V3 中 文
自拍 .................................................................36
安全信息.......................................................... 15 录
入门知识.......................................................... 27 原装配件 .......................................................... 27 安装 SIM 卡...................................................... 28 安装电池 .......................................................... 28 为电池充电....................................................... 29 电池的使用....................................................... 30 开机 ................................................................. 31 关机 ................................................................. 32 调节音量 .......................................................... 32 拨打电话 .......................................................... 33 接听电话 .......................................................... 33 查看本机号码 ................................................... 34
Polar Vantage V3 手册说明书
用户手册目录目录2 Polar Vantage V3 用户手册8简介8充分利用 Polar Vantage V39 Polar Flow 应用9 Polar Flow 网络服务9入门指南10设置手表10方法 A:利用手机和 Polar Flow 应用进行设置10方法 B:利用电脑进行设置11方法 C:从手表进行设置11按钮功能和触控显示屏11按钮功能11时间视图和菜单11训练准备模式12训练期间12彩色触控显示屏12手势12背光灯激活12查看通知12表盘、视图和菜单12表盘12查看13菜单13背光灯和显示屏设置17背光灯激活17背光灯亮度17息屏显示17训练期间17将手表与手机配对18在与手机配对前:18若要对手机进行配对:18删除配对18更新固件18利用手机或平板电脑18利用电脑18设置20一般设置20配对和同步20自行车设置20持续心率追踪20恢复追踪20飞行模式21屏幕亮度21息屏显示21勿打扰21手机通知21音乐控件21单位21语言21不活跃提示21震动21我将手表戴在21定位卫星21关于您的手表21选择视图22表盘设置28布局28指针和背景28颜色主题28小部件28时间和日期29时间30日期30日期格式30一周的第一天30体格设置30体重30身高30出生日期30性别30训练背景31活动目标31首选睡眠时间31最大心率31静止心率31 VO2max32快速设置32显示屏图标32重启和重置33重启手表33将手表重置为出厂设置33通过 FlowSync 恢复出厂设置33从手表恢复出厂设置33训练34手腕型心率测量34在通过手腕测量心率时或在追踪睡眠情况时佩戴手表34在不通过手腕测量心率时或在不追踪睡眠/Nightly recharge 时佩戴手表34开始训练35开始计划的训练35开始多项运动训练课36快捷菜单36训练期间38浏览训练视图38开启息屏显示40设置计时器40间隔计时器41倒数计时器41锁定心率、速度或功率区41锁定心率区41锁定速度/配速区42锁定功率区42计圈42多项运动训练课中切换运动42训练具有目标43在阶段性训练期间更改阶段43查看训练目标信息43通知43暂停/停止训练43训练总结44训练后44 Polar Flow 应用程式中的训练数据47 Polar Flow 网络服务中的训练数据47功能48 Smart Coaching48 Training Load Pro48心肺负荷48感知负荷48肌肉负荷49来自单次训练课的训练负荷49压力和耐受力49心肺负荷状态50手表上的心肺负荷状态50 Flow 应用程式和网络服务中的长期分析50 Recovery Pro52 Recovery Pro 入门指导53查看您的恢复反馈53恢复测试54进行测试54使用 Recovery Pro 进行恢复测试56步行测试57进行测试57测试结果58 Flow 网络服务和应用中的详细分析数据58腿部恢复测试59进行测试59测试结果60 Flow 网络服务和应用中的详细分析数据60骑行表现测试61进行测试61测试结果62 Flow 网络服务和应用中的详细分析数据63跑步表现测试64进行测试65测试结果66 Flow 网络服务和应用中的详细分析数据66利用手腕型心率的体能测试67测试之前68进行测试68测试结果68体能水平等级68男性68女人69 VO2max69 Nightly Recharge™ 恢复测量70 Polar Flow 应用中的 ANS 恢复详情72 Polar Flow 中的睡眠恢复详情72针对练习72针对睡眠73针对能量水平调节73 Sleep Plus Stages™ 睡眠追踪74 Sleepwise™ 日间机敏性指引77夜间皮肤温度81 FitSpark™ 每日训练指南82训练期间83基于心率的组间休息指引85使用组间休息指引进行训练85显示屏上的指引85 Serene™ 指导式呼吸练习87 FuelWise™88使用 Fuelwise 训练88智能碳水提示88手动碳水提示89饮水提示89手腕式跑步功率测量90跑步功率和肌肉负荷90手表上如何显示跑步功率90 Polar 跑步计划91创建 Polar 跑步计划91开始实施跑步目标92跟进您的进度92跑步指数92短期分析92长期分析93智能卡路里94训练效益94持续心率追踪95手表上的持续心率追踪95全天候活动监测96活动目标96手表上的活动数据97不活跃提示97 Polar Flow 应用与网络服务中的活动数据97活动指南98活动效果98定位卫星98辅助 GPS98 A-GPS 有效日期98导航99离线地图99训练期间使用离线地图99地图导航菜单99下载地图并传输至您的手表1001.从 Polar Flow 网络服务下载地图文件1002.将下载的地图文件传输至您的手表102将地图导航视图添加至运动内容104返回路线与返回起点104缩放105 Komoot105关联您的 Komoot 和 Polar Flow 帐户106将 Komoot 行程同步至您的手表106使用 Komoot 路线开始训练107路线指引108路线和海拔剖面图108计划路线的上升和下降总计108添加路线至手表108使用路线指引开始训练109缩放109实时更改路线109指南针109在训练课期间使用指南针109在训练课之外的场景下使用指南针110比赛速度110 Hill Splitter™111向运动内容添加 Hill Splitter 视图111使用 Hill Splitter 训练111 Hill Splitter 摘要112 Flow 网络服务和应用中的详细分析数据112 Strava Live Segments114连接 Strava 和 Polar Flow 账户115将 Strava 路段导入您的 Polar Flow 账户115使用 Strava Live 路段开始训练115腕式心电图测试116进行测试116 Polar Flow 应用程序中的心电图测试结果117 SpO2 测量118测量 SpO2118 Polar Flow 应用程序中的 SpO2 测量数据119心率区120速度区120速度区设置120训练目标及速度区120训练期间120训练后120从手腕获得速度和距离120游泳指标120泳池游泳121泳池长度设置121公开水域游泳121在水中测量心率121开始游泳训练122在游泳期间122在您游泳后122气压计124不训练时的海拔数据124天气124节能设置126能量来源126能量来源摘要126 Flow 移动应用程序中的详细分析127语音指导127手机通知128打开手机通知128勿打扰128查看通知129音乐控件130 Polar Flow 应用中的音乐控件设置130心率传感器模式130打开心率传感器模式130停止共享心率130运动内容131可更换腕带131更换腕带131兼容的传感器132 Polar Verity Sense132 Polar OH1 光学心率传感器132 Polar H10 心率传感器132 Polar H9 心率传感器132 Polar 步幅传感器 Bluetooth® Smart132 Polar 速度传感器 Bluetooth® Smart133 Polar 踏频传感器 Bluetooth® Smart133第三方功率传感器133传感器与手表配对133将心率传感器与手表配对133将步幅传感器与手表配对134校准步幅传感器134将骑行传感器与手表配对134自行车设置135测量车轮尺寸135校准骑自行车功率传感器135删除配对135 Polar Flow137 Polar Flow 应用137训练数据137活动数据137睡眠数据137运动内容137图像分享137开始使用 Polar Flow 应用137 Polar Flow 网络服务138日记138报告138计划138 Polar Flow 中的运动内容138添加运动内容138编辑运动内容139规划训练141使用季度规划工具,创建训练计划141在 Polar Flow 应用程式和网络服务中创建训练目标141根据最喜爱的训练目标创建新目标143将目标同步至您的手表144在 Polar Flow 应用中创建训练目标144收藏夹146添加训练目标至收藏夹:146编辑收藏项目146移除收藏项目146同步146与 Flow 移动应用同步146通过 FlowSync 与 Flow 网络服务同步147重要信息148电池148电池充电148在训练期间充电149电池续航时间149电池状态和通知149电池状态图标149电池通知149保养手表150手表保持清洁150保养光学心率传感器150存放150检修150注意事项150训练期间的干扰150健康与训练151警告 - 请将电池置于儿童接触不到的地方151如何安全地使用 Polar 产品152技术规格152 Polar Vantage V3152 Polar FlowSync 软件153 Polar Flow 移动应用程式的兼容性153 Polar 产品的防水性154 Regulatory information154 Polar 全球有限保修154免责声明155POLAR VANTAGE V3 用户手册此用户手册可帮助您开始使用新手表。
5.3、USB 将准备好的U盘下载本机支持的音频格式文件,再将U盘一端水平方式与音响USB接口处连接,USB口可对外供 电,最大电流1A,如图5.3所示。
WLAN”打开无线网络,然后在弹出的信号搜索窗口找到本产品的Wifi名称,一般为“WiBox-XXXXXX”( 后 面的XXXXXX为16进制字母数字,为音箱的无线网卡地址后6位)。 7.1.3点击此Wifi名称,如首次连接,将会弹出密码输入框,请输入音箱的默认密码“12345678”,按“连 接”。直连模式至此结束,用户可以跳转到说明书第八项“串流播放”。 注1:直连模式下相当于音箱工作在软路由器模式,可以多台手机/平板/到音箱的手机,手机集成的无线网卡处于独占状态,无法做同时上网等其他网络操作,Wifi 连接仅可播放此音箱。因此一般建议用户使用以下的路由模式。 7.2路由共享模式
5.4、TF 准备好TF卡并下载本机支持的音频格式文件,再将TF卡按方向对准插入即可,如图5 . 4所示
7.2.1在7.1项已完成的基础上,退出手机(或平板/PC )的“设置”界面,请注意:不是退出和音箱的Wifi连 接,此时音箱和手机的Wifi是处于直连状态的。 7.2.2手机打开任意一个认IP地址“”,确认连接,将自动打开音箱的配置界面, 如下图XX。 7.2.3配置界面默认显示的是左边第一个“Wifi信号”设置,右边窗口显示的是音箱搜索到的路由器名称。 请选择您要连接的路由器名称,点击,将出现 如图XX。XX所示 的路由器密码窗口。
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Festo CPX-CEC控制块V3系列用户指南说明书
Control block CPX-CEC-...-V32d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/09Control block CPX-CEC-...-V3Key featuresApplication ControllersProgramming in a global language The control blocks CPX-CEC-...-V3 are modern control systems for CPX termi-nals that enable programming with CODESYS to IEC 61131-3.CODESYS V3 provided by Festo offers a convenient user interface with the following functions:• Integrated module libraries • Library Manager for integrating further libraries • Visualisation editor• Simulation mode• Integrated project documentation • Debugging functions for fault finding •Configuration and parameterisation of the controller using the control configuration• Object-oriented programmingBasic functionsCPX-CEC-C1-V3 offersCPX-CEC-M1-V3 offersCPX-CEC-S1-V3 offersThe control blocks CPX-CEC-...-V3 offer the following basic functions:• Programming with CODESYS to IEC 61131-3• Communication via Ethernet (Modbus/TCP, EasyIP, TCP/IP)• Process visualisation using operator unit CDPX or OPC server• Communication via fieldbus in combination with a bus node in the CPX terminal• Diagnostics and quick commission-ing of CPX modules via handheld CPX-FMT • All basic functions• CANopen master for controlling up to 127 CANopen stations. Electric axes can be controlled in point-to-point mode• All basic functions• CANopen master for controlling up to 8 electric axes (recommended) in interpolated mode. Of these, up to 3 axes can be 3D-interpolated and up to 5 axes can be linearly interpolated• SoftMotion function library for coordinated multi-axis movements• All basic functions• RS232 interface for operating external devicesH- -NoteWhen using third-party devices, data communication must be programmed by the user.Bus connectionOperating modesSystem configurationThe control blocks CPX-CEC-...-V3 are remote controllers that can be connect-ed to a higher-order PLC via the bus nodes of the CPX terminal or via Ethernet, for example:• PROFINET • EtherNet/IP • EtherCAT • PROFIBUS • DeviceNet• Stand-alone• Remote controller on the fieldbus • Remote controller on EthernetCANopen connects CPX-CEC with valve terminals and electric drive controllers from Festo:• CPX, CPV• CMMP-AS, CMMS-ST, etc.• AS-Interface gatewayEthernet connects CPX-CEC with additional controllers and operator units from Festo:• CDPX• Camera SBO...-QControl block CPX-CEC-...-V3 Key featuresAdvantages for usersIncreased performance Reduced costsImproved cycle times – more connectable actuators. Compatibility with almost all control systems on the market is ensured via the CPX terminal.The extensive CODESYS function libraryprovides diagnostics and conditionmonitoring options.For standardised pre-processing: re-duces installation costs as an intelli-gent remote I/O terminal to IP65/IP67directly at the machine.The control blocks CPX-CEC-...-V3 areideally adapted to CPX and motionapplications with up to 127 axes.Simple, yet efficient: decentralised structures The only one in the world to IP65The modular I/O system with up to 512 I/Os and CAN master functionality offers complete flexibility, whether for open-loop or closed-loop control.Stand-alone for low-cost automation ofmanual workstations, for example, orremote control with pre-processing.The fully integrated automation plat-form for standard, proportional andservo-pneumatics, sensor and motioncontrol to IP65.And commissioning is really easy.Classification of CPX-CEC in the portfolio for multi-axis controllers for electric drive technologyIntegrated controller in CDPXIntegrated control blocks in CPX terminal: CPX-CECDisplay generation with integrated controller with CODESYS V3 provided by Festo, powerful processors, com-bined with widescreen technology for greater functionality, higher resolution and versatile access options.CODESYS V3 provided by Festo for thebest valve/sensor terminal on the mar-ket: CPX-CEC reduces installation costsas an intelligent remote system toIP65/IP67 directly at the machine.Ideal for CPX terminal and motionapplications with up to 127 electricdrives, PTP and SoftMotion applica-tions up to 3D plus auxiliary axes.32023/09 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Control block CPX-CEC-...-V3 Data sheet• Industrial Ethernet • TCP/IP• EasyIP• Web interface • Email• Data transfer The CODESYS controller is a modern control system for CPX terminals that enables programming with CODESYS to IEC 61131-3.The power supply to and communica-tion with other modules takes place via the interlinking block.In addition to network connections, LEDs are also provided for the bus status, operating status of the PLC and CPX peripherals information, as are switching elements and a diagnosticinterface for CPX-FMT.ApplicationBus connection Communication protocols Operating modesThe CPX-CEC is a remote controller that can be connected to a higher-order PLC via the bus nodes of the CPX terminal or via Ethernet. At the same time, it is possible tooperate the CPX-CEC as a compactstand-alone controller directly on themachine.• Fieldbus via CPX bus nodes• Modbus/TCP• EasyIP• Stand-alone• Remote controller, fieldbus• Remote controller, EthernetSetting optionsThe CPX-CEC has the following interfaces for monitoring, programming and commissioning:• For the CPX-FMT• Ethernet interface for IT applications• Remote diagnosticsThe operating mode and fieldbusprotocol are set using the DIL switchon the CPX-CEC.The integrated web server offers aconvenient means of querying datasaved in the CPX-CEC.Features• Easy control of valve terminal configurations with MPA, VTSA • Diagnostics with flexible monitoring options for pressure, flow rate, cylinder operating time, air consumption • Activation of decentralised installa-tion systems on the basis of CPI con-trol of applications in proportionalpneumatics• AS-interface control via gateway• Connection to all fieldbuses as aremote controller and forpre-processing• Control of electric actuators asindividual axes via CANopen(CPX-CEC-C1/-M1)• Early warnings and visualisationoptions• Servo-pneumatic applications4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/09Control block CPX-CEC Data sheet1)More information: /x/topic/kbk5 2023/09 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Control block CPX-CEC-...-V3Data sheet6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/09Control block CPX-CEC-...-V3 Data sheetConnection and display elements CPX-CEC-C1-V3, CPX-CEC-M1-V3[1] CPX-FMT connection[2] DIL switch[3] Fieldbus interface(Sub-D plug, 9-pin)[4] Status LEDs, bus-specific andproduct-specific[5] RUN/STOP rotary switch[6] Ethernet interface (RJ45 socket,8-pin)1) If a drive controller is connected to an external power supply, CAN ground (optional), pin 6, cannot be used on the CPX-CEC-C1/-M1.7 2023/09 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Control block CPX-CEC-...-V3Data sheetConnection and display elements CPX-CEC-S1-V3[1] CPX-FMT connection[2] DIL switch[3] RS232 interface(Sub-D socket, 9-pin)[4] Status LEDs, bus-specific andproduct-specific[5] RUN/STOP rotary switch[6] Ethernet interface (RJ45 socket,8-pin)8d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/09Control block CPX-CEC-...-V3 Accessories9 2023/09 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Control block CPX-CEC-...-V3Accessories10d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/09。
此V3U盘是一个功能强大的移动智能软件平台,在此V3U盘上能够应用包括互联网、多媒体、备份、安全防护、游戏、检测、效能、照片影像和绘图设计等软件,让您充分体验智能化的新奇,真正证明了闪盘智能功能发明的划时代意义!产品特点1.V3 平台提供上千种应用软件2.支持国际应用语言版本操作简便3.完全人性化操作,用户自主订制4.安装简便,兼容性强5.独有的四种强大防伪技术6.V3支持大型商业软件运行应用7.支持三大启动模式CDFS ,AUTORUN,真实的CD-ROM启动8.v3与系统脱离,软件永久受用,系统需求硬件需求CPU:Pentinum Ⅲ以上,内存:128 M以上举荐硬件:Pentinum IV 2.6GHz,512M内存Win2000+SP4,WinXP+SP2,Windows 2003及更高版本的操作系统V3平台的启动把V3智能U盘插入电脑USB口中,系统会自动识不V3U盘,并安装驱动程序。
3.直截了当点击可移动磁盘名目下面的\PrayayaV3\prayayav3\PrayayaV 3.exe文件启动程序;4. 如果你的电脑开启了自动播放功能,将打开如图所示的界面:V3平台的使用1、第一次运行程序的启动画面:2、如果您使用的是试用版本,软件将提示只能试用30天,点击“输入序列号”按钮能够进行注册(详细请参考“注册V3”),程序运行5秒后会提示“连续试用”按钮的画面:3、点击“连续试用”按钮能够连续试用,软件将启动到主程序画面,然而,程序只有30天的试用期限,并每隔一段时刻在电脑屏幕右下角,弹出一个提醒注册的信息;4、点击“输入序列号”按钮,程序将弹出“注册向导对话框”,如图所示:5、点击“Next”按钮,软件将弹出“输入序列号”对话框,请将正确的序列号输入。
Razer BlackWidow V3 使用指南说明书
感受 Razer BlackWidow V3 與眾不同的魅力—這款鍵盤不但承襲了極具代表性的首款機械式遊戲鍵盤,還具備全新的改良功能,包括採用了我們享譽全球的按鍵軸。
目錄1. 內含 / 使用需求 (3)2. 使用需求 (4)3. 註冊即可獲得保固 (4)4.技術規格 (5)5. 設定你的 RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 (6)6. 使用 RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 的媒體控制功能 (7)7. 透過 RAZER SYNAPSE 設定RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 (9)8. 安全與維護 (20)9. 法律條文 (22)1. 內含 / 使用需求內含▪ Razer BlackWidow V3即時巨集錄製鍵 遊戲模式鍵 背光控制鍵 睡眠模式鍵 媒體控制鍵 音量控制滾輪 LED 指示燈 立架多元佈線選項▪ 人體工學設計護腕墊▪ 重要產品資訊指南2. 使用需求產品需求▪具有一個閒置 USB Type A 連接埠的電腦RAZER SYNAPSE 需求▪Windows® 7 64 位元(或更新版本)▪網際網路連線(供下載安裝軟體)3. 註冊即可獲得保固你不僅擁有一台超棒的裝置,更享有 2 年有限保固服務。
前往註冊,即可讓裝置發揮所有潛力,並享受獨家 Razer 好康。
▪有問題嗎?歡迎來信詢問 Razer 支援小組:4.技術規格技術規格▪專為遊戲設計的Razer™ 機械軸▪8,000 萬次按鍵敲擊使用壽命▪1,680 萬種色彩可選的Razer Chroma™ RGB 可自訂背光效果▪人體工學設計護腕墊▪多功能數位滾輪▪專門的媒體鍵▪內建記憶體加雲端的混合式儲存設定–多達 5 組設定檔▪支援 Razer Synapse 3▪多元佈線選項▪全區無衝突按鍵▪完全可編程按鍵,具即時巨集錄製功能▪可選遊戲模式▪1000 Hz 超快輪詢率▪鋁製結構產品尺寸與重量無置腕處▪長 :450.7 公釐 / 17.7 英吋▪寬 : 154.8 公釐 / 6.11 英吋▪高 : 42.1 公釐 / 1.7 英吋▪重量 : 1038 公克 / 2.3 磅有置腕處▪長 : 450.7 公釐 / 17.7 英吋▪寬 : 25.1 公釐 / 9.7 英吋▪高 : 42.1 公釐 / 1.7 英吋▪重量 : 1244 公克 / 2.7 磅5. 設定你的 RAZER BLACKWIDOW V31.將 Razer 裝置連接到電腦的 USB 連接埠。
## 1. 简介东南V3智能手机配备了内置的收音机功能,该功能可以接收多种广播信号,包括FM、AM和GPS定位等。
## 2. 收音机设置在东南V3中,收音机功能可以通过以下方式设置:### 2.1 内置收音机设置- 打开“设置”应用程序。
- 搜索“收音机”选项。
- 选择“收音机”选项,然后选择您想要使用的收音机类型。
- 确认所选收音机是否已启用。
### 2.2 第三方应用程序设置- 打开“设置”应用程序。
- 搜索“应用程序”选项。
- 选择“收音机”选项。
- 确认所选收音机是否已启用。
## 3. 收音机选项东南V3的收音机选项包括:### 3.1 电台列表- 打开“设置”应用程序。
- 搜索“收音机”选项。
- 选择“收音机”选项,然后选择“电台列表”选项。
- 浏览电台列表并更改名称或搜索。
### 3.2 搜索电台- 打开“设置”应用程序。
- 搜索“收音机”选项。
- 选择“收音机”选项,然后选择“搜索电台”选项。
- 输入您想要搜索的电台名称,然后选择搜索。
### 3.3 手动输入电台- 打开“设置”应用程序。
- 搜索“收音机”选项。
- 选择“收音机”选项,然后选择“手动输入电台”选项。
- 输入您想要使用的电台名称,然后选择搜索。
## 4. 收音机性能东南V3的收音机性能良好,可以接收多种广播信号,包括FM、AM和GPS定位等。
## 5. 总结使用东南V3的收音机功能,您可以轻松享受高品质广播收听体验,并且可以随时随地收听广播节目。
雷蛇北海巨妖 V3 超感版高级用户指南说明书
RAZER KRAKEN V3 HYPERSENSE雷蛇北海巨妖 V3 超感版高级用户指南Razer Kraken V3 HyperSense 雷蛇北海巨妖 V3超感版是一款采用触感技术的电脑游戏耳麦,可为你带来全新的沉浸感。
目录1. 内含物品/要求 (3)2. 简要介绍 (5)3. 技术规格 (6)4. 入门指南 (8)5. 使用耳麦 (10)6. 配置你的 RAZER KRAKEN V3 HYPERSENSE 雷蛇北海巨妖 V3 超感版 (13)7. 安全与维护 (26)8. 法律声明 (27)1. 内含物品/要求内含物品▪ Razer Kraken V3 HyperSense 雷蛇北海巨妖 V3 超感版A. 可调节的带衬垫头梁B. 椭圆形耳罩C. 采用 Razer Chroma TM 雷蛇幻彩 RGB 技术的背光 Razer 雷蛇徽标D. HyperSense 超感键E. USB 接头F. 麦克风插孔G. 音量控制拨轮H. 麦克风静音键▪ 可拆卸式 Razer ™ HyperClear 雷蛇灵晰技术心形指向麦克风▪ 重要产品信息指南要求产品要求▪USB-A 直连*Razer Synapse 雷云要求▪Windows® 10 64 位(或更高版本)▪互联网连接,用于软件安装*兼容电脑、PS4 和 PS5。
2. 简要介绍你现在拥有了一台非常棒的设备,并且附带两年的有限保修。
即刻通过/cn-zh在线注册,充分发挥设备的所有功能,并获得 Razer 雷蛇的独家福利。
如果遇到问题,请通过/cn向 Razer 雷蛇支持团队提出问题。
3. 技术规格耳机▪频响范围:20 Hz – 20 kHz▪阻抗:32 Ω @ 1 kHz▪灵敏度:96 dB SPL / mW@1KHz,通过人头及躯干模拟器 (HATS, Head and Torso Simulator) 测量▪驱动单元:定制的动态 50 毫米驱动单元▪耳罩内径:62毫米 x 42 毫米▪连接类型:USB Type A▪线缆长度:2.0 米 / 6.74 英尺▪大致重量:335 g / 0.73 磅▪椭圆形耳罩:全耳包裹设计,采用清凉布料和舒适的人造皮革,提供极佳的舒适度和触感麦克风▪频响范围:100 Hz – 10 kHz▪信噪比:≥ 60 dB▪灵敏度 (@1 kHz):-42 ± 3 dB▪拾音模式:单向耳罩控制键▪音量增大和减小▪麦克风静音切换键▪触感强度使用音频▪使用有线音频:USB Type A▪环绕声:仅适用于 Windows 10 64 位系统触感驱动单元▪每个耳罩内一个▪频响范围:20-200 Hz▪最大触发力:4.3 G4. 入门指南设置1.将耳麦连接到电脑的 USB 端口。
Polar Vantage V3 用户手册说明书
用戶手冊目錄目錄2 Polar Vantage V3 用戶手冊9簡介9活用 Polar Vantage V310 Polar Flow App10 Polar Flow 網絡服務10入門11設定手錶11方法 A:使用手機和 Polar Flow app 設定11選項 B:透過電腦設置12選項 C:透過手錶設置12按鈕功能和觸控螢幕12按鈕功能12時間視圖和功能表12準備訓練模式13訓練期間13彩色觸控螢幕13手勢13背光燈啟動13檢視通知13錶盤、視圖和功能表13錶盤13視圖14功能表14背光燈和螢幕設定18背光燈啟動18背光燈亮度18長期開啟18訓練期間18配對手機與手錶19配對手機前:19配對手機方法:19刪除配對19更新韌體19使用手機或平板電腦19使用電腦20設定21一般設定21配對和同步21單車設置21無間心率監測21恢復追蹤21飛行模式22螢幕亮度22長期開啟22請勿打擾22手機通知22音樂控制22單位22語言22不活躍提示22振動提示22我的手錶配戴位置22定位衛星22關於手錶22選擇視圖23錶盤設定29版面配置29指針和背景29彩色主題29小工具29時間和日期30 Time(時間)31 Date(日期)31 Date format(日期格式)31 First day of week(每週開始日)31身體設定31體重31身高31出生日期31性別32訓練背景32活動目標32首選睡眠時間32最大心率32靜止心率32 VO2max33快捷設定33螢幕圖示33重啟和重設34重啟手錶34將手錶重設為出廠設定34透過 FlowSync 恢復原廠設定。
34從手錶上恢復原廠設定34訓練35手腕式心率測量35透過手腕測量心率或追蹤睡眠情況時佩戴手錶35無需透過手腕測量心率或追蹤睡眠/Nightly Recharge 時佩戴手錶35開始訓練課36開始計劃的訓練課36開始多項運動訓練課37快捷目錄37訓練期間40瀏覽訓練視圖40設定 Display always on(長期開啟)41設定計時器42間隔計時器42倒數計時器42鎖定心率區、速度區或功率區43鎖定心率區43鎖定速度/配速區43鎖定功率區43記圈44多項運動訓練課中切換運動44訓練具有目標44在階段性訓練課期間更改階段45查看訓練目標資訊45通知45暫停/停止訓練課45訓練總結45訓練後45 Polar Flow 應用程式中的訓練數據48 Polar Flow 網絡服務中的訓練數據48功能50 Smart Coaching50 Training Load Pro50心肺負荷50感知負荷50肌肉負荷51單一訓練課的訓練負荷51壓力與耐受力51心肺負荷狀態52手錶上的心肺負荷狀態52 Polar Flow app 和網絡服務中的長期分析52 Recovery Pro54開始使用 Recovery Pro55檢視您的恢復反饋55恢復測試56進行測試56恢復測試和 Recovery Pro58步行測試59進行測試59測試結果60 Flow 網絡服務和應用程式中的詳細分析60腿部恢復測試61進行測試61測試結果62 Flow 網絡服務和應用程式中的詳細分析62騎行表現測試63進行測試63測試結果64 Flow 網絡服務和應用程式中的詳細分析65跑步表現測試66進行測試67測試結果68 Flow 網絡服務和應用程式中的詳細分析68利用手腕式心率追蹤進行體能測試69測試前70進行測試70測試結果70體能水準等級70男性70女性71 VO2max71 Nightly Recharge™ 恢復測量72 Polar Flow app 中的 ANS 回復詳細資訊74 Polar Flow 中的睡眠回復詳細資訊74對於練習74對於睡眠75對於調整能量水平75 Sleep Plus Stages™ 睡眠追蹤76 Sleepwise™ 日間機敏性指南80夜間皮膚溫度83 FitSpark™ 日常訓練指南84訓練期間85以心率為基礎的組間休息指引87利用組間休息指引進行訓練87螢幕上的指引88 Serene™ 指導式呼吸練習89 FuelWise™90利用 Fuelwise 進行訓練90智能碳水提示90手動碳水提示91飲水提示91跑步功率,腕上盡覽92跑步功率及肌肉負荷92手錶上的跑步功率顯示方式92 Polar 跑步計劃93創建 Polar 跑步計劃94展開跑步目標94掌握個人進度94 Running Index (跑步指數)94短期分析95長期分析95智能卡路里96訓練效益96無間心率監測97手錶上的無間心率監測功能98全天候活動追蹤99活動目標99手錶上的活動數據99不活躍提示100 Polar Flow app 和網絡服務中的活動數據100活動指引100活動效益100定位衛星101 A-GPS101 A-GPS 有效日期101導航101離線地圖102在訓練期間使用離線地圖102地圖導航功能表102下載地圖並傳輸至手錶1031.從 Polar Flow 網絡服務下載地圖檔案1032.將已下載的地圖檔案傳輸至手錶105將地圖導航視圖新增至運動內容107返回路線和返回起點107縮放108縮放108 Komoot109連接您的 Komoot 和 Polar Flow 賬號109同步 Komoot 路線至手錶109透過 Komoot 路線開始訓練課111路線指引111路線及高度剖面圖111規劃路線的上升和下降總計112新增路線至手錶112利用路線指引開始訓練課112縮放112即時更改路線112指南針112在訓練課期間使用指南針113在訓練課以外使用指南針113比賽配速113 Hill Splitter™114為運動內容新增 Hill Splitter 視圖114利用 Hill Splitter 進行訓練115 Hill Splitter 總結115 Flow 網絡服務和應用程式中的詳細分析116 Strava Live Segments117連接您的 Strava 及 Polar Flow 賬戶118將 Strava Segments 匯入您的 Polar Flow 賬戶118使用 Strava Live Segments 開始訓練課118腕式心電圖測試119進行測試119 Polar Flow 應用程式中的心電圖測試120血氧飽和度測量121測量血氧飽和度121 Polar Flow 應用程式中的血氧飽和度測量值122心率區123速度區域123速度區域設定123根據訓練目標活用速度區域123訓練期間123訓練後123手腕式速度和距離測量123游泳指標123泳池游泳124泳池長度設定124 Open water swimming(外海游泳)124在水中測量心率124開始游泳訓練課125游泳期間125游泳之後125氣壓計127在非訓練時的海拔高度數據127天氣127省電設定129能量來源129能量來源總結129 Flow 流動應用程式中的詳細分析130語音反饋130手機通知131設定開啟手機通知131請勿打擾131檢視通知132音樂控制133 Polar Flow 應用程式中的音樂控制設定133心率傳感器模式133開啟心率傳感器模式133停止分享心率134運動內容134可更換腕帶134更換腕帶134兼容的傳感器135 Polar Verity Sense135 Polar OH1 光學心率傳感器135 Polar H10 心率傳感器135 Polar H9 心率傳感器136 Polar 步速傳感器 Bluetooth® Smart136 Polar 速度傳感器 Bluetooth® Smart136 Polar 腳踏圈速傳感器 Bluetooth® Smart136協力廠商功率傳感器136將傳感器與您的手錶配對136將心率傳感器與您的手錶配對136將步速傳感器與您的手錶配對137校準步速傳感器137將騎行傳感器與您的手錶配對137單車設置138量度車輪大小138校準騎車功率傳感器138刪除配對139 Polar Flow140 Polar Flow app140訓練數據140活動數據140睡眠數據140運動內容140圖像分享140開始使用 Polar Flow app140 Polar Flow 網絡服務141日記141報告141計劃141 Polar Flow 中的運動內容141新增運動內容141編輯運動內容142規劃訓練144使用季度規劃器,創建訓練計劃144在 Polar Flow 應用程式和網絡服務中創建訓練目標144時間長度目標145距離目標145卡路里目標145比賽配速目標145階段性目標145根據最愛的訓練目標建立目標146將目標同步至您的手錶147在 Polar Flow 應用程式中創建訓練目標147收藏夾149添加訓練目標至收藏夾:149編輯收藏項目149移除收藏項目149同步150與 Flow 流動應用程式同步150透過 FlowSync 與 Flow 網絡服務同步150重要資料151電池151電池充電151在訓練期間充電152電池運作時間152電池狀態和通知152電池狀態圖示152電池通知152保養手錶153手錶保持清潔153保養光學心率傳感器153存放153檢修153注意事項153訓練期間的干擾154健康和訓練154警告 — 請放在兒童無法拿取之處。
V7 V3 用户手册说明书
V7 V3User Manual - EN Thank youWe would like to thank you cordially for choosing this sE microphone! This manual contains some important instructions for setting up and operating your new equipment. Please take a few minutes to read the instructions below carefully. We hope you will enjoy working with it as much as we enjoyed designing and building it for you.Most Sincerely,Your sE TeamBrief DescriptionThe V7 and V3 are dynamic hand-held microphones ideal for vocal applications on the stage. Thanks to their well-balanced, neutral sound, they also allow the capture of nearly any source from electric guitar cabinets to brass instruments, drums to choir, and more - both in the studio and on the stage. The robust all-metal construction, stainless spring steel mesh grille and gold-plated XLR contacts ensure durability and reliability with no corrosion for many years. Proven Neodymium magnets, tight production tolerances and high workmanship ensure excellent sensitivity, high-end sound quality and superb consistency.The red internal windscreen efficiently reduces unwanted wind noise and plosive pops. (And just in case you prefer a black windscreen, we have also included one as a standard accessory for you.) V7 only:Thanks to its innovative, specialized aluminum voice coil, the V7 delivers a crisp, open sound that perfectly captures your voice in the most natural way you’ve ever heard on stage - and makes your sound engineer’s job easier than ever.With its super-cardioid pattern, the sophisticated capsule design also helps isolate your voice or instrument from other sound sources on the stage - efficiently reducing stage bleed from other instruments and ensuring high gain before feedback. The capsule’s unique, patented suspension also helps eliminate handling noise, footfall noise and any rumble.What’s in the boxYour packaging should contain the follow items. If anything is missing, please contact your sE Electronics dealer and let them know.∙V7 / V3 microphone∙microphone stand clip∙thread adapter∙black internal windscreen∙pouchTips for practical usePoint the microphone directly towards the sound source as much as possible to get a dry, direct sound and high gain before feedback.The closer the distance from the microphone to the source, the more bass you’ll get (“proximity effect”). Use this to your advantage when you want it, and be aware of it when you don’t.The fewer microphones you are using on the stage the better. Use just one microphone per source to minimize to risk feedback.Make sure the microphone is positioned behind the PA speakers to reduce the risk of feedback.If several microphones are necessary (e.g. choir miking) apply the 3:1 rule: The distance between the microphones should be at least three times the distance of each microphone to its source. Safety and maintenanceRisk of damagePlease make sure that the piece of equipment to which yourmicrophone will be connected fulfils the safety regulations enforced inyour country and is fitted with a ground lead.Cleaning the microphoneAfter every use, clean the microphone with a dry, soft cloth tissue and store it in a solid case or a zipper pouch.Technical SpecificationsV7 V3Capsule dynamic dynamicVoice coil Aluminum CopperMagnet Neodymium NeodymiumPolar patterns Super cardioid Cardioid Frequency range 40 – 19,000 Hz 50 – 16,000 Hz Sensitivity 2.0 mV/Pa -54 dBV 2.5 mV/Pa -52 dBV Electrical Impedance 300 ohms 600 ohms Connectivity 3-pin male XLR connector 3-pin male XLR connectorDimensions Diameter: 54 mm (2.12 in.)Length 184 mm (7.24 in.)Diameter: 52 mm (2.05 in.)Length 181 mm (7.13 in.)Weight 305 g (10.8 oz) 295 g (10.4 oz.)Frequency response / Polar PatternV7V3SupportIn case you are experiencing any problems or have any questions regarding your sE product, please contact your dealer first for the fastest and more direct service. If an authorized service is required, it will be arranged by that dealer: /dealersIf you still have difficulties with support or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us directly: /contact-usLastly, remember to register your new gear to extend your warranty to a full three years:/registrationContactFeel free to contact us:sE Electronics International, Inc. PO Box 1049 *************************6 Beach RoadTiburonCA 94920USAOur international distributors and sales representatives: /contact-usThis product conforms to the standards listed in the Declaration of Conformity. Please contact us if you want to order a free copy of the Declaration of ConformityTechnical data subject to change without notice.Bedienungsanleitung - DE DankeWir möchten uns bei Dir herzlich bedanken, dass Du Dich für ein Mikrofon von sE Electronics entschieden hast. Diese Bedienungsanleitung beinhaltet wichtige Hinweise zur Inbetriebnahme und zur Anwendung des Produkts. Bitte nimm Dir daher kurz Zeit, diese Anleitung durchzulesen. Wir hoffen, dass Du mit dem Produkt genauso viel Spaß haben wirst, wie wir bei der Entwicklung und der sorgfältigen, händischen Fertigung - mit viel Liebe zum Detail.Herzliche Grüße,Dein sE TeamKurzbeschreibungDie beiden dynamischen Gesangsmikrofone V7 und V3 eignen sich ideal für die Anwendung auf der Bühne. Dank ihrer sehr ausgewogenen, neutralen Abstimmung ermöglichen sie Dir jedoch auch die Mikrofonierung einer Vielzahl anderer Quellen, wie beispielsweise die Abnahme von Lautsprecherboxen von elektrischen Gitarren, Blechblasinstrumenten; Schlagzeug bis hin zu Chören - sowohl auf der Bühne als auch im Studio.Das äußerst robuste Metallgehäuse, der hochwertige Gitterkorb aus Federstahl und die vergoldeten XLR Kontakte sorgen für höchste Zuverlässigkeit und verhindern dauerhaft jede Art von Korrosion. Die bewährten Neodym-Magnete, die engen Fertigungstoleranzen und die hohe Verarbeitungsqualität ermöglichen herausragende Klangqualität, eine hohe Empfindlichkeit und hohe Konsistenz.Der rote innenliegende Windschutz reduziert effizient unerwünschte Wind- und Poppgeräusche (zB durch Konsonanten, Explosivlaute). Für den Fall, dass dir ein schwarzer Windschutz besser gefällt, haben wir Dir einen beigepackt.Nur V7:Dank der innovativen und einzigartigen Tauchspule aus Aluminium bietet das V7 einen sehr frischen, offenen Klang. Sie ermöglicht eine naturgetreue Aufnahme deiner Stimme und der ausgewogene Klang erleichtert auch die Arbeit des Tontechnikers.Die super-nierenförmige Richtcharakteristik und das ausgereifte Akustikdesign der Kapsel helfen Deiner Stimme sich gegenüber anderer Instrumenten auf der Bühne durchzusetzen und ermöglichen eine sehr hohe Rückkopplungsfestigkeit. Griffgeräusche, Trittschall und Rumpel-geräusche werden von der patentierten Kapsellagerung besonders wirkungsvoll unterdrückt. LieferumfangBitte kontrolliere gleich nach dem Öffnen den Inhalt der Verpackung. Falls sie nicht vollständig ist, kontaktiere bitte Deinen sE Electronics Händler. Die Verpackung sollte folgende Komponenten enthalten:∙V7 oder V3 Mikrofon∙Mikrofonhalterung∙Gewindeadapter∙schwarzer, integrierter Windschutz∙AufbewahrungstaschePraxistippsRichte das Mikrofon direkt und so nah wie möglich auf die Schallquelle, um einen trockenen, direkten Klang zu erhalten und das Auftreten von Rückkopplungen zu verringern.Je näher sich das Mikrofon an der Schallquelle befindet, desto stärker werden Bassfrequenzen betont, je weiter weg, desto schwächer (Nahbesprechungseffekt). Mache Dir diesen Effekt zu nutze. Je weniger Mikrofone auf der Bühne verwendet werden, desto besser. Verwende nur jeweils ein Mikrofon je Schallquelle um die Gefahr von Rückkopplungen zu vermeiden.Stelle das Mikrofon hinter den PA Lautsprechern auf - ebenfalls um Rückkopplungen zu vermeiden. Sind bei der Abnahme mehrere Mikrofone erforderlich (zB Chor) beachte die 3:1 Regel: Der Abstand zwischen den Mikrofonen sollte zumindest dreimal so groß sein, wie der Abstand zwischen dem jeweiligen Mikrofon und seiner Schallquelle.Sicherheit und PflegeBeschädigungsgefahrBitte stelle sicher, dass die an das Mikrofon angeschlossenen Gerätedie gültigen Sicherheitsbestimmungen erfüllen und mit einerSicherheitserdung verbunden sind.Reinigung des MikrofonsWir empfehlen das Mikrofon nach jedem Gebrauch mit einem trockenen, fusselfreien Tuch zu reinigen und es in einem soliden Koffer oder in der mitgelieferten Aufbewahrungstasche aufzuheben.Technische DatenV7 V3Kapsel dynamisch dynamisch Tauchspule Aluminium KupferMagnet Neodym Neodym Richtcharakteristik Superniere NiereÜbertragungsbereich 40 – 19.000 Hz 50 – 16.000 Hz Empfindlichkeit 2,0 mV/Pa -54 dBV 2,5 mV/Pa -52 dBV Ausgangsimpedanz 300 Ohm 600 Ohm Anschluss 3poliger XLR Anschluss männlich 3poliger XLR Anschluss männlichAbmessungen Durchmesser: 54 mm (2,12 in.)Länge 184 mm (7,24 in.)Durchmesser: 52 mm (2,05 in.)Länge 181 mm (7,13 in.)Gewicht 305 g (10,8 oz) 295 g (10,4 oz.)Frequenzgang / PolardiagrammV7V3KundenserviceFalls Du zu Deinem sE Mikrofon Fragen hast oder damit Probleme auftreten sollten, wende Dich für eine möglischst rasche Abwicklung bitte direkt an den Händler. Wenn eine technische Unterstützung erforderlich ist, wird diese durch den Händler angefordert./dealersSollten dennoch Probleme beim Kundenservice auftreten, wende Dich bitte direkt an uns: /contact-usAbschließend möchten wir Dich an die 3-Jahres-Garantie von sE Electronics erinnern. Bitte registriere Dich dazu hier: /registrationKontaktSo kannst Du mit uns direkten Kontakt aufnehmen:sE Electronics International, Inc. PO Box 1049 *************************6 Beach RoadTiburonCA 94920USAUnsere internationalen Distributoren und Handelsvertreter:/contact-usDieses Produkt entspricht den in der Konformitätserklärung angegebenen Normen. Du kannst die Konformitätserklärung gerne bei uns kostenlos anfordern. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.使用手册 - CN 致谢非常感谢您购买我们sE的这款麦克风! 这本使用手册包含了一些如何安装和操作您的新麦克风的使用说明。
随附配件 ·············································································································3 安全须知 ·············································································································5
V3 系列视频多场景切换台
使用说明书 V1.1 △! 使用本 LED 视频处理器之前,请先仔细阅读此使用说明书并
将之妥善保存以备日后参考。 Before using this LED Video Seamless Switcher,please read this manual carefully and preserved for reference in the future.
MIG-V3 前后面板介绍························································································9
前面板介绍 ·········································································································9 后面板介绍 ·······································································································10 MIG-V3 主机板卡介绍 ······················································································11
关 于 手 机日期通信录最近呼叫左功能键菜单指示符应用 右功能键照相机时钟蓝牙连接铃音类型XXXX 按导航键可上、下、左、右选择待机屏幕中的各功能图标。
50关于手机信号强度指示GPRS 输指示 漫游指示应用照相机使用线路指示关 于 手 机信号强度。
当 (无信号)指示出现时,您将不能拨打或接听电话。
速GPRS 状态。
选择的使用线路:=线路=线路 ( 当手机提示电量低信息并发出提示时,请尽快为电关于手机使用导航键使用导航键上、下、左、右滚动浏览菜单。
()53关 于 手 机在待机屏幕,按信息()键,可进入信息中心。
按中心按钮执行选退出 选择通信录关于手机按键反色显示主菜单中某个图标按()或()选择反色显示菜单功能。
以下图标代表了可能会出现在主菜单中的功能,根据您的网络服务供关 于 手 机> 这表示在待机屏幕,您需要按键,从主菜(),然后找到并选择() 键返回到上一屏幕 按键进入子菜单按() 键查看反色显示选项的详细信息。
有编号的列表中,按相应数字键即可反色显示关于手机某一个选项有可选值的列表时,按的左或按向下滚动至其它() 键退出;不作任何修改,当您输入或编辑信息时,完成将会在屏幕出现。
条目明细名称:分类:一般号码:类型:工作存储于:手机语音姓名:位置排序:2#(手机)铃音标志:无取消更改56关 于 手 机按键进入子菜单()显示可以插入的() 键退出不作任何更改。
101文个 人 事 务 管 理> Office 月(按或选择一个或项()键退出日程表按键 打开日程表菜单按周() 转到每周安排所选日期 月内日期(按键选择日期)退出周个人事务管理周(按上或下键选退出()键退出日程表周内日期(按左选择日期)1按月()键转到每月安排按键打开日程表菜单退出月查看每日安排选择一个日期后按键查看当天的安排。
中103文个 人 事 务 管 理 星期二11月18·约翰的生日玛丽,会议吉姆,会议查看返回日期事项安排按键打开日程表菜单按() 显示事项明细() 键返回上一屏幕闹铃提示器未定时事项 [新事件]查看已安排的事项选择一个事项后,按查看 () 具体安排。
玛丽,会议 (1小时)10分钟前 无日期和时间事项明细编辑返回按键打开日程表菜单 重复始持续时间按()键编辑事项()键返回上一屏幕闹铃提示星期二8:00上午个人事务管理> Office按键按键按键按键选择()()按键更换文字输入法()按键完成()键中文个人 事 务 管 理> Office 按键按键按键查看 () () () > Office 按键按键按键按键个人事务管理按键选择()()按键确定()按键完成()键> Office按键按键按键按键中文个 人 事 务 管 理按键选择 () () () ()个人事务管理> Office>反色显示想要发送的事项安排,然后按>()键开启蓝牙。
> Office中文个 人 事 务 管 理按键选择 () () () 按键() > Office 按键开启 () ()个人事务管理()或()()或()中> Office个人事务管理文个人事务管理语音记事录制时间按()键反色显示的语音记事按键打开语音记事菜单退出播放退出()键返回上一屏幕已锁定语音播放语音记事查找此功能 > Office工具功能按键播放()中文个 人 事 务 管 理记事序号语音记事3:按()键暂停播放()键返回上一屏幕按键打开语音记事菜单指示播放进度储存暂停锁定或解锁语音记事您可以锁定和解锁语音记事。
RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 雷蛇黑寡妇蜘蛛 V3 高级用户指南说明书
.RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 雷蛇黑寡妇蜘蛛 V3高级用户指南领域始祖如今要开始重新确立其统治地位。
借助Razer BlackWidow V3 雷蛇黑寡妇蜘蛛 V3感受与众不同。
目录1. 内含物品 (3)2. 要求 (4)3. 简要介绍 (4)4. 技术规格 (5)5. 设置 RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 雷蛇黑寡妇蜘蛛 V3 (6)6. 使用 RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 雷蛇黑寡妇蜘蛛 V3 的媒体控制按键 (7)7. 通过 RAZER SYNAPSE 雷云配置 RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 雷蛇黑寡妇蜘蛛 V3 (9)8. 安全与维护 (20)9. 法律声明 (22)1. 内含物品▪ Razer BlackWidow V3 雷蛇黑寡妇蜘蛛 V3飞敏宏录制按键 游戏模式按键 背光控制按键 睡眠模式按键 媒体控制按键 音量控制滚轴 LED 指示灯 支架线缆布线管理▪ 人体工程学设计腕托▪ 重要产品信息指南2. 要求产品要求▪具有一个闲置 Type A 端口的电脑RAZER SYNAPSE 雷云要求▪Windows® 7 64 位(或更高版本)▪互联网连接,用于软件安装3. 简要介绍你现在拥有了一台非常棒的设备,并且附带两年的有限保修。
即刻通过在线注册,充分发挥设备的所有功能,并获得 Razer 雷蛇的独家福利。
如果遇到问题,请通过向 Razer 雷蛇支持团队提出问题。
4. 技术规格技术规格▪专为游戏设计的Razer™ 雷蛇机械轴▪高达约 8,000 万次按键敲击寿命▪具有约 1,680 万种可自定义颜色选项的 Razer Chroma RGB幻彩灯光效果▪人体工程学设计腕托▪多功能数字拨轮▪专用的多媒体按键▪混合板载内存和云存储—可板载多达 5 个配置文件设置▪支持 Razer Synapse 雷云 3▪线缆布线管理▪N 键无冲▪带有飞敏宏录制功能的完全可编程按键▪游戏模式选项▪1000 Hz 超快轮询率▪铝合金结构5. 设置 RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 雷蛇黑寡妇蜘蛛 V31.将 Razer 雷蛇设备连接到电脑的 USB 端口。
razer deathadder v3 pro 雷蛇炼狱蝰蛇 v3 专业版说明书
目录1. 内含物品 (3)2. 要求 (4)3. 简要介绍 (4)4. 技术规格 (5)5. 设置 RAZER DEATHADDER V3 PRO 雷蛇炼狱蝰蛇 V3 专业版 (6)6. 使用 RAZER DEATHADDER V3 PRO 雷蛇炼狱蝰蛇 V3 专业版 (8)7. 通过 RAZER SYNAPSE 雷云配置 RAZER DEATHADDER V3 PRO 雷蛇炼狱蝰蛇 V3 专业版.. 108. 安全与维护 (26)9. 法律声明 (28)1. 内含物品▪Razer DeathAdder V3 Pro 雷蛇炼狱蝰蛇 V3 专业版鼠标左键状态指示灯鼠标右键滚轮鼠标按键 5 鼠标按键 4 USB Type C 端口PTFE 鼠标垫脚电源/DPI 循环按键*Razer™ Focus Pro 30K 光学传感器*DPI 等级如下:400、800(默认)、1600、3200 和 6400;可使用 Razer Synapse 雷云进行自定义。
▪无线 USB 接收器 + USB 接收器适配器▪USB Type A 转 USB Type C Speedflex 超柔线缆2. 要求要求▪USB Type A 端口RAZER SYNAPSE 雷云要求▪Windows® 10 64 位(或更高版本)▪互联网连接,用于软件安装3. 简要介绍注册你的产品并获得专享福利产品的序列号位于此处。
4. 技术规格▪外形设计: 右手型▪连接: Razer HyperSpeed Wireless 无线技术▪电池续航时间:长达约 90 小时(持续 1000Hz 轮询率)▪RGB 灯光效果: 无▪轮询率/间隔o1000Hz,使用 Razer HyperSpeed 无线接收器(随附)o4000Hz,使用 Razer HyperPolling 无线接收器(单独出售)▪传感器: Focus Pro▪最大灵敏度 (DPI): 30000▪最高速度 (IPS): 750▪最大加速度 (G): 70▪可编程按键: 5▪微动开关类型: 光学▪微动开关寿命: 约 9 千万次点击▪板载内存配置文件数量: 1▪鼠标垫脚: 100% PTFE▪线缆: SpeedFlex USB Type C▪纵横滚轮: 否5. 设置 RAZER DEATHADDER V3 PRO 雷蛇炼狱蝰蛇 V3 专业版为鼠标充电将充电线的一端连接到电脑的任意 USB 端口,另一端插入 Razer DeathAdder V3 Pro 雷蛇炼狱蝰蛇 V3 专业版。
Tube MP Studio V3 用户手册说明书
The ARTTUBE MP STUDIO V3™TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction (2)Installation (3)AC Power Hookup (3)Audio Connections (3)Safety Precautions (3)Controls and Indicators (4)Input Control (4)+20 dB Gain Switch (4)Phantom Power +48V Switch (4)Phase Reverse Switch (5)OPL™ (Peak Limiter) Switch (6)Power/Clip/Limit LED (6)VU Meter (6)Output Control (7)Connections (8)¼” Input Jack (8)XLR Input Jack (8)XLR Output Jack (8)¼” Output Jack (9)Power Jack (9)Operation (10)Warranty Information (12)Service (13)Tube MP Studio Specifications (14)Thank you for purchasing the Tube MP Studio V3™ - and congratulations: You now own one of the most versatile preamplifiers available. Offering a superb level of sound quality, the Tube MP Studio’s hybrid solid state and tube circuit design combined with a straightforward user interface quickly and easily gives you access to all of its features.The original ART Tube MP put professional-caliber tube preamplification into the hands of thousands of musicians and recordists that wanted great tube tone in a compact and flexible package.The Tube MP Studio V3™ extends the range of applications by adding V3™ (Variable Valve Voicing) technology with an output protection limiter (OPL™) to precisely control output peaks, and analog VU metering to aid in setting and maintaining proper signal levels.The Tube MP Studio V3™ can be used in a wide variety of applications including recording, project and home studios, where its metering functionality and OPL™ circuitry really shines. It also functions as a direct box, with impedance matching and preamplification for i n strument or line-level sources.FEATURES:• Built-in analog VU metering• V3™ (Variable Valve Voicing) with OPL™ (switch selectable)• Up to 70dB of gain• Hand selected 12AX7A dual triode tube• Balanced XLR inputs and outputs• ¼” High impedance Instrument input and ¼” line level output• +48V Phantom power (switch selectable)• Phase Reverse Switch• Gain (+20dB) Switch• Input Gain Control• Output Level Control• Multifunction, dual color LED Power/Clip/Limit indicator• Fully shielded all steel chassis• Designed and developed in the USAThe Tube MP Studio V3™ may be used in a wide variety of applications and environments. Self-contained in an all-steel enclosure, the Tube MP Studio V3™ is designed for continuous professional use. Because the unit is compact and lightweight, mounting location is not critical. However, for greater reliability we recommend that you not place the Tube MP Studio V3™ on top of power amps or other sources of heat. The tube circuitry needs about a minute to “warm up” from a cold power up.AC POWER HOOKUPThe Tube MP Studio has an external power supply designed to ************************************************ outside the United States of America have been modified to comply with the required electrical specifications. Only use the adapter that came with the Tube MP Studio V3™. If the adapter becomes lost or damaged, contact ART Customer Service for replacement. If you need to purchase one locally, just make sure that you specify 9 Volt AC (not DC), at 800 ma.AUDIO CONNECTIONSAudio connections to and from the Tube MP Studio V3™ are balanced XLR (Pin 2 = Hot (+), Pin 3 = Cold (-), Pin 1 = Ground) and unbalanced ¼” (Tip = Hot (+), Sleeve = Ground). We recommend that you switch off the +48V Phantom Power whenever changing connections to the XLR input.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWarning: To avoid the risk of shock or fire, do not expose this unit to moisture. Refer all servicing to qualified personnel. Do not remove the metal cover; there are no user-serviceable parts inside. Only use the power adapter that came with this unit or one obtained from Arts Customer Service Department.CONTROLS & INDICATORSINPUT CONTROLThe Input Control sets the amount of input gain of the Tube MP Studio V3™. Turn the control clockwise to increase gain and counterclockwise to decrease gain. You may control two ranges of gain with this control, +26 to +60dB and +6 to +40dB. Selection of the gain range is made with the +20dB gain switch.+20DB GAIN SWITCHUse the +20dB Gain Switch to set the gain range of the input control.When the switch is out, the Tube MP Studio V3™ operates in Normal mode. Depressing the switch adds 20dB of gain. This mode is indicated by the labeling in red and corresponds directly to the input control’s red gain range labeling. For microphone applications, where more gain is needed, push the switch in. For hot line level inputs, set the switch in the out position.PHANTOM POWER +48V SWITCHThe Tube MP Studio V3™ can power any microphone needing +48 volts DC Phantom power. Phantom power is supplied to pins 2 and 3 of the XLR Input jack when this switch is depressed. The Tube MP Studio V3™ slowly applies and removes the +48volts, to prevent damage to microphones.Be sure to turn down or mute the output of the Tube MP Studio V3™ when engaging or disengaging Phantom power. Additionally, when disengaging, allow 30 to 45 seconds for the power to completely discharge. Most microphones will make a sound like air leaking from a tire when Phantom power is disconnected, but some can make some very nasty low rumbles and whines as well.Dynamic microphones should not be affected or damaged if they are plugged into a line where Phantom power is present. However, if the mic doesn't need it, do not use it. Some things are best left untested!PHASE REVERSE SWITCHThe Phase Reverse switch is provided to reverse the phase of the signal. This switch works on Pins 2 and 3 of the XLR output jack and also reverses the polarity of the ¼” output jack. In the Normal position, the signal is in-phase. In the Reverse (or “in”) position, Pins 2 and 3 are reversed and the signal is changed to 180 degrees out of phase.In multiple microphone applications, mic placement can affect the phase of the signals. If two microphones pick up the same signal from different locations, the result can be a hollow or frequency “shifted”sound. In some cases it may sound as if an instrument disappears if it happens to be 180 degrees out of phase. Depressing the Phase switch can remedy this. In general, if your sound is “thin” or “out of position”, try reversing the phase to correct the problem.V3™ – VARIABLE VALVE VOICING™ CONTROLThis Tube MP Studio V3™ features ART’s proprietary V3™technology. V3™ (which stands for Variable Valve Voicing), provides optimized reference points to begin the recording process for guitars, bass guitars, synths, acoustic instruments, percussion and more.ART engineers ran our preamplification circuit through a battery of tests and real life studio conditions. Our goal was to create a processor that would allow a user to have presets that were optimized for specific recording applications. We set out to create a preamp that would be nimble enough to handle both violins and kick drums, and nearly everything in between.We wanted to take the guessing out of the equation – and that is how we developed V3™. It’s simple, easy and it works really well.For example, if you are recording an acoustic guitar, V3™ has a preset that has been optimized for that instrument. Once the preset is chosen, the user can even fine tune the signal – which shows the true power of V3™ technology…it’s tweakable. V3™ even features a multi setting, which is useful for a wide variety of applications – like overhead micing, broadcast and field recording.This means that it is now quicker and easier than ever to make great recordings! Musicians want to play, not spend hours adjusting knobs.No other microphone preamp is as user-friendly as the Tube MP Studio V3™.POWER/CLIP/LIMIT LEDThe bi-color Power/Clip/Limit LED lights green after power is applied and with lower level signals. If OPL™ is not being used, then the LED will serve as a signal clip indicator. It will light red whenever the signal at the tube’s output is about to clip. If the LED is constantly lit, reduce the signal level with the Input gain control, or Activate the OPL™ circuitry.When the OPL™ circuit is engaged, the LED will turn red whenever the output signal peaks exceed the limiter's threshold, at which point the limiter will reduce gain automatically, to prevent output clipping.VU METERThe VU Meter gives an analog representation of the Tube MP Studio V3™’s output signal level. “0dB” on the meter represents +6dBu at the ¼” output jack and +12dBu at the XLR o utput jack. Besides showing the average analog level, it is sensitive to attack transients. When not using OPL™, the VU Meter is a great indicator of how hard you are running the tube. It also helps in setting a consistent level as you change mics and instrument sources.The VU Meter also reflects the impact of the OPL™ circuitry on the signal. For example, if the signal is “in the red” on the meter, the meter will reflect the attenuation of the signal when the OPL™ is activated, and the signal is brought out of the “red”.OUTPUT CONTROLThe Output Control sets the output level of the Tube MP Studio V3™.When the control is fully counterclockwise, there is no output. Turning the control clockwise increases the level of the output signal. When setting the Output level control, refer to the VU Meter for an accurate level leaving the Tube MP Studio V3™.CONNECTIONSDespite the Tube MP Studio V3™’s sophistication, it is easy to interface the unit with a wide variety of equipment. All inputs and outputs, are located on the rear panel. Standard ¼” and XLR inputs and outputs make patching simple.¼” INPUT JACKThe ¼” Input jack is for instrument and line level inputs. It has a high input impedance to minimize any loading effects on instrument pickups. It can also handle up to +22 dBu signals for line level signals.Though not normally suggested, both input jacks can be used simultaneously, in a pinch, to sum two signals. The signal present at the XLR jack will tend to attenuate the signal of the ¼” input.XLR INPUT JACKThe XLR Input jack is primarily intended for microphone input, and as such can furnish Phantom Power when needed. It can handle up to +14 dBu signals, which is the hottest signal you would get out of any microphone. For even hotter input signals, you should use the ¼” input jack. The XLR Input jacks medium input impedance is extremely flat over a wide frequency range, which allows it to be musically neutral to virtually any microphone (one of the Tube MP Studio V3™'s lesser known secrets).XLR OUTPUT JACKThe XLR Output jack of the Tube MP Studio V3™ is active balanced.You may use it in an unbalanced configuration without harm to the output circuitry. The XLR output can provide a hefty signal level (+28dBu) at a low impedance, so make sure that you do not overdrive equipment with sensitive inputs. When using it on the front end of amixer, go into the mixer’s line in or insert inputs and not necessarily into the mixer’s microphone input, unless the mixer can pad that input’s level.¼” OUTPUT JACKThe ¼” Output jack is unbalanced and should be used for sending signals to amps, processors, or other unbalanced configurations.Both balanced and unbalanced output connections may be used simultaneously. This is particularly useful when using the Tube MP Studio V3™ as a direct box for instruments or line level signals. Make sure that both pieces of equipment connected to the Tube MP Studio V3™’s outputs are connected to the same earth ground, beforehand, to avoid electrical shock.If you experience a grounding hum when using both output connectors (one to a console, one to an instrument amp) simultaneously, a ground loop may be the problem. To remedy this problem, disconnect the ground wire (pin 1) from the XLR cable plugged into the Tube MP Studio V3™’s output. This interrupts the ground path and therefore breaks the loop.POWER JACKAn external 9 Volt AC adapter powers the Tube MP Studio V3™. Plug the adapter into the PWR jack and then into a power outlet. Only use the adapter that came with the T ube MP Studio. If the adapter ever becomes damaged, immediately discontinue use. They can be purchased locally or directly from ART. Just make sure that you specify9 Volt AC (not DC), at 800 ma..OPERATIONThe main application of the Tube MP Studio V3™ is a microphone preamplifier. Plug any microphone directly into either input and set the input and output controls to provide an appropriate level into the next stage of your system.Use the Tube MP Studio V3™ as an acoustic or piezo pickup preamplifier to run directly into a console, amp, processor, recorder, or sound card.The Tube MP Studio V3™ is ideal for use as a DI box. Plug the instrument into either input and use the XLR or ¼” (or both) outputs to connect to your recorder, board or PA system.Because of its low noise and excellent tonal qualities, the Tube MP Studio V3™ is ideal for running mixes through before recording to DAT or cassette. Used as a mastering device, the Tube MP Studio V3™ is capable of adding warmth and gentle tube compression to the signal.Variable Input and Output level controls make the Tube MP Studio V3™ ideal for level matching material in postproduction situations.Fill in the following information for your reference:Date of purchase ___________________Purchased from ___________________SERIAL NUMBER ___________________V3™ Settings and their applications when processing:When observing the V3™ dial from a clockwise perspective, the following settings are:Neutral Settings:These are useful for uncolored, natural reproduction of sound.6:00 - Neutral Flat6:45 – Neutral Vocal (Microphone)7:30 – Neutral Guitar Amplifier8:15 – Neutral Bass GuitarWarm Settings:These are useful when warming a signal is desired.9:00 – Warm Electronic Keyboard9:45 – Warm Electric Guitar10:30 – Warm Vocal Microphone11:15 – Warm ValveWarm Settings with OPL™:These are useful with high sound pressure levels, close proximity micing, and spiky transients, as well as warming the signal.12:00 – Warm OPL™ Multiple Applications12:45 – Warm OPL™ Vocal1:30 – Warm OPL™ Acoustic Guitar2:15 – Warm OPL™ PianoNeutral Settings with OPL™:These are useful with high spl’s, close micing and spiky transients, as well as maintaining clarity.3:00 – Neutral OPL™ Bass Guitar3:45 – Neutral OPL™ Acoustic Guitar4:30 – Neutral OPL™ Percussion5:15 – Neutral OPL™ LimitWARRANTY INFORMATIONLimited WarrantyApplied Research and Technology will provide warranty and service for this unit in accordance with the following warrants:Applied Research and Technology, (A R T) warrants to the original purchaser that this product and the components thereof will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year from the date of purchase. Applied Research and Technology will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, defective product or component parts upon prepaid delivery to the factory service department or authorized service center, accompanied by proof of purchase date in the form of a valid sales receipt.Exclusions:This warranty does not apply in the event of misuse or abuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs. This warranty is void if the serial number is altered, defaced, or removed.A R T reserves the right to make changes in design or make additions to or improvements upon this product without any obligation to install the same on products previously manufactured.A R T shall not be liable for any consequential damages, including without limitation damages resulting from loss of use. Some states do not allow limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights and you may have other rights, which vary, from state to state.For units purchased outside the United States, an authorized distributor of Applied Research and Technology will provide service.SERVICEThe following information is provided in the unlikely event that your unit requires service.1) Be sure that the unit is the cause of the problem. Check to make sure the unit has the proper power supplied, all cables are connected correctly, and the cables themselves are in working condition.2) If you find the unit to be at fault, write down a complete description of the problem, including how and when the problem occurs. Please write down a description of your complete setup before calling Customer Service.3) Contact our Customer Service Department at (585) 436-2720 for your Return Authoriz ation number or questions regarding technical assistance or repairs. Customer Service hours are 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.4) Pack the unit in its original carton or a reasonable substitute. The packing box is not recommended as a shipping carton. Put the packaged unit in another box for shipping. Print the RA number clearly on the outside of the shipping box. Print your return shipping address on the outside of the box.5) Include with your unit: a return shipping address (we cannot ship to a P.O. Box), a copy of your purchase receipt, a daytime phone number, and a description of the problem.6) Ship only your unit and its power supply (keep your manual!) to:APPLIED RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY215 TREMONT STREETROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14608RA# ____________________TUBE MP STUDIO V3™ SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 5.0”H x 5.5” W x 2.0”HWeight 1.5 lbs.Input Connections XLR (balanced), ¼”TSOutput Connections XLR (balanced), ¼”TSInput Impedance XLR, ¼”2K ohms, 840k ohmsOutput Impedance XLR, ¼”600 ohms, 300ohmsMaximum Input Level, XLR +14dBuMaximum Input Level, ¼”+22dBuMaximum Output Level, XLR +28dBuMaximum Output Level, ¼”+22dBuCMRR >75dB (typical @ 1kHz)Frequency Response 10Hz to 30kHz, +/-.5dBDynamic Range >100dB (20-20kHz) typicalTotal Harmonic Distortion (THD) <0.1% (typical)Maximum GainXLR to XLR 70dB (typical)¼” to ¼”54dB (typical)XLR to ¼”64dB (typical)¼” to XLR60dB (typical)Equivalent Input Noise (EIN)XLR to XLR -129dBu (A weighted)¼” to ¼”-105dBu (A weighted)Tube Type 12AX7A, Dual Triode, Hand SelectedPower Requirements USA–*********(typ.)Exportunitsconfigured for country of destinationART maintains a policy of constant product improvement. ART reserves the right to make changes in design or make additions to or improvements upon this product without any obligation to install same on products previously manufactured. Therefore, specifications are subject to change without notice.Applied Research & Technology215 Tremont StreetRochester, NY 14608 USA(585) 436-2720(585) 436-3942 (FAX)© 2002 Applied Research & Technology。
GYSPOT V3 焊接机使用说明书
21.07.2016_V3使用说明书V3目录1- 简介,安全说明与注意事项 ................................................................................................................................... 2 2- 机器简介.............................................................................................................................................................. 3 3- 机器的安装与启动 ................................................................................................................................................ 5 4- 设备的操作 . (7)操作键的使用 ................................................................................................................................................ 7 焊接模式使用推荐 ......................................................................................................................................... 8 C 型和QC 型焊钳的使用 ................................................................................................................................ 9-12 X 型焊钳的使用 ............................................................................................................................................. 12-14 焊枪的使用 ................................................................................................................................................... 14 错误管理 ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 焊点计数器 ................................................................................................................................................... 16 储存功能 (报告 – 识别模式 – 用户程序)....................................................................................................... 16-18 SD 存储卡 ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 电脑上GYSPOT 软件 ..................................................................................................................................... 19-225- 使用与维护事项 (24)用户培训 ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 零件组装准备 ................................................................................................................................................ 24 单点焊接 ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 汽车护轮外壳铜臂的使用 ............................................................................................................................... 24 焊臂夹紧螺母的O 型环 .................................................................................................................................. 24 电极帽/电极的更换 ........................................................................................................................................ 24 冷却液液位与效率 ......................................................................................................................................... 24 焊接工具的清洁与更换 .................................................................................................................................. 24 气动过滤器的清洁 ......................................................................................................................................... 24 发电机的维护 ................................................................................................................................................ 24 C 型焊臂的更换与设置 ................................................................................................................................... 25-26 X 型焊臂的更换与设置 ................................................................................................................................... 27-28 QC 型焊臂的更换与设置 ................................................................................................................................ 28-296- 故障/原因/补救措施 .............................................................................................................................................. 30 7- 符合性声明 .......................................................................................................................................................... 31 8- 保修条件 .............................................................................................................................................................. 31 9- 电气图 ................................................................................................................................................................. 32 10- 技术规格 ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 11- 图标.................................................................................................................................................................. 33-34Autres langues disponibles sur la carte SD.Other languages are available on the SD card. Weitere auf SD-Karte verfügbare Sprachen.SD 卡上提供其他语言。
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VERSA Ⅲ 新型电动润滑泵使用说明书NANJING BIJUR MACHINERY PRODUCTS, LTD.Tel: 86-25-85801188 Toll Free: 800-8286000 Fax: 86-25-85802288Website: http:// E-mail: bijur@2目 录一.概述1二.技术参数及性能1三.外形和安装尺寸 3四.产品特点10 五.泵和程控器的使用与调试141.2升、3升、4升或6升润滑泵带点动按钮的使用方法1 2.2升或6升润滑泵配SM-B1型程控器的使用与调试方法13.4升泵配SM-A 程控器2升、3升、6升泵配SM-NA 程控器的使用与调试方法 24.设置举例24 六.维护保养及注意事项 28 七.常见故障及排除方法36八.装箱单九.产品质量信息反馈单VERSA Ⅲ 新型电动润滑泵说明一.概述VERSA Ⅲ 新型电动润滑泵是一种齿轮泵,在原有的VERSA Ⅲ型电动润滑泵基础上改进而成。
与原有VERSA Ⅲ 泵相比,其结构更加合理,性能更加优良,适用范围更加广泛,自吸性能大改善,容积效率更高,可使用粘度在20~2000cst 的润滑油。
该泵配有液位开关,根据不同的用途,还可配置压力开关,与泵上的SM-A 、SM-NA 或SM-B1程控器相联,也可与用户的主设备上程控器系统相联,可实现对油罐内油液的液位,输油系统的压力进行监控,以及润滑周期的设备。
VERSA Ⅲ 新型电动润滑泵可与定量注油器(PDI)组成PDI 润滑系统,对各润滑点进行定量注油润滑;也可与计量件(MU)组成SLR 润滑系统,对各润滑点进行比例注油润滑;或与递查式分配器(PRG)组成PRG 润滑系统。
VERSA Ⅲ 新型电动润滑泵可广泛用于机床、塑料机械、纺织机械、轻工机械、印刷机械、自动扶梯和输送机械等各种设备的集中润滑系统。
二.技术参数与性能2三.外形和安装尺寸四.产品特点1. 油泵配置单相或三相电机,均具有热保护装置。
2. 电机、液位开关和压力开关可与泵上的SM-A、SM-NA 或SM-B1型程控器相联,也可与用户的主设备上程控系统相联,从而实现润滑功能的自动控制。
3. 在使用定量注油器(PDI)时,运行时间由压力开关控制,停机时间可由程控系统设定控制。
4. 在使用计量件(MU)时,开、停机时间均可由程控系统设定控制。
五.泵和程控器的使用与调试1. 2升、3升、4升或6升润滑泵带点动按钮的使用方法:⑴.首次安装时,根据要求联接润滑系统的各管路和定量注油器或计量件。
注意:务必保证联接润滑系统和各管路和零部件处均无泄漏! ⑵.向泵的油罐内加入清洁润滑油,并加油至液位线所示高度范围。
使用380V 电机时,接线须保证其旋转按规定方向。
电气接线示意图说明:N 为零线,L、L'为同相电源引入线。
L 接控制器输出端,L'接控制器输入端。
(4). 当有压力开关时,压力开关的两根引出线接两只黄色子弹形公预绝缘接头,工作形式为:无压常开,1.4MPa 闭合,触点容量:220V,1A。
(5). 液泣开关为泵内配置,工作形式为:有油常开,无油闭合(将油浮卸下对调方向后重新装好即可改变工作形式)触点容量220V,0.1A。
3(6). 泵外壳可靠接地或接零,并装上罩壳,以防发生电击的危险。
(7). 揿动泵上“点动注油”字样旁的按钮,点动运行泵,进行预注油,排尽润滑系统中的空气,直至每个润滑点都出油为止。
2. 2升或6升润滑泵配SM-B1型程控器的使用与调试方法:(1).首次安装时,根据要求联接润滑系统的各管路和定量注油器或计量件。
(5). 设置完毕,装上罩壳,以防发生电击的危险。
(6). 把泵的电源引入线上的两只蓝色子弹形公预绝缘接头,与电源线相联接,黄绿双色线为接地线。
(7). 接通电源后,电机运行10秒钟(该运行时间不可调,并已被固化在电脑内),即红色指示灯闪烁10次,然后绿色指示灯亮,此时电机停止运行,进入间歇时间的计时。
(8). 泵在停止工作时,仍可通过外部按钮进行点动,启动泵工作(但此时红色指示灯不闪烁)。
(9). 当润滑系统配置压力开关时,在系统压力达到额定工作压力后,压力开关闭合,电脑经4秒钟延时后发出停机信号。
(10). 当油罐内液位低于正常液位时,液位开关闭合,电脑发出报警信号,此时绿色指示灯闪烁,电机停止运行。
4SM-AC 系列控制器说明一、简介SM-AC 系列控制器用于控制多种润滑系统,通过简单编程可用于控制单线阻尼式润滑系统(SLR )、容积式润滑系统(PDI )、递进式润滑系统(SRG )、脉冲式润滑系统(PULES )。
A.1.2. 端子1、2接电源(相线,零线无严格要求)。
3. 端子A0、A1、A2为故障继电器接点输出端口(A0、A1常闭,A0、A2常开),可与报警器或主机控制器相接。
4. 端子3、4接负载(泵电机或电磁阀等)。
5. 端子5、6 接低油位信号检测开关(此开关闭合控制器报警)。
6. 端子7、8模式2时接压力开关(常开),模式3时接供油循环开关(开关状态任意)。
B .面板显示:显示窗口有四位数码管,用于显示系统工作状态和编程。
其余三个LED 分别为电源指示(绿色)、泵运行指示(红色)、低油位报警指示(黄色)。
C .面板按键:“ S ” 功能键:用于编程步骤的转换和程序浏览。
“ ” 设置键:用于设置状态下改变数码管闪烁位的数数据。
5三、操作说明A. 通电:接通电源后控制器连续断电前数据工作并显示,若需重新设置请按下步进行: B. 参数设置:1. 同时按下“S ”键和“R ”键进入设置模式,此模式下一位光标闪烁:2. 参照流程图中各设置项左1 ”键修改参数。
3. 一项设置完成后,按下“S C .运行与停止:1. 当全部数据设置完成后按下“R ”键即可存贮已设置的参数并起动运行。
2. 控制器处于任何工作状态下,按“R ”键即可按照存贮的参数重新起动运行,例如当系统管路预注油 时可进行此操作。
3. 当需将已起动运行的泵电机停止时,可同时按下“S ”和“R ”键。
D. 程序浏览:控制器处于任何状态下按动“S ”键即可浏览已存贮的各项参数,不影响当时状态。
E .报警:当控制器处于任何形式的报警状态时,内部故障继电器动作,泵停止。
A . 时间模式(d=1):(该模式主要用于SLR 系统)润滑系统按照控制器预先设置的供油和间歇时间进行周期循环。
B . 压力模式(d=2):(该模式主要用于PDI 系统)润滑系统的供油过程是由安装在润滑泵或系统上的压力开关控制的。
否认,当系统发生供油故障(泄漏、堵塞、泵损坏等)使系统建立压力的时间延长且到达控制器设定的报警时间时,既发出供油故障报警信号,数码显示“EEPP ”(此状态下修改参数应先按下“R ”键解除报警后再进入设置状态)。
6C . 计数模式(d=3):(该模式主要用于SRG 系统)润滑系统的供油过程是由安装在分油器上的供油循环开关控制的。
D . 脉冲模式(d=4):(该模式主要用于PULES 系统)该模式是控制润滑泵以脉动(非连续)方式工作的。
此模式也可用于PDI 系统在一个供油周期内一次定量供油不能满足要求而需多次供油的特殊情况。
六、技术参数:z 输入电源电压:220V AC ±10% z 控制负载功率:35Wz 故障继电器接点容量:220V ,30W z 环境温度:-20℃-60℃ z 保险丝规格:φ5×20;1A。