妻子辛苦了【原调-G】(原版)钢琴双手简谱 钢琴谱 钢琴简谱
钢琴谱 Give You My Heart-爱的迫降OST 双手简谱_共6张(全)
我会握上那双手 不论以何理由相遇 和我相爱 不论以何理由和我 在一起的你 但愿无论幸福的日子 还是艰难的日子 你的身边 都有我 四季轮转 十二个月的时间 和我每日拼命相爱着 一起度过 不论以何理由相遇 就如我们相爱的 现在这一瞬间 每日对望 尽心相爱 但愿无论幸福的日子 还是艰难的日子 你的身边 都有我 但愿 和你不仅仅只留下回忆
Give You My Heart是韩国女歌手IU李知恩时隔九年再度为影视剧《爱的迫降》献唱的插曲。作为收官 OST给这部剧画上了圆满的句号。 高甜的剧情加上IU独特的嗓音,让观众不禁"上头"。这首《Give You My Heart》在公开了6小时后,登上了 NAVER、iChart等6榜的第一位,并且在一小时之内点赞量破万。对于26岁的李知恩,可谓是人生赢家! 同时,还为大家提供了《》曲谱 歌词下方是Give You My Heart钢琴谱,大家可以学习。 Give You My Hea
钢琴谱 Taylor Swift-爱情故事-C调简单版 双手简谱_共2张(全)
Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone I love you and that's all I really know I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress It's a love story baby just say yes Oh oh Oh oh 'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
Love Story出自美国女歌手Taylor Swift的第二张录音室专辑《Fearless》。她将传统的乡村音乐与摇滚乐几近 完美的结合。整首歌曲的乐风清新,非常适合调节心情的时候听。
《Love Story》这首由班卓琴和吉他伴奏的中速抒情歌曲,讲述的是lor Swift感兴趣的一个男生,然而这个男生并不受欢迎。当Taylor Swift再次想起这 件事的时候,便有感而发写下这首歌曲,她把这件事在第二副歌前后部分的位置,并围绕这些歌词发展了 整首歌。Taylor Swift认为歌词中的一句“嫁给我吧,朱丽叶,我爱你”是每个女孩都幻想的结局,她希望 自己在某一天能够拥有这样的结局,这也是Taylor Swift为什么把这句歌词写入歌曲中的原因。
Love Story双手简谱是网友提供的,由网友NGERN制作,感谢NGERN对EOP的支持!
Love Story歌词:
We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes and the flashback starts I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air See the lights see the party the ball gowns See you make your way through the crowd And say hello Little did I know That you were Romeo you were throwing pebbles And my daddy said Stay away from Juliet And I was crying on the staircase Begging you please don't go And I said Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting all that's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story baby just say yes So I sneak out to the garden to see you We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew So close your eyes escape this town for a little while 'Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letter And my daddy said Stay away from Juliet But you were everything to me I was begging you please don't go And I said Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story baby just say yes Romeo save me they're trying to tell me how to feel This love is difficult but it's real Don't be afraid we'll make it out of this mess It's a love story baby just say yes Oh oh I got tired of waiting Wondering if you were ever coming around My faith in you was fading When I met you on the outskirts of town And I said Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never come Is this in my head I don't know what to think He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
钢琴谱 Exhale-Sabrina Carpenter 双手简谱_共4张(全)
Who put the baby in charge It's already hard to buy all the parts and learn to use them Who put the world on my back and not in my hands Just give me a chance I listen to my mama Listen to my dad Listen to my sisters Everyone relax Everybody answers s**t I didn't ask Think I'm reaching my limit Can I exhale for a minute Can I get this out in the open Can I sit down for a second Can I breathe Can I exhale for a minute Can we talk it out I don't get it Can I calm down for a moment Can I breathe for just one second I put too much weight on words and glances I I put too much weight on situations I I put too much on myself thinking "I don't deserve what I've earned" But yeah I listen to the labels listen to the man Try to keep a sense of knowing who I am I try to be an angel but I don't think I can Think I'm reaching my limits yeah Can I exhale for a minute Can I get this out in the open Can I sit down for a second Can I breathe Can I exhale for a minute Can we talk it out I don't get it Can I calm down for a moment Can I breathe for just one second baby Can I breathe Can I breathe Can I breathe Can I breathe Can I breathe Can I breathe Can I breathe Na na na na na na nay Na na na na na na nay Na na na na na na nay Na na na na na na nay
别怕我伤心简谱钢琴谱 简谱双手数字完整版原版
0 71 2 7 5 3 2
16.ຫໍສະໝຸດ 7.3.5.
.. . . 6666 67 1 1 好久没有你的 信
3. 1.
07 6
65 5 5535 5
没有 人陪我谈心
7. 5. 3.
0. 3 6 666 66 5 5 6. 0 61 2222 2 13 32. 2112
2321 7
. . . . 3. . . . . . . . .. 3. .
71 2 1 7 3 3 53 367 1 7 6
1.. .
3.. .
.. ..
6. 3. 6. 3. 1 3. 6. 3. 5. 2. 5. 2. 7. 2. 5. 2. 4. 1. 4. 1. 6. 1. 4. 1.
0 12
也 曾 经 深深
7. 3. 5. 7. 6. 3. 6. 3. 4. 1. 4. 1. 5. 2. 5. 2.
. . .... .
3 3 2123 3
温 暖 你的心灵
. ..
2 36
你 和他
1. 5. 1 5. 7. 3. 5. 7. 4. 1. 4. 1. 5. 2. 5. 2.
怀 念你柔情似水 的眼睛 是我 天空最美丽 的星 星 异乡的
钢琴谱 夕化粧-纯白交响曲BGM 双手简谱_共5张(全)
《纯白交响曲》(ましろ色シンフォニー)是日本游戏公司palette(ぱれっと)于2009年10月30日发售的 一款美少女游戏,也是公司发售的第九部作品。故事内容讲述的是为人着想而爱操心的主人公瓜生新吾。 他所就读的学校将要和一个地区的某名门女校合并。从10月起的半合并期间,新吾作为混合学习的选拔生 的一员而开始在女校上学,在那里等待着他的是与个性丰富的少女们ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้邂逅、对男性的拒绝反应。当然新 吾这个老好人也会为了缓和气氛而努力,在这期间会…恋爱的颜色是白色,二人纯白的恋爱历程将会交织 成一首美妙的交响曲。
今天你要嫁给我钢琴谱钢琴简谱数字谱钢琴双手简谱钢琴简谱:1. 钢琴谱分为左右手两部分,左手主要负责和弦的伴奏,右手则负责旋律的演奏。
2. 在练习过程中,注意左右手的协调与配合,可以先单独练习左手和弦,再单独练习右手旋律,将两者结合起来。
3. 钢琴谱中的音符表示方法如下:高音谱号为五线谱,低音谱号为四线谱。
4. 在演奏过程中,注意音符的时值和节奏,以及力度的变化。
钢琴数字谱:1. 数字谱是一种简化的钢琴谱,用数字表示音符在钢琴键盘上的位置。
2. 在练习过程中,可以根据数字谱上的数字,在钢琴键盘上找到对应的音符,然后按照数字谱上的顺序演奏。
3. 数字谱中的数字表示方法如下:高音数字谱为1、2、3、4、5、6、7,对应钢琴键盘上的白键。
4. 在演奏过程中,注意数字谱上的时值和节奏,以及力度的变化。
钢琴双手简谱:1. 双手简谱是一种将左右手合并在一起的简谱,方便演奏者快速掌握整首曲子的演奏。
2. 在练习过程中,可以先单独练习左右手的旋律,再结合双手简谱进行练习。
3. 双手简谱中的音符表示方法如下:高音谱号为五线谱,低音谱号为四线谱。
4. 在演奏过程中,注意音符的时值和节奏,以及力度的变化。