富士 AX1胶片相机 说明书
This convenience feature tells at a glance whether or not the camera is loaded with film. Film type and number of exposures are shown when Fuji films are used.
o Battery Compartment Cover
f) Preview Button
., Aperture Control Lever
o Fujica X-Mount o Lens Lock
(3 Quick-return Mirror
G Fractional Exposure Control
o(;) Film Speed Selector Film Rewind Crank / Knob
Electronic Self-timer 8
Another convenient feature is the built-in electronic self-timer. Count-down is a precise 12 seconds. And an audible electronic signal tells when the timer is operating.
Push-button Multiple Exposure Multiple exposures are no problem with the AX-I. Just take the first photograph, operate the film advance lever while pressing "R" rewind button and take another shot. This can be repeated any number of times with the film held in perfect register. Skillful use of this function will open the doors to new creativity.
照相机包装袋 :PE-HD 02 其他包装袋 :PE-LD 04
安全须知 使用前务必阅读本注意事项 安全使用注意事项
• 确保正确使用照相机。请在使用前仔细阅读您的 用户手册,特别是以下安 全使用注意事项。 • 阅读完这些注意事项后,请将其妥善保存。
请勿触摸 内部部件
有关相关产品的信息,请访问我们的网站 /products/digital_cameras/index.html 有关 X-E1 的详细信息,请访问 /x-e1/
连接 技术注释 故障排除 附录
或 图形含义:此标识是适用于在中国境内销售的电子信息产品的环保使用期限。 此产品使用者只要遵守安全和使用上的注意事项,从生产之日起的十年或五年期间不会对环境污染,也 不会对人身和财产造成重大影响。此年限是根据安全使用期限的相关法律得出的。
AA 碱性/可充电镍氢电池
若照相机使用的是 AA 碱性或可充电 AA 镍氢电池,请阅读本章节。您可在 照相机手册的其它地方找到兼容电池类型的信息。
■ 注意:电池使用注意事项
• 请勿将其扔进水中、火中或加热,也不要将其存放在炎热或潮湿的环境 中。 • 请勿与项链、发夹等金属物品一起运输或存放。 • 请勿拆卸或改装电池或电池外壳。 • 请勿使其受到强烈震动。 • 请勿使用漏液、变形或褪色的电池。 • 请勿存放在婴儿和幼儿伸手可及之处。 • 请按照正确方向插入电池。 • 请勿混用新旧电池、不同电量或不同类型的电池。 • 如果准备长期不使用照相机,请将电池取出。请注意,照相机时钟将会 重设。 • 电池在刚使用后可能会发热。取出电池前,请先关闭照相机并等待电池 降温。 • 低温环境中,电池性能容易降低。请将备用电池放在口袋或其它暖和的地 方,以便需要时更换使用。电池回暖后,其电量将会有所恢复。 • 电池端子上的指纹和其它污迹可能会降低电池性能。将电池插入照相机 前,请使用一块柔软的干布彻底清洁电池端子。
Coupled Shutter Speed Range: 2 sec 111000 sec., plus B, for both continuous and single-frame modes.
Auto AZ
Automatic Flash Photography
at any Lens aperture
The Fujica Auto Strobo AZ is one of the most automatic flash units available today. Film speed and aperture data are sensed directly from the camera. There's no need to make easily forgotten settings. And any lens aperture can be used. The GN17 (ASA100/meters) output is automatically adjusted in accordance with the aperture set, film speed and subject distance.
Guide Number: 30 (ASA 100/meter) Two flash tubes are used in bounce flash, with these guide numbers: Main flash unit: 25 (ASA 100lmeter) Sub·flash unit: 6 (ASA 100lmeter)
FUJIINSTAX 一次成像相机 培训.pdf
![FUJIINSTAX 一次成像相机 培训.pdf](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/25feb6f3f61fb7360b4c6545.png)
Mini胶片外延尺寸:85mm*54mm,内径图像尺寸:62mm*46mm。在多数情况下,我们称作小胶片戒名片大 小胶片。目前小胶片每个包装盒内有10张胶片,每10张都有一个塑料暗盒并有一张遮光片。
胶片拍摄感光被相机排出,在常温下20秒开始出图像,约2分钟便可得到色彩艳丽的照片。 每张胶片上白色宽边内是使胶片快速成像的显影剂袋,一旦被相机两根滚轴挤压后均匀地涂布在整张相纸的感光 层上迚行显像,因此照片成像后丌能够再剪裁,保存时间不传统彩扩片相同。每盒胶片外包装纸盒上都有使用有效期, 超过使用有效期后会使胶片内的显影剂活性降低,色彩还原丌准,甚至药液干枯。未使用胶片应保存在5℃-40℃常温 干燥环境中,丌提倡放入冰箱冷藏,忽冷忽热会使胶片相互之间形成水汽粘连。胶片感光度为ISO 800°。
开机原始状态停留在室内模式( ,)因拍摄环境改变而选择相应档位改变曝光。模式调节拨盘的本质功能就是调节镜头 内光圈的大小(拉出镜头通过镜片可以看到调节时光圈大小的变化)来控制通光量,保证胶片得到正确曝光,丌至亍造 成曝光丌足戒过爆。
4.闪光灯 7S系列闪光灯的有效范围在0.6m-2.7m。丌论在暗不亮的环境下都会发光,这对亍在室外逆光人像拍摄更有利,起到了补
在相机背面上方有一红色按钮为开关,开机后显示屏有“ 充电结束可以拍摄。充电标志“ 也等同亍关机。 开机后5分钟丌拍摄会自动节电关机,“
”没有消失、也就是正在充电过程中如果按动快门按钮,有时镜头会缩回机身内, ”闪烁8秒以上就应更换电池。
DX Film Speed Setting
You don't have to worry about rgetting to set the film speed. . ust load a OX film cartridge and let the camera sense the speed automatically.
(High Speed Priority Program Mode)
The cute behaviour of children. Fleeting smiles. Or sports action . All of these can be big moments. Priceless scenes that are here but for a fleeting instant, only to disappear never to be seen again.
when you focus on a subject, a larger
(Depth-of-Field Priority Program Mode)
area will appear sharp on the photograph. Great for nature shots, land-
scapes and scenes that include
There are times when you want
your photographs to be sharp as far
as the eye can see. And this is where
• 閱讀完這些注意事項後,請將其妥善保管。
周圍溫度低於 +10 ℃或高於 +35 °C 時,充電時間將會延長。
請不要在溫度高於 40 °C 的環境下為電池充電;溫度低於 0 °C 時,電池將不會充電。
■電池壽命在常溫下,電池大約可以充電 300 次。
若準備長期不使用相機,請取出電池,並將其存放在比較乾燥的地方,且周圍環境溫度需在 +15 °C 至 +25 °C 之間。
■注意:電池使用注意事項• 請勿與項鍊、髮夾等金屬物品一起運輸或存放。
• 請勿將電池扔進火中或加熱。
• 請勿分解或改造電池。
有关相关产品的信息,请访问我们的网站 /products/digital_cameras/index.html 有关 X-E1 的详细信息,请访问 /x-e1/
连接 技术注释 故障排除 附录
请勿在浴 室使用
请勿自行 拆卸
请勿擅自改装或拆卸照相机(切勿打开外壳),否则可能导致火 灾或触电。
请勿在充满油烟或水蒸气,或者潮湿或有灰尘的地方使用照相机, 否则可能导致火灾或触电。 请勿将照相机放在极端高温的地方,也不要将其放在封闭的汽车 内或直射阳光下,否则可能导致火灾。 请勿存放在儿童伸手可及之处 。本产品在儿童手中可能导致伤 害。 请勿将重物压在照相机上,否则可能使重物翻倒或摔落而引起损 害。 当仍连接有交流电源适配器时,请勿移动照相机。断开交流电源 适配器的连接时,请勿拽拉连接电线,否则可能损坏电源线或电 缆,导致火灾或触电。 请勿用布或毯子盖住或裹住照相机或交流电源适配器,否则可能 会使温度升高,导致外壳变形或引起火灾。 清洁照相机或准备长期不使用照相机时,请取出电池或拔下交流 电源适配器的插头,否则可能导致火灾或触电。 当充电结束时,请从电源插座拔出充电器的插头,否则可能导致 火灾。 使用闪光灯时,太靠近眼睛可能会暂时性影响视力,因此拍摄婴 儿或幼儿时需特别小心。 取出存储卡时,卡可能会飞出插槽。请用手指将其捏住,然后轻 轻取出。弹出卡片的冲击可能会导致受伤。 请定期对照相机内部进行检查和清洁。照相机内部积累的灰尘可 能导致火灾或触电。请与 FUJIFILM 销售代理商联系,每两年进行 一次内部清洁。请注意,此项并非免费服务。 若电池更换不正确,则可能引起爆炸。请仅使用相同或同等类型 的电池进行更换。
富士Finepix F11相机中文用户手册
![富士Finepix F11相机中文用户手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5f808855ad02de80d4d840ca.png)
B 静止拍摄 拍摄功能
拍摄照片— 选择相机设置 ..................................................................................................................... 32 选择拍摄模式 ....................................................................................................................................... 34 B 自动 ............................................................................................................................................ 34 À 自然光/ ?场景定位 ....................................................................................................................... 34 s 手动/ M快门优先AE / <光圈优先AE ............................................................................................... 38 e 微距(特写)拍摄 ................................................................................................................................ 44 d 闪光灯拍摄 ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Spec ificationsClosest Dia. xLens MarkedFocus Maximum Filter Length Max.Max. Lens Construction Picture Minimum Distance Reproduc-Attach-Lens Case Lens(extension Weight TC-TC-TC-TC-AF-3number AF-4number (groups/Angle f/Stop[Macro tion Ratio ment Size Hood from lens(g)20130114A14B of HN-36of HN-37elements)Setting] [MacroSetting](mm)mount)hoods usable hoods usable[m (ft.)](mm)Wideangle15mm f/3.5*11/14110°220.3 (1)1/12.5Provided CL-S2, CL-17Built-in90 x 83.5 6301—1—Not usable18mm f/3.5*10/11100°220.25 (0.85)1/8.372CL-S1, CL-34A, CL-37HK-975 x 61.53501—3—✔*a0✔020mm f/2.8*9/1294°220.25 (0.85)1/8.362CL-S2, CL-30S HK-1465 x 42.52601—1—✔*b0✔024mm f/2*10/1184°220.3 (1)1/8.652CL-S1, CL-31S, CL-34A HK-263 x 51.53001—1—✔0✔124mm f/2.8*9/984°220.3 (1)1/8.852CL-S1, CL-30S, CL-34A HN-163 x 462751—1—✔0✔128mm f/2*8/974°220.25 (0.9)1/5.452CL-S1, CL-31S, CL-32S HN-163 x 58.53451—1—✔0✔128mm f/2.8*8/874°220.2 (0.7)1/3.952CL-S1, CL-30S, CL-34A HN-263 x 44.52501—1—✔0✔135mm f/1.4*7/962°160.3 (1)1/5.652CL-S1, CL-31S, CL-32S HN-367.5 x 624002—2—✔0✔135mm f/26/862°220.3 (1)1/5.752CL-S1, CL-31S, CL-32S HN-363 x 51.52801—1—✔0✔145mm f/2.8 P3/450°220.45 (2)1/7.652Soft pouch type provided HN-3563 x 17120————✔3✔4 Normal50mm f/1.26/746°160.5 (1.7)1/7.952CL-S1, CL-31S, CL-34A HS-12, HR-268.5 x 47.5 3601—1—✔1✔250mm f/1.46/746°160.45 (1.5)1/6.852CL-S1, CL-30S HS-9, HR-163 x 402502—2—✔1✔350mm f/1.85/646°220.6 (2)1/9.652CL-30S HR-4, HS-1163 x 27.51451—1—✔2✔3 Telephoto85mm f/1.4*5/728°30'160.85 (3)1/7.972CL-S2HN-2080.5 x 64.56202—2—✔1✔3105mm f/1.85/523°20'22 1 (3.5)1/7.662CL-S1, CL-15S Built-in78.5 x 80.55802—2—✔1✔3105mm f/2.54/523°20'22 1 (3.5)1/7.752CL-S1, CL-32S Built-in64 x 69.54351—3—✔3✔5135mm f/24/618°22 1.3 (4.5)1/7.572CL-S2, CL-15S Built-in80.5 x 93.58602—2—✔1✔4 135mm f/2.84/518°32 1.3 (4.5)1/7.552CL-S1, CL-32S Built-in64 x 83.54353—11✔3✔5180mm f/2.8 ED5/513°40'32 1.8 (6)1/7.572CL-S4, CL-38Built-in78.5 x 1308002—2—✔2✔5200mm f/2 IF-ED*8/1012°20'22 2.5 (9)1/9.5Gelatine filter CT-200Built-in, HE-4132 x 225.52,5502—42Not usable300mm f/2.8 IF-ED*6/88°10'22 3 (10)1/8.339CT-302Built-in, HE-4132 x 2552,4003131Not usable400mm f/2.8 IF-ED*6/86°10'22 4 (15)1/8.352CT-400Built-in, HE-3163 x 378.55,150 42—2Not usable400mm f/3.5 IF-ED*6/86°10'22 4.5 (15)1/9.8122/39*CL-61A Built-in134 x 296 2,800—131Not usable500mm f/4 P IF-ED*6/85°22 5 (20)1/9.139CT-500HK-17138 x 384 3,000 —1—1Not usable600mm f/5.6 IF-ED*6/74°10'32 5 (20)1/7.339CT-603Built-in, HE-4132 x 387.52,800—1—1Not usable800mm f/5.6 IF-ED*6/83°328 (30)1/9.152CT-800Built-in, HE-3163 x 5465,450 —2—2Not usableReflex500mm f/8*6/65°— 1.5 (5)1/2.582/39*CL-39HN-2789 x 1098403—35Not usable✔5 1000mm f/11*5/52°30'—8 (25)1/7.139CL-29Built-in119 x 233.51,90035—5Not usableZoom28-85mm f/3.5-4.511/1574°-28°30'220.8 (3) [0.23 (0.8)]1/8.3 [1/3.4]62CL-S1, CL-33S HK-1667 x 895101—1—✔0✔035-70mm f/3.3-4.57/862°-34°20'220.5 (2) [0.35 (1)]1/6.7 [1/4.3]52CL-S1, CL-31S HN-263 x 612501—1—✔0✔135-105mm f/3.5-4.512/1662°-18°22 1.4 (5) [0.27 (0.9)]1/11.6 [1/4]52CL-S1, CL-33S HK-1164 x 86.5 5101—1—✔0✔035-200mm f/3.5-4.513/1762°-12°20'22 1.6 (5.5) [0.3 (1)]1/7 [1/4]62CL-S3, CL-13A HK-1570 x 1197403———✔0✔170-210mm f/4.5-5.68/1134°20'-11°50'32 1.5 (5)1/652CL-38HR-164 x 1043751—1—✔2✔3 Special PurposePC 28mm f/3.5*8/974°220.3 (1)1/6.772CL-S2, CL-34A HN-978 x 64.5380————✔*0✔0 PC Micro 85mm f/2.8D*5/628°30'450.39 (1.3)1/277CL-75HB-2283.5 x 109.5770———1✔*0✔0 Micro 55mm f/2.8*5/643°320.25 (0.9)1/252CL-S1, CL-31S, CL-32S,HN-363.5 x 622901—1—✔1✔3CL-33S*, CL-15S*Micro 105mm f/2.8*9/1023°20'320.41 (1.34)1/252CL-S4, CL-32S,HS-1466.5 x 83.55151—1—✔3✔5CL-33S, CL-38*Micro 200mm f/4 IF*6/912°20'320.71 (2.34)1/252CL-S4, CL-36, CL-45Built-in66 x 172800—131✔2✔5 TeleconvertersTC-2015/7—————CL-S1, CL-30S—64.5 x 52230————————TC-3015/5—————CL-S1, CL-33S—64.5 x 115325————————TC-14A5/5—————CL-S1, CL-30S—65 x 25.5145————————TC-14B5/5—————CL-S1, CL-30S—65 x 34165————————Photographic3/5—————CL-S1—65.4 x 56200————————Attachment*1Features Close-Range Correction (CRC) system.*2Tripod mounting collar is provided.*3Manual-type diaphragm with preset ring.*4Front filter / rear filter.*5The camera's exposure metering and flash control system do not work properly when shifting and/ortilting the lens, or when using an aperture other thanthe maximum aperture.Shifting and/or tilting the lens to a large degree cancause some vignetting.This lens cannot be used with the Nikon PRONEA Scamera.*6With a PK-13 ring.*7With a PN-11 ring.1Usable.2When used at smaller aperture than f/11 with highshutter speeds, there is occasional uneven exposure.3Usable, but there is occasional vignetting.4There is occasional vignetting. And when used atsmaller aperture than f/11 with high shutter speeds,there is occasional uneven exposure.5Usable if the rear screw-in filter is removed.—Not usable.✔Usable.*a Vignetting occurs.*b Slight vignetting occurs.*c Vignetting will occur only in certain situations.M anual-focus Lenses29。
AX1 开关装置维护手册说明书
![AX1 开关装置维护手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d0f0137d657d27284b73f242336c1eb91a37339f.png)
Instruction for exchange of circuit breaker in the switchgear AX11. Necessary tools.- Ratchet handle with torx 40.- Chisel for torx 30.- Chisel or ring wrench, 8 millimetre.- Screwdriver.- Ring wrench, 13 millimetre.- Pliers.2.1 Assembling of elevating gear.2.22.3 Mount the support wheel.2.4 Adjust the support wheel, (250 millimetre)2 Assembling of elevating gear2.5 Use the handle to fasten the wheel. 2.6 Pull the locking pin on both sides.2.7 Mounting the lifting beam. 2.8 Lock the lifting beam with the locking pin.2.9 Mounting the lifting beam on the hydrauliccylinder. 2.10 Ready for use.3.1 Dismantling the door.3.2 Unboult the locking clip.3.3 Remove the locking clip so the door falls down.3.43 Dismantling the door4 Take the switchgear out of service4.1 Take the switchgear out of service. Open all circuit breakers and move the diconnector to earth pos. Close then all circuit breakers to earth the cables.4.2 Check that the bus bar are dead.4.3 Connect the bus bar to earth.5 Dismonting the circuit breaker5.1 Switch off the aux power for the REF with the miniature circuit breaker +B1.95.2 Switch off the power for the spring charge motor with the miniature circuit breaker +B1.105.3 Open the circuit breaker with the mechanical push button. 5.4 Close the circuit breaker with the mechanical push button.4.4 Notice that the cables out from the cubicle will not be connected to earth when the circuit breaker is dismounted. For that reason you have to connect a portable earthing devise.5.5 Open the circuit breaker with the mechanical push button.5.6 Check that the spring in the operating unit is unstrained.5.7 Dismount the cover for the operating unit. 5.8 Dismount the cover.5.9 Dismount the plastic rivert. Save the ploasticrivert to the mounting of the cover. 5.105.11 Disconnect the terminal XF11-XM11 and XF12-XM12.5.12 Disconnect the terminal XF60, XF61, XF62 and XF63.5.13 If the circuit breaker have current measuringyou have to disconnect the sensor cables. 5.14 Dismount the operating unit.5.15 Remove the operating unit. 5.16 Dismount the earthing bar.5.175.18 Unboult the circuit breaker. Leave 2 screws so the breaker not will fall down.5.19 Close the door to the low voltages box.5.20 Hook on the circuit breaker to the elevating gear.5.21 Secure the adjustible screw so the circuit breaker will hang verically.5.22 Unboult the two remaining screws that holds the circuit breaker.5.23 Pull out the circuit breaker about 100-150millimetre.5.24 Let the circuit breaker go down about 30-40millimetre so it not will grab the cubicle.WARNING: The hand wheel is sensitive.Be careful so you don't get jammed.5.25 Pull out the circuit breaker from the cubicle.WARNING: Be careful the elevating gear can tip over.5.26 Remove all rubber sealing.5.276 Mounting of the circuit breaker 6.1 Unpack the circuit breaker and dismount thecover and operating unit. NOTICE: The circuitBreaker must be in open position and the spring unstrained befor you dismount the operating unit.6.2 Hook on the circuit breaker to the elevating gear.6.3 Use the Fomblin to lubricate the contactsurface. 6.4 Fomblin typ OT 206.56.6 Remove all rubber sealing from the old circuit breaker.6.7 Mont the rubber sealing in the cubicle.6.8 Lift the circuit breaker to the right position otherwise the contact springs get broken.6.9 Press the circuit breaker in to the cubicle. It needs two person to do this.WARNING: Be careful so the contact springs not get broken.6.10 Use a dynamometric wrench to fasten the circuit breaker (24 Nm)6.11 Mount the earthing bar 6.12 Before you mount the operating unit, check the circuit breakers position.6.13 Mount the operating unit.6.14 Connect the terminal XF11-XM11 and XF12-XM12.6.15 Connect the terminal XF60, XF61, XF62och XF63.6.16 If the circuit breaker have current measuring you have to connect the sensor cables to the REF.6.17 Mount the cover. 6.18 Mount the plastic rivert.6.19 Mount the door. 6.20 Switch on the aux power for the REF with the miniature circuit breaker +B1.9 and wait for the REF to start.6.21 Switch on the aux power for the springcharge motor with the miniature circuit breaker+B1.10. Now the spring will charge. 6.22 Mount the door.Ready。
索尼FDR-AX1 4K 手持摄像机说明书
![索尼FDR-AX1 4K 手持摄像机说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6e7a5cb729ea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2f3f2a30.png)
Key FeaturesCapture 4K/60p video that far exceeds HD resolutionPlayback 4K content captured on the AX1 on a compatible 1 4K TV by simply connecting the two devices with supplied HDMI cable. Thanks to original Sony technology, Sony BRA VIA TVs especially bring out the full quality of 4K/60p recordings. Full HD monitors can also be used to enjoy this content by simply changing the menu HDMI output settings to 1920 x 1080.XA VC-S codec allows extended 4K/HD video recordingThe FDR-AX1 records 4K/HD movies in the XA VC-S format, which was developed for consumer usage based on the professional XA VC 4K/HD format. XA VC-S uses MPEG-4 A VC/H.264 Long GOP for video and linear PCM for audio compression, while saving files in an MP4 wrapper. The XA VC-S codec allows longer recording times within a given media capacity than XA VC, making 4K recording easier and more convenient.1/2.3” 8.3MP Exmor R ® CMOS image sensorSony’s unique Exmor R ® CMOS sensor is essential to the stunning image quality that the FDR-AX1 achieves. Its back-illuminated structure featuring wiring layers on the back of a photodiode (light receiving element) dramatically boosts low-light sensitivity for shooting better, more lifelike images even in dim lighting. Sony’s cutting-edge technology also makes the camera nimble at reading massive 4K data at 60 fps.Professional image processor for real-time 4K / 60 fps recordingAn extraordinary image processor, identical to those in 4K camcorders used by professionals, rapidly processes signals transmitted from the CMOS sensor and finalizes images. In processing the vast 4K data in real time at 60p, the processor achieves four times the resolution of the HD format. This processor not only features high-performance noise reduction technology for better image quality, it is also specifically tuned for the AX1 so it delivers image processing performance that accelerates the evolution of camcorders.Sony G-lens with 20X (31.5-630mm eq.) smooth servo zoomThe “G Lens” advances the Sony heritage of image processing innovation by redefining what an aspheric lens and special low-dispersion glass together can faithfully reproduce. Accordingly, the “G Lens” is specially tuned to capture qualities of definition and color that put these groundbreaking Handycam ® camcorders in a class of their own. In addition, the high-quality lens offers a broad zooming range from wide-angle to 20x optical zoom (31.5-630mm 35mm equivalent), enabling an amazing range of video expression.3 ND filters and 5 paint functions for expressive cinematic looksThe AX1 features three ND filters for adjusting the amount of light entering the image sensor from the lens. There are four filter settings: Off (Clear), ¼ filter, 1/16 filter and 1/64 filter. These filter settings give users the ability to adjust to light conditions, while maintaining desired shutter angle and aperture even on bright and sunny days. Six paint functions (white, offset white, gamma, detail, skin detail and matrix) can be combined and adjusted in the paint menu to create expressive movie styling and cinematic looks.Built-in mic w/2x additional Pro XLR jacks for external inputsIn addition to a high-performance internal microphone, the AX1 features two external XLR jacks for connecting external microphones that can also be used to record superior-quality balanced audio synchronized to the video. You can also mix audio from recordings made using the internal microphone and externally connected microphones, respectively.7x assignable buttons and 3x control rings (focus/iris/zoom)FDR-AX1Sony’s First 4K/60p Consumer Camcorder Tell your story in four times the resolution of Full HD with the 4K camera that’s made for everyone. Shoot with the breathtaking quality of XA VC-S 4K/60p and capture professional audio with XLR mic inputs. Even take direct, manual control with zoom, focus and iris rings, plus 7 assignable buttons. The groundbreaking power of 4K is ready to capture your imagination—experience it with Sony. Let the revolution begin.The AX1 was designed with two start/stop buttons (one on the side of the camera grip and another on the handle) for ease of use while shooting.The handle also features a zoom lever that enables convenient access while shooting from low angles.Seven assignable buttons can be programmed with functions that enable users to quickly access them without using menus. Assign functions to adjust to shooting conditions on the fly such as Marker, Zebra, Peaking, Focus Magnifier, Auto Exposure Level, Steadyshot, Color Bars, Rec Lamp [F], Rec Lamp [R].Two XQD card slots for high-speed 4K recording and playbackThe AX1 uses XQD media card for smooth, high-speed reading and writing of 4K video and features two XQD media slots.A relay recording feature makes it possible to lengthen recording by automatically switching between two or more media.The AX1 is compatible with following types of XQD media cards:XQD media card S-seriesXQD media card H-seriesXQD media card N-seriesView 4K 60P video on compatible BRA VIA® TVs w/supplied HDMI® cablePlayback 4K content captured on the FDR-AX1 on a 4K TV by simply connecting the two devices with supplied HDMI® cable. Thanks to original Sony technology, Sony BRA VIA® TVs especially bring out the full quality of 4K/60p recordings. Full HD monitors can also be used to enjoy this content by simply changing the menu HDMI output settings to 1920 x 1080. Zebra, Peaking, Center marker and guide frameHave confidence in getting the setting right and not missing he shot. Tools such as Zebra, Peaking, Center Marker and Guide Frame are professional features to enable precise manual control.Zebra: While recording, this function highlights over exposed bright areas with stripes in the LCD and viewfinder. This feedback helps users adjust brightness and prevent whiteout.Peaking highlights the area’s most sharply in focus, in the LCD and viewfinder for accurate manual focusing. Users can choose white, red, yellow or blue peaking to clearly contrast with the subject and adjust the peaking level to low, medium or high.Determine the center of your image at a glance using the Center Marker feature in the LCD or viewfinder and use the guide frame for aligning horizontal and vertical lines to ensure your captured image is within screen boundaries.High-quality XA VC-S up to 150 Mbps 4K / 50Mbps HD recordingHigh quality XA VC-S can be recorded to 150mbps. Additionally, there is also an option to record very high quality Full HD at 50mbps with the FDR-AX1.Specifications1. The FDR-AX1 can only playback via HDMI in 4K to BRA VIA TV as of September 4, 2013.2. At time of announcement, September 4, 2013.3. The use of MP4 playback devices and software does not guarantee that data can be played back in all modes.© 2013 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, and the Sony make.believe logo are trademarks of Sony. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Mac is atrademark of Apple, Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Features and specifications subject to change without notice. / UPC:/ Updated: September 3, 2013。
FUJIFILM 富数码相机 说明书
![FUJIFILM 富数码相机 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9a5ed137a32d7375a4178085.png)
拍摄照片 (q 自动模式)................................... 22 采用对焦和曝光锁定拍摄照片 ..................... 26 AF 辅助灯 .................................................... 28 调节构图显示内容 ....................................... 28 观看图像 .............................................................. 30 使用删除按钮................................................... 34
连接电视机 ....................................................... 102 将相机直接连接至打印机 — PictBridge 功能 .... 103
在 Windows 计算机中的安装 ............................ 在 Mac OS X 中的安装 ..................................... 连接计算机 ....................................................... FinePixViewer 的使用方法 ....................... 107 110 113 116
高级功能 — 拍摄
使用拍摄功能 — 设置步骤 ................................... 35 设置拍摄模式 ...................................................... 38 q 自动........................................................ 38 /? 场景定位......................................... 38 双重防抖 ................................................ 46 </M 光圈优先 AE/ 快门优先 AE ................. 46 s 手动 ...................................................... 50
所有帧 :减少闪烁应用于所有帧连续拍摄帧率会降低。
仅拍摄时:仅当半按快门按钮(对焦模式 C)或释放快门时才启用图像稳定。
Classic Neg.
PRO Neg. Hi
Nostalgic Negative
PRO Neg. Std
20 个
在使用 a ACROS 和 b 黑白 胶片模拟所拍的黑白照片中添加偏红或偏蓝色调(暖色氛围或
1 模式
2 闪光指数
3 模式选择
4 同步模式
5 闪光范围选择
![FUJIFILM 富士数码相机FINEPIXF20 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1d36761810a6f524ccbf85d9.png)
* 自拍................................................................ 46 j 增加显示屏亮度............................................. 48 使用 p- 模式菜单 (拍摄) / 拍摄菜单 .............. 49
本手册将指导您正确使用富士数码相机 FinePix F20。 请严格按照指导说明进行操作。
准备工作 相机使用方法 高级功能 • 拍摄
• 回放 • 电影
设置 相机连接 软件安装
附录 故障排除
目录 ....................................................................... 2 前言 ....................................................................... 4 关于本手册 ............................................................ 5 配件 ....................................................................... 6 相机部件和功能 ..................................................... 7 LCD 显示屏文字显示举例...................................... 8
装入电池................................................................ 9 电池充电.............................................................. 11 装入 xD-Picture Card 卡................................. 13 开启和关闭 .......................................................... 15
富士胶片 CF 镜头适配器 使用说明书
![富士胶片 CF 镜头适配器 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/612fc267182e453610661ed9ad51f01dc281571c.png)
User ManualCe texte dans votre langue? Utilisez “Google Translate” sur Internet.Diesen Text in Ihrer Sprache? Verwenden Sie “Google Translate” im Internet.Este texto en su idioma? El uso de “Google Translate” en Internet.Questo testo nella tua lingua? Utilizzare ‘Google Translate’ su Internet.Este texto na sua língua? Usar “Google Translate” na Internet.Denna text på ditt språk? Använd “Google Translate”på Internet.Deze tekst in uw taal? Gebruik ‘Google Translate’ op het internet.FRA DEU ESP ITA PRT SWE NLD JPNCHNINDRUSSAUThe CF Lens Adapter (3043500) allows the use of all C-type lenses from the V System on H cameras. Integral processors for data con-version bridge the two systems to access a number of the H-display and lens-control functions. The adapter allows:• light metering at full aperture.• electronic focus confirmation on viewfinder display.• exploitation of databus connection with CFE lenses.• access to shutter speeds (manually set on lens) from 1s–1/500s including B and T mode.Functions such as autofocus and continuous drive are an integral part of the H System only so they are therefore not available when C lenses are used. Likewise, as the light measuring and aperture/ shutter controls are also different between the two systems, then camera operation differs too. Some other restrictions also apply regarding specific lenses or combinations of lenses/converters. Operation of the adapter is not difficult but requires an awareness of certain points that contrast with regular H operation. You can use the adapter immediately by going through the procedures described under the Quick Start heading but a thorough reading of this manual is advised to ensure optimum performance.CF Lens Adapter compatibilityPlease make sure your camera has the latest firmware which you can find at .The H6D camera requires firmware 1.19.0 or later for CF Lens Adapter use.When using the CF lens Adapter together with an H6D camera, the function “My Lenses” is not available. Hence, all references to “My Lenses” is only valid for H5D cameras and earlier.F/FE type lenses and video with H6DFor still images it is not possible to use F/FE type lenses as they don’t have a built-in shutter. However, they can be used on the H6D for making video capture.Note that when attaching an FE 110 or FE 60-120 lens, there will be a message on the camera grip saying “Lens type not sup-ported” and the camera is blocked for still image captures. It is however, possible to activate video mode and recording from the Sensor Unit user interface. F type lenses will not generate this message and you can activate video mode and control re-cording from the grip.See H6D User Manual for more details.All Lenses screen with the H6D cameraThe illustration below shows the H6D grip screen that will ap-pear when a lens is mounted on the CF Lens Adapter. This cor-responds to illustration 5 on page 19.The figures beside the headings refer to the relevant illustrations for that section. Rotation directions are described as seen when facing the camera.Please note that the adapter requires firmware version 9.0.0 or later (H6D1.19.0 or later) installed in the camera! (see camera manual for details). Parts and Components 11. Lens locating index2. Connecting cable3. Databus connector for CFE lenses4. Lens cocking lever5. Adapter locating index6. Drive shaft7. Adapter release catch8. Camera databus connectorQuick start 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 C-type lenses from the V System have changed over the years in functionality and appearance. The illustrations therefore show some variations that might not match the lenses you are using. The later CFE/i models, for example, have a locking device on the PC flash con-nector whereas earlier models did not. Please see the relevant user manual for details.a. Align the red adapter locating index on the rear of the adapter with the redindex on the camera body (illus 2) and rotate the adapter clockwise until it clicks into place.b. Align the index on the lens with the red lens locating index on the adapter(illus 3) and rotate the lens clockwise until it clicks into place.c. Attach the connecting cable to the PC socket on the lens (illus 4).d. The grip LCD on the camera will automatically display the lens and converterchoice screen (such as in illus 5).e. Rotate the front control wheel to choose the lens and the rear control wheelto choose the converter (or No converter). For example, 150 mm lens with ‘No converter’, as in illus 6. Finally, press the button labelled “Save” to store the setting and automatically access the standard screen.f. The focal length of the lens chosen (illus 7) as well as a ’X’ symbol for a con-verter if chosen (illus 8) now appears on the LCD beneath the AF button.g. Ensure the depth-of-field button on the lens is in the off position, illus 9.h. When measuring the light, the camera will display setting informationwhich has to be transferred to the lens, for example 1/60s at f/11 as in illus10. See relevant lens user manual if you are not familiar with the settingson C lenses. This procedure varies according to the type of lens:C/CF/CFi lenses — Rotate the front control wheel on the grip to scrollthrough the list of aperture/shutter combinations visible on the grip LCD and the viewfinder LCD. Transfer the chosen shutter speed / aperture combi-nation settings (or EV visible on grip LCD) to the lens.CFE lenses — Pre-set the aperture of your choice on the lens. This setting will appear on the grip and viewfinder LCD alongside the shutter speedchosen by the camera. Transfer the shutter speed setting from the grip or viewfinder LCD (or EV visible on the grip LCD) to the lens.i. Make the exposure.j. The message ‘Cock the lens’ now appears on the grip LCD (illus 11) and on the viewfinder LCD together with a warning triangle. Before another expo-sure can be made, the lens shutter must be re-cocked by pushing the lens cocking lever all the way up until it stops (illus 12).Attaching the adapter 13 The adapter should be attached to the camera body first and then the lens to the adapter. When using a converter or extension tube see ‘Converter/ Extension tubes’ section for specific details.✐Any resistance experienced when attaching a lens should be assumed to be a fault in fitting. If the lens does not click into place then check to see whether the lens shutter has been inadvertently tripped thereby causing the drive shaft to be out of alignment for attachment.If this is the case, the lens shutter can be cocked again by inserting a small coin or similar in the slot on the drive shaft coupling and rotating it clockwise (about 4/5 turn) until it locks. See illus 13 for correct alignment.✐The connecting cable should be attached whether you intend to use flash or not as it not only conveys information about flash synchronisation but completion of the shutter action as well. The adapter/lens combinationwill work correctly (except for the lack of flash synchronisation) if the cable is not connected but film advance is consequently delayed by 1.5 seconds.Please note that with some older lens types there may be a delay anyway, even if the cable is correctly attached.Removing the adapterAfter exposure, you can remove the adapter from the camera without re-cocking the lens but you cannot remove a lens from the adapter without re-cocking the lens.Remove a lens from the adapter by pressing the lens adapter catch on the adapter and rotating the lens in an anticlockwise direction.Remove the adapter from the camera body as you would a lens by pressing the lens release button on the camera and rotating the adapter in an anticlockwise direction.Converters, extension tubes and lenses should be removed in reverse order to attachment, that is, lens first followed by the converter or extension tube. Avoid removing a lens and converter/extension tube as a combined unit as separation will cause the lens shutter to trip. See note above under ‘Attaching the adapter’ for details.Lens choice and H display 5, 6, 7, 8,16 Attachment of the adapter or adapter/lens combination auto-matically causes the camera to display the lens/converter choice screen on the grip LCD. The grip screen is scrollable or partly so, depending on lens type (see below). There are two possible screens (shown by the setting information on the lower row of the LCD), namely All lenses (as in illus 14) and My lenses.Toggle between these two screens by pressing the AF button (signified by the commands Next in the top row on the screen). The My lenses screen will provide access to a list you have already created (see below for details) while the All lenses will provide ac-cess to all lenses available.When a C/CF/CFi type lens is attached, all ‘C’ lenses are available (by scrolling) on the list.To simplify operation however, when a CFE lens is attached, only CFE lenses that share the same widest aperture appear on the list. For example, when attaching a CFE4/40 mm lens, the CFE4/120 mm and the CFE4/180 mm will also appear as they both have f/4 as their widest aperture. Therefore when attaching a CFE 2.8/80 mm lens, only that lens appears as it is the only f/2.8 lens in the CFE range. Please note that this feature functions by way of the databus connections and therefore will not work if the converter/extension tubes have no databus connectors.Whether choice is manual as in C/CF/CFi type lenses or semi-automatic with CFE lenses, a choice must still be made regarding a converter at least, and then saved. It is essential that the lens/ converter information is correct as failure to do so can cause er-rors in light metering while the camera will appear to behave normally.If you want to correct your choice afterwards then press the AF button in the standard screen mode to access the lens choice screen again.To set or reset a lens /converter choice proceed as follows:1. Press the AF button to access the lens choice screen.2. Toggle the AF button to access either the ‘My lenses’ or ‘All lenses’.3. Rotate the front control wheel to choose the lens attached and the rear con-trol wheel to choose converter (or No converter). For example, 150 mm lens with ‘No converter’, as in illus 6.4. Press the button labelled “Save” to store the setting and automaticallyaccess the standard screen. Note that the focal length of the lens attached now appears on the LCD beneath the AF button, illus 7, along with an ‘X’symbol to signify a chosen converter, illus 8.✐Remember to check and save the lens/converter settings when attaching a lens!✐Remember to check the lens/converter settings each time you change lenses or converters!The camera cannot recognize CFE or CF lenses when used in conjunction with converters or extension tubes without databus connectors so consequently manual settings must be made.Creating and using a ‘My lenses’ setting 14, 15, 16, 17 If you regularly use the same lenses, you might want to speed up lens choice when changing lenses by creating a personal My lenses list that matches your equipment. This method also helps to avoid errors in choice. Until you create such a list the My lenses screen will display the Empty! Select lenses in “My lenses” menu message. You can add to the list at any time by following the same procedure and you can delete any or all lenses at any time by using the same procedure simply by choos-ing No instead of Yes and saving. Note that CFE lenses will override a favourite list (see previous section) and automatically implement the correct setting (though the use of a converter still has to be set). How-ever, if you attach a CFE lens that is not on the My lenses list, the All lenses will display all the CFE lenses with the same maximum aper-ture instead.1. Press the ‘Menu’ button, illus 14.2. Rotate the front control wheel until screen 4 ‘Settings’ (illus 15) is displayedon the grip LCD and press the button labelled “Enter”.3. Rotate the front control wheel until screen4.5 ‘My lenses’, illus 16, appearsand press the button labelled “Enter”.4. Rotate the front control wheel until the desired lens appears, then rotatethe rear control wheel until ‘Yes’ appears, illus 17.5. When you have matched all lenses of your choice that you want on the listwith a ‘Yes’ and each lens you don’t want on the list has been matched witha ‘No’, finally press the button labelled “Save”.When accessed, the ‘Lens choice’ screen will now only display the lenses you have chosen when you rotate the front control wheel, allowing much faster choice. Please note that the correct lens still has to be chosen and the any converter must also be chosen before SAVE is pressed.✐Converters cannot be included on a favourite list and always remain asa choice that has to be set. “My Lenses“ is not applicable to the H6D. FocusingAlthough the autofocus function is not available with V System lenses, the H focus confirmation aid LEDs in the viewfinder func-tion as normal with exception of lenses slower than f/6.7. This function remains customizable in Custom Options #14. Operation is identical as with HC lenses. See the H user manual for full details.✐The focus confirmation function automatically shuts down with lenses slower than f/6.7 (as it does with HC lenses) on condition that the cor-rect lens/converter settings have been made. However, this automatic shutdown does not take place if extension tubes are fitted.Light metering 9 For all types of lenses, choice remains between metering meth-ods in the camera – average, centre weighted and spot – as well as exposure compensation.✐Remember to ensure the depth-of-field check/ stop down button is in the ‘off’ position when taking a light meter reading (illus 9).✐An error message -’Stopped down’ - appears on the grip LCD and a warning triangle appears in the viewfinder LCD if you have forgotten to open the aperture again after stopping down for a depth-of-field check, but only with CFE lenses. No warnings are possible with C/CF/CFi lenses as they have no databus connections.Exposure 18, 11 When the exposure button is pressed (or the remote release) the conventional sequence of events takes place. However, after exposure, the shutter in the lens remains closed and so conse-quently there is no image in the viewfinder.If you forget to re-cock the shutter, camera operation is blocked and the message ‘Cock the lens’ appears on the grip LCD (illus 11) and in the viewfinder LCD alongside a red warning triangle. The standard screen returns again on the grip LCD when the lens has been cocked.Avoid pushing up the lens cocking lever or holding it half way up when making an exposure as this will cause errors. An error message – ‘Lens cocking lever problem’ (illus 18)– appears to warn you of this.B- and T-release 19, 20 For B exposures, proceed as follows:1. Ensure the connecting cable is connected between the lens and adapter.2. Set the shutter on the lens to “B”.3. Program the USER button (AE-L button on H4D) to “B mode” by first pressingthe the MENU button and then the USER/AE-L button. Rotate the rear control wheel to set the function to “B mode”.4. Press the USER/AE-L button to activate “B mode”.5. Make the exposure (elapsed time shown on the grip LCD) as normal bymaintaining pressure on the exposure button or remote release cord for the desired amount of time.For T exposures, proceed as follows:1. Ensure the connecting cable is connected between the lens and adapter.2. Set the shutter on the lens to “B”.3. Program the USER button (AE-L button on H4D) to “T mode” by first pressingthe the MENU button and then the USER/AE-L button. Rotate the rear control wheel to set the function to “T mode”.4. Press the USER/AE-L button to activate “T mode”.5. Start the exposure (elapsed time shown on the grip LCD) by pressing the exposurebutton or remote release cord. The button can now be released. Stop the expo-sure by pressing the exposure button or remote release cord button again.In both cases, the Mirror Up function can be used as normal.✐An error message – ‘Set lens to B’ (illus 19) – appears if you made the wrong shutter setting on the lens (T exposures only).✐An error message – ‘Check cable’ (illus 20) – appears if you have omitted to attach the connecting cable (T exposures only).Converters / Extension tubesConverters or extension tubes are attached and removed in the conventional manner. They should be attached to the adapter first. When removing however, remove the lens first and then the converter/extension tube. If you remove the lens and converter/ extension tube together as a unit and then separate them, there is a possibility that the shutter in the lens will be tripped. In this case see the special note in the ‘Attaching the adapter’ section and illus 13 about how to re-cock the shutter when detached from the camera.✐If you remove a C/CF/CFi lens but leave the converter attached to the adapter which in turn is still attached to the camera, then you must manually make a new lens choice from the list and save it. This also applies to CFE lenses if the converter does not have databus connectors.✐Only V-series converters and extension tubes can be used with the adapter.✐When a converter or extension tube is attached, the camera cannot recognize lens changes when it is not active and therefore the semi-automatic choice facility normally available with CFE lenses is tem-porarily lost. The camera can only recall the information from the last lens change made when the camera was active. This means you should check settings carefully in these cases or simply ensure the camera is active when you make changes.Points to note• The camera must have firmware version 9.0.0 or later (H6D 1.19.0 or later) installed.• Continuous drive is disabled.• Interval timer is disabled.• Rear flash sync is disabled.• Bracketing is disabled.• The stop down button on the camera is disabled.• Ensure the stop down button on the lens is in the open position for light metering.• H System converters and extensions tubes cannot be used.Technical specificationsDimensions: approx. 86 x 112 x 20 mmWeight: 135 gCF Adapter.. 3.eps 040920DERS ENGSTRÖM LUSTRA TÖR 2112345678***********************To lensCOPYRIGHT ©2004ANDERS ENGSTRÖMANDERS ENGSTRÖM,ILLUSTRA TÖR Östra vägen 4643091HÖNÖtel/fax 031-968464***********************3501+3..41.eps 001206COPYRIGHT © 2000 ANDERS ENGSTRÖMANDERS ENGSTRÖM, ILLUSTRATÖR Östra vägen 46430 91 HÖNÖ tel/fax 031-96 84 64***********************4578CF Adapter.. 5.eps 041007TRÖM 6123COPYRIGHT © 2000 ANDERS ENGSTRÖANDERS ENGSTRÖM, ILLUSTRATÖR Östra vägen 46430 91 HÖNÖ tel/fax 031-96 84 64***********************9101112CF Adapter.. 4.ep ***********************131415S ENGSTRÖM,ILLUSTRA TÖR gen 46HÖNÖ31-968464***************16181917201600701 3043500 7 2018 2018 Item no:3043500。
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Camera care . . . . 57
This compact, lightweight, aperture-preferred AE camera has a built-in microcomputer, product of the latest in electronic engineering, to insure high-precision automatic exposure in candlelight to sunlight.
Taking automatic exposure pictures 1. Shutter speed selector settings .19 2. View finder information . . . .20 3. Procedure for taking automatic exposure pictures.......21 4. Focusing the lens .......23 5. Rewinding the film ......25
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If you need more specific information on Fujica cameras.... try this U.K. site
Special features .... . . . 4 Names of parts .................... 5 Getting ready to take pictures . . . . . . 8 1 Attaching the strap and putting the camera in its case ......8 2. Mounting and dismounting the lens . . . . .9 3 Loading and checking the battery . .10 4. Loading the film ..............13 5. Setting the film speed selector . .17 6. Aiming the camera . . .18
A wide assortment of "system accessories" including the unique Fujica Auto Strobe 300X (G. No. 30), Fujica Auto Strobe AZ (G. No. 17) and Fujica Photo Recorder for printing data on the film, expands you; picture-taking scope well beyond present horizons.
When shooting against the light, fit the accessory Rubber Lens Hood on to the lens to prevent flare and ghost caused by the light falling directly on the lens surface. Choosing the Right Battery You can use any one of the following batteries b' be sure to use a new battery. 6-volt silver oxide battery: (JIS4G13, Eveready (UCAR) No. 544, Mallory PX28). 6-volt alkaline manganese battery: (Eveready No. 537).
On-line camera manual library This is the full text and images from the manual. If you find this manual useful, how about a donation of $3 to: M. Butkus, 29 Lake Ave., High Bridge, NJ 08829. This will allow me to continue to buy new manuals and pay their shipping costs. It'll make you feel better, won't it? If you use Pay Pal, use the link below. Use the above address for a check, M.O. or cash.
Camera functions............. 1. Light metering range .. .........27 2. AE lock (exposure memory} .......27 3. Stopped-down automatic exposure . . .28 4. Exposure compensation ......32 5. Multiple exposure .........34
Fujica AX-1 On-line owners manual
This camera manual library is for reference and historical purposes, all rights reserved. This page is copyright by M. Butkus, NJ. This page may not be sold or distributed without the expressed permission of the producer
Putting the camera in its case Put the camera in its case and secure the cam to the strap with the flaps provided on both sides of the case by closing the snaps. Next, put on the case cover, To take the camera out of its case, repeat (5) in reverse.
Fujica X "short turn" (65° ) lens mount permits quick lens changing and accepts the entire line of new X-Fujiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้on interchangeable lenses from wide-angle to telephoto as well as other lenses to take full advantage of the SLR system.
Position the red dot on the lens rear opposite the red dot on the Lens Mount, then push the Lens in and turn it 65° to the right (clockwise). It will lock into position with a click.
While pressing in the Lens Lock toward the camera body, turn the Lens to the left (counter-clockwise} as far as it will go, then pull it out toward the front. Using the Rubber Lens Hood
1) Remove the Battery Compartment Cover by pushing the Cover Lock in toward the Lens with your fingernail and lifting it up.
2) Insert the battery, plus (+) and minus ( - ) ends correctly, as shown in the Battery Compartment. 3) The battery will load easier if you insert the minus ( - ) end first. 4) To unload, press down and pull out the plus (+) end of the battery with your fingernail. 5) Replace the Battery Compartment Cover by sliding in the inner edge and pressing the cover down. Note: 1. One new battery will normally last about 6 months. 2. Before loading, wipe both ends of the battery clean with a dry piece of cloth. 3. If you are not taking pictures for a long while, remove the battery before putting the camera away.
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Soft-touch electromagnetic shutter release permits even the first-time user to shoot without camera shake; Auto Winder X (optional accessory) lets you shoot continuously at 2 fps; unique, highprecision electronically controlled self-timer emits a penetrating beep beep to keep you alert until the shutter trips.