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All right ,what do we want?

There’s a three-wheel over there.

Here comes a Humvee that has better fireworks.

Hold on.

Now, that’s what I’m talking about.

You bring a noisemaker?

Sir, I bring the noise and the funk wherever I go.

Hey-ho, friends! The enemy approaches. Careful, now, or they’ll win the day.

Over there.

You know where to put this next one.

Nice work, guys.

The window’s open.


Practice drills. The compound’s secure. You have nothing to worry about. Tell us what the hell is going on out there, or you can kiss a government contract goodbye.

G-gentlemen, gentlemen, please, I beg you ...

Don’t beg theme, Quinn. You’re not a rottweiler. We don’t need their scraps.

Who the hell is this?

This is our strategy consultant, John Garrett.

I want full disclosure right now, or our boys will come in and shut you down. Why do I hear gunfire?

You hear the dying breath of an old world, general, and a new world is coming. I’ve tasted it on my tongue.

This is your strategy consultant?

He’s ... part time.

New strategy ... you shut your mouth and give us everything we want.

You threaten a United States general, and there are consequences.

Oh, you feel powerful now, don’t you? But you’re all just slaves who will serve our future.


More than six. Here they come.

These windows can’t take many more hits like that ,sir. Let’s hope they don’t have to.

Could on, we’ve found the dealer. This is a bomb. You know

what those do. And you’ve seen Agent May here through the eyes of

your super soldiers, so you know what she does. You don’t want to mess with us, is my point.

You’re not gonna be able to hijack our soldiers. We’ve thought through every emergency scenario, including this one. Don’t tell me you just switched the soldiers to default directive.

Yeah, I did. And how did you know about that?

Time for the guns?

Time for the guns.


Stay. Stay.


Good boys.

They’re off to defend Garrett.

And lead me right to him. Now that we’re inside go contact our forces. Make some noise on the way out. Trip, if the rest of us don’t make it, I still want this place to burn. I prefer you make it, sir.

Me, too.

The compound’s been hit.

Raina and Quinn took off. We need to take action now. What are my orders?

That’s up to you, son.

Wake up! Come back to reality, John. What do you need me to do?

You’ve already done it. It’s your handler, probably to tell me what the soldiers are seeing.


Hi, John. Just calling to catch up.

Skye. You sound different on the phone...Huskier.

You curious why I’m calling from your soldier control center? No, I’m not too concerned. You see, if anyone but the assigned handler give a directive to one of my men, well, kaboom. Ah, darn it. Coulson didn’t think of that. You outsmarted us again. Phil’s around? Great. We actually have a lot to talk about. Oh, and I want you to know...you scientist friends...they were brave until their last breath. Raina told me how special Skye is. I know you’ve seen that from the start. You want orders? Get her.

Thank you.


