











(第一、二集中的地道说法戳这里)1.You're fit as a fiddle.你的身体状况极好。


要是一个人说他fit as a fiddle(in very good physical condition),那就好比是一把琴的弦和音调都调得很好,也就是身体非常健康。

例句:①I felt as fit as a fiddle after my walking holiday.经过假期徒步旅行,我的身体极好。

2.feel under the weather情绪低落,身体不好under the weather相当于feeling unwell or depressed,即感到不舒服或情绪低落。

这里的feel可以换成be或look,即be under the weather和look under the weather,译为“有些情绪低落”和“显得情绪低落”。

例句:①She's been a bit under the weather recently.她近来身体不太好。

3.be in the doghouse被指责,遭到冷落,倒了霉Doghouse这个字的原意就是:狗睡觉的房子,也就是狗窝。

In the doghouse作为俗语,它的意思就是你让某人很生气,以致于不得不在屋子外面跟自己家里的狗睡在一起,意思就是倒了霉。

例句:①The whole team was in the doghouse because they lost the game.由于输掉了比赛,整队都陷入困境。















































1、语境:托尼和班纳在试 图改造未成形的幻视,托 尼主张把贾特斯注入。 原文:Help me put Jarvis into this. 中影字幕翻译:我是想让 你帮贾维斯介入此事。
试译:帮我把 Javis 放入里面
语境:钢铁侠危难之际 原文:We may not make it out of this 中影翻译:我们可以全身 而退了 试译:我们可能拼不过去了
语境:大决战之后,美队到 复仇者新基地,看到军训 (误)的兵营后说的话。 原文:I'm home. 中影翻译:我很好 试译:感觉像回到家一样
语境:旺达对黑寡妇施放精 神污染后,黑寡妇看到了 以前在红房子进行特工训 练的幻想,然后她说
原文:I had a dream. 中影翻译:我有一个梦想 试译:我做了一个梦
语境:黑寡妇和浩克的对话 原文:Go be a hero. 中影翻译:你真是我的英雄 试译:去做一个英雄吧
Even if you get
语境:面对大军压境, 美队给大家打气
killed,walk it off.
语境:神盾局长带着母舰前来支援,雪中送炭,美队脱口而 出
这一版本用的是现在时,红字部分也都属于简单易懂的词汇,(请大家 忽略"吟诗”翻成"chanting",词汇量大的童鞋可以考虑)。翻译较上 篇相对简易,并缩减了部分内容,这些归功于介词 “in”的使用。这 样以来,可以巧妙躲开一些难词比如说"耕耘"的”plowing“,而且” 织“和"缝”只需一个词就可以搞定呢!当然,如果你这两个词都不 会的话,你也可以使用 "made",虽不甚雅观,总比空着强。。。



[键入文字]《神盾局特工》:超级英雄让位凡人【双语】Lets assume youre not a Marvel fan, or dont even know what Marvel is. Even so, youmust be more than familiar with the superhero characters it creates: Iron Man, CaptainAmerica, Thor, Hulk, to name a few.假设你并不是一个漫威迷,甚至连漫威都不知道。


Do those names ring a bell? They all appeared inIf youre still unsure whether to put it on the to-watch list, read on to find out more aboutthe show.如果你还不确定是否将其列为自己的必看剧目,本文将进一步为你提供该剧的相关信息。

The Marvel logo that opens the show sends a clear message that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. isa continuation of the film universe。


Fans of that universe will find plenty to enjoy, with story elements from The Avengers1。



1. “英雄所做之事并非出于权力,而是为了他们的人民。

2. “我们爱的人使我们更强大,那些我们失去的人则使我们更勇敢。

3. “害怕失败是自我毁灭的先兆。

4. “我们是复仇者,我们会致力于保护那些无助的人们,即使这意味着要冒着生命危险。

5. “你把智商当成了作弊小抄,而我把它当成了生存手段。

6. “有时候我们必须失去,才会明白我们真正想要的是什么。

7. “我们不是要成为英雄,而是想保护那些我们爱的人。

8. “有时候就是这样,失败是成功之母。

9. “你的弱点和你的才能,经常是同一件事。

10. “即使是被黑暗包围,我们依然要找到光明。




神盾局特工第三季第四集英文对白(一)I can’t tell.I can’t tell just by looking at it, can you?Nobody can. It’s chicken.I think I’m gonna have to cut into it.There’s nothing worse than dry chicken.Yep. I got you. Here. Thanks.Are you expecting someone. No. No way.Alisha,what are you doing here?Sorry to drop by like this, but it’s important.The Terrigen got out.When we saw Lincoln in the news, and all that stuff about a government task force...We know it was bad. We just didn’t know how bad.The world sees us as a theat.We need to stick together.Those of us who’ve been here since before the outbreak. Wait,are you the one who sent us that weid email the other day. What email? The one about finding the rest of people,bring them back together.No,can you show it to me?No!Alisha, talk to me. What happening?She’s dead. He killed her. It’s here.Daisy,Mack,move in now!Something’s attacking! Alisha’s down! No!Sir,we’ve got there dead. We’re gonna need backup.Look like the killer’s on theDaisy,wait! Daisy! Damn it.Alisha!Alisha,can you hear me?He’s here. He’s here to kill us.And you can’t stop him.。



神盾局特工第三季第四集英文对白(一)I can’t tell.I can’t tell just by looking at it, can you?Nobody can. It’s chicken.I think I’m gonna have to cut into it.There’s nothing worse than dry chicken.Yep. I got you. Here. Thanks.Are you expecting someone. No. No way.Alisha,what are you doing here?Sorry to drop by like this, but it’s important.The Terrigen got out.When we saw Lincoln in the news, and all that stuff about a government task force...We know it was bad. We just didn’t know how bad.The world sees us as a theat.We need to stick together.Those of us who’ve been here since before the outbreak. Wait,are you the one who sent us that weid email the other day. What email? The one about finding the rest of people,bring them back together.No,can you show it to me?No!Alisha, talk to me. What happening?She’s dead. He killed her. It’s here.Daisy,Mack,move in now!Something’s attacking! Alisha’s down! No!Sir,we’ve got there dead. We’re gonna need backup.Look like the killer’s on theDaisy,wait! Daisy! Damn it.Alisha!Alisha,can you hear me?He’s here. He’s here to kill us.And you can’t stop him.。





























美剧中⿎励⼤家拿出⾏动的台词美剧中⿎励⼤家拿出⾏动的台词 想要得到些什么,才会去付出⾏动。


Here... A man gets what he earns, when he earns it. 在这⼉,想得到什么样的待遇,就要先证明⾃⼰。





That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it. 我总是那样跟他说。






Not a day goes by I don't think about what I could've done. 我⽆时⽆刻不在回想我当时能做什么好挽回这⼀切。



漫威经典语录英文1.I am Iron Man.2.I can do this all day.3.I am Groot.4.I have nothing to prove to you.5.With great power comes great responsibility.6.I'm always angry.7.I could do this all day.8.I'm with you 'til the end of the line.9.I am inevitable.10.We are Groot.11.I am the Black Panther.12.I'm not a queen, or a monster... I'm the Goddess of Death!13.I have nothing to prove to anyone.14.Part of the journey is the end.15.Dormammu, I've come to bargain.16.I can feel the righteousness surging!17.I don't like bullies; I don't care where they're from.18.We have a Hulk.19.He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy.20.We don't trade lives.21.I am Iron Man.22.I can do this all day.23.I am Groot.24.I've been falling for thirty minutes!25.With great power comes great responsibility.26.I'm always angry.27.I can tell the Bifrost is vibrating, so I know he is alive.28.I'm sorry, Earth is closed today.29.Genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.30.I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.31.Puny god.32.We have a Hulk.33.It's not about control, it's about letting go.34.The sun will shine on us again.35.That's my secret, Cap: I'm always angry.36.I can do this all day.37.Avengers, assemble.38.I can do this all day.39.Everything burns.40.Part of the journey is the end.41.I am Iron Man.42.I could do this all day.43.With great power comes great responsibility.44.Why so serious?45.I am Groot.46.You’re a wizard, Harry.47.It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.48.The night is darkest just before the dawn.49.I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman.50.I want you to remember the one man who beat you.51.A hero can be anyone, even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy’s shoulders to let him know that the world hadn’t ended.52.I’m not the monster. You are.53.Assemble.54.I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.55.Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.56.You can't handle the truth!57.Here's looking at you, kid.58.May the Force be with you.59.You shall not pass!60.Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.62.I have nothing to prove to you.63.When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you.64.Part of the journey is the end.65.I don't need a suit to protect the world.66.Underoos!67.I love you 3,000.68.Truth is, I am Iron Man.69.I understood that reference.70.Give me a scotch. I'm starving.71.He's a friend from work!72.I can do this all day.73.I can't control their fear. Only my own.74.We are Groot.75.We have a Hulk.76.Some people move on. But not us.77.Are you Tony Stank?78.Dormammu, I've come to bargain!79.I don't like bullies; I don't care where they're from.80.You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play. To lay down ona wire and let the other guy crawl over you.82.You put on that helmet, you’re the enemy of every man we’ve ever encountered!83.It’s not about control. It’s about letting go.84.I don’t have friends. I got family.85.You think you’re the only superhero in the world? Mr. Stark, you’ve become part of a bigger universe.86.When you have power, you always have to make a choice.87.Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict.88.An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbles from within? That’s dead forever.89.With great power comes great responsibility.90.Power at all costs. No matter how many lives the broken ruins beneath us.91.Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites.92.If we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we’ll avenge it.93.I don’t hold people’s hand when they walk out of my movies.94.You know, it’s times like these when I realize what asuperhero I am.95.We have a Hulk.96.Can’t sleep. You know, I’ve been thinking about taking a vacation.97.There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them.98.You will never be a god.99.I could do this all day.100.Some people move on, but not us.101.Make a list of everything you've ever feared. Start at the beginning.102.Wherever I go, he goes.103.A hero can be anyone.104.You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play.105.With great power comes great responsibility.106.I'm always angry.107.We have a Hulk.108.I could do this all day.109.Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are graced with.110.I'm with you till the end of the line.111.You're a madman.112.The world already has enough superheroes.113.This is your last chance.114.You know, I'm helpful like that.115.The price of freedom is high, and it's a price I'm willing to pay.116.Vengeance has consumed you. It is consuming them. I'm done letting it consume me.117.Part of the journey is the end.118.It's not about how much we lost, it's about how much we have left.119.I can do this all day.120.We're in the endgame now.121.I can do this all day. - Steve Rogers/Captain America122.I am Iron Man. - Tony Stark/Iron Man123.The sun will shine on us again. - Thor124.The truth is... I am Iron Man. - Tony Stark/Iron Man125.I choose to run towards my problems and not away from them. - Thor126.I can't control their fear, only my own. - Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch127.It's not about saving our world. It's about saving theirs. - Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow128.Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same. - Thanos 129.I can't save them all. - Peter Parker/Spider-Man130.I'm not strong enough. - Steve Rogers/Captain America131.That's my secret, Cap: I'm always angry. - Bruce Banner/The Hulk132.I don't seek vengeance. I seek justice. - T'Challa/Black Panther133.Some people move on, but not us. - Steve Rogers/Captain America134.I am inevitable. - Thanos135.Fall seven times, stand up eight. - Natashi Romanoff/Black Widow136.I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. - Thanos137.A hero is only as good as the villain. - Tony Stark/Iron Man 138.I don't have to prove anything to anyone. - Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel139.We are not alone. - Dr. Stephen Strange140.Even if there's a small chance, we owe this to everyone who's not in this room to try. - Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow。

最新 跟《神盾局特工》学酷词酷语-精品

最新 跟《神盾局特工》学酷词酷语-精品

跟《神盾局特工》学酷词酷语在时下流行的美剧中,除了经典的《老友记》(Friends)和前几年非常火爆的《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)等外,《神盾局特工》(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)也是一部非常适合青少年的美剧。

该剧主要讲述了由Phil Coulson组建的一支特工小组的故事,他们在经历队友的背叛、神盾局的危机以及强大对手“九头蛇(HYDRA)”的摧残后,最终克服重重困难,获得成长,并继续为维护世界和平而努力,完美地诠释了何为“不忘初心,方得始终”。


Coulson:Agent May. May: No. Coulson: So you've been briefed. May: I'm not going back in the field. Coulson: Yeah. You got a nice set-up (配置) here. You ever thought about adding a moat (护城河)? I just need you to drive the bus. Liaise (联络) ground transpo, some onsite supervision (现场监督). This isn't a combat op (战斗行动). May: Then you don't need me. 【背景介绍】在第1季第1集中,特工May因当年经历“巴林事件”而变得沉默寡言。




3.With great power comes greatresponsibility. This is mygift, mycurse.
4.Failureis thefogthrough which we glimpsetriumph.



美剧词汇精讲:《神盾局特工》Break台词:Lincoln: His name's James. He's a demolitions expert. Australian. Former mercenary. Few weeks after I got there, Jiaying caught him breaking into her private archives and banished him.林肯:他叫詹姆斯,是个爆破专家,他是澳大利亚人,当过雇佣兵。


Break:To break something is to change it, usually in a way that is undesirable or destructive.打破某样东西即改变了某个东西原本的状态,这种变化往往是具有破坏性的、始料不及的。

The waiter broke a bottle of wine.那个服务员打破了一瓶红酒。

The bottle is broken.(在这个句子里,broken作为形容词。


A ball went through the window and broke it.一个球横飞过来,把窗户打破了。

Broken glass was everywhere.到处都是玻璃渣。

He's breaking his guitar.(有时候break这个动作含有有意为之的意思。


Edward's girlfriend broke up with him.(这里含有结束一段感情的意思。


He has a broken heart.(这里的"broken"同样作为形容词。


Bernardo is just about to break. He can't take the stress of his position at work.贝纳多要崩溃了。



第一季第二集神盾局特工第一季第二集神盾616号请确认航线S.H.I.E.L.D. 6-1-6, you have course confirmation.可以航向"弹弓"发射基地You are cleared direct to the Slingshot.科尔森特工情况一切正常吗Agent Coulson, everything all right up there?听说你们在地面上遇到了点麻烦We heard you had a little dustup on the ground.我们没问题Yeah, we're all good.从现在起天空会一片晴朗It's gonna be blue skies from here on out.机身破损爆炸减压科尔森撑住Coulson! Hang on!19小时前不许开出去兜风听到没Hey, no joy rides, okay?那可是我的家That's my house.他们哪来的这些小玩意啊Where do they think of this stuff?斯凯吗她做不了神盾局特工Skye? Girl's not qualified to be a s.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. 同意Agreed.所以我请她来做顾问That's why I've invited her on as a consultant.这种事在神盾局屡见不鲜S.H.I.E.L.D. does it all the time.其实斯塔克也算是顾问呢Technically, Stark's a consultant.其实斯凯还是涨潮组织的成员呢And technically, Skye's a member of the Rising Tide. 她破解了我们的RSA加密系统She hacked our RSA implementation --两次还是用笔记本Twice. From a laptop.如果有了我们的资源想想她能做多少事Imagine what she'll do with our resources.I am.就因为我想到了所以我不同意That's exactly what I'm imagining during this frown.你找我来是评估风险You brought me on for risk assessment.她就是个风险She's a risk.她不会像我们那样思考问题She doesn't think like us.没错Exactly.科尔森特工都告诉我们了Oh, Agent Coulson told us the news.真是太棒了What a wonderful surprise.#NAME?- Isn't it, Fitz? - Yeah.#NAME?- No, it's wonderful. - Yeah, a surprise.你一定很激动吧You must be very excited.是啊就像第一天上学Yep, first day of school.好吧那么借过好的Okay, so... just -- sorry. Yeah.空客上已经有两个不能打斗的孩子了We have two kids on this bus who aren't cleared for combat. 你现在又找来一个You're adding a third.至少菲兹-西蒙斯是受过训练的神盾科研人员At least Fitz-Simmons are trained s.H.I.E.L.D. scientists.斯凯算什么But Skye?你还说这支队伍是精心挑选的You said this was a select team.是为应对新的危机保护人民而组建Assembled to work new cases, to protect people.我实在不明白找个黑客跟来...I don't see how letting some hacker tag along --你们的反应我都料到了I'm looking for an objection I haven't already anticipated.这事我已经决定了I'm calling this.但是你的异议会留有记录But your frown will be on record.我们接到命令前去调查一个084We've been called in to investigate an 0-8-4.我们都知道那是什么意思We all know what that means.是的Yes, we do.就是我们不知道那是什么东西的意思It means we don't know what that means.官方说法叫做空中移动指挥站Officially, it's an airborne mobile command station.但我们管它叫"空客"[空中客车]But we call it the bus.出外勤的时候起名字都是越短越好We find it best to use shorthand when in the field.干什么都是这样的But everything has to be just so, you know,因为任务的危险性because of the danger.是啊我之前来过这儿的Yeah, I've been up here before,可惜没看到什么but I didn't see much因为沃德特工给我头上套了个袋子because of the bag that Agent Ward put over my head. 是啊那事真是抱歉Yes, so sorry about that.喝水吗Water?两分钟后起飞坐稳别抽风Wheels up in two. Lock it or lose it.什么意思What's that mean?现在后悔也晚了No backing out now.我们给客人找个床位吧Let's find a bunk for our guest.只剩下一个了Oh, oh, yeah, there's only one left,就在我的旁边and it's right next to mine.抱歉你来...Sorry. You can...我知道我们之前...Hey. I know we didn't really --好好看看吧Might want to read that.这可不是普通的飞机This isn't like other planes.可不是嘛You can say that again.你说什么Say what again?好棒的飞机Sweet ride.纽约之战前我负伤了I earned a little goodwill from Director Fury所以弗瑞局长善心大发when I got hit right before the battle of New York. 你中枪啦You took a bullet?差不多Ish.有个阿斯加德人用奇塔瑞的权杖An Asgardian stabbed me through the heart刺穿了我的心脏with a Chitauri scepter.不过效果相似The effect was similar.休了几周假还混到架飞机Got a few weeks' R&R and this plane.做了彻底翻修Had it completely refurbished.进行了加固一点没浪费经费Studs up -- spared no expense.是啊沃德特工说他们送你去了塔希提岛Yeah, Agent Ward told me they sent you to Tahiti. 那是个神奇的地方It's a magical place.你说过了You mentioned that.来Here.放个杯垫Use a coaster.系好安全带Buckle up.我都不知道我们要去哪I don't even know where we're going.秘鲁084是在那里发现的Peru. That's where the 0-8-4 was reported.084代表...And an 0-8-4 is...?来源不明的物体An object of unknown origin.跟你挺像的Kind of like you.我们过去确定物体是否有用Team goes in, determines if it's useful或者是否构成威胁or if it poses a threat.上次我们发现的084还挺有意思呢Last one turned out to be pretty interesting.上次找到的是什么And what was the last one?锤子[雷神]A hammer.秘鲁雅克塔帕特印加考古发掘现场往回40米有轮胎印Tire tracks 40 meters back.我去查查是不是这儿的车I'll check them against the site's trucks --确保没有别人来掺和Make sure we're alone.这里太暴露了Too much exposure here.我去找个僻静的地方停车I'm gonna find a place to park.我真太想看到野生的僧帽猴了I would love to see a capuchin in the wild.或许还能看到黄尾绒毛猴Maybe even a yellow-tailed woolly monkey.要知道秘鲁有32种猴子呢You know, um, Peru has 32 different species of monkey. 是啊还有近两百种蛇Yeah, and close to 200 species of snakes.南美巨蝮的毒液十分厉害The shushupe has a fascinating ven-- venom.含有神经毒素能水解蛋白还能溶血It's neurotoxic, proteolytic, and hemolytic.真是够厉害的That's fascinating.是啊Yeah.别怕啊其实地震啊什么的更可怕No, I'd be much more concerned with earthquakes, mala-- 登革热是没有疫苗的哦There's no vaccine for dengue fever.快瞧瞧啊Oh, look at this.如果这个084有危险我们应该We should warn the people who live around here警告附近的居民if the 0-8-4 is dangerous.他们已经需要应付反对挖矿的反抗军They're already dealing with anti-mining rebels和秘鲁游击队的野蛮人了and the Shining Path guerillas.我可以发点什么I could post something.还记得那次反物质流星在迈阿密海岸边陨落Remember the panic when that anti-matter meteor差点毁了整座城市时splashed down just off the coast of Miami,#NAME?#NAME?没错因为我们封锁了消息控制了局面Precisely. Because we kept it quiet and contained.那我来干什么So, what am I doing?如果消息泄露出去Well, if it gets out,我可能需要你转移大众的视线I might need you to create some kind of diversion,让大家关注别的去put the public on the wrong scent.就是说做我最反对做的事So everything that I'm against.没错Yep.早啊教授Good morning, professor.我是神盾局的科尔森特工I'm Agent Coulson with S.H.I.E.L.D.听说你发现了一样有趣的东西I understand you've made an interesting discovery.我都不知道该如何解释I-I'm not sure how to explain it.这座神庙至少有五百年历史了This temple dates back at least 500 years.里面全是印加时代以前的文物It's filled with pre-Incan artifacts.而其中一样东西根本不该出现One of them is impossible而且看样子可能有危险and looks like it might be dangerous.我们就是为这个来的Well, that's why we're here.小心Watch out.原封未动Exactly as we found it.还有谁知道Who else knows about this?只有当地政府Just the ministry.是他们联系了你们吧I believe they are the ones who contacted you.先生请你和你的团队撤离现场Sir, I need you and your team to evacuate the site直到我们确定此物件的危险性until we determine the risk associated with this object. 别去动他Leave the man alone.瞌睡虫出于你自身的安全考虑Now -- for your own safety.完全没有人在谈论这东西Nothing about this anywhere.真不可思议It's amazing.我搜索了每一个数据流I searched every data stream.什么情况啊What do you got here, guys?小心啊你还是...别碰了Whoa, car-- uh, careful. I-I -- no, wouldn't do that.不明物体嵌在化石岩层中The object's placement in fossiliferous rock formations所以它应该至少在那儿待了一千五百年了suggests it's been here for at least 1,500 years.那可比神庙的历史长一千年呢That pre-dates this temple by a millennium.或许是外星来的Ah! Maybe it's alien.或许吧但是从外形和制造工艺来看Yeah, but the shape and the craftsmanship --很像是德国制造的it's almost German.轮胎印跟教授的一样Tires match the prof's truck.你的配枪呢Where's your sidearm?我要是需要用枪就会去夺一把来If I need a gun, I'll take one.是啊都忘了你是"铁骑"Right. Forgot I was working with "the cavalry."不许再那么说Don't ever call me that.抱歉Apologies.我听说过你的事迹I've heard the stories --巴林岛的事那次行动的事what went down in in Bahrain, about you in action.科尔森让你回归真是明智之举You know, it was smart of Coulson to pull you out of retirement. 有个值得信任的朋友互相照应真的很好It's nice to have a trusted friend who has your back.你该多带两把枪的Should have taken more guns.#NAME?#NAME?外面有情况We have a situation.这一带有很多反抗军Lots of rebels in this area.反抗军动静不会这么小Not enough gunfire.你们继续我就来Keep working. I'm on my way.早上好我是科尔森特工Buenos dias. Soy Agente Coulson.我们是为一起牵扯到国际安全的事件而来Estamos aqui por un asunto de la seguridad internacional. 菲利普Phillip?卡米拉Camilla?让他们放下枪好吗Do you mind?你先请After you.现在我们要好好打个招呼了And now for a proper hello.升职做指挥官了啊恭喜啊Comandante -- a promotion. Congratulations.三年前的事了不过还是谢谢你Three years ago. But thank you.梅琳达·梅特工格兰特·沃德特工Agent Melinda May, agent Grant Ward,这位是卡米拉·雷耶斯指挥官This is comandante Camilla Reyes.她是秘鲁军警的She's with the police militar del Peru.我们一起共事过We used to work together back in the day.告诉大家一切都好Let the team know everything's okay.我知道你们在秘鲁领土上找到了奇怪的物件I know you've found a strange object on Peruvian soil.我们应该谈谈怎么处理这件事We should have a conversation about how to proceed.当然Of course.但是084不归发现国所属But an 0-8-4 supercedes all national claims.你看起来不错You look good.是啊人家会健身的Yeah, I work out.来我给你看点东西Come, let me show you something.你看到了吗它是活的Are you seeing this? It's alive.你是说生死那种活着吗Wha-- alive live?它有运行正常的能量源It has a functioning power source.瞌睡虫读取到了放射性核素数据Sleepy's reading radionuclides,但它们跟任何已知同位素都不匹配but they don't match any known isotope.我这里得到暂时性匹配但数值一直在变I get temporal matches, but even then, they seem to shift. 那可能吗Is that even possible?那得取决于暂时性无线电之类的变化[不懂装懂中] Depends on the shifting of the temporal radio stuff,很奇怪不是吗It's totally weird, right?我去找科尔森I'm gonna go check on Coulson.我们有伴儿了国家警察来了We've got company. National police.#NAME?#NAME?他们听说物件了They heard about this object.他们应该是来保护物件的They're probably here to protect it.这个区域有不少反抗军起义This area has lots of rebel uprisings.是啊人民在反抗Yeah, people are fighting back政府的采矿政策against the government's mining policies.很赞的It's pretty kick-ass.是啊这种暴力行为是很赞Yeah, it's kick-ass, all the violence.我不是那个意思That's not what I'm saying.对你是那么写的No, it's what you're typing.在你的货车里一个人安安全全的In your van, alone -- where it's safe.还要多久How much longer?#NAME?- What's the hurry? - Are we in danger?每个人都干好本职工作就不会Not if everyone does their job.你的职责到底是什么What is yours, exactly?这种可可来自秘鲁的一个秘密村庄The cacao is from a secret valley in Peru.很特别Very special.世界上最好的巧克力The best chocolate in the world.再多放点糖就好了Could use some sugar.美国人Americans.你知道的卡米拉我这人很简单You know me, Camilla. I'm a pretty simple guy.你上次来这里执行任务可一点都不简单There was nothing simple about your last mission here.那时我有贵人相助I had some great help.我们没法留住那个物件是吗There isn't any chance we get to keep the device, is there? 这不是我能决定的It's not mine to give,但我们肯定能找到一种体面的解决方式but I'm sure we can find a way to resolve this respectfully 可以给贵国...in a way that gives your coun--#NAME?#NAME?看样子他们跟反抗军交手了Sounds like they're engaging with the rebels.我们走吧Let's go.他们来了快走They're coming for it. Move!不不行不行No. No, no, no, no, no.#NAME?- It doesn't matter. - It does to me!还是让我们来弄吧Please, let us do this.我们需要密闭容器携带084We need a containment case for the 0-8-4.There's no time.但它有一个波动的能源核But it has a fluctuating power core --频率在10兆赫以上frequencies way above 10 exahertz.抱歉科学课结束Sorry. Science class is over.等等等下Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait.你怎么能直接把它从墙上拔出来You did not just pull that out of the wall.脑子进水了吗What is the matter with you?!你知不知道我们还不了解它发出的Do you realize we do not know the amount of photon emissions 光子发射有多少好吧coming out of this -- okay.我们也不知道如果它活跃起来会发生什么We don't know what will happen if it gets excited.#NAME?- Stay close. - Fitz! Come on!走Come on.你的人得退回来否则我们逃不出去Your men need to fall back now, or we'll never make the runway. 上你的卡车走Now -- your truck. Let's go!退回去Get back!告诉你的人趴下Tell your men to get down.小心Watch out!上车上车Get in! Get in!快动起来Move! Now!#NAME?- Yes. - Yeah, that's a good idea.#NAME?#NAME?科尔森安全在秘鲁军警的卡车上Coulson's secure in PMP's truck.#NAME?慢点Slow down!你在开玩笑是吧You're joking, right?沃德听着我们得小心点Ward, listen! We have to be careful.结合能源结构可能会过热There's a binding energy structure that could overheat. 我可以摇下车窗I could roll down a window!不要开车窗Do not roll down a window!闭嘴低下头Stay quiet and keep your heads down.向左开山涧是干的Head left. The ravine empties.可是沃德But, Ward!闭嘴Quiet!你要多久能把飞机开上天How fast can you have the wheels up?很快Fast.关舷梯Ramp!马上On it.你要干什么科尔森还在外面呢What are you doing?! Coulson is still out there!不要待在舷梯上在那里容易被击中Get off the ramp. You're in the line of fire.刚好赶上啊长官Cut it pretty close, sir.我可不想落下任何人Didn't want to leave anyone behind.我想说我想念我的货车了I got to say it. I miss my van.说吧有什么问题Now, what was the problem?我之前说过As I said before,这个设备是高频波动this device has a high-frequency, fluctuating,子材质浓缩...sub-material compression --菲兹讲英语Fitz, in English.驱动084的能源类似宇宙魔方The 0-8-4 is fueled by tesseract technology.九头蛇二战美国队长Hydra. World war II. Captain America.含有足以致命剂量的伽马射线It's full of lethal amounts of gamma radiation.伽马那这是核武器喽Gamma -- you're saying it's nuclear?不是No.他是说这个远比核武器恐怖He's saying it's much, much worse.084现在在你们手里吗And the 0-8-4 is in your possession?在飞机上还含有宇宙魔方燃料电池It's on board and contains a tesseract fuel cell,所以...就是这样so...there's that.收到Copy.你们可以经过禁飞区进行登记指导You are a go for check-in guidance through restricted airspace. 旅途平安Safe travels.得全速飞行了梅Top speed's a priority, May.不用说Obviously.我知道你不想遭遇战斗I know you didn't want to see combat.对此我向你道歉I apologize for that.你还需要别的吗Do you need anything else我要去看看我们货仓里那个before I go check on the device fueled by evil由邪恶供能的设备了that's sitting in our cargo hold?这挺有意思的This was fun.不用担心设备现在很稳定Not to worry. The device is stable.虽然还是随时可能爆炸Not that it couldn't explode at any minute,尤其是如果被机枪扫射什么的especially if hit with machine-gun fire.但是这种事也是时有发生But things like this happen from time to time出外勤就这样起初挺辛苦的when in the field, and at first, it's very unpleasant,会让你后悔离开了实验室and you regret your decision to leave the lab at all.你神经病吗Are you mental?我非常详尽地说明了我的意思I did explain in great detail exactly what I meant,用的是英式标准英语using the Queen's bloody English!我说的是正常英语I use normal English --我们说"闪避""快跑"Words like "Duck" and "Run"可能会把我们炸个粉碎and "Might blow us to pieces".恭喜你啊沃德特工Oh. Oh! Well, congratulations, Agent Ward.你竟然能在一个句子中连用三个词You managed to string three words together in a sentence. 大家都还好吗Is everyone all right?伤得不轻但还活着Banged up but alive.谢谢你救了我们Thank you for the extraction.但我们损失了很多人But we lost a lot of men.我们会确保你们安全回家的We'll make sure the rest of you get home safe.飞机上有那个我们安全吗Are we safe? On a plane with that?伊基托斯有个军警停机场There's a PMP airfield in Iquitos.我们离那里很近It's a short distance --我们会尽快赶去We'll burn as fast as we can神盾局的防范设施for a S.H.I.E.L.D. containment facility.没有比那里更安全的了There's no safer place for us to go.长官请问一下Sir, if I may?你们这里有什么喝的吗You got anything to drink around here?楼上有Upstairs.那里很舒适的I think you'll find it quite comfortable up there.我就猜到旅途会很奢华I expect the grand tour.我知道I know you do.我是想跟你说...I'm trying to tell you......你说的我根本听不懂...don't understand anything you are saying!这里有什么问题吗Do we have a problem in here?没有长官No, sir.我们只是在交流而已Just working on our communication.并不是所有人都有交火的准备Not everyone was prepared for a firefight.我们成功出来了没有人员伤亡We got out, didn't lose anyone,还救了几个他们的人saved a few of theirs --这不是做得挺好吗I'd say we did all right.还有问题吗Anything else?我有个小问题Uh, yeah. I have a small question.我一直以为自己是跟在大家后面的菜鸟土包子Because I've been feeling like the tagalong hayseed rookie,但现在我觉得沃德根本就不知道but now I get the sense that Ward doesn't know哪个是西蒙斯哪个是菲兹which one's Simmons and which one's Fitz,而且他们见过的交火场面还不如我多and they've seen even less gunfire than me,我虽不是火箭专家and I'm no rocket scientist,但这是你们第一次合作执行任务吗but is this your first mission together?不当然不是No. Of course not.是第二次It's our second.我是第一次真好I was your first? That's sweet.你觉得好玩吗You're amused?我是害怕I'm terrified.我真是无所适从了I am in way over my head,但我加入这个队伍的时间跟你们一样长but I have been on this team just as long as any of you. 我当队长也可以呢I might as well be team captain.开个玩笑但或许这个主意也不赖I was joking, but maybe that's not a bad idea,反正这些人不是很喜欢彼此because these guys do not like each other much.不是为这个This isn't about that.我是行动专家I'm a specialist.今天我如果是单独行动Today, I could have eliminated the enemy threat myself 完全可以消除敌人的威胁if I was working alone,但我还得顾及毫无战斗经验的特工but I had non-combat-ready agents --等下自己单干Whoa, whoa. Wait. You work alone?典型做派你以为你的装备是谁设计的So typical. Who do you think designs your equipment?#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?去出外勤吗with just your bare bum.看到我刚说的了吧See them proving the point I just made?你说得没错You're not wrong.我们仍需要磨合We still need to iron out the kinks.但是沃德你会六种语言But, Ward, you can speak six languages.西蒙斯你有两个我都念不出名字的博士学位Simmons, you have two PhDs in fields I can't prounounce, 菲兹你是个火箭专家and, Fitz, you are a rocket scientist.所以你们自己搞定So work it out.我也有自己擅长的哈I-I'm -- I'm good at stuff, too.那我们是工作还是继续...So, should we work or just continue to --我就是说我们早晚会对I'm saying I said there would come a moment出外勤感到后悔when we would regret the decision to go in the field.只是没想到第一周就后悔了I didn't think that would happen in week one.老天Oh, god.接合处在沉积层里This seam in the sedimentary layers这表明几十年前发生过熔化塌方suggests some sort of molten cave-in a few decades back. 看这里这是光放大Yeah, well, this here -- it's optical amplification.我觉得我基本可以肯定Now, I think -- well, I'm most likely dead-on --类宇宙魔方能源以粒子数反转的能级that the tesseratic energy excites plasma激发等离子体with an inverse population of energy levels.激光A laser.一种两太焦激发能量的射线A ray of...pure energy -- two terajoules.看到放大了吗See the amplify?刚刚测量电磁读数的时候We're lucky the drones didn't trigger it几个无人机没触发它真是万幸了while we were taking electromagnetic readings.这是件武器能量足够...This is a weapon, powerful enough to --足够烧穿50英尺的坚石把自己埋起来Enough to melt through 50 feet of solid rock to bury itself. 能对人造成多大的伤害啊Imagine what it could do to a person.对也能烧穿飞机Yeah, or an airplane.举个例子而已For example.在看《饥饿游戏》Hunger games?《约他去看绝世雪景》Matterhorn.S.O.给了我一百本书让我看One of a hundred books my S.O. gave me我才抽出这个时间that I'm just getting around to.S.O.是监管人员的意思S.O. -- supervising officer.了解Got it.黑客也有行话我会学会你们的行话Hackers have lingo, too, but I'll pick yours up.我觉得我们对彼此的第一印象不太好I feel like you and me -- wrong foot.我请你喝一杯吧Can I...buy you a drink?我之前说的话说起义是...What I said before -- when I said the uprising was --总之就是说起义好whatever I said -- a good thing.我不想让你觉得我很盲目I don't want you to think I'm oblivious.我之前其实是指推文What I was talking about was the tweets.推文Tweets.你真的是想让我理解你吗You trying to make things better or worse?秘鲁人民几十年来首次自发组织到一起Peruvians have organized for the first time in decades. 成千上万素昧平生的劳苦大众Thousands of suffering people who have never met为同一目标而团结起来uniting over a common idea?太令人震惊了It's mind-blowing.我不太想提起这个And I don't want to bring it up因为我不想看见你一副厌恶的表情because I don't want to see your hate face,但是涨潮组织就是做这个的but...that's what the Rising Tide is all about.好吧Okay.通常一个人是想不出对策的Usually, one person doesn't have the solution.但一百个有1%办法的人But 100 people with 1% of the solution --就能把事办好That'll get it done.我觉得这很美好I think that's beautiful --大家一起解决一件难题pieces solving a puzzle.你和我只是世界观不同You and I see the world differently is all.我从来没在战区经历过战斗直到今天I've never been in a war zone during a war until today. 太疯狂了That was crazy.你一定经历过很多次吧I take it you've seen that a lot?你中枪了吗Wh-- did you get shot?皮肉伤不用担心Skin deep. Nothing to worry about.你中枪了You got shot.是保护我们的时候中的吗Did that happen protecting us?我说了不用担心Said don't worry about it.难怪你那么生气Well, no wonder you were so pissed.我没生气I wasn't pissed.我接受的训练就是要应对各种情况I was trained to be the whole solution --消除不定因素to eliminate variables.而今天不定因素越来越多And today, they keep adding up.我们在转向We're turning.我们进入了空中禁区We've entered restricted airspace,所以得照着确定的飞行路径走so we have to follow certain flight paths --按章办事regulation.这架飞机可以全自动飞行This plane is capable of fully automated flight, 但梅今晚得亲自握着操纵杆驾驶but May has to be on the stick herself tonight. 你有监管人员梅握着操纵杆You've got an S.O. May's got to be on the stick. 这飞机上好多行话啊Lots of good lingo on this plane.没错Yeah.我们似乎不能理解彼此的意思We just can't seem to understand each other. 第一部步话机腕表...First walkie-talkie wristwatch --1936年产于波兰1936, Poland.我记得他们只生产了20块They only made 20, I think.现在都还能用Still works.我都忘了你的多愁善感菲利普I forgot you're such a sentimentalist, Phillip.浪漫化历史Romanticizing history.是啊那些大都是靠胶水粘着的Yeah, most of it's glued down.那时候的东西有种情调There was an elegance to things back then.完全同意There we agree.我们周围的环境飞速变化With everything around us changing so quickly,保留一些过去的试金石有益无害it doesn't hurt to have a few touchstones to the past. 能提醒我什么是重要的Reminds me what's important.我最不愿做的就是重温过去The last thing I want to do is relive days gone by.几个夜晚或许还值得回忆A few nights, maybe.我知道你在做什么I see what you're doing.我在追忆往昔I'm reminiscing.这架飞机比当年你驻扎在库斯科时This plane is such a step up我们外勤用的旅行车from the R.V. we used to work out of档次提升了不少when you were stationed in Cusco.我对工作的印象不深I don't remember much working.也不记得你会这么直接I also don't remember you being this direct.斯凯把酒瓶递给我Skye, hand me the bottle.好吧酒鬼Okay, turbo,你手里的那杯还没喝完呢but you're still nursing the one you got.不止我一人没喝啊I'm not the only one.接下来的几小时我们要困在云层上方了We're stuck above the clouds for the next few hours.何不找点乐子We might as well enjoy ourselves.我们可以为你的收藏多创造点回忆We could make a few more memories to add to your collection. 怎么样What do you think?我觉得...I think...沃德已经发现Ward already knows你想成功夺下飞机就得先除掉梅you'll have to eliminate May from the equation to have a chance... 这给了他大约20秒时间先发制人which gives him about 20 seconds to get to her first.我们本是盟友We were allies.我们有段过往We had history.你什么时候决定抛弃这一切的When did you decide to throw that away?看到你的队伍的时候As soon as I saw your team.我现在还没死的原因是The reason I'm still alive is because总部随时可能呼入而你需要我you need me to verify the change of routes for your pilot替你的飞行员核实航线变更when H.Q. Calls in any minute now.#NAME?- I'd appreciate that. - But if I don't,神盾局就会把这架飞机在空中击毁S.H.I.E.L.D. Will shoot this aircraft out of the sky.那样你也会失去084That'll take the 0-8-4 out of your hands.也许我该让他们这么做Maybe I should let them.不会的我觉得你会照做的Oh, no, I think you'll make the calls.你为了一个实验室人员You already handed me your plane就把这架飞机拱手相让了for the life of one of your little lab rats.如果我把货舱打开你会失去他们所有人If I open the cargo hold, you'll lose them all.而你又是那么多愁善感And you are such a sentimentalist.这都是我的错This is my fault.我应该去学点功夫来着Should have learned Kung Fu.好吧不过我当初Oh, yeah, but I shouldn't have就不该逼你出外勤pushed you into the field in the first place.你还没做好准备You weren't ready.作出恰当的威胁评估是我的工作It was my job to make a proper threat assessment.#NAME?- We -- we weren't ready. -This wouldn't have happened 当时没在开飞机就不会如此了if Agent May wasn't on the stick.她就能使出她的忍者技能了She would have busted out some of her ninja know-how. 特工梅不不Agent May? No. No, no.她是从管理部门调过来的She transferred from administration.我亲眼见过她放倒一个人所以...Well, I've seen her destroy a guy, so...你们听过铁骑吗You've heard of The Cavalry?#NAME?#NAME?学院里的每个人都在谈论...Wh-- everyone at the academy talks about st--她就是铁骑吗She's the Cavalry?我说过永远别那么叫我I told you never to call me that.简直难以置信I can't believe it.这下我们肯定能出去了Oh, we're sure to get out of here now.我们要怎么从这里出去Um, how do we get out of here?不能走门Can't go through the doors.。






1. “我是铁人。




2. “男人为何要战斗?除非是为了保护某个人。




3. “我可以与你为伴。




4. “我不再是那个拥有仇恨之心的人。



5. “你中有我,我中有你。



6. “很多人都丧失了信仰,但我永远不会。




7. “人类并不被定义不可战胜,而是他们被推翻后重新站起来。



8. “我只是一个被放大的普通人。



+++++++此为分集符号+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++漫威公司出品谜底揭开The secret is out.数十年来你们的组织在阴影中暗藏For decades, your organization stayed in the shadows,隐瞒真相hiding the truth.但现在我们知道了他们就在我们身边But now we know -- they're among us.英雄...Heroes......和怪兽...and monsters.世界满是奇迹The world is full of wonders.加州洛杉矶东部-谢了伯尼-客气- Thanks, Bernie. - You bet.艾斯过来拿Ace, come and get it.纽约英雄开卖了我们这周末去明迪姑姑家怎么样What do you say we go out to your Aunt Mindy's this weekend?你和凯莎可以去池塘游泳You and Kisha can swim in the pond.好Sure.过几个月你就过生日了You know, you got a birthday coming up in a couple of months.你最喜欢谁Who's your favorite?我不要I'm okay.现在爸爸手头紧但我会很快找到工作的Things are tight right now, but I'm gonna find something. 不回工厂但是我很有信心Not back at the factory, but I got prospects.咱爷俩我们是什么You and me -- what are we?-一个团队-没错- We're a team. - That's right.那么你想要谁... So, who do you --你还好吗艾斯看着我Are you okay? All right, Ace, look at me.你跟伯尼待在这好吗I need you to stay here with Bernie, okay?有人也许受伤了我去看看需不需要帮忙People might be hurt, and I'm gonna see if they need my help.跟伯尼待在一起Stay with Bernie.看好我儿子Watch my boy!救命Help me!救命Help me!!救命Help me!救命Help me!!我们无法解释看到的一切We can't explain everything we see.但是我们眼界大开But our eyes are open.现在怎么办So what now?再也没有阴影供你们躲藏了There are no more shadows for you to hide in.不可能的事情发生了Something impossible just happened.你们打算怎么办What are you going to do about it?神盾局特工第一季第一集法国巴黎沃德特工情况有进展Agent Ward, there's been a development.是涨潮组织It's the Rising Tide.他们知晓了物件的地址They've pinned down the location of the package.我们需要终止行动We need to abort.还差五分钟我就能取回物件I'm five minutes away from retrieving it.其他人也差五分钟So is everyone else.他们把坐标发到网上了They posted the coordinates online.-如果任务简单... -我知道就没乐趣了- If the job was easy... - Yeah, it wouldn't be any fun.注意身后Watch your six.红领带窗边Red tie, by the window.需要我拿走杯子吗先生你的壁炉坏了Your fireplace is broken.沃德提个醒Ward, just a heads-up.你附近可能存在敌人We've got possible hostiles in your vicinity.是吗Really?"SHIELD"代表什么沃德特工What does "S.H.I.E.L.D." stand for, Agent Ward?国土战略防御攻击Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement与后勤保障局and Logistics Division.它对你来说意味着什么And what does that mean to you?意味着他们非常想让我们的名字缩写It means someone really wanted our initials组成"盾牌"一词to spell out "Shield."意味着我们是一道防线...It means we're the line...立于世界和更为诡异的世界之间between the world and the much weirder world.我们防止人们听到他们没准备好知晓的消息We protect people from news they aren't ready to hear. 如果没做到我们就得保护他们的安全And when we can't do that, we keep them safe.如果出了状况Something turns up...比如这个奇塔瑞族神经环节...like this chitauri neural link...奇塔瑞族:《复仇者联盟》中出现的外星人希尔特工办公室地点保密我们抢在坏人之前拿到手...we get to it before someone bad does.知道范查特打算把它卖给谁吗Any idea who Vanchat was planning to sell it to?我更感兴趣的是这个涨潮组织I'm more interested in how this Rising Tide group 如何知道这件事的found out about it.我以为他们只是黑客I thought they were just hackers.有什么生变了吗What changed?一切都变了Everything's changing.不久之前大多数人睡觉的时候A little while ago, most people went to bed觉得穿着飞行钢甲衣的亿万富翁thinking that the craziest thing in the world就是世界上最怪的事情了was a billionaire in a flying metal suit.之后外星人入侵纽约Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back 被一个绿色怪兽by, among others, a giant green monster,一个来自40年代的制服英雄和一个神所击退a costumed hero from the 40's, and a god.准确地说托尔不是神I don't think Thor's technically a god.那是因为你没有接近过他的双臂Well, you haven't been near his arms.纽约一役是世界的终结The battle of New York was the end of the world.现在是新世界This -- now -- is the new world.人类也不同了People are different.他们能接触到高科技They have access to tech, to formulas,了解到他们没准备好知晓的秘密secrets they're not ready for.为什么把我从巴黎的行动调出来Why was I pulled out of Paris?那你得问科尔森特工了That, you'll have to ask Agent Coulson.得了我可是有六级权限的人Uh, yeah. I'm clearance level six.我知道科尔森特工在纽约一役之前I know that...Agent Coulson was killed in action在行动中阵亡了before the battle of new york.完整的报告我都看了Got the full report.欢迎来到第七级Welcome to level seven.抱歉那个角落很暗Sorry -- that corner was really dark,我又情不自禁and I couldn't help myself.好像有个灯泡坏了I think there's a bulb out.弗瑞局长伪造了你的死Director Fury faked your death --来激发复仇者的斗志to motivate the avengers.盟友的死Well, the death of a common ally能让他们团结合作is a particularly effective team builder.笑一个Say "cheese".而且也不能说假死这么夸张啦Plus, it wasn't that much of a stretch.我就停了四十秒的呼吸罢了I stopped breathing for about 40 seconds.八秒而已你每说一次就加点时间Eight. It gets longer every time you tell it.你要是被仙宫的墨索里尼[指洛基]捅伤了Yeah, well, you get shanked by the Asgardian Mussolini, 你爱怎么说都行you can tell it your way.我看着那道白光I was looking at the big white light,感觉肯定不止八秒and it felt like a lot longer than eight seconds.他们知道吗Do they know?复仇者知道弗瑞骗了他们吗The avengers -- that Fury played them?他们可没有七级的权限They're not level seven.我一出重症监护室I got out of the I.C.U.,弗瑞就把我关在塔希提岛的玻璃房里Fury stuck me in a grass shack in Tahiti.太惨了Rough gig.迈代鸡尾酒麦基侦探小说Mai tais, Travis McGee novels,还有个理疗师and a physical therapist英语真是... 不着边际whose command of english was...irrelevant. 但有些事让你回归队伍了But something put you back in the game.这是什么What is that?是个超级英雄沃德特工That's a superhero, Agent Ward.未注册有天赋身份不明An unregistered gifted. Identity -- unknown.秘密大白天下了The secret's out.多年来你的组织...For decades, your organization...5月2日一个不明飞行物...On May 2nd, an unidentified object......又一份来自涨潮组织的小礼物Another little present from the Rising Tide.他们怎么会在我们之前拿到这些资料How are they getting this stuff before us?就跟破解我们的RSA加密系统一样Same way they cracked our RSA implementation. 他们很厉害They're good.我需要更厉害的So I need better.科尔森特工申请了Agent Coulson has requisitioned一支移动指挥小队而你也将加入他们a mobile command unit, to which you are assigned. 涨潮组织想引我们出来Rising Tide is trying to draw us out.就让他们得逞一回I think it's time they succeeded.你要我铲除他们吗You want me to cross them off?才不是No.我要利用他们找到这个人I want to use them to get to him.这人的世界将会变得诡异非常This man's world is about to get very weird.他需要帮助He's gonna need some help.抱歉I'm sorry.我当初受训成为特工I was trained from day one as a specialist.我单打独斗把事办好I go in alone. I get it done.拆除核弹找我就对了Defusing a nuclear bomb -- I'm your guy.搞欢迎会A welcoming committee?我可做不来Not my speed.我知道你不乐意I know it's not what you want.希尔特工对你近三次任务Agent Hill did a very detailed assessment做了一份详细评估of your last three missions.格斗一流Combat -- top grades.侦查Espionage --你是她自罗曼诺夫[黑寡妇]以来给的最高分了She gave you the highest marks since Romanoff. 人际交往能力她画了Under "people skills", she drew a --貌似是坨屎I think it's a little poop上面还插了刀子with knives sticking out of it.-什么-这...- What? - It --这是糟糕的意思吧That's bad, right?鉴于你的家族史And given your family history,居然只是"糟糕"而已I'm surprised it's not worse.但是But...我觉得你能办好这件事I think you're the guy for this.要是我错了你可以继续拆炸弹If I'm wrong, you go straight back to your bombs. 队伍批下来了体能都不错Team's approved. Physicals are all fine.菲兹·西蒙斯不能格斗Fitz-Simmons is not cleared for combat.但上头说这不是问题I'm told that won't be an issue.沃德特工身体素质太好了Agent Ward here -- he's almost too fit.这是问题这应该算问题吧That's an issue. That should be an issue. 也许我不能加入队伍Maybe I can't join the team-天哪你可以走了-因为我...- God, are you dismissed. - Because my --那是只箭猪才不是一坨屎It was a porcupine. It was not a poop.意思是他...It just means that he --不我很肯定No, I'm pretty sure.不止是沃德你的人员资料太概略了And it's not just Ward. Your whole roster is sketchy. 反正上头都批了Well, they're cleared.我倒是很乐意不批这事儿菲尔I would have been very happy not to clear you, Phil. 我想让你再休息一阵子I'd love for you to rest up some more.我休息很久了谢了I've had plenty of that. Thanks.你确定You sure?改天你也该去一次You should go sometime.去哪Where?塔希提岛Tahiti.那地方很神奇It's a magical place.出不了三天我就会跪求任务Three days in, I'd be begging for an assignment.正是Exactly.塔希提岛Tahiti.他是真不知情是吧He really doesn't know, does he?永远不能让他知道He can never know.有什么方法能让我谢谢他吗I-is there any way I can thank him?兜帽英雄到底是何方神圣真的没人见过他吗Are you sure nobody saw him?兜帽英雄的身份So, the identity of the hooded hero目前仍不为大家所知still remains unknown.加大洛杉矶分校医疗中心的研究人员Researchers at UCLA medical center在今日得出的报告中表明超自然...have a study today which shows that supplemental... 表现得自然点Just act natural.什么What?假装我们在说话Just pretend that we're talking.我们在说话啊We are.好Good.指不定谁在偷听我们呢'Cause you never know who's listening.我都不知道跟我说话的是谁I don't even know who's talking.我是斯凯I'm Skye.你是那个戴兜帽的英雄And you're the hooded hero.你不会打算一直用那个名称吧Please tell me that you're not staying with that name. 等等什么我不是... 我只是个工人Wait. What? I'm not -- I'm a factory worker.是啊在白天而已Sure, by day.我亲眼所见你是个英雄I saw you. You're a hero.是个超级大英雄...Like, a for-real superhero, which is --我不是什么铁杆粉丝或者跟踪狂但...I'm not, like, a groupie, stalker type, but...天哪太帅了Oh, my God! That is so cool!好好冷静Okay, okay, chill.不能不能引起别人的注意Just don't -- don't draw attention.你有危险You're in danger.你认错人了女士You got the wrong guy, lady.不你这样做不对No, you've got the wrong approach.在医院的那个女孩现在非常想感谢你The cute girl from the hospital is dying to thank you --可能是"那种"谢谢哦And possibly "Thank" You --而你却在这里藏着And you're hiding.你救那个女孩的视频是自小狗晕眩视频以来The clip of you rescuing her has had the most hits点击量最高的视频since that puppy with vertigo,可你却连工作都找不到and you can't even find a job.你说危险是什么意思What do you mean about danger?神盾局S.H.I.E.L.D..什么盾我该随身带着盾牌吗Shield, what? I should carry a shield?神盾局政府S.H.I.E.L.D. Government.有恐怖的黑衣人在找寻你们这种人Scary men in dark suits who come after guys like you.他们在事发之前They knew about the battle of New York就已经知道纽约之战了before it even happened而且在大家还没缓过神时and then cleaned it up就在一夜之间把一切清理干净了before anyone could ask any real questions -- overnight. 你觉得他们花多久就能把你清理掉How long do you think it'll take for them to clean you up? 你想知道我为什么躲藏And you want to know why I'm hiding.要是你不躲藏呢What if you didn't hide?要是你走到公众面前What if you got in front of this告诉大家你是个英雄呢and let peopknow that you're a hero?我只是个普通人I'm just a guy.普通人应该有工作有津贴Well, a guy like that gets work, gets perks.我可以帮你I can help.我对电脑很在行超级在行I'm great with computers -- like, weirdly great.我可以帮你创造一种崭新的身份I mean, I could help you create a whole new identity or... 或者是面具a mask.-好吧-好...- O-kay. - Uh, ok--你也可以我们也可以一直用Well, you could just -- also, we could just stick with the... 兜帽...hood.听我说这个你逃避不了Listen, you cannot walk away from this.你有这么强大的力量With great power comes...肯定会有各种乱七八糟的东西让你猝不及防a ton of weird crap that you are not prepared to deal with. 我的办公室在...Now, my office is --你还有办公室You have an office?对我有Yes, I have an office.是间...移动办公室It's a mobile...office.是辆货车我住在那自愿的It's a...van. Live in a van -- by choice.车会一直停在街道的拐角处But it's always in the alley around the corner --免费无线网络随时欢迎Free wi-fi -- and you can come by anytime.谢谢Thank you.他们会来找你的They're coming for you.麦克...Mike.梅特工Agent May.不No.看来你都已经知道了So you've been briefed.我是不会回去的I'm not going back in the field.是啊Yeah.这里的配置多棒啊You've got such a nice setup here.有没有考虑过加条护城河You ever thought about adding a moat?我只是需要你开开车I just need you to drive the bus,联络地面交通还有些现场监督liaise ground transpo, some on-site supervision.不是战斗行动This isn't a combat op.那你就更用不着我了Then you don't need me.用得着I do.以后我们要自己运作了'Cause we'll be running ourselves.自己选择行动任务...Picking the ops...自己做主Making the calls.不用遵守繁文缛节No red tape.事实上这里就是出繁文缛节的地方对吧This is where they actually make the red tape, isn't it? 我一直在想这个I always wondered.梅琳达Melinda.你真的只是要求我去开车吗You're really just asking me to drive the bus?我没有在要求你I'm not asking.但那车真的不错But it's a really nice bus.等等等等注意点Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch it!这枪可是"晚安宝贝"啊That's the night-night gun.枪放在我的东西上而且又不能用Well, it's on my stuff, and it doesn't work,再说了我们为什么要叫它"晚安宝贝"and there's no way we're calling it the night-night gun. 子弹可以用The bullets work.非致命制动能力强Nonlethal, heavy stopping power,处于皮下组织下即可分裂break up under the subcutaneous tissue --并带有一剂仅0.1微升的树突毒素是吧Oh, with a dose of only .1 microliters of dendrotoxin. 我不是赫敏可不会用那个引发瞬间瘫痪I'm not Hermione. I can't create instant paralysis with that. -你应该让我陪你-那些子弹...- You should have run the specs - The bullets-看说明书-都是空包弹我能让它们- by me before - are hollow. It's a marvel-然后再开模-留在膛里不爆炸- building the molds. - I can keep them from-或者换用更高精准的子弹-简直是奇迹- Or used a higher-caliber round. - breaking apart in the chamber.-或者看看书-你有没有听说过物理学或是...- Or read a book. - Have you ever heard of physics or -- -也不是很难-另一个是什么惯性吗- It's not particularly difficult. - What's the other one? -- Inertia?菲茨·西蒙斯Fitz-Simmons?菲茨Fitz.西蒙斯Simmons.我专攻工程机械她专攻生物化学I'm engineering. She's biochem.沃德特工吗Agent Ward?科尔森说我的通信接收器需要译码Coulson said I'd need my comm receiver encoded.不知道你以前有没有处理过这种型号Don't know if you've worked with that model before.它是...It's......新拿来的...brand-new.他会重置入侵探测与识别系统芯片He'll repurpose the I.D.I.S. chip.入耳式通讯不再需要外部接收器了Don't need the external receiver for the inner-ear comms anymore.那它怎么能So, uh, how does it --嵌入式的感觉神经硅树脂会与你的DNA配对Embedded sensorineural silicone matched to your DNA.非常地时髦It's very posh.要加入我们进行探秘之旅了你激动吗So, are you excited to be coming on our journey into mystery?简直像是圣诞节It's like Christmas.科尔森的神盾古董收藏品之一One of Coulson's old S.H.I.E.L.D. collectibles.火焰喷射器世上第一个全球定位系统Flamethrowers, world's first GPS.他极度痴迷于这个破烂He's mad for this crap.别碰洛拉Don't touch Lola.他还给它取了个女名And he calls it a girl's name.洛拉可不仅仅是个收藏品Lola's not just a collectible, you know.大家常常会分不清"新版"和"升级版"People tend to confuse the words "new" and "improved." 这个机动指挥部This mobile command,在上世纪九十年代一直满负荷运转着they were in heavy rotation back in the '90s,但之后我们有了直升航母But then we got a heli-carrier.你有没有听说那个恐飞的家伙Hey. Did you hear the one about the guy who's afraid of flying?我曾在强大火力攻击下成功夜跳进降落区长官I've done a night jump into a drop zone under heavy fire, sir.我能搞的定I can handle it.那不过是个...笑话That was a...joke.第一部分是...The first part of a...我现在就不说了I'm not gonna tell it now.如果你还想收拾东西快一点If you plan to unpack, make it quick.飞机五分钟后就起飞了Wheels are up in five.我们途中可能会碰上涨潮组织We may have a hit on one of the Rising Tide's routing points.很好我们还得赶个时间Good. We need to do some catching up.这位是...我想到的那个人吗Is that... who I think it is?她只是飞行员She's just the pilot.梅琳达·梅"只是飞行员"Melinda May is "just the pilot."拜托长官Come on, sir.你到底在下什么棋啊What game are you really playing?你最好去把你的行李放好Better stow your gear.你将如何找寻我们How will you come at us?在空中找寻From the air?还是在陆上找寻From the ground?这次你如何让我们保持沉默呢How will you silence us this time?你如何能做到呢How can you?真相已经众人皆知The truth is in the wind.随处可见It's everywhere.你阻止不了涨潮组织You cannot stop the Rising Tide.你找不到我们You will not find us.你也见不到我们的面You will never see our faces.但无疑But rest assured --我们会奋起反抗那些对我们隐瞒真相的人we will rise against those who shield us from the truth.而且世上任何事都无法无法阻止我...And nothing -- nothing can stop us in the --嘿你们好啊Hey. What up?你们犯了个大错You guys are making a big mistake.你看上去可没那么大You don't look that big.抱歉没有怜香惜玉Sorry for the lack of finesse.这位沃德特工跟你们的组织有点渊源Agent Ward here has had a little history with your group -- 涨潮组织The Rising Tide.我不知道你在说...I don't know... what you're -- 解决这事有两种方式Okay, there are two ways we can do this.其中是不是有个比较简单的Oh. Is one of them the easy way?没有No.你叫什么What's your name?斯凯Skye.你的真名叫什么What's your real name?这个可以稍后再说That can wait.我们现在需要的是另一个名字某个英雄It's another name we need -- a certain hero.你凭什么认为我知道What makes you think I know that?你有个小失误Well, you made a little mistake.你拍摄兜帽英雄的那个手机The phone you filmed the hooded hero with跟一些涨潮组织的邮件had the same cryptographic signature有相同的暗码签名as a few of the Rising Tide posts.哇哦是吗Wow. Yeah.这是个失误吗或者说现在Was that a mistake? Or am I now我不是正坐在你的秘密总部之中吗sitting In the center of your secret headquarters? 这是什么What is this?飞机吗A plane?我进来了I got inside.而且现在你已经发现And by now, you've discovered你无法突破我设备的数据加密you can't beat the encryption on my equipment, 所以你什么都没得到so you got nothing.有个相当巧合的事We have a fairly strong coincidence --就在灾难发生之时you being on the scene你刚好在场right before it went up in flames.想跟我说说我的团队会发现什么吗Want to tell me what my team is gonna find out?你怎么知道兜帽男在楼里How did you know the hooded man was in the building? 你炸楼是为了引出他Did you blow it up to draw him out?你才这么做吧Did you?那可不是我们的风格That's not our style.我可是被你口中所谓的风格绑过来的I was just kidnapped by your "Style."神盾局掩盖了新墨西哥州飞马计划S.H.I.E.L.D. covered up new mexico, project Pegasus.飞马计划美国秘密执行的穿梭时空计划当然你们还想掩盖蜈蚣的事Of course you'd be covering up centipede.不可能吧Holy no way.你们压根不知道蜈蚣是什么You don't know what that is.数十亿的装备交给你们处理Billions of dollars of equipment at your disposal,我打赌我用一台笔记本就能赢你and I beat you with a laptop that I won in a bet?你该为你朋友想一想You need to think about your friend.人群中不是只有我们才对超能力感兴趣We're not the only ones interested in people with powers. 我们想吸纳他没错We'd like to contain him, yeah.而下一个找他的会想利用他The next guy will want to exploit him,再后面来找他的人会想解剖他and the guy after that will want to dissect him.蜈蚣是什么What is centipede?对我明白但是...Yeah, I get it, but...听着医生人们看到我他们看得是我能做什么Listen, doctor, people saw me. They saw what I can do.如果我公开也许会是好事If I went public, that might be good.我是说这说明你的药品有效果I mean, your product works.药效显得很有趣而且... It works amazingly, and --对对我知道我签了什么Yeah, yeah, I-I-I know what I signed,但是如果我们走在他们前面也许but if we got out in front of this, maybe --然后什么Then what?你想让我回到工厂You want me to go crawling back to the factory?这群骗子都还没发我工人抚恤金I couldn't even get workmen's comp from those crooks. 我不认为I don't think --对Yeah, ye--医生我只是想Doctor, I just thought --好Okay.这曾是一间实验室This was a lab.或曾被租来当实验室吧Was this leased as a lab?自赋权力中心Mnh-mnh. Self-empowerment center.还配有顶级的线动传感安保设施With a top-of-the-line motion-sensor security system. 一间秘密实验室Ah. So a secret lab.还有一位超级英雄And a superhero.这不是巧合Not a coincidence.这次爆炸是蓄意破坏吗对他有意义吗So, was this explosion sabotage? Was it meant for him? 还是说他们玩大了Or were they just in over their heads?解决这个问题Yeah, working the problem.女士们如果你们对不起Ladies, if you'll just -- sorry.菲兹特工如果你打算出外勤If you're gonna be in the field, Agent Fitz,你不得不把你的手弄脏you have to get your hands dirty.不我才不会No, I don't.蜈蚣曾在网上出现然后就消失了Centipede -- it was chatter on the web and then gone. 我追踪了MAC的接入点地址是这栋楼I traced the access-point mac address to that building. 你想要什么What were you after?真相The truth.你想要什么What are you after?世界和平World peace.你们这种无政府骇客就爱挑拨是非You pseudo-anarchist hacker types love to stir things up. 但是你们出了事就不见踪影But you're never around for the fallout.人们隐藏秘密是有原因的斯凯People keep secrets for a reason, Skye.只因为你是个讲道理...Well, just because you're reasonable and...可靠的人firm...但不意味着你就不是个有害的Doesn't mean that you're not an evil,无用政府的工具faceless Government tool bag.就把你朋友名字告诉我们把Just give us your guy's name.他不是我的朋友He's not my guy!你明知他有危险You understand he's in danger.那就放我走Then let me go.让我来跟他说我来说而不是让那T1000机器人说Let me talk to him. Me, not the t-1000 here.你想单独跟他说当然了You want to be alone with him. Of course.她就是个狂热分子She's a groupie.黑进神盾局追踪超能力All this hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D., tracking powers --她也许就是个玩角色扮演的女生She might as well be one of those sweaty cosplay girls 在斯塔克大楼打转Crowding around Stark tower.什么我就...我就干过一次What?! I would -- it was one time.沃德Ward.是她吗她惹到你了Is it the girl? She getting under your skin?长官Sir?还是因为任务的缘故Or is it the assignment?你是因为很渴望脱离这个队伍Are you so anxious to get out of this而打算故意搞砸这个审讯吗that you'd deliberately blow an interrogation?让我单独跟她待一分钟就能拿到答案Give me a minute alone with her, you'll have your answers. 她是个有价值的人She's an asset.她就是个...She is such an a--等等有价值的人Wait -- "Asset"?对她我们什么都不知道We don't know anything about her.这么不寻常的人你不觉得很难得吗Do you appreciate how often that happens?之前从未有这样的人That never happens.我们需要We need...她所知道的一切what she knows.看吧我们把每个设备都设计成拥有各自的能力See, we designed each with their own capabilities,有一些负责记录so, um, some recording这个房间的大小质地the dimensions and textures of the room,有一些负责测试物质的密度辐射量and then some testing the matter density, radiation.还有一个只负责处理气味I mean, one is basically just smelling.我在某些东西里面发现了某些东西Whoa, whoa, whoa. I've got something in something.哪个发现的Who's got it?小羞Uh...Bashful.监控摄像头炸毁了Surveillance camera. Deep-fried.没错为防止电压不足它还有闪存可用Yes, but that model has flash memory in case of brownouts.我可以把那跟动作检测器的数据同步起来Now, I could sync that with data from the motion detectors.如果有好运的话And, with a little luck,能找到爆炸前的图像get some images from before the blast.我的好运指的是那些"不被珍惜的天才"And by "Luck," I mean "Unappreciated genius."我们会用得上Yeah, we'll need it.小雪检测到了一些化合物Snow's reading some compounds that are --天啊Whoa. My god.爆炸物吗Explosive?至少不来自地球Not of this Earth.这是QNB-T16This is QNB-T16.这是硫喷妥钠派生物制成的高级鸡尾酒It's the top-shelf martini of sodium pentothal derivatives. 是最新的超强力诱供药It's a brand-new and extremely potent truth drug.别担心效果只会持续一小时Don't worry. The effects only last about an hour.你就小睡一会吧And you'll have a nice little nap.然后我们就能得到所有答And we'll have all the answers to our --你干什么What the hell?!抱歉痛吗I'm sorry. Did that hurt?不No.但你肯定是疯了But you've lost your mind.你不应该这样对你的团队成员You should never do that to a member of your team.没错是有点痛And, yes, it did hurt a little bit.但我平常都尽量在漂亮女人前隐藏痛楚But I always try and mask my pain in front of beautiful women, 因为那让我更有男子气概'cause I think it makes me seem more masculine.天这见效真快My God, this stuff works fast.不信任我们吗Don't trust us?问他什么问题都行Ask him whatever you'd like.等等Wait a minute.你不能就这样Wait. You can't just --这绝对不符合规...This is definitely not protoco--你看上去很紧张沃德特工You seem nervous, Agent Ward.我正在回忆训练内容I'm calling to mind my training.我不会透露任何机密情报There's no way I'm gonna reveal classified secrets给一个拼命想打败我们的女生to a girl who's hell-bent on taking us down.你有杀过人吗Have you ever killed anyone?有几个Yes, a few.都是高风险目标High-risk targets.但他们都是坏人But they were terrible people...他们试图谋杀好人who were trying to murder nice people.但之后我还是感觉不好And I didn't feel good afterwards.你祖母知道这些事吗And does your grandmother know about these things?奶奶吗Gramzy?我无能为力麦克这是工厂的规定My hands are tied, Mike. It's company policy.你没达到工作量要求我只能开除你You didn't meet quota. I had to let you go.加里我没得选只有我跟我儿子了Gary, look, I got no choice. It's just me and my boy now. 我们没有空位麦克就算有There's no openings, Mike, and even if there were,还有一百个跟你一样的人等着呢I got a hundred guys standing in line that are just like you,。



《神盾局特工》经典台词大全 篇一:神盾局特工第一季第 22 集英文对白 AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D 13:30~15:30 All right ,what do we want? There's a three-wheel over there. Here comes a Humvee that has better fireworks. Hold on. Now, that's what I'm talking about. You bring a noisemaker? Sir, I bring the noise and the funk wherever I go. Hey-ho, friends! The enemy approaches. Careful, now, or they'll win the day. Over there. You know where to put this next one. Nice work, guys. The window's open. Relax. Practice drills. Thecompound's secure. You have nothing to worry about. Tell us what the hell is going on out there, or you can kiss a government contract goodbye. G-gentlemen, gentlemen, please, I beg you ... Don't beg theme, Quinn. You're not a rottweiler.We don't need their scraps. Who the hell is this? This is our strategy consultant, John Garrett. I want full disclosure right now, or our boys will come in and shut you down. Why do I hear gunfire? You hear the dying breath of an old world, general, and a new world is coming. I've tasted it on my tongue. This is your strategy consultant? He's ... part time. New strategy ... you shut your mouth and give us everything we want. You threaten a United States general, and there are consequences. Oh, you feel powerful now, don't you? But you're all just slaves who will serve our future. 17:51~20:43 More than six. Here they come. 1 / 6These windows can't take many more hits like that ,sir. Let's hope they don't have to. Could on, we've found the dealer. This is a bomb. You know what those do. And you've seen Agent May here through the eyes of your super soldiers, so you know what she does. You don't want to mess with us, is my point. You're not gonna be able to hijack our soldiers. We've thought through every emergency scenario, including this one. Don't tell me you just switched the soldiers to default directive. Yeah, I did. And how did you know about that? Time for the guns? Time for the guns. (DEFAULT DIRECTIVE) Stay. Stay. (DEFEND JOHN GARRETT AT ALL COSTS.) Good boys. They're off to defend Garrett. And lead me right to him. Now that we're inside go contact our forces. Make some noise on the way out. Trip, if the rest of us don't make it, I still want this place to burn. I prefer you make it, sir. Me, too. The compound's been hit. Raina and Quinn took off. We need to take action now. What are my orders? That's up to you, son. Wake up! Come back to reality, John. What do you need me to do? You've already done it. It's your handler, probably to tell me what the soldiers are seeing. Yeah. Hi, John. Just calling to catch up. Skye. You sound different on the phone...Huskier. You curious why I'm calling from your soldier control center? No, I'm not too concerned. You see, if anyone but the assigned handler give a directive to one of my men, well, kaboom. Ah, darn it. Coulson didn't think of that. You outsmarted us again. Phil's around? Great. We actually have a lot to talk about. Oh, and I want you to know...you scientist friends...they were brave until their last breath. Raina told me how special Skye is. I know you've seen that from the start. You want orders? Get her. Thank you. 篇二:热播美剧台词 1 Where there is kindness,there is goodness .Where there goodness,there is magic.--灰姑娘 哪里有仁爱,哪里就有善行,哪里有善行,哪里就有奇迹。

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《神盾局特工》经典台词大全篇一:神盾局特工第一季第22集英文对白AGENTS OF13:30~15:30All right ,what do we want?There’s a three-wheel over there.Here comes a Humvee that has better fireworks.Hold on.Now, that’s what I’m talking about.You bring a noisemaker?Sir, I bring the noise and the funk wherever I go.Hey-ho, friends! The enemy approaches. Careful, now, or they’ll win the day.Over there.You know where to put this next one.Nice work, guys.The window’s open.Relax.Practice drills. The compound’s secure. You have nothing to worry about. Tell us what the hell is going on out there, or you can kiss a government contract goodbye.G-gentlemen, gentlemen, please, I beg you ...Don’t beg theme, Quinn. You’re not a rottweiler. We don’t need their scraps.Who the hell is this?This is our strategy consultant, John Garrett.I want full disclosure right now, or our boys will come in and shut you down. Why do I hear gunfire?You hear the dying breath of an old world, general, and a new world is coming. I’ve tasted it on my tongue.This is your strategy consultant?He’s ... part time.New strategy ... you shut your mouth and give us everything we want.You threaten a United States general, and there are consequences.Oh, you feel powerful now, don’t you? But you’re all just slaves who will serve our future.17:51~20:43More than six. Here they come.These windows can’t take many more hits like that ,sir. Let’s hope they don’t have to.Could on, we’ve found the dealer. This is a bomb. You knowwhat those do. And you’ve seen Agent May here through the eyes ofyour super soldiers, so you know what she does. You don’t want to mess with us, is my point.You’re not gonna be able to hijack our soldiers. We’ve thought through every emergency scenario, including this one. Don’t tell me you just switched the soldiers to default directive.Yeah, I did. And how did you know about that?Time for the guns?Time for the guns.(DEFAULT DIRECTIVE)Stay. Stay.(DEFEND JOHN GARRETT AT ALL COSTS.)Good boys.They’re off to defend Garrett.And lead me right to him. Now that we’re inside go contact our forces. Make some noise on the way out. Trip, if the rest of us don’t make it, I still want this place to burn. I prefer you make it, sir.Me, too.The compound’s been hit.Raina and Quinn took off. We need to take action now. What are my orders?That’s up to you, son.Wake up! Come back to reality, John. What do you need me to do?You’ve already done it. It’s your handler, probably to tell me what the soldiers are seeing.Yeah.Hi, John. Just calling to catch up.Skye. You sound different on the phone...Huskier.You curious why I’m calling from your soldier control center? No, I’m not too concerned. You see, if anyone but the assigned handler give a directive to one of my men, well, kaboom. Ah, darn it. Coulson didn’t think of that. You outsmarted us again. Phil’s around? Great. We actually have a lot to talk about. Oh, and I want you to know...you scientist friends...they were brave until their last breath. Raina told me how special Skye is. I know you’ve seen that from the start. You want orders? Get her.Thank you.篇二:热播美剧台词1Where there is kindness,there is goodness .Where there goodness,there is magic.--灰姑娘哪里有仁爱,哪里就有善行,哪里有善行,哪里就有奇迹。

2The only limitation is never goes as weplanned.--超能陆战队你的渴望是你能力的唯一限制,生活从不按套路出牌。

3You feel different,’cause you are different.--神盾局特工4I just live by the ABCs:Adventures,Brave,Creative.--白日梦想家我的生存法则:冒险精神,无所畏惧,极富创意5I had to keep breathing,even though there was no reason to hope.--荒岛余生6Smiling doesn’t always mean you’re ,it means that you are a strong person.--吸血鬼日记7The island held many live,I had to make myself into a weapon.--绿箭侠8I love three things in the world,the sun,the moon and sun for the day,the moon for the night and you forever--暮光之城我爱这世界上3样东西,太阳,月亮,还有你。

我爱你与日月同辉9For you,a thousand times over.—追风筝的人10We laughed and kept saying “see you soon “,but inside we both knew we’d never see each other again.海上钢琴师我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期11I think you like living short strories, but I am kinda ready for the novel.我知道你喜欢像短篇小说般精彩的生活,但是我更喜欢生活像长篇小说般细水长流12You deserve so much better than him. You should be with a guy who knows what he has when he has you.你值得拥有一个比他更好的男人,一个懂得珍惜疼爱你的男人。

13I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant tobe caged. Their feathers are just too bright--肖申克的救赎我时刻提醒自己,有些鸟儿是注定不能被关在笼子里,因为它们的羽毛实在太闪亮了14The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. --怦然心动篇三:神盾局特工演职员表编辑演员表职员表制作人原著杰弗瑞·贝尔、乔斯·韦登、毛丽莎·谭查罗恩斯坦·李、杰克·科比导演副导演(助理)编剧摄影乔斯·韦登、Bobby Roth、Jesse Bochco、David Straiton、Vince Misiano、Bill Gierhart、乔纳森·弗雷克斯、洛克萨妮·道森、Cheylov Maileen Williams、Harmony Gosbee、Katie Carroll 乔斯·韦登Joss Whedon、杰德·韦登Jed Whedon、毛丽莎·谭查罗恩Maurissa Tancharoen David Boyd、Feliks Parnell、Jeffrey C. Mygatt配乐剪辑艺术指导美术设计服装设计展开 Bear McCreary Paul Trejo、Debby Germino、Joshua Charson Gregory Melton Roland Rosenkranz、Alex Hajdu Ann Foley、贝丝·海曼[演职员表信息来源][7]角色介绍编辑菲尔·寇森探员(AgentPhil Coulson)是这个特工队小组组长。
