Nessus linux下安全漏洞扫描工具详解

































nessus 4.2漏洞扫描工具的用户使用界面手册

nessus 4.2漏洞扫描工具的用户使用界面手册

Nessus 4.2 User GuideJune 9, 2010(Revision 9)The newest version of this document is available at the following URL: /documentation/nessus_4.2_user_guide.pdfTable of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS (2)INTRODUCTION (3)NESSUS UI OVERVIEW (3)D ESCRIPTION (3)S UPPORTED P LATFORMS (4)INSTALLATION (4)OPERATION (4)O VERVIEW (4)Connect to Nessus GUI (4)P OLICY O VERVIEW (6)C REATING A P OLICY (7)General (7)Credentials (11)Plugins (14)Preferences (17)I MPORTING AND C OPYING P OLICIES (30)C REATING AND L AUNCHING A S CAN (30)R EPORTS (32)Browse (32)Report Filters (35)Compare (38)Upload & Download (39).nessus File Format (41)Delete (41)U SERS (41)OTHER NESSUS CLIENTS (42)U NIX C OMMAND L INE I NTERFACE (42)Converting a Report (43)Command Line using .nessus Files (44)Scan Command (45)S ECURITY C ENTER (45)ABOUT TENABLE NETWORK SECURITY (47)IntroductionThis document describes how to use Tenable Network Security’s Nessus user interface (UI). Please share your comments and suggestions with us by emailing them tosupport@.The Nessus UI is a web-based interface to the Nessus vulnerability scanner. To use the client, you must have an operational Nessus scanner deployed and be familiar with its use. Standards and ConventionsThroughout the documentation, filenames, daemons and executables are indicated with a courier bold font such as gunzip, httpd and /etc/passwd.Command line options and keywords will also be printed with the courier bold font. Command line options may or may not include the command line prompt and output text from the results of the command. Often, the command being run will be boldfaced to indicate what the user typed. Below is an example running of the Unix pwd command.# pwd/opt/sc3/daemons#Nessus UI OverviewDescriptionNessus is a product developed and maintained by Tenable Network Security to provide an optimized Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the Nessus scanner. The client may be used from any system on the network to interface with deployed Nessus scanners. As of Nessus 4.2, The UI is a newly created web-based interface made up of a simple HTTP server and web client, requiring no software installation apart from the Nessus Server. As of Nessus 4, all platforms draw from the same code base eliminating most platform specific bugs and allowing for faster deployment of new features. The primary features are: ∙Generates .nessus files that Tenable products will use as the standard for vulnerability data and scan policy.∙ A policy session, list of targets and the results of several scans can all be stored in a single .nessus file that can be easily exported. Please refer to the Nessus FileFormat guide for more details.∙The GUI displays scan results in real-time so you do not have to wait for a scan to complete to view results.∙Provides unified interface to the Nessus scanner regardless of base platform. The same functionalities exist on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.∙Scans will continue to run on the server even if you are disconnected for any reason.∙Nessus scan reports can be uploaded via the Nessus UI and compared to other reports.Supported PlatformsSince the Nessus UI is a web-based client, it can run on any platform with a web browser.InstallationStarting with Nessus 4.2, user management of the Nessus server is conducted through a web interface and it is no longer necessary to use a standalone NessusClient. The standalone NessusClients will still connect and operate the scanner, but they will not be updated.Refer to the Nessus 4.2 Installation Guide for instructions on installing Nessus. No additional software installation is required.OperationOverviewNessus provides a simple, yet powerful interface for managing vulnerability-scanning activity.Connect to Nessus GUITo launch the Nessus GUI, perform the following:∙Open a web browser of your choice.∙Enter https://[server IP]:8834/ in the navigation bar.The first time you attempt to connect to the Nessus user interface, most web browsers will display an error indicating the site is not trusted due to the self-signed SSL certificate:Users of Microsoft Internet Explorer can click on “Continue to this website (not recommended)” to load the Nessus user interface. Firefox 3.x users can click on “I Understand the Risks” and then “Add Exception…” to bring up the site exception dialog box:Verify the “Location:” bar reflects the URL to the Nessus server and click on “Confirm Security Exception”. For information on installing a custom SSL certificate, consult the Nessus Installation Guide.After your browser has confirmed the exception, a splash screen will be displayed as follows:Authenticate using an account and password previously created with the server manager. After successful authentication, the UI will present menus for conducting scans:Policy Overviewscan. These options include, but are not limited to:∙Parameters that control technical aspects of the scan such as timeouts, number of hosts, type of port scanner and more.∙Credentials for local scans (e.g., Windows, SSH), authenticated Oracle Database scans, HTTP, FTP, POP, IMAP or Kerberos based authentication.∙Granular family or plugin based scan specifications.∙Database compliance policy checks, report verbosity, service detection scan settings, Unix compliance checks and more.Creating a PolicyOnce you have connected to a Nessus server UI, you can create a custom policy by clicking on the “Policies” option on the bar at the top and then “+ Add” button on the right. The “Add Policy” screen will be displayed as follows:Note that there are four configuration tabs: General, Credentials, Plugins and Preferences. For most environments, the default settings do not need to be modified, but they provide more granular control over the Nessus scanner operation. These tabs are described below.GeneralThe General tab enables you to name the policy and configure scan related operations. There are six boxes of grouped options that control scanner behavior:The “Basic” frame is used to define aspects of the policy itself:The “Scan” frame further defines options related to how the scan should behave:The “Network” frame gives options that better control the scan based on the target network being scanned:The “Port Scanners” frame controls which methods of port scanning should be enabled for the scan:The “Port Scan Options” frame directs the scanner to target a specific range of ports. The following values are allowed for the “Port Scan Range” option:The “Performance” frame gives two options that control how many scans will be launched. These options are perhaps the most important when configuring a scan as they have thebiggest impact on scan times and network activity.CredentialsThe Credentials tab, pictured below, allows you to configure the Nessus scanner to use authentication credentials during scanning. By configuring credentials, it allows Nessus to perform a wider variety of checks that result in more accurate scan results.The “Windows credentials” drop-down menu item has settings to provide Nessus with information such as SMB account name, password and domain name. Server Message Block(SMB) is a file sharing protocol that allows computers to share information transparently across the network. Providing this information to Nessus will allow it to find local information from a remote Windows host. For example, using credentials enables Nessus to determine if important security patches have been applied. It is not necessary to modify other SMB parameters from default settings.If a maintenance SMB account is created with limited administrator privileges, Nessus can easily and securely scan multiple domains. Detailed configuration instructions are available at:/documentation/nessus_domain_whitepaper.pdfTenable recommends that network administrators consider creating specific domain accounts to facilitate testing. Nessus includes a variety of security checks for Windows NT, 2000, Server 2003, XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 that are more accurate if a domain account is provided. Nessus does attempt to try several checks in most cases if no account is provided.Users can select “SSH settings” from the drop-down menu and enter credentials for scanning Unix systems. These credentials are used to obtain local information from remote Unix systems for patch auditing or compliance checks. There is a field for entering the SSH user name for the account that will perform the checks on the target Unix system, along with either the SSH password or the SSH public key and private key pair. There is also a field for entering the Passphrase for the SSH key, if it is required.The most effective credentialed scans are those when the supplied credentials have “root” privileges. Since many sites do not permit a remote login as root, Nessus users can invoke “su” or “sudo” with a separate password for an account that has been set up to have “su” or “sudo” privileges.Nessus can use SSH key-based access to authenticate to a remote server. If an SSHknown_hosts file is available and provided as part of the scan policy, Nessus will only attempt to log into hosts in this file. This can ensure that the same username and password you are using to audit your known SSH servers is not used to attempt a login to a system that may not be under your control. Finally, the “Preferred SSH port” can be set to direct Nessus to connect to SSH if it is running on a port other than 22.An example screen capture of using “sudo” to elevate privileges for a scan follows. For this example, the user account is “audit”, which has been added to the /etc/sudoers file on thesystem to be scanned. The password provided is the password for the “audit” account, not the root password:The Credentials tab also provides an option in the drop-down menu for configuring “Oracle settings”, specifically the Oracle SID and option to test for known default accounts in Oracle software:“Kerberos configuration” allows you to specify credentials using Kerberos keys from a remote system:Finally, if a secure method of performing credentialed checks is not available, users can force Nessus to try to perform checks over insecure protocols by configuring the “Cleartext protocol settings” drop-down menu item. The cleartext protocols supported for this option are telnet, rsh and rexec.By default, all passwords associated with the policy are encrypted. If the policy is saved to a .nessus file and that .nessus file is then copied to a different Nessus installation, all passwords in the policy will be unusable by the second Nessus scanner as it will be unable to decrypt them.To resolve this issue, the “Save credentials as clear text in policy” option is provided. When selected, if the policy is saved to a .nessus file, all passwords will be saved to the file in clear text. The policy may then be copied to a second Nessus installation and then re-saved with the “Save credentials” option, thus encrypting them again.If you do not want the policy to store credentials in any manner, select the “Do not save credentials” option.PluginsThe Plugin Selection tab enables the user to choose specific security checks by plugin family or individual checks.Clicking on the yellow circle next to a plugin family allows you to enable or disable the entire family. Selecting a family will display the list of its plugins in the upper right pane. Individual plugins can be enabled or disabled to create very specific scan policies. As adjustments are made, the total number of families and plugins selected is displayed at the bottom. If the circle next to a plugin family is half grey and half yellow, it denotes that some of the plugins are enabled, but not all of them.Selecting a specific plugin will display the plugin output that will be displayed as seen in a report. The synopsis and description will provide more details of the vulnerability being examined. Scrolling down in the “Plugin Description” pane will also show solutioninformation, additional references if available and the CVSSv2 score that provides a basic risk rating.At the top of the plugin family tab, you can search for a specific plugin by name or ID. In the box next to “Filter”, type in some text to look for and hit enter:When a policy is created and saved, it records all of the plugins that are initially selected. When new plugins are received via a plugin feed update, they will automatically be enabled if the family they are associated with is enabled. If the family has been disabled or partially enabled, new plugins in that family will automatically be disabled as well.Below the window showing the plugins you will find two options that will assist you in selecting plugins.PreferencesThe “Preferences” tab includes means for granular control over scan settings. Selecting an item from the drop-down menu will display further configuration items for the selected category. Note that this is a dynamic list of configuration options that is dependent on the plugin feed, audit policies and additional functionality that the connected Nessus scanner has access to. A scanner with a ProfessionalFeed may have more advanced configuration options available than a scanner configured with the HomeFeed. This list may also change as plugins are added or modified.“Database Compliance Checks” allow ProfessionalFeed customers to upload policy files that will be used to determine if a tested database meets the specified compliance standards. Up to five policies may be selected at one time.The “Database settings” options are used to specify the type of database to be tested, relevant settings and credentials:“Do not scan fragile devices” instructs the Nessus scanner not to scan printers or Novell Netware hosts if selected. Since both of these technologies are more prone to denial of service conditions, Nessus can skip scanning them. This is recommended if scanning is performed during business hours.“Global variable settings” contains a wide variety of configuration options for the Nessus server.To facilitate web application testing, Nessus can import HTTP cookies from another piece of software (e.g., web browser, web proxy, etc.) with the “HTTP cookies import” settings. A cookie file can be uploaded so that Nessus uses the cookies when attempting to access a web application. The cookie file must be in Netscape format.The “HTTP login page” settings provide control over where authenticated testing of a custom web-based application begins.The “ICCP/COTP TSAP Addressing” menu deals specifically with SCADA checks. It determines a Connection Oriented Transport Protocol (COTP) Transport Service Access Points (TSAP) value on an ICCP server by trying possible values. The start and stop values are set to “8” by default.“Login configurations” allows the Nessus scanner to use credentials when testing HTTP, NNTP, FTP, POP2, POP3 or IMAP. By supplying credentials, Nessus may have the ability to do more extensive checks to determine vulnerabilities. HTTP credentials supplied here will be used for Basic and Digest authentication only. For configuring credentials for a custom web application, use the “HTTP login page” pull-down menu.The “Modbus/TCP Coil Access” options are available for ProfessionalFeed users. This drop-down menu item is dynamically generated by the SCADA plugins available with the ProfessionalFeed. Modbus uses a function code of 1 to read “coils” in a Modbus slave. Coils represent binary output settings and are typically mapped to actuators. The ability to read coils may help an attacker profile a system and identify ranges of registers to alter via a “write coil” message. The defaults for this are “0” for the Start reg and “16” for the End reg.“Nessus SYN scanner” and “Nessus TCP scanner” options allow you to better tune the native SYN scanner to detect the presence of a firewall.“News Server (NNTP) Information Disclosure” can be used to determine if there are news servers that are able to relay spam. Nessus will attempt to post a news message to a NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) server(s), and can test if it is possible to post a message to upstream news servers as well.“PCI DSS Compliance” will have Nessus compare the scan results to current PCI DSS compliance standards. This feature is only available to ProfessionalFeed customers.“Ping the remote host” options allow for granular control over Nessus’ ability to ping hosts during discovery scanning. This can be done via ARP ping, TCP ping, ICMP ping or applicative UDP ping.“Port scanner settings” provide two options for further controlling port scanning activity.“SMB Registry: Start the Registry Service during the scan” enables the service to facilitate some of the scanning requirements for machines that may not have the SMB Registry running all the time.Under the “SMB Scope” menu, i f the option “Request information about the domain” is set, then domain users will be queried instead of local users.“SMB use domain SID to enumerate users” s pecifies the SID range to use to perform a reverse lookup on usernames on the domain. The default setting is recommended for most scans.“SMB use host SID to enumerate local users” s pecifies the SID range to use to perform a reverse lookup on local usernames. The default setting is recommended.“SMTP settings” specify options for SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) tests that run on all devices within the scanned domain that are running SMTP services. Nessus will attempt to relay messages through the device to the specified “Third party domain”. If t he message sent to the “Third party domain” is rejected by the address specified in the “To address” field, the spam attempt failed. If the message is accepted, then the SMTP server was successfully used to relay spam.“SNMP settings” allow you to configure Nessus to connect and authenticate to the SNMP service of the target. During the course of scanning, Nessus will make some attempts toguess the community string and use it for subsequent tests. If Nessus is unable to guess the community string and/or password, it may not perform a full audit against the service.“Service Detection” controls how Nessus will test SSL based services; known SSL ports (e.g., 443), all ports or none. Testing for SSL capability on all ports may be disruptive for the tested host.“Unix Compliance Checks” allow ProfessionalFeed customers to upload Unix audit files that will be used to determine if a tested system meets the specified compliance standards. Up to five policies may be selected at one time.“Web Application Tests Settings” tests the arguments of the remote CGIs (Common Gateway Interface) discovered in the web mirroring process by attempting to pass common CGI programming errors such as cross-site scripting, remote file inclusion, command execution, traversal attacks or SQL injection. Enable this option by selecting the “Enable web applications tests” checkbox. These tests are dependent on the following NASL plugins: ∙11139– SQL Injection (CGI abuses)∙39465– Command Execution (CGI abuses)∙39466– Cross-Site Scripting (CGI abuses: XSS)∙39467– Directory Traversal (CGI abuses)∙39468– HTTP Header Injection (CGI abuses: XSS)∙39469– Remote File Inclusion (CGI abuses)“Web Mirroring” sets configuration parameters for Nessus’ native web server content mirroring utility. Nessus will mirror web content to better analyze the contents for vulnerabilities and help minimize the impact on the server.“Windows Compliance Checks” allow ProfessionalFeed customers to upload Microsoft Windows configuration audit files that will be used to determine if a tested system meets the specified compliance standards. Up to five policies may be selected at one time. “Windows File Contents Compliance Checks” allow s ProfessionalFeed customers to upload Windows-based audit files that search a system for a specific type of content (e.g.,credit cards, Social Security Numbers) to help determine compliance with corporate regulations or third-party standards.When all of the options have been configured as desired, click on “Submit” to save the policy and return to the Policies tab. At any time, you can click on “Edit” to make changes to a policy you have already created or click on “Delete” to remove a policy completely. Importing and Copying PoliciesT he “Import” button on the upper right menu bar will allow you to upload previously created policies to the scanner. Using the “Browse…” dialog box, select the policy from your local system and click on “Submit”.If you want to create a policy similar to an existing policy with minor modifications, you can select the base policy in the list and click on “Copy” on the upper right menu bar. T his will create a copy of the original policy that can be edited to make any required modifications. This is useful for creating standard policies with minor changes as required for a given environment.Creating and Launching a ScanAfter creating a policy, you can create a new scan by clicking on the “Scans” option on the menu bar at the top and then click on the “+ Add” button on the right. The “Add Scan” screen will be displayed as follows:There are five fields to enter the scan target:∙Name– Sets the name that will be displayed in the Nessus UI to identify the scan.∙Type –Choose between “Run Now” (immediately execute the scan after submitting) or “Template” (save as a template for repeat scanning).∙Policy– Select a previously created policy that the scan will use to set parameters controlling Nessus server scanning behavior.∙Scan Targets– Targets can be entered by single IP address (e.g.,, IP range (e.g.,, subnet with CIDR notation (e.g., or resolvable host (e.g., ).∙Targets File– A text file with a list of hosts can be imported by clicking on “Browse…” and selecting a file from the local machine.Example host file formats:Individual hosts: range: CIDR block: you have entered the scan information, click on “Submit”. After submitting, the scan will begin immediately before the display is returned to the general “Scans” page.Once a scan has launched, the Scans list will display a list of all scans currently running or paused along with basic information about the scan. After selecting a particular scan on the list, the action buttons on the top right allow you to “Browse” the results of the scan in progress, “Pause” and “Resume” the scan or “Stop” the scan completely.When a s can has completed, it will be removed from the “Scans” list and be available for review on the “Reports” tab.If a scan is saved as a template, it will appear in the scan list as such and wait to be launched.ReportsWith the release of Nessus 4.2, report stylesheets have been better integrated into the reporting system. By using the report filters and export features, users can create dynamic reports of their own choosing instead of selecting from a specific list. In addition, stylesheet support has been enhanced so that updates or the addition of a stylesheet can be performed through the plugin feed. This will allow Tenable to release additional stylesheets without requiring an upgrade or major release.Clicking on the “Reports” tab on the menu bar a t the top of the interface will bring up the list of running and completed scans:The “Reports” screen acts as a central point for viewing, comparing, uploading and downloading scan results.BrowseTo browse the results of a scan, select a name from the “Reports” list and click on “Browse”. This allows you to view results by navigating through hosts, ports and then specific vulnerabilities. The first summary screen shows each host scanned along with a breakdown of vulnerabilities and open ports:With a host selected, the report will be segregated by port number and display associated information such as the protocol and service name, as well as a summary of vulnerabilities categorized by risk severity. As you navigate through the scan results, the user interface will maintain the list of hosts as well as a series of clickable arrows to assist in quicknavigation to a specific component of the report:service:In the example above, we see that host has 13 vulnerabilities associated with TCP port 445 (CIFS or Common Internet File System). The summary of findings displays the Nessus Plugin ID, vulnerability name, port, protocol and severity. By clicking once on any column heading, the results can be sorted by the column’s content. Clicking a second time will reverse sort the results:Selecting a vulnerability from the list will display full details of the finding including a technical description, references, solution, detailed risk factor and any relevant output demonstrating the finding:The vulnerability detail screen provides several methods for navigating around the report:∙The arrow keys at the top can be selected to jump back to a port, host or scan overview.∙The “List” and “Detail” buttons alternate between vulnerability detail and the last list view (e.g., in the example above, the vulnerabilities associated with port 445).∙The grey arrows to the left or right will cycle through the other vulnerabilities associated with the port selected.∙The bar of buttons at the bottom provides a way to jump to a specific vulnerability in the list based on risk severity. In the example above, the medium and high-riskvulnerabilities stand out.Report FiltersNessus offers a flexible system of filters to assist in displaying specific report results. Filters can be used to display results based on any aspect of the vulnerability findings. When multiple filters are used, more detailed and customized report views can be created.To create a filter, begin by clicking on “Show Filters” on the left side of the screen. Filterscan be created from the report summary, host or port level breakdown screens.A filter is created by selecting the field, a filter argument and a value to filter on:The report filters allow for a wide variety of criteria:When using a filter, the string or numeric value can be comma delimited to filter based on multiple strings. For example, to filter results to show only web servers, you could create a “Ports” filter, select “is equal to” and input “80,443,8000,8080”. This will show you results associated with those four ports.As filters are created, they will be listed on the left. To see the active filter details, mouse over the filter name:As soon as a filter is created, the scan results will be updated to reflect the new filter criteria. In the example below, creating a filter to only display results with “Microsoft” in the plugin name removes most findings:After the filter has been applied:Once the results have been filtered to provide the data set you want, you can click on “Download Report” to export just the filtered results.CompareWith Nessus 4.2, you can compare two scan reports against each other to display differences. The ability to show scan differentials helps to point out how a given system or network has changed over time. This helps in analysis of compliance by showing how vulnerabilities are being remediated, if systems are patched as new vulnerabilities are found or how two scans may not be targeting the same hosts.To compare reports, begin by selecting a scan from the “Reports” list and click on “Compare” from the menu bar on the right. The resulting dialog menu will give you a drop-down list of other reports to compare. Select one and click on “Submit”:Nessus will compare the two reports and produce a list of results that are not found in both reports. These results are the scan differential and highlight what vulnerabilities have been found or remediated between the two scans. In the example above, “LAN Scan One” is a scan of the entire subnet and “LAN Scan Two” is a scan of three select hosts on the subnet. The “Compare” feature displays the differences, highlighting hosts that were not scanned in “LAN Scan Two”:Upload & DownloadScan results can be exported from one scanner and imported to a different scanner. The “Upload” and “Download” features facil itate better scan management, report comparison, report backup and communication between groups or organizations within a company.。




1. 指定目标:用户需要指定目标网络或IP范围,以便Nessus 可以对其进行扫描。

2. 端口扫描:Nessus使用各种技术(如TCP SYN扫描和UDP 扫描)扫描目标设备上的开放端口。


3. 服务识别:一旦Nessus确定了目标设备上的开放端口,它将尝试确定每个端口上运行的具体服务和版本号。


4. 漏洞扫描:当Nessus确定了目标设备上的开放端口和服务,它将使用其内置的漏洞库扫描这些服务的版本号,以查找已知的安全漏洞。


5. 报告:Nessus将生成一个漏洞报告,其中包含所有发现的漏洞以及建议的修复措施。



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nessus用法解读 -回复

nessus用法解读 -回复

nessus用法解读-回复什么是Nessus?Nessus 是一款由Tenable Network Security开发的著名的漏洞扫描工具。



Nessus 的使用步骤Nessus的使用可以分为以下几个步骤:前期准备、安装和配置、创建扫描策略、执行扫描、结果分析和漏洞修复。

1. 前期准备在使用Nessus之前,首先需要进行一些准备工作。


2. 安装和配置Nessus的安装可以在Windows、Linux和Mac等操作系统上进行。




3. 创建扫描策略在Nessus中,扫描策略是用于定义扫描目标、选择扫描类型和配置扫描选项的规则集合。



4. 执行扫描执行扫描前,确保目标主机或网络处于可访问状态。



5. 结果分析和漏洞修复扫描完成后,Nessus将生成一份详细的扫描报告,并列出发现的漏洞和问题。







具体而言,它可以执行以下任务:1. 漏洞扫描:Nessus能够自动扫描网络上的所有设备,检测是否存在已知漏洞。



2. 风险评估:除了漏洞扫描外,Nessus还可以评估网络中的不同主机和服务的风险程度。


3. 合规性检查:Nessus还可以帮助用户验证其网络是否符合特定的合规标准。

例如,用户可以使用Nessus检查其网络是否符合PCI DSS(支付卡行业数据安全标准)等标准。

4. 审计日志:Nessus可以检查系统和应用程序的日志文件,以确定是否存在安全事件或异常行为。


二、Nessus的特点除了以上提到的作用外,Nessus还具有以下特点:1. 自动化:Nessus是一种自动化工具,它可以在用户指定的时间和频率内对网络进行扫描,并生成相应的报告。


2. 多平台支持:Nessus可以运行在不同的平台上,包括Windows、Linux、Mac OS等。


3. 可扩展性:Nessus是一个可扩展的工具,用户可以根据需要添加新的插件和脚本。


4. 报告生成:Nessus能够生成详细的报告,包括漏洞列表、风险评估、合规性检查等方面的信息。


三、如何使用Nessus使用Nessus需要经过以下步骤:1. 安装Nessus:用户需要从Tenable官网下载并安装Nessus。

Linux SUSE中安装Nessus安全扫描工具

Linux SUSE中安装Nessus安全扫描工具

Linux SUSE中安装Nessus安全扫描工具目录Linux SUSE中安装Nessus安全扫描工具 (1)一、下载Nussus软件包: (2)二、安装Nessus软件包: (2)三、注册Nessus并加载插件包: (2)四、启动Nessus服务: (3)五、添加Nessus帐号: (3)六、启动Nessus前台: (3)一、下载Nussus软件包:下载地址:/products/nessus/select-your-operating-system选择对应的版本软件包下载。

然后通过FTP软件拷贝到linux系统中,并在linux系统中切换至存放软件包的目录.二、安装Nessus软件包:◆指令:rpm -ivh Nessus-5.0.1-suse11.i586.rpm//susE64位操作系统中的安装包为Nessus-5.0.1-suse11.x86_64.rpm三、注册Nessus并加载插件包:◆指令:/opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch --register xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx//获取注册码地址/products/nessus/nessus-plugins/obtain-an-activation-code?提示could not verify the signature of all-2.0.tar.gz需通过在线激活和获取插件包:(1)删除文件nessus-fetch.rc:◆指令:rm /opt/nessus/etc/nessus/nessus-fetch.rc(2)获取challenge code:◆指令:/opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch --challenge(3)登上https:///offline.php后,输入Challenge code 和active code(官网/products/nessus/nessus-homefeed重新登记获得激活码),之后将获得nessus-fetch.rc和all-2.0.tar.gz插件的下载链接地址,将其下载到本地.(4)把所获得的nessus-fetch.rc复制到:/opt/nessus/etc/nessus/ 目录下(5)手动载入插件:◆指令:/opt/nessus/sbin/nessus-update-plugins /root/all/all-2.0.tar.gz(6)重新启动,ok四、启动Nessus服务:◆指令:service nessusd restart 或systemctl restart nessusd.service五、添加Nessus帐号:◆指令:/opt/nessus/sbin/nessus-adduser六、启动Nessus前台:在浏览器中输入:https://{ IP-Address }:8834 或https://{ domain name}:8834 注:是https不是http.。








5.1.1 安装和配置Nessus为了定位在⽬标系统上的漏洞,Nessus依赖feeds的格式实现漏洞检查。









Nessus的官⽅下载地址是 nessus/select-your-operating-system。


图5.1 Nessus下载界⾯(2)在该界⾯左侧的Download Nessus下,单击Linux,并选择下载Nessus-5.2.6- debian6_i386.deb包,如图5.2所⽰。

图5.2 下载Linux系统的Nessus(3)单击Nessus-5.2.6-debian6_i386.deb包后,将显⽰如图5.3所⽰的界⾯。

图5.3 接收许可证(4)在该界⾯单击Agree按钮,将开始下载。



执⾏命令如下所⽰:root@kali:~# dpkg -i Nessus-5.2.6-debian6_i386.debSelecting previously unselected package nessus.(正在读取数据库 … 系统当前共安装有 276380 个⽂件和⽬录。






1. 安装和配置•Nessus的安装:可以从Tenable官网下载并安装Nessus。



2. 目标选择•单个IP地址扫描:可以直接指定单个IP地址进行扫描。




3. 漏洞检测•漏洞签名库:Nessus内置了一个强大的漏洞签名库,可以对各种常见漏洞进行检测。



4. 扫描策略设置•端口设置:可以指定需要扫描的端口范围,Nessus将仅对这些端口进行扫描。



5. 扫描操作和结果•扫描操作:在设置完扫描策略后,可以通过点击扫描按钮来启动扫描操作。









一、OpenVASOpenVAS(Open Vulnerability Assessment System)是一个广泛使用的开源系统安全漏洞扫描器。


1. 特点OpenVAS具有以下特点:(1)开源:OpenVAS作为一个开源工具,用户可以免费获取源代码并进行自定义修改,这使得它被广泛认可和使用。




2. 使用方法OpenVAS的使用方法如下:(1)安装:用户需要先在Linux系统上安装OpenVAS,其安装过程可以通过阅读官方文档或在线教程获得。





1. 特点Nessus具有以下特点:(1)全面性:Nessus能够全面扫描目标系统,包括端口扫描、配置审计、弱密码检测等,从而确保系统的安全性。

nessus的作用 -回复

nessus的作用 -回复


它由Tenable Network Security开发并维护,被广泛应用于全球各个规模的组织和企业。



第一步:理解Nessus的基本功能Nessus是一个多功能的网络漏洞扫描器,它的基本功能包括:1. 漏洞扫描:Nessus可以自动扫描网络中的目标主机和设备,发现潜在的漏洞和弱点。


2. 弱密码检测:Nessus可以对目标系统的凭证进行弱密码检测。


3. 合规性扫描:Nessus可以进行合规性扫描,自动检查系统和网络的安全配置是否符合特定的合规标准或行业规范。


4. 恶意软件检测:Nessus可以检测目标系统是否感染了恶意软件,包括病毒、蠕虫、间谍软件等。


第二步:探索Nessus的应用场景Nessus具有广泛的应用场景,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 网络安全评估与管理:Nessus可以帮助企业进行全面的网络安全评估与管理工作。


2. 漏洞管理与修复:Nessus可以帮助企业建立漏洞管理流程,从漏洞发现、风险评估到修复追踪,全面管理漏洞的整个生命周期。


3. 合规性与审计:Nessus可以用于企业的合规性审计工作。




Nessus可用于测试各种类型的系统,包括Windows、Linux和UNIX 等操作系统。


1. Nessus的基础功能Nessus的基础功能是帮助用户扫描网络中的漏洞,并发现潜在的安全风险。



2. Nessus的高级功能除了基本的漏洞扫描功能外,Nessus还提供了一些高级功能,以帮助用户更全面地评估网络安全状况。

这些高级功能包括:(1) 安全合规性检查Nessus可以检查系统是否符合特定的安全标准和合规性要求,例如PCI DSS、HIPAA和SOX等。


(2) 恶意软件检测Nessus可以扫描系统中的恶意软件,并提供有关如何清除恶意软件的建议。


(3) 网络流量分析Nessus可以分析网络流量并生成有关网络活动的报告。



3. Nessus在网络安全中的重要性随着网络攻击日益频繁和复杂,保护企业的网络安全已成为一项极其重要的任务。





nessus用法解读 -回复

nessus用法解读 -回复




1. Nessus概述Nessus是一款由Tenable Network Security公司开发的漏洞扫描工具。



2. 安装和配置Nessus首先,用户需要从Tenable官方网站下载并安装Nessus。

安装完成后,可以通过访问本地主机上的3. 创建扫描策略在进行扫描之前,用户需要创建一个扫描策略。

Nessus提供了几种预定义的扫描策略,如"Basic Network Scan"和"Web Application Tests",用户可以根据需要选择适合的策略或自定义一个新的策略。



4. 执行扫描任务创建好扫描策略后,用户可以开始执行扫描任务。





5. 分析和解释扫描结果扫描完成后,用户可以通过查看报告来分析和解释扫描结果。






















一、工具一:NessusNessus是一款流行的服务器安全漏洞扫描工具,由Tenable Network Security公司开发。




二、工具二:OpenVASOpenVAS是一款免费开源的服务器安全漏洞扫描工具,由Greenbone Networks公司开发。

















在服务端还采用了plug-in 的体系,允许用户加入执行特定功能的插件,这插件可以进行更快速和更复杂的安全检查。



(2002-07-09 13:09:47)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.Nessus简介Nessus是一个功能强大而又易于使用的远程安全扫描器,它不仅免费而且更新极快。



在服务端还采用了plug-in 的体系,允许用户加入执行特定功能的插件,这插件可以进行更快速和更复杂的安全检查。










1. 下载并安装Nessus软件。


2. 打开Nessus软件,进入主界面。


3. 在主界面中,选择“扫描”选项。



4. 开始扫描,等待扫描完成。


5. 扫描完成后,Nessus会生成详细的报告,列出目标存在的漏洞和风险。





网络安全实验报告Nessus扫描工具的使用网络10-2班XXX 08103635一、实验目的通过Nessus扫描工具的使用,了解漏洞扫描的常用方法,掌握插件扫描的原理,了解针对扫描工具的防措施。












从上面两图中可以看出,扫描出来的8台主机,有5台显示黄色(下面以ip尾号.113为例),其余的是黑色(下面以ip 尾号.112为例),.113有标记:“Medium Severity problem(s) found”,意思为“发现中等严重程度的问题”。


2、只对本机扫描:主机名:19_26扫描时间:2013年4月8日(周一)17:14:47——17:17:26漏洞:开放的端口:10最低:21介质:2高:0有关主机的信息:操作系统:微软Windows XPNetBIOS 名称:19_26DNS名称:19_26。





⼀、实验名称:漏洞扫描 ⼆、实验环境:VMware Workstation pro虚拟机、kali-linux-2019.4(攻击机1)、Nessus WVS2合1(攻击机2)、WinXPenSP3(靶机1)、Windows 7 x64(靶机2)、攻击机1 ip:、攻击机2 ip:、靶机1 ip:、靶机2 ip: 三、实验原理:本次实验利⽤了nmap和Nessus_AWVS2合1⼯具,这⾥其实是有三个⼯具nmap、Nessus和AWVS,这三个⼯具都是基于端⼝扫描,其原理是当⼀个主机向远端⼀个服务器的某⼀个端⼝提出建⽴⼀个连接的请求,如果对⽅有此项服务,就会应答,如果对⽅未安装此项服务时,即使你向相应的端⼝发出请求,对⽅仍⽆应答,利⽤这个原理,如果对所有熟知端⼝或⾃⼰选定的某个范围内的熟知端⼝分别建⽴连接,并记录下远端服务器所给予的应答,通过查看记录就可以知道⽬标服务器上都安装了哪些服务,然后就可以通过所提供的这些服务的⼰知漏洞就可进⾏攻击。

四、实验步骤: ⽅法⼀:1. 打开kali-linux系统终端,得到XP系统ip地址后输⼊常见漏洞扫描命令扫描XP系统:nmap --script vuln,得到存在的漏洞信息,命令操作参考⽂章: 2. 接着尝试扫描win7系统漏洞 ⽅法⼆: 这⾥给⼤家提个醒,像这些采⽤暴⼒枚举的⼯具⼤家平时⽤虚拟机、靶机实验实验就⾏了,最好不要⽤到别⼈的⽹站上,容易导致⽹站服务器崩溃,在未授权的情况下是构成犯罪的。

1. 打开Nessus-linux系统,输⼊linux账号密码,登⼊系统后输⼊ifconfig获得ip(同kali) 如果⼩伙伴出现没有inet的情况,看看⾃⼰的虚拟机⽹络模式设置,将其设置为NAT模式,关于这三种⽹络模式的区别⼤家可以去百度了解⼀下。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Nessus linux下安全漏洞扫描工具详解Nessus:1、Nessus的概述2、Nessus软件使用演示3、Nessus的部署AIDE:1、aide的概述2、aide部署3、aide的初级使用4、使用aide监控系统中的文件5、使用aide检测rootkit1、Nessus的概述Nessus 被认为是目前全世界最多人使用的系统漏洞扫描与分析软件。

总共有超过75,000个机构使用Nessus 作为扫描该机构电脑系统的软件。

* 提供完整的电脑漏洞扫描服务, 并随时更新其漏洞数据库。

* 不同于传统的漏洞扫描软件, Nessus 可同时在本机或远端上摇控, 进行系统的漏洞分析扫描。

* 其运作效能能随着系统的资源而自行调整。

如果将主机加入更多的资源(例如加快CPU 速度或增加内存大小),其效率表现可因为丰富资源而提高。

* 可自行定义插件(Plug-in)* NASL(Nessus Attack Scripting Language) 是由Tenable 所开发出的语言,用来写入Nessus的安全测试选项.* 完整支持SSL (Secure Socket Layer)。

* 自从1998年开发至今已谕十年, 故为一架构成熟的软件。

采用客户/服务器体系结构,客户端提供了运行在X window 下的图形界面,接受用户的命令与服务器通信,传送用户的扫描请求给服务器端,由服务器启动扫描并将扫描结果呈现给用户;扫描代码与漏洞数据相互独立,Nessus 针对每一个漏洞有一个对应的插件,漏洞插件是用NASL(NESSUS Attack Scripting Language)编写的一小段模拟攻击漏洞的代码,这种利用漏洞插件的扫描技术极大的方便了漏洞数据的维护、更新;Nessus 具有扫描任意端口任意服务的能力;以用户指定的格式(ASCII 文本、html 等)产生详细的输出报告,包括目标的脆弱点、怎样修补漏洞以防止黑客入侵及危险级别。

2、Nessus软件使用演示--观看老师演示3、Nessus的部署1)、安装软件# rpm -ivh Nessus-4.4.1-es5.i386.rpm# vim ~/.bash_profileexport PA TH=/opt/nessus/sbin:/opt/nessus/bin:$PATHexport MANPATH=/opt/nessus/man:`manpath`# source ~/.bash_profile软件的卸载:rpm -e NessusNessus软件的组成:# ll /opt/nessus/drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 8 00:47 bin --普通用户使用的命令drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 8 00:47 com --根证书drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 8 00:47 etc --配置文件drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 11 14:11 lib --扫描时使用的插件drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jan 8 00:47 mandrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 8 00:47 sbindrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 8 00:47 var --账号/日志/报告/web页面2)启动nessus,并使用WEB客户端访问# service nessusd start# chkconfig nessusd on# netstat -tnlp|grep nessustcp 0 0* LISTEN 13908/nessusd --web访问端口tcp 0 0* LISTEN 13908/nessusd --nessus客户端访问的端口tcp 0 0 :::1241 :::*LISTEN 13908/nessusd首先要求可以上网。

配置网络3)打开浏览器访问https://,进行初始化配置申请序列号/products/nessus/nessus-plugins/obtain-an-activation-code 注册Nessus等待插件的更新访问之前需要在客户端上给浏览器安装flash插件:# rpm -ivh flash-plugin- --装完后需要重启浏览器# rpm -ivh flash-plugin-在Nessus WEB界面上的操作(先扫自己,再扫别的主机):1)新建扫描策略(定义扫描策略/扫描目标主机使用账号密码等等)2)扫描指定的主机(查看报告,导出报告。

4)修复漏洞AIDE --(文件系统)高级入侵检测关注的三洋东西:二进制主配置文件基准数据库1、aide的概述AIDE(Adevanced Intrusion Detection Environment,高级入侵检测环境)是个入侵检测工具,主要用途是检查文本的完整性。


AIDE数据库能够保存文档的各种属性,包括:权限(permission)、索引节点序号(inode number)、所属用户(user)、所属用户组(group)、文档大小、最后修改时间(mtime)、创建时间(ctime)、最后访问时间(atime)、增加的大小连同连接数。


常见的入侵检测软件:1、tripwire --操作比较复杂2、aide --用以代替tripwire的一款新产品文件系统入侵检测的原理:1、当系统处于健康状态时,把系统所有的文件做各种指纹的检验,得出一个检验基准数据库。

2、不是所有的文件都需要保存指纹,临时文件(/var/log | /tmp | /var/tmp | /proc | /sys | /dev/shm...)3、需要检验文件是否被更改,只需要把基准数据对应指纹值做对比,就可以得知哪些文件被更改过。


2、aide部署1.从结帽官方获取最新的src rpm包# wget ftp:///redhat/linux/enterprise/5Server/en/os/SRPMS/aide-0.13.1-6.el5.src.rpm# rpm -ivh aide-0.13.1-6.el5.src.rpm# rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPEC/aide.spec# rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/aide-0.13.1-6.el5.src.rpm# yum -y install aideInstalled:aide.x86_64 0:0.14-3.el6_2.2Complete!3、aide的初级使用1)新建一个目录,里边放一些测试文件# mkdir /aide_check_test# cp /etc/hosts* /aide_test_check# grep -v ^# /etc/aide.conf |grep -v ^$ > /etc/aide2.conf# mv /etc/aide2.conf /etc/aide.confmv: overwrite `/etc/aide.conf'? y2)定义配置文件,及被临控的目录# cp /etc/aide.conf /etc/aide.conf.bak# vim /etc/aide.conf@@define DBDIR /var/lib/aide --基准数据库目录@@define LOGDIR /var/log/aidedatabase=file:@@{DBDIR}/aide.db.gz --基准数据库文件database_out=file:@@{DBDIR}/ --更新数据库文件gzip_dbout=yesverbose=5report_url=file:@@{LOGDIR}/aide.logreport_url=stdoutR = p+i+n+u+g+s+m+c+acl+xattrs+md5L = p+i+n+u+g+acl+xattrs> = p+u+g+i+n+S+acl+xattrsALLXTRAHASHES = sha1+rmd160+sha256+sha512+tiger EVERYTHING = R+ALLXTRAHASHESNORMAL = R+rmd160+sha256DIR = p+i+n+u+g+acl+xattrsPERMS = p+i+u+g+aclLOG = >LSPP = R+sha256DA TAONL Y = p+n+u+g+s+acl+xattrs+md5+sha256+rmd160+tiger /aide_check_test EVERYTHING3)初始化数据库:rpm -ql aide 可查# rpm -ql aide/etc/aide.conf/etc/logrotate.d/aide/usr/sbin/aide# /usr/sbin/aide --help# /usr/sbin/aide --config=/etc/aide.conf --initAIDE, version 0.13.1### AIDE database at /var/lib/aide/ initialized.4)把初始化的数据库当做基准数据库# cp /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz5)测试AIDE能否发现文件更改什么都没有改动之前,先check一次:# /usr/sbin/aide --config=/etc/aide.conf --checkAIDE, version 0.14### All files match AIDE database. Looks okay!# cp /etc/passwd /aide_test_check/# rm -rf /aide_test_check/hosts# echo hello > /aide_test_check/hosts.allow# /usr/sbin/aide -c /etc/aide.conf --checkAIDE found differences between database and filesystem!!Start timestamp: 2012-07-10 15:03:17Summary:Total number of files: 6Added files: 1Removed files: 1Changed files: 2---------------------------------------------------Added files:---------------------------------------------------added: /aide_test_check/passwd---------------------------------------------------Removed files:---------------------------------------------------removed: /aide_test_check/hosts---------------------------------------------------Changed files:---------------------------------------------------changed: /aide_test_checkchanged: /aide_test_check/hosts.allow--------------------------------------------------Detailed information about changes:---------------------------------------------------Directory: /aide_test_checkMtime : 2012-07-10 14:43:18 , 2012-07-10 14:54:40 Ctime : 2012-07-10 14:43:18 , 2012-07-10 14:54:40File: /aide_test_check/hosts.allowSize : 161 , 166Mtime : 2012-07-10 14:43:18 , 2012-07-10 14:54:40Ctime : 2012-07-10 14:43:18 , 2012-07-10 14:54:40Inode : 1678982 , 1678985MD5 : Jf16ip7EeUlg7xmKYPZtIg== , fbZt8P2s5dOjQHh3Wer2UQ==RMD160 : sZxwc595gS7oA92r3vt/0bf6IvE= , XIEY/gh5Xl+ucwrwLkbk8DFr0Mo= SHA256 : 2xfzPtX0u7LS231etvkgOCGqrDK0ViKj , M5Gh2f/I2GwR4fF6eNhF+5LM3gob226S6)如果上面的更改合法的操作,需要更新基准数据库:# /usr/sbin/aide -c /etc/aide.conf --update# cd /var/lib/aide# cp aide.db.gzcp: overwrite `aide.db.gz'? y7)把报告发往邮箱:# /usr/sbin/aide -c /etc/aide.conf --check |mail -s "test aide" root@localhost4、使用aide监控系统中的文件1)修改配置文件,让aide监控系统中的所有文件# mv /etc/aide.conf.bak /etc/aide.conf --清空前面操作# rm -rf /var/lib/aide/aide.db.*# vim /etc/aide.conf@@define DBDIR /var/lib/aide@@define LOGDIR /var/log/aidedatabase=file:@@{DBDIR}/aide.db.gz --基准数据库database_out=file:@@{DBDIR}/ --每次update时会产生更新gzip_dbout=yesverbose=20report_url=file:@@{LOGDIR}/aide.logreport_url=stdoutR = p+i+n+u+g+s+m+c+acl+xattrs+md5L = p+i+n+u+g+acl+xattrs> = p+u+g+i+n+S+acl+xattrsALLXTRAHASHES = sha1+rmd160+sha256+sha512+tigerEVERYTHING = R+ALLXTRAHASHESNORMAL = R+rmd160+sha256DIR = p+i+n+u+g+acl+xattrsPERMS = p+i+u+g+aclLOG = >LSPP = R+sha256DA TAONL Y = p+n+u+g+s+acl+xattrs+md5+sha256+rmd160+tiger /boot NORMAL/bin NORMAL/sbin NORMAL/lib NORMAL/opt NORMAL/usr NORMAL/root NORMAL!/usr/src!/usr/tmp/etc PERMS!/etc/mtab!/etc/.*~/etc/exports NORMAL/etc/fstab NORMAL/etc/passwd NORMAL/etc/group NORMAL/etc/gshadow NORMAL/etc/shadow NORMAL/etc/security/opasswd NORMAL/etc/hosts.allow NORMAL/etc/hosts.deny NORMAL/etc/sudoers NORMAL/etc/skel NORMAL/etc/logrotate.d NORMAL/etc/resolv.conf DA TAONL Y/etc/nscd.conf NORMAL/etc/securetty NORMAL/etc/profile NORMAL/etc/bashrc NORMAL/etc/bash_completion.d/ NORMAL/etc/login.defs NORMAL/etc/zprofile NORMAL/etc/zshrc NORMAL/etc/zlogin NORMAL/etc/zlogout NORMAL/etc/profile.d/ NORMAL/etc/X11/ NORMAL/etc/yum.conf NORMAL/etc/yumex.conf NORMAL/etc/yumex.profiles.conf NORMAL/etc/yum/ NORMAL/etc/yum.repos.d/ NORMAL /var/log LOG/var/run/utmp LOG!/var/log/sa!/var/log/aide.log/etc/audit/ LSPP/etc/libaudit.conf LSPP/usr/sbin/stunnel LSPP/var/spool/at LSPP/etc/at.allow LSPP/etc/at.deny LSPP/etc/cron.allow LSPP/etc/cron.deny LSPP/etc/cron.d/ LSPP/etc/cron.daily/ LSPP/etc/cron.hourly/ LSPP/etc/cron.monthly/ LSPP/etc/cron.weekly/ LSPP/etc/crontab LSPP/var/spool/cron/root LSPP /etc/login.defs LSPP/etc/securetty LSPP/var/log/faillog LSPP/var/log/lastlog LSPP/etc/hosts LSPP/etc/sysconfig LSPP/etc/inittab LSPP/etc/grub/ LSPP/etc/rc.d LSPP/etc/ LSPP/etc/localtime LSPP/etc/sysctl.conf LSPP/etc/modprobe.conf LSPP /etc/pam.d LSPP/etc/security LSPP/etc/aliases LSPP/etc/postfix LSPP/etc/ssh/sshd_config LSPP /etc/ssh/ssh_config LSPP/etc/stunnel LSPP/etc/vsftpd.ftpusers LSPP/etc/vsftpd LSPP/etc/issue LSPP/etc/ LSPP/etc/cups LSPP!/var/log/and-httpd/root/.* PERMS2)初始化aide,并生成基准数据库文件# aide -c /etc/aide.conf --init --根据当前系统中文件数据的多少,所需要的时间不等,当前我这个系统花了20分钟左右# ls /var/lib/aide/ --基准数据库的存放位置,在上面的配置文件中也有定义 这是一个很重要的文件,一般可以把它放在光盘或者加密分区中保存# cd /var/lib/aide --把基准数据库拷贝一份给当前系统的AIDE使用# cp aide.db.gz3)使用AIDE检测系统中的文件是否被修改:aide --check --检测被监控的文件是否发生变化,结果在屏幕输出aide --check| mail -s "aide check about `hostname`,data:`date`" root@localhost--检测被监控的文件是否发生变化,把结果发给管理员,可以结合crontab完成4)更基准数据库:注意:1)更新的前提的系统中文件的改变是合法合理,不是非法篡改的则要更新基准数据库2)更新完后要备份新的基准数据库到安全的存储介质中# /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/`date +%F` --备份旧的基准数据库# aide --update --又需要20分钟的文件扫描,真是悲具,所以在生产环境需要选择系统不繁忙的时段进行# cp /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz --把旧的基准数据库替换成最新的5)把aide程序、配置文件和基准数据库写入只读设备中,防止被恶意操作:# mkdir /tmp/aide# cp /etc/aide.conf /var/lib/aide/aide* /usr/sbin/aide /tmp/aide# yum -y install genisoimage -----打包成iso的工具# cd /tmp/ && mkisofs -V aide_DBS -J -R -o aide.iso aide/ --把所有的文件制作成光盘# rpm -e aide# rm -rf /etc/aide.conf /var/lib/aide/aide* /usr/sbin/aide --把系统中原来的文件删除把aide.iso 放到其他安全的机子中保存。
