Figure A14.2: How Reaction Curves Change When β Increases
(d) Suppose that an advertising campaign could increase the value of β by one, and that this would increase the profits of each firm by more than the cost of the campaign. What does this mean? If either firm could pay for this campaign, what game would result between them? Answer. The meaning of an increase in β is that a firm’s quantity demanded becomes more responsive to the other firm’s price, if it charges a high price. The meaning is really mixed: partly, the goods become closer substitutes, and partly, total demand for the two goods increases.
If either firm could pay, then a game of “Chicken” results, with payoffs something like in Table A14.1, where the ad campaign costs 1 and yields extra profits of B to each firm.
案例分析2 重复剔除的占优策略均衡(一)
U 局中人2
2,3 1,1
0,2 2,7
3,4 4,5
案例分析3 重复剔除的占优策略均衡(二)
局中人2 M
4,3 2,1
5,1 8,4
6,2 3,6
完全信息静态博弈(一) ——纯策略
定义:指一策略组合有以下特性:当局中人持此策略后, 任一局中人均无诱因偏离这一均衡; s有立*=局。(s中1*人,…而,sn言*),=(suii*(,ssi-*i*,s)-是i*)一 纳ui (什si’均,s-i衡*)对,所当有且s仅i’当S对i 均所成
完美信息:2能区分1 是选择了L还是S
完全信息动态博弈(一) ——序贯博弈
定义:在一个扩展型对策中,如果一个对策由它的一 个决策结及其所有后续结构成,并满足(1)起始结是 一个单结的信息结;(2)子对策保留了原对策的所有 结构,则称它为原对策的一个子对策(子博弈)。
定义:在对策G中,如果s*=(s1,…,sn)是G的一个纳什均 衡,并且对所有可能的子对策而言仍是一个纳什均衡, 则称s*=(s1,…,sn)为一个子对策精炼纳什均衡。 可采用逆推法来求解,见案例7。
支付 男方
p 芭蕾
1,2 0,0
1-p 足球
0,0 2,1
第四节 完全信息动态博弈(一) ——序贯博弈
1.完全信息动态博弈 一般以扩展型式来表示:G=(N,H,P,I,U),包括5要素: (1)局中人N; (2)历史H:博弈树是一个多环节与枝干的集合,从单一
ODDAnswers to Odd-Numbered Problems,4th Edition of Games and Information,RasmusenPROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER7:Moral Hazard:Hidden Actions12October2006.Erasmuse@..This appendix contains answers to the odd-numbered problems in the fourth edition of Games and Information by Eric Rasmusen.The answers to the even-numbered problems are available to instructors or self-studiers on re-quest to me at Erasmuse@.700PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 7:Moral Hazard:Hidden Actions7.1.First-Best Solutions in a Principal-Agent Model Suppose an agent has the utility function of U =√w −e ,where e can assume the levels 0or 1.Let the reservation utility level be U =3.The principal is risk neutral.Denote the agent’s wage,conditioned on output,as w if output is 0and w if output is 100.Table 5shows the outputs.Table 5:A Moral Hazard Game Probability of Output of Effort0100Total Low (e =0)0.30.71High (e =1)0.10.91(a)What would the agent’s effort choice and utility be if he owned thefirm?Answer.The agent gets everything in this case.His utility is eitherU (High )=0.1(0)+0.9√100−1=8(1)or U (Low )=0.3(0)+0.7√100−0=7.(2)So the agent chooses high effort and a utility of 8.(b)If agents are scarce and principals compete for them,what will theagent’s contract be under full information?His utility?Answer .The efficient effort level is High ,which produces an expected output of 90.The principal’s profit is zero,because of competition.Since the agent is risk averse,he should be fully insured in equilibrium:w =w =90But he should get this only if his effort is high.Thus,the contract is w=90if effort is high,w=0if effort is low.The agent’s utility is 8.5(=√90−1,rounded).701(c)If principals are scarce and agents compete to work for them,whatwould the contract be under full information?What will the agent’s utility and the principal’s profit be in this situation?Answer.The efficient effort level is high.Since the agent is risk averse,he should be fully insured in equilibrium:w =w =w .The contract must satisfy a participation constraint for the agent,so √w −1=3.This yields w =16,and a utility of 3for the agent.The actual contract specified a wage of 16for high effort and 0for low effort.This is incentive compatible,because the agent would get only 0in utility if he took low effort.The principal’s profit is 74(=90-16).(d)Suppose that U =w −e .If principals are the scarce factor and agentscompete to work for principals,what would the contract be when the principal cannot observe effort?(Negative wages are allowed.)What will be the agent’s utility and the principal’s profit be in this situation?Answer.The contract must satisfy a participation constraint for the agent,so U =3.Since effort is 1,the expected wage must equal 4.One way to produce this result is to allow the agent to keep all the output,plus 4extra for his labor,but to make him pay the expected output of 90for this privilege (“selling the store”).Let w =14and w =−86(other contracts also work).Then expected utility is 3(=0.1(−86)+0.9(14)−1=−8.6+12.6−1).Expected profit is 86(=0.1(0−−86)+0.9(100−14)=8.6+77.4).7.3.Why Entrepreneurs Sell Out Suppose an agent has a utility function of U =√w −e ,where e can assume the levels 0or 2.4,and his reservation utility is U =7.The principal is risk neutral.Denote the agent’s wage,conditioned on output,as w (0),w (49),w (100),or w (225).Table 7.7shows the output.Table 7:Entrepreneurs Selling Out702Probability of Output of Method049100225Total Safe (e =0) (e =2.4)00.500.51(a)What would the agent’s effort choice and utility be if he owned thefirm?Answer .U (safe )=0+0.1√49+0.8√100+0−0=0.7+8=8.7.U (risky )=0+0.5√49+0.5√225−2.4=3.5+7.5−2.4=8.6.Therefore he will choose the safe method,e=0,and utility is 8.7.(b)If agents are scarce and principals compete for them,what will theagent’s contract be under full information?His utility?Answer .Agents are scarce,so π=0.Since agents are risk averse,it is efficient to shield them from risk.If the risky method is chosen,then w =0.5(49)+0.5(225)=24.5+112.5=137.Utility is 9.3(√137−2.4=11.7−2.4).If the safe method is chosen,then w =0.1(49)+0.8(100)=84.9.Utility is U =√84.9=9.21.Therefore,the optimal contract specifies a wage of 137if the risky method is used and 0(or any wage less than 49)if the safe method is used.This is better for the agent than if he ran the firm by himself and used the safe method.(c)If principals are scarce and agents compete to work for principals,whatwill the contract be under full information?What will the agent’s utility and the principal’s profit be in this situation?Answer .Principals are scarce,so U =U =7,but the efficient effort level does not depend on who is scarce,so it is still high.The agent is risk averse,so he is paid a flat wage.The wage satisfies the participation constraint √w −2.4=7,if the method is risky.The contract specifies a wage of 88.4(rounded)for the risky method and 0for the safe.Profit is 48.6(=0.5(49)+0.5(225)−88.4).703(d)If agents are the scarce factor,and principals compete for them,whatwill the contract be when the principal cannot observe effort?What will the agent’s utility and the principal’s profit be in this situation?Answer.A boiling in oil contract can be used.Set either w(0)=-1000 or w(100)=-1000,which induces the agent to pick the risky method.In order to protect the agent from risk,the wage should beflat except for those outputs,so w(49)=w(225)=137.π=0,since agents are scarce.U=9.3,from part(b).7.5.Worker EffortA worker can be Careful or Careless,efforts which generate mistakes with probabilities0.25and0.75.His utility function is U=100−10/w−x, where w is his wage and x takes the value2if he is careful,and0otherwise. Whether a mistake is made is contractible,but effort is not.Risk-neutral employers compete for the worker,and his output is worth0if a mistake is made and20otherwise.No computation is needed for any part of this problem.(a)Will the worker be paid anything if he makes a mistake?Answer.Yes.He is risk averse,unlike the principal,so his wage should be even across states.(b)Will the worker be paid more if he does not make a mistake?Answer.Yes.Careful effort is efficient,and lack of mistakes is a good statistic for careful effort,which makes it useful for incentive compati-bility.(c)How would the contract be affected if employers were also risk averse?Answer.The wage would vary more across states,because the work-ers should be less insured—and perhaps should even be insuring the employer.704(d)What would the contract look like if a third category,“slight mistake,”with an output of19,occurs with probability0.1after Careless effort and with probability zero after Careful effort?Answer.The contract would pay equal amounts whether or not a mis-take was made,but zero if a slight mistake was made,a“boiling in oil”contract.7.7.Optimal CompensationAn agent’s utility function is U=(log(wage)-effort).What should his com-pensation scheme be if different(output,effort)pairs have the probabilities in Table8?(a)The agent should be paid exactly his output.@(b)The same wage should be paid for outputs of1and100.(c)The agent should receive more for an output of100than of1,but should receive still lower pay if output is2.(d)None of the above.Table8:Output ProbabilitiesOutput12100High0.500.5EffortLow0. a LawyerA one-manfirm with concave utility function U(X)hires a lawyer to sue a customer for breach of contract.The lawyer is risk-neutral and effort averse, with a convex disutility of effort.What can you say about the optimal contract?What would be the practical problem with such a contract,if it were legal?705Answer.The contract should give thefirm a lump-sum payment and let the lawyer collect whatever he can from the lawsuit.The problem is that the firm would not have any incentive to help win the case.7.11.Constraints AgainSuppose an agent has the utility function U=log(w)−e,where e can take the levels1or3,and a reservation utility of U.The principal is risk-neutral. Denote the agent’s wage conditioned on output as w if output is0and w if output is100.Only the agent observes his effort.Principals compete for agents,and outputs occur according to Table11.Table11:Efforts and OutputsProbability of OutputsEffort0100Low(e=1)0.90.1High(e=3)0.50.5What conditions must the optimal contract satisfy,given that the prin-cipal can only observe output,not effort?You do not need to solve out for the optimal contract–just provide the equations which would have to be true. Do not just provide inequalities–if the condition is a binding constraint, state it as an equation.Answer.This is a tricky question because it turns out with these numbers that low effort(e=1)is optimal.In that case,the optimal contract is sim-ple:aflat wage.Because principals compete,a zero-profit constraint must be satisfied,and w=0.9(0)+0.1(100)=10.The incentive compatibility constraint is an inequality that is not binding:U(e=1)=log(10)−1≥U(e=3)=log(10)−3.The agent’s utility is thenlog(10)−1≈2.3−1=1.3.For a high-effort contract,both a zero-profit and an incentive compati-bility constraint must be binding.The zero profit constraint says0.5(0)+0.5(100)=0.5w+0.5w,706so w=100−w.The incentive compatibility constraint is0.5log(w)+0.5log(w)−3=0.9log(w)+0.1log(w)−1.That is the constraint,which must be an equality since principals are com-peting to offer the highest-utility contract to the agent(subject to the zero-profit constraint).Solving out a bit further,−4log(w)+4log(w)=20,so log(w/w)=5,w/w=Exp(5)≈148and w≈148w.Equating our two equations for w yieldsw=100−w≈148wso w≈100/149.In turn,w≈100−100/149.What is the agent’s utility from that?It is about.5log(100/149)+.5log(100−100/149)−3≈.5(−.4)+.5(4.6)−3=−0.9.Thus,the principal gets zero profit with either high or low effort,but the agent gets lower utility from high effort.The First BestWe could also work out thefirst best for this situation.For low effort, the agent’s utility is the same as in the second-best,since in neither case does he bear risk,so U(loweffort)≈1.3.For high effort,in thefirst-best the agent gets aflat wage equal to the expected value of output,50,so his utility is U(higheffort)=log(50)−3≈3.91−3=0.91.Thus,in thefirst-best, low effort is still better,but the utilities are closer than in the second-best.707。
ODDAnswers to Odd-Numbered Problems,4th Edition of Games and Information, RasmusenPROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER11:Signalling10June2007.16November2006.Erasmuse@..This contains answers to the odd-numbered problems in the fourth edition of Games and Information by Eric Rasmusen.PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER11:Signalling11.1.Is Lower Ability Better?Change Education I so that the two possible worker abilities are a∈{1,4}.(a)What are the equilibria of this game?What are the payoffs of the workers(and thepayoffs averaged across workers)in each equilibrium?Answer.The pooling equilibrium iss L=s H=0,w0=w1=2.5,P r(L|s=1)=0.5,(1)which uses passive conjectures:.The payoffs are U L=U H=2.5,for an average payoffof2.5.The separating equilibrium iss L=0,s H=1,w0=1,w1=4.(2)The payoffs are U L=1and U H=2,for an average payoffof1.5.This equilibrium can be justified by the self selection constraintsU L(s=0)=1>U L(s=1)=4−8/1=−4(3)andU H(s=0)=1<U H(s=1)=4−8/4=2.(4) Thus,the payoffaveraged across workers is1.5(=.5[1]+.5[2]).(b)Apply the Intuitive Criterion(see N6.2).Are the equilibria the same?Answer.Yes.The intuitive criterion does not rule out the pooling equilibrium in the game with a h=4.There is no incentive for either type to deviate from s=0even if the deviation makes the employers think that the deviator is high-ability.The payoffto a persuasive high-ability deviator is only2,compared the2.5that he can get in the pooling equilibrium.(c)What happens to the equilibrium worker payoffs if the high ability is5instead of4?Answer.The pooling equilibrium iss L=s H=0,w0=w1=,P r(L|s=1)=0.5,(5)which uses passive conjectures.The payoffs are U L=U H=3,with an average payoffof3.The separating equilibrium iss L=0,s H=1,w0=1,w1=5.(6)The payoffs are U L=1and U H=3.4with an average payoffof2.2.The self-selectionconstraints areU H(s=0)=1<U H(s=1)=5−85=3.4(7)andU L(s=0)=1>U L(s=1)=5−81=−3.(8)(d)Apply the Intuitive Criterion to the new game.Are the equilibria the same?Answer.No.The strategy of choosing s=1is dominated for the Lows,since its maximum payoffis−3,even if the employer is persuaded that he is High.So only the separating equilibrium survives.(e)Could it be that a rise in the maximum ability reduces the average worker’s payoff?Can it hurt all the workers?Answer.Yes.Rising ability would reduce the average worker payoffif the shift was from a pooling equilibrium when a h=4to a separating equilibrium when a h=5.Since the Intuitive Criterion rules out the pooling equilibrium when a h=5,it is plausible that the equilibrium is separating when a h=5.Since the pooling equilibrium is pareto-dominant when a h=4,it is plausible that it is the equilibrium played out.So the average payoffmay well fall from2.5to2.2when the high ability rises from4to5.This cannot make every player worse off,however;the high-ability workers see their payoffs rise from2.5to3.4.[Below are some additional notes that are infirst draft,since they came up in a recent class–be on the lookout for errors]What if the signal were continuous instead of having to equal either1or4?Then,a lower signal could still induce separation.Would that remove the perverse resultof higher ability reducing average payoffs?The basic problem is that any signalling that goes on can’t increase output.All the signalling does is to reduce the average payoff.On the other hand,increasing ability does increase the average payoff,as a direct effect.So the question is whether the increase in signalling cost outweighs the increase in output.Let’s see what happens here:The high-ability self-selection constraint would beU H(s=0)=1≤U H(s=s∗)=5−8s∗5,(9)which means we would need s∗≤2.5.The low-ability self-selection constraint would beU L(s=0)=1≥U L(s=1)=5−8s∗1,(10)so s∗must be at least0.5.If it is,then the separating payoffs are1for the low-ability and5−8(0.5)=41/5for the high-ability,an average payoffof2.6.The Intuitive Criterion results in the minimum necessary signal being used.Thus, use of it would argue for a shift from an average payoffof2.5to one of2.6when ability increased from4to5if the equilibrium shifted from pooling to separating.But the Intuitive Criterion would say that the pooling equilibrium would break down even when ability was4,if the signal can be as low as0.5.That’s because the high-ability=4−1=3,which worker could deviate to signalling s=0.5and get payoff4−8∗0.54is better than the2.5from pooling.In fact,the value of s∗when abilities are1and 4can be even lower:solving U L(s=0)=1≥U L(s=1)=4−8s∗yields s∗=3/8.1That gives an average payoffof(3.625+1)/2=2.3125.So applying the Intuitive Criterion,higher ability now helps.If we don’t apply it,though,a shift from pooling to separating might well reduce average welfare,and could even reduce the welfare of both players.11.3.Price and QualityConsumers have prior beliefs that Apex produces low-quality goods with probability0.4 and high quality with probability0.6.A unit of output costs1to produce in either case, and it is worth10to the consumer if it is high-quality and0if low-quality.The consumer, who is risk neutral,decides whether to buy in each of two periods,but he does not know the quality until he buys.There is no discounting.(a)What is Apex’price and profit if it must choose one price,p∗,for both periods?Answer.A consumer’s expected consumer surplus isCS=0.4(0−p∗)+0.6(10−p∗)+0.6(10−p∗)=−1.6p∗+12.(11) Apex maximizes its profits by setting CS=0,in which case p∗=7.5and profit is πH=13(=2(7.5-1))orπL=6.5((=7.5-1).(b)What is Apex’price and profit if it can choose two prices,p1and p2,for the twoperiods,but it cannot commit ahead to p2?Answer.If Apex is high quality,it will choose p2=10,since the consumer,having learned the qualityfirst period,is willing to pay that much.Thus consumer surplus isCS=0.4(0−p1)+0.6(10−p1)+0.6(10−10)=−p1+6,(12) and,setting this equal to zero,p1=6,for a profit ofπH=14(=(6-1)+(10-1)) orπL=5(=6-1).(c)What is the answer to part(b)if the discount rate is r=0.1?Answer.Apex cannot do better than the prices suggested in part(b).(d)Returning to r=0,what if Apex can commit to p2?mitment makes no difference in this problem,since Apex wants to chargea higher price in the second period anyway if it has high quality—a high price in thefirst period would benefit the low-quality Apex too,at the expense of the high-quality Apex.(e)How do the answers to(a)and(b)change if the probability of low quality is0.95instead of0.4?(There is a twist to this question.)Answer.With a constant price,a consumer’s expected consumer surplus isCS=0.95(0−p∗)+0.05(10−p∗)+0.05(10−p∗)=−1.05p∗+0.5(13) Apex would set CS=0,in which case p∗=10,but since this is less than cost,Apex21in fact would not sell anything at all,and would earn zero profit.With changing prices,high-quality Apex will choose p2=10,since the consumer, having learned the qualityfirst period,is willing to pay that much.Thus consumer surplus isCS=0.95(0−p1)+0.05(10−p1)+0.05(10−10)=−p1+0.5.(14) and,setting this equal to zero,you might think that p1=0.5,for a profit ofπH=8.5(=(0.5−1)+(10−1)).But notice that if the low-quality Apex tries to follow thisstrategy,his payoffisπL=0.5−1<0.Hence,only the high-quality Apex will try it.But then the consumers know the product is high-quality,and they are willing to pay10even in thefirst period.What the high-quality Apex can do is charge up to p1=1in thefirst period,for profits of9(=(1−1)+(10−1)).11.5.AdvertisingBrydox introduces a new shampoo which is actually very good,but is believed by consumers to be good with only a probability of0.5.A consumer would pay10for high quality and 0for low quality,and the shampoo costs6per unit to produce.Thefirm may spend as much as it likes on stupid TV commercials showing happy people washing their hair,but the potential market consists of100cold-blooded economists who are not taken in by psychological tricks.The market can be divided into two periods.(a)If advertising is banned,will Brydox go out of business?Answer.No.It can sell at a price of5in thefirst period and10in the second period.This would yield profits of300(=(100)(5-6)+(100)(10-6)).(b)If there are two periods of consumer purchase,and consumers discover the qualityof the shampoo if they purchase in thefirst period,show that Brydox might spend substantial amounts on stupid commercials.Answer.If the seller produces high quality,it can expect repeat purchases.This makes expenditure on advertising useful if it increases the number of initial purchases,even if thefirm earns losses in thefirst period.If the seller produces low quality,there will be no repeat purchases.Hence,advertising expenditure can act as a signal of quality:consumers can view it as a signal that the seller intends to stay in business two periods.(c)What is the minimum and maximum that Brydox might spend on advertising,if itspends a positive amount?Answer.If there is a separating signalling equilibrium,it will be as follows.Brydox would spend nothing on advertising if its shampoo is low quality,and consumers will not buy from any company that advertises less than some amount X,because such a company is believed to produce low quality.Brydox would spend X on advertising if its quality is high,and charge a price of10in both periods.Amount X is between400and500.If a low-qualityfirm spends X on advertising, consumers do buy from it for one period,and it earns profits of(100)(10-6)-X= 400-X.Thus,the high-qualityfirm must spend at least400to distinguish itself.If a high-qualityfirm spends X on advertising,consumers buy from it for both periods, and it earns profits of(2)(100)(10-6)-X=800-X.Since it can make profits of300 even without advertising,a high-qualityfirm will spend up to500on advertising.11.7.Salesman ClothingSuppose a salesman’s ability might be either x=1(with probabilityθ)or x=4,and that if he dresses well,his output is greater,so that his total output is x+2s where s equals, 1if he dresses well and0if he dresses badly.The utility of the salesman is U=w−8sx where w is his wage.Employers compete for salesmen.(a)Under full information,what will the wage be for a salesman with low ability?Answer.Salesmen with low ability would not dress well.Dressing well would raise their output to3,but their utility at a wage of3would be-5,whereas if they dress poorly their utility is1.Thus,the wage is1.(b)Show the self selection contraints that must be satisfied in a separating equilibriumunder incomplete information.Answer.In a separating equilibrium,the low-ability salemen must be satisfied witha contract in which they dress poorly,so it must be true thatπL(poorly)=w(poorly)≥πL(well)=w(well)−8.The high-ability salemen must be satisfied with a contract in which they dress well, so it must be true thatπH(poorly)=w(poorly)≤πH(well)=w(well)−2.(c)Find all the equilibria for this game if information is incomplete.Answer.In the separating equilibrium,w(poorly)=1and w(well)=6.This satisfies the self selection constraints of part(b)and yield zero profits to the employers.In one pooling equilibrium,w(poorly)=θ+4(1−θ)and w(well)=3and all salesmen dress poorly,whereθis the percentage of low-ability salesmen.This is supported by the out-of-equilibrium belief that anyone who dresses well has low ability.There is no pooling equilibrium in which everyone dresses well.That would require that w(poorly)=1and w(well)=θ+4(1−θ)+2,and thatπL(poorly)=w(poorly)≤πL(well)=w(well)−8,soπL(poorly)=1≤πL(well)=θ+4(1−θ)+2−8,but regardless of how closeθis to0,this is impossible.11.9.Crazy Predators(adapted from Gintis[2000],Problem12.10)Apex has a monopoly in the market for widgets,earning profits of m per period,but Brydox has just entered the market.There are two periods and no discounting.Apex can either P rey on Brydox with a low price or accept Duopoly with a high price,resulting in profits to Apex of−p a or d a and to Brydox of−p b or d b.Brydox must then decide whether to stay in the market for the second period,when Brydox will make the same choices.If,however, Professor Apex,who owns60percent of the company’s stock,is crazy,he thinks he will earn an amount p∗>d a from preying on Brydox(and he does not learn from experience). Brydox initially assesses the probability that Apex is crazy atθ.(a)Show that under the following condition,the equilibrium will be separating,i.e.,Apexwill behave differently in thefirst period depending on whether the Professor is crazy or not:−p a+m<2d a(15)Answer.In any equilibrium,Apex will choose P rey both periods if the Professor is crazy.In any equilibrium,Apex will choose Duopoly in the second period if the Professor is not crazy,by subgame perfectness.If the equilibrium is separating,Apex will choose Duopoly in thefirst period if the Professor is not crazy,and Brydox will respond by staying in for the second period.This will yield Apex an equilibrium payoffof2d a.The alternative is to deviate to P rey.The best this can do is to induce Brydox to exit,leaving Apex an overall payoffof−p a+m for the two periods,but if−p a+m<2d a,deviation is not profitable.(And if Brydox would not exit in response to P rey,P rey is even less profitable.)(b)Show that under the following condition,the equilibrium can be pooling,i.e.,Apexwill behave the same in thefirst period whether the Professor is crazy or not:θ≥d bp b+d b(16)Answer.The only reason for Apex to choose P rey in thefirst period if the Professor is not crazy is to induce Brydox to choose Exit.Thus,we should focus on Brydox’s decision.Brydox’s payofffrom Exit is0.Its payofffrom staying in isθ(−p b)+(1−θ)d b.Exiting is as profitable as staying in if0≥θ(−p b)+(1−θ)d b,which implies that (p b+d b)θ≥d b,and thusθ≥d bb b.(c)If neither condition(15)nor(16)apply,the equilibrium is hybrid,i.e.,Apex will usea mixed strategy and Brydox may or may not be able to tell whether the Professor iscrazy at the end of thefirst period.Letαbe the probability that a sane Apex preys on Brydox in thefirst period,and letβbe the probability that Brydox stays in the market in the second period after observing that Apex chose P rey in thefirst period.Show that the equilibrium values ofαandβare:α=θp b(1−θ)d b(17)β=−p a+m−2d am−d a(18)Answer.An equilibrium mixing probability equates the payoffs from its two pure strategy components.First,consider Apex.Apex’s two pure-strategy payoffs are:πa(P rey)=−p a+βd a+(1−β)m=d a+d a=πa(Duopoly),(19)soβ(d a−m)=−m+p a+2d a and we reach equation(18).Note that we know the numerator of equation(18)is positive,because we have ruled out a separating equilibrium by not having the inequality(15)hold.Also,the mixing probability is less than one because the numerator is less than the denominator.Now consider Brydox.Brydox’s prior that Apex is crazy isθ,but on observing P rey, it must modify its beliefs.There was some chance that Apex,if sane(which has probability(1−θ),would have chosen Duopoly,but that didn’t happen.That had probability(1−α)(1−θ)ex ing Bayes’Rule,the posterior probability that Apex is crazy isθ1−(1−α)(1−θ),(20) and the probability that Apex is sane is(α)(1−θ)1−(1−α)(1−θ),(21)Brydox’s two pure-strategy payoffs after observing P rey are thereforeπb(Exit)=−p b=−p b+θ1−(1−α)(1−θ)(−p b)+(α)(1−θ)1−(1−α)(1−θ)d b=πb(Stay in),(22)so0=θ(−p b)+(α)(1−θ)d b andα=θp b(1−θ)d b(23)If condition(16)is false,then expression(23)is less than1,a nice check that we have calculated the mixing probability correctly(and it is clearly greater than zero).(d)Is this behavior related to any of the following phenomenon?–Signalling,SignalJamming,Reputation,Efficiency Wages.Answer.This is an example of signal jamming.Apex alters its behavior in thefirst period so as to avoid conveying information to Brydox.It is not signalling,because Apex is not trying to signal its type.It is not reputation,because this is just a two-period model,not an infinite-period one.In loose language,one might call it reputation,because Apex is trying to avoid acquiring a reputation for sanity,but it has nothing in common with Klein-Leffler reputation models.It is not efficiency wages because no agent is being paid more than his reservation utility so as to main-tain incentives,nor is even anyfirm being rewarded highly under the threat of losing the reward if it behaves badly.11.11.Monopoly QualityA consumer faces a monopoly.He initially believes that the probability that the monopoly has a high-quality product is H,and that a high-quality monopoly would be able to send him an advertisement at zero cost.With probability(1-H),though,the monopoly has low quality,and it would cost thefirm A to send an ad.Thefirm does send an ad,offering the product at price P.The consumer’s utility from a high-quality product is X>P,but from a low quality product it is0.The production cost is C for the monopolist regardless of quality,where C<P−A.If the consumer does not buy the product,the seller does not incur the production cost.You may assume that the high-qualityfirm always sends an ad,that the consumer will not buy unless he receives an ad,and that P is exogenous.(a)Draw the extensive form for this game.Answer.xxxx Answer unavailable now(the old diagramfile is unusable)(b)What is the equilibrium if H is sufficiently high?Answer.If H is high,then both types of monopoly will advertise,and the consumer will buy the product if he gets an advertisement.(c)If H is low enough,the equilibrium is in mixed strategies.The high-qualityfirm alwaysadvertises,the low qualityfirm advertises with probability M,and the consumer buys with probability N.Show using Bayes Rule how the consumer’s posterior belief R that thefirm is high-quality changes once he receives an ad.Answer.The prior is H.The posterior isR=P rob(High|Advertise)=P rob(Advertise|High)P rob(High)P rob(Advertise)=(1)(H)(1)(H)+(M)(1−H).(d)Explain why the equilibrium is not in pure strategies if H is too low(but H is stillpositive).Answer.If H is low,then it cannot be an equilibrium for the Lowfirm always to advertise.Suppose H is close to zero.Then if the Lowfirm always enters,almost all advertisingfirms will have low quality,and the consumer will not buy.This would result negative payoffs for the Lowfirms,so they would not want to advertise.But neither can it be an equilibrium for no Lowfirm to advertise.In that case,the consumer would buy,which would make it profitable for the Lowfirm to advertise.(e)Find the equilibrium probability of M.(You don’t have tofigure out N.)Answer.The Lowfirm’s mixing probability M must be such that the consumer is indifferent between buying and not buying.His expected payofffrom not buying is0.From buying,the payoffmust be computed using his belief about the probabilitythat the seller has high quality which is the posterior probability R.Thus,R(X−P)+(1−R)(−P)=RX−P=(X)(H)(1)(H)+(M)(1−H)−PEquating this to the payoffof zero from not buying yields HX=(H+M−MH)P, so HX−HP=MP−MHP and M=H(X−P)P(1−H).11.x A Continuum of Pooling Equilibria(medium)Suppose that with equal probability a worker’s ability is a L=1or a H=5,and that theworker chooses any amount of education y∈[0,∞).Let U worker=w−8yaandπemployer= a−w.There is a continuum of pooling equilibria,with different levels of y∗,the amount of education necessary to obtain the high wage.What education levels,y∗,and wages, w(y),are paid in the pooling equilibria,and what is a set of out-of-equilibrium beliefs that supports them?What are the self-selection constraints?Answer.A pooling equilibrium for any y∗∈[0,0.25]isw=1if y=y∗3if y=y∗(24)with the out-of-equilibrium belief that P r(L|(y=y∗))=1,and with y=y∗for both types.The self-selection constraints say that neither High nor Low workers want to deviate by acquiring other than y∗education.The most tempting deviation is to zero education, so the constraints are:U L(y∗)=w(y∗)−8y∗≥U L(0)=w(y=y∗)(25)andU H(y∗)=w(y∗)−8y∗5≥U H(0)=w(y=y∗).(26)The constraint on the Lows requires that y∗≤0.25for a pooling equilibrium.11。
信号传递的混同均衡3 信号传递的混同均衡
事实上,如果工人要选择y=y*,那么必然有: 事实上,如果工人要选择y=y*,那么必然有: y=y* y=y*获得的净收益 获得的净收益≥ y=0获得的净收益 从y=y*获得的净收益≥从y=0获得的净收益 型工人来说,这意味着: 对L型工人来说,这意味着: w(y*)- (y*)≥ y*≥ 所以有: w(y*)-CL(y*)≥w(0) 即 2-q-y*≥1, 所以有: y*≤ ………… y*≤1-q 型工人,则有w(y*) (y*)≥w(0), w(y*)对H型工人,则有w(y*)-CH(y*)≥w(0),即 y*/2≥ 所以有:y*≤2(1-q)……… 2-q-y*/2≥1 所以有:y*≤2(1-q) 显然, 满足, 就自动满足了,所以, 显然,只要式 满足,式 就自动满足了,所以,如果 y*≤ 那么L型和H型工人都将选择y=y*的教育水平, y=y*的教育水平 y*≤1-q,那么L型和H型工人都将选择y=y*的教育水平, 并且每个工人的工资都是w=2 w=2并且每个工人的工资都是w=2-q,同时可以验证此时雇 主的信念是正确的,由此得到信号传递的混同均衡。 主的信念是正确的,由此得到信号传递的混同均衡。
信号传递的混同均衡2 信号传递的混同均衡
假设雇主之间为雇佣工人展开竞争。那么,雇 假设雇主之间为雇佣工人展开竞争。那么, 主的信念1意味着所有教育水平是y<y* y<y*的工人将 主的信念1意味着所有教育水平是y<y*的工人将 获得w(y<y*)=1的工资;信念2 w(y<y*)=1的工资 获得w(y<y*)=1的工资;信念2意味着所有拥有 y*的教育水平的工人将获得w(y≥y*)=2的教育水平的工人将获得w(y y≥y*的教育水平的工人将获得w(y≥y*)=2-q的平 均工资。 均工资。 求职者首先行动,他们必须决定是选择y=0 y=0或 求职者首先行动,他们必须决定是选择y=0或 y=y*的教育水平作为示意信号 如果y*很低, 的教育水平作为示意信号。 y*很低 y=y*的教育水平作为示意信号。如果y*很低, 将导致所有的工人都会选择y=y*的教育水平。 y=y*的教育水平 将导致所有的工人都会选择y=y*的教育水平。 那么,这个很低的y*满足什么条件呢? y*满足什么条件呢 那么,这个很低的y*满足什么条件呢?
ODDAnswers to Odd-Numbered Problems,4th Edition of Games and Information, RasmusenCHAPTER8:Further Topics in Moral Hazard26March2005.12November2005.Erasmuse@..This appendix contains answers to the odd-numbered problems in the fourth edition of Games and Information by Eric Rasmusen,which I am working on now and perhaps will come out in2006.The answers to the even-numbered problems are available to instructors or self-studiers on request to me at Erasmuse@.Other books which contain exercises with answers include Bierman&Fernandez (1993),Binmore(1992),Fudenberg&Tirole(1991a),J.Hirshleifer&Riley(1992),Moulin (1986),and Gintis(2000).I must ask pardon of any authors from whom I have borrowed without attribution in the problems below;these are the descendants of problems that I wrote for teaching without careful attention to my sources.PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 8:Further Topics in Moral Hazard8.1.Monitoring with error (easy)An agent has a utility function U =√w −αe ,where α=1and e is either 0or 5.His reservation utility level is U =9,and his output is 100with low effort and 250with high effort.Principals are risk neutral and scarce,and agents compete to work for them.The principal cannot condition the wage on effort or output,but he can,if he wishes,spend five minutes of his time,worth 10dollars,to drop in and watch the agent.If he does that,he observes the agent Daydreaming or W orking ,with probabilities that differ depending on the agent’s effort.He can condition the wage on those two things,so the contract will be {w,w }.The probabilities are given by Table 1.Table 1:Monitoring with Error Probability ofEffortDaydreaming W orking Low (e =0)0.60.4High (e =5)0.10.9(a)What are profits in the absence of monitoring,if the agent is paid enough to makehim willing to work for the principal?Answer .Without monitoring,effort is low.The participation constraint is √w −0≥9,so w =81.Output is 100,so profit is 19.(b)Show that high effort is efficient under full information.Answer .High effort yields output of 250.U ≥√w −αe or 9=√w −5is the participation constraint,so 14=√w and w =196.Profit is then 54.This is superiorto the profit of 19from low effort (and the agent is no worse off),so high effort is more efficient.(c)If α=1.2,is high effort still efficient under full information?Answer .If α=1.2,then the wage must rise to 225,for profits of 25,so high effort is still efficient.The wage must rise to 225because the participation constraint becomes √w −1.2(5)≥9.(d)Under asymmetric information,with α=1,what are the participation and incentive compatibility constraints?Answer .The incentive compatibility constraint is 0.6√w +0.4√w ≤0.1√w +0.9√w −5.The participation constraint is 9≤0.1√w +0.9√w −5.(e)Under asymmetric information,with α=1,what is the optimal contract?Answer .From the participation constraint,14=0.1√w +0.9√w ,and √w =140.9−(19)√w .The incentive compatibility constraint tells us that 0.5√w =5+0.5√w ,so √w =10+√w .Thus,10+√w =15.6−0.11√w (1)and √w =5.6/1.11=5.05.Thus,w =25.5.It follows that √w =10+5.05,sow = ConstraintsA risk-neutral principal hires an agent with utility function U =w −e and reservation utility U =5.Effort is either 0or 10.There is a bankruptcy constraint:w ≥0.Output is given by Table 4.Table 4:Bankruptcy Probability of Output ofEffort0400Total Low (e =0)0.50.51High (e =10)0.20.81(a)What would be the agent’s effort choice and utility if he owned the firm?Answer .e =10,because expected output is then 360instead of the 200with low effort,and the agent’s utility is 350instead of 200.(b)If agents are scarce and principals compete for them what will be the agent’s contractunder full information?His utility?Answer .Effort is high,as found in part (a).The wage is 360for high effort and 0for low (though there are other possibilities).Agent utility is 350.(c)If principals are scarce and agents compete to work for them,what will the contractbe under full information?What will the agent’s utility be?Answer .Because principals are scarce,U =U =5.Effort is high.The wage is 15if effort is high,and 0if it is low.(d)If principals are scarce and agents compete to work for them,what will the contractbe when the principal cannot observe effort?What will the payoffs be for each player?Answer .An efficiency wage must be paid so that the incentive compatibility con-straint of part (d)is satisfied.The participation constraint is thus not binding.Thelow wage will be0,since the principal wants to make the gap as big as possible be-tween the low wage and the high wage.The high wage must equal25to get incentive compatibility.Hence,U=0.1(0)+0.9(25)−10=12.5(2)π(H)=337.5(=0.1(0−0)+0.9(400−25)).This exceedsπ(L)=195(=0.5(0−5)+0.5(400−5)).(e)Suppose there is no bankruptcy constraint.If principals are the scarce factor andagents compete to work for them,what will the contract be when the principal cannot observe effort?What will the payoffs be for principal and agent?Answer.Since agents are risk neutral,selling the store works well.The expected wage must be15for the agent so that U=U=5,and an incentive compatibility constraint must be satisfied to obtain high effort:0.5w(0)+0.5w(400)≤0.1w(0)+0.9w(400)−10,(3)which can be rewritten as w(400)−w(0)≥25.Many contracts can ensure this.One is to sell the store for360minus10for the high effort minus5for the opportunity cost, which is equivalent to letting the agent keep all the output for a lump-sum payment of 345:w(0)=0+15−360=−345and w(400)=400+15−360=55,which averages to an expected wage of15and an expected utility of5.The principal’s payoffis345.8.5.Efficiency Wages and Risk Aversion(see Rasmusen[1992c])In each of two periods of work,a worker decides whether to steal amount v,and is detected with probabilityαand suffers legal penalty p if he,in fact,did steal.A worker who is caught stealing can also befired,after which he earns the reservation wage w0.If the worker does not steal,his utility in the period is U(w);if he steals,it is U(w+v)−αp, where U(w0+v)−αp>U(w0).The worker’s marginal utility of income is diminishing: U >0,U <0,and lim x→∞U (x)=0.There is no discounting.Thefirm definitely wants to deter stealing in each period,if at all possible.(a)Show that thefirm can indeed deter theft,even in the second period,and,in fact,dothat is higher than the reservation wage w0.so with a second-period wage w∗2Answer.It is easiest to deter theft in thefirst period,since a high second-period wage increases the penalty of beingfired.If w2is increased enough,however,the marginal utility of income becomes so low that U(w2+v)and U(w2)become almost identical, and the difference is less thanαP,so theft is deterred even in the second period. (b)Show that the equilibrium second-period wage w∗is higher than thefirst-period wage2.w∗1Answer.We already determined that w2>w0.Hence,the worker looks hopefully towards being employed in period2,and in Period1he is reluctant to risk his job by stealing.This means that he can be paid less in Period1,even though he may still have to be paid more than the reservation wage.8.7.MachineryMr.Smith is thinking of buying a custom-designed machine from either Mr.Jones or Mr.Brown.This machine costs5000dollars to build,and it is useless to anyone but Smith.It is common knowledge that with90percent probability the machine will be worth10,000dollars to Smith at the time of delivery,one year from today,and with10 percent probability it will only be worth2,000dollars.Smith owns assets of1,000dollars. At the time of contracting,Jones and Brown believe there is there is a20percent chance that Smith is actually acting as an“undisclosed agent”for Anderson,who has assets of 50,000dollars.Find the price be under the following two legal regimes:(a)An undisclosed principal is not responsible for the debts of his agent;and(b)even an undisclosed principal is responsible for the debts of his agent.Also,explain(as part[c])which rule a moral hazard model like this would tend to support.Answer.(a)The zero profit condition,arising from competition between Jones and Brown, is−5000+0.9P+0.1(1000)=0,(4)because Smith will only pay for the machine with probability0.9,and otherwise will default and only pay up to his wealth,which is1.This yields P≈5,444.(b)If Anderson is responsible for Smith’s debts,then Smith will pay the5,000dollars. Hence,zero profits require−5000+0.9P+0.1(0.2)P+0.1(0.8)(1000)=0,(5) which yields P≈5,348.(c)Moral hazard tends to support rule(b).This is because it reduces bankruptcy and the agent will be more reluctant to order the machine when there is a high chance it is unprofitable.In the model as constructed,this does not arise,because there is only one type of agent,but more generally it would,because there would be a continuum of types of agents,and some who would buy the machine under rule(b)wouldfind it too expensive under rule(a).Even in the model as it stands,rule(a)leads to the inefficient outcome that a machine worth2,000to Smith is not give to Smith.Rather,he pays his wealth and lets the seller keep the machine,which is inefficient since the machine really is worth2000to Smith.This is a question about zero-profit prices.Guessing would have been a good idea here:it is very intuitive that the price would always be above$5,000,and that it would be higher if the principal never had to cover the agent’s debts.You should be able to tell that P>10,000is impossible,because Smith would never pay it.Also,the sellers compete,so it is their profits that provide a participation constraint,not the benefit to the buyer.。
美国人约翰-海萨尼(John C. Harsanyi) 和美国人 约翰-纳什(John F. Nash Jr.)以及德国人莱因 哈德-泽尔腾(Reinhard Selten)
获奖理由:在非合作博弈的均衡分析理论方面做 出了开创性的贡献,对博弈论和经济学产生了重 大影响 。
如果一个博弈在所有各种对局下全体参与人之得 益总和总是保持为一个常数,这个博弈就叫常和 博弈;
相反,如果一个博弈在所有各种对局下全体参与 人之得益总和不总是保持为一个常数,这个博弈 就叫非常和博弈。
常和博弈也是利益对抗程度最高的博弈。 非常和(变和)博弈蕴含双赢或多赢。
第一章 完全信息静态博弈 第二章 完全信息动态博弈 第三章 不完全信息静态博弈 第四章 不完全信息动态博弈 第五章 委托-代理理论 第六章 逆向选择与信号传递
第一章 完全信息静态博弈
博弈论的基本概念及战略式表述 纳什均衡
纳什均衡应用举例 混合战略纳什均衡 纳什均衡的存在性与多重性
第一节 博弈论的基本概念
博弈论(game theory)是研究决策主体的行为发生直 接相互作用时候的决策以及这种决策的均衡问题。
博弈的战略式表述:G={N,(Si)iN,(Ui)iN} 有三个基本要素: (1)参与人(players)iN={1,2,…,n} ; (2)战略(strategies),siSi(战略空间); (3)支付(payoffs),ui=ui(s-i,si)。
Because We Had a Flat Tire”
如f11和g11 ,局中人的目标是选择使自己的收益最大化的策
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱyn
f11, g 11 f12 , g 12
2007 - Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin, Roger B. Myerson 2005 - Robert J. Aumann, Thomas C. Schelling 2001 - George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence, Joseph E.
Stiglitz 1996 - James A. Mirrlees, William Vickrey 1994 - John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr., Reinhard Selten
博弈论提供了一种研究人类理性行为的通用方法, 运用这些方法可以更为清晰完整地分析各种社会力量冲 突和合作的形势,具体分析人与人之间在利益相互制约 下理性主体的策略选择行为及相应结局。博弈论强调在 既定约束条件下追求效用最大化(服从微观经济学的一 般分析方法)。同时,信息和时序问题成为博弈论的两 个重要的分析工具。
§1.博弈论概述 §2.完全信息静态博弈 §3.完全信息动态博弈 §4.不完全信息静态博弈 §5.不完全信息动态博弈
第一节 博弈论概述
博弈论(the Game Theory)也就是运筹学中的对策 论,“是关于策略相互作用的理论”,研究两个或两 个以上参加者在对抗性或竞争性局势下如何采取行动, 如何作出有利于己方的决策及其均衡问题。
ai ai1,..., aik ,..., aiK ; k 1,...K。
我方/ 敌方
• 例如,在攻城博弈中,我方的行动为:(a,b,c)。
-,+ +,+,-
-,+ -,+ +,5
+ ,-, + -, +
我 方
b c
A -,+ +,B -,+ -,+ C +,-,+ D +,+,-
大猪/ 小猪
我方/ 敌方
大 猪 按 等 3 7 1 -1 2 0
4 0
我 方
(1)行动:概念:参与人在博弈的某个时点上的决策变量。参与人的行动 可能是连续的也可能是离散的。第i个参与人的一个特定行动记作: aik(k∈K) ,则:
13 博弈论与信息经济学
(1)战略:是参与人在给定信息集的情况下的行动规则,它规定参与人在 什么时候选择什么行动。
• 例:以下房产商开发博弈中,A有2个战略,B有4个战略。
s A 开发,不开发 开发,开发, 开发,不开发, sB 不开发,开发, 不开发,不开发
纳什均衡与占优战略均衡及重复剔除的占优均 衡:
(1)每一个占优战略均衡及重复剔除的占优均衡一定 是纳什均衡,但并非每一个纳什均衡都是占优战略均 衡或重复剔除的占优均衡; (2)纳什均衡一定是在重复剔除严格劣战略过程中没 有被剔除掉的战略组合,但没有被剔除掉的组合不一 定是纳什均衡,除非它是唯一的(不适用于严格弱劣 战略的情况)
1,10 0,10 0,10
1,12 0,11 0,13
故一般使用严格劣战略剔除,可以看到,(R1,C3) (R1,C1)都是纳什均衡,但在这里是不可解的。
练习: 找出下列两队夫妻的纳什均衡
妻子 活着 恩爱夫妻 丈夫 活着 死了
2,2 0,-6
三 重复剔除的占优均衡
注意: 与占优战略均衡中的占优战略和劣战略不 同,这里的占优战略或劣战略可能只是相对于 另一个特定战略而言。
三 重复剔除的占优均衡
小猪 按 大猪 按 5,1 等待 9,-1 等待 4,4 0,0 4大于1 0大于-1
按是小猪的严格 劣战略-剔除 “按”是大猪的占优战略,纳什均衡:大猪按,小猪等待
木村 北 北 肯尼 南 南
2,-2 1,-1
2,-2 3,-3
三 重复剔除的占优均衡
练习:在下列战略式表达中,找出重复剔除的 占优均衡
C1 R1 R2 R3
4,3 2,1 3,0
5,1 8,4 9,6
6,2 3,6 2,8
三 重复剔除的占优均衡
1、严格占优战略下,重复剔除的占优均衡结果 与劣战略的剔除顺序无关;弱占优战略下,重 复剔除的占优均衡结果与弱劣战略的剔除顺序 有关。 2、重复剔除的占优均衡要求每个参与人是理性 的,而且要求“理性”是参与人的共同知识。 即:所有参与人知道所有参与是理性的,所有 参与人知道所有参与人知道所有参与是理性的
61、奢侈是舒适的,否则就不是奢侈 。——CocoCha nel 62、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学 ,如日 中之光 ;志而 好学, 如炳烛 之光。 ——刘 向 63、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 ——孔 丘 64、人生就是学校。在那里,与其说好 的教师 是幸福 ,不如 说好的 教师是 不幸。 ——海 贝尔 65、接受挑战,就可以享受胜利的喜悦 。——杰纳勒 尔·乔治·S·巴顿
《博弈论与信息经济学》博弈论的基 本概念
11、用道德的示范来造就一个人,显然比用法律来约束他更有价值。—— 希腊
12— 托马斯
13、公正的法律限制不了好的自由,因为好人不会去做法律不允许的事 情。——弗劳德
14、法律是为了保护无辜而制定的。——爱略特 15、像房子一样,法律和法律都是相互依存的。——伯克
价格歧视:同一种商品在同一家商店( 价格歧视:同一种商品在同一家商店(或企 针对不同的消费者实行不同的价格. 业)针对不同的消费者实行不同的价格.
三种形式:完全价格歧视,二级价格歧视,三级 价格歧视
价格分散: 价格分散:同一种商品在不同商店即使针对 同样的消费者价格也不一样. 同样的消费者价格也不一样.
信息甄别: 信息甄别:所罗门王的故事
这个故事讲的道理是, 这个故事讲的道理是,尽管所罗门王不知 所罗门王是古代以色列国的一位以智慧著称的 道两位妇人中谁是婴儿的母亲, 道两位妇人中谁是婴儿的母亲,但他知道 君主.一次, 君主.一次,两个女人为争夺一个婴儿争扯到 婴儿真正的母亲是宁愿失去孩子也不会让 所罗门王殿前,她们都说婴儿是自己的, 所罗门王殿前,她们都说婴儿是自己的,请所 孩子被劈成两半的. 孩子被劈成两半的.所罗门王正是利用这 罗门王作主.所罗门王稍加思考后作出决定: 罗门王作主.所罗门王稍加思考后作出决定: 一点, 一点,一下就识别出谁是婴儿的真正的母 将婴儿一刀劈为两段,两位妇人各得一半.这 将婴儿一刀劈为两段,两位妇人各得一半. 时,其中一位妇人立即要求所罗门王将婴儿判 亲了.也就是说,他提供了不同方案, 亲了.也就是说,他提供了不同方案,让 给对方,并说婴儿不是自己的, 给对方,并说婴儿不是自己的,应完整归还给 两个女人自己去选择, 两个女人自己去选择,然后再根据她们的 另一位妇人,千万别将婴儿劈成两半. 另一位妇人,千万别将婴儿劈成两半.听罢这 选择来推断其类型.(当然,如果另外一 .(当然 选择来推断其,所罗门王立即作出最终裁决 位妇人的求诉,所罗门王立即作出最终裁决— 位妇人的求诉 类型.(当然, —婴儿是这位请求不杀婴儿的妇人的,应归于 婴儿是这位请求不杀婴儿的妇人的, 婴儿是这位请求不杀婴儿的妇人的 个女人足够聪明的话, 个女人足够聪明的话,她也应该假装真正 她. 母亲的人的行为说:不要劈成两半) 母亲的人的行为说:不要劈成两半)
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ODDAnswers to Odd-Numbered Problems,4th Edition of Games and Information, RasmusenPROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER12:Bargaining.26March2005.11November2005.Erasmuse@..This appendix contains answers to the odd-numbered problems in the fourth edition of Games and Information by Eric Rasmusen,which I am working on now and perhaps will come out in2006.The answers to the even-numbered problems are available to instructors or self-studiers on request to me at Erasmuse@.Other books which contain exercises with answers include Bierman&Fernandez (1993),Binmore(1992),Fudenberg&Tirole(1991a),J.Hirshleifer&Riley(1992),Moulin (1986),and Gintis(2000).I must ask pardon of any authors from whom I have borrowed without attribution in the problems below;these are the descendants of problems that I wrote for teaching without careful attention to my sources.PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER12:Bargaining12.1.A Fixed Cost of Bargaining and GrudgesSmith and Jones are trying to split100dollars.In bargaining round1,Smith makes an offer at cost0,proposing to keep S1for himself and Jones either accepts(ending the game) or rejects.In round2,Jones makes an offer at cost10of S2for Smith and Smith either accepts or rejects.In round3,Smith makes an offer of S3at cost c,and Jones either accepts or rejects.If no offer is ever accepted,the100dollars goes to a third player,Dobbs.(a)If c=0,what is the equilibrium outcome?Answer.S1=100and Jones accepts it.If Jones refused,he would have to pay10to make a proposal that Smith would reject,and then Smith would propose S3=100 again.S1<100would not be an equilibrium,because Smith could deviate to S1= 100and Jones would still be willing to accept.(b)If c=80,what is the equilibrium outcome?Answer.If the game goes to Round3,Smith will propose S3=100and Jones will accept,but this will cost Smith80.Hence,if Jones proposes S2=20,Smith will accept it,leaving80for Jones—who would,however pay10to make his offer.Hence, in Round1Smith must offer S1=30to induce Jones to accept,and that will be the equilibrium outcome.(c)If c=10,what is the equilibrium outcome?Answer.If the game goes to Round3,Smith will propose S3=100and Jones will accept,but this will cost Smith10.Hence,if Jones proposes S2=90,Smith will accept it,leaving10for Jones—who would,however pay10to make his offer.Hence, in Round1Smith need only offer S1=100to induce Jones to accept,and that will be the equilibrium outcome.(d)What happens if c=0,but Jones is very emotional and would spit in Smith’s faceand throw the100dollars to Dobbs if Smith proposes S=100?Assume that Smith knows Jones’s personality perfectly.Answer.However emotional Jones may be,there is some minimum offer M that he would accept,which probably is less than50(but you never know—some people think they are entitled to everything,and one could imagine a utility function such that Jones would refuse S=5and prefer to bear the cost10in the second round in order to get the whole100dollars).The equilibrium will be for Smith to propose exactly S-M in Round1,and for Jones to accept.12.3.The Nash Bargaining SolutionSmith and Jones,shipwrecked on a desert island,are trying to split100pounds of cornmealand100pints of molasses,their only supplies.Smith’s utility function is U s=C+0.5M and Jones’is U j=3.5C+3.5M.If they cannot agree,theyfight to the death,with U=0 for the loser.Jones wins with probability0.8.(a)What is the threat point?Answer.The threat point gives the expected utility for Smith and Jones if theyfight.This is560for Jones(=0.8(350+350)+0),and30for Smith(=0.2(100+50)+0).(b)With a50-50split of the supplies,what are the utilities if the two players do notrecontract?Is this efficient?underline Answer.The split would give the utilities U s=75(=50+25)and U j=350.If Smith then traded10pints of molasses to Jones for8pounds of corn-meal,the utilities would become U s=78(=58+20)and U j=357(=3.5(60)+3.5(42)),so both would have gained.The50-50split is not efficient.(c)Draw the threat point and the Pareto frontier in utility space(put U s on the horizontalaxis).Answer.See Figure A12.1.Figure A12.1:The Threat Point and Pareto FrontierTo draw the diagram,first consider the extreme points.If Smith gets everything,his utility is150and Jones’s is0.If Jones gets everything,his utility is700and Smith’s is0.If we start at(150,0)and wish to efficiently help Jones at the expense of Smith, this is done by giving Jones some molasses,since Jones puts a higher relative value on molasses.This can be done until Jones has all the molasses,at utility point(100, 350).Beyond there,one must take cornmeal away from Smith if one is to help Jones further,so the Pareto frontier acquires aflatter slope.(d)According to the Nash bargaining solution,what are the utilities?How are the goodssplit?Answer.Tofind the Nash bargaining solution,maximize(U s−30)(U j−560).Note from the diagram that it seems the solution will be on the upper part of the Pareto frontier,above(100,350),where Jones is consuming all the molasses,and where if Smith loses one utility unit,Jones gets3.5.If we let X denote the amount of cornmeal that Jones gets,we can rewrite the problem asMaximizeX(100−X−30)(350+3.5X−560)(1) This maximand equals(70−X)(3.5X−210)=−14,700+455X−3.5X2.The first order condition is455−7X=0,so X∗=65.Thus,Smith gets35pounds of cornmeal,Jones gets65pounds of cornmeal and100of molasses,and U s=35and U j=577.5.(e)Suppose Smith discovers a cookbook full of recipes for a variety of molasses candiesand corn muffins,and his utility function becomes U s=10C+5M.Show that the split of goods in part(d)remains the same despite his improved utility function.Answer.The utility point at which Jones has all the molasses and Smith has the molasses is now(1000,350),since Smith’s utility is(10)(100).Smith’s new threat point utility is300(=0.2((10)(100)+(5)(100)).Thus,the Nash problem of equation(1)becomesMaximizeX(1000−10X−300)(350+3.5X−560).(2) But this maximand is the same as(10)(100−X−30)(350+3.5X−560),so it must have the same solution as was found in part(d).12.5.A Fixed Cost of Bargaining and Incomplete InformationSmith and Jones are trying to split100dollars.In bargaining round1,Smith makes an offer at cost c,proposing to keep S1for himself.Jones either accepts(ending the game) or rejects.In round2,Jones makes an offer of S2for Smith,at cost10,and Smith either accepts or rejects.In round3,Smith makes an offer of S3at cost c,and Jones either accepts or rejects.If no offer is ever accepted,the100dollars goes to a third player,Parker.(a)If c=0,what is the equilibrium outcome?Answer.S1=100and Jones accepts it.If Jones refused,he would have to pay10to make a proposal that Smith would reject,and then Smith would propose S3=100 again.S1<100would not be an equilibrium,because Smith could deviate to S1= 100and Jones would still be willing to accept.(b)If c=80,what is the equilibrium outcome?Answer.If the game goes to Round3,Smith will propose S3=100and Jones will accept,but this will cost Smith80.Hence,if Jones proposes S2=20,Smith will accept it,leaving80for Jones—who would,however,pay10to make his offer.Hence, in Round1Smith must offer S1=30to induce Jones to accept,which will be the equilibrium outcome.(c)If Jones’priors are that c=0and c=80are equally likely,but only Smith knowsthe true value,what are the players’equilibrium strategies in rounds2and3?(that is:what are S2and S3,and what acceptance rules will each player use?)Answer.Jones proposes S2=20and accepts S3≤100.Smith accepts S2≥20if c=80and S2≥100if c=0,and proposes S3=100regardless of c.The rationale behind the equilibrium strategies is as follows.In Round3,either type of Smith does best by proposing a share of100,and Jones might as well accept.In Round2,anything but S2=100would be rejected by Smith if c=0,so Jones should give up on that and offer S2=20,which would be accepted if c=80because if that type of Smith were to wait,he would have to pay80to propose S3=100.(d)If Jones’priors are that c=0and c=80are equally likely,but only Smith knows thetrue value,what are the equilibrium strategies for round1?(Hint:the equilibrium uses mixed strategies.)Answer.Smith’s equilibrium strategy is to offer S1=100with probability1if c=0if c=80;to offer S1=30with probability6/7if c=80.Jones and probability17,rejects S1∈(30,100),and accepts S1≤30.Out accepts S1=100with probability18of equilibrium,a supporting belief is for Jones to believe that if S1equals neither30 nor100,then P rob(c=80)=1.In Round1,if c=0,Smith should propose S1=100,since he can wait until Round 3and get that anyway at zero extra cost.There is no pure strategy equilibrium, because if c=80,Smith would pretend that c=0and propose S1=100if Jones would accept that.But if Jones accepts only with probabilityθ,then Smith runs the risk of only getting20in the second period,less than S1=30,which would be accepted by Jones with probability1.Similarly,if Smith proposes S1=100with probabilityγwhen c=80,Jones can either accept it,or wait,in which case Jones might either pay a cost of10and end up with S3=100anyway,or get Smith to accept S2=20.The probabilityγmust equate Jones’s two pure-strategy payoffing Bayes’s Rule for the probabilities in(4),the payoffs areπj(accept S1=100)=0(3)andπj(reject S1=100)=−10+0.5γ0.5γ+0.5(80)+0.50.5γ+0.5(0),(4)which yieldsγ=17.The probabilityθmust equate Smith’s two pure-strategy payoffs:πs(S1=30)=30(5) andπs(S1=100)=θ100+(1−θ)20,(6) which yieldsθ=1.12.7.Myerson-SatterthwaiteThe owner of a tract of land values his land at v s and a potential buyer values it at v b.The buyer and seller do not know each other’s valuations,but guess that they are uniformly distributed between0and1.The seller and buyer suggest p s and p b simultaneously,andthey have agreed that the land will be sold to the buyer at price p=(p b+p s)2if p s≤p b.The actual valuations are v s=0.2and v b=0.8.What is one equilibrium outcome given these valuations and this bargaining procedure?Explain why this can happen. Answer.This game is Bilateral Trading III.It has multiple equilibria,even for this one pricing mechanism.The One Price Equilibrium described in Chapter12is one possibility.The Buyer offers p b=x and the Seller offers p s=x,with x∈[.2,.8],so that p=x.If either player tries to improve the price from his point of view,he will lose all gains from trade.And he of course will not want to give the other player a better price when that does not increase the probability of trade.A degenerate equilibrium is for the Buyer to offer p b=0and the Seller to offer p s=1, in which case trade will not occur.Neither player can gain by unilaterally altering his strategy,which is why this is a Nash equilibrium.You will be able to think of other degenerate no-trade equilibria too.The Linear Equilibrium described in Chapter12uses the following strategies:p b=23v b+112andp s=23v s+14.Substituting in our v b and v s yields a buyer price of p b=(2/3)(.8)+1/12=192/360+ 30/360=222/360and a seller price of p s=(2/3)(.2)+1/4=16/120+30/120=23/60= 138/360.Trade will occur,and at a price halfway between these values,which is p= (1/2)(222+138)/360=1/2.This will be an equilibrium because although we have specified v s and v b,the players do not both know those values till after the mechanism is played out.。