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答辩状(书、词):Statement of Defense

综上所述:By reason of the foregoing;

申请人:the Claimant(注意一定要大写)

被申请人:the Respondent

答辩人:the Respondent (注意一定要大写)

Certificate of Discount or Return

简易程序summary procedure

特别程序:Special procedure

普通程序:Common procedure

普通程序简化审:Simplified Common Procedure

中级人民法院:the Intermediate People’s Court;

高级人民法院:the Higher People’s Court;

最高人民法院:the Supreme People’s Court;

财产保全: Property Preservation

财产保全材料:Materials for Property Preservation;

申请人代理人:Attorneys for the Claimant;

答辩人代理人:Attorneys for the Respondent;

举证期间:Proof Limitation;

答辩期:Defense Period

窜货:Cross Region Sale


窜货罚款:fines for Cross Region Sale

答辩证据补充材料:Supplementary Materials to the Defense Evidences 答辩陈述书: Statement of Defense;

答辩补充意见:Supplementary Opinions of Attorneys

仲裁代理词:Arbitration Statement of Attorneys

补充仲裁代理词:Supplementary Arbitration Statement of Attorneys; 不认可:deny; denial; ; disavow/ disavowal;

货物入库确认:inbound goods confirmation;

自然天:calendar days;

自然月:calendar month;

月未盘存表:Month End Inventory Sheet;

证据(三)之证据三十六: Evidence 36 of Evidence Materials III;

工作日/营业日:business day;

结算周期:Settlement Period;

结算日:Settlement Day;

日报表:Daily Statement;

当日销售及存货报表:Daily Sales and Stock Statement;

货款:Payment for Goods;

仲裁请求:Arbitration claims;

实际付款日:Actual Payment Day;

应计利息:Accrued Interest on;

双方之间的合作:cooperation between both Parties;

公证证言:Notarized Deposition;


尊敬的仲裁员:Honorable Arbitrators;

通力律师事务所:Llinks Law Offices

金杜律师事务所:King & Wood Law Office



仲裁裁决书:Arbitral Award;

代理词:Statement of Attorney

仲裁代理词:Arbitration Statement of Attorney;

银行存款调节表Bank reconciliation statement

在途存款Outstanding deposit

在途支票Outstanding check

应付凭单Vouchers payable

应收帐款Account receivable

应收票据Note receivable

损益表Loss and Profits Statement

期初数beginning balance

中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (hereinafter “CIETAC”)

中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会CIETAC Shanghai Chapter or CIETAC Shanghai Commission

裁决书 Arbitral Award

仲裁员名册Panel of Arbitrators

文书在述及法律法规的章、条、款及项的译法:编:Part;章:Chapter; 条:Article; 款:Paragraph; 项:Sub- paragraph; (请注意首字母必须大写) 仲裁庭:Arbitration Tribunal

仲裁规则:Arbitration Rules

本地仲裁规则:Domestic Arbitration Rules

对帐表(单)Reconciliation Statement(s)

代理词:Statement of Attorney

销售汇总:Sales Summary


返利额:amount of rebate

销售收入:sales income

最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定:Several Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Evidence in Civil Procedures (简称为“证据规则”,“Evidence Rules”)

最高法院咨询委员会:The Supreme Court Advisory Committee 捏造:fabricate


司法鉴定:Judicial expertise /Judicial Appraisal

司法鉴定书:Report of Judicial Expertise /Judicial Appraisal
