产这类经济活动的波动。

)循环流向图(circular-flow diagram):一个说明货币如何通过市场在家庭与企业之间流动的直观经济模型。

生产可能性边界(production possibilities frontier):表示一个经济在可得到的生产要素与生产技术既定时所能生产的产量的各种组合的图形.微观经济学(microeconomics):研究家庭和企业如何做出决策,以及它们在市场上的相互交易.宏观经济学(macroeconomics):研究整体经济现象,包括通货膨胀、失业和经济增长。



经济学原理作文回答1:Sure, let's start with the English response:Economics is a social science that studies how individuals, businesses, and governments make choices when faced with limited resources. These choices involve how to allocate resources to produce goods and services, how to distribute them among different individuals and groups, and how to use them over time.One of the fundamental principles of economics is the concept of scarcity. Resources such as land, labor, and capital are limited, but the desires and needs of people are infinite. As a result, individuals and societies must make choices about how to use scarce resources efficiently. This is where the concept of opportunity cost comes into play. When resources are used for one purpose, they cannot be used for another. Therefore, the cost of using resources for a particular purpose is the value of the next best alternative that must be foregone.Another important principle of economics is the study ofincentives. People respond to incentives, whether they are positive or negative. Understanding how individuals and businesses respond to incentives is crucial in determining how resources are allocated and how markets function. For instance, higher prices can incentivize producers to increase supply, while lower prices can incentivize consumers to purchase more goods and services.Additionally, the concept of supply and demand is central to economics. It explains how prices are determined in markets. When the demand for a good or service increases, but the supply remains constant, the price typically rises. On the other hand, when the supply of a good or service increases, but the demand remains constant, the price usually falls. Understanding these dynamics can help predict market outcomes and inform decision-making.Furthermore, economics encompasses the study of market structures, such as perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Each market structure has its unique characteristics and impacts on pricing, competition, and efficiency. Understanding these structures isvital for policymakers and businesses in making informed decisions and crafting effective strategies.In conclusion, economics provides a framework for understanding how individuals and societies make choices in the face of scarcity. It analyzes how resources are allocated, how incentives drive behavior, and how market forces determine prices and quantities. By studying these principles, we can better comprehend the complexities of the economy and make informed decisions to improve overall welfare and efficiency.现在我们来用中文进行回答:经济学是一门研究个人、企业和政府在面临有限资源时如何做出选择的社会科学。



主要参考文献迈克尔·波特(美):《竞争战略》(Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy,1980.)陈小悦译,华夏出版社1997年版。

迈克尔·波特(美):《竞争优势》(Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage,1985.)陈小悦译,华夏出版社1997年版。

迈克尔·波特(美):《国家竞争优势》(Michael E. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations,1990.)李明轩等译,华夏出版社2002年版。

戴维·贝赞可等(美):《公司战略经济学》(David Besanko, David Dranove and Mark Shanley, The Economics of Strategy,1996.)武亚军等译,北京大学出版社1999年版。

尼尔·胡德和斯蒂芬·扬(英):《跨国企业经济学》(Neil Hood and Stephen Young, The Economics of Multinational Enterprise,1979.)叶刚等译,经济科学出版社1994年版。

托马斯·加拉文、杰拉德·菲茨杰拉尔德、迈克·莫利[英]:《企业分析》(Thomas Gavavan, Gerar Fitzgerald, Mike Morley, Business Analysis, London, 1993.)马春光等译,生活·读书·新知三联书店1997年版。

伊莱扎·G·柯林斯等(美)《工商管理新论》(Eliza G. C. Collins, Mary Anne Devanna, The New Portable MBA,1994),张宇宏等译,上海译文出版社1997年版。



CHECKLIST编号学科思维模型1Accounting | 会计学Balance Sheet | 资产负债表2Accounting | 会计学Cash Flow Statement | 现⾦金金流量量表3Accounting | 会计学Depreciation | 折旧4Accounting | 会计学Double-Entry | 复式记账5Accounting | 会计学Generally Accepted Accounting Principles | 公认会计原则6Accounting | 会计学Income Statement | 损益表7Accounting | 会计学Sunk Cost | 沉没成本8Biology | ⽣生物学Genetics | 遗传学9Biology | ⽣生物学Natural Selection | ⾃自然选择10Biology | ⽣生物学Physiology | ⽣生理理学11Business | 商业Moats | Moats(护城河??)12Business | 商业Five Forces | 五⼒力力模型13Business | 商业Brand | 品牌14Chemistry | 化学Autocatalytic reactions | ⾃自催化反应15Chemistry | 化学Bohr Model | 波尔模型16Chemistry | 化学Kinetics | 动⼒力力学17Thermodynamics | 热(⼒力力)学Uncertainty Principle | 不不确定性原理理18Thermodynamics | 热(⼒力力)学Viscosity | 黏性,黏度,黏性系数19Computer Science | 计算机科学Abstractions | 抽象20Computer Science | 计算机科学Algorithms | 算法21Computer Science | 计算机科学If-statements | If语句句(条件语句句)22Computer Science | 计算机科学Recursion | 递归(循环)23Economics | 经济Agency Problem | 代理理问题24Economics | 经济Asymmetric Information | ⾮非对称信息25Economics | 经济Behavioral Economics | ⾏行行为经济学26Economics | 经济Cumulative Advantage | 累积优势27Economics | 经济Comparative Advantage | 相对优势28Economics | 经济Competitive Advantage | 竞争优势29Economics | 经济Creative Destruction | 创造性破坏30Economics | 经济Diminishing Utility | 递减效⽤用31Economics | 经济Economies of Scale | 规模经济32Economics | 经济Elasticity | 弹性33Economics | 经济Externalities | 外部性(外部效⽤用)34Economics | 经济Markets | 市场35Economics | 经济Marginal Cost | 边际成本36Economics | 经济Marginal Utility | 边际效⽤用37Economics | 经济Monopoly and Oligopoly | 垄断与寡头垄断38Economics | 经济Network effects | ⽹网络效⽤用39Economics | 经济Opportunity Cost | 机会成本40Economics | 经济Price Discrimination | 价格歧视41Economics | 经济Prisoner’s Dilemma | 囚徒困境42Economics | 经济Public and Private Goods. | 公共物品和私⼈人物品43Economics | 经济Specialization | 特殊化,专⻔门化44Economics | 经济Supply and Demand | 供给与需求45Economics | 经济Switching Costs | 转换成本46Economics | 经济Transaction Costs | 交易易成本47Economics | 经济Tragedy of the Commons | 公地悲剧48Economics | 经济Time Value of Money | 货币的时间价值49Economics | 经济Utility | 效⽤用50Engineering | ⼯工程学Breakpoints | 断点51Engineering | ⼯工程学Feedback loops | 反馈回路路52Engineering | ⼯工程学Margin of Safety | 安全边际53Engineering | ⼯工程学Redundancy | 冗余54Law | 法律律Burden of Proof | 举证责任55Law | 法律律Common law | 普通法(习惯法、判例例法)56Law | 法律律Due Process | 正当程序57Law | 法律律Duty of care | 尽职责任58Law | 法律律Good Faith | 诚信59Law | 法律律Negligence | 过失60Law | 法律律Presumption of Innocence | ⽆无罪推定61Law | 法律律Reasonable doubt | 合理理怀疑62Management Science | 管理理科学Occam’s razor | 奥卡姆剃⼑刀63Management Science | 管理理科学Parkinson’s Law | 帕⾦金金森定律律64Management Science | 管理理科学Process versus Outcome | 过程与结果65Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Agent Based Models | 基于代理理模型66Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Bayes Theorem | ⻉贝叶斯定理理67Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Central Limit Theorem | 中⼼心极限定理理68Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Complex Adaptive Systems | 相关性和因果关系69Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Correlation versus Causation | 组合70Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Combinations | 复合71Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Compounding | 决策树72Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Decision Trees | 求逆73Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Inversion | 凯利利优选模型74Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Kelly Optimization Model | ⼤大数定律律75Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Law of Large Numbers | 平均值,中位数,众数76Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Mean, Median, Mode | 正态分布77Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Normal Distribution | 排列列78Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Permutations | 幂次定律律79Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Power Law | 回归分析80Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Regression Analysis | 返回平均值??81Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Return to the Mean | 进位制82Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Scaling | 敏敏感分析83Mathematics, Probability andStatistics | 数学概率和统计Sensitivity Analysis84Philosophy, Literature and Rhetoric |哲学⽂文学与修辞学Metaphors | 隐喻85Philosophy, Literature and Rhetoric |哲学⽂文学与修辞学Similes | 直喻(明喻)86Philosophy, Literature and Rhetoric |哲学⽂文学与修辞学Abduction | 溯因推理理87Philosophy, Literature and Rhetoric |哲学⽂文学与修辞学Pragmatism | 语⽤用(实⽤用主义)88Philosophy, Literature and Rhetoric |哲学⽂文学与修辞学Realism | 写实89Philosophy, Literature and Rhetoric |哲学⽂文学与修辞学Reductionism | 还原论90Physics | 物理理Critical Mass | 临界质量量(临界物质)91Physics | 物理理Electromagnetism | 电磁学92Physics | 物理理Equilibrium | 动态平衡阶段93Physics | 物理理Inertia | 惯性94Physics | 物理理Newton’s Laws | ⽜牛顿定律律95Physics | 物理理Momentum | 动量量96Physics | 物理理Quantum Mechanics | 量量⼦子⼒力力学97Physics | 物理理Relativity | 相对论98Physics | 物理理Shannon’s Law | ⾹香农定律律99Physics | 物理理Thermodynamics | 热⼒力力学。
















三、垄断竞争(Monopolistic competition)垄断竞争是一种介于垄断和完全竞争之间的市场结构。







常见经济学名词解释以下是50个详细的经济学名词及其解释,涵盖了从微观到宏观的广泛领域:1. 供给与需求(Supply and Demand)供给是指卖方在一定时间内愿意并能够提供的商品数量,而需求是消费者愿意并能够购买的数量。


2. 国内生产总值(GDP, Gross Domestic Product)GDP是衡量一个国家或地区在一定时期内生产的所有最终商品和服务的总市场价值,用于反映经济规模和健康状况。

3. 通货膨胀(Inflation)通货膨胀是指物价水平普遍上涨,导致货币购买力下降。


4. 通货紧缩(Deflation)与通货膨胀相反,通货紧缩是指物价水平普遍下降,这可能引发经济衰退,因为消费者可能会延迟购买,期待价格进一步下降。

5. 机会成本(Opportunity Cost)机会成本是指为选择某个选项所放弃的其他选项的最大收益。


6. 边际效用(Marginal Utility)指消费者增加一单位商品或服务时获得的额外效用。


7. 边际收益(Marginal Revenue)边际收益是指企业销售每增加一单位产品所获得的额外收入。


8. 边际成本(Marginal Cost)指企业生产每增加一单位商品或服务所增加的成本。


9. 需求弹性(Price Elasticity of Demand)衡量消费者对商品价格变动的敏感程度。


10. 供给弹性(Price Elasticity of Supply)衡量供给量对价格变动的反应程度。


11. 比较优势(Comparative Advantage)即使一个国家在生产所有商品上的效率都不如其他国家,它也应该专注于生产相对成本较低的商品,这样能实现全球资源的更优配置。



《高级宏观经济学》教学大纲(硕士研究生) - RonaldoCarpio《高级微观经济分析》教学大纲(博士研究生)课程代码:(按本专业或方向培养方案填写)课程名称:(按本专业或方向培养方案填写)英文名称:Advanced Microeconomic Analysis课程性质:(按本专业或方向培养方案填写)学分学时:3学分,48学时授课对象:金融学院一年级博士研究生课程简介:Based on Microeconomics I (for master students), the course will discuss thecontemporary development in microeconomics. This course is also designed to develop andextend the students’ analytical and reading skills in modern microeconomics. A student who haspassed the course should be able to read typical articles in the mainline journals, understand theanalytical derivations and arguments commonly used in the literature, and know how to solve themore widely used models.先修课程:Microeconomics for master students选用教材:1、 Mas-Colell, A., M. D. Whinston, and J. Green, Microeconomic Theory. (MWG)2、 Jehle, Geoffrey A. and Philip J. Reny, Advanced Microeconomic Theory. (JR)考核方式与成绩评定:Final Exam %; Midterm Exam %; Class Participation % 主讲教师:Carpio Ronaldo、颜建晔所属院系:金融学院联系方式:******************、*******************答疑时间及地点:求索楼123,Wednesday 13:30-14:30 (Carpio),Tuesday 15:00-17:00(颜)第一章:Consumer Theory教学目标和要求:Understand the consumer’s problem and consumer demand.教学时数:6学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:calculus教学内容:Preferences, Utility, and Consumer’s Problem第一节:Consumer’s Problem第二节:Indirect Utility, Demand作业与思考题:JR Ch 1.6参考资料:JR Ch 1, Appendix A1, A21第二章: Topics in Consumer Theory教学目标和要求:Understand duality, integrability, and uncertainty.教学时数:6 学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:statistics教学内容:Duality, Integrability, and Uncertainty 第一节:Duality of Consumer’s Problem第二节:Revealed Preferences & Uncertainty 作业与思考题:JR Ch 2.5 参考资料:JR Ch 2第三章: Theory of the Firm教学目标和要求:Understand the firm’s profit maximization problem.教学时数:6 学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:Chapter 1,2教学内容:Production, Cost, Profit Maximization 第一节:Production Functions & Cost第二节:Duality in Production, Competitive Firms 作业与思考题:JR Ch 3.6参考资料:JR Ch 3第四章: Partial Equilibrium教学目标和要求:Understand partial equilibrium markets. 教学时数:3学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:Chapter 3教学内容:Perfect & Imperfect Competition, Welfare 第一节:Competition 第二节:Equilibrium & Welfare作业与思考题:JR Ch 4.4参考资料:JR Ch 4第五章: Walras’/competitive equilibrium2教学目标和要求:competitive market economies from a Walrasian (general) equilibrium perspective.Let students understand “why the competitive market/equilibrium may work or fail?”教学时数:6学时方式:讲授教学准备知识:consumer theory, production theory教学内容:第一节:Walrasian economy and mathematical language of microeconomics 第二节:competitive equilibria of pure exchange and with production 作业与思考题:JR5.5, exercises of MWG Ch15, 18, 教师自编习题集参考资料:MWG Mathematical Appendix, Ch15, 18; JR5.4第六章: Social choice function/theory and social welfare: normative aspect of microeconomics教学目标和要求:When we judge some situation, such as a market equilibrium, as “good”or “bad”, or “better” or “worse” than another, we necessarily make at least implicit appeal to some underlying ethical standard. Welfare economics helps to inform the debate on social issues by forcingus to confront the ethical premises underlying our arguments as well as helping us to seetheir logical implications.Let students have a systematic framework for thinking about normative and social welfare topics.教学时数:3学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:Walrasian equilibrium教学内容:第一节:social choice, comparability, and some possibilities第二节:Rawlsian, Utiliterian, and flexible forms作业与思考题:JR6.5, exercises of MWG Ch21, 22, 教师自编习题集参考资料:MWG Ch21.A, Ch21.E, Ch22.C; JR Ch6第七章: Strategic Behavior and Asymmetric Information教学目标和要求:A central feature of contemporary microeconomicsafter Walrasian economy is the multi-agent interaction which represents the potential for the presence of strategicinterdependence. Let students grasp classic models of imperfect competition under symmetric and asymmetric information.3教学时数:3学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:perfect competition教学内容:第一节:monopoly and oligopoly under symmetric information第二节:oligopoly under asymmetric information作业与思考题:教师自编习题集参考资料:MWG Ch12; JR Ch4第八章: Theory of Incentives教学目标和要求:The strategic opportunities that arise in the presence of asymmetricinformation typically lead to inefficient market outcomes, a form of market failure. Underasymmetric information, the first welfare theorem no longer holds generally. Thus, the main themeto be explored is to stimulate different agents’ optimal/efficient behaviors in differentinformational settings to achieve the “second-best” market outcomes.教学时数:9学时教学方式:讲授准备知识:Strategic Behavior and Asymmetric Information教学内容:第一节:Adverse selection第二节:Moral hazard*第三节:Task separation/integration,第三节:Career concern作业与思考题:exercises of MWG Ch13, 14, 教师自编习题集参考资料:JR Ch8; MWG Ch13, 14第九章前沿研究讲座:待定邀请校外老师(待定)给学生们讲演最新研究,引导学生讨论;在学生掌握现代微观经济学基本模型之后能够接触到前沿研究。



经济学英文论文及翻译范文Economics is a field that is constantly evolving and changing, and the study of economics involves a deep understanding of how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions about how to allocate resources. This paper will explore the concepts of supply and demand, elasticity, and market structures, and their impact on the economy.The concept of supply and demand is a fundamental principle in economics, and it refers to the relationship between the quantity of a good that producers are willing to sell and the quantity that consumers are willing to buy. When demand for a good increases, the price tends to rise, and when demand decreases, the price tends to fall. On the other hand, when supply increases, the price tends to fall, and when supply decreases, the price tends to rise. This interaction between supply and demand determines the equilibrium price and quantity of a good in a market.Elasticity is a measure of how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in price. The price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price, and it is calculated as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price. If the price elasticity of demand is greater than 1, it is considered to be elastic, meaning that a small change in price leads to a relatively large change in quantity demanded. Conversely, if the price elasticity of demand is less than 1, it is considered to be inelastic, meaning that a change in price leads to a relatively small change in quantity demanded.Market structures refer to the characteristics of a market that affect the behavior of firms and the outcomes of the market. There arefour main types of market structures: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. In a perfectly competitive market, there are many small firms selling identical products, and there are no barriers to entry or exit. Monopolistic competition is similar to perfect competition, but firms sell differentiated products. In an oligopoly, a few large firms dominate the market, and there are significant barriers to entry. A monopolyis a market with only one seller, and there are high barriers to entry. In conclusion, the concepts of supply and demand, elasticity, and market structures play a crucial role in shaping the economy. Understanding how these concepts interact and influence eachother is essential for policymakers and businesses to make informed decisions that can lead to a more efficient allocation of resources and a more prosperous economy.翻译范文如下:经济学是一个不断发展和变化的领域,经济学的研究涉及对个人、企业和政府如何做出关于资源配置的决策有着深刻的理解。













第二部分考核内容与考核目标1 –--- 3 课一、学习的目的和要求熟悉宏微观经济研究的内容,定义, 掌握不同经济体制的特点。

掌握有关词语,术语二、考核知识点(一)基本概念1)the definition of Microeconomics (一般)2)the definition of Macroeconomics (一般)3)the difference between command system and market system(重点)4)factors of production (重点)(二)术语Microeconomics,Macroeconomics ,capital goods, national income, scare resources (三)问题1)What does macroeconomics deal with? (一般)2)What does Microeconomics deal with? (一般)3)What are the major differences between the planned economic system and the marketsystem? (重点)4----6 课一、学习的目的和要求熟悉机会成本和边际分析的定义,掌握资源的概念,掌握有关词语,术语二、考核知识点(一)基本概念1)the definition of opportunity costs and marginal costs (次重点)2)the definition of Net exports (一般)3)the concept of resources (重点)4)the concept of market(一般)(二)术语land, labor, capital, entrepreneur, real capital, tangible capital(三)问题What are the three basic resources of factors of production? (重点)7----11 课一、学习的目的和要求熟悉需求与供给和弹性需求和弹性供给的定义,掌握有关词语。



经济学导论英语知识点总结Economics is the study of how individuals, firms, and societies allocate their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants. It is a social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Here are some key points to understand about economics:1. Scarcity and ChoiceScarcity is the fundamental economic problem. It means that resources are limited, while human wants and needs are unlimited. As a result, individuals, firms, and societies must make choices about how to allocate their scarce resources to satisfy their wants and needs. This leads to the concept of opportunity cost, which is the value of the next best alternative that is given up when a choice is made.2. Types of EconomicsThere are two main types of economics: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics focuses on the behavior of individual agents, such as consumers, firms, and workers, and how they make decisions about the allocation of resources. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, looks at the economy as a whole, considering factors such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.3. Supply and DemandSupply and demand are the forces that drive the market. The law of demand states that, all else being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity demanded decreases, and vice versa. The law of supply states that, all else being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity supplied increases, and vice versa. The intersection of the supply and demand curves gives us the equilibrium price and quantity for a particular good or service.4. ElasticityElasticity measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied to a change in price. If the quantity demanded or supplied is very responsive to a change in price, we say that it is elastic. If it is not very responsive, we say that it is inelastic. Elasticity is important for understanding how changes in price affect consumer and producer behavior.5. Market StructuresThere are different types of market structures, each with its own characteristics. These include perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly. Perfect competition is a market structure with many small firms, identical products, and no barriers to entry or exit. Monopoly is a market structure with a single seller and no close substitutes. Monopolistic competition is a market structure with many firms selling similar but notidentical products. Oligopoly is a market structure with a few large firms that dominate the market.6. Economic SystemsThere are different types of economic systems, each with its own way of allocating resources. These include traditional, command, market, and mixed economies. In a traditional economy, economic decisions are based on customs and traditions. In a command economy, economic decisions are made by the government. In a market economy, economic decisions are made by individuals and firms acting in their own self-interest. In a mixed economy, economic decisions are made by a combination of government and private individuals and firms.7. Factors of ProductionThe factors of production are the resources used to produce goods and services. They include land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. Land refers to all natural resources, such as water, minerals, and forests. Labor refers to the physical and mental effort of human beings. Capital refers to the tools, equipment, and machinery used in production. Entrepreneurship refers to the ability to organize and manage the other factors of production.8. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)GDP is one of the most important indicators of the health of an economy. It measures the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders over a specific period of time. GDP can be calculated using three different approaches: the production approach, the income approach, and the expenditure approach. It can also be adjusted for inflation to give us real GDP, which measures the value of goods and services produced in constant prices.9. Fiscal PolicyFiscal policy is the use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy. Expansionary fiscal policy involves increasing government spending or reducing taxes to stimulate economic growth. Contractionary fiscal policy involves reducing government spending or increasing taxes to slow down economic growth. Fiscal policy is a powerful tool for stabilizing the economy and is often used in combination with monetary policy.10. Monetary PolicyMonetary policy is the use of interest rates and money supply to influence the economy. Expansionary monetary policy involves lowering interest rates or increasing the money supply to stimulate economic growth. Contractionary monetary policy involves raising interest rates or reducing the money supply to slow down economic growth. Monetary policy is the responsibility of the central bank in most countries and is often used in combination with fiscal policy.11. International TradeInternational trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It allows countries to specialize in the production of goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage and then trade with other countries to obtain goods and services in which they do not have a comparative advantage. International trade can increase economic efficiency and lead to higher standards of living for all trading partners.12. Economic GrowthEconomic growth is the increase in the production of goods and services over time. It is measured by the growth rate of GDP. Economic growth is important because it leads to higher standards of living, lower unemployment, and greater economic opportunity. Factors that contribute to economic growth include improvements in technology, increases in the quantity and quality of the factors of production, and increases in human capital.In conclusion, economics is a complex and fascinating field of study that is essential for understanding how individuals, firms, and societies allocate their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants and needs. By understanding the key points discussed in this article, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the forces that drive the economy and the tools that policymakers use to manage it. Whether you are a student, a business owner, or a policymaker, a solid understanding of economics is crucial for making informed decisions in the modern world.。



英美概况名词解释-史上最全哦英国部分1.The Thames River2.The High Landers3.The British Commonwealth 英联邦4.Cockney伦敦佬5.Eisteddfodau6.The Maritime Climate 海洋性气候7.The English Channel 8.The Chunnel英吉利海峡隧道9.“pea soup” fogs伦敦雾 10.British isles 11.Stonehenge: 巨石阵 12.Thomas becket:托马斯 13.Geoffrey Chaucer 14.Joan of arc:圣女贞德 15.lollards:罗拉德派 16.The Puritans清教徒17.Julius Caesar18.The Hardrian's Wall 哈德连长城19.Heptarchy七王国 20.St.Augustine 21.Witan 贤人会议 22.Alfred the Great 豆瓣 23.William the Conqueror 威廉征服24.The battle of Hastings 25.The Danelaw 施行丹麦法的地区26.Norman Conquest 诺曼征服 27.Domesday Book 英国国王1806年颁的土地调查清册 28.The Black Death黑死病 29.the divine rights of kings君权神授30.The Wars of Roses玫瑰战争(考过)31.the Spanish Armada:西班牙无敌舰队32.The Glorious Revolution of 1688光荣革命33.The Gunpowder Plot of 1605火药阴谋案34.Blood Mary血腥玛丽 35.rotten boroughs衰败选区 36.Mrs Pankhurst潘克赫斯特太太是女权的主要倡导者之一。



CFA一级知识点概要总结============Quantitative Methods============#05 Time Value of Money1) EAR在离散复利(Monthly,Quarterly,Semi-annually)和连续复利时的计算2) 分期付款下利率、每期支付金额、FV、PV和支付次数的关系#06 Discounted Cash Flow Applications1) 如何计算Time-Weighted Rate of Return2) 如何计算Money-Weighted Rate of Return3) 如何用计算器计算NPV4) 如何用计算器计算IRR#07 Statistical Concepts and Market Return1) 4种Measurement Scle:Norminal Scale,Ordinal Scale,Interval Scale,Ratio Scale2) 车比雪夫不等式(Chebyshev's Inequality)的含义3) Sharp Ratio的定义4) 偏度(Skewness)的定义以及正偏(Positively Skewness)、负偏(Negatively Skewness)的判断5) Sample Skewness (样本偏度)的计算6) 什么是峰度(Kurtosis)以及尖峰的(Leptokurtic)和平峰的(Platykurtic)7) 如何计算样本偏度(Sample Skewness)和样本峰度(Sample Kurtosis)8) 正态分布(Standard Distribution)的几点属性:比如Sample Kurtosis等于3,mean/middle/mode三者相等#08 Probability Concepts1) 两个事件的联合概率(P(AB)),条件概率(P(A|B))以及概率加法法则和乘法法则#09 Common Probability Distribution1) 什么是置信区间(Confidence Interval),并且记住90%,95%和99%的置信区间幅度2) 如何计算Safty-First Ratio3) 蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo Simulation)的思路4) 历史模拟(Historical Simulation)的思路5) 蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo Simulation)与历史模拟(Historical Simulation)的不同6) 正态分布(Normal Distribution)的三点主要特征#10 Sampling and Estimation1) Standard Error of Sample Mean的计算公式以及它的含义2) 什么是t分布(Student's t-distribution)以及其中自由度(Degrees of Freedom,df)的概念3) t分布的特点以及与正态分布的区别#11 Hypothesis Testing1) Hypothesis Testing的7个步骤(顺序)2) 什么是无效假设(Null Hypothesis)和备择假设(Altanative Hypothesis)3) 什么是单尾检验(One-Tailed Test)和双尾检验(Two-Tailed Test)4) 检验统计量(Test Statistic)的定义5) 如何得到Standard Error of Sample Statistic6) 什么是第一类错误(Type I Error)和第二类错误(Type II Error)============Economics============#13 Elasticity1) Price Elasticity of Demand的定义2) 影响Price Elasticity of Demand的三个方面3) Elastic,Inelastic,Perfectly Elastic和Perfectly Inelastic的图形表示4) Cross Elasticity of Demand的定义5) Income Elasticity的定义以及三个不同等级的商品与它的对应关系6) Price Elasticity of Supply的定义7) 影响Price Elasticity of Supply的两种因素8) 理解在直线需求曲线(Straight-Ling Demand Curve)时,High Elasticity,Unitary Elasticity 以及Low Elasticity的位置(Notes V2 P16)9) Demand Curve在价格越高时弹性越大#14 Efficiency & Equity1) MC(Marginal Cost)和MB(Marginal Benefits)的定义以及关系2) 如何计算消费者剩余(Consumer Surplus)以及它在MC-MB图中的位置3) 什么是生产者剩余(Producer Surplus)以及它在MC-MB图中的位置4) 什么是Equilibrium Quantity5) 阻碍资源分配有效性的几个因素6) 什么是Deadweight Loss,以及它在MC-MB图上的表示7) 有关资源分配公平性/有效性的两种学派:Utilitarianism(功利主义)和Symmetry Principle (对称原则)的中心思想#16 Organizing Production1) 机会成本(Opportunity Cost)的含义2) 两种不同的机会成本:Explicit Cost和Implicit Cost3) 两种不同的隐性成本(Implicit Cost)4) 什么是Implicit Rental Rate,并且知道它是Economic Depreciation和Foregone Interest的和5) Economic Profit的定义以及它与Total Revenue,Total Cost(含Opportunity Cost)的关系6) 理解什么是Economic Profit,并且理解为什么Economic Profit小于Accounting Profit7) 理解在Normal情况下,Economic Profit等于08) 对Maximum Profit的三种类型的限制:技术限制、信息限制和市场限制9) 理解什么是技术有效性(Technological Efficiency),什么是经济有效性(Economic Efficiency),并结合例子(Notes V4 P52)10) 公司组织生产的两种形式:Command System和Incentive System,以及它们的不同11) 什么是Principal-Agent Problem,以及减少Principal Agent Problem的三种常用方法:Ownership,Incentive Pay和Long Term Contract12) 商务组织的三种形式的优缺点:Proprietorships,Partnerships,Corporations13) 四种市场类型:Perfect Competition, Monopllistic Competition, Oligopoly和Monoploy等含义和特点14) Her Findahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)指数的定义是什么15) 四公司集中度(Four Firm Concentration Ratio)的定义是什么16) Concentration Measurement的局限性:地理因素、壁垒因素、市场-行业的差异17) 企业比市场更有效的四个原因:Transaction Cost,Economies of Scale,Economies of Scope,Economies of Team Production#17 Output and Costs1) Short Run Decision和Long Run Decision有什么本质区别:Short Run Decision时,投入的资源固定;Long Run Decision时,可以调节投入的资源2) 什么是Total Product,Marginal Product,Average Product(Notes V4 P65)3) 什么是Total Cost(Total Fixed Cost和Total Variable Cost),Marginal Cost,4) 什么是Average Cost(Average Fixed Cost,Average Variable Cost),并熟悉它们的图形关系(Notes V4 P69)5) 什么是一个公司的生产函数(Production Function)以及为什么会产生Diminishing Returns6) Law of Diminishing Returns的中心思想是什么7) 什么是Marginal Product of Capital以及为什么会产生Diminishing Marginal Product of Capital8) LRATC曲线(Long Run Average Total Cost)是什么形状的9) Economies of Scale和Diseconomies of Scale的区别以及在LRATC曲线上的位置10) LRATC曲线上面的三个阶段Economies of Scale, Constant Returns to Scale,Diseconomies of Scale11) A TC = AFC + A VC等式的含义以及图形表示#18 Perfect Competition1) 在完全竞争市场(Perfect Competition Market)中,Price Taker的概念:价格合适可以卖出任意多;价格高出,可以卖出02) Perfect Competition的若干假定3) Perfect Competition的主要特点#19 Monopoly1) Monopoly市场的特点:没有竞争者;没有替代品;高壁垒2) Monopoly市场的两种壁垒形式:Leagal Barriers和Natural Barries3) Monopoly市场的两种价格方式:Single-Price和Price Discrimination4) 理解Price Discrimination的三个前提:Demand Curve右下斜;至少两个具有不同价格需求弹性的消费群体;消费者不能转卖5) 理解Price Discrimination的目的是为了将消费者剩余(Consumer Surplus)转变成经济收益(Economic Profit)6) Price Discrimination对Economic Profit和Consumer Surplus的影响7) 理解为什么在MC=MR时垄断者的产量最佳8) 理解为什么在垄断市场(Monopoly Market)会产生Deadeight Loss:Monoploy Market没有将Consumer Surplus+Producer Surplus最大化#20 Monopoly Competition & Oligopoly1) Monopoly Competition的特征2) 理解Monopoly Competition下,Price Demand Elasticity大3) 理解Kinked Demand Curve Model产生的原因4) 囚徒困境(Prisoners' Dilemma)是什么道理#21 Markets for Factors of Production1) 什么是Derived Demand2) Marginal Product,Marginal Revenue与Marginal Revenue Product的定义和相互关系3) 在完全竞争(Perfect Competition)环境下,MRP(Marginal Revenue Product)曲线的形状和含义4) 理解什么是Wage Rate5) 理解一个公司产出的商品的价格和它雇佣的Labor量成正比6) 理解影响Demand for Labor的几个因素:商品价格、其他生产因素(是否替代品)、技术进步水平7) 影响Labor Supply的两个因素:Substitution Effect,Income Effect是如何相互作用的:Substitution Effect导致工人用休闲时间换更多工资;Income Effect导致工人更多的用Income去休闲8) 工会(Labor Union)设法增加工人Wage Rate和保证工人就业的主要办法:Collective Bargaining,Traing to Increase MP,Restrick for importing,Increasesubstitution price9) Physical Capital和Financial Capital分别是什么10) 理解为什么Non-Renewable Resource的供应曲线是完全弹性的;为什么Renewable Resource的供应曲线是完全非弹性的11) 理解Economic Rent的经济学意义,以及它的供应曲线图形意义:Supply Curve完全弹性时,Economic Rent等于零;Supply Curve完全非弹性时,Economic Rent最大#22 Monitoring Jobs and the Price Level1) 失业率(Unemployment Rate)的计算公式,主要是其中Labor Force的意义(所有已经工作和有意工作的人群)2) 劳动力参加率(Labor-Force Participation Rate)的计算公式3) 就业人口比率(Employment-to-Population Ratio)的计算公式4) 什么是Aggregate Hours5) 什么是Real Wage Rate(一小时劳动可以换回多少商品和劳务,扣除价格水平变化),以及它和Wage Rate比较6) 失业的三种类型(Frictional Unemployment,Structural Unemployment,Cyclical Unemployment),注意区分Frictional Unemployment和Structual Unemployment的区别7) 什么是充分就业(Full Employment):没有Cyclical Unemployment8) 什么是自然失业率(Natual Rate of Unemployment):Frictional Unemployment和Structual Unemployment导致的失业率9) 什么是Potential GDP:当失业率维持在自然失业率的时候可以产生的GDP10) CPI(Consumer Price Index)的定义以及如何计算11) 哪个单位负责报告CPI,报告频率(Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS,Monthly)12) 通货膨胀率(Inflation Rate)如何计算13) CPI偏差(CPI Bias)的主要因素:New Goods,Quality Change,Commodity Substitution,Outlet Substitution#23 Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand1) 什么是总供给(Aggregate Supply)2) 短期总供给(Short Run Aggregate Supply SAS),长期总供给(Long Run Aggregate Supply LAS)的曲线图是什么样的3) 理解为什么LAS不受价格变化的影响,它反映了potential real output of the economy4) 什么是Potential Output(Full Employment下产生的Output)5) Potential Output正相关的几个因素:Quantity of Labor,Quantity of Capital,Technology6) 影响Money Wage Rate的两个因素:Unemployment(负相关);Inflation Expectation(正相关)7) Aggregate Demand的四个构成成分(Comsumption,Investment,Government Spending,Net Export)8) 影响Aggregate Demand曲线的三个因素(Expectation About Future Income/Inflation/Profits,Fiscal/Monetory Policies,World Economy)1) Classical Macroeconomics,Keynesian Macroeconomics和Monetarist Macroeconomics三种经济学观点的异同比较#24 Money, the Price Level, and Inflation1) Money的三种职能:Means of Payment;Unit of Account;Store of V alue2) 什么是M1,什么是M23) 理解为什么Checks Outstanding和Credit Card都不属于Money4) 三种主要的储蓄机构:Commercial Banks,Thrift Institution5) 存款机构(Depository Institution)的四种主要功能:提供流动性;金融中介;监控风险;分散贷款风险6) Fed的三种政策工具:贴现率;Bank Reserve Requirement;Open Market Operations7) 银行允许贷款量与Required Reserved Ratio之间的关系(Notes V2 P156)8) 什么是Monetary Base,它由什么构成9) 什么是现金漏损(Currency Drain)10) 货币乘数(Money Multiplier)的计算公式,以及它在Quantity of Money公式中的作用11) 理解Demand for Money与Interest Rate负相关的原理12) 什么是Money Velocity,并理解M*V=P*Y=GDP的含义#25 US Inflation, Unemployment, and Business Cycle1) Cost-Push Inflation是如何产生的:Aggregate Supply减少所致2) Demand-Pull Inflation是如何产生的:Aggregate Demand增加所导致3) 飞利浦线(Phillips Curve)是用来表达什么关系的(Inflation与失业率的关系)4) Short-Run Phillips Curve是什么形态;Long-Run Phillips Curve是什么形态5) 什么是期望通胀(Expected Inflation):在Full Employment下的通胀6) Natural Rate变化对Long-Run Phillip Curve的影响:Natural Rate增大,Long-Run Phillip Curve向右移动#26 Fiscal Policy1) 什么是Supply-Side Effects(Fiscal Policy对Supply的影响,尤其通过税收)2) 理解Laffer Curve描述的是什么原理(Notes V2 P184)3) Financing for Investment的来源主要包括哪些(National Savings,Government Savings,Borrowing from Foreigners)4) 挤出效应(Crowding Out Effect):政府扩张财政,挤出私人投资/支出机会#27 Monetary Policy1) Fed的货币政策的三个目标:扩大就业;稳定价格;稳定利率2) 理解Fed的主要货币手段是联邦基金利率(Federal Fund Rate)3) Open Market Operations是如何实现的:买入、卖出Treasury Securities#28 An Overview of Central Bank1) 中央银行实施货币政策(Monetary Policy)的工具有哪些2) Inflation Targeting指什么:将通胀率控制在一个区间内为目标的货币政策============FSA============#29 Financial Statement Analysis: Introduction1) 审计的三种结果的含义:Unqualified,Qualified,Adversed Opinion的分别的含义2) MD&A(Management's Discussion and Analysis)记录的内容是什么:一些Disclosure,Discussion3) Footnotes记录什么东西:Accounting Methods,4) Proxy Statement主要记录什么东西:有关Shareholder的信息5) Standard Auditor's Opinion的三部分内容(Notes V3 P14)6) FSA Framework的六步:State Objective and Context;Gather Data;Process Data;Analyze Date;Report Conclusion;Update#30 Financial Reporting Mechanics1) 什么是Contra Account2) 什么是Asset3) 什么是Liability4) 什么是Owners' Equity5) 什么是Income6) 什么是Expense7) 基本会计等式8) 什么是Double-Entry Accounting原则9) 什么是Accrual Basis Accounting,并解释什么是Unearned Revenue,Accrued Revenue,Prepaid Expense,Accrued Expense10) 什么是Cash Basis Accounting11) 什么是Prepaid Expenses12) 什么是Accrued Expenses13) 会用Balance Sheet、Income Statement和Cash Statement之间的金额互算14) Revenue和Unearned Revenue(Liabilities)的区别15) 知道Ending Retained Earning和Beginning Retained Earning的差等于Net Income减去Dividend Declared#31 Financial Reporting Standards1) 国际会计准则(IFSR)和美国会计准则(GAAP)的大略异同2) 国际会计准则No.1对哪些财务报表是必须的3) 什么是Proxy Statements4) 什么是MD&A5) 报表的质量:Understandability,Comparability,Relevance,Reliability6) 制作报表的两个Assumption:Accrual Basis,Going Concern Assumption分别是什么意思6) 一个完好的报表架构需要满足的几点要求:透明性(Transparency),可理解(Comprehensiveness)和一致性(Consistency)#32 Understanding The Income Statement1) Net Income与Revenue和Expense的关系:Revenue - Expense = Net Income2) 明白GnL(Gain and Loss)是Incidental Transaction产生的3) 什么是COGS:Cost of Goods Sold4) Gross Profit与Revenue的关系:Revenue - COGS = Gross Profit5) 什么是Operating Profit(Operating Profit(EBIT)= Gross Profit - Operating Expense - Depreciation Expense)以及它与Gross Profit的不同6) 明白为什么Unearned Revenue是一种负债7) GAAP下的FASB确认Revenue的四项原则是什么:Evidence of Arrangement;Product Delivered;Price Determined;Seller Sure Collecting Money8) Long-Term Contract下确认Revenue的方法:Percentage of Completion;Completed Contract9) 什么是Installment Sale,并且明白Profit根据收到的Cash确认;更有Cost Recovery Method 要求收到的Cash超过Cost时才确认Profit10) 什么是Barter Transaction以及它在GAAP和IFSR下得到Fair Value的不同方法11) Revenue的两种计量方法:Gross Reporting和Net Reporting的区别是什么(Gross Reporting 分别记Revenue和COGS;Net Reporting只记它们的差值)12) Expense确认的原则之一:Matching Principle是什么含义(Expense确认的时间要与Revenue确认的时间一致)13) Expense中的Period Cost是怎么回事,以及它的确认方式14) Straight-line Depreciation的计算方法(Notes V3 P58)15) Double-Declining Balance Depreciation的计算方法16) 关于Inventory的三种会计记录方法:FIFO、LIFO和Average Cost的原理是什么17) 无形资产(Intangible Assets)如何摊销(Amortization):分有固定使用期限(如Franchise Agreement)和没有固定使用期限(如Goodwill)两种情况18) 被停止的经营项目(Discontinued Operations)的记账原则:与其他项目分开报;对持续经营项目无影响19) 什么样的事情是Unusual Items(比如:Gain n Loss for Sale Assets);什么样的事情是Infrequent Items(比如:Impairement,Write Down,Write Off)20) 什么样的事情是Extraordinary Items21) 什么是Basic EPS以及公式,尤其清楚如何计算Weighted Average Shares22) 什么是简单资本结构(Simple Capital Structure);什么是复杂资本结构(Complex Capital Structure)23) 什么是Antidilutive Securities以及与Dilutive Securities的区别24) 什么是Diluted EPS以及公式25) 什么是Common-Size Income Statement,分母是什么26) Gross Profit Margin和Net Profit Margin的公式分别是什么,并且知道Net Sale就是Revenue27) 列举哪些收入不记入Income Statements:Issuing Stock;Reacquiring Stock;Dividend Paid;Other Comprehensive Income(FX,Pension Liability,HedgingDerivative,Available for Sale Securities)28) 什么是Available for Sale Securities29) 理解Comprehensive Income是Net Income和Other Comprehensive Income之和30) 计量Income的方法:Sale Basis Method,Percentage-of-Completion Method,Completed Contract Method,Installment Methods,Cost Recovery Method#33 Understanding Balance Sheet1) Balance Sheet的几种主要格式:Account Format;Report Format和Classified Balance Sheet2)1) 什么是Working Capital2) Current Asset包括哪些3) Long-Term Asset包括哪些4) Current Liability包括哪些5) Stakeholder Equity包括哪些6) Current Ratio如何计算7) Quick Ratio的计算#34 Understanding the Cash Flow Statement1) 呈现CFO的两种方法:Direct Method和Indirect Method分别是什么原理以及它们的异同2) Direct Method是将Cash-Basis Accounting的Income Statement直接转变成CFO的方法3) 针对CFO的Indirect Method的4个步骤以及其中涉及到的加减(Notes V3,第117页和第119页)4) 什么是Free Cash Flow以及它的计算方法5) 什么是Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF)以及它分别用Net Income和CFO两种方法表示的公式6) 什么是Free Cash Flow to Equity(FCFE)以及它用CFO表示的公式7) 罗列所有Cash Flow Ratios,包括Performance Ratios和Coverage Ratios#35 Inventories1) 什么是LIFO Reserve,以及它的公式2) LIFO Reserve的重要衍生公式:FIFO COGS = LIFO COGS - (Ending LIFO Reserve - Beginning LIFO Reserve)#36 Long-Lived Asset1) 什么是ARO(Asset Retirement Obligation)2) 明白为什么每一年的ARO Expense由Depreciation Expense和Accretion Expense组成#37) Income Taxes1) Tax Payable与Income Tax Paid的不同含义2) Taxable Income的含义以及与Tax Base的不同3) Tax Loss Carryforward的含义4) 什么是Income Tax Expense并且理解它的公式(对于Tax Payable, DTL, DTA)5) 什么是Valuation Allowance并且明白它的作用6) Temporary Difference和Permanant Difference的不同含义7) 可以罗列出四种Permanant Difference的情况#38 Long-Term Liabilities & Leases1) Bond的一些名词定义:face value(maturity value, par value)、coupon rate、coupon payments、market rate、balance sheet liability(bond book value,carryingvalue)、interest expense、par bond、discount bond、premium bond2) Finance Lease和Operating Lease的异同3) Direct Financing Lease和Operating Lease对现金流分别不同的影响4) Market Rate与Bond Rate之间大小关系的比较决定Bond是Premium还是Discount的关系5) 什么是Sale Type Lease#39 Financial Analysis Techniques1) Dividend Declared的概念2) Sustainable Growth Rate的计算方法3) DSO(Days Sales Outstanding)的几种计算方法4) Inventory Turnover的计算方法5) Cash Conversion Cycle的计算方法6) Total Asset Turnover的公式7) Financial Leverage Multiplier的公式#41 Accounting Shenanigans on The Cash Flow Statement1) Stretching Out Payable是如何实现舞弊的2) Financing Of Payable是如何实现舞弊的3) Securitization of Receivable是如何实现舞弊的4) Using Stock Buybacks to Offset Dilution of Earning是如何实现舞弊的5) 如何计算Days' Sales in Accounts Payable(应付账款天数)#42 Financial Statement Analysis: Application1) 如何利用common-sized的报表预测下年的一些财务指标#43 International Standards Convergence1) Marketable Investment Securities的几种类型以及它们对Balance Sheet和Income Statement 的影响================ Corporate Finance ==================#44 Capital Budgeting1) Capital Budgeting的几个基本原则2) 什么是沉没成本(Sunk Cost)3) 什么是外部性(Externalities)4) 什么是同型装配(Cannibalization),以及它对现金流的影响5) Conventional Cash Flow Pattern与Unconventional Cash Flow Pattern的区别6) 什么是机会成本(Opportunity Cost),并且明白Capital Budgeting的现金流基于机会成本考虑7) 评估资本项目的方法之一:NVP法的原理是什么8) 评估资本项目的方法之二:IRR法的原理是什么9) 评估资本项目的方法之三:PBP法的原理是什么10) 评估资本项目的方法之四:Discounted PBP法的原理是什么11) 评估资本项目的方法之五:AAR法的原理和公式12) 罗列为什么NPV方法和IRR方法可能产生不同的衡量结果#45 Cost of Capital1) Marginal Cost of Capital的定义是什么2) 加权资本成本(Weighted Average Cost of Capital)的公式3) 清楚投资机会曲线(Investment Opportunity Schedule)和MCC Curve(Marginal Cost of Capital Curve)的形状、关系。


6.最大利润条件 MR = MC ( MR = MC as the condition for maximizing profits) 答:企业是为了追求利润最大化而进行生产,为达到这一目的,企业遵循的基本原则是 边际收益等于边际成本,即 MR = MC 。这最大利润条件既适用于完全竞争市场,也适用于
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其他类型的市场,所以 MR = MC 是市场均衡的一般条件。
5.边际收益 MR (增加的收益)[marginal (or extra) revenue, MR ] 答:边际收益又称边际报酬,是指增加一单位产品销售所引起的总收益的变化量,即
MR (Q) = TR (Q) / Q 。边际收益既可以是正数也可以是负数。
在完全竞争市场上,企业所面临的需求曲线是水平的,产品销售量的变化不会导致产品 价格的变化,边际收益等于产品价格,也是固定不变的。而在不完全竞争市场上,企业所面 临的需求曲线一般具有负斜率,即产品价格与其需求量二者呈反方向变化。如果增加产品的 销售量,就需要降低产品的价格。在这种情况下,企业的边际收益随着销售量的增加而递减。
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品的竞争,因此,产பைடு நூலகம்差异成为厂商决定价格、生产和销售战略的重要手段。
4.进入壁垒(政府的与经济的)[barriers to entry (government and economic)] 答:进入壁垒也称进入障碍,是市场中新企业进入一个产业所受到的各种阻碍因素,是 在位企业相对于潜在进入者的优势,表现为在位企业可以持续地把价格定在完全竞争水平以 上而并没有引起潜在进入者进入的程度。从一般行业的进入壁垒看,最直接的壁垒有四种: 绝对成本优势、产品差异、规模经济和特有资源。从投资行为看,进入壁垒包括结构性进入 壁垒、行为性进入壁垒及政策性进入壁垒三大类。结构性进入壁垒包括绝对成本优势壁垒、 规模经济壁垒、资本量门槛壁垒和产品差异壁垒;行为性进入壁垒包括阻止进入行为和驱除 对手行为;政策性进入壁垒是指法律限制。



反垄断法垄断(Monopoly)的含义回顾:竞争competion完全竞争不完全竞争Perfect competion imperfect competion垄断竞争垄断Monopolistic competition寡头垄断独占垄断Oligopoly monopoly垄断的含义垄断是指人们利用自身或者外部特有的条件对某种机会和利益进行独占。









寡头垄断(Oligopoly) :少数几个企业几乎控制着所有产品的生产和销售。

垄断竞争(Monopolistic competition):既有竞争,又有垄断。









MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION:A market structure characterized by a large number of small firms, similar but not identical products sold by all firms, relative freedom of entry into and exit out of the industry, and extensive knowledge of prices and technology. This is one of four basic market structures. The other three are perfect competition, monopoly, and oligopoly. Monopolistic competition approximates most of the characteristics of perfect competition, but falls short of reaching the ideal benchmark that IS perfect competition. It is the best approximation of perfect competition that the real world offers.Monopolistic competition is a market structure characterized by a large number of relatively small firms. While the goods produced by the firms in the industry are similar, slight differences often exist. As such, firms operating in monopolistic competition are extremely competitive but each has a small degree of market control.In effect, monopolistic competition is something of a hybrid between perfect competition and monopoly. Comparable to perfect competition, monopolistic competition contains a large number of extremely competitive firms. However, comparable to monopoly, each firm has market control and faces anegatively-sloped demand curve',500,400)">demand curve.The real world is widely populated by monopolistic competition. Perhaps half of the economy's total production comes from monopolistically competitive firms. The best examples of monopolistic competition come from retail trade, including restaurants, clothing stores, and convenience stores.CharacteristicsThe four characteristics of monopolistic competition are: (1) large number of small firms, (2) similar, but not identical products, (3) relatively good, but not perfect resource mobility, and (4) extensive, but not perfect knowledge.∙Large Number of Small Firms: A monopolistically competitive industry contains a large number of small firms, each of which is relatively smallcompared to the overall size of the market. This ensures that all firms arerelatively competitive with very little market control over price or quantity.In particular, each firm has hundreds or even thousands of potentialcompetitors.∙Similar Products: Each firm in a monopolistically competitive market sells a similar, but not absolutely identical, product. The goods sold by the firms are close substitutes for one another, just not perfect substitutes. Mostimportant, each good satisfies the same basic want or need. The goodsmight have subtle but actual physical differences or they might only beperceived different by the buyers. Whatever the reason, buyers treat thegoods as similar, but different.∙Relative Resource Mobility: Monopolistically competitive firms are relatively free to enter and exit an industry. There might be a few restrictions, but not many. These firms are not "perfectly" mobile as with perfect competition,but they are largely unrestricted by government rules and regulations,start-up cost, or other substantial barriers to entry.∙Extensive Knowledge: In monopolistic competition, buyers do not know everything, but they have relatively complete information about alternative prices. They also have relatively complete information about productdifferences, brand names, etc. Each seller also has relatively completeinformation about production techniques and the prices charged by theircompetitors.Product DifferentiationThe goods produced by firms operating in a monopolistically competitive market are subject to product differentiation. The goods are essentially the same, but they have slight differences.Product differentiation is usually achieved in one of three ways: (1) physical differences, (2) perceived differences, and (3) support services.∙Physical Differences: In some cases the product of one firm is physically different form the product of other firms. One good is chocolate, the other is vanilla. One good uses plastic, the other aluminum.∙Perceived Differences: In other cases goods are only perceived to be different by the buyers, even though no physical differences exist. Suchdifferences are often created by brand names, where the only difference is the packaging.∙Support Services: In still other cases, products that are physically identical and perceived to be identical are differentiated by support services. Eventhough the products purchased are identical, one retail store might offer"service with a smile," while another provides express checkout.Product differentiation is the primary reason that each firm operating in a monopolistically competitive market is able to create a little monopoly all to itself.Demand and RevenueDemand Curve,Monopolistic CompetitionThe four characteristics of monopolisticcompetition mean that a monopolisticallycompetitive firm faces a relatively elastic,but not perfectly elastic, demand curve,such as the one displayed in the exhibit tothe right. Each firm in a monopolisticallycompetitive market can sell a wide range ofoutput within a relatively narrow range ofprices.Demand is relatively elastic in monopolisticcompetition because each firm facescompetition from a large number of very, very close substitutes. However, demand is not perfectly elastic (as in perfect competition) because the output of each firm is slightly different from that of other firms. Monopolistically competitive goods are close substitutes, but not perfect substitutes.In the exhibit to the right, the monopolistically competitive firm can sell up to 10 units of output within the range of $5.50 to $6.50. Should the price go higher than $6.50, the quantity demanded drops to zero.A monopolistically competitive firm is a price maker, with some degree of control over price. Once again, unlike perfect competition, a monopolistically competitive firm has the ability to raise or lower the price a little, not much, but a little. And like monopoly, the price received by a monopolistically competitive firm (which is also the firm's average revenue) is greater than its marginal revenue.In the exhibit to the right, the marginal revenue curve (MR) lies below the demand/average revenue curve (D = AR). While marginal revenue is less than price, because demand is relatively elastic, the difference tends to be relatively small. For example, 5 units of output correspond to a $5 price. The marginal revenue for the fifth unit is $4.80, less than price, but not by much.Short-Run ProductionShort-Run Production,Monopolistic CompetitionThe analysis of short-run production by amonopolistically competitive firm providesinsight into market supply. The keyassumption is that a monopolisticallycompetitive firm, like any other firm, ismotivated by profit maximization. The firmchooses to produce the quantity of outputthat generates the highest possible level ofprofit, given price, market demand, costconditions, production technology, etc.The short-run production decision formonopolistic competition can be illustratedusing the exhibit to the right. The top panelindicates the two sides of the profitdecision--revenue and cost. The slightlycurved green line is total revenue. Becauseprice depends on quantity, the totalrevenue curve is not a straight line. Thecurved red line is total cost. The differencebetween total revenue and total cost isprofit, which is illustrated in the lower panel as the brown line.A firm maximizes profit by selecting the quantity of output that generates the greatest gap between the total revenue line and the total cost line in the upper panel, or at the peak of the profit curve in the lower panel. In this example, the profit maximizing output quantity is 6. Any other level of production generates less profit.Long-Run ProductionIn the long run, with all inputs variable, a monopolistically competitive industry reaches equilibrium at an output that generates economies of scale or increasing returns to scale. At this level of output, the negatively-sloped demand curve is tangent to the negatively-sloped segment of the long run-average cost curve.This is achieved through a two-fold adjustment process.∙The first of the folds is entry and exit of firms into and out of the industry.This ensures that firms earn zero economic profit and that price is equal to average cost.∙The second of the folds is the pursuit of profit maximization by each firm in the industry. This ensures that firms produce the quantity of output thatequates marginal revenue with short-run and long-run marginal cost.Because a monopolistically competitive firm has some market control and faces a negatively-sloped demand curve, the end result of this long-run adjustment is two equilibrium conditions:With marginal revenue equal to marginal cost, each firm is maximizing profit and has no reason to adjust the quantity of output or factory size. With price equal to average cost, each firm in the industry is earning only a normal profit. Economic profit is zero and there are no economic losses, meaning no firm is inclined to enter or exit the industry.These conditions are satisfied separately. However, because price is not equal to marginal revenue, the two equations are not equal (unlike perfect competition). This further means that monopolistic competition does NOT achieve long-run equilibrium at the minimum efficient scale of production.Real World (In)EfficiencyA monopolistically competitive firm generally produces less output and charges a higher price than would be the case for a perfectly competitive industry. In particular, the price charged by a monopolistically competitive firm is greater than its marginal cost.The inequality of price and marginal cost violates the key condition for efficiency. Resources are NOT being used to generate the highest possible level of satisfaction.The reason for this inefficiency is found with market control. Because a monopolistically competitive firm has control over a small slice of the market, it faces a negatively-sloped demand curve and price is greater than marginal revenue, which is set equal to marginal cost when maximizing profit.While monopolistic competition is technically inefficient, it tends to be less inefficient than other market structures, especially monopoly. Even though price is greater than marginal revenue (and thus marginal cost), because the demand curve is relatively elastic, the difference is often relatively small.For example, a monopoly that charges a $100 price while incurring a marginal cost of $20 creates a serious inefficiency problem. In contrast, the inefficiency created by a monopolistically competitive firm that charges a $50 price while incurring a marginal cost of $49.95 is substantially less.The closer marginal revenue is to price, the closer a monopolistically competitive firm comes to allocating resources according to the efficiency benchmark established by perfect competition.In the grand scheme of economic problems, the inefficiency created by monopolistic competition seldom warrants much attention... and deservedly so.The Other Three Market StructuresMonopolistic competition is one of fourcommon market structures. The other three are: perfect competition, monopoly, and oligopoly. The exhibit tothe right illustrates how these fourmarket structures form a continuumbased on the relative degree of marketcontrol and the number of competitorsin the market. In the middle of the market structure continuum, near the left end, is monopolistic competition, characterized by numerous competitors and limited market control.∙Perfect Competition: To the far left of the market structure continuum is perfect competition, characterized by a large number of relatively smallcompetitors, each with no market control. Perfect competition is an idealized market structure that provides a benchmark for efficiency.∙Monopoly: To the far right of the market structure continuum is monopoly, characterized by a single competitor and extensive market control.Monopoly contains a single seller of a unique product with no closesubstitutes. The demand for monopoly output is THE market demand.∙Oligopoly: In the middle of the market structure continuum, residing closer to monopoly, is oligopoly, characterized by a small number of relatively large competitors, each with substantial market control. A substantial number of real world markets fit the characteristics of oligopoly.On the surface, oligopoly and monopolistic competition seem quite different. Oligopoly contains a few large firms that dominate a market. Monopolistic competition contains a large number of small firms, each with some, but not a lot of market control. However, monopolistic competition and oligopoly are actually the heart and soul of the market structure continuum.There is no clear-cut, obvious dividing line between monopolistic competition and oligopoly. While a three-firm industry is most assuredly an oligopoly and a 3,000 firm industry is most likely monopolistic competition, an industry with 30 firms could be considered either oligopoly or monopolistic competition. For example, convenience stores in a large city are undoubtedly monopolistically competitive. However, convenience stores in a smaller town might very well be oligopoly.Market Structure Continuum。



中英专业名词对照表1.对外贸易:Foreign Trade2.国际贸易:International Trade3.国内贸易:Internal Trade4.国际贸易额:Value of International Trade5.离岸价格:FOB(Free on Board)6.到岸价格:CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight)7.国际贸易量:Quantum of International Trade8.国际贸易商品结构:Composition of International Trade9.对外贸易商品结构:Composition of Foreign Trade10.对外贸易依存度:Ratio of Dependence on Foreign Trade11.贸易差额:Balance of Trade12.国际贸易地理方向:International Trade by Regions13.对外贸易地理方向:Direction of International Trade14.贸易条件:Terms of Trade15.净贸易条件:Net Barter Terms of Trade16.出口贸易:Export Trade17.进口贸易:Import Trade18.复出口:Re-Export19.复进口:Re-Import20.净出口:Net Export21.净进口:Net Import22.过境贸易:Transit Trade23.总贸易体系:General Trade System24.专门贸易体系:Special Trade System25.有形贸易:Visible Trade26.无形贸易:Invisible Trade27.直接贸易:Direct Trade28.间接贸易:Indirect Trade29.转口贸易:Entrepot Trade30.自由结汇方式贸易:Free Liquidation Trade31.易货贸易:Barter Trade32.重商主义:Mercantilism33.零和游戏:Zero-Sum Game34.国富论:An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations35.绝对优势理论:Theory of Absolute Advantage/Theory of Absolute Cost36.自由放任:Laissez-Faire37.自然禀赋:Natural Endowment38.有利条件:Acquired Endowment39.政治经济学及赋税原理:Principles of Political Economy and Taxation40.比较优势理论:Theory of Comparative Advantage41.劳动价值论:Labor Theory of Value42.机会成本:Opportunity Cost43.替代成本:Substitution Cost44.机会成本理论:Opportunity Cost Theory45.生产可能性曲线:Production Possibility Curve/Production Possibility Frontier46.边际转换率:MRT(Marginal Ratio of Transformation)47.社会无差异曲线:Community Indifference Curve48.边际替代率:MRS(Marginal Ratio of Substitution)49.边际效率递减:Diminishing Marginal Utility50.孤立均衡:Equilibrium in Isolation51.贸易均衡的商品相对价格:Equilibrium Relative Commodity Price with Trade52.交易所得:Gains from Exchange53.分工所得:Gains from Specialization54.专业化分工:Complete Specialization55.要素禀赋理论:Factor Endowment Theory56.要素丰裕度:Factor Abundance57.生产要素:Factor of Production58.要素密集度:Factor Intensity59.要素密集型产品:Factor Intensive Commodity60.资本密集型产品:Capital-intensive Commodity61.劳动密集型产品:Labor-intensive Commodity62.要素价格均等化定理:Factor-price Equalization Theory63.斯托尔帕-萨缪尔森定理:The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem64.里昂惕夫之谜:Leontief Paradox65.人力资本说:Human Capital Theory66.人力技能说:Skilled Labor Theory/Human Skill Theory67.生产要素密集型逆转:Factor Intensity Reversal68.替代弹性:Elasticity of Substitution69.规模报酬递增论:Theory of Increasing Returns to Scale70.规模报酬递增:Increasing Returns to Scale71.内部规模经济:Internal Economies of Scale72.外部规模经济:External Economies of Scale73.干中学:Learning-by-Doing74.先行优势:First Mover Advantage75.产业间贸易:Inter-Industry Trade76.产业内贸易:Intra-Industry Trade77.不完全竞争:Imperfect Competition78.垄断性竞争:Monopolistic Competition79.寡占:Oligopoly80.独占:Monopoly81.技术差距论(创新与模仿理论):Technological Gap Theory(Innovation and Imitation Theory)82.产品生命周期理论:Product Cycle Model83.爬梯:Ladder and Queue84.偏好相似理论:Theory of Preference Similarity85.国家竞争优势理论:The Theory of Competitive Advantage of Nations86.幼稚工业保护论:Infant-Industry Argument87.对外贸易乘数理论:The Theory of Foreign Trade Multiplier88.公平贸易论:Fair-Trade Argument89.国际收支论:Balance-of-payment Argument90.贸易条件论:Terms-of-trade Argument91.政府收入论(关税收入论):Government Revenue Argument(Tariff Revenue Argument)92.收入再分配论:Income-Redistribution Argument93.国内扭曲论:Domestic Distortion Argument94.保护就业论:Employment-protection Argument95.国家安全论:National Security Argument96.经济多样化论:Theory of Diversification of Economy97.关税:Custom Duties/Tariff98.从量税:Specific Tariff99.从价税:Ad Valorem Tariff100.混合税:Compound Tariff101.选择税:Select Tariff102.进口税:Import Tariff103.出口税:Export Tariff104.过境税:Transit Tariff105.进口附加税:Import Surtax106.反倾销税:Anti-dumping Tariff107.反补贴税:Counter Vailing Tariff108.紧急关税:Emergency Tariff109.惩罚关税:Penalty Tariff110.报复关税:Retaliatory Tariff111.差价税:Variable Levy112.滑动关税:Sliding Duty113.目标价格:Target Price114.门槛价格:Threshold Price115.特惠税:Preferential Duty116.普遍优惠制:GSP(Generalized System of Preferences)117.免责条款:Escape Clause118.预定限额:Prior Limitation119.毕业条款:Graduation Clause120.原产地标准:Origin Criteria121.直接运输规则:Rule of Direct Consignment122.原产地证书:Certificate of Origin123.价格效应:Price Effect124.消费效应:Consumption Effect125.生产效应:Production Effect126.贸易效应:Trade Effect127.财政效应:Revenue Effect128.收入再分配效应:Income-Redistribution Effect129.福利效应:Welfare Effect130.关税水平:Tariff Level131.名义保护率:NRP(Nominal Rate of Protection)132.有效保护率:ERP(Effective Rate of Protection)133.关税升级/瀑布式结构:Cascading Tariff Structure 134.非关税壁垒:NTB(Non-Tariff Barriers)135.进口配额:Import Quotas136.绝对配额:Absolute Quotas137.关税配额:Tariff Quotas138.全球配额:Global Quotas/Unallocated Quotas139.国别配额:Country Quotas140.进口商配额:Importer Quotas141.自动出口配额(自动出口限制):Voluntary Export Quotas(Voluntary Export Restriction)142.进口许可证制:Import License System143.公开一般许可证:OGL(Open General License)144.特种商品进口许可证:SL(Specific License)145.外汇管制:Foreign Exchange Control146.官方汇率:Official Exchange Rate147.最低限价:Minimum Price148.闸门价:Sluice Gate Price149.禁止进口:Prohibitive Import150.国内税:Internal Taxes151.进出口国家垄断/国营贸易:State Monopoly/State Trade152.歧视性政府采购政策:Discriminatory Government Procurement Policy 153.海关估价制度:Customs Valuation System154.技术性贸易堡垒:TBT(Technical Barriers to Trade)155.商品包装与标签的规定:Packing and Labeling Regulation156.技术标准:Technical Standard157.环境贸易壁垒:Environment Trade Barriers158.区域经济一体化:Regional Economic Integration159.优惠贸易安排;Preferential Trade Arrangements160.自由贸易区:Free Trade Area161.关税同盟:Customs Union162.共同市场:Common Market163.经济同盟:Economic Union164.完全经济一体化:Complete Economic Integration165.部门一体化:Sectoral Integration166.全盘一体化:Overall Integration167.水平一体化:Horizontal Integration168.垂直一体化:Vertical Integration169.贸易创造效应:Trade Creation Effect170.贸易转移效应:Trade Diversion Effect171.欧盟:EU(European Union)172.北美自由贸易区:NAFTA(North American Free Trade Area)173.亚太经合组织:APEC(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)174.东南亚国家联盟:ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)175.国际资本流动:International Capital Flow176.国际劳动力流动:International Labor Flow177.跨国公司:MNC(Multi-national Cooperation)178.公司内贸易:Intra-firm Trade179.垄断优势理论:Ownership Advantage Theory180.内部化理论:Internalization Advantage Theory181.国际生产折衷理论:The Eclectic Theory182.区位优势理论:Location Theory183.边际产业扩张理论:Theory of Marginal Industry Dilation184.投资发展阶段理论:Investment Development Path185.剩余出路论:Vent-for Surplus Theory186.贸易条件恶化论:Deteriorating Trade Terms Theory187.收入贸易条件:Income Terms of Trade188.单因素贸易条件:Single Factorial Terms of Trade189.双因素贸易条件:Double Factorial Terms of Trade190.进口替代战略:Import Substitution Strategy191.出口导向战略:Export Orientation Strategy192.贸易条约与协定:Commercial Treaties and Agreements193.通商航海条约:Treaty of Commerce and Navigation194.贸易协定:Trade Agreement195.贸易议定书:Trade Protocol196.支付协定:Payment Agreement197.最惠国待遇条款:MFNT(Most-favored Nation Treatment)198.国民待遇条款:National Treatment199.国际商品协定:ICA(International Commodity Agreement)200.商品综合方案:Integrate Programmer for Commodity201.石油输出国组织:OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)202.关税与贸易总协定:GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)203.世界贸易组织:WTO(World Trade Organization)204.非歧视原则:Non-discrimination Principle205.自由贸易原则:Free Trade Principle206.公平竞争原则:Fair Trade Principle207.透明度原则:Transparency Principle208.可兑换货币:Convertible Currency209.资本外逃:Capital Flight210.国际开发协会:IDA(International Development Association)211.紧缩信贷:Tighten Credit Creation212.增值税:Value Added Tax213.成本推进型通货膨胀:Cost-Push Inflation214.需求推动型通货膨胀:Demand-Pull Inflation215.储备货币:Reserve Currency216.远期汇率:Forward Exchange Rate217.即期汇率:Spot Rate218.远期升水:Forward Premium219.远期降水:Forward Discount220.经常账户:Current Account221.资本账户:Capital Account222.补偿贸易:Compensatory Trade223.出口信贷:Export Credit224.出口补贴:Export Subsidy225.外汇倾销:Exchange Dumping226.贸易顺差:Favorable Balance of Trade227.贸易逆差:Unfavorable Balance of Trade 228.自由贸易区:Free Trade Zone。


电子商务(electronic commerce)
规模收益递增(increasing returns to scale):如果所有投入品的数量都以相同的百分数增加,并导致产量增加的百分数大于该百分数,就是规模收益递增的。
规模收益递减(Diminishing return to scale):如果所有投入品的数量都以相同的百分数增加,并导致产量增加的百分数小于该百分数,就是规模收益递减的。
做空(short selling):做空是一种股票、期货等的投资术语,比如说当你预计某一股票未来会跌,就在当期价位高时卖出你拥有的股票(实际交易是买入看跌的合约),再到股价跌到一定程度时买进,以现价还给卖方,这样差价就是你的利润。
知识产权(intellectual property):公民或法人等主体依据法律的规定,对其从事智力创作或创新活动所产生的知识产品所享有的专有权利。
单击订购(one-click ordering):
配置效率(allocative efficiency):是指以投入要素的最佳组合来生产出“最优的”产品数量组合。在投入不变的条件下,通过资源的优化组合和有效配置,效率就会提高,产出就会增加。



一个生产者,排斥竞争者(进入壁垒较高,由于 技术和资金等原因)→控制产品的供给→控制产 品的卖价(无须考虑其他卖主的价格政策及其他 产品的卖价)→消费者也无法转向其他产品 1、对资源的控制。如:加拿大国际制镍公司控 制世界近90%的镍矿;南非的德别尔公司 (DeBear)是钻石市场的垄断商,因为该公司 拥有南非的几乎全部钻石矿,其产量占世界产量 的80%以上。 2、专利。专利带来的垄断地位是暂时的,因为 专利有法律时效,我国为15年,美国为17年。 3、特许权。如邮政、广播电视、公用事业、铁 路运输、供电供水。
PA 1 1 (1 ) /(1 ) PB EPB EPA
市场B: 需求弹性较大
一级价格歧视 . 对每一单位的 产品都索取最 高的可能价格 (消费者剩余 最少) 如艺术品拍卖 和专业人员的 服务 二级价格歧视 根据购买商品 的数量不同收 取不同的价格 (消费者剩余 较多) 批发和零售 三级差别价格 根据各子市场 MR=MC原则,然 后根据各子市场 (针对不同的消费 群体)的需求价格 弹性分别制订 国内外游客、飞机 顾客的分类、保龄 球馆的不同时段,R = LMC = SMC(最佳规模)
场情况选取不同的定价策略确定市场价格。在上 面的分析中,假定行业中只有唯一的价格。但在 实践中,垄断厂商可以凭借其所处的垄断地位对 不同的消费者或不同的销售量索要不同的价格。 价格歧视:同一厂商在同一时间对同一产品向不 同的购买者索取不同的价格。



公平价格(fair price)的付款
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
贸易壁垒(Barrier to trade)
贸易壁垒(Barrier to trade) 又称贸易障碍。对国外国间商品劳务交换所设置的人为限制,主要是指导一国对外国商品劳务进口所实行的各种限制措施。
最为人所广为接受之公平交易定义,由FINE所创“FINE是指一个由国际公平交易标签组织(Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International)、国际公平交易协会(International Fair Trade Association)、欧洲世界商店连线(Network of European Worldshops)及欧洲公平交易协会(European Fair Trade Association)四个公平交易的主要组织所组成的非正式连线”
FTA——Free Trade Areas
公平贸易Fair Trade
自由贸易的静态利益包括两方面: 1.通过国际交换获得本国不能生产或生产成本太高的产品,从而使消费者得到更高水平的满足; 2.通过国际分工、发挥比较优势使本国资源得到最佳配置。



宏微观经济学英文名词解释Macroeconomics and Microeconomics: Key Concepts Explained。

In the realm of economics, two fundamental branches govern the analysis and understanding of economic systems: macroeconomics and microeconomics. These disciplines delve into the intricate workings of economies, albeit from different perspectives. Below, we elucidate the key concepts in both macro and microeconomics, shedding light on their significance and how they shape our understanding of economic phenomena.Macroeconomics:。

1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): GDP serves as a cornerstone indicator in macroeconomics, representing the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders over a specific period. It encapsulates the economic health and performance of a nation, reflecting its overall output and standard of living.2. Inflation: Inflation denotes the rate at which the general price level of goods and services rises over time. It erodes purchasing power and influences consumer behavior, investment decisions, and government policies. Central banks often target a specific inflation rate to maintain economic stability.3. Unemployment: Unemployment measures the proportion of the labor force actively seeking employment but unable to find jobs. It reflects underutilization of labor resources within an economy, impacting income distribution, social welfare, and government expenditure on welfare programs.4. Fiscal Policy: Fiscal policy pertains to the use of government spending and taxation to influence economic conditions. Governments employ fiscal measures to stimulate or restrain economic growth, manage inflation, and address unemployment through budgetary adjustments and public expenditure programs.5. Monetary Policy: Monetary policy involves the regulation of money supply and interest rates by central banks to achieve macroeconomic objectives. Through tools like open market operations and reserve requirements, monetary authorities aim to control inflation, stabilize currency value, and promote economic growth.Microeconomics:。

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Monopoly and Oligopoly1. Third-degree price discriminationSince the market is separated into two groups, submarket, then we face two demand functions, )(11y p and )(22y p . Thus, profit maximization problem can be described as)()()(:21222111,21y y c y y p y y p Max y y +-⋅+⋅=πHence, FOC is)()(2111y y MC y MR +=, and )()(2122y y MC y MR +=Other situation: combination of these two separated markets)()()(:21212121y y c y y y y p Max y y +-+⋅+=+πHorizontal summation: )()()(1121121p p p p p p y y y ---=+=+= Optimal solution: )()(y MC y MR =2. Oligopoly behaviorA. Cournot model —— Simultaneously quantity settingConditions: market demand )(21y y b a p +-=, products are identical, marginal cost of these two firms are equal and constant,c MC MC ==21, they decide their output decision simultaneously without knowing other ’s decision advanced. Maximization problem:)(:111y c y p Max -⋅=π s.t. )(21y y b a p +-= )(:222y c y p Max -⋅=π s.t. )(12y y b a p +-=Solution:(1) Since 11211)]([y c y y y b a ⋅-⋅+-=π, then, its FOC is shown as021211=---=∂∂c by y b a y π, after rearranging, this yields the reaction function of firm 1, by b c a y 221--=(2) The same, we have the reaction function of firm 2by b c a y 212--=(3) Combine these two reaction functions, we have⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-=-=b c a y bc a y 33*2*1B. Bertrand model —— Simultaneously price settingC. Stackelberg model (quantity leadership model)Conditions: market demand )(21y y b a p +-=, products are identical, marginal cost of these two firms are equal and constant,c MC MC ==21, however, firm 1 is quantity leader, who makes his output decision first, firm 2 is follower, who makes his decision with knowing firm 1’s decision. Maximization problem:)(:111y c y p Max -⋅=πs.t. )(21y y b a p +-= & firm 2’s reaction function )(122y f y =)(:222y c y p Max -⋅=π s.t. )(12y y b a p +-=Solution: backward induction(1) Since 22122)]([y c y y y b a ⋅-⋅+-=π, thus,022122=---=∂∂c by y b a y π, hence, firm 2’s reaction function is by b c a y 212--= (2) And 11211)]([y c y y y b a ⋅-⋅+-=π, substitute firm 2’s reaction function, then Iso-profit curves can be shown as)(2121111by cy ay --=πthus, optimal choice appears when0)2(21111=--=by c a dy d πSo that ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-=-=b c a y bc a y 42*2*1D. Price leadership modelConditions: market demand )(21y y b a p +-=, products are identical, marginal cost of these two firms are 2212 ,y MC c MC ⋅==α, however, firm 1 is price leader, who makes his pricing decision first, firm 2 is follower, who makes his decision with knowing firm 1’s decision.Traditional Method:Taking use of backward induction: Maximization problems of follower)(:2222y c y p Max -⋅=πFOC: 222)(y y MC p α==Thus, the reaction function of follow is α2)(22pp f y ==, in other words, it ’s supply function of the follower.Then we consider the maximization problem of price leader)(:1111y c y p Max -⋅=πs.t. )()(2121y y b a y y D p +-=+= Substituting α2)(22pp f y == into the above constraint, then, p b b a y )211(1α+-=, more generally, )(11p f y =, which is residual demand for firm 1. Then the maximization problem becomes))(()(:1111p f c p f p Max p-⋅=πThus, FOC is 0)(11111=-+dpdf df dc dp df p p f Hence,22*c b a p ++=αα, then 2)211(2*1c b b a y α+-=, and then αα424*2c b a y ++=Comparison: Stackelberg model VS. Price leadership modelHere, we try to make a comparison between stackelberg model and price leadership model, focusing on the essential difference with respond to solution process and outcome.Conditions of economic situation ;market demand )(21y y b a p +-=, products are identical, marginal cost of these two firms are 2211 ,y MC y MC ⋅=⋅=βα, however, firm 1 is decision leader, who makes his decision first, firm 2 is follower, who makes his decision with knowing firm 1’s decision. Case (1): Stackelberg model Solution:a. Follower ’s Maximization problem with knowing firm1’s output quantity decision)(:22202y c y p Max y -⋅=≥π s.t. )(12y y b a p +-=Thus, FOC is0222122=---=∂∂y by y b a y βπ Hence, the respond function of firm 2 is )(122y f y =β+-=b y b a y 212b. Leader ’s Maximization problem with expecting firm2’s responds)(:11101y c y p Max y -⋅=≥πs.t. )(21y y b a p +-=& firm 2’s reaction function )(122y f y =Substituting all constraints into maximization problem, this yields)()2(11111y c y b by a y b a -⋅⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+-+-=βπThus, FOC is 02222112111=⋅-+++--=∂∂y y b b b ab by a y αββπHence, αββαβ+++-+=)(2222*1b b ab a ab y , ))(22)(2(2222*2αββαβαβαββα+++++-++=b b b ab b a ab ab yc. Equilibrium))(22)(2(322222223*αββαβαβαββαβαβ++++-+++++=b b b b a ab ab ab ab ab pCase (2): Price Leadership model Solution:a. Follower ’s Maximization problem, knowing firm1’s output quantity and price decision)(:22202y c y p Max y -⋅=≥π s.t. )(12y y b a p +-=At this time, there are two rules that we don ’t know whether it is matched. FOC: 22)(y y MC p ⋅==β, or 12y bpa y --=Hence, there are two probable reaction functions.βpp f y ==)(22, or 1122),(y bpa y p f y --== If both of the above reaction functions are equivalent, then1y b p a p--=β, that is firm 1’s residual demand : p b b a p b p a y ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+-=--=ββ111 b. Leader ’s Maximization problem with expecting firm2’s responds)(:111y c y p Max p-⋅=πs.t. p b b a y ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+-=β111 FOC:011111121=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-+⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+-=∂∂ββαβπb p b b a p b b a p Hence, )2)((22*βββαβαββa ab b b a ab ab p +++++=Thus, )2(2*1ββαβa ab b a a a y ++-+=, )2)((*2βββαβαβa ab b b a ab ab y +++++=Also there are two approaches to solving this problem, firstly, taking the place of max p and substituting max y 1, then, we haveαβαββ++=b b a y 2*1, )2)((22*βαββαβαββa b b b a ab ab p +++++=, )2)((*2βαββαβαβa b b b a ab ab y +++++=Case (3) Existing unmarketable goods in price leadershipOn the other hand, as goods in market are identical and over-supplied is reality, unmarketable goods occur inevitably. Therefore, unmarketable goods of market share areequal. Here we denote unmarketable proportion, 2121211)(y y x x y y p f ++=+=-η, hence, quantity of firm1’s unmarketable goods is 111x y y -=η, and that of firm2’s is 222x y y -=η. Now we can describe the maximization problems as follow:For firm2, )( 2222y 2y C x p Max -⋅=πs.t. 21122)(y y p f y x +==-η Thus, maximization problem becomes if constraint is substituted into the original one.)()( 2222112y C y y y p f p Max -⋅+⋅=-πHence, the FOC of the above problem is22112)()(y y y y b p a p +=-βSo that, firm2’s reaction function can be depicted as ),(122y p y ϕ= For firm 1, the leader, its maximization problem is)( 1111)y (p,1y C x p Max -⋅=πs.t. 21111)(y y p f y x +==-η and follower ’s reaction function ),(122y p y ϕ= Thus, we have )()( 1121111)y (p,1y C y y y p fp Max -+⋅⋅=-πs.t.22112)()(y y y y b p a p +=-βSolution: taking use of Lagrange method,⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+----+⋅-⋅=2211211211)()()(y y y y b p a p y C y y y b p a p L βλ Hence,0)()(22112=+--=∂∂y y y y b p a p L βλ Then, this yield22112)()(y y y y b p a p +=-β (1)022211=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--+⋅-=∂∂βλb p a y y y b pa p L Then, this yield0211=-+βλy y y (2)0)()(21322122121=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+⋅-+⋅-=∂∂y y y y y y y b p a p y L λα Substituting (1) & (2), then,We have 21y y ⋅=⋅βα (1*)034)()1()(12221212212=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++++-⋅-=∂∂y y y y y y y b p a p y L λ Substituting (1) & (2), then,We have 221213y y y y =+ (2*) Combining (1*) & (2*), thus,βαα+=3*1y , hence, 22*23βαβα+=yE. Cartel case。
