【名师指津】2015年高考英语总复习 第一部分 模块复习 话题13 财富人生课件 新人教版必修3
【金版学案】2015届高考英语总复习(活学活用能力提升)Unit 1 Festivals aroun

Unit 1 Festivals around the world话题:端午节体裁:说明文写作思路:节日日期;起源;特色活动或食品。
On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month 278BC,when word came that his country was defeated,Qu Yuan,the patriotic poet,jumped into the Miluo hearing the news,the people nearby searched for him in their boats while throwing rice into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu's the same day every year,the Dragon Boat Race was celebrated in memory of QuYuan and zongzi became the special food on that the Dragon Boat Festival came into being.Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词1.收获,收割v.& n.____________2.祖先,祖宗n. ____________3.起源,由来;起因n. ____________4.诡计;恶作剧n. ____________5.获得,得到vt. ____________6.信任,信心;信仰n. ____________7.农业的,农艺的adj. ____________8.奖品;授予n.&v. ____________9.向前地adv. ____________10.明显的,显而易见的adj. ____________答案:6.beliefⅡ.写出下列单词的变化形式1.独立n.____________独立的adj. ____________依靠v.____________可依靠的adj. ____________2.赞美v.____________羡慕n.____________3.精力充沛的adj. ____________精力n.____________4.道歉v.____________道歉n.____________5.悲哀n.____________悲哀的adj. ____________悲哀地adv. ____________答案:;independent;depend;dependent2.admire;admiration ;energy4.apologize;apology ;sad;sadly用所给单词的适当形式填空。

高中英语真题:2015届高考英语一轮复习Unit1Theworldofoursenses单元综合提升牛津译林版必修3Ⅰ.单项填空1. (2014·烟台模拟)talking with him, you’ll find him an easy-going man.A. OnceB. UnlessC. UntilD. Before2. (2014·金华模拟)This is not an economical way to get more water;, it is very expensive.A. on the contraryB. on the other handC. in shortD. in all3. (2014·常州模拟)When he came back, he found his bag over the seat.A. hangingB. to hangC. hungD. being hung4. (2014·临川月考)For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, witho ut a single plant or tree .A. in sightB. on earthC. at a distanceD. in place5. Every minute counts before the College Entrance Examinat ion. So we mustthe limited time.A. make out ofB. make the most ofC. take charge ofD. take care of6. (2014·启东模拟)After a heavy finance problem, our market share has reduc ed15% 60% in Asian market.A. with; toB. to; byC. at; aboveD. by; to7. (2014·南通模拟)A good advertisement often uses words people attach positive meanings.A. in whichB. to whichC. whichD. that8. —What’s wrong? You seem rather angry.—I was asked to pay this ugly shirt is worth.A. twice whatB. twice thatC. twice of whatD. twice of that9. (2014·瑞安模拟)Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere els esuch a beautiful palace.A. can you findB. you could findC. you can findD. could you find10. (2014·杭州质检)Many approaches have beento control the spread of H7N9 Bird Flu.A. adaptedB. employedC. negotiatedD. accessed11. Those who suffer from headache will find they getfrom this medicine.A. reliefB. safetyC. defenseD. shelter12. Mo Yan’s winning of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature sh ows the world’sof ’s contemporary literature.A. recognitionB. intentionC. connectionD. application13. (2014·威海模拟)Have you ever met a man who is always the centre of atte ntionhe goes?A. wheneverB. howeverC. whereverD. where14. wild animals while you are in the mountain forest.A. Look out ofB. Be carefulC. Watch out forD. Watch out15. She observed a manon the opposite side of the way, and recognized it was Charlie .A. walkedB. walksC. to walkD. walkingⅡ.阅读理解A(2014·临沂模拟)It is often said that you cannot “teach an old dog new tricks”, b ut three dogs have decided to prove otherwise by learning a skill—driving a car!What’s even more impressive is that the three who have beco me skilled in just eight weeks are not special dogs that belong to some rich owners, but abandoned ones at ’s SPCA.To get their training started, 10-month-old Porter, 18-month-old Monty and one-year-old Ginny were selected from a pool of seven potential candid ates and moved to Animal Q, a talent agency that teaches ani mals tricks for movies and television shows.The driving classes began with teaching the dogs some basic driving techniques like turning the steering wheels(方向盘)and applying the brakes. After that the dogs practiced ever ything they had learnt behind the wheels of a motorized(装上发动机的)car. Then finally, it was time for the big test-driving a real car!Human cars are not really built for four-legged animals, so the car they drove was adjusted so that th e dogs could sit comfortably and easily reach the steering wh eel with their paws.Though they all seemed to do very well, the real test came on Monday night when Monty, the best driver of the three, show ed his great driving skill on live television.Why would the SPCA go through so much trouble to highlight the skills of homeless dogs? The reason is to show that adopt ing a dog from a shelter does not mean owners are getting a pet that is worse than one purchased from a keeper. The CE O of the SPCA is hoping that this unusual event will be enoug h to convince the residents of to consider them, when searchi ng for a pet.We surely hope so, meanwhile we are almost certain that the se three pioneers have at least landed their names in the Gui nness World Records, creating a category that probably does not even exist today!1. Who do the three dogs belong to?A. Some rich owners.B. Animal Q.C. A shelter.D. A zoo.2. The car the dogs drove was adjusted .A. because it was too big for the dogs to driveB. because it had no steering wheels and brakesC. to ensure the dogs could sit comfortably and drive easilyD. to motorize the car and turn it to be a real one3. Why does the SPCA decide to teach the three dogs to lear n to drive a car?A. To prove old dogs can learn new tricks.B. To teach them performing tricks for movies and television s hows.C. To provide amusing performances for homeless children.D. To encourage people to adopt the abandoned dogs.4. What can we learn from the passage?A. A new Guinness category for driving dogs will probably be created.B. Abandoned dogs are much cleverer than house-kept ones.C. All the dogs at ’s SPCA will soon be adopted.D. has the most homeless dogs among all countries.B(2014·启东三模)On a wet Wednesday evening in Seoul, six government empl oyees gathered at the office to prepare for a late-night patrol(巡逻). The mission is to find children who are studying after 10 p . m. and stop them.In , it has come to this. To reduce the country’s addiction to pr ivate, after-hours tutoring academies(called hagwons), the authorities ha ve begun enforcing a curfew(宵禁令)—even rewarding citizens for turning in violators.But cramming(临时死记硬背)is deeply anchored in Asia, where top grades have long be en prized as essential for professional success. Before toothb rushes or printing presses, there were civil service exams that could make or break you. Chinese families have been hiring t est preparation tutors since the 7th century. Nowadays has ta ken this competition to new extremes. In 2010, 74% of all stud ents engaged in some kind of private after-school instruction, sometimes called shadow education, at an average cost of KRW 2, 600 per student for a year. There are more private instructors in than school teachers, and the most popular of them make millions of dollars a year from online a nd in-person classes. When Singapore’s Education Minister was as ked last year about his nation’s reliance on private tutoring, he found one reason for hope, “We are not as bad as the . ”In , legions of students who failed to get into top universities s pend the entire year after high school attending hagwons to i mprove their scores on university admission tests. And they m ust compete even to do this. At the prestigious Daesung Instit ute, admission is based on students’ test scores. Only 14% of applicants are accepted. After a year of 14-hour days, about 70% gain entry to one of the nation’s top thr ee universities.South Koreans are not alone in their discontent. Across Asia, reformers are pushing to make schools more “American”—even as some reformers make their own schools more “Asian ”. In , universities have begun fashioning new entry tests to tar get students with talents beyond book learning. And Taiwanes e officials recently announced that kids will no longer have to t ake high-stress exams to get into high school. In , the apogee of extreme education, gets its reforms right, it could be a model for ot her societies.The problem is not that kids aren’t learning enough or workin g hard enough, but that they aren’t working smart. When I visi ted some schools, I saw classrooms in which a third of the stu dents slept while the teacher continued lecturing, seemingly u ndisturbed.The government has repeatedly tried to humanize the educati on system, but after each attempt, the hagwons come back st ronger. But this time, its reforms are targeting not just the dysf unctional symptom but also the causes. It is working to improv e normal public schools by putting teachers and principals thr ough rigorous(严格的)evaluations—which include opinion surveys by students, parents and peer t eachers—and requiring additional training for low-scoring teachers. At the same time, the government hopes to reduce the pressure on students. Admissions tests for high sc hools have been abolished. Middle schoolers are now judged on the basis of their regular grades and an interview. And 500 admissions officers have been appointed to the country’s uni versities, to judge applicants not only on their test scores andgrades but also other abilities.5. The six government employees were asked to .A. arrest the students who work late at nightB. reward citizens who turn in violatorsC. conduct a survey among studentsD. prevent students from studying too late6. In Paragraph 3 toothbrushes and printing presses are ment ioned in order to .A. tell us that they were invented in AsiaB. show that hagwons play an important role in people’s daily lifeC. show that private tutoring has a long historyD. tell us that civil service exams are of equal importance as t hem7. What can be concluded from the passage?A. Hagwons are the source of ’s educational problem.B. Students in don’t learn efficiently.C. It is the teachers and headmasters who are to blame for th e educational problem.D. Private tutoring is not common in .8. The main point of the last paragraph is that .A. it is very difficult to get rid of hagwonsB. the causes of hagwons have been foundC. teachers will have a hard time because of the reformsD. the government is determined to reform the present educat ion system【语篇随练】多练一点技高一筹根据阅读理解A回答问题1. How long do the driving classes last?2. Which is the right order of the following events?a. Teaching the dogs some basic driving techniques.b. Selecting three dogs and moving them to Animal Q.c. The dogs practiced everything they had learnt in a motorized car.d. Choosing the best to show his driving skill on live television .e. Driving a real car.2015届高考英语一轮复习Unit1Theworldofoursenses单元综合提升牛津译林版必修3Ⅰ.单项填空1. (2014·烟台模拟) talking with him, you’ll find him an easy-going man.A. OnceB. UnlessC. UntilD. Before2. (2014·金华模拟)This is not an economical way to get more water; , it is very expensive.A. on the contraryB. on the other handC. in shortD. in all3. (2014·常州模拟)When he came back, he found his bag over the seat.A. hangingB. to hangC. hungD. being hung4. (2014·临川月考)For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree .A. in sightB. on earthC. at a distanceD. in place5. Every minute counts before the College Entrance Examination. So we mustthe limited time.A. make out ofB. make the most ofC. take charge ofD. take care of6. (2014·启东模拟)After a heavy finance problem, our market share has reduced15% 60% in Asian market.A. with; toB. to; byC. at; aboveD. by; to7. (2014·南通模拟)A good advertisement often uses wordspeople attach positive meanings.A. in whichB. to whichC. whichD. that8. —What’s wrong? You seem rather angry.—I was asked to pay this ugly shirt is worth.A. twice whatB. twice thatC. twice of whatD. twice of that9. (2014·瑞安模拟)Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere elsesuch a beautiful palace.A. can you findB. you could findC. you can findD. could you find10. (2014·杭州质检)Many approaches have beento control the spread of H7N9 Bird Flu.A. adaptedB. employedC. negotiatedD. accessed11. Those who suffer from headache will find they get from this medicine.A. reliefB. safetyC. defenseD. shelter12. Mo Yan’s winning of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature shows the world’sof ’s contemporary literature.A. recognitionB. intentionC. connectionD. application13. (2014·威海模拟)Have you ever met a man who is always the centre of attentionhe goes?A. wheneverB. howeverC. whereverD. where14. wild animals while you are in the mountain forest.A. Look out ofB. Be carefulC. Watch out forD. Watch out15. She observed a manon the opposite side of the way, and recognized it was Charlie.A. walkedB. walksC. to walkD. walkingⅡ.阅读理解A(2014·临沂模拟)It is often said that you cannot “teach an old dog new tricks”, but three dogs have decided to prove otherwise by learning a skill—driving a car!What’s even more impressive is that the three who have become skilled in just eight weeks a re not special dogs that belong to some rich owners, but abandoned ones at ’s SPCA.To get their training started, 10-month-old Porter, 18-month-old Monty and one-year-old Ginny were selected from a pool of seven potential candidates and moved to Animal Q, a talent agency that teaches animals tricks for movies and television shows.The driving classes began with teaching the dogs some basic driving techniques like turning t he steering wheels(方向盘)and applying the brakes. After that the dogs practiced everything they had learnt behind th e wheels of a motorized(装上发动机的)car. Then finally, it was time for the big test-driving a real car!Human cars are not really built for four-legged animals, so the car they drove was adjusted so that the dogs could sit comfortably an d easily reach the steering wheel with their paws.Though they all seemed to do very well, the real test came on Monday night when Monty, the best driver of the three, showed his great driving skill on live television.Why would the SPCA go through so much trouble to highlight the skills of homeless dogs? T he reason is to show that adopting a dog from a shelter does not mean owners are getting a pet that is worse than one purchased from a keeper. The CEO of the SPCA is hoping that thi s unusual event will be enough to convince the residents of to consider them, when searching for a pet.We surely hope so, meanwhile we are almost certain that these three pioneers have at least l anded their names in the Guinness World Records, creating a category that probably does n ot even exist today!1. Who do the three dogs belong to?A. Some rich owners.B. Animal Q.C. A shelter.D. A zoo.2. The car the dogs drove was adjusted .A. because it was too big for the dogs to driveB. because it had no steering wheels and brakesC. to ensure the dogs could sit comfortably and drive easilyD. to motorize the car and turn it to be a real one3. Why does the SPCA decide to teach the three dogs to learn to drive a car?A. To prove old dogs can learn new tricks.B. To teach them performing tricks for movies and television shows.C. To provide amusing performances for homeless children.D. To encourage people to adopt the abandoned dogs.4. What can we learn from the passage?A. A new Guinness category for driving dogs will probably be created.B. Abandoned dogs are much cleverer than house-kept ones.C. All the dogs at ’s SPCA will soon be adopted.D. has the most homeless dogs among all countries.B(2014·启东三模)On a wet Wednesday evening in Seoul, six government employees gathered at the office to prepare for a late-night patrol(巡逻). The mission is to find children who are studying after 10 p. m. and stop them.In , it has come to this. To reduce the country’s addiction to private, after-hours tutoring academies(called hagwons), the authorities have begun enforcing a curfew(宵禁令)—even rewarding citizens for turning in violators.But cramming(临时死记硬背)is deeply anchored in Asia, where top grades have long been prized as essential for profe ssional success. Before toothbrushes or printing presses, there were civil service exams that could make or break you. Chinese families have been hiring test preparation tutors since the 7th century. Nowadays has taken this competition to new extremes. In 2010, 74% of all stud ents engaged in some kind of private after-school instruction, sometimes called shadow education, at an average cost of KRW 2, 600 p er student for a year. There are more private instructors in than school teachers, and the mo st popular of them make millions of dollars a year from online and in-person classes. When Singapore’s Education Minister was asked last year about his nation’s reliance on private tutoring, he found one reason for hope, “We are not as bad as the . ”In , legions of students who failed to get into top universities spend the entire year after high school attending hagwons to improve their scores on university admission tests. And they mu st compete even to do this. At the prestigious Daesung Institute, admission is based on stude nts’ test scores. Only 14% of applicants are accepted. After a year of 14-hour days, about 70% gain entry to one of the nation’s top three universities.South Koreans are not alone in their discontent. Across Asia, reformers are pushing to make schools more “American”—even as some reformers make their own schools more “Asian”. In , universities have begun f ashioning new entry tests to target students with talents beyond book learning. And Taiwane se officials recently announced that kids will no longer have to take high-stress exams to get into high school. In , the apogee of extreme education, gets its reforms ri ght, it could be a model for other societies.The problem is not that kids aren’t learning enough or working hard enough, but that they ar en’t working smart. When I visited some schools, I saw classrooms in which a third of the stu dents slept while the teacher continued lecturing, seemingly undisturbed.The government has repeatedly tried to humanize the education system, but after each atte mpt, the hagwons come back stronger. But this time, its reforms are targeting not just the dys functional symptom but also the causes. It is working to improve normal public schools by putting teachers and principals through rigorous(严格的)evaluations—which include opinion surveys by students, parents and peer teachers—and requiring additional training for low-scoring teachers. At the same time, the government hopes to reduce the pressure on student s. Admissions tests for high schools have been abolished. Middle schoolers are now judged on the basis of their regular grades and an interview. And 500 admissions officers have been appointed to the country’s universities, to judge applicants not only on their test scores and g rades but also other abilities.5. The six government employees were asked to .A. arrest the students who work late at nightB. reward citizens who turn in violatorsC. conduct a survey among studentsD. prevent students from studying too late6. In Paragraph 3 toothbrushes and printing presses are mentioned in order to .A. tell us that they were invented in AsiaB. show that hagwons play an important role in people’s daily lifeC. show that private tutoring has a long historyD. tell us that civil service exams are of equal importance as them7. What can be concluded from the passage?A. Hagwons are the source of ’s educational problem.B. Students in don’t learn efficiently.C. It is the teachers and headmasters who are to blame for the educational problem.D. Private tutoring is not common in .8. The main point of the last paragraph is that .A. it is very difficult to get rid of hagwonsB. the causes of hagwons have been foundC. teachers will have a hard time because of the reformsD. the government is determined to reform the present education system【语篇随练】多练一点技高一筹根据阅读理解A回答问题1. How long do the driving classes last?2. Which is the right order of the following events?a. Teaching the dogs some basic driving techniques.b. Selecting three dogs and moving them to Animal Q.c. The dogs practiced everything they had learnt in a motorized car.d. Choosing the best to show his driving skill on live television.e. Driving a real car.。
【名师指津】2015年高考英语总复习 第一部分 模块复习 话题6 历史文化课件 新人教版必修2

运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 ⑴ I think he___________________ will be selected for the _________ World Cup (将被选去踢世界杯). ⑵ He _____________ was selected as (被选为班长) the monitor when he was at school.
The amber which was 3_______ selected (mined, selected, bought, designed) had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. The 4______ design of the room was in the fancy style. It was also a treasure decorated with gold and 5 _______ jewels (jewels, flowers, balloons, dragons), which took the country’s best 6______ artists about ten years to make.00
运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 ⑴ All his children died in the earthquake, ______________ but he survived (但他幸 免于难).
⑵ Her uncle ___________________ survived the earthquake (从地震中幸存下来了), but no one else in her family did.
will be ⑶ Some excellent teachers_________ _____________________( selected to study abroad 将被选拔到 国外深造).

高中英语真题:【学海导航】2015届高考英语一轮总复习Unit1Theworldofoursenses同步训练(含14年新题及原创题)牛津译林版必修3Ⅰ.单项填空1. My friend Julia brought out all her dresses and told me to take ______ suited me best.A. whicheverB. whateverC. wheneverD. whoever2. She was reading a book carefully. All of ______ sudden, she f elt ______ tap on her left shoulder.A. a; theB. the; theC. the; aD. a; a3. In my opinion, Tony is a success because he ______ a third c ompany though he already has two.A. openedB. had openedC. has openedD. would open4. ______ many students who regretted attending the lecture, I was very interested in it.A. UnlikeB. Ahead ofC. WithoutD. Instead of5. Don't worry. They ______ to consider your advice. Let me re mind them of it now.A. could forgetB. could have forgottenC. should forgetD. should have forgotten6. ______ is generally believed ______ forming the habit of readi ng good books is helpful to children.A. It; /B. As; thatC. It; thatD. As; /7. Lily didn't ask her father to buy a car for her, ______, she bo ught one for him.A. what's moreB. on the contraryC. by the wayD. in a word8. Ten years have passed and many of my former classmates a ren't ______they were.A. thoseB. whatC. thatD. which9. I don't think I can ______ another year as a sailor: it is very stressful.A. recognizeB. forecastC. surviveD. analyse10. — ______ for the car as it moves off.— Thanks. I don't want it to hit my bicycle!A. Go outB. Reach outC. Watch outD. Work out11. People have been busy buying all kinds of things, because Christmas Day is ______.A. flashingB. approachingC. advancingD. lasting12. I think our daughter is old enough to handle this matter inde pendently, so there is no need to be ______ her.A. grateful toB. upset withC. anxious aboutD. ashamed of13. Whenever ______ to help me with my lessons, he always ref used, ______ he was too busy.A. asking; sayingB. asked; sayingC. asking; saidD. asked; said14. John has bought a second fishing pole that is ______ the firs t one.A. the five times length ofB. five times the length ofC. as five times long asD. five times so long as15. ______ the students will visit the city museum this weekend hasn't been decided.A. WhetherB. ThatC. ifD. WhatⅡ.完形填空AHe is 60 percent disabled. Yet he is the only one in the world w ho makes a __1__ by scaling(攀登)buildings. He is Alain Robert.“He is __2__!” cried a passerby while Robert, nicknamed “Spid erman”, was climbing up a skyscraper in Hong Kong.No harnesses(保险带), no helmet, there was only the __3__ Spiderman in his climb ing shoes, climbing the 137meterhigh skyscraper, one step at a time. Police quickly __4__ the street as more and more people gathered to watch the scene, holding their __5__.Before police set up a huge buffering mattress(缓冲垫)down on the ground and moved into __6__ positions, Robert had already reached the top.In fact, anyone would be surprised to see Robert, a 1.65meterta ll man, who was able to do this at all. The Frenchman has __7_ _ 85 giant buildings around the globe so far, including the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Empire State Building in . Sometimes he carries a mission with him. Sometimes, he climbs just for __8__ .“As a young boy I was __9__, afraid of heights and lacking co nfidence,” he said. His passion for climbing was set off quite b y accident. He was locked outside his home one day when he was 11. Both of his parents were working. So the little boy had no __10__ but to climb up the building into his own house. Sinc e that day, he has known that climbing is the only thing he's eve r __11__ to do in life.Aren't you afraid? People always ask him. The man answers wit h a smile, “A lot of people are dreaming but they don't have the courage to make their dreams come __12__. At least I'm the one who did it. I'm not afraid of dying; I'm afraid of not living.”1. A. fortune B. promiseC. differenceD. living2. A. crazy B. tiredC. cleverD. creative3. A. barehanded B. absentmindedC. warmheartedD. coldblooded4. A. cleaned B. emptiedC. blockedD. searched5. A. hand B. beliefC. positionD. breath6. A. rescue B. observationC. fightD. photography7. A. designed B. exploredC. conqueredD. examined8. A. work B. defenceC. payD. fun9. A. adventurous B. shyC. braveD. rude10. A. idea B. timeC. rightD. choice11. A. hated B. intendedC. agreedD. pretended12. A. true B. aliveC. rightD. looseBLiu Wei was born in 1987 in Beijing. As a child, he liked sports and wanted to become a football player. In 1997, he lost 1.____ ______ his arms in an accident. At first, he was distraught(心烦意乱的) about his condition, 2.__________ he soon realized he had a choice to make. “For people like me, there were only two choic es. One was to give up all dreams, 3.__________ would lead to a quick, hopeless death. The other was to struggle without arm s to live 4.__________ outstanding life,” said he. Fortunately, h e chose the 5.__________. He managed to do everything with hi s feet in his everyday life. In 2006, he decided to become a pian ist and started 6.__________ learn to play the piano with his toe s. He spent over 8 hours every day in practicing playing the pia no. 7.__________ the end, his efforts paid 8.__________. In Octo ber, 2010, Liu Wei took part in 's Got Talent show. He won the s how after performing You're Beautiful using only his toes. In Fe bruary, 2012, he was elected one of Ten Top Touching China F igures.Ⅲ.阅读理解You don't know what you've got until it's gone. When I bake coo kies, I immediately miss them the moment I have eaten the last one. Last summer when I left a summer camp, I didn't realize h ow great it really was until I got home. What happens, however,when that happens to one of your senses?A few months ago I woke up deaf in one ear. I did not pay much attention to it at first. It felt that I had water in my ear. However, I began to hear less and less out of that ear. I even had to ask people to talk into my other ear so I could hear them. I didn't rea lize how serious it was until later in the day. That evening, when I was sitting on my bed doing chemistry homework, I fell off my bed! When trying to get up, I was incredibly dizzy(头晕的).I went to see a doctor who told me that hearing loss was comm on. However, it was usually bilateral,_or occurs in both ears. He said that my hearing should come back within a week.After about a week the dizziness eventually went away, but the hearing loss did not. The medicine helped and I gained some of my hearing back. After many hearing tests, it was determined t hat I had permanent hearing loss in that ear.School became harder for me because I couldn't hear my teach ers. I was very depressed.Finally, I bought a hearing aid. With the hearing aid, my hearing is almost back to normal! It makes school and group conversati ons easier.My friends, teachers, and even complete strangers always ask me questions about hearing loss. I answer them patiently. I nev er get offended because I know that this is new to them. I am delighted I can teach them something new.What I have learned from this particular situation is that when th ings are desperate, there is always something good that can co me out of it. My experience has given me an opportunity to teac h people about something new to them and it has taught me ab out the value of hearing.1. What do you know from the first paragraph?A. The author had a great time in the summer camp.B. The author didn't enjoy himself in the summer camp.C. The author lost the sense of hearing in the summer camp.D. The author baked delicious cookies in the summer camp.2. The author fell off his bed when ______.A. getting up from the bedB. doing his homeworkC. waking up from a dreamD. wearing his clothes3. The underlined word “bilateral” means ______.A. speaking two languagesB. happening on one sideC. losing one or more sensesD. involving two sides4. We can infer that ______.A. after the treatment, the author's hearing loss was curedB. after the treatment, group conversations became easierC. the author took some medicine to treat his hearing lossD. the medicine the doctor gave him didn't work at all5. At present, the author is ______.A. desperateB. optimisticC. depressedD. offendedⅣ.阅读简答For Internet users, it could be the ultimate way to stay in touch — an entire apartment turned into a giant, online screen.The walls show Facebook updates, and lifesized friends during video chats. It can also be controlled from anywhere — even be d — using gestures or speech. The system works uses projecto rs (投影仪) and sensors already available.“The hardware is complete but only 40 percent of the software i s finished,” said Ion CuervasMons, director of Think Big Facto ry, a Spanish design agency which created the project. “Everything in the house can be used to communicate. Through projections that are activated(激活) by the presence of a person, we can control everything with the movement of the hands: the lights; turning on any electricalhousehold appliances; music; even connecting to Skype for a c onference from any part of the house.”The system aims to replace the traditional keyboards and remot e controls needed to interact with technology.However, Mr. CuervasMons claims much of the technology will be invisible. “I don't think that an Openarch home is going to loo k any different. New technologies must be nonintrusive and nat ural,” he said.Mr CuervasMons says the first inhabitant has already moved int o the experimental apartment. “He is delighted to use the house . The main interface is in the living room, where he can see soci al networks, magazines, and play music just using gestures,”he said.The project uses sensing cameras such as Microsoft's Kinect to track users, allowing them to swipe(滑动)in mid air to move through menus.The project started three years ago, and the project was built in an apartment in the North of Spain, all using existing technolog y.“Now we have around 40% of the applications actually running — and we hope to finish soon, then begin developing products so people can actually begin using it.”1. How can the project be controlled? (No more than 6 words) ________________________________________________________ ________________2. What is Skype used for? (No more than 7 words)________________________________________________________ ________________3. Why is much of the technology in the apartment invisible? (N o more than 6 words)________________________________________________________ ________________4. What does the first inhabitant think of the experimental apart ment? (No more than 10 words)________________________________________________________ ________________【学海导航】2015届高考英语一轮总复习Unit1Theworldofoursenses同步训练(含14年新题及原创题)牛津译林版必修3Ⅰ.单项填空1. My friend Julia brought out all her dresses and told me to take ______ suited me best.A. whicheverB. whateverC. wheneverD. whoever2. She was reading a book carefully. All of ______ sudden, she felt ______ tap on her left should er.A. a; theB. the; theC. the; aD. a; a3. In my opinion, Tony is a success because he ______ a third company though he already has t wo.A. openedB. had openedC. has openedD. would open4. ______ many students who regretted attending the lecture, I was very interested in it.A. UnlikeB. Ahead ofC. WithoutD. Instead of5. Don't worry. They ______ to consider your advice. Let me remind them of it now.A. could forgetB. could have forgottenC. should forgetD. should have forgotten6. ______ is generally believed ______ forming the habit of reading good books is helpful to child ren.A. It; /B. As; thatC. It; thatD. As; /7. Lily didn't ask her father to buy a car for her, ______, she bought one for him.A. what's moreB. on the contraryC. by the wayD. in a word8. Ten years have passed and many of my former classmates aren't ______they were.A. thoseB. whatC. thatD. which9. I don't think I can ______ another year as a sailor: it is very stressful.A. recognizeB. forecastC. surviveD. analyse10. — ______ for the car as it moves off.— Thanks. I don't want it to hit my bicycle!A. Go outB. Reach outC. Watch outD. Work out11. People have been busy buying all kinds of things, because Christmas Day is ______.A. flashingB. approachingC. advancingD. lasting12. I think our daughter is old enough to handle this matter independently, so there is no need t o be ______ her.A. grateful toB. upset withC. anxious aboutD. ashamed of13. Whenever ______ to help me with my lessons, he always refused, ______ he was too busy.A. asking; sayingB. asked; sayingC. asking; saidD. asked; said14. John has bought a second fishing pole that is ______ the first one.A. the five times length ofB. five times the length ofC. as five times long asD. five times so long as15. ______ the students will visit the city museum this weekend hasn't been decided.A. WhetherB. ThatC. ifD. WhatⅡ.完形填空AHe is 60 percent disabled. Yet he is the only one in the world who makes a __1__ by scaling(攀登)buildings. He is Alain Robert.“He is __2__!” cried a passerby while Robert, nicknamed “Spiderman”, was climbing up a skyscraper in Hong Kong.No harnesses(保险带), no helmet, there was only the __3__ Spiderman in his climbing shoes, climbing the 137met erhigh skyscraper, one step at a time. Police quickly __4__ the street as more and more people gathered to watch the scene, holding their __5__.Before police set up a huge buffering mattress(缓冲垫)down on the ground and moved into __6__ positions, Robert had already reached the top.In fact, anyone would be surprised to see Robert, a 1.65metertall man, who was able to do this at all. The Frenchman has __7__ 85 giant buildings around the globe so far, including the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Empire State Building in . Sometimes he carries a mission with him. So metimes, he climbs just for __8__.“As a young boy I was __9__, afraid of heights and lacking confidence,” he said. His passion for climbing was set off quite by accident. He was locked outside his home one day when he wa s 11. Both of his parents were working. So the little boy had no __10__ but to climb up the buildi ng into his own house. Since that day, he has known that climbing is the only thing he's ever __ 11__ to do in life.Aren't you afraid? People always ask him. The man answers with a smile, “A lot of people are d reaming but they don't have the courage to make their dreams come __12__. At least I'm the one who did it. I'm not afraid of dying; I'm afraid of not living.”1. A. fortune B. promiseC. differenceD. living2. A. crazy B. tiredC. cleverD. creative3. A. barehanded B. absentmindedC. warmheartedD. coldblooded4. A. cleaned B. emptiedC. blockedD. searched5. A. hand B. beliefC. positionD. breath6. A. rescue B. observationC. fightD. photography7. A. designed B. exploredC. conqueredD. examined8. A. work B. defenceC. payD. fun9. A. adventurous B. shyC. braveD. rude10. A. idea B. timeC. rightD. choice11. A. hated B. intendedC. agreedD. pretended12. A. true B. aliveC. rightD. looseBLiu Wei was born in 1987 in Beijing. As a child, he liked sports and wanted to become a football player. In 1997, he lost 1.__________ his arms in an accident. At first, he was distraught(心烦意乱的) about his condition, 2.__________ he soon realized he had a choice to make. “For people lik e me, there were only two choices. One was to give up all dreams, 3.__________ would lead to a quick, hopeless death. The other was to struggle without arms to live 4.__________ outstandin g life,” said he. Fortunately, he chose the 5.__________. He managed to do everything with his feet in his everyday life. In 2006, he decided to become a pianist and started 6.__________ lear n to play the piano with his toes. He spent over 8 hours every day in practicing playing the piano . 7.__________ the end, his efforts paid 8.__________. In October, 2010, Liu Wei took part in 's G ot Talent show. He won the show after performing You're Beautiful using only his toes. In Febru ary, 2012, he was elected one of Ten Top Touching China Figures.Ⅲ.阅读理解You don't know what you've got until it's gone. When I bake cookies, I immediately miss them th e moment I have eaten the last one. Last summer when I left a summer camp, I didn't realize ho w great it really was until I got home. What happens, however, when that happens to one of you r senses?A few months ago I woke up deaf in one ear. I did not pay much attention to it at first. It felt that I had water in my ear. However, I began to hear less and less out of that ear. I even had to askpeople to talk into my other ear so I could hear them. I didn't realize how serious it was until late r in the day. That evening, when I was sitting on my bed doing chemistry homework, I fell off my bed! When trying to get up, I was incredibly dizzy(头晕的).I went to see a doctor who told me that hearing loss was common. However, it was usually bilat eral,_or occurs in both ears. He said that my hearing should come back within a week.After about a week the dizziness eventually went away, but the hearing loss did not. The medici ne helped and I gained some of my hearing back. After many hearing tests, it was determined t hat I had permanent hearing loss in that ear.School became harder for me because I couldn't hear my teachers. I was very depressed. Finally, I bought a hearing aid. With the hearing aid, my hearing is almost back to normal! It mak es school and group conversations easier.My friends, teachers, and even complete strangers always ask me questions about hearing loss . I answer them patiently. I never get offended because I know that this is new to them. I am deli ghted I can teach them something new.What I have learned from this particular situation is that when things are desperate, there is alw ays something good that can come out of it. My experience has given me an opportunity to teach people about something new to them and it has taught me about the value of hearing.1. What do you know from the first paragraph?A. The author had a great time in the summer camp.B. The author didn't enjoy himself in the summer camp.C. The author lost the sense of hearing in the summer camp.D. The author baked delicious cookies in the summer camp.2. The author fell off his bed when ______.A. getting up from the bedB. doing his homeworkC. waking up from a dreamD. wearing his clothes3. The underlined word “bilateral” means ______.A. speaking two languagesB. happening on one sideC. losing one or more sensesD. involving two sides4. We can infer that ______.A. after the treatment, the author's hearing loss was curedB. after the treatment, group conversations became easierC. the author took some medicine to treat his hearing lossD. the medicine the doctor gave him didn't work at all5. At present, the author is ______.A. desperateB. optimisticC. depressedD. offendedⅣ.阅读简答For Internet users, it could be the ultimate way to stay in touch — an entire apartment turned int o a giant, online screen.The walls show Facebook updates, and lifesized friends during video chats. It can also be contr olled from anywhere — even bed — using gestures or speech. The system works uses projecto rs (投影仪) and sensors already available.“The hardware is complete but only 40 percent of the software is finished,” said Ion CuervasM ons, director of Think Big Factory, a Spanish design agency which created the project. “Everything in the house can be used to communicate. Through projections that are activated(激活) by the presence of a person, we can control everything with the movement of the hands: the lights; turning on any electrical household appliances; music; even connecting to Skype for a c onference from any part of the house.”The system aims to replace the traditional keyboards and remote controls needed to interact wit h technology.However, Mr. CuervasMons claims much of the technology will be invisible. “I don't think that an Openarch home is going to look any different. New technologies must be nonintrusive and natu ral,” he said.Mr CuervasMons says the first inhabitant has already moved into the experimental apartment. “He is delighted to use the house. The main interface is in the living room, where he can see soc ial networks, magazines, and play music just using gestures,” he said.The project uses sensing cameras such as Microsoft's Kinect to track users, allowing them to swipe(滑动)in mid air to move through menus.The project started three years ago, and the project was built in an apartment in the North of Sp ain, all using existing technology.“Now we have around 40% of the applications actually running — and we hope to finish soon, t hen begin developing products so people can actually begin using it.”1. How can the project be controlled? (No more than 6 words)________________________________________________________________________2. What is Skype used for? (No more than 7 words)________________________________________________________________________3. Why is much of the technology in the apartment invisible? (No more than 6 words)________________________________________________________________________4. What does the first inhabitant think of the experimental apartment? (No more than 10 words) ________________________________________________________________________。

话题13 金钱与人生(Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note)晨读背诵话题单词1. recognize / recognise [ˈrekəɡnaɪz] v. 认出;识别 2. surely [ˈʃʊəlɪ] adv. 确实3. cash [kæʃ] n. 现金4. lovely [ˈlʌvlɪ] adj. 好看的;可爱的5. debt [det] n. 债务;欠款6. outline [ˈaʊtlaɪn] n. 轮廓;要点7. earn [ɜːn] v. 赚得;挣得 8. quality [ˈkwɒlɪtɪ] n. 质量;品质9. advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n. 优点;优势 10. charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] v. 使充电;控告;收费11. experiment [ɪkˈsperɪmənt] n. 实验;试验 12. attend [əˈtend] v. 出席13. shock [ʃɒk] v. 打击;震动 14. doubt [daʊt] n. 怀疑15. comfort [ˈkʌmfət] n. 舒适;安慰 16. positive [ˈpɒzɪtɪv] adj. 肯定的;积极的17. economy [ɪˈkɒnəmɪ] n. 经济 18. precious [ˈpreʃəs] adj. 贵重的;宝贵的19. wealth [welθ] n. 财富 20. accumulate [əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt] v. 积累话题短语1. bring back 拿回来;使恢复 2. come up with 想出或提出(答案、办法) 3. pay off 还清;付清 4. test on 在……(身上)做实验5. take up 从事于;占据(时间或空间)6. protect...from... 保护;免受7. make use of 利用 8. pay for sth 付……钱;受到惩罚9. break the laws 犯法 10. make a list of 列出11. in my opinion 依我之见 12. pick out 辨别出;挑出13. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 14. a great deal of 大量的;很多的15. a waste of 浪费…… 16. lend sb. sth. (lend sth. to sb.) 借给某人某物17. be worth价值 18. bring out 拿出话题句子1.She bargained with the trader till he sold h er the fruit cheaply. 她和卖水果的人讨价还价,直到他把水果便宜地卖给了她。
高中英语真题:高中英语2015高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 A land of diversity

高中英语真题:高中英语2015高考英语一轮复习Unit 1 A land of diversity课时检测新人教版选修8.doc一、选择题(共5题)1.— Will the fine weather ________?— I am afraid not. The weatherman says it's going to rain.A. stay upB. keep upC. come onD. move on2.On the annual International Volunteer Day, the world ________ the work of millions of people who give their time to help others.A. abolishesB. accompaniesC. acknowledgesD. assesses3.While living in this beautiful small town, Mr. Green, who went in for literature so much, wrote ________ wonderful poems.A. a great many ofB. a good manyC. a good dealD. a great deal of4.Many students listened to the lecture, but I wondered how much they ________.A. took outB. took upC. took offD. took in5.On completing the courses, the teacher will have earned the qualification to ________ a teaching license in Thailand.A. apply forB. take overC. turn awayD. work out二、阅读填空(共1题)1.Hostess: Good evening, and welcome to this week's Business World, the program for and about business people. Tonight, we have Mr. Steven Kayne, __11__ has just taken over and established bicycle shop. Tell us, Mr. Kayne, what made you want to run your own store?Kayne: Well, I always loved __12__ (race) bikes and fixing them. When I was working fulltime as a salesman for a big company, I seldom had time __13__ (enjoy) my hobby. I knew then that as soon as I had enough money to get my own business __14__ (go), I would do it. Now my time is my own. I open the store I want and leave when I want.Hostess: You mean you don't keep regular hours?Kayne: Well, the sign on my store __15__ (say) the hours are ten to six, but if business is __16__ (slow) than usual, I can just lock up and take off early.Hostess: Have you hired any __17__ (employ) to work with you yet?Kayne: Yeah, a couple of friends of mine who love biking as much __18__cards or just sit around and talk __20__ there are no customers.Hostess: Thank you, Mr. Kayne. We wish you success in your new business.1.Festivals play an important role in a culture's identity. I can't think of a better way of appreciating a new culture than by taking part in one of its festivals. Here are some special festivals around the world.Boryeong Mud Festival — Boryeong, South KoreaFor two weeks in July, millions gather in Boryeong to experience the grey pools and slides. What began as a way of promoting the region's mineralrich mud has turned into a festive party, complete with music and fireworks. While the mud is usually only available in cosmetic products, here you can cake (使……结块) yourself in grey as you want.Holi, the Festival of Colours, is a Hindu celebration full of joy and one of India's most important holidays. During the day of the last full moon of the lunar month, usually late February or early March, the air is full of bright coloured powder. The festival is celebrated differently throughout the country, but the cheerful spirit is common throughout Hindu communities around the world.Koninginnedag — The NetherlandsAlthough their current Queen's birthday is really during the winter, the Queen still celebrates it on April 30th,the country's official “Queen's Day” since 1949. Orange is the national colour, and the streets become a sea of feather boas (长围巾) and body paint as crowds gather in the plazas (广场). Amsterdam is the centre of this outdoor party, with many live music acts, but nearly every town is alive with orange on this day.In Thailand, March 13 is regarded as National Elephant Day to show that the Thai elephant plays an important role in the Thai history. Thai Elephant Day has been held on an annual basis since the idea was first approved by the Thai government in 1998. Special events are held at a number of venues in northern Thailand. At the Mae Sa Elephant Camp, it has become a tradition on March 13 for the dozens of elephants there to be treated to a huge feast of fruits and sugarcane.21.What we can learn from the passage is that ________.A. Boryeong Mud Festival was originally held to advertise for their mineral resourcesB. people around the world celebrate Holi differently to promote their religionsC. Koninginnedag — The Netherlands was celebrated on their current Queen's birthdayD. it is an international custom for the Thai elephant to eat all kinds of fruits and sugarcane2.The National GalleryDescription:The National Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,300 examples of European art ranging from 13thcentury religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh. The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance.Layout:The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th to 15thcentury paintings, and artists include Duccio, Uccello, Van Eyck,Lippi, Mantegna, Botticelli and Memling.The main West Wing houses 16thcentury paintings, and artists includ e Leonardo da Vinci, Cranach, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bruegel, Bronzino, Titan and Veronese.The North Wing houses 17thcentury paintings, and artists include Caravaggio, Rubens, Poussin, Van Dyck, Velazquez, Claude and Vermeer.The East Wing houses 18th to early 20thcentury paintings, and artists include Canaletto, Goya, Turner, Constable, Renoir and Van Gogh.Opening Hours:The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm (Fridays 10am to 9pm) and is free, but charges apply to some special exhibitions.Getting There:Nearest underground stations: Charing Cross (2minute walk), Leicester Square (3minute walk), Embankment (7minute walk), and Piccadilly Circus (8minute walk).25.In which century's collection can you see religious paintings?A. The 13th.B. The 17th.C. The 18th.D. The 20th.26.Where are Leonardo da Vinci's works shown?A. In the East Wing.B. In the main West Wing.C. In the Sainsbury Wing.D. In the North Wing.27.Which underground station is closest to the National Gallery?A. Piccadilly Circus.B. Leicester Square.C. Embankment.D. Charing Cross.-->。
【优化方案】2015届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit3 Life in the

【优化方案】2015届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基础考点聚焦Unit3 Life in the future单元检测同步探源新人教版必修5Ⅰ.阅读理解(2014·成都市高中毕业班第一次诊断)Humans:it’s time to abandon Earth or race extinction.It could be the plot of a summer blockbuster (大片),but this prediction isn’t science fiction.It’s a glimpse of the future,according to famous British scientist Stephen Hawking.“I see great dangers for the human race,” he said in an interview with global forum Big Think.“There have been a number of times in the past when its survival has been a question of touch and go.”“I believe that the longterm future of the human race must be in space,”he said.“It will be difficult enough to avoid disasters on planet Earth in the next hundred years,let alone the next thousand,or million.”Hawking,who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom last year,has recently voiced many concerns about the future of life on Earth.“If aliens visited us,the outcome would be as much as when Columbus landed in America,which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans,”he said.“Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads(游牧民),looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach.”But Hawking says he’s still hopeful for the future of humanity.He told Big Think,“We’ve made remarkable progress in the last hundred years.But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years,our future is in space.”Getting to another planet will prove a challenge,not to mention colonizing it for humanity.Katherine Freese from University of Michigan told Big Think,“The nearest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri (比邻星) which is 4.2 light years away.That means,if you were traveling at the speed of light the whole time,it would take 4.2 years to get there-or about 50,000 years using current rocket science.”【文章大意】文章主要介绍了英国著名的科学家斯蒂芬·霍金对人类未来的预测。
2015高考英语一轮复习题及解析 必修一.doc

1.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Saleswoman and customer.B.Customer and waiter.C.Boss and employee.2.When did the movie actually start?A.At 8:00 p.m. B.At 8:30 p.m. C.At 7:30 p.m.3.What can we learn about the woman from the conversation?A.She hates snakes.B.She is just back from a tour.C.She likes swimming most.4.What do they think of Jim?A.He gets nervous very easily.B.He is an inexperienced speaker.C.He hasn't prepared his speech well.5.Why will Ted be invited to the party?A.Because the woman likes Ted.B.Because the man's mother wants him to come.C.Because Ted is the man's good friend.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

高中英语真题:【学海导航】2015届高考英语一轮总复习Unit1Schoollife同步训练(含14年新题及原创题)牛津译林版必修1Ⅰ.单项填空1. ______ me, he walked up to me, smiling.A. To seeB. For seeingC. On seeingD. Because seeing2. He was once refused by a primary school for lack of ______ t eaching experience. But now he has turned out to be one of ___ ___ best teachers in the city.A. a; aB. /; theC. the; theD. a; the3. — Do you know the girl ______ hair is yellow?— Of course, she is my neighbour.A. whoB. thatC. whereD. whose4. Although I have never worked for a bank before, I feel quite at home there because I ______ work for an accountant and I ___ ___ dealing with figures.A. am used to; used toB. was used to; used toC. used to; am used toD. used to; was used to5. As a rule I catch the seven o'clock subway to work ______ I c an be sure of getting a seat.A. so thatB. in caseC. even ifD. if only6. ______ the ice, Ted spoke of his interest in mountain climbing , then Jane and he soon kept a conversation going.A. BreakingB. Having brokenC. To breakD. Broken7. Chemistry is one of the most difficult subjects ______ I am stu dying in the senior middle school.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. that8. This kind of exercise is most ______, and therefore is a good test of your students' ability.A. surprisingB. encouragingC. excitingD. challenging9. One of the firms I applied to has offered me a job but I _____ _ my options open until I hear from the others.A. have keptB. will have keptC. am keepingD. keep10. Lucy recently won a beauty contest, ______ confirms the fac t that she is one of the prettiest girls in town.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. who11. He tried to invite some famous pop stars to sing in the conc ert ______, but failed.A. on purposeB. in secretC. with freedomD. for free12. — Has Peter started out? He said he would go hiking with u s.— He ______. He is a man of keeping his word.A. could have startedB. must have startedC. could startD. must start13. — Can you come this Saturday afternoon or this Sunday morning?— ______ is OK. I'm free this weekend.A. NeitherB. BothC. EitherD. All14. ______ you'll have to stay in bed for the next few weeks, I th ought you might like some books to read.A. ThoughB. UnlessC. WhenD. Since15. More than 5,000 people ______ the important meeting.A. participatedB. attendedC. donatedD. joinedⅡ.完形填空A(原创)Ms. Sullivan, who has taught us since I entered the middle s chool, should get Educator of the Year.First of all, Ms. Sullivan is a diligent teacher because she teach es many different classes and is very __1__ in our school. Most teachers in our school only teach one __2__. Only Ms. Sullivan t eaches Language Arts classes including Theater Arts and Writi ng for Publication. Not only does she teach a wide variety of classes, she also __3__ the school play!In addition, Ms. Sullivan should get Educator of the Year becau se she __4__ about us. She shows us that she is willing to help us. In Writing for Publication, she checks everything carefully w e __5__ and gives us an honest opinion about them. Ms. Sulliva n knows everything about plays and drama so she always gives __6__ criticism to us in Theater Arts. The more comments we r eceive, the more confident we feel with our __7__.Lastly, Ms. Sullivan makes each class fun. In Writing for Publica tion she lets us write our stories and poems __8__. Not everyon e works at the same pace so when we get to do it on our own it is a lot more fun. Her most __9__ class is Theater Arts. This cla ss is so much fun because in each class we can get up and do different __10__, practicing our roles, speaking out our lines a nd following her stage performance directions. Ms. Sullivan has amusing jokes with all of her students and everybody keeps __ 11__ all the time!In conclusion, Ms. Sullivan should definitely win Educator of the Year because she is devoted to her work, and ready to help us . Besides, she makes every class as fun as possible. Even if M s. Sullivan doesn't __12__ Educator of the Year she still is to all of us!1. A. interested B. involvedC. lostD. absorbed2. A. course B. pupilC. playD. skill3. A. watches B. checksC. directsD. writes4. A. talks B. knowsC. worriesD. cares5. A. do B. playC. designD. write6. A. attractive B. constructiveC. negativeD. sensitive7. A. lines B. articlesC. partsD. directions8. A. independently B. activelyC. patientlyD. creatively9. A. challenging B. interestingC. puzzlingD. touching10. A. activities B. tricksC. jobsD. exercises11. A. smiling B. shoutingC. cryingD. laughing12. A. defeat B. winC. acceptD. achieveBOne day a week, more than 700 students dress for success wh en they attend classes at the Mayfield Intermediate School in , . Boys wear suit coats and ties. Girls wear nice clothing 1.______ ____ dresses or skirts.The head of the school believed that once a week, his students should wear something 2.__________ than blue jeans. So he cr eated 3.__________ program called Dress for Success.“4.__________ am I going to wear to school today?” That is the question 10yearold Diana Otero asks herself each morning. 5._ _________ not on Mondays. That is when she exactly knows the clothes she is going to wear — she dresses 6.__________ if sh e were going to work. This is Diana's first year in the Dress for Success program. She likes 7.__________. She says she does better in class when she is dressed up.Sixthgrade teacher Erika Redler says she sees a big difference in students' behavior on Mondays. Ms. Redler says the program teaches students to be 8.__________ serious, feel prouder of th emselves, thus improving their grades. She and other teachershope the program will help students become successful.Ⅲ.阅读理解(原创)According to guidelines by the National Education Associatio n (NEA), a student should be assigned no more than 10 minute s per grade level per night. This means that a student in my gra de should have no more than 70 minutes of homework each nig ht. Yet this is often doubled, sometimes even tripled!As a result of too much homework, kids are developing more sc hoolrelated stomachaches, headaches, sleep problems, and de pression than ever before. In addition, students miss out on mu ch active playtime, essential for learning social skills, proper bra in development, and keeping off childhood obesity. Too much h omework is also weakening students' curiosity, and most import antly, their love of learning. Is that really what teachers and par ents want?Is homework really necessary? Most teachers assign homewor k as a drill to improve memorization of material. While drills and repetitive exercises have their place in schools, homework may not be that place. If a student does a math worksheet with 50 p roblems but completes them incorrectly, he will likely fail the tes t. Practicing dozens of homework problems incorrectly only cem ents(强化) the wrong method.However, if schools assign less homework, it would benefit teac hers, parents, and students alike. Teachers who assign large a mounts of homework are often unable to do more than spotche ck answers. This means that many errors are missed. Teachers who assign less homework, however, will be able to check thes e mistakes thoroughly. In addition, it allows a teacher time to fo cus on more important things. A student who is assigned less h omework will live a healthy and happy life. The family can look f orward to stressfree, carefree nights.Some schools are already taking steps to improve the issue. Fo r example, JohnsonMike Elementary School and MasonRice El ementary School in , , have limited homework, keeping to the “1 0minute rule”. Raymond Park Middle School in has written a po licy instructing teachers to “assign homework only when you fee l the assignment is valuable”. Others, such as Oak Knoll Eleme ntary School in , , have eliminated homework altogether. If thes e schools can do it, why can't everyone?So, my fellow Americans, it's time to stop the insanity. It's time t o start a homework revolution.1. We can infer that the author is ______.A. a math teacherB. a worried parentC. a strict headmasterD. a seventhgrade student2. How much time does the author often spend in doing his/her homework each night?A. About 35 minutes.B. About 70 minutes.C. Over 140 minutes.D. About 250 minutes.3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A. Some negative effects of too much homework.B. Healthy problems caused by too much homework.C. Active playtime essential for learning social skills.D. Some positive effects of proper homework.4. According to the author, students should finish drills and repe titive exercises ______.A. during class breaksB. during school timeC. at noonD. at night5. Students don't have to do any homework at ______.A. JohnsonMike Elementary SchoolB. MasonRice Elementary SchoolC.D.Ⅳ.阅读简答A satellite built by engineering students was sent up into space last week.Matt Bennett and his colleagues at the University of Michigan, US, made history as the first students at their college to build th eir own satellite and have it launched into space, according to t he Detroit Free Press.It took Bennett's team two years to design, build and improve th e Radio Aurora Explorer( RAX) satellite. In the past two years, Bennett devoted almost all his spare time to the research. He m et with a lot of difficulties, but he was determined to go on with t he research with the help and encouragement of his team. The satellite weighs only 6.5 pounds (3 kilograms) and is about the size of a loaf of bread. The satellite was designed to study s pace weather. Turbulent(恶劣多变的) weather often disrupts communication between ground net work station and satellites.Bennett came up with the idea for the project in a program of th e American National Science Foundation, which provides fundi ng for space weather and atmospheric research.The students involved were all undergraduates and were inspir ed and helped by their professors.However, Bennett said that the experience counted more than t he final launch. “We got to see it come from a blueprint(蓝图) all the way to a final product,” said Bennett, the student te am leader. “It's a valuable experience that few engineers get.”Bennett, now a graduate engineer, works for NASA's Jet Propul sion Laboratory.Last week the student satellite blasted into space. It shared a ri de on a 78feet(23meter) rocket with six other satellites which ar e conducting experiments for the military, NASA and universitie s.1. According to Matt Bennett, what is more important in buildinga satellite? (No more than 2 words)________________________________________________________ ________________2. What is Bennett's satellite designed for? (No more than 4 wor ds)________________________________________________________ ________________3. Use at least three words to describe Bennett's quality? (No m ore than 5 words)4. What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 9 word s)________________________________________________________ ________________Ⅴ.写作你们学校正在举行“校园最美中学生”的评选活动,号召同学们推荐参评人选。

[议论文型完形填空]The city that I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights.It __1__ me of how many people I've seen who take the yellow light as a __2__ to go faster.I also can't understand why people don't move when the traffic light has turned green. Above all, there are those __3__ situations in which someone doesn't even __4__ that the light turns red, and just keeps going.That is why so many __5__ happen! All these situations make me __6__ the purpose of traffic lights.__7__,it's even more frightening to imagine letting people make their own decisions at __8__ crossroads.Do the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to __9__ traffic.And I'll do my best to __10__ the traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when I'm __11__ to.It occurs to me that my __12__ have done much the same for me__13__ teaching me how to live.They have given me many __14__ lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to__15__ with joy and purpose.They have also given me some red lights __16__ my life goes astray(误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to control my desires.And there __17__ have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep contro l of my behaviour, and to__18__ school regularly and work hard.If I obey these rules, my life will be as __19__ as it can be.Just as I'm wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I'm walk ing across the street, I'm wise to pay attention to the“ __20__ signals”given to me by my parents.1.A.suggests B.infor msC.reminds D.warns2.A.sight B.signal C.message D.switch3.A.instant B.exciting C.dangerous D.cautious 4.A.notice B.sense C.remember D.feel5.A.events B.problems C.situations D.accidents 6.A.fond of B.wonder about C.care for D.worry about 7.A.Besides B.Anyway C.Instead D.However 8.A.no isy B.narrow C.crowded D.key9.A.control B.direct C.improve D.serve 10.A.learn B.obey C.protect D.carry11.A.supposed B.used C.devoted D.delighted 12.A.teachers B.friends C.leaders D.parents 13.A.in charge of B.in face of C.in terms of D.in danger of 14.A.safe B.green C.beneficial D.helpful 15.A.live B.shareC.work D.communicate 16.A.unless B.whenC.before D.till17.A.still B.evenC.only D.also18.A.start B.attendC.leave D.miss19.A.good B.colourfulC.meaningful D.healthy20.A.traffic B.lightC.life D.confidence(二)【要点综述】本文讨论了在目前的生活中,人们不严格按照交通信号灯的指示通行,由此作者想到了父母对自己的教导就如红绿灯一样,指引作者走向正确的人生之路。

基础考点聚焦 必修1
基础考点聚焦 必修1
1.career 2.income 收入 3.favourite 最喜欢的人/物 4.position 岗位 5.personality 个性;性格 6.experience 经历 7.talent 聪明的 8.excellent 优秀的 9.creative 富有创造力的 10.selfconfident 自信的 11.goodtempered 性格好的
peace n. 和平;平静;和睦 legal adj. 法律的;依照法律的 13.________
题: 个 人 情 【词汇积累】 职业
栏目 导引
基础考点聚焦 必修1
题: 个 人 情 【词汇积累】
12.welleducated 受到良好教育的 13.openminded 思想开放的 14.apply for 申请 15.graduate from 毕业于„„ 16.show interest in 对„„表现出兴趣 17.be experienced in 在„„方面有经验 18.be admitted into a key university 考上重点大学 19.devote oneself/one’s life to 献身于;专心于
栏目 导引
基础考点聚焦 必修1
话 题: 个 【写作模板】
人 情 况 求 职 信
Dear Sir/Madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary.I’m really interested in this position and hope I can work for you. I’m 20 years old and will be graduating from Xinxing Foreign Language School this July.I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students.Having learned English for years, I have a good command of spoken and written English, as well as computer.I have been one of the editors of the newspaper of our school for the past few years.
【学海导航】2015届高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 1 Getting along with oth

【学海导航】2015届高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 1 Getting along with others同步训练〔含14年新题与原创题〕牛津译林版必修5Ⅰ.单项填空1. Water shortage will become a hot issue all over the world, if water becomes increasingly scarce in decades ______.A. comingB. to comeC. having comeD. to be coming2. It's not easy to learn English well. ______ as much as possible is necessary.A. ReadingB. ReadC. Having readD. To have read3. — Why are the students working so hard these days?— ______ ready for the coming entrance examination.A. GotB. GetC. GettingD. To get4. Sit down, Jack.You will only make yourself more tired, ______ on your feet.A. to keepB. having keptC. keepingD. to have kept5. — You forgot your purse when you went out.— Good heavens, ______.A. so did IB. I so didC. I did soD. so I did6. The teachers made a great effort to prepare the exhibition, ______ to achievea big success.A. hopingB. hopedC. to hopeD. hope7. The patients should be taken special care of, as they are ______ to the sudden change of climate.A. adequateB. anxiousC. sensitiveD. desperate8. Today we have too many choices of communication through advanced technology, but we seem ______ the joy of communicating face to face.A. losingB. to be losingC. to be lostD. having lost9. The local government is trying all out to find out who is ______ the forest fire.A. to blame to startB. to blame for startingC. to be blamed for startingD. to be blamed to start 10. John apologized ______ Thomson for ______ to inform him of the change in the plan.A. for; my not to ableB. for; me being not ableC. to; me to not be ableD. to; my not being able11. — I'd like to go to see the film with you, Dad.—Sorry, my son, but only the grownups are ______ i nto the cinema.A. requiredB. intendedC. admittedD. supposed12. — Can you help me with the maths homework, mom?— You can't always ______ others' help for your homework. Do it by yourself this time, dear.A. rely onB. wait onC. insist onD. turn on13. Little Tom admitted ______ in the shop, ______ that he wouldn't do that in future.A. to have stolen; promisingB. stealing; promisedC. having stolen; promisingD. to stealing; promised14. — My cousin is very clever but he doesn't work hard at his lessons.— ______.A. So is my little brotherB. Neither does my little brotherC. So it is with my little brotherD. Neither is my little brother15. Hardly could he ______ this amount of work in such a short time.A. get downB. get offC. get intoD. get throughⅡ.完形填空AI remember vividly the call that changed my life. It was Tuesday, February.When the __1__ rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles, the line was Marty Banderas, a literary agent to whom I had sent a draft (草稿) of my novel three weeks earlier. “I have a couple of __2__.〞Banderas said. “First, how old are you?〞“I'm 48,〞I replied. “Are you in good __3__〞“Yes, excellent. What's this about? 〞“I've sold your novels for one and a half million dollars.〞 I sat down in __4__. I had written fourteen novels in twenty years, but each one had been __5__ by the publishers.I suppose many people would have been __6__, but not me. Each time, I just got down to writing another one. My husband advised me to find something else to do, but I refused to __7__ up. Seeing this book published was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It's a mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the bestseller __8__ two weeks after publication! I got my first lesson in story telling from my grandmother. She used to read my stories. She was the one who gave me a love of words. She sparked (激发) my __9__ and she has been a __10__ influence on me.I always had stories running through my head and as soon as I could write, I __11__ them down on paper. I married young and I have three children, but I never stopped writing, developing novels between doing the diapers(婴儿的尿布) and dishes. I'm writing another novel now. Yes, my __12__ has changed my life.1. A. clock B. bellC. phoneD. alarm2. A. novels B. questionsC. problemsD. things3. A. wealth B. healthC. conditionD. order4. A. shock B. joyC. settlementsD. need5. A. lost B. receivedC. decidedD. rejected6. A. discouraged B. encouragedC. worriedD. excited7. A. hold B. lookC. giveD. set8. A. books B. shopsC. recordD. list9. A. hope B. imaginationC. novelsD. efforts10. A. careful B. normalC. lastingD. general11. A. took B. addedC. brokeD. put12. A. success B. callC. friendD. workB(课文改编)The 17yearold boy Andrew and his best friend Matthew play together in the school football team.But now Andrew has a problem.Recently they have stopped talking 1.__________ each st week they had an important match 2.__________ another school.The other team was superb and the result was 3.__________ they lost the match.Andrew told Matthew that he was not trying 4.__________ enough and could not keep pace 5.__________ the game.Matthew got annoyed and he insisted that it was not his fault.Then they started shouting and they even said some really cruel remarks.6.__________ then Matthew hasn't spoken to Andrew even though they sit next to each other7.__________ class.Andrew thinks that it is really an awkward situation,so he decides to write8.__________ letter to Annie to get help.Ⅲ.阅读理解Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan sees an epidemic (流行病) sweeping across America's farmland. It has little to do with the usual challenges, such as flood, rising fuel prices and cropeating insects. The country's farmers are getting older, and there are fewer people standing in line to take their place. National agricultural census (普查) figures s how that the fastestgrowing group of farmers is the part over 65. Merrigan is afraid the average age will be even higher when the 2014 statistics are completed.Merrigan, a former college professor, is making stops at universities across the country in hopes of encouraging more students to think about careers in agriculture. Aside from trying to stop the graying of America's farmers, her work is made tougher by a recent blog posting that put agriculture at No.1 on a list of “useless〞 college degrees. Top federal agriculture officials are talking about the posting, and it has the attention of agricultural organizations across the country.“There couldn't be anything that's more incorrect,〞Merrigan said. “We know that there aren't enough qualified graduates to fill the jobs that are out there in American agriculture.〞In addition, a growing world population that some experts predict will require 70% more food production by 2050, she said.“I truly beli eve we're at a golden age of agriculture. Global demand is at an alltime record high, and global supplies are at alltime record lows,〞said Matt Rush, director of the Texas Farm Bureau. “Production costs are going to be valuable enough that younger people are going to have the opportunity to be involved in agriculture.〞The Department of Agriculture has programs aimed at developing more farmers and at increasing interest in locally grown food. The National Young Farmers' Coalition has also been pushing for state and federal policy changes to make it easier fornew farmers.Ryan Best, president of Future Farmers of America, has been living out of a suitcase, traveling the country and visiting with high school students about careers in agriculture. The 21yearold Best hopes his message — that this is a new time in agriculture —will motivate the next generation to_turn_around_the_statistics. “Never before have we had the innovations(创新) in technology which have led to agriculture in this country being the most efficient it has ever been,〞 he said. “There's really a place for everybody to fit in.〞1. What is the new challenge to American agriculture?A. Fewer and older farmers.B. Higher fuel prices.C. More natural disasters.D. Lower agricultural output.2. Why is Merrigan visiting universities across the country?A. To draw federal agriculture officials' attention.B. To select qualified agriculture graduates.C. To clarify a recent blog posting.D. To talk more students into farming careers.3. According to Matt Rush, American agriculture will provide opportunities for younger people because ______.A. the government will cover production costsB. global food supplies will be even lowerC. investment in agriculture will be profitableD. America will increase its food export4. What is Ryan Best?A. a Deputy Agriculture SecretaryB. president of Future Farmers of AmericaC. a former college professorD. a college student5. What do the unde rlined words “to turn around the statistics〞 in the last paragraph mean?A. To reanalyze the result of the national ce nsus.B. To increase agricultural production.C. To bring down the average age of farmers.D. To invest more in agriculture.Ⅳ.阅读填空(每空不超过三个单词)Society is a web of relationships, requiring all parties(群体) to work together to create something good. What makes society work best are effective(有效的) relationships that are based on mutual(相互的) understanding. If you understand what people want and why they want it, you can usually find a way to make progress together.Highquality rel ationships make people happy. Some people living in the poorest communities have almost nothing but turn out to be the happiest because they share a life, together. If effective relationships are working, happiness is always possible.Here are some simple tips for building effective relationships.Listen to and try to understand others' positions and feelings. Listening in itself can lead to understanding, and if you understand someone else fully, then you know how to work better with him or her.Openly express your needs and feelings. Sometimes we expect people particularly those close to us at home or work to understand what we want and to give us what we need intuitively (凭直觉地). However, people are so complicated and so differentthat even when they have lived together for 60 years, they can still surprise each other. So we need to say what we need and to express how we feel.In order to make our relationships more effective, we should treat ourselves and other people with respect. Respect is one of the most important elements of any good relationship.Finally, learn to face differences correctly. Learning this takes time and can be uncomfortable. However, if we can try to remove differences in an effective way, we are more likely to build exciting and satisfying relationships with others.By doing these things you may discover that the happiness you long for is much closer than you thought.Module 5Unit 1Ⅰ.1. B考查非谓语动词。

高中英语真题:2015届高考英语一轮复习:Module1LifeintheFutureⅠ.单项填空1.—Guess what, we've got our visas for a shortterm visit to the UK t his summer.—How nice! You ________ a different culture then.A.will be experiencingB.have experiencedC.have been experiencingD.will have experienced2.I have ________ visiting my grandparents on my way home f rom school.A.come into B.gone intoC.gotten into D.run into3.—Do you think we should accept that offer?—Yes, we should, for we ________ such bad luck up till now, and time ________ out.A.have had; is runningB.had; is runningC.have; has been runD.have had; has been run4.When we will hold the flower show in the park mainly ______ __ the weather recently.A.lies on B.puts onC.relies on D.depends on5.Knowing he was safe was a(n) ________ off my mind. A.load B.thingC.matter D.event6.While we are busy making other plans, our children are bus y growing up, the people we love are moving away and dying, a nd our bodies are getting ________.A.out of date B.out of controlC.out of shape D.out of touch7.In many states of America, a neighbour may ________ you with playing your radio too loudly.A.charge B.blameC.punish D.scold8.He has a good ________ of French, which helps him a lot in the trade with the French.A.skill B.commandC.master D.acquisition9.Some of the students have already learned enough French t o________a conversation with a native French speaker. A.carry on B.keep onC.go on D.hold on10.The building around the corner caught fire last night. The p olice are now ________the matter.A.seeing throughB.working outC.looking intoD.watching over11.With a label ________ to each luggage, it is easy for passe ngers to recognize their own luggage.A.attaching B.to attachC.attach D.attached12.I plan to go back home to visit my family during the Spring Festival, but if I can't get the train ticket, I still have an ________ plan: to visit the museums.A.accessible B.alternativeC.absolute D.available13.Tom should not be sent to carry out the task—________,he hasn't had enough experience.A.for a start B.by the wayC.on the other hand D.sooner or later14.—What were you doing when Tony phoned you?—I had just finished my work and ________ to take a shower. A.had started B.startedC.have started D.was starting15.We do our best to be careful and prevent bad things from h appening, but most of us will________find ourselves in a situatio n where we or someone else needs help.A.personally B.obviouslyC.particularly D.eventuallyⅡ.完形填空My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends suc h as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I can't help fa lling in love with him!” or “What perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I __16__ to some degree, though I sometimes do want to __ 17__ them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his __18__ and how much they know about football apart from __19__ goals. However, it seems funny that we are __20__ for things, with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are __21__, but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one o f life's __22__.We need these pleasures to __23__ our lives. But that doesn' t __24__ to craziness or nonsense. As an old saying goes, “Don't judge a book by its cover.” We __25__ not judge anythi ng from its appearance. We should all know, it is one's good _ _26__ and great contribution that make one a star and unforg ettable. Therefore, we'd better say __27__ about Beckham's good looks.If we close our eyes, falling in deep __28__, we can find that the things that move us to be really happy or sad have a __29 __ meaning. If we don't go deeper and are just satisfied with __30__ things, sooner or later we will find that we have not rea lly gained anything because our first __31__ has blinded and misled us, and we'll remain ignorant (无知的) __32__ we realize that and make some changes.It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is a _ _33__ of great progress. If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it __34__ us, we will fin ally prove how much we have __35__ up, how much more sensible, mature, and intelligent we have become. 16.A.like B.agreeC.hope D.think17.A.ask B.tellC.teach D.doubt18.A.skills B.fameC.team D.appearance19.A.knocking B.hittingC.scoring D.controlling20.A.thankful B.crazyC.curious D.anxious21.A.uncertain B.unhappy C.disappointed D.careful22.A.aims B.qualitiesC.pleasures D.truths23.A.keep up B.brighten upC.find out D.bring about24.A.appear B.reachC.amount D.raise25.A.dared B.would26.A.thinking B.character C.looks D.abilities27.A.more B.something C.less D.nothing28.A.love B.sleepC.sense D.thought29.A.clear B.puzzling C.moving D.valuable 30.A.material B.deep C.surface D.pleasant 31.A.conclusion B.experience C.lesson D.impression 32.A.since B.although C.unless D.before33.A.sign B.causeC.value D.willingness 34.A.worries B.pains C.satisfies D.offers35.A.given B.sentⅢ.阅读理解It is almost like a reflex(条件反射) whenever we have a runny nose or a cough we reach for th e antibiotics(抗生素). But maybe you should think twice before you start taking th ose pills next time you have got a bit of a cold. Many doctors w arn that we are overusing and sometimes misusing antibiotics t o treat common diseases. This could have bad results.Across the world, the problem of antibiotics is growing, and the situation is especially bad in . The average amount of antibiotic s each Chinese person takes every year is almost three times t he international level and ten times the level in the United State s, Xiao Yonghong, a professor in , told the Guangming Daily on October 19.It is a common wrong idea that antibiotics work for all diseases right down to everyday coughs and colds. In fact, antibiotics onl y work against bacteria, and not viruses. Most forms of the com mon cold and flu are caused by viruses, so antibiotics are usele ss against them.The process of curing a disease is like a war. Antibiotics kill ma ny kinds of bacteria which make you sick, but sometimes they a lso get “confused” and kill antibodies(抗体) in your body that should be helping to kill viruses. Sometimes the enemy bacteria may change themselves in orde r to fight back. When antibiotics are used wrongly or too often, t he bacteria can develop faster. This worsens the infection and makes it harder to treat. Because of resistance to antibiotics, on ce treatable diseases are becoming fatal(致命的) again.In recent years, different kinds of “superbugs” have been showi ng themselves in many parts of the world. They can avoid any a ntibiotics we have and have caused many deaths.Since penicillin(青霉素) was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1929, it has saved many lives worldwide. Before this discovery was made, even inf ections in small cuts could kill. However, overuse or misuse of t his “lifesaving” medicine could mean antibiotics turn against us i n the war against disease.36.What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?A.To inform readers that antibiotics are useful in treating disea ses.B.To warn readers of the dangers of antibiotics used improper ly.C.To explain the serious situation of antibiotics misuse in . D.To report on the invention of new antibiotics in the world.37.In the war of curing a disease ________.A.antibiotics defeat antibodiesB.antibiotics kill bacteriaC.antibodies help virusesD.bacteria change themselves38.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to th e passage?A.Antibiotics work against all kinds of everyday coughs and co lds.B.Large amounts of antibiotics are needed to kill “superbugs”.C.Penicillin is considered to be the best ever antibiotic in histo ry.D.Bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics and develop fa ster.39.What can we learn from the passage?A.Antibiotics are the best to kill colds.B.Antibiotics never fight against antibodies.C.The misuse of antibiotics could lead to death.D.The use of antibiotics should be forbidden.2015届高考英语一轮复习:Module1LifeintheFutureⅠ.单项填空1.—Guess what, we've got our visas for a shortterm visit to the UK this summer.—How nice! You ________ a different culture then.A.will be experiencingB.have experiencedC.have been experiencingD.will have experienced2.I have ________ visiting my grandparents on my way home from school.A.come into B.gone intoC.gotten into D.run into3.—Do you think we should accept that offer?—Yes, we should, for we ________ such bad luck up till now, and time ________ out.A.have had; is runningB.had; is runningC.have; has been runD.have had; has been run4.When we will hold the flower show in the park mainly ________ the weather recently. A.lies on B.puts onC.relies on D.depends on5.Knowing he was safe was a(n) ________ off my mind.A.load B.thingC.matter D.event6.While we are busy making other plans, our children are busy growing up, the people we loveare moving away and dying, and our bodies are getting ________.A.out of date B.out of controlC.out of shape D.out of touch7.In many states of America, a neighbour may ________ you with playing your radio too loudly. A.charge B.blameC.punish D.scold8.He has a good ________ of French, which helps him a lot in the trade with the French. A.skill B.commandC.master D.acquisition9.Some of the students have already learned enough French to________a conversation with a native French speaker.A.carry on B.keep onC.go on D.hold on10.The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now ________the matte r.A.seeing throughB.working outC.looking intoD.watching over11.With a label ________ to each luggage, it is easy for passengers to recognize their own lug gage.A.attaching B.to attachC.attach D.attached12.I plan to go back home to visit my family during the Spring Festival, but if I can't get the trai n ticket, I still have an ________ plan: to visit the museums.A.accessible B.alternativeC.absolute D.available13.Tom should not be sent to carry out the task—________,he hasn't had enough experience.A.for a start B.by the wayC.on the other hand D.sooner or later14.—What were you doing when Tony phoned you?—I had just finished my work and ________ to take a shower.A.had started B.startedC.have started D.was starting15.We do our best to be careful and prevent bad things from happening, but most of us will___ _____find ourselves in a situation where we or someone else needs help.A.personally B.obviouslyC.particularly D.eventuallyⅡ.完形填空My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so hands ome, so cool, that I can't help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I __16__ to some degree, though I sometimes do want to __17__ them how much they kno w about Beckham, apart from his __18__ and how much they know about football apart from __19__ goals. However, it seems funny that we are __20__ for things, with which we are unf amiliar or about which we are __21__, but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of life's __22__.We need these pleasures to __23__ our lives. But that doesn't __24__ to craziness or non sense. As an old saying goes, “Don't judge a book by its cover.” We __25__ not judge anythin g from its appearance. We should all know, it is one's good __26__ and great contribution th at make one a star and unforgettable. Therefore, we'd better say __27__ about Beckham's go od looks.If we close our eyes, falling in deep __28__, we can find that the things that move us to be re ally happy or sad have a __29__ meaning. If we don't go deeper and are just satisfied with _ _30__ things, sooner or later we will find that we have not really gained anything because our fi rst __31__ has blinded and misled us, and we'll remain ignorant (无知的) __32__ we realize that and make some changes.It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is a __33__ of great progress. If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it __34__ us, we will final ly prove how much we have __35__ up, how much more sensible, mature, and intelligent we have become.16.A.like B.agreeC.hope D.think17.A.ask B.tellC.teach D.doubt18.A.skills B.fame C.team D.appearance 19.A.knocking B.hitting C.scoring D.controlling 20.A.thankful B.crazy C.curious D.anxious 21.A.uncertain B.unhappy C.disappointed D.careful 22.A.aims B.qualities C.pleasures D.truths 23.A.keep up B.brighten up C.find out D.bring about 24.A.appear B.reach C.amount D.raise 25.A.dared B.would C.could D.should26.A.thinking B.character C.looks D.abilities 27.A.more B.something C.less D.nothing28.A.love B.sleep C.sense D.thought 29.A.clear B.puzzling C.moving D.valuable 30.A.material B.deep C.surface D.pleasant31.A.conclusion B.experienceC.lesson D.impression32.A.since B.althoughC.unless D.before33.A.sign B.causeC.value D.willingness34.A.worries B.painsC.satisfies D.offers35.A.given B.sentC.built D.grownⅢ.阅读理解It is almost like a reflex(条件反射) whenever we have a runny nose or a cough we reach for the antibiotics(抗生素). But maybe you should think twice before you start taking those pills next time you have got a bit of a cold. Many doctors warn that we are overusing and sometimes misusing antibiotics to treat common diseases. This could have bad results.Across the world, the problem of antibiotics is growing, and the situation is especially bad in . Th e average amount of antibiotics each Chinese person takes every year is almost three times the international level and ten times the level in the United States, Xiao Yonghong, a professor in , told the Guangming Daily on October 19.It is a common wrong idea that antibiotics work for all diseases right down to everyday coughs a nd colds. In fact, antibiotics only work against bacteria, and not viruses. Most forms of the com mon cold and flu are caused by viruses, so antibiotics are useless against them.The process of curing a disease is like a war. Antibiotics kill many kinds of bacteria which make you sick, but sometimes they also get “confused” and kill antibodies(抗体) in your body that should be helping to kill viruses.Sometimes the enemy bacteria may change themselves in order to fight back. When antibiotics are used wrongly or too often, the bacteria can develop faster. This worsens the infection and m akes it harder to treat. Because of resistance to antibiotics, once treatable diseases are becomi ng fatal(致命的) again.In recent years, different kinds of “superbugs” have been showing themselves in many parts of t he world. They can avoid any antibiotics we have and have caused many deaths.Since penicillin(青霉素) was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1929, it has saved many lives worldwide. Before th is discovery was made, even infections in small cuts could kill. However, overuse or misuse of t his “lifesaving” medicine could mean antibiotics turn against us in the war against disease. 36.What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?A.To inform readers that antibiotics are useful in treating diseases.B.To warn readers of the dangers of antibiotics used improperly.C.To explain the serious situation of antibiotics misuse in .D.To report on the invention of new antibiotics in the world.37.In the war of curing a disease ________.A.antibiotics defeat antibodiesB.antibiotics kill bacteriaC.antibodies help virusesD.bacteria change themselves38.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Antibiotics work against all kinds of everyday coughs and colds.B.Large amounts of antibiotics are needed to kill “superbugs”.C.Penicillin is considered to be the best ever antibiotic in history.D.Bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics and develop faster.39.What can we learn from the passage?A.Antibiotics are the best to kill colds.B.Antibiotics never fight against antibodies.C.The misuse of antibiotics could lead to death.D.The use of antibiotics should be forbidden.。

【金版学案】2015届高考英语总复习(活学活用能力提升)Unit 1 A land of diver

Unit 1 A land of diversityⅠ.写出下列必考单词1.大多数,大半n.____________2.牛(总称) n.____________3.联邦制的;联邦政府的adj. ____________4.侄子;外甥n.____________5.代理的;副职的n.&adj. ____________6.发生;出现vi. ____________7.公正n.____________8.行李n.____________9.渡船;渡口n.____________10.权威;当局;官方n.____________6.occur baggage10.authorityⅡ.写出下列单词的变化形式1.种族n.____________ 人种的adj. ____________种族主义n. ____________种族主义者n. ____________2.申请vt. ____________ 申请人n. ____________ 申请n. ____________3.国家,民族n. ____________ 民族的adj. ____________国籍n. ____________4.指出,表明vt. ____________ 指示者,指示器n. ____________指示;迹象n. ____________5.显而易见的,显然的adj. ____________ 显而易见地,显然地adv. ____________;racial;racialism;racialist ;applicant;application3.nation;national;nationality ;indicator;indication5.apparent;apparently用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1.She is a native of ________,that is to say,she is an________.(Italy) 2.They come from different __________,so they have different ________customs.(race) 3.________,she took no notice of the ________mistakes in the accident.(apparent) 4.He ________ that as an ________ I should give him some ________of how I did in the test.(indicate)5.All the ________ can ______in person or by letter and at the same time should hand in their ________ before May 5th.(apply)1.Italy;Italian ;racial ;apparent4.indicated ;indicator ;indications5.applicants ;apply ;applicationsⅢ.翻译下列必背短语1.用……方法,借助____________ 2.谋生____________ 3.(某人)想到____________ 4.与……合作或工作____________ 5.画线标出……界线____________ 6.包括;吸收____________ 7.保持,沿袭(风俗)____________ 8.许多,很多____________ 9.继续存在____________ 10.背靠背____________means of a life to4.team up with outin up8.a great/good many on to back根据括号里的解释,用恰当的短语完成下列句子。
高考英语总复习 第一部分 模块复习 话题13 财富人生课

1. _t_a_k_e__a__c_h_a_n__c_e__ 冒险 2. _m__a_k__e_a__b_e_t___ 打赌 3. _s_t_a_r_e__a_t______ 盯着看;凝视 4. _a_c_c_o__u_n_t__fo__r__ 导致;做出解释
5. _b_r_i_n_g_u_p__ 抚养; 培养; 教育; 提出 6. _i_n_r_a_g_s___ 衣衫褴褛 7. _a_s__fo_r____ 关于;至于 8. _o_n__th__e_c_o_n_t_r_a_ry__ 与此相反; 正相反
3. _U__n_b_e_li_e_v_a_b_ly_ (believe), she could remember 200 English words.
副词作状语, 从后面的内容来看需要用否 定意义的副词。
4. Mark Twain, a well-known n__o_v_el_i_st_ (novel), was born in Florida and brought up in Hannibal.
名词, 与前面的.Mark Twain 是同位语。
5. It is very important to teach
their children how to deal with
others’ kindness and _r_u_d_e_n_e_ss__ (rude).
在物主代词后用名词, 与kindness 并列。
二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生
1. _n_o_v_e_l ___ n. 小说 adj. 新奇的;异常的 _n_o_v_e_li_st__ n. 小说家
2. _a_d_v_e_n_tu_r_e___ n. 奇遇; 冒险 _a_d_v_e_n_tu_r_o_u_sadj. 爱冒险的; 充满危险的 _a_d_v_e_n_tu_r_e_r__ n. 冒险家;投机分子
【金版学案】2015届高考英语总复习(活学活用能力提升)Unit 1 Cultural relics

Unit 1 Cultural relics话题:是否该购买流失在国外的文化珍品体裁:议论文(辩论)写作思路:点明辩论议题;正方观点及理由;反方观点及理由。
Recently many Chinese lost ancient treasures have been bought back at surprisingly high prices by some rich Chinese people,which raises a heated debate among people agree with the buyers because they think it necessary to collect and study the treasures created and passed down by our as our country's comprehensive power has grown up,we are able to buy the lost ancient treasures back.However,others are not for the idea because they say the prices are too 's worse,many of the lost treasures went abroad in illegal means buying them back at high prices may encourage illegal behaviour,which would damage our ancient treasures protection in return.Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词1.朝代,王朝n.____________2.奇特的;想象,爱好adj.& v.____________3.根据,证据,证物n. ____________4.遗物,遗迹,纪念物n.____________5.花瓶,瓶n.____________6.蜜,蜂蜜n.____________7.风格,类型;风度n.____________8.群,组;军队n. ____________9.分离的,分别的adj. ____________10.本地的,当地的adj. ____________答案:6.honeyⅡ.写出下列单词的变化形式1.文化n.____________文化的adj. ____________2.价值;重视,珍视n.&v. ____________贵重的,有价值的adj. ____________无价的adj. ____________不值钱的adj. ____________价值观n.____________3.使吃惊,使惊讶v.____________惊讶,吃惊n.____________令人惊讶的adj. ____________吃惊的adj. ____________4.接待v.____________接待,招待会,接受n.____________接待员n.____________5.考虑v.____________考虑,深思n.____________考虑到,鉴于prep. ____________体谅的,考虑周到的adj. ____________答案:;cultural;valuable;invaluable;valueless;values;amazement;amazing;amazed;reception;receptionist;consideration;considering;considerate用所给单词的正确形式填空。
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3. stare vi. 凝视;盯着看(look at sb or sth for a long time)
例句 His eyes stare at what is left of the brother’s dinner on table.他的眼睛 盯着残羹剩菜。 联想 fix one’s eye on/upon 专注于; 凝 视
1. ________________ take a chance 冒险 2. ______________ make a bet 打赌
3. ______________ 盯着看;凝视 stare at 4. ______________ account for 导致;做出解释
bring up 抚养; 培养; 教育; 提出 5. _________
名词, 与前面的.Mark Twain 是同位语。
5. It is very important to teach their children how to deal with others’ kindness and _________ rudeness (rude).
在物主代词后用名词, 与kindness 并列。
⑵ I advise you not________ to drink (drink) too much.
shouting (shout) loudly ⑶ We forbid_________ in the office. to study ⑷ The teacher encouraged me ______ (study) abroad.
6. _________ in rags 衣衫褴褛 7. _________ 关于;至于 as for
8. _______________ on the contrary 与此相反; 正相反
9. _____________ by accident 偶然; 无意中; 不小心
10. go __________ 前进; 可以;往下说 ahead 11. ____________________ be famous/known for 以……出名
As a result, he became very rich from his works, 8____ but the last years of his life 9 was ________ filled (fill)with sad events, the deaths of his wife and children, the loneliness and the loss of much money. For this, his writings lost most of their humor and became sad 10 ______ like him. Yet he is still regarded as one of the best-known writers in the modern world.
1. scene n. (戏剧)场;现场;场面;景 色 例句 The first act is divided into four scenes.第一幕分成四场。
பைடு நூலகம்
the scene of the accident事故发生 的地点 (be /come) on the scene在场;到场 behind the scenes幕后;秘密的 a delightful scene 赏心悦目的景色
successful It was said that his first 6________ (success)story was about a jumping frog contest. And his works became extremely famous for their descriptions of common people and the way they for his humor. talked, especially 7___
embassy n. 大使馆 6. ___________
7. ___________ envelope n. 信封 8. ___________ n. 甜点; 点心 dessert
9. ___________ amount n. 数量
10. __________ manner n. 礼貌; 举止; 方式
Unbelievably (believe), she could 3. ____________ remember 200 English words.
副词作状语, 从后面的内容来看需要用否 定意义的副词。
4. Mark Twain, a well-known _______ (novel), was born in Florida novelist and brought up in Hannibal.
11. _________ wander vi. 漫游;漫步;漂泊
12. ______ seek v. 寻找;探索;寻求 13. ______ bow vi.& n. 鞠躬;弯腰
14. ______ spot vt. 发现 n. 斑点;地点 15. _________ scream vi. 尖叫 n. 尖叫声
二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生
1. ________ n. 小说 adj. 新奇的;异常的 novel ________ novelist n. 小说家
2. ___________ n. 奇遇; 冒险 adventure __________ adventurous adj. 爱冒险的; 充满危险的 ___________ adventurer n. 冒险家;投机分子
⑷ sight可数名词,指值得看的“奇 观”;或指某处或某地令人有趣的名 胜、建筑物(常说the sights)。
运用 用上述表示风景的词填空。 sight in ⑴ The cave is a very nice _____ that place.那个洞是该地一处很美丽的 风景。
⑵ From the top of the hill you have a nice _____ view of the whole city.
五、课文概要 用约30个词概括课文 的主要内容。
An incredible story happened in 1903.Two wealthy brothers made a bet on Henry, a penniless young American survivor, about whether a man could survive with the only $1, 000,000 banknote.
3. _______ permit v. 许可 n. 通行证; 执照 ___________ permission n. 许可;允许
4. __________ patience n. 耐性;耐心 patient __________ adj. 有耐心的 __________ impatient adj. 没耐心的 __________ patiently adv. 耐心地
(B) 灵活运用 1. To those more cautious persons, travelling in the desert might seem quite___________ adventurous (adventure).
2. Mike used to swim in the river without his parents’ permission ________ (permit).
unbelievable adj. 难以置信的 5. _______________
_______________ adj. 可以相信的 believable
unbelievably adv. 难以置信地 _______________
6. ________ adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的 rude rudely adv. 粗鲁地 ________ ___________ rudeness n. 粗鲁;无礼
像permit一样,用不定式to do sth.作 宾语补足语和用doing sth.作宾语的 及物动词还有allow(允许),forbid(禁 止),advise(建议),encourage(鼓励), recommend(推荐)等。
运用 用所给动词的适当形式填空。
⑴ You are not permitted ________ to smoke (smoke) here.
派生 permission n.允许;许可
搭配 根据汉语意思补全下列短语。 to do sth 允许某人做某事 ⑴ permit sb _________
⑵ permit __________ doing sth 允许做某事 ⑶ ask for __________ permission 请求许可
Being poor, Twain dropped school to look at the age of twelve 5________ (look) for work. Over the next two decades he worked as a printer, a riverboat pilot, a soldier, a gold miner, a businessman and a newspaper reporter to support the family.
一、单词识记 1. ____________ birthplace n. 出生地; 故乡
2. _________ phrase n. 短语; 词组; 惯用语
3. _________ author n. 作者; 作家 4. _________ n.现场; 场面; 景色 scene