
上海优莜商务咨询有限公司测试稿姓名,E-mail ,英译中耗时,中译英耗时说明:1、本次测试没有时间限制,但是请认真、诚实的完成测试;完成测试后请将本Word文档回传至HR@。
英译中:“Encumbrances” means any form of legal or equitable encumbrance, or security interests, including, but not limited to, any mortgage, assignment of receivables, debenture, lien, charge, pledge, title retention agreement or arrangement, claim, hypothecation, options, right of first offer, any preference or pre-emptive arrangement (including title transfers and retention arrangements or otherwise), beneficial interest and any other encumbrance or condition whatsoever or any other arrangements having similar effect, whether imposed by Applicable Law or contract and includes any arrangement which has the effect of the above; provided however that any options, right of first offer or any preference or pre-emptive arrangement relating to Securities of the Company, as set out in this Agreement and the Articles of Association of the Company shall not constitute an Encumbrance over the Securities;译文:中译英:2.5.2从2月1日到10月1日期间,除非甲方提前书面同意,乙方不得擅自与其他任何互联网,报纸杂志,电视等媒体签署合作协议。

(《新唐书•苗晋卿传》)(1)下列对文中画线部分的断句,正确的一项是()A. 明年/徙魏郡/即充河北/采访使居三年/政化大行/尝入计/谒归壶关/望县门辄步/吏谏止/B. 明年/徙魏郡/即充河北采访使/居三年/政化大行/尝入计/谒归壶关/望县门辄步/吏谏止/C. 明年/徙魏郡/即充河北采访使/居三年/政化大行/尝入计谒/归壶关/望县门辄步/吏谏止/D. 明年/徙魏郡/即充河北/采访使居三年/政化大行/尝入计谒/归壶关/望县门辄步/吏谏止/(2)下列对文中加下划线词语的相关内容的解说,不正确的一项是()A. 薨:古代只把诸侯或有爵位的官员死去,称为薨。

前面10小段的内容来自一本书的序言:Technology changes so rapidly that no scientist or engineer can keep up with his own field, much less with technology in general.科技更新的如此之快,以至于没有任何一个科学家或工程师愿意只固守于他们自己的专业,而对其他常用(通用)的科技一窍不通。
For an idea of what is to come—in magnitude if not in specifics—look to the past. In the last ninety years, the world has shrunk, while human experience has expanded almost beyond the recognition of those who grew up in our grandparents’ generation. 至于以后的科技会变成啥样-从广义而不是从狭义的角度上来说- 看看过去。
最近的90年里,世界变得如此之小,而人类的经验In transportation and communications, the changes have been even more pronounced.In 1945, when the first atomic bomb fused the sand of Alamogordo, New Mexico, the shot was not heard around the world; rumors of a massive explosion in the desert were easily contained. Only a half century later, someone born in Massachusetts is more likely than not to attend college in Chicago, find a job in Seattle, vacation in Mexico, and retire in Florida.From our offices in suburban Virginia and rural New Hampshire, Paris, Singapore, Buenos Aires , and Sydney are all as close as Washington and Boston, none more distant than the few steps to the computer.(请找到主语再翻译)Around the globe, we will spend the rest of our lives finding things to say to people we will never meet in person.以下一段测试内容来自欧盟的一个政策咨询报告:Furthermore, political decisions are typically taken on the basis of the distributional consequences — which groups will be advantaged — rather than the overall welfare of society. Costs are not necessarily assessed against the marginal benefits. A recent substantial increase in the subsidy to tertiary students was arguably driven more by advantaging a particular group than by enhancing the social return from public investment in education.以下四段摘自本公司最近承接的欧洲大气质量标准翻译项目:Upon submission of a complete program, EPA will conduct a public hearing, if interest is shown, and determine whether to approve or disapprove the program(项目) taking into consideration the requirements of this part, the Safe Drinking Water Act and any comments received.(来源:20110454材料11-1)As used in this part, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them by the Act.Exceedance with respect to a national ambient air quality standard means one occurrence of a measured or modeled concentration that exceeds the specified concentration level of such standard for the averaging period specified by the standard.(来源:20110454材料5-3)MULTIPLE FUEL COMBUSTION INSTALLATIONSFor multiple fuel combustion installations, the regulations for the particular fuels shall apply respectively; notwithstanding, the requirements for solid fuels concerning the reduction of dust emissions shall apply for a period of four hours after the change-over from solid to gaseous fuels or to fuel oils listed in DIN 51603 Part 1. (来源:20110454材料1)以下几段来自于美国国际商学院认证文件翻译项目:In this environment, management education must prepare students to contribute to their organizations and the larger society and to grow personally and professionally throughout their careers. The objective of management education accreditation(工商管理教育认证) is to assist programs to meet these challenges.(来源:20110464 材料2-2 P174-P179)The content was developed based on experiences from AACSB peer reviews, feedback from AACSB accreditation committees, discussions from AACSB Conferences and Seminars, as well as other general feedback. Additionally, the paper draws significantly from materials that can be found in the Assessment Resource Center.The AOL standards support two principles which are the foundation of AACSB accreditation, accountability and continuous improvement. In terms of accountability, “…Measures of learning(学习测评) can assure external constituents such as potential students, trustees, public officials, supporters, and accreditors, that the organization meets its goals”. In terms of continuous improvement,“… By measuring goals, can use the measures to plan improvement efforts, and (depending on the type of measures)can provide feedback and guidance for individual students”.。

二、合同类,中译英如果自约定的进场施工之日起满24个月,乙方项目经审计固定资产投资额低于人民币300 万元/亩,则乙方应在期满后一个月内向甲方指定单位以补交土地款的方式补足落地投资额差额。

高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解一、建议信:“放飞梦想”英语周活动(2024年河南省普通高中毕业班高考适应性测试)假如你是李华,你校计划举行以“Fly Your Dream”为主题的英语周活动。
Dear Chris,Yours,Li Hua写作注意要点1.基本时态为一般将来时。
【参考范文】Dear Chris,I am glad to learn that our school is scheduled to hold an English week activity of "Flying Your Dreams". This activity, I believe, will be of extraordinary significance. And here comes my proposal.Themed with "dream", it would be preferable to focus on the diversity in various forms of the big event. On the top of my list are stage activities, ranging from painting and speech contests, to the English song performance. Flying kites is another alternative. Every individual can make a kite with a dream on it and fly their dreams. Not only will it stimulate the students' interest, it will also improve their hands-on ability, killing two birds with one stone.I hope my suggestions are of some help and wish this event a complete success!Yours,Li Hua【中文翻译】亲爱的克里斯老师:欣闻学校计划举办一次“放飞梦想”英语周活动,我相信这次活动一定意义非凡。

2023-2024学年山东省淄博市张店区八年级(上)期中语文试卷(五四学制)一、基础知识积累与运用(共18分)1.(3分)下列句子中加点词语的注音有误的一项是( )A.朱墙点白梅,翘首(qiáo shǒu)盼春至。
D.这些牺牲的革命先烈,把信仰镌刻(juān kè)在雪山之巅,用生命铸就了不朽的精神丰碑。
2.(3分)下列句子中有错别字的一项是( )A.1937年12月13日,日本侵略军占领中国南京,使用集体枪杀、活埋、刀劈、火烧等惨绝人寰的手段,进行了长达40多天的血腥屠杀。
3.(3分)下列句子中,加点成语使用有误的一项是( )A.穿着礼服的孩子,正襟危坐、神采奕奕。

Example: "Don't miss out on our upcoming webinar where industry experts will share their insider tips for success! Click here to secure your spot and gain valuable insights that will help you take your business to new heights!"

学校英语演讲稿优秀范文带翻译1good morning everyone, today is my turn to the speech. first of all, i would liketo say that a quick test, we hope that the good preparation, good test for all, isthe only way home for a good year. my english is not high, i wish i could within thene_t two years to learn english well. i hope you will be able to learn english aftergraduation to have a good future. finally, i wish the students and teachers a happynew year, further study and work. well! i finished the speech. thank you for listening。

英译中:Epidemic Failure.For the purpose of this Agreement, “Epidemic Failure” will be deemed to have occurred where more than four percent (4%) of the shipments from any consecutive thirty (30) day period within the applicable warranty period of any Product should fail in substantially the same manner. In the case of Epidemic Failure, FFF and Customer will cooperate to implement the following procedure: (i) Customer will promptly notify FFF upon discovery of the failure and will supply FFF with samples of the failure; (ii) within two business days of receipt of the failed samples FFF will give an initial response to Customer indicating its preliminary plan for diagnosing and addressing the problem; (iii) FFF and Customer will jointly exert all commercially reasonable efforts to diagnose the problem and plan a workaround or more permanent solution; (iv) if the problem is a result of a breach of FFF Express Limited Warranty set forth in Section 5.1 or the Design Warranty set forth in Section 5.2, which defects are actually experienced by users and which result in a material adverse impact on the performance of the phone, then FFF will be responsible for the costs incurred in rectifying the Epidemic Failure, including, engineering changes and or Product repair or replacement costs.。

《点亮高考》考点18 文言翻译(检测)(解析版)-高考语文大一轮单元复习(全国通用)

考点18 文言翻译一、各地模拟精准对译1.【广东省梅州市高三一模】13.把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。
3.【黑龙江省大庆市高考模拟语文试卷】13. 把文中划线的句子译成现代汉语。
(8 分)(1)毛文龙自诩镇江之捷,当关者欲藉之收觉华岛,渐图河西。
(4 分)6. 【长沙市一中考试卷(七)】13.把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。
(8 分)(1)于时刁协、刘隗用事,王导颇见疏远。
(4 分)(2)病笃,遗令敛以时服,乡邑义赗,一不得受。
(4 分)7.【河北省高三复习联考语文试题】13.把文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。
” (3)秦人不意赵师至此,其来气盛,将军必厚集其阵以待之。

daily 日报morning edition 晨报evening edition 晚报quality paper 高级报纸popular paper 大众报纸evening paper 晚报government organ 官报part organ 党报trade paper 商界报纸Chinese paper 中文报纸English newspaper 英文报纸vernacular paper 本国文报纸Japanese paper 日文报纸political news 政治报纸Newspaper Week 新闻周刊the front page 头版,第一版bulldog edition 晨版article 记事headline 标题banner headline 头号大标题byline 标题下署名之行dateline 日期、发稿地之行big news 头条新闻hot news 最新新闻exclusive news 独家新闻scoop 特讯feature 特写,花絮criticism 评论editorial 社论review, comment 时评book review 书评topicality 时事问题city news 社会新闻column 栏letters 读者投书栏general news column 一般消息栏cartoon, comics 漫画cut 插图weather forecast 天气预报serial story 新闻小说obituary notice 讣闻public notice 公告advertisement 广告classified ad 分类广告flash-news 大新闻extra 号外the sports page 运动栏literary criticism 文艺评论Sunday features 周日特刊new**eat 记者采访地区news blackout 新闻管制press ban 禁止刊行yellow sheet 低俗新闻tabloid 图片版新闻"Braille" edition 点字版newspaper office 报社publisher 发行人proprieter 社长bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑editor-in-chief 总主笔editor 编辑, 主笔newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者reporter 采访记者war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者columnist 专栏记者star reporter 一流通讯员correspondent 通讯员special correspondent 特派员contributor 投稿家news source 新闻来源informed sources 消息来源newspaper campaign 新闻战free-lancer writer 自由招待会press box 记者席news conference, press conference 记者招待会International Press Association 国际新闻协会distribution 发行circulation 发行份数newsstand, kiosk 报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处new**oy 报童subscription (rate) 报费newsprint 新闻用纸Fleet Street 舰队街Publicationmagazine 杂志periodical 期刊back number 过期杂志pre-dated 提前出版的world news 国际新闻home news 国内新闻news agency 新闻社editor 编辑commentator 评论员reporter, correspondent, journalist 记者resident correspondent 常驻记者special correspondent 特派记者editorial, leading article 社论feature, feature article 特写headline 标题banner headline 通栏标题news report, news story, news coverage 新闻报导serial, to serialize 连载serial story 小说连载editor's note 编者按advertisement, ad 广告press commnique 新闻公报press conference 记者招待会publication 出版publishing house, press 出版社publisher 发行者circulation 发行量edition 版本the first edition 初版the second edition 再版the third edition 第三版the first impression 第一次印刷the second impression 第二次印刷de luxe edition 精装本paperback 平装本pocket edition 袖珍本popular edition 普及版copyright 版权royalty 版税type-setting, composition 排版proof-reading 校对工作proof-reader 校对(者)editing 编辑(工作)editor 编辑(者)printing 印刷printing machine 印刷机type-setter, compositor 排字工人folio 对开本quarto 四开本octavo 八开本16-mo 十六开本32-mo 三十二开本64-mo 六十四开本reference book 参考书booklet, pamphlet 小册子, 小书periodical 期刊magazine 杂志daily 日报weekly 周刊fortnightly 半月刊monthly 月刊bimonthly 双月刊quarterly 季刊annual 年刊year-book 年鉴extra issue (报纸)号外special issue 特刊daily paper 日报evening paper 晚报morning paper 晨报Sunday newspaper 星期日报manual, handbook 手册document.paper 公文pictorial magazine 画报memorial volume 纪念刊selected works, selections 选集complete works 全集anthology 文集, 文选scientific literature 科学文献index 索引original edition 原版(书)new edition 新版revised edition 修订版reprint 重印, 翻印cheap edition, paperback 廉价本encyclopaedia, encyclopedia 百科全书textbook 教科书reader 读本best seller 畅销书accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。

月份翻译预测作文英文In January, people often make New Year's resolutions and set goals for the year ahead. It's a time for fresh starts and new beginnings.February is the month of love, with Valentine's Day being the highlight. It's a time to show appreciation for the people we care about and to celebrate love in all its forms.March is the beginning of spring, a time when nature starts to come alive again after the cold winter months. It's a time for new growth and renewal.April is known for its unpredictable weather, with showers bringing May flowers. It's a time of transition, when we start to see the first signs of spring.May is a time for outdoor activities and enjoying the warmer weather. It's a time to appreciate the beauty ofnature and to spend time outside.June marks the beginning of summer, a time for vacations, barbecues, and outdoor fun. It's a time to relax and enjoy the longer days.July is the month for celebrating independence, with fireworks and parades in many countries. It's a time to reflect on freedom and the values of liberty.August is a time for vacations and relaxation, as many people take time off to enjoy the last days of summer. It's a time to recharge before the busy fall months.September is a time of transition, as summer comes toan end and we prepare for the cooler weather ahead. It's a time to get back into routines and start new projects.October is the month of Halloween, with costumes, candy, and spooky decorations. It's a time for fun and festivities, and a chance to embrace the spirit of the season.November is a time for gratitude, with Thanksgiving being the focal point. It's a time to reflect on the things we are thankful for and to spend time with loved ones.December is a time for celebration, with holidays such as Christmas and Hanukkah bringing people together. It's a time for giving, sharing, and spreading joy.。

píng héng (平衡) fáng ài (妨碍)fēn fù (吩咐) chóu xiè(酬谢)shāng yì (商议)hū xiào (呼啸)yāo qǐng (邀请) jìn gōng (进攻)2、给下列加点字选择正确的读音,打“√”。
间(jiān√ jiàn)隔强(qiáng√ qiǎng)逼削(xuē√ xiāo)弱任(rén rèn√)丘冠(guān√ guàn)军落(lào luò√)枕着(zhuó zháo√)急便(pián biàn√)宜3、比一比,再组词。

() 5 标准 :标准代号.标准名称.出版地 :出版者.出版年. [ ] G / 09 11—20 . D t mnt no ni n npl s rrs n rdcst odcn 1 B T50 . 0 03 e r iao f t yi o et ei adpout o f o- e i a mo y e n r o tnr adpcai a r l ei :S n a r s f h a 食品容器及包装材料用聚酯树 a e n akg g t is in t dr Pe i ( i s n m e a .B j g a d s o C n 脂及其成型品中锑的测定.北京 :中国标准出版社 ) 04 .20 .
管理人 员 和教 育工 作者 。
栏 目介绍
( ) 究报告 :具有较 高 学术 价值 的分 析 测试研 究 成果 ,一 般 600字 ( 1研 0 包括 图表 、照片 ,下 同 ) 以下 。 ( ) 究简报 :在前人 研 究基础 上 具有 创造 性 的研 究成果 ,一般 50 0字 以下 。 2研 0
参考文献建议 1 篇以上 ,尽量引用最新英文文献 ,以引用先后顺序编号( 5 注于正文相应处) ,必须 引用作者直接阅读的原文文献 ;内部资料 、私人通讯一律不得 引用。中文文献 采用 中英文对照表述 , 日文 、俄文等非英文文献用英文表述。待发表的文章需引用时 ,必须注明刊物名称。文献需仔细校核。 书写格式和示例如下 : () 1 期刊 :全部作者的姓名.期刊名,年 ,卷( ) 期 :起止页码. [ ] A n di 1 mi dnM,Mlr u ie JN.Tlna 95,4 ( ) 7 78 l aat,19 2 6 :75— 7 .

限时:2小时姓名:______开始时间:________ 结束时间:__________ 用时:___分钟一、必做题(全部翻译)1.Patient work of breathing is defined as the summation of two work components: work of the lung and work of the chest wall.2. Motor not rotating when it should be.3. The nurse call system can be tested, after connected to the hospital oxygen outlet, by running the pump and simulating an alarm condition.4. Dielectric test voltage (V=Test voltage in 8.8.3 times 1.6)5. Press CO2/mmHg icon to change to kPa or kPa to change to CO2/mmHg6.Like the sprinkling of stars in the heavens, dynamic Indonesia is set against a background of blue oceans, majestic volcanoes, abundant forests, fertile land, and packed with people of all shades and cultures. These strange fish are from the family of gobies, but have adapted in such a way that they are able to live outside the water for extended periods of time, using their fins to …walk‟ on land. Mudskipper burrows play an important role in the mangroves, aerating, draining and turning the dense waterlogged soil - a direct benefit to the plants, which in turn give them shelter.二、选做题(任选其中两段翻译)第1段(技术类)Customers‟ ideas of the Smart Grid“Auto-balancing, self-monitoring power grid that accepts any source of fuel (coal, sun, wind) and transforms it into a consumer‟s end use (heat, light, warm water) with minimal human intervention.”“A system that will allow society to optimize the use of renewable energy sources and minimize our collective environmental footprint.”“It is a grid that has the ability to sense when a part of its system is overloaded and reroute power to reduce that o verload and prevent a potential outage situation.”第2段(技术类)Transformers emit a low-frequency, interference noise that people living in their vicinity experience as an irritating “hum” and can hear even against a noisy background. The power industry produces a range of solutions to abate humming, which ori ginates from the transformer‟s core, when it is loaded, and from the windings. Core noise is generated by the magnetostriction (changes in shape for magnetic field) of the core‟s laminations when a magnetic field passes through them. It is also known as “n o-load noise,” as it is independent from the noise caused by load current passing through the transformer. Magnetostriction takes place at twice the frequency of the supply voltage: for a 50Hz AC supply, a core‟s lamination vibrates at 100 cycles per secon d. If applying higher frequency AC voltage supply, the magnetic flux density will be higher, and even-order harmonic distortion frequency will be much higher. When resonance frequency of core or tank coincides with its exciting frequency, the noise level will further increase.第3段(法律合同类)The employee covenants and agrees that all documents and equipment relating to the business of the Client that he/she shall use or prepare or come into contact with, including without limitation memoranda, notes, records, files, customer lists, plans, source codes, reports, documents containing technical or commercial data, drawings, programs as well as other documents (and all copies thereof) shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Client. The employee further agrees to deliver such property to the Client immediately upon the termination of this agreement or at any other time at the request of the Client.The employee agrees that all projects, drawings, creations (software or other), technical improvements, new processes, in brief all inventions in any shape, manner or form of which he/she would become the author or co-author during and/or in accordance with his/her employment, belong to the Client and no compensation whatsoever will be due by either the Company or the Client. The Client can decide autonomously and unrestricted on the reproduction, exploitation or any other shape, manner or form of application or use of said realizations.第4段(医药类)The most frequent cause of PPH is postpartum uterine atony. Consequently, effective active management of the third stage of labour is key in preventing PPH. Active management with uterotonic agents, including oxytocin, ergotamine and prostaglandins has proven effective in reducing the incidence of PPH. However, the short half-life of oxytocin necessitates administration by continuous infusion and both ergotamine and prostaglandins are associated with more significant maternal side effects.Pabal®contains carbetocin –a structural analogue of human oxytocin –the first long-acting uterotonic agent indicated for the prevention of PPH in caesarean section. When compared with existing uterotonic agents, Pabal® has a rapid onset and longer duration of action and is more effective than oxytocin with a comparable safety profile. Pabal® is administered as a single intravenous injection, a procedure that is much simpler than the continuous infusion required foroxytocin and eliminates the risk of infusion errors.第5段(物流类)Logistics services at international cargo transportations are probably their main element. Logistics services are urged to solve almost all tasks connected to international cargo transportation –logisticians develop an optimum itinerary of transportation, select transport, and also supervise the whole process. Besides, the logistics implies solving of all tasks in warehousing, including maintenance of responsible storage at intermediate points.Frequently in order to carry out international transportation of cargoes, it is required to address the specialised logistical company which would plan the itinerary and the way of cargo delivery. If you search for the international logistical company note if this company has its own transport, operational experience, contracts of cooperation with the largest air carriers of cargoes. Otherwise you risk to conclude a bargain with intermediaries, who would not only take the double price, but also bring additional expenditures to the international cargo transportation process, including time expenditures.。

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经典英语演讲稿带翻译Aseveryoneknows,,,thenumberofthepeople whogotolearnEnglishhasincreasedatahighs peed.Butformyself,IlearnEnglishnotonlybecause ofitsimportanceanditsusefulness,,Ica,Icanfe el,,Icanseethebeautywhichisnotthesameaso urchinese...IloveEnglish,,,becauseitisthebirthplaceofE nglish.IalsowanttousemygoodEnglishtointroduce ourgreatplacestotheEnglishspokenpeople,I hopethattheycanloveourcountrylikeus.Iknow,,onedayIcanspeakEnglishverywell.Ifyouwanttobeloved,,itwilllovemetoo.IamsurethatIwillrealizemydreamoneday!Thankyou!正如每个人所知,英语在今天十分重要。

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英译汉:原文1:Now, new high-performance plastics and advanced composites (fancy versions of fiberglass)are set to transform products and production processes. Because they are entirely artificial, plastics and composites for specific uses can be tailor-made by scientists from the molecules upwards.The new plastics can be cheaper, lighter, and stronger than metals. They can lower manufacturing costs because they use less energy, they don’t need painting, and they can reduce many parts into one molding.Of course, plastics are already used in a whole variety of new applications, from domestic kettles and contact lens to polyvinyl chloride pipe and safety glass. But now, high technology has given us the squeezable plastic ketchup bottle, the plastic army helmet, and the plastic bulletproof vest. Recent years have also seen the invention of plastics that conduct electricity, plastics that change color with variations in temperature or voltage, plastics that can be washed away with water, and plastics that disappear after 60 days in sunlight without spoiling the environment.New materials lie behind past, present, and promised advances in semiconductors, the very basis of the computer revolution. Transistors, integrated circuits, and the chip itself only came about because materials scientists learned how to process silicon from common beach sand. Now materials processes such as plasma etching and entirely new materials like gallium arsenide are creating a new generation of superchips. In the related sphere of photonics—in which light pulses are generated by lasers and transmitted by fiber-optic cables—advances are promising to make optical computing a reality.原文2:Customer having received from Supplier Documents, know-how, data or information (hereinafter "Information") agrees not to reproduce or disclose such Information to any third party, without Sup plier’s prior written consent, and to use Information only for the purpose authorized by Supplier. Customer also agrees to appropriately instruct its employees having access to such Information of Customer’s confidentiality obligations and to duly restrict access of such Information to employees who have a need to know it in their scope of employment. Customer agrees to carefully protect Supplier’s Information, and at least with the same degree of care used in protecting its similar information. In the event Supplier has consented to the disclosure of Information to a third party by Customer, Customer shall procure that such third party undertakes to be bound by the confidentiality obligations imposed on Customer by this Contract and shallindemnify and hold harmless Supplier from any damage incurred through the breach of said confidentiality obligation by the third party.汉译英:原文1:“十一五”期间,我国利用外资的指导思想是:全面贯彻落实科学发展观,积极有效利用外资;统筹国内发展和对外开放,妥善处理好利用外资和国际收支平衡、利用外资与用好国内资金之间的关系,促进国内产业结构、区域经济结构的调整优化,切实提高利用外资的质量;推动建立更加开放的自主创新体系,增强集成创新能力和引进消化吸收再创新能力;在扩大开放中积极主动抵御和化解各种风险,切实保障国家经济安全;进一步巩固、发挥和创造我国的比较优势,实施互利共赢的开放战略,在更大范围、更广领域和更高层次上积极参与国际经济科技合作与竞争。
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春运北京铺一条舒适快捷回家路Spring Festival Travel Rush in BeijingPave a comfortable and convenient way back home文/刘超Text: Liu Chao短短40天,出行人次达三十多亿,这个被称为“人类史上最大规模的周期性迁徙”就是中国人熟悉的春运。
China kicked off its annual Lunar New Year travel rush on January 16th, which is also known as the world's largest periodic migration in the history of mankind. In just 40 days, more than three billion trips are expected to be made by February 24th, with passengers of homecoming ahead of the festival, travelling during the holiday and returning to school after the holiday as main source of traffic. Looking back in 2013, a record 3.4 billion trips were made. Merely in Beijing, over 36,500 thousand passengers were transported. This year, the trips depart from Beijing will reach 37,380 thousand. With increasing volume of passengers, Chinese authorities begin to concentrate on providing guests with more comfortable and convenient ways back home, rather than only managing to let them return home.增大运力筹备春运让回家的人平安上路Majors measures to ensure passengers’ safe journeys北京市春运客流高峰主要由学生流、返乡流、探亲流与公务流集聚而形成,短时间内大量的出行人次通常会给北京市交通带来较大的压力。
The passenger peak flows in Beijing during the Spring Festival mainly include students, migrant workers and ones on business or for family visits, which will bring greater pressure on Beijing’s traffic with its large number of passenger trips in a short time. In order to guarantee a safe and comfortable journey back home during the Spring Festival, Chinese transportation departments including railways, highways, aviation and other sectors will focus on ensuring transport capacity.在传统的交通方式中,承担了较大客流压力的铁路运输依然是春运的重头戏。
Among the traditional modes of transportation, the railway transport still takes the lead to handle more trips during the Spring Festival. According to the data provided by coordination groups for the festival, for part of the railway, Beijing Railway Bureau will arrange a total of 525 scheduled and extra passenger trains, with 75 extra passenger trains ahead of the holiday and 72 after the holiday; Moreover, the railway network booking system will be upgraded and inter-provincial real-name ticketing systems implemented, while ticket windows and opening hours are to be added as needed, providing various forms of services. For motorway, the policy of giving free passage to small passenger cars will remain in effect. In addition, based on the forecasted passenger flow and prepared transport capacity, 11 inter-provincial bus terminals in Beijing plans to add 5,211 shifts and prepare 905 buses to guarantee passengers’ demand by timely coping with any change in passenger flow. In terms of civil aviation, the Civil Aviation Administration will facilitate more passengers by adjusting and optimizing air routes and flights, enlarging the aircraft type in coordination with airline companies.春运高峰的到来增大了市内交通的压力。
The arrival of the spring festival travel rush increases the pressure on the urban traffic. With subways and public buses and trams as Beijing's main public transportation system, the rails are scheduled to transit 240 thousand trips and vehicles 5,850 thousand trips, among which 38 thousand is expected to dispatch during the Golden Week of Spring Festival.Beijing Rail Traffic Control Center, Beijing Subway Operating Company, Beijing MTR Corporation Limited will timely adjust timetables for trains or flights such as adding extra passenger train or airline at the four railway stations and airport, in the meanwhile, the transport authorities will also provide good transportation services on traffic routes covering universities, temple fairs, tourist attractions. Taxis, another mode of transport, are becoming a complementary tool to dispatch passengers at the airport, railway station and the main distribution centre. Especially in bad weather, drivers of empty taxis can get the latest news through the traffic radio and telephone scheduling system to make up the shortage of transport capacity.。