此外,化妆品广告语通常也会附上具体情况介绍,比如:“购买满200元送精美礼品”,这样说明化妆品并不是一次性消费,而是以长期购买为主. 或者还会突出得以免除一些后果出现,比如:“全身喷香,不臭不痒”,突出了产品的功效,有助于吸引消费者的兴趣和好感。
”在 商品经济时代,广告借助各种大众传媒进入人们的生活之中,成为人们获取商品信息最重要的途径之一。
1 化妆品广告语的词法特点在词法方面,化妆品广告语的特点主要体现在较多使用“动宾”结构和较多使用“形容词”两方面。
1.1 较多使用“动宾”结构汉语化妆品广告中,经常使用“动宾”结构来阐述产品的功能和特点。
如:(1)你是不是还在担心自己不美?艾米儿粉底液帮你轻松解决一切难题:持久保湿、均匀提色、无痕遮瑕、轻薄控油!让你体验水润至薄清透裸妆!(AMIIR粉底液) (2)25岁开始,玉兰油多效修护霜:一瓶对抗7大肌肤问题:紧肤、抗皱、保湿、嫩肤、匀色、提色、缩小毛孔,使肌肤总在年轻状态,永远的25岁。
• 语言的精髓并非是对事物进行描述---而是掌 控读者的思想,这正是广告语所体现的一 般目的性。
• 随着如今经济的发展,化妆品已经逐渐成 为女性生活中所不可或缺的一部分。相信 大家对欧美的化妆品诸如雅诗兰黛,伊丽 莎白· 雅顿 ,倩碧等等都有所了解。今天, 我们用从语言学的角度来分析一下这些化 妆品的广告用语。
有一家报纸声称:“女人不再穿着胡佛围裙,她 们身着香奈儿,迪奥套装,男人开始抱怨在家中 的位置。
• 男性作为受众—性别不同,语言方式不同
针对男性的广告通常倾向描绘男子的“财 富,权利,成功和控制”。精明的广告攥稿 人也善于塑造这类的阳刚形象。因此,在化 妆品广告,和以女性为目标的广告相比,以 男性为目标的语言强调男性更为”残酷的阳 刚之气“。
“Even sticky pots come out sparkling clean!”and “Your kitchen's cleaner all day because G-E holds (and hides)dirty dishes and utensils as you use them”(1952)
从语言学角度分析英语的化妆 品广告
• The Language used does not have the sole aim of describing something---It is used to gain mastery over the reader’s imagination , and that is the common aim it shares with advertising.
Dare to change your mind about AVON.As time goes by,you'll be glad you did.(1997)
(2)1 wear nothing but a few drops of Chanel No.5. (2)例为 著 名 美 国好 莱 坞 影 星玛 丽 莲 .梦露 所 说 。它 抓 住女 性 的依 附追 随 心理 .以偶像 来 激 发 女性 对 5号 香 水 的 热情 。多数 英 语化 妆 品 的广 告语 是 陈 述句 .凸显 产 品 陈 述 的肯 定 性 以及 对 事 实 的有 效 描 述性 。引发 女 性 的依 附 追 随 心 理 2.2.2契合女 性优柔寡 断的特点 .使用疑 问句。 疑 问句 在广告 英语 中颇受青 睐 。据统 计 .每30句 话 中就 会 出现 一 句 疑 问句 …。化 妆 品 广 告 中 的 疑 问句 并 非 仅 仅 提 出 问题 ,而是从侧 面衬托产 品的优 势 。化妆 品广 告的受众 以女 性为主 .女性 在判 断事物 时 .存 在优 柔寡 断和不 确定 的心理 倾 向 ,而疑 问句正好 具有 这种特 征 .因此 运用疑 问句 能吸 引 女性受众 ,提高 广告的宣传 力度 。如 : (3)Is there a super ior way to glow?— — Absolutelv.[5瑚 (3)例 以一般 疑问 句开篇 ,吸引受众 的注 意力 。回答 肯 定 ,无 疑消 除了女 性 的忧 虑及 疑问 。肯定 了产 品 。化 妆 品广 告常用 疑问句 ,契合 女性优 柔寡 断 的特点 .吸 引女性受 众 的 注意力 。肯定产 品优 势 。 2.2.3抓住女性抒 情 的特性 .使用感 叹句 。 感 叹句 是女性抒 发感情 的惯 用旬 式 。为 了传播 产 品信 息 .向女性受 众介绍 某种 商 品的优点 .化 妆 品广告商 抓住女 性经常 运用感 叹句 的特点 .将 感 叹句 引入 化妆 品广告 语 言 中 ,使女 性受众感觉 更亲切 ,更 易接受相 关信息 。如 :
1 化妆品广告语的词法特点在词法方面,化妆品广告语的特点主要体现在较多使用“动宾”结构和较多使用“形容词”两方面。
1.1 较多使用“动宾”结构汉语化妆品广告中,经常使用“动宾”结构来阐述产品的功能和特点。
三、体裁分析John Swales 曾提出体裁是交际事件的一种分类,其中语言起着极其重要的作用[2]。
以SK-II广告为例,“在唯一的细胞汁里,由密集海藻,名为Pitera™,所分泌的44 种硬质营养和18 种氨基酸,都是获得年青、水嫩、怡人的美肌秘诀。
比如:雅诗兰黛的广告,品牌是传奇性的存在,早已成为了奢侈品牌的代名词,广告语“让美丽无瑕,生活更美好(flawless beauty. perfected life.)”瞬间打动着消费者内心,这种广告宣传语通过简洁痛快的文字,表达出了消费者对于美好生活的向往,同时也在强化雅诗兰黛品牌的高档气质。
关键词:广告;化妆品;广告英语; 语言特点CONTENTSIntroduction (1)1. An Introduction to Advertising (2)1.1 History of Advertising (2)1.2 Definitions of Advertising (3)1.3 Classifications of Advertising (4)1.4 Functions of Advertising. (4)2. Linguistic Characteristics of Cosmetic Advertising English (5)2.1 English Morphology in Cosmetic Advertising (5)2.1.1 More Verbs in Advertising (6)2.1.2 More Adjectives in Advertising (6)2.1.3 More Abbreviations and Compounds in Advertising (7)2.1.4 More Simple and Colloquial Words in Advertising (9)2.2 English Syntax in Cosmetic Advertising (10)2.2.1 Wide Use of Simple and Colloquial Sentences (10)2.2.2 More Active and Present V oices, Less Passive V oice (11)2.2.3 More Interrogative and Imperative Sentences (12)2.2.4 Wide Use of Disjunctive Clause (14)3. Conclusion (15)4. Bibliography (18)IntroductionAdvertising, just as its name implies, means publicize and transmit information in order to make everyone know. It has been gone through a rapid development.Nowadays, advertising is everywhere. It is indispensable to the economy of any country in the world. The importance of advertising in individual countries depends on the nation‘s level of development and national attitude tow ard promotion. Typically, advertising expenditures are higher in countries with higher personal incomes.(Xu 2004) And in the process of globalization, there were a lot of trades done among countries and there will be even more in the future. During the introducing and trading processes, people gradually realized the importance of understanding of each other‘s advertising language. Since then people began trying to know about its functions, nature, characteristics and so on. They did lots of study on it. As time goes by, advertising English became popular since it owns most speakers. Until now, advertising English is still the research target.Similarly, in China, advertising is becoming more and more active and sophisticated. And with the entry of China into WTO, China‘s advertising expenditure has grown and will undoubtedly continue rising up. It really plays and will always play an irreplaceable role in economic development. During the development, English plays a vital role. Up to now, lots of researches and studies have been done on advertising English.The wide use of advertising has created a special style of English—advertising English. Its unique features, simple language and immense attraction separate it from other kind of language. In the development of advertising English, this kind of language has formed its own features in several aspects.As a way of propagating and transmitting information, advertising‘s role can not be underestimated because it is not only an artful technique in persuading people to buy, but also gradually has become a must for social communication which in turn influences the development of society and economy. Nowadays advertising has penetrated into every corner of our life as its transmitting media in many forms:newspaper, magazine, TV, radio as well as network. The goal of advertising decides its language to be simple and direct, distinct from the characteristics of other discourses. Thus an analysis on the linguistic features of advertising English in the linguistic field is worthwhile. Under such circumstances, a study on the linguistic features of advertising English will have practical effects on the composing and translating work of the copywriters. And it is certain that both in China and many other countries like America, England, and Australian, people have done many researches around advertising. Lots of papers and articles have been written on this subject.No other statement could have summed up the charm of advertisement than what Aldous Huxley has commented. As he has said advertisement as a literary form is the most exciting, the most arduous literary form of all, and the most pregnant in curious possibilities. In his comment he asserted advertisement is a literary form and the copywriting process is the delightful and salubrious exercise for the mind.Therefore, it is worthwhile studying the linguistic characteristics of advertising English so as to get a better understanding of it and have a better demand of English. In this paper, all instances are of cosmetic advertising.1. An Introduction to Advertising1.1 History of AdvertisingAdvertisement emerged from the womb of commodity production and exchange. The condition for the existence of advertising is ―at least a segment of the population must liv e above the subsistence level‖. When this situation occurs,it also becomes necessary for ―the producers of materially ‗unnecessary‘ goods to do something to make people want to acquire their commodities‖(Vestergaard and Schroder 1985).The embryonic form of advertising in the world is street cries, which exists even today. Advertising was not unknown in ancient Greece and Rome, but advertising as we recognize it did not start until the seventeenth century in the West. It was at about this time that newspaper began to circulate. Before that, it is printing which was first invented in China and then introduced to the West that played a vital role in the production of print advertising. ―Classified‖ (small ads) types of advertising weredominant before the nineteenth century and style and language used in ads at that time tended to be direct and informative. The industrial Revolution, which began in England in the mid-1700s and reached the United States by the early 1800s, facilitated mass-production of goods. Meanwhile advertising became more and more important in the industrial market. The great breakthrough for advertising came only in the late nineteenth century. Technology and mass-production techniques were then sufficiently developed for more firms to be able to turn out products of roughly the same quality and at roughly the same price. This brought on a crisis of over-production and under consumption which meant that the market needed to be stimulated by advertising. At this time advertising changed its function from proclamation to persuasion. In the twentieth century, advertising developed rapidly alongside the advent of new media-radio and television in succession.According to Richard Pollay‘s content analysis of two thousand print ads from ten leading magazines in the USA, ads have progressively turned towards the emotional rather than the informative approach and there is a shift seeing human nature as rational to seeming it as emotional.Today in China, while our economic structure is shifting from the entirely planned economy to the socialist market economy system, advertising is becoming more and more active and sophisticated. In 1992, China‘s advertising expenditure reached $ 862 million, among the fastest growing countries in Asia. This year with the entry of China into WTO, this expenditure figure will undoubtedly rise up, which will support the view that advertising is an indispensable means for providing the information that all market-oriented industrialized societies need for their economies to function efficiently.1.2. Definition of AdvertisingAmerican Marketing Association (AMA) defines advertising as ―the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identi fied sponsors through the various media‖ (Wang 2004: 6). Today, with the development of the technology and the diversity of the massmedia, advertising has influenced us pervasively in our daily life. However, whatever the promotive strategies advertising takes, language is the main carrier of message all along, as The Language of Advertising (1985), by Vestergaard & Schroder, says, ―Advertising takes many forms, but in most of them language is of crucial importance.‖ Advertising language is a style of imme diate impact and rapid persuasion. The point of an advertisement is to persuade you of the merits of a particular product or service, in order that you will take out some of your money.“Advertising is the non-personal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods or services) or ideas by identified sponsors through various media‖(Cook 1992).Another linguist Bolen defines advertising as a ―Paid, non-personal communication through various mass media by business firms, nonprofit organizations, and individuals who are in some way identified in the message and who hope to inform or persuade members of a particular audience‖(Ronald and Angela 1997).1.3. Classifications of AdvertisingAdvertising may be classified by medium (newspaper, magazine, radio, television), by target audience (consumer, industrial, business), by geography (international, national, regional, local), or by its function or purpose (product or non-product, commercial or noncommercial, primary demand or selective demand, direct action or indirect action) (Chen 2003).Because it is difficult to gain access to enough date for English commercials and ads on radio or TV, thus, the subject of this research paper will mainly concentrate on the print advertising.1.4. Functions of AdvertisingThere are many functions of advertising, including the aspects of information, demand creation, persuasive, get action and goodwill establishment.For every organization and every product or service, advertising tends to fulfill a specific goal or objective. Nevertheless on the general front, advertising is a mechanism that fulfils all, some or one of the three major functions:Firstly advertising has an informing nature – about organizations, about products and services, about the environment, the society, the trends in society and many more aspects of life. This deals with the cognitive context of the target audience in which they grasp the information and channelize it according to their own comprehension and predilection.Secondly advertising provides the incentives to viewers for them to engage in action. This deals with the emotional dimension of the target audience, which concentrates on touching and persuading the consumers rather than informing and apprising them.The third function of advertising is to provide constant reminders and reinforcements to generate the desired behavior the advertiser wants from them. This is a particularly effective function in the long run as reminders and reinforcements register in the consumers‘ minds, becoming the base on which they shape their future decisions.Meanwhile, we can conclude the functions of advertising as another three general aspects. First of all, it is made to emphasize the merits of target product. Secondly, it is a way to get people to know the product. And finally, it is made to make a good brand image (Song and Liu 2006).2. Linguistic Characteristics of Cosmetic Advertising EnglishThe wide use of advertising has created a special style of English—advertising English. Its unique features, simple language and immense attraction separate it from other kind of language. In the development of advertising English, this kind of language has formed its own features in several aspects. And there is no doubt that cosmetic advertising English has its own linguistic characteristics as well. In this paper, two main aspects will be illustrated, namely, lexical features and features of its syntax.2.1. English Morphology in Cosmetic AdvertisingAs a means to disseminate information and make people see and remember it, advertising English must be compact, vivid, visual, emotional and attractive. To realize this aim, the choice of words is playing a vital role. Therefore, morphology inadvertising is quite important and is different from other styles of English. It owns apparent features. The major four of them will be described in the following.2.1.1 More Verbs in AdvertisingVerb is widely used in advertising English, especially monosyllable ones. Cosmetic products are no exception. Words such as get, make, give, like, love, buy, need, use are frequently used.Advertising English language needs to be simple, easy to understand, easy to remember and easy to read. Monosyllable verb boasts all these features. In daily life, monosyllable verb is the one that people most often used and also the one usually has most definite meaning. However, advertisers should pay attention to the grammatical changes of these basic verbs and know the differences between them. Most of the words can show the relation between the consumers the product. Following I will show some examples for a better understanding.Moisture Wear Make-up. It gives life to the look and feel of your skin.Moisturewear Blush. It brings radiance to the look of your skin (Cui 1993).These two lines come from Cover Girl, American cosmetic brand. It is the leading color make-ups in America. It was created by Dr. George A. Bunting, a creative enterpriser, in 1961.It is now very popular all over the wo rld. Here, the verb ―give‖ and ―bring‖ are used.In the first line, ―give life to the look and feel of your skin‖ is pretty attractive to females. Good look and young skin are always the things that female pursue. ―Give‖ them that of course will make this product end up with big sale.Similarly, the word ―bring‖ is also very appropriate. Radiance of skin is the thing that almost every woman wants and needs. If a kind of product can bring them this precious thing, they will be strongly attractive to. It will become popular.There is a great deal of other instances that wonderfully used verbs in advertising English, including cosmetic. It is a functional way to use more proper verbs.2.1.2 More Adjectives in AdvertisingThe purpose of advertising is to publicize products. So it is indispensible todescribe many aspects of the product such as size, color, nature, and quality. During this process, adjective plays a vital role. We can see lots of adjectives. Besides, if advertisers want to provoke the purchasing desire of the consumers‘, they must make the advertisement lines imaginable, vivid and hold special appeals. And in order to do so, plenty of modifiers must be put in. All in all, a grate deal of modifiers should be used and can be seen in advertisements.In cosmetic advertising, some adjectives are frequently chosen like new, good/better/best, smooth, young, special, clear, fresh and so on. Let us see some instances as following.What is more, the comparative and superlative degrees of adjective are often used as well. It always brings amazing result.Now let us see an instance as following:Beautiful skin. No waiting.Age-Proofing Your Skin-where you‘ll discover what your skin needs to look younger longer.Best of all, you‘ll receive a deluxe sample of A dvanced Night Repair, our unique protective recovery complex. See better skin day after day, year after year with these two remarkable formulas (Qi 2003: 101).This is an advertisement of skin-care product with female as its readers. The language is brief and persuasive. It is very impressive. One of its vital features is the usage of adjectives and its comparative and superlative degree. Using the word beautiful is effective because everyone wants to be that way, especially women. And it is useful to use the comparative degree of young, long, good and superlative degree of good. For every woman, even girl tries her best keep long-lasting young and better than others. So it will call their buying desire out if any product can satisfy this need. Last but not least, the words of advanced and unique are wonderful choices. It represents elegance, nobility and uniqueness, which is again a big highlight of selling.To sum up, more and appropriate adjectives are indispensible and helpful in cosmetic advertising English.2.1.3More Abbreviations and Compounds in AdvertisingThere are also many abbreviations chosen in advertising English. Nowadays, the cost of advertising is particularly high. Space is money and that is to say every word is money. What is more, abbreviations make advertisement less boring but more interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to use them in advertising. For example, advertisers use ‗em to replace ―them‖; ‗tis to replace ―this‖; ‗n in stead of ―and‖ and so on and so forth.What is more, in advertising English, copywriters use a lot of compounds. People almost can see them everywhere. Because the components of a compound can be any kind of word. It is not limited by the order of English syntax. Comparatively, it is more flexible and creative. Therefore, advertisers can make full use of advantages of compounds. As time goes by, it makes the usage of compounds one of characteristics of advertising English. Cosmetic advertising is also in the case.Next, two examples are given as following:a) Gels, technologically masterminded to be antisticky,anti-dull, anti-fake.From Invisi-Gel to Mego Gel.Every need. Every way. Every day.To tell or not to tell,Sudio‘s got your gel (Qi 2003: 94).b) Light-Diffusing makeup SPF8Apparently, they are very impressive by using compounds. Their structure is special. The first one is about gel. It used a lot of compounds. In advertising English, compounds are widely used to describe the nature and quality of products. And among all kinds of them, hyphenated compounds are often picked. This is one instance. The words"anti-dull‖ ―anti-fake‖ and ―invisi-gel‖are functional. They can easily catch people‘s attention.Besides, compound nouns are the most frequently used. Instance b) is one good example. Light-Diffusing means this product can disperse sunlight so as to protect skin from sun burnt. This is the purpose of sunlight proof products. Therefore, theadvertising not only can soon attracts people, but also directly hit the need of consumers.Last but not least, there are many other kinds of compounds like compound adjectives and compound verbs. If they are appropriately used, amazing effects will come along.2.1.4More Simple and Colloquial Words in AdvertisingIn advertising English, we can see most of words used are very simple. They are easy to understand and remember. For the aim of advertising is make everybody know, the words used of course should be easy. And if advertisers want every witness to remember this piece of advertisement, the words should be comparably colloquial and daily-used. After seeing an advertisement, people usually can remember it and tell others, relatives, friends and so on. So just for a little while, a lot of people will know. There is no exception that advertisements appeared in cosmetic products also show this characteristic. It has become a strong trend of being simple and colloquial.Let us see some instances as following:a) Who does your hair? I do it myself (Cui 1993).This is a line of publicize a kind of hair jelly. We can see this is very simple like a daily talk. The words ―who‖ ―do‖ and ―your‖ are very common words. Everybody use them a lot. I am sure this advertisement can be heard and remembered very soon. Thus, the target product is sure to be popular and become a good seller.b) Maybelline invites you to experience Ultra Performance (Cui 1993).This is a line from Maybelline.Maybelline Mascara was created by a chemist, T.L. Williams, for his sister (whose boyfriend, Chet, was in love with another woman). To help Mabel get her man, TL Williams blended Vaseline jelly with coal dust and concocted a lash -darkener. It was the first mascara! T.L. Williams founded the company, Maybelline, named after his sister, Mabel and Vaseline, in 1915. Maybelline has experienced a long history up to now, playing a leading role in color make-ups. It is very famous and popular all over the world. China is no exception. It is brought in China in 1995 and become more and more popular.The above-mentioned line also chooses pretty simple and colloquial words. Invite is a frequently used word. It used in conversations, letters, mails, inviting cards and so on. It shows friendliness and intimacy. People love to be invited. Who will say no to be invited by Maybelline? They will feel flattered. So using ―invite‖ is helpful. What is more, the choice of ―performance‖ is gr eat as well. Everyone likes various kinds of performances. It is also often chosen by all. It is also usually connected with modifiers, mostly nouns and adjectives, which are to describe the nature and contents of the performance. Here the line adopts ―Ultra Performance‖. It is great. Ultra means very good and exciting. It is appealing and people will love to go. And also it does not tell the nature of the performance. People will be curious of it and have a desire of going. The purpose is well obtained.From these instances, we can safely say that the usage of simple and colloquial words is necessary. It has magnificent effects on sale of products.2.2. English Syntax in Cosmetic AdvertisingThe structure of advertising sentence should be the same as that of other styles. It is comparably complete and independent language unit. It has certain grammar structure, phonetic structure and meaningful vocabularies. However, first of all, copywriters need to consider consumers‘ thoughts so as to make every piece of advertisement is eye-catching. Describe the merits of products, causing buying interest. Then can they get people‘s action of purchasing. Therefore, for all these reasons, advertising English has its particular characteristics on syntax. Namely, as followed. 2.2.1 Wide Use of Simple and Colloquial SentencesWidely use of simple and oral sentences is very important in advertising. They are easy to understand and easy to remember as well. Advertisement is facing everyone person. Anybody might be the customer. So it requires that each sentence appeared in advertising must easy, brief and make sure almost everyone can understand and remember without efforts. Then it may catch the eyes and ears of consumers‘ so as to make them interest in the product. In opposite, long and complicated sentences are usually boring and difficult. Besides colloquial language is natural and make peoplefeel comfortable. It is more acceptable.What is more, there is another reason why advertising adopt this strategy. It is the cost. The fee of making advertisements is quite high. In order to cut down the cost, they need to use as less phrases as possible. Therefore copywriters are demanded to transmit as much information as possible thought the minimum space and sentences. As time goes by, more simple and colloquial sentences become one of vital features of advertising English.Lancôme was created by Armand Petitjean in France, 1935. Relying on his talented sensitiveness to perfume, his remorseless sprits and his ambition of creating France‘s own cosmetic brand so as to fight against America, Armand Petitjean invented perfume and established Lancôme. He made a great contribution to cosmetic history in the world. The name Lancôme comes from a castle called Lancôme, located in the middle of France. Because Lancosme is surrounded by roses, very romantic and poetic, since then rose become the symbol of Lancôme. Gradually, it became world famous product. Today, it is getting more and more popular in our country.Now we will see some of its advertising lines:Source of enchantment.This is the advertising line of a kind of perfume called Magic Noire, a product of Lancôme. One simple sentence, lots of charm. It takes enchantment and mystery as its theme. Its inspiration comes from female‘s serious beauty-loving tendency. This line connected with a picture with a beautiful girl in it, holding Magic Noire in hands. It likes crystals ball, extraordinarily charming. One simple sentence catches all women‘s eyes. It is easy to remember and functional.Maybe She‘s Born With It. Maybe It‘s Maybelline.This is the advertising line of Maybelline. The structure of this line is very simple. It is readable to everyone. With necessity as its theme, it hopes Maybelline becomes a must for everyone. Therefore, it uses the phrase ―be born with‖ to show the meaning. Everyone is born with Maybelline. It is really a good way to publicize the brand and its products.What is more, colloquial sentences like ―Just do it.‖, ―Ask for more.‖are often used as well. It is a more direct way to publicize target products. And it is useful as well. Some group of people like this kind of advertising. They think it can easily catch their attention.From above-mentioned advertisements, we can conclude that simple and colloquial sentences are excellent choice of advertising. It is functional and inexpensive.2.2.2 More Active and Present Voices, Less Passive VoiceIn daily life, we mostly use active voice to express ourselves. Apparently it is more attractive and acceptable for advertisers to adopt this kind of lines. What is more, active and present voices send out a sense of reality. People can choose any time to see and buy it without a feeling of out-of-time. That also means the lines hint the nature of duration and permanence of the target product.Now let us see some examples:Estee Lauder is worldly famous cosmetic brand, founded by Estee Lauder in 1946. It brings beauty to people, especially female. This technologically advanced, innovative company has gained a worldwide reputation for elegant, luxurious products. Their products have been coming with a promise to uphold the finest standards of excellence through extensive research and stringent product testing. We can always get gentle and highly effective products.Beautiful: ―This is your moment to be beautiful.‖This is a line of one kind of perfume of Estee Lauder. Here it uses present and active voice to show a sense of new. It means that any moment can be the moment. People will never be late. Whenever people use couple drops, they can enjoy the beautifulness. It gives good impression to consumers. This method is always useful and proper.Pure White Linen: ―The fragrance to live all year long.‖This is also an advertisement of one type of perfume of Estee Lauder. It boasts thesame style. ―live all year long‖ expresses the duration of the perfume. It is appealing because consumers always hope perfume having this effect. The longer it lasts, the better its sale will be.People like to do something but not being asked to do. They love much more to be masters who can have their own way. Besides, everybody likes new thing and keeps pace with the trend. They hate out-of-date products. Therefore it is reasonable to adopt active and present voices in advertising process.2.2.3More Interrogative and Imperative SentencesAccording to an incomplete statistics, we can see one interrogative sentence in every 30 sentences and one imperative sentence in every four sentences in advertisement. Why does this happen? It mostly relies on the two important features of advertising which are attention-catching value and memorizing value (Qi 2003).Interrogative sentence is widely used in advertising English. It aims to make consumers think and stand on the same side of the advertisers. Copywriters purposely put themselves in consumers‘ shoes and put forward questions that consumers care about. Sometimes one question and one answer followed. And sometimes there is no answer. On this occasion, consumers are usually interested in coming up an answer. That is to it is easy to catch attention by using interrogative sentences. Besides, it also can establish kinder of harmonious relationship between consumers and products.Let us see some instances as followed:Who does your hair?I do it myself. (Qi 2003)This is an advertisement of hair wax. It is a simple interrogative sentence. But it shows amazing effect. It starts with an interrogative sentence ―Who does your hair?‖, causing consumers‘ attention. Then, according to common knowledge, people usually want to know the answer when facing a question. They even begin to think and look for it. Thus, first step, advertisers win. Next, giving out the answer ―I do it myself‖, brief and direct. Once more, eye-catching, people love the answer. Also it is kinder of a way of inspiriting. Because this line makes consumers believe that they can run their。
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• 语言的精髓并非是对事物进行描述---而是掌 控读者的思想,这正是广告语所体现的一 般目的性。
• 随着如今经济的发展,化妆品已经逐渐成 为女性生活中所不可或缺的一部分。相信 大家对欧美的化妆品诸如雅诗兰黛,伊丽 莎白· 雅顿 ,倩碧等等都有所了解。今天, 我们用从语言学的角度来分析一下这些化 妆品的广告用语。
三 修辞方面
修辞语言大量应用,如拟人,暗喻,双关等。 一些音韵特征修饰诗,如押韵等都很受撰 稿人推崇。
• Max Factor - Max Factor. The make-up of make-up artists. • Bonne Bell - BonneBell. Beautiful. Colorful. You.
有一家报纸声称:“女人不再穿着胡佛围裙,她 们身着香奈儿,迪奥套装,男人开始抱怨在家中 的位置。
• 男性作为受众—性别不同,语言方式不同
针对男性的广告通常倾向描绘男子的“财 富,权利,成功和控制”。精明的广告攥稿 人也善于塑造这类的阳刚形象。因此,在化 妆品广告,和以女性为目标的广告相比,以 男性为目标的语言强调男性更为”残酷的阳 刚之气“。
Cover Girl——Easy Breezy Beautiful CoverGirl 简单轻松成为漂亮的封面女郎
二 句法方面
化妆品广告中的词汇主要有以下三 种显著特点:
• 1 .语言无层次且省略语法 • 2 .一般现在时占主导地位 • 3.常常使用命令语气
• What makes a woman beautiful? Happiness, yes, and energy. Happiness, is the most attractive form of beauty, the one that comes from deep within, this is what makes people remember you.
Dare to change your mind about AVON.As time goes by,you'll be glad you did.(1997)
Dior Addict ultra-shine.An ultra-brilliant innovation.A new ultra-sensual experience:ultra-brilliance in a trick,mirror-shine results.New ultra-reflective Full Reflex Pigments give crystal-clear,sparkling,intensely vibrant shades.A deliciously soft texture,enriched with hydrating and re-plumping ingredients,for irresistibly luscious lips.
• Maybelline - Maybe She's Born With It. Maybe It's Maybelline.
• 受众效应
Hale Waihona Puke • 女性作为受众—形象的转变
值得注意的是,无论是什么时期刊登的 广告,他们有一个共同的特点:都把妇女作 为受众。 她们的年龄大约在18-35,并且她们有消 费化妆品的能力。
“Musk by English leather --The civilized way to roar” 英国麝香,文明的怒吼
在野外,动物用咆哮让大家知道他的存在。而人需要文明的怒 吼,使用英国麝香,即刻拥有原始,强烈的阳刚之气。让他唤 醒你的直觉。更有全套装备,洁肤,除臭剂,须后水供您选择。
Advertisers are the interpreters of our dreams.Their weapons are our weakness :fear ;ambition,illness,pride,selfishness,desire,and ignorance.And these weapons must be kept as bright as possible.
从迪奥的广告的中,我们可以看出现代广 告对于受众与视觉效果更为强调,化妆品 的广告也是广告商和消费者之间的交流, 这种双方的交流包括语言学的方方面面。
一 词汇方面
• 化妆品广告中的词汇主要有以下三种显著 特点: • 1.专业性强的名词术语
• 2 .大量产品描述性的形容词 • 3 .信息量低(少用动词)
“Even sticky pots come out sparkling clean!”and “Your kitchen's cleaner all day because G-E holds (and hides)dirty dishes and utensils as you use them”(1952)
从语言学角度分析英语的化妆 品广告
• The Language used does not have the sole aim of describing something---It is used to gain mastery over the reader’s imagination , and that is the common aim it shares with advertising.