毕业设计 外文翻译

总结:引言概述:毕业设计外文翻译(Thesis Translation)是指在毕业设计过程中,对相关外文文献进行翻译,并将其应用于研究中,以提供理论支持和参考。

A Design and Implementation of Active NetworkSocket ProgrammingK.L. Eddie Law, Roy LeungThe Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of TorontoToronto, Canadaeddie@, roy.leung@utoronto.caAbstract—The concept of programmable nodes and active networks introduces programmability into communication networks. Code and data can be sent and modified on their ways to destinations. Recently, various research groups have designed and implemented their own design platforms. Each design has its own benefits and drawbacks. Moreover, there exists an interoperability problem among platforms. As a result, we introduce a concept that is similar to the network socket programming. We intentionally establish a set of simple interfaces for programming active applications. This set of interfaces, known as Active Network Socket Programming (ANSP), will be working on top of all other execution environments in future. Therefore, the ANSP offers a concept that is similar to “write once, run everywhere.” It is an open programming model that active applications can work on all execution environments. It solves the heterogeneity within active networks. This is especially useful when active applications need to access all regions within a heterogeneous network to deploy special service at critical points or to monitor the performance of the entire networks. Instead of introducing a new platform, our approach provides a thin, transparent layer on top of existing environments that can be easily installed for all active applications.Keywords-active networks; application programming interface; active network socket programming;I. I NTRODUCTIONIn 1990, Clark and Tennenhouse [1] proposed a design framework for introducing new network protocols for the Internet. Since the publication of that position paper, active network design framework [2, 3, 10] has slowly taken shape in the late 1990s. The active network paradigm allows program code and data to be delivered simultaneously on the Internet. Moreover, they may get executed and modified on their ways to their destinations. At the moment, there is a global active network backbone, the ABone, for experiments on active networks. Apart from the immaturity of the executing platform, the primary hindrance on the deployment of active networks on the Internet is more on the commercially related issues. For example, a vendor may hesitate to allow network routers to run some unknown programs that may affect their expected routing performance. As a result, alternatives were proposed to allow active network concept to operate on the Internet, such as the application layer active networking (ALAN) project [4] from the European research community. In the ALAN project, there are active server systems located at different places in the networks and active applications are allowed to run in these servers at the application layer. Another potential approach from the network service provider is to offer active network service as the premium service class in the networks. This service class should provide the best Quality of Service (QoS), and allow the access of computing facility in routers. With this approach, the network service providers can create a new source of income.The research in active networks has been progressing steadily. Since active networks introduce programmability on the Internet, appropriate executing platforms for the active applications to execute should be established. These operating platforms are known as execution environments (EEs) and a few of them have been created, e.g., the Active Signaling Protocol (ASP) [12] and the Active Network Transport System (ANTS) [11]. Hence, different active applications can be implemented to test the active networking concept.With these EEs, some experiments have been carried out to examine the active network concept, for example, the mobile networks [5], web proxies [6], and multicast routers [7]. Active networks introduce a lot of program flexibility and extensibility in networks. Several research groups have proposed various designs of execution environments to offer network computation within routers. Their performance and potential benefits to existing infrastructure are being evaluated [8, 9]. Unfortunately, they seldom concern the interoperability problems when the active networks consist of multiple execution environments. For example, there are three EEs in ABone. Active applications written for one particular EE cannot be operated on other platforms. This introduces another problem of resources partitioning for different EEs to operate. Moreover, there are always some critical network applications that need to run under all network routers, such as collecting information and deploying service at critical points to monitor the networks.In this paper, a framework known as Active Network Socket Programming (ANSP) model is proposed to work with all EEs. It offers the following primary objectives.• One single programming interface is introduced for writing active applications.• Since ANSP offers the programming interface, the design of EE can be made independent of the ANSP.This enables a transparency in developing andenhancing future execution environments.• ANSP addresses the interoperability issues among different execution environments.• Through the design of ANSP, the pros and cons of different EEs will be gained. This may help design abetter EE with improved performance in future.The primary objective of the ANSP is to enable all active applications that are written in ANSP can operate in the ABone testbed . While the proposed ANSP framework is essential in unifying the network environments, we believe that the availability of different environments is beneficial in the development of a better execution environment in future. ANSP is not intended to replace all existing environments, but to enable the studies of new network services which are orthogonal to the designs of execution environments. Therefore, ANSP is designed to be a thin and transparent layer on top of all execution environments. Currently, its deployment relies on automatic code loading with the underlying environments. As a result, the deployment of ANSP at a router is optional and does not require any change to the execution environments.II. D ESIGN I SSUES ON ANSPThe ANSP unifies existing programming interfaces among all EEs. Conceptually, the design of ANSP is similar to the middleware design that offers proper translation mechanisms to different EEs. The provisioning of a unified interface is only one part of the whole ANSP platform. There are many other issues that need to be considered. Apart from translating a set of programming interfaces to other executable calls in different EEs, there are other design issues that should be covered, e.g., • a unified thread library handles thread operations regardless of the thread libraries used in the EEs;• a global soft-store allows information sharing among capsules that may execute over different environmentsat a given router;• a unified addressing scheme used across different environments; more importantly, a routing informationexchange mechanism should be designed across EEs toobtain a global view of the unified networks;• a programming model that should be independent to any programming languages in active networks;• and finally, a translation mechanism to hide the heterogeneity of capsule header structures.A. Heterogeneity in programming modelEach execution environment provides various abstractions for its services and resources in the form of program calls. The model consists of a set of well-defined components, each of them has its own programming interfaces. For the abstractions, capsule-based programming model [10] is the most popular design in active networks. It is used in ANTS [11] and ASP [12], and they are being supported in ABone. Although they are developed based on the same capsule model, their respective components and interfaces are different. Therefore, programs written in one EE cannot run in anther EE. The conceptual views of the programming models in ANTS and ASP are shown in Figure 1.There are three distinct components in ANTS: application, capsule, and execution environment. There exist user interfaces for the active applications at only the source and destination routers. Then the users can specify their customized actions to the networks. According to the program function, the applications send one or more capsules to carry out the operations. Both applications and capsules operate on top of an execution environment that exports an interface to its internal programming resources. Capsule executes its program at each router it has visited. When it arrives at its destination, the application at destination may either reply it with another capsule or presents this arrival event to the user. One drawback with ANTS is that it only allows “bootstrap” application.Figure 1. Programming Models in ASP and ANTS.In contrast, ASP does not limit its users to run “bootstrap” applications. Its program interfaces are different from ANTS, but there are also has three components in ASP: application client, environment, and AAContext. The application client can run on active or non-active host. It can start an active application by simply sending a request message to the EE. The client presents information to users and allows its users to trigger actions at a nearby active router. AAContext is the core of the network service and its specification is divided into two parts. One part specifies its actions at its source and destination routers. Its role is similar to that of the application in ANTS, except that it does not provide a direct interface with the user. The other part defines its actions when it runs inside the active networks and it is similar to the functional behaviors of a capsule in ANTS.In order to deal with the heterogeneity of these two models, ANSP needs to introduce a new set of programming interfaces and map its interfaces and execution model to those within the routers’ EEs.B. Unified Thread LibraryEach execution environment must ensure the isolation of instance executions, so they do not affect each other or accessThe authors appreciate the Nortel Institute for Telecommunications (NIT) at the University of Toronto to allow them to access the computing facilitiesothers’ information. There are various ways to enforce the access control. One simple way is to have one virtual machine for one instance of active applications. This relies on the security design in the virtual machines to isolate services. ANTS is one example that is using this method. Nevertheless, the use of multiple virtual machines requires relatively large amount of resources and may be inefficient in some cases. Therefore, certain environments, such as ASP, allow network services to run within a virtual machine but restrict the use of their services to a limited set of libraries in their packages. For instance, ASP provides its thread library to enforce access control. Because of the differences in these types of thread mechanism, ANSP devises a new thread library to allow uniform accesses to different thread mechanisms.C. Soft-StoreSoft-store allows capsule to insert and retrieve information at a router, thus allowing more than one capsules to exchange information within a network. However, problem arises when a network service can execute under different environments within a router. The problem occurs especially when a network service inserts its soft-store information in one environment and retrieves its data at a later time in another environment at the same router. Due to the fact that execution environments are not allowed to exchange information, the network service cannot retrieve its previous data. Therefore, our ANSP framework needs to take into account of this problem and provides soft-store mechanism that allows universal access of its data at each router.D. Global View of a Unified NetworkWhen an active application is written with ANSP, it can execute on different environment seamlessly. The previously smaller and partitioned networks based on different EEs can now be merging into one large active network. It is then necessary to advise the network topology across the networks. However, different execution environments have different addressing schemes and proprietary routing protocols. In order to merge these partitions together, ANSP must provide a new unified addressing scheme. This new scheme should be interpretable by any environments through appropriate translations with the ANSP. Upon defining the new addressing scheme, a new routing protocol should be designed to operate among environments to exchange topology information. This allows each environment in a network to have a complete view of its network topology.E. Language-Independent ModelExecution environment can be programmed in any programming language. One of the most commonly used languages is Java [13] due to its dynamic code loading capability. In fact, both ANTS and ASP are developed in Java. Nevertheless, the active network architecture shown in Figure 2 does not restrict the use of additional environments that are developed in other languages. For instance, the active network daemon, anted, in Abone provides a workspace to execute multiple execution environments within a router. PLAN, for example, is implemented in Ocaml that will be deployable on ABone in future. Although the current active network is designed to deploy multiple environments that can be in any programming languages, there lacks the tool to allow active applications to run seamlessly upon these environments. Hence, one of the issues that ANSP needs to address is to design a programming model that can work with different programming languages. Although our current prototype only considers ANTS and ASP in its design, PLAN will be the next target to address the programming language issue and to improve the design of ANSP.Figure 2. ANSP Framework Model.F. Heterogeneity of Capsule Header StructureThe structures of the capsule headers are different in different EEs. They carries capsule-related information, for example, the capsule types, sources and destinations. This information is important when certain decision needs to be made within its target environment. A unified model should allow its program code to be executed on different environments. However, the capsule header prevents different environments to interpret its information successfully. Therefore, ANSP should carry out appropriate translation to the header information before the target environment receives this capsule.III. ANSP P ROGRAMMING M ODELWe have outlined the design issues encountered with the ANSP. In the following, the design of the programming model in ANSP will be discussed. This proposed framework provides a set of unified programming interfaces that allows active applications to work on all execution environments. The framework is shown in Figure 2. It is composed of two layers integrated within the active network architecture. These two layers can operate independently without the other layer. The upper layer provides a unified programming model to active applications. The lower layer provides appropriate translation procedure to the ANSP applications when it is processed by different environments. This service is necessary because each environment has its own header definition.The ANSP framework provides a set of programming calls which are abstractions of ANSP services and resources. A capsule-based model is used for ANSP, and it is currently extended to map to other capsule-based models used in ANTSand ASP. The mapping possibility to other models remains as our future works. Hence, the mapping technique in ANSP allows any ANSP applications to access the same programming resources in different environments through a single set of interfaces. The mapping has to be done in a consistent and transparent manner. Therefore, the ANSP appears as an execution environment that provides a complete set of functionalities to active applications. While in fact, it is an overlay structure that makes use of the services provided from the underlying environments. In the following, the high-level functional descriptions of the ANSP model are described. Then, the implementations will be discussed. The ANSP programming model is based upon the interactions between four components: application client , application stub , capsule , and active service base.Figure 3. Information Flow with the ANSP.•Application Client : In a typical scenario, an active application requires some means to present information to its users, e.g., the state of the networks. A graphical user interface (GUI) is designed to operate with the application client if the ANSP runs on a non-active host.•Application Stub : When an application starts, it activates the application client to create a new instance of application stub at its near-by active node. There are two responsibilities for the application stub. One of them is to receive users’ instructions from the application client. Another one is to receive incoming capsules from networks and to perform appropriate actions. Typically, there are two types of actions, thatare, to reply or relay in capsules through the networks, or to notify the users regarding the incoming capsule. •Capsule : An active application may contain several capsule types. Each of them carries program code (also referred to as forwarding routine). Since the application defines a protocol to specify the interactions among capsules as well as the application stubs. Every capsule executes its forwarding routine at each router it visits along the path between the source and destination.•Active Service Base : An active service base is designed to export routers’ environments’ services and execute program calls from application stubs and capsules from different EEs. The base is loaded automatically at each router whenever a capsule arrives.The interactions among components within ANSP are shown in Figure 3. The designs of some key components in the ANSP will be discussed in the following subsections. A. Capsule (ANSPCapsule)ANSPXdr decode () ANSPXdr encode () int length ()Boolean execute ()New types of capsule are created by extending the abstract class ANSPCapsule . New extensions are required to define their own forwarding routines as well as their serialization procedures. These methods are indicated below:The execution of a capsule in ANSP is listed below. It is similar to the process in ANTS.1. A capsule is in serial binary representation before it issent to the network. When an active router receives a byte sequence, it invokes decode() to convert the sequence into a capsule. 2. The router invokes the forwarding routine of thecapsule, execute(). 3. When the capsule has finished its job and forwardsitself to its next hop by calling send(), this call implicitly invokes encode() to convert the capsule into a new serial byte representation. length() isused inside the call of encode() to determine the length of the resulting byte sequence. ANSP provides a XDR library called ANSPXdr to ease the jobs of encoding and decoding.B. Active Service Base (ANSPBase)In an active node, the Active Service Base provides a unified interface to export the available resources in EEs for the rest of the ANSP components. The services may include thread management, node query, and soft-store operation, as shown in Table 1.TABLE I. ACTIVE SERVICE BASE FUNCTION CALLSFunction Definition Descriptionboolean send (Capsule, Address) Transmit a capsule towards its destination using the routing table of theunderlying environment.ANSPAddress getLocalHost () Return address of the local host as an ANSPAddress structure. This isuseful when a capsule wants to check its current location.boolean isLocal (ANSPAddress) Return true if its input argument matches the local host’s address andreturn false otherwise.createThread () Create a new thread that is a class ofANSPThreadInterface (discussed later in Section VIA “Unified Thread Abstraction”).putSStore (key, Object) Object getSStore (key) removeSStore (key)The soft-store operations are provided by putSStore(), getSSTore(), and removeSStore(), and they put, retrieve, and remove data respectively. forName (PathName) Supported in ANSP to retrieve a classobject corresponding to the given path name in its argument. This code retrieval may rely on the code loading mechanism in the environment whennecessary.C. Application Client (ANSPClient)boolean start (args[])boolean start (args[],runningEEs) boolean start (args[],startClient)boolean start (args[],startClient, runningEE)Application Client is an interface between users and the nearby active source router. It does the following responsibilities.1. Code registration: It may be necessary to specify thelocation and name of the application code in some execution environments, e.g., ANTS. 2. Application initialization: It includes selecting anexecution environment to execute the application among those are available at the source router. Each active application can create an application client instance by extending the abstract class, ANSPClient . The extension inherits a method, start(), to automatically handle both the registration and initialization processes. All overloaded versions of start() accept a list of arguments, args , that are passed to the application stub during its initialization. An optional argument called runningEEs allows an application client to select a particular set of environment variables, specified by a list of standardized numerical environment ID, the ANEP ID, to perform code registration. If this argument is not specified, the default setting can only include ANTS and ASP. D. Application Stub (ANSPApplication)receive (ANSPCapsule)Application stubs reside at the source and destination routers to initialize the ANSP application after the application clients complete the initialization and registration processes. It is responsible for receiving and serving capsules from the networks as well as actions requested from the clients. A new instance is created by extending the application client abstract class, ANSPApplication . This extension includes the definition of a handling routine called receive(), which is invoked when a stub receives a new capsule.IV. ANSP E XAMPLE : T RACE -R OUTEA testbed has been created to verify the design correctnessof ANSP in heterogeneous environments. There are three types of router setting on this testbed:1. Router that contains ANTS and a ANSP daemonrunning on behalf of ASP; 2. Router that contains ASP and a ANSP daemon thatruns on behalf of ANTS; 3. Router that contains both ASP and ANTS.The prototype is written in Java [11] with a traceroute testing program. The program records the execution environments of all intermediate routers that it has visited between the source and destination. It also measures the RTT between them. Figure 4 shows the GUI from the application client, and it finds three execution environments along the path: ASP, ANTS, and ASP. The execution sequence of the traceroute program is shown in Figure 5.Figure 4. The GUI for the TRACEROUTE Program.The TraceCapsule program code is created byextending the ANSPCapsule abstract class. When execute() starts, it checks the Boolean value of returning to determine if it is returning from the destination. It is set to true if TraceCapsule is traveling back to the source router; otherwise it is false . When traveling towards the destination, TraceCapsule keeps track of the environments and addresses of the routers it has visited in two arrays, path and trace , respectively. When it arrives at a new router, it calls addHop() to append the router address and its environment to these two arrays. When it finally arrives at the destination, it sets returning to false and forwards itself back to the source by calling send().When it returns to source, it invokes deliverToApp() to deliver itself to the application stub that has been running at the source. TraceCapsule carries information in its data field through the networks by executing encode() and decode(), which encapsulates and de-capsulates its data using External Data Representation (XDR) respectively. The syntax of ANSP XDR follows the syntax of XDR library from ANTS. length() in TraceCapsule returns the data length, or it can be calculated by using the primitive types in the XDRlibrary.Figure 5. Flow of the TRACEROUTE Capsules.V. C ONCLUSIONSIn this paper, we present a new unified layered architecture for active networks. The new model is known as Active Network Socket Programming (ANSP). It allows each active application to be written once and run on multiple environments in active networks. Our experiments successfully verify the design of ANSP architecture, and it has been successfully deployed to work harmoniously with ANTS and ASP without making any changes to their architectures. In fact, the unified programming interface layer is light-weighted and can be dynamically deployable upon request.R EFERENCES[1] D.D. Clark, D.L. Tennenhouse, “Architectural Considerations for a NewGeneration of Protocols,” in Proc. ACM Sigcomm’90, pp.200-208, 1990. [2] D. Tennenhouse, J. M. Smith, W. D. Sicoskie, D. J. Wetherall, and G. J.Minden, “A survey of active network research,” IEEE Communications Magazine , pp. 80-86, Jan 1997.[3] D. Wetherall, U. Legedza, and J. 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本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译外文原文题目:Real-time interactive optical micromanipulation of a mixture of high- and low-index particles中文翻译题目:高低折射率微粒混合物的实时交互式光学微操作毕业设计(论文)题目:阵列光镊软件控制系统设计姓名:任有健学院:生命学院班级:06210501指导教师:李勤高低折射率微粒混合物的实时交互式光学微操作Peter John Rodrigo Vincent Ricardo Daria Jesper Glückstad丹麦罗斯基勒DK-4000号,Risø国家实验室光学和等离子研究系jesper.gluckstad@risoe.dkhttp://www.risoe.dk/ofd/competence/ppo.htm摘要:本文论证一种对于胶体的实时交互式光学微操作的方法,胶体中包含两种折射率的微粒,与悬浮介质(0n )相比,分别低于(0L n n <)、高于(0H n n >)悬浮介质的折射率。
我们以实验为基础证实了同时捕获又独立操作悬浮于水(0 1.33n =)中不同尺寸的球形碳酸钠微壳( 1.2L n ≈)和聚苯乙烯微珠( 1.57H n =)的独特性质。
©2004 美国光学学会光学分类与标引体系编码:(140.7010)捕获、(170.4520)光学限制与操作和(230.6120)空间光调制器。
1 引言光带有动量和角动量。

办公楼毕业设计英文翻译(外文翻译)原文:The future of the tall buildingAnd structure of buildingsZoning effects on the density of tall buildings and solar design may raise ethical challenge.A combined project of old and new buildings may bring back human scale to our cities. Owners and conceptual designers will be challenged in the 1980s to produce economically sound, people-oriented buildings.In 1980 the Level House, designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merril1 (SOM) received the 25-year award from the American Institut e of Architects “in recognition of architectural design of enduring significance”. This award is given once a year for a building between 25and 35 years old .Lewis Mumford described the Lever House as “the first office building in which modern materials, m odern construction, modern functions have been combined with a modern plan”. At the time, this daring concept could only be achieved by visionary men like Gordon Bunshaft , the designer , and Charles Luckman , the owner and then-president of Lever Brothers . The project also included a few “first” : (1) it was the first sealed glass tower ever built ; (2) it was the first office building designed by SOM ;and (3) it was the first office building on Park Avenue to omit retail space on the first floor. Today, after hundreds of look-alike and variations on the grid design, we have reached what may be the epitome of tall building design: the nondescript building. Except for a few recently completed buildings that seem to be people-oriented in their lower floors, most tall buildings seem to be a repletion of the dull, graph-paper-like monoliths in many of our cities. Can this be the end of the design-line for tall buildings? Probably not. There are definite signs that are most encouraging. Architects and owners have recently begun to discuss the design problem publicly. Perhaps we are at the threshold of a new era. The 1980s may bring forth some new visionaries like Bunshaft and Luckman. If so, what kinds of restrictions or challenges do they face?译文:高层建筑展望及建筑结构区域规划对高层建筑物的密度和对自然采光设计可能引起道德问题将产生影响。

英文原文名Automatic production line PLC control中文译文:自动化生产线自动上料站的PLC控制自动生产线是由工件传送系统和控制系统,将一组自动机床和辅助设备按照工艺顺序联结起来,自动完成产品全部或部分制造过程的生产系统,简称自动线。

(Shear wall st ructural design ofh igh-lev el fr ameworkWu Jiche ngAbstract : In t his pape r the basic c oncepts of man pow er from th e fra me sh ear w all str uc ture, analy sis of the struct ur al des ign of th e c ont ent of t he fr ame she ar wall, in cludi ng the seism ic wa ll she ar spa本科毕业设计外文文献翻译学校代码: 10128学 号:题 目:Shear wall structural design of high-level framework 学生姓名: 学 院:土木工程学院 系 别:建筑工程系 专 业:土木工程专业(建筑工程方向) 班 级:土木08-(5)班 指导教师: (副教授)nratiodesign, and a concretestructure in themost co mmonly usedframe shear wallstructurethedesign of p oints to note.Keywords: concrete; frameshearwall structure;high-risebuildingsThe wall is amodern high-rise buildings is an impo rtant buildingcontent, the size of theframe shear wall must comply with building regulations. The principle is that the largersizebut the thicknessmust besmaller geometric featuresshouldbe presented to the plate,the force is close to cylindrical.The wall shear wa ll structure is a flatcomponent. Itsexposure to the force along the plane level of therole ofshear and moment, must also take intoaccountthe vertical pressure.Operate under thecombined action ofbending moments and axial force andshear forcebythe cantilever deep beam under the action of the force levelto loo kinto the bottom mounted on the basis of. Shearwall isdividedinto a whole walland theassociated shear wall in theactual project,a wholewallfor exampl e, such as generalhousingconstruction in the gableor fish bone structure filmwalls and small openingswall.Coupled Shear walls are connected bythecoupling beam shear wall.Butbecause thegeneralcoupling beamstiffness is less thanthe wall stiffnessof the limbs,so. Walllimb aloneis obvious.The central beam of theinflection pointtopay attentionto thewall pressure than the limits of the limb axis. Will forma shortwide beams,widecolumn wall limbshear wall openings toolarge component atbothen ds with just the domain of variable cross-section ro din the internalforcesunder theactionof many Walllimb inflection point Therefore, the calcula tions and construction shouldAccordingtoapproximate the framestructure to consider.The designof shear walls shouldbe based on the characteristics of avariety ofwall itself,and differentmechanical ch aracteristicsand requirements,wall oftheinternalforcedistribution and failuremodes of specific and comprehensive consideration of the design reinforcement and structural measures. Frame shear wall structure design is to consider the structure of the overall analysis for both directionsofthehorizontal and verticaleffects. Obtain theinternal force is required in accordancewiththe bias or partial pull normal section forcecalculation.The wall structure oftheframe shear wall structural design of the content frame high-rise buildings, in the actual projectintheuse of themost seismic walls have sufficient quantitiesto meet thelimitsof the layer displacement, the location isrelatively flexible. Seismic wall for continuous layout,full-length through.Should bedesigned to avoid the wall mutations in limb length and alignment is notupand down the hole. The sametime.The inside of the hole marginscolumnshould not belessthan300mm inordertoguaranteethelengthof the column as the edgeof the component and constraint edgecomponents.Thebi-direc tional lateral force resisting structural form of vertical andhorizontalwallconnected.Each other as the affinityof the shear wall. For one, two seismic frame she ar walls,even beam highratio should notgreaterthan 5 and a height of not less than400mm.Midline columnand beams,wall midline shouldnotbe greater tha nthe columnwidthof1/4,in order toreduce thetorsional effect of the seismicaction onthecolumn.Otherwisecan be taken tostrengthen thestirrupratio inthe column tomake up.If theshear wall shearspan thanthe big two. Eventhe beamcro ss-height ratiogreaterthan 2.5, then the design pressure of thecut shouldnotmakeabig 0.2. However, if the shearwallshear spanratioof less than two couplingbeams span of less than 2.5, then the shear compres sion ratiois notgreater than 0.15. Theother hand,the bottom ofthe frame shear wallstructure to enhance thedesign should notbe less than200mmand notlessthanstorey 1/16,otherpartsshouldnot be less than 160mm and not less thanstorey 1/20. Aroundthe wall of the frame shear wall structure shouldbe set to the beam or dark beamand the side columntoform a border. Horizontal distributionofshear walls can from the shear effect,this design when building higher longeror framestructure reinforcement should be appropriatelyincreased, especially in the sensitiveparts of the beam position or temperature, stiffnesschange is bestappropriately increased, thenconsideration shouldbe givento the wallverticalreinforcement,because it is mainly from the bending effect, andtake in some multi-storeyshearwall structurereinforcedreinforcement rate -likelessconstrained edgeofthecomponent or components reinforcement of theedge component.References: [1 sad Hayashi,He Yaming. On the shortshear wall high-rise buildingdesign [J].Keyuan, 2008, (O2).高层框架剪力墙结构设计吴继成摘要: 本文从框架剪力墙结构设计的基本概念人手, 分析了框架剪力墙的构造设计内容, 包括抗震墙、剪跨比等的设计, 并出混凝土结构中最常用的框架剪力墙结构设计的注意要点。

本实验所使用的药剂均为分析纯,如无特别说明均购买自日本片山化工。铅离子储备液通过溶解Pb(NO3)2配制,使用时稀释到需要的浓度。HEPES缓冲液购买自Sigma–Aldrich。5 mol/L的HCl和NaOH用来调整pH。
(1)Adsorption of Pb(II) from glucose solution on thiol-functionalized cellulosic biomass
铅离子的浓度用分光光度计在616 nm波长处用铅与偶氮氯膦-III络合物进行分析。葡萄糖含量采用苯酚—硫酸分光光度法测定。所有的实验均进行三次,已经考虑好误差。
图1是脱脂棉、改性脱脂棉在400-4000 cm-1(A)和2540-2560 cm-1(B)范围内的红外光谱图。可以看出,改性后改性脱脂棉的红外光谱图中在1735.71 cm-1处出现了一个新的吸收峰是酯基C=O的拉伸振动峰,可见改性脱脂棉中已经成功引入巯基官能团。同时,在2550.52 cm-1出现的一个新吸收峰代表的是S-H官能团的弱吸收峰,更深一层的证明了巯基已经嫁接到脱脂棉上。图1(b)是2540-2560 cm-1光谱范围的一个放大图像,可以清楚的观察到S-H官能团的弱吸收峰。进一步证明了酯化改性脱脂棉引入巯基是成功的。而从吸附后的曲线可以看到,2550.52cm-1处S-H的吸收峰消失,证明了硫原子和Pb(II)络合物的形成,同时1735.71cm-1处C=O的吸收峰强度看起来有轻微的减弱可能也是和Pb(II)的络合吸附有关。

外文文献1: Software Engineering Practices in Industry: A Case StudyAbstractThis paper reports a case study of software engineering practices in industry. The study was conducted with a large US software development company that produces software for aerospace and medical applications. The study investigated the company’s software development process, practices, and techniques that lead to the production of quality software. The software engineering practices were identified through a survey questionnaire and a series of interviews with the company’s software development managers, software engineers, and testers. The research found that the company has a well-defined software development process, which is based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). The company follows a set of software engineering practices that ensure quality, reliability, and maintainability of the software products. The findings of this study provide a valuable insight into the software engineering practices used in industry and can be used to guide software engineering education and practice in academia.IntroductionSoftware engineering is the discipline of designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software products. There are a number of software engineering practices that are used in industry to ensure that software products are of high quality, reliable, and maintainable. These practices include software development processes, software configuration management, software testing, requirements engineering, and project management. Software engineeringpractices have evolved over the years as a result of the growth of the software industry and the increasing demands for high-quality software products. The software industry has developed a number of software development models, such as the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), which provides a framework for software development organizations to improve their software development processes and practices.This paper reports a case study of software engineering practices in industry. The study was conducted with a large US software development company that produces software for aerospace and medical applications. The objective of the study was to identify the software engineering practices used by the company and to investigate how these practices contribute to the production of quality software.Research MethodologyThe case study was conducted with a large US software development company that produces software for aerospace and medical applications. The study was conducted over a period of six months, during which a survey questionnaire was administered to the company’s software development managers, software engineers, and testers. In addition, a series of interviews were conducted with the company’s software development managers, software engineers, and testers to gain a deeper understanding of the software engineering practices used by the company. The survey questionnaire and the interview questions were designed to investigate the software engineering practices used by the company in relation to software development processes, software configuration management, software testing, requirements engineering, and project management.FindingsThe research found that the company has a well-defined software development process, which is based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). The company’s software development process consists of five levels of maturity, starting with an ad hoc process (Level 1) and progressing to a fully defined and optimized process (Level 5). The company has achieved Level 3 maturity in its software development process. The company follows a set of software engineering practices that ensure quality, reliability, and maintainability of the software products. The software engineering practices used by the company include:Software Configuration Management (SCM): The company uses SCM tools to manage software code, documentation, and other artifacts. The company follows a branching and merging strategy to manage changes to the software code.Software Testing: The company has adopted a formal testing approach that includes unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. The testing process is automated where possible, and the company uses a range of testing tools.Requirements Engineering: The company has a well-defined requirements engineering process, which includes requirements capture, analysis, specification, and validation. The company uses a range of tools, including use case modeling, to capture and analyze requirements.Project Management: The company has a well-defined project management process that includes project planning, scheduling, monitoring, and control. The company uses a range of tools to support project management, including project management software, which is used to track project progress.ConclusionThis paper has reported a case study of software engineering practices in industry. The study was conducted with a large US software development company that produces software for aerospace and medical applications. The study investigated the company’s software development process,practices, and techniques that lead to the production of quality software. The research found that the company has a well-defined software development process, which is based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). The company uses a set of software engineering practices that ensure quality, reliability, and maintainability of the software products. The findings of this study provide a valuable insight into the software engineering practices used in industry and can be used to guide software engineering education and practice in academia.外文文献2: Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and PracticesAbstractAgile software development is a set of values, principles, and practices for developing software. The Agile Manifesto represents the values and principles of the agile approach. The manifesto emphasizes the importance of individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Agile software development practices include iterative development, test-driven development, continuous integration, and frequent releases. This paper presents an overview of agile software development, including its principles, patterns, and practices. The paper also discusses the benefits and challenges of agile software development.IntroductionAgile software development is a set of values, principles, and practices for developing software. Agile software development is based on the Agile Manifesto, which represents the values and principles of the agile approach. The manifesto emphasizes the importance of individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Agile software development practices include iterative development, test-driven development, continuous integration, and frequent releases.Agile Software Development PrinciplesAgile software development is based on a set of principles. These principles are:Customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of useful software.Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.Deliver working software frequently, with a preference for the shorter timescale.Collaboration between the business stakeholders and developers throughout the project.Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.Working software is the primary measure of progress.Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.Simplicity – the art of maximizing the amount of work not done – is essential.The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.Agile Software Development PatternsAgile software development patterns are reusable solutions to common software development problems. The following are some typical agile software development patterns:The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)The Open/Closed Principle (OCP)The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)The Model-View-Controller (MVC) PatternThe Observer PatternThe Strategy PatternThe Factory Method PatternAgile Software Development PracticesAgile software development practices are a set ofactivities and techniques used in agile software development. The following are some typical agile software development practices:Iterative DevelopmentTest-Driven Development (TDD)Continuous IntegrationRefactoringPair ProgrammingAgile Software Development Benefits and ChallengesAgile software development has many benefits, including:Increased customer satisfactionIncreased qualityIncreased productivityIncreased flexibilityIncreased visibilityReduced riskAgile software development also has some challenges, including:Requires discipline and trainingRequires an experienced teamRequires good communicationRequires a supportive management cultureConclusionAgile software development is a set of values, principles, and practices for developing software. Agile software development is based on the Agile Manifesto, which represents the values and principles of the agile approach. Agile software development practices include iterative development, test-driven development, continuous integration, and frequent releases. Agile software development has many benefits, including increased customer satisfaction, increased quality, increased productivity, increased flexibility, increased visibility, and reduced risk. Agile software development also has some challenges, including the requirement for discipline and training, the requirement for an experienced team, the requirement for good communication, and the requirement for a supportive management culture.。

Bid Compensation Decision Model for Projectswith Costly Bid PreparationS.Ping Ho,A.M.ASCE 1Abstract:For projects with high bid preparation cost,it is often suggested that the owner should consider paying bid compensation to the most highly ranked unsuccessful bidders to stimulate extra effort or inputs in bid preparation.Whereas the underlying idea of using bid compensation is intuitively sound,there is no theoretical basis or empirical evidence for such suggestion.Because costly bid preparation often implies a larger project scale,the issue of bid compensation strategy is important to practitioners and an interest of study.This paper aims to study the impacts of bid compensation and to develop appropriate bid compensation strategies.Game theory is applied to analyze the behavioral dynamics between competing bidders and project owners.A bid compensation model based on game theoretic analysis is developed in this study.The model provides equilibrium solutions under bid compensation,quantitative formula,and quali-tative implications for the formation of bid compensation strategies.DOI:10.1061/(ASCE )0733-9364(2005)131:2(151)CE Database subject headings:Bids;Project management;Contracts;Decision making;Design/build;Build/Operate/Transfer;Construction industry .IntroductionAn often seen suggestion in practice for projects with high bid preparation cost is that the owner should consider paying bid compensation,also called a stipend or honorarium,to the unsuc-cessful bidders.For example,according to the Design–build Manual of Practice Document Number 201by Design–Build In-stitute of America (DBIA )(1996a ),it is suggested that that “the owner should consider paying a stipend or honorarium to the unsuccessful proposers”because “excessive submittal require-ments without some compensation is abusive to the design–build industry and discourages quality teams from participating.”In another publication by DBIA (1995),it is also stated that “it is strongly recommended that honorariums be offered to the unsuc-cessful proposers”and that “the provision of reasonable compen-sation will encourage the more sought-after design–build teams to apply and,if short listed,to make an extra effort in the prepara-tion of their proposal.”Whereas bid preparation costs depend on project scale,delivery method,and other factors,the cost of pre-paring a proposal is often relatively high in some particular project delivery schemes,such as design–build or build–operate–transfer (BOT )contracting.Plus,costly bid preparation often im-plying a large project scale,the issue of bid compensation strat-egy should be important to practitioners and of great interest of study.Existing research on the procurement process in constructionhas addressed the selection of projects that are appropriate for certain project delivery methods (Molenaar and Songer 1998;Molenaar and Gransberg 2001),the design–build project procure-ment processes (Songer et al.1994;Gransberg and Senadheera 1999;Palaneeswaran and Kumaraswamy 2000),and the BOT project procurement process (United Nations Industrial Develop-ment Organization 1996).However,the bid compensation strat-egy for projects with a relatively high bid preparation cost has not been studied.Among the issues over the bidder’s response to the owner’s procurement or bid compensation strategy,it is in own-er’s interest to understand how the owner can stimulate high-quality inputs or extra effort from the bidder during bid prepara-tion.Whereas the argument for using bid compensation is intuitively sound,there is no theoretical basis or empirical evi-dence for such an argument.Therefore,it is crucial to study under what conditions the bid compensation is effective,and how much compensation is adequate with respect to different bidding situa-tions.This paper focuses on theoretically studying the impacts of bid compensation and tries to develop appropriate compensation strategies for projects with a costly bid preparation.Game theory will be applied to analyze the behavioral dynamics between com-peting bidders.Based on the game theoretic analysis and numeric trials,a bid compensation model is developed.The model pro-vides a quantitative framework,as well as qualitative implica-tions,on bid compensation strategies.Research Methodology:Game TheoryGame theory can be defined as “the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers”(Myerson 1991).Among economic theories,game theory has been successfully applied to many important issues such as negotiations,finance,and imperfect markets.Game theory has also been applied to construction management in two areas.Ho (2001)applied game theory to analyze the information asymme-try problem during the procurement of a BOT project and its1Assistant Professor,Dept.of Civil Engineering,National Taiwan Univ.,Taipei 10617,Taiwan.E-mail:spingho@.twNote.Discussion open until July 1,2005.Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers.To extend the closing date by one month,a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on March 5,2003;approved on March 1,2004.This paper is part of the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ,V ol.131,No.2,February 1,2005.©ASCE,ISSN 0733-9364/2005/2-151–159/$25.00.D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .implication in project financing and government policy.Ho and Liu (2004)develop a game theoretic model for analyzing the behavioral dynamics of builders and owners in construction claims.In competitive bidding,the strategic interactions among competing bidders and that between bidders and owners are com-mon,and thus game theory is a natural tool to analyze the prob-lem of concern.A well-known example of a game is the “prisoner’s dilemma”shown in Fig.1.Two suspects are arrested and held in separate cells.If both of them confess,then they will be sentenced to jail for 6years.If neither confesses,each will be sentenced for only 1year.However,if one of them confesses and the other does not,then the honest one will be rewarded by being released (in jail for 0year )and the other will be punished for 9years in jail.Note that in each cell,the first number represents player No.1’s payoff and the second one represents player No.2’s.The prisoner’s dilemma is called a “static game,”in which they act simultaneously;i.e.,each player does not know the other player’s decision before the player makes the decision.If the payoff matrix shown in Fig.1is known to all players,then the payoff matrix is a “common knowledge”to all players and this game is called a game of “complete information.”Note that the players of a game are assumed to be rational;i.e.,to maximize their payoffs.To answer what each prisoner will play/behave in this game,we will introduce the concept of “Nash equilibrium ,”one of the most important concepts in game theory.Nash equilibrium is a set of actions that will be chosen by each player.In a Nash equilib-rium,each player’s strategy should be the best response to the other player’s strategy,and no player wants to deviate from the equilibrium solution.Thus,the equilibrium or solution is “strate-gically stable”or “self-enforcing”(Gibbons 1992).Conversely,a nonequilibrium solution is not stable since at least one of the players can be better off by deviating from the nonequilibrium solution.In the prisoner’s dilemma,only the (confess,confess )solution where both players choose to confess,satisfies the stabil-ity test or requirement of Nash equilibrium.Note that although the (not confess,not confess )solution seems better off for both players compared to Nash equilibrium;however,this solution is unstable since either player can obtain extra benefit by deviating from this solution.Interested readers can refer to Gibbons (1992),Fudenberg and Tirole (1992),and Myerson (1991).Bid Compensation ModelIn this section,the bid compensation model is developed on the basis of game theoretic analysis.The model could help the ownerform bid compensation strategies under various competition situ-ations and project characteristics.Illustrative examples with nu-merical results are given when necessary to show how the model can be used in various scenarios.Assumptions and Model SetupTo perform a game theoretic study,it is critical to make necessary simplifications so that one can focus on the issues of concern and obtain insightful results.Then,the setup of a model will follow.The assumptions made in this model are summarized as follows.Note that these assumptions can be relaxed in future studies for more general purposes.1.Average bidders:The bidders are equally good,in terms oftheir technical and managerial capabilities.Since the design–build and BOT focus on quality issues,the prequalification process imposed during procurement reduces the variation of the quality of bidders.As a result,it is not unreasonable to make the “average bidders”assumption.plete information:If all players consider each other tobe an average bidder as suggested in the first assumption,it is natural to assume that the payoffs of each player in each potential solution are known to all players.3.Bid compensation for the second best bidder:Since DBIA’s(1996b )manual,document number 103,suggests that “the stipend is paid only to the most highly ranked unsuccessful offerors to prevent proposals being submitted simply to ob-tain a stipend,”we shall assume that the bid compensation will be offered to the second best bidder.4.Two levels of efforts:It is assumed that there are two levelsof efforts in preparing a proposal,high and average,denoted by H and A ,respectively.The effort A is defined as the level of effort that does not incur extra cost to improve quality.Contrarily,the effort H is defined as the level of effort that will incur extra cost,denoted as E ,to improve the quality of a proposal,where the improvement is detectable by an effec-tive proposal evaluation system.Typically,the standard of quality would be transformed to the evaluation criteria and their respective weights specified in the Request for Pro-posal.5.Fixed amount of bid compensation,S :The fixed amount canbe expressed by a certain percentage of the average profit,denoted as P ,assumed during the procurement by an average bidder.6.Absorption of extra cost,E :For convenience,it is assumedthat E will not be included in the bid price so that the high effort bidder will win the contract under the price–quality competition,such as best-value approach.This assumption simplifies the tradeoff between quality improvement and bid price increase.Two-Bidder GameIn this game,there are only two qualified bidders.The possible payoffs for each bidder in the game are shown in a normal form in Fig.2.If both bidders choose “H ,”denoted by ͑H ,H ͒,both bidders will have a 50%probability of wining the contract,and at the same time,have another 50%probability of losing the con-tract but being rewarded with the bid compensation,S .As a re-sult,the expected payoffs for the bidders in ͑H ,H ͒solution are ͑S /2+P /2−E ,S /2+P /2−E ͒.Note that the computation of the expected payoff is based on the assumption of the average bidder.Similarly,if the bidders choose ͑A ,A ͒,the expected payoffswillFig.1.Prisoner’s dilemmaD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .be ͑S /2+P /2,S /2+P /2͒.If the bidders choose ͑H ,A ͒,bidder No.1will have a 100%probability of winning the contract,and thus the expected payoffs are ͑P −E ,S ͒.Similarly,if the bidders choose ͑A ,H ͒,the expected payoffs will be ͑S ,P −E ͒.Payoffs of an n -bidder game can be obtained by the same reasoning.Nash EquilibriumSince the payoffs in each equilibrium are expressed as functions of S ,P ,and E ,instead of a particular number,the model will focus on the conditions for each possible Nash equilibrium of the game.Here,the approach to solving for Nash equilibrium is to find conditions that ensure the stability or self-enforcing require-ment of Nash equilibrium.This technique will be applied throughout this paper.First,check the payoffs of ͑H ,H ͒solution.For bidder No.1or 2not to deviate from this solution,we must haveS /2+P /2−E ϾS →S ϽP −2E͑1͒Therefore,condition (1)guarantees ͑H ,H ͒to be a Nash equilib-rium.Second,check the payoffs of ͑A ,A ͒solution.For bidder No.1or 2not to deviate from ͑A ,A ͒,condition (2)must be satisfiedS /2+P /2ϾP −E →S ϾP −2E͑2͒Thus,condition (2)guarantees ͑A ,A ͒to be a Nash equilibrium.Note that the condition “S =P −2E ”will be ignored since the con-dition can become (1)or (2)by adding or subtracting an infinitely small positive number.Thus,since S must satisfy either condition (1)or condition (2),either ͑H ,H ͒or ͑A ,A ͒must be a unique Nash equilibrium.Third,check the payoffs of ͑H ,A ͒solution.For bid-der No.1not to deviate from H to A ,we must have P −E ϾS /2+P /2;i.e.,S ϽP −2E .For bidder No.2not to deviate from A to H ,we must have S ϾS /2+P /2−E ;i.e.,S ϾP −2E .Since S cannot be greater than and less than P −2E at the same time,͑H ,A ͒solution cannot exist.Similarly,͑A ,H ͒solution cannot exist either.This also confirms the previous conclusion that either ͑H ,H ͒or ͑A ,A ͒must be a unique Nash equilibrium.Impacts of Bid CompensationBid compensation is designed to serve as an incentive to induce bidders to make high effort.Therefore,the concerns of bid com-pensation strategy should focus on whether S can induce high effort and how effective it is.According to the equilibrium solu-tions,the bid compensation decision should depend on the mag-nitude of P −2E or the relative magnitude of E compared to P .If E is relatively small such that P Ͼ2E ,then P −2E will be positive and condition (1)will be satisfied even when S =0.This means that bid compensation is not an incentive for high effort when the extra cost of high effort is relatively low.Moreover,surprisingly,S can be damaging when S is high enough such that S ϾP −2E .On the other hand,if E is relatively large so that P −2E is negative,then condition (2)will always be satisfied since S can-not be negative.In this case,͑A ,A ͒will be a unique Nash equi-librium.In other words,when E is relatively large,it is not in the bidder’s interest to incur extra cost for improving the quality of proposal,and therefore,S cannot provide any incentives for high effort.To summarize,when E is relatively low,it is in the bidder’s interest to make high effort even if there is no bid compensation.When E is relatively high,the bidder will be better off by making average effort.In other words,bid compensation cannot promote extra effort in a two-bidder game,and ironically,bid compensa-tion may discourage high effort if the compensation is too much.Thus,in the two-bidder procurement,the owner should not use bid compensation as an incentive to induce high effort.Three-Bidder GameNash EquilibriumFig.3shows all the combinations of actions and their respective payoffs in a three-bidder game.Similar to the two-bidder game,here the Nash equilibrium can be solved by ensuring the stability of the solution.For equilibrium ͑H ,H ,H ͒,condition (3)must be satisfied for stability requirementS /3+P /3−E Ͼ0→S Ͼ3E −P͑3͒For equilibrium ͑A ,A ,A ͒,condition (4)must be satisfied so that no one has any incentives to choose HS /3+P /3ϾP −E →S Ͼ2P −3E͑4͒In a three-bidder game,it is possible that S will satisfy conditions (3)and (4)at the same time.This is different from the two-bidder game,where S can only satisfy either condition (1)or (2).Thus,there will be two pure strategy Nash equilibria when S satisfies conditions (3)and (4).However,since the payoff of ͑A ,A ,A ͒,S /3+P /3,is greater than the payoff of ͑H ,H ,H ͒,S /3+P /3−E ,for all bidders,the bidder will choose ͑A ,A ,A ͒eventually,pro-vided that a consensus between bidders of making effort A can be reached.The process of reaching such consensus is called “cheap talk,”where the agreement is beneficial to all players,and no player will want to deviate from such an agreement.In the design–build or BOT procurement,it is reasonable to believe that cheap talk can occur.Therefore,as long as condition (4)is satis-fied,͑A ,A ,A ͒will be a unique Nash equilibrium.An important implication is that the cheap talk condition must not be satisfied for any equilibrium solution other than ͑A ,A ,A ͒.In other words,condition (5)must be satisfied for all equilibrium solution except ͑A ,A ,A͒Fig.2.Two-biddergameFig.3.Three-bidder gameD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .S Ͻ2P −3E ͑5͒Following this result,for ͑H ,H ,H ͒to be unique,conditions (3)and (5)must be satisfied;i.e.,we must have3E −P ϽS Ͻ2P −3E͑6͒Note that by definition S is a non-negative number;thus,if one cannot find a non-negative number to satisfy the equilibrium con-dition,then the respective equilibrium does not exist and the equi-librium condition will be marked as “N/A”in the illustrative fig-ures and tables.Next,check the solution where two bidders make high efforts and one bidder makes average effort,e.g.,͑H ,H ,A ͒.The ex-pected payoffs for ͑H ,H ,A ͒are ͑S /2+P /2−E ,S /2+P /2−E ,0͒.For ͑H ,H ,A ͒to be a Nash equilibrium,S /3+P /3−E Ͻ0must be satisfied so that the bidder with average effort will not deviate from A to H ,S /2+P /2−E ϾS /2must be satisfied so that the bidder with high effort will not deviate from H to A ,and condi-tion (5)must be satisfied as argued previously.The three condi-tions can be rewritten asS Ͻmin ͓3E −P ,2P −3E ͔andP −2E Ͼ0͑7͒Note that because of the average bidder assumption,if ͑H ,H ,A ͒is a Nash equilibrium,then ͑H ,A ,H ͒and ͑A ,H ,H ͒will also be the Nash equilibria.The three Nash equilibria will constitute a so-called mixed strategy Nash equilibrium,denoted by 2H +1A ,where each bidder randomizes actions between H and A with certain probabilities.The concept of mixed strategy Nash equilib-rium shall be explained in more detail in next section.Similarly,we can obtain the requirements for solution 1H +2A ,condition (5)and S /2+P /2−E ϽS /2must be satisfied.The requirements can be reorganized asS Ͻ2P −3EandP −2E Ͻ0͑8͒Note that the conflicting relationship between “P −2E Ͼ0”in condition (7)and “P −2E Ͻ0”in condition (8)seems to show that the two types of Nash equilibria are exclusive.Nevertheless,the only difference between 2H +1A and 1H +2A is that the bidder in 2H +1A equilibrium has a higher probability of playing H ,whereas the bidder in 1H +2A also mixes actions H and A but with lower probability of playing H .From this perspective,the difference between 2H +1A and 1H +2A is not very distinctive.In other words,one should not consider,for example,2H +1A ,to be two bidders playing H and one bidder playing A ;instead,one should consider each bidder to be playing H with higher probabil-ity.Similarly,1H +2A means that the bidder has a lower probabil-ity of playing H ,compared to 2H +1A .Illustrative Example:Effectiveness of Bid Compensation The equilibrium conditions for a three-bidder game is numerically illustrated and shown in Table 1,where P is arbitrarily assumed as 10%for numerical computation purposes and E varies to rep-resent different costs for higher efforts.The “*”in Table 1indi-cates that the zero compensation is the best strategy;i.e.,bid compensation is ineffective in terms of stimulating extra effort.According to the numerical results,Table 1shows that bid com-pensation can promote higher effort only when E is within the range of P /3ϽE ϽP /2,where zero compensation is not neces-sarily the best strategy.The question is that whether it is benefi-cial to the owner by incurring the cost of bid compensation when P /3ϽE ϽP /2.The answer to this question lies in the concept and definition of the mix strategy Nash equilibrium,2H +1A ,as explained previously.Since 2H +1A indicates that each bidderwill play H with significantly higher probability,2H +1A may already be good enough,knowing that we only need one bidder out of three to actually play H .We shall elaborate on this concept later in a more general setting.As a result,if the 2H +1A equilib-rium is good enough,the use of bid compensation in a three-bidder game will not be recommended.Four-Bidder Game and n-Bidder GameNash Equilibrium of Four-Bidder GameThe equilibrium of the four-bidder procurement can also be ob-tained.As the number of bidders increases,the number of poten-tial equilibria increases as well.Due to the length limitation,we shall only show the major equilibria and their conditions,which are derived following the same technique applied previously.The condition for pure strategy equilibrium 4H ,is4E −P ϽS Ͻ3P −4E͑9͒The condition for another pure strategy equilibrium,4A ,isS Ͼ3P −4E͑10͒Other potential equilibria are mainly mixed strategies,such as 3H +1A ,2H +2A ,and 1H +3A ,where the numeric number asso-ciated with H or A represents the number of bidders with effort H or A in a equilibrium.The condition for the 3H +1A equilibrium is3E −P ϽS Ͻmin ͓4E −P ,3P −4E ͔͑11͒For the 2H +2A equilibrium the condition is6E −3P ϽS Ͻmin ͓3E −P ,3P −4E ͔͑12͒The condition for the 1H +3A equilibrium isS Ͻmin ͓6E −3P ,3P −4E ͔͑13͒Illustrative Example of Four-Bidder GameTable 2numerically illustrates the impacts of bid compensation on the four-bidder procurement under different relative magni-tudes of E .When E is very small,bid compensation is not needed for promoting effort H .However,when E grows gradually,bid compensation becomes more effective.As E grows to a larger magnitude,greater than P /2,the 4H equilibrium would become impossible,no matter how large S is.In fact,if S is too large,bidders will be encouraged to take effort A .When E is extremely large,e.g.,E Ͼ0.6P ,the best strategy is to set S =0.The “*”in Table 2also indicates the cases that bid compensation is ineffec-Table pensation Impacts on a Three-Bidder GameEquilibriumE ;P =10%3H 2H +1A 1H +2A 3A E ϽP /3e.g.,E =2%S Ͻ14%*N/A N/N 14%ϽS P /3ϽE ϽP /2e.g.,E =4%2%ϽS Ͻ8%S Ͻ2%N/A 8%ϽS P /2ϽE Ͻ͑2/3͒P e.g.,E =5.5%N/AN/AS Ͻ3.5%*3.5%ϽS͑2/3͒P ϽEe.g.,E =7%N/A N/A N/A Always*Note:*denotes that zero compensation is the best strategy;and N/A =the respective equilibrium does not exist.D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .tive.To conclude,in a four-bidder procurement,bid compensation is not effective when E is relatively small or large.Again,similar to the three-bidder game,when bid compensation becomes more effective,it does not mean that offering bid compensation is the best strategy,since more variables need to be considered.Further analysis shall be performed later.Nash Equilibrium of n -Bidder GameIt is desirable to generalize our model to the n -bidder game,al-though only very limited qualified bidders will be involved in most design–build or BOT procurements,since for other project delivery methods it is possible to have many bidders.Interested readers can follow the numerical illustrations for three-and four-bidder games to obtain the numerical solutions of n -bidder game.Here,only analytical equilibrium solutions will be solved.For “nA ”to be the Nash equilibrium,we must have P −E ϽS /n +P /n for bidder A not to deviate.In other words,condition (14)must be satisfiedS Ͼ͑n −1͒P −nE͑14͒Note that condition (14)can be rewritten as S Ͼn ͑P −E ͒−P ,which implies that it is not likely for nA to be the Nash equilib-rium when there are many bidders,unless E is very close to or larger than P .Similar to previous analysis,for “nH ”to be the equilibrium,we must have S /n +P /n −E Ͼ0for stability requirement,and condition (15)for excluding the possibility of cheap talk or nA equilibrium.The condition for the nH equilibrium can be reorga-nized as condition (16).S Ͻ͑n −1͒P −nE ͑15͒nE −P ϽS Ͻ͑n −1͒P −nE͑16͒Note that if E ϽP /n ,condition (16)will always be satisfied and nH will be a unique equilibrium even when S =0.In other words,nH will not be the Nash equilibrium when there are many bidders,unless E is extremely small,i.e.,E ϽP /n .For “aH +͑n −a ͒A ,where 2Ͻa Ͻn ”to be the equilibrium so-lution,we must have S /a +P /a −E Ͼ0for bidder H not to devi-ate,S /͑a +1͒+P /͑a +1͒−E Ͻ0for bidder A not to deviate,and condition (15).These requirements can be rewritten asaE −P ϽS Ͻmin ͓͑a +1͒E −P ,͑n −1͒P −nE ͔͑17͒Similarly,for “2H +͑n −2͒A ,”the stability requirements for bidder H and A are S /͑n −1͒ϽS /2+P /2−E and S /3+P /3−E Ͻ0,re-spectively,and thus the equilibrium condition can be written as ͓͑n −1͒/͑n −3͔͒͑2E −P ͒ϽS Ͻmin ͓3E −P ,͑n −1͒P −nE ͔͑18͒For the “1H +͑n −1͒A ”equilibrium,we must haveS Ͻmin ͕͓͑n −1͒/͑n −3͔͒͑2E −P ͒,͑n −1͒P −nE ͖͑19͒An interesting question is:“What conditions would warrant that the only possible equilibrium of the game is either “1H +͑n −1͒A ”or nA ,no matter how large S is?”A logical response to the question is:when equilibria “aH +͑n −a ͒A ,where a Ͼ2”and equilibrium 2H +͑n −2͒A are not possible solutions.Thus,a suf-ficient condition here is that for any S Ͼ͓͑n −1͒/͑n −3͔͒͑2E −P ͒,the “S Ͻ͑n −1͒P −nE ”is not satisfied.This can be guaranteed if we have͑n −1͒P −nE Ͻ͓͑n −1͒/͑n −3͔͒͑2E −P ͒→E Ͼ͓͑n −1͒/͑n +1͔͒P͑20͒Conditions (19)and (20)show that when E is greater than ͓͑n −1͒/͑n +1͔͒P ,the only possible equilibrium of the game is either 1H +͑n −1͒A or nA ,no matter how large S is.Two important practical implications can be drawn from this finding.First,when n is small in a design–build contract,it is not unusual that E will be greater than ͓͑n −1͒/͑n +1͔͒P ,and in that case,bid compensa-tion cannot help to promote higher effort.For example,for a three-bidder procurement,bid compensation will not be effective when E is greater than ͑2/4͒P .Second,when the number of bidders increases,bid compensation will become more effective since it will be more unlikely that E is greater than ͓͑n −1͒/͑n +1͔͒P .The two implications confirm the previous analyses of two-,three-,and four-bidder game.After the game equilibria and the effective range of bid compensation have been solved,the next important task is to develop the bid compensation strategy with respect to various procurement situations.Table pensation Impacts on a Four-Bidder GameEquilibriumE ;P =10%4H 3H +1A 2H +2A 1H +3A 4A E ϽP /4e.g.,E =2%S Ͻ22%*N/A N/A N/A S Ͼ22%P /4ϽE ϽP /3e.g.,E =3%2%ϽS Ͻ18%S Ͻ2%N/A N/A S Ͼ18%P /3ϽE ϽP /2e.g.,E =4%6%ϽS Ͻ14%2%ϽS Ͻ6%S Ͻ2%N/A S Ͼ14%P /2ϽE Ͻ͑3/5͒P e.g.,E =5.5%N/A 6.5%ϽS Ͻ8%3%ϽS Ͻ6.5%S Ͻ3%S Ͼ8%͑3/5͒P ϽE Ͻ͑3/4͒P e.g.,E =6.5%N/AN/AN/AS Ͻ4%*S Ͼ4%͑3/4͒P ϽEe.g.,E =8%N/A N/A N/A N/AAlways*Note:*denotes that zero compensation is the best strategy;and N/A=respective equilibrium does not exist.D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .。

_毕业设计外文文献及翻译_Graduation Thesis Foreign Literature Review and Chinese Translation1. Title: "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society"Abstract:人工智能对社会的影响摘要:人工智能技术的快速发展引发了关于其对社会影响的讨论。
2. Title: "The Future of Work: Automation and Job Displacement"Abstract:With the rise of automation technologies, there is growing concern about the potential displacement of workers in various industries. This paper examines the trends in automation and its impact on jobs, as well as the implications for workforce development and retraining programs. The ethical and social implications of automation are also discussed, along with potential strategies for mitigating job displacement effects.工作的未来:自动化和失业摘要:随着自动化技术的兴起,人们越来越担心各行业工人可能被替代的问题。

目录介绍: (1)1实验性 (2)1.1污水和活性污泥 (2)1.2实验性设定和过程 (3)1.3测试和监视抽样采取从混杂的醇中过滤 (4)2.结果 (5)2.1泥浆化颗粒化 (5)2.2 EGSB操作流出物的稳定酸碱度 (6)3 .TPD污水的理论演算和讨论 (7)3.1酸平衡和中间转换能力酸碱度 (7)3..2VFA在厌氧过程用二种主要方式的二个主要小组细菌介入降低有机基体 (8)3..3VFA和强碱性平衡强碱性的典型的变异 (8)4.结论 (9)命名原则 (10)参考文献 (10)Introduction (12)1Experimental (14)2 Results (16)3 Theoretical calculation and discussions (19)4 Conclusions (22)recomference: (23)稳定性的膨胀的颗粒状污泥床对涤纶人造丝印染废水的处理摘要涤纶人造丝印染污水(TPD污水),包含平均7.0mg/L对苯二甲酸(技术援助)作为主要碳来源和特性污染物,从属于膨胀的颗粒状污泥床(EGSB)过程。
废水的 TA 的高集中造成充份的缓冲能力使中立脂肪酸 (VFA) 从培养基降格产生而且提供了没有空气而能生活强的系统挥发性基础抵抗 pH 减少到低于6.5 。
关键词:膨胀的颗粒状泥床;稳定;绝氧处理;印染污水介绍:为了获得柔韧的和优雅的如丝一样涤纶结构、涤纶本色布总是同碱分解过程被预先处理, NaOH以某一温度和压力涤纶纤维被水解在某种程度上。


外文原文:The Analysis of Cavitation Problems in the Axial Piston Pumpshu WangEaton Corporation,14615 Lone Oak Road,Eden Prairie, MN 55344This paper discusses and analyzes the control volume of a piston bore constrained by the valve plate in axial piston pumps. The vacuum within the piston bore caused by the rise volume needs to be compensated by the flow; otherwise, the low pressure may cause the cavitations and aerations. In the research, the valve plate geometry can be optimized by some analytical limitations to prevent the piston pressure below the vapor pressure. The limitations provide the design guide of the timings and overlap areas between valve plate ports and barrel kidneys to consider the cavitations and aerations. _DOI: 10.1115/1.4002058_Keywords: cavitation , optimization, valve plate, pressure undershoots1 IntroductionIn hydrostatic machines, cavitations mean that cavities or bubbles form in the hydraulic liquid at the low pressure and collapse at the high pressure region, which causes noise, vibration, and less efficiency.Cavitations are undesirable in the pump since the shock waves formed by collapsed may be strong enough to damage components. The hydraulic fluid will vaporize when its pressure becomes too low or when the temperature is too high. In practice, a number of approaches are mostly used to deal with the problems: (1) raise the liquid level in the tank, (2) pressurize the tank, (3) booster the inlet pressure of the pump, (4) lower the pumping fluid temperature, and (5) design deliberately the pump itself.Many research efforts have been made on cavitation phenomena in hydraulic machine designs. The cavitation is classified into two types in piston pumps: trapping phenomenon related one (which can be preventedby the proper design of the valve plate) and the one observed on the layers after the contraction or enlargement of flow passages (caused by rotating group designs) in Ref. (1). The relationship between the cavitation and the measured cylinder pressure is addressed in this study. Edge and Darling (2) reported an experimental study of the cylinder pressure within an axial piston pump. The inclusion of fluid momentum effects and cavitations within the cylinder bore are predicted at both high speed and high load conditions. Another study in Ref. (3) provides an overview of hydraulic fluid impacting on the inlet condition and cavitation potential. It indicates that physical properties (such as vapor pressure, viscosity, density, and bulk modulus) are vital to properly evaluate the effects on lubrication and cavitation. A homogeneous cavitation model based on the thermodynamic properties of the liquid and steam is used to understand the basic physical phenomena of mass flow reduction and wave motion influences in the hydraulic tools and injection systems (4). Dular et al. (5, 6) developed an expert system for monitoring and control of cavitations in hydraulic machines and investigated the possibility of cavitation erosion by using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools. The erosion effects of cavitations have been measured and validated by a simple single hydrofoil configuration in a cavitation tunnel. It is assumed that the severe erosion is often due to the repeated collapse of the traveling vortex generated by a leading edge cavity in Ref. (7). Then, the cavitation erosion intensity may be scaled by a simple set of flow parameters: the upstream velocity, the Strouhal number, the cavity length, and the pressure. A new cavitation erosion device, called vortex cavitation generator, is introduced to comparatively study various erosion situations (8).More previous research has been concentrated on the valve plate designs, piston, and pump pressure dynamics that can be associated with cavitations in axial piston pumps. The control volume approach and instantaneous flows (leakage) are profoundly studied in Ref. [9]. Berta et al. [10] used the finite volume concept to develop a mathematical model in which the effects of port plate relief grooves have been modeled andthe gaseous cavitation is considered in a simplified manner. An improved model is proposed in Ref. [11] and validated by experimental results. The model may analyze the cylinder pressure and flow ripples influenced by port plate and relief groove design. Manring compared principal advantages of various valve plate slots (i.e., the slots with constant, linearly varying, and quadratic varying areas) in axial piston pumps [12]. Four different numerical models are focused on the characteristics of hydraulic fluid, and cavitations are taken into account in different ways to assist the reduction in flow oscillations [13].The experiences of piston pump developments show that the optimization of the cavitations/aerations shall include the following issues: occurring cavitation and air release, pump acoustics caused by the induced noises, maximal amplitudes of pressure fluctuations, rotational torque progression, etc. However, the aim of this study is to modify the valve plate design to prevent cavitation erosions caused by collapsing steam or air bubbles on the walls of axial pump components. In contrastto literature studies, the research focuses on the development of analytical relationship between the valve plate geometrics and cavitations. The optimization method is applied to analyze the pressure undershoots compared with the saturated vapor pressure within the piston bore.The appropriate design of instantaneous flow areas between the valveplate and barrel kidney can be decided consequently.2 The Axial Piston Pump and Valve PlateThe typical schematic of the design of the axis piston pump is shown in Fig. 1. The shaft offset e is designed in this case to generate stroking containment moments for reducing cost purposes.The variation between the pivot center of the slipper and swash rotating center is shown as a. The swash angle αis the variable that determines the amount of fluid pumped per shaft revolution. In Fig. 1, the n th piston-slipper assembly is located at the angle ofθ. The displacement of the n thnpiston-slipper assembly along the x-axis can be written asx n= R tan(α)sin(θ)+ a sec(α)+ e tan(α) (1)nwhere R is the pitch radius of the rotating group.Then, the instantaneous velocity of the n th piston isx˙n = R 2sec ()αsin (n θ)α+ R tan (α)cos (n θ)ω+ R 2sec ()αsin (α)α + e 2sec ()αα (2)where the shaft rotating speed of the pump is ω=d n θ / dt .The valve plate is the most significant device to constraint flow inpiston pumps. The geometry of intake/discharge ports on the valve plateand its instantaneous relative positions with respect to barrel kidneys areusually referred to the valve plate timing. The ports of the valve plateoverlap with each barrel kidneys to construct a flow area or passage,which confines the fluid dynamics of the pump. In Fig. 2, the timingangles of the discharge and intake ports on the valve plate are listed as(,)T i d δ and (,)B i d δ. The opening angle of the barrel kidney is referred to asϕ. In some designs, there exists a simultaneous overlap between thebarrel kidney and intake/discharge slots at the locations of the top deadcenter (TDC) or bottom dead center (BDC) on the valve plate on whichthe overlap area appears together referred to as “cross -porting” in thepump design engineering. The cross-porting communicates the dischargeand intake ports, which may usually lower the volumetric efficiency. Thetrapped-volume design is compared with the design of the cross-porting,and it can achieve better efficiency 14]. However, the cross-porting isFig. 1 The typical axis piston pumpcommonly used to benefit the noise issue and pump stability in practice.3 The Control Volume of a Piston BoreIn the piston pump, the fluid within one piston is embraced by the piston bore, cylinder barrel, slipper, valve plate, and swash plate shown in Fig. 3. There exist some types of slip flow by virtue of relativeFig. 2 Timing of the valve platemotions and clearances between thos e components. Within the control volume of each piston bore, the instantaneous mass is calculated asM= n V(3)nwhere ρ and n V are the instantaneous density and volumesuch that themass time rate of change can be given asFig. 3 The control volume of the piston boren n n dM dV d V dt dt dtρρ=+ (4) where d n V is the varying of the volume.Based on the conservation equation, the mass rate in the control volume isn n dM q dtρ= (5)where n q is the instantaneous flow rate in and out of one piston. From the definition of the bulk modulus,n dP d dt dtρρβ= (6) where Pn is the instantaneous pressure within the piston bore. Substituting Eqs. (5) and (6) into Eq. (4) yields(?)n n n n n ndP q dV d V w d βθθ=- (7) where the shaft speed of the pump is n d dtθω=. The instantaneous volume of one piston bore can be calculated by using Eq. (1) asn V = 0V + P A [R tan (α)sin (n θ)+ a sec (α) + e tan(α) ] (8)where P A is the piston sectional area and 0V is the volume of eachpiston, which has zero displacement along the x-axis (when n θ=0, π).The volume rate of change can be calculated at the certain swash angle, i.e., α =0, such thattan cos n p n ndV A R d αθθ=()() (9) in which it is noted that the piston bore volume increases or decreaseswith respect to the rotating angle of n θ.Substituting Eqs. (8) and (9) into Eq. (7) yields0[tan()cos()] [tan sin sec tan() ]n P n n n p n q A R dP d V A R a e βαθωθαθαα-=-++()()()(10)4 Optimal DesignsTo find the extrema of pressure overshoots and undershoots in the control volume of piston bores, the optimization method can be used in Eq. (10). In a nonlinear function, reaching global maxima and minima is usually the goal of optimization. If the function is continuous on a closed interval, global maxima and minima exist. Furthermore, the global maximum (or minimum) either must be a local maximum (or minimum) in the interior of the domain or must lie on the boundary of the domain. So, the method of finding a global maximum (or minimum) is to detect all the local maxima (or minima) in the interior, evaluate the maxima (or minima) points on the boundary, and select the biggest (or smallest) one. Local maximum or local minimum can be searched by using the first derivative test that the potential extrema of a function f( · ), with derivative ()f ', can solve the equation at the critical points of ()f '=0 [15].The pressure of control volumes in the piston bore may be found as either a minimum or maximum value as dP/ dt=0. Thus, letting the left side of Eq. (10) be equal to zero yieldstan()cos()0n p n q A R ωαθ-= (11)In a piston bore, the quantity of n q offsets the volume varying and thendecreases the overshoots and undershoots of the piston pressure. In this study, the most interesting are undershoots of the pressure, which may fall below the vapor pressure or gas desorption pressure to cause cavitations. The term oftan()cos()p n A R ωαθ in Eq. (11) has the positive value in the range of intake ports (22ππθ-≤≤), shown in Fig. 2, which means that the piston volume arises. Therefore, the piston needs the sufficient flow in; otherwise, the pressure may drop.In the piston, the flow of n q may get through in a few scenariosshown in Fig. 3: (I) the clearance between the valve plate and cylinder barrel, (II) the clearance between the cylinder bore and piston, (III) the clearance between the piston and slipper, (IV) the clearance between the slipper and swash plate, and (V) the overlapping area between the barrel kidney and valve plate ports. As pumps operate stably, the flows in the as laminar flows, which can be calculated as [16]312IV k k Ln i I k h q p L ωμ==∑ (12)where k h is the height of the clearance, k L is the passage length,scenarios I –IV mostly have low Reynolds numbers and can be regarded k ω is the width of the clearance (note that in the scenario II, k ω =2π· r, in which r is the piston radius), and p is the pressure drop defined in the intake ports as p =c p -n p (13)where c p is the case pressure of the pump. The fluid films through theabove clearances were extensively investigated in previous research. The effects of the main related dimensions of pump and the operating conditions on the film are numerically clarified inRefs. [17,18]. The dynamic behavior of slipper pads and the clearance between the slipper and swash plate can be referred to Refs. [19,20]. Manring et al. [21,22] investigated the flow rate and load carrying capacity of the slipper bearing in theoretical and experimental methods under different deformation conditions. A simulation tool calledCASPAR is used to estimate the nonisothermal gap flow between the cylinder barrel and the valve plate by Huang and Ivantysynova [23]. The simulation program also considers the surface deformations to predict gap heights, frictions, etc., between the piston and barrel andbetween the swash plate and slipper. All these clearance geometrics in Eq.(12) are nonlinear and operation based, which is a complicated issue. In this study, the experimental measurements of the gap flows are preferred. If it is not possible, the worst cases of the geometrics or tolerances with empirical adjustments may be used to consider the cavitation issue, i.e., minimum gap flows.For scenario V, the flow is mostly in high velocity and can be described by using the turbulent orifice equation as((Tn d i d d q c A c A θθ= (14)where Pi and Pd are the intake and discharge pressure of the pump and ()i A θ and ()d A θ are the instantaneous overlap area between barrel kidneys and inlet/discharge ports of the valve plate individually.The areas are nonlinear functions of the rotating angle, which is defined by the geometrics of the barrel kidney, valve plate ports,silencing grooves, decompression holes, and so forth. Combining Eqs.(11) –(14), the area can be obtained as3()K IV A θ==(15)where ()A θ is the total overlap area of ()A θ=()()i d A A θλθ+, and λ is defined as=In the piston bore, the pressure varies from low tohigh while passing over the intake and discharge ports of the valve plates. It is possible that the instantaneous pressure achieves extremely low values during the intake area( 22ππθ-≤≤ shown in Fig. 2) that may be located below the vapor pressure vp p , i.e., n vp p p ≤;then cavitations canhappen. To prevent the phenomena, the total overlap area of ()A θ mightbe designed to be satisfied with30()K IV A θ=≥(16)where 0()A θ is the minimum area of 0()A θ=0()()i d A A θλθ+ and 0λis a constant that is0λ=gaseous form. The vapor pressure of any substance increases nonlinearly with temperature according to the Clausius –Clapeyron relation. With the incremental increase in temperature, the vapor pressure becomes sufficient to overcome particle attraction and make the liquid form bubbles inside the substance. For pure components, the vapor pressure can be determined by the temperature using the Antoine equation as /()10A B C T --, where T is the temperature, and A, B, and C are constants[24].As a piston traverse the intake port, the pressure varies dependent on the cosine function in Eq. (10). It is noted that there are some typical positions of the piston with respect to the intake port, the beginning and ending of overlap, i.e., TDC and BDC (/2,/2θππ=- ) and the zero displacement position (θ =0). The two situations will be discussed as follows:(1) When /2,/2θππ=-, it is not always necessary to maintain the overlap area of 0()A θ because slip flows may provide filling up for the vacuum. From Eq. (16), letting 0()A θ=0,the timing angles at the TDC and BDC may be designed as31cos ()tan()122IV c vpk k i I P k p p h A r L ωϕδωαμ--≤+∑ (17) in which the open angle of the barrel kidney is . There is nocross-porting flow with the timing in the intake port.(2) When θ =0, the function of cos θ has the maximum value, which can provide another limitation of the overlap area to prevent the low pressure undershoots suchthat 30(0)K IVA =≥ (18)where 0(0)A is the minimum overlap area of 0(0)(0)i A A =.To prevent the low piston pressure building bubbles, the vaporpressure is considered as the lower limitation for the pressure settings in Eq. (16). The overall of overlap areas then can be derived to have adesign limitation. The limitation is determined by the leakage conditions, vapor pressure, rotating speed, etc. It indicates that the higher the pumping speed, the more severe cavitation may happen, and then the designs need more overlap area to let flow in the piston bore. On the other side, the low vapor pressure of the hydraulic fluid is preferred to reduce the opportunities to reach the cavitation conditions. As a result, only the vapor pressure of the pure fluid is considered in Eqs. (16)–(18). In fact, air release starts in the higher pressure than the pure cavitation process mainly in turbulent shear layers, which occur in scenario V.Therefore, the vapor pressure might be adjusted to design the overlap area by Eq. (16) if there exists substantial trapped and dissolved air in the fluid.The laminar leakages through the clearances aforementioned are a tradeoff in the design. It is demonstrated that the more leakage from the pump case to piston may relieve cavitation problems.However, the more leakage may degrade the pump efficiency in the discharge ports. In some design cases, the maximum timing angles can be determined by Eq. (17)to not have both simultaneous overlapping and highly low pressure at the TDC and BDC.While the piston rotates to have the zero displacement, the minimum overlap area can be determined by Eq. 18 , which may assist the piston not to have the large pressure undershoots during flow intake.6 ConclusionsThe valve plate design is a critical issue in addressing the cavitation or aeration phenomena in the piston pump. This study uses the control volume method to analyze the flow, pressure, and leakages within one piston bore related to the valve plate timings. If the overlap area developed by barrel kidneys and valve plate ports is not properly designed, no sufficient flow replenishes the rise volume by the rotating movement. Therefore, the piston pressure may drop below the saturated vapor pressure of the liquid and air ingress to form the vapor bubbles. To control the damaging cavitations, the optimization approach is used to detect the lowest pressure constricted by valve plate timings. The analytical limitation of the overlap area needs to be satisfied to remain the pressure to not have large undershoots so that the system can be largely enhanced on cavitation/aeration issues.In this study, the dynamics of the piston control volume is developed by using several assumptions such as constant discharge coefficients and laminar leakages. The discharge coefficient is practically nonlinear based on the geometrics, flow number, etc. Leakage clearances of the control volume may not keep the constant height and width as well in practice due to vibrations and dynamical ripples. All these issues are complicated and very empirical and need further consideration in the future. Theresults presented in this paper can be more accurate in estimating the cavitations with these extensive studies.Nomenclature0(),()A A θθ= the total overlap area between valve plate ports and barrel kidneys 2()mmAp = piston section area 2()mmA, B, C= constantsA= offset between the piston-slipper joint and surface of the swash plate 2()mmd C = orifice discharge coefficiente= offset between the swash plate pivot and the shaft centerline of the pump 2()mmk h = the height of the clearance 2()mmk L = the passage length of the clearance 2()mmM= mass of the fluid within a single piston (kg)N= number of pistonsn = piston and slipper counter,p p = fluid pressure and pressure drop (bar)Pc= the case pressure of the pump (bar)Pd= pump discharge pressure (bar)Pi = pump intake pressure (bar)Pn = fluid pressure within the nth piston bore (bar)Pvp = the vapor pressure of the hydraulic fluid(bar)qn, qLn, qTn = the instantaneous flow rate of each piston(l/min)R = piston pitch radius 2()mmr = piston radius (mm)t =time (s)V = volume 3()mmwk = the width of the clearance (mm)x ,x ˙= piston displacement and velocity along the shaft axis (m, m/s) x y z --=Cartesian coordinates with an origin on the shaft centerline x y z '''--= Cartesian coordinates with an origin on swash plate pivot ,αα=swash plate angle and velocity (rad, rad/s)β= fluid bulk modulus (bar)δδ= timing angle of valve plates at the BDC and TDC (rad),B Tϕ= the open angle of the barrel kidney(rad)ρ= fluid density(kg/m3),θω= angular position and velocity of the rotating kit (rad, rad/s)μ=absolute viscosity(Cp),λλ= coefficients related to the pressure drop外文中文翻译:在轴向柱塞泵气蚀问题的分析本论文讨论和分析了一个柱塞孔与配流盘限制在轴向柱塞泵的控制量设计。

英文原文名ADV ANCED WEIGHINGTECHNOLOGY中文译名现代称重技术现代称重技术第一章秤的功能与结构1.1 基本结构和称重原理两种不同类型的机械秤示于图1.1.那么,秤的基本结构和称重原理方面的共同特征是什么呢?对于图1。
对于图 1.1(b)所示弹簧秤,由弹簧伸长而产生的恢复力,应被视为反作用力或抗力。
(a)天平或者杠杆秤(b)弹簧秤图1.1 机械秤的两种类型当我们检查任何一种机械秤时,会注意到它们通常都具有以上结构。
2 电秤和电子称系统的构成机械秤是指包括显示功能在内的所有功能都能通过机械手段实现的一种秤,而电秤和电子称具有一个能将反力部分产生的变化转换成电量的传感器,还具有一个能处理电量信号以获得测量值的信号处理装置。

DATA WAREHOUSEData warehousing provides architectures and tools for business executives to systematically organize, understand, and use their data to make strategic decisions. A large number of organizations have found that data warehouse systems are valuable tools in today's competitive, fast evolving world. In the last several years, many firms have spent millions of dollars in building enterprise-wide data warehouses. Many people feel that with competition mounting in every industry, data warehousing is the latest must-have marketing weapon —— a way to keep customers by learning more about their needs.“So", you may ask, full of intrigue, “what exactly is a data warehouse?"Data warehouses have been defined in many ways, making it difficult to formulate a rigorous definition. Loosely speaking, a data warehouse refers to a database that is maintained separately from an organization's operational databases. Data warehouse systems allow for the integration of a variety of application systems. They support information processing by providing a solid platform of consolidated, historical data for analysis.According to W. H. Inmon, a leading architect in the construction of data warehouse systems, “a data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process." This short, but comprehensive definition presents the major features of a data warehouse. The four keywords, subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile, distinguish data warehouses from other data repository systems, such as relational database systems, transaction processing systems, and file systems. Let's take a closer look at each of these key features.(1)Subject-oriented: A data warehouse is organized around major subjects, such as customer, vendor, product, and sales. Rather than concentrating on the day-to-day operations and transaction processing of an organization, a data warehouse focuses on the modeling and analysis of data for decision makers. Hence, data warehouses typically provide a simple and concise view around particular subject issues by excluding data that are not useful in the decision support process.(2)Integrated: A data warehouse is usually constructed by integrating multiple heterogeneous sources, such as relational databases, flat files, and on-line transaction records. Data cleaning and data integration techniques are applied to ensure consistency in naming conventions, encoding structures, attribute measures, and so on..(3)Time-variant: Data are stored to provide information from a historical perspective (e.g., the past 5-10 years). Every key structure in the data warehouse contains, either implicitly or explicitly, an element of time.(4)Nonvolatile: A data warehouse is always a physically separate store of data transformed from the application data found in the operational environment. Due to this separation, a data warehouse does not require transaction processing, recovery, and concurrency control mechanisms. It usually requires only two operations in data accessing: initial loading of data and access of data..In sum, a data warehouse is a semantically consistent data store that serves as a physical implementation of a decision support data model and stores the information on which an enterprise needs to make strategic decisions. A data warehouse is also often viewed as an architecture, constructed by integrating data from multiple heterogeneous sources to support structured and/or ad hoc queries, analytical reporting, and decision making.“OK", you now ask, “what, then, is data warehousing?"Based on the above, we view data warehousing as the process of constructing and using data warehouses. The construction of a data warehouse requires data integration, data cleaning, and data consolidation. The utilization of a data warehouse often necessitates a collection of decision support technologies. This allows “knowledge workers" (e.g., managers, analysts, and executives) to use the warehouse to quickly and conveniently obtain an overview of the data, and to make sound decisionsbased on information in the warehouse. Some authors use the term “data warehousing" to refer only to the process of data warehouse construction, while the term warehouse DBMS is used to refer to the management and utilization of data warehouses. We will not make this distinction here.“How are organizations using the information from data warehouses?" Many organizations are using this information to support business decision making activities, including:(1) increasing customer focus, which includes the analysis of customer buying patterns (such as buying preference, buying time, budget cycles, and appetites for spending).(2) repositioning products and managing product portfolios by comparing the performance of sales by quarter, by year, and by geographic regions, in order to fine-tune production strategies.(3) analyzing operations and looking for sources of profit.(4) managing the customer relationships, making environmental corrections, and managing the cost of corporate assets.Data warehousing is also very useful from the point of view of heterogeneous database integration. Many organizations typically collect diverse kinds of data and maintain large databases from multiple, heterogeneous, autonomous, and distributed information sources. To integrate such data, and provide easy and efficient access to it is highly desirable, yet challenging. Much effort has been spent in the database industry and research community towards achieving this goal.The traditional database approach to heterogeneous database integration is to build wrappers and integrators (or mediators) on top of multiple, heterogeneous databases. A variety of data joiner and data blade products belong to this category. When a query is posed to a client site, a metadata dictionary is used to translate the query into queries appropriate for the individual heterogeneous sites involved. These queries are then mapped and sent to local query processors. The results returned from the different sites are integrated into a global answer set. This query-driven approach requires complex information filtering and integration processes, and competes for resources with processing at local sources. It is inefficient and potentially expensive for frequent queries, especially for queries requiring aggregations.Data warehousing provides an interesting alternative to the traditional approach of heterogeneous database integration described above. Rather than using a query-driven approach, data warehousing employs an update-driven approach in which information from multiple, heterogeneous sources is integrated in advance and stored in a warehouse for direct querying and analysis. Unlike on-line transaction processing databases, data warehouses do not contain the most current information. However, a data warehouse brings high performance to the integrated heterogeneous database system since data are copied, preprocessed, integrated, annotated, summarized, and restructured into one semantic data store. Furthermore, query processing in data warehouses does not interfere with the processing at local sources. Moreover, data warehouses can store and integrate historical information and support complex multidimensional queries. As a result, data warehousing has become very popular in industry.1.Differences between operational database systems and data warehousesSince most people are familiar with commercial relational database systems, it is easy to understand what a data warehouse is by comparing these two kinds of systems.The major task of on-line operational database systems is to perform on-line transaction and query processing. These systems are called on-line transaction processing (OLTP) systems. They cover most of the day-to-day operations of an organization, such as, purchasing, inventory, manufacturing, banking, payroll, registration, and accounting. Data warehouse systems, on the other hand, serve users or “knowledge workers" in the role of data analysis and decision making. Such systems can organize and present data in various formats in order to accommodate the diverse needs of the different users. These systems are known as on-line analytical processing (OLAP) systems.The major distinguishing features between OLTP and OLAP are summarized as follows.(1)Users and system orientation: An OLTP system is customer-oriented and is used for transaction and query processing by clerks, clients, and information technology professionals. An OLAP system is market-oriented and is used for data analysis by knowledge workers, including managers, executives, and analysts.(2)Data contents: An OLTP system manages current data that, typically, are too detailed to be easily used for decision making. An OLAP system manages large amounts of historical data, provides facilities for summarization and aggregation, and stores and manages information at different levels of granularity. These features make the data easier for use in informed decision making.(3)Database design: An OLTP system usually adopts an entity-relationship (ER) data model and an application -oriented database design. An OLAP system typically adopts either a star or snowflake model, and a subject-oriented database design.(4)View: An OLTP system focuses mainly on the current data within an enterprise or department, without referring to historical data or data in different organizations. In contrast, an OLAP system often spans multiple versions of a database schema, due to the evolutionary process of an organization. OLAP systems also deal with information that originates from different organizations, integrating information from many data stores. Because of their huge volume, OLAP data are stored on multiple storage media.(5). Access patterns: The access patterns of an OLTP system consist mainly of short, atomic transactions. Such a system requires concurrency control and recovery mechanisms. However, accesses to OLAP systems are mostly read-only operations (since most data warehouses store historical rather than up-to-date information), although many could be complex queries.Other features which distinguish between OLTP and OLAP systems include database size, frequency of operations, and performance metrics and so on.2.But, why have a separate data warehouse?“Since operational databases store huge amounts of data", you observe, “why not perform on-line analytical processing directly on such databases instead of spending additional time and resources to construct a separate data warehouse?"A major reason for such a separation is to help promote the high performance of both systems. An operational database is designed and tuned from known tasks and workloads, such as indexing and hashing using primary keys, searching for particular records, and optimizing “canned" queries. On the other hand, data warehouse queries are often complex. They involve the computation of large groups of data at summarized levels, and may require the use of special data organization, access, and implementation methods based on multidimensional views. Processing OLAP queries in operational databases would substantially degrade the performance of operational tasks.Moreover, an operational database supports the concurrent processing of several transactions. Concurrency control and recovery mechanisms, such as locking and logging, are required to ensure the consistency and robustness of transactions. An OLAP query often needs read-only access of data records for summarization and aggregation. Concurrency control and recovery mechanisms, if applied for such OLAP operations, may jeopardize the execution of concurrent transactions and thus substantially reduce the throughput of an OLTP system.Finally, the separation of operational databases from data warehouses is based on the different structures, contents, and uses of the data in these two systems. Decision support requires historical data, whereas operational databases do not typically maintain historical data. In this context, the data in operational databases, though abundant, is usually far from complete for decision making. Decision support requires consolidation (such as aggregation and summarization) of data from heterogeneous sources, resulting in high quality, cleansed and integrated data. In contrast, operational databases contain only detailed raw data, such as transactions, which need to be consolidated before analysis. Since the two systems provide quite different functionalities and require different kinds of data, it is necessary to maintain separate databases.数据仓库数据仓库为商务运作提供了组织结构和工具,以便系统地组织、理解和使用数据进行决策。
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毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:电子工程学院专业级:电子信息工程D电子091学生姓名:环洲书院学号:510920138指导教师:韩晓春(高级实验师)2008International Conference on 外文出处:MultiMedia and Information Technology 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文; 2.外文原文指导教师评语:签名:年月日图像采集技术与AVR单片机摘要图像采集系统在各种数字图像应用系统中是不可或缺的部分。
然后,它被用来从LCD 上实时显示C3088和获取图像的采集状态。
它必须通过写寄存器0x11降低时钟频率PCLK,设置低5位的寄存器在“1”可以减少PCLK 至69.25千赫,可以适合单片机处理较低的速度。
由于CMOS 光传感器单元具有三种颜色不同的响应灵敏度,响应是非线性的。
Image Acquisition Technology with AVR Single Chip MicrocomputerXiao ChenDepartment of Electronic Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Information Science and TechnologyNanjing210044,Chinarainofsun@Abstract—The image acquisition system is one of indispensable parts in various kinds of digital image application system.In this article,we developed a sort of video camera compact image acquisition and processing system based on AVR single chip microcomputer.The system utilises AVR single chip microcomputer ATmega16with low power consumption and high performance as the data processing main control unit.Firstly,it completes the initialisation of CMOS light-receiving camera module C3088through I2C interface.Then it is used to acquire image from C3088and the acquisition states are displayed on LCD real time.Finally,the single chip microcomputer utilises serial communication interface to send data to the computer, which displays the image after data processing.The hardware circuit and the software programs of the system are designed.Keywords-Image acquisition;single chip microcomputer;AVR;serial communication; video surveillanceI.INTRODUCTIONWith the progress of society and the development of science,technology and economy,the demands for more security in working and living environment has been advocated by both organizations and individuals,which puts forward new requirements for anti-theft measures.As an effective means of security protection, video monitoring plays an important role in fields of public security,etc.,and has drawn increasing and extensive attentions[1-4].At present,Video supervision and control has entered into all domains,and we can see its applications almost everyday. The image acquisition system is one of indispensable parts in various kinds of digital image application system.AVR single chip microcomputer is the integrated chip based on programmable GSI and computer technology[5-9].Its quick data acquisition and processing function and various function modules integrated in the chip offer abundant conveniences for its applications in various paring with CCD,the CMOS image sensor could integrate the time sequence processing circuit,the front-end amplifier of image signals and digital part into one chip,so its development is highly emphasised by the industry all along.At present,with the development of technology and technique,the yawp of CMOS image sensor has been improved effectively and its resolving capability has been obviously enhanced.CMOS image sensor will be extensively applied in the video acquisition domain because of its cheap price,applied image quality,high integration degree and relatively little power consumption.Therefore,in this article,we develop the implementation program of video data acquisition systembased on A VR single chip microcomputer.The program drives the camera C3088[10] through single chip microcomputer ATmega16to obtain the original image data acquired by the camera,and implement data transmission and initialisation of camera through I2C interface protocol.This circuit has many advantages such as simple structure,convenient transfer and low CPU occupation rate,and it can reduce the total cost of the System.II.SYSTEM STRUCTUREIt can realize the digitalization and automatization of leveling to install the electric parts of data process in traditional optical acquisition system.The principles of data processing unit include quick data operation speed,abundant peripheral interfaces and low power consumption.According to these principles,we adopt AVR single chip microcomputer with high performance in the design,which can combine with the information acquired by the data acquisition apparatus CMOS image sensor in the front end,and its structure sketch is seen in Fig.1.The system adopt single chip microcomputer as the micro-controller to drive the camera through I2C bus,which mainly initializes some registers which composes the image sensor of the camera.When the initialization of camera is completed,the camera outputs three symbol signals including pixel clock,raw synchronous signal and vertical synchronous signal.The single chip microcomputer read the original data of image from the camera data bus through testing these three symbol signals and temporarily stores the data into the data memorizer in single chip microcomputer,and then transmit the data to the computer through serial communication.III.HARDWAREThe selection of apparatus in the implementation of hardware is very important for the performance of the whole system.We can select the single chip microcomputer with high cost performance and high speed,and we can also select the DSP with powerful function,quick speed,multiple interfaces and good stability as the core chip,and we can also select ARM microprocessor.As the video acquisition system,the image sensor speed used in the system can be controlled by the single chip microcomputer.When we first used51series ingle chip microcomputer in the design process,we found it couldn't fulfill the throughput of large data needed by the video acquisition.So we use ATmega16in the system which can fulfill the design requirement of the system.The single chip microcomputer of ATMEL Company is extensively applied in many domains such as industrial production control,intelligent instruments,data acquisition and home electric appliances.This kind of single chip microcomputer has the structure of RISC.Because of its advanced instruction set andsingle clock period instruction execution time,the performance of AVR single chip microcomputer can achieve16MIPS when it works in16MHz,which can reduce the conflict between power consumption and processing speed.The execution of one instruction only needs one clock cycle,and the speed is much quicker than traditional single chip microcomputer,so it can be competent for the control of A/D sampling under the condition of high speed.But when we use DSP,ARM or FPGA/CPLD,it will waste the resources and make the system become more complex,and the cost performance is not so reasonable.For the video capture equipments,whether CCD or CMOS all adopt the light-receiving component as the basic measure to capture images.The core of CCD/CMOS light receiving component is a light-receiving diode which can produce output current when receiving light irradiation.The intensity of the current is corresponding to the intensity of the irradiation.For the peripheral equipments,the light receiving component of CCD is different to the light receiving component of CMOS,and except for the light receiving diode.The light-receiving component of the former also includes one storage unit which is used to control the neighboring charge. The light-receiving diode occupies most areas,i.e.the effective light-receiving area of the CCD light-receiving component is bigger,and it can receive stronger light signal under same condition,and the corresponding output electric signals are more clear. Because the CMOS image sensor technology develops very quickly,every light-receiving component in CMOS sensor can directly integrate the amplifier and the analog-to-digital conversion logic.When the light-receiving diode receives light irradiation and produces analog electric signals,and the signals are amplified by the amplifier in the light receiving component firstly and then converted into corresponding digital signals.In another words,in the CMOS sensor,every light-receiving component can product final digital output.Because of high integration degree,small volume,convenient use and abundant image content effect captured,we adopt the camera C3088module composed by CMOS sensor(OV6620) as the acquisition equipment in the design.The default resolving capability of the camera is356*292,so it is very fit for the single chip microcomputer with low operation ability.The work voltage of the camera module C3088is5V,and its pin20and pin22 connect with the power supply,and the pin31connects with the digital earth,and the pin21,pin15and pin17connect with the analog earth.Data lines Y0~Y7connect PA0~PA7of the single chip microcomputer,and data lines UV0~UV7connect with PB0~PB7of the single chip microcomputer,and PCLK connects with PD2,and HREF connects with PD3,and VSYNC connects with PD4.SDA connects with PC1, and SCL connects with PC0.OV6620includes the image array with the resolving capability of356*292,an analog signal processor,double8bits analog-to-digital conversion,analog video multiple routes commutator,digital output format port,an analog video port,I2C bus interface and its register.The sensor uses the electric exposal control algorithm based on complete image.The single chip microcomputer selects RS232serial communication to communicate with the computer.Its circuit structure is very simple,which can ensurethe stability of the system and fulfill the design requirement of the system.RS232is one of communication interfaces on personal computer,and it is the asynchronous transmission standard interface constituted by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA).This system adopts RS232to connect with computer and transmit video data. The ATmega16adopts8bits data bit,1bit stop bit and0parity bit,and its speed can achieve230400bps,and speed of the serial port of the computer is only115200bps, which can fulfill the design requirement of the system.Because the voltage of the SCM is TTL5V and the voltage of the RS232is-12V, so both sides need level conversion to identify the other.The system needs to connect with single chip microcomputer through the chip MAX232as shown in Fig.2.The display of LCD adopts ZT018intelligent true color LCD.This module possesses basic plotting function which adopts usual microbus as the interface,so it can save development time and offer large convenience for the development and transfer.Its interface modes include SPI and I2C,and this system adopts I2C interface which only needs two data lines.IV.SFOTWAREC3088is composed by CMOS image sensor OV6620,and its initialization mainly depends on the write-operation to interior registers through I2C.Through the initialization setting of the software,the video digital output can use different formats and initialize other registers.Because the initial clock frequency of the C3088camera module is17.73MHz,when it works in the16bits data output mode,its PCLK clock cycle is112ns and when it works in the8bits data output mode,its PCLK clock cycle is56ns.The crystal oscillation adopted by the single chip microcomputer is16MHz and the single order cycle is62.5ns.So the single chip microcomputer can not follow the speed of the video.It must reduce the PCLK clock frequency through writing the register0x11,and to set the low5bits of the register in"1"can reduce PCLK to 69.25KHz,which can fit for the single chip microcomputer processing with low speed.The data output format of the usual CMOS image sensor is the original data output format.Because the CMOS optical sensor unit has different response sensitivities to three sorts of color,and the response is nonlinear.It is relative to thebrightness,plus and materials.So the original data of the image sensor should be emendated and compensated.The product compensation curves of different factories are different,so we should design different compensation algorithms.OV6620can not only output original data formats of R,G and B,and integrate color compensate algorithms in the chip,and it can output the video output formats of YUV and YCrCb according with the standard of CCIR601.The camera works in the lowest frequency through initialization.The single chip microcomputer can store the data in the data memorizer of single chip microcomputer when it read a raw of data,and it converts the data acquired by the program into the format of BMP,and transmits the data to the computer for storage and display.The serial communication is a sort of communication mode which can transmit binary system data by bit,so the quantity of the transmission lines needed by it is very few,and it is very fit for grading control system,layer-division control system, distributed control system and remote communication.Because the distributed control system is extensively applied in the modern computer control system,so it often needs one main computer to control multiple slave-computers,and the communication between the computer and single chip microcomputer becomes into an important problem.The program flow chart of single chip microcomputer is shown in Fig.3.The program flow chart of computer is shown in Fig.4.V.CONCLUSIONThe acquisition and storage of video data is the accidence of the video technology,and in the day that the video technology develops very quickly,the identification technology,digital TV and real-time supervision and control are the industries with very good foreground.The camera image acquisition system based on AVR single chip microcomputer and C3088simplifies the structure of the system.The system has clear image,and it can fulfill the requirement of real-time display and be extensively applied in network video and industrial automatic supervision. ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe work is supported by the Basic Research Program(Natural Science Foundation)of Jiangsu Province of China(Granted No.BK2007601),"Qing Lan Gong Cheng"program of Jiangsu Province of China and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China(Granted No. 06KJB510048).REFERENCES[1]X Ji,,Z Wei and Y Feng,Effective vehicle detection technique fortraffic surveillance systems,Journal of Visual Communication andImage Representation,2006,17(3):647-658.[2]M Valera,S A Velastin,Intelligent Distributed Surveillance Systems:a Review,IEEE Vision,Image and Signal Processing,2005,152(2): 192-204.[3]J Hsieh,Y Hsua,Boosted string representation and its application to video surveillance,Pattern Recognition2008,41(10):3078-3091. 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