



关于宗教的英语单词一、宗教相关基础词汇1. Religion(宗教)This is a general term for different belief systems. For example, “There are many religions in the world, such as Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.”2. Belief(信仰)It refers to the acceptance of something as true or real. For instance, “His strong belief in God gives him strength in difficult times.”3. Faith(信念;信仰)Similar to belief. “People with strong faith can overcome many difficulties.”4. Worship(崇拜;礼拜)It can be used as a verb or a noun. As a verb, for example, “They worship their gods in the temple.” As a noun, “The worship in the church is very solemn.”5. Pray(祈祷)“She prays every night before going to bed.”6. Priest(牧师;神父;祭司等神职人员)In Christianity, a priest conducts religious ceremonies. “The priest gavea sermon in the church on Sunday.”7. Monk(和尚;僧侣)In Buddhism, a monk lives a simple and religious life. “The monk meditates for hours every day.”8. Nun(修女;尼姑)For example, “The nun devotes her life to serving God in the convent.”二、主要宗教名称1. Christianity(基督教)It is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It has different denominations, such as Catholicism(天主教), Protestantism(新教)and Orthodox Christianity(东正教). For example, “Many people in Europe follow Christianity.”2. Islam(伊斯兰教)Muslims follow the teachings of the Quran. “Islam has a great influence in the Middle East and many other parts of the world.”3. Buddhism(佛教)Originated in ancient India. “Buddhism emphasizes enlightenment and the end of suffering.”4. Hinduism(印度教)It is one of the major religions in India. “Hinduism has a complex system of beliefs and practices.”5. Judaism(犹太教)It is the religion of the Jewish people. “Judaism has a long history and unique religious traditions.”三、宗教场所相关词汇1. Church(教堂,主要指基督教教堂)“The church in the town center is very beautiful. People go there to worship on Sundays.”2. Mosque(清真寺,伊斯兰教礼拜场所)“The mosque is an important place for Muslims to pray.”3. Temple(寺庙,可指佛教、印度教等寺庙)In Buddhism, “The Buddhist temple is full of peace and tranquility.” In Hinduism, “The Hindu temple has elaborate sculptures.”4. Synagogue(犹太教堂)“Jews gather in the synagogue for religious services.”四、宗教仪式与物品相关词汇1. Bible(圣经,基督教经典)“Christians study the Bible to understand their faith.”2. Quran(古兰经,伊斯兰教经典)“Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of God.”3. Sutra(佛经,佛教经典)“Monks often chant sutras in the temple.”4. Mass(弥撒,天主教的一种宗教仪式)“The priest conducts the Mass in the church.”5. Ramadan(斋月,伊斯兰教的一个重要月份)“During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk.”6. Altar(祭坛;圣坛,在宗教场所用于供奉或举行仪式的地方)In a church, “The priest stands in front of the altar during the service.”In a temple, “Offerings are placed on the altar.”。



佛教英语词汇对照总集(整理ing...)究竟菩提心Absolute Bodhi Citta - 完全觉醒、见到现象之空性的心;甘露Amrta (藏文dut tsi) :一种加持物,能帮助心理及生理疾病的复元。

阿罗汉Arhat (藏文Dra Chompa):已净除烦恼障的小乘修行者暨成就者。


观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVara (藏文ChenreZig):大悲心本尊,是西藏人最广为修持的本尊,因此被尊为西藏之怙佑者。




菩提心Bodhi Citta (藏文Chang Chup Sem):义为「开悟或证悟之心」。

菩萨Bodhi SattVa (藏文Chang Chup Sem Pa):义为「展现证悟心者」,亦指为了救度一切众生脱离轮回苦海,而誓愿修持以菩提心为基础的大乘法门及六波罗蜜的修行者。

菩萨戒Bodhi SattVa Vow (藏文Chang Chup Sem Gyi Dong Pa):修行者为了引领一切众生皆成就佛果而誓愿修行并领受的戒。

佛性Buddha Nature (梵文tathagatagarbha,藏文deshin shekpe nying po),又称为「如来藏」:是一切众生皆具有之原始本性。


释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni (藏文Shakya Tubpa):往往又称为瞿昙佛(Gautama Bu ddha),指贤劫千佛当中最近出世、住于公元前五百六十三年至四百八十三年间的佛。

法道Buddhist Path (藏文lam):得到正觉或证悟的过程,亦指修行的三种逻辑次第;根、道、果「」中的道。

圆满次第Completion Stage (藏文dzo rim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。

〖英语分类词汇汇总〗 宗教

〖英语分类词汇汇总〗 宗教
vespers 夕祷
litany 连祷
sermon 讲经
psalm 圣诗
canticle 赞美诗
Via Crucis, Way of the Cross 十字架路,耶稣赴难路
procession 宗教游行
Rosary 念珠�
aspergillum 圣水掸酒器
censer, thurible 香炉
pulpit 讲道台
stained glass window 彩色玻璃窗
rose window 圆花窗
fresco 壁画
mass 弥撒
High Mass 大弥撒
sung mass 唱诗弥撒
Low Mass 诵经弥撒
〖英语分类词汇汇总〗 宗教
Christianity 基督教
Christendom 基督教界
Catholicism 天主教
Protestantism 新教,耶稣教
Reformation 宗教改革
Lutheranism 路德宗,信义宗
Calvinism 加尔文宗,长老宗
Anabaptism 再洗礼派
faith 信仰
worship, adoration 崇拜
devotion, devoutness 朝拜
piety 虔诚
prayer 祈祷
invocation 祈求
offering 布施
fervour 热情 (美作:fervor)
mysticlsm 神秘主义
contemplation 默祷
blessedness 福音
ecstasy 销魂
temptation 邪念,诱惑



temple:n. 庙宇,寺庙Buddhist temple:佛教寺庙temple complex:寺庙建筑群temple bell:寺庙钟temple drum:寺庙鼓temple altar:寺庙祭坛temple courtyard:寺庙庭院temple garden:寺庙花园temple gate:寺庙门temple statue:寺庙雕像shrine:n. 神庙,神龛Buddhist shrine:佛教神庙sacred shrine:神圣的神庙ancient shrine:古老的神庙shrine altar:神庙祭坛shrine statue:神庙雕像shrine courtyard:神庙庭院shrine bell:神庙钟monastery:n. 寺院,修道院Buddhist monastery:佛教寺院monastic:adj. 修道院的monastic practice:修道修行monastic discipline:修道戒律monastic rules:修道规则monastic life:修道生活monastic rituals:修道仪式monastic education:修道教育monastic study:修道学习monastic chanting:修道诵经pagoda:n. 塔Buddhist pagoda:佛教塔Ancient pagoda:古代塔pagoda architecture:塔建筑pagoda complex:塔建筑群wooden pagoda:木塔stone pagoda:石塔multi-tiered pagoda:多层塔pagoda roof:塔顶pagoda bell:塔钟pagoda lantern:塔灯pagoda symbolism:塔的象征意义meditation hall:禅堂Buddhist meditation hall:佛教禅堂mindfulness meditation hall:念佛禅堂silent meditation hall:静心禅堂meditation hall practice:禅堂修行meditation hall meditation:禅堂禅修meditation hall silence:禅堂静默Buddha statue:佛像Amitabha Buddha statue:阿弥陀佛像Shakyamuni Buddha statue:释迦牟尼佛像Maitreya Buddha statue:弥勒佛像Kuan Yin Buddha statue:观音佛像Medicine Buddha statue:药师佛像Vairocana Buddha statue:毗卢遮那佛像Manjushri Buddha statue:文殊菩萨佛像Samantabhadra Buddha statue:普贤菩萨佛像Ksitigarbha Buddha statue:地藏菩萨佛像monk:n. 僧侣Buddhist monk:佛教僧侣Zen monk:禅宗僧侣Tibetan monk:藏传佛教僧侣venerable monk:尊敬的僧侣senior monk:资深僧侣ordained monk:受戒僧侣novice:n. 新出家人,初学僧Buddhist novice:佛教新出家人novice monk:出家新人novice nun:出家新女novice ordination:出家新人受戒novice training:新出家人训练novice ceremony:新出家人仪式novice period:新出家人时期practitioner:n. 修行者Buddhist practitioner:佛教修行者meditation practitioner:冥想修行者Dharma practitioner:法门修行者Zen practitioner:禅修行者Bodhisattva practitioner:菩萨修行者faithful practitioner:信仰修行者Noble Eightfold Path practitioner:八正道修行者lay practitioner:居士修行者resident practitioner:常住修行者Dharma student:佛学生nun:n. 尼姑Buddhist nun:佛教尼姑nun ordination:尼姑受戒novice nun:初出家尼姑senior nun:老尼姑venerable nun:尊敬的尼姑meditation nun:冥想尼姑nun's practice:尼姑修行nun's dedication:尼姑奉献nun's retreat:尼姑闭关abbot:n. 方丈,住持Buddhist abbot:佛教方丈head abbot:主持方丈temple abbot:寺庙方丈monastic abbot:修道院方丈abbot's responsibilities:方丈职责abbot's authority:方丈权威abbot's teachings:方丈教导abbot's leadership:方丈领导力senior abbot:高级方丈Dharma teacher:法师Buddhist Dharma teacher:佛教法师Zen Dharma teacher:禅宗法师vipassana Dharma teacher:观禅法师meditation Dharma teacher:冥想法师mindfulness Dharma teacher:念觉法师senior Dharma teacher:高级法师lay Dharma teacher:俗家法师resident Dharma teacher:寺院驻地法师chanting master:念经师Buddhist chanting master:佛教念经师monastic chanting master:修道院念经师temple chanting master:寺庙念经师chanting master training:念经师培训chanting master certification:念经师资格认证senior chanting master:高级念经师chanting master's chant recitation:念经师的经文诵读chanting master's rhythm and cadence:念经师的节奏和韵律retreat master:闭关师,静修师Buddhist retreat master:佛教闭关师monastic retreat master:修道院闭关师Zen retreat master:禅修闭关师vipassana retreat master:观禅闭关师meditation retreat master:冥想闭关师silent retreat master:默修闭关师mindfulness retreat master:正念闭关师retreat master certification:闭关师资格认证pilgrim:n. 朝圣者Buddhist pilgrim:佛教朝圣者holy pilgrim:圣洁朝圣者devout pilgrim:虔诚朝圣者pilgrim's path:朝圣者之路pilgrim's prayer:朝圣者的祈祷pilgrim's offering:朝圣者的供奉pilgrim's rituals:朝圣者的仪式pilgrim's reverence:朝圣者的崇敬。






一、基督教词汇1. Christianity(基督教):指基于耶稣基督教义的宗教体系。

2. Jesus Christ(耶稣基督):基督教信仰中的创始人,被视为上帝的儿子。

3. Catholicism(天主教):基督教的一个派别,信奉罗马教皇。

4. Protestantism(新教):基督教的一个派别,强调信徒对上帝个人信仰的重要性。

5. Baptism(洗礼):基督教中的一种仪式,象征着信徒获得上帝的庇佑和接纳。

6. Cross(十字架):基督教的象征,代表着耶稣的救赎和牺牲。

二、佛教词汇1. Buddhism(佛教):建立在佛陀(释迦牟尼)的教导和教义基础上的宗教。

2. Buddha(佛陀):指释迦牟尼,佛教的创始人。

3. Zen(禅宗):佛教的一个分支,强调通过冥想来获得启示和觉醒。

4. Enlightenment(觉悟):佛教追求的境地,意味着彻底的开悟和解脱。

5. Karma(业力):佛教中的一个重要概念,指个人行为所带来的因果关系。

6. Meditation(冥想):佛教修行的一种方法,通过专注和静思来实现内心的平静与洞察。

三、伊斯兰教词汇1. Islam(伊斯兰教):信仰主义安拉为唯一上帝的宗教。

2. Muhammad(穆罕默德):伊斯兰教的创始人,被尊称为先知。

3. Mosque(清真寺):伊斯兰教的宗教场所,用于聚集礼拜和做祷告。

4. Qur'an(古兰经):伊斯兰教的圣典,认为是安拉启示给穆罕默德的言论。

5. Ramadan(斋月):伊斯兰教每年的一个重要节日,信徒在此期间禁食和反思。

6. Hajj(朝觐):伊斯兰教的一种仪式,信徒前往麦加朝拜圣地。

四、其他宗教与信仰词汇1. Hinduism(印度教):印度次大陆的主要宗教,信奉多神教。



常见佛教英语佛教Buddhism三大语系佛教Three languages of Buddhism:汉语系佛教Chinese Language Buddhism藏语系佛教Tibetan Language Buddhism巴利语系佛教Pali Language Buddhism大乘佛教Mahayana Buddhism上座部佛教Theravada Buddhism金刚乘/密宗Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism)中国佛教Chinese Buddhism佛经Sutra经、律、论Sutras, Vinaya, Sastra大藏经Tripitaka Sutra三宝(佛、法、僧)Triratna (Buddha, Dharma,Sangha)“三宝”加被May “Triratna”bless法师Master/Venerable长老Thero/Venerable大长老Mahathero/ Most V enerable方丈/主持Abbot佛教宗派Buddhist School佛教仪式:Buddhist Ceremony/Buddhist Service for和平祈祷法会Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace礼佛pay respect for Buddha颂经Sutra Chanting香炉Incense burner上香To offer incense to Buddha因果Cause and effect成道/成佛To obtain the Buddha-hood觉悟To get enlightenment三皈五戒The ceremony for lay Buddhists to go to the Buddha for refuge, go to the Dharma for refuge, go to the Sangha for refuge and to follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexual misconduct,no lying,no intoxicant)诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,既是佛教“To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is thedoctrine of all Buddhas”做功德To make contribution to普渡终生To save all living beings from sufferings四谛Four noble truths八正道Eight noble paths善哉Sadhu (good or excellent)佛教寺院Monastery/Buddhist Temple山门The Front Gate大雄宝殿The Main Shrine Hall圆通殿The Hall of Universal Understanding观音殿The Hall of Avalokitesvara Buddhisatva藏经阁The Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion罗汉堂The Hall of Arhan祖师殿The Hall of Patriarch四大天王Four deva-kings, the protectors of Buddhism韦驮Vitasoka/Vigatasoka, the protector of Buddhism斋堂Monastic Dinning Hall客堂Monastic Reception四大名山:Four holy mountains of Chinese Buddhism五台山Wutai Mountain is the Holy Place of Manjusri Buddhisattva峨嵋山Ermei Mountain is the Holy Place of Mahasthama Buddhisattva 九华山Jiuhua Mountain is the holy place of Ksitigarbha Buddhisattva 普陀山Putuo Mountain is the holy place of Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva 佛像Buddha statue释迦牟尼佛Shakyamuni Buddha弥勒佛Maitreya Buddha迦叶佛Kasyapa Buddha阿弥陀佛Amitaba Buddha毗庐舍那佛Vairocana Buddha药师佛Bhaisajya Buddha/medicine Buddha三世佛Buddhas of Three Periods:Kasyapa Buddha of the pastShakyamuni Buddha of the present,Maitrya Buddha of the future菩萨Buddhisattva观世音菩萨Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva菩贤菩萨Samandhabatra Buddhisattva大势智菩萨Mahasthamaprapta Buddhisattva文殊菩萨Manjusri Buddisattva地藏菩萨ksitigahba Buddhisattva善财童子Sudhana罗汉Arhan西方三圣:阿弥陀佛、观音菩萨、大势至菩萨Amitaba BuddhaAvalokitesvara BuddhisattvaMahasthamaprapta Buddhisattva达摩Budhidharma摩腾Kasyapa Matanga竺法兰Gobharana/Dharmaraksa佛学院Buddhist College僧伽Sangha僧、尼(比丘、比丘尼)monk、nun /Bhiksu, Bhiksuni方丈/主持Abbot首座Chief monk监院/当家Monastic Manger侍者Assistant中国佛教协会The Buddhist Association of China中国佛学院The Buddhist Academy of China会长President副会长Vice President秘书长Secretary General副秘书长Deputy Secretary General佛学英语词汇the Great Vehicle d大乘the Lesser Vehicle 小乘the Diamond Vehicle 金刚乘Four Noble Truths 四圣谛苦suffering集causes of suffering灭suppression of suffering 道path to suppression of sufferingTwelve Links in the Chain of Causation 十二因缘cycle of rebirths 轮回ignorance 惑nirvana 涅磐greed 贪hatred 嗔stupidity 痴pride 慢hesitation 疑wrong view 恶见no-soul 无我impermanence 无常sentient beings 众生deva 天human 人asura 阿修罗animal 畜牲hungry ghost 饿鬼denizen of hell 地狱morality 戒concentration 定wisdom 慧action 身speech 口consciousness 意lay Buddhists 居士novice monks 沙弥monks 比丘Five Precepts 五戒personal enlightenment 自觉universal enlightenment 觉他full enlightenment 觉满Buddha of Medicine 药师佛Buddha Maitreya 弥勒佛body of essence 法身award body 报身body of transformation 化身Four Heavenly Kings 四天王karma 因果Buddha Amitaba 阿弥陀佛Buddha of Sunlight (法身佛)毗卢遮那佛Buddha Sakyamuni 释迦牟尼佛Bodhisattva of Compassion 观音菩萨Boohisattva of Ultimate Knowledge 文殊菩萨Bodhisattva of Universal Benevolence 普贤菩萨Bodhisattva of Great Power 大势至菩萨bodhi 菩提dhyana 禅那sangha 僧团saha 娑婆五蕴five aggregates色aggregate of material body受aggregate of feelings想aggregate of perceptions 行aggregate of predispositions识aggregate of consciousness简单佛学英语Birth is suffering; aging is suffering;生是苦;老是苦;sickness is suffering; death is suffering;病是苦;死是苦;association with the unpleasant is suffering;怨憎会是苦;dissociation from the pleasant is suffering;爱别离是苦;not to get what one wants is suffering;求不得是苦;in short, attachment to the five aggregates is suffering.简言之,对五蕴的执取就是苦。



Ananda 阿難One of the Shakyamuni Buddha's Ten Great Disciples. He was first in hearing the Buddha's words. As he had excellent memory, he memorized the Buddha's sermons, which were later recorded as sutras. He was also the cousin of Shakyamuni Buddha。

Arhat 阿羅漢Arhat in Sanskrit, Arahat in Pali. Literally, man of worth, honourable one. There are two kinds of arhats, namely, the Sound-hearing arhat (Sravaka) and the Enlightened-to-condition arhat (Praetyka-Buddha). The former attains the wisdom to understand the Four Noble Truth, while the latter attains the wisdom to understand the Law of Dependent Origination or the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination. They represent two vehicles, who "comprehend for their own sake". As they pay attention to themselves and not to others, they are incapable of genuine and equal enlightenment. There are four noble stages of fruition in the Arhat Path.。



AKUSHALA 2 恶业 3 ALAYA 4 阿赖耶5 ALMSGIVING6 布施7 AMITABHA8 阿弥陀佛9 AMITABHA SUTRA 10 阿弥陀经 11 ANAGAMIN 12 阿那含13 ANNUTARA-SAMYAK-SAMBODHI 14 阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 15 ARANA 16 阿兰那17 ARHAN 18 阿罗汉 19 ARHAT 20 阿罗汉21 ASURA 22 阿修罗 23 AVALOKITESVARA 24 观世音菩萨25 AVATAMSAKA SUTRA 26 华严经 27 BHAISAJYAGURU 28 药师佛29 BHIKSU 30 比丘 31 BHIKSUNI 32 比丘尼33 BODHISATTVA 34 菩萨 35 BRAHMIN 36 婆罗门37 BUDDHA 38 佛 39 BURNING LAMP BUDDHA 40 燃灯佛41 CHAN 42 禅 43 CHARITY 44 布施45 CONDITION 46 缘 47 CONTEMPLATION 48 观想49 DIVINE EYE 50 天眼 51 DEVOTION 52 精进53 DHAMMAPADA 54 法句经 55 DHARMA 56 法57 DHARMA-WHEEL 58 法轮 59 DVADASHAMUKHA SHASTRA 60 十二门论61 EFFORT 62 精进 63 EIGHT DIVISIONS OF GODS AND DRAGONS 64 天龙八部65 EIGHT NEGATIONS 66 八不 67 EIGHT SUFFERINGS 68 八苦69 EIGHT WINDS 70 八风 71 EIGHTEEN DIFFERENT CHARACTERS 72 十八不共法73 EIGHTEEN FIELDS 74 十八界 75 EIGHTFOLD PATH 76 八正道77 EMPTINESS 78 空 79 ENDURANCE 80 忍辱81 ENERGY 82 精进 83 ENLIGHTENMENT 84 觉悟85 EVIL TIME OF FIVE TURBIDITIES 86 五浊恶世 87 EXTINCTION 88 灭度89 FIVE BASIC AFFLICATIONS 90 五根本烦恼 91 FIVE BHIKSHUS 92 五比丘93 FIVE CATEGORIES OF UNTRANSLATED TERMS 94 五不翻 95 FIVE COMMANDMENTS 96 五戒97 FIVE EYES 98 五眼(肉眼、天眼、法眼、慧眼、佛眼) 99 FIVE FORMS OF DECAYING 100 五衰101 FIVE MESSENGERS 102 五使者 103 FIVE OFFENCES 104 五逆罪(杀父、杀母、杀阿罗汉、出佛身血、破和合僧)105 FIVE PRECEPTS 106 五戒(不杀、不盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒) 107 FIVE SKANDHAS 108 五蕴109 FIVE VEHICLES 110 五乘(人、天、声闻、缘觉、菩萨) 111 FIVE WISDOMS 112 五智113 FLOWER ADORNMENT SUTRA 114 华严经 115 FOREMOST PARAMITA 116 第一波罗蜜117 FOUR ASPECTS (OF BUDDHIST DHARMA) 118 四法 119 FOUR FEARLESSNESS 120 四无所畏(佛四无所畏,菩萨四无所畏)121 FOUR FRUITION 122 四果 123 FOUR GREAT BODHISATTVA 124 四大菩萨125 FOUR GREAT ELEMENTS 126 四大 127 FOUR GREAT VOWS 128 四弘誓愿129 FOUR HOLY REALMS 130 四圣道 131 FOUR IMMEASURABLE MINDS 132 四无量133 FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS 134 四圣谛 135 FOUR PHALA 136 四果137 FOUR RELIANCE (TO LEARNING BUDDHIST DHARMA) 138 四依 139 FOUR SEALS 140 四法印141 FOUR UNLIMITED MIND 142 四无量心 143 FOUR VIRTUES 144 四德145 FOUR WAYS (OF LEARNING BUDDHIST DHARMA) 146 四法 147 FOURFOLD ASSEMBLY 148 四众149 GIVING 150 布施 151 HEAVENLY EYE 152 天眼153 HINAYANA 154 小乘 155 HSU YUN 156 虚云157 HUA TOU 158 话头 159 HUI NENG 160 惠能161 IGNORANCE 162 无明 163 JATAKA 164 本生经165 KARMA 166 业 167 KSATRIYA 168 刹帝利169 KUSHALA 170 善业 171 LAW 172 理173 LAW OF DEPENDENT ORIGINATION 174 缘起法 175 LOTUS SUTRA 176 妙法莲华经177 MAHAMAYA 178 摩诃摩耶夫人 179 MAHA-PRAJNA-PARAMITA-SUTRA 180 大般若经181 MAHASATTVA 182 摩诃萨 183 MAHAYANA 184 大乘185 MAITREYA 186 弥勒菩萨 187 MANJUSRI BODHISATTVA 188 文殊菩萨189 MANTRA 190 咒 191 MARK 192 相193 MATTER 194 色 195 MEDITATION 196 静虑197 MIDDLE PATH 198 中道 199 MIDDLE WAY 200 中道201 MORALITY 202 持戒 203 NAGARJUNA 204 龙树菩萨205 NINE REALMS 206 九界 207 NINE STAGES OF LOTUS FLOWERS 208 九品莲花209 NIRVANA 210 涅槃 211 NIRVANA OF PURE, CLEAR SELF-NATURE 212 自性涅槃213 NIRVANA WITH RESIDUE 214 有余涅槃 215 NIRVANA WITHOUT RESIDUE 216 无余涅槃217 NIRVANA OF NO DWELLING 218 无住涅槃 219 NO STRIFE SAMADHI 220 无诤三昧221 ONE BUDDHA VEHICLE 222 一佛乘 223 PARAMITA 224 波罗蜜多225 PARINIRVANA 226 圆寂 227 PATIENCE 228 忍辱229 PRATYEKA-BUDDHA 230 辟支佛 231 PRAJNA 232 般若233 PURE LAND 234 净土 235 PURE LAND OF ULTIMATE BLISS 236 极乐世界/净土237 RAHULA 238 罗候罗 239 RAKSA 240 罗刹241 REALM OF FORM 242 色界 243 REALM OF FORMLESSNESS 244 无色界245 REALM OF SENSUOUS DESIRE 246 欲界 247 RECOGNITION 248 想249 RENUNCIATION 250 舍 251 RIGHT ACTION 252 正行253 RIGHT CONCENTRATION 254 正定 255 RIGHT EFFORT 256 正精进257 RIGHT LIVELIHOOD 258 正命 259 RIGHT REMEMBRANCE 260 正念261 RIGHT SPEECH 262 正语 263 RIGHT THOUGHT 264 正思维265 RIGHT UNDERSTANDING 266 正见 267 RIGHT VIEW 268 正见269 RUPA 270 色 271 SAHA LAND 272 娑婆世界273 SAKRADAGAMIN 274 斯陀含 275 SAMADHI 276 三摩地277 SAMANTABHADRA BODHISATTVA 278 普贤菩萨 279 SAMSARA 280 轮回转世281 SAMSKARA 282 行 283 SANJNA 284 想285 SARIPUTRA 286 舍利弗 287 SATYASIDDHI SHASTRA 288 成实论289 SENSATION 290 受 291 SEVEN GEMS 292 七宝【金、银、琉璃、玛瑙、珍珠、玫瑰、砗磲(一种贝壳);或金、银、琉璃、水晶、琥珀、红珍珠、玛瑙】293 SHAKYAMUNI 294 释迦牟尼 295 SHATIKA SHASTRA 296 百论297 SIDDHARTHA GOUTAMA 298 乔达摩·悉达多 299 SINGALOVADA SUTRA 300 善生经301 SIX CONSCIOUSNESS 302 六识 303 SIX DIRECTIONS OF REINCARNATION304 六道轮回305 SIX DUSTS 306 六尘 307 SIX ENTRANCES 308 六入309 SIX EXTERNAL BASES 310 六外处 311 SIX FIELDS OF SENSES 312 六尘313 SIX FULFILMENT 314 六成就(佛经开卷的内容:如是、我闻、说法的时间、说法人、地点、听众) 315 SIX GUNAS 316 六尘317 SIX HEAVENS OF DESIRE 318 六欲天 319 SIX INDRIYAS 320 六根321 SIX INTERNAL BASES 322 六内处 323 SIX PARAMITA 324 六波罗蜜多,六度325 SIX PATHS 326 六道 327 SIX PERIODS OF DAY AND NIGHT 328 六时329 SIX PLACES 330 六根 331 SIX PSYCHIC POWER 332 六神通(天眼通、天耳通、宿命通、他心通、神足通、漏尽通)333 SIX ROOTS 334 六根 335 SIX SENSE-ORGANS 336 六根337 SIX STATES OF EXISTENCE 338 六道 339 SIXTEEN CONTEMPLATIONS 340 十六观经341 SPHERE OF NEITHER-PERCEPTION-NOR-NON-PERCEPTION 342 非想非非想天343 SPHERE OF NO-THING 344 无色天345 SPIRITUAL GHOST 346 鬼神 347 SRAVAKA 348 声闻349 SROTA-APANNA 350 须陀洹 351 STUPA 352 塔353 SUDDEN ENLIGHTENMENT 354 顿悟 355 SUDDHODANA 356 净饭王357 SUDRA 358 首陀罗 359 SUKHAVATIVYUHA SUTRA 360 无量寿经361 SUMERU 362 须弥山 363 SUTRA 364 经365 TAKING PRECEPTS 366 持戒 367 TEN DHARMA REALMS 368 十法界369 TEN DIRECTIONS 370 十方 371 TEN GOOD DEEDS 372 十善373 TEN GREAT DISCIPLES OF SKAKYAMUNI BUDDHA 374 十大弟子 375 TEN GREAT KING VOWS 376 十大愿王377 TEN MERITORIOUS DEEDS 378 十善业 379 TEN PARAMITA 380 十波罗蜜381 TEN POWERS 382 十力 383 TEN STAGES OF BODHISATTVA 384 十地菩萨385 TEN TITLES OF BUDDHA 386 十佛名号 387 TEN VEHICLES OF MEDITATION 388 十乘观389 TEN WHOLESOMENESS 390 十善 391 THIRTY-TWO FORMS 392 三十二相393 THREE CLASSIFICATIONS 394 三科 395 THREE DELUSIONS 396 三惑397 THREE DOGMAS 398 三谛 399 THREE ENLIGHTENMENTS 400 三觉401 THREE EVIL PATHS 402 三恶道 403 THREE GOOD PATHS 404 三善道405 THREE JEWELS 406 三宝 407 THREE MEDITATIONS OF ONE MIND 408 一心三观409 THREE OBSTACLES 410 三障 411 THREE PERIODS OF TIME 412 三世413 THREE POISONS 414 三毒(贪、嗔、痴) 415 THREE REALMS 416 三界417 THREE ROOTS 418 三根 419 THREE SEALS 420 三法印(诸行无常,诸法无我,寂静涅槃)421 THREE SHASTRA 422 三论 423 THREE STUDIES 424 三学(戒、定、慧)425 THREE SUFFERINGS 426 三苦(苦苦、乐苦、不苦不乐苦) 427 THREE UNIVERSAL CHARACTERISTICS 428 三法印(诸行无常,诸法无我,寂静涅槃)429 THREE UNIVERSAL TRUTHS 430 三法印(诸行无常,诸法无我,寂静涅槃)431 THREE VIRTUES 432 三德433 THREE WISDOM 434 三智(一切智、道种智、一切种智) 435 THREEFOLD BODY OF A BUDDHA 436 三身(法身、报身、化身)437 TIEN TAI SECT 438 天台宗 439 TRAILOKYA 440 三界441 TRIPITAKA 442 三藏(经、律、论) 443 TWELVE BASES 444 十二处445 TWELVE LINKS OF DEPENDENT ORIGINATION 446 十二因缘 447 TWELVE NIDANAS 448 十二因缘449 TWELVE PLACES 450 十二处 451 TWO DEATHS 452 二死453 TWO FORMS OF DEATH 454 二死 455 TWO OBSTACLES 456 二障(烦恼障、所知障)457 UNCONDITIONED DHARMA 458 无为法 459 VAISYA 460 吠舍461 VAST AND LONG TONGUE 462 广长舌相 463 VEDANA 464 受465 VIGOR 466 精进 467 VIMALAKIRTI-NIVDESA SUTRA 468 维摩诘经469 VIPASYANA SUKHAVATIVYUHA SUTRA 470 观无量寿经 471 VISVABHADRA BODHISATTVA 472 普贤菩萨473 VOLITION 474 行 475 WAY 476 道477 WHEEL OF LAW 478 法轮 479 WISDOM 480 智慧481 WORLD HONOURED ONE 482 世尊 483 YAKSA 484 夜叉485 YASODHARA 486 耶苏陀罗 487 ZEAL 488 精进489 ZEN 490 禅 491 BRAHMA-VIHARA 492 四梵住行493 UPEKKHA 494 舍 495 MUDITA 496 喜心497 KARUNA 498 悲 499 METTA 500 慈501 BODHISATTA 502 菩萨 503 MAGGA 504 八正道505 BOJJHANGA 506 七觉支 507 BALA 508 五力509 INDRIYA 510 五根 511 SA-UPADISESA-NIBBANA 512 有余(依)涅槃513 ANUPADISESA-NIBBANA 514 无余(依)涅槃 515 ANICCA 516 无常517 ANATTA 518 无我 519 ANAPANASATI 520 安那般那念, 安般念, 入出息念521 ANAGAMI 522 不来, 阿那含 523 AKUSALA 524 恶,不善525 AKALIKA 526 即时的, 不迟滞的, 不受时间限制的, 不待时节 527 AKALIKO 528 即时的, 不迟滞的, 不受时间限制的, 不待时节529 ADHITTHANA 530 决定,决意,受持,依处,摄持。



佛教相关英‎语词汇:佛教Buddh‎i sm三大语系佛‎教Three‎langu‎a ges of Buddh‎i sm:汉语系佛教‎Chine‎s e Langu‎a geBu‎d dhis‎m藏语系佛教‎Tibet‎a n Langu‎a geBu‎d dhis‎m巴利语系佛‎教Vajra‎y ana Buddh‎i sm(Lamai‎s m)中国佛教Chine‎s e Buddh‎i sm佛经May‎“Trira‎t na”bless‎法师Maste‎r/Vener‎a ble长老Thero‎/Vener‎a ble大长老Mahat‎h ero/ Most Vener‎a ble方丈/主持Abbot‎佛教宗派Buddh‎i st Schoo‎l佛教仪式:Buddh‎i stCe‎r emon‎y/Buddh‎i st Servi‎c e for和平祈祷法‎会Buddh‎i st Prayi‎n g Cerem‎o ny for World‎Peace‎礼佛pay respe‎c t for Buddh‎a颂经Sutra‎Chant‎i ng香炉Incen‎s e burne‎r上香To offer‎incen‎s e to Buddh‎a因果Cause‎and effec‎t成道/成佛Toobt‎a in the Buddh‎a-hood觉悟To get enlig‎h tenm‎e nt三皈五戒The cerem‎o ny for lay Buddh‎i sts to go to the Buddh‎a for refug‎e, goto the Dharm‎a for refug‎e, go to the Sangh‎a forre‎f uge and to follo‎w the five comma‎n dmen‎t s of Buddh‎i sm(no killi‎n g,no steal‎i ng,no sexua‎l misc‎o nduc‎t,no lying‎,no intox‎i cant‎)诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,既是佛教“To do no evil, to do only good, to purif‎y the will, is thedo‎c trin‎e of all Buddh‎a s”做功德To make contr‎i buti‎o n to普渡终生To save all livin‎g being‎s from suffe‎r ings‎Amita‎b ha 阿弥陀佛Avalo‎k ites‎h vara‎观音Bhodi‎s attv‎a菩萨释迦牟尼佛 Buddh‎a Sakya‎m uni观音菩萨AvalO‎k iteS‎V araffin‎i ties‎因缘* (with empha‎si s on good relat‎i onsh‎i ps)All livin‎g being‎s have the Buddh‎a-natur‎e; all can becom‎e Buddh‎a s. 一切众生,皆有佛性,皆堪作佛。


造作 – 行蕴或心理活动。在本书中,误知见及一些想当然的想法。在某些章节中,特指念头造作出来的错觉。
Khandhas or Aggregates – These are the five groupings that comprise body and mind: form, feeling, memory, mental formations, and consciousness. Regular, non-enlightened human beings are deluded in believing that they are these khandas and have not realized the truth that there is no self.
智慧 – 佛教里所指的真正的智慧,不是智力上的知识,它经由直接的体验,如实看见事物的真相。这里是意味着至少看到身心三法印中的一项:无常(总是变化的),苦(不能持续),无我(不受控制的)。这在正文中已详细解释。
Mindfulness – Awareness of physical or mental phenomena. More specially, awareness of what the body is doing in real time, or recognizing what mental phenomena or behaviours have just arisen. Genuine mindfulness arises automatically as result of the practitioner’s ability to be aware of the body and to recognize mental phenomena when they arise.


“To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is the
doctrine of all Buddhas”
做功德 To make contribution to
普渡终生 To save all living beings from sufferings
大乘佛教 Mahayana Buddhism
上座部佛教 Theravada Buddhism
金刚乘/密宗 Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism)
中国佛教 Chinese Buddhism
佛经 Sutra
经、律、论 Sutras, Vinaya, Sastra
大藏经 Tripitaka Sutra
Four Noble Truths 四圣谛 苦suffering集causes of suffering灭 suppression of suffering
道path to suppression of suffering
Twelve Links in the Chain of Causation 十二因缘
dissociation from the pleasant is suffering;
not to get what one wants is suffering;
in short, attachment to the five aggregates is suffering.
Birth is suffering; aging is suffering;



宗教(侧重基督宗教)英语词汇(初级乱序版,真的非常乱)1.Buddhism noun佛教2.Hindu n.(Indian)印度教3.Islam n.伊斯兰教4.Muslim (of Islam)5.Brahman n.(婆罗门)ancient Hindu6.Koran (of Islam)7.Protestant 新教(徒)8.Protest verb9.Puritan 清教(徒)~pure adj ~pur(e)-ri-tan10.Judaism 犹太教11.Jewish adj12.Orthodox['ɔː(r)θədɒks]Church(正教会)Orthodox Christianity(东正教)Eternal Orthodox Church13.Orthodox (`or-tho-dox) adj (orthdx)14.Paradise ~=heaven (h-ea-ven) h-a-ven’t15.Theism 有神论16.Theist the-i-st17.Atheist 无神论者a-the-i-st18.Priest 司祭神父牧师(of Catholic/Anglican/Orthodox Churches) p-ri-e-st19.Priesthood 神品?20.Witch ~magical evil woman21.Choir cho-ir唱诗班22.Evangelize verb 福传e-van-ge-lize23.Evangelist 布道者、福音作者、大力施行者?24.Evangelical noun 福音派教徒adj 福音派的evangelicalism25.Mission noun 传教布道(团)verb travel(tough)26.Missionary noun 传教士27.Nun noun28.Nunnery ~=convent(女修院)29.Abbey 修道院`a-b-bey30.Minister (some protestants)priest31.Westminster abbey威斯敏斯特大教堂(西敏寺)west-mi-n-ster (mi-n-i-ster)32.Pastor (Britain protestant)priest33.Confess verb ~admit~concede(in short when I am wrong)34.Confession noun35.Confessor ~ a priest36.Confessional noun a room for confession37.Confide 吐露倾诉verb con-f-i-de38.Convert verb to change(religion/belief) ~converse ~reverse39.Hymn[sɑːm] noun 圣歌40.Psalm 赞美诗(p)salm ~in pronunciation similar to [sʌm]sum41.Ethics noun of moral e-thi-c-s42.Epic noun 史诗adj 史诗级、般的艰苦卓绝的壮丽的e-pi-c43.Denominations noun 教派44.Dimension45.Mention46.Baptist 浸礼教47.Congregational 公理会48.Episcopal 圣公会49.Lutheran 路德教50.Baptism noun51.Baptize verb ~bap`tise 施洗赋洗(领洗)(She was baptized Maria /a Catholic)52.Christen verb~ Christian name(圣名)(she was christened Maria)53.Altar noun 祭坛54.Altar boy 辅祭55.56.Ash Wednesday 圣灰礼仪57.58.Wednesday wen-s-day we(d)n-(e)s-day59.Christmas60.Easter Sunday 复活61.Good Friday62.Palm Sunday 棕榈主日63.Meditate verb 宗教沉思冥想默祷64.Worship 崇拜(to Jesus)65.Jesus Je-su-s。



常用佛教名词英语翻译究竟菩提心Absolute Bodhi Citta - 完全觉醒、见到现象之空性的心;甘露Amrta (藏文dut tsi) :一种加持物,能帮助心理及生理疾病的复元。

阿罗汉Arhat (藏文Dra Chompa):已净除烦恼障的小乘修行者暨成就者。


观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVara (藏文ChenreZig):大悲心本尊,是西藏人最广为修持的本尊,因此被尊为西藏之怙佑者。




菩提心Bodhi Citta (藏文Chang Chup Sem):义为「开悟或证悟之心」。

菩萨Bodhi SattVa (藏文Chang Chup Sem Pa):义为「展现证悟心者」,亦指为了救度一切众生脱离轮回苦海,而誓愿修持以菩提心为基础的大乘法门及六波罗蜜的修行者。

菩萨戒Bodhi SattVa Vow (藏文Chang Chup Sem Gyi Dong Pa):修行者为了引领一切众生皆成就佛果而誓愿修行并领受的戒。

佛性Buddha Nature (梵文tathagatagarbha,藏文deshin shekpe nying po),又称为「如来藏」:是一切众生皆具有之原始本性。


释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni (藏文Shakya Tubpa):往往又称为瞿昙佛(Gautama Buddha),指贤劫千佛当中最近出世、住于公元前五百六十三年至四百八十三年间的佛。

法道Buddhist Path (藏文lam):得到正觉或证悟的过程,亦指修行的三种逻辑次第;根、道、果「」中的道。

圆满次第Completion Stage (藏文dzo rim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。



常见佛教英语佛教Buddhism三大语系佛教Three languages of Buddhism:汉语系佛教Chinese Language Buddhism藏语系佛教Tibetan Language Buddhism巴利语系佛教Pali Language Buddhism大乘佛教Mahayana Buddhism上座部佛教Theravada Buddhism金刚乘/密宗Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism) 中国佛教Chinese Buddhism佛经Sutra经、律、论Sutras, Vinaya, Sastra大藏经Tripitaka Sutra三宝(佛、法、僧)Triratna (Buddha, Dharma,Sangha)“三宝”加被May “Triratna”bless法师Master/Venerable长老Thero/Venerable大长老Mahathero/ Most Venerable方丈/主持Abbot佛教宗派Buddhist School佛教仪式:Buddhist Ceremony/Buddhist Service for和平祈祷法会Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace礼佛pay respect for Buddha颂经Sutra Chanting香炉Incense burner上香To offer incense to Buddha因果Cause and effect成道/成佛To obtain the Buddha-hood觉悟To get enlightenment三皈五戒The ceremony for lay Buddhists to go to the Buddha for refuge, go to the Dharma for refuge, go to the Sangha for refuge and to follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexual misconduct,no lying,no intoxicant)诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,既是佛教“To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is thedoctrine of all Buddhas”做功德To make contribution to普渡终生To save all living beings from sufferings四谛Four noble truths八正道Eight noble paths善哉Sadhu (good or excellent)佛教寺院Monastery/Buddhist Temple山门The Front Gate大雄宝殿The Main Shrine Hall圆通殿The Hall of Universal Understanding 观音殿The Hall of Avalokitesvara Buddhisatva藏经阁The Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion罗汉堂The Hall of Arhan祖师殿The Hall of Patriarch四大天王Four deva-kings, the protectors of Buddhism韦驮Vitasoka/Vigatasoka, the protector of Buddhism斋堂Monastic Dinning Hall客堂Monastic Reception四大名山:Four holy mountains of Chinese Buddhism五台山Wutai Mountain is the Holy Place of Manjusri Buddhisattva峨嵋山Ermei Mountain is the Holy Place of Mahasthama Buddhisattva九华山Jiuhua Mountain is the holy place of Ksitigarbha Buddhisattva普陀山Putuo Mountain is the holy place of Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva佛像Buddha statue释迦牟尼佛Shakyamuni Buddha弥勒佛Maitreya Buddha迦叶佛Kasyapa Buddha阿弥陀佛Amitaba Buddha毗庐舍那佛Vairocana Buddha药师佛Bhaisajya Buddha/medicine Buddha 三世佛Buddhas of Three Periods: Kasyapa Buddha of the past Shakyamuni Buddha of the present, Maitrya Buddha of the future菩萨Buddhisattva观世音菩萨Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva菩贤菩萨Samandhabatra Buddhisattva大势智菩萨Mahasthamaprapta Buddhisattva文殊菩萨Manjusri Buddisattva地藏菩萨ksitigahba Buddhisattva善财童子Sudhana罗汉Arhan西方三圣:阿弥陀佛、观音菩萨、大势至菩萨Amitaba BuddhaAvalokitesvara Buddhisattva Mahasthamaprapta Buddhisattva达摩Budhidharma摩腾Kasyapa Matanga竺法兰Gobharana/Dharmaraksa佛学院Buddhist College僧伽Sangha僧、尼(比丘、比丘尼)monk、nun /Bhiksu, Bhiksuni方丈/主持Abbot首座Chief monk监院/当家Monastic Manger侍者Assistant中国佛教协会The Buddhist Association of China中国佛学院The Buddhist Academy of China会长President副会长Vice President秘书长Secretary General副秘书长Deputy Secretary General佛学英语词汇the Great Vehicle d大乘the Lesser Vehicle 小乘the Diamond Vehicle 金刚乘Four Noble Truths 四圣谛苦suffering集causes of suffering灭suppression of suffering道path to suppression of suffering Twelve Links in the Chain of Causation 十二因缘cycle of rebirths 轮回ignorance 惑nirvana 涅磐greed 贪hatred 嗔stupidity 痴pride 慢hesitation 疑wrong view 恶见no-soul 无我impermanence 无常sentient beings 众生deva 天human 人asura 阿修罗animal 畜牲hungry ghost 饿鬼denizen of hell 地狱morality 戒concentration 定wisdom 慧action 身speech 口consciousness 意lay Buddhists 居士novice monks 沙弥monks 比丘Five Precepts 五戒personal enlightenment 自觉universal enlightenment 觉他full enlightenment 觉满Buddha of Medicine 药师佛Buddha Maitreya 弥勒佛body of essence 法身award body 报身body of transformation 化身Four Heavenly Kings 四天王karma 因果Buddha Amitaba 阿弥陀佛Buddha of Sunlight (法身佛)毗卢遮那佛Buddha Sakyamuni 释迦牟尼佛Bodhisattva of Compassion 观音菩萨Boohisattva of Ultimate Knowledge 文殊菩萨Bodhisattva of Universal Benevolence 普贤菩萨Bodhisattva of Great Power 大势至菩萨bodhi 菩提dhyana 禅那sangha 僧团saha 娑婆五蕴five aggregates色aggregate of material body受aggregate of feelings想aggregate of perceptions行aggregate of predispositions识aggregate of consciousness简单佛学英语Birth is suffering; aging is suffering;生是苦;老是苦;sickness is suffering; death is suffering;病是苦;死是苦;association with the unpleasant is suffering; 怨憎会是苦;dissociation from the pleasant is suffering;爱别离是苦;not to get what one wants is suffering;求不得是苦;in short, attachment to the five aggregates is suffering.简言之,对五蕴的执取就是苦。





1. 佛陀(Buddha):佛教的创始人,通过修行和觉悟达到了解脱境界。


2. 菩萨(Bodhisattva):指的是在修行过程中愿意为众生利益而放弃解脱的人。


3. 证悟(Enlightenment):指的是通过精进修行和觉悟而达到的心灵境界。


4. 四圣谛(Four Noble Truths):佛陀在菩提树下第一次转法轮时所宣讲的核心教义。


5. 八正道(Eightfold Path):佛陀所教导的实践方法,旨在引导众生走向解脱。


6. 无我(Anatta):佛教中的一个重要概念,宣称人们没有永恒的自我实体。


7. 中道(Middle Way):佛陀所倡导的一种修行方法,强调避免极端的行为和思维。


8. 涅槃(Nirvana):指的是摆脱轮回和苦难的最终境地。






藏传佛教英文词汇藏传佛教英文词汇藏传佛教英文词汇烦恼识afflicted consciousness 阿赖耶识alaya con scious ness K u 甘露amrita dra chompa 阿罗汉arhat nshin amshe Chenrezig 观音菩萨Avalokit e svara 中阴bardo 明点bindu tig-le 菩萨bodhisattva changchub sempa 释迦牟尼Sakyamu ni 中脉central channel uma 脉轮ckakra 了义,究竟实义defi nitive meaning欲界desire realm 法,佛法dharma 法界dharmadhatu 禅修dhyana 蕴aggregate 色界form realm 无色界formless realm 四圣谛four noble truths 小乘hinayana 上座部theravadin 智慧jnana yeshe 古萨里kusulu 左脉left channel jangma 中观Madhyamaka 大手印mahamudra chagya che npo 大乘马hayana tekpa chenpo 班智达pandita 念珠mala 曼达拉man dala kyikhor 转轮胜王chakravart in ghorlo gyurpa 真言乘mantrayana 气脉nadi tsa 涅磐nirvana 波罗蜜多paramita 道path 方便道path of methods tab lam 颇瓦powa般若prajna 另U 解脱戒pratimoksa vows独觉者.缘觉者. 辟支佛pratyekabuddha 四力口行preliminary practices ngondro 三界three realms 右脉right channel roma 仪轨sadhana drubtab 三摩地samadhi ting ? ngen dzin 止、奢摩他samatha shi-ne 轮回samsara 僧伽sanga gondun 论典sastra 经典sutra do 声闻者sravaka 成就者siddha 空性emptiness sunyata tongpanyi 密续tantra gyu 如来tathagatas 伏藏师terton 伏藏法terma 深观派tradition of profound view 广行派tradition of vast conduct 三宝three jewels 活佛、祖古tulku 金冈ij 乘vajrayana 金刚杵vajra 气? 风vayu 律藏vinaya dulwa 观、毗钵舍那vipasyana hlagtong 本尊yidam 观想visualization 现观庄严论Ornament ofClear Realization 菩提道灯Lamp of the Path to Enlightment 入中论Entering into the Middle Way Madhyamkavatara 五巨宝藏Five Treasuries 知识宝藏Treasury of Knowledge 喝举密续宝藏Treasury of Kagyu Tantras 岩藏宝藏Treasury of Termas 心密宝藏Treasury of Instructions 文集宝藏Treasury of Vast Teachings 禅定修习次第Stages of Meditation 弥勒菩萨Maitreya 辩屮边论Differentiation of the Middle Way from the Extremes 大乘庄严经论Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras 究竟一乘宝性论Sublime Continuum of the Mahayana 梅纪巴Maitripa 密勒日巴Milarepa 龙树Nagarjuna 中论Knowledge of the Middle Way 中观庄严论Adornment of the Middle Way 寂护Santaraksita 寂天Santideva 入菩萨行论The Way of the Bodhisattva 解深密经Difinite Explanation of the View 心经Heart Sutra 有部、分别部Particularist Vaibhahika 经部Sutra Sautrantika 唯识Mind Only Chittamatra 中观Middle Way Madhyamaka 自空Rangtong 他空Shentong Yogacara 自续Autonomy Svatantrika 应成Consequence Prasangika 阿毗达摩Abhidharma 俱舍论Kosha 色究竟天Akanishta 阿弥陀佛Amitabha 不空成就佛Amoghasiddhi 无上密续Annuttarayoga tantra 阿阍黎Archarya 圣天Aryadeva 无著Asanga 阿底峡Atisha 处Ayatanas 比丘Bhikshu 入菩萨行论Bodhisattvacharyavatara 菩提心Bodhichitta 菩萨地bhumi 佛土Bhddha field 佛果Buddhahood 佛性Buddha nature Taghagatagarba 佛护Buddhapalita 脉轮Chakra 胜乐金刚Khorlo Demchog Chakrasamvara 月称Chandrakirti 行部Charya 圆满次第Completion stage rdzogs rim 生起次第Creation Stage utpattikrama 暗劫Dark age 陀罗尼Dhara ni 护法Dharma protector dharmapala 法界Dharmadhatu chos dbyings 法身Dharmakaya chos sku 法称Dharmakirti chos grags 胜义、究竟Dharmata chos nyid 大圆满Dzogche n mahasa ndhi 无我Egolessness bdag med 人无我Egolessness of selflessness of person pudgalanairatmya 法无我Egoless ness of selfless ness ofphe nomana dharma-n airatmya 八正道Eight fold n oble path 世间八法eight worldly concerns 空性empt in ess stong pa nyid 灌顶empowerment wang 证悟enlightment byangchub 常见eternalism rtag lta 父续Father tantra pha gyu 五无间罪five acti ons of immediate con seque nee 五方佛Five Buddha rig nga 五道five paths lam lnga 五毒five poisons dug lnga 五智five wisdoms ye shes lnga 执著fixation dzin pa 四边four extremes 四无量心four immeasurables zei meid bzhi 四圣谛four noble truths 四力忏悔four power of purificati on 冈波巴Gampopa 道次第Graded path lam rim 上师guru 串习habitual patter ns bag chags 喜金冈U Hevaja kye rdo rje 缘起、因缘in terdepe ndent orig in ati on 蒋贡康楚罗卓泰耶Jamgo n Kongrul Lodr? Thaye 俱生智jnana ye shes 噶当派Kadampa bka gdams 甘珠尔、经Kanjur bga gyur 丹珠尔、论T enjur ten jur 噶举Kagyu bka rgyud 时轮金刚Kalachakra dus khor 莲花戒Kamalashila 业karma las 噶玛噶举Karma Kagyu 噶玛巴Karmapa 三身three kayas 心要口诀教授key in structi on 窍诀pith 因札菩提国王King In drabodhi 赤松德赞Triso n Detse n 事部Kriya tantra 修心Lojong 译师lotsawa 明性luminous 明光luminosity osel 文殊师利菩萨Manjushri jam dpel 咒语mantrayana 魔mara bdud 玛尔巴Marpa 心所mental factors 母续Mother tantra 手印mudra 那若巴Naropa 六瑜伽six yogas 断见nihilism chad lta 化身nirmanakaya 宁玛、旧译Nyi ngma snying ma 二障two obscurations sgrib gnyis 口传oral transmission 不了义provisional meaning drang don 净土pure land dag zhing 让炯多杰Ra ngjung Dorje 仁波切rin poche 相对真理relative truth 净相、圣观sacred outlook dag snang 菩贤菩萨Samatabhadra kun bza ng 三昧耳E samaya dam tsig 报身Sambhogakaya long spyod rdzogs pa'I sku 七支供养seve n bra nch prayer yen lag bdum 七觉支seven limbs of awakening 毗卢七支坐seve n poi nts of meditati on posture 有所依的止sharmatha with support zhi gnasrten bcas 无所依的止sharmatha without support zhi gnas rten med 善巧、方便skillful means thabs 善逝Sugata 善悲Sugatagarbha 西方净土Sukhavati dewache n 法界体性身Svabhavakakaya n gowo nyi chi ku 度母Tara drol ma 女口来藏tathagatagarbha 三性three natures 三根本three roots tsawa sum 三乘three vehicles 帝洛巴Tilopa 自他交换法T on gle n tong len食子torma 止的禅修tra nquility mediti on 三藏tripitaka de n? sum 兜率天Tushita paradise gan dan 毗卢遮那佛、大日如来佛Vairocha na nam par nang dze 金冈U vajra dorje金刚跏趺坐vajra posture dorje chi tru ng 金刚总持Vajradhara Dorje Cha ng 金刚萨垛Vajrasattva Dorje Sempa 金刚亥母Vajravarahi Dorje Phakmo 金刚瑜伽女Vajrayogi ni Dorje Najor, Dorje Palmo善金刚dorje lekpa 金刚乘Vajrayana dorje tek pa 世亲Vasubandhu 持明Vidyadhara 见、修、行view, meditation and action tawa gompa ch?律Vinaya dul wa 法- 轮wheel of dharma chok? r 乘yana 瑜伽密续yogata ntra 瑜伽士Yogi nal yor wa 瑜伽女Yog ini yal yor ma 贤劫经Bhadrakalpa Sutra pa 国师嘉察仁波切Goshir Gyaltsab Rin poche因明学tsemaAAmitabha 阿弥陀佛Anterior Tibet 前藏一个大活佛,其庙叫祖卜寺仃surpu)Apsaras 飞天Attisha 阿底峡Avalokiteshvara 观音BBhodisattva 菩萨Bon (Black )本教(黑)Budda 佛CChapel 佛堂Circuma nbulate 转经道(v.)Circuma nbulati on 转经道Circuma nbulator 转经道的人Con sort 明妃DDaki ni 空行母Deity 明王Dipamkara 燃灯佛;宝光佛Dipamkara 宝光佛;燃灯佛Discipli naria n 铁棒喇嘛Dorje 多杰(藏文:金刚)Drakpa 和尚(藏文)Dratsang 扎仓(学校)Drepu ng 哲蚌寺Drepung Monastry 哲蚌寺(拉萨三大寺之一) Drolma 卓玛(藏文:度母)Drolma 度母(女菩萨)EEn thro neme nt 坐床 Esoteric Buddhism Exotoric Buddhism FForm 色Formless 空Ge — kor 铁棒喇嘛萨三大 Great Perfection 大园满Green Tara 绿度母Gulug ( Yellow hat ) 格鲁派Guru 上师(梵文)HHayagriva 马头明主Hin aya na 小乘Holy mou ntain 魂山Hutukta 活佛(蒙文)(最好不要用)IIn car nated lama 转世活佛JJampa 弥勒慈氏Jokha ng Temple 大昭寺 GGanden Monastry 甘丹寺(拉萨三大寺之一)密宗H 宀显宗。

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Three languages of Buddhism:
Chinese LanguageBuddhism
Tibetan LanguageBuddhism
Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism)
Chinese Buddhism
May “Triratna”bless
Mahathero/ Most Venerable
Buddhist School
BuddhistCeremony/Buddhist Service for
Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace 礼佛
pay respect for Buddha
Sutra Chanting
Incense burner
To offer incense to Buddha
Cause and effect
Toobtain the Buddha-hood
To get enlightenment
The ceremony for lay Buddhists to go to the Buddha for refuge, goto the Dharma for refuge, go to the Sangha forrefuge and to follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexualmisconduct,no lying,no intoxicant)
“To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is thedoctrine of all Buddhas”
To make contribution to
To save all living beings from sufferings
Amitabha 阿弥陀佛
Avalokiteshvara 观音
Bhodisattva 菩萨
释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni
affinities 因缘* (with emphasis on good relationships)
All living beings have the Buddha-nature; all can become Buddhas. 一切众生,皆有佛性,皆堪作佛。

almsgiver / giving host 施主**
attain to wisdom 开智慧*
attendant 侍者*
blessing / blessedness 福(It depends on where to use.)
(bring forth)Bodhi resolve, Bodhi-mind, Bodhichitta/Bodhicitta or resolve for enlightenment (发)菩提心*
Bodhimanda 道场= Way-place *
Buddhist Canon = Tripitaka 三藏*
calligraphy 书法*
cause and effect 因果*
causes and conditions 因缘(with emphasis on the theory, eg. 12 causes and conditions)* couplet 对联*
cycle of rebirth 轮回*
cymbals 钹
draw straws 抽签*
eight virtues of filiality, fraternity, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, a sense of shame
Four-armed Gwan Yin (Avalokiteshvara)四臂观音
four-stage Arahat 四果罗汉*
Kashaya 袈裟*
left-home people 出家人*
repent and reform 忏悔*
Teaching Transmitter 教授和尚*
turn on the wheel of rebirth 轮回*。
