Unit 1 Going to College_高职高专英语

8. cheat: v. behave in a dishonest or deceitful way in order to win an advantage, especially in a game • He was caught cheating on the exam. n. a person who cheats • Cheats won’t obey rules they are supposed to obey. 9. be true of: valid or relevant for (someone) • That is not true of the people I am talking about.
2. on one’s own: alone; without help • I can’t carry it on my own; it’s too heavy 3. decide on/upon: choose (someone, something, or doing something) • We decided on the blue paint for the bedroom. 4. keep up: 1)remain level; remain as high as • She had to run to keep up with the other girls. 2)(cause to) remain high • Prices have kept up all the year. 3)continue (something) • I have kept up a friendship with a girl when I was at school twenty years ago.

高职高专实用英语Unit 1Rail transportRail transportRail transport is a means of conveyance of passengers and goods by way of wheeled vehicles running on rail tracks. In contrast to road transport, where vehicles merely run on a prepared surface, rail vehicles are also directionally guided by the tracks they run on. Track usually consists of steel rails installed on sleepers/ties and ballast, on which the rolling stock, usually fitted with metal wheels, moves.Rolling stock in railway transport systems generally has lower frictional resistance when compared with highway vehicles, and the passenger and freight cars (carriages and wagons) can be coupled into longer trains. The operation is carried out by a railway company, providing transport between train stations. Power is provided by locomotives which either draw electrical power from a railway electrification system or produce their own power, usually by diesel engines. Most tracks are accompanied by a signalling system. Railways are a safe land transport systemwhen compared to other forms of transport. Railway transport is capable of high levels of passenger and cargo utilization and energy efficiency.The oldest, man-hauled railways date to the 6th century B.C. With the British development of the steam engine, it was possible to construct mainline railways, which were a key component of the industrial revolution. Also, railways reduced the costs of shipping, and allowed for fewer lost goods. The change from canals to railways allowed for "national markets" in which prices varied very little from city to city. Studies have shown that the invention and development of the railway in Europe was one of the most important technological inventions of the late 19th century. In the 1880s, electrified trains were introduced. Starting during the 1940s, the railways in most countries had their steam locomotives replaced by diesel-electric locomotives, with the process being almost complete by 2000. During the 1960s, electrified high-speed railway systems were introduced in Japan and a few other countries.译文铁路运输铁路运输是一种通过在铁路轨道上行驶的轮式车辆运输旅客和货物的方式。

麻省理工学院表示,有百分之七十五的大一学生选择该校是因 为他们对文科非常感兴趣,非常沉迷。 “介词with +名词或代词(组)”组成的一般的with 短语在 句子中可以作定语和状语。做状语的时候,它能表示时间、伴 随和条件。本句中with短语表示原因。
M.I.T says that seventy-five percent of freshmen come there with a strong interest and involvement in arts.
n. (尤指与其他事物相比)规模、程度、范围 e.g. on a large scale 很大规模
○ on a global scale 在全球范围内 v. scale sth. down/back 减少(数量);缩小
○ scale sth. up 增大,扩大规模数量 ○ eg. We are thinking of scaling down our ○ train in g pro gramm e s n ext year.
adj. fully developed 完善的,健全的
well-developed 是个复合词。英语中复合词是由两个或者两个以上的自由词素组成,表 达单一的语意概念。
例如,son-in-law 女婿,养子 oil-field 油田
of the accident. 对于这次事故,他给出了敏锐的分析。 The book is an analysis of poverty
and its causes. 这本书分析了贫困及其原因。
They have public colleges and universities and private ones. A big difference involves money. State schools cost less because they get money from the States that started them to local citizens. As a result, out-of-state and international students usually pay more than state residents, at least the first year.

授课内容UNIT1Hi,I’m a freshman!1.1.1greeting----Enjoy Listening﹠Speaking授课专业21级软件技术课程性质公共基础课授课班级与学时21级专科所有班级/2课时教学目标与要求1)Be able to understand the listening materials2)Be able to know how to greet each other for the first time andmeet again3)to know the pronunciation skills of the phonemes.4)to know all the expressions and basic sentences appeared inlistening part5)to know the common sentences when greeting教学重点Be able to know how to greet each other for the first time and meet again教学难点to know the pronunciation skills of the phonemes.教学方法Communicative;Ss-centered;task-based作业布置1)Review and memorize the words and expressions we have learned in this lesson.2)Memorize the greeting-related sentences.参考资料新核心高职英语1教学后记This unit is about the topic of Greetings and Introductions.Through learning this unit,students can express yourself,know how to greet politely,and realize the importance of listening and speaking-skills.教学设计内容备注与后记Teaching ProceduresStep I Brief introduction about the course,rules and assessment Step1Leading in任务导入(教师启发式导入,可以挑一个或两个问题让学生尝试回答,初步探索话题)College is a place many young people are longing for.Entering college is a big moment in your life.1)Are you ready for the college life?2)Can you imagine what college life will be like?3)What are you going to do in your college life?4)Make a plan and list some important things you’d like to do in college.Step2Warming-up for the tasks热身活动Activity1.Listen and Repeat(首先可让学生尝试发一下这几个音素,然后教师讲一下发音要领和两个音素的发音差别,最后让学生根据录音进行模仿直至掌握。

教材聚焦典型生活和职业场景,以富有生活化、职业性和时代性的选材,将英语技能放在职业场景中操练,注重对学生英语基本功和职业技能的全面培养,并创设“线上+ 线下”混合式外语教学生态,资源以立体化、多模态形式呈现,是比较适合我校学生实际的教材。

语文版中职英语(基础模块上册)Unit1《Greetings》word教案Unit 1 Greetings教学目标使学生通过学习本单元能用英语跟同学、老师及父母等打招呼。
教学内容重点朗读词汇:Hello, Morning, Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy, Dog Doffy, Cat Catty, Teddy Bear 交际用语:Good morning!/Morning!Say hello to Teddy Bear!Hello! Hi!重点难点教学重点1. 词汇Hello, Morning, Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy, Dog Doffy, Cat Catty, Teddy Bear2.句型Good morning!/Morning!Say hello to Teddy Bear!Hello! Hi!教学难点1.单词的记忆2.句型的掌握教学准备几个动物图片(其中包括猴子、熊猫、小狗、小猫、玩具熊)、彩笔、电脑音频及奖励用的贴画等。
教学过程第一课时目标:(1)学会说Monkey Munchy Panda Pandy Dog Doffy Cat Catty Teddy Bear(2)学会和他们打招呼。

2019-2020年高教版中职英语(基础模块第1册)Unit 1《Nice to meet you!》word教案一、学情分析本单元是新生入学的第一单元,教学重点是活用招呼用语、相互了解个人基本信息、制作个人名片、学习不同职业的表达与描述以及练习发音。
本单元设计分为4个课时:第一课时lead-in + listening and speaking第二课时reading and writing第三课时language in use + vocabulary consolidation第四课时unit task + pronunciation practice第一课时Lead-in + Listening & Speaking二、教材分析1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking 两部分,具体内容为:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型。
2.教学重点、难点⑴教学重点:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型⑵教学难点:个人信息的词汇、句型三、教学目标1.知识目标⑴掌握与个人信息相关的词汇,如name, first name; last name; name card; telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss);⑵掌握提供或询问个人信息时所使用的句型,如:1) about greeting:Good morning. Hi. Nice to meet you.2) about personal informationWhat’s you name?Where are you from? Which company are you from?2.能力目标⑴学生能听懂关于询问和提供个人信息的对话。

(teacher expla in the structure of the text and key words and expressi ons)
Achieve (vt.)
Achieve+n. (sth good)
e.g. After 10 years of hard work, he fin ally achieved
(2)in formatio n collecti on
What do you know about "google"?
What search engine do you often use to find information about something or the In ternet?
(Ask Ss to prese nt their ideas. Kno wledge in side or outside the text is welcome.)
Task 2.List at least two compa nies for each type of the followi ng products.
Compare the brands and choose your favorite one.
Eg. Household applia nceTCL, Sony, Panasonic, Philips…
e.g. 1. The school excels in sports.
2. She has always excelled at foreig n Ian guages.
in terms of:from the point of view of; with regard to; concerning

Step One:
Use the words in the box to describe their feelings.
Ts can let the ss prepare before class and look at the pics to give us the proper answer.
C,on a ...basis意为在。。。。的基础上,例如:
On a daily/weekly/yearly basis按照每天/每周/每年一次的标准
3. Something that’s often recommended for those who want to sort out their finances is to keep a spending and saving daily.给那些想要理清自己财务状况的人常提的一个建议就是写收支日记。
A.该复合句中hat’s often recommended for those who want to sort out their finances是修饰先行词,something的定语从句,该从句中还包含了一个修饰先行词THOSE的定语从句who want to sort out their finances
The students can use some simple sentences to ask for and give advice.In this class , they will learn more expressions.

新编实用英语综合教程1第1单元教案Unit 1 Greeting and Introducing PeopleSection I Talking Face to FaceTeaching purposes:1. The students should be able to understand greeting and introducing people and make a short conversation to greet and introduce other people.2. The students should be able to master some words and expressions in greeting and introducing people. (Key words and expressions: welcome, present a project report, business card, on business, care for, introduce)Teaching procedures:Self-introduction and requirement 10minsStep 1 Lead-in:1. Warm-up questions: 5mins1) When are business cards exchanged between people?2) What are usually written on business cards?2. Students read and translate the business cards on Page 3&4(5 mins) and PPT under theguidance of the teacher(5 mins). And then translate the following exercise on workbook P8 in groups.(7 mins)3. Learn from PPT about other useful expressions of titles.(5mins)3. Students design their own business cards.(to class over)Step 2 Sample dialogue:1. Students read the dialogues in P1 and P4 (15 mins)after the teacher and try to find out theuseful sentences and expressions for greeting people in the dialogue. (5 mins)2. Do the exercise on P5 and P6, then check their answers.(12 mins)Step 3 Students practice the dialogues in groups.1.Give students several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the fivesmall dialogues. (P 3 in workbook)2.Students role-play the similar situations they create, first in groups, and then in front of theclass. e.g. Please make a dialogue according to requirements. Task: Imagine you are Zhang and you meet Mr. Smith, an English teacher from the USA at the airport for the first time.Section II .Being All EarsTeaching purposes:It aims to train the students with proper listening strategies.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Pre-listening: provide the students with the new words and expressions; read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as to the content of the dialogue.(Key words and expressions:1.Canada/The United States (of America) / the United Kingdom (of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland); England--Scotland--Welsh--Northern Ireland ;Britain;2.College3.Surprise surprise partyHis visit gave me a pleasant surprise. 他的来访使我感到惊喜。

4. Over the years, out of sense of respect, Iimagine, I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies: I think I have been consciously avoiding treating women with old-fashioned courtesies all these years, simply because I respect them.
Use first names or nicknames among friends;
Use “Mr., Mrs. Or Miss X” foracquaintances or someone one wants to show respect to;
Use “Sir” or “Madam” to address strangers.
Use first names among people on close terms with each other;
英语综合教程2(高职高专英语专业适用)Unit 1课件(text B)

Para 5
Another example is that Americans do not eat dogs, although people from some other cultures regard them as good food. In the United States, dogs are very important to people as pets. They are usually regarded as part of the family, almost like a child in some cases. In addition, dogs have value as protection against criminals. Thieves will not usually enter a house where there is a dog because the dog will bark and possibly attack a stranger who is trying to get into a house. Apparently, the dog’s place in society as a companion and as a protection against criminals makes the dog taboo as food.
Para 7
Anthropologists believe that most food likes and dislikes are a result of the ways of life of different people. Some people live in areas where there are both large animals and many insects. It is difficult for these people to kill large animals, and it requires a lot of energy. It is easier for them to use insects for food because it is not difficult to catch insects and it does not require a lot of energy. Nomadic people who move around will not want to keep pigs for food. People will not eat pets such as dogs. Americans eat a lot of beef because there is plenty of land for raising cattle and their meat can be shipped cheaply for long distances by railroads.
外研社《新标准高职公共英语系列教材:实用综合教程(第二版)》第一册教案 Unit 1 Education

Unit 1 EducationObjectives1.Read what Bill Gates says about education;2.Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life;3.Learn something from an ancient Greek educator;4.Study different types of nouns;5.Write an introduction of yourself.Focuses1.Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life;2.Write an introduction of yourself.Outline1.Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check (B and C)2.Discussion of Text A and the follow-up exercises (A and B)3.Active Words and V ocabulary Check; Grammar Tips4.Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercisesprehensive Exercises (Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of theclass beforehand)6.Practical WritingProcedures:Classroom ActivitiesI. Warm-up discussionQuestion: Do you know anything about Bill Gates such as his life and his educational background?Hint1)birthday and birthplace: October 28, 1995; Seattle, Washington2)educational background: Harvard University (education not completed)3)career: chairmen and chief software architect of Microsoft, the word’s largest and most profitable software company.4)main events in his life:a.beginning programming computers at age 13;b.developing a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer in Harvard;c.founding Microsoft Corporation in 1975 at the age of 19II. Vocabulary in Text A1. education n.教育e.g. Children in poor areas receive free education.educate v.教育;教导educated adj.受教育的e.g. a well-educated maneducator n.教育家,教育者2. count v.派用场,点数e.g. 1) Every seconds counts.2) What counts more is whether you have tried your best.3) to count from 1 to 1004) Count these apples.3. advantage n.有利条件,好处;优点,优势e.g. This product has many advantages.advantageous adj.有利的,有益的,便利的e.g. It is highly advantageous to us.Phrase: take advantage of 很好的使用;利用e.g. take advantage of all educational opportunitiesAntonym: disadvantage n.不利;不利条件e.g. His bad health is a great disadvantage to him when he looks for work.4. lifetime n.一生,终生e.g. 1) a lifetime guarantee2)lifetime membership3) In my father’s lifetime there have been many changes in the village.5. part-time adj.& adv.兼职的(地)e.g. 1)a part-time job2)He works part-time.full-time adj.全职的e.g. a full-time housewife6. programmer n.程序师,编程员program v.编制程序e.g. Please program the computer to do the job instead of doing it manually(手工操作).7. discourage vt. 不鼓励;使泄气,使失去信心e.g. His parents discouraged him from joining the air force.discouraged adj. 泄气的,失去信心的discouraging adj.使人泄气的,使人失去信心的e.g. 1) If you meet difficulty in your study, don’t be discouraged.2) It is discouraging that I didn’t know how to solve the problem.Antonym: encourage vt.鼓励e.g. I encouraged her to work hard and to try to pass the examinations.courage n. 勇敢,勇气e.g. David showed great courage when he saved the child from the burning house.8. diploma n. 文凭,毕业证书e.g. a college diplomadiplomatic adj. 外交的,从事外交的e.g. Julia joined the diplomatic service after her graduation from university.9. project n.项目,课题e.g. 1) an impossible project2) The professor is directing a research project.Synonym: plan10. highly adv. 高度地;非常e.g. 1) a highly interesting story2) a highly paid jobPhrase: speak/ think highly of 赞扬,对…给予很高评价e.g. The leader speaks / thinks highly of our work.11. focus v.(使)集中;(使)聚焦e.g. 1) to focus (one’s mind) in work2) All eyes focused on the speaker.focus n.(兴趣活动等的)中心,焦点e.g. Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when heentered the office.12. range n. 范围e.g. You have a wide range of choices.range vi.在某范围内变化e.g. The temperature ranges from 10 to 20 degrees.13. attend v.参加,出席e.g. attend schoolattend a lectureattendance n.出席,到场14. automatically adv.自动地e.g. the machine operates automatically.automatic adj.自动的e.g. We have an automatic washing machine.15. drop out of 退学,不参与,退出e.g. 1) He dropped out of school at the age of 10 because his family was too poor to afford thetuition.2) She decided to drop out of the competition because it was not fire.16. chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的良机,一生中唯一的机会e.g. It’s the chance of a lifetime. You will regret it the rest of your life if you don’t take it.17. try out 试验,考验e.g. She bought a cookbook and tried out a few new recipes.18. in short 简而言之,总之e.g. In short, you should study hard for a better future.Synonym: in brief/ to sum up/ all in all/ in conclusionIII. Language Points in Text A1.They want to know what to study, or whether it’s Ok to drop out of college since that’s what I did.what to study: This is a wh-word + infinitive structure used as the object, which can be changed into an object clause. Wh-word + infinitive structure can be used as a subject, an object, or an appositive clause(同位语从句),for example:1)How to improve their English is often discussed among the students.2)We haven’t decided when to visit the place.3)You haven’t answered my question about where to get these books.it’s Ok to drop out of college: Here “it” is used as a formal subject, and the actual subject is the infinitive structure “to drop out of college”. The general pattern is “It is + adj. + (for/ of + sb.) to do sth.” More examples:1)It was very thoughtful of her to come to see me when I was ill.2)It’s easy for me to see through his trick.that’s what I did: “what I did” here is a predictive clause (表语从句)introduced by “what”. It is always structured in the form of “subject + be/ look/ remain/ seem + predictive clause” and can be introduced by such words as “that” (always omitted), and other wh-words, for example:1) It seems (that) it is going to rain.2) This is why I refused to attend the meeting.2. As I’ve said before, nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the chance of a lifetime.As I’ve said before: This is a non-restrictive relative clause(非限制性关系从句) introduced by “as”(正如…的那样), which can be placed at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. More examples:1) As people expected, she was admitted to Beijing University.2) Hundreds of people were killed in the earthquake, as I have learned from the newspaper. unless: is a conjunction for an adverbial clause of condition (条件状语从句), which equals “if…not…”(除非).e.g. I won’t leave unless the rain stops.3. In my company’s early years, we have a bright part-time programmer who planned to drop out of high school to work.planned to: intend to do sth.计划、打算做某事e.g. I plan to make a trip to Beijing during the summer vocation.who planned to …work: a restrictive relative clause introduced by “who” since its antecedent is a person and serves as the subject in the clause. The relative pronoun “that” can be used here too. More examples:1) The young man who sits there quietly is my brother.2) I don’t like people that pry into others’ private business.4. Having a diploma certainly helps somebody who is looking to us for a job.look to sb./ sth.: to depend on sb. or sth. for help or advice 指望,依赖e.g. We look to you for support.5. High school and college offer you the best chance to learn many things and to do projects with others that teach you about team spirit.that teach you about team spirit: This is a restrictive relative clause introduced by “that”, whose antecedent acts as the subject of the clause. Actually the relative clause introduced by “that” can be used to modify both the person or the thing, and the roll of “that” can be either the subject or the object.e.g. He was the only one that I knew there.I haven’t been to the place that you have mentioned.6. In high school there was a time when I was highly focused on writing software, but for most of my high school years I had many interests.when …software: This is a relative clause introduced by the relative adverb “when”, which actsas the adverbial of time in the clause.e.g. 1) There was a time when I completely lost my self-confidence.2) I will never forget those days when we were together.7. For me, classroom is not the only place where you can learn.where you can learn: This is a restrictive relative clause introduced by the relative adverb “where”, which is used as the adverbial of place in the clause.e.g. 1) Do you still remember the restaurant where we had dinner last night?2) This is the place where he stayed his whole life.8. In short, it’s a real mistake not to take the chance to study a wide range of subjects and to learn to work with other people because education does count.it’s a real mistake not to take the chance: This is an example of a negative infinitive structure, where “not” is placed before an infinitive.e.g. 1) We are asked not to speak loudly in class.2) It is a good idea not to go out on such a rainy day.IV. Focus on Grammar名词(Noun )一、名词的概念表示人、事物或抽象概念的词叫做名词。

高职高专实用英语教程教案U n i t-1-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANUnit 1 Starting College LifeLecturer: Liu JunTeaching Objectives:Students (Ss) will be able to:Understanding the main ideaIntroduce themselves or others in a conversation.Explain the language styles of the passages.Mastering the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.Understand and talk about college life.Teaching Focus:Vocabulary: initial, pursue, objective, graduation, essential, advice, discipline, sacrifice, oppo rtunity certificate, approach, explore, tear apart etc.The importance of beginning in college and lifeApplied writing: Business CardTime Allotment:1st period2nd period3rd-4th periods5th-6th periods7th-8th periodsWarming-up Ac tivities; Listenin g and Speaking Pre-reading, While-reading, Text structureanalysis; further understandingStudy for language points;group discussionSummary of reading; Stylistic comments; check exercise; FurtherreadingFurther reading/translation exercise/writing PracticeTeaching Methods:ExplanationGroup discussionQuestions and answersMulti-mediaPerformanceTeaching Procedure:1st Period1.Introduction of this courseWelcome to College of Law & Business of Hubei University of Economics. I'm your English teacher of this term. College life is a new experience for you. College life is different from the life in your high school. You will find more time to kill by yourself. So the first thing you should do is to know how to study by yourself. College days will be the golden time in your life. There is a saying, “God will help those who help themselves.” This first unit we are going to learn some tips for you to begin your college life.Introduction of This Course:Teaching objects:Students in the Vocational and Three-year CollegesTeaching ideas:Focus on applicationTeaching MaterialPractical English for Vocational CollegesClass Hours:The Term Grade Evaluation SchemeFinal Examination 60%Attendance 10%Classroom Performance 30%2.Warming-up Activities:1) Group discuss/ pair workWhen confident high school students enter college, a whole new life is in front of you, a new bat tlefield to conquer…Video 1: Colorful College lifeDiscuss the following questions with your partners:•Where are you from• What are your expectations of college life?• What kind of changes do you think it will bring upon your life?2) Information related.Topics of College Life•Classes• Professors/Advisors• Books• Dorm Life• Student Clubs & Organizations• Specialty• Campus Safety• Tips and Advice3.speakingWork in pairs and act the dialogues to the whole class.Task 1: Meeting with a foreign student and talking about studies, try to introduce yourself to your classmates.Tips:Glad to meet you.Where are you from?Which are you in?I’m majoring in …Task 2: Helping a foreign friend select his course at the registration officeTips:Do you know how to register for online courses?What course do you like most?4.Focus on Listening1) Word tips:Register for: to put someone’s or something’s name on an official list.e.g.: How many students have registered for English classCredit: a unit which represents a successfully finished part of an educational course.[U] Praise, approval or honore.g.: I gave him credit for (= thought that he would have) better judgment than he showed.Credit Card: a small card which can be used as a method of payment, the money being taken from you at a later timeDorm/dormitory:Major in/at: the most important subject that a college or university student is studying.e.g.: What is your major, English or French?She was a philosophy major at an Ivy League college.2) Listening tasks:Short conversations and finish Part B and C on page 6.2nd Period1. Lead-in questions:What do you expect to learn at college?What kind of life did you expect to have before you came here?What do you expect to learn More book knowledge or more practical social experience Students are required to discuss the questions in pairs and then some of them were asked to report the results of the discussion.2. Intensive Reading (Text A) Pre-reading:The teacher asks the following questions:1)What’s college life like in your eyes?2)3)Do you think there are any differences between college and high school4)What’s your plan for your college life5)6)Background informationGive brief introduction of some famous universities in the U.S.3. While-reading1) Scanning and find answers to these questions as quickly as possible:1.According to the passage what kind of feeling a student will feel if he has a chance to goto college?2.What have most of you decided on when you go to college?3.Why is the initial decision very important?4.What’s the advice the author always gives to students?5.Why will it be a waste to all of the people if you limit your college experience?6.How will you be exploring many of the disciplines?7.What can be established to a great extent in college?8.Is it necessary to commit yourself and stand by that commitment as you stand at theentrance of your college career?2) Intensive ReadingUnderstand the general organization of the text. Students are required to get the main idea of the text and each paragraph. (Refer to Reading Comprehension Exercise)4. Assignment1. Review the text.2. Oral passage: My ideal college life.3rd– 4th Periods1.Warming-up Activities:1)Ask some students to share their oral passage with the whole class.2)Brief review of the Reading Text A.2. Language points1) Explain the difficult words and sentences, including language and grammatical points. Focus:Experience n.经历,阅历;经验,体验E.g.-She may lack experience, but learns very quickly. 她可能经验欠缺,但学得很快- He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 他申请出国签证经历了很大的困难。

新编实⽤英语Unit1Teaching Planfor Practical English for CommunicationA Professional CourseYin Weihong教学计划⾼等职业教育担负着培养⾼素质劳动者和专门⼈才的重要任务。
《实⽤交际英语业务教程》是在教育部⾼职⾼专教育英语课程教学指导委员会组织编写的推荐教材《实⽤交际英语》(New Practical English)的基础上,根据教学时间短、职业指向性强的特点精⼼设计、调整编写的。
2. 加强应⽤⽂实⽤阅读能⼒的培养,满⾜⼀线⼯作⼈员的实际涉外交际需要。
3. 将英语应⽤能⼒的训练具体体现在对实⽤英语能⼒的培养上。
4. 认真贯彻“学⼀点、会⼀点、⽤⼀点”和“边学边⽤、学⽤结合”的原则。
5. “教、学、考”相互照应。
高职高专英语第一册教案:Unit 1 Why English Is So Widely Spread

Unit 1 Why English Is So Widely Spread?I. Teaching Objectives:After the learning of this text, the students will be able to1. understand the main idea of the text (English is widely spread in the world);2. learn to analyse long difficult sentence patterns;3. grasp the key words, language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, speaking and translation exercises related to the text. II. Time Allotment:Eight periods (six for intensive reading and two for Exercises)III. Text Analysis1. The English language is used by more people in the world than any other living languag e today. living在使用中,实践着的,活动中的living language现用的语言a living hope, faith, realit y现存的希望,仍在信奉的信仰,活生生的现实2. …the majority of people in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are also native English-speakers.majority: 多数,大多数e.g. The majority of people realize the importance of limiting population growth.大多数人认识到限制人口增长的重要性。
高职高专实用英语Unit1 Text A

The Action Plan For a Summer Job
1.Have you had a part-time or
vacation job? If yes, what kind of job was it?
worker, seller, waiter, tutor,
的父母、长辈、朋友的父母、老师,或你认识的其 他成年人谈谈,看看他们是否跟你想去的公司有联 系。把你的简历给他们。我们称此为建立关系网。 这会为你得到理想工作带来更多机会。
6.The fifth step is to hit the road, read the newspaper want ads, or surf the web. If you don't get any job leads from the fourth step, you have to take action!
不定式充当 句子的表语
为定语从句,修 饰job,省略that
如:The duties of a postman
is to deliver letters and newspapers. 邮递员的任务就是投递信和报纸。
You may not be able to find a job that meets all your
新职业英语 职业综合英语1 unit 1 organization 电子教案

Unit 1 OrganizationStep1. Warming-upStudents read warming-up Task1.Get students to look at the logos.Go through the pronunciation of any problematic word.Ask students to give the names of the countries.Give the answers.Step2. Background InformationWhat is a logo?① A logo is a graphical element that, together with its logo type, forms a trademark orcommercial brand.② A logo’s design is for immediate recognition.③The logo is one aspect of a company’s commercial brand, or economic or academic entity.④Its shapes, colors, fonts, and images usually are different from others’ in a similar market.Company introductionBavarian Motor Works (BMW) is an independent German automobile manufacturer founded in 1916. BMW is a worldwide manufacturer of high-performance and luxury automobiles and motorcycles.Toyota Motor Corporation, founded in 1937, is a multinational corporation headquartered in Japan, and is currently one of the world’s largest automakers.Ford Motor Company is an American multinational corporation and one of the world’s largest automakers.Metro AG, established in 1964, is a diversified retail and wholesale group based in Germany. It is the largest in its home market, and one of the most globalized retail and wholesale corporations.Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., founded in 1962, is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the world’s largest public corporation by revenue, according to the “2008 Fortune Global 500”.Carrefour SA is a French international hypermarket chain, with a global network of outlets. It is the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue after Wal-Mart.Samsung Group is the largest company of the Republic of Korea. It is composed of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Heavy Industries and Samsung Engineering & Construction.Lenovo Group Limited is China’s largest and the world’s fourth largest personal computer manufacturer. Lenovo mainly produces desktops, laptops, servers, handheld computers, imaging equipment and mobile phone handsets (听筒).Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications corporation. Nokia is focused on wireless and wired telecommunications. It is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile telephones.Step3. Language pointsonline: adj.●online shopping●an online ticket booking systemrelevant: adj.a closely connected with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are thinkingabout.e.g. Do you have the relevant experience?achieve: v.to succeed in reaching a particular goal or standard by making an effort for a long time.e.g. After 10 years of hard work, he finally achieved success in his business.fuel: n./v. nuclear fuele.g. His words fueled her anger still more.The area's rich natural resources have long fueled the Russian economy.instant: a.happening immediately; (of food) that can be made quickly and easilye.g. She took an instant dislike to me.instant coffee/instant noodlesacquire: v.to gain possession of; to gain something by one’s own efforts, ability or behaviore.g. The company has just acquired some new properties.She has acquired a good knowledge of English.feature: n.something important, interesting or typical of a place or thinge.g. Each room in this building has its own special features.v. to include a particular person or thing as a special featuree.g. The new car features high speed and safety.In addition to: as well as; besidese.g. In addition to the apples you asked for, I bought you some oranges andbananas.tend to: to be likely to do something or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happense.g. Women tend to live longer than men.When I’m tired, I tend to make mistakes.stay away from: not to go near a particular person or placee.g. Children have been told to stay away from the beach.excel (in/at ): v.to be very good at doing somethinge.g. The school excels in sports.She has always excelled at foreign languages.in terms of : from the point of view of ; with regard to; concerninge.g. In terms of environmental protection , this project is excellent.popularity n.the quality of being liked or supported by a lot of peoplee.g. Ever since football was invented, its popularity has become increasingly higher.serve as: to be suitable for a particular usee.g. The sofa will serve as a bed for a night or two.Step4 Reading A explanation⑴Students read the passage and find out important events in the different periods ofGoogle’s history on page 5.⑵Ask students to divide this text into several parts and sum up the main ideas.⑶Teachers explain the text in details one paragraph by one paragraph and give thetranslation.Step5 Reading B⑴In this part, it will give students some brief introduction to the company’s organization chart, including all departments and their functions.⑵Enlarge students’ vocabulary.Step6 Listening & SpeakingListen to the tape and practice the listening skills from page 8 to page 9.Step 7 WritingTask2 Read Sample 1 and answer the questions below.1) To which city is the letter going?2) Who wrote this letter?3) Who is the recipient of the letter?4) What is the recipient’s address?5) What’s the business title of the recipient?6) What is the sender’s address?Task3 Read Sample 2 and complete the following sentences.1)“c/o” on the envelope stands for___________.2) ________________ will receive this letter.3)___________________ will open and read this letter.Writing PracticeWrite an envelope for your letter to Tom Jones, who works for Green Technological as Sales Ma for manager. The company is in New York, at No.135 on West 20th Street. The zip code is 10011.Step8 Mini-projectWork in groups. Set up a company and design the "about us" page for your company's website. The page should include your company's name, logo, profile, management and products.Grouping. Divide the class into groups.Defining the project.Timing and cooperation.Presentation.Notes: the project should be done as homeworkStep9 Basic Sentence PatternsS + Vi.a. Times flies.b. Birds sing beautifully.c. They went on holidayd. She'll go swimming.S + Vt. +Oa. We like Englishb. She wants to help him.c. I don't know what to do.d. I think he is right.S+ Lv. +Pa. The compass is mine.b. The secretary is efficient.c. The power is off.d .He looks in good health.e. He gets excited.f. The experiment is interesting.S+ Vt. +lo.+ Do.a. I sent him a fax.b. I sent a fax to him.c. I bought Mary a book.d. I bought a book for Mary.S +Vt.+ O + Co.a. Do I make myself clear?b. She always keeps everything in good order.c. We want you to go there.d. We listened to him singing.e. The supervisor shows me what to do next.f. Tom told me that the film was great.ⅤAssignmentsLanguage Lab from page12 to page13 based on the reading A and reading B. Ⅵ Feedback From Students。
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Unit 1 Starting College LifeLecturer: Liu JunTeaching Objectives:Students (Ss) will be able to:●Understanding the main idea●Introduce themselves or others in a conversation.●Explain the language styles of the passages.●Mastering the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.●Understand and talk about college life.Teaching Focus:●Vocabulary: initial, pursue, objective, graduation, essential, advice, discipline, sacrifice,opportunity certificate, approach, explore, tear apart etc.●The importance of beginning in college and life●Applied writing: Business CardTime Allotment:Teaching Methods:●Explanation●Group discussion●Questions and answers●Multi-media●PerformanceTeaching Procedure:1st Period1.Introduction of this courseWelcome to College of Law & Business of Hubei University of Economics. I'm your English teacher of this term. College life is a new experience for you. College life is different from the life in your high school. You will find more time to kill by yourself. So the first thing you should do is to know how to study by yourself. College days will be the golden time in your life. Thereis a saying, “God will help those who help themselves.” This first unit we are going to learn some tips for you to begin your college life.Introduction of This Course:Teaching objects:Students in the Vocational and Three-year CollegesTeaching ideas:Focus on applicationTeaching MaterialPractical English for Vocational CollegesClass Hours:The Term Grade Evaluation SchemeFinal Examination 60%Attendance 10%Classroom Performance 30%2.Warming-up Activities:1) Group discuss/ pair workWhen confident high school students enter college, a whole new life is in front of you, a new battlefield to conquer…Video 1: Colorful College lifeDiscuss the following questions with your partners:•Where are you from?•What are your expectations of college life?•What kind of changes do you think it will bring upon your life?2) Information related.Topics of College Life•Classes•Professors/Advisors•Books•Dorm Life•Student Clubs & Organizations•Specialty•Campus Safety•Tips and Advice3.speakingWork in pairs and act the dialogues to the whole class.Task 1: Meeting with a foreign student and talking about studies, try to introduce yourself to your classmates.Tips:Glad to meet you.Where are you from?Which are you in?I’m majoring in …Task 2: Helping a foreign friend select his course at the registration officeTips:Do you know how to register for online courses?What course do you like most?4.Focus on Listening1) Word tips:Register for: to put someone’s or something’s name on an official list.e.g.: How many students have registered for English class?Credit: a unit which represents a successfully finished part of an educational course.[U] Praise, approval or honore.g.: I gave him credit for (= thought that he would have) better judgment than he showed.Credit Card: a small card which can be used as a method of payment, the money being taken from you at a later timeDorm/dormitory:Major in/at: the most important subject that a college or university student is studying.e.g.: What is your major, English or French?She was a philosophy major at an Ivy League college.2) Listening tasks:Short conversations and finish Part B and C on page 6.2nd Period1. Lead-in questions:What do you expect to learn at college?What kind of life did you expect to have before you came here?What do you expect to learn? More book knowledge or more practical social experience? Students are required to discuss the questions in pairs and then some of them were asked to report the results of the discussion.2. Intensive Reading (Text A) Pre-reading:The teacher asks the following questions:1)What’s college life like in your eyes?2)Do you think there are any differences between college and high school?3)What’s your plan for your college life?Background informationGive brief introduction of some famous universities in the U.S.3. While-reading1) Scanning and find answers to these questions as quickly as possible:1.According to the passage what kind of feeling a student will feel if he has a chance to goto college?2.What have most of you decided on when you go to college?3.Why is the initial decision very important?4.What’s the advice the author always gives to students?5.Why will it be a waste to all of the people if you limit your collegeexperience?6.How will you be exploring many of the disciplines?7.What can be established to a great extent in college?8.Is it necessary to commit yourself and stand by that commitment as you stand at theentrance of your college career?2) Intensive ReadingUnderstand the general organization of the text. Students are required to get the main idea of the text and each paragraph. (Refer to Reading Comprehension Exercise)4. Assignment1. Review the text.2. Oral passage: My ideal college life.3rd– 4th Periods1.Warming-up Activities:1)Ask some students to share their oral passage with the whole class.2)Brief review of the Reading Text A.2. Language points1) Explain the difficult words and sentences, including language and grammatical points.Focus:●Experience n.经历,阅历;经验,体验E.g.-She may lack experience, but learns very quickly. 她可能经验欠缺,但学得很快- He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 他申请出国签证经历了很大的困难。