
神经解剖学考试试题一、选择题(每题5分,共50分)1. 下列哪个视觉区域位于颞叶内侧面?A. 视网膜B. 半月回C. 视皮质D. 显著核2. 下列哪个脑区负责平衡和姿势调节?A. 小脑B. 皮层网状结构C. 丘脑D. 下丘脑3. 神经元的胞体主要包括下列哪些结构?A. 树突、轴突B. 轴突、突触C. 轴突、细胞核D. 树突、突触4. 下列哪对脑神经负责眼球外展运动?A. 嗜长蛇神经B. 视神经C. 动眼神经D. 左滑和右滑神经5. 神经系统主要由下列哪两部分组成?A. 中枢神经系统和外周神经系统B. 大脑和小脑C. 大脑皮层和脑干D. 中脑和小脑二、判断题(每题5分,共30分)1. 颞叶是大脑的最后发育区域。
正确 / 错误2. 小脑位于颅腔的中央位置。
正确 / 错误3. 轴突主要负责传递神经冲动。
正确 / 错误4. 新生儿的神经系统发育比成人完善。
正确 / 错误5. 皮质类固醇激素的合成和释放都受到下丘脑的控制。
正确 / 错误三、问答题(每题20分,共40分)1. 简要介绍下脊髓的结构及其功能。
2. 解释下下丘脑的作用和主要功能。
1. 患者A可能患有哪种神经系统疾病?2. 简要描述该疾病的病理生理机制。
3. 提出一个治疗该疾病的可能方案。
答案与解析:一、选择题1. C2. A3. C4. C5. A二、判断题1. 错误2. 错误3. 正确4. 错误5. 正确三、问答题1. 脊髓是神经系统的一部分,位于脊柱内。
2. 下丘脑是大脑的一部分,主要负责调节内分泌系统、体温调节、睡眠和饮食等基本生理功能。
四、材料题1. 患者A可能患有帕金森病。

首都医科大学神经解剖学真题(2004年) 一、名词解释(每题5分,共60分)1、腰骶干2、睫状神经节3、脊髓节段4、缰核5、边缘系统6、前脑内侧束 7.saphenous nerve 8.celiac plexus 9.climbing fiber 10.primary somatic motor area11.cavernous sinus 12. tympanic nerve 二、选择题(2*15,1-7为单选,8-15为多选) 1、支配第二蚓状肌的神经是A.肌皮神经B.腋神经C.正中神经D.尺神经E.桡神经 2、支配腮腺分泌活动的神经是A.面神经B.三叉神经C.迷走神经D.舌咽神经 E副神经 3、大脑大静脉注入的结构是A.上矢状窦B.下矢状窦C.海绵窦D.直窦E.窦汇 4、意识性躯干、四肢深感觉传导鲁的交叉部位是A.脊髓B.延髓C.脑桥D.中脑E.背侧丘脑 5、内脏大神经交换神经元的位置是A.椎旁神经节B.椎前神经节C.器官旁神经节D.器官内神经节E.脊神经节 6、与黑质有往返纤维联系的结构是A.新纹状体B.旧闻状体C.杏仁体D.乳头体E.内侧膝状体 7、患者不能用伸位的食指与中指夹住纸片,受损伤的神经是A.桡神经深支B.桡神经浅支C.尺神经深支D.尺神经浅支E.正中神经返支 8、有迷走神经参与的神经从有A.颈内动脉丛B.食管丛C.肺丛D.腹腔丛E.盆丛 9、疑核发出的纤维加入的神经有A.舌咽神经B.迷走神经C.副神经D.面神经E.舌下神经 10、与神经内分泌有关的核有A.视上核B.乳头体核C.室旁核D.漏斗核E.视交叉上核 11、参与组成小脑下脚的纤维束有A.脊髓小脑前束B.脊髓小脑后束C.橄榄小脑束D.楔小脑束E.前庭小脑束 12、属于脑干的网状结构的核团有 A.楔束核 B楔形核 C.楔束副核 D.臂旁核 E.中缝核 13、刑警脊髓外侧索内的纤维束有A.脊髓小脑前束B.脊髓小脑后束C.红核脊髓束D.前庭脊髓束E.顶盖脊髓束 14、属于大脑皮质投射神经元的有A.锥体细胞B.颗粒细胞C.梭形细胞D.水平细胞E. Martinotli细胞 15、关于内侧纵束的正确描述有A.主要来自前庭神经核群B.行于脊髓前索C.下达腰髓D.止于1-4层中间神经元E.完成头、颈姿势反射性调节 三、论述题(12x5=60分) 1、试述眼的神经支配? 2、下肢的本体感觉是如何传递到大脑皮质的? 3、试述以下结构是如何分层的?(1)旁中央小叶(2)绒球(3)下托 4、简述校址竖毛肌的神经支配(包括行径) 5、你是如何理解牵涉性痛的?。

4.Golgi I型神经元:高尔基I型神经元,轴突较长,其轴突可以延伸到胞体范围以外的区域,从脑的一部分延伸到另一部分,这些神经元又称为投射神经元。

神经解剖学试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 人类大脑皮层中负责语言处理的区域是:A. 枕叶B. 颞叶C. 额叶D. 顶叶答案:C2. 下列哪个结构不属于大脑的基底核?A. 尾状核B. 壳核C. 丘脑D. 豆状核答案:C3. 脊髓中负责传导运动信号的神经纤维是:A. 感觉纤维B. 运动纤维C. 交感神经纤维D. 副交感神经纤维答案:B4. 视觉信息首先在大脑的哪个区域进行处理?A. 枕叶B. 颞叶C. 顶叶D. 额叶答案:A5. 脑干中负责调节呼吸和心跳的区域是:A. 中脑B. 桥脑C. 延髓D. 小脑答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 下列哪些是大脑皮层的主要功能区域?A. 感觉区B. 运动区C. 边缘系统D. 视觉皮层答案:ABD2. 在神经解剖学中,以下哪些结构属于脑干?A. 中脑B. 桥脑C. 延髓D. 小脑答案:ABC3. 以下哪些是脊髓的主要功能?A. 传导神经信号B. 调节体温C. 反射活动D. 维持姿势答案:ACD4. 下列哪些是大脑皮层的高级功能?A. 语言B. 记忆C. 视觉D. 听觉答案:AB5. 以下哪些结构属于自主神经系统?A. 交感神经B. 副交感神经C. 感觉神经D. 运动神经答案:AB三、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 人类大脑皮层的外层被称为______。
答案:灰质2. 大脑皮层的内层主要由______组成。
答案:白质3. 脑干由______、桥脑和延髓三部分组成。
答案:中脑4. 脊髓的末端称为______。
答案:脊髓圆锥5. 脑干中的______是调节呼吸和心跳的重要中枢。
答案:延髓四、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述大脑皮层的四个主要功能区及其主要功能。


神经内科解剖考试题及答案一、选择题1. 下列哪个是构成中枢神经系统的一部分?a) 脊髓b) 周围神经c) 脑干d) 自主神经节答案: a) 脊髓2. 以下哪个部位是负责控制呼吸的中枢?a) 小脑b) 大脑皮层c) 周围神经d) 延脑答案: d) 延脑3. 下列哪个是负责平衡和协调运动的结构?a) 大脑b) 小脑c) 大脑皮层d) 大脑底核答案: b) 小脑4. 中枢神经系统中主要负责调节体温、饮食摄入和性行为的是哪个部位?a) 边缘系统b) 下丘脑c) 海马d) 脊髓答案: b) 下丘脑5. 下列哪个神经是构成第一对脑神经?a) 视神经b) 嗅神经c) 动眼神经d) 听神经答案: b) 嗅神经二、判断题请判断以下题目的选项是“正确”还是“错误”。
1. 中枢神经系统包括脊髓和周围神经。
答案: 错误2. 大脑皮层是感觉信息的主要处理区域。
答案: 正确3. 下丘脑在调节体温、饮食和性行为中发挥重要作用。
答案: 正确4. 视神经是构成第二对脑神经。
答案: 错误5. 小脑负责平衡和协调运动。
答案: 正确三、简答题1. 请简要描述脑干的主要功能和结构。
2. 请简要解释下丘脑的功能。
3. 请简要描述小脑的主要功能。
四、问答题1. 简要描述下脑脊液的功能以及它是如何产生和循环的。

1. Remember that the following verbs require an infinitive in the complement.Agree Appear Arrange Ask Claim ConsentDecide Demand Deserve Expect Fail ForgetHesitate Hope Intend Learn Manage MeanNeed Offer Plan Prepare Pretend PromiseRefuse Seem Tend Threaten Wait Want1.He wanted speak with Mr. Brown.1.We demand knowing our status.2.I intend the inform you that we cannot approve yourapplication.1.They didn't plan buying a car.5.The weather tends improving in May.1.One of the least effective ways of storing information islearning _____________ it.How repeatRepeatingTo repeatRepeatOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.Representative democracyseemed evolve simultaneously during the eighteenth andnineteenth centuries in Britain, Europe, and the UnitedStates.2. Remember that the following verbs require an -ing form for a verb in the complement.Admit Appreciate Avoid Complete Consider DelayDeny Discuss Enjoy Finish Keep MentionMiss Postpone Practice Quit Recall RecommendRegret Risk Stop Suggest Tolerate UnderstandReview QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.She is considering not to go.1.We enjoyed talk with your friend.1.Hank completed the writing his thesis this summer.1.I miss to watch the news when I am traveling.5.She mentions stop at El Paso in her letter.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Strauss finished ____________ two of his publishedcompositions before his tenth birthday.WrittenWriteTo writeWritingOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.Many people have stopped to smoke because they are afraidthat it may be harmful to their health.Grammar Lesson 4 - Verb Phrases that Require an -ing Form in the ComplementRemember that the following verb phrases require an -ing form for a verb in the complement.Approve of Be better off Can't help Count on Do not mindForget about Get through Insist on Keep on Look forward toObject to Think about Think ofAvoid using an infinitive after the verbs phrases listed. Avoid using a verb word after look forward to and object to (refer to Toeful Grammar Lesson 6 for more on verb words) Remember that the verb phrase BE likely does not require an -ing form, but requires an infinitive in the complement.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.She is likely knowing.1.Let's go to the movie when you get through to study.1.We can't help to wonder why she left.1.I have been looking forward to meet you.5.We wouldn't mind to wait.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Many modern architects insist on ____________ materialsnative to the region that will blend into the surrounding landscape.UseTo useThe useUsingOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.During Jackson's administration, those who did not approveof permit common people in the White House were shocked by the President's insistence that they be invited into the mansion.Grammar Lesson 5 - Irregular Past FormsRemember that past forms of the following irregular verbs are not the same as the participles.Verb Word Past Form Participle Verb Word Past Form Participle Be Was/Were Been Hide Hid HiddenBeat Beat Beaten Know Knew Known Become Became Become Ride Rode RiddenBegin Began Begun Run Ran RunBite Bit Bitten See Saw SeenBlow Blew Blown Shake Shook Shaken Break Broke Broken Show Showed Shown Choose Chose Chosen Shrink Shrank Shrunk Come Came Come Sing Sang SungDo Did Done Speak Spoke SpokenDraw Drew Drawn Swear Swore SwornDrink Drank Drunk Swim Swam SwumDrive Drove Driven Take Took TakenEat Ate Eaten Tear Tore TornFall Fell Fallen Throw Threw ThrownFly Flew Flown Wear Wore WornForget Forgot Forgotten Weave Wove Woven Forgive Forgave Forgiven Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Freeze Froze Frozen Write Wrote WrittenGet Got Gotten or GotGive Gave GivenGo Went GoneGrow Grew GrownReview QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.They done it very well after they had practiced.1.Before she run the computer program, she had checked it outwith her supervisor.1.We eat dinner in Albuquerque on our vacation last year.1.My nephew begun working for me about ten years ago.5.I know that you been forty on your last birthday. Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Before the Angles and the Saxons ____________ to England,the Iberians had lived there.ComingComeCameDid comeOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.When Columbus seen the New World, he thought that he hadreached the East Indies by way of a new Western route. CanPossibility, ability, permissionCouldPossibility, ability in the pastMayProbability, permissionMightProbabilityMustNecessity, logical conclusionShallFuture with emphasisShouldAdvice, obligation, predictionWillFutureWouldConditionGrammar Lesson 7 - Logical Conclusions - Events in the Past Remember that must is a modal. Must followed by the verbword have and a participle expresses a logical conclusion based on evidence. The conclusion is about an event that happened in the past.Remember that an observation in the present may serve as the basis for a conclusion about something that happened in the past. Forexample, "here's a message on my desk." It may be concluded that "my friend must have called last night."My friend must have called last nightSubject Must Have Participle Past TimeAvoid using should or can instead of must. Avoid using a verb word instead of have and a participle when referring to events in the past.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.The streets are wet; it should have rained last night.1.This pen won't write; it can have run out of ink (in thepast).1.The ring that I was looking at is gone; someone else mustbuy it.1.He doesn't have his keys; he must locked them in the car.5.I don't see Martha anywhere; she must be left early.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.The theory of Continental Drift assumes that there____________ long-term climatic changes in many areasduring the past.Must have beenMust beMust haveMustOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.When the weather becomes colder we know that the airmass must originated in the Arctic rather than over theGulf of Mexico.Grammar Lesson 8 - Logical Conclusions - Events in the Present Remember that must is a modal. Must followed by be and an -ing form or an adjective expresses a logical conclusion based on evidence. the conclusion is about an event that is happening now.My friend must be calling nowSubject Must Be-ing form Present TimeHe must be upset nowSubject Must Be Adjective Present TimeAvoid using a verb word instead of an -ing form after must be. Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.The line is busy; someone should be using the telephone now.1.Bob is absent; he must have been sick again (now).1.He is taking a walk; he must have felt better now.1.She must be study at the library now because all of her booksare gone.5.Sarah must get a divorce (now) because her husband is livingin an apartment.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.The general public ___________ a large number of computersnow, because prices are beginning to decrease.Must buyMust have boughtMust be buyingMust buyingOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.The American buffalo mustbe reproduce itself again because it has been removedfrom the endangered species list.Grammar Lesson 9 - Logical Conclusions - Events that Repeat Remember that must is a modal. Must followed by a verb word expresses a logical conclusion based on evidence. the conclusion is about an event that happens repeatedly.My friend must call oftenSubject Must Verb Word Repeated TimeAvoid using an infinitive or an -ing form instead of a verb word after must.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.The light is always out in her room at ten o'clock; she musthave go to bed early every night.1.Our neighbors must having a lot of money because they arealways taking expensive trips.1.He can like his job because he seem s very happy.1.Her English is very good; she must spoken it very often.5.Carol always gets good grades; she should study a lot.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Since more than 50 percent of all marriages in the UnitedStates end in divorce, about half of the children in America must ___________ in single parent homes.Grow upTo grow upGrowing upHave grow upOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.Sheep must have mate in fall since the young are born inearly spring every year.Grammar Lesson 10 - Knowledge and Ability - Know and Know How Remember that know followed by a noun expresses knowledge.I know the answerSubject Know NounAvoid using an infinitive after know.Remember that know how followed by an infinitiveexpresses ability.I know how to answer the questionSubject Know How InfinitiveReview QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.If she knew to drive, he would lend her his car.1.I don't know to use the card catalog in the library.1.Until he came to the United States to study, he didn't knowto cook.1.Do you know to type?5.You'll have to help her because she doesn't know to do it.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.In a liberal arts curriculum, it is assumed that graduateswill ___________ about English, languages, literature,history, and the other social sciences.KnowKnow howKnowledgeKnowingOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.The impressionists like Monet and Manet knew to use colorin order to create an image of reality rather thanreality itself.Grammar Lesson 11 - Past Custom - Used to and BE Used to Remember that used to is similar to a modal. Used to with a verb word means that a custom in the past has not continued.He used to live in the countrySubject Used To Verb WordAvoid using a form of BE after the subject. Avoid using the incorrect form use to.Remember that BE used to with an -ing form means tobe accustomed to.He was used to living in the countrySubject BE Used TO-ing formAvoid using a form of BE after used to. Avoid using a verb word instead of an -ing form. Avoid using the incorrect form use to. Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the spaces provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using each modal from the material learned in this lesson.1.I used to was studying at the University of SouthernCalifornia before I transferred here.or1.We use to go to the movies quite frequently.or1.She was used to get up early.or1.He was used to drink too much.or5.She used to speaking in public.orMultiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Harvard ______________ a school for men, but now it iscoeducational, serving as many women as men.Was usedUsed to beWas used toWas used to beOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.As television images of the astronauts showed, even fortrained professionals who are used to move about in alessened gravitational field, there arestill problems.Grammar Lesson 12 - Advisability - Had BetterRemember that had better is similar to a modal.Although had appears to be a past form, had better expresses advice for the future.You had better take Chemistry 600 this semester Subject Had better Verb WordYou had better not take Chemistry 600 this semester Subject Had Better Not Verb WordAvoid using an infinitive or a past form of a verb instead of a verb word. Avoid using don't instead of not, in the negative. Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.You had better to hurry if you don't want to miss the bus.1.We had better made reservations so that we will be sure ofgetting a good table.1.We had better to check the schedule.1.You had better don't quit your job until you find anotherone.5.You had better don't go alone.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.To check for acidity, one had better _____________ litmuspaper.UseUsingTo useUsefulOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.In today's competitive markets, even small business hadbetter to advertise on TV and radio in order to gain ashare of the market.Grammar Lesson 13 - Preference - Would RatherRemember that the phrase would rather is similar to a modal. Although would rather appears to be a past form, it expresses preference in present and future time.I would rather driveSubject Would Rather Verb WordI would rather not driveSubject Would Rather Negative Verb WordAvoid using an infinitive or an -ing form instead of a verb word. Avoid using don't or no in the negative. Remember that would is often contracted to 'd.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.She told me that she'd rather not to serve on the committee.1.If you don't mind, I'd rather not going.1.He said that he's rather went to a small college instead ofto a large university.1.I'd rather writing this than print it because I don't printwell.5.Greg would rather has a Pepsi than a beer.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Rhododendrons would rather _____________ in shady places,and so would azaleas.To growGrowingGrownGrowOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.The Amish people. descended from the German and the Swiss,would rather using horses than machines fortransportation and farm work because they believe that a simple life keeps them closer to God.Grammar Lesson 14 - Preference for Another - Would Rather That Remember that when the preference is for another person or thing, would rather that introduces a clause. The other personor thing is the subject of the clause. Although the verb is a past form, the preference is for the present or future time.I would rather that you droveSubject Would Rather That Subject Past VerbAvoid using a present verb or a verb word instead of a past verb. Avoid using should and a verb word instead of a past verb.I would rather that you didn't driveSubject Would Rather That Subject Negative Past Verb WordAvoid using don't or doesn't instead of didn't when using the negative. This form still uses the past form - notice that it is now on DO,becoming didn't.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.I'd rather that you don't do that.1.Diane would rather that her husband doesn't working so hard.1.The dean would rather that studentsmake appointments instead of dropping by.1.My roommate would rather that I don't keep the light on after10 o'clock.5.We'd rather that you should come tomorrow.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.A good counselor would rather that the patient ____________his or her own decisions after being helped to arrive at a general understanding of the alternatives.MakesMakingWill makeMadeOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.It is said that the American flag has five-pointed starsbecause Betsy Ross told General Washington she wouldrather that he changing the six-pointed ones.Grammar Lesson 15 - Negative ImperativesRemember that an imperative is expressed by a verb word.Please don't tell anyonePlease Don't Verb WordAvoid using an infinitive instead of a verb word.Would you please not tell anyoneWould You Please Not Verb WordAvoid using an infinitive instead of a verb word. Avoidusing don't after would you please. Please is used for politeness. All the same rules apply without please.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.Would you please don't smoke.or1.Please don't to park here.or1.Would you please not to be late.or1.Please don't to go yet.or5.Would you please don't worry.orMultiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Please ___________ photocopies of copyrighted materialwithout the permission of the publisher.No makeDon't makeNot makeNot to makeOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.Please don't parking in those spaces that havesigns reserving them for the handicapped.Toeful Grammar - Patterns.Section: Problems with VerbsSubsection: Problems with CausativesCausatives are main verbs that cause people or machines to do things or cause things to change. They are listed below in order of themost forceful to the least forceful.∙Make∙Get∙Have∙Let∙HelpFor students doing the Grammar Lesson while connected to the Internet, an Online Dictionary link accompanies each lesson. Any hyperlinked words within the lesson will take you to the dictionary by clicking on them, so that the student can quickly find the definition of a new word. A student can also at any time, consult the Online Dictionary for words not linked by clicking on the link at the bottom of the lessons.Grammar Lesson 16 - Causative MAKERemember that MAKE can be used as a causative. In a causative, a person does not perform an action directly. The person causes it to happen by forcing another person to do it.His mother made him take his medicineSubject MAKE Someone Verb WordI made the machine workSubject MAKE Something Verb WordAvoid using an infinitive or an -ing form instead of a verb word after a person or thing in a causative with MAKE.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.She made the baby to take a nap.1.Professor Rogers didn't make us typed up our lab reports.1.Are you going to make your daughter to work part time in the storethis summer?1.I can't seem to make this dishwasher running.5.Patsy makes everyone doing his share around the house.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Psychologists believe that incentives ______________ to increaseour productivity.make us wantmake us to wantmaking us wantmakes us wantingOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.Too much water makes plants turning brown on the edgesof their leaves.Toeful Grammar - Patterns.Section: Problems with VerbsSubsection: Problems with CausativesFor students doing the Grammar Lesson while connected to the Internet, an Online Dictionary link accompanies each lesson. Any hyperlinked words within the lesson will take you to the dictionary by clicking on them, so that the student can quickly find the definition of a new word. A student can also at any time, consult the Online Dictionary for words not linked by clicking on the link at the bottom of the lessons.Grammar Lesson 17 - Causative GETRemember that GET can be used as a causative. In a causative, a person does not perform an action directly. GET has less force and authority than MAKE.Let's get Ralph to go with usSubject GET Someone InfinitiveLet's get our car fixed firstSubject GET Something ParticipleAvoid using a verb word instead of an infinitive after a person in a causative with GET. Avoid using a verb word instead of a participle after things in a causative with GET.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.Do you think that we can get Karen takes us to San Diego?1.I want to get the house paint before winter.1.Let's get some of our money exchange for dollars.1.Nora got her mother's wedding dress to alter so that it fitperfectly.5.We will have to get someone fixing the phone right away.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Lobbyists who represent special interest groups get ____________that benefits their groups.Congress to pass the legislationCongress passed the legislationthe legislation to pass by Congressthe legislation that Congress passingOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.In order to receive full reimbursement for jewelry that might bestolen, the owner must get all pieces appraise.Toeful Grammar - Patterns.Section: Problems with VerbsSubsection: Problems with CausativesFor students doing the Grammar Lesson while connected to the Internet, an Online Dictionary link accompanies each lesson. Any hyperlinked words within the lesson will take you to the dictionary by clicking on them, so that the student can quickly find the definition of a new word. A student can also at any time, consult the Online Dictionary for words not linked by clicking on the link at the bottom of the lessons.Grammar Lesson 18 - Causative HAVERemember that HAVE can be used as a causative. In a causative, a person does not perform an action directly. HAVE has even less force and authority than get.My English teacher had us give oral reportsSubject HAVE Someone Verb WordI want to have this book renewed, pleaseSubject HAVE Something ParticipleAvoid using an infinitive or an -ing form instead of a verb word after a person in a causative with HAVE. Avoid using a verb word or an infinitive instead of a participle after things in a causative with GET.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.Tom had a tooth fill.1.Have you had your temperature taking yet?1.They had their lawyers to change their wills.1.I like the way you had the beautician done your hair.5.We are going to have our car fix before we go to Toronto.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.Like humans, zoo animals must have a dentist ____________ theirteeth.fillfilledfillingto be filledOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.Most presidential candidates have their names print on the ballotin the New Hampshire primary election because itis customarily the first one in the nation, and winning it can give them a good chance to be nominated by their parties.Toeful Grammar - PatternsSection: Problems with VerbsSubsection: Problems with CausativesFor students doing the Grammar Lesson while connected to the Internet, an Online Dictionary link accompanies each lesson. Any hyperlinked words within the lesson will take you to the dictionary by clicking on them,so that the student can quickly find the definition of a new word. A student can also at any time, consult the Online Dictionary for words not linked by clicking on the link at the bottom of the lessons.Grammar Lesson 19 - Causative LETRemember that LET can be used as a causative. In a causative, a person does not perform an action directly. With LET, a person gives permission for another person to do something.His mother let him go to schoolSubject LET Someone Verb WordI am letting this machine coolSubject LET Something Verb WordAvoid using an infinitive or an -ing form instead of a verb word after a person or thing in a causative with LET.Review QuestionsEach sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly, using the material learned in this lesson.1.Professor Baker let us to write a paper instead of taking a finalexam.1.When I was learning to drive, my Dad let me using his car.1.Would you let us the borrow your notes?rry is so good-hearted, he lets people took advantage of him.5.Don't let that bothers you.Multiple choice. Mark the correct answer.1.The Immigration and Naturalization Service often _____________their visas if they fill out the appropriate papers.lets students extendlets students for extendletting students to extendlet students extendingOne of the four underlined words or phrases in the following sentence is incorrect. In the space provided, rewrite the sentence correctly.1.The National Basketball Association will not let any athlete tocontinue playing in the league unless he submits voluntarily to treatment for drug addiction.Toeful Grammar - PatternsSection: Problems with VerbsSubsection: Problems with CausativesFor students doing the Grammar Lesson while connected to the Internet, an Online Dictionary link accompanies each lesson. Any hyperlinked words within the lesson will take you to the dictionary by clicking on them, so that the student can quickly find the definition of a new word. A student can also at any time, consult the Online Dictionary for words not linked by clicking on the link at the bottom of the lessons.Grammar Lesson 20 - Causative HELPRemember that HELP can be used as a causative. In a causative, a person does not perform an action directly. With HELP, a person assists another person to do something.He is helping me type my paperHe is helping me to type my paper Subject HELP Someone Verb Word or Infinitive。


4、phrenic n.
5、celiac plexus
10、obturator n.
11、locus reculeus
12、carvernous sinus

一选择题(每空1.5分,共30分) 1 神经系统 A 分为中枢部和脊髓部 B 脊神经和内脏神经组成周围神经系统 C 脑和脊髓称中枢神经系统 D 周围神经系统只含躯体神经 E 中枢神经系统又称内脏神经 2 脊髓节与椎骨的关系 A 第3颈髓节平对第3颈椎 B第7胸髓节平对第7胸椎 C第3腰髓节平对第2腰椎 D骶尾节平对第3腰椎 E以上都不对 3 薄束和楔束 A 是后根内侧部粗纤维的直接延续 B 薄束起自第5胸节以上的脊神经节细胞 C 楔束起自第4胸节以下的神经节细胞 D 终于脊髓版层I~Ⅴ 4关于脑干的组成,下列哪项正确 A 由丘脑、中脑和脑桥组成 B 由间脑、中脑和脑桥组成 C 由间脑中脑和延髓组成 D 由中脑、脑桥和延髓组成 E 由丘脑、脑桥和延髓组成5 面神经内传入纤维的终止核为 A 疑核 B 上泌涎核 C 孤束核D 面神经核E 下泌涎核 6 视觉反射中枢位于 A 枕叶距状沟附近 B 外侧膝状体 C 顶盖前区 D 中脑上丘 E 角回 7 动眼神经副核支配 A 舌下腺、下颌下腺 B 腮腺 C 泪腺 D 胸腹腔脏器E 睫状肌、瞳孔括约肌 8 有关网状结构的描述,哪项不正确 A 网状结构存在于整个脑干内B 网状结构内有很多核团C 脊髓内也有网状结构D 与上行、下行传导束无联系E 是中枢神经系统内的一个重要整合中枢 9 不属于边缘叶的结构是 A 隔区 B 扣带回 C 海马旁回 D海马 E 枕极 10 下丘脑与垂体前叶功能相关的核是 A 视上核 B 漏斗核 C 腹内侧核 D 室旁核E 乳头体核 11 新纹状体是指 A 尾状核和豆状核 B 豆状核和屏状核C 壳和苍白球 D 尾状核和壳 E 苍白球和屏状核12 通过内囊后支的上下性纤维没有 A 丘脑中央辐射 B 视辐射 C 皮质脊髓束 D 听辐射 E 皮质核束 13 下列受脊神经支配的肌是 A 肛门内括约肌 B 幽门内括约肌 C 尿道膜部括约肌 D 咽喉肌E 眼轮匝肌 14 胸长神经支配 A 肩胛下肌 B 大圆肌 C 胸大肌 D 前锯肌 E 背阔肌 15 受双重神经支配的肌是 A 股二头肌B 股四头肌C 股薄肌D 缝匠肌E 耻骨肌 16 进入收肌管的神经是A 生殖股神经B 股神经皮支C 闭孔神经皮支D 隐神经E 胫神经 17 支配小腿三头肌的神经是 A 坐骨神经 B 股神经 C 闭孔神经 D 胫神经 E 腓总神经 18 喉返神经 A 支配所有喉肌 B 属于副交感神经C 勾绕两侧锁骨下动脉D 接受声门裂上、下的喉粘膜的感觉皮 E 与甲状腺下动脉交叉 19 交感神经的低级中枢位于 A 胸1-12脊髓节B 胸1或颈3-腰2或腰3脊髓节C 骶2-4脊髓节 D 胸1-腰4脊髓节 E 胸1-骶3脊髓节神经系统 20 不含副交感神经纤维成分的脑神经是 A 动眼神经 B 展神经 C 面神经D 舌咽神经E 迷走神经二填空题(每空1分,共20分)1 脊髓全长的两个膨大是和,脊髓末端变细为2 支配上下肢的前角运动神经元只接受皮质脊髓束的支配,支配躯干肌的前角运动神经元接受皮质脊髓束的支配 3 腓总神经支配和群肌 4 交感神经的低位中枢位于侧角,其神经节位于椎旁节和椎前节 5 面神经是经过、、 6 翼腭神经节位于,副交感根来自,节后纤维支配 7 脊髓由和两大部分组成 8 周围神经系统可分为 9 躯干四肢的本体感觉传导通路第一级神经元为其周围突分布于 10 经静脉孔出入颅的神经有三名词解释(每题5分,共20分) 1 内囊2三叉神经节 3 节前纤维 4 锥体系四问答题(每题10分,共30分) 1 举例说明脑干内神经核的分类2 什么是纹状体?有什么功能?3 内脏运动神经和躯体运动神经的区别?。

3.如何理解columnar organization。
3.上丘是如何分层的?4.何谓locus caeruleus?5.Substantia nigra的纤维联系。
试问:1.副交感神经的低级中枢是什麽?municative branches含义?3.上肢皮肤汗腺是如何支配的?4.Iris的神经支配?5.肾上腺的神经支配?四.小脑是中枢神经系统中最大的运动结构,在随意运动控制中起重要作用。
试问:(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537)1.小脑皮质的分层及有哪两类传入纤维?2.何谓rosette?3.如何理解microzones?4.小脑皮质内五种神经细胞是什麽?5.小脑皮质内的纤维和神经细胞是如何联系的?一.名词解释:1.蓝斑2.海绵窦3.鼓索4.玫瑰结5.纹状体6.终纹6.灰被8.下托9.边缘叶10.翼腭神经节二.简述下列结构的神经支配及相关的起始核和终止核1.肱桡肌2.梨状肌3.镫骨肌4.鱼际肌5.小指立毛肌6.竖脊肌7.舌8.泪腺9.颈动脉窦10.鼓膜张肌三.试述小脑皮质、大脑皮质的分层、结构特征及纤维联系?四.何谓上运动神经元?何谓下运动神经元?哪些部分的损伤可出现右下肢单瘫?五.综合分析中枢神经系是如何调控躯体运动的?二何谓脑分水岭梗塞?其常见病因及临床表现是什么?三试述肝豆状核变性的诊断依据和治疗措施四癫痫的诊断步骤和鉴别诊断五试述运动神经元病的常见类型及临床特点一.周围神经疾病基本病理变化有几种?并加以说明二.简述蛛网膜下腔出血的症状,体征和治疗原则,并举出三种常见病因?三、重症肌无力发病原理?何谓肌无力危象及胆碱能危象?如发生上述两种危象如何处理?四、何谓脑膜刺激症?举出除脑膜炎症以外的三种疾病?五.简述桥脑小脑脚综合症临床表现?六、何谓闭锁综合症?七.上矢状窦血栓形成病因及临床表现?本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。




A、锁骨下动脉 B、颈内动脉和椎动脉 C、大脑前动脉 D、大脑中动脉
A、桡神经 B、尺神经 C、腋神经 D、正中神经
三 判断题
1在中枢神经系统内,神经元胞体聚集的地方称神经节。 (错)
2胼(体为投射维。 (错)
3一侧内囊损伤,可出现同侧半身躯体感觉及运动障碍。 (错)
A、第一与第二腰椎之间 B、第二与第三腰椎之间
C、第三与第四腰椎之间 D、第四与第五腰椎之间
A、两侧上、下肢瘫痪 B、对侧半身感觉及运动障碍
脑 脊髓 颅腔 椎管)
3脊髓表面有6条纵贯全长、且彼此大致平行的沟、裂。其前后外侧沟内分别连有脊神经的_____和________,最后在椎间孔处合成一条________。(答案:前根 后根)
4脊髓具有_____和______。(答案:传导 反射)
5脑位于卢腔内,可分为________、________、_________、__________四部分。(答案:端脑 间脑 脑干 小脑)
二 填空题
脊髓 脑神经 脊神经)
五 问答题
1 大脑皮质有哪些重要中枢?各位与何处?

神经解剖学考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 脑干中负责调节呼吸和心血管活动的核团是:A. 红核B. 黑质C. 蓝斑核D. 脑桥核答案:D2. 视觉信息首先在大脑皮层的哪个区域被处理?A. 颞叶B. 顶叶C. 枕叶D. 额叶答案:C3. 下列哪个结构不属于大脑皮层的四个主要叶?A. 额叶B. 颞叶C. 顶叶D. 脑岛答案:D4. 脑脊液主要在哪个部位产生?A. 脑室B. 脑干C. 脊髓D. 蛛网膜下腔答案:A5. 脑干中哪个结构负责传导面部的感觉?A. 三叉神经B. 面神经C. 舌咽神经D. 迷走神经答案:A6. 哪个脑区与语言功能密切相关?A. 颞叶B. 枕叶C. 顶叶D. 额叶答案:D7. 脑干中哪个结构负责传导味觉?A. 视神经B. 听神经C. 面神经D. 舌咽神经答案:D8. 哪个脑区与运动控制有关?A. 颞叶B. 枕叶C. 顶叶D. 额叶答案:D9. 脑脊液的主要功能是什么?A. 营养脑组织B. 保护脑组织C. 调节脑内压力D. 所有上述选项答案:D10. 哪个结构是大脑皮层中最大的感觉区域?A. 躯体感觉区B. 听觉区C. 视觉区D. 语言区答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 脑干包括_______、_______和_______。
答案:中脑、脑桥、延髓2. 脑室系统由_______、_______、_______和_______组成。
答案:侧脑室、第三脑室、第四脑室、脑室3. 脑干中的_______核是调节睡眠和觉醒周期的关键结构。
答案:蓝斑4. 脑脊液在脑室和蛛网膜下腔之间循环,最终通过_______被吸收。
答案:蛛网膜颗粒5. 视觉信息从视网膜出发,经过_______神经,到达_______。
答案:视、外侧膝状体三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 描述大脑皮层的主要功能区域及其位置。
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A双下肢肌力双下肢肌力I B双膝反射亢进C横惯性感觉障碍D双下肢病理反射阳性E 尿潴留
A胸椎像(X片)B脑脊液检查C胸椎CT D肌电图E血清免疫球蛋白检查
A静滴地塞米松B脊椎MRI C静滴甘露醇D静滴神经营养剂E静滴环丙沙星