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1.—We can use VQR code(二维码) to find information on the cell phone now.

—Really? Can you show me _____________it’?

A.how I can use B.how can I use

C.why can I use D.what I can use



句意:--我们现在可以在手机上使用二维码找到信息。--真的吗?你能教我如何使用它吗?根据Can you show me ,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项BC是疑问句语序,排除掉.再根据Can you show me it,可知这里有it,所以宾语从句的引导词不能再有what.故选A。

2.—Could you please tell me _____?

—Find out which you can’t remember, memorize them and then practice them in reading. A.how many words and expressions I should remember

B.how I could remember so many words and expressions

C.how I can remember so many words and expressions





3.—Can you tell me _____________?

—Of course. Japan.

A.what’s his job B.where does he come from

C.where he is from D.what language he speaks




4.—What else did Tina ask you about the trip to Nanjing?

—She asked me ______.

A.who was the guide of the trip

B.when they will visit the Presidential Palace

C.how long would they stay at Nanjing Museum

D.if she can go to Nanjing University alone on the second day





5.一Why does Jane seem worried?

一She is uncertain about she can get a good job even though she's an excellent student. A.if B.that C.whether D.不填



句意:——为什么简似乎很担心?——她不确定她是否能得到一份好工作,尽管她是一名优秀的学生。be uncertain about表示不确定,后面接的宾语从句,用疑问句,位于介词about后,故用whether引导,故选C。

6.一Could you please tell me ?

一In two hours.

A.how long will your father be back B.how long your father will be back C.how soon your father will be back D.how soon will your father be back



句意:一你能告诉我你爸爸多久会回来吗? 一两个小时后。本句为宾语从句,从句部分应用陈述句的语序,所以排除答案A.D。根据答语“In two hours”可知,问句询问“表示将来的时间点”。how soon多久,询问将来的时间的点;how long多长时间,询问一段时间。故选C。

7.—Lily, have you decided ___________ for traveling this summer?

—Not yet. Maybe some cities in the north.

A.where will you go B.where you will go

C.how will you go D.how you will go



句意:——莉莉,你决定今年夏天去哪儿旅行了吗?——还没有。也许北方的一些城市。考查宾语从句。本句是宾语从句,疑问词引导的宾语从句需用陈述语序,可排除AC选项。根据答语Maybe some cities in the north,说的是地点,可知需用where引导,故选B。
