AMD LX800 3.5寸工业主板·TOP-9375 产品参数介绍
1. ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero。
ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero是一款高端的AMD主板,采用了X570芯片组,支持AMD AM4插槽的处理器。
2. MSI B450 Tomahawk。
MSI B450 Tomahawk是一款中端的AMD主板,采用了B450芯片组,支持AMD AM4插槽的处理器。
3. Gigabyte A520M S2H。
Gigabyte A520M S2H是一款入门级的AMD主板,采用了A520芯片组,支持AMD AM4插槽的处理器。
4. ASRock X570 Phantom Gaming 4。
ASRock X570 Phantom Gaming 4是一款中高端的AMD主板,采用了X570芯片组,支持AMD AM4插槽的处理器。
5. Biostar B550GTQ。
Biostar B550GTQ是一款中端的AMD主板,采用了B550芯片组,支持AMD AM4插槽的处理器。
AORUS X570 MASTER是一款高端的AMD主板,采用了X570芯片组,支持AMD AM4插槽的处理器。
ASUS TUF B450-PLUS GAMING是一款中端的AMD主板,采用了B450芯片组,支持AMD AM4插槽的处理器。
下面是店铺为大家整理的关于电脑AMD最好硬件的配置方案,一起来看看吧!电脑AMD最好硬件的配置方案AMD最牛配置来了1.5万元Ryzen7 1800X八核独显装机方案推荐配件名称品牌型号参考价格处理器AMD Ryzen 7 1800X(散片)¥3569散热器ID-COOLING Frostflow240L/120水冷散热器¥359显卡影驰GTX1080名人堂 8G 256B¥4999主板技嘉 AX370-Gaming 5¥1699内存金士顿骇客神条16G DDR4 2400¥849硬盘英特尔 600P 512GB M.2固态硬盘¥1199机箱Tt Urban S31 黑色中塔机箱¥299电源长城巨龙GW-6800(80PLUS金牌/模组化额定600w)¥469 显示器三星C27F591FD 27英寸曲面屏显示器¥1899键鼠装用户自选——参考价格15341元(DIY整机,含曲面屏显示器)电脑硬件点评:处理器方面,Ryzen 7 1800X是AMD近日推出的“锐龙”系列全新平台重磅高端旗舰处理器,支持超频,首次采用了先进的14nm 工艺,八核十六线程设计,默认主频3.6GHz~4.0GHz,支持DDR4 2400高主频内存,最高超过可超过5.2Ghz,世界第一。
AMD锐龙Ryzen 7 1800X旗舰处理器简单来说,Ryzen 7 1800X是AMD史上最牛的一款高端处理器,打破了以往高端无好产品的历史,性能甚至超过了Intel顶级酷睿i7处理器,可谓性能大翻身,此外还有出色的功耗控制,强劲的超频潜力,势必会成为今后高端装机的一款热门处理器。
目前,盒装Ryzen 7 1800X售价高达3999元,考虑到这款CPU 超频能力强大,因此小编推荐的是散片方案,然后选择具备更好散热能力的ID-COOLING Frostflow240L/120水冷散热器,可以更好的满足发烧游戏玩家需求。
UNIS R3900 R5900综合业务网关 接口模块手册说明书
UNIS R3900/R5900综合业务网关接口模块手册紫光恒越技术有限公司资料版本:6W110-20210602Copyright © 2021 紫光恒越技术有限公司及其许可者版权所有,保留一切权利。
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KN800主板 简体中文说明书
KN800主板AMD® Geode TM LX800及CS5536支援AMD®Geode TM LX800500 MHz Frequencies嵌入式处理器简体中文使用手册主板尺寸(本主板属Nano-ITX规格)102 mm x 146 mm (宽与长)操作系统 (Operating System)支持 Windows® XP/ Linux 作业平台Ver: SC101安全需知0 此手册之所有图片仅供参考,请以您手边的主板为主。
0 主板是由许多精密的积体电与组件所组成,为避免受到静电影响,请配戴防静电手环。
0 请尽量避免碰触主板上的集成电路与组件。
0 在拆装任何内部硬设备或调整跳线帽时,请先拔除AC 电源线,以避免发生短路或造成危险。
包装内容与配件KN800主板主板驱动程序及使用手册光盘片 主板快速安装手册符号提示警告、注意…请依步骤进行…目录第一章简介 (1)主板简介 (1)规格简介 (2)主板组件配置图 (5)KN800系列主板组件图(正面) (5)KN800系列主板组件图(背面) (6)KN800系列主板组件图(正面) (7)KN800系列主板组件图(背面) (8)硬件安装 (9)安装内存模块: DIMM1 (9)KN800系列主板后方面板配置 (10)前方面板接脚配置: FPSWLED, SPK1 (12)连接器配置 (Connectors) (13)接脚、跳线器(Headers & Jumpers) (13)扩充插槽 (Slot) (15)安装电源供应器 (16)第二章主板 BIOS 系统设定 (17)简介 (17)按键功能 (17)选单介绍 (17)第三章安装软件设定 (19)软件列表 (19)安装软件步骤 (19)附录I:SATA RAID0/1/0+1设定 (22)KN800主板1第一章 简介主板简介感谢您选择了KN800主板!KN800主板是建构于北桥芯片AMD ® Geode TM LX800与南桥芯片CS5536的组合,亦内建了AMD ® Geode TM LX800图形显像加速器。
NI 9375 开始指南说明书
GETTING STARTED GUIDENI 937516 DI/16 DO, 30 VDC, 7 μs Sinking DI, 500 μs Sourcing DOThis document explains how to connect to the NI 9375. In this document, the NI 9375 with spring terminal and the NI 9375 with DSUB are referred to inclusively as the NI 9375.Note Before you begin, complete the software andhardware installation procedures in your chassisdocumentation.Note The guidelines in this document are specific tothe NI 9375. The other components in the system mightnot meet the same safety ratings. Refer to thedocumentation for each component in the system todetermine the safety and EMC ratings for the entiresystem.Safety GuidelinesOperate the NI 9375 only as described in this document.Caution Do not operate the NI 9375 in a manner notspecified in this document. Product misuse can result ina hazard. You can compromise the safety protectionbuilt into the product if the product is damaged in any 2| | NI 9375 Getting Started Guideway. If the product is damaged, return it to NI forrepair.Safety VoltagesConnect only voltages that are within the following limits:30 VDC maximumChannel-to-COM orVsup-to-COMIsolationDI bank-to-DO bank60 VDC maximumChannel-to-Channel No isolation between channelsChannel-to-earth groundContinuous60 VDC,Measurement Category IWithstand1,000 Vrms, verified by a 5 sdielectric withstand test Measurement Category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution system referred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous live electrical supply system that powers equipment. This category is for measurements of voltages from specially protected secondaryNI 9375 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 3circuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, special equipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits powered by regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.Caution Do not connect the NI 9375 to signals or usefor measurements within Measurement Categories II,III, or IV.Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O areequivalent. These test and measurement circuits are notintended for direct connection to the MAINS buildinginstallations of Measurement Categories CAT II,CAT III, or CAT IV.Safety Guidelines for Hazardous LocationsThe NI 9375 is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, T4 hazardous locations; Class I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4 and Ex nA IIC T4 hazardous locations; and nonhazardous locations only. Follow these guidelines if you are installing the NI 9375 in a potentially explosive environment. Not following these guidelines may result in serious injury or death.4| | NI 9375 Getting Started GuideCaution Do not disconnect I/O-side wires orconnectors unless power has been switched off or thearea is known to be nonhazardous.Caution Do not remove modules unless power hasbeen switched off or the area is known to benonhazardous.Caution Substitution of components may impairsuitability for Class I, Division 2.Caution For Division 2 and Zone 2 applications,install the system in an enclosure rated to at least IP54as defined by IEC/EN 60079-15.Caution For Division 2 and Zone 2 applications,install a protection device between any two terminals.The device must prevent the Vsup-to-COM voltagefrom exceeding 42 V if there is a transient overvoltagecondition.Special Conditions for Hazardous Locations Use in Europe and InternationallyThe NI 9375 has been evaluated as Ex nA IIC T4 Gc equipment under DEMKO Certificate No. 07 ATEX 0626664X and isNI 9375 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 5IECEx UL 14.0089X certified. Each NI 9375 is marked II 3G and is suitable for use in Zone 2 hazardous locations, in ambient temperatures of -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 70 °C. If you are using the NI 9375 in Gas Group IIC hazardous locations, you must use the device in an NI chassis that has been evaluated as Ex nC IIC T4, Ex IICT4, Ex nA IIC T4, or Ex nL IIC T4 equipment.Caution You must make sure that transientdisturbances do not exceed 140% of the rated voltage.Caution The system shall only be used in an area ofnot more than Pollution Degree 2, as defined inIEC 60664-1.Caution The system shall be mounted in anATEX/IECEx-certified enclosure with a minimumingress protection rating of at least IP54 as defined inIEC/EN 60079-15.Caution The enclosure must have a door or coveraccessible only by the use of a tool.6| | NI 9375 Getting Started GuideElectromagnetic Compatibility Guidelines This product was tested and complies with the regulatory requirements and limits for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) stated in the product specifications. These requirements and limits provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in the intended operational electromagnetic environment.This product is intended for use in industrial locations. However, harmful interference may occur in some installations, when the product is connected to a peripheral device or test object, or if the product is used in residential or commercial areas. To minimize interference with radio and television reception and prevent unacceptable performance degradation, install and use this product in strict accordance with the instructions in the product documentation.Furthermore, any changes or modifications to the product not expressly approved by National Instruments could void your authority to operate it under your local regulatory rules.NI 9375 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 7Caution Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can damagethe NI 9375 with spring terminal. To prevent damage,use industry-standard ESD prevention measures duringinstallation, maintenance, and operation.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance,operate this product only with shielded cables andaccessories.Special Conditions for Marine ApplicationsSome products are Lloyd’s Register (LR) Type Approved for marine (shipboard) applications. To verify Lloyd’s Register certification for a product, visit /certification and search for the LR certificate, or look for the Lloyd’s Register mark on the product.Caution In order to meet the EMC requirements formarine applications, install the product in a shieldedenclosure with shielded and/or filtered power andinput/output ports. In addition, take precautions whendesigning, selecting, and installing measurement probesand cables to ensure that the desired EMC performanceis attained.8| | NI 9375 Getting Started GuidePreparing the EnvironmentEnsure that the environment in which you are using the NI 9375 meets the following specifications.Operating temperature(IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2)-40 °C to 70 °COperating humidity (IEC 60068-2-78)10% RH to 90% RH, noncondensingPollution Degree2Maximum altitude2,000 mIndoor use only.Note Refer to the device datasheet on /manualsfor complete specifications.NI 9375 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 9NI 9375 Pinout10| | NI 9375 Getting Started GuideNI 9375 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 11Connecting a Sourcing-Output DeviceYou can connect 2- and 3-wire sourcing-output devices to theNI 9375.Figure 1. Connecting a Sourcing-Output Device to the NI 9375ExternalPowerSupplyThe NI 9375 channel registers as ON when the sourcing-output device drives enough current or applies enough voltage to DI. If no device is connected to DI, the channel registers as OFF. Connecting Digital DevicesYou can connect a variety of industrial devices, such as solenoids, motors, actuators, relays, and lamps to the NI 9375. You must12| | NI 9375 Getting Started Guideconnect an external power supply to the NI 9375. The power supply provides the current for the output channels.Figure 2. Connecting an Industrial Device to the NI 9375ExternalPowerSupplyCaution Do not install or remove C Series modulesfrom your system if the external power supplyconnected to the Vsup and COM pins is powered on. Ensure that the devices you connect to the NI 9375 are compatible with the output specifications of the NI 9375. Refer to the device datasheet at /manuals for output specifications.Note When the industrial device is off, DO is notconnected to COM. For large source impedances, youmust use a pull-down resistor between DO and COM.NI 9375 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 13Visit /info and enter the Info CodeCSeriesDOPulseGen for more information. Protecting the Digital Outputs from Flyback VoltagesIf the channel is switching an inductive or energy-storing device such as a solenoid, motor, or relay, and the device does not have flyback protection, install an external flyback diode.Figure 3. Connecting a Flyback DiodeExternalPowerSupply14| | NI 9375 Getting Started GuideConnecting to a Spring-Terminal Connector What to Use•NI 9375 spring-terminal connector•0.08 mm2 to 1.0 mm2 (28 AWG to 18 AWG) copper conductor wire with 7 mm (0.28 in.) of insulation stripped from the end•Flathead screwdriver with a 2.3 mm x 1.0 mm (0.09 in. x0.04 in.) blade, included with the NI 9375What to DoComplete the following steps to connect wires to the spring-terminal connector.NI 9375 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 151.Insert the screwdriver into a spring clamp activation slot toopen the corresponding connector terminal.2.Press a wire into the open connector terminal.3.Remove the screwdriver from the activation slot to clamp thewire into place.16| | NI 9375 Getting Started GuideHigh-Vibration Application ConnectionsIf your application is subject to high vibration, NI recommends that you use the NI 9940 backshell kit to protect connections to the NI 9375 with spring terminal.I/O ProtectionEach DO channel on the NI 9375 has circuitry that protects it from overcurrents resulting from a short-circuit or faulty loads.Caution Overvoltage and reverse bias voltageconditions can damage the NI 9375. Check the voltagespecifications for all devices that you connect to theNI 9375.When a short circuit is present on a digital output channel, the DO channel cycles off and on until the short circuit is removed or the current returns to an acceptably low level. An overcurrent state can affect the performance of the NI 9375 and other modules in the system. To ensure safe and proper operation, the digital outputs should not exceed the maximum continuous output current specification.NI 9375 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 17Where to Go NextWorldwide Support and ServicesThe NI website is your complete resource for technical support. At /support, you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application development self-help resources to email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers. Visit /services for NI Factory Installation Services, repairs, extended warranty, and other services.Visit /register to register your NI product. Product registration facilitates technical support and ensures that you receive important information updates from NI.A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is our claim of compliance with the Council of the European Communities using the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This system affords the user protection for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety. You can obtain the DoC for your product by visiting /certification. If your product supports calibration, you can obtain the calibration certificate for your product at /calibration.NI 9375 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 19NI corporate headquarters is located at11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. NI also has offices located around the world. For telephone support in the United States, create your service request at /support or dial 1 866 ASK MYNI (275 6964). For telephone support outside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of /niglobal to access the branch office websites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email addresses, and current events.Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at /patents. Y ou can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the NI global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/ export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS. U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at private expense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR 52.227-14, DFAR 252.227-7014, and DFAR 252.227-7015.© 2011—2016 National Instruments. All rights reserved.374644C-01Feb16。
映泰TA880G HD说明书
感谢您选购我们的产品, 在开始安装主板前, 请仔细阅读以下安全指导说明:
IDE 数据线 X 1 (可选) Serial ATA 数据线 X 3 Serial ATA 电源线 X 1 ATX 机箱后置 I/O 面板 X 1 用户手册 X 1 驱动光盘 X 1 FDD 数据线 X 1 (可选) USB 2.0 数据线 X1 (可选) S/PDIF 输出数据线 X 1 (可选)
® ® ®
TA880G HD 设置手册 防静电操作规则
静电可能严重损坏您的设备,在处理主板以及其它的系统设备的时候要特别注意, 避免和主板上的系统组件的不必要接触,保证在抗静电的环境下工作,避免静电 放电可能对主板造成损坏,当在您的机箱中插入或者移除设备时,请保证电源处 于断开状态,厂商对于不遵照本操作规则或者不遵守安全规范而对主板造成的损 坏不负责。
AMD 880G
环境控制 ITE 8721 H/W 监控 高级I/O控制器 提供最基本的 I/O功能 风扇速度控制器 低脚位接口 ITE's "智能保护" 功能 DDR3 DIMM 插槽 x 4 主内存 最大内存容量为16GB 每个DIMM支持512MB/1GB/2GB/4GB DDR3 双通道模式DDR3内存模块 支持DDR3 800 / 1066 / 1333 支持DDR3 1600 (OC) 最大共享显存为512 MB 显卡 AMD 880G (Radeon HD4250) 板载side port 128MB DDR3 支持DVI/HDMI/UVD/HDCP 数据传输率为6 Gb/s SATA III 集成串行ATA控制器 符合SATA 3.0 规范 支持RAID 0,1,5,10 10 / 100 Mb/s / 1Gb/s自适应传输模式 网络 Realtek RTL8111E 半双工/全双工工作模式 8声道音频输出 音效 ALC892 支持高清音频 PCI 插槽 插槽 PCI Express Gen2 x1 插槽 PCI Express Gen2 x16 插槽 x2 x1 x1 支持 PCI 扩展卡 支持 PCI-E Gen2 x1 扩展卡 支持 PCI-E Gen2 x16 扩展卡
AMD A75 Hudson D3A75M詳細規格中央處理器內存擴充插槽顯卡音效芯片規格尺寸- Micro ATX 规格 : 9.6 英吋 x 8.5 英吋, 24.4 厘米 x 21.6 厘米- 全固态电容设计- 支持 Socket FM1 100W 处理器- 支持 AMD Cool 'n' Quiet 降温静音技术- UMI-Link GEN2- AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) 芯片組- 双通道DDR3内存技术- 2 x DDR3 内存插槽- 支持 DDR3 2400+(超频)/1600(超频)/1333/1066/800 non-ECC, un-buffered 内存- 系统内存最大容量: 16GB - 1 x PCI Express 2.0 x16 插槽 - 1 x PCI Express 2.0 x1 插槽- 2 x PCI 插槽- 支持 AMD 双显卡- 7.1声道高保真音频,支持内容保护功能(ALC892音频编码解码器)- 支持优质蓝光音效- 支持 THX TruStudio- AMD Radeon HD 65XX/64XX 显卡- DX11 级别 iGPU, Pixel Shader 5.0- 最大共享显示内存 512MB- 双显示输出:支持由独立显示控制器控制的 HDMI 与 D-Sub 端口- 支持 HDMI 1.4a 技术,最大分辨率达 1920 x 1200 @ 60Hz - 支持 D-Sub ,最大分辨率达 1920x1600 @ 60Hz- 支持 HDMI,可支持 Auto Lip Sync, Deep Color (12bpc), xvYCC 与HBR (高位速音频) (需配备兼容 HDMI 的显示器) - 通过 HDMI 1.4a 支持蓝光 3D 立体- 支持AMD Steady Video :最新视频后处理能力,可为家庭/在线视频提供 自动降低抖动的功能- 通过 HDMI 端口支持 HDCP 功能- 通过 HDMI 端口支持1080p蓝光光盘(BD)/ HD-DVD光盘高清晰播放T r i a lDirectX ® 11A75 主板测试规格型号华擎 A75M 芯片组Hudson D3处理器AMD A8-3850 2.9 GHz内存Kingston DDRIII 2250 2GB*2显卡ATI HD 6600硬盘Western Digital WD6402AAEX其它 A75 Motherboard Hudson D3AMD A8-3850 2.9 GHzKingston DDRIII 2250 2GB*2ATI HD 6600Western Digital WD6402AAEX* 图形视觉体验* 可使用鼠标* 支持 3TB 硬盘启动苹果充电器的最佳伴侣华擎超级调节工具(ASRock ExtremeTuning Utility (AXTU))是一个全功能软件,可让您在友好的界面中微调各个不同功能,包括硬件监控,风扇控制,OC DNA和 IES来提供与现场演出、电影与录制音频一样出色的音效体验。
Table of Contents
Coversheet........................................................................................................................................ 1 Record of Revision............................................................................................................................ 3 1. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 General Specifications ............................................................................................................... 4 Input/Output Terminals ............................................................................................................... 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................................................................................... 8 Electrical Characteristics............................................................................................................ 8 Timing Chart............................................................................................................................. 10 Optical Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 17 Environmental / Reliability Tests............................................................................................... 21 Mechanical Drawing................................................................................................................. 22 Packing drawing ...................................................................................................................... 23
AMD Picasso 激光器产品介绍说明书
AMD Picasso LaserWith the launch of the Picasso Laser in 2009, the dental laser industry was foreverchanged. The Picasso series has been loved, celebrated and endorsed byclinicians, universities, hospitals, dental clinics, and patients around the world.AMD Lasers mission is simple; provide dental diode lasers at affordable priceswithout compromising quality and with the Picasso Laser, they've done just that!The AMD Picasso range of lasers offer 3-7 watts of power at the tip, multi-tiptechnology allowing you the freedom to switch between a range of pre-cleavedtips in a range of lengths, suitable for most soft tissue and endo procedures.Picasso Plus Picasso LiteYour choice. Your laser.The award winning Picasso laser technology offers unprecedented versatilityperforming a wide variety of soft-tissue and periodontal procedures at an ultra-affordable price point.Plus Picasso ClarioPicasso PlusWith the launch of the Picasso Laser in 2009, the dental laser industry was forever changed. The Picasso series has been loved, celebrated and endorsed by clinicians, universities, hospitals, dental clinics, and patients around the world.The Picasso Plus is a multi-functional soft tissue diode laser that offers comprehensive clinical results in surgical procedures, periodontal therapy and bleaching.Picasso Plus offers the complete laser solution for dentists who want the flexibility to integrate laser technology throughout their practice. The Picasso’s innovative design, 7 watts of power, 8 programmable presets, color touch screen, multi-lingual menu, option of disposable tip system or strippable fiber, wireless foot control, standard one-year warranty, and low annual operating cost makes Picasso Plus the complete laser solution for dentists.What's in the box1x 7 Watt Picasso Plus Laser1x Cardboard padded travel case1x Assorted box of multi tips1x Multi tip handpiece3x Pairs of safety glasses1x Universal power supply1x Wireless foot pedal1x Quick start guide1x Instruction manual1x 3 Disc DVD Clinical and safety training.DEVICE PRICINGPicasso Plus Picasso Tips $6495 $329All prices exclude GSTPicasso Lite+Picasso Lite Plus is the most celebrated, awarded and endorsed laser in the industry. Designed for the first-time laser dentist. Its affordable price point, ease of use, and sleek design make it the perfect replacement for a scalpel and electro-surge for the use of treating soft-tissue.Picasso Lite Plus cuts and coagulates tissue with reduced trauma, bleeding, and necrosis of tissue and is used for soft-tissue surgical procedures.Picasso Lite Plus offers 3 watts of power and four customizable presets. Picasso Lite Plus comes complete with multiple accessories, world power adapter, and wireless foot control.What's in the box1x 3 Watt Picasso Lite Laser1x Cardboard padded travel case1x Assorted box of multi tips1x Multi tip handpiece3x Pairs of safety glasses1x Universal power supply1x Wireless foot pedal1x Quick start guide1x Instruction manual1x 3 Disc DVD Clinical and safety training.DEVICE PRICING Picasso Lite Picasso Tips $4995 $329All prices exclude GSTPicasso ClarioWith the launch of the Picasso Clario in 2018, AMD Lasers once again revolutionised the dental market.Picasso Clario is the first diode laser specifically designed for Dental Hygienists and sports its symbolic purple colour.The streamlined navigation and pre-set parameters based on diagnosis facilitate simple, controlled and appropriate use of the laser for hygiene treatments.Portable and affordable, Picasso Clario puts the power and art of laser in the hands of the hygienist.What's in the box1x 1.2 Watt Picasso Clario Laser1x Cardboard padded travel case1x Assorted box of multi tips1x Multi tip handpiece3x Pairs of safety glasses1x Universal power supply1x Wireless foot pedal1x Quick start guide1x Instruction manualDEVICE PRICINGPicasso Clario$3995Picasso Tips $329All prices exclude GSTMulti-tipsDisposable tips are the easiest and fastest way to switch between patients and procedures. All AMD disposable laser tips come ready to slip on to your Multi-Tip Handpiece. No more changing spools between procedures causing unnecessary chair time.PRICING20X 200µm 60° 20mm $329 *25X 300µm 60° 5mm $329 *25X 300µm 60° 10mm $329 *25X 400µm 60° 5mm $32925X 400µm 60° 10mm $329 MOST POPULAR 25 Variety pack $329Multi-tip upgradeYou can upgrade your old cleavable fibre laser with this upgrade kit. Disposable tips are the easiest and fastest way to switch between patients and procedures. All AMD disposable laser tips come ready to slip on to your Multi-Tip Handpiece. No more changing spools between procedures causing unnecessary chair time.PRICINGMulti-tip upgrade$690*SPECIAL ORDERAll prices exclude GSTCalibrationThe Clario, Picasso Plus, and Picasso Lite Plus Dental Laser units are factory calibrated upon sale. For accurate treatment results, the unit(s) should be calibrated every 12 months following the date of purchase. The calibration procedure requires specialised equipment and technical expertise. Improper calibration could lead to instrument damage and failure to calibrate the laser.What's included in the price:Pickup of ONE laser unit.Calibration of ONE laser unit.Cleaning of ONE laser unit.Return shipping of ONE laser unit.PRICINGCleaning & Calibration $549Safety glasses 800 - 820nm 5+ OD Specialty coated plastic lenses Includes protective pouch CE certified goggles Universal frame Fit-over 1 or Wrap-around 2PRICINGSafety glasses each $29912Check out our website .auor join us on facebook @OsseoGroupANZ and be the first to find out about our latest promotions, events, offers and courses.OSSEOGROUP .COM.AU1300 029 383 (AUS)09-973 5342 (NZ)A N D 2020-10-P I C A S S O -V 81。
Lithium 3V/196 mAH 96 x 90mm 0-60˚C( -40~+85˚C)可选 10% ~ 95%无凝露
使用手册,驱动光盘和配线包 使用手册 驱动光盘和配线包 (1x 硬盘线、1x 串并口线、1x PS/2 键盘鼠标线、2xUSB 线) 硬盘线、 串并口线、 键盘鼠标线、
芯片 显示内存 分辨率 输出接口
AMD LX 芯片内置显卡 最大分享到 32MB 显示器: 1600 x 1200; LCD: 1600 x 1200
DB15 显示器输出接口 1 x 18/24 bit TTL LCD 接口
电子盘 看门狗 扩展方式 电池 尺寸 工作温度 工作湿度
支持 CompactFlash™ 电子盘 255 级支持系统重启或中断 PC/104 扩展
I/OBiblioteka MIO1 x 笔记本硬盘接口, 1 x 软驱接口, 1 x PS/2 键盘鼠标接口, 3 x RS232,1 x RS232/422/485 接口,1x 并口
WG-7462 WG-7462W
PC/104 主板,支持 4 个 USB,4 个串口,2 个网卡,常温主板 PC/104 主板,支持 4 个 USB,4 个串口,2 个网卡,宽温主板
网卡 USB
2 个 RTL8139DL 网卡 4 x USB 2.0 port
电力行业 智能交通
*所有规格若有变更,恕不另行通知 所有规格若有变更, 所有规格若有变更 欢迎登陆 网站,查看更多信息 网站,
处理器 系统内存 芯片组 BIOS
板载 AMD Geode™ LX 处理器 500MHz 板载 256MB DDR400 内存 AMD LX+CS5536AD+ITE8888G Phoenix-Award 4Mbit with RPL/PXE LAN Boot ROM, SmartView and Customer CMOS Backup
XL8005 演示板手册说明书
页 数:第 1 页, 共 3 页描述221058A01是为产品XL8005制作的演示板,用于DC24V~100V 输入,驱动3~8颗,输出电流300mA 的LED 应用演示,最高转换效率可以达到95%以上。
XL8005是开关降压型DC-DC 转换芯片,最高输入电压100V ;芯片内部集成120V 高压MOSFET ,外围所需元器件少。
DEMO 原理图XL8005R1 330KDF S210CSNRCS 0.68ΩL11mH/0.6ACout 100uF/35VILED=0.2V/RCSVDD DC 24V~100VCSP C12.2uF VINCeramic245,67,8DD TCBAV103Cin 33uF/100VR330K 0.25W3SW引脚介绍引脚号 引脚名称 引脚描述1 NC 无连接2 VDD 芯片供电引脚3 CSP 电流检测引脚(电流检测电压为0.2V)4 SW 功率输出引脚 5,6 VIN 输入引脚 7,8CSN芯片参考地页 数:第 2 页, 共 3 页物料清单序号 数量 名称 描述料号供应商 1 1 C1 2.2uF,50V,Ceramic,X7R,0805 C2012X7R1H225K TDK 2 1 Cin 33uF,100V,Electrolytic,(8x11.5) YXJ-100V-33uF Rubycon 3 1 Cout 100uF,35V,Electrolytic,(8x11.5) YXJ-35V-100uFRubycon 4 1 DD 250V,Switching diode,MINI MELF TCBAV103TAK CHEONG5 1 DF 100V,2A,Schottky Rectifier,SMBS210Fairchild 6 1 L1 1mH,0.6AC12-K7.5L GE-102 Mitsumi 7 1 R1 330K Ω,1%,1/4W,Thick Film,1206 RC1206xR-073303LYageo8 1 R2 0Ω,1%,1/16W,Thick Film,06039 1 R3 30K Ω,1%,1/4W,Thick Film,1206 RC1206xR-073002L Yageo 10 1 RCS 0.68Ω,1%,1/4W,Thick Film,1206RL1206xR-07R680LYageo 111U1100V,0.5A,BUCK,DC-DC LED Driver,SOP-8LXL8005XLSEMI性能数据转换效率: 线性调整率和负载调整率:Efficiency VS LED StringE f f i c i e n c y (%)LED String(N*1W) VIN=24V,ILED=300mA VIN=36V,ILED=300mA VIN=48V,ILED=300mA VIN=60V,ILED=300mA VIN=72V,ILED=300mA VIN=84V,ILED=300mA VIN=96V,ILED=300mAOutput current VS Input voltageO u t p u t c u r r e n t (m A )Input voltage(V)3LED String 5LED String 8LED String页数:第3 页,共3 页DEMO实物图PCB布局23.4 mm33mm顶层底层PCB布局指南1.VIN、GND、SW、VOUT等功率线,粗、短、直;2.FB走线远离电感与肖特基等开关信号地方,建议使用地线包围;3.输入电容靠近芯片VIN与GND引脚。
华北工控 ATX-6853 ATX 架构工业主板 说明书
ATX-6853 ATX架构工业主板USER'Manual V1.2深圳华北工控股份有限公司:0755-********北京公司:010-********上海公司:021-********成都公司:028-********沈阳公司:024-********西安公司:029-********南京公司:025-********武汉公司:027-********天津公司:022-********新加坡公司:65-68530809荷兰公司:31-040-2668554更多产品信息请登陆:A TX-68TX-685353A TX Architecture I ndustr ndustrial ial Mother Motherboardboard Place/Data:HONG KONG/2008Shen ShenZ Z hen NORCO Intelligent Technology C o .,L .,Ltd td td...Shenzhen NORCO Intelligent Technology C o .,L .,Ltd td td...Trade Name:ShenZhen NORCO Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.Model Name:ATX-6853Responsible Party:ShenZhen NORCO Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd. Equipment Classification:FCC Class B SubassemblyType of Product:ATX architecture Industrial MotherboardManufacturer:ShenZhen NORCO Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.Data:2008声明除列明随产品配置的配件外,本手册包含的内容并不代表本公司的承诺,本公司保留对此手册更改的权利,且不另行通知。
瑞达电子 DG-PX30 嵌入式多功能主板 用户手册说明书
DG-PX30嵌入式多功能主板用户手册(V_2.0)目录第一章产品规格 (4)1.1硬件规格 (4)1.2外观及接口示意图 (5)第二章硬件功能 (7)2.1PCB尺寸图 (7)2.2接口参数说明 (8)2.3电气性能 (17)2.4调试口说明 (17)第三章软件功能 (18)3.1GPIO操作 (18)3.2串口操作 (19)3.3USB部分 (19)3.4TF卡部分 (20)3.5显示部分 (20)3.6网络部分 (22)3.7音频部分 (25)3.8视频播放 (26)3.9看门狗 (26)3.10自动同步时间&定时开关机 (27)3.11USB摄像头 (27)3.12音量调节 (28)3.13存储 (28)3.14更换系统语言 (29)3.15OTA升级 (30)3.16重置系统(恢复出厂设置) (30)3.17设备信息 (31)第四章固件烧写 (32)4.1固件烧写步骤 (32)4.2线刷小包操作步骤 (34)4.3SN、MAC烧写 (35)第五章注意事项 (37)第一章产品规格1.1硬件规格主控芯片Rockchip PX30处理器四核Cortex-A35,主频高达1.3GHz图形处理器ARM G31-2EE GPU支持OpenGL ES1.1/2.0/3.2,,OpenCL2.0,Vulkan1.0视频处理器视频解码支持MPEG-4,H.264,H.265/HEVC,VP8,VC-1,高达1080P60fps1080P视频编码,支持H.264格式电源管理RK809PMU电源管理单元内存DDR3(可选配)存储器高速eMMC5.1(可选配)MicroSD(TF)Card SlotFLASH eMMC FLASH8G/32G(根据客户选择)WIFI、蓝牙内置WIFI、蓝牙(可选)3G/4G支持3G/4G模块,MINI-PCIE接口以太网X1,10M/100M自适应以太网USB接口3个USB HOST+3个USB插座串口2个TTL电平+4个RS232电平存储扩展支持TF卡HDMI输出支持,1080P/60fpsLVDS输出支持双路LVDS输出MIPI/LVDS输出支持,单路音频输出支持左右声道输出,内置功放,耳机接口,内置麦克风接口RTC支持遥控器支持定时开关机支持操作系统Linux/Android8.1以上系统升级支持USB升级,TF卡升级,网络在线升级视频播放支持avi、flv、wmv、rm、rmvb、mpeg、ts、mp4等图片格式支持JPEG、PNG、GIF、BMP等1.2外观及接口示意图正面:背面:侧面:第二章硬件功能2.1PCB尺寸图PCB:6层板尺寸:146mm*100mm,板厚1.6mm螺丝孔规格:直径3.2mm x42.2接口参数说明2.2.1电源输入接口采用12V的直流电源供电,只允许从DC座和电源插座给板子系统供电,电源适配器的插头DC IN规格为D6.0,d2.0。
强大的设置功能 E N880工作方式的选择、各项功能的实现、相关参数的修改都 需要设置功能来实现。设置功能使用方便、内容丰富、功能强 大是EN880的一大特色 设置采用全中文菜单方式,在线提示,使用者无须专门培训。 用户每完成一次设置,其内容都将被永久保留,长期掉电不会 丢失
英国英华达 (北京)公司 北京市海淀区北三环西路43号青云当代大厦12A 邮编:100086电话:(010)62198800 电子邮件:envada@ 传真:(010)62120088 网址:
丰富的棒图、数字、曲线、圆图和追忆显示画面 E N880具有6种基本的显示方式:棒图显示、曲线棒图垂直显 示、曲线棒图水平显示、数字显示、巡回显示和追忆显示, E N880-D-16还具有圆图显示。多数显示方式的通道数可由 用户设置、组合,这使得显示内容更加符合用户的要求 在实现基本显示功能的同时,E N880在其显示画面中为用户 增加了多种相关的显示内容,从而使显示画面更丰富、生 动。如:实时日历、时钟显示、通道名称显示、通道被测物 理量单位显示、多级报警限显示、信号标尺及倍率显示、报 警状态显示、模拟记录走纸的时间坐标显示、存储空间占用 比例显示等。用户可根据需要选择曲线、棒图及背景的颜 色,此外,移屏走纸的速度、显示画面的刷新时间也都可以 由用户进行设置 快捷的操作方式 EN880共设有6个按键 ,形象生动,容易 使用,全部功能均可通过这6个按键来实现。特别是在正常工 作状态(非设置状态)下,显示方式的切换、显示画面的翻 页等操作,只须一次按键即可完成,迅速简捷,避免了使用 设置方式实现时的繁琐操作,大大方便了用户的使用 在设置状态下,E N880为用户的每一步操作都提供了在线提 示、帮助信息,使您能够快速、正确地完成所需的操作
FeaturesPCM-9375AMD Geode™ LX800 3.5" SBC, VGA, LVDS,LCD, Dual Ethernet, IDE, SATA, PC/104AMD Geode™ low-power LX800 500 MHz processor24-bit TFT LCD interface, 18-bit LVDS LCD displayLow power : 7~8 Watts, supports extended temperature -40 ~ 85° CDual 10/100 Mbps Fast EthernetSupports up to 4 COM ports, 4 USB ports, PC/104 expansionSupports SUSIAccess and Embedded Software APIsTFT LCD Printer COM2, 3, 4Stand-by PowerSpecificationsProcessor SystemCPU AMD Geode LX800 processor, up to 500 MHzFrequency500 MHzL2 Cache128 KBSystem Chipset AMD Geode LX800BIOS Award 4 Mb Flash ROM BIOSMemoryTechnology DDR 333/400 MHzMax. Capacity512 MBSocket 1 x 200-pin SODIMMDisplayChipset AMD Geode LX800VRAM Optimized shared memory architecture up to 64 MB system memoryGraphics Engine AMD CS5536 2D engineLVDS 1 x Single channel 18-bit LVDS (PCM-9375E), up to 1600 x 1200 x 32 bpp at 60 HzVGA VGA: up to 1920 x 1440 @ 32 bpp (85 Hz)TTL LCD 1 x 24-bit TTL (PCM-9375F), up to 1600 x 1200 x 32 bpp at 60 HzDual Display VGA+TTL, VGA+LVDSEthernetSpeed 10/100 Mbps (Supports Wake on LAN)Controller Ethernet1 Realtek RTL8139 10/100 MbpsEthernet2 Realtek RTL8139 10/100 MbpsConnector RJ-45 on Ethernet1, box header on Ethernet2Audio Chipset Realtek ALC203 AC97, Line-in, Line-out, Mic-inWatchDog Timer Output System reset, Programmable counter from 1 ~ 255 minutes/ secondsStorageCompactFlash CompactFlash type I/II (Primary Master IDE Channel)SATA 1 x SATA (Max. Data Transfer Rate 150 MB/s) (only for PCM-9375S)IDE 1 (only for PCM-9375F/9375E)Floppy 1 (Shared with LPT)Rear I/OSerial 1 (COM1 supports RS-232) (ESD protection for RS-232: Air gap ±15kV, Contact ±8kV)Ethernet 1 (10/100 Mbps)PS/2 KB/Mouse1VGA1Reset Button1Internal I/OUSB 4 x USB 2.0Serial3 x COM (ESD protection for RS-232: Air gap ±15kV, Contact ±8kV)COM3/COM4 supports RS-232COM2 supports RS-232/422/485 (Supports RS-485 auto flow control)IDE 1 UDMA 33/66Parallel (LPT) 1 (Shared with LPT)FDD 1 (Shared with LPT)GPIO8-bit GPIOI2C optionalExpansion PC/104 Slot PC/104 Expansion(8/16-Bit ISA)PowerPower Type AT/ATXPower Supply Voltage5V + 5% (+12V option for LCD, PC/104)Power Consumption (Typical)0.6 A @ 5 V, 0.03 A @ 12 V (3.36 W)Power Consumption(Max, test in HCT) 1.2 A @ 5 V, 0.23 A @ 12 V (8.76 W)Power Management APM 1.2, ACPIBattery Lithium 3 V/196 mAHEnvironmentOperational0 ~ 60° C (32 ~ 140° F) (Operating humidity: 40° C @ 95% RH non-condensing)Non-Operational -40° C ~ 85° C and 60° C @ 95% RH non-condensingPhysical CharacteristicsDimensions (L x W)146 x 102 mm (5.7" x 4")Weight0.64 kg (1.41 lb), weight of total packageTotal Height25.2mmWatchdogGPIO H/W MonitorMonitoringBIOS flashBacklightOn/OffBrightness SMBusVxWorks®Software APIs:Utilities:All product specifications are subject to change without notice Last updated : 11-Jun-20123.5" Single Board Computers/productsOnline Download PCM-9375Packing ListOptional AccessoriesOrdering InformationNote: Passive = fanless; Active = with fanRear I/O View。
AMDLX8003.5寸工业主板·TOP-9375产品参数介绍AMD LX800 3.5寸工业主板·TOP-9375低功耗AMD LX800 3.5寸主板,双10/100网卡VGA+TTL LCD PC/104和MiniPCI扩展槽产品特点无风扇设计板贴AMD Geode LX800 500MHz处理器板贴256MB DDR SDRAM或1x200-pin SO-DIMM18/24-bit TTL,18-bit LVDS,和模拟RGB1xRealtek8100CL 10/100 base-T网络多种扩展(4xUSB,2x串口,1xPATA,1xCF插槽,PC/104)系统CPU AMD LX800500MHz板载超低功耗,无风扇设计内存板贴256MB DDR SDRAM1x200-pin SO-DIMM最大支持1GB芯片组AMD LX800+ CS5536ADBIOS Phoenix-Award存储1xUltra ATA 支持2 IDE设备1Xcf Type II插槽1x软盘驱动器与并口共享端口看门狗1-255级I/O串口2x串口(1Xrs232,1Xrs-232/422/485可选)并口SPP/EPP/ECP模式USB 4 x USB 2.0接口键盘/鼠标1XPS/2键盘和鼠标数字I/O 8-bit数字输入/输出扩展总线PC/104接口网络芯片组 2 x Realtek RTL8139DL 10/100Mbps支持网络唤醒音频解码器/接口1xRealtek ALC203 AC97 解码器支持麦克风/线路输入/线路输出显示显示芯片AMD Geode LX800集成VGA控制器2D引擎(共享内存Max 64MB)显示接口模拟RGB 1920x1440@85HzLCD 18/24-bit TTL支持最高1600x1200(60Hz)18-bit LVDS 支持最高1600x1200(60Hz)机构与环境电源功耗:TOP-9375 :1.1A/5V工作温度0℃~60℃工作湿度10%~95% 非冷凝尺寸146 x 104 mm订货信息TOP-9375 AMD Geode LX800 3.5”紧凑型主板,板载256MB DDR SDRAM。
UFO6355-754 AMD Geode LX800处理器无风扇工控电脑规格表
UFO6355-754产品特点AMD® Geode™ LX800 处理器无风扇工控电脑AMD® Geode™ LX800 处理器无风扇工控电脑 AMD® CS5536AD 芯片组 VGA / 2 Mega LAN / 4 USB / Audio / 4 COM 支持+12V DC Input ATX 电源 DDR 333MHz 高速内存, 最高支持 1GB 支持 CF 卡及 2.5 寸硬盘规格处理器 芯片组 内存 硬盘 显卡I/O 前面板I/O 后面板扩展 尺寸 材质 电源 适应环境AMD® Geode™ LX800 处理器, 500MHz AMD® CS5536AD 芯片组 1GB 200PIN DDR 笔记本内存 80GB 2.5” IDE 硬盘 预留 CF 卡插槽 集成 AMD® LX800 图形引擎, 最大共享 254MB 显存 1 个 DC 输入端子 1 个发光电源开关 1 个硬盘状态指示灯 2 个串口接头 2 个 USB 接口 1 个 VGA 接口 2 个 10M/100M/1000M 自适应网络接口 2 个 USB 接口 2 个串口接头 1 组 PS/2 键盘和鼠标接口 1 组音频接口作为 MIC, Line-Out 无 宽:190mm 深:203mm 高:44mm 铝制上盖作为散热设备 黑色铁制机箱 1 个外接 80W 电源适配器 交流输入 100~240V 1.5A 50~60MHz 直流输出 +12V 7.0A(MAX) 0°~60°C (32°~140°F) 10~90%订购须知型号 规格尺寸图UFO6355-754 AMD® Geode™ LX800 处理器无风扇工控电脑。
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AMD LX800 3.5寸工业主板·TOP-9375
低功耗AMD LX800 3.5寸主板,双10/100网卡VGA+TTL LCD PC/104和MiniPCI扩展槽产品特点
板贴AMD Geode LX800 500MHz处理器
板贴256MB DDR SDRAM或1x200-pin SO-DIMM
18/24-bit TTL,18-bit LVDS,和模拟RGB
1xRealtek8100CL 10/100 base-T网络
CPU AMD LX800500MHz板载超低功耗,无风扇设计
1x200-pin SO-DIMM最大支持1GB
芯片组AMD LX800+ CS5536AD
BIOS Phoenix-Award
存储1xUltra ATA 支持2 IDE设备
1Xcf Type II插槽
USB 4 x USB 2.0接口
数字I/O 8-bit数字输入/输出
芯片组 2 x Realtek RTL8139DL 10/100Mbps支持网络唤醒
解码器/接口1xRealtek ALC203 AC97 解码器支持麦克风/线路输入/线路输出
显示芯片AMD Geode LX800集成VGA控制器2D引擎(共享内存Max 64MB)显示接口模拟RGB 1920x1440@85Hz
LCD 18/24-bit TTL支持最高1600x1200(60Hz)
18-bit LVDS 支持最高1600x1200(60Hz)
电源功耗:TOP-9375 :1.1A/5V
工作湿度10%~95% 非冷凝
尺寸146 x 104 mm
TOP-9375 AMD Geode LX800 3.5”紧凑型主板,板载256MB DDR SDRAM。