弱点观后感英文50(6篇) 弱点观后感英文50(6篇)第1篇《弱点》观后感第2篇美国电影弱点观后感第3篇高中生看《弱点》观后感800字第4篇观片有感之《弱点》第5篇弱点观后感第6篇读《弱点》观后感400字【第1篇】《弱点》观后感《弱点》观后感《弱点》观后感《弱点》(《theblindside》)这部电影是根据迈克尔。
励志电影《弱点》英文观后感励志电影《弱点》英文观后感导语:《弱点》的原名是《blind side》,我觉得翻译成《盲点》更合适些,影片从两个角度诠释了生命的盲点。
观后感一This is a can’t-miss family movie. After all, EVERYONE seems to like inspiring family films--especially when it’s based on real people. And, not surprisingly, I had a thoroughly good time watching it--though I do recommend you see it with a box of Kleenex nearby.The film is about a young man named Michael Oher--an extremely large black teenager who has bounced from home to home in the foster care system. Currently, he’s in a new school and no one realizes that he has no place to live. Yet in spite of having a crack-addicted mother, a father who was killed in prison and every other reason to be an angry powder keg, he’s avery gentle and sad soul---who is also enormous and has amazing potential to play football.A nosy but very nice lady (Sandra Bullock) convinces her husband (Tim McGraw) to bring Michael home...at least for the night. But this one night turns into a permanent living situation and he becomes an important part of the family. However, despite this new living arrangement working out well, Michael is so far behind in school and his GPA so low that he hasn’t a prayer to play football in college. That’s because although many schools are now offering him athletic scholarships, his GPA is too low to allow him to accept these offers. So, with his new family’s help, perhaps he can pull up those grades and have a future.This film is super-inspirational and sweet--mostly because it’s true. I am sure that some poetic license was taken when making the film (I especially wonder if the little brother could be THIS precocious and adorable), but overall they did a good job of sticking reasonably close the facts. While I loved Sandra Bullock’s performance (she’s great as usual), I was a bit surprised that she received Oscar for it--I did see a few performances in other films that year that I thought were a bit better (such as the leading young lady in “Precious”). Also, TimMcGraw, while a lesser role in the film, did a surprisingly good job--especially as he’s really known as a country singer, not an actor. All around, a very good film and one that is meant to inspire.观后感二Yesterday saw (weaknesses), in fact earlier before I went to see it, but the thunderbolt examined next, see evaluation say subtitle translator is very bad we haven’t seen. Yesterday finally finished watching the movie, also didn’t think translation have what problem, it seems that comment is not credible. The truth is very moving, although the witcher nothing big fluctuations, but is such a movie to real, to touching. In Sandra took Oscar later did I know her name, then in thunderbolt recommend that saw written oscar-winning film, starring Sandra, I click go to see it, but behold got oolong, Adam. Thornton le mistaken as Sandra. Brock, but the film also is very good-looking, there are also about football, with the name, the last of the yard. Seeing so many foreign movies, weakness was the first to let me see will want to cry. In the streets, evening see mike in laundry overnight, and when brock let her brought home the scene really is very moving. Remember early days David asked my favorite thing to do what it is and I was not think out, now I can tell him, I likewatching movies. Watching movies can make us feel different life, not the same person, different life. In the reality doesn’t happen or appear thing also perhaps people can we by movie to satisfy - it’s a movie can bring a person.观后感三Watching The Blind Side, you could be forgiven for thinking you’d fallen into an alternative universe where the Republicans are still in charge in America. Sandra Bullock plays Leigh Anne Touhy, a larger than life Momzilla, and blonde sub-species of the genus Sarah palinus. She’s almost as funny as Tina Fey doing her dead on impression of the former Governor of Alaska, with lines like “I’m in a prayer group with the D.A., I’m a member of the N RA and I’m always packing,” delivered absolutely straight. Until you realise we’re meant to be rooting for her. Leigh Anne is an interior decorator with a penchant for sentimental gold tat and a heart to match. When she sees that a po’black kid at her children’s school is effectively homeless, she takes him in and in her no-nonsense fashion shapes him into a professional-calibre American football player. This is a true story - the real Michael Oher currently plays for the Baltimore Rav ens, having been legally adopted by the Touhys (don’t expect to hear much from Leigh Anne’s hubby, by the way, he’sthe strong silent type) at high-school age.。
美国电影《弱点》个人观后感5篇美国电影《弱点》个人观后感范文1不是每个人都能得到上帝的眷顾,当幸运的事情来到我们的身边,那么一个人,那么一些人,总让你在自己的人生道路上,刻下不可逝去的痕迹.每个人都想成为一个 yes-man ,在每个人再为自己的梦想去打拼的时候,总会路遇荆棘,世间的坎坷打湿了我们的羽翼,那一道道划痕,让我们不知什么才是尽头,勇气,自信,都会随着滴下的鲜血慢慢流逝.那些不开心的往事,那些难缠的烦恼,那些不想面对的现实,都在我们的灵魂深处,隐隐作痛,不能自已.想放弃,却不甘放弃;想努力,却不愿努力,活在一个大大的漩涡中,静看时间慢慢划走,感慨,叹息,随着我们老去的青春一起,凋零!每个人都有弱点,人性的可爱一面,正是这样的弱点.弱点不意味着是缺点,想起那个打橄榄球的,或许正是他的弱点改变了他的一生,影响了他的一生,激励了他的一生.随他一起慢慢闭上自己的双眼,起初,他看到了自己童年的伤痛,那是他的弱点,让他变得孤独,终将孤独;后来,他还是看到了自己的过去,这也还是他的弱点,不同的是,他学会了珍惜,学会了改变,学会了感恩.那我们呢?那我呢?也想静静的闭上自己的双眼,会想到什么?回味自己一路走来,经历的太多,总感觉很沉重.时而窥探内心深处,不为别人打开,自己却也看的不那么明白.狠下心割破手指,让血慢慢滴下,有一种带痛的充实.其实,这鲜红的液体,正是生命的写照.既然已经得到了可以奋斗的一切原因,为什么还要总强求那些微不足道的东西呢?那些心中的欲望,总在催化我们的神经,不敢正是自己的blindside.学会把扛不住的东西放开,心里就不会有那么大的压力.背包重了,就小憩一下,扔掉那些不重要的东西,重新上路.一路看天不回头,骄傲的走下去,最难得痛苦都享受过了,为什么不去试着品尝下开心呢?一部片子,或许改变不了一个人,却可以让人想清楚很多问题美国电影《弱点》个人观后感范文2黑人奥赫自幼父母离异,无家可归.不过,木讷的他却因为极强的身体条件和运动天赋,幸运地进入了一家孤儿院.虽然,他科科零分,但是一些细节却让他显得与众不同.一次排球比赛后,他主动收拾垃圾的行为,引起了陶西一家的注意.于是,陶西太太决定收养奥赫,并把他培养成橄榄球选手.陶西太太让他感受到了家庭的温暖.同时,陶西的儿子还帮助奥赫训练,使他很快地融入了橄榄球队的生活,不断激发运动的潜能.终于,在一次比赛中,他因出色的表现崭露头角,开始获得了球探的关注,随之带来了一系列的甜蜜和麻烦.看完《弱点》有一下几点感受1.快捷有效的教育方法.陶西收养奥赫后,观看他的第一场橄榄球赛,非常失望,内心很着急.赛后,肖恩用调料瓶当作队员来和奥赫一起商量战略和战术,这样直观形象进行引导他,他进步很快.这是的一种很快捷有效的教育方法.2.用〝爱〞和〝智慧〞引导孩子进步.奥赫参加训练的时候,教练总训斥他,越训斥他,他表现得越不好.这时,陶西太太走近奥赫,引导的大概内容为,你把队员看成我们陶西一家,保护其中A队员像保护肖恩一样;保护B队员像保护陶西一样,…….简短的指导后,奥赫表现很好,进步非常快.陶西太太用〝爱〞和〝智慧〞来引导奥赫,这是他进步最快的原因.而教练伯特只知要成绩,一味的训斥,结果适得其反.如今,很多家长面对孩子不佳的学习成绩,你是怎么做的呢?又取得什么样的效果呢?3.自己的决定,自己的人生.当奥赫有机会申请去名校读大学时,奥赫经过一番思考决定去密西西比大学.面试的时候,面试官列出一系列陶西一家利用他证据,如陶西夫妇毕业于密西西比大学,陶西一家向陶西西比捐款等等.此时,奥赫一时接受不了,痛苦后离家出走.陶西内心无比难受,静下来后内心十分担心奥赫,到处寻找他.找到奥赫后,心平气和与奥赫谈,谈话内容是这样的,帮他分析上哪所学校的利弊.经典对话内容:〝我想让你做任何你想做的事情,这是你的决定,奥赫,这是你的人生.〞奥赫说:〝如果我想做低贱的工作呢?〞陶西回答:〝这是你的决定,这是你的人生.〞初高中学生处于逆反期,不想上学,想出去打工.作为孩子的父母,你又是怎么做的呢?〝自己的决定,自己的人生〞这是最好的回答.每个人都有弱点,这是我们难以避免的,我们不必为此惭愧而逃避,打开自己的心扉,接纳自己的弱点,坦然的面对弱点,才终有一天能把它放下,去做我们自己.我们没有必要为了别人的价值观而活,给自己一个信念,告诉自己什么是最重要的?发挥自己的长处,走适合自己的成功之路.美国电影《弱点》个人观后感范文3生活难以抉择,最好的选择就是你选择自我,自我实现.迈克生长于环境险恶的黑人聚居区,但一直保持着善良的本性,是因为他妈妈从小教导他,有坏事发生时要闭上眼睛,等坏事过去后再睁开眼睛,世界还是一片美好,这个生命的盲点保持了迈克的纯净.那是一个高大壮硕.皮肤黝黑的孩子,面无表情的脸上,掩不住些许苦愁的滋味.当天气寒冷,他却穿着单薄的T恤和短裤,在寒风中瑟瑟发抖.不管他看起来高大得多么让人戒备,他只是个_岁的孩子.看到这里,你会发现这部电影很有阿甘的形象,但是让你感觉或许比阿甘更真实.弱点,无需隐藏,或者说它是一个人真实的象征.与其扭扭捏捏的被别人嘲笑,不如坦然的面对,放弃那些不必要的佯装.已为人母的莉安把一切看在眼里,她不但给这个孩子一个温馨的家庭,还给他了属于每个人的尊重.莉安温馨的关怀和教育终于让这个〝可怜〞憨厚的男孩成长起来.我们每个人都打开自己的心扉,对自己宽容点,让自己的心灵找个栖息的地方.同时,也没有必要为了别人的价值观而活,思考什么样的生活对自己来说最有意义,然后给自己一个信念,让意志左右生活,并为此运用自己的优势.努力,奋斗,为了你想要的而活.影片结尾,关于迈克要去哪里上大学?〝我想让你做任何你想做的工作,这是你的抉择,迈克尔,这是你的人生.〞迈克尔说:〝假如我想做低贱的事情呢?〞陶西答复:〝这是你的抉择,这是你的人生.〞在结尾部分,看到儿女成长.进步,陡然间觉得养育子女成人是一件非常自豪.有成就感的事情.美国电影《弱点》个人观后感范文4一次偶然的机会,看了这部电影《弱点》.这是一部温情励志片,它很容易触摸到人性当中最柔软的地方.这部片子的主旨很简单,当你拯救了别人的同时,也会成全自己,即俗语:授人玫瑰,手留余香.影片主要讲述的是主人公迈克尔因为家庭破裂,离开自己的母亲,然后流落街头.他因为具有运动天赋而被学校录取,但是他的学习成绩一直都是零分,并且无处可依.陶西太太一家人接受了他,让他感受到了家的温暖.在学校里,忠厚的迈克经常遭到冷遇.不过在陶西太太的帮助下,奥赫逐渐找到了自我,他开始慢慢融入白人社会.开始渐渐接受自己新的身份.陶西太太看到迈克尔惊人的力量和运动神经,她想把他培养成杰出的橄榄球手.因为迈克尔在学校比赛中的出色表现,引来全国各地学校橄榄球教练的邀请,屡战屡胜.但是迈克尔的学习成绩一直很差,陶西为他请了一名家庭教师专门辅导他的功课.迈克尔最终取得了毕业证书,被密西西比大学录取,之后成为了一名全美职业橄榄球明星.《弱点》的英文名字其实叫《the Blindside》,所以影片或许也可以叫做盲点.盲点,顾名思义,就是自己看不见的,忽略掉的东西.影片中有一个小点特别打动我,就是迈克尔的生母.迈克从小就生活在环境险恶的黑人聚居区,但一直保持着善良的本性,是因为他妈妈从小教导他,有坏事发生时要闭上眼睛,等坏事过去后再睁开眼睛,世界还是一片美好,这个生命的盲点保持了迈克的纯净.在我们社会中,我们见惯了太多的不幸,而越来越多的不幸则会让我们对生活中丑恶的事情日渐感到麻木冷漠.其实这里的盲点不仅仅是视野的盲点,更应该指的是忘记那些不好的事物,保持内心的一份纯净.但所幸的是,陶西太太发现了迈克,拯救了他的生活,他的命运以及他的人生.我想,不仅仅是陶西太太拯救了迈克,迈克也成全了陶西太太的人生意义.所以说,成全他人也是成全自己.影片中还有一个盲点,也就是电影中的高潮,矛盾的最高点:迈克在调查员的心理暗示下认为陶西太太他们一家人对自己好,就是想利用自己,让自己进入密西西比大学为他们的母校效力.他觉得自己特别无助,想逃避.当矛盾解开的那一刹那,迈克与陶西一家的感情更为深厚,他对调查员说的一句话很让人感动:〝你为什么不问我,为什么我会想去密西西比大学?那是因为我的家人都是在那里念书,所以我想去那.〞只是这一句,所有的误会.不甘与怀疑都解决了.有人认为这是一部孕育梦想的影片,但我认为它是一部蕴含着满满的爱的影片.当陶西太太开车陪迈克去黑人聚居区的时候,迈克叮嘱她呆在车里等他,不要出来;当陶西太太带他去买衣服的时候,他安慰陶西太太,让她别怕,他会罩着她;当迈克开车带小肖恩出去不小心出车祸的时候,迈克用手臂帮小肖恩挡住了那个致命的一击;在别人对去图书馆自习的迈克投去异样的眼光的时候,柯林斯毫不犹豫的坐在了他的身边……在迈克的意识里,他就是他们的家人,当家人遇到危险,他就应该要义无反顾的站出来.他们陶西一家与迈克之间的爱是超越了种族,宗教和信仰的亲情.在这部片子中,我个人比较喜欢sj,他就像一个小大人,在陶西太太将迈克带回来的时候,他从一开始就接纳了他,他的活泼善良阳光温暖潜移默化的影响着迈克,毕竟,他算得上是陪迈克时间最多的人了.我们每个人在生活和现实中,都有些缺憾难以避免,我们不必为此而逃避,打开自己的心扉,对自己宽容点,让自己的心灵找个栖息的地方.对于每个人来说,每个个体的身上都存在弱点和优点.但是我们有些人会经常因为自己的弱点而感到惭愧,变得不敢面对事物.而自己本身的优点却被自己隐藏着,一直都只是留意着自己最脆弱的地方,这样便难以将自己的潜能发挥出来,亦渐渐变得软弱.只有直视自己的弱点,直面自己的内心,你才有可能变得强大.你有没有用自己的绵薄之力去帮助过别人?有人认为,这本身就是一个弱肉强食,适者生存的社会.我认为不对,我觉得这应该是一个充满温情,人与人之间互相关爱的社会.爱是需要相互感知,互相传递的,爱是一个永恒的主题,不同的人有着不同的理解.歌者说:爱是你的手,把我的伤痛抚摸,爱是用我的心,倾听你的忧伤欢乐;诗人说:爱就是用一个微爱,一个拥抱就能温暖整个世界;哲人说:爱就是用你的心,我的情,她的意描绘唯心主义的色彩;画家说:爱就是蔚蓝天空张开的巨大臂膀,拥抱那只展翅翱翔的深灰色的大雁;普通的我想说:爱是心与心之间真诚的付出,平等的交换,爱是血脉亲情的纽带.爱需要继承,更需要传递.美国电影《弱点》个人观后感范文5今天,我怀着迫不及待的心情观看了《弱点》这部影片.它是一部温情励志的电影,教会了我何为勇敢,何为爱.影片中的一个个感人情节,好似一颗颗星星在我心头闪烁,让我懂得了许多许多……迈克尔·奥尔是一个黑人男孩,他的童年生活十分悲惨,母亲吸毒,父亲在他七岁时自尽.在一个大雨倾盆的夜晚,他穿着单衣毫无目地地行走在街头.看到这里,我的心像攥紧的拳头一样收在了一起,为他的悲惨遭遇而痛心难过.幸亏安妮一家收养了他,在他走投无路的时候给予了他无私的爱,像一道温暖的阳光照耀了他那颗孤独无助的心,给他带来了生的希望.最后,在安妮的帮助和他自身的努力下,以优异的成绩考取了大学,成了一名橄榄球球星,从此大名鼎鼎,破茧成蝶,让他的人生步入了一个崭新的天地.影片中无时无刻不在体现着浓浓的爱意.迈克尔刚入学时目不识丁,是老师耐心地讲解和博大的胸怀使他一点一点地开始进步;他在球场上遭人欺凌,是教练冲到裁判面前理论,为迈克尔争取到公平公正;校长不让他上学,是肖恩力荐让他入了学,并给他提供良好的学习环境与优质教育……这一切的一切都为迈克尔的成长搭建了很好的平台,让他的人生之路更加广阔.每个人都不是十全十美的,都有自身的优点和弱点.迈克尔长得又高又壮,这难道是他的错吗?不,恰恰相反,壮实挺拔的身躯为他提供了一般人所不能拥有的运动天赋.正如一句话所说:〝上帝给你关上了一道门,同时,也给你打开了一扇窗.〞所以,我们要正视弱点,直面人生,用自身的能力去改变弱点.这部影片中安妮收留迈克尔的那一幕令我久久难忘.在一个大雨倾盆的晚上,迈克尔身穿一身单薄的衣服,瑟瑟地行走在街头,正巧被路过的安妮看见,得知迈克尔毫无目的地后,她二话不说让迈克尔上车,并将他带回家.她为什么要帮助迈克尔呢?我想是因为蕴含在她内心深处的母爱促使她无微不至地呵护迈克尔吧!《弱点》这部影片中温情中含诙谐,励志中含幽默,值得我们去品味很久很久.它蕴含着一个深刻的道理:人与人之间要相互关怀,只要人人都献出一点爱,世界就将变成美好的人间.美国电影《弱点》个人观后感范文。
电影弱点观后感英文200After watching the movie "Weakness," I was left with a myriad of emotions and thoughts swirling inside me. It was an intimate and thought-provoking film that delved deep into the vulnerabilities and flaws we all possess as human beings. The story was beautifully told through powerful performances, stunning cinematography, and a compelling narrative that captivated my attention from start to finish.The movie revolves around the lives of three main characters: Sarah, Michael, and David. Each of them is dealing with their own set of weaknesses and insecurities, which are further magnified by the circumstances they find themselves in. Sarah, played by the talented actress Jennifer Lawrence, portrays a young woman struggling with low self-esteem and a fear of failure. Michael, portrayed by the equally talented actor James McAvoy, embodies the character of a man haunted by his past mistakes and unable to move forward. Lastly, David, played by the brilliant actor Tom Hardy, represents the complexity of human emotions and the battle between logic and intuition.One of the aspects of the film that struck me the most was its portrayal of vulnerability. Instead of glorifying strength and invincibility, "Weakness" emphasizes the fragility and imperfection of the human condition. It reminds us that, despite our efforts to shield ourselves from pain and disappointment, we are all susceptible to weakness. Sarah, Michael, and David are flawed characters who undergo tremendous personal growth throughout the movie as they confront their weaknesses head-on.The cinematography in "Weakness" is nothing short of breathtaking. Every scene is meticulously crafted, with each frame telling its own story. The use of lighting and colors creates a mood that underscores the emotional journey of the characters. The director's choice to focus on small details and close-ups adds an intimate and personal touch to the film, allowing the audience to connect with the characters on a deeper level.The performances given by the cast were phenomenal, further enhancing the impact of the movie. Jennifer Lawrence delivers a raw and honest portrayal of Sarah, making her vulnerabilities and insecurities feel incredibly relatable. James McAvoy brings a nuanced performance to Michael, effectively conveying the internal struggle and torment of his character. Tom Hardy, as David, showcases his incredible range as an actor, balancing the rationality and vulnerability of his role with finesse.The narrative structure of "Weakness" is both intriguing and satisfying. The story unfolds in a non-linear fashion, with flashbacks and intertwining storylines adding depth and complexity to the plot. The pacing is deliberate and allows the audience to fully immerse themselves in the emotional depth of the characters' experiences. Each scene serves a purpose, contributing to the overall themes of the movie and reinforcing the idea that vulnerability is an inherent part of the human experience.Furthermore, "Weakness" explores the concept of empathy and its transformative power. Through the characters' interactions and individual journeys, the film emphasizes the importance of understanding and compassion. It encourages the audience to reflect on their own weaknessesand to approach others with empathy, recognizing that everyone is battling their own internal struggles.In conclusion, "Weakness" is a poignant and thought-provoking film that explores the vulnerabilities and flaws we all possess as human beings. Through its powerful performances, stunning cinematography, and compelling narrative, it succeeds in portraying the complexity of the human condition. The movie serves as a reminder that weakness does not make us inherently flawed but rather presents an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. It urges us to embrace our vulnerabilities and approach others with empathy, fostering understanding and connection in a world that often values strength over vulnerability.。
The Blind SideHave you ever seen the famous film ‘The Blind Side’ which moved and so many people? I love this film so much that whenever I feel down I will watch it again and again to encourage myself.I really have learned a lot from this film.Firstly, I'd like to introduce you about the film. The film tells the story of a homeless African American boy Michael Oher is a young children, again to escape from the adoptive family, finally met a kind-hearted Touchy wife, by her help, Michael Oher gradually find themselves in their own physical condition and hard work, he finally became the first American National Football League player.Secondly, As far as I am concerned, Michael Oher is unfortunately, because he is a child that he has been abandoned many times, but he is lucky. Because he met the Leigh Anne Touchy. She was very cared about him, taught him how to shop, and told him said what he want. Sean Touchy was the first person in the family to pay attention to the Michael. He supported his wife and cared about that boy. Even though he didn't say anything, we could see it from his behavior. Although S.J is a child, but he is intelligent, mischief and he is a little football fan, he helped Michael training, encouraging the Michael , in his mind, Michael is a big brother. Collins, although Michael's arrival at the beginning of her caused some problems, but in the end, she was accepted this brother, regardless of her students in the eyes of surprise self-study with him and hide behind the wall and listen to the mother to Michael and tells the story of S.J. Then, He asked Touchy wife for a driver's license, in his view, this is a proof of identity, and he wants to live a normal life. When he entered the black town he refusing to let Touchy lady get off, blocking the S.J with his arm in an accident when, in his mind, that’s his family, and when his family is in danger, he must go to protect them.Last but not least, I think we will be moved by the Anne family behavior; Michael will also be responsible and keep moved, he insisted, gradually overcome those difficulty to become a successful football superstar. This is a film about sports Michael in the care of the family of Anne, Step by step effort and success. Then wewill think more that there are many like Michael’s people need love, wondering on the edge of degeneration and change people, If our society full of love. Many people will be change a lot and then our society will be better soon. I really hope this will be come true!。
The Blind Side is a film that resonates deeply with audiences, not just for its sportscentric narrative, but for the powerful themes of family, compassion, and overcoming adversity that it explores. Directed by John Lee Hancock and released in 2009, the movie is based on the true story of Michael Oher, a young man who, despite his troubled past, rises to become a professional American football player with the help of a caring family.The film opens with a stark portrayal of Michael Ohers played by Quinton Aaron challenging upbringing in Memphis, Tennessee. Abandoned by his father and neglected by his mother who is battling drug addiction, Michaels life is a series of unfortunate events that could have easily led him down a path of selfdestruction. However, fate intervenes when he is spotted by Leigh Anne Tuohy played by Sandra Bullock, a wealthy interior designer with a big heart.Sandra Bullocks performance is nothing short of remarkable. She brings a depth and authenticity to the character of Leigh Anne that makes her instantly relatable and endearing. Her portrayal of a mother who is not just nurturing but fiercely protective of her adopted son is both inspiring and heartwarming. Bullocks performance earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress, a testament to the impact her acting had on audiences and critics alike.The narrative unfolds as the Tuohy family takes Michael in, providing him with a stable home environment, education, and the love and support he desperately needs. The film does an excellent job of showcasing thetransformation in Michaels life, from a shy, insecure teenager to a confident young man with a promising future.One of the most compelling aspects of The Blind Side is its exploration of the human spirit and the resilience it possesses. Michaels journey is a testament to the power of second chances and the profound impact that a supportive and loving environment can have on an individuals life. The film also highlights the importance of recognizing and nurturing talent, regardless of ones background or circumstances.The cinematography and direction of the film are commendable. John Lee Hancock captures the essence of the American South, with its lush landscapes and vibrant colors, providing a visually appealing backdrop to the story. The football scenes are wellexecuted, with the intensity and passion of the sport palpable on screen.The supporting cast, including Tim McGraw as Sean Tuohy and Kathy Bates as Miss Sue, also deliver strong performances, adding depth to the narrative and contributing to the overall emotional impact of the film. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, and their interactions feel genuine, further enhancing the viewers connection to the story.The Blind Side is not just a sports movie it is a story about the power of love, compassion, and the human capacity for change. It is a film that challenges societal norms and prejudices, urging viewers to look beyond superficial judgments and see the potential in every individual.In conclusion, The Blind Side is a poignant and inspiring film that leaves a lasting impression on its audience. It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the impact that cinema can have on shaping our perspectives and understanding of the world. With its compelling narrative, stellar performances, and powerful themes, The Blind Side is a film that is not easily forgotten and serves as a reminder of the transformative power of love and support.。
弱点电影观后感英文After watching the movie "Weakness", I was deeply moved and captivated by its storyline, characters, and the emotions it evoked. The film portrays the complexities of human nature, exploring themes of vulnerability, resilience, and personal growth.The plot of "Weakness" revolves around the protagonist, Emily, a young woman in her late twenties who is struggling to find her purpose in life. She is portrayed as a flawed and vulnerable individual, facing various challenges and setbacks. The film beautifully depicts her journey of self-discovery and inner strength.One of the most compelling aspects of the movie is its realistic portrayal of the characters. Emily is not portrayed as a perfect or idealized figure, but rather as a flawed and relatable human being. Her weaknesses and insecurities are showcased, making her more relatable to the audience. This authenticity adds depth to the story and allows the viewers to empathize with her struggles.Throughout the film, Emily encounters numerous obstacles that test her emotional resilience. The director effectively explores the theme of vulnerability and the power it holds in shaping a person's character. Emily's weaknesses are not portrayed as hindrances but rather as opportunities for growth and personal development. This message resonates strongly with the audience, as it reminds us that our vulnerabilities can be sources of strength.The cinematography of "Weakness" is visually stunning, with the use of lighting and color to convey the mood and emotions of the characters. Thedirector skillfully captures the essence of each scene, creating a visually immersive experience for the viewers.The performances in the film are outstanding, particularly the lead actress who flawlessly embodies the complex character of Emily. Her portrayal of vulnerability and inner strength is both captivating and inspiring. The supporting cast also delivers remarkable performances, adding depth and authenticity to the overall narrative.The film not only explores individual weaknesses but also delves into the larger societal and cultural issues. It prompts the audience to reflect on their own vulnerabilities and how society perceives and reacts to them. The message is clear – weakness should not be stigmatized but embraced, as it is an integral part of the human experience.The character development in "Weakness" is exceptional. As the story progresses, Emily undergoes a transformative journey, learning to accept her weaknesses and channel them into personal growth. This transformation is not presented as a sudden revelation but rather as a gradual process, which adds depth and authenticity to the narrative.The soundtrack of the film is another noteworthy aspect. The choice of music perfectly complements the emotions portrayed on screen, enhancing the overall viewing experience. The combination of visually stunning scenes and a captivating soundtrack creates a powerful and immersive atmosphere for the audience.In conclusion, the movie "Weakness" is a thought-provoking and emotionally gripping film that explores the complexities of human nature. Through its realistic portrayal of characters, themes of vulnerability andresilience, and exceptional performances, it leaves a lasting impact on the audience. The film serves as a reminder that weaknesses are not something to be ashamed of but rather opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. "Weakness" is a must-watch for anyone seeking a cinematic experience that delves into the depths of the human psyche and celebrates the strength found within our vulnerabilities.。
It's your life, it's your decision最近看的片子,为什么都如此温情Julie & Julia里面的美味食物和saint老公我知道,其实幸福可以很简单每天有一桌丰盛的晚餐,然后有一个爱的人在身边不过那片子只是温情而The Blind Side就是温情到让我好几次的红了眼眶有一个温暖的家庭,妈妈做的可口饭菜,是多么平常而有难得曾经,Michael注定是一个被唾弃的人他出生在贫民窟他因母亲吸毒,被政府带走他有严重的阅读障碍他没有家,没有自己的床他不会微笑,因为生活没有什么值得微笑那时候他只能选择不停的出走收留他的家庭那也是他唯一的选择但Michael是幸运的,他在寒冷的夜晚遇到了真正在乎他的人他的才华被发掘他没有被社会遗弃从面无表情,游走在边缘地带到风光无限,阳光的橄榄球明星这过程有起伏但是不变的是,他的家人一直在他身边虽然那些都不是血缘亲属但是那种爱是不求回报的喜欢Sean Jr“专业级”的训练喜欢Collins不动声色的坐到brother身边喜欢Mrs Tuohy在场上告诉Michael,球队是你的家,you need to have their back当Michael在车祸瞬间伸出手臂的时候,我哭了当Mrs Tuohy在洗衣店找到Michael说出那段用来煽情的话,我还是忍不住的哭了毕业时候2.52的GPA,只有这个家庭了解它的珍贵和来之不易Michael有两个母亲我想她们都爱他生母没有给他丰厚的物质生活和精神世界,却也小心翼翼的帮助他远离那些肮脏,让他闭上眼睛,不去看任何丑陋的画面养母是无私的,她改变了他的人生,告诉他,生活是自己的,要自己选择是的It‘s your life, it's your decision.两年前,当我准备出国,父母从来没有当面挽留我但是很多人都跟我说,其实他们对我有多么的舍不得我知道,他们让我选择自己的路Mrs Tuohy送Michael上大学的时候,躲在车里悄悄流泪我知道送我离开北京的时候爸爸妈妈也一定在强忍泪水我知道自己永远有家作为强大后盾我永远不是一个人我应该心存感激,可以选择的人生,可遇不可求我们没有的inspirational film本来我是要研究《律政俏佳人》《风月俏佳人》的电影语言的,因为我们没有这种标准好莱坞式轻松娱乐,到底这帮美国佬是怎么弄出这个套路,这个套路更详细的拍摄细节是什么。
该片改编自奥利弗·拉克森(Oliver Lacksen)的小说,并以一名年轻女警察脱颖而出的故事为核心。
It's your life, it's your decision最近瞧得片子,为什么都如此温情Julie & Julia里面得美味食物与saint老公我知道,其实幸福可以很简单每天有一桌丰盛得晚餐,然后有一个爱得人在身边不过那片子只就是温情而The Blind Side就就是温情到让我好几次得红了眼眶有一个温暖得家庭,妈妈做得可口饭菜,就是多么平常而有难得曾经,Michael注定就是一个被唾弃得人她出生在贫民窟她因母亲吸毒,被政府带走她有严重得阅读障碍她没有家,没有自己得床她不会微笑,因为生活没有什么值得微笑那时候她只能选择不停得出走收留她得家庭那也就是她唯一得选择但Michael就是幸运得,她在寒冷得夜晚遇到了真正在乎她得人她得才华被发掘她没有被社会遗弃从面无表情,游走在边缘地带到风光无限,阳光得橄榄球明星这过程有起伏但就是不变得就是,她得家人一直在她身边虽然那些都不就是血缘亲属但就是那种爱就是不求回报得喜欢Sean Jr“专业级”得训练喜欢Collins不动声色得坐到brother身边喜欢Mrs Tuohy在场上告诉Michael,球队就是您得家,you need to have their back当Michael在车祸瞬间伸出手臂得时候,我哭了当Mrs Tuohy在洗衣店找到Michael说出那段用来煽情得话,我还就是忍不住得哭了毕业时候2、52得GPA,只有这个家庭了解它得珍贵与来之不易Michael有两个母亲我想她们都爱她生母没有给她丰厚得物质生活与精神世界,却也小心翼翼得帮助她远离那些肮脏,让她闭上眼睛,不去瞧任何丑陋得画面养母就是无私得,她改变了她得人生,告诉她,生活就是自己得,要自己选择就是得It‘s your life, it's your decision、两年前,当我准备出国,父母从来没有当面挽留我但就是很多人都跟我说,其实她们对我有多么得舍不得我知道,她们让我选择自己得路Mrs Tuohy送Michael上大学得时候,躲在车里悄悄流泪我知道送我离开北京得时候爸爸妈妈也一定在强忍泪水我知道自己永远有家作为强大后盾我永远不就是一个人我应该心存感激,可以选择得人生,可遇不可求我们没有得inspirational film本来我就是要研究《律政俏佳人》《风月俏佳人》得电影语言得,因为我们没有这种标准好莱坞式轻松娱乐,到底这帮美国佬就是怎么弄出这个套路,这个套路更详细得拍摄细节就是什么。
电影弱点的观后感英语作文(5篇)1The movie "The Blind Side" left a profound impression on me. It tells a heartwarming story of a young man's growth and transformation. The protagonist's journey is filled with challenges and difficulties. However, his determination and courage in the face of adversity are truly inspiring.For instance, when he was constantly bullied and faced with a lack of resources, he did not give up. Instead, he chose to fight against all odds and strive for a better life. His perseverance is something that we can all learn from.The power of family in this movie is also remarkable. The unconditional love and support given to him by his adopted family played a crucial role in his success. They provided him with not only material assistance but also emotional encouragement and a sense of belonging. This made him believe in himself and have the confidence to pursue his dreams.The relationship between the characters in the movie is so touching. It shows that love and kindness can change a person's life completely. It makes us realize that everyone has their own weaknesses, but with the right support and environment, these weaknesses can be overcome and turned into strengths.In conclusion, "The Blind Side" is not just a movie; it is a lesson about life, love, and the power of never giving up. It reminds us to be kind to others and to believe in the possibility of change and growth.2The movie "The Blind Side" left a deep impression on me. It beautifully portrays the complex web of human relationships and the power of understanding and acceptance.The relationship between the main character and the coach is particularly touching. At first, they were strangers, with the coach perhaps having doubts about the protagonist's abilities. However, as time passed and through numerous training sessions and shared experiences, a bond of trust gradually formed. The coach began to truly understand the protagonist's potential and provided unwavering support, which led to the protagonist's remarkable growth on the field.Another notable transformation was seen in the interaction between the protagonist and his classmates. Initially, he was met with排斥due to his background and differences. But as they got to know him better, they began to accept and appreciate his unique qualities. This change showcases the possibility of overcoming prejudice and building genuine friendships.The film highlights that understanding and包容are not just empty words but require genuine efforts and open hearts. It teaches us to look beyond the surface and discover the goodness within each person. Only bydoing so can we build meaningful connections and create a more harmonious and inclusive society.In conclusion, "The Blind Side" is not just a movie; it is a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and acceptance in our lives.3The movie "The Blind Side" has left an indelible mark on my heart. It tells a story full of warmth and inspiration, making me reflect deeply on my own weaknesses and the ways to overcome them.In the film, the protagonist faces numerous challenges but never gives up. This has made me think about my own moments of retreat when encountering difficulties. For instance, during a crucial exam, I felt intimidated by the complexity of the questions and almost gave up without even trying my best. However, seeing how the character in the movie persevered in the face of adversity has given me the courage to confront my own fears.I have realized that our weaknesses often stem from our lack of self-confidence and determination. To overcome them, we need to have a positive mindset and believe in our abilities. Just like in the movie, the support and encouragement from others can also be a powerful force that drives us forward.Moreover, we should learn to turn our weaknesses into strengths. By constantly challenging ourselves and stepping out of our comfort zones,we can grow and improve. The movie has taught me that every setback is an opportunity for growth and that we should embrace our weaknesses as part of our journey to becoming better individuals.In conclusion, "The Blind Side" has not only entertained me but also inspired me to be more courageous and resilient in life. It has shown me that with the right attitude and effort, we can all overcome our weaknesses and achieve our goals.4The movie "The Blind Side" is a truly remarkable cinematic masterpiece that has left an indelible mark on my heart. The film's cinematography and artistry are nothing short of extraordinary.The music in the movie plays a crucial role in enhancing the emotional depth of the story. For instance, during the scene where the protagonist is finally accepted into the family, the soft and gentle melody in the background evokes a sense of warmth and belonging. It is as if the music itself is whispering words of comfort and love, making the viewer feel completely immersed in the moment.The composition and colors of the scenes are also praiseworthy. Take the football game sequence, where the vibrant green of the field contrasts sharply with the colorful jerseys of the players. The framing of each shot is precise, capturing the intensity and excitement of the game, as well as the determination on the faces of the characters.The director's skillful use of light and shadow adds another layer of beauty to the film. In a particular scene set at dusk, the fading sunlight creates a hazy and dreamlike atmosphere, enhancing the emotional undertones of the moment.Overall, "The Blind Side" is not just a movie; it is a work of art that masterfully combines visual and auditory elements to create a powerful and moving experience for the audience. It is a testament to the power of cinema to touch our souls and make us believe in the goodness of humanity.5The movie "The Blind Side" left a profound impression on me. It presents a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of various social issues, prominently among them being racial discrimination and educational equity.The protagonist's experiences in the society are riddled with unfair treatments. For instance, he faces prejudice and stereotypes simply because of his race, which hinders his access to equal opportunities and resources. This not only affects his daily life but also poses significant obstacles to his pursuit of education and a better future.The film powerfully critiques these injustices and passionately calls for change. It showcases the importance of breaking down racial barriers and providing equal educational chances for all. It emphasizes that every individual, regardless of their background or race, deserves the opportunityto fulfill their potential and achieve their dreams.Through this movie, I am deeply moved and also enlightened. It urges us to reflect on the existing social problems and strive to create a more just and inclusive society. We should actively oppose racial discrimination and work towards ensuring that everyone has fair access to education and the chance to succeed. Only in this way can we build a society where true equality and harmony prevail.。
弱点 影评
《弱点》的原名是《blind side》,我觉得翻译成《盲点》更合适些,影片从两个角度诠释了生命的盲点。
(完整word版)弱点The blind side英文影评
•My comments on The blind side”The blind side" describes a true story of an American football star — Michael • Oher , which talks about his growing up and working hard from the bottom of the society before he became famous.Watching this film, I was deepl y touched by Michael’s growth experience。
Michael was an orphan since his childhood, having suffered lots of bitterness。
It’s hard to imagine how to keep an optimistic attitude for a boy grew up in such a bad situation. And it's also difficult to imagine he finally became so successful as a famous sports star. I think this story is educational, it teaches us that everyone shouldn’t give up the pursuit of dream at any time.The blind side is not just a film about the rich white help the poor blacks out of poverty, although what the whole movie presents is just like this, easily making audiences be prejudiced by preconceived ideas. But during the process of film viewing,this feeling is not too strong。
弱点电影介绍英文作文英文:As a movie lover, I have watched a lot of films, and one of my favorites is the movie "Weakness". This movie tells the story of a man named Jack who is struggling with alcohol addiction and his relationship with his family. The movie is directed by Michael Showalter and stars Michael Cera, Zoe Kazan, and Jane Lynch.One of the reasons why I love this movie is because of its realistic portrayal of addiction. The movie shows how addiction can affect not only the individual but also their loved ones. It also shows the difficulty of recovery and the importance of support from family and friends.Another reason why I love this movie is because of its great acting. Michael Cera gives a fantastic performance as Jack, and Zoe Kazan and Jane Lynch also deliver outstanding performances as his sister and mother, respectively.Overall, "Weakness" is a powerful and moving movie that deals with important themes such as addiction, family, and recovery. It is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys thought-provoking and emotional films.中文:作为一个电影爱好者,我看过很多电影,其中我最喜欢的一部就是电影《弱点》。
弱点电影英文作文Weakness is a 2018 Chinese drama film directed by Chen Kaige. The film tells the story of a young woman who is struggling with her own weaknesses and insecurities. Thefilm explores the themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the power of overcoming one's weaknesses.The film is visually stunning, with beautiful cinematography and breathtaking scenery. The director did a fantastic job of capturing the beauty of the natural landscapes and using them to enhance the emotional depth of the story.The characters in the film are well-developed and relatable. The audience can easily empathize with the struggles and weaknesses of the main character, making the story more engaging and emotionally impactful.The film's soundtrack is also worth mentioning, as it perfectly complements the emotional tone of the story. Themusic adds another layer of depth to the film, drawing the audience even further into the world of the characters.One of the weaknesses of the film is its pacing. At times, the story feels slow and drawn out, which may test the patience of some viewers. However, this slow pacing also allows for deeper exploration of the characters' emotions and inner struggles.Overall, Weakness is a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that delves into the complexities of human weaknesses and the journey to overcome them. Despite its pacing issues, the film's strong visual and emotional elements make it a worthwhile watch for those interested in introspective and character-driven storytelling.。
弱点电影英语介绍作文Weakness is a 2010 American drama film directed by Michael J. Weithorn and starring Bobby Cannavale, Danielle Panabaker, and June Diane Raphael. The film follows the story of a man who struggles with his own insecurities and weaknesses as he navigates through life and relationships.The protagonist, Bobby, is a middle-aged man who works as a high school guidance counselor. Despite his professional success, Bobby is plagued by feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. He is constantly comparing himself to others and feels like he is not living up to his potential. This inner turmoil affects his personal relationships, as he struggles to connect with his girlfriend, friends, and family.Bobby's journey is a relatable and poignant exploration of the human experience. The film delves into the universal themes of self-worth, vulnerability, and the fear of failure. Through Bobby's experiences, the audience isreminded that it is okay to have weaknesses and that it is important to embrace and accept them.The film also highlights the importance of seeking help and support from others. Bobby's interactions with his colleagues, students, and loved ones show that it is okay to lean on others and ask for help when needed. This message is a powerful reminder that no one is perfect and that we all need a support system to help us through life's challenges.The performances in Weakness are top-notch, with Bobby Cannavale delivering a raw and emotionally chargedportrayal of the protagonist. His nuanced performance captures the complexity of Bobby's character, making him a deeply empathetic and compelling protagonist. Danielle Panabaker and June Diane Raphael also shine in their respective roles, adding depth and authenticity to thefilm's portrayal of human relationships.The film's direction by Michael J. Weithorn issensitive and insightful, allowing the story to unfold in anatural and organic manner. The pacing of the film is deliberate, allowing the audience to fully immerse themselves in Bobby's world and empathize with his struggles. The cinematography and soundtrack further enhance the emotional impact of the film, creating a rich and immersive viewing experience.Overall, Weakness is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant film that offers a powerful exploration of the human experience. Through its relatable characters and universal themes, the film encourages audiences to embrace their weaknesses and seek support from others. With its stellar performances and sensitive direction, Weakness is a must-see for anyone who appreciates compelling storytelling and authentic human drama.。
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励志电影《弱点》英文观后感导语:《弱点》的原名是《blind side》,我觉得翻译成《盲点》更合适些,影片从两个角度诠释了生命的盲点。
观后感一This is a can't-miss family movie. After all, EVERYONE seems to like inspiring family films--especially when it's based on real people. And, not surprisingly, I had a thoroughly good time watching it--though I do recommend you see it with a box of Kleenex nearby.The film is about a young man named Michael Oher--an extremely large black teenager who has bounced from home to home in the foster care system. Currently, he's in a new school and no one realizes that he has no place to live. Yet in spite of having a crack-addicted mother, a father who was killed in prison and every other reason to be an angry powder keg, he's a very gentle and sad soul---who is also enormous and has amazing potential to play football.A nosy but very nice lady (Sandra Bullock) convinces her husband (Tim McGraw) to bring Michael home...at least for the night. But this one night turns into a permanent living situation and he becomes an important part of the family. However, despite this new living arrangement working out well, Michael is so far behind in school and his GPA so low that he hasn't a prayer to play football in college. That's because although many schools are now offering him athletic scholarships, his GPA is too low to allow him to accept these offers. So, with his new family's help, perhaps he can pull up those grades and have a future.This film is super-inspirational and sweet--mostly because it's true. I am sure that some poetic license was taken when making the film (I especially wonder if the little brother could be THIS precocious and adorable), but overall they did a good job of sticking reasonably close the facts. While I loved Sandra Bullock's performance (she's great as usual), I was a bit surprised that she received Oscar for it--I did see a few performances in other films that year that I thought were a bit better (such as the leading young lady in "Precious"). Also, Tim McGraw, while a lesser role in the film, did a surprisingly good job--especially as he's really known as a country singer, not an actor. All around, a very good film and one that is meant to inspire.观后感二Yesterday saw (weaknesses), in fact earlier before I went to see it, but the thunderbolt examined next, see evaluation say subtitle translator is very bad we haven't seen. Yesterday finally finished watching the movie, also didn't think translation have what problem, it seems that comment is not credible. The truth is very moving, although the witcher nothing big fluctuations, but is such a movie to real, to touching. In Sandra took Oscar later did I know her name, then in thunderbolt recommend that saw written oscar-winning film, starring Sandra, I click go to see it, but behold got oolong, Adam. Thornton le mistaken as Sandra. Brock, but the film also is very good-looking, there are also about football, with the name, the last of the yard. Seeing so many foreign movies, weakness was the first to let me see will want to cry. In the streets, evening see mike in laundry overnight, and when brock let her brought home the scene really is very moving. Remember early days David asked my favorite thing to do what it is and I was not think out, now I can tell him, I like watching movies. Watching movies can make us feel different life, not the same person, different life. In the reality doesn't happen or appear thing also perhaps people can we by movie to satisfy - it's a movie can bring a person.观后感三Watching The Blind Side, you could be forgiven for thinking you'd fallen into an alternative universe where the Republicans are still in charge inAmerica. Sandra Bullock plays Leigh Anne Touhy, a larger than life Momzilla, and blonde sub-species of the genus Sarah palinus. She's almost as funny as Tina Fey doing her dead on impression of the former Governor of Alaska, with lines like "I'm in a prayer group with the D.A., I'm a member of the NRA and I'm always packing," delivered absolutely straight. Until you realise we're meant to be rooting for her. Leigh Anne is an interior decorator with a penchant for sentimental gold tat and a heart to match. When she sees that a po' black kid at her children's school is effectively homeless, she takes him in and in her no-nonsense fashion shapes him into a professional-calibre American football player. This is a true story - the real Michael Oher currently plays for the Baltimore Ravens, having been legally adopted by the Touhys (don't expect to hear much from Leigh Anne's hubby, by the way, he's the strong silent type) at high-school age.。