泰国介绍英文 PPT课件

Thai Crispy(锅
巴) The fresh ones hot off the griddle are crispy and so addictive. The crispy base with the meringue and slightly sweet coconut shreds on top are perfect pairings. Definitely a must eat when you’re in Bangkok!
Mango Sticky Rice
Thank you ~
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Chocolate and
Banana Roti
Source Similar to roti prata in Singapore, but 10x better. How can it not when it’s freshly fried in front of you, dough stretched paper thin onto the hot griddle, banana slices placed in the middle and folded, fried to a golden brown before being topped with sugar, condensed
Typical dishes
• It is made from yolk and syrup.
• It is always used in a wedding.But be careful that it can't be short or cut.
• The longer the silks are,the happier the bride and groom will be.

Thais believe in Buddhism, which is Байду номын сангаасhe State religion of Thailand . Everyone in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life. Or other people will laugh at him.
White for religion(宗教), the symbol of the religious
National emblem
The national emblem of Thailand is an religious and mysterious totem pattern . King laina sit on the back of a hug red eagle. .
King of Thailand —Bhumibol Adulyadej
This is the Thai Baht. The person is the king
of Thailand ( 普密蓬.阿杜德)
The largest city in Thailand is Bangkok, the capital, which is also the country's center of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities.
Welcom to Thailand
Thais believe in Buddhism, which is Байду номын сангаасhe State religion of Thailand . Everyone in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life. Or other people will laugh at him.
White for religion(宗教), the symbol of the religious
National emblem
The national emblem of Thailand is an religious and mysterious totem pattern . King laina sit on the back of a hug red eagle. .
King of Thailand —Bhumibol Adulyadej
This is the Thai Baht. The person is the king
of Thailand ( 普密蓬.阿杜德)
The largest city in Thailand is Bangkok, the capital, which is also the country's center of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities.
Welcom to Thailand

Thailand 泰国
This is Thailand's map
Thai main believe in Buddhism(佛教). Buddhism is Thailand moral Confucianism (道德礼教) “criterion”(准则), maintaining social harmony and promote the impulsion(原动力) of art.
Thailand food
Thailand food is characterized by hot, appetizers(开胃), let a person eat addiction . Thailand is a tropical(热带) country, green vegetables, seafood, fruit is extremely rich. Therefore Thailand food materials mainly in seafood, fru beauty of Thailand----Phuket (普吉岛)
Phuket is called the andaman sea “pearl“(“珍珠”), phuket is southeast Asia„s representative tourist resort(度假胜地). Its charm(魅力) lies first of all in the beautiful sea, the west coast of the island is to andaman sea, where all over the original young white beach, each beach all have their own advantages and charm.
This is Thailand's map
Thai main believe in Buddhism(佛教). Buddhism is Thailand moral Confucianism (道德礼教) “criterion”(准则), maintaining social harmony and promote the impulsion(原动力) of art.
Thailand food
Thailand food is characterized by hot, appetizers(开胃), let a person eat addiction . Thailand is a tropical(热带) country, green vegetables, seafood, fruit is extremely rich. Therefore Thailand food materials mainly in seafood, fru beauty of Thailand----Phuket (普吉岛)
Phuket is called the andaman sea “pearl“(“珍珠”), phuket is southeast Asia„s representative tourist resort(度假胜地). Its charm(魅力) lies first of all in the beautiful sea, the west coast of the island is to andaman sea, where all over the original young white beach, each beach all have their own advantages and charm.

Can you imagine the Thailand
Weather:Thailand kingdom of Geographic : The enjoys a tropical climate with in the heart of Southeast Thailand liesthree distinct seasons-hot and dry from it a natural May (average Asia, making February togateway to temperature 34 degrees Southern China. Indochina, Myanmar andCelsius and 75% humidity); rainy with plenty of sunshine Its shape and geography divide into four from June to October (average and natural regions : the mountainsday temperature 29 degrees vast rice fields of forests of the North; the Celsius and 87% humidity); Plains; from November to the Centraland coolthe semi-arid farm January (temperatures range from the lands of the Northeast plateau; and32 degrees Celsius to below 20 degrees tropical islands and long coastline of the Celsius with a drop peninsula South. in humidity).
Weather:Thailand kingdom of Geographic : The enjoys a tropical climate with in the heart of Southeast Thailand liesthree distinct seasons-hot and dry from it a natural May (average Asia, making February togateway to temperature 34 degrees Southern China. Indochina, Myanmar andCelsius and 75% humidity); rainy with plenty of sunshine Its shape and geography divide into four from June to October (average and natural regions : the mountainsday temperature 29 degrees vast rice fields of forests of the North; the Celsius and 87% humidity); Plains; from November to the Centraland coolthe semi-arid farm January (temperatures range from the lands of the Northeast plateau; and32 degrees Celsius to below 20 degrees tropical islands and long coastline of the Celsius with a drop peninsula South. in humidity).

The meaning of Tailand is “the place of freedom”.In its 800 years´ history.The proud of Tailand is that it is the only country which not become colony in Southeast Asia .
Ladyboy, mainly refers to the tourist resort in Thailand 's performance from taking female hormones and the male development metamorphosis 。 Ladyboy is in the absence of intrinsic psychological need to make physical force distortion. Because of the special social environment , ladyboy becomes the person to enjoy the others.
SPA,in another word ,is enjoy hot spring. Thai massage has a long history,when people feel tired,they really choose it to relax.It attracts all people to there enioy this best treatment .
Thailand is the world's 50th largest country in land mass, while it is the world's 20th largest country in terms of population. The local climate is tropical and characterized by monsoons. There is a rainy, warm, and cloudy southwest monsoon from mid-May to September, as well as a dry, cool northeast monsoon from November to mid-March. The southern isthmus is always hot and humid.Thailand is home to several distinct geographic regions, partly corresponding to the provincial groups. The north of the country is mountainous, with the highest point being Thailand at 2,565 metres above sea level. The centre of the country is dominated by the predominantly flat Chao Phraya river valley, which runs into the Gulf of Thailand.
Ladyboy, mainly refers to the tourist resort in Thailand 's performance from taking female hormones and the male development metamorphosis 。 Ladyboy is in the absence of intrinsic psychological need to make physical force distortion. Because of the special social environment , ladyboy becomes the person to enjoy the others.
SPA,in another word ,is enjoy hot spring. Thai massage has a long history,when people feel tired,they really choose it to relax.It attracts all people to there enioy this best treatment .
Thailand is the world's 50th largest country in land mass, while it is the world's 20th largest country in terms of population. The local climate is tropical and characterized by monsoons. There is a rainy, warm, and cloudy southwest monsoon from mid-May to September, as well as a dry, cool northeast monsoon from November to mid-March. The southern isthmus is always hot and humid.Thailand is home to several distinct geographic regions, partly corresponding to the provincial groups. The north of the country is mountainous, with the highest point being Thailand at 2,565 metres above sea level. The centre of the country is dominated by the predominantly flat Chao Phraya river valley, which runs into the Gulf of Thailand.

Buddhism is Thailand's state religion. Thai buddhist for Thailand has made a great contribution to society.
Buddhist culture
First, through the spread of buddhist doctrine, make the public has the good morality. Indeed, in the Thai buddhist, especially the village people's life journey, monks are constantly to their moral teachings. Second, in religious ceremonies, monks, is indispensable to the collaboration and blessing. Third, the temple is Thai people the most important social institutions and social activities. In people's life, for temple temple for prayer god, for the main function of gods bless and alms asylum, schools, local government and people to contact each other to spread information as well as the people gathered in social occasions. Buddhist monks in Thailand, in short, the stability of society and people's happiness made immeasurable contribution. Buddhism in Thailand people play a very important role in our life.

Plowing Day
Plowing Day began in the 13th century of the Sukhothai dynasty. Thailand will hold a ceremony at Phra Nakhon next to the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
Wat Haw Pha Kaew(Jade Buddha Temple) TWhaatilCahnady'samtharenegkmaalajorarmna(RteciloininngaBulddthraeTeamsplue) res Wat Traimit (Golden Buddha Temple)
Sawatdee means ‘hello’. Because the same word has different names for men and women in Thailand, man should say ‘sawatdee krab’, and woman should say ‘sawatdee ka’ to show respect.
Thailand is one of the world's Buddhist powers, the overall proportion of faith: Buddhism (95%), Muslims (4%), others (1%). Thailand's state religion is Hinayana Buddhism, a branch of Theravada Buddhism. Buddhism has a strong influence on daily life. Elders are very respected by people. Therefore, both in urban and rural areas, temples are the center of social life and religious life.
Plowing Day began in the 13th century of the Sukhothai dynasty. Thailand will hold a ceremony at Phra Nakhon next to the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
Wat Haw Pha Kaew(Jade Buddha Temple) TWhaatilCahnady'samtharenegkmaalajorarmna(RteciloininngaBulddthraeTeamsplue) res Wat Traimit (Golden Buddha Temple)
Sawatdee means ‘hello’. Because the same word has different names for men and women in Thailand, man should say ‘sawatdee krab’, and woman should say ‘sawatdee ka’ to show respect.
Thailand is one of the world's Buddhist powers, the overall proportion of faith: Buddhism (95%), Muslims (4%), others (1%). Thailand's state religion is Hinayana Buddhism, a branch of Theravada Buddhism. Buddhism has a strong influence on daily life. Elders are very respected by people. Therefore, both in urban and rural areas, temples are the center of social life and religious life.

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介绍泰国的英文 presentation

The most important man in Thailand is their king. The King of Thailand is the head of state and head of the ruling Royal House of Chakri.
Fourth part 60%
• Buddhist monks are forbidden to touch or be touched by a woman. If a woman wants to give anything to a monk or novice, she first hands it to a man, who then presents it.
Culture dos and taboos
• It is considered rude to point the sole of your foot at another person, so try to avoid doing so when sitting opposite someone.
• The official language is Thai, but English is widely spoken in all major tourist locations. However if you are travelling around Thailand it is a good idea to buy a phrase book.
Thailand is the geographical heart of South-East Asia and it is composed of four
main regions.
second part
泰国 英语 介绍 ppt

Music has always been a big part of his life. Pchy enjoys hip hop, R&B, gospel and soul music.
He plays the piano and composes music in his free time.He was famous because of the film Love of Siam. 暹
The performance of the elephants
My favorite idol
His name is Pchy, He is not only an actor but also a lead singer of a very famous Thai band—August Band Pchy is a talent boy, he sings well and at the same time he write songs himself since 13 years old.
Incense bamboo rice (香竹饭): Firstly, we need to choose the green bamboos, then according to your tastes, the chef will season the glutinous (糯米) ;lastly , fill the seasoned glutinous into the bamboos.
The island of Phuket (普吉岛 )
Thais believe in Buddhism, Buddhism is the State religion .Every man in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life. Or other people will laugh at him.

泰柬国埔位 寨于为亚邻洲,中疆南域半沿岛克象中拉征南地王部峡室向,南与在延柬各伸埔族至寨人马、民来老和半挝纯岛、洁缅,的甸与宗马、来马西来亚西相亚接接壤,,其东狭神南窄灵临部泰分,国居那湾印莱(度王太洋平与是洋太传平)说洋,中之西间南的濒。安达曼海(印度洋),西和西北与缅甸接壤,东北与老挝交界,东南与
泰国位于亚洲中南半岛中南部,与柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、马来西亚接壤, 东南临泰国湾(太平洋),西南濒安达曼海(印度洋),西和西北与缅甸 接壤,东北与老挝交界,东南与柬埔寨为邻,疆域沿克拉地峡向南延伸至 马来半岛,与马来西亚相接,其狭窄部分居印度洋与太平洋之间。
双手十指1并. 拢不掌喝心热相对茶。和开水,加冰块;喝 果汁习惯加少许盐。
泰国人在交际往来中不喜欢与人握手,见 面时通常采用“合十礼”。行合十礼时,
双手举起2的. 高口吃度味咖3不0:喱同%,喜饭给辛和予辣 冬对和 荫方鲜 功的嫩 汤礼之 ;遇物 不便, 喜不同爱 欢,通常有四要 双种手立方式举正:起站的好高,度双不手同十,指给并予拢对掌方心的相礼对遇。便
泰国的政治结构比较特殊,他不象英国等其他君主立宪的 国家一样,皇室只是个象征意义,在泰国,国王掌控军队 的最高权力,是国家的实际最高领导人,可以说是皇权 鼎盛。
20世纪80年代,制 造业尤其是电子工业发 展迅速,经济持续高速 增长。1996你那被列为 中等收入国家。1997年 金融危机后陷入衰退。 1999年经济开始复苏。 经济复苏后,泰国积极 应对国际金融危机,推 动经济发展,主要依靠 出口和旅游业。

Welcome To Thailand
1.The introduction of Thailand
1)The location of Thailand
2)The population of Thailand
国家名称 人口(万)
Ladyboys,Kathoey or katoey is a male-to-female transgender person or an effeminate gay male in Thailand.
Freak (Thai call: GRATEAI. Englis h: SHEMALE) re fers to the use o f the dedicated to show from fe male hormones an d development of the men.
Thank you
• Phang Nga Bay seascape scenery picturesque peaks stand,, vigorous, mimicking the landscape of Guilin: screen dry island ( KoPingkan ), which is composed of two peaks obliquely overlapped together, inverted V shape, the mountain wall such as cut, smooth as a mirror, called on mountain. In under the Shek Pik up tiptoe, like a day; tabu hill, shaped like a nail as inserted in the bottom of the sea, high about 30meters, due to water erosion and wide next narrow, mace like head after fine mountain, still stands in the open sea, at the sky, momentum high.
1.The introduction of Thailand
1)The location of Thailand
2)The population of Thailand
国家名称 人口(万)
Ladyboys,Kathoey or katoey is a male-to-female transgender person or an effeminate gay male in Thailand.
Freak (Thai call: GRATEAI. Englis h: SHEMALE) re fers to the use o f the dedicated to show from fe male hormones an d development of the men.
Thank you
• Phang Nga Bay seascape scenery picturesque peaks stand,, vigorous, mimicking the landscape of Guilin: screen dry island ( KoPingkan ), which is composed of two peaks obliquely overlapped together, inverted V shape, the mountain wall such as cut, smooth as a mirror, called on mountain. In under the Shek Pik up tiptoe, like a day; tabu hill, shaped like a nail as inserted in the bottom of the sea, high about 30meters, due to water erosion and wide next narrow, mace like head after fine mountain, still stands in the open sea, at the sky, momentum high.

Thailand is a beautiful country and it is known as the smile of the country .People here is Very friendly ,because most of them are Buddhist. In Thailand , you can see Many Magnificent Temples.
Chiang Mai University清迈大学
芭 提 亚
Pattaya is located in the east China sea shore, from Thailand Bangkok about 150 miles .You can see many small temples here.
Koh Phuket is the largest island in Thailand .It is called the sea pearl. Because the island is not polluted by the industry ,so is a good place for sightseeing and tourism .
(Wat Chiang Mun)
Chiang Mai University was built in 1964, and it’s Located in the west of the city in Chiang mai, Thailand . Chiang mai university is the city's only a state university ,and is second to none in northern Thailand institutions of higher education. If you are a student of Chiang Mai University, when you are graduate, You will get the graduation certificate issued by the king .
Thailand is a beautiful country and it is known as the smile of the country .People here is Very friendly ,because most of them are Buddhist. In Thailand , you can see Many Magnificent Temples.
Chiang Mai University清迈大学
芭 提 亚
Pattaya is located in the east China sea shore, from Thailand Bangkok about 150 miles .You can see many small temples here.
Koh Phuket is the largest island in Thailand .It is called the sea pearl. Because the island is not polluted by the industry ,so is a good place for sightseeing and tourism .
(Wat Chiang Mun)
Chiang Mai University was built in 1964, and it’s Located in the west of the city in Chiang mai, Thailand . Chiang mai university is the city's only a state university ,and is second to none in northern Thailand institutions of higher education. If you are a student of Chiang Mai University, when you are graduate, You will get the graduation certificate issued by the king .
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National Flag
The national flag of Thailand is a rectangle(长方形).
Thailand is a constitutional monarchy regime (君主立宪政体国 家), the king is supreme, blue for the royal(王室), blue center symbol
King of Thailand —Bhumibol Adulyadej
This is the Thai Baht.
The person is the king of Thailand
( 普密蓬.阿杜德)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The largest city in Thailand is Bangkok, the capital, which is also the country's center of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities.
People in Thailand consider the left hand unclean ,so they don’t shake hands or hand over things with their left hand.
In Thailand , people can take a close contact with elephants . They are just friend to each other.
Elephant plays a pivotal role in the life of the Thais. It is a symbol of Thailand and the pride of people in Thailand. Elephants is closely connected with Thailand‘s history, culture, religion and economy. Therefore, from the king of Thailand to ordinary people, almost everyone loves the elephant. According to legend, Buddha sakyamuni was born after his mother dreamed of the white elephant. Thailand, with its Buddhism as the country's religion, has made the white elephant a symbol of prosperity and auspiciousness.
Thais believe in Buddhism, which is the State religion of Thailand . Everyone in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life. Or other people will laugh at him.
Education and culture
Thailand attaches great importance to education, and education has always been the first in the national budget.
Thailand is famous for folk dancing and classical dance. Such as the harvest dance the candle dance . Much of them are also popular in China.
Welcom to Thailand
The full name of Thailand is the kingdom of Thailand(泰王国). It has a history of more than 800 years
Thailand was known for centuries as Siam (暹罗)and it is the only country in Southeast Asia that was never colonized . It has been a constitutional monarchy ever since 1932 and has a parliamentarian form of government.
When you meet a monk, you must give a salute, but the monk will not answer.
Thais value their head and their feet. So don't touch the head of others, not even the head of a child .
The national flower
Water Lily
Thailand is a buddhist country, while lotus is associated with Buddha , which symbolizes holiness, solemnity and seriousness.
Sea and the southern extremity of Burma. Its
maritime boundaries include Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand to the southeast and Indonesia and India in
the Andaman Sea to the southwest.
Thai greeting
in the royal the people of all ethnic
groups and the purity of the religion.
Red represents national(民 族),and the people of all
ethnic groups symbol of strength (力量) and dedication
White for religion(宗教), the symbol of the religious
National emblem
The national emblem of Thailand is an religious and mysterious totem pattern . King laina sit on the back of a hug red eagle. .
Thailand is an independent country that lies in the heart
of Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the west by the Andaman