



xxx有限公司董事会决议编号:x xxxx有限公司(以下简称“公司”),于x xxx 年x月x日通过书面或传真方式向全体董事发出了《xxx有限公司关于召开董事会会议的通知》。


本次会议应到董事x位,实到董事x 位,公司部分高级管理人员列席了本次会议。


与会董事经认真审议并表决,以 x 票同意、0 票反对、0 票弃权审议通过如下决议:1.xxx。




到会董事签名xx年xx月xxx日Resolution of Meeting ofthe Board of DirectorsThe Board of Directors of the xxxx Co., Ltd. (“The Company” hereinafter) delivered the meeting circulars by means of written and fax notices on April x, xxx. The meeting of the Board of Directors was held in the meeting room of the Company in the morning of April x, xx.All three directors attended the meeting. Some senior managers of the Company were present. The appointment complies with the Company Law and Articles of Association of the Company. The following proposal was approved with 3 votes in, 0 against and 0 waived:1.xxx.2.xxx.3.xxx.IN WITNESS WHEREOF , these written board resolutions have been executed, and deemed to be passed, by the board members of the Company in person or by proxy effective on the date of execution hereof.Directorsxx April, xxx。

董事会决议(董事变更)中英文director change

董事会决议(董事变更)中英文director change

Gates Winhere Automotive Pump Products (Yantai) Co., Ltd.Board of DirectorsAction by Written Consentxxxx水泵产品有限责任公司董事会决议The undersigned Directors of Gates Winhere Automotive Pump Products (Yantai) Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) hereby adopt by this writ ten consent, in accordance with the Company Law of PRC and the Articles of Association of the Company, the following resolutions with the same force and effect as if they had been adopted at a duly convened meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company and direct that this written consent be filed with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Board of Directors:根据《中华人民共和国公司法》和《公司章程》的有关规定,xxxx水泵产品(烟台)有限责任公司(以下简称为“公司”)的董事签署通过下列决议,该决议与按照法定程序所召集的公司董事会通过的决议具有同等效力,且已按指示与公司董事会会议记录一并存档。

WHEREAS, Mr. Mike xxxx has tendered his resignation as the director of the company effective as of July 31st, 2009;鉴于, Mike xxxx先生递交的辞去公司董事的辞呈于2009年7月31日生效;WHEREAS, Gates Winhere LLC (the “Investor”) has appointed _________________as the director of the Company to fill the remaining term of Mr. Mike xxxx;鉴于,xxxx有限责任公司(以下简称“投资者”)已经任命__________履行Mike xxxx先生的剩余任期;NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Company accepts the resignation of Mr. Mike xxxx and thanks him for his service to the Company;因此,公司董事会决议同意Mike xxxx先生的辞职并感谢他为公司做出的贡献。



Board of Directors Consent 董事会决议Here is a form for Board of Directors Consent.The unanimous written consent of the board of directors is a document that allows the board of a company to take actions without an organizational meeting. The resolutions taken by the board of directors consist of the certification and filing of articles of incorporation, the adoption of bylaws and corporate seal, the establishment of bank accounts and other actions depending on the extent of the board’s powers as determined by the company’s bylaws and articles of incorporation.ACTION BY UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OFBOARD OF DIRECTORSIN LIEU OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF[NAME OF CORPORATION]The undersigned, being all the directors of [Name of Corporation], a________ corporation, by their signature below or on a counterpart hereof, hereby adopt the following resolutions on behalf of this corporation, pursuant to the _____________, for the purpose of perfecting the organization of this corporation:1.CERTIFICATION AND FILING OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.RESOLVED, that the Secretary of this corporation is hereby authorized and instructed to insert in the Minute Book of this corporation a copy of the Articles of Incorporation as filed in the Office of the _______ Secretary of State and certified by the Secretary of State.2.ADOPTION OF BYLAWS.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Bylaws, which were adopted and approved by the incorporator of this corporation and attached as an exhibit to the Action of Incorporator are hereby ratified, approved, and adopted as the Bylaws of this corporation;RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Secretary of this corporation, when appointed, is authorized and directed to execute a Certificate of Adoption of these Bylaws and to insert them as certified in this corporation's Minute Book, and to see that a copy, similarly certified, is kept at this corporation's principal office for the transaction of its business.3.CORPORATE SEAL.RESOLVED FURTHER, that a corporate seal consisting of the following words:[Name of Corporation]Incorporated [Date of Incorporation]________is adopted as the seal of this corporation.4.FORM OF STOCK CERTIFICATE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the form of certificate for the common stock of this corporation in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference is adopted for use by this corporation.5.BANK ACCOUNT.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized and directed to establish on behalf of this corporation account(s) at a bank or banks (Bank(s) herein) which the officer acting may select in his or her discretion, and that funds from such account(s) may be withdrawn by means of checks or drafts of this corporation signed by any [one] [two] of the following persons:. [Describe any dollar limitations or specific banks or accounts authorized, if appropriate.]RESOLVED FURTHER, that all form resolutions required by such Bank(s) are hereby adopted in the form utilized by Bank(s), and the Secretary is hereby authorized to certify such resolutions as having been adopted by this unanimous written consent and is directed to insert the form of such resolutions in the Minute Book.6.STATEMENT BY DOMESTIC STOCK CORPORATION.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the form entitled Statement by Domestic Stock Corporation, as required to be filed with the _______ Secretary of State by ___________, is hereby approved, and any officer or agent of this corporation, when appointed, is hereby authorized and directed to execute the form and forward it with the appropriate fee in accordance with the time requirements of that Section to the _______ Secretary of State; andRESOLVED FURTHER, that any change in the agent for service of process (or in his or her address) as stated in the aforementioned statement shall cause the President or Secretary to execute a new statement and send it to the Secretary of State, and in addition, those officers are directed hereby to file a new statement annually in accordance with the provisions of __________.7.PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the principal executive office of this corporation shall be located at .8.EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION AND WITHHOLDING.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized and directed to take all actions deemed necessary or advisable to secure federal and state employer identification numbers and to comply with all laws regulating payroll reporting, withholding and taxes.9.STOCK ISSUANCE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that this corporation sell and issue its common stock to the persons and for the consideration set forth below; that the consideration for these shares shall be paid in full before their issuance and delivery and that such shares shall be deemed fully paid and nonassessable; that the Board has determined that the consideration reflected below reflects fair value for the shares; and that the entire consideration shall be credited to the appropriate accounts as determined by the accountant for or Chief Financial Officer of this corporation.Number ofName Shares ConsiderationRESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized and directed to issue to each shareholder of this corporation from time to time one or more share certificates of this corporation representing such shares of stock.10.SECURITIES LAWS COMPLIANCE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that it is contemplated that the offer and sale of this corporation's common stock shall be exempt from qualification under the_________ and any other applicable state securities laws, and each officer of this corporation is authorized and directed to take all steps necessary or desirable to comply with the applicable legal requirements, including causing any required notice to be prepared, executed, and timely filed with the appropriate regulatory agency.RESOLVED FURTHER, that it is contemplated that the offer and sale of this corporation's common stock shall be exempt from the registration requirements of the federal Securities Act of 1933, as amended, pursuant to Section 4(2), Section 3(a)(11), or Regulation D of that Act, as may be applicable, and that each officer of this corporation acting alone is hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary or desirable to qualify under an applicable exemption, including the filing of any Form D with the Securities and Exchange Commission.11.ELECTION OF OFFICERS.RESOLVED, that the following persons are elected to the office(s) indicated next to their names to serve until their successor(s) shall be duly elected or appointed, unless he or she resigns, is removed from office or is otherwisedisqualified from serving as an officer of this corporation, to take their respective office(s) immediately upon such election:Office NamePresident and Chief Executive Officer______________________________Vice President______________________________Secretary ______________________________ Chief Financial Office r______________________________[Other desired officers]______________________________12.ACCOUNTING AND FISCAL YEAR.RESOLVED FURTHER, that, until changed by this Board or by the shareholder, the first accounting year of this corporation shall commence on its date of incorporation and shall end on the following date: [Date of end of fiscal year].RESOLVED FURTHER, that each subsequent fiscal year of this corporation shall end on [e.g., December 31].13.EXPENSES OF INCORPORATION.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Chief Financial Officer is authorized and directed to pay the expenses of the incorporation and organization of this corporation, and to reimburse the persons advancing funds to this corporation for this purpose.[14. S CORPORATION ELECTION.WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of this corporation and its shareholders to elect to be treated as an S Corporation, pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986;NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, authorized and directed to execute all documents and to take such action as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to elect for S Corporation treatment, including but not limited to the submission of necessary corporation election documents to the Internal Revenue.][15] [16]. OMNIBUS RESOLUTIONS.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized to do and perform any and all such acts, including execution of any and all documents and certificates, as said officers shall deem necessary or advisable, to carry out the purposes of the foregoing resolutions.RESOLVED FURTHER, that any actions taken by such officers prior to the date of the foregoing resolutions adopted hereby that are within the authority conferred thereby are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved as the acts and deeds of this corporation.* * * *This Unanimous Written Consent may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall be one and the same instrument. This written consent shall be filed in the Minute Book of this corporation and become a part of the records of this corporation.[Typed or Printed Name of Director][Typed or Printed Name of Director][Typed or Printed Name of Director][Add signature lines as appropriate.] Dated as of。



xxxxxx 有限公司xxxxxxx LIMITED【董事会会议记录和决议】开会日期:二零零x年xx月xx日(星期x)开会时间:上午xx时xx分开会地点:公司会议室列席董事:xxx xxx(签署)一、主席xxx被推选为董事会主席。

二、通知及人数(a) 所有与此会议有关的通知已有效地发出;(b) 此会议有足够的人数出席,会议可以正式进行。

三、会议内容(a) 商议公司出售名下位于“广州市区xx路广场主楼xx层xx号” 房产的相关事宜;(b) 委派公司代表作为代理人负责办理房产买卖相关手续;(c) 售楼款及相关款项的处理和安排。

四、决议经董事会全体董事商议后,董事会正式作出决议:1. 根据股东会的决议同意将公司名下所拥有座落于“广州市区xx路xx广场主楼xx层xx号房” (房地产证:xxxxxxxx号) (以下简称“该物业”) 的一套房产按正常市场价格出售。

2. 同意授权及委托公司董事长xxx (女,19xx年xx月xx日出生,香港身份证号码:xxxxxxx ) 作为公司代表人,全权代表公司审阅有关出售该物业的《买卖协议书》、《广州市房地产买卖合同》及其它相关文件( 以下统称“该等文件” ),并全权代表公司签署该等文件、办理文件公证、产权变更登记手续、领取房产交易缴税通知书、按规定代缴有关应付税费、办理该物业的交收手续、申办退回相关押金及处理与出售该物业的其它相关事宜。


3. 同意将有关该出售该物业的全数楼价款和相关款项(包含相关的退回押金及费用) 均由公司董事长xxx负责代表公司收取并全数存入下列指定账户内:银行名称:中国xxx银行广州市分行xx支行(人民币账户)账户名称:xxx账户号码:xxxxxxxxx4.同意在出售该物业期间如楼款(包括全部或部份) 需办理监管手续时,公司董事长xxxx可全权安排和处理。





公司决议英文范文The Board of Directors’ ResolutionThe company held the ninth meeting of the second session of the Board of Directors on May 2,20xx in the meeting hall of the company. All the directors were informed on April 25, 20xx of the meeting by phone. The number of directors supposed to attend is 9 and the actual one is the same, with other 2 supervisors present too. The meeting was presided over by the Board Chairman Mr. David Door and made the following resolutions:The Mid-term Work Report of the Managing Director of the year 20xx was discussed and approved.The company’s Mid-term Financial Report of the year 20xx was discussed and adopted.The company’s Mid-term Report of the year 20xx was discussed and passed.Mr. David Brown was selected as a new director since Director Mr. John Bush had resigned for more than a month.There is to be no profits allotment for the mid-term of the year 20xx.Among the 9 directors, 6 people vote for the resolutions while the rest 3 against.Therefore, the resolutions are valid and will take effect thereafter.Signature (s): David DoorLucy PortmanRichard CarpenterJenny BlackBill HolderMike BushJohn SmithChristina BrownPeter NewmarkThe Board of Directors of ABC Co” Ltd.May 4, 20xx公司决议英文范文【译文】董事会决议公告本公司董事会于20xx年5月2号在公司会议室召幵了第二届董事会第九次会议。



董事会决议中英文对照[作者:中国法律英语网转贴自:中国法律英语网点击数:395 更新时间:2006-01-10 文章录入:admin ]董事会决议__________________________________(Insert name of company/填入公司名称)It is hereby certified that the following Resolutions of the Board of _________________________were duly passed at a Meeting of the Board held on _______________, and that they are in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the said Company and have been duly recorded in the Minutes Book of said Company/兹证明下述__________________公司董事会之决议在__________________召开的董事会会议适时通过,并与该公司章程及备忘录相符且已在该公司的备忘录中予以适时记录:Resolved/决议如下:A.That a Banking Account for the Company be opened with Morymor Bank Ltd. (“the Bank”) and that the Bank be and is hereby instructed to honour a nd debit to the Company’s account or accounts whether in credit or overdrawn or becoming overdrawn or closed in consequence of any such debits, all cheques, drafts or other orders or receipts for money signed, bill of exchange and promissory notes drawn, accepted or made on behalf of the Company provided they are signed or accepted by/在摩根&摩根银行(以下称“银行”)为公司开立银行帐户,并由此委派该银行对经下列人员代表公司签字认可提取的、接受的或制作的所有支票、支取凭证或其它汇单及经签字的款项收据、汇票和本票进行承兑或以借项记入公司一个或多个帐户,无论帐户尚有充足余额、已经透支或由于这些借项金额将要透支或销户。



董事会决议英文模板A Board Resolution is a formal document that records the decisions and authorizations made by the board of directors or shareholders of a company. It is an essential tool in corporate governance and plays a vital role in the decision-making process. The Board Resolution English Template provides a standardized format for companies to document their board decisions and ensure they are legally binding.The Board Resolution English Template typically includes the following key elements:1. Company Information: This section outlines the name of the company, its registered address, and other relevant details.2. Meeting Details: This section specifies the date, time, and location of the board meeting where the resolutions were adopted.3. Attendees: This section lists the names and positions of the directors or shareholders who were present at the meeting.4. Resolutions: This is the core of the document, where the specific decisions and authorizations made by the board are clearly stated. This may include, but is not limited to, the following:- Approval of financial statements or reports- Appointment or removal of directors or officers- Approval of major transactions or investments- Decisions regarding the company's operations, policies, or strategic direction5. Signing Authorities: This section identifies the individuals who are authorized to sign the Board Resolution on behalf of the company, such as the chairperson or the corporate secretary.6. Certification: This section includes a statement confirming that the resolutions were duly adopted and that the document is a true and accurate record of the board's decisions.The use of a standardized Board Resolution English Template offers several benefits to companies:1. Consistency: By using a consistent format, companies can ensure that their board resolutions are well-structured and easily understandable, both internally and externally.2. Legal Compliance: A properly drafted Board Resolution helps toensure that the company's decisions are made in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues or disputes.3. Decision Tracking: The Board Resolution serves as a formal record of the board's decisions, which can be crucial for future reference, audits, or legal proceedings.4. Efficiency: The use of a template streamlines the process of documenting board decisions, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors or omissions.5. Professional Appearance: A well-formatted Board Resolution can enhance the company's professional image and demonstrate its commitment to good corporate governance.When drafting a Board Resolution English Template, it is essential to ensure that the language is clear, concise, and legally sound. The wording should be precise and unambiguous, leaving no room for interpretation or misunderstanding. Additionally, the template should be customizable to accommodate the unique needs and requirements of the company.In conclusion, the Board Resolution English Template is a vital tool for companies to document their board decisions and ensure theyare legally binding. By using a standardized format, companies can maintain consistency, comply with legal requirements, and streamline their decision-making processes. As a result, the Board Resolution English Template contributes to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of corporate governance.。



董事会决议(英文)Board of Directors Consent 董事会决议Here is a form for Board of Directors Consent.The unanimous written consent of the board of directors is a document that allows the board of a company to take actions without an organizational meeting. The resolutions taken by the board of directors consist of the certification and filing of articles of incorporation, the adoption of bylaws and corporate seal, the establishment of bank accounts and other actions depending on the extent of the board’s powers as determined by the company’s bylaws and articles of incorporation.ACTION BY UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OFBOARD OF DIRECTORSIN LIEU OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF[NAME OF CORPORATION]The undersigned, being all the directors of [Name of Corporation], a ________ corporation, by their signature below or on a counterpart hereof, hereby adopt the following resolutions on behalf of this corporation, pursuant to the _____________, for the purpose of perfecting the organization of this corporation:1.CERTIFICATION AND FILING OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.RESOLVED, that the Secretary of this corporation is hereby authorized and instructed to insert in the Minute Book of this corporation a copy of the Articles of Incorporation as filed in the Office of the _______ Secretary of State and certified by the Secretary of State.RESOLVED FURTHER, that all form resolutions required by such Bank(s) are hereby adopted in the form utilized by Bank(s), and the Secretary is hereby authorized to certify such resolutions as having been adopted by this unanimous written consent and is directed to insert the form of such resolutions in the Minute Book.6.STATEMENT BY DOMESTIC STOCK CORPORATION.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the form entitled Statement by Domestic Stock Corporation, as required to be filed with the_______ Secretary of State by ___________, is hereby approved, and any officer or agent of this corporation, when appointed, is hereby authorized and directed to execute the form and forward it with the appropriate fee in accordance with the time requirements of that Section to the _______ Secretary of State; andRESOLVED FURTHER, that any change in the agent for service of process (or in his or her address) as stated in the aforementioned statement shall cause the President or Secretary to execute a new statement and send it to the Secretary of State, and in addition, those officers are directed hereby to file a new statement annually in accordance with the provisions of __________.7.PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the principal executive office of this corporation shall be located at .8.EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION AND WITHHOLDING.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized and directed to take all actions deemed necessary or advisable to secure federal and state employer identification numbers and to comply with all laws regulating payroll reporting, withholding and taxes.9.STOCK ISSUANCE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that this corporation sell and issue its common stock to the persons and for the consideration set forth below; that the consideration for these shares shall be paid in full before their issuance and delivery and that such shares shall be deemed fully paid and nonassessable; that the Board has determined that the consideration reflected below reflects fair value for the shares; and that the entire consideration shall becredited to the appropriate accounts as determined by theaccountant for or Chief Financial Officer of this corporation.Number ofName Shares Consideration RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized and directed to issue to each shareholder of this corporation from time to time one or more share certificates of this corporation representing suchshares of stock.10.SECURITIES LAWS COMPLIANCE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that it is contemplated that the offer and sale of this corporation's common stock shall be exempt from qualification under the _________ and any other applicable state securities laws, and each officer of this corporation is authorized and directed to take all steps necessary or desirable to comply with the applicable legal requirements, including causing any required notice to be prepared, executed, and timely filed with the appropriate regulatory agency.RESOLVED FURTHER, that it is contemplated that the offer and sale of this corporation's common stock shall be exempt from the registration requirements of the federal Securities Act of 1933, as amended, pursuant to Section 4(2), Section 3(a)(11), or RegulationD of that Act, as may be applicable, and that each officer of this corporation acting alone is hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary or desirable to qualify under an applicable exemption, including the filing of any Form D with the Securities and Exchange Commission.11.ELECTION OF OFFICERS.RESOLVED, that the following persons are elected to the office(s) indicated next to their names to serve until their successor(s) shall be duly elected or appointed, unless he or she resigns, is removed from office or is otherwise disqualified from serving as an officer of this corporation, to take their respective office(s) immediately upon such election:Office NamePresident and Chief Executive Officer______________________________Vice President______________________________Secretary______________________________Chief Financial Office r______________________________[Other desired officers]______________________________12.ACCOUNTING AND FISCAL YEAR.RESOLVED FURTHER, that, until changed by this Board or by the shareholder, the first accounting year of this corporation shall commence on its date of incorporation and shall end on the following date: [Date of end of fiscal year].RESOLVED FURTHER, that each subsequent fiscal year of this corporation shall end on [e.g., December 31].13.EXPENSES OF INCORPORATION.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Chief Financial Officer is authorized and directed to pay the expenses of the incorporation and organization of this corporation, and to reimburse the persons advancing funds to this corporation for this purpose.[14. S CORPORATION ELECTION.WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of this corporation and its shareholders to elect to be treated as an S Corporation, pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986;NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, authorized and directed to execute all documents and to take such action as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to elect for S Corporation treatment, including but not limited to the submission of necessary corporation election documents to the Internal Revenue.][15] [16]. OMNIBUS RESOLUTIONS.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized to do and perform any and all such acts, including execution of any and all documents and certificates, as said officers shall deem necessary or advisable, to carry out the purposes of the foregoing resolutions.RESOLVED FURTHER, that any actions taken by such officersprior to the date of the foregoing resolutions adopted hereby that are within the authority conferred thereby are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved as the acts and deeds of this corporation.* * * *This Unanimous Written Consent may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall be one and the same instrument. This written consent shall be filed in the Minute Book of this corporation and become a part of the records of this corporation.[Typed or Printed Name of Director][Typed or Printed Name of Director][Typed or Printed Name of Director][Add signature lines as appropriate.] Dated as of。



董事会决议范本标准版Model resolution of the board of directors
第 1 页共 3 页




第 2 页共 3 页
董事签名: ________________
-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------
第 3 页共 3 页。




The following is sample of BOARD RESOLUTIONS just for your reference.董事会议决议案(下称“本公司”)于 (会议日期) 恰当及有效地根据 (公司注册地)法律和公司宪章通过之董事会议决决议1.依据呈上本会议之相关开户文件(下称“文件”)内所载之条款及条件,于□ 华泰金融控股(香港)有限公司开立一个或多个①现金/保证金证券账户。


2.现特授权 (下列任何位人士)(下称“获授权人士”)有权代表本公司就开立上述交易账户一事向上述相关公司签署并提交履行文件,并且建立,签署和履行就上述相关公司维持上述交易账户之任何其它协议书、担保书、授权书指示购入,出售及处理下列任何一个类别产品□ 任何类别证券(上述一项或多项统称为“有关产品”)姓名 职衔 签名样式董事 董事/公司秘书姓名: 姓名:日期①删去不适用的BOARD RESOLUTIONSRESOLUTIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF . (“our Company") duly and effectively passed in accordance with the laws of (Place of incorporation) and with Company constitution on (Meeting date)RESOLVED:1.That□ *Cash/margin securities trading account(s) be opened with HUATAI FINANCIAL HOLDINGS (HONGKONG) LIMITED(The above - mentioned company(ies), collectively or singly known as “Relevant Company(ies)", whereas the above – mentioned account(s), collectively or singly known as “Trading Account(s)")Subject to the terms and conditions in the respective account opening documents (“documents") as produced to the meeting. Terms and expression used in the respective documents shall have same meaning when used in these resolutions.2.That any of the following persons (“Authorized Person") be and *is / are hereby authorized for and on behalf ourCompany to execute and deliver the Documents, and to mark , execute and deliver any other agreements, guarantees, authorizations, security documents, Relevant Company(ies) to buy, sell and deal in and with□ All kinds of Securities(Collectively or singly known as “Relevant Product(s)")Name Title Specimen SignatureDirector Director/Company SecretaryName: Name:Date*Delete where inapplicable。

公司决议 英汉模板

公司决议 英汉模板

公司决议Directors’ ResolutionThe_______( 决议名称) ResolutionThe company held the_______( 数字) meeting of the_______( 数字) session of_______( 会议性质) on_______( 会议时间) in the_______( 会议地点). All the directors were informedon_______( 通知开会的时间) of the meeting by_______( 通知开会的方式). The number of directors supposed to attend is_______( 数字,应到人数) and the actual one is_______( 实到人数), with other_______( 数字) supervisors present too. The meeting was presided overby_______( 主持人身份及姓名) and made the following resolutions:●The_______( 决议1) was discussed and adopted.●The_______( 决议2) was discussed and approved.●The_______( 决议3) was discussed and passed.●______( 决议4).Among the_______( 数字,与会者总数) directors,_______( 数字,持赞成意见的人数) people vote for the resolutions while the rest_______( 数字,持反对意见的人数) against. Therefore, the resolutions are_______( 决议是否有效,这取决于上面的持赞成的人数) and will take effect thereafter.Signature(s): _______( 与会者签名1)_______( 与会者签名2)______( 与会者签名3)______( 公司名称,要写全称)______(决议公布的日期,不是签署或会议的日期)。



Company XResolution of Board Of DirectorsDD MM, YYWe, the undersigned, being all directors of Company A (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") for the time being, hereby RESOLVE unanimously:1. that it is approved that the Company will establish a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (hereinafter referred to as "WFOE") through which the Company will purchase and operate certain assets in the ownership of Company Y (hereinafter referred to as the "Assets Acquisition");2. that it is approved that the Company may execute all the documents for the purpose of the Assets Acquisition including without limitation the Assets Purchase Agreement and the documents with respect of the establishment of WFOE (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Acquisition Documents");3. that it is approved that A (ID card/passport number: **) is authorized to sign the Acquisition Documents for and on behalf of the Company while B (ID card/passport number: **) still sign the Acquisition Documents as the legal representative for and on behalf of the Company;4. that it is approved that A (ID card/passport number: **), C (ID card/passport number: **), D (ID card/passport number: **) and E (ID card/passport number: **) are appointed as the directors of the WFOE with A (ID card/passport number: **) being the Chairperson as the legal representative of the WFOE and C (ID card/passport number: **)being the Vice Chairperson;5. that it is approved that F (ID card/passport number: **) is appointed as the supervisor of the WFOE; and6. that it is approved that E (ID card/passport number: **) is appointed as the General Manager of the WFOE.(Signature Page)。



董事会决议英文版Resolution of Board Of Directors Company XResolution of Board Of DirectorsDD MM, YYWe, the undersigned, being all directors of Company A (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) for the time being, hereby RESOLVE unanimously:1. that it is approved that the Company will establish a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (hereinafter referred to as “WFOE”) through which the Company will purchase and operate certain assets in the ownership of Company Y (hereinafter referred to as the “AssetsAcquisi tion”);2. that it is approved that the Company may execute all the documents for the purpose of the Assets Acquisition including without limitation the Assets Purchase Agreement and the documents with respect of the establishment of WFOE (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Acquisition Documents”);3. that it is approved that A (ID card/passport number: **) is authorized to sign the Acquisition Documents for and on behalf of the Company while B (ID card/passport number: **) still sign the Acquisition Documents as the legal representative for and on behalf of the Company;4. that it is approved that A (ID card/passport number: **), C (ID card/passport number: **), D (ID card/passport number: **) and E (IDcard/passport number: **) are appointed as the directors of the WFOEwith A (ID card/passport number: **) being the Chairperson as the legal representative of the WFOE and C (ID card/passport number: **) being the Vice Chairperson; 5. that it is approved that F (ID card/passport number: **) is appointed as the supervisor of the WFOE; and6. that it is approved that E (ID card/passport number: **) is appointed as the General Manager of the WFOE.(Signature Page)_________________________ _________________________。



懂事会会议决议范文英文回答:As a responsible and mature individual, I understandthe importance of making informed decisions during meetings. When it comes to meeting resolutions, it is crucial to consider various factors and perspectives before reaching a conclusion.For example, during a recent team meeting at work, we were discussing a new project proposal. Different team members had different opinions on the feasibility of the project and the resources required. As someone who values teamwork and collaboration, I made sure to listen to everyone's input and ask clarifying questions to fully understand their viewpoints. By doing so, I was able to contribute to the discussion in a meaningful way and help the team come to a consensus on the best course of action.In another scenario, I was part of a studentorganization where we were planning an event for the school. There were disagreements on the theme of the event and the budget allocation. Instead of insisting on my own ideas, I actively participated in the discussion, weighed the pros and cons of each suggestion, and suggested compromises that could satisfy everyone's concerns. This approach not only helped us make a decision that was beneficial for the organization but also strengthened our teamwork and communication skills.In conclusion, being sensible and considerate inmeeting resolutions is essential for achieving positive outcomes and maintaining harmonious relationships with others. By actively participating in discussions, listening to different perspectives, and offering constructive input, I can contribute to the decision-making process effectively.中文回答:作为一个负责任和成熟的个体,我明白在会议中做出明智的决定的重要性。



公司决定英文范文公司决议英文范文The Board of Directors’ResolutionThe company held the ninth meeting of the second session of the Board of Directors on May 2,20xx in the meeting hall of the company. All the directors were informed on April 25, 20xx of the meeting by phone. The number of directors supposed to attend is 9 and the actual one is the same, with other 2 supervisors present too. The meeting was presided over by the Board Chairman Mr. David Door and made the following resolutions:The Mid-term Work Report of the Managing Director of the year 20xx was discussed and approved.The company’s Mid-term Financial Report of the year 20xx was discussed and adopted.The company’s Mid-term Report of the year 20xx was discussed and passed.Mr. David Brown was selected as a new director since Director Mr. John Bush had resigned for more than a month.There is to be no profits allotment for the mid-term of the year 20xx.Among the 9 directors, 6 people vote for the resolutions while the rest 3 against.Therefore, the resolutions are valid and will take effect thereafter.Signature (s): David DoorLucy PortmanRichard CarpenterJenny BlackBill HolderMike BushJohn SmithChristina BrownPeter NewmarkThe Board of Directors of ABC Co”Ltd.May 4, 20xx公司决议英文范文【译文】董事会决议公告本公司董事会于20xx年5月2号在公司会议室召幵了第二届董事会第九次会议。



Board of Directors Consent董事会决议Here is a form for Board of Directors Consent.The unanimous written consent of the board of directors is a document that allows the board of a company to take actions without an organizational meeting. The resolutions taken by the board of directors consist of the certification and filing of articles of incorporation, the adoption of bylaws and corporate seal, the establishment of bank accounts and other actions depending on the extent of the board’s powers as determined by the company’s bylaws and articles of incorporation.ACTION BY UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OFBOARD OF DIRECTORSIN LIEU OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF[NAME OF CORPORATION]The undersigned, being all the directors of [Name of Corporation], a ________ corporation, by their signature below or on a counterpart hereof, hereby adopt the following resolutions on behalf of this corporation, pursuant to the_____________, for the purpose of perfecting the organization of this corporation:1.CERTIFICATION AND FILING OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.RESOLVED, that the Secretary of this corporation is hereby authorized and instructed to insert in the Minute Book of this corporation a copy of the Articles of Incorporation as filed in the Office of the _______ Secretary of State and certified by the Secretary of State.2.ADOPTION OF BYLAWS.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Bylaws, which were adopted and approved by the incorporator of this corporation and attached as an exhibit to the Action of Incorporator are hereby ratified, approved, and adopted as the Bylaws of this corporation;RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Secretary of this corporation, when appointed, is authorized and directed to execute a Certificate of Adoption of these Bylaws and to insert them as certified in this corporation's Minute Book, and to see thata copy, similarly certified, is kept at this corporation's principal office for the transaction of its business.3.CORPORATE SEAL.RESOLVED FURTHER, that a corporate seal consisting of the following words:[Name of Corporation]Incorporated [Date of Incorporation]________is adopted as the seal of this corporation.4.FORM OF STOCK CERTIFICATE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the form of certificate for the common stock of this corporation in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference is adopted for use by this corporation.5.BANK ACCOUNT.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized and directed to establish on behalf of this corporation account(s) at a bank or banks (Bank(s) herein) which the officer acting may select in his or her discretion, and that funds from such account(s) may be withdrawn by means of checks or drafts of this corporation signed by any [one] [two] of the following persons:. [Describe any dollar limitations or specific banks or accounts authorized, if appropriate.]RESOLVED FURTHER, that all form resolutions required by such Bank(s) are hereby adopted in the form utilized by Bank(s), and the Secretary is hereby authorized to certify such resolutions as having been adopted by this unanimous written consent and is directed to insert the form of such resolutions in the Minute Book.6.STATEMENT BY DOMESTIC STOCK CORPORATION. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the form entitled Statement by Domestic Stock Corporation, as required to be filed with the _______ Secretary of State by___________, is hereby approved, and any officer or agent of this corporation, when appointed, is hereby authorized and directed to execute the form and forward it with the appropriate fee in accordance with the time requirements of that Section to the _______ Secretary of State; andRESOLVED FURTHER, that any change in the agent for service of process (or in his or her address) as stated in the aforementioned statement shall cause the President or Secretary to execute a new statement and send it to the Secretary of State, and in addition, those officers are directed hereby to file a new statement annually in accordance with the provisions of __________.7.PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the principal executive office of this corporation shall be located at .8.EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION AND WITHHOLDING. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized and directed to take all actions deemed necessary or advisable to secure federal and state employer identification numbers and to comply with all laws regulating payroll reporting, withholding and taxes.9.STOCK ISSUANCE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that this corporation sell and issue its common stock to the persons and for the consideration set forth below; that the consideration for these shares shall be paid in full before their issuance and delivery and that such shares shall be deemed fully paid and nonassessable; that the Board has determined that the consideration reflected below reflects fair value for the shares; and that the entire consideration shall be credited to the appropriate accounts as determined by the accountant for or Chief Financial Officer of this corporation.Number ofName Shares ConsiderationRESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized and directed to issue to each shareholder of this corporation from time to time one or more share certificates of this corporation representing such shares of stock.10.SECURITIES LAWS COMPLIANCE.RESOLVED FURTHER, that it is contemplated that the offer and sale of this corporation's common stock shall be exempt from qualification under the_________ and any other applicable state securities laws, and each officer of this corporation is authorized and directed to take all steps necessary or desirable to comply with the applicable legal requirements, including causing any requirednotice to be prepared, executed, and timely filed with the appropriate regulatory agency.RESOLVED FURTHER, that it is contemplated that the offer and sale of this corporation's common stock shall be exempt from the registration requirements of the federal Securities Act of 1933, as amended, pursuant to Section 4(2), Section 3(a)(11), or Regulation D of that Act, as may be applicable, and that each officer of this corporation acting alone is hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary or desirable to qualify under an applicable exemption, including the filing of any Form D with the Securities and Exchange Commission.11.ELECTION OF OFFICERS.RESOLVED, that the following persons are elected to the office(s) indicated next to their names to serve until their successor(s) shall be duly elected or appointed, unless he or she resigns, is removed from office or is otherwise disqualified from serving as an officer of this corporation, to take their respective office(s) immediately upon such election:Office NamePresident and Chief Executive Officer______________________________Vice President ______________________________Secretary ______________________________Chief Financial Office r ______________________________[Other desired officers] ______________________________12.ACCOUNTING AND FISCAL YEAR.RESOLVED FURTHER, that, until changed by this Board or by the shareholder, the first accounting year of this corporation shall commence on its date of incorporation and shall end on the following date: [Date of end of fiscal year]. RESOLVED FURTHER, that each subsequent fiscal year of this corporation shall end on [e.g., December 31].13.EXPENSES OF INCORPORATION.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Chief Financial Officer is authorized and directed to pay the expenses of the incorporation and organization of this corporation, and to reimburse the persons advancing funds to this corporation for this purpose.[14. S CORPORATION ELECTION.WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of this corporation and its shareholders to elect to be treated as an S Corporation, pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986;NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, authorized and directed to execute all documents and to take such action as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to elect for S Corporation treatment, including but not limited to the submission of necessary corporation election documents to the Internal Revenue.][15] [16]. OMNIBUS RESOLUTIONS.RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized to do and perform any and all such acts, including execution of any and all documents and certificates, as said officers shall deem necessary or advisable, to carry out the purposes of the foregoing resolutions. RESOLVED FURTHER, that any actions taken by such officers prior to the date of the foregoing resolutions adopted hereby that are within the authority conferred thereby are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved as the acts and deeds of this corporation.* * * *This Unanimous Written Consent may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall be one and the same instrument. This written consent shall be filed in the Minute Book of this corporation and become a part of the records of this corporation.[Typed or Printed Name of Director][Typed or Printed Name of Director][Typed or Printed Name of Director]. .. .[Add signature lines as appropriate.]Dated as of.. ..范文. .。

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1原阿曼工程公司总经理**同志(护照号G 1304***; Resident Card No: ***9723)调任**局集团其他岗位;
2任命**同志(Passport No: G **115; Resident Card No:79751**)为阿曼工程公司总经理,全权处理阿曼工程公司事宜。



Mr. Chairman of Board
Mr. Deputy Chairman of Board
Mr. Director
Mr. Director
Mr. Director
The following resolutions are agreed among the directors regarding the transfer of key personnel:
1: Mr. **(G 13043853; Resident Card No: 70999723), the present General Manger of the China Railway ** (Group) Co,. Ltd (Muscat Branch), will be transferred to another position of China Railway ** Co,. Ltd.
2: Mr. ***(Passport No: G 20**5; Resident Card No:79***43) is appointed the new General Manger of the China Railway ***Co,. Ltd (Muscat Branch) and can fully handle all the company affairs in the Sultanate of Oman.
The meeting ended at 11:00 satisfactorily with the official seal and signatures of all directors as below:
China Railway***Co,. Ltd (seal)
Chairman of Board: Deputy Chairman of Board Signature: Signature:
Director: Director:
Signature: Signature:
