蒂森电梯慢车一般的调试步骤(详细版)1. 检查井道安全回路:1、底坑安全回路。
2. 检查轿厢、对重缓冲器是否装好,应固定牢靠。
3. 检查轿顶安全回路。
4. 快车时:对重=轿厢+load*(40%~50%);慢车时最好保持轿厢、对重保持平衡。
5. 确保井道门洞封死。
6. 在控制柜检查轿顶安全回路、井道安全回路、厅门安全回路是否接通。
7. 检查井道顶(无机房)变频器柜的接线是否正确及牢靠。
等8. 上电前,开关断开,首先测试电箱三相电及单相电压是否符合要求(380、220正负7%)。
对于有机房电梯(GL1),X27,X10,X11,X13,X31应取出,电机上面的抱闸线圈顶杆要有1mm 的间隙防止顶死。
9. 厅门、轿门封闭,将主板上的service按钮及VIP按钮闭合。
10. 上电。
功能15 00教入适用于控制装置 TCI 和 TCM 配 FV 驱动、受控及调速液压驱动以及 Isostop 16M 驱动根据有关的控制装置型式和驱动装置型式,下列 AF 功能可能以不同的顺序出现在诊断仪的显示屏 (七段数字显示) 上。
特定的 AF 功能只能在特定的驱动型式或用户特性中起作用 (参见电梯设备的数据表)。
只有当应急电动运行开关 (或检修运行开关) 闭合以及七段数字显示屏闪烁时,才可能进入教入模式。
进入教入模式程序隐设值(不修改参数)程序隐设值(修改参数)对 TCM 装置的楼层编码(参见 MA 12 6510.063第 4 节) 15 0015 AFAF 0CAF 0d0A XX0b XX1A XX1b XX用程序选择轮选择并用应急电动运行开关接通操动按钮 (或逆时针转动选择开关),将出现 AF 0d 或 AF 10.不以特别输入的参数值来修改,程序隐设值将被置入 TCM (例如这对于自动楼层编码就很有意义)。
按动按钮后,隐设值将被自动地编入程序:-如使用 MW1 或 MD1 电路板,调速驱动的控制参数。
-门等待时间及再开门时间 (各为 3 秒)。
-下越程及上越程补偿 (平层校正) 将被设至零。
-SR 模块的作用和不作用以及制动器检测开关,等。
用 AF 0C 或 AF 0d,楼层将自动编码到 MS2 电路板上。
主门侧 XX 楼层处楼层编码故障:后门侧 XX 楼层处楼层编码故障:电路板 MS2 尚未装入井道,或井道总线未接上,或总线中断。
当有故障时退出教入模式 (主开关断/合)。
再进入后,用程序选择轮跳过 AF 0d 功能并继续做教入。
故障在任务表 A (故障出在定单处理)。
故障在任务表 B (故障出在定单处理)。
井道教入AF 10 将轿厢移动到底层以下如图示。
AF 11 EE 0A 感应器和脉冲发电机的 LED 必须发光LK 感应器A 列 LED 12LN 感应器A 列 LED 16脉冲发电机 B 列 LED 8 (闪烁,例如轿厢用手轮移动时)按动按钮将显示如下:断开应急电动运行开关并按动按钮。
CPIK 变频器操作手册非热动式 11M 15M 32M 48M 60 105热动式15RM 32RM 48RM25R 33R 50R 100R 150R德国蒂森克虏伯电梯(韩国公司)操作手册印记保留所有权利©版权: 德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)55-30号, 区鱼洞, Kuro区, 首尔市韩国印制, 2006年9月德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司) 对此说明书有转印,书写以及发行的权力。
在没有德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)的许可的情况下复印,或是以任何形式修改本说明书作为发行或是商业行为,被视为侵犯著作权的行为,将被起诉。
对培训课程内容的适当性的责任在于雇主.:德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)前言我们很高兴你决定购买一个德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)的高质量的产品,这操作手册能帮助你熟悉变频器及其预期的使用方法。
德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)操作手册目录1。
产品说明和安装说明...................................................2.1表示变频器CPIK .......................................................................2.2说明变频器CPIK ............................................................................2.2.1警告..............................................................................................................2.2.2安装说明.............................................................................................2.2.3技术数据......................................................................................................一般数据...................................................................................................型规范...........................................................................................外部模块............................................................................................降额........................................................................................................2.2.4一般说明...............................................................................................电源电压.................................................................................................系统配置.......................................................................................电源连接...........................................................................................隔离变频器...........................................................................漏电流..............................................................................................故障电流...................................................................................................直流环节电容放电时间..................................................................电子地............................................................................................运行接触器.................................................................................................内部风扇..................................................................................................2.3接口.....................................................................................................................2.3.1连接图...............................................................................................2.3.2变频器的输入和输出端子(非热动)...............................电源............................................................................................................电机和电缆...........................................................................................制动电阻..............................................................................................内部电压...............................................................................................分别驱动风扇电机.............................................................................电机PTC热敏电阻连接.......................................................................2.3.2变频器的输入和输出端子(热动).....................................德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)操作手册目录2.3.2.1电源............................................................................................................电机和电缆...........................................................................................2.3.4编码器连接和通信............................................................编码器连接.........................................................................................编码器信号和CAN通信控制.............................................采用CAN接口连接(或tac50k)控制系统..............切换序列图与控制........................................................切换序列图tac50k控制...................................................2.3.5电梯控制接口.......................................................................................准备信息.............................................................................................输入和输出..........................................................................................切换序列图.................................................................................2.4系统的扰动,EMC ...........................................................................................2.4.1一般................................................................................................................2.4.2安装说明.............................................................................................2.4.3线路扼流............................................................................................................2.4.4线滤波器..............................................................................................................2.4.5安装其他电缆......................................................................................2.5.尺寸对照表..........................................................................................................2.5.1 CPIK系列尺寸2.5.2外部模块...................................................................................................直流电抗器..................................................................................................线滤波器(标准)线路阻流.....................................................................................................3。
蒂森电梯快车调试步骤调快车准备工作:1. 确保底坑、安全回路及安全设施包括缓冲器等等装上,下极限,限速器,第一(第二)急停,装上。
2. 对F9门机进行自学习整定。
②canbus H、L线接错,导致通讯不通。
3. 安装好光幕、及安全触板。
4. 用葫芦将轿顶悬空,至主机能自由转动。
5. 先检查门机,通讯线,平层感应器是否接好。
6. 将平层装置接到轿顶接线板上。
D I A G N O S T I C U N I T I Function 01 00 Display of error stack as per: 05.00显示故障堆栈Example:Error Explanation Weighting BW14 03AAjob-specific error messag任务特性故障信息N emergency stop 紧急停梯XX landing 楼层S stopping 停止YY undefined 未定义M spontaneous message 自发信息NN explanations from page 21 解释见21页 B lift blocked 电梯被锁定ZZ N umber of marking flag 标志编号..B o peration phase 运行阶段Significance: Frequency levels of error:含义:故障频繁度Level 1 infrequent 1度不频繁发生Start/Stop buttonLK sensorRun: IS/RS2)UP direction with ISDOWN direction with ISProgram selector wheelLN sensorW/W1 contactorWO/WU SchützSeven-segment-function display flashing1)PulsesCheck-back SR module Safety circuit EKHKTKKT1) can be suppressed with switch 6S1 on circuit board MZ or with switch S5 on circuit board MZ1.1) Dependenton the function involved, reset can either mean emergency stop following by adjusting run or stopping of the lift installation2) Handshake is defined as cyclical data exchange (telegram) between two data carriers.1) SR module can be masked out via teach-in mode function AF 0d. Running-open operation and re-levelling with door open is notpossible.1) Error from TCI work program 03.89/7 – no longer used.2) Error 35 00 and 3b 00 can no longer occur from work program 02.87/4 and error 36 00 can no longer occur from 06.95/25.1) SR module can be masked out through teach-in-mode function AF 0d. N Runnin-open operation and re-levelling with open door notpossible.2) 0C 04 to 0C 0C leads also to stopping, if not provided otherwise in the lift-specific EPROM !1) If errors 65 00 to 74 00 occur more than 3 times, error 4F 00 will follow afterwards, which leads to spontaneous message and stopping1) DSP is the digital signal processor in the CPI controller2) Handshake is defined as cyclical data exchange (telegram) between two data carriers.04 NN TCI control – Interrogation of ZSE solenoid switchesNN is represented as a hexadecimal number; in the event of errors, it indicates the number ofZSE switches (no other than the ZSE switch of the car position may be actuated).04 00 applies to ZSE 25 to ZSE 3104 00 applies to ZSE 17 to ZSE 2404 00 applies to ZSE 9 to ZSE 1604 0C applies to ZSE 1 to ZSE 8Example: 0 4 0 CHexadecimal number 0C??Binary number 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0????????assigned ZSE switch 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1The example shows that ZSE switches ZSE3 and ZSE4 (in 3. and 4. landing) have beenactivated. (Also compare hexadecimal code in part 4, page 2)04 NN TCM control – Interrogation of ZSE solenoid switchesIf ZSE switches are closed in the third and fourth landing, the TCM control will file two errors:04 03 und 04 0406 XX TCI control–Door locking not possible (from work program version 08.91/9)The lift will be put out of service for 15 min. after 3 unsuccessful door locking attempts. A newlocking attempt will be initiated after expiry of this period of time.XX = StandortDoor variant – hinged door:A new locking attempt will also be made within these 15 min. after opening of the landing door(TK open) and closingit again (TK closed).Door variant D4 (with mechanical locking device)A start attempt will be enabled within 15 min., as soon as the control receives the bolt contact.06 XX TCM control–Door locking not possibleIf open bolt contact is recognized in the command chain preceding the position the followingerror will follow14 XX (XX = bolt contact main side)18 XX (XX = bolt contact rear side)09 NN Car will be blocked in the landing >4 minExample 0 9 3 1Signal name (LED display on diagnostic unit I row A)0 KKD0 LSD1 KK O.K.1 LS O.K.0 TSUD0 TSOD0 TSU1 TSO activatedFor LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions of Diagnostic Unit I, function 05 00,column 0d (display of predefined memory locations, from page 25).19 NN Door zone not detectedExample1 VR1 A5A0 TO0 TU1 FL0 FS0 FO0 FUIn the operation phase STOP (lift at standstill), the CPU recognizes that the door zone calculatedfrom the landing vanes was left.For LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I function 05 00, column05 (display of predefined memory locations,from page 25)1d NN Emergeny stop (wrong run direction)No run direction or both run directions were produced with the run contactor activated and thebrake disengaged.For LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions, Diagnostic Unit I, function 05 00, column05 (display of predefined memory locations from page 25).In case of error 1d C8 the processor outputs the signals VR, A5A and FL (but without rundirections); compare above representation of error 19 NN1E NN Deceleration not effectiveBinary display of car positionIt will be examined whether deceleration has been initiated already on reaching the markedterminal landing vanes.The position is indicated by the five bitst 20 to 25 as binary number.Example: 1 E 9 d0 27FO (run direction UP)1 26FU activated (run direction DOWN)0 251 241 23Position (hexadecimal number converted into1 22binary number)0 211 201 E 9d: bits 20 to 27 stand for landing 29, therefore only run direction UP exists, since 26 = 0 and27 = 1, and consequently 9 d will follow.Function 02 00 Display of order number (fromTCI work program version 06.88/6 and with TCM)显示定单号码(从TCI 06.88/6版工作程序起以及TCM梯)Example: Order No.: 27 70 06 42 10?????LED 5 12 3 10 1B A B A B Function 03 00 Position indicator (decimal)楼层显示(十进制)Function 04 00 Operation phase1) Set function 05 00 with program selector wheel2) Press start-stop button3)Select desired column in 7-segment display with program selector wheelExample: Column 0d is desired. For example, select 0C 0d in 7-segment display, then left LED row B applies to column 0C and right LED row A applies to column 0d, etc.4) Interrogate LED display (compare overview and signal description)5) Exit: press start-stop button for longer than 2 s.The LEDs listed in the table will light on selecting the respective column (Col) :1) Error marking1) pulses are counted dependent on the run direction (20 to 27 is displayed in LED row A/B)1) will be displayed as hexadecimal number in LED row A. Example: 09 in LED row A LEDs 0000 1001 light up2)displays last failure before current failure cause column 2C. Is displayed in hexadecimal numbers as in column 2C1) MF3 (VA) stands for circuit board MF3 with double-sided insertion1) MF3 (VA) stands for circuit board MF3 with double-sided insertion1) MF3 (VA) stands for circuit board MF3 with double-sided insertion1) not assigned currently.显示CPI。
蒂森电梯慢车一般的调试步骤(详细版)1. 检查井道安全回路:1、底坑安全回路。
2. 检查轿厢、对重缓冲器是否装好,应固定牢靠。
3. 检查轿顶安全回路。
4. 快车时:对重=轿厢+load*(40%~50%);慢车时最好保持轿厢、对重保持平衡。
5. 确保井道门洞封死。
6. 在控制柜检查轿顶安全回路、井道安全回路、厅门安全回路是否接通。
7. 检查井道顶(无机房)变频器柜的接线是否正确及牢靠。
等8. 上电前,开关断开,首先测试电箱三相电及单相电压是否符合要求(380、220正负7%)。
对于有机房电梯(GL1),X27,X10,X11,X13,X31应取出,电机上面的抱闸线圈顶杆要有1mm 的间隙防止顶死。
9. 厅门、轿门封闭,将主板上的service按钮及VIP按钮闭合。
10. 上电。
蒂森电梯I 型诊断仪7 段数字显示屏起动/停止按键(闪烁 1)旋转脉冲LK 传感器运行:IS/RS 2IS 上行 SR 模块反馈 IS 下行程序选择旋钮安全回路 EKLN 传感器HKTK W/W1 接触器 KTWO/WU 接触器当 I 型诊断仪没有进入 15AF 功能时,LK 和 LN 感应器被井道码板遮挡时,诊断仪上的 LK 和LN 相应的发光二极管闪烁。
当 I 型诊断仪进入 15AF 功能时,LK 和 LN 感应器被井道码板遮 挡时,诊断仪上的 LK 和 LN 相应的发光二极管不闪烁,并且在功能 15AF 里这两个 LED 的配位 也互相对换(见 MA13,类型 6510,顺序号 046)。
用诊断仪 I 总共可查询或处理 16 项功能。
选 定的功能出现在七段数字显示屏上(闪烁显示)。
使用方法将诊断仪 I 插入相关的印刷电路板(CPU ,门控制,LMS1 等等)。
显示屏显示某项功 能(闪烁)。
只有在显示屏闪烁的情况下, 才能从一个功能转换到另一个功能。
退出选定功能:将程序选择旋钮旋转一档,然后按启动/停止键>2 秒。
用户可通过 AF00(dF00,bF00)或者将主开关切断再接通,退出教入功能。
本书中对诊断仪 I 的阐述或功能描述适用于 04.86.3 版起的所有工作程序。
TCI/TCM电 梯控制系统的现行工作程序将在紧急信息栏中公布。
诊断仪 I 的所有功能将在以下章节中分别作详细介绍。
1)当 七 段 显 示 屏 闪 烁 时, 上 图 侧 面 所 示 功 能 将 由 A 列 及 B 列 发 光 二 极 管 指 示 出来。
2)IS ... 检修运行 RS ... 应急电动运行。
蒂森电梯I 型诊断仪7 段数字显示屏起动/停止按键(闪烁 1)旋转脉冲LK 传感器运行:IS/RS 2IS 上行 SR 模块反馈 IS 下行程序选择旋钮安全回路 EKLN 传感器HKTK W/W1 接触器 KTWO/WU 接触器当 I 型诊断仪没有进入 15AF 功能时,LK 和 LN 感应器被井道码板遮挡时,诊断仪上的 LK 和LN 相应的发光二极管闪烁。
当 I 型诊断仪进入 15AF 功能时,LK 和 LN 感应器被井道码板遮 挡时,诊断仪上的 LK 和 LN 相应的发光二极管不闪烁,并且在功能 15AF 里这两个 LED 的配位 也互相对换(见 MA13,类型 6510,顺序号 046)。
用诊断仪 I 总共可查询或处理 16 项功能。
选 定的功能出现在七段数字显示屏上(闪烁显示)。
使用方法将诊断仪 I 插入相关的印刷电路板(CPU ,门控制,LMS1 等等)。
显示屏显示某项功 能(闪烁)。
只有在显示屏闪烁的情况下, 才能从一个功能转换到另一个功能。
退出选定功能:将程序选择旋钮旋转一档,然后按启动/停止键>2 秒。
用户可通过 AF00(dF00,bF00)或者将主开关切断再接通,退出教入功能。
本书中对诊断仪 I 的阐述或功能描述适用于 04.86.3 版起的所有工作程序。
TCI/TCM电 梯控制系统的现行工作程序将在紧急信息栏中公布。
诊断仪 I 的所有功能将在以下章节中分别作详细介绍。
1)当 七 段 显 示 屏 闪 烁 时, 上 图 侧 面 所 示 功 能 将 由 A 列 及 B 列 发 光 二 极 管 指 示 出来。
2)IS ... 检修运行 RS ... 应急电动运行。
完整版蒂森电梯门机调整.doc3. 门机调整⽬录No. 序号Description说明Page页5.1 检查和确认5-4 5.2 门机的接线5-4 5.3 门机的初始化5-7 5.4 门机的参数设置5-9 5.4.1 参数设定操作5-9 (1)控制板描述5-9 (2)参数设置⽅式5-10 5.4.2 RCF-1型门机参数⼀览表5-11 5.4.3 位置参数5-12 5.4.4 ⼒矩参数5-13 5.4.5 速度参数5-14 5.4.6 参数描述5-15 (1)模式参数5-15 (2)电机参数5-16 (3)传动参数5-16 (4)编码器参数5-17 (5)⼒矩参数5-17(6)关门⼒监测的范围限定5-17 (7)显⽰参数5-19No. 序号Description说明Page页(8)插⼊式直流制动参数5-20 5.5 门机的正常运⾏5-205.6 门机的⼿动运⾏5-205.7 门机的关门⼒监测5-215.门机调整TE-E型电梯采⽤RCF-1型变频门机。
否则会导致设备损坏;11.电源、控制和电机线路中都要配置⼀个封闭式铁氧环;12.连接线要尽可能短,⽽且控制线要与电机和电源线分开;13.接地电阻必须⼩于或等于10 欧姆,接地线截⾯必须⾄少 1,5 mm25.2门机的接线接线时只要打开⼩盖⼦。
DIAGNOSTIC UNIT IFunction 01 00 Display of error stack as per: 05.00 显示故障堆栈Example:Error Explanation Weighting BW14 03AAjob-specific error messag任务特性故障信息N emergency stop 紧急停梯XX landing 楼层S stopping 停止YY undefined 未定义M spontaneous message 自发信息NN explanations from page 21 解释见21页 B lift blocked 电梯被锁定ZZ N umber of marking flag 标志编号..B o peration phase 运行阶段Significance: Frequency levels of error:含义:故障频繁度Level 1 infrequent 1度不频繁发生Error code number 故障代码Level 10 frequent 10度频繁发生Error Error description Causes, remedy or instructions BW01 XX Interlock contact RK or RKD is jamming in land-ing XX. 门锁触点RK或RKD在XX楼层处卡住/在XX层检查门锁触点或门的机械部件。
在任务特性程序中必须将门的型号编程输入Check interlock contact or mechanical parts of doorin landing XX.A correct door type must be programmed in the job-specific program.6Start/Stop buttonLK sensorRun: IS/RS2)UP direction with ISDOWN direction with ISProgram selector wheelLN sensorW/W1 contactorWO/WU SchützSeven-segment-function display flashing1)PulsesCheck-back SR module Safety circuit EKHKTKKT1) can be suppressed with switch 6S1 on circuit board MZ or with switch S5 on circuit board MZ1.1) Dependenton the function involved, reset can either mean emergency stop following by adjusting run or stopping of the lift installation2) Handshake is defined as cyclical data exchange (telegram) between two data carriers.1) SR module can be masked out via teach-in mode function AF 0d. Running-open operation and re-levelling with door open is not possible.1) Error from TCI work program 03.89/7 – no longer used.2) Error 35 00 and 3b 00 can no longer occur from work program 02.87/4 and error 36 00 can no longer occur from 06.95/25.1) SR module can be masked out through teach-in-mode function AF 0d. N Runnin-open operation and re-levelling with open door not possible.2) 0C 04 to 0C 0C leads also to stopping, if not provided otherwise in the lift-specific EPROM !1) If errors 65 00 to 74 00 occur more than 3 times, error 4F 00 will follow afterwards, which leads to spontaneous message and stopping1) DSP is the digital signal processor in the CPI controller2) Handshake is defined as cyclical data exchange (telegram) between two data carriers.04 NN TCI control – Interrogation of ZSE solenoid switchesNN is represented as a hexadecimal number; in the event of errors, it indicates the number of ZSE switches (no other than the ZSE switch of the car position may be actuated).04 00 applies to ZSE 25 to ZSE 3104 00 applies to ZSE 17 to ZSE 2404 00 applies to ZSE 9 to ZSE 1604 0C applies to ZSE 1 to ZSE 8Example: 0 4 0 CHexadecimal number 0C∣∣Binary number 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣assigned ZSE switch 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1The example shows that ZSE switches ZSE3 and ZSE4 (in 3. and 4. landing) have been activated.(Also compare hexadecimal code in part 4, page 2)04 NN TCM control – Interrogation of ZSE solenoid switchesIf ZSE switches are closed in the third and fourth landing, the TCM control will file two errors: 04 03und 04 0406 XX TCI control–Door locking not possible (from work program version 08.91/9)The lift will be put out of service for 15 min. after 3 unsuccessful door locking attempts. A new lockingattempt will be initiated after expiry of this period of time.XX = StandortDoor variant – hinged door:A new locking attempt will also be made within these 15 min. after opening of the landing door (TKopen) and closingit again (TK closed).Door variant D4 (with mechanical locking device)A start attempt will be enabled within 15 min., as soon as the control receives the bolt contact.06 XX TCM control–Door locking not possibleIf open bolt contact is recognized in the command chain preceding the position the following error willfollow14 XX (XX = bolt contact main side)18 XX (XX = bolt contact rear side)09 NN Car will be blocked in the landing >4 minExample 0 9 3 1Signal name (LED display on diagnostic unit I row A)0 KKD0 LSD1 KK O.K.1 LS O.K.0 TSUD0 TSOD0 TSU1 TSO activatedFor LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions of Diagnostic Unit I, function 05 00, column0d (display of predefined memory locations, from page 25).19 NN Door zone not detectedExample1 VR1 A5A0 TO0 TU1 FL0 FS0 FO0 FUIn the operation phase STOP (lift at standstill), the CPU recognizes that the door zone calculatedfrom the landing vanes was left.For LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I function 05 00, column 05(display of predefined memory locations,from page 25)1d NN Emergeny stop (wrong run direction)No run direction or both run directions were produced with the run contactor activated and the brakedisengaged.For LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions, Diagnostic Unit I, function 05 00, column 05(display of predefined memory locations from page 25).In case of error 1d C8 the processor outputs the signals VR, A5A and FL (but without run directions);compare above representation of error 19 NN1E NN Deceleration not effectiveBinary display of car positionIt will be examined whether deceleration has been initiated already on reaching the marked terminallanding vanes.The position is indicated by the five bitst 20 to 25 as binary number.Example: 1 E 9 d0 27FO (run direction UP)1 26FU activated (run direction DOWN)0 251 241 23Position (hexadecimal number converted into1 22binary number)0 211 201 E 9d: bits 20 to 27 stand for landing 29, therefore only run direction UP exists, since 26 = 0 and 27 =1, and consequently 9 d will follow.Function 02 00 Display of order number (fromTCI work program version 06.88/6 and with TCM)显示定单号码(从TCI 06.88/6版工作程序起以及TCM梯)Example: Order No.: 27 70 06 42 10∣∣∣∣∣LED 5 12 3 10 1B A B A BFunction 03 00 Position indicator (decimal)楼层显示(十进制)Function 04 00 Operation phase1) Set function 05 00 with program selector wheel2) Press start-stop button3)Select desired column in 7-segment display with program selector wheelExample: Column 0d is desired. For example, select 0C 0d in 7-segment display, then left LED row B applies to column 0C and right LED row A applies to column 0d, etc.4) Interrogate LED display (compare overview and signal description)5) Exit: press start-stop button for longer than 2 s.The LEDs listed in the table will light on selecting the respective column (Col) :1) Error marking1) pulses are counted dependent on the run direction (20 to 27 is displayed in LED row A/B)1) will be displayed as hexadecimal number in LED row A. Example: 09 in LED row A LEDs 0000 1001 light up2)displays last failure before current failure cause column 2C. Is displayed in hexadecimal numbers as in column 2C1) MF3 (VA) stands for circuit board MF3 with double-sided insertion 1) MF3 (VA) stands for circuit board MF3 with double-sided insertion1) MF3 (VA) stands for circuit board MF3 with double-sided insertion1) not assigned currently.显示CPI。
TE038-TS生效日期:2005.09.26蒂森克虏伯电梯(上海)有限公司1. 目的由于ES变频器是Unidrive-LFT变频器的升级产品,相关接线、操作步骤及调试内容与Unidrive-LFT变频器有所差异,本调试说明主要是对ES变频器与Unidrive-LFT变频器之间的参数差异、调试以及接线方面进行说明。
2. 操作界面介绍除操作界面与Unidrive Lft变频器略有不同外,操作方法和步骤均一致。
3. 参数对照表注:以下参数表以96rpm、19A、30poles、1.00m/s、1000Kg电梯为例。
参数含义默认值设定值单位1.06 最高速度限值3.05 零速阀值Rpm3.08 超速限值Rpm3.10 速度环比例增益3.11 速度环积分增益3.23 硬件速度给定值选择器3.25 编码器相角3.33 编码器转位3.34 编码器线数3.35 编码器单转通讯分辨率3.38 编码器类型3.41 编码器自适应3.42 编码器反馈滤波4.07 双向电流限%4.12 电流环滤波14.13 电流环比例增益TE038-TS生效日期:2005.09.26蒂森克虏伯电梯(上海)有限公司4.14 电流环积分增益2000 12334.23 电流环滤波2 0 10 ms5.07 马达额定电流0 19 A5.08 马达额定转速3000 96 rpm5.11 马达极数 6 pole 30 poleOhm5.17 马达定值电阻(自整定后自动写入)0 0.9985.18 载波频率 6 12 kHz5.24 瞬抗(sLs) (自整定后自动写入)0 11.313 mH7.12 端子7模拟输入2比例系数 1 0.37.13 端子7输入取反OFF ON7.14 端子7的输入地址 1.37 4.09 Menu.param8.21 端子24的输出源地址10.03 18.32 Menu.param8.22 端子25的输出源地址10.33 18.36 Menu.param8.23 端子26的输入地址 6.30 18.37 Menu.param8.24 端子27的输入地址 6.32 19.44 Menu.param8.25 端子28的输入地址 1.41 18.44 Menu.param8.26 端子29的输入地址 6.31 18.38 Menu.param8.39 端子28 & 29的输入自行复位OFF ON18.11 V1(爬行速度)50 200 mm/s18.12 V2(检修速度)400 400 mm/s18.13 V3(正常速度)800 950 mm/s18.14 V4(中速)100 100 mm/s18.15 V5(反平层速度)100 800 mm/s18.16 V6(快速)100 50 mm/s18.17 V7(附加速度1)100 100 mm/s18.18 启动优化速度10 15 mm/s18.24 制动器闭合延时1000 560 ms18.25 速度环运行比例增益100 2287118.26 速度环运行积分增益100 139318.27 速度环启动比例增益100 2075418.28 速度环启动积分增益100 76818.29 电梯曳引机额定转速1000 96 RPM18.30 电梯额定梯速800 1000 mm/s18.48 切换增益Off On19.11 增益转换时间500 480 ms19.13 停车减速度1000 200 mm/s219.14 启动加加速500 250 mm/s319.15 运行加加速1000 500 mm/s319.16 停车加加速800 300 mm/s319.17 启动优化加加速10 5 mm/s319.25 制动器打开延时1000 650 ms19.27 减速比分母 1 119.29 曳引轮直径480 400 mmTE038-TS生效日期:2005.09.26蒂森克虏伯电梯(上海)有限公司4.自整定马达和转子的位置的相位角检测• 尽管已经设定了一些马达参数,马达自整定时电梯必须人工控制,此时应使用检修速度运行命令。
DIAGNOSTIC UNIT IFunction 01 00 Display of error stack as per: 05.00显示故障堆栈 Example: Error Explanation Weighting BW14 03任务特性故障信息 N emergency stop 紧急停梯 landing 楼层 S stopping 停止undefined 未定义 M spontaneous message 自发信息 explanations from page 21 解释见21页 B lift blocked 电梯被锁定 N umber of marking flag 标志编号o peration phaseSignificance: Frequency levels of error:含义:故障频繁度Level 1 infrequent 1度不频繁发生 Error code number 故障代码Level 10 frequent 10度频繁发生Start/Stop buttonLK sensor Run: IS/RS 2)UP direction with IS DOWN direction with ISProgram selector wheelLN sensorW/W1 contactor WO/WU SchützSeven-segment-function display flashing 1)PulsesCheck-back SR moduleSafety circuit EK HK TK KT1) can be suppressed with switch 6S1 on circuit board MZ or with switch S5 on circuit board MZ1.1) Dependenton the function involved, reset can either mean emergency stop following by adjusting run or stopping of the lift installation2) Handshake is defined as cyclical data exchange (telegram) between two data carriers.1) SR module can be masked out via teach-in mode function AF 0d. Running-open operation and re-levelling with door open is not possible.1) Error from TCI work program 03.89/7 – no longer used.2) Error 35 00 and 3b 00 can no longer occur from work program 02.87/4 and error 36 00 can no longer occur from 06.95/25.1) SR module can be masked out through teach-in-mode function AF 0d. N Runnin-open operation and re-levelling with open door not possible.2) 0C 04 to 0C 0C leads also to stopping, if not provided otherwise in the lift-specific EPROM !1) If errors 65 00 to 74 00 occur more than 3 times, error 4F 00 will follow afterwards, which leads to spontaneous message and stopping1) DSP is the digital signal processor in the CPI controller2) Handshake is defined as cyclical data exchange (telegram) between two data carriers.Explanations of the existing error code numbers04 NN TCI control – Interrogation of ZSE solenoid switchesNN is represented as a hexadecimal number; in the event of errors, it indicates the number of ZSE switches (no other than the ZSE switch of the car position may be actuated).04 00 applies to ZSE 25 to ZSE 3104 00 applies to ZSE 17 to ZSE 2404 00 applies to ZSE 9 to ZSE 1604 0C applies to ZSE 1 to ZSE 8Example: 0 4 0 CHexadecimal number 0C∣∣Binary number 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣assigned ZSE switch 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1The example shows that ZSE switches ZSE3 and ZSE4 (in 3. and 4. landing) have been activated. (Alsocompare hexadecimal code in part 4, page 2)04 NN TCM control – Interrogation of ZSE solenoid switchesIf ZSE switches are closed in the third and fourth landing, the TCM control will file two errors: 04 03 und04 0406 XX TCI control–Door locking not possible (from work program version 08.91/9)The lift will be put out of service for 15 min. after 3 unsuccessful door locking attempts. A new lockingattempt will be initiated after expiry of this period of time.XX = StandortDoor variant – hinged door:A new locking attempt will also be made within these 15 min. after opening of the landing door (TK open)and closingit again (TK closed).Door variant D4 (with mechanical locking device)A start attempt will be enabled within 15 min., as soon as the control receives the bolt contact.06 XX TCM control–Door locking not possibleIf open bolt contact is recognized in the command chain preceding the position the following error willfollow14 XX (XX = bolt contact main side)18 XX (XX = bolt contact rear side)09 NN Car will be blocked in the landing >4 minExample Signal name (LED display on diagnostic unit I row A)0 KKD0 LSD1 KK O.K.1 LS O.K.0 TSUD0 TSOD0 TSU1 TSO activatedFor LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions of Diagnostic Unit I, function 05 00, column 0d(display of predefined memory locations, from page 25).19 NN Door zone not detectedExample1 VR1 A5A0 TO0 TU1 FL0 FS0 FO0 FUIn the operation phase STOP (lift at standstill), the CPU recognizes that the door zone calculated from thelanding vanes was left.For LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I function 05 00, column 05(display of predefined memory locations,from page 25)1d NN Emergeny stop (wrong run direction)No run direction or both run directions were produced with the run contactor activated and the brakedisengaged.For LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions, Diagnostic Unit I, function 05 00, column 05(display of predefined memory locations from page 25).In case of error 1d C8 the processor outputs the signals VR, A5A and FL (but without run directions);compare above representation of error 19 NN1E NN Deceleration not effectiveBinary display of car positionIt will be examined whether deceleration has been initiated already on reaching the marked terminallanding vanes.The position is indicated by the five bitst 20 to 25 as binary number.Example: 1 E 9 d0 27FO (run direction UP)1 26FU activated (run direction DOWN)0 251 241 23Position (hexadecimal number converted into1 22binary number)0 211 201 E 9d: bits 20 to 27 stand for landing 29, therefore only run direction UP exists, since 26 = 0 and 27 = 1,and consequently 9 d will follow.Function 02 00 Display of order number (fromTCI work program version 06.88/6 and with TCM)显示定单号码(从TCI 06.88/6版工作程序起以及TCM梯)Example: Order No.: 27 70 06 42 10∣∣∣∣∣LED 5 12 3 10 1B A B A BFunction 03 00 Position indicator (decimal)楼层显示(十进制)Function 04 00 Operation phaseFunction 05 00 Display of specified memory locations1) Set function 05 00 with program selector wheel2) Press start-stop button3)Select desired column in 7-segment display with program selector wheelExample: Column 0d is desired. For example, select 0C 0d in 7-segment display, then left LED row B applies to column 0C and right LED row A applies to column 0d, etc.4) Interrogate LED display (compare overview and signal description)5) Exit: press start-stop button for longer than 2 s.The LEDs listed in the table will light on selecting the respective column (Col) :Extension of columns for TCM control with MC1 or MC2 circuit boards1) Error marking1) pulses are counted dependent on the run direction (20 to 27 is displayed in LED row A/B)1) will be displayed as hexadecimal number in LED row A. Example: 09 in LED row A LEDs 0000 1001 light up2)displays last failure before current failure cause column 2C. Is displayed in hexadecimal numbers as in column 2C1) MF3 (VA) stands for circuit board MF3 with double-sided insertion 1) MF3 (VA) stands for circuit board MF3 with double-sided insertion1) MF3 (VA) stands for circuit board MF3 with double-sided insertion1) not assigned currently.Function 07 00 Display of parameters of CPI controller (only with TCM controls) 显示CPI。
蒂森电梯变频器调试中文版————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2CPIK 变频器 操作手册非热动式 11M 15M 32M 48M 60 105热动式15RM 32RM 48RM25R 33R 50R 100R 150R德国蒂森克虏伯电梯(韩国公司)操作手册印记保留所有权利©版权: 德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)55-30号, 区鱼洞, Kuro区, 首尔市韩国印制, 2006年9月德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司) 对此说明书有转印,书写以及发行的权力。
在没有德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)的许可的情况下复印,或是以任何形式修改本说明书作为发行或是商业行为,被视为侵犯著作权的行为,将被起诉。
对培训课程内容的适当性的责任在于雇主.:德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)前言我们很高兴你决定购买一个德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)的高质量的产品,这操作手册能帮助你熟悉变频器及其预期的使用方法。
德国蒂森克虏伯电梯 (韩国公司)操作手册目录1。
目录1. 安装前准备工作 22. 安装工作流程 43. 井道前期工作 64. 导轨的安装 75. 井道上方机器设备的安装 96. 厅门系统的安装 157. 轿厢架和轿厢系统的安装 188. 残疾人轿厢操纵板(COP)现场安装示意图 259. 轿门的安装 2610. 对重框架的安装 3111. 钢丝绳的安装 3212. 补偿链及井道附件的安装 3413. 无机房MC3电梯井道接线示意图 3914. 润滑说明 4015. MS2-C安装说明 4216. MS3-C安装说明 4717. 电梯报警系统 5118. 安装质量检查 551. 安装前的准备工作1.1 概述安装工作与客户有密切的关系。
为了顺利的开展工作、提高效率,安装人员应与客户 必须保持良好的联络。
安装日期由蒂森公司确定,一旦 所要求的工地条件均已具备,安装工作则按计划地进行。
安装工作应执行公司的安装 质量保证体系规定的要求,加强安装质量管理,保证电梯安装质量。
1.2 工作中应注意的安全事项1.2.1 工作前的检查在开始工作之前,必须每天进行以下项目的安全检查a、安全防护装置(如脚手架、安全网、吊钩等);b、机械、电气设施(如电焊机、提升设备等,特别是安全装置);c、辅助工具(如氧气、乙炔等);d、安全工具(如安全帽、安全带等);e、其他操作装置。
1.2.2 工作环境的保持安装工作的现场必须保持整洁,防止工作时被绊倒。
1.2.3 井道工作安全事项在安装、拆除或改动脚手架时,必须有持有电梯安装证的人员在场。
安装工作中应穿 着适合的防护工作服,如安全帽、安全带等。
1.2.4 井道开口处的防护井道开口处应封好,防止跌落。
应在开口处设置屏障或警告牌,提醒人们注意此处有 跌落的危险。
1.2.5 防火在使用手提式切割机或焊接设备及气割设备时,应注意预防发火灾。
请将本手册的任何问题告知蒂森克虏伯电梯全球技术服务中心(亚洲区)。 Please contact ThyssenKrupp Elevator ITS (Asia) if you have any problem.
Thyssenkrupp Elevator
International Technical Services
第四章 1 2 3 4
调试 工作程序的编写 选层器 特能特征 慢车与快车的调试 附录电气图
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ITSA-TD-10088/01 2006/03/14 -2-
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7 7 33
34 34 57 57 58 59 59 59 60 62 62
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第四章 调试 1 工作程序的编写
分散型控制系统的CPU 需使用V90以后版本的程序; 新装电梯的MC3电路板中一般均已装有工作程序; 电梯改装时,可经EPROM 装载或下载有关工作程序;
EPROM 装载指通过4只主印EPROM 组将工作程序载入闪速EPROM 中,MC3中的SO501及SO502插口即用于EPROM 装载或闪速编程。
EPROM 装载的存储芯片版本号如下:
1.1闪速EPROM 的EPROM 装载
1) 将轿厢驶入顶层,接通控制柜内的电动召回S01; 2) 断开控制柜内的Q00开关;
3) 插入短接块J501,J502及J503;
4) 把第1只主印ROM 组插入S0501及S0502插口中; 5) 连接诊断器1;
在第3步中,有可能不显示FFOE ,而显示如下错误信息: 表2:
EPROM 装载的正式程序版本存储芯片
—打开诊断器电源开关并双击主菜单上的Window load;
= 可做到(可提供输入/输出及软件);
= 可选;
= 不能。
3. 慢车与快车的调试
1. 慢车调试 1.1 应急电动运行
诊断仪(Vnit I);操作7045:
运行速度应与指定速度一致; 若电梯不能执行应急电动运行下行: — 检查电机电缆和变频器间的接线: 注:相序需跟足同步电机说明,使用同步电机时,转动方向不能更动。
— 电机接线完全正确,电梯仍不能进行应急电动运行:用诊断器1在功能A718/19及A71A/1b 中
修改速度控制器设定的P 及I 增益;
— 逐步进行:必要时,将I 设定为O ,调整P ,使驱动运转无振动;
电机端子:U 接U ; V 接V ; W 接W 。
2. 用诊断器1在电路板MC3及MH3上进行自学习
需使用15AF级时, 按下按钮,显示器会显示AFFF,用选择轮选定有关的自学习功能;
若客人需要的门停顿时间为10秒~ 30秒,则需在特性程序中予以延长,该程序由15A6启动,结束和修改,新的默认值在地址3FFE中读取。
功能:A610 读取延长后的门停顿时间;
A611 修改延长后的门停顿时间。
一般地,特性EPROM中已储存有客人要求的任何附加程序,需要时,维修人员只需将其载入闪速EPROM 中并将其启动便可;
A6od 编缉默认值;
A6Fd 下载至闪速EPROM;A6EA 启动特性程序;
A6dA 结束特性程序。
6)A600 退出自学习。
3. LMS1称重装置