



1. Introduction:Faboil Ltd has evolved into a relatively successful organization within the biotechnology field. And now this company has some problems. Richard has failed to understand his role as Manager when delegating work to his team. He decided to off-load several tasks to his three project team leader. The Carole was a committed and conscientious work. She makes the stress in the work and relationship with the colleague. The following will give some information to help them solve the problem.2. Findings2.1 Richard’s managerial rolesHenir Fayol defined management as consisting of five main activities: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Planning——planning includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities.Organizing——organizing includes determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decision are to be made.Commanding——commanding is telling people what should be done. Coordinating——coordinating involves determining the timing and sequencing of activities so that they mesh properly, allocating the appropriate proportions of resources, times and priority, and adapting means to ends. Controlling——controlling is the process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and correcting and significant deviations.In this case, Richard didn‘t act well in planning, when he decision to off-load several tasks to his th ree project team leaders, he hadn‘t take inquire and task, he take the work to Carole directly. He did not act well in organizing. He didn‘t allocate the work appropriately because he gave Carole the major portion of workload which Carole could not cope. He also did not act well in commandin g, he didn‘t tell clearly to Carole what she should to do, which is mislead Carole and makes her become disillusioned and angry with Richard and Joanne. Richard did not act well in coordinating. He has not kept friendly relationship with other department and when there drove a wedge between Carole and Joanne, he didn‘t solve the problem. He also didn‘t act well incontrolling, although he went off on long-term sick, he need know what happened in company. but he didn‘t do anything.2.2 Assertiveness skillThe Assertiveness skill is a behavioral skill which may develop in an individual due to high self-esteem and relationships at an early age, it‘s a key business behaviour required in developing leaders‘ effectiveness. Assertiveness is a foundational life skill that we all need to develop and begin to implement in our lives. It is different with the aggression and passivity. Assertiveness is a communication style and strategy it‘s distinguished from aggression and passivity.To do assertiveness must know what are ‗bill of rights‘. It has the following are examples of what might be on a ‗bill of rights‘:1. I have the right to express my views and ideas.2. I have the right to ask for what I need.3. I have the right to say ‗No‘ to unreasonable requests.4. I have the right to make mistakes sometimes (after all I have to learn).The Assertiveness techniques include Basic or Empathetic Assertion, Broken Record, Use of Silence, Saying No, Fogging and Disarming Anger.In the case, Carole had made some mistakes. Firstly, need standing up for one's rights no matter what the circumstance. That Carole does insufficient, she was obviously doing want to work overtime and she also do not over so many things. But she did not speak out. So she didn't safeguard her rights. Tha t‘s not enough assertiveness. I think she should have talk with Richard early like Joanne and Ian, told he what things she can do and what she can‘t. Secondly, correcting the situation when one's rights are being violated. This point Carole does not better. Carole unanalyzed what she can do and what she can‘t, she didn‘t really want to admit that she was unable to cope. But when she takes over the work, she was experiencing several problems which she could not have foreseen. At this time, she‘s colleagues a dvised her to talk with Richard, but Carole also not talk to Richard. It makes the problem worse. I think she should study to say no. When Richard allocated work to her, she should tell him her specialized subject and it is useful for leader to allocate works to her.Thirdly, it is need finding a "win-win" solution in handling problems between two individuals. If has the trouble like she appeared that Joanne is specialism was network analysis do not decided to confront Joanne to ask her to take over the net work analysis. She‘s this methods is not well. She should not be angry to find Joanne ask her to take over the work. If she wants Joanne help she does the network analysis work need consultation with Joanne or change the work with Joanne.Finally, good ti me management told us first do important tasks. Carole‘s time management has the problem. Carole put the most difficult and time-consuming tasks things in lastly, it led a lot of stress to her. I think she need take some arrange, she can put important things first.2.3 The conflictConflict is a process which begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something the first party cares about. Conflict occurs when two opposing parties have interests or goals that appear to be incompatible. Some factors cause conflict: 1) Competition 2) Differences in objectives: individuals and organization, individual and individual, departments within the organization, formal and informal organizations. 3) Differences in values, attitudes, and perceptions. 4) Disagreements about role requirements. 5) Disagreements about work activities. 6) Disagreements about individual approaches. 7) People exhibit diverse styles and approaches in dealing with others and with situations. 8) Breakdowns in communication. About the influence of the conflict, not all of the conflict is also bad it has the positive effect of conflict and negative conflict.Positive Effects of Conflict: make our change; find the shortcoming and problems about ourselves; Increase effort; understanding others; make decision more correct; Possible Negative Effects of Conflict: decreased communication; badly relationship; decreased cooperation; negative feelings.There are five methods to resolve the conflict. It includes avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise and collaboration.Avoidance--unassertive and uncooperative, not taking sides, ignore the conflict. Sometimes avoidance is the best solution.Accommodation--unassertive but cooperative, accepting another viewpoint you would prefer not toCompetition--assertive and uncooperative, working for your own point of view at the expense of othersCompromise--moderately assertive and cooperative, finding acceptable solution for both partiesCollaboration--assertive and cooperative, finding solutions to fully satisfy both partiesIn this case, Carole asks Joanne to take over the network analysis, but Joanne refused to take on this additional workload. Some bitter words were exchanged which drove a wedge between them. It led the conflict between Carole and Joanne. I think Carole need do the following things to avoided conflict with Joanne. At first, Carole needs comminute with Joanne with a well attitude, ask her help the network analysis. Then, Carole do not take emotion, because Joanne‘s specialism was network analysis, and this work was one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks that she had taken over from Richard, in the belief that only Joanne was able to undertaken these tasks. If Carole wants to the resolve the problem, she needn‘t bring the emotion, she need try to talking with Joanne, obtain the Joanne‘s help. That may not make the conflict with Joanne. At last, Carole also can cooperate with Joanne to solve the problem. That can not influence Joanne on time get off work. If the Carole can done these points she wouldn‘t conflict with Joanne.2.4 About the time managementThe time management is means arrange your time reasonable, make you work have done in the time, the time management is not finished all of the things, but it is successful relate time. There are some benefits from the time management: 1) Reduce your stress. 2) Increasing satisfaction and results from your studies and/or your job. 3) Making you more productive as anindividuall. 4) Giving you a more rewarding and satisfying balance to your life.Following is the time management techniques include:Priority Setting—Urgent activities demand immediate attention, and are usually associated with the achievement of someone else‘s goals, or with an uncomfortable problem or situation that needs to be resolved. Important activities have an outcome that leads to the achievement of your goals.Your Peak Time—we may try to spend time on important tasks in the afternoon period and may not then do our best thinking; we may find it hard to concentrate or to come up with ideas. It is important, as far as possible, to work on your most important tasks at your peak time if you want to be able to do them well and relatively quickly.Five Minute Rule—this simple technique is particularly useful when you feel you have a large number of things to do. Rather than write all the things you need to do on a to-do list, set aside a time when you will not allow interruptions.Planning and Scheduling Time—for important items it is worth scheduling when you will work in them. You may also schedule times when you can batch routine or similar activities together so that you ate not distracted by them. It is useful to schedule meetings to times when there is less likelihood of interruptions. By letting others know your schedule, unnecessary interruptions might be avoided.Learn to say NO—Do not say yes when you don't have the time, motivation, interest or skills to do the task, Say ―no‖ to task s that have little impact on your targets, Prevent stress, avoid overworking.In this case study, Carole‘s time management not does well. Carole should Priority setting. Carole has to work late each evening to clear the paperwork. Like the staff documents with queries written on her desk. This things belong the bitty things can do it last. Carole should make a form to distinguish the important and unimportant jobs.Carole can learn say no, Richard believed that only Carole had the necessary commitment and expertise to be able to cope well with the increased workload. Carole unable to cope the work, but she didn‘t really want to admit that shewas unable to cope. Carole not refuses the work that lead to she everyday having to work late each evening.Carole also need learn planning and scheduling time. Carole wants to do the work effective, she can to do lists. Everyday make a new plan, do the important things first. Carole always wastes time in the bitty things. To do list can help her to know what things need do priority. That can make her work more efficiency.2.5 How to deal with the stressStress arises when individuals perceive that they cannot cope with the demands being made on them or with threats to their well-being. Behavioural signs of stress include aggression, withdrawal, lack of communication, moody, nervous shake and restlessness. Physical signs of stress include problem with sleep, loss of appetite, aches and pains, nausea, sweating, dry mouth. Emotional signs of stress include weepy, depression, lack of interest, negative self talk, loss of concentration and fuzzy perception. In case, Carole could not work effectively with Joanne and Ian. She was dejected and also experiencing recurrent headaches. They are the signs of stress.There are a variety of mechanisms that can be used to manage stress: Avoidance of stressors– we can try to identify what particular stressors we are affected by and seek to remove or avoid them.Adaptive behaviours–we can learn techniques such as time management and assertiveness.Adaptive physical response– we can improve the diet, take more exercise and try to relax.Adaptive thinking and emotional response– we can change how we view a situation by positive thinking and changing our ―self talk‖.Carole can deal with her own stress through the following ways:First, she need have a good rest. Because she is always work late each evening and not sleep well. So, she need get enough sleep.Second, she can learn how to say ―no‖. Richard believes that only Carole had the necessary commitment and expertise to be able to cope well with the increased workload. Carole knows she may no ability to finish this all of thework but she not refused the Richard. She stress caused by the too much work. If she learn say no that can not happened she experiencing recurrent headaches also can not faced more stress.Third, Carole makes some problem because she not uses the good methods communities with Joanne. So, she makes the stress with the relationship with Joanne. She needs learning better communication skills improve her relationships with management and coworkers.Last, other best way to reduce the stress is avoidance of stressors. She can talk with Richard and let him know she do not experiencing so much work. That she cannot face so many works result in she has the stress. After work she should find practical ways to relax, such as meeting with friends and cultivating personal interests.When dealing with stress in others, we should recognize signs of stress in others, identifying causes of stress in others and find appropriate ways to deal with the stess.Joanne had been off work and was suffering from a migraine and stomach bug due to the conflict. Carole and Joanne should deal with the conflict with each other. Calore didn‘t ha ve the authority to take over the network analysis to Joanne. She should negotiate with Richard and ask Richard to allocate to Joanne, because Richard is the leader and has the power to allocate work to subordinates.。

HND员工培训开发 outcome2

HND员工培训开发 outcome2

Training and Developing the Workforce: An IntroductionA6HE 34Outcome 2Assessor:HND 2010Candidate Name:ID Number:Total words: 1247Submit Date:ContentsIntroduction (3)Part 1 The national training framework (3)Part 2 The training initiatives (4)Part3 The usefulness of two of training initiatives at AG Bell (5)Part4 The implementation of the two training initiatives at AG Bell .. 6 Conclusion (7)IntroductionA G Bell Ltd is a call center service company. The company has high quality and high reputation. For every company, training is necessary and important. In order to achieve better company, this report will analyses the national training framework and the training initiatives, the most important is through the analyses to implementation the training initiatives.Part 1 The national training frameworkTraining in a National Context it is widely written that employee development should not exist in isolation but should be actively involved in supporting the organisation to achieve its business objectives.The National Training Framework is made up of information from a number of sources, both government and the network of organizations, geared towards helping organizations and individuals to develop.In Scotland, the Scottish Executive identifies key priorities for achieving business development. There are some agencies and training schemes offered nationally to support organisations.1.Scottish Enterprise / Local Enterprise CompaniesIt consist of Scottish Enterprise and 12 Local Enterprise Companies. The key theme is learning and skills, to achieve this, the networks play key roles in meeting national targets for training and are responsible for the delivery of some national training schemes. Scottish Enterprise may provide funding for local initiatives aimed at achieving the government’s national targets for education and training. Many of these initiatives might include:●Investors in people●Modern apprenticeships●National vocational qualifications2.Sector Skills CouncilsSector Skills Councils are independent, strategic UK-wide organisations. They have responsibility for skills and workforce development of all those employed in their sectors - from professional staff to tradesmen and women, administrative staff, support staff and other ancillary workers. They also cover all sizes of employer - from large firms to micro-businesses and the self employed. Each SSC is an employer-led organisation that actively involves trade unions, professional bodies and other key stakeholders. They replace a network of over 70 National Training Organisations (NTOs). Collectively the SSCs form the Skills for Business Network, which is responsible for tackling the skills and productivity needs of the UK. The Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA) is responsible for funding, supporting and monitoring the network of Sector Skills Councils. All SSCs are licensed by the Secretary of State for Education and Skills, in consultation with Ministers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.The four key goals are: Reduce skills gaps and shortages; Improve productivity; Increase opportunities for all individuals in the workforce and Improve learning supply. For the first time, SSCs give employers direct influence on training policy. Unlike the former National Training Organisations, which were responsible only for apprenticeship training, Sector Skills Councils are looking at education and training at all levels, from apprenticeships to Masters Degrees.Part 2 The training initiativesI will choose three training initiatives to help the AG Bell company.1. Investors in peopleThe Investors in Peoples Standards sets out a level of good practice for the training and development of people to achieve business goals. It provides a national framework for improving business performance and competitiveness. Organization working towardsthe Standard must show a planned approach to setting and communicating business objectives and developing people to meet these objectives.The Investors in Peoples Standards is based on four key principles: Commitment: to invest in people to achieve business goalsPlanning: how skill, individuals and teams are to be developed to achieve these goals Action: taking action to develop and use necessary skill in well defined and continuing programme directly tied to business objectivesEvaluation: outcomes of training and development for individuals progress towards goals, the value achieved and future needs.2. Get for workGet for work is a training programme for young people who want to develop skills and equip themselves for the world of work. The scheme is designed to support young people move into a job, further training or college, by helping them focus on what they want to do, what’s the best job for them. Get Ready for Work also helps young people identify their individual needs and offer training in a number of skills.3. Modern apprenticeshipsModern Apprenticeships offer people aged over 16 the chance of paid employment linked with the opportunity to train for jobs at craft, technician and management level. They are an exciting way for people to gain skills and qualification that will help to start a career without having to study full-time, and are available now across a wide range of industries. Modern Apprentices are given the chance to develop expertise and knowledge through on-the-job assessment as well as can also gain vital skills in areas such as teamwork and problem solving.Part3 The usefulness of two of training initiatives at AG BellIn my opinion, I think Investors in People is suits for AG Bell. Because investors inpeople is a practical, flexible and easy to use framework delivering organisational improvement through people. It centers on the development of people to achieve real results and continuous improvement for any organisation. For the AG Bell, this way can helps staff know their common goal clearly, develop team spirit and increase their performance. So the taff quality highly, the company will make more profits.Get ready for work is suits for the company too. Because the expansion, it is necessary to recruit new employees. AG Bell can use this way can recruit some people who has dream and target, then train them. Let them know what they need to be and how to achieve the company’s goal. This way can make employees feel important and valuable.Part4 The implementation of the two training initiatives at AG BellImplement Investors in PeopleThere are four principles: commitment, planning, action, evaluation.First, employee must know their goals and bright future, then must have a nice plan to improve their skill and knowledge level. Next they should focus on how to achieve goals and take action. Last evaluate the efforts for future needs.Implement Go study for workGo study for work helps young people to improve their vocational and core skills, fill any knowledge gaps and boost their overall employability. The programme will work with young people for up to six months and they will be given a temporary work experience placement with a business relevant to their interests and skills. There is expert for everyone. He will chat to young people and answer any question, to suggest them what they need to and how to deal with their work problems. AG Bell can use this way to let new employees adapt workplace and improve their skills and increaseexperience before they work. Thus when they work, they will be easier and more proficiently, the company will be stronger.ConclusionThrough the analysis of AG Bell Ltd, there are some points need to improve. Because of the extension, AG Bell will recruit new employees, use some useful training initiatives, new employees can familiar with work and environment before they work, improve their specialized knowledge and skills. Thus the company will better and better, make more profits in the future.。



H N D商法导论O u t c o m e2案例+答案(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Case study 1Samir sees a set of golf clubs displayed in a shop window for £500. He enters the shop and states he will take the clubs. The shopkeeper however says the clubs are no longer for sale. Samir is demanding that he be sold the clubs and at the price displayed.Identify the essential requirements of a contract and discuss whether a contract exists here.A contract is an agreement between parties having the capacity to make it, in the form demanded by the law, to perform, on one side or both, acts which are not trifling, indeterminate, impossible or illegal, creating an obligation enforceable in a court of law. A valid contract has three essential features: there must be a agreement on all material aspects; at least two contracting parties and legal obligations.A contract consists of an offer and an acceptance. If there is no offer in the first place then there can be no contract. The basic elements of a contract include an offer and an acceptance.In the case Samir sees a set of golf clubs displayed in a shop window for £500. He enters the shop and states he will take the clubs. But shopkeeper says the clubs are no longer for sale. Samir is demanding that he be sold the clubs and at the price displayed.According to this case we can say that these is not exist a contract. In the case that a set of golf clubs are exhibited in a shop window, thus it is not an offer. Because the goods displayed in a shop window as a invitation to treat, we can know that goods displayed in a shop window (even when priced) are classed as a willingness to negotiate on the shops part. Invitations to treat also is considered to inquiry the price of goods, means a party to invite the other person to make offers. Different an offer, a willingness to negotiate only as prepared to make a contract of behavior on the issue who is not legally binding. The customer will make the offer to buy the goods which the shop are perfectly within their rights to refuse. The invitations to treat are not legally classed as offers and therefore cannot be accepted.Before the party who gave off the invitations to treat could not accept the other people’s offers they can revocation, and then the contract is not build. When Samir asked to buy the golf clubs the shopkeeper refused hin, and there was no acceptance. So when the shopkeeper refused Samir which is a set of golf clubs are not the good for sale, it just be used as ornament, and attracted the consumers interested. So an offer in this case is not found, either nor contract consists of an offer and an acceptance, we can know that there is on offer and there is on contract.Case study 2Tom is the top salesman for ABC Motors. He has been offered a job by a rival company but is concerned because there is a clause in his contract which prevents him from working for any other car company for five years.Tom is the top salesman because he regularly tells potential customers what they like to hear rather than the facts. He has done this in relation to ages of vehicles, odometer readings and vehicle service histories.Tom recently completed a deal to buy a vintage sports car for ABC Motors from now discover that Barry (not his real name) had stolen the vehicle.Question 1What is a restrictive covenant Advise Tom as to the legality of the clause in his contract.You can refer to Bluebell Apparel Ltd v Dickinson (1980) on page 146Question 2How would you classify Tom’s statements to the customers and what are the possible consequences for Tom and ABC motors in relation to these statements You can refer to Smith v Sim(1954) on page 161Question 3What is the legal position with regard to the vehicle which Tom has purchased from BarryYou can refer to Morrison v Robertson(1908) on page 1531 Restrictive covenant is a agreement which restrict the party liberty to work and trade. Such contracts are VOID unless the restriction can be shown to be reasonable to both parties involved and to the general public. There are three types of restrictive covenants: contracts between employer and employee, contracts between sellers and purchaser of a business and ‘solus’ agreements. For all three types, the party attempting to enforce the agreement must prove that it is reasonable to both parties concerned and to the general public. If they are unable to do this then the contract will be considered void and unenforceable. (from the text bookP142-142) This contract are legality, and the restriction was fair in this contract. Because the relationship of Tom and ABC motor is employer and employee, when enter employment and employee may agree to some restriction being placed on his future employment or trade. Later the employee may feel the restriction is unfair and therefore he may break it. In such circumstances it would be up to the employer take him to court and seek an ‘interdict’ forbidding the employee to break the agreement. They will consider the factor the nature of the job the employee was doing(from the text book P142). If Tom worked for any other company within the validity period of the contract that he would be in a position to harm his ex employers.2 The 4 main causes of error are: innocent misrepresentation, fraudulent misrepresentation, negligent misrepresentation and concealment of facts. And Tom’s statements to customersclassify fraudulent misrepresentation,A false and material statement which induces a party to enter into a contract this is misrepresentation. Because he regularly tells potential customers what they like to hear rather than the facts and him without caring whether it is true or false. Fraudulent misrepresentation can lead a contract being madevoid if it involved these points,first is fraudulent misrepresentation causes error in the substantials. Second is the other party relied on the misrepresentation and it was a major influence on them entering the contract, third is the other party can offer restitutio in integrum. So the contracts between Tom and customers is void, he relied on the misrepresentation and it was a major influence on them entering the contract, thus customers can acquire compensation. Or cancel the contract or both of them.3 Tom brought a car from Barry,but Tom discovered that Barry had stolen the vehicle. And in this contract has a error which made the contract void, the Barry stolen the car but Tom did not know before him brought, so he can not get the car’s ownership. An error concerning the identity of the parties. Barry stolen the car so he haven’t ownership of this car and sold car, therefore, he can not give ownership to Tom, and Tom does not get the car’ ownership actually. And in this case Tom can only lodge a claim to Barry.Case study 3Martina recently attended an auction for the first time. She was very keen(渴望的) on a particular painting and when the bidding commenced(开始) she got so carried away that she bid much more than she intended. Martina won the auction but with fees(费用) and commissions(佣金) added on to the price, she cannot pay the full amount for the painting.Question 1What do you understand by the term ‘breach of contract’ Give two examples. Question 2List the main remedies available for breach of contract.Question 3What is the most appropriate remedy for the auctioneer(拍卖商) in this case 1、Where one party fails to fulfil his or her legal obligation under a contract.(from the text book P183)example1Tony and Jane have a contract where Tony will pay June $100 for her car and delivery. Tony pays the $100 but Jane fails to delivery.(from the text book P197) In this case study there has been a Breach of Contract by Jane as she has failed to delivery the car.Example2Shirley and Oliva have a contract where Shirley brought a cake from Oliva for her friend and asked Oliva sent the cake to her friend on 12th December 2012 , but on that day her friend did not receive the cake.In this case study there has been a breach od contract by Oliva as she failed to sent the cake.2、If there is a breach of contract then the innocent party will have the right to seek a remedy for the breach.(from the text book P184)Damages as a remedy for breach of contract. The object of awarding damages to someone is to place them in the position they would have been in had the contract been completed.So damages are really awarded as compensation- if the party has actually lost money as a result of the breach then he will be awarded ‘substantial’or ‘compensatory’ damages.In some cases no actually loss may have been incurred as a result of the breach. If is still possible that damages may be awarded for trouble and inconvenience-these are know as ‘nominal’ damages.(from the text book P185)Specific implement as a remedy for breach of contractSpecific implement is to stop someone for acting in breach of contract. So specific implement may be positive---forcing someone who has been in breach to fulfil their obligations or negative ---forcing someone who has been in breach to stop doing something. (from the text book P191-192)Rescission as remedy for breach of contract.Rescission means cancellation . With this remedy, the innocent party has the right to rescind(cancel) the contract if the other party has been guilty of a material breach of contract.The main factor to be considered is what is meant by a material of contract. Ifthe breach is not material but only partial then the right of rescission does not exist.Many contracts contains a number of conditions, some of which are more important than others.If the contract specifically states that some are material then breach of these will mean that rescission can be taken as a remedy.(from the text book P193-194)The Defensive Remedies for breach od contractThere are two defensive remedies that can be taken by the party who is not in breach.①Lien:If a person has possession(占有) of an article(物品) on which he has been employed to do work then he can refuse to return the article to its owner until payment is made for the work done.Example of situations where lien could be used as a remedy for breach of contract include:②Retention:This is the right to refuse to pay a debt which is due(到期的).Retention can only be used under the following two circumstances:ⅰwhere compensation can be pleaded.(债权确定、到期)ⅱwhere both claims arise under the sameWhat is the most appropriate remedy for the auctioneer(拍卖商) in this case 3、in this case the defensive remedies in the most appropriate method for the auctioneer. The defensive remedies include lien and retention, the auctioneer should take lien measure. If a person has possession of an article on which he has been employed to do work then he can refuse to return the article to its owner until payment is made for the work done.As a result of Martina won the auction but with fees and commissions added on to the price, she cannot pay the full amount for the painting, the auctioneer can keep the painting until Martina paid off the rest of money.。



-- Objectives are more specific than goals
-- Identify the specific path to achieve goals
-- Have to be SMART
• Objectives in case:
-- to finish work on time and within price
Section B
6. Motivation for staff depends on more than high salary and working condition
• David used ‘Big Brother’ approach, which means it has complete control over people and is always checking what they do, he liked to run a tight ship
Section B
6. Motivation for staff depends on more than high salary and working condition
Explaining one of the following theories: • Maslow’s hierarchy of need • Herzberg’s two factor theory • Alderfer’s ERG theory
satisfy customer’s need
Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
• Definition of policy
-- Provide a framework of rules or guidance that manager and staff can make decision



Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 4NAME:SCN:CLASS:Contents Introduction........................................................................................................ Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la Hotel........................... Section 2:An Appropriate Form of Re-Structure for Shangri-la Hotel Section 3:The Influence of Task, Technology, and Size on the New Structure.............................................................................................................. Section 4: Line, Staff ,Functional and Lateral relationships within the New Structure.................................................................................................... Section 5: Authority, Responsibility and Delegation within the New Structure.............................................................................................................. Conclusion.......................................................................................................... Reference............................................................................................................ IntroductionThe purpose of this report is to examine the understanding of management structure in the organization and its application. There are five sections in the report: management structurebefore merger; management structure after new development; contingency approach and its variables after merger; different relationships within the new structure; relevance of different relationships with new structure.Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la HotelAt present, flat structure is used in the management of the hotel. Hybrid management structure is used. Craig used the centralized and line approach to manage the restaurant .Ailsa used the decentralized and team approach to manage the hotel. In the hotel, all of the work was divided into four types according to different products or services: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff.Flat structure: it means that a business has few vertical level of management and a wide span of control. As a result, the relationship between manager and subordinate will be closed, the flow of information will be quick, and it will save administrative expenses. However, because of wide spans, the communication between the same level department and employees will be difficult. In the case, for example, in the kitchen, there were only two levels: Craig, the manager; kitchen staffs and waiters. Craig directly gave the subordinates their different tasks. So it was a flat structure.Centralization& Decentralization: the centralization means that the important decisions are taken by the top management and the other levels implement the directions that top manager gives. In the case, Craig mainly used the centralized approach. For example, all his subordinates must follow the menu made by Craig. And Craig made decisions by himself and allocated tasks to kitchen staff and waiters. It should be a centralized approach. Decentralization means top manager delegates authorities to all levels of management. In the case, Ailsa used this decentralized approach. For example, in the management of Ailsa, she gave rights to Antonio to run things. It was a decentralized approach.Line structure: it means that authority comes down from the boss to their staff directly in a line relationship. Its advantage is that it is very convenient to communicate because of the direct line relationship. However, because it needs an one-to-one managing process, the managing tasks are too heavy. It will be costly. In this case, Craig used the line approach. Craig allocated specific tasks to different staffs. He required that all staffs should do dishes following his menu. And he required the waiters should attend to customers within fiveminutes of being seated. He managed all the individuals in the restaurant directly. So it was a line approach.Team structure: it refers to divide the entire organization into work groups or teams. After dividing into teams, there will be high employee involvement and empowerment. The functional barriers will also be reduced. However, the ambiguous chain of command will arise. In the case, Ailsa used this approach. She divided all staffs in the hotel into several teams, such as the reception team managed by Antonio, the cleaning staff team, and the chambermaids team. Every team had their own specific work to do, and every team number involves in the management. So it was a team approach.Product or service: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, is was divided into four types: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. For example, in the management of the hotel, Craig’s staffs were divided into following parts: the kitchen cook, the purchasing staff and the waiters. They did different tasks and made different products or service to customers. So it was a products or service approach.Section 2:An Appropriate Form of Re-Structure for Shangri-la HotelAfter the new development of the organization, the organizational structure can be divided into three parts: the manager, the staff and the supplier. It is called a Shamrock management structure. The departmentalization approach could also be used.Product departmentalization: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, before merger, it consists of four types: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. There would be additional two types after the merger. One was is farm , the other is Gordon’s restaurant.Shamrock structure: It especially refers to the three-part or three levels of an organizational structure. In the shamrock organization there are three different groups of people: basic managers, employees as the core part, the external co- workers and the part-time workers as a form of supplement.As above graph shows, the organization of the hotel was divided into three parts in the Shamrock model. The first part was the manager in the organization. This part played an important role in the organization. In the case, Craig was a manager who directs the tasks in the kitchen and the restaurant. He arranged and managed the kitchen and restaurant into a normal operation. Ailsa played a key role in the marketing and management of the hotel. She worked hard in the managing hotel development and made great progress finally. The second part was staff. There were four types : chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. They also played an important role in the operating activities of the hotel. The chambermaids and waiting staffs provided service to customers and the kitchen supplied foods and drinks to customers. The third part was supplier- Gordon. Gordon supplied raw materials from his farm to Craig’s kitchen. Also, Gordon opened a restaurant which consisted of his wife, two chefs and four waiters. Every part in the Shamrock organization has their own expectations.Section 3:The Influence of Task, Technology, and Size on the New StructureContingency theory holds the view that there is no one best way to structure. The particular situational factors such as size, technology or task will determine the systems and structures employed.Task: it means that the nature and size of the task will influence shaping the organization. For example, in the case, before Gordon converted his farm house to his restaurant, his main task was to grow and sell organic products. So the organization was a simple one. After owning a restaurant, the tasks became complicated and the organization structure became complicated as well. So the nature and size of the task will determine the type of the organization structure.Technology: Technology relates to the production process used. It is not just related to the information technology, but also to the technology of producing a product or supplying service. In this case, before the merger of Gordon’s farm as a hotel, Ailsa made marketing strategies and plans which focused on the city customers and business. After the merger, Ailsa must make another different marketing strategy which should be feasible in Gordon’s farm. Appropriate technology is very important in the operating process of an organization.Size: It is an essential factor that influences the shape and structure of an organization. Also, different size of organizations have different producing procedures and outcomes. In the case, after the merger, the hotel had a lot of changes in the size. For example, the number of stuff was increasing. Besides, because Gordon’s farm was a part of the hotel, it would be less costly to buy raw materials used in the kitchen. It would a competitive advantage in price within its competitors.Section 4: Line, Staff ,Functional and Lateral relationships within the New StructureLine relationship: it means that authority comes down from the boss to their staff directly in a line relationship. In the case, Craig was responsible for managing and directing the kitchen staff and waiters. He allocated the specific tasks to different staffs to ensure that his plans were completed. This was an example of the line relationship.Staff relationship: It means the relationship between the staffs in different departments. For example, in the case, the relationship between reception staff and other staffs, such as the maintenance staff.Functional relationship: It is a relationship which exists between different functions in the hotel. In the case, for example, the relationship between the accountant function and other functions. They all had closed relationship in the organization.Lateral relationship: It is a relationship which exists between the same level of staffs which are in different systems and do different tasks. For example, there were waiters in both Ailsa’s and Craig’s management system. But waiters in Craig’s restaurant supplied service to customers eating here. And waiters in Ailsa’s hotel supplied service to customers living here. This was a lateral relationship.Section 5: Authority, Responsibility and Delegation within the New StructureAuthority: It is a right to order or direct others to do specific tasks, and then attract the responses which are appropriate to achieve the goals of the organization. For example, in thecase, only Craig had the authority to allocate tasks to his staffs. And only Craig and Saskia had the right to sign for any procedure. Few changes appeared after the merger.Responsibility:It is the obligation for some people in the organization to perform a task,assignment or function. In the case, for example, Antonio as a reception manager, had the responsibility on reception of clients. Few changes appeared after the merger.Delegation: It is an action to pass the responsibility or authority to a person to carry out and complete the specific task. In the case, Ailsa delegated her right to Antonio to help her manage the hotel. However, Craig hardly delegated any right to others. As a result, it caused some problems such as staffs’ complaints. The suggestion is that Craig should delegate some rights to the staff, such as some decision-making. In this way, the involvement of the staffs will be increased. And the efficiency of kitchen operation will be improved.ConclusionThe findings of the report reveal the management structures, contingency theory and different relationships and their applications in different situations.ReferenceYuan Yu, Zhang Shutao,2013,Managing People and Organisations, China Modern Economic Publishing House.。



“Escape to Wild”是一家成功的公司,专门通过邮购和小型的零售专营店来销售户外休闲服饰。


四年前,“Escape to Wild”开了第一家自己的零售专营店,到现在,已经有了10家零售专营店,并有计划再多开五间店。



“Escape to Wild”公司没有明确的人力资源部门。










HND人力outcome 2

HND人力outcome 2

1A.Identify and explain one content and one process theory of motivation. Motivation theory is to point to by specific methods and management system, to maximize employ-ee's commitment to the organization and the work of the process。

motivation theory including the content and process.Content motivation theory including Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory,ERG theory,and X-Y theory. Process motivation theory including Adams’equity theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory and Goal-setting theory.Content theoryThe content theory that I described is McGregor's Theories,it contains Theory X and Theory Y. The Theory X assumes that people dislike work and responsibility,and Theory Y assumes that physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest.t heory X means the some employees dislike their work and avoid to take responsibility if possible,at the same time,because they have no passion for the their work,so their leaders will treat them by some ways such as coerced,directed,controlled,threatened with punishment to help them finish the organi-zation's goals. When something happened,they regard the security as more important rather than eve-rything else.Theory Y described the efforts about physical and mental of work are equal with resting and play-ing,employees have ambitions,they can achieve work objectives by their own directed and control rather than manager's force. In addition,they can use their imagination,creativity and wisdom to solve the problems,which play an important in group cooperating. They are willing to accept even seek out responsibility rather than avoid it.Process theoryThe content theory that I described is Goal-Setting Theory. Goal Setting Theory in 1960 by the gen-eration of rock (Edwin Locke), proposed the Goal of the Theory is that challenging is the source of motivation, so specific goals will improve performance; Difficult goals are accepted, could achieve a better performance than the easy target.American psychologist John Locke (E.A.L ocke) in 1967, the first puts forward the Theory of "Goal Setting" (Goal Setting and found), he thinks the Goal itself has incentive, target can change the people's needs for motivation, make people's behavior towards a certain direction, their behavior and the result was, as compared with the established target to adjust and amend in time, to achieve their goals.Goal setting theory is put forward, the goal is one attempt to complete the purpose of the action. Goal is the direct cause of behavior motivation, set the appropriate target can make the person produces want to achieve the goal of the achievement need, and thus has a strong incentive to people. Value and as far as possible, set up the appropriate target motivation is to stimulate the important process.Goal setting theory predicts when targets is difficult to increase a person's work performance will be improved, until you reach the peak performance, and the lack of a sense of identity to difficult target individuals and corporate performance to reduce or very poor.1B.How could each of these theories be applied to situations within Shan-gri_la Hotels?theory XIn this case,Craig is this theory's performer,because when his stuff offered suggestions on how to deal with problems,Craig always rejected them and said: This is my kitchen,we run it my way. Which represent he want to control his employees.Theory YIn this case,Antonio behaviours are obvious. First,Antonio's group can provide the perfect standard quality services,as well as high tacit understanding,both of them are benefit to satisfied the business customers' needs and improve the service efficiency. And then,when Alisa was out of restaurant,An-tonio always helped her to manage the restaurant well. Considering personal ability,Antonio acquired a wealth of knowledge in the restaurant industry. All of them reflecting his self control and self di-rected,as wall as his wisdom, the contributions of team cooperation.Goal-Setting TheoryCraig also aimed to ensure that all customers would be attended to within five minutes of being seated, Craig have much pressure from restaurant. The aim of Craig is every hard,but Craig still insist his aim to manage restaurant.2.Highlight methods which management could use to improve job perfor-mance and explain the suitability of each.There are three approaches to improve job performance:job enrichment, Financial incentives and consultation.The first method that I described is job enrichment. It means the manager should use different ways to enrich work,as well as improve the quality of work. In this case, Antonio's group have a regular meeting every week. During the meetings,they make research together about how to improve the business customers restaurant experience. Antonio always invited his group members to give advices. So with the perfect group cooperation,so he always receive customers feedback and praise. Which are beneficial to promote the company's development as well as encourage the employees have more passion for their work.The second method that I describes is financial incentives.It means the manager should pay more money for staff to encourage staff.In case,Ailsa had close links with the local college who ran hospi-tality courses, and would often take on learners who were studying there as part-time staff. On com-pleting their studies, many of these learners opted to take up full-time employment with the hotel, at which time Ailsa would increase their salary.The last way to improve job performance is consultation. It means the manager should communicate with employees regularly,such as deliberate and negotiate. In this case, Craig always reject with his employees to talk about customers problems,he also proclaim"this is my kitchen,we run it my way." So his employees will feel jealous and get no sense of belonging. Different people have different views,but all of them can not be allowed to express. So between the stuff will not cooperate from each other,they will finished their work passively. Which will reduce the work efficiency.3A.Explain the importance of teamwork within Shangri-La hotels.In this world, all one's strength is small, only into the team, only struggle together with the team, you just realize personal value maximization, will you be able to achieve excellenceBelbin Team RolesTake advantage of the behavior of the individual to create a harmonious team, can greatly improve the team and individual performance. There is no perfect individual, but a perfect team. Craig is trust Saskia because they work together in London for many years. Whenever Craig leaves the hotel, he appointed Saskia to the kitchen and all the attendant distribution work. Craig also insisted that only Saskia and he didn't have the right to sign for delivery of meat and vegetables. This situation reflects in a team, each role play a very important role. Belbin Team Roles including Company worker, coor-dinator, shaper, planter, resource investigator, monitor evaluator,team worker, implementer and fin-isher.3B.Identify and analyse three factors that are affecting team cohesiveness and performance in the kitchen and impact each factor is having on the team. Three factors to influence team cohesion and team performanceThe first factor is lack of consultation. In this case,the kitchen staff salary is high, but the atmosphere of the kitchen is often very nervous. Everyone feel pressure have great influence on team cooperation, This atmosphere unable to improve the work efficiency.The second factor is poor communication. In this case,Craig rejected to receive other employees' suggestion,at the same time,both of Ailsa and Craig have their own opinions about materials receptionproblems,but they have been not reach the agreement. Which effected the emotion cohesiveness. The last factor that I described is lack of clarity of roles. In this case, Ailsa always think she is the restaurant manager and complained why Craig always signed the row materials. Her thoughts re-flected she does not have clarity of roles. Which are bad for task cohesiveness forming.。



1.Analyze the relationship between organizational goals, objectives and policies andexplain their contribution to effective management in the Shangri-la Hotel case study.Organizational goal is the expected results of subjective vision, is formed in the mind of a subjective ideology.the goals include five parts followsCustomer goals focusing on customers’needs, benefits, services ,etc. For example people who live in the Shangri-la Hotel are need comfortable room, delicious food and excellent service.Product goals related to the range of products including quality, quantity and services on offer.For example Craig is convinced that using the freshest meat,vegetables and fruit from Gordon’s farm is essential.Operational goals covering areas like technology or machines used,staffing levels.Craig must make sure that all customers would be attended to within five minutes of being seated.Secondary goals subordinate to the above three goals and relating to environmental issue. At the end of each week, Craig always provided free drinks for the team to celebrate, and the team always enjoyed these get-togethers.Service goals is every employee should be a good professional quality and professional personal integrity, into every day to deal with customers do every thing, into the customer’s perception and recognition.The hotel want to customers feel pleasant in the hotel.Organizational objectives are more specific than goals and identify the specific path to be taken in order to achieve goals.It has to be SMART (specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound)Specific: objective must be detailed and definite.Measurable: objective should be assess by concrete standards, includingAttainable: objective set by organization could be achievable and accessible.Realistic:objective should be built up in obedient with real capabilities and actual condition.Time-bound:objective are set on time and should be adapted to the condition change.In case, under control of Ailsa’s management , Shangri-la hotel became the first hotel in Glasgow to achieve the prestigious 5-star AA award.Organizational policies: these provide a framework of rules or guidance within which management and staff can make decisions.In the shangri-la Hotel, The fist rule is the reputation of the Shangri-la Hotel depended on high quality customer care, and it was important that all staff in the hotel weretrained to the highest standards. The second is Craig also insisted that only Saskia and he should have the authority to sign for the meat and vegetable deliveries. The last one is the sales visits that Ailsa made meant she was often away from the hotel, so Antonio had authority to charge of the Hotel when she was absence.Relationship: Each policy will contribute to the achievement of objectives,every objectives are to promote the realization of goals.2.Identify the main difference between the formal organization and informal organization.Organization is a group of individuals operating together in a systematic way to achieve set of objectives.Formal organizations are set up to achieve goals and specific organizational objectives .Informal organization theorists have been aware that within the formal structure of the organization there will always be an informal group.Formal organization has planned responsibility, consistent functions and structure of authority and communication. In case,the hotel is a formal organization,because the hotel has professional manage. And all staff have their responsibility and tasks.Informal organization has loosely structured and fluctuating with its individual membership spontaneous.In case, the Hotel kitchen is an informal organization .Because they are independent individual. they haven’t specific system to control their thought and behavior. And the structure of authority and communication in the kitchen is not rigorous. they haven’t specific structure. they work together and sure the work.3.Explain the composition of the open System Theory and explain how it applies in the Shangri-la Hotel case study.The open System Theory is a conceptual framework, which investigate organization and its environmental relation. Open system have internal and external environment.SWOT belongs to internal environment,PEST belongs to external environment.SWOT analysis is a kind of enterprise internal analysis method. It includes strengths, weakness,opportunity and threat.Strengths are internal factor of organization.In case, Shangri-la hotel is a 3-star Michelin hotel, it is first 5-starAA in Glasgow.Weakness are internal factor of organization.In case, employees have complain about Craig. Opportunity is external factor of organization.In case, Shangri-la cooperation with Gordon. Gordon has the freshest meat,vegetables and fruit.Threat is external factor of organization.In case,recently,the three main large companies of Shangri-la hotel into closure.PEST analysis refers to the analysis of the macro environment.It includes polities,economic,society and technology.Political factor includes political system ,the political situation, the government’s attitude.In case, Economic factor includes GDP,market mechanism,market demand,etc. In case,Alica obtained the funding from Scottish Enterprise.Social factor is that general conditions of whole social development in a certain period,mainly includes social morality ,and cultural traditions, the population change trend. In case, Craig and Ailsa both believed in supporting local business, and always used local banks, financial advisors and lawyers to support their business.Technological FactorsRefers to the total level and change trend of social technology, technical change, technological breakthroughs to the enterprise, and the technology of the interaction between the political, economic and social environment. In case,hotel need more advanced product to attract customers.4.Identify different stakeholders in the case study and explain their influence and interest.Stakeholder Theory is a around the enterprise and the social value as the center of business ethics and organizational management theory.Stakeholder includes nine roles . this role has twoparts,external stakeholders and internal stakeholders.External stakeholders in clude customers, supplies,society,Government ,creditors and shareholders. Internal stakeholders include Directors and managers,employees, owners.External stakeholdersShareholders is institutions and individuals who own a stake in a company.Craig and Ailsa. they have discretion to determine the profitability of the company. shareholder will be interested in return on their investment and possibly the long-term growth and development of the hotel.The influence of shareholder have right of decide strategy. right to vote, right to election of directors.Customer who buy the products or services. People who live in the Shangri-la hotel and choose Shangri-la hotel in the future.they spend money in hotel and bring benefit for Hotel. The interest of customer want to have more quality service. The influence of customer is if they do not accept this Hotel, they can chose the other hotels. So customer have great influence in the hotelSupplies who provide raw materials and services.The Gordon’s farm and Scottish Enterprise. Farm supply products for Shangri-la Hotel, Scottish Enterprise offer fund to Shangri-la hotel.The supplies interest is Shangri-la Hotel provides a source of revenue for the supplier. The influence of supplies is they want to ensure that the hotel will be important to pay for the goods.Internal stakeholdersDirectors and managers: those who lead organizations. Craig and Ailsa. they have authority to make decisions directly. The interest of directors and managers make hotel become more and more successful under the control of them. The influence of directors and managers is they make decision, these decision will decide the development of the hotel.Employee who work for an organization. For example Saskia, Antonio and staff who work in the Shangri-la hotel. The kitchen staff were well paid,but the atmosphere could be very tense.The interest of employee achieve salary. The influence of employee have development of working conditions and quality of service and they can provide service for customers to make benefits for hotel.5.Recommend an effective control strategy that applies to the Shangri-la Hotel case study and justify its suitability.Strategy control mainly refers to the implementation of enterprise business strategy.check the enterprise strategy. evaluation of enterprise performance, and the established strategic objectives and performance standards,to find a strategic gap, to analyze the causes of deviation, to correct the deviation, so that the implementation of enterprise strategy better with the current internal and external environment,enterprise goals , so that the enterprise strategy is achieved.Effective include personal centralized control,, bureauctric control,output control, cultural control.personal centralized control: It takes centralized decision. It emphasis direct supervision and personal leadership founded upon ownership, charisma, or technical expertise. It user reward and punishment to reinforce conformity to personal authority .Bureaucracy control: Bureaucracy is an organization structure with many levels of authority and a rigid hierarchy, regulated by an organization structure with many levels of authority and a rigid hierarchy, regulated by set rules and procedures held together by a central administration. Problems of bureaucracy control gave detailed rules and procedures, power from top to the bottom,emphasize the work schedule , pay attention to the extra rewards and don not believe in team work.Output control: Financial measure of performance. problem with output control is managers must create output standards that motivation at all levels. They must be careful not to create short-term goals that motivate managers to ignores the future, And if standard are set too high, works may engage unethical behaviors to attain them.Culture control: The set of internalized value, norms,standards of behavior, and common expectations that control the ways in which individuals and groups in an organization interact with each other and work to achieve organization goals.he Craig’s behavior displayed the personal centralized control,because when the waiting stuff offered suggestions on how to deal with customers’ problems,Craig always rejected them and proclaim’ this is my kitchen,we run it my way.’which reflect Craig as the manager in this hotel,take centralized decisions and ignore other employees opinions.。




)第一篇:HND 商法导论outcome 2每题用的Case(自己总结的。

) Cases will be used for each question, including the fact and judgment of each case as well as the content from the textbook.This is just the case law party of the answers.Not the comprehensive or complete answers.DO NOT SIMPLY COPY IT,USE YOUR OWN WORDS.Some of the words follows are just a copy from our textbook.以下部分是本次考试所要使用的案例,包含了案例的概括,法院的判决,以及课本提及的相关知识点(如果你使用别的案例,请自行总结)。




Case 1Question 1: Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co 1893 Facts: the Carbolic Smoke Ball Co made an advertisement that anyone who used “smoke ball” under a right manner for a specified ti me and then caught the flu would get a £100 paid.Carlill did the above things and Carbolic Smoke Ball Co refused to pay the £100.Judgment: the performance of the conditions(catching flu after using the smoke ball)was acceptance enough.Area of law from textbook: offers made to general public whereby the public only have to do something to accept.Question 2: Spellman v Spellman 1961 Facts: Spellmans are husband and wife.The husband purchased a car for his wife to save their marriage.However, after the car delivered to their home, the husband refused to transfer to his wife.Judgment: it was held that this was a purely domestic arrangement not intended to create any legal relations and accordingly the wife acquired no legal rights in the car.Area of law from textbook: a persona or socialobligation will not usually be classed as a Legal Obligation.Question 3: Brinkibon Ltd v Stahag Stahl 1983 Facts: Brinkibon Ltd, a London company, sent an acceptance to Stahag Stahl, an Australian based company in Vienna, via telex.The question at issue in this case is about where the contract was made.Judgment: instantaneous communication, the formation generally occurs in the place where the acceptance is made.Area of law from textbook: contract could be formed among parties in the place where the acceptance is made.(the Form of Acceptances)Question 4: Wolf & Wolf v Forfar Potato Co Ltd(1984)Facts: a Scottish Co offered to sell a quantity of potatoes to Dutch Co.Dutch Co called an acceptance with new conditions.The Scottish Co ignored this and were taken to court for breach of contract.Judgment: the court held that no contract was formed.The second telex sent by Dutch Co was a counter offer which makes the original offer invalid.Area of law from textbook: if the party made a count offer, the original offer had been cancelled.Case 2 Question 5: Smith v Sim 1954 Facts: Sim advertised his pub for sale.Smith relying on the statements concerning turnover supplied by Sim via his solicitors, bought the business for £21,600.Shortly after, Smith sued that Sim was guilty of fraud in falsely representing the turnover.This proves to be true.Judgment: the court held that it’s fraudulent misrepresentation.Smith can choose among rescind the contract, claim damages, or both rescind the contract and claim damages.Area of law from textbook: party who has relied on a fraudulent statement can claim damages as well as having the contract rescinded.Question 6 No cases applied.Question 7: Smith v Sim 1954(see Question 5)Question 8: No cases applied.Question 9: Anderson v Pringle of Scotland 1998Facts: Mr Anderson was a current employee of Pringle of Scotland, and the company is considering that employees would be selected for redundancy on the basis of "last in first out”.However, Mr Anderson thought thi s method was not fair.Judgment: having regard to the terms of the interdict sought, Mr Anderson had a prima facie case for intervention.That being so, there remained the question of the balance of convenience.The Court was satisfied that this favored maintaining the status quo, by granting the interim interdict.If it was not granted, Mr Anderson would have lost his job, whereas the company was not at any immediate risk of disaster.Area of law from textbook: the legal remedies applied to an innocent party who has suffered a breach of contract is considering by what the terms are in the contract and what damage this breach of contract bring to the innocent party.Question 10: James B Fraser & Co Ltd v Denny Mott & Dickson Ltd 1944 Facts: James B Fraser & Co Ltd, a timber merchant, would buy wood from Denny and lease a timber yard with the option to buy it or take a long lease on certain terms with Denny Mott & Dikson Ltd, in 1929.In 1939, there was a Control of Timber Order released and caused further transactions between the parties became impossible from the end of September, 1939.Judgement: the court considered this as a frustration.Area of law from textbook: there is no breach of contract if that failure is due to intervening circumstances which neither party has control over.This is known as a frustration.第二篇:HND 商法outcome2_我的总结Case 11.Can Samir spend only 150 pounds to buy the golf set? 首先 Samir本没有与Fairways公司就购买Matsumoto golf成立合同,假使他想要购买那套高尔夫球具,那么他必须支付1500英镑,这是因为橱窗展示的仅仅是一个要约要请,而不是要约。



Managing People and OrganizationF84T 34Outcome 2Content1.0 Introduction ——12.0 Motivation theories and their application ——1 2.1 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model ——1 2.2 Goal theory ——2 2.3 The application of the theories. ——33.0 Two methods to improve job performance and their Suitability ——3 3.1 Quality working life ——4 3.2 Reward ——54.0 The importance of teamwork and team cohesiveness and factors affecting it——5 4.1 the importance of teamwork as a means of improving organizational effectiveness. ——6 4.2 Team cohesiveness and factors affecting it ——61.0 IntroductionThis outcome covers the factors that influence the motivation of both individuals and the groups to perform effectively.In management,we can apply motivation theories to analyze Shangri-La Hotel’s management methods.And we will give information about the methods of stimulating employee and improving their work performance.2.0 Motivation theories and their applicationThe motivation theories are the important basis on which we improve the employee’s work performance.The motivation are divided into content theories and process theories.Content theories explain those specific motivating people at work and put emphasis on the nature of needs and what motives,the relationship between needs,intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards.Major content theories of motivationinclude:Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, McGregor’s Theory.Process theories identify the relationships among the dynamic variables of motivation and actions influencing behaviour.They provide a further understanding of motivation from a different approach based on the facts that people are influenced by the expected results of their actions.The main process theoriesincluding:Expectancy-based models, Equity theory, Goal theory.The next i will analyze the application of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model and Goal theory in Shangri-La Hotel.2.1 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs modelIn the mid 1950s,Maslow looked at human behaviour and how it influences the organization.His hierarchy of human needs identifies that individuals pursue a number of needs in a predictable sequence, the emphasis of which moves from basic to higher needs as satisfaction at a lower level occurs.People have basic needs, for example food and shelter.In an organizational environment,needs also included extrinsic needs :ego needs,social needs,security needs,self-fulfilment needs.There are benefits and values provided by othersSuch as promotion,prise and recognition.So the range of strategies that can be used to improve job performance for Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model:Reward, Achievement,Recognition.The Shangri-La Hotel’s manager apply Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model to motivate their employees.2.2 Goal theoryLocke concluded in the 60’s that employees were motivated by clear goals and appropriate feedback regarding their achievement.A model of how goals can improve performance Goals direct people’s responses,actions,work behaviour and performance,and finally lead to certain consequences or feedback.Goal setting is the process of improving performance with objectives deadlines,or equality standards.The established goal can improve work efficiency.And there are positive feedback on performance. So the range of strategies that can be used to improve job performance for Goal Theory:Reward,Responsibility.The Shangri -La Hotel’s manager also use Goal Theory to improve employees performance.2.3 The application of the theories.Achievement is measuring an individual’s achievement against known guidelines can help job performance.If goals are clear and achievable,with a little effortindividuals will be more likely to succeed.In Shangri -La Hotel use this method to improve employee performance.Ailsa took over as the general manger,then she had plan to the local bank in order to obtain the funding.She also were so hard that the whole hotel had rapidly developed.Finally,the Shangri -La Hotel achieve the 5-star AA award hotel in Glasgow.Participation is to give some people the right to participate incommonly achieving organization’s goals,so it will lead success.In Shangri -La Hotel, 2.Goals motivate by: Directing attention Encouraging effort Encouraging persistence Fostering goal-attainment strategies and action plans 1.Goals need to be Specific Difficult Participant set 3.Improved performance4.Feedback on performanceto achieving the success of the hotel,a reception manager,Antonio,who aims at Improving customer service and cooperating for Ailsa.Besides Craig also insisted that only Saskia and he should have the authority to sign for the meat.3.0 Two methods to improve job performance and their SuitabilityManagement methods can effectively improve people’s workperformance.These methods and means are effective tools for management.The management methods that follow are Quality working life and Reward.3.1 Quality working lifeQuality working life is satisfaction in the working life ,along with efficient methods of working.Flextime allows employees to chose their own arrival and departure times within specified limits.Flextime in Action:The company should allow employee to be Flexible 2-hour arrival range and 2-hour departure range.For example,a employee can go to work at 7:00 A.M. So leaving work is at 3:30P.M. If someone go to work at 9 Clock.And they can leave at 5:30 P.M.Quality Working life is derived from Theory Y which belongs to McGregor’s Theories.Theory Y states that people naturally fond of work, they can manage their time well by themselves.They know that once they have the constraint of goal, they can accomplish the goal well.When they enjoy the freedom of time ,they can generate better motivation.3.2 RewardReward is recognizing the effort,initiative and skills of the worker.Reward is derived from Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.Reward can be divided into intrinsic reward and extrinsic reward.And it status gives little satisfaction to a person desperate for food or shelter.It demonstrate that money alone is not enough,and indeed as basic and safety needs become satisfied people are likely to concentrate their attentions on social and ego needs.In Shangri-La Hotel,all staff not only gaining salary from the hotel,but also they were recognized in work and other people.Craig always provided free drinks for the team to celebrate,and they always enjoyed together.These people can communicate with others and gain the friendship and participle the organization.4.0 The importance of teamwork and team cohesiveness and factors affecting itOrganization arrange their workforce into groups of people who work together for a common purpose or goal but who each have their own jobs to do.Such groups are usually referred to as teams .Team can improve people management and work efficiency and are an important management tool.Its core is team cohesion.4.1 the importance of teamwork as a means of improving organizational effectiveness.High performing teams can be characterized as those in which people understand objectives,goals,skills,interrelationships,as well as their own personaljob.Therefore,teamwork can increase corporate competitiveness by:improving productivity, enhancing quality, encouraging innovation, increasing motivation and commitment.Why are the teamwork able to play these important roles in organization?According to Tuckman’s Five-Stage Theory of group development,it status that people form a team for a common purpose and have conflicts because of their different interest demands.Then they make rules to limit others’ interests and finally take unified actions.This effectively looks at taking advantage of each person’s strengths and avoiding their weakness ,so that the team is more productive than the individual. There are five stages in the Tuckman’s theory:Forming Storming Norming performing AdjouringPeople discard their weakness and retain their strengths in the team,so they create greater value.In Shangri-La Hotel ,Ailsa had a conflict with Craig in the storming stage.But Ailsa made an agreement with Craig and then set up a series of rules to run the company together in norming stage.So they let the team produce much efficiency.4.2 Team cohesiveness and factors affecting itCohesion is the invisible bond that links members of a team together.Evidence suggests that highly cohesive teams are more productive and better at meetingobjectives.In Shangri-La Hotel ,there are three factors affecting the team cohesiveness.Poor communication:Craig also insisted that only Saskia and he should have the authority to sign.But this often irritated Ailsa who, as the General Manager of the Hotel,felt had the necessary experience to check it.And it led poor communication between Ailsa and Craig.Lack listening:Craig often run his way when the waiting staff offered suggestions on how to deal with these problems.So,Craig lack listening by their staff.Lack participation:Craig thought the all kitchen thing depend on his decision,but Saskia felt she would be allowed to be more creative,and lack participation in kitchenReference1.(SQA 2013)/ Managing people and Organizations (fouredition)/Beijing/China Modern Economic Publishing House p1182.(SQA 2013)/ Managing people and Organizations (fouredition)/Beijing/China Modern Economic Publishing House p1313.(SQA 2013)/ Managing people and Organizations (fouredition)/Beijing/China Modern Economic Publishing House p1444.(SQA 2013)/ Managing people and Organizations (fouredition)/Beijing/China Modern Economic Publishing House p147。

HND 员工培训与开发作业 outcome2

HND 员工培训与开发作业 outcome2

a.Training in National ContextThe National Training Framework is made up of information from a number of sources, both government and the network of organizations, geared towards helping organizations and individuals to develop.In Scotland, the Scottish Executive identifies key priorities for achieving business development.Training National Context includes any agents:1.Scottish Enterprise / Local Enterprise CompaniesThe Scottish Enterprise Network is central to the delivery of the Scottish Executive vision for a ‘Smart Successful Scotland’. One of the key aims for the Enterprise Networks is to enable Scotland to become a nation where creating learning and connecting faster is the basis for sustained productivity growth, competitiveness and prosperity.One of the key themes for the Enterprise Network is learning and skills and the target under this heading is ‘Every Scot ready for tomorrow’s job’. To achieve this, the networks play key roles in meeting national targets for training and are responsible for the delivery of some nation training schemes.Scottish Enterprise is Scotland’s main economic development agency. The Scottish Executive funds the agency. Scottish Enterprise consists of Scottish Enterprise and 12 Local Enterprise Companies covering special geographical areas. Scottish Enterprise may provide funding for local initiatives aimed at achieving the government’s national targets for education and training. Many of these initiatives might include:●Investors in people●Modern apprenticeships●National vocational qualificationsScottish Enterprise works in partnership with companies individuals and universities, colleges, local authorities and other public sector bodies to achieve these goals.2.Learndirect ScotlandAnother key agency for achieving the Scottish Executive’s vision of a smart, successful Scotland is Learndirect Scotland. This agency offers advices to both individuals and employers to help them access the training they need.3.Sector Skills CouncilsUK-wide, independent organizations, Sector Skills Councils are develops by groups of influential employer industry or business sectors of economic of strategic significance. Employer-led and actively involve trade unions, professional bodies and other stakeholders in the sector, SSCs are licensed by the Secretary of State for Education and Skill, in consultation with government ministers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their role is to tackle the skills and productivity needs of relevant sectors throughout the UK.The aims of SSCs are reduce skills gaps shortages; improving productivity, business and public service performance; increase opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector’s workforce including action on equal opportunities; improving learning supply, including apprenticeships, higher education and national occupational standards.b.Training in National Context operates some initiatives:a)Investors in PeopleThe Investors in Peoples Standards sets out a level of good practice for the training and development of people to achieve business goals. It provides a national framework for improving business performance and competitiveness. Organization working towards the Standard must show a planned approach to setting and communicating business objectives and developing people to meet these objectives.The Investors in Peoples Standards is based on four key principles: Commitment: to invest in people to achieve business goalsPlanning: how skill, individuals and teams are to be developed to achieve these goals Action: taking action to develop and use necessary skill in well defined and continuing programme directly tied to business objectivesEvaluation: outcomes of training and development for individuals progress towardsgoals, the value achieved and future needs.Being recognized as an ‘Investor in People’ involves a number of step:●Understanding the standard and its strategic implications for your organization. ●Undertaking a review against the standard to identify any gaps in current practice.●Making the commitment to meet the standard and communicating that commitment to all members of staff.●Planning and taking action to bring about change.●Bring together the evidence for assessment against the standard.●Achievement or recognition as an investor in people.b)Get Ready for WorkGet Ready for Work supports young people to move into a job, further training or college, by helping them focus on what they want to do. Participant learn new skills and get the confidence they need to progress. People taking part in the programme get the chance to try out ‘work tasters’ and work placements-helping them decide on the job that’s best for them.Get Ready for Work helps young people identify their individual needs ands offer training in a number of skills.c)Modern ApprenticeshipsModern Apprenticeships offer people aged over 16 the chance of paid employment linked with the opportunity to train for jobs at craft, technician and management level. They are an exciting way for people to gain skills and qualification that will help to start a career without having to study full-time, and are available now across a wide range of industries. Modern Apprentices develop expertise and knowledge through on-the-job assessment as well as can also gain vital skills in areas such as teamwork and problem solving.Two of the initiative usefulness for A G Bell LtdInvestor in People is has benefits for A G Bell Ltd, has four key principles: commitment、planning、action、evaluation. This is a very important project for Bell. First, company give a promise to employee can achieve business goals, then planning how skill, individual and teams are to be development achieving these goals. Givestaff confidence to get ready for the project. After all of these, company can take action to achieve the goals. For A G Bell Ltd, through this standards can improve the company’s performance, also can let public has a good impression on company. Also this project can help organization earn more profits. And can improve the staff knowledge level.Get ready for work is suit for Bell. Get ready for work aim at help people to seek for career dream and has position to their future, then offering the training for them. Because Bell recruit the disadvantage people, let them know what they need and how to get the goals is very important. Most significantly, the training is necessary for them. Through this project can let employee has a very strong realize for their value company. And this is will a base for new staff to start work.The implementation of National Training Framework in AG BellInvestor in people, can be implement in A G Bell Ltd. It has four key principles, commitment, planning, action, evaluation.First, let employee know through this project can get any business goals. Them can know achieve the goals, can earn more profits. After this make a detailed planning to achieve the goals. Then take action to make sure the goals will be practice on time. Last evaluation the efforts of practice.If achieve the standards, company may get many help of government. The impression on public also has been increased. Then the profits must be increase. Sure, if there not, company know where should be improve. Then make more progress, is a process to improve.Get ready for work, can be implement in the A G Bell Ltd. Get Ready for Work helps young people identify their individual needs and offer training in a number of skills. In AG Bell, they need the new staff can take part in the work needs high skills.A training allowance is paid to participants. Do this can let employee suit the company’s environment. Get Ready for Work can also is suitable for recruit staff from disadvantaged group, as they can be provided good skills training when they start to work. Good for the company improve the level of staff.。



HND人力组织管理outcome2HND人力组织管理outcome21. Introduction 22. Assessment . 2 2.1 Motivation and assess their applicability . 63. Conclusion .. 7 1 1. Introduction A munity teams staff and management of the munity, each member of the rational utilization of knoledge and skills to ork together, to solve the problem, so as to achieve a mon goal. The best they have mon hobbies and interests, in cooperation at the same time can be tice the result ith half the effort to plete the task. 2. Assessment 2.1 Motivation and assess their applicability a. Herzberg 2-factor theory:To-factor theory by American psychologist Herzberg developed. Hygiene Factors,It includes salary, holiday, pension rights, health, level regulation and pany policy and orking stability; For example: hen the pany in establishing Scotia Airays , they clearly kno that business travel is a lucrative potential industry, they started to appoint experienced manager team, the pany each department agree to market positioning in the aviation market; This shos the pany doing ell for regulatory levels; Scotia Airays have a very good job stability, hich is one of the key to the success of the pany, such as: Scotia Airays has had been able to retain the same management team that ere brought to the business in 1996. The vast majority of the staff has also remained ith the business as it has gron through the years. Motivators:Another is the motivators, this theory includes: praise, recognition and opportunity for personal groth; Incentive can make people produce factors of job satisfaction is closely related to the content of the factors, improving such factors ill create job satisfaction, lack of, make staff produce not satisfied”. In recent years, the pany because of the service level of ascension, meet the regulationsfor consumer demand has obtained the reputation, the idely praised by the public. For example, It 2 has developed a reputation for its strict adherence to the UK civil aviation standards, the level of service provision It offers over and above the minimum consumer travel protection schemes and its proactive role in identifying and meeting customer needs. The corporate culture of trust beteen managers and employees to build, the corporate culture ill enhance ork efficiency; improve business efficiency, affecting every employee. This culture is devoted to Executive, Rosa Dallevic set up and in the various departments to establish a great orking relationship. b. The concept of equity theory:By the American psychologistJohn Stark Adams in 1965. Causes of equity and inequity identified link ith case concluded: Scotia ill undoubtedly have a major impact upon employees and their perception of the balance beteen effort and reard must be carefully monitored to ensure a sense of fairness is felt by all employees. The management to strengthen the supervision of staff and take effective the equity of the management control, so to ensure that every employees ork and payment balance. As a manager should be aare that the staffs ork enthusiasm is not only related to personal ine and the staffs are equity remuneration distribution is more closely. 2.2 summaries methods According to Scotia Airays management, I summarized the folloing point of vie, can be implemented to improve performance and prove that provide added value for organizations. Teamork: In this team, beteen the person and persons dependence is very close, the enterprise culture to establish trust beteen managers and employees, the corporate culture ill enhance the ork efficiency, increase the benefit, affecting every employee. This culture is the Chief Executive,Rosa Dallevic, and in various departments to establish a good orking relationship, so as to form a relatively strong collective, very petitive, overes the limitations of individual is unable to plete. Collaboration is the core of there. A small group of collective by 3 plementary mutual members in each others ay, able to strict management itself, hich makes it easier to handle the problem. Authorization: authorization can be subordinate respect, but also conducive to play a subordinate ones ability and cleverness, also can reduce his orkload, improve ork efficiency; give employees a certain rights, it’s give full play to make the customer reception staff. Job rotation: it allos employees to avoid ork monotonous, boring and a series of negative feelings, appropriate to add a bit of fresh, increase color, rotation can increase the degree of understanding of the panys employees, hich ill offer certain responsibilities, play a role in encouraging. For different personalities, give different occupation planning, such as: good munication, Ill bring him assigned to the purchasing department be scanty of ords, such as personality, I ill arrange his financial department. Training: this ill directly improve the skill level of employees and their ork efficiency. Target setting: the SMART foundation for the theory is established, both to develop team ork goals or employee performance objectives must meet the above principles, the five principles are indispensable. The process of making process is its capacity increasing, the manager must and staff together in the process of making high performance goals of improving performance ability. 2.3 achievement and identify a. Why is it important to team ork, because it provides structure, it promotes motivation, it promotes co-ordination; According to the case description: Akey driver 4 of the success of Scotia Airays is the management agrees out the targets ith middle and junior managers and staff, and allos the operational planning to be determined by those managers and employees then populate the details into the plan. The pany is a structure posed of four departments: the superior managers, middle managers junior managers and ordinary employees, reasonable distribution of the ork, the efficiency is raised. According to the case: One of the main strengths of Scotia Airays has been its ability to ork successfully ithin the regulatory frameorks of the aviation industry. b. Could improve situation by positive effects on: .Improve the quality of service, according to the case: Scotia Airays offers several value added services, to the as, valets to assist the passengers in boarding the plane, gourmet meals and a range of the in - flight services and entertainment. .Improve thedecision-making,according to the case: Scotia Airays has made up of five planes deployment; the managers can make positive changes in market demand and quick response. In vie of the European Union and Britain loosened controls on aviation license terms, Scotia Airays of great opportunities in the future. Executives and mid-level and staff reached an agreement on the output target, they all agreed to let managers and employees decided on a plan of action, team ork by coordination to confirm a target as the center, improve the accuracy of the decision. . Staff development: team ork like a ne orld, a alone like a tunnel vision for a long time, according to the case: Scotia Airays currently employs executives and managers in the marketing, finance, HR and flight operations ith the operational and administrative staff ithin each department. Rosa Dallevic is in overall charge, assisted by its ehrs long - term colleague, Azim Ishtiaq. She has also employed the samepersonal assistant, Katrin Wright, since She joinedScotiaand this from from promote consistency and continuity. c.Possible costs could include: The cost of training, in order to improve the staffs production efficiency, discontent surrounding the roles and responsibilities, a team is not many people ill be satisfied ith their jobs, often can produce dispute. Conflicting personal objectives and the 5 need for supervision strengthen supervision and increase my cost. According to the case: in staffing levels in recent years, the pany increased spending on investment and capital budget, and This has include the identification of potential implications for organizational objectives, goals and policies, as ell as the essential more that that ill be required to ensure the business remains viable. Understandably, many of the orkforces are anxious about the expansion and the possible risk and uncertainty it could bring. 2.4Impact upon team cohesion and performance potential 1. Participation: participation is the core of the team cohesion, if a team participation is not enough, so the efficiency of the hole team ill drop significantly. A key driver of the success of Scotia Airays is the management agrees out the targets ith middle and junior managers and staff, and allos the operational planning to be determined by those managers and employees then populate the details into the plan.2. Communication: due to the lack of munication beteen people, beteen the departments and munication, often encounter some friction, contradiction and conflict, misunderstanding. This ill affect the efficiency of the organization, make the enterprise is difficult to form cohesion, artificial cost of internal friction increases, even led to the deaths of the enterprise. Therefore, the one of the main content of enterprise culture construction is to enhance munication. Themanagement teams ithin Scotia have orked meticulously in planning and evaluating their services to ensure that the customer focus is the primary driver of business success. The satisfaction of the interests of the stakeholders involved in Scotia Airays has then of Paramount importance to Rosa, and at times hen about decisions have had be seems, she has alays had a strong and decisive manager. 3. Team objective: The team objective is like a persons eyes, and it can allo the team to find direction, save a lot of valuable time. According to the case: Scotia Airays aspires to mark its international presence, by introducing flights to major European tourist destinations, as ell as expanding to major business centers in 6 Eastern Europe and the Middle and Far East. The airlines international flights ill only use the custom built ide bodied aircraft, and he not offer pa class travel. 3. Conclusion Through this report, I understand that as a manager, must make it clear in the object management is the people, things, objects, focal point and core of all human. And the management efficiency of the objective factors in addition to the rules and regulations, there is one very important point is the subjective factor, the managers and the superior and subordinate to have good munication. As long as e can establish good munication and relationship ith superiors and subordinates, in the ork ill gradually form the cooperation ork.。



H N D人力资源管理o u t c o m eCompany number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 1NAME: uSCN:CLASS:ContentsIntroductionThe purpose of the report is what to understand more fully the organization management. I learned c ompany's departments’ work together in order to achieve the company's goals. This report has five sections which are relationship between goals, objectives and policies, differences between the formal and informal organization, open System Theory, different stakeholders and effective control strategy.Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policiesThe relationship between goals, objectives and policyfacilitates to the effective management. Goals and objectives provide the desired results, and the policy is guiding people how to do. Feasible policies can help the realization of the aims and objectives of better.Goals:Goals are long-term. Consumer goals are to provide to the customer the demand of consumers. Shangri-La Hotels maintain a high quality of customer service. This is the Shangri-laHotel's consumer goals. Product goals are to provide customers with high quality product. Craig insisted on selecting thefreshest fruits and vegetables this is the Shangri-la Hotel product goals. Service goals are to provide customers with high standards of service. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's service goals. Objectives:Objectives are short-term. Objectives are more specific thanthe goals; it can determine the specific direction. Objectives can help an organization determine a number of factors such as the time factor and the causal factors. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. The Shangri-la Hotel maintained a 3-star Michelin chef. These are the Shangri-la Hotel's objectives. SMART make objectives more effective more efficient concrete. Kitchen staff training date is by May 1999. Waiting staff to attend table within 3 minutes.Policies:Policies provide a fixed set of rules or guidelines. Craigstock only in the Gordon Meldrum Company. Ailsa increase their salary. All staff received training in the hotel of the highest standards. These are Shangri-La's purchase policies.Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organizationEach Business organization has a formal and an informal aspect of organization.Formal organizationFormal organization has a clear organizational structure and clear management delegation and has a certain degree of control. Formal organizations are designed to be clear regulations and determining role. Shangri-La Hotel is a formal organization. Informal organizationsInformal organizations are flexible and loose structure, are spontaneous and have different levels of participants and the relationship is not defined. Informal organization can provide interest and pleasure in working life. Craig personalcentralized control kitchen has many complaining voice. These small groups are composed of an informal organization.Section 3: Open System Theory什么事开放式系统Reduction in salary will lower the staff attitude resulting in a decline in service quality. Improve the quality of staff, can improve the quality of service of the staff.PEST is used to analyze the external and macro-environment. SWOT is used to analyze the internal and external environment. Five forces are used to analyze the internal and micro-environment.For SWOT analysis of cases.Strengths The Shangri-la Hotel is a much coveted 3-star Michelin award. Highest rated three-star Michelin in a year,if there is no qualified local behavior of falling stars or the stars, has maintained three Michelin stars is Shangri-La's strength. Antonio is the reception manager has been with the firm for many years. Antonio has a wealth of management experience and problem-solving methods encounter difficultiesat the hotel she can solve problems in time. All staffs are going to the local college. Train staff to a local University, you can improve the overall quality of staff, so as to improve the hotel's service quality.Weaknesses Because of Craig’s personal centralized control and employees work depressing. Craig's personal authoritarianism is the working atmosphere is depressed, many employee complaints,it leads to lower quality service attitude and service of the staff. Personal centralized control make employees could not finished working regular overtime. Craig relies too much on Gordon Meldrum's raw material. If the contract is terminated or the enhanced bargaining power of suppliers and will cause the hotel suppliers to break, affecting the normal operation of Shangri-La Hotel.Opportunities Craig on TV show to join chef’s competition can enhance the hotel’s reputation. Craig on behalf of Shangri-La Hotel, appeared on television and got good grades, let more people know the hotel's details. The economic crisis two multi-national companies are about to set up headquarters in Glasgow. Two companies based in Glasgow, it has a lot of potential customers, for Shangri-La Hotel is a new opportunity for the development.Threats Economic crisis collapse of three companies and these companies is large customer of Shangri-la Hotel. Recession economic downturn reduced consumers ' willingness to spend,will lower the Shangri-La's customers.Section 4: Different stakeholdersInternal stakeholders are owner, manager and employee.Owner: Owners have the ability to profit-making companies, and ability to develop strategic and tactical direction. TheStewart families are owners. Respectively Sandy Stewart and his wife, their son and their daughter Craig Ailsa.Manager: Managers have responsibility for their implementation; the capacity can be the company's dividend and profit. Also can to use problem-solving skills and wealth of experience. Theycan get the stability of wages. In the Shangri-la Hotel Ailsa and Craig are managers.Employee: Employee training opportunities, and opportunitiesfor promotion in the company. Staff will affect the quality of enterprises and service. In the Shangri-la Hotel the reception manager, accountant, a team of receptionists and maintenancestaff are employees.External stakeholders are government, supplier, financer, community and customer.Government :Government to comply with the legislation toensure the health and safety of the masses can gain tax. Government is local governmentsSupplier: Supplier is to provide a source of income the company. They want to ensure their payment; therefore, the liquidity of the company is very important. While good relationships arealso important. In the Shangri-la Hotel Gordon Meldrum is the supplier.Financer:Financers are responsible for the company's liquidity. Also can determine and influence the terms of repayment andloan period.Community: Provides employment opportunities for local communities and supports local events, participation in local decision-making. United Kingdom the soil Association is the community.Customer: Customers with stability and reliability. Customers want the company to provide high quality products and services. In the Shangri-la Hotel business clients and international visitors are customers.Section 5: Effective control strategyPersonal centralized control One personal is management. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig is the management he in the kitchen.Craig often communicates with the kitchen staff, to ensure that other employees can understand his approach. And Craig todinner is a strict requirement.Bureaucratic control Arbitrary rows from the masses have rigid organizational structures and fixed rules and regulations. Inthe Shangri-la Hotel Craig personally prepared the menu for the restaurant.Output control Shangri-la Hotel staff unit assessment.Ailsa took the initiative to big companies pull customers, to manage the matter to members of the company.Cultural control In the spiritual leadership of the staff, feel their own enterprise culture.In the Shangri-la Hotel they every weekend have free drink for the team to celebrate.I recommend the Shangri-la Hotel with cultural controls. Cultural control can make workers more aware of their corporate culture, so employees can better serve the Shangri-la Hotel.ConclusionI learned not only of the use of personal authoritarianism and atmosphere can lead to depression, affect the quality of service. Reasonable control of culture so that employees understand the cultural background of the enterprise, canbetter serve the company. Company's departments should work together in order to achieve the company's goals.ReferenceLaurie J. Mullins, Management and Organisational Behavior, Seventh Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall (2005)Steven L. McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill lrwin。



satisfy customer’s need
Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
• Definition of policy
-- Provide a framework of rules or guidance that manager and staff can make decision
• Facility, technology, financial (bank loan, gran3t)
Section A
2a. Four main goals
• Goal Description -- Determine the direction of organisation -- Define and set clear targets -- Help organisations identify: What, How,
-- secondary goals: use local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants for services to the company
Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
• Definition of objective
• Words requirement: 1,500 words
• Time length: 135 minutes
• A4 page of note is allowed to bring with candidates
• Candidates should achieve at least 50% to pass



HND人力资源管理outcome2————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 2NAME:SCN:CLASS:Contents Introduction (5)Section1: Content and Process Theory within Application (5)Section 2: Methods improving job performance (6)Section 3a: Importance of Teamwork (7)Section 3b: Three factors affecting team cohesiveness and performance.. 7 Conclusion (8)Reference (8)IntroductionThree points in this report. Using the Maslow’s theory analysis the Shangri-la hotel in the case. The benefits of expectancy theory. Combining with case write five ways to improve performance. The content of the final includes Belbin-team roles and contribution and three factors influencing of team cohesion. The following is the main content of the paper.Section1: Content and Process Theory within ApplicationMaslow’s theory:Maslow’s theory is put forward by Maslow in the mid-1950s. Maslow describes the human needs into the same pyramid from low to high level be divided into five kinds. The Shangri-La Hotel’s kitchen staff are analyzes and bases on an analysis of Maslow’s theory.Basic and physiological needs: The kitchen staff have physiological needs. So the Shangri-La Hotel mast offers kitchen staff food and shelter. The Shangri-La Hotel promises kitchen staff the satisfaction of physiological needs. Kitchen staff will definitely work hard.Safety and security needs:The kitchen staff have safety and security needs. The Shangri-La Hotel must provide insurance for kitchen staff personal safety. Shangri-La links with insurance companies and insurance companies provide kitchen staff insurance.Social needs:Kitchen staff maintains kitchen’s regular operation. Kit chen staff are important part in kitchen. Kitchen staff hard work in the kitchen, has is able to realize self-value.Ego needs: Craig is a sous chef but he does not respect the views of his employees. Craig is not to given the ego of kitchen staff. Kitchen staff want respect, so Craig mast given ego of kitchen staff and kitchen staff mast self-respect.Self-fulfilment needs:Kitchen staff has their purpose and intents. Kitchen staff realizes their value in the work and make their progress in the work. Kitchen staff works hard and become a chef.ConclusionMaslow’s hierarchy has diversification. People at different times have different needs. Maslow proposed that all humans seek to fulfill a hierarchy of needs. His hierarchy be represented with a pyramid by him. The potential has kitchen staff’s need and people have potential demand. Maslow’s hierarchy has variability. People have different demand in different environments.Expectancy theoryExpectancy theory is put forward by Vroom. Expectancy theory that motivation is heightened when behaviors are highly instrumental in achieving desires outcomes. Instrumentality includes the Shangri-La hotel Managers wants have reward system and rewards can include a promotion and a rise. The reward system mast befit the employees’ expectations. Manager’s valences for rewards weather or not employees be attracted by reward and reward positive or negative impact on employee.ConclusionThe discretion of the expected value is embodied by self-interest. Manager’s Rewards Sy stem attracts employs but rewards system depends on human’s subjectivity and experience.Section 2: Methods improving job performanceThere are so many ways to improve job performance such as job design, quality of working life, the nature of supervision, use of technology, the meaningfulness of work, job rotation and improving job performance of team members, autonomy and reward. Select five points combines with casesJob design: Chef’s personal methods influence hotel management.Craig prevents waiting staff deal with the problem that affect efficiency. Redistribution of power from Craig’s power to managers. So Shangri-La Hotel improves the processing efficiency that conducive hotel developmentReward:Shangri-La Hotel sets up a bonus system. Rewards can improve staff motivation. Alisa rewards hotel staff who studies in local collage. Hotel staff studies in collage can improve their service quality that for the hotel development. Alisa can finding the most successful people and promoting them out and take them become manages.Job rotation: Shangri-La hotel need training programs, such as rotations. Alisa can get managers working on every area of the site in hotel, so they know different working environment and they have a variety of work experience. Job rotation can help managers eliminates the monotony of work.Use of technology: Use of technology in the Shangri-La hotel’s kitchen. Upgrade the production line and reduced operating costs. Use of technology in the kitchen can improves the production efficiency.Autonomy: Sous chef has a new menu but Craig do not agree to use the new menu to cook. Sous chef has his power so sous can talk about the benefits of the new menu with Craig and introduces a new menu in order to better meet customer’s demands.Section 3a: Importance of TeamworkA team must have a common purpose or goal. The team cooperation can increase batter to satisfying objectives. Team increase enterprise competitiveness. The team cooperation van improving productivity and enhances service quality and innovative. The team cooperation can increases motivation and commitment.Belbin-team roles and contribution:Belbin thinks not prefer individual, only has the perfect team. Belbin-team’s content in cludes Monitor Evaluator, Team worker, Completer Finisher, Specialist, Implementer, Co-ordinator, Shaper, Plant, Resource Investigator.Tuckman-stage of team: Tuckman put the team growth into four stage. Four stage includes forming, storming, norming, performing and performing stages.Section 3b: Three factors affecting team cohesiveness and performanceTeam cohesiveness is very important to a team. Team cohesiveness is essential can plays an important role in digging out its potential and keeping the team exist. A cohesive team is an eligible team.Three factors, which effect the team cohesion and performance in the kitchen of hotel case.Size of team:Case of no team in the kitchen.Craig is in the kitchen range to set up asmall team. Small team effort w ould be a much more efficient approach. The Craig’s team include the delegates of work in the kitchen. Craig’s team discuss the problems about kitchen related that can make up for many of the problems before, such as lack of consultation, poor communication and lack of participation.Lack of communication: Craig is a personal totalitarian people due to he is lack of communication with his staff in the kitchen. Leading to the lack of cohesive force in the kitchen. Strengthen the communication between managers and employees that can improve team cohesion.Team members are positive and motivated: In the kitchen, the manager mast has the intense affinity and builds a consummation system. Managers build a good atmosphere, encourages various staffs positively upward. Positive the kitchen staff, unity and stability that conducive to team development.ConclusionTeam cohesion not only can increase the efficiency but also can enhance friendship among colleagues. Managers uses Maslow’s theory and Expectancy theory to managing employees. Team cohesion makes group with high cohesiveness, closely condensed g roup numbers, strive for group’s goal together. The last hope hotel has a long development.ReferenceLaurie J. Mullins, Management and Organisational Behavior, Seventh Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall (2005)Steven L. McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill lrwin。



HND人力资源管理outcome2————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 2NAME:SCN:CLASS:Contents Introduction (5)Section1: Content and Process Theory within Application (5)Section 2: Methods improving job performance (6)Section 3a: Importance of Teamwork (7)Section 3b: Three factors affecting team cohesiveness and performance.. 7 Conclusion (8)Reference (8)IntroductionThree points in this report. Using the Maslow’s theory analysis the Shangri-la hotel in the case. The benefits of expectancy theory. Combining with case write five ways to improve performance. The content of the final includes Belbin-team roles and contribution and three factors influencing of team cohesion. The following is the main content of the paper.Section1: Content and Process Theory within ApplicationMaslow’s theory:Maslow’s theory is put forward by Maslow in the mid-1950s. Maslow describes the human needs into the same pyramid from low to high level be divided into five kinds. The Shangri-La Hotel’s kitchen staff are analyzes and bases on an analysis of Maslow’s theory.Basic and physiological needs: The kitchen staff have physiological needs. So the Shangri-La Hotel mast offers kitchen staff food and shelter. The Shangri-La Hotel promises kitchen staff the satisfaction of physiological needs. Kitchen staff will definitely work hard.Safety and security needs:The kitchen staff have safety and security needs. The Shangri-La Hotel must provide insurance for kitchen staff personal safety. Shangri-La links with insurance companies and insurance companies provide kitchen staff insurance.Social needs:Kitchen staff maintains kitchen’s regular operation. Kit chen staff are important part in kitchen. Kitchen staff hard work in the kitchen, has is able to realize self-value.Ego needs: Craig is a sous chef but he does not respect the views of his employees. Craig is not to given the ego of kitchen staff. Kitchen staff want respect, so Craig mast given ego of kitchen staff and kitchen staff mast self-respect.Self-fulfilment needs:Kitchen staff has their purpose and intents. Kitchen staff realizes their value in the work and make their progress in the work. Kitchen staff works hard and become a chef.ConclusionMaslow’s hierarchy has diversification. People at different times have different needs. Maslow proposed that all humans seek to fulfill a hierarchy of needs. His hierarchy be represented with a pyramid by him. The potential has kitchen staff’s need and people have potential demand. Maslow’s hierarchy has variability. People have different demand in different environments.Expectancy theoryExpectancy theory is put forward by Vroom. Expectancy theory that motivation is heightened when behaviors are highly instrumental in achieving desires outcomes. Instrumentality includes the Shangri-La hotel Managers wants have reward system and rewards can include a promotion and a rise. The reward system mast befit the employees’ expectations. Manager’s valences for rewards weather or not employees be attracted by reward and reward positive or negative impact on employee.ConclusionThe discretion of the expected value is embodied by self-interest. Manager’s Rewards Sy stem attracts employs but rewards system depends on human’s subjectivity and experience.Section 2: Methods improving job performanceThere are so many ways to improve job performance such as job design, quality of working life, the nature of supervision, use of technology, the meaningfulness of work, job rotation and improving job performance of team members, autonomy and reward. Select five points combines with casesJob design: Chef’s personal methods influence hotel management.Craig prevents waiting staff deal with the problem that affect efficiency. Redistribution of power from Craig’s power to managers. So Shangri-La Hotel improves the processing efficiency that conducive hotel developmentReward:Shangri-La Hotel sets up a bonus system. Rewards can improve staff motivation. Alisa rewards hotel staff who studies in local collage. Hotel staff studies in collage can improve their service quality that for the hotel development. Alisa can finding the most successful people and promoting them out and take them become manages.Job rotation: Shangri-La hotel need training programs, such as rotations. Alisa can get managers working on every area of the site in hotel, so they know different working environment and they have a variety of work experience. Job rotation can help managers eliminates the monotony of work.Use of technology: Use of technology in the Shangri-La hotel’s kitchen. Upgrade the production line and reduced operating costs. Use of technology in the kitchen can improves the production efficiency.Autonomy: Sous chef has a new menu but Craig do not agree to use the new menu to cook. Sous chef has his power so sous can talk about the benefits of the new menu with Craig and introduces a new menu in order to better meet customer’s demands.Section 3a: Importance of TeamworkA team must have a common purpose or goal. The team cooperation can increase batter to satisfying objectives. Team increase enterprise competitiveness. The team cooperation van improving productivity and enhances service quality and innovative. The team cooperation can increases motivation and commitment.Belbin-team roles and contribution:Belbin thinks not prefer individual, only has the perfect team. Belbin-team’s content in cludes Monitor Evaluator, Team worker, Completer Finisher, Specialist, Implementer, Co-ordinator, Shaper, Plant, Resource Investigator.Tuckman-stage of team: Tuckman put the team growth into four stage. Four stage includes forming, storming, norming, performing and performing stages.Section 3b: Three factors affecting team cohesiveness and performanceTeam cohesiveness is very important to a team. Team cohesiveness is essential can plays an important role in digging out its potential and keeping the team exist. A cohesive team is an eligible team.Three factors, which effect the team cohesion and performance in the kitchen of hotel case.Size of team:Case of no team in the kitchen.Craig is in the kitchen range to set up asmall team. Small team effort w ould be a much more efficient approach. The Craig’s team include the delegates of work in the kitchen. Craig’s team discuss the problems about kitchen related that can make up for many of the problems before, such as lack of consultation, poor communication and lack of participation.Lack of communication: Craig is a personal totalitarian people due to he is lack of communication with his staff in the kitchen. Leading to the lack of cohesive force in the kitchen. Strengthen the communication between managers and employees that can improve team cohesion.Team members are positive and motivated: In the kitchen, the manager mast has the intense affinity and builds a consummation system. Managers build a good atmosphere, encourages various staffs positively upward. Positive the kitchen staff, unity and stability that conducive to team development.ConclusionTeam cohesion not only can increase the efficiency but also can enhance friendship among colleagues. Managers uses Maslow’s theory and Expectancy theory to managing employees. Team cohesion makes group with high cohesiveness, closely condensed g roup numbers, strive for group’s goal together. The last hope hotel has a long development.ReferenceLaurie J. Mullins, Management and Organisational Behavior, Seventh Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall (2005)Steven L. McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill lrwin。



• Each section is 30 marks
Section A
1. Basic components of organisation
• People
-- managerial staff -- qualified engineer -- technicians -- apprentice
• Words requirement: 1,500 words
• Time length: 135 minutes
• A4 page of note is allowed to bring with candidates
• Candidates should achieve at least 50% to pass
-- secondary goals: use local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants for services to the company
Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
• Definition of objective
Section A
3. How organisation interacts with external environments
• Well trained staff
• Loan from bank, grant
• Equipments • Local
contractors, insurance brokers and accountants
Managing People and Organisation



2.1According to the Motivation-Hygiene Theory of Frederick Herzberg, people are influenced by two factors, one is hygiene factors which is also means failure preventer, and another is motivation factors which is some kind success builder. Satisfaction and psychological growth are a result factor of motivation factors. Dissatisfaction was a result of hygiene factors. And the Motivation-Hygiene Theory is trying to prove that the attitude individuals have towards their job is decided the success or not of the task in significant measure. Hygiene factors are needed to ensure that an employee does not become dissatisfied. They do not cause higher levels of motivation, but without them there is dissatisfaction. Due to the expansion plan of Scotia Airways, many staff have a concern about the change this company may face. But if without the help of all of the members in the business, this plan is not going to be successful, so it is essential for the managers of Scotia Airways to do something like raise their wages or improve the working condition to pacify the emotion of staffs. Holiday and medical care is also can become somehow the motivator factors to workers. Motivation factors are needed in order to motivate an employee into higher performance. These factors result from internal generators in employees. In order to encourage the talented worker, the managers of the business should give them some promotion as a reward or show them the opportunities of advancement. It will give the workers sense of personal achievement and work harder to get more praise.Process theories of motivation provide an opportunity to understand thought processes that influence behaviour. Equity Theory considered that a individual is whether motivated or not is not only decided by what they have got, but also by what they have got is fair enough to anyone else or not. So the distribution rationally is important for stimulating job motivation' factors of individuals in an organization. Someone will compared to other colleagues that the ratio of input, like time, effort and ability, and output, like salary, praise and achievement, and when it is equal, they will feel justice. And Scotia Airways wil never stop to recruit new staff, whenever there is someone who has get into this company with an unfair way, the originalmembers in Scotia Airways will feel uncomfortable and thinking that their effort is not worth. This is going to be a disaster for Scotia Airways cause their origin member will not being hard-working in that unfair condition.2.2As management of Scotia Airways, there faced many challenges. According to the case, we got that the Scotia Airways plans to expand its market, and set an ambitious programme for expansion over the five years. When face of more and more worker,the management should give the right of manege,the low level management. Let the staff can manage themself when they face some low level problem. That will be improve the efficiency and communication with the client.And if the management want to control the organization, the management must pay attention to teamwork,the team cohesion. It is also can improve the staff performance and improve the Scotia Airways performance. For example ,AC Milan foot club. In 2007,the team has no one can be called superstar,and the average age of the team is much than another them in Europe . But the team also become the Champion of the UEFA Champions League. Why? It is due to the teamwork and the team cohesion. In 2007,the captain is Maldini, a people who can unite the team members. So AC Milan can play a better level in the game,and won the championship in the final.Then,There have three common sides in organization—job enlargement, job rotation and job enrichment. Job rotation means employees could change his/her jobs and do various jobs after a period time. It makes employees feel fresh about many jobs that can last their motivation. And the job enrichment means employees have opportunities to use his/her abilities with different jobs, which retained fresh feel about a job, and make them have higher motivation. These can make employees in Scotia Airways interested in their work. But all of these have a premise that is we should found their characteristics and training them. Staffs levels is the most important part of a expansion organization, only employees with high quality can adapt various jobs, and ensuring they use their empowerment right. It also stimulates employees’ motivation to work harder. The final, the management of Scotia Airways should divided goals tomany smart objectives. It makes goals to be more clear and acceptable which is completed convenient. In a word, these methods can make employees develop all abilities to work, maximum the benefits within Scotia Airways, and promote the expansion of it.2.3At first. The Scotia Airways Only hired 80 employees. Because of expansion, the management decide to expand the size of the department. So the management should use team working to manage their worker, to improve the performance.The main value of team is their ability to assemble and empower employees to coordinate together, and use their talents to improve the organization. It also benefits the employee's motivation and job satisfaction. Teamxork can improve quality and flexibility, coordination /communication, satisfaction, productivity, development and solve the problem.In the Scotia Airway,the management team within Scotia have worked meticulously in planning and evaluating their services to ensure that customer focus is the primary driver of business success. So, Scotia Airways have to improve their teamwork’s ability to adapt to market, which reflect the important of teamwork.However, it also has a potential faults and cost team. The team may have an unexpected effect fermentation hostility management target, make the team completely self management. Individual and team conflict between target.There is a potential "social loafing" (that is, a person's do less, team work than he/she usually do work alone). Undefined roles and responsibilities can also cause dissatisfaction. In the Scotia Airways, Its expansion over recent years certainly will need to the management of company increase its management ability. This expansion of company also bring the problem of the bloated of organization, the relationship of new staff and old staff is stiffness and team trust is reduce. The Scotia Airway must solve these potential disadvantages and cost of teamwork.2.4A successful organization always has higher team cohesive and performance, but there have many factors impact on it. Scotia Airways has been influenced by three factors—selection of appropriate supervisor, participation of decision making and SMART objectives. As a team, it must have a completed structure. It means there has senior managers, employees, and employees conclude some proposers, some executors and so on. In this case, the Scotia Airways want to employs executives and managers in marketing, finance, HR and administrative staff within each department. Rosa is in overcharge and assisted by others. When difficult decisions have had to be taken, she has always been a strong and decisive manager. She is the powerful manager, and effective to lead manager team of Scotia Airways. So selection of appropriate supervisor of a team is more significant for an organizati on’s performance. Then, another part is participation of decision. Every members of a team should participation of decision actively. In this case, the Scotia Airways is made decisions both managers and employees, which benefits promote their team cohesive. It easy to make reasonable decisions with discussion of regularly meeting.The sufficient participation of decision could make team work efficient and improve its performance. The third one is to have SMART objectives. SMART means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. Specific objectives are acceptable to employees. Measurable, attainable and realistic means the objectives are appropriate of their abilities. In this case, the Scotia Airways gives valets, gourmet meals, entertainments and extra services to customers, and they plan to expand their market share the next five years and increase their tourist destinations. These objectives are following these rules, and completed these objectives is make employees’ become higher motivatio n. These three factors are effective impact on improve team cohesive and performance of Scotia Airways.Reference•Wigfield, A., Guthrie, J. T., Tonks, S., & Perencevich, K. C. (2004). Children's motivation for reading: Domain specificity and instructional influences. Journal of Educational Research, 97, 299-309.•<Managing People and Organisations> China Modern Economic Publishing House page:192•The Managing People and Organisations PPT of teacher Jianhong Wu page:232 233 388349X。

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2.1According to the Motivation-Hygiene Theory of Frederick Herzberg, people are influenced by two factors, one is hygiene factors which is also means failure preventer, and another is motivation factors which is some kind success builder. Satisfaction and psychological growth are a result factor of motivation factors. Dissatisfaction was a result of hygiene factors. And the Motivation-Hygiene Theory is trying to prove that the attitude individuals have towards their job is decided the success or not of the task in significant measure. Hygiene factors are needed to ensure that an employee does not become dissatisfied. They do not cause higher levels of motivation, but without them there is dissatisfaction. Due to the expansion plan of Scotia Airways, many staff have a concern about the change this company may face. But if without the help of all of the members in the business, this plan is not going to be successful, so it is essential for the managers of Scotia Airways to do something like raise their wages or improve the working condition to pacify the emotion of staffs. Holiday and medical care is also can become somehow the motivator factors to workers. Motivation factors are needed in order to motivate an employee into higher performance. These factors result from internal generators in employees. In order to encourage the talented worker, the managers of the business should give them some promotion as a reward or show them the opportunities of advancement. It will give the workers sense of personal achievement and work harder to get more praise.Process theories of motivation provide an opportunity to understand thought processes that influence behaviour. Equity Theory considered that a individual is whether motivated or not is not only decided by what they have got, but also by what they have got is fair enough to anyone else or not. So the distribution rationally is important for stimulating job motivation' factors of individuals in an organization. Someone will compared to other colleagues that the ratio of input, like time, effort and ability, and output, like salary, praise and achievement, and when it is equal, they will feel justice. And Scotia Airways wil never stop to recruit new staff, whenever there is someone who has get into this company with an unfair way, the originalmembers in Scotia Airways will feel uncomfortable and thinking that their effort is not worth. This is going to be a disaster for Scotia Airways cause their origin member will not being hard-working in that unfair condition.2.2As management of Scotia Airways, there faced many challenges. According to the case, we got that the Scotia Airways plans to expand its market, and set an ambitious programme for expansion over the five years. When face of more and more worker,the management should give the right of manege,the low level management. Let the staff can manage themself when they face some low level problem. That will be improve the efficiency and communication with the client.And if the management want to control the organization, the management must pay attention to teamwork,the team cohesion. It is also can improve the staff performance and improve the Scotia Airways performance. For example ,AC Milan foot club. In 2007,the team has no one can be called superstar,and the average age of the team is much than another them in Europe . But the team also become the Champion of the UEFA Champions League. Why? It is due to the teamwork and the team cohesion. In 2007,the captain is Maldini, a people who can unite the team members. So AC Milan can play a better level in the game,and won the championship in the final.Then,There have three common sides in organization—job enlargement, job rotation and job enrichment. Job rotation means employees could change his/her jobs and do various jobs after a period time. It makes employees feel fresh about many jobs that can last their motivation. And the job enrichment means employees have opportunities to use his/her abilities with different jobs, which retained fresh feel about a job, and make them have higher motivation. These can make employees in Scotia Airways interested in their work. But all of these have a premise that is we should found their characteristics and training them. Staffs levels is the most important part of a expansion organization, only employees with high quality can adapt various jobs, and ensuring they use their empowerment right. It also stimulates employees’ motivation to work harder. The final, the management of Scotia Airways should divided goals tomany smart objectives. It makes goals to be more clear and acceptable which is completed convenient. In a word, these methods can make employees develop all abilities to work, maximum the benefits within Scotia Airways, and promote the expansion of it.2.3At first. The Scotia Airways Only hired 80 employees. Because of expansion, the management decide to expand the size of the department. So the management should use team working to manage their worker, to improve the performance.The main value of team is their ability to assemble and empower employees to coordinate together, and use their talents to improve the organization. It also benefits the employee's motivation and job satisfaction. Teamxork can improve quality and flexibility, coordination /communication, satisfaction, productivity, development and solve the problem.In the Scotia Airway,the management team within Scotia have worked meticulously in planning and evaluating their services to ensure that customer focus is the primary driver of business success. So, Scotia Airways have to improve their teamwork’s ability to adapt to market, which reflect the important of teamwork.However, it also has a potential faults and cost team. The team may have an unexpected effect fermentation hostility management target, make the team completely self management. Individual and team conflict between target.There is a potential "social loafing" (that is, a person's do less, team work than he/she usually do work alone). Undefined roles and responsibilities can also cause dissatisfaction. In the Scotia Airways, Its expansion over recent years certainly will need to the management of company increase its management ability. This expansion of company also bring the problem of the bloated of organization, the relationship of new staff and old staff is stiffness and team trust is reduce. The Scotia Airway must solve these potential disadvantages and cost of teamwork.2.4A successful organization always has higher team cohesive and performance, but there have many factors impact on it. Scotia Airways has been influenced by three factors—selection of appropriate supervisor, participation of decision making and SMART objectives. As a team, it must have a completed structure. It means there has senior managers, employees, and employees conclude some proposers, some executors and so on. In this case, the Scotia Airways want to employs executives and managers in marketing, finance, HR and administrative staff within each department. Rosa is in overcharge and assisted by others. When difficult decisions have had to be taken, she has always been a strong and decisive manager. She is the powerful manager, and effective to lead manager team of Scotia Airways. So selection of appropriate supervisor of a team is more significant for an organizati on’s performance. Then, another part is participation of decision. Every members of a team should participation of decision actively. In this case, the Scotia Airways is made decisions both managers and employees, which benefits promote their team cohesive. It easy to make reasonable decisions with discussion of regularly meeting.The sufficient participation of decision could make team work efficient and improve its performance. The third one is to have SMART objectives. SMART means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. Specific objectives are acceptable to employees. Measurable, attainable and realistic means the objectives are appropriate of their abilities. In this case, the Scotia Airways gives valets, gourmet meals, entertainments and extra services to customers, and they plan to expand their market share the next five years and increase their tourist destinations. These objectives are following these rules, and completed these objectives is make employees’ become higher motivatio n. These three factors are effective impact on improve team cohesive and performance of Scotia Airways.Reference•Wigfield, A., Guthrie, J. T., Tonks, S., & Perencevich, K. C. (2004). Children's motivation for reading: Domain specificity and instructional influences. Journal of Educational Research, 97, 299-309.•<Managing People and Organisations> China Modern Economic Publishing House page:192•The Managing People and Organisations PPT of teacher Jianhong Wu page:232 233 388 349。
