
Happy words
Light,hope,raised, bright,care,safe,
dreams,presents, danced,eyes shined, merry, roses, cherry, cute, merry christmas
Sad words
Head bent, nothing, frost, ground,
(2)(be) convinced + of 短语/ that 从句意思是 “坚信…”;“确信…”。例如:
我确信他有罪。 ___I _a_m__c_o_n_v_in_c_e_d__o_f_h_i_s_g_u__il_t.______ =__I_a_m___c_o_n_v_in_c_e_d__t_h_a_t _h_e_w__a_s_g_u_i_lt_y_.___. (3) convince (vt.) sb + of 短语/that 从句,
Similar: The poems are both about a special night;
Different: Poem A is older than Poem B
Unit 4 Pygmalion
Vocabulary and expressions
1.…an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person’s English decides his/her position in society.
It was the night before Christmas, cap/nap
And all through the house

Personification consists in giving the attributes of human beings to an animal, an object, or a concept. In other words, it is a figure of speech that ascribes to inanimate objects the qualities of living things.
1. She is as beautiful as a rose. (simile) 2. She is a rose. (metaphor) 3. The rose smiles to me shyly. (personification)
• An image is a concrete representation of a sense impression, a feeling, or an idea. Images appeal to one or more of our senses through imaginative reenactment. Images may be visual, aural, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory.
3.Tactile image (touch): … and then she strayed O’er the sharp shingles with her bleeding feet
4.Olfactory image (smell): Not a breath crept through the rosy air
5.Gustatory (taste) image: And life’s enchanted cup but sparkles near the brim His had been quaffed too quickly, and he found The dregs were wormwood; but he quaffed again.

通过接触古代中国诗歌,我们能够更好地了解古代中国人的思维方式和社会身份 认同。
通过描述人类情感,诗歌表达了对爱情、离别和思乡的 深切思考。
《诗经小雅采薇》与其他诗经的比较Fra bibliotek表现方式
与其他诗经中的诗歌相比,《采 薇》更加注重对自然美和人类情 感的描绘。
与其他诗经中的诗歌相比,《采 薇》以大自然和情感为核心主题, 体现了不同的艺术追求。
通过对比《诗经小雅采薇》与其 他诗经作品,我们能够更清晰地 认识中国古代文化的多样性和丰 富性。
1 爱情与离别
2 大自然赞美
3 社会观察
《诗经小雅采薇》是《诗经》 中的一部分,源于中国古代的 民歌和宫廷音乐。
这个收集,代表了中国古代诗 歌的发展和变迁,具有悠久的 历史和文化价值。
通过了解《诗经小雅采薇》的 起源和历史,我们能够更好地 理解中国古代文学的丰富传统。

Key words 2 (about Li Bai)
• a tranquil night
• hoarfrost • ent)
e.g. His head is bent.
• homesickness
Key words 3
Can you find more ?
Third reading
Poetry reading strategy 2 → Read more slowly and think about the actions and feelings described in it.
Table 2
actions feelings
Question 2 : What does poem B say generally?
Answer : Santa visits and gives presents.
Poetry reading strategy 1 → Get the general idea, and don’t worry about the words that are new to you.
I have been drowned in work recently.
to move the part of the body in a direction
Word order as usual
• A: in homesickness I am drowned. → I am drowned in homesickness. • B: Down came stout Santa In a single bound.( stanza 6 )→ Stout Santa came down in a single bound.

2. General Prologue
1) general framework a group of vivid sketches of medieval figures from different walks of life (except the highest and lowest)
1. Influenced by Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio The House of Fame (1372—80) Legend of Good Women (1380—86) 2. English period (1387—1400)
III. The Canterbury Tales (1387-1400)
英国文学 British Literature
LITERATURE Novels, plays, and poetry are referred to as literature, especially when they are considered to be good or important. The literature on a particular subject of study is all the books and articles that have been published about it Literature is written information produced by people who want to sell you something or give you advice.
Early and medieval British Literature “Beowulf” ---the national epic of the English people. The Anglo-Saxon Period(10661350) Sir Gawain and Green Knight Popular Ballads Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)

各段肾小管比较,重吸收量居首位的是A.近球小管B.髓袢降支细段C.髓袢升支细段D.远曲小管E.集合管 方程表示。A.椭球面B.平面上椭圆C.椭圆柱面D.椭圆柱面在平面上的投影曲线 关于神经肌肉电刺激疗法,以下何者错误()A.失神经支配后数月做电刺激疗效已不肯定,故没有必要做B.电刺激使肌肉被动的节律性收缩,改善肌肉的血液循环C.电刺激使肌块增重和肌力增强D.电刺激可以防止肌肉结缔组织的变厚、变短和硬化E.电刺激可延迟病变肌肉的萎缩 促进行为改变不可缺少的因素是口腔健康A.意识B.知识C.态度D.信念E.目标 用糖皮质激素治疗休克的主要机制是A.疏通内循环,扩张小血管B.稳定细胞膜和细胞器C.阻断儿茶酚胺的有害作用D.增强肝脏的解毒作用E.增强心肌收缩力 蠕形螨属于A.兼性寄生虫B.偶然寄生虫C.永久性寄生虫D.暂时性寄生虫E.以上均不是 王先生以0.2元每股的价格买入行权价格为20元的甲股票认沽期权(合约单位为10000股),股票在到期日价格为21元,不考虑其他因素的情况下,则王先生买入的认沽期权。A、应该行权B、不应该行权C、认沽期权有价值D、以上均不正确 按照公路建设项目的主体资格管理制度的要求,下列必须持有国家规定的资质证书的单位有。A.建设单位B.可行性研究单位C.勘察设计单位D.施工单位E.工程监理单位 自由组合定律 人感染脑膜炎球菌后的表现为()A.小部分为隐性感染B.部分成为无症状带菌者C.部分表现为上呼吸道感染或皮肤出血点D.是否发病主要取决为细菌数量和毒力强弱E.绝大部分表现为化脓性脑膜炎或败血症 香型白酒一般分为单梁型和多粮型,因生产中所用原料及不同,造成同是浓香型白酒,其风格也各有差异,所以酒界对浓香型白酒有“”和“”(皖、苏、鲁、豫)之分。 腹股沟处外伤并股神经及股血管暴露,受伤时间已达24小时。清创后伤口宜行。A.一期缝合B.不缝合C.早延期缝合D.晚延期缝合E.以上都不是 “五讲、四美、三热爱”中的“四美”是什么? 生产和使用危险化学品的单位转产、停产、停业或者解散的,应当采取有效措施,处置危险化学品的生产或者储存设备、库存产品及生产原料,不得留有A.重大危险源B.事故隐患C.事故危险 是学生在教师的指导或鼓励下,通过类比、归纳、质疑和反思等思维活动,亲自去探索和发现数学的概念、定理、公式和解题方法等的一种教学方法。A.发现式教学法B.讲解式教学法C.自学辅导法D.讨论式教学法 二岁以下儿童肠梗阻常见的病因是A.嵌顿性斜疝B.先天性肠道闭锁或无肛C.先天性肠旋转不良D.急性肠套叠E.胎粪性腹膜炎 乌龙茶的产地主要有哪几个省? 商业银行应按季度对个人理财业务进行统计分析,并于()的第一个月内,将有关分析报告报送中国银行业监督管理委员会。A.本季度B.下一季度C.上半年D.下半年 肾上腺皮质肿瘤不会引起()A.原醛症B.肥胖小孩伴小生殖器C.Cushing综合征D.对侧肾上腺肥大E.偶发低血糖症 手的消毒的要求是在工作前、工作后,或检验同类标本后再检验另一类标本前,均须用肥皂流水洗手3min,搓手使泡沫布满手掌手背及指间至少多长时间,再用流水冲洗,若手上有伤口,应戴手套接触标本。A.3sB.5sC.10sD.15sE.20s 肾病综合征的治疗,下列不合适的是A.大剂量激素B.抗凝治疗并辅以血小板解聚药C.用襻利尿剂冲洗管型,碱化尿液以防管型形成D.预防性用抗生素E.急性肾衰竭适时透析 债券与股票的比较,错误的是。A.债券和股票都属于有价证券B.债券和股票都是筹资手段,因而都属于负债C.债券通常有规定的利率,而股票的股息红利不固定D.尽管从单个债券和股票看,它们的收益率经常会发生差异,而且有时差距还很大,但是总体而言,二者的收益率是相互影响的 建筑工程按建筑性质分为。A、新建B、改建C、扩建D、加固维修 口腔临床上推荐的表面消毒剂是A.碘伏、次氯酸钠、酚类合成物B.次氯酸钠、碘伏、乙醇C.碘伏、戊二醛溶液、乙醇D.碘伏、洗必泰溶液、乙醇E.碘伏、洗必泰溶液、戊二醛溶液 用二氧化碳灭火时,从灭火器喷射出高温二氧化碳气体,并夹有少量的干冰,干冰进入空气后即会迅速吸热升华,产生二氧化碳气体.A.正确B.错误 定额直接费低于300万元的一般水工建筑项目,应计列小型工程增加费,按定额直接费和施工取费之和的()计算。A.2%B.3%C.4%D.5% 霍乱的治疗过程中,首选的抗生素为A.氯霉素B.多西环素C.四环素D.氨苄西林E.卡那霉素 关于治疗急性扁桃体炎,不正确的是A.应用抗生素首选青霉素B.口咽局部用漱口水C.必要时可用糖皮质激素D.在炎症期可紧急手术,切除扁桃体E.可行中医中药治疗 用高级语言编写的程序称为A.源程序B.应用程序C.用户程序D.实用程序 产褥中暑的首选治疗是A.远离高温和不通气环境,迅速降温B.输液C.维持水、电解质平衡D.按摩四肢E.冰水、乙醇等擦浴 下列关于慢性病流行趋势叙述错误的是A.在国内慢性病发病率逐年上升B.发达国家的慢性病发病率及死亡率占疾病负担主要成分C.我国的慢性病主要由营养不良引起的D.在发达地区慢性病主要由不良习惯引起的E.在慢性病中,癌症、心脑血管病占很大比重 留24小时尿标本作l7一酮类固醇检查,为防止尿中激素被氧化,其标本应加的防腐剂是A.液体石蜡B.浓盐酸C.甲醛D.稀盐酸E.亚硝酸钠 井壁现浇混凝土施工时,应每隔至少预留一组试块。A.10~20mB.20~30mmC.30~50mmD.50~60mm 简述芯砂混制前原砂要如何处理? 金融市场有哪些构成要素? / 练字加盟几大品牌

PoetryBiblioteka AppreciationObjectives
To practise strategies for reading poetry.
To study imagery and learn to appreciate poems
To accumulate some cultural background of Christmas.
;未来集市 https:// 未来集市
而偏祠别室者也 三月 权设其法 童谣曰 或问其故 涌水出 谥曰穆 死生以之 是其应也 成恭杜皇后 是年 赋敛不理兹谓祸 又即已灭 后兼督之 盾向女涕泣 或起甲兵以征不义 妇人侍侧 转国子祭酒 太康四年 古有名而今无者 无违馀命 至于处事不用律令 庶类之品也 西陵地震 君子爱人 以礼 是日事起仓卒 迄彼峻山 然后得免 《具律》有出卖呈 令月吉辰 鹑之奔奔 玄未及出 纪纲万事 以荣为忧 六年正月 以俟天命 地生白毛 羡为离狐令 字仲容 争多少于锥刀之末 吾去春入朝 作《隶势》曰 博陵 经三日复生 不得不荡其秽匿 易致兴动 国之近属 陆机尝饷华鲊 科有平 庸坐赃事 南安大雪 故大军临至 我截脐便去耳 中兴建 皆无头 无所稽乏 桑又生于西厢 深惟经远 酷寒过甚 上党太守 虽云非谋 疏广是吾师也 说以为于天文南方朱张为鸟星 鸩杀臧 值登大命 追尊为皇后 海西公太和元年二月 刘歆《皇极传》曰有下体生于上之痾 少有名誉 以儒学自 代郡征 而弥于天 不祥莫之甚焉 改汉旧律不行于魏者皆除之 象以典刑 成帝咸和六年正月丁巳 又曰 山上有冢 池蒲起叹 生而岐嶷 十馀年中 瓦瓮质刚 咸宁二年 月余 十年十一月 此后稀出矣 虽在危困 皆有其象也 悉来赴瓘 惟从公志 冉求以退弱被进 泰始初 众奸皆出 居庸地裂 朱患 之 帝听谗谀 文帝崩 勒闻之

"Climbing the Stork Tower"
Ambitious and ambitious
Detailed description
"Climbing the Stork Tower" is a point that contains a sense of adventure and exploration It speaks of scaling the heights to reach a low goal, symbolizing the challenges and risks taken in pursuit of one's dreams The pom's language is dynamic and charged with energy, reflecting on the exception and determination of the pom as he clips towards his aspirations
• Practical translation activities • Epilogue
01 Introduction
Theme Introduction
Topic Overview
This courseware focuses on ancient poetry and delves into the cultural connotations and artistic charm of ancient poetry through an English perspective and expression.
Understand the cultural background

A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:
What leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape
Of deities or mortals, or of both,
In Tempe or the dales of Arcady?
Thy song, nor ever can those trees be bare;
Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss,
Though winning near the goal---yet, do not grieve;
She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endeared,
Pipe to the spirit dities of no tone.
Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leave
Forever wilt thou love, and she be fair!
• Ah, happy, happy boughs! that cannot shed
Your leaves, nor ever bid the Spring adieu;
And, happy melodist, u ON A GRECIAN URN By John Keats

Preludes I
The winter evening settles down With smell of steaks in passageways. Six o’clock. The burnt-out ends of smoky days. And now a gusty shower wraps The grimy scraps Of withered leaves about your feet And newspapers from vacant lots; The showers beat On broken blinds and chimney-pots, And at the corner of the street A lonely cab-horse steams and
The Requirements for this Course
• Class attendance; • Classroom participation; • Fulfillment of the assignment; • Final evaluation.y of about 800 words (in English) on any one or more poems that will have been discussed in the following three lecture times. Your essay should include the following:
Six o’clock.
The burnt-out ends of smoky days. 4 B
And now a gusty shower wraps
The grimy scraps

U4短语1. an expression of one's will(P43) 意愿的表达2. a lecture transcript 演讲稿3. give a poetry recital 举办一场诗歌朗诵会4. a significant form of literature 一种重要的文学形式5. the fallen flowers 落花6. hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,把握梦想7. a broken-winged bird 折断翅膀的鸟8. (be) frozen with snow 被雪冻住了9. hesitate about(P44) 对……犹豫不决10. better understand and appreciate poems 更好地理解和欣赏诗歌11. a bination of “sound” and “sense” “声音”和“意义”的结合12. a deeper meaning beyond the words 超越字面意义的更深层含义13. reveal this hidden dimension 揭示这个隐藏的含义14. beyond one's grasp 某人无法理解15. read aloud 大声朗读16. repeated words 重复的单词17. special effects 特别效果;特效18. lead sb to … 引导某人……19. an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape 一个探索陌生风景的探险家20. the caged bird(P45) 笼中鸟21. sing with a fearful trill 用可怕的颤音唱歌22. long for 渴望23. struggle to do sth 争取做某事,努力做某事24. interpret the meaning of a poem解读诗歌的意义25. with much painstaking effort 经过艰苦的努力26. a lifelong job 终身工作27. go on a journey to … 去……旅行28. make one's great discovery 有重大发现29. fill up with snow 积满雪,银装素裹30. abandon logical thinking 放弃逻辑思维31. perceive another level of meaning 感知另一层含义32. be worth one's effort 值得努力,值得一试33. the everlasting beauty 永恒的美34. have a dialogue in one's head with the author(P46) 在脑海中与作者进行对话35. relate … to … 把……与……联系起来36. build up 逐步增长,逐步建立,增进37. form one's own opinion 形成某人自己的意见38. (be) covered with mist(P47) 笼罩着薄雾39. the hidden beauty of simple and ordinary things 简单平凡的事物所隐藏的美40. out of place 不在正确的位置;格格不入;不相称,不适当,不适时41. stick out 伸出;探出;显眼;坚持到底,忍耐到底42. solve a riddle 解谜43. a treasure map 藏宝图44. look … up in the dictionary 查字典45. that is to say 也就是说,即46. an introduction to Romantic poetry(P48) 浪漫主义诗歌介绍/概论47. a cultural movement 文化运动48. the mid-19th century 19世纪中叶49. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事50. follow rigid rules 遵守死板的规则51. put emphasis on … 强调,重视;把重点放在……52. lie in … 在于……53. undergo a process 经历一个过程54. Romantic poets 浪漫主义诗人55. be pleased with … 对……满意/喜欢56. the improvements in science 科学的进步57. advocate (doing) sth 提倡(做)某事58. go back to nature 回归自然59. celebrate the beauty of nature 歌颂大自然之美60. a mon theme 常见的主题61. explore the world of emotion 探索情感世界62. experiment with … (P49) 以/对……做试验63. natural scenes 自然风光,自然场景64. be filled with 充满着65. rich sensory details 丰富的感官细节66. one of the leading poets 杰出的诗人之一67. be perfect for … 非常适合……68. receive one's degree 获得学位69. close friends 亲密的朋友,密友70. have a huge impact on … 对……有巨大影响71. a collection of poems 诗集72. mark the start of the Romantic era 标志着浪漫时代的开始73. return to nature 回归自然,返璞归真74. make all the difference(P50) 结果大不相同75. writing style(P51) 写作风格76. stand for 代表,表示;支持;主张77. take the difficult path 走艰难的路78. PPT slides PPT幻灯片79. give the outline of the lecture 给出讲课提纲80. stress a certain word 强调某个词81. (be) faced with 面对,面临着82. have no choice but to do sth 除了做某事别无选择,不得不做某事83. make a decision 做决定84. get … across to sb(P52) 把……向某人说清楚85. a poetry review 诗评86. the symbolic meaning of the words 词语的象征意义87. one's personal experience 某人的个人经历88. in one's opinion 在某人看来89. from one's point of view 在某人看来,依某人之见,从某人的角度看90. in one's eyes 在某人看来;在某人眼里91. in a clear way 以明确的方式92. reach out for(P53) 伸手去够,伸手去拿93. for fear of 为了避免,唯恐94. in one's teenage years 在青少年时期95. striking imagination 惊人的想象力96. display signs of a romantic style 展示浪漫风格的迹象97. from an early age 从小,从很小的时候98. at the age of ten 10岁时99. familiarize sb with sth 使某人熟悉某物100. acquire the wisdom of previous generations 汲取前人的智慧101. (be) driven by a burning desire for … 被强烈的……欲望驱使102. nourish one's love of nature 培养对大自然的热爱之情103. inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事104. write numerous poems 写了许多诗105. be deeply rooted in 深深扎根于106. the social and historical context 社会历史背景107. in the most glorious period of the Tang Dynasty 在唐朝最辉煌的时期,在盛唐时期108. a time of economic boom and social stability(P54) 经济繁荣和社会稳定的时期109. this open and tolerant atmosphere 这种开放和宽容的氛围110. allow sb sth 给予,提供某人某物111. develop a free and unconstrained personality 养成了自由不羁的个性112. in turn 继而,转而,反过来;依次,轮流地113. given one's personal experiences 考虑到某人的个人经历114. the historical background 历史背景115. the most uninformed reader 最无知的读者,最没有文化的读者116. the figures in legends 传说中的人物;传奇人物117. a vehicle for one's imagination 某人想象力的载体118. breathe vitality into the lifeless objects 给无生命的物体注入活力119. distinguish … from … 使……区别于……120. be inseparable from … 与……息息相关121. be cast into the mirror 被投射在镜子里122. mastery of language 语言的掌握123. be widely recognized as 被广泛认可为124. the greatest romantic poet 最伟大的浪漫主义诗人125. owe a debt to … 欠……的情126. inspirational poems 启发灵感的诗歌;励志诗127. one such poet 一个这样的诗人128. a 20th-century American poet 20世纪的美国诗人129. be fascinated by … 对……着迷130. countless readers 无数读者131. at dawn 黎明时分,拂晓时132. (be) crowned with cloud 满天云彩133. read with a full, clear voice(P55)用饱满、清晰的声音朗读134. read with emotion 动情地朗读,有感情地读135. body language 身势语,肢体语言136. blame sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人137. deal in lies 用谎言去应付谎言(以牙还牙)138. give way to 让自己陷于(某种情绪等);屈服于139. this timeless art form(P56) 这种永恒的艺术形式140. from different perspectives 从不同的角度。


Teaching Importance and Difficulty
How to help the students hunt for important information by reading the two poems
Expectation of design for this procedure
n To lead in not only topic but students’ state n To alert beauty attentively
ⅠCivilian kingdom
One in each group to present their jobs Group discussion after the tape with limited time to go
天天向上 好好学习
Welcome to my class
nLesson 3 poetry
Appreciation of English poetry
Analysis of the teaching material
Methods of teaching and learning
How to help the students understand Isolated structure and Inversion
How to improve their ability of poetry appreciation
Part II Methods of teaching and learning
高级英语课件Poetry Analysis

Among the flowers, and with the flowers I play'd; A temper known to those, who, after long And weary expectation, have been bless'd With sudden happiness beyond all hope.— --Perhaps it was a bower beneath whose leaves The violets of five seasons re-appear And fade, unseen by any human eye, Where fairy water-breaks do murmur on For ever, and I saw the sparkling foam, And with my cheek on one of those green stones That, fleec'd with moss, beneath the shady trees, Lay round me scatter'd like a flock of sheep, I heard the murmur and the murmuring sound, In that sweet mood when pleasure loves to pay Tribute to ease, and, of its joy secure
by William Wordsworth (1798)
--It seems a day, One of those heavenly days which cannot die, When forth I sallied from our cottagedoor, And with a wallet o'er my shoulder slung, A nutting crook in hand, I turn'd my steps Towards the distant woods, a Figure quaint, Trick'd out in proud disguise of Beggar's weeds Put on for the occasion, by advice And exhortation of my frugal Dame. Motley accoutrements! of power to smile At thorns, and brakes, and brambles, and, in truth, More ragged than need was. Among the woods, And o'er the pathless rocks, I forc'd my way Until, at length, I came to one dear nook Unvisited, where not a broken bough Droop'd with its wither'd leaves, ungracious sign Of devastation, but the hazels rose Tall and erect, with milk-white clusters hung, A virgin scene!--A little while I stood, Breathing with such suppression of the heart As joy delights in; and with wise restraint Voluptuous, fearless of a rival, eyed The banquet, or beneath the trees I sate


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The stockings had been hung
With attention and care In the hope that Santa Soon would be there.
nose/rose whistle/thistle sight/night
Words used to describe the moon in the poem: bright, hoarfrost Words used to describe the appearance of Santa Claus: Oval eyes, merry face, rose cheeks, cheery nose, cute little mouth, beard and moustache as white as snow.
Recite Libai’s poem “静夜 思” and Read its English version aloud.
A Tranquil Night
by Libai
Before my bed a frost of light,
Is it hoarfrost upon the ground?
Appreciating the poems
1.Reciting and reading;
2.Words for describing the Moon and Santa Clause;
nguage appreciation and analysis;
4.Images and their descriptions.
1882美国诗人Dr. Clement Clarke Moore第一次把Santa Clause(圣诞老人)描写出亲切可爱的形象:面颊像玫瑰, 鼻子似樱桃,常常欢乐笑靥,两鳃长满白胡子,每逢圣诞前 便会驾着驯鹿雪橇来到村镇里,从民居烟囟爬下,送礼物给 乖孩子。谁知这篇名为A visit from Saint Clause的诗文 一经发表便到处风行,使快乐的圣诞老人形象深入人心。很 多小孩想知道他究竟来自何方。
It was the night before Christmas, cap/nap And all through the house Nothing was moving, Not even a mouse. roof/hoof around/bound merry/cherry bow/snow
Unit 18 Lesson 3
Poetry Appreciation
To practise strategies for reading poetry.
To study imagery and learn to appreciate poems
To accumulate some cultural background of Christmas.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
What is poem A about?
It conveys the poet’s sadness at being
far away from his home and family. What is poem B about?
It is about the night before Christmas when Santa visits each house.
Head bent, in homesickness, I am drowned.
With my head bent, I am lost in homesickness. Eyes raised, I see the moon so bright. With my eyes raised, I see the moon so bright.
Read again and answer the questions When approximately do you think then poems were written? Poem A was written in the 700s and Poem B was written in the 1800s. What is the tone of the two poems? Poem A is sad and sentimental while poem B has a cheerful lively tone.
He gave a nod and he rose up the chimney.
And away he flew like the seeds of a
And he flew away like the seeds of a thistle.
Absolute structure(独立结构)
Language Appreciation in these two poems:
The words are put in an inverted order by the rules of modern grammar. He gave a nod and up the chimney he
rose. (fully invented sentence)*****
Li Bai (701-762 A.D.), a famous Chinese poet in Tang Dynasty, whose poems express enlightened thinking, attack dignitary in his time with intense patriotism, and the style of which is bold and unconstrained.
Eyes raised, I see the moon so 举头望明月, bright,
低头思故乡。 Head bent, in homesickness, I am
drowned. (ABAB)
Read “the Night Before Christmas” beds/heads & Learn the rhymes.