市场营销 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 差异化营销策略
市场营销策略外文文献及翻译Marketing StrategyMarket Segmentation and Target StrategyA market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets.Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-marketstrategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency.The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiplesegment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, acompany still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entailsselecting two or more segments and developing a separate marketing mix to reach segment.Positioning the ProductManagement's ability to bring attention to a product and to differentiate it in a favorable way from similar products goes a long way toward determining that product's revenues.Thus management needs to engage in positioning,which means developing the image that a product projects in relation to competitive products and to the firm's other products.Marketing executives can choose from a variety of positioning strategies.Sometimes they decide to use more than one for a particular product.Here are several major positioning strategies:1.Positioning in Relation to a competitorFor some products,the best position is directly against the competition.This strategy is especially suitable for a firm that already has a solid differential advantage or is trying to solidify such an advantage.To fend off rival markers of microprocessors,Intelunched a campaign to convince buyers that its product is superior to competitors.The company even paid computer makers to include the slogan,"Intel Inside" in their ads.As the market leader,Coca-Cola introduces new products and executes its marketing strategies.At the same time,it keeps an eye on Pepsi-Cola,being sure to match anyclever,effective marketing moves made by its primary competitor.2.Positioning in Relation to a Product Class or AttributeSometimes a company's positioning strategy entails associating its product with or distancing it from a product class or attributes.Some companies try to place their products in a desirable class,such as"Madein the USA."In the words of one consultant,"There is a strong emotional appeal when you say,'Made in the USA'".Thus a small sportswear manufacturer,Boston Preparatory Co.is using this positioning strategy to seek an edge over large competitors such as Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger,which don't produce all of their products in the U.S..3.Positioning by Price and QualityCertain producer and retailers are known for their high-quality products and high prices.In the retailing field,Sake Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus are positioned at one end of the price-qualitycontinuum.Discount stores such as Target and Kmart are at theother.We're not saying,however,that discounters ignore quality;rather, they stress low prices.Penney's tired―and for the most part succeeded in―repositioning its stores on the price-quality continuum by upgrading apparel lines and stressing designer names.The word brands is comprehensive;it encompasses other narrowerterms.A brand is a name and/or mark intended to identify the product of one seller or group of sellers and differentiate the product from competing products.A brand name consists of words,letters,and/or numbers that can be vocalized.A brand mark is the part of the brand that appears in the form of a symbol, design,or distinctive color or lettering.A brand mark isrecognized buy sight bu cannot be expressed when a person pronounces the brand name.Crest,Coors,and rider for Ralph Lauren's Polo Brand.Green Giant canned and frozen vegetable products and Arm&Hammer baking soda are both brand names and brand marks.A trademark is a brand that has been adopted by a seller and given legal protection.A trademark includes not just the brand mark,as many people believe,but also the brand name.The Lanham Act of 1946 permits firms to register trademarks with the federal government to protect them from use or misuse by other companies.The Trademark Law RevisionAct,which took effect in 1989,is tended to strengthen the the registration system to the benefit of U.S. Firms.For sellers,brands can be promoted.They are easily recognized when displayed in a store or included in advertising.Branding reduces price comparisons.Because brands are another factor that needs to be considered in comparing different products,branding reduces the likelihood of purchase decision based solely on price.The reputation of a brand alsoinfluences customer loyalty among buyers of services as well as customer goods.Finally,branding can differentiate commodities Sunkist oranges,Morton salt,and Domino sugar,for example .PricingPricing is a dynamic process,Companies design a pricing structure that covers all their products.They change this structure over time and adjust it to account for different customers and situations.Pricing strategies usually change as a product passes through itslife cycle.Marketers face important choice when they select new product pricing strategies.The company can decide on one of several price-quality strategies for introducing an imitative product.In pricing innovative products,it can practice market-skimming pricing by initially setting high prices to"skim"the imum amount of revenue from various segments of the market.Or it can use market penetration pricing by setting a low initial price to win a large market share.Companies apply a variety of price-adjustment strategies to account for differences in consumer segments and situations.One is discount and allowance pricing,whereby the company decides on quantity,functional,or seasonal discounts,or varying types of allowances. A second strategy is segmented pricing, where the company sellers a product at two or more prices to allow for differences in customers, products, or locations. Sometimes companies consider more than economics in their pricing decisions,and use psychological pricing to communicate about the product's quality or value.In promotional pricing,companies temporarily sell their product bellow list price as a special-event to draw more customers,sometimes even selling below cost.With value pricing, the company offers just the night combination of quality and good service at a fair price. Another approach is geographical pricing, whereby the company decides how to price distant customers, choosing fromalternative as FOB pricing,uniform delivered pricing, zone pricing, basing-point pricing, and freight-absorption pricing. Finally,international pricing means that the company adjusts its price to meet different world markets.Distribution ChannelsMost producers use intermediaries to bring their products to market.They try to forge a distribution channel―a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of marking a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumers or business user.Why do producers give some of the selling job tointermediaries?After all,doing so means giving up some control over how and to whom the products are sold.The use of intermediaries results from their greater efficiency in marking goods available to targetmarkets.Through their contacts, experience, specialization, and scales of operation,intermediaries usually offer the firm move value than it can achieve on its own efforts.A distribution channel moves goods from producers to customers.Itovercomes the major time, place, and possession gaps that separate goods and services from those who would use them. Members of the marketing channel perform many functions. Some help to complete transactions:rmation.2.Promotion.3.Contact:finding and communicating with prospective buyers.4.Matching:fitting the offer to the buyer's needs, including such activities as manufacturing and packaging.5.Negotiation:reaching an agreement on price and other terms of the offer so that ownership or possession can be transferred.Other help to fulfill the completed transferred.1.Transporting and storing goods.2.Financing.3.Risk taking:assuming the risk of carrying out the channel work.The question is not whether these functions need to be performed, but rather who is to perform them. All the functions have three things in common:They use up scarce resource, they often can be performed better through specialization, and they can be shifted among channel members.To the extent that the manufacturer performs these functions, its costs go up and its prices have to be higher. At the same time, when some of these functions are shifted to intermediaries, the producer's costs and prices may be lower, but the intermediaries must charge more to cover the costsof their work. In dividing the work of the channel, the various functions should be assigned to the channel members who can perform them most efficiently and effectively to provide satisfactory assortments of goods to target consumers.Distribution channels can be described by the number of channellevels involved. Each layer of marketing intermediaries that performs some work in brining the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level. Because the producer and the final consumer both perform some work, they are part of every channel.When selecting intermediaries, the company should determine what characteristics distinguish the better ones. It will want to evaluate the the channel member's years in business, other lines carried, growth and profit record, co-operativeness, and reputation. If the intermediaries are sales agents, the company will want to evaluate the number and character of the other lines carried, and the size andquality of the sales force. If the intermediary is a retail store that wants exclusive or selective distribution, the company will want to evaluate the store's customers, location, and future growth potential.Understanding the nature of distribution channels is important, as choosing among distribution channels is one of the most challenging decisions facing the firm. Marketing intermediaries are used because they provide greater efficiency in marking goods available to target markets.The key distribution channel function is moving goods from producers to consumers by helping to complete transactions and fulfill the completed transaction. Distribution channels can be described by the number of channel levels, which can include no intermediaries in adirect channel, or one to several intermediaries in indirect channels.PromotionPromotion is one of the four major elements of the company's marketing mix. The main promotion tools――advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling――work together to achieve the company'scommunications objectives.People at all levels of the organization must be aware of the many legal and ethical issues surrounding marketing communications. Much work is required to produce socially responsible marketing communicating in advertising, personal selling, and direct selling. Companies must work hard and proactively at communicating openly, honestly, and agreeably with their customers and resellers.市场营销策略一、市场细分和目标市场策略具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:市场营销策略文献、资料英文题目:Marketing Strategy文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14市场营销策略1 市场细分和目标市场策略具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。
2 产品定位管理者将注意力集中于一种品牌,并以恰当的方式将其与类似的品牌相区分,但这并不意味着该品牌就一定能够最后赢利。
营销策略英文参考文献以下是一些关于营销策略的英文参考文献:1. Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2016). Principles of Marketing. Pearson Education.这本书是市场营销领域的经典教材,对于营销策略有较为全面的介绍。
2. Porter, M. E. (2008). Competitive strategy. Simon and Schuster.这本书是经典的竞争战略著作,提供了许多关于企业如何制定和实施营销策略的思考。
3. Ries, A., & Trout, J. (2001). Positioning: The battle for your mind. McGraw-Hill Education.这本书介绍了定位战略的重要性,并提供了一些实用的方法和案例来指导企业实施营销策略。
4. Aaker, D. A. (1996). Building strong brands. Simon and Schuster.这本书重点介绍了品牌营销策略,并提供了许多有关如何打造和管理品牌的实践方法。
5. Duncan, T., & Moriarty, S. (1998). A communication-based marketing model for managing relationships. Journal of Marketing, 62(2), 1-13.这篇文章提出了一种基于沟通的营销模型,强调了营销策略在建立和管理关系方面的重要性。
差异化营销策略研究外文文献翻译2017The purpose of this research is to XXX.2.Literature ReviewBrand XXX and distinctive identity for a brand in the mindsof consumers。
This can be achieved through us means。
such as product design。
XXX brand from competitors。
companies XXX increase their market share.XXX can influence brand n。
including the product category。
the target audience。
and the competitive landscape。
For example。
in a crowded market with many similar products。
by focusing on unique product features or targeting a specific niche audience。
companies can still differentiate their brand and stand out from competitors.3.MethodologyXXX brand n and its XXX。
this research XXX us industries。
as well as through a review of XXX studies.4.FindingsXXX。
XXX brand from competitors can create a strong brand identity and XXX。
关于营销策略的外文文献Marketing StrategyA marketing strategy is a plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service. It involves identifying the target market, understanding customer needs and wants, and developing a unique value proposition that sets the product or service apart from competitors.One key aspect of a marketing strategy is market segmentation. This involves dividing the target market into distinct groups based on demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics. By understanding the different needs and preferences of these segments, a company can tailor its marketing efforts to effectively reach and appeal to each group.Another important element of a marketing strategy is positioning. This refers to how a company wants its product or service to be perceived in the minds of consumers relative to competitors. By differentiating the product or service through unique features, benefits, or pricing, a company can create a favorable position in the market and attract target customers.The marketing mix is another component of a marketing strategy. This refers to the combination of product, price, place, and promotion that a company uses to market its product or service. The product refers to the actual offering, including its features, design, quality, and branding. The price relates to the pricing strategy and how much customers are willing to pay for the product. The place refers to the distribution channels used todeliver the product to customers, while promotion encompasses the various marketing communications tools used to create awareness and generate sales.A successful marketing strategy also involves setting clear objectives and metrics to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts. This may include goals such as increasing market share, expanding into new markets, or improving customer satisfaction. By regularly evaluating and adjusting the marketing strategy based on these metrics, a company can ensure that its marketing efforts are aligned with its overall business objectives.In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in shaping marketing strategies. Companies can leverage social media, search engine optimization, and data analytics to better understand customer behavior and preferences. Additionally, personalized marketing strategies can be developed based on the data collected from customer interactions, allowing companies to deliver targeted messages and offers to individual customers.In conclusion, a marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that encompasses market segmentation, positioning, the marketing mix, and the measurement of outcomes. By carefully crafting and executing a marketing strategy, companies can effectively reach and engage their target market, differentiate themselves from competitors, and ultimately achieve their business objectives.。
市场营销策略外文文献Market Marketing StrategiesIntroductionMarket marketing strategies play a crucial role in the success of any business. The ability to identify target customers, create a competitive advantage, and effectively promote products or services are all key components of a successful marketing strategy. This paper will explore various market marketing strategies that businesses can employ to maximize their chances of success.Target Market IdentificationOne of the first steps in developing a market marketing strategy is identifying the target market. Understanding who the customers are and what their needs and preferences are is essential in creating effective marketing campaigns. This can be done through market research, which involves gathering data on demographics, psychographics, and behavior of potential customers. Once the target market is identified, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to appeal to this specific group.Creating a Competitive AdvantageCreating a competitive advantage is another crucial aspect of market marketing strategies. A competitive advantage is what sets a business apart from its competitors and gives it an edge in the market. This can be achieved through various means, including offering unique products or services, providing exceptionalcustomer service, or having a lower cost structure. By establishing a competitive advantage, businesses can attract customers and retain them for the long term.Promotion and AdvertisingPromotion and advertising are key components of any market marketing strategy. Businesses need to effectively communicate the value of their products or services to potential customers in order to generate sales. This can be done through various channels, such as television, radio, print ads, social media, or online marketing. The choice of promotional channels will depend on the target market and the budget of the business. It is essential to have a consistent and compelling message that resonates with the target audience.Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer relationship management (CRM) is another important aspect of market marketing strategies. Building long-term relationships with customers is vital for the success of any business. This involves understanding the needs and expectations of customers, providing personalized services, and resolving any issues or complaints promptly. CRM can be facilitated through various means, such as loyalty programs, customer feedback surveys, and personalized communications. By keeping customers satisfied and engaged, businesses can foster loyalty and increase repeat sales.ConclusionMarket marketing strategies are essential for the success of any business. By identifying the target market, creating a competitive advantage, and effectively promoting products or services, businesses can maximize their chances of success. Additionally, customer relationship management is crucial in building long-term relationships and fostering customer loyalty. By implementing these strategies, businesses can gain a competitive edge and achieve their marketing objectives.。
市场营销策略英文文献《Market Marketing Strategies》Marketing strategy is an essential component of any successful business. It involves the process of identifying the target market, understanding the needs and wants of the customers, and creating a plan to reach and satisfy those customers. Effective marketing strategies can help a business to differentiate itself from its competitors, attract new customers, and retain existing ones.There are several key elements to consider when developing a marketing strategy. First, it is important to conduct thorough market research to understand the target market and the competition. This includes gathering data on demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors that influence consumer behavior. With this information, businesses can tailor their products and services to better meet the needs of their customers.Next, businesses need to define their unique selling proposition (USP), which is what sets them apart from their competitors. This could be a combination of factors such as price, quality, customer service, or product features. Once the USP is identified, it can be incorporated into the brand messaging and used to differentiate the business and attract customers.Another important aspect of marketing strategy is to determine the best channels to reach the target market. This could include traditional advertising such as television, radio, and print, as well as digital marketing channels such as social media, email, andsearch engine optimization. By understanding the preferences and habits of the target market, businesses can allocate their marketing budget more effectively and reach potential customers where they are most likely to engage.In addition to reaching new customers, marketing strategies also focus on retaining and satisfying existing customers. This can be achieved through customer loyalty programs, excellent customer service, and ongoing communication to ensure customer satisfaction.Finally, it is important for businesses to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. This can be done through tracking key performance indicators such as customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, and return on investment. By analyzing this data, businesses can make informed decisions about where to allocate their marketing resources and make adjustments to their strategies as necessary.In conclusion, developing a strong marketing strategy is essential for any business looking to grow and succeed in a competitive market. By understanding the target market, differentiating the business from its competitors, and reaching and satisfying customers, businesses can position themselves for long-term success.。
市场营销策略外文文献及翻译Marketing StrategyMarket Segmentation and Target StrategyA market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets.Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-marketstrategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency.The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiplesegment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, acompany still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entailsselecting two or more segments and developing a separate marketing mix to reach segment.Positioning the ProductManagement's ability to bring attention to a product and to differentiate it in a favorable way from similar products goes a long way toward determining that product's revenues.Thus management needs to engage in positioning,which means developing the image that a product projects in relation to competitive products and to the firm's other products.Marketing executives can choose from a variety of positioning strategies.Sometimes they decide to use more than one for a particular product.Here are several major positioning strategies:1.Positioning in Relation to a competitorFor some products,the best position is directly against the competition.This strategy is especially suitable for a firm that already has a solid differential advantage or is trying to solidify such an advantage.To fend off rival markers of microprocessors,Intelunched a campaign to convince buyers that its product is superior to competitors.The company even paid computer makers to include the slogan,"Intel Inside" in their ads.As the market leader,Coca-Cola introduces new products and executes its marketing strategies.At the same time,it keeps an eye on Pepsi-Cola,being sure to match anyclever,effective marketing moves made by its primary competitor.2.Positioning in Relation to a Product Class or AttributeSometimes a company's positioning strategy entails associating its product with or distancing it from a product class or attributes.Some companies try to place their products in a desirable class,such as"Madein the USA."In the words of one consultant,"There is a strong emotional appeal when you say,'Made in the USA'".Thus a small sportswear manufacturer,Boston Preparatory Co.is using this positioning strategy to seek an edge over large competitors such as Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger,which don't produce all of their products in the U.S..3.Positioning by Price and QualityCertain producer and retailers are known for their high-quality products and high prices.In the retailing field,Sake Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus are positioned at one end of the price-qualitycontinuum.Discount stores such as Target and Kmart are at theother.We're not saying,however,that discounters ignore quality;rather, they stress low prices.Penney's tired―and for the most part succeeded in―repositioning its stores on the price-quality continuum by upgrading apparel lines and stressing designer names.The word brands is comprehensive;it encompasses other narrowerterms.A brand is a name and/or mark intended to identify the product of one seller or group of sellers and differentiate the product from competing products.A brand name consists of words,letters,and/or numbers that can be vocalized.A brand mark is the part of the brand that appears in the form of a symbol, design,or distinctive color or lettering.A brand mark isrecognized buy sight bu cannot be expressed when a person pronounces the brand name.Crest,Coors,and rider for Ralph Lauren's Polo Brand.Green Giant canned and frozen vegetable products and Arm&Hammer baking soda are both brand names and brand marks.A trademark is a brand that has been adopted by a seller and given legal protection.A trademark includes not just the brand mark,as many people believe,but also the brand name.The Lanham Act of 1946 permits firms to register trademarks with the federal government to protect them from use or misuse by other companies.The Trademark Law RevisionAct,which took effect in 1989,is tended to strengthen the the registration system to the benefit of U.S. Firms.For sellers,brands can be promoted.They are easily recognized when displayed in a store or included in advertising.Branding reduces price comparisons.Because brands are another factor that needs to be considered in comparing different products,branding reduces the likelihood of purchase decision based solely on price.The reputation of a brand alsoinfluences customer loyalty among buyers of services as well as customer goods.Finally,branding can differentiate commodities Sunkist oranges,Morton salt,and Domino sugar,for example .PricingPricing is a dynamic process,Companies design a pricing structure that covers all their products.They change this structure over time and adjust it to account for different customers and situations.Pricing strategies usually change as a product passes through itslife cycle.Marketers face important choice when they select new product pricing strategies.The company can decide on one of several price-quality strategies for introducing an imitative product.In pricing innovative products,it can practice market-skimming pricing by initially setting high prices to"skim"the imum amount of revenue from various segments of the market.Or it can use market penetration pricing by setting a low initial price to win a large market share.Companies apply a variety of price-adjustment strategies to account for differences in consumer segments and situations.One is discount and allowance pricing,whereby the company decides on quantity,functional,or seasonal discounts,or varying types of allowances. A second strategy is segmented pricing, where the company sellers a product at two or more prices to allow for differences in customers, products, or locations. Sometimes companies consider more than economics in their pricing decisions,and use psychological pricing to communicate about the product's quality or value.In promotional pricing,companies temporarily sell their product bellow list price as a special-event to draw more customers,sometimes even selling below cost.With value pricing, the company offers just the night combination of quality and good service at a fair price. Another approach is geographical pricing, whereby the company decides how to price distant customers, choosing fromalternative as FOB pricing,uniform delivered pricing, zone pricing, basing-point pricing, and freight-absorption pricing. Finally,international pricing means that the company adjusts its price to meet different world markets.Distribution ChannelsMost producers use intermediaries to bring their products to market.They try to forge a distribution channel―a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of marking a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumers or business user.Why do producers give some of the selling job tointermediaries?After all,doing so means giving up some control over how and to whom the products are sold.The use of intermediaries results from their greater efficiency in marking goods available to targetmarkets.Through their contacts, experience, specialization, and scales of operation,intermediaries usually offer the firm move value than it can achieve on its own efforts.A distribution channel moves goods from producers to customers.Itovercomes the major time, place, and possession gaps that separate goods and services from those who would use them. Members of the marketing channel perform many functions. Some help to complete transactions:rmation.2.Promotion.3.Contact:finding and communicating with prospective buyers.4.Matching:fitting the offer to the buyer's needs, including such activities as manufacturing and packaging.5.Negotiation:reaching an agreement on price and other terms of the offer so that ownership or possession can be transferred.Other help to fulfill the completed transferred.1.Transporting and storing goods.2.Financing.3.Risk taking:assuming the risk of carrying out the channel work.The question is not whether these functions need to be performed, but rather who is to perform them. All the functions have three things in common:They use up scarce resource, they often can be performed better through specialization, and they can be shifted among channel members.To the extent that the manufacturer performs these functions, its costs go up and its prices have to be higher. At the same time, when some of these functions are shifted to intermediaries, the producer's costs and prices may be lower, but the intermediaries must charge more to cover the costsof their work. In dividing the work of the channel, the various functions should be assigned to the channel members who can perform them most efficiently and effectively to provide satisfactory assortments of goods to target consumers.Distribution channels can be described by the number of channellevels involved. Each layer of marketing intermediaries that performs some work in brining the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level. Because the producer and the final consumer both perform some work, they are part of every channel.When selecting intermediaries, the company should determine what characteristics distinguish the better ones. It will want to evaluate the the channel member's years in business, other lines carried, growth and profit record, co-operativeness, and reputation. If the intermediaries are sales agents, the company will want to evaluate the number and character of the other lines carried, and the size andquality of the sales force. If the intermediary is a retail store that wants exclusive or selective distribution, the company will want to evaluate the store's customers, location, and future growth potential.Understanding the nature of distribution channels is important, as choosing among distribution channels is one of the most challenging decisions facing the firm. Marketing intermediaries are used because they provide greater efficiency in marking goods available to target markets.The key distribution channel function is moving goods from producers to consumers by helping to complete transactions and fulfill the completed transaction. Distribution channels can be described by the number of channel levels, which can include no intermediaries in adirect channel, or one to several intermediaries in indirect channels.PromotionPromotion is one of the four major elements of the company's marketing mix. The main promotion tools――advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling――work together to achieve the company'scommunications objectives.People at all levels of the organization must be aware of the many legal and ethical issues surrounding marketing communications. Much work is required to produce socially responsible marketing communicating in advertising, personal selling, and direct selling. Companies must work hard and proactively at communicating openly, honestly, and agreeably with their customers and resellers.市场营销策略一、市场细分和目标市场策略具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。
外文翻译原文Title:differentiated marketing strategyMaterial source:[U.S.] • Philip Kilter,Mea Qinghai translation. Marketing Management [M].Century Publishing Group,Shanghai People's Publishing House,2003 p256—p259Author:Philip KilterImplementation of differentiated marketing strategy,first of all the scientific,careful market research,market segmentation and market positioning as a basis.This is because market research,market segmentation and market positioning can provide customers with enterprise decision-makers in material differences between the needs and spiritual needs,and accurately grasp the "customer needs what?"On this basis,analysis to meet customer needs Ionian difference ,according to the present and future business conditions inside and outside,whether the corresponding strength of purpose is clear,"the company can provide customers with what?"The subject material.If consumer durables and services should be based on product differentiation between the main direction;if it is present with the consumer goods,food and beverage to create the image difference should be the focus.Differentiation strategy is a dynamic process.Any differences are not static.With the socio-economic and scientific and technological development,the needs of customers can be changed,the difference yesterday,of today will become generalized.For example,people watch previous choices,and take the accuracy Pi Shiwei first standards,now in quartz Jishu applications once and"associate"has become a question,so people focus more on style,on again;phone once regarded as high Shore exclusive class of objects,and today well into the hands of ordinary people.If the watch manufacturer as the pursuit of accurate time and then the strategic objectives,is clearly inappropriate.Sights on mobile phone manufacturers shall then brother.Second,competition is also changing,especially some of the price,advertising,service,packaging and so it is very easy to follow up the implementation of strategies that companies imitate.Any differences will not be permanently maintained,in order to use the power of the company's differentiationstrategy as long-acting drugs,the solution is only continuous innovation to meet customer needs with innovative changes,using innovation to beat the "follow-up."Differentiation strategy is a system.The differences in the above mentioned strategy was describing the problem of human classification.In actual operation,the operator not only accords to industry competition,and enterprise product life cycle,the implementation of the appropriate type of product differentiation strategy.Implementation of product differentiation,to provide customers with unique style products,rivals can not..Hue in the show,it also should promote the product from the packaging to show significant differences are in the customer create an unforgettable image.If consumer durables,to provide good service for customers everywhere are convenient,safe,it is indispensable. It is worth noting that any differences in the implementation strategy must be a certain price,such as increasing the service project would increase the cost of sales and step up publicity to pay for the cost of a large amount of advertising,but as long as progress was the desired effect of differentiation,or to bring long-term benefits for the enterprise,this option is worth it.Into the twenty-first century is the information age has brought us to the attention of the times change,broader and more complex with more information,the information explosion means to surge,and people with limited attention,how can we attract people attention to ensure the competitive advantage?Intense competition in the market allows companies to sell their products at the way in marketing and constantly new,surprising and amazing tricks,won for them. But too far also applies to marketing,marketing will also have side-effects of excessive use. Bombarded with a variety of tactics,people feel strange at first before we can produce a sense of fatigue and disgust.The reasonable use of marketing strategies in the attention economy of the environment is very important.How to attract the attention of consumers,causing people to feel that attention on without boring,even offensive,so we have to a reasonable use of marketing.1 Based on marketing strategy in Attention Economy Analysis the proposed1.1 Attention Economy "Attention Economy"This view was first seen in the University of California scholar Richard A. Law bam published in 1994 entitled"attention economics"(The Economics of Attention) article.The first official presentation of the"attention economy"concept is the United States,Michael • Gedehaibo (Michael .H.Goldwater) 1997 in the United States published a paper entitled "Attention buyers,"the article"In this article he pointed out,the current information economy was not appropriate,because according to economic theory,the main topics of their research should be how to use scarce resources.For scarce resources in the information society,he believes that today's society is a great wealth of information and even run rampant,and the Internet,to speed up this process,information not only not the scarce resource,the opposite is the surplus.The relative excess of information,only one resource is scarce;it is the people's attention."With the development of the Internet is not valuable information,but your attention."This is the Nobel Prize-winning economist Herbert • Simon said.Indeed,in this era of information explosion,how to effectively communicate their message to the target group is the attention economy to study the issue,at the same time to achieve timely mental models to meet consumers finds the emotional resonance.1.2 marketing in the example of Attention Economy1.2.1 The 2008 Olympic super-marketingThe summer of 2008,hundreds of millions of people in mind,our country successfully hosted the 29th Summer Olympic Games;the world's eyes are on China's Beijing.Here is the friendship between athletes competing national stage,but also show our country's national power stage,it is the source of all business opportunities contain.Is not difficult to find a lot of companies are using this stage to achieve the business soar.Coca-Cola,Lenovo,GE,Samsung and so become a global partner of the Beijing Olympic Games,these brands across the global scope; use the Olympics to promote their various brands,but also for the Beijing Olympics into thousands of households around the world,so that more people are concerned about the Beijing Olympics.Can not become a global partner,adidas,Sinopec,Haier,China Netcom,Sohu,followed by the Bank of China and other brands to become the partner selection,exclusive suppliers,sponsors,and the Olympic Games that shares the wind,the brand brought to all corners of the force.1.2.2 over Marketing"Gifts would send melatonin",that is,we still know,we can not ignore it caused a great sensation,and then we have to send a gift melatonin.Omnipresent advertising,melatonin brought an upsurge in sales of skin care products.Melatonin has also successfully attracted the attention of consumers,the success of reaching the goal point attention economy.However,long after that,the audience,"melatonin"and"does not receive this year's festive,gifts received only melatonin"and the "golden couple"of"sending teachers to send friends andrelatives,sent to lead"ads are offensive,and this is over the consequences of marketing,too many ads,too many ideas indoctrination,lack of new attractions has led to the adverse effects of old,to bring the image of corporate malpractice.2proper use of marketing tools2.1The establishment of a competitive brandFirst of all,a company maintain a competitive edge is created from the corporate culture,brand value,when the corporate culture,when a high brand value,corporate branding is to attract the attention of customers an effective means of advertising is no longer required too much bombing-style propaganda.IKEA as we are familiar with shows on the economic,environmental,and convenient household items,large consumption of directly attracting attention; in the sports brand,we thought we would be very natural for Nike,Adidas such international brand,because their brand culture provides us with the beauty and health campaign to attract our attention.Can be seen in the attention economy to get consumers to maintain such long-term competitiveness,we must first have a strong corporate brand and culture.2.2 When the growing homogeneity of the productWhen the market will have everyone's attention,certainly must reflect their different.Differentiation means that different,unique,unique.Product differentiation strategy highlights the advantages of differentiation can lead to public concern,to plunder the public's attention.Differentiation has a variety of ways,whether it is product packaging,price,advertising and even spiritual and cultural ideas,and we are likely to find differences in the breakthrough point.For example we are familiar with drink,"Wong Lo Kat",both in functional innovation,innovation is the brand personality,the general function is to drink thirst,which joined the Wong Lo Kat"prevention lit"function,in addition to thirst,but also to prevent the fire.Wong Lo Kat lit prevention as the first beverage market,breaking the long-standing notion people drink,the increase of new features,by most people's recognition and love.In the attention economy of the times,companies need to strive to attract the attention of consumers,while at attracting eyeballs can not arouse public resentment,enterprises must use reasonable marketing tool,appropriately good use of various marketing strategies and tactics to enable enterprises to competitive advantage.At the same time continuous development of society,and the changing market environment,consumers,competitors are also constantly changing to adjust with,their differentiation competitive advantage maybe one tomorrow,imitation,and then the business itself to be a constant change,realistic and innovative,to maintain differentiation.外文文献译文标题:差异化营销策略资料来源:[美国] 菲利浦·科特勒,由美庆浩翻译,书名为营销管理[M],世纪出版集团,上海人民出版社出版. 2003. P256 — p259作者:菲利浦·科特勒实施差异化营销策略,首先把科学、缜密的市场调查、市场细分和市场定位作为基础。
文献出处: Dalman, M. Deniz, and Junhong Min. "Marketing Strategy for Unusual Brand Differentiation: Trivial Attribute Effect." International Journal of Marketing Studies 6.5 (2014): 63-72.原文Marketing Strategy for Unusual Brand Differentiation: Trivial Attribute EffectDalman, M. Deniz & Junhong MinAbstractThis research investigates that brand differentiation creating superior values can be achieved not only by adding meaningful attributes but also meaningless attributes, which is called "trivial attribute effect." Two studies provided empirical evidences as following; first, trivial attribute effect creates a strong brand differentiation even after subjects realize that trivial attribute has no value. Second, trivial attribute effect is more pronounced in hedonic service category compared to the utilitarian category. Last, the amount of willingness to pay is higher when trivial attribute is presented and evaluated in joint evaluation mode than separate evaluation mode. Finally, we conclude with discussion and provide suggestions for further research.Keywords: brand differentiation, evaluation mode, service industry, trivial attribute IntroductionProblem DefinitionPerhaps the most important factor for new product success is to create the meaningful brand differentiation that provides customers with superior values beyond what the competitors can offer in the same industry (Porter, 1985). Not surprisingly, more than 50 percent of annual sales in consumer product industries including automobiles, biotechnology, computer software, and pharmaceuticals are attributed to such meaningful brand differentiation by including new or noble attributes (Schilling &Hill, 1998). However, the brand differentiation that increases consumer preference is not only by introducing meaningful attributes but also meaningless attributes. Forexample, it is not unusual to see brands differentiating themselves in the marketplace by adding some non-important attributes to their offerings (e.g., Coca-Cola's "S" shape bottle, Pantene shampoo with vitamins or Folgers coffee changing the shape of coffee particles). These non-important or trivial attributes as the marketing literature suggests are attributes that "appears valuable but, on closer examination, is irrelevant or trivial to creating the implied benefit" (Carpenter, Glazer, &Nakamoto, 1994, p. 339).In marketing, the successful brand differentiation by trivial attributes has been discussed and explained by three different research streams. First, research on trivial attributes has shown that offering these attributes increase brands' buying likelihood by giving consumers reasons or rational for choice (Brown &Carpenter, 2000). Interestingly, even after consumers realized that the brand differentiation by trivial attribute didn't create any meaningful differentiation, their brand choice was the same (Carpenter et al., 1994). Second, Miljkovic, Gong, and Lehrke (2009) find that this trivial attribute effect on brand differentiation depends on the choice set. Specifically, they find that when the choice set consists of at least three brands-where each brand is strong on certain attributes and it is difficult for consumers to make a choice, offering a trivial attribute serves as a "tie-breaker" and thus increases the buying likelihood of that brand. Last, literature reveals that brand differentiation can be obtained by how competing brands are presented and evaluated either separately or jointly which is called the "evaluation mode effect." Hsee, Loewenstein, Blount, and Bazerman (1999) introduce the two types of evaluation modes: separate evaluation and joint evaluation. Separate evaluation describes the evaluation context in which brands are evaluated one at a time. Joint evaluation means that the brands are evaluated simultaneously. In particular, joint evaluation increases transparency when competing brands are evaluated (Chatterjee, Heath, &Min, 2009). Thus, when a brand with trivial attribute is presented and evaluated jointly with another brand without trivial attribute, consumers are easy to identify uniqueness of the brand with trivial attribute, which results in brand differentiation and brand preference. Studies in the evaluation modeliterature continue to provide strong empirical evidences that the evaluation mode effect is particularly strong when consumers need to evaluate brands with uncertainty (Chatterjee et al., 2009; Hsee et al., 1999).The Purpose of This ResearchAlthough our knowledge of trivial attribute effect has been greatly enhanced, how the trivial attribute affects brand evaluation has never been studied from the perspective of product development and marketing strategy. Our research aims to fill the gap by offering empirical evidences from two studies. The goals of this paper is fourth folds; 1) Can brands increase their choice likelihood by adding some trivial attributes, 2) Does this effect depend on the nature of the category (i.e. hedonic vs. utilitarian), 3) Does the type of trivial attributes (hedonic vs. utilitarian) affect the consumer response to these trivial attributes, and finally 4) How can marketing managers effectively communicate a brand with trivial attribute? To reach these goals, in the first study, we review trivial attribute effect, and test how it creates the brand differentiation in service sector. Then, in the second study, we discuss about the evaluation mode literature, and test that the effect whether trivial attribute is more salient in joint evaluation or separate evaluation mode. Finally, we conclude with discussion and provide suggestions for further research.Theoretical BackgroundTrivial Attribute Effect on Service ChoiceTrivial attributes are defined as the attributes that do not create meaningful differentiation in evaluation of alternatives (Broniarczyk &Gershoff, 2003; Miljkovic et al., 2009). Consumers treat this trivial information in the advantage of brands that offer them even when they are informed before decision-making about the triviality (Carpenter et al., 1994). Brown and Carpenter (2000) explain this advantage with the reasons based account. They argue that consumers prefer to choose on the basis of easily justified, cognitively available reasons (Brown &Carpenter, 2000). Thus, when the options cannot be chosen based on important attributes, consumers need to rely ontrivial attributes that create brand differentiation (Shafir, Simonson, &Tversky, 1993).The question about what to add to the offering to increase its value is especially important for services (Devlin, 1998), as it is more difficult to create a competitive advantage in service industries (Storey &Easingwood, 1998). The main reason is that unlike physical goods, services are intangible and consumers often face a problem of identifying the necessary attributes in services for evaluation. Thus, they end up only relying on brand comparisons on the basis of selected attributes (Gabott &Hogg, 1994; Rust &Chung, 2006). Therefore, services create more uncertainty for consumers than physical goods at the purchase stage. When a decision can't be justified on relevant attributes, consumers form arguments based on trivial attributes even after they are told about the triviality of the attribute (Albrecht, Neumann, Haber, &Bauer, 2011). Therefore, with the amount of uncertainty in services and the difficulty of evaluating attributes as mentioned above, consumers are likely to use trivial attributes when they are faced with an ambiguous choice set even after they are told about the triviality. We posit the hypothesis as follows;H1: The choice likelihood of service provider that offers a trivial attribute will be higher than that does not offer.Compared to physical goods, services are based on information processing (Rust &Chung, 2006) and how the information is processed depends on whether the service is utilitarian or hedonic (Hirschman &Holbrook, 1982). According to Batra and Ahtola (1991), consumers have these two motives in a choice context. Hedonic services are related to "fun" and "pleasure" (Babin, Darden, &Griffin, 1994) whereas utilitarian services are related to "functionality" (Strahilevitz &Myers, 1998). In a choice context, the outcomes of these two types of services are valued differently as the utilitarian outcome depends on objective standards whereas hedonic ones depend on subjective (discretionary) standards (Botti &McGill, 2010). Moreover, Botti and McGill (2010) argue that hedonic motives are sought "as an end itself" whereas utilitarian motives are used to reach a higher-level goal. We argue that utilitarian services are more anxiety provoking than hedonic services as they include important,harder to achieve, and uncertain goals (Lazarus, 1991). And in situations, when goals are anxiety provoking, trivial attributes are more influential (Xiao, Dacin, &Ashworth, 2011). Therefore, we expect the effect of trivial attributes to be more pronounced in a hedonic service category than in a utilitarian service category. We posit the hypothesis as follows:H2: The advantage of service provider that offers a trivial attribute will be more pronounced for the hedonic services compared to utilitarian services.Marketing Communication Strategy Using Trivial Attribute Effect Prior literature has suggested that comparison is a natural and powerful strategy that consumers often rely on (Cooke, Janiszewski, Cunha Jr, Nasco, &De Wilde, 2004; Dhar, Nowlis, &Sherman, 1999). Hsee and Leclerc (1998) suggest that consumer preference changes depending on how products are presented and evaluated, specifically, whether they are evaluated separately (separate evaluation mode) or jointly (joint evaluation mode). For example, in separate evaluation when one is asked to rate the importance of supporting government intervention for saving dolphins over preventing skin cancer among farm works, the number of people who supports the government intervention for saving dolphins is substantial. However, in the joint evaluation mode when the same person is asked to compare the importance of dolphin to that of a human side by side (or jointly) the majority of people's answer is obvious to support a human.Thus, consumers in joint evaluation mode not only greatly save their efforts but also increase accuracy in choice because it is easier to identify similarities and differences between competing brands. This evaluation strategy focusing on the difference or something unique makes the trivial attribute become salient and even meaningful (Dhar& Sherman, 1996). Taken together, we posit that brand with trivial attribute will be perceived more valuable (i.e., people are willing to pay more) in the joint evaluation mode than it is in the separate evaluation mode.H3: Willingness to Pay (WTP) is higher in the joint evaluation mode than that inthe separate evaluation mode.DiscussionCreating brand differentiation has been critical more than ever in our globalized world. Many manufactures of consumer package goods make enormous marketing efforts to differentiate their brands against competitors often by searching and adding new or noble attributes. An important decision to make for marketing managers is to determine what features should be included. In this research, we introduced an unusual brand differentiation strategy using the trivial attribute effect. Results from two experimental studies point out the following; if a trivial attribute as easy to implement as playing music in between class sessions for a GMAT course or distributing free ice at a Music Festival is offered, it can help service providers gain competitive advantage over their competitors. This can allow managers to be more creative and stay competitive in the market. Our results also indicate that this effect is more pronounced in hedonic service categories compared to the utilitarian categories.From the ethical perspective, offering attributes that don't create meaningful difference for consumers is not deceiving consumers as our results indicate that the effects of trivial attributes hold even after consumers are told about the triviality of them. Moreover, consumers indicated in our study that they are not only aware of the triviality of these attributes but they also think they are not useful in their decision-making. Another result we found that supports the triviality of these attributes is that the type of trivial attribute (hedonic / utilitarian) does not matter. Lastly, in terms of effective marketing communication strategy relying on trivial attribute effect, our results revealed that the joint evaluation mode increases the consumer's willingness to pay more than that of the separate evaluation mode.译文不同寻常的品牌差异化营销策略:微不足道的属性效果德尼茨·达尔曼;骏宏茗摘要本研究的主要内容是,通过品牌差异化来创造优越的价值,不仅可以通过添加有意义的商品属性来实现,还可以通过添加看似毫无意义的商品属性来实现,这被称为“微不足道的属性效应”。
外文翻译差异化营销策略原文来源:.[U.S.] • Philip Kotler was, Mei Qinghao translation. Marketing Management [M]. Century Publishing Group, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2003 p256—p259更多原创经管论文及英文文献与翻译请访问:http://经管论文.com/ ,并提供定制服务译文正文:实施差异化营销策略,首先把科学、缜密的市场调查、市场细分和市场定位作为基础。
市场营销论文中英文外文翻译文献中英文外文翻译文献The technical basis of network marketingNetwork marketing is based on the technology infrastructure of computer network technology, as represented by information technology. Computer networks of modern communications technology and computer technology to the product of combining it in different geographic regions and specialized computer equipment for external interconnection lines of communication into a large, powerful networks, thus enabling a large number of computers can easily transmit information to each other, share hardware, software, data and other resources. And network marketing is closely related to the computer network there are three types: the Internet, Extranet and Intranet.[Edit] the theoretical basis for the network marketingTheoretical foundation of network marketing is direct marketing network theory, network theory of relationship marketing, marketing theory and network software to integrate marketing theory.(A) Direct Response Network Marketing TheoryInternet marketing as an effective direct marketing strategy, network marketing that can be tested and measurable and can be evaluated and controlled. Therefore, the characteristics of the use of network marketing, you can greatly improve the efficiency of marketing and marketing decision-making effectiveness of the implementation.Direct marketing theory is the 20th century, one of the 80's the concept of eye-catching. Direct Marketing Association of the United States for its definition is: "a place to produce anymeasurable response and (or) use the Stock Exchange reached one or more advertising media marketing system interaction." Directly Marketing the key to the theory that network marketing is that it can be tested, measurable, can be evaluated, which a fundamental solution to evaluate the effect of the traditional difficulties in marketing and marketing for more scientific decision-making possible.(B) the network theory of relationship marketingRelationship Marketing is a great importance since 1990 by the marketing theory, which mainly includes two basic points: First of all, in the macro level will berecognized that the scope of marketing a wide range of areas, including customer market, the labor market, the supply market , the internal market, the market stakeholders, as well as the affected market (government, financial markets); at the micro level, recognizing that the relationship between business and customers are constantly changing, the core of marketing should be a simple one-time past transactions to a focus on maintaining relations up long-term relationships. Socio-economic system, enterprises are a major subsystem, corporate marketing objectives by many external factors to the impact of marketing activities of enterprises is a consumers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, government agencies and social organizations the process of interaction, the correct understanding of the relationship between the individual and the organization is the core of marketing is also key to business success or failure.The core of relationship marketing is to keep customers, to provide customers with a high degree of satisfaction with the value of products and services, by strengthening the links with customers to provide effective customer service, to maintainlong-term relationship with customers. And long-term customer relations based on the marketing activities to achieve the marketing objectives of companies. The implementation of relationship marketing is not to damage the cost of business interests, according to research, for marketing a new customer costs five times the cost of the old customers, so to strengthen relations with customers and build customer loyalty can bring long-term enterprise interests, it is to promote a win-win strategy for businesses and customers. The Internet as an effective two-way channels of communication between businesses and customers can achieve low-cost communication and exchange costs, which companies build long-term relationships with customers to provide effective protection. This is because, first of all, enterprises can use the Internet to receive customer orders directly, customers can make their own personalized needs. Enterprises in accordance with customer demand for personalized use of flexible production technology to meet the customer needs to maximize customers in the consumer products and services to create more value. Enterprise customers can also understand the market demand, market segments and targetmarkets, minimize marketing costs and increase the reaction rate on the market. Secondly, the use of the Internet companies to provide customers with better services and keep in touch with customers. Internet time and space constraints are not the characteristics of the convenience of our customers to maximize communication with the enterprise, customers can make use of the Internet in the shortest possible time in an easy way to access business services. At the same time, trading via the Internet to the entire enterprise can be achieved from the product quality,quality of service, such as transaction services to the entire process of quality control.On the other hand, enterprises can also be via the Internet with business-related companies and organizations build relationships and achieve win-win development. Internet as a channel of communication between the cheapest, it can help lower costs in the supply of business-to-business yet, distributors such as the establishment of collaborative partnerships. Cases such as in front of the computer company Lenovo, through the establishment of e-business systems and management information systems with the distributors of information sharing, reduce inventory costs and transaction costs, and close cooperation between the two sides. Relating to the application of network theory will be the strategy behind the marketing services network in detail.(C) The network of soft marketing theoryMarketing theory is soft against the industrial economy to the era of mass production for the main features of the "strong sales" of the new theory, the theory suggests that when customers buy products not only meet the basic physiological needs, but also to meet the mental and psychological level demand. Therefore, the soft marketing is one of the main characteristics of the follow netiquette, etiquette on the network through the use of clever marketing to obtain desired results. It emphasizes the marketing activities of enterprises at the same time the need to respect the feelings of consumers and the body read, so that consumers will be able to comfortably take the initiative to receive the marketing activities of enterprises. Traditional marketing activities can best embody the characteristics of a strong marketing promotions are two: thetraditional advertising and marketing staff. In traditional advertising,consumers are often forced to passive reception of advertising messages, "bombing", and its goal is to impart information through continuous means the hearts of consumers impressed, as to whether the consumer was not willing to accept the need for need not be taken into account; marketing personnel, the marketing staff does not consider the object is willing to sell and needs, but according to the marketing staff to determine their own marketing activities carried out forcibly.On the Internet, because information exchange is a free, equal, open and interactive, to stress that mutual respect and communication, on-line users pay more attention to the protection and privacy of personal experience. Therefore, using the traditional means of marketing a strong start in the Internet marketing activities are bound to backfire, such as the American company AOL has forced their users to send E-mail advertising, the results lead to the unanimous opposition of users, many users agreed to AOL at the same time the company server E-mail to retaliate, with the result that AOL's E-mail mail server in a paralyzed state, and finally had to apologize to quell public indignation. Network marketing is just soft from the consumer's experience and needs and take pull-type strategy to attract consumers concerned about the marketing effectiveness of enterprises to achieve. Network on the Internet to carry out marketing activities, in particular promotional activities must follow certain rules of network formation of virtual communities, some also known as "netiquette (Netiquette)". Network marketing is soft netiquette rules to follow based on the clever use of marketing to achieve a subtle effect. Marketing theory onnetwork application software in the network marketing sales strategy specific details.(D) Network Integrated MarketingIn the current post-industrial society, the tertiary industry in the development of the service sector is the major economic growth point, the traditional manufacturing-based to being service-oriented development, new service industries such as finance, communications, transportation and other industries the sun at high noon. Post-industrial society requires the development of enterprises must be based on service-oriented, it is necessary to customers as the center, to provide customers with timely and appropriate manner, as appropriate services, the maximum extent possibleto meet customer demand. Internet time and space as a cross-transmission of "superconductive" media, can provide timely customer service is located at the same time interactivity of the Internet can understand customer needs and provide targeted response, so the Internet era can be said to be the most consumers an attractive marketing tool.Network of integrated marketing theory include the following key points:Network marketing requires, first of all the consumers into the entire marketing process to the needs of their entire marketing process from the beginning.Network marketing distribution system for the enterprise as well as stakeholders to be more closely together.Corporate interests and the interests of customers to integrate together.Internet on the role of marketing, you can through the 4Ps (product / service, pricing, distribution, promotion) play animportant role in binding. The use of the Internet traditional 4Ps marketing mix can be better with the customer as the center of the 4Cs (customer, cost, convenience, communication) to combine.1. Products and services to customers as the centerAs the Internet has a very good interaction and guiding the user through the Internet under the guidance of the enterprise to choose the product or service or specific requirements of enterprise customers to choose based on the timely production and requirements and provide timely service, making Customer inter-temporal and spatial requirements are met by the products and services; On the other hand, enterprises can also keep abreast of customer needs and customer requirements in accordance with the timely production and marketing organizations to provide the production efficiency and marketing effectiveness. Such as the United States PC sales company Dell Inc., or a loss in 1995, but in 1996, their sales via the Internet to computers, the performance of 100 percent growth, due to customers via the Internet, you can design in the company's home page to choose and combination of computers, the company's production department immediately upon request, production, and sent through the postal service company, so companies can achieve zero inventory production, especially in the sharp decline in prices of computercomponents of the era, inventory will not only reduce the inventory costs can be avoided also because of losses brought about by high-priced stock.2. Customer acceptable cost pricingThe cost of traditional production-based pricing in the market-oriented marketing is to be discarded. The price of newcustomers should be based on acceptable cost pricing, and based on the cost to organize the production and marketing. Customer-centric enterprise pricing, customers must be the determination of market demand and the price accepted standards, otherwise the cost to the customer to accept the pricing is a castle in the air. Business on the Internet can be very easy to implement, the customer can be made via the Internet acceptable cost, the cost of business in accordance with customers to provide flexible product design and production program for the user to choose until after the customer agrees to confirm the production and marketing organizations, all All these are clients of the server program in the company under the guidance and does not require specialized services and, therefore, extremely low cost. At present, the United States, General Motors Corp. to allow customers on the Internet through the company's own guidance system of the design and assembly of motor vehicles to meet their needs, users first determine the criteria for acceptable price, and then according to the price limit system to meet the requirements of style show vehicle, the user can also be used for appropriate changes, the company producing the final product just to meet the customer requirements of price and performance.3. Products to facilitate the distribution of customer-orientedNetwork marketing is one-to-one distribution channels, cross-selling of space-time, customers can order anytime, anywhere using the Internet and purchase products. Iron and steel manufacturers in France still a Luolin Zinox for example, the company was founded in 8 years ago, because of the introduction of e-mail and the world order system, so that processing time from 15 days to 24 hours. At present, thecompany is using the Internet to provide better than the opponent and more efficient services. The company's internal network and vehicle manufacturers to establish contact so that they could demand the other party promptly after the production ofsteel to each other online.4. Repressively turn promotions to strengthen communication and contacts with customersIs the promotion of traditional enterprises, through certain media or tools of oppression customers to strengthen the company's customers and product acceptance and loyalty, customers are passive and accept the lack of communication with customers and contacts at the same time The high cost of the company's sales. Internet marketing is a one-on-one and interactive, and customers can participate in the company's marketing activities in the past, so the Internet can strengthen communication with customers and contacts and a better understanding of customer needs, attracted more customers agree . The U.S. company Yahoo's new star (Yahoo!) Company to develop a network in Internet information retrieval tools for classification, as the products are highly interactive, the user can think it is important for their classification information to Yahoo Yahoo The company immediately joined the classification of information products for the use of other users, so no need for advertising their products on well known, and in a short span of two years the company's stock market value of billions of dollars, an increase of as much as several hundred times.The main method of Internet MarketingCommonly used methods of network marketing system(1)Search Engine Marketing(2)Email marketing permission(3)Online Advertising(4)Web resource cooperation(5)Viral marketing(6)A membership-based network marketingCommon method for classification of network marketing:Web-based network marketing businessTo carry out Internet marketing does not necessarily have to have their own web site, in the absence of site conditions, enterprises in the network to carry out effectivemarketing. Free web site marketing mainly depends on the network marketing and e-mail marketing virtual community.Web-based network marketing is the subject of network marketing, it's main problem is the web site planning, construction, maintenance people, as well as with other marketing to promote the integration of methods. If the type of e-commerce website, web-based network marketing will be involved in product, price, and other traditional marketing channels and marketing a range of issues to consider.译文:网络营销的技术依据网络营销是基于技术基础设施的计算机网络营销。
文献信息:文献标题:Marketing strategy:From the origin of the concept to the development of a conceptual framework(市场营销战略:从概念的起源到概念框架的发展)国外作者:Eric H. Shaw文献出处:《Journal of Historical Research in Marketing》,2012, 4(1):30-55字数统计:英文1716单词,9394字符;中文3209汉字外文文献:Marketing strategy:From the origin of the concept to the development of a conceptual frameworkEarly marketing strategy conceptsBefore marketing strategy developed as an off-shoot of marketing management in the 1970s, even before marketing management emerged as a school of thought in the 1960s to replace the traditional approaches to marketing (Bartels, 1988; Sheth et al., 1988; Shaw and Jones, 2005), a few isolated concepts were developed in the 1950s literature that form the core of modern marketing strategy. These seminal concepts include: Borden’s (1957, 1964) expression of the “marketing mix,”Smith’s (1956) development of “product differentiation”and “market segmentation”as alternative marketing strategies, Dean’s (1951) conception of “skimming”and “penetration”as alternative pricing (that he extended to the whole marketing mix) strategies, and Forrester’s (1959) description of the “product life cycle (PLC).”Corporate strategy conceptsThe strategic concepts discussed so far (the marketing mix, skimming and penetration, differentiation and segmentation, and the PLC), were created by economists and marketing scholars and gained popularity in early marketing management textbooks. The following strategic concepts, Andrews’SWOT, Ansoff’s growth strategies, Porter’s generic strategies, and Henderson’s product portfolio model, were developed for corporate management, not marketing management. Because marketing strategy is a major component of corporate strategy there is overlap, but these two areas are not isomorphic. Nevertheless, corporate strategy concepts have been shoehorned intact into subsequent generations of marketing textbooks from the 1970s and 1980s to the present. It is largely shoehorning of borrowed concepts that has created the present state of isolated bits and pieces of marketing strategy rather than the development of an overarching conceptual framework.Framework for marketing strategyHaving followed the literature and dissected marketing strategy terms, this section integrates the concepts into a framework that identifies alternative marketing strategies at different stages of the PLC and under various SWOT conditions.Market introduction strategiesAt introduction, the marketing strategist has two principle strategies to choose from: penetration or niche. A penetration strategy (Dean, 1951; Ansoff, 1965) emphasizes an aggressive marketing mix for a mass market or a large segment of the market. As the term has been developed in this research, a penetration strategy is not limited to a current product in a current market (Ansoff) or just a low introductory price (Dean). A penetration strategy involves using the marketing mix aggressively. Although every mix element need not be aggressive, a penetration strategy should include some combination of a no-frills product, minimal service, low price, high promotional expenditures and intensive distribution effort. A penetration strategy, following Andrew’s SWOT, is ideal for large firms with strong financial resources facing a large and growing market, price sensitive customers with minimal brandawareness or preference, many potential competitors and few barriers to entry. A penetration strategy will work from the introduction into the growth stage and perhaps as late as the early maturity stage of the PLC. As an offering approaches maturity, however, high marketing mix expenditures cannot be sustained as sales growth slows and marginal costs rise more rapidly than marginal revenue.Alternatively, a niche strategy (Kotler, 1980; Porter, 1980; McCarthy, 1981) focuses on a narrowly defined customer segment and is ideal for smaller firms with limited resources. The niche strategy expands Porter’s “focus”(Porter, 1980) or “narrow target segment”(Porter, 1990) strategy and incorporates Dean’s (1951) price skimming but from the angle of a market segment’s price sensitivity. Although a segmentation-oriented strategy, the marketing mix aimed at a niche is largely dictated by company and market considerations. With the niche strategy (Alderson, 1957; confusingly termed concentrated segmentation by Kotler, 1976) a firm targets a narrowly defined customer segment. The marketing mix typically involves a custom tailored product offering, a high price, and given the small-sized customer base, promotional expenditures are focused and thereby relatively low, with selective or exclusive distribution coverage. This strategy works well in smaller segments requiring higher profit margins to compensate for lack of sales volume, when customers are insensitive to price, can easily be made aware of the brand with minimal promotional effort, and the firm can create some barriers to entry resulting in few direct competitors. The niche strategy can be highly profitable, even in very small segments, because it combines high price with low marketing mix expenditures (Kotler, 1980). This strategy has the added virtue of allowing pin-point timing. A niche strategy does not require a lot of set-up and breakdown time, effort or money, allowing a firm to move in and out of the market quickly. Taking advantage of “windows of opportunity”(Abell, 1978), a niche is therefore potentially profitable at virtually any stage of the life cycle from introduction to decline. For example, the General Pencil Company (GPC) founded in 1889, produced a high quality lead pencil (once the standard bearer of the ubiquitous No. 2 pencil), but since pencils have become a throw-away, even single-use product, GPC was unable to compete withcheap imports on price. Facing a declining market, for a commodity type product, GPC found their niche –artists and illustrators who required a harder more durable lead in their pencil and were willing to pay a premium price for a higher quality product.Market growth strategiesIn the early growth stage, the marketing manager may choose from two additional strategic alternatives: segment expansion (Smith, Ansoff) or brand expansion (Borden, Ansoff, Kerin and Peterson, 1978). In segment expansion, the strategist adds new targets (each with their own marketing mixes) to the market segments already served. A classic example was Toyota’s Crown automobile entering the US market in 1956 with a niche strategy –a single marketing mix targeted at a single segment –economy conscious sub-compact auto buyers. After gaining a toehold in the market, it used segment expansion to go beyond its niche, offering brands for multiple segments, including the sub-compact, compact, mid-size, large size and sports-car segments. Ultimately targeting across-the-board, it aimed a marketing mix at virtually all auto and small truck market segments, and even developed the separate Lexus brand to target the luxury auto segment. Although also a form of segment expansion, it is useful to separate geographics from other forms of segmentation, such as demographics, psycho-graphics, sociographics, and behavioral characteristics. In geographic expansion, firms shift their sights from local, to regional, to national, to international, to global customer targets. This strategy is increasingly used when growth slows down as local (or domestic) markets approach maturity.Similar to expanding segments, another strategic alternative in the growth stage involves brand expansion. This strategy adds new products or variations to the line, offering the customer segment more choice, or it provides additional services, such as delivery or gift wrapping, to offer customers greater value.During the late growth stage, sales are still growing rapidly, but hit an inflection point where they shift from increasing at an accelerating rate to increasing at a de-accelerating rate. In markets growing very rapidly, this shift in the rate of growth often produces a competitive turbulence (Wasson, 1974), in which an industryshake-out occurs, because of excess capacity. During this turbulence another strategy is often called for –a differentiation strategy. If not used in late growth, as firms jockey for advantage, then differentiation is often employed in the maturity stage, discussed next.Market maturity strategiesIn maturity, sales growth slows, stabilizes and starts to decline. In early maturity, it is common to employ a maintenance strategy (BCG), where the firm maintains or holds a stable marketing mix. This is common in oligopoly industries, where a small number of firms hold a large share of the market. Satisfied with maintaining their market share and milking profits, these firms prefer not to rock the boat. If firms can preserve a rough equilibrium, a maintenance strategy could work until sales decline to meet costs. But maintenance is a rather passive strategy subject to a shake-up by an aggressive competitor.If a firm wants to shuffle the deck, differentiation offers an aggressive but affordable strategy in maturity (Smith, Porter). It involves a firm using one or more elements of the marketing mix to enhance purchase value for its customers. For example, product quality could be improved, price lowered to offer greater economy, upscale advertising media employed to create more brand prestige or distribution outlets added to provide greater customer convenience. Although aggressive, differentiation is far less forceful and far less expensive than a penetration strategy. Because it involves more marketing mix finesse and need not be expensive, a differentiation strategy could work at virtually any stage of the life cycle, from growth into decline.As a firm moves further along the maturity curve, a harvesting strategy (Henderson, 1970; Kotler, 1978) becomes an option if not a necessity. Typically, as a market shifts from early to late maturity, a maintenance strategy evolves into a harvesting strategy. In harvesting, marketing mix effort is reduced following the declining sales, and the brand remains a cash cow as long as the cost reductions are more than (or at least) proportional to the declining sales.Market decline strategiesAt some point the decline in sales approaches and then begins to exceed costs. And not just accounting costs, there are hidden costs as well; as Kotler (1965, p. 109) observed:No financial accounting can adequately convey all the hidden costs.At some point, with declining sales and rising costs, a harvesting strategy becomes unprofitable and a divesting strategy necessary.Although if a firm is one of the “last men standing”it may remain a “profitable survivor”(Kotler, 1997) in the market, if most of the competition has dropped out, if there are a sufficient number of laggards with purchasing power and a desire to buy lingering in the market, and if the costs of serving these remaining customers stays low. This is essentially an extreme harvesting strategy. Non-filter cigarettes or double edge razor blades provide examples of how a few competitors have survived in slowly declining markets. Eventually, as customers die out, marketing mix expenditures decline to zero and the brand is removed from the market.中文译文:市场营销战略:从概念的起源到概念框架的发展早期市场营销战略的概念在20世纪70年代市场营销战略作为营销管理的一个分支之前,甚至在20世纪60年代营销管理成为一个学派以取代传统的营销方法之前(巴特尔斯,1988;谢思等人,1988;肖和琼斯,2005),20世纪50年代的文献中就形成了一些独立的概念,这些概念构成了现代市场营销战略的核心。
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Marketing(From: Sun Kun of Accounting English, 2008.)Marketing is a group of interrelated activities designed to identify consumer needs and to develop,distribute,promote,and price goods and services to satisfy these needs at a profit.Whether an organization is large or small,whether it produces a product or provides a service,its long-range future is linked to successful markting practices.The old saying "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door"is not true. "They" must need the product,know about it,be able to get it when and where they want it,and be able to afford it.Marketing provides the means to make the organization successful in the long run.1.The Marketing ConceptMarketing was unheard of in the early 1900s. This period can best be described as one where far more people needed consumer goods than companies were able to manufacture.This intense demand on manufacturing led to organizations dominated by production management. Companies had a production orientation: where the number one priority is to produce a good to keep up with demand. All energies and talents were laced in the production function. Selling a good was incidental; determining consumer needs was unheard of.As manufacturers increased their production capabilities,the supply of goods available increased and inventories of goods developed. An emphasis on selling occurred. This need to sell led to a sales-dominated company-a sales orientation,whereby the energy of the company is focused on selling the products produced. The salespersio's job:(1)to make the desires of the consumers "fit"the products the company manufactures and (2)to convince the consumer to buy. The company's goal:to"send the out full and bring it back empty."As more producers began competing for consumer dollars by making such high-demand products as automobiles,vacuum cleaners,and refrigerators,the supply of goods began to exceed the demand. Companies had to find a way to identify consumer demand.Company profits.Companies that are marketing oriented have adopted a philosophy for the firm known as the marketing concept.The marketing concept is a belief that the companyshould adopt a companywide consumer orientation directed at long-range profitability.It includes the belied that all efforts of the organization should be directed at identifying and satisfyingProduction OrientationCompanies were essentially production-oriented from the latter part of the nineteenth century to about 1920. Emphasis was placed on filling the demand for basic commodities. The typical family had little discretionary income and there was little demand for products not associated with filling those basic family requirements.Demand was usually supplied by the producer's perception of what consumers needed. Product design and product line decisions were heavily influenced by manufacturing considerations.Management attention was directed primarily toimproving production methods,increasing output,and lowering costs. Sales OrientationThe period of sales orientation covered roughly the years from 1920 to 1950.With the exception of the years of the Grat Depression ,this period was characterized by gradually rising discretionary income,emerging demand for products,increasing competition,and the expansion of distribution channels.Although product decisions continued to be dominated by what the manufacturing department wanted to make ,the role of sales became increasingly important. With the production department capable of tuning out increasing quantities of goods through mass production techniques,company success began to turn on the ability of the sales force to move inventories.Market OrientationCovering the years from about 1950 to 1970 ,this period was characterized by a continuing shift in business emphasis to understanding and reacting to changing markets.The dramatic rise in consumer discretionary income following World War II created demand for new products and services. The mobility provided by mass ownership of automobiles encouraged the development of suburbs, new shopping patterns, and changes in distribution methods. Markets became more segmented and more complex. Product life cycles shortened.With these conditions,production people no longer were in a position to determine accurately what would sell. Selling skills were no longer sufficient to overcome the problems created when products were not attuned to a more discriminant market demand. In order to provide a better fit between marketdemand and company offerings-and in order to provide for better coordination of marketing activities-companies reorganized and assigned increased responsibilities to the marketing department.Marketing took on the role of analyzing markets and interpreting the needs, and manufacturing departments. More sophisticated aproaches were developed to fulfill the traditional marketing roles of product promotion and the management of distribution channels. The role of marketing in pricing increased.And finally, the marketing department became the focal point for the development of corporate strategies needed to adjust to market change.Societal OrientationWhen managements adopted the marketing concept, they could not foresee the environmental problems or the changes in society's values that would raise questions about the market orientation philosophy. In terms of what we now know about pollution, the finiteness of raw materials, and the apparent inability of our economic system to eliminate poverty, some people question whether what is good for the individual consumer is always good for society.Increasingly, national policy-and, in turn, business policy-is tempering concern for the consumer with concern for society as a whole. Thomas A. Murphy, chairman of General Motors, addressed this dilemma when he said , "We may have let ourselves grow out of touch with the customer's need for continued satisfaction in a time of heightened expectations and the society's concern for environmental improve-ment and energy conservation."Marketing policies attuned to serving the market as the market wants to be served continue to represent modern company policy. But we are also seeing market-oriented decisions modified by societal concerns, as a result both of law and of responsible management policies.2.Channels of distributionEfficient production methods, coupled with skilful marketing ,may have ensured that we can produce goods or services cheaply and that there is a market for them. There remains the vitally important question of how we actually get our goods and services to the customer.Direct sales to CustomersThis ,of course, is the oldest form of distribution and in many trades it remains the most important. However, it can be a very awkward one in somebusinesses such as manufacturing. Customers especially private buyers, are unlikely to go to a factory to buy what they want, and manufacturing firms , at least one company seeking to sell its chains of petrol filling stations in the mid 1980s.There are other trades where producers sell directly to customers. In some cases this is because producers find it advantageous to control the final retail stage and be in a position to offer a complete service, including after-sales service,to the customer.In other industries producers may sell directly to consumers through factory shops, farm shops ,"pick-your-own" arrangements at farms,by mail order or any other scheme that business ingenuity may devise.Organized MarketsAfter direct selling ,markets represent the oldest form of trade from producer to consumer. Here we have in mind not the ratail mardets found in many towns on "market days" but the markets where producers and traders, especially the traders in commodities make their deals . These markets , located in many of the world's major trading centers , including London where most of the main British commodity exchanges are found ,bring together producers and traders who wish to buy in bulk for onward Distribution to the final customer.By commodities we mean goods such as tin, copper , zinc and other metals or bulk foodstuffs like tea, coffee, wheat and cocoa. What distinguishes commodities is that they tend to be sold on the basis of objective descriptions , such as " Brazilian coffee" or "Sri Lankan tea", rather than according to some brand name, though, of course, the experienced buyer will be able to distinguish high and low quality goods according to their source or to a wholesaler.WholesalingThe markets we have just outlined are wholesale markets . Wholesaling involves purchasing goods in large quantities from the producer or importer and selling in smaller quantities to the retailer, or sometimes, to another wholesaler or dealer. A service is provided as the producer prefers to deal with large orders and the retailer in smaller purchases. There are ,however, other services provided by wholesaling besides this 'breaking bulk.Conventional wholesaling has declined in importance in recent decades. The functions of wholesaling still have to be undertaken but are now often less important than in the past and where they remain essential are often carried out by manufacturers, or, more noticeably, by retailers. The growth of large chains inretailing has often been made possible by the incorporation of wholesaling and retailing within the one organization.Develoments in production methods, in transport and communications have all contributed to this process . When flour was sold by millers in large sacks, breaking bulk was a necessary service for small shops selling to ordinary households. Modern machines have no difficulty in packing flour in paper bags at the end of the production line. Motorway transport, the telephone and telex have brought retailer and manufacturer closer together and the wholesaler's warehousing is not always essential to bridge the gap between them. AgentsAgents may offer an alternative to wholesalers. An agent acts on behalf of another, the principal. The role of the agent in distribution is to take over the work of distribution from the manufacturer. In some ways agents may act much like a wholesaler; in other ways they may act like a retailer and sell to the final customer. Agents can be particularly important in servicing foreign markets where they have special local knowledge.FranchisingThis is a growing form of distribution. A franchise gives the sole right to serve a locality with a particular good or service. Agents often hold sole franchises.The modern trend in franchising is for producers carefully to develop and market the product, including the organization of advertising,and then to leave the retail stage to a franchised independent firm. The franchise holder normally has to pay for the franchise. In return they receive a wide range of services from the producer. The shop will be laid out according to a distinctive pattern. Special equipment will be provided,training given and exclusive supplies of materials provided.Franchising has been particularly important in some service trades such as fast foods. Its supporters claim that it combines the individual'entrepreneurship' of the independent franchise holder with the economies of large scale production, advertising and so on. It also provides a role for small firms and personal initiative in an economy which often seems to be dominated by large organizations . The system's critics claim that large producers favor it as it gives them retail outlets and retail management at very low cost. It can also lead to frustrated expectations among the franchise holders who will never truly be 'their own bosses.The marketing MixAs with all business decisions, there is no one right form of distribution andno one right approach to marketing a firm's products. Indeed a single firm may choose different ways of marketing different products. Marketing and distribution managers must choose a combination of different strategies in response to an environment in which a number of forces, many of them beyond their control, are at work. The chosen marketing mix (or market mix) of price, distribution channel, advertising and product promotion must be the result of careful analysis of the environment, the available strategies and the nature of the firms product.市场营销市场营销是一组相互关联的活动,用于确定消费者的需求并对商品和服务进行开发、分销、促销和给产品和服务定价,从而在赢利的前提下满足这些需求。
外文翻译原文Differentiated marketingMaterial Source:DIFFERENTIATED Author: RanWenLe What is the differential marketingSo-called differential marketing differentiated diversity market strategy market strategy, also called differences between otherness marketing, refers to face has subdivision market, the enterprise choose two or more son market as our target market, respectively for each child market to provide specific products and services as well as corresponding sales measures. Enterprise according to the son market characteristics, respectively formulate product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and marketing strategy and to carry out.The core idea of differential marketingThe differential marketing, the core idea is "segment market, in view of targeted location, import brand, sets up the image". Is the market segmentation, based on the target market, through the personalized needs of brand positioning and communication, give the brand of unique value, sets up the distinct image, establish brand differentiation and personalized core competitive advantages. Marketing is the key differences flower market actively seeking cur, select the target market, mining had be notted satisfy personalized needs of consumers, develop new products of new functions, give the brand new value. The differential marketing basis, is the market consumption demand diversity characteristics. differential consumers have different tastes, different personality, different value tropism, the difference is the income level and different consumption idea, etc, thus determines their product brand to have different needs considerations, and this is why need to undertake the differential marketing reasons.The differential marketing not some marketing level, some marketing method of innovation, but products, ideas, value, image, promotion means, promotion methods such as comprehensive, systematic marketing innovation, and innovation on the basis of realizing brand in the market segment goal on the focus, obtain strategic lead.The differential marketing formEnterprise can choose some interests as the biggest son market target market, if have enough ability to satisfy more child market, it can choose more child market; If each branch of enterprise all market is very attractive, and the enterprise also has the ability to provide for each branch market of different products and services, enterprise can traverse the market as the target market.In the world famous multinational, procter &gamble company is a typical differential marketing, it has 11 of detergent, China knows the brand has strong decontamination "BiLang", price teach high, Decontamination also strong but moderate price "the tide's";Protrusions cheap beauty "panda". Shampoo is has six brand, have grade represents "the sand," Tide breed of "matt; silk" Elegant "ting"; A new generation of "float soft". In addition, it has eight brand of soap, four brands of detergent, four brand of toothpaste, 3 brand cleaners, 3 brand of toilet paper.When the development of technology, industry of vertical division and information openness, timeliness, make more and more products appear homogeneity, seek the differential marketing has become the enterprise survival and the development one necessary weapon. Famous strategic management experts Michael porter, which can be described as the differentiation strategy: when a company is able to provide some unique, other competitors cannot replace the goods, as for clients its value is not only a cheap goods, the company will have yourself and competing firms distinguishes.For general commodity speaking, differences always exist, just/irrespcet of different ways. And the differential marketing pursuit of "difference" is the product of "incomplete alternative", namely enterprise relies on its technical superiority and the management superiority, produce in performance, the quality is superior to the market on the current level of product, or in respect of selling, through the distinctive publicity activities, flexible marketing means, thoughtful after-sales service, in the consumer's mind set up different general image.Strategy one: product differentiationProduct differentiation refers to the characteristics of the products, working performance, consistency, durable sex, reliability, easy to fix the rational, style and design of the differences. That is an enterprise in the production of products, quality and performance obviously better than the manufacturers of similar products on the market, thus forming alone. For the same industry competition for, the core of the product value is basically the same, what is different in performance and quality tosatisfy customer needs in the basic circumstance, to provide customers with a unique product differentiation strategy is the pursuit of the goal. China in the 1980s is 10 people use a product, the 1990s is 10 people with 10 kinds of products, and today is one in 10 kinds of products. Therefore, any companies cannot use a product to meet 10 kinds of need, best launched 10 products meet 10 kinds of need, even meet a need. Enterprise implement differentiation marketing can be from two aspects.One is the feature. Product characteristics refers to products to supplement the basic function of characteristics. Most products are with different characteristics. Its starting point is the product of the basic functions, and then enterprise by adding new features to introduce new products. In the implementation of the most successful when several procter &gamble company, with its shampoo products, the float soft consumer buying purpose is nothing but to scurf, complaisant, nutrition, protect hair, black hair, and adapt, p&g released corresponding brand matt silk, pan ting, sand, embellish yan. In the development of other brands of products, p&g also many use this strategy. China's beverage enterprises in introducing new products are adopting such strategies, such as the farmer mountain spring "have a little sweet", the farmer orchard "hybrid" and "drink juice before a wave", the "daily THHC juice", huiyuan juice "true" characteristics of orange in consumer memory have left deep impression. Visible, the product characteristic is enterprises to realize product differentiation competitive tool.2 it is style. Fashion is a product which gives the buyer's visual effect and feelings. The haier group of refrigerator, haier product exemple refrigerator design have Europe, Asia and the americas of three different style. European style is rigorous, square door, white neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations. Asian style is given priority to with quietly elegant, with the circular door, rounded door, color decorative pattern, steel plate to reflect, American style is prominent showily, with widebody streamline modelling appeared. Be like again some drink factories in China from previous rotate open means, convert the so-called "sports cover" direct pull up the bottle method also has achieved great success. In addition, to average consumer character, working performance and consistency of quality, durability, reliability, easy to fix the rational is also seeking differences focus. If the car by standard component, and easy replacement parts, the car easy fix rationality is high, in the customer heart will have certain competitive advantage.Strategy 2: service differentiationService differentiation is to show enterprise to target market provides withcompetitors different excellent service. Especially in difficult to highlight the visible products difference, the key competitive success often depends on the amount of service and quality. Difference between the service level of main factors have a delivery, installation, user training and advice, maintenance, etc. Pre-sale service difference became the competition between rival etc. For example, with a computer, some is guaranteed for one year, some warranty for three years, With the user is training, lenovo, hisense computers have a free training schools, but the training content each have differences, With sales is electric water heater, haier group implement 24 hours and complere service pre-sale set high-quality service to every customer pleasing.In the increasingly fierce competition in the market, service has become all business activities of the starting point and end-result. Nowadays, the price of the product and technical nuances are gradually narrowing, the influence of factors except for consumers to buy the product quality and the image of the company outside, the key still service quality. Service can dominate the trend of product sales, service is the ultimate goal of improving customer turns heads, and expand the market share. While only differentiation of service to the enterprises and products in the consumers' mind always hold "place". American international commercial computer company (IBM) according to the computer industry product technical performance about the same situation analysis, thought the service is needed to users, so sure enterprise's management idea is "IBM means service". China's haier group with "to provide customers with perfect service" as the enterprise's success creed, haier's "through efforts to try to user trouble to zero" "users are always right" "stars service thought" "sales is credit, not sales products" "high-quality service is the foundation of sustainable development" and "deliver high quality service to be able to bring the company more selling" service concept, truly user lists in god's position, users in the use of haier product has got omni-directional satisfied. Natural, haier brand image in the consumer's mind more and more is also high.Strategy 3: image differentiationImage differentiation is through the shaping and competition of different products, enterprise and brand image to gain a competitive advantage. Image is that the public on products and enterprise ideas and feelings. Shape the image tools are: name, color, logos, signs, environment, activities, etc. With colour for, kodak yellow, Fuji, green, red lucky film, PepsiCo's blue and red, etc. Are all very cola can let consumer in numerous similar products in easily identify apart. Then taking Chinaalcoholic product image difference speaking: maotai wine the state banquet of image, sword of datangshengshi wine image, luzhou old cellar historical vicissitudes image was open, six good fortune of blessing wine image, and the strength of concrete wine, image and so on each has its own characteristics. Consumers in buy certain alcohol, the first that comes into mind is balanceand image; In wine, taste wine, but is tasted out by wine image difference have different mind cheerful.译文标题:差异化营销资料来源:差异化营销作者:冉文乐什么是差异化营销所谓差异化营销差异性市场战略,又叫差异性市场营销,是指面对已经细分的市场,企业选择两个或者两个以上的子市场作为市场目标,分别对每个子市场提供针对性的产品和服务以及相应的销售措施。
市场营销专业毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献文献翻译原文Marketing theoryMcCarthy (E.J.Mccarthy) ,in 1960, also under the micro-marketingdefinition: Marketing is the responsibility of business activities, products and services will be directly from the producer towards the consumer or userin order to meet customer needs and the achievement of the company profits,but also a process of socio-economic activities with the aim to meet thesocial or human needs, to achieve social goals. this definition than in the United States, although the definition of marketing association a step forward that meet customer needs and realize the company's operating profit as a goal, but two definitions that marketing activities are production activities in the beginning of the end of the middle after a series of business sales activities, when the commodity to the user the hands of the end, the enterprise marketing activities and therefore is limited to the narrow scope of circulation, rather than operating as a business for sale throughout the entire process, including marketing research, product development, pricing, distribution, advertising, publicity reports, sales promotion, marketing staff, after-sales service andso on.Christian Grnroosto the definition and emphasized the purpose of marketing: Marketing is in the interests of a whole, through mutual exchange and commitment to establish, maintain, consolidate and consumers and other participants in the relationship between the parties to achieve the purpose. This definition has been in use ever since, until the summer of 2021 was revised. The new definition is nearly 20 years on the marketing of the first amendment to the definition, no wonder the majority of marketers attracteduniversal attention. The development of marketing theory has the following four stages:The first stage: start-up phase. Marketing in the late 19th century to 20 in the United States the world's creation of 20, due to industrial development and marketing at this time by a very narrow scope of the study, but research and commercial advertising network settings. Island in Illinois and other related courses at the universities. By the \of American Advertising\to\Advertising and Marketing Association of Science Teachers\to marketing research to ensure the organization. At this time of marketing research is characterized by: a. focus on marketing and advertising techniques, modern marketing theory, concepts, principles had yet to emerge; b. University research activities are basically confined to the classroom and a professor of the study, and also society and the business community did not receive attention.Phase II: Application stage. During the 20th century to the end of World War II 20 for the application stage, begun to take shape at this time, the United States began large-scale domestic enterprises to use marketing to operate businesses, open overseas markets, European countries have to follow. Established in 1931, \Marketing Association\Marketing preach, and in 1937 merged the two organizations, academia and the business community to absorb a wide range to join the Marketing from the University of the rostrum to the community. This stage of the development of marketing in the applications. The capitalist world in 1929 due to the outbreak of an unprecedented economic crisis, the economy of the Great Depression, large shrinkage in the purchasing power of a sharp decline in the community, the unprecedented sharp market. The whole capitalist economic crisis dealt a serious blow. This stage, marketing research is characterized by: a. there is no product to sell out of this narrow concept of; b. at a deeper study on the basis of a broader marketing and advertising technique; c. study in favor of selling the business organization set; d. beginning of the study of marketing theory to society, paying attention to the general business community.The third phase: the formation period of development. The 20th century, the 50's to 80's for the marketing stage of development, the U.S. military-industrial economy has begun to shift the public economic, social goods, the sharp increase in social productivity improved significantly, while the corresponding consumption level of residents has not been much improvement, market began to emerge in a state of oversupply. At this point the U.S. marketing expert R. Cox and W. Aderson the \sense of Marketing is to promote the potential producers and consumers of goods or services of any transaction activity.\the new marketing stage. Previously that the market is the end ofthe production process, is now considered to be the starting point of the production process; the original that is marketing to sell products, now that marketing through the investigation to understand the needs and desires of consumers, and production in line with consumer needs and desires goods or services, which meet the needs and desires of consumers; so that from the marketing companies to enter the framework of social vision and a clear management guidance.Phase IV: the mature stage. Since the 80's for the marketing of the mature stage, in: a. associated with other disciplines such as economics, mathematics, statistics, psychology, etc.; b. theory began to form their own system; 80 is the age of marketing revolutionary period, begun to enter the field of modern marketing, so marketing the new look.译文市场营销理论麦卡锡(E.J.Mccarthy)于1960年对微观市场营销下了定义:市场营销是企业经营活动的职责,它将产品及劳务从生产者直接引向消费者或使用者以便满足顾客需求及实现公司利润,同时也是一种社会经济活动过程,其目的在于满足社会或人类需要,实现社会目标。
市场营销战略论文中英文外文翻译文献XXXConsumer r studies how individuals。
and ns choose。
dispose of products。
and ideas to satisfy their needs and the XXX。
consumer r research has focused on pre-purchase and post-XXX。
XXX view and can help us examine the indirect effects of consumer n-making and the XXX。
companies must offer more value to their target customers than their competitors。
Customer value is the balance of XXX.1.Marketing StrategiesFor each selected target market。
XXX a target market is whether the company can provide higher consumer value compared to XXX strategies。
XXX markets.1.1 ProductA product XXX of their needs。
not the specific material characteristics.1.2 nXXX includes advertising。
personal selling。
public ns。
XXX.1.3 PricingPrice is the amount of money consumers must pay to acquire and use a product。
Chapter21An Application of PLS in Multi-Group Analysis:The Need for Differentiated Corporate-Level Marketing in the Mobile Communications IndustryMarkus EberlAbstract The paper focuses on the application of a very common research issue in marketing:the analysis of the differences between groups’structural relations. Although PLS path modeling has some advantages over covariance-based structural equation modeling(CBSEM)regarding this type of research issue–especially in the presence of formative indicators–few publications employ this method.This paper therefore presents an exemplary model that examines the effects of corporate-level marketing activities on corporate reputation as a mediating construct and,finally,on customer loyalty.PLS multi-group analysis is used to empirically test for differences between stakeholder groups in a sample from Germany’s mobile communications industry.21.1MotivationThe escalating competition in global markets has compelled companies throughout all industries to analyze their(potential)customer base.Subsequently,the applica-tion of differentiation strategies has emerged as an extremely successful possibility in saturated markets(Markwick and Fill1997).Customer segmentation approaches have inspired quantitative marketing research to develop methods with which to identify customer segments.Simultaneously,a growing stream of research has aimed at broadening the understanding of product-and customer-driven organiza-tional success factors(Hall1992;Markwick and Fill1997;Wilson1985;Weigelt and Camerer1988).Assets that are intangible by nature can,from a resource-based view,be a strategic success factor for companies,since they cannot be easily imi-tated by competitors.For various reasons,which are described later,a company’s reputation is one of its most interesting intangible assets.Empirical research into the consequences of intangibles–and especially reputation–has been relatively scarce M.EberlSenior Consultant Models and Methods,TNS Infratest Forschung GmbH,Landsberger Straße338,80687M¨u nchen,Germanye-mail:markus.eberl@V.Esposito Vinzi et al.(eds.),Handbook of Partial Least Squares,Springer Handbooks487 of Computational Statistics,DOI10.1007/978-3-540-32827-822,c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2010488M.Eberl and is only slowly providing empirical evidence of the theoretically postulated effects of a“fine”corporate reputation.The aim of this paper is to show that PLS path modeling can be a helpful tool when the question is whether one should also segment the relevant interested parties in respect of reputation management.From a methodological point of view,the problem analyzed in this study is quite popular,as it boils down to the analysis of differences in structural rela-tions(e.g.,the effect of customer satisfaction on retention)between groups(i.e. subsamples).Although PLS path modeling has advantages(e.g.,the softer distri-butional assumptions,or the possibility to deal with large numbers of formative indicators)over covariance-based structural equation modeling(hereafter referred to as CBSEM)regarding this type of research question,few publications employ this method.This paper therefore presents a typical PLS application in marketing research.Research into intangible resources’outcomes and corporations’success factors generally refers to the question of control levers,i.e.which activities man-agement should preferably undertake in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage from this intangible.These drivers are often formative indicators that rule out CBSEM approaches in many cases(MacCullum and Browne1993;Bollen 1989;Eberl2006).The model proposed in the following sections deals with the effects of corporate-level marketing activities on corporate reputation(as an exemplary intangible resource)and,finally,on customer loyalty.Reputation will be modeled with two constructs that mediate the activities’effect on customer loyalty.(Note that accord-ing to Baron and Kenny(1986),a moderator is defined as a qualitative(e.g.,sex, race,class)or quantitative(e.g.,level of reward)variable that affects the direction and/or strength of an independent–or predictor–variable and a dependent–or criterion–variable’s relationship,while a variable functions as a mediator to the extent that it accounts for the relation between the predictor and the criterion.)We further introduce a stakeholder group(i.e.a subsample)as a moderator variable into our model in order to explore the possible need for differentiated marketing activi-ties in order to gain a high reputation and customer loyalty in different subgroups. This part of the research is more exploratory in nature and expands the theoretical knowledge to be gained from the hypothesized relationships between the model con-structs in the model structure.Owing to the presence of many formative indicators, PLS path modeling is the only simultaneous method to quantify all relationships, including the latent variables in this model.The model is to be tested empirically with a sample from Germany’s mobile communications industry.PLS multi-group analysis,with parametric t-testing based on the PLS re-sampling technique(Chin 2000),will be used to empirically test for differences between stakeholder groups in a sample.The paper is organized as follows:in the next section,the theoretical aspects of the model are presented,which include the concept of corporate reputation and the levers for corporate-level marketing.Thereafter,the measures are pre-sented that were used to capture the latent variables in the model.As mentioned above,PLS path modeling is the only viable methodology with which to estimate these.Section21.4briefly discusses the methodology of parametric multi-group21An Application of PLS in Multi-Group Analysis489 comparisons of PLS estimates,which will later be employed to explore stakeholder groups’moderating influence.The empirical results are presented in Sect.21.5, while thefinal section concludes the paper and presents some implications for corporate behavior.21.2Corporate-Level Marketing and Reputation21.2.1Reputation’s ConsequencesCompanies are becoming increasingly aware that a purely shareholder-oriented approach to doing business can be problematic.Afirm’s long-term goals are often not purelyfinancially oriented,thus affecting a broader set of stakeholders.Besides, sustainable competitive advantages can be more easily obtained from intangible assets than from more product-related sources,as they are much harder to imi-tate.A company’s reputation is one of those intangibles that are extremely hard to imitate(Hunt and Morgan1995).The literature ascribes many potential com-pany benefits to a“good”reputation:With regard to consumers(Shapiro1983; Zeithaml1988),reputation functions as a risk-reduction mechanism(Kotha et al. 2001),leads to higher product satisfaction(Aaker1991),and ultimately increases loyalty(Rogerson1983).But one has to acknowledge that although the cited authors agree on the more or less theory-based fact that reputation is a source of competitive advantage,there has been relatively weak empirical evidence of the consequences of a“good”reputation(Roberts and Dowling2002)as well as the marketing levers that can be used in reputation management.21.2.2The Concept of Corporate ReputationInitially,research into reputation revealed great dissent in respect of the construct’s definition.Although many authors have published on the subject,this problem is still,to some degree,present(Fombrun and van Riel1997;Gotsi and Wilson2001). Consequently,current research is faced with a large number of different definitions as well as operationalizations of reputation. discussion of definitions–which has been part of reputation research from the start–has not led to an integrative conceptualization that can be used in all research areas in which the term“reputation”is relevant(e.g.,sociology,signaling theory,or corporate level marketing).Nevertheless,there are a number of useful definitions of “reputation”that are,to some extent at least,based on scientific work.They differ490M.Eberl with regard to the various interested parties’point of view as well as regarding the distinction between“corporate image”and“corporate reputation”(Eberl2006). Since the discussion of definitions is not integral to this paper,only one definition will be presented(cf.Gotsi and Wilson,2001;Eberl,2006).Although there are still certain differences,various authors have tried to provide an integrative definition of recent conceptualizations.In their cross-disciplinary literature review,Gotsi and Wilson(2001)defined corporate reputation as“(..)a stakeholder’s overall evaluation of a company over time.This evaluation is based on the stakeholder’s direct expe-riences with the company,any other form of communication and symbolism that provides information about thefirm’s actions and/or a comparison with the actions of other leading rivals”(Gotsi and Wilson2001). Dimensionality of ReputationMany“reputation indexes”with which to quantify reputation have,however,not been developed according to scientific operationalization procedures.Among these are rankings such as Fortune Magazine’s“America’s/Global Most Admired Com-panies”indexes(Hutton1986)(henceforth referred to as AMAC and GMAC),and a large number of European magazines’indices like Germany’s“Manager Magazin Imageprofile”.Eidson and Master(2000)as well as Schwaiger(2004)provide an overview of the various measurement concepts,all of which have been criticized to some extent.An important validity problem in prior reputation research has always been that reputation’s multidimensionality has not been in accordance with the relevant conceptualization.This critique is especially valid regarding the Fortune“Most Admired”indices as formulated by Fryxell and Wang(1994).Fortune presents two indices:the AMAC(America’s Most Admired Companies)and the GMAC (Global Most Admired Companies).In the AMAC study,an overall reputation score is achieved as the mean of eight attributes rated by experts from within the com-pany’s industry on11-point scales(Hutton1986).While AMAC only incorporates American companies,the GMAC features the500largest companies worldwide. The GMAC overall score is computed from the eight AMAC categories plus one item that refers to the company’s international activities.An important problem with these measures is that there is no clear definition of the concept“reputation”(Sobol et al.1992).Fombrun and Shanley(1990)analyzed the reputation measures’scores and items and concluded that the Fortune scales are problematic because of their unidimensionality(Brown and Perry1994),and becausefinancial criteria uniformly determine the Fortune data.While the Fortune surveys marked the kick-off of reputation research,most authors publishing on the topic agree that there are other criteria according to which a reputation should be assessed(Dunbar and Schwalbach2001;Fombrun and Shanley1990;Herremans et al.1993;Weiss et al. 1999;Benjamin et al.1999;Shenkar and Yuchtman-Yaar1997;Shamsie2003). Balmer(2001a,b,2003)makes a strong point for corporate branding as a major research area in twenty-first century marketing.A strong corporate brand cannot be21An Application of PLS in Multi-Group Analysis491 easily assessed,but pastfinancial performance is a prerequisite for a company to be held in high esteem,i.e.to be highly reputed(Balmer2003).A unidimensional construct would also contradict the definitional framework given above.Therefore, a conceptual broadening of the“reputation”construct,as evaluated with the Fortune data,is necessary.This broadening is accomplished as follows:for our study,we draw on a def-inition of reputation as a concept similar to mon knowledge from attitude theory provides us with reputation’s two-dimensionality,which comprises a cognitive as well as an affective component(Schwaiger2004).In his empirical study,Schwaiger(2004)likewise conceptualized reputation:Based on a defini-tion of corporate reputation as an attitude-related construct–which is consistent with recent definitions–he modeled reputation with two dimensions,using a cog-nitive and an affective component.Twenty-one explanatory variables that formed antecedents of corporate reputation were gained from open-ended expert inter-views.After pretesting,a large-scale representative data set(3,300judgements on the21driver items)from Germany,the United Kingdom,and the United States was split in half.Thefirst half of the sample was used to explore the strength of these drivers’influence on corporate reputation.Cross-validation with the rest of the sample yielded satisfying results.The model proved to be reliable and valid in explaining the drivers of reputation.The structure of four constructs that drive repu-tation has been shown to be robust across different data sets,countries and industries (e.g.Eberl and Schwaiger2004,2005;Eberl2006).This paper suggests that it should also be taken into account that it is possi-ble–through communication–to substitute individuals’direct experiences with surrogate experiences and thus allow a reputation to exist within the overall public (Mahon2002;Dozier1993).The term“surrogate experiences”defines the commu-nications of other stakeholders’direct experiences(as customers,employees,media etc.)with a company to third-party stakeholders.This view is in accordance with Fishbein’s view of attitudes being ultimately“obtained from direct experiences with objects and from communications about them received from other sources”(Loudon and Della Bitta1993).Note that the concept explicitly allows reputation to vary within different stakeholder groups.21.2.3Antecedents and Consequences of ReputationWhile the different concepts of reputation have been thoroughly discussed in liter-ature,recommendations on how a reputation can actually be managed are scarce. Some evidence has been provided to show that corporate-level marketing’s activi-ties(comprising product quality as well as corporate communications and corporate social responsibility,etc.)actually influence reputational judgements.Nevertheless, it is not known whether these judgments affect a company’s customer-specific mar-keting objectives(e.g.,customer satisfaction and loyalty).Since this paper does not492M.Eberl endeavor to present a complete model for all possible outcomes of reputation,the focus on satisfaction and loyalty are deemed sufficient at this stage.This paper argues that isolated corporate-level marketing activities do not directly influence consumers’loyalty decisions.It is far more plausible that individuals process the perception of a single company activity in the light of existing eval-uations stored in their minds,which will eventually lead to a confirmation or contradiction of the existing evaluation called reputation.Hence,reputation is an important mediator in the analysis of corporate-level marketing activities’impact on customer loyalty.It is conceptualized in a two-dimensional way:(1)a dimension comprising all of the stakeholders’cognitive evaluations of the company(which can be labeled“competence”)and(2)a dimension capturing all of the stakehold-ers’affective judgments(which can be labeled“likeability”).It is hypothesized that both dimensions influence customer satisfaction directly,while the emotional dimension also influences loyalty directly.Previous research into the“drivers of rep-utation”(Schwaiger2004;Eberl and Schwaiger2005),i.e.afirm’s corporate-level marketing instruments,has identified four formative constructs that aggregate the relevant corporate levers(“quality”,“performance”,“attractiveness”and“corporate social responsibility”).Figure21.1displays the relationships taken into account. The supposition that the two dimensions of reputation are mediators implies the need to test for their mediating influence,which a later section describes.corporate reputation (two reflective dimensions)consequences of corporate reputation (reflective)formative driver constructs of corporate reputation (antecedents) Fig.21.1Research model21An Application of PLS in Multi-Group Analysis493 21.2.4Stakeholder-Specific Reputation ManagementThe analysis of the path coefficients in the proposed model allows for a detailed prioritization of marketing activities’levers on the four driver constructs’aggregate level as well as on the more detailed level of the formative indicators used to opera-tionalize the constructs.Since it is in the very nature of stakeholder groups to have differing interests in respect of a company,it is plausible that some of those stake-holder groups will tend to weigh the various aspect of a company’s reputation and behavior differently,which will lead to marketing activities influencing reputation to various degrees.Moreover,it is possible that by assessing companies profession-ally,and thus on a more cognitive basis,the cognitive components of reputational aspects will have a relative dominating effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The relative importance of the influence of reputation’s cognitive dimension com-pared to that of its affective dimension is key to the model’s interpretation.This is due to this influence’s importance,inducing a choice of some marketing levers over others in reverse:When choosing which corporate-level marketing activity to emphasize,it will be this activity’s contribution(i.e.the path coefficient)to compe-tence and likeability that will lead to the company taking concrete measures.And the relative importance of competence and likeability for satisfaction and loyalty (i.e.the specific path coefficient)will provide the answer to whether competence or likeability will have greater influence on satisfaction and loyalty.If stakeholder groups react differently to corporate-level activities,this implies that a company has to act in a differentiated and segment-specific way.Consequently,the stakeholder group should be interpreted as a discrete moderator variable.This moderator may account for differences in reputation levers’strength.The analysis of group differ-ences undertaken in this study therefore seeks to answer two questions of a more exploratory nature:(1)Is there such a moderating effect at all,i.e.do drivers of reputation andsatisfaction differ depending on the stakeholders?(2)Is this an issue for all stakeholder groups and all paths in the hypothesizedmodel,or are there some levers for reputation management that should be employed in subgroups only?21.3Operationalization and MeasuresThe operationalization of the four exogenous constructs that drive reputation(“qual-ity”,“performance”,“attractiveness”,and“corporate social responsibility”)is based on previous research by Schwaiger(2004)as well as Eberl and Schwaiger(2005), in which a procedure similar to Rossiter’s C-OAR-SE approach has been applied (Rossiter2002).If one ignores this approach’s dogmatic rejection of statistical mea-sures in the item validation process(cf.the recent critique by Diamantopoulos 2005),it is a good guideline for operationalization.In interviews with experts from various industries,corporate reputation was briefly defined and discussed to494M.Eberl ensure a common understanding of reputation and the constructs quality,perfor-mance,attractiveness,and CSR.The experts were then asked to take a broad view of their organizational environment and think of aspects that could possibly drive their company’s reputation in the fourfields of organizational quality,the perfor-mance aspects,the company’s attractiveness,and its responsible behavior.After gaining21items for the four constructs(presented in the appendix),the causal direction between each indicator and its respective construct was inspected(Chin 1998b;Jarvis et al.2003;Eberl2004).It was found that the21indicators have to be specified as formative.This is not surprising,since the aim of the expert interviews was to identify drivers,i.e.antecedents of reputation.This is also in accordance with the intention to model quality,performance,attractiveness,and social responsibility as driver constructs for corporate reputation and,ultimately,being able to identify important levers(i.e.the indicators).The measures thus capture the stakeholders’assessment of21levers for corporate-level marketing activities and can be used as input variables in respect of reputation management and controlling.For example, corporate social responsibility is captured by the aspects“I have the feeling that[company]is not only concerned about profit”“[company]is concerned about the preservation of the environment”“[company]behaves in a socially conscious way”“I have the impression that[company]is forthright in giving information to the public”and“I have the impression that[company]has a fair attitude towards competitors”Intuitively,it is possible for a company to be forthright in giving information to the public,while simultaneously not necessarily behaving in a socially conscious way (in the eyes of the stakeholders).Therefore,these indicators need not necessarily correlate from a theoretical point of view.The same argument applies to the rest of the indicators presented here and in the appendix.These aspects represent target variables for marketing activities.The extent of their effects on customer-specific target variables such as customer satisfaction and loyalty is therefore crucial for the prioritization of such activities.The three indicators gained in respect of competence as well as the three indi-cators of likeability were identified as being exchangeable indications of their underlying constructs and were treated as reflective(Schwaiger2004).Likeability was operationalized by the following items:“[company]is a company that I can better identify with than with other compa-nies”“[company]is a company that I would more regret not having if it no longer existed than I would other companies”,and“I regard[company]as a likeable company”The measures of the cognitive dimension of reputation were:“[company]is a top competitor in its market”“As far as I know,[company]is recognized world-wide”and“I believe that[company]performs at a premium level”21An Application of PLS in Multi-Group Analysis495 Finally,the constructs of customer satisfaction and loyalty were operational-ized with reflective measures that are well known in empirical marketing studies (Zeithaml and Berry1996):overall satisfaction,intention to repurchase,propensity for recommendation,and intention to remain a customer in the long-run.All the items in the study were measured with7-point rating scales.However,a reassessment of the specification of the constructs likeability,competence,customer satisfaction,and loyalty via expert interviews could not verify that the measures have to be specified in a formative fashion.21.4PLS Path Modeling in Multiple GroupsThe proposed model presents an application of PLS path modeling in corporate-level marketing.An interpretation of the path coefficients that determine the four formative constructs allows corporate-level marketing measures,as represented in the formative indicators,to be prioritized(MacCullum and Browne1993).In fact, the same model would not be identified in a CBSEM environment.“Stakeholder group”can be described as a moderator variable in this model.As such,it is hypothesized as influencing the other main effects’strength in the model (Baron and Kenny1986)(i.e.the effects of the four exogenous driver constructs as well as the impact of the two reputational dimensions on customer satisfaction and loyalty).There are several ways of including moderating effects within PLS path models.21.4.1Moderating Influences Within Structural ModelsOne way would be to include an exogenous interaction term within the model.The model would then not only comprise the main effect under consideration(a)and the moderator variable’s main effect on the endogenous variable(b),but also an interaction variable’s effect(c)(predictor moderator).Proof of moderation would be provided if path c was found to differ significantly from zero(Baron and Kenny 1986).This approach is especially appealing for continuous(and latent)moderator variables,but cannot be used in path modeling with covariance-based techniques (CBSEM).These models assume that the correlation between latent variables’error terms equals zero.These assumptions would,of course,be violated by the very way in which the interaction term is constructed.PLS,conversely,has no such restric-tion,so that the interaction technique is a feasible alternative for testing moderation in PLS models.Chin et al.(2003)point out that due to PLS’bias,it is actually superior to traditional OLS regression in respect of the same model:“While prob-lematic if not accounted for within covariance-based modeling software such as LISREL,these correlations may actually help provide a more accurate estimation of the interaction effect when using PLS”(Chin et al.2003).496M.Eberl The construction of the interaction term(a b)is accomplished by formulating a latent interaction variable.The cross-product of the predictor and moderator vari-ables’indicators yields the indicators of the latent interaction variable(Chin et al. 2003).This approach can be applied without any drawbacks if both the predictor and moderator construct are modeled as having reflective indicators.If,however,at least one of the two constructs is operationalized in a formative fashion,the cross-product of the indicators must not be applied:“Since formative indicators are not assumed to reflect the same underlying construct(i.e.can be independent of one another and measuring different factors),the product indicators between two sets of formative indicators will not necessarily tap into the same underlying interaction effect”(Chin et al.2003).It is therefore recommended that in respect of a forma-tive predictor and/or moderator variable,the latent variable scores of one or both should,as afirst step,be estimated in a main effects model and that the latent inter-action variable should then be constructed as a single-indicator construct via the product variable of the two latent score variables.One drawback of this approach is,however,that it is not possible to interpret the moderator variable’s impact on the predictor variable’s weights(and/or loadings).This is a drawback when conducting driver analysis21.4.2Multiple Group AnalysisThe second approach to the analysis of moderating effects in path models is multi-ple group analysis,which is especially useful for discrete moderator variables(e.g., sex,customer status[yes/no],stakeholder group).Group comparisons are also used in CBSEM environments(J¨o reskog1971),but can also be applied in PLS(Chin 2000;Keil et al2000).Basically,a discrete moderator variable can be interpreted as dividing the data into groups of subsamples.The same PLS path model can then be estimated in each of the distinct subsamples.CBSEM models usually report having used different measures for globalfit(based on their hard distributional assumptions),which allows for a statistical assessment of the group differences in terms of the structural invariance between the groups.This approach is an easy-to-apply instrument for testing discrete moderators.Nevertheless,the approach does have some drawbacks.One of the prerequisites of this parametric testing proce-dure is that–as in any t-test–the data is largely normal.This is a huge problem in many applications,since violation of the assumption may lead to biased results. Recent publications have,however,developed alternatives.Dibbern and Chin(2005) proposed an alternative distribution-free approach by using a random permutation procedure in accordance with Edgington(1987)and Good(2000).This rather new approach to PLS path modeling is a very interesting alternative for further research on this topic.For more information,see also the paper by Chin in this handbook. As the approach requires a huge number of simulation runs,and has not,for practi-cal reasons,been used in practical research to date,it was not adopted in this study either.。
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1 基于注意力经济下的营销策略状况分析1.1 注意力经济的提出“注意力经济”这一观点最早见于美国加州大学学者Richard wbam在1994年发表一篇题为《注意力的经济学》(The Economics of Attention)的文章。
最早正式提出“注意力经济”这一概念的是美国的迈克尔•戈德海伯(Michael H(Goldhaber)1997年在美国发表了一篇题为《注意力购买者》的文章。
1.2 营销手段在注意力经济下的例证分析1.2.1 2008年奥运的超级营销2008年的夏天,让亿万人铭记,我们国家成功举办了第29夏季奥运会,全世界的目光都集中在了中国北京。
1.2.2 过度营销“送礼就送脑白金”这句话,大家依然熟悉,我们不可忽视它当时带来的轰动效应,大家送礼都送脑白金。
2 营销手段的合理运用2.1 建立有竞争力的企业品牌一个企业保持竞争优势首先在于创立起企业的文化,品牌价值,当企业的文化,品牌价值较高的时候,企业的品牌已是吸引顾客的注意力的有效手段,不再需要过多的广告来进行轰炸式宣传。
2.2 差异化的营销当产品的同质性越来越强的时候,企业要引起大家的注意力,必然就要体现自己的不同。
Differentiation marketing strategyImplementation of differentiated marketing strategy, first of allthe scientific, careful market research, market segmentation and market positioning as a basis. This is because market research, market segmentation and market positioning can provide customers withenterprise decision-makers in material differences between the needs and spiritual needs, and accurately grasp the "customer needs what?" On this basis, analysis to meet customer needs Tiaojian difference , accordingto the present and future business conditions inside and outside, whether the corresponding strength of purpose is clear, "the company can provide customers with what?" the subject material. If consumer durables, and services should be based on product differentiation between the main direction; If it is present with the consumer goods, food and beverageto create the image difference should be the focus.Differentiation strategy is a dynamic process. Any differences arenot static. With the socio-economic and scientific and technological development, the needs of customers can be changed, the difference yesterday, of today will become generalized. For example, people watchprevious choices, and take the accuracy Pi Shiwei first standards, nowin quartz Jishu applications once and "associate" has become a question, so people focus more on style, on again; phone once regarded as high Shouru exclusive class of objects, and today well into the hands of ordinary people. If the watch manufacturer as the pursuit of accurate time and then the strategic objectives, is clearly inappropriate. Sights on mobile phone manufacturers shall then brother, sister models also can never win. Second, competition is also changing, especially some of the price, advertising, service, packaging and so it is very easy to follow up the implementation of strategies that companies imitate. Any differences will not be permanently maintained, in order to use the power of the company's differentiation strategy as long-acting drugs, the solution is only continuous innovation to meet customer needs with innovative changes, using innovation to beat the "follow-up."Differentiation strategy is a system. The differences in the above mentioned strategy was describing the problem of human classification. In actual operation, the operator not only according to industry competition, and enterprise product life cycle, the implementation of the appropriate type of product differentiation strategy. More necessary to make the differentiation strategy is a systematic and comprehensive implementation. Implementation of product differentiation, to provide customers with a unique style products, rivals can not. Hui in the show, it also should promote the product from the packaging to showsignificant differences are in the customer create an unforgettable image. If consumer durables, toprovide good service for customers everywhere are convenient, safe, it is indispensable. It is worth noting that any differences in the implementation strategy must be a certain price, such as increasing the service project would increase the cost of sales and step up publicity to pay for the cost of a large amount of advertising, but as long as progress was the desired effect of differentiation, or to bring long-term benefits for the enterprise, this option is worth it. Into the twenty-first century is the information age has brought us to the attention of the times change, broader and more complex with more information, the information explosion means to surge, and people with limited attention, how can we attract people attention to ensure the competitive advantage? Intense competition in the market allows companies to sell their products at the way in marketing and constantly new, surprising and amazing tricks, won for them. But too far also applies to marketing, marketing will also have side-effects of excessive use. Bombarded with a variety of tactics, people feel strange at first before we can produce a sense of fatigue and disgust.The reasonable use of marketing strategies in the attention economy of the environment is very important. How to attract the attention of consumers, causing people to feel that attention without boring, even offensive, so we have to a reasonable use of marketing.1 Based on marketing strategy in Attention Economy AnalysisThe proposed 1.1 Attention Economy"Attention Economy" This view was first seen in the University of California scholar Richard A. Lawbam published in 1994 entitled "attention economics" (The Economics of Attention) article.The first official presentation of the "attention economy" conceptis the United States, Michael • Gedehaibo (Michael H. Goldhaber) 1997 in the United States published a paper entitled "Attention buyers," the article. In this article he pointed out, the current information economy was not appropriate, because according to economic theory, the main topics of their research should be how to use scarce resources. For scarce resources in the information society, he believes that today's society is a great wealth of information and even run rampant, and the Internet, to speed up this process, information not only not the scarce resource, the opposite is the surplus. The relative excess of information, only one resource is scarce, it is the people's attention."With the development of the Internet is not valuable information, but your attention." This is the Nobel Prize-winning economist Herbert • Simon said. Indeed, in this era ofinformation explosion, how to effectively communicate their message to the target group is the attention economy to study the issue, at the same time to achieve timely mental models tomeet consumers find the emotional resonance.1.2 marketing in the example of Attention Economy1.2.1 The 2008 Olympic super-marketingThe summer of 2008, hundreds of millions of people in mind, our country successfully hosted the 29th Summer Olympic Games, the world's eyes are on China's Beijing. Here is the friendship between athletes competing national stage, but also show our country's national power stage, it is the source of all business opportunities contain. Is not difficult to find a lot of companies are using this stage to achieve the business soar.Coca-Cola, Lenovo, GE, Samsung and so become a global partner of the Beijing Olympic Games, these brands across the global scope, use the Olympics to promote their various brands, but also for the Beijing Olympics into thousands of households around the world, so that more people are concerned about the Beijing Olympics. Can not become a global partner, adidas, Sinopec, Haier, China Netcom, Sohu, followed by the Bank of China and other brands to become the partner selection, exclusive suppliers, sponsors, and the Olympic Games that shares the wind, the brand brought to all corners of the force.1.2.2 Over Marketing"Gifts would send melatonin", that is, we still know, we can not ignore it caused a great sensation, then we have to send a gift melatonin. Omnipresent advertising, melatonin brought an upsurge in sales of skin care products. Melatonin has also successfully attracted the attention of consumers, the success of reaching the goal point attention economy. However, long after that, the audience, "melatonin" and "does not receive this year's festive, gifts received onlymelatonin" and the "golden couple" of "sending teachers to send friends and relatives, sent to lead" ads are offensive, and this is over the consequences of marketing, too many ads, too many ideas indoctrination, lack of new attractions has led to the adverse effects of old, to bring the image of corporate malpractice.2, proper use of marketing tools2.1 The establishment of a competitive brandFirst of all, a company maintain a competitive edge is created from the corporate culture, brand value, when the corporate culture, when a high brand value, corporate branding is to attract the attention of customers an effective means of advertising is no longer required too much bombing-style propaganda. IKEA as we are familiar with shows on the economic, environmental, and convenient household items, large consumption of directly attracting attention; in the sports brand, we thought we would be very natural for Nike, Adidas such international brand, because their brand culture provides us with the beauty and healthcampaign to attract our attention. Can be seen in the attention economy to get consumers to maintain such long-term competitiveness, we must first have a strong corporate brand and culture.Differentiated marketing 2.2When the growing homogeneity of the product when the market will have everyone's attention, certainly must reflect their different. Differentiation means that different, unique, unique. Productdifferentiation strategy highlights the advantages of differentiationcan lead to public concern, to plunder the public's attention. Differentiation has a variety of ways, whether it is product packaging, features, price, advertising and even spiritual and cultural ideas, and we are likely to find differences in the breakthrough point.For example we are familiar with drink, "Wong Lo Kat", both in functional innovation, innovation is the brand personality, the general function is to drink thirst, which joined the Wong Lo Kat "prevention lit" function, in addition to thirst, but also to prevent the fire. Wong Lo Kat lit prevention as the first beverage market, breaking the long-standing notion people drink, the increase of new features, by most people's recognition and love.In the attention economy of the times, companies need to strive to attract the attention of consumers, while at attracting eyeballs can not arouse public resentment, enterprises must use reasonable marketing tool, appropriately good use of various marketing strategies and tactics to enable enterprises to competitive advantage. At the same time continuous development of society, and the changing market environment, consumers, competitors are also constantly changing to adjust with, their differentiation competitive advantage may be one tomorrow, imitation, then the business itself to be a constant change , realistic and innovative, to maintain differentiation.。