













1. 独特的视觉风格。






2. 意境的传达。










It was from the child‘s vision, hearing and feeling in three areas to talk about their unique aesthetic features. “Little Tadpole Looking for Mom” made in 1961’s, from master painter Qi Baishi wriggled across the screen. The spirit of traditional arts flowed in this creation. This movie wins a lot of awards, such as the Silver Sail for Short Films in the 4th Locarno International Film Festival. The production started a wave of activity through the international cartoon world.
the camera reel is filming.
The movie only has 19 minutes. The story is simple, but rich in content. It is a Milestok Animation is a traditional Chinese ink painting style used for the animated show.
It has deeply traditional cultural characteristics and strong ethnic characteristics. From “Little Tadpole Looking for Mom” to “Scenic”, every ink animation occupies a good market position of animation, mainly due to ink features like animation production to captivate the children.


The Development History of Chinese Animation (Engl
Introduction Early Days of Chinese Animation The Rise of Chinese Cartoons Modern Development of Chinese Comics and Manga Challenges and Future Prospects for Chinese Animation Conclusion
Comics and manga have become immensely popular among young readers in China, with a wide range of genres and topics catering to different tastes and age groups.
Chinese animation began to experiment with different styles and techniques, often influenced by Japanese anime.
With the rise of digital technology and the internet, Chinese animation has experienced a boom in production quality and diversity.
Cultural Representation
Social and Cultural Impact
Modern Development of Chinese Comics and Manga

中国水墨动画 Chinese ink animation

中国水墨动画   Chinese ink animation
Brief outline
After long exploration, we summarize several way to achieve the innovation and breakthrough of Chinese ink animation. Relevant departments, for instance, could pay more attention to sinology education, broaden the market and encourage the combination of ink animation and digital technology.
creation of arts education design
draw ink animation
pay attention to ink animation education
cultivate talents
Broaden the market and enhance the interest of story
• 戴勇红.浅谈中国水墨动画的发展的思考[J]. 电影评介,2010.
• 方志伟.浅析中国水墨动画的现状[J].法制 与社会,2008.
• 丁厚祥.中国水墨动画的璀璨、困难与发展 [J].美术,2007.
• 崔励.中国水墨动画的特色及其前景[J].电 影文学,2007.
Thank you
Combination of ink animation and digital technology
"Summer" in 2003 《夏》























2019-01文艺生活LITERATURE LIFE,,。










































中国水墨动画的历史传承与艺术创新杜巧月【摘要】Ink painting is a special art form of traditional Chinesepainting .Ink animation is an introduction of traditional Chinese ink and wash painting to animation .It pursues artistic conception and possesses strong Chinese characteristics .With the progress of the times, great changes have taken place in the expression styles and techniques of Chinese ink animation .Starting from the creation of Chinese ink painting and combined with modern digital technology , the inheritance and innovation of Chinese ink animation should be based on the idea of promoting Chinese traditional culture .Only in this way can it become a new type of ink animation of both national and international .%水墨画是中国传统绘画特有的一种艺术形式。









发展过程中国水墨动画的发展可以分为以下几个阶段:1. 传统阶段:在这个阶段,水墨动画主要是在纸上进行表现,画家们利用线条和色彩的变化来描绘动态的效果。


2. 创新阶段:在20世纪初,中国艺术家们开始尝试在水墨画中引入新的表现手法和材料,比如使用水彩、油画和拼贴等技法。


3. 数字化阶段:随着计算机技术的不断发展,中国水墨动画逐渐向数字化方向迈进。



1. 文化传统:中国水墨动画源于传统的山水画,具有浓厚的中国文化氛围和独特的艺术风格,这种传统文化的传承和发展成为了中国水墨动画发展的重要因素之一。

2. 艺术教育:艺术教育对于培养水墨动画人才和推动艺术创新起着重要作用。



1. 技术创新:随着计算机技术的发展,中国水墨动画创作者们掌握了数字化制作技术,通过计算机软件和设备实现了许多传统水墨画所无法呈现的效果,比如精细的线条和色彩变化、立体的空间感等。















水墨变幻 影像灵动——新时期中国水墨动画的发展

水墨变幻 影像灵动——新时期中国水墨动画的发展
,<牧 笛 >取 的是 李 可
须 分出几种颜 色 , 大块面 的浅灰 、 有
画重 新推 向 了大众 的视 线 ,,使人
16 9 0年 , 一部 水墨动 画片 《 第 小 蝌蚪 找 妈 妈 》诞 生 ,它采 用 我 国特 有 的水 墨 技 法 ,打 破 了一 般 动 画 片 “ 单线平涂 ”的模 式 ,没有边缘线 , 意境优 美 ,气韵 生动。… “ 墨 自 水 然 渲 染 ,笔墨 所 到 之 处 ,尽 显 ‘ 墨 分五色 ’ ( 焦、 浓 、重 、淡 、 轻 ) 的独特 魅力。” [】 2 墨迹 浓淡有致 、 笔 法虚 实 相 辅 ,飘 逸、 古朴 、 宁静 的笔 触 ,营 造 出醉 人 的意境 ,可 以 说 从 中 截取 的任 意 画面都 是 一幅 杰 出的水墨画作。 此后 ,中国 水 墨动 画展 开 了一 段 光 辉 历 程 ,陆 续 出 品 《 铃 》、 鹿 《 笛 》、 《 牧 山水情 》等优 秀作 品。 它们 大 多基 于 艺术 家的 绘 画艺 术 , 比如 “ <小 蝌 蚪 找妈 妈 >用 的是 齐
冀 三三三三;三三三三三
水墨变幻 影像灵动
— —
撕 时期中国水墨动画的发展
[ 摘要 ]水墨动画是 中国动画发展 史上 的一抹清 丽 色彩 , 自诞生 以来经历过辉 煌与低谷 。新 时期 ,随着数 字技 术的逐 渐发展 ,水墨动画迎来 了新机遇 ,三维
水 墨 动 画 应 运 而 生 。现 今 ,水 墨 动 画 “ 墨 随 时代 ” ,正 逐 渐 突破 各 种 局 限 , 笔 积极与新媒体 、新技术联姻 ,朝数 字化和 多元化 方向发展 。
【 关键词 】水墨动 画 三 维技术 镜 头语 言 交互动画




























【关键词】中国水墨动画,发展,创新,古典传统,现代技术,国际舞台,未来发展趋势,潜力,影响力,空间,独特魅力1. 引言1.1 中国水墨动画的起源中国水墨动画的起源可以追溯到中国古代的绘画艺术。








1.2 中国水墨动画的意义中国水墨动画作为中国传统文化的瑰宝之一,具有深厚的历史底蕴和独特的艺术魅力。






























目录摘要 (2)1.引言 (3)2.定义 (3)2.1 中国传统水墨动画 (3)2.2 3D动画 (3)3.中国传统水墨动画的艺术风格和优劣 (4)3.1 中国传统水墨动画的艺术风格 (4)3.2 中国传统水墨动画的优势和劣势 (4)4.现代3D动画的艺术特点和优劣 (5)4.1 现代3D动画的艺术特点 (5)4.2 现代3D动画的优势和劣势 (6)5.中国传统水墨动画和现代3D动画的代表作 (7)5.1中国传统水墨动画代表作 (7)5.2现代3D动画的代表作 (7)6.结语 (8)参考文献 (8)摘要随着科学技术的发展,中国传统水墨动画开始逐渐衰落,新兴的现代3D动画开始不断发展。



关键词:中国传统水墨动画、现代3D动画、艺术特点、差异、代表作AbstractWith the development of science and technology, traditional Chinese ink cartoon gradually began to decline, of the new modern 3D animation began to development. But the traditional Chinese ink and modern 3D animation in art expression form andcharacteristics are still on the differences and different, and they have their own advantages and disadvantages. This paper is the traditional Chinese ink animation and modern 3D animation art characteristics are analyzed, and lists the both sides some representative works, in order to can promote two animation can form common development.Keywords: Chinese traditional ink animation, modern 3D animation, artistic characteristics and differences, masterpiece中国传统水墨动画和现代3D动画艺术表现形式比较1.引言水墨动画是60年代初期中国独创的一种美术片形式,它以诗情画意、清新淡雅、质朴隽永、意境幽远的艺术表现力辉煌一时,在国内外动画领域获奖无数,被冠以“中国学派”的美誉。



14HOT TOPIC 专题·新时代中国动画学派的重建与民族文化传播研究谈起中国传统动画,永远绕不开富有中国民族风格的水墨动画。













[原文]Chinese water ink animation perspective and forecastThe water ink animation is the animated cartoon one kind, is one kind oftechnique which the Chinese fine arts movie originates, this kind of movie broke through the traditional animated cartoon line structure habitually using single track to spread evenly, has utilized the traditional Chinese ink and wash painting performance way, enabled the animation each kind of modelling to have Shui Mo the characteristic. It is not greatly same as other animated cartoons, the water ink animation does not have the sideline, Shui Mo on the xuan paper the nature exaggeration, each scene is an exquisite ink and wash painting. The animation role's expression and the movement are chic and smooth, disclosed a divine and wonderful spirit, the grand bold splash-ink landscape background day becomes quite the same as, the writing style gentle and fills richly in poetic and artistic flavor. It builds the traditional Chinese painting profound ideal condition, has created “the illusion fairyland” artistic esthetics.The reason that the water ink animated cartoon's technology is so preciousand is mystical, is because it has broken the animation movie throughout 实用文档history inherent manufacture method. Its production process is tedious, uses the lamination exaggeration coloration the method. The animated cartoon is a picture on the transparent match luo luo piece, is also a standard standard photography on the film strip, shows ten minutes short films to take 7,000-8,000 consecutive actions the pictures. In order to guarantee that the image the unification, causes it stable not to shake, therefore nearly world, therefore the animated cartoon image adopts the way which the single track spreads evenly, by line structure primarily. The ink and wash painting is exactly opposite, it is utilizes the ink and the moisture content exaggeration, the display black color shade and the actual situation effect describes the object. Its this characteristic, both does not have the explicit boundary line, middle and cannot spread the color evenly. Not difficult to imagine, must obtain stable Shui in the thousands fine jade luo picture Mo the effect, what is really inconceivable.From the 1960s to the late 80s, the Shanghai fine arts Motion picture studio has photographed the following several water ink animated cartoon successively:(一) Earliest Shui Mo animation fragment - - "Fish and shrimp", "Frog", 实用文档"Chicken". in 1960, the Shanghai fine arts Motion picture studio has photographed a 10 minute about experimental animation short film - - "Water Ink Animation Fragment", including "Fish and shrimp", "Frog", "Chicken" three small fragments. This short film photographs successfully, has laid the foundation for our country water ink animation's development.(二) Our country first public Shui Mo the animated cartoon "Small Tadpole Looks for Mother". in July, 1961 completed, the massive famous experts participated in this piece manufacture. The movie water used ink has displayed the animal lifelike movement perfectly, and has entrusted with the water ink animation vitality. This piece founded the animation new piece kind, as soon as was published then causes a stir international has moved marks off.(三) Water ink animation's work sublimation - - "Shepherd's flute". in December, 1963 manufactured completes, film length 20 minutes. Background by “Chang An picture faction” important painter Mr. Fang Jizhong draws up, each lens' design manuscript writes by renowned Director Qian Jiajun.(四) The late 70s work - - "Deer Bell". in 1979 was published. The movie lets the human feel fresh simple and honorable, the color is bright. The artistic designing held the post by Cheng Shifa, has displayed the person and deer's 实用文档happy friendship.(五) Water ink animation's work summit - - "Mountain State of the water". Creation in 1988. Compared with before same type's work, the movie manufacture has been perfect gradually, to the static scenery and living creature's assurance advantage, caused the human to integrate the traditional Chinese painting completely but actually exactly the enjoyable atmosphere, was water ink animation work summit. After hence, this kind of Chinese original's technique gradually does not exist, stays behind is only deep fondly remembering.The water ink animation's history is magnificent, after obtaining the like this many award items is sparkling the gorgeous corona. But along with time development many factor restrictions, after 1988 "Mountain State of the water", had not seen again new Shui Mo the animated cartoon is born, specially along with China planned economy's system conclusion, thoroughly disintegrated take the Shanghai US Shade Factory as the central Chinese animation movie's magnificent time, must photograph and manufacture new Shui Mo the animated cartoon already was basic is impossible to realize. Perhaps, will have many people to ask why China's Shui Mo the animation will present the aspect 实用文档which will so deteriorate? On myself individual viewpoint, got up after all, has made the following several analyses:(一) The animated cartoon commercial character is too strong, the beautiful shade factory and so on specialized organization remanufacture reorganization, the size animation company hastens to ground the Chinese animation market in abundance, the overseas processing piece becomes the mainstream.Was not only the water ink animation has faced the so awkward aspect, many other outstanding type's domestically produced animations faced the like this awkwardness similarly, like cut the slip of paper, the puppet piece and so on. The traditional animation production process is troublesome, the output is low, if in does not have under the large-scale management condition, the limited run quantity cannot form the fixed expense community and the market human spirit, cannot massively development and the attraction society fund investment, also does not attract more outstanding public figures to join in the animation industry. Causes the product type to be unitary, several years produce one, day by day form the backward vicious circle. This kind of situation under the socialist market economic system, is the same commercial value violates. The socialist market economy has pushed to the animation industry 实用文档“the market”, but this market is not the one day and one nigh t establishes, the beautiful shade factory and so on specialized organization remanufacture reorganization, broke the imperial grain domestically produced animation industry to be helpless immediately. At the same time, the size animation company like mushroom growth appearance, hastens to ground the Chinese animation market in abundance; The external processing piece also together lands the domestic market along with the outside Chinese movie, in the pursue efficiency and under the money tidal current, is higher than the domestically produced piece price ten time of Canada labor costs certainly to have the very strong attraction, and in a time, attracts nearly completely the domestic majority of animation industry backbone force. Will cause also basically i s “ten years does not have the piece” in the 90s later the time.(二) The water ink animated cartoon production process is complex, time-consuming long, the cost is high, the investment is astonishing.Chinese tradition animated cartoon quantity are not many, but each is the high-quality goods nearly. The rich individuality, the plot are vivid, the artistic content moves in the world marks off is the first-class level absolutely. But speaking of the water ink animated cartoon, because wants the lamination 实用文档exaggeration coloration, the production process is complex, a very short flat and thin piece may cost the massive time and the manpower. The Shanghai US Shade Factory adding water ink animated cartoon investment is huge, the manufacture secondary roles are also exceptionally abundant, this is the average person imagines with difficulty. The participant except is especially great, Master Qian Jiajun such older generation animation, traditional Chinese painting famous expert Li Keran, Cheng Shifa also participated in the art direction. Is precisely because spares neither labor nor expense like the artistic pursue, the Chinese water ink animation has internationally won colleague's approval, and receives the junction to declare approves. Any country has not dared with Chinese's patient competition, the Japanese animation even to call it “the miracle”. But also because just artistic value same commercial value's being separated from, only then causes the water ink animation is facing wuyi for following the awkwardness. The Japanese after had been understanding basically water ink animation photography method returns to homeland also not to dare to attempt it easily, to the western cartoon movie who emphasizes the effectiveness all along wants their long time, in each picture's decomposition, traces in the line, the lamination, the color the flowered time, 实用文档then carries on repeatedly on the photographic stage to each picture repeatedly fixes with the photography possibly not greatly, perhaps only then the Chinese only then has this kind of patience.(三) The professional lacks, the professional dedication has insufficient, presents lacks successors the phenomenon.Looking from the Chinese animated cartoon history, the artist and the animated cartoon has the indissoluble bond. Chinese animated cartoon's founder Brother Wan and the first batch moved the painter to be great, seniors and so on Jin Xi once was especially enlivens in painting world's painter, but Zhang Guangyu, Zhang Zhengyu, Li Keran, Hua Junwu, Zhang Ding, Fang Cheng, Han Yu, Fang Jizhong, Cheng Shifa ......Successively has participated in the animated cartoon creation. But now, middle the animated cartoon manufacture's famous expert, the painter is nearly very little participation, is at the condition which basically one kind is indifferent, but Cainozoic Era's Chinese animator generally lacks the experience and the traditional professional skill, raises also basically is the computer professional, knows nothing about to the traditional animation's manufacture technique. This causes one which of reasons the Chinese tradition water ink animation divides into periods.实用文档(四) Country animated cartoon's and so on Europe and America, Japan influences, the young people does not feel generally to the domestically produced animation the interest. Speaking of many animation creators, the animated cartoon highest boundary wins a prize, nobody looked that has not related, does art always compared to do propagandizes meaningful, art and the propaganda are the opposition, art and the trade are the opposition, art and the entertainment are the opposition. Speaking of the mass audiences, such “art” is also nobody likes looking. The water ink animated cartoon is mainly expresses its implication with the picture ideal condition, probably like the human said that “lets the human guess depending on the four limbs is imagining, in the whole felt that is the same” this kind of movie not to have the animation universality, the commercial value not to be big. In addition many young people are looked that country's and so on Europe and America, Japan cartoons, the animated cartoon grow up, generally is interested very much to the domestically produced animated cartoon. Therefore the water ink animated cartoon on nearly has also become the time the product.(五) The water ink animation extends the product development difficulty.The water ink animation extends the product development is also a 实用文档question. Now world every influential animated cartoon basic has itself a series of necessary to extend the product, each big animation company also positively craves the investment development related to extend the product with the animation brand, some stationery, the jewelry, clothes, the shoes and hats, Bao Ju, tableware and so on, can think likely have everything expected to find, the businesses gain fully the perquisite. Disney Corporation even also massively constructs the Disney theme park by reason of the abundant capital in the world, while gained full belt-bag's also to attract the massive human spirits. But the water ink animation extends the product development to become the difficulty, because the animation boundary does not have the contour line, the color also has the depth change, the picture is becomes through the exaggeration, makes some to post pictures with the printing product may, but to is some representatives the image the material object to be very actually difficult alone, therefore this has also created the reason which the water ink animated cartoon continues with difficulty.The water ink animation this kind of artistic form indeed has the important historical value. Regardless of its yesterday, today, the future will be what kind, it has enriched the world animation artistic space, this was an undeniable fact, 实用文档and it has also decided the good artistic foundation for the Chinese animation's roadside memorial ceremony of development.[译文]中国水墨动画前瞻与展望水墨动画是动画片的一种,是中国美术电影家首创的一种技法,这种影片突破了传统动画片线条结构惯用的单线平涂,运用了传统的中国水墨画的表现方式,使动画的各种造型具有水墨的特色。







,让齐白石的画动起来,,1960 年1月31日,陈毅副总理参观上海美术电影制片厂在北京举行的“中国美术电影展览会”时,对美术电影工作人员说:“你们能把齐白石的画动起来就更好了。








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外文原文Development of the New Chinese Ink Animation TypeAbstract: This paper compared several three-dimensional perspective of the characteristics of ink animation and its existence value.Keywords three-dimensional ink animation style of the artistic effect of traditional ink animation1. IntroductionInk animation has a special artistic expression with its international glory in a while, this unique native of China has also made numerous animation impressive honor. But since China embarked on the commercialization of creative animation of the road, while the traditional ink animation production process because of its complicated and takes a lot of manpower and resources from the commercial art market, the near-extinct traditional ink animation in recent years, China started to enter the low ink animation.Of the twentieth century art digital technology had a huge impact, some artists began to explore the operating platform for seeking to create a new form of ink animation, to develop the local animation industry, both to save costs, eliminating the need for photography and repeatedly drawn down the middle of work, but also with animation technology, can be said ink animation in the new situation of a new development trend.Although the three-dimensional computer animation ink ink from the traditional way of creating animation, but it is the purpose of writing or on the form and follow the characteristics of traditional Chinese ink painting. First, using 3d technology to simulate the effect of Chinese paintings, screen painting, ink pen with emphasis, performance of the thick screen ink water, light, dry, wet, coke properties, with significant effects of ink smudges; Secondly, pay attention to the beauty of artistic conception. Abstract elements to convey a mood, to convey images of the actual situation and artistically; again in the narrative content, often combined with traditional Chinese ink painting animation culture, into the unique culture of China, the unique art of Chinese classical and elegant, deep temperament on its head.2.the three-dimensional animation and traditional ink ink comparedThree-dimensional computer animation in the succession of traditional Chinese ink painting ink is weaker on the more expressive, it and its various creators and creative practices related to ink three-dimensional animation is more to understand the operation of computer software producers, and the relative lack of traditional ink painting understanding of painting techniques and style, and the completion of the animation work is also out of the traditional approaches. The traditional ink animation it is based on the artist's painting style creation, such as "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom" with the Qi of the Painting, "reed pipe" totake the Li Keran brushwork, and the "Goose" drop-the Jia and blessed Mexican interest. So now is the pursuit of three-dimensional ink animation shape of the surface, it is difficult to achieve a Vivid artistic effect.Ink ink animation properties in their language to introduce the concept of the film, making time and space art. So that it has as a film aesthetic elements, such as Scene, Montage, long lens, audio. These aesthetic elements take advantage of passive artists to create a line with people thinking of cinema animation. Analysis of the traditional performance of ink animation camera language is usually a fixed lens or a push and pull methods, and simple and plain. Digital ink animation to change its operating platform in the creative process with new features, for the more abundant use of the lens, can be seen in deep space walk screen performance, greater use of some long-lens effect, which kinds of elegant illusion of space to express a poetic flow, in which the lens on the expression of space, three-dimensional images than conventional ink ink animation slightly better.Ink composition is a major feature animation. The ink in the traditional art of composition, tone, atmosphere and so are very demanding, often a large number of gaps.Three-dimensional effect is achieved with ink is to take into account the composition of traditional painting, the picture in the placement of each element should be thought through. Three-dimensional technology to comply with the strict principles of Western perspective, and traditional ink painting is a common principle cavalier perspective, it should take note of this model in the space setting, not simply a painting of the scene can mean three-dimensional camera made taking into account movement changes, which need to meet the overall effect of exercise ink composition."Dynamic" is the computer performance of three-dimensional ink a major feature animation, and "meaning" is the connotation of the performance of traditional ink animation. Currently, the use of technical means to create three-dimensional animation of Chinese ink painting of "Summer", "Hetang moonlight", "Lively", etc. In addition to these three-dimensional ink drawing painting animation show the mood, more importantly, the performance of the "action" the situation, "Lively" design idea is to show the atmosphere of a vibrant impressionistic painting, flow lines, pen means vigorous and effective, light melody, the screen blank in place, the use of calligraphy, poetry, seals and other to make white, to reflect a unique aesthetic style of Chinese painting, with shaky camera movement, resulting in a new visual artistic effect.Story setting. Ink animation story complete with the ability of the performance of its screen time and space constitute the use of the concept of the film, design, animation film footage of the language to interpret Chinese ink paintings, the interpretation of a fresh ink animation, ink animation to develop and move forward, we must As the film's creation led to film language as a foil, making the screen composition, the use of color, depth of field to render the main body, and can expand the screen space, more picture information, the Chinese ink animation in the world makes the animation world exudes breathtaking charm.3.more three-dimensional ink animation and three-dimensional animation in Hollywood Analysis of three-dimensional animation and Hollywood animation Ink distinction, from the subject matter, it is the performance of ink animation narrative more enjoyable fantasylandscape color painting of a more personal touch, by the expressiveness of ink to ink with beautiful poetic financial interest into each screen, the ink is a form of narrative mood, silence in the performance of all, subtle and free and easy, artistic conception, the narrative style to reveal a profound theme, contains a wealth of philosophical and symbolic significance, so that viewers in the same time to appreciate the spiritual resonance. Hollywood three-dimensional animation, usually anthropomorphic cartoon character or the role of the narrative center, the scene set off people, pay attention to space-level images, color, simple and gorgeous.Ink animation for bamboo, flute, piano, eagles, fish, water and other images are also quite partial. A lot of ink in the use of the classical image of these ancient, makes the film seem imbued with the ancient rhyme restrained style of painting throughout. Morethree-dimensional animation of Hollywood movie ideas and language.4.look three-dimensional ink animation and planning futureInk drawn animation in terms of story and its strong oriental flavor to the performance of Europe is not suitable for the story, can be used to show some elements of the plot with Chinese characteristics, setting, relying on traditional Chinese culture in today's fully animated creative potential can also mining.In recent years, strength of the domestic computer animation technology was enhanced, computer technology has been more popular to draw the background, the rapidthree-dimensional and two-dimensional computer animation, with a more perfect production system. Ink to complete the three-dimensional animated shorts such as "Summer", "Hetang moonlight" through the textures, rendering, to simulate the ink painting style, the effect is unique. But three-dimensional ink animation is still in early stages of development, aresmall-scale production cost, the story does not show the traditional ink painting to the depth, and how better to advanced animation techniques combined with traditional Chinese culture, the performance of Ink This animation features, to the seventies and eighties of last century the brilliant traditional ink painting, there are a lot of room for improvement. So in the new environment, how to improve their own work?First, the development environment suited to their own creative animation software. Any hardware, software, technology updates are due to artists for artistic creation and exploration requirements increase continuously generated, the design of this series of Hollywood production environment more in line with their own creative content. So their animation art to be innovative and development must improve their software development capability. At present, there is in the ink animation development renderdancerv2.0 ink rendering engine, capable of regulating the pen, brush, paper and ink rendering of line with the controls to adjust the rendering, or to achieve a more simple and the desired results. Strengthen the software development and applications for art to bring more convenience to make the environment more large-scale, systematic.Second, the ink is characterized by the animation to convey a mood, how to tell stories, is the key to artistic creation. Ink Animation statements often lack the language and the picture only through a combination of simple stories to convey the meaning, the story setting is the need to appropriate scrutiny. Three-dimensional animation production environment for the ink to provide a richer means of creation, so that the circumstances described in the performance ofthe animation more selective.Again, the animation production industry. Ink Animation is a branch of animation, it's method to industrial scale, so as to produce a more refined works of art, early ink animation key is unique in the world, creator of lots of manpower and effort.5. ConclusionFacts have proved that only when China's unique traditional art and animation techniques combine to make a unique national character of the popular Chinese-made animation films. Animation was once traditional ink made numerous honors, but stick to the old theme of poor form and has been unable to meet the aesthetic needs of modern people, and ink animation cartoon form in China, no follow-free imitation. Ink Animation should not be in the current recession, this art form unique to China should be inherited and carried forward. Ink and modern three-dimensional animation techniques can be bold fusion of art creation, expansion and creation of this new animation, so that this ancient art will display a new vitality, so that ink animation to be unique among the forest of the animation in the world.新时期中国水墨动画类型发展摘要:本文从几个角度分析比较三维水墨动画的特点以及它所存在的价值。
