
population 母体sample 样本census 普查sampling 抽样quantitative 量的qualitative/categorical质的discrete 离散的continuous 连续的population parameters 母体参数sample statistics 样本统计量descriptive statistics 叙述统计学inferential/inductive statistics 推论 ...抽样调查(sampliing survey单纯随机抽样(simple random sampling 系统抽样(systematic sampling分层抽样(stratified sampling整群抽样(cluster sampling多级抽样(multistage sampling常态分配(Parametric Statistics)无母数统计学(Nonparametric Statistics) 实验设计(Design of Experiment)参数(Parameter)Data analysis 资料分析Statistical table 统计表Statistical chart 统计图Pie chart 圆饼图Stem-and-leaf display 茎叶图Box plot 盒须图Histogram 直方图Bar Chart 长条图Polygon 次数多边图Ogive 肩形图Descriptive statistics 叙述统计学Expectation 期望值Mode 众数Mean 平均数Variance 变异数Standard deviation 标准差Standard error 标准误Covariance matrix 共变异数矩阵Inferential statistics 推论统计学Point estimation 点估计Interval estimation 区间估计Confidence interval 信赖区间Confidence coefficient 信赖系数Testing statistical hypothesis 统计假设检定Regression analysis 回归分析Analysis of variance 变异数分析Correlation coefficient 相关系数Sampling survey 抽样调查Census 普查Sampling 抽样Reliability 信度Validity 效度Sampling error 抽样误差Non-sampling error 非抽样误差Random sampling 随机抽样Simple random sampling 简单随机抽样法Stratified sampling 分层抽样法Cluster sampling 群集抽样法Systematic sampling 系统抽样法Two-stage random sampling 两段随机抽样法Convenience sampling 便利抽样Quota sampling 配额抽样Snowball sampling 雪球抽样Nonparametric statistics 无母数统计The sign test 等级检定Wilcoxon signed rank tests 魏克森讯号等级检定Wilcoxon rank sum tests 魏克森等级和检定Run test 连检定法Discrete uniform densities 离散的均匀密度Binomial densities 二项密度Hypergeometric densities 超几何密度Poisson densities 卜松密度Geometric densities 几何密度Negative binomial densities 负二项密度Continuous uniform densities 连续均匀密度Normal densities 常态密度Exponential densities 指数密度Gamma densities 伽玛密度Beta densities 贝他密度Multivariate analysis 多变量分析Principal components 主因子分析Discrimination analysis 区别分析Cluster analysis 群集分析Factor analysis 因素分析Survival analysis 存活分析Time series analysis 时间序列分析Linear models 线性模式Quality engineering 品质工程Probability theory 机率论Statistical computing 统计计算Statistical inference 统计推论Stochastic processes 随机过程Decision theory 决策理论Discrete analysis 离散分析Mathematical statistics 数理统计统计学: Statistics母体: Population样本: Sample资料分析: Data analysis统计表: Statistical table统计图: Statistical chart圆饼图: Pie chart茎叶图: Stem-and-leaf display盒须图: Box plot直方图: Histogram长条图: Bar Chart次数多边图: Polygon肩形图: Ogive叙述统计学: Descriptive statistics 期望值: Expectation众数: Mode平均数: Mean变异数: Variance标准差: Standard deviation标准误: Standard error共变异数矩阵: Covariance matrix推论统计学: Inferential statistics点估计: Point estimation区间估计: Interval estimation信赖区间: Confidence interval信赖系数: Confidence coefficient统计假设检定: Testing statisticalhypothesis回归分析: Regression analysis变异数分析: Analysis of variance相关系数: Correlation coefficient抽样调查: Sampling survey普查: Census抽样: Sampling信度: Reliability效度: Validity抽样误差: Sampling error非抽样误差: Non-sampling error随机抽样: Random sampling简单随机抽样法: Simple randomsampling分层抽样法: Stratified sampling群集抽样法: Cluster sampling系统抽样法: Systematic sampling两段随机抽样法: Two-stage randomsampling便利抽样: Convenience sampling配额抽样: Quota sampling雪球抽样: Snowball sampling无母数统计: Nonparametric statistics等级检定: The sign test魏克森讯号等级检定: Wilcoxon signedrank tests魏克森等级和检定: Wilcoxon rank sumtests连检定法: Run test离散的均匀密度: Discrete uniformdensities二项密度: Binomial densities超几何密度: Hypergeometric densities卜松密度: Poisson densities几何密度: Geometric densities负二项密度: Negative binomial densities连续均匀密度: Continuous uniformdensities常态密度: Normal densities指数密度: Exponential densities伽玛密度: Gamma densities贝他密度: Beta densities多变量分析: Multivariate analysis主因子分析: Principal components区别分析: Discrimination analysis群集分析: Cluster analysis因素分析: Factor analysis存活分析: Survival analysis时间序列分析: Time series analysis线性模式: Linear models品质工程: Quality engineering机率论: Probability theory统计计算: Statistical computing统计推论: Statistical inference随机过程: Stochastic processes决策理论: Decision theory离散分析: Discrete analysis数理统计: Mathematical statistics统计名词市调辞典众数(Mode) 普查(census)指数(Index) 问卷(Questionnaire)中位数(Median) 信度(Reliability)百分比(Percentage) 母群体(Population)信赖水准(Confidence level) 观察法(Observational Survey)假设检定(Hypothesis Testing) 综合法(Integrated Survey)卡方检定(Chi-square Test) 雪球抽样(Snowball Sampling)差距量表(Interval Scale) 序列偏差(Series Bias)类别量表(Nominal Scale) 次级资料(Secondary Data)顺序量表(Ordinal Scale) 抽样架构(Sampling frame)比率量表(Ratio Scale) 集群抽样(Cluster Sampling)连检定法(Run Test) 便利抽样(Convenience Sampling)符号检定(Sign Test) 抽样调查(SamplingSur)算术平均数(Arithmetic Mean) 非抽样误差(non-sampling error)展示会法(Display Survey)调查名词准确效度(Criterion-RelatedValidity)元素(Element) 邮寄问卷法(Mail Interview)样本(Sample) 信抽样误差(Sampling error)效度(Validity) 封闭式问题(Close Question)精确度(Precision) 电话访问法(TelephoneInterview)准确度(Validity) 随机抽样法(RandomSampling)实验法(Experiment Survey)抽样单位(Sampling unit) 资讯名词市场调查(Marketing Research) 决策树(Decision Trees)容忍误差(Tolerated erro) 资料采矿(DataMining)初级资料(Primary Data) 时间序列(Time-Series Forecasting)目标母体(Target Population) 回归分析(Regression)抽样偏差(Sampling Bias) 趋势分析(TrendAnalysis)抽样误差(sampling error) 罗吉斯回归(Logistic Regression)架构效度(Construct Validity) 类神经网络(Neural Network)配额抽样(Quota Sampling) 无母数统计检定方法(Non-Parametric Test)人员访问法(Interview) 判别分析法(Discriminant Analysis)集群分析法(cluster analysis) 规则归纳法(Rules Induction)内容效度(Content Validity) 判断抽样(Judgment Sampling)开放式问题(Open Question) OLAP(OnlineAnalytical Process)分层随机抽样(Stratified Randomsampling) 资料仓储(Data Warehouse)非随机抽样法(Nonrandom Sampling) 知识发现(Knowledge DiscoveryAbsolute deviation, 绝对离差Absolute number, 绝对数Absolute residuals, 绝对残差Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度Acceleration vector, 加速度向量Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设Accumulation, 累积Accuracy, 准确度Actual frequency, 实际频数Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量Addition, 相加Addition theorem, 加法定理Additive Noise, 加性噪声Additivity, 可加性Adjusted rate, 调整率Adjusted value, 校正值Admissible error, 容许误差Aggregation, 聚集性Alpha factoring,α因子法Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设Among groups, 组间Amounts, 总量Analysis of correlation, 相关分析Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析Analysis Of Effects, 效应分析Analysis Of Variance, 方差分析Analysis of regression, 回归分析Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析Analysis of variance, 方差分析Angular transformation, 角转换ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型ANOVA table and eta, 分组计算方差分析Arcing, 弧/弧旋Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换Area 区域图Area under the curve, 曲线面积AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系Assessing fit, 拟合的评估Associative laws, 结合律Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差Attributable risk, 归因危险度Attribute data, 属性资料Attribution, 属性Autocorrelation, 自相关Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关Average, 平均数Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度Average growth rate, 平均增长率Bar chart, 条形图Bar graph, 条形图Base period, 基期Bayes' theorem , Bayes定理Bell-shaped curve, 钟形曲线Bernoulli distribution, 伯努力分布Best-trim estimator, 最好切尾估计量Bias, 偏性Binary logistic regression, 二元逻辑斯蒂回归Binomial distribution, 二项分布Bisquare, 双平方Bivariate Correlate, 二变量相关Bivariate normal distribution, 双变量正态分布Bivariate normal population, 双变量正态总体Biweight interval, 双权区间Biweight M-estimator, 双权M估计量Block, 区组/配伍组BMDP(Biomedical computer programs),BMDP统计软件包Boxplots, 箱线图/箱尾图Breakdown bound, 崩溃界/崩溃点Canonical correlation, 典型相关Caption, 纵标目Case-control study, 病例对照研究Categorical variable, 分类变量Catenary, 悬链线Cauchy distribution, 柯西分布Cause-and-effect relationship, 因果关系Cell, 单元Censoring, 终检Center of symmetry, 对称中心Centering and scaling, 中心化和定标Central tendency, 集中趋势Central value, 中心值CHAID -χ2 Automatic Interaction Detector,卡方自动交互检测Chance, 机遇Chance error, 随机误差Chance variable, 随机变量Characteristic equation, 特征方程Characteristic root, 特征根Characteristic vector, 特征向量Chebshev criterion of fit, 拟合的切比雪夫准则Chernoff faces, 切尔诺夫脸谱图Chi-square test, 卡方检验/χ2检验Choleskey decomposition, 乔洛斯基分解Circle chart, 圆图Class interval, 组距Class mid-value, 组中值Class upper limit, 组上限Classified variable, 分类变量Cluster analysis, 聚类分析Cluster sampling, 整群抽样Code, 代码Coded data, 编码数据Coding, 编码Coefficient of contingency, 列联系数Coefficient of determination, 决定系数Coefficient of multiple correlation, 多重相关系数Coefficient of partial correlation, 偏相关系数Coefficient of production-moment correlation, 积差相关系数Coefficient of rank correlation, 等级相关系数Coefficient of regression, 回归系数Coefficient of skewness, 偏度系数Coefficient of variation, 变异系数Cohort study, 队列研究Collinearity, 共线性Column, 列Column effect, 列效应Column factor, 列因素Combination pool, 合并Combinative table, 组合表Common factor, 共性因子Common regression coefficient, 公共回归系数Common value, 共同值Common variance, 公共方差Common variation, 公共变异Communality variance, 共性方差Comparability, 可比性Comparison of bathes, 批比较Comparison value, 比较值Compartment model, 分部模型Compassion, 伸缩Complement of an event, 补事件Complete association, 完全正相关Complete dissociation, 完全不相关Complete statistics, 完备统计量Completely randomized design, 完全随机化设计Composite event, 联合事件Composite events, 复合事件Concavity, 凹性Conditional expectation, 条件期望Conditional likelihood, 条件似然Conditional probability, 条件概率Conditionally linear, 依条件线性Confidence interval, 置信区间Confidence limit, 置信限Confidence lower limit, 置信下限Confidence upper limit, 置信上限Confirmatory Factor Analysis , 验证性因子分析Confirmatory research, 证实性实验研究Confounding factor, 混杂因素Conjoint, 联合分析Consistency, 相合性Consistency check, 一致性检验Consistent asymptotically normal estimate,相合渐近正态估计Consistent estimate, 相合估计Constrained nonlinear regression, 受约束非线性回归Constraint, 约束Contaminated distribution, 污染分布Contaminated Gausssian, 污染高斯分布Contaminated normal distribution, 污染正态分布Contamination, 污染Contamination model, 污染模型Contingency table, 列联表Contour, 边界线Contribution rate, 贡献率Control, 对照, 质量控制图Controlled experiments, 对照实验Conventional depth, 常规深度Convolution, 卷积Corrected factor, 校正因子Corrected mean, 校正均值Correction coefficient, 校正系数Correctness, 正确性Correlation coefficient, 相关系数Correlation, 相关性Correlation index, 相关指数Correspondence, 对应Counting, 计数Counts, 计数/频数Covariance, 协方差Covariant, 共变Cox Regression, Cox回归Criteria for fitting, 拟合准则Criteria of least squares, 最小二乘准则Critical ratio, 临界比Critical region, 拒绝域Critical value, 临界值Cross-over design, 交叉设计Cross-section analysis, 横断面分析Cross-section survey, 横断面调查Crosstabs , 交叉表Crosstabs 列联表分析Cross-tabulation table, 复合表Cube root, 立方根Cumulative distribution function, 分布函数Cumulative probability, 累计概率Curvature, 曲率/弯曲Curvature, 曲率Curve Estimation, 曲线拟合Curve fit , 曲线拟和Curve fitting, 曲线拟合Curvilinear regression, 曲线回归Curvilinear relation, 曲线关系Cut-and-try method, 尝试法Cycle, 周期Cyclist, 周期性D test, D检验Data acquisition, 资料收集Data bank, 数据库Data capacity, 数据容量Data deficiencies, 数据缺乏Data handling, 数据处理Data manipulation, 数据处理Data processing, 数据处理Data reduction, 数据缩减Data set, 数据集Data sources, 数据来源Data transformation, 数据变换Data validity, 数据有效性Data-in, 数据输入Data-out, 数据输出Dead time, 停滞期Degree of freedom, 自由度Degree of precision, 精密度Degree of reliability, 可靠性程度Degression, 递减Density function, 密度函数Density of data points, 数据点的密度Dependent variable, 应变量/依变量/因变量Dependent variable, 因变量Depth, 深度Derivative matrix, 导数矩阵Derivative-free methods, 无导数方法Design, 设计Determinacy, 确定性Determinant, 行列式Determinant, 决定因素Deviation, 离差Deviation from average, 离均差Diagnostic plot, 诊断图Dichotomous variable, 二分变量Differential equation, 微分方程Direct standardization, 直接标准化法Direct Oblimin, 斜交旋转Discrete variable, 离散型变量DISCRIMINANT, 判断Discriminant analysis, 判别分析Discriminant coefficient, 判别系数Discriminant function, 判别值Dispersion, 散布/分散度Disproportional, 不成比例的Disproportionate sub-class numbers, 不成比例次级组含量Distribution free, 分布无关性/免分布Distribution shape, 分布形状Distribution-free method, 任意分布法Distributive laws, 分配律Disturbance, 随机扰动项Dose response curve, 剂量反应曲线Double blind method, 双盲法Double blind trial, 双盲试验Double exponential distribution, 双指数分布Double logarithmic, 双对数Downward rank, 降秩Dual-space plot, 对偶空间图DUD, 无导数方法Duncan's new multiple range method, 新复极差法/Duncan新法Error Bar, 均值相关区间图Effect, 实验效应Eigenvalue, 特征值Eigenvector, 特征向量Ellipse, 椭圆Empirical distribution, 经验分布Empirical probability, 经验概率单位Enumeration data, 计数资料Equal sun-class number, 相等次级组含量Equally likely, 等可能Equivariance, 同变性Error, 误差/错误Error of estimate, 估计误差Error type I, 第一类错误Error type II, 第二类错误Estimand, 被估量Estimated error mean squares, 估计误差均方Estimated error sum of squares, 估计误差平方和Euclidean distance, 欧式距离Event, 事件Event, 事件Exceptional data point, 异常数据点Expectation plane, 期望平面Expectation surface, 期望曲面Expected values, 期望值Experiment, 实验Experimental sampling, 试验抽样Experimental unit, 试验单位Explained variance (已说明方差)Explanatory variable, 说明变量Exploratory data analysis, 探索性数据分析Explore Summarize, 探索-摘要Exponential curve, 指数曲线Exponential growth, 指数式增长EXSMOOTH, 指数平滑方法Extended fit, 扩充拟合Extra parameter, 附加参数Extrapolation, 外推法Extreme observation, 末端观测值Extremes, 极端值/极值F distribution, F分布F test, F检验Factor, 因素/因子Factor analysis, 因子分析Factor Analysis, 因子分析Factor score, 因子得分Factorial, 阶乘Factorial design, 析因试验设计False negative, 假阴性False negative error, 假阴性错误Family of distributions, 分布族Family of estimators, 估计量族Fanning, 扇面Fatality rate, 病死率Field investigation, 现场调查Field survey, 现场调查Finite population, 有限总体Finite-sample, 有限样本First derivative, 一阶导数First principal component, 第一主成分First quartile, 第一四分位数Fisher information, 费雪信息量Fitted value, 拟合值Fitting a curve, 曲线拟合Fixed base, 定基Fluctuation, 随机起伏Forecast, 预测Four fold table, 四格表Fourth, 四分点Fraction blow, 左侧比率Fractional error, 相对误差Frequency, 频率Frequency polygon, 频数多边图Frontier point, 界限点Function relationship, 泛函关系Gamma distribution, 伽玛分布Gauss increment, 高斯增量Gaussian distribution, 高斯分布/正态分布Gauss-Newton increment, 高斯-牛顿增量General census, 全面普查Generalized least squares, 综合最小平方法GENLOG (Generalized liner models), 广义线性模型Geometric mean, 几何平均数Gini's mean difference, 基尼均差GLM (General liner models), 通用线性模型Goodness of fit, 拟和优度/配合度Gradient of determinant, 行列式的梯度Graeco-Latin square, 希腊拉丁方Grand mean, 总均值Gross errors, 重大错误Gross-error sensitivity, 大错敏感度Group averages, 分组平均Grouped data, 分组资料Guessed mean, 假定平均数Half-life, 半衰期Hampel M-estimators, 汉佩尔M估计量Happenstance, 偶然事件Harmonic mean, 调和均数Hazard function, 风险均数Hazard rate, 风险率Heading, 标目Heavy-tailed distribution, 重尾分布Hessian array, 海森立体阵Heterogeneity, 不同质Heterogeneity of variance, 方差不齐Hierarchical classification, 组内分组Hierarchical clustering method, 系统聚类法High-leverage point, 高杠杆率点High-Low, 低区域图Higher Order Interaction Effects,高阶交互作用HILOGLINEAR, 多维列联表的层次对数线性模型Hinge, 折叶点Histogram, 直方图Historical cohort study, 历史性队列研究Holes, 空洞HOMALS, 多重响应分析Homogeneity of variance, 方差齐性Homogeneity test, 齐性检验Huber M-estimators, 休伯M估计量Hyperbola, 双曲线Hypothesis testing, 假设检验Hypothetical universe, 假设总体Image factoring,, 多元回归法Impossible event, 不可能事件Independence, 独立性Independent variable, 自变量Index, 指标/指数Indirect standardization, 间接标准化法Individual, 个体Inference band, 推断带Infinite population, 无限总体Infinitely great, 无穷大Infinitely small, 无穷小Influence curve, 影响曲线Information capacity, 信息容量Initial condition, 初始条件Initial estimate, 初始估计值Initial level, 最初水平Interaction, 交互作用Interaction terms, 交互作用项Intercept, 截距Interpolation, 内插法Interquartile range, 四分位距Interval estimation, 区间估计Intervals of equal probability, 等概率区间Intrinsic curvature, 固有曲率Invariance, 不变性Inverse matrix, 逆矩阵Inverse probability, 逆概率Inverse sine transformation, 反正弦变换Iteration, 迭代Jacobian determinant, 雅可比行列式Joint distribution function, 分布函数Joint probability, 联合概率Joint probability distribution, 联合概率分布K-Means Cluster逐步聚类分析K means method, 逐步聚类法Kaplan-Meier, 评估事件的时间长度Kaplan-Merier chart, Kaplan-Merier图Kendall's rank correlation, Kendall等级相关Kinetic, 动力学Kolmogorov-Smirnove test, 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米尔诺夫检验Kruskal and Wallis test, Kruskal及Wallis检验/多样本的秩和检验/H检验Kurtosis, 峰度Lack of fit, 失拟Ladder of powers, 幂阶梯Lag, 滞后Large sample, 大样本Large sample test, 大样本检验Latin square, 拉丁方Latin square design, 拉丁方设计Leakage, 泄漏Least favorable configuration, 最不利构形Least favorable distribution, 最不利分布Least significant difference, 最小显著差法Least square method, 最小二乘法Least Squared Criterion,最小二乘方准则Least-absolute-residuals estimates, 最小绝对残差估计Least-absolute-residuals fit, 最小绝对残差拟合Least-absolute-residuals line, 最小绝对残差线Legend, 图例L-estimator, L估计量L-estimator of location, 位置L估计量L-estimator of scale, 尺度L估计量Level, 水平Leveage Correction,杠杆率校正Life expectance, 预期期望寿命Life table, 寿命表Life table method, 生命表法Light-tailed distribution, 轻尾分布Likelihood function, 似然函数Likelihood ratio, 似然比line graph, 线图Linear correlation, 直线相关Linear equation, 线性方程Linear programming, 线性规划Linear regression, 直线回归Linear Regression, 线性回归Linear trend, 线性趋势Loading, 载荷Location and scale equivariance, 位置尺度同变性Location equivariance, 位置同变性Location invariance, 位置不变性Location scale family, 位置尺度族Log rank test, 时序检验Logarithmic curve, 对数曲线Logarithmic normal distribution, 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale, 对数尺度Logarithmic transformation, 对数变换Logic check, 逻辑检查Logistic distribution, 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformation, Logi t转换LOGLINEAR, 多维列联表通用模型Lognormal distribution, 对数正态分布Lost function, 损失函数Low correlation, 低度相关Lower limit, 下限Lowest-attained variance, 最小可达方差LSD, 最小显著差法的简称Lurking variable, 潜在变量Main effect, 主效应Major heading, 主辞标目Marginal density function, 边缘密度函数Marginal probability, 边缘概率Marginal probability distribution, 边缘概率分布Matched data, 配对资料Matched distribution, 匹配过分布Matching of distribution, 分布的匹配Matching of transformation, 变换的匹配Mathematical expectation, 数学期望Mathematical model, 数学模型Maximum L-estimator, 极大极小L 估计量Maximum likelihood method, 最大似然法Mean, 均数Mean squares between groups, 组间均方Mean squares within group, 组内均方Means (Compare means), 均值-均值比较Median, 中位数Median effective dose, 半数效量Median lethal dose, 半数致死量Median polish, 中位数平滑Median test, 中位数检验Minimal sufficient statistic, 最小充分统计量Minimum distance estimation, 最小距离估计Minimum effective dose, 最小有效量Minimum lethal dose, 最小致死量Minimum variance estimator, 最小方差估计量MINITAB, 统计软件包Minor heading, 宾词标目Missing data, 缺失值Model specification, 模型的确定Modeling Statistics , 模型统计Models for outliers, 离群值模型Modifying the model, 模型的修正Modulus of continuity, 连续性模Morbidity, 发病率Most favorable configuration, 最有利构形MSC(多元散射校正)Multidimensional Scaling (ASCAL), 多维尺度/多维标度Multinomial Logistic Regression , 多项逻辑斯蒂回归Multiple comparison, 多重比较Multiple correlation , 复相关Multiple covariance, 多元协方差Multiple linear regression, 多元线性回归Multiple response , 多重选项Multiple solutions, 多解Multiplication theorem, 乘法定理Multiresponse, 多元响应Multi-stage sampling, 多阶段抽样Multivariate T distribution, 多元T分布Mutual exclusive, 互不相容Mutual independence, 互相独立Natural boundary, 自然边界Natural dead, 自然死亡Natural zero, 自然零Negative correlation, 负相关Negative linear correlation, 负线性相关Negatively skewed, 负偏Newman-Keuls method, q检验NK method, q检验No statistical significance, 无统计意义Nominal variable, 名义变量Nonconstancy of variability, 变异的非定常性Nonlinear regression, 非线性相关Nonparametric statistics, 非参数统计Nonparametric test, 非参数检验Nonparametric tests, 非参数检验Normal deviate, 正态离差Normal distribution, 正态分布Normal equation, 正规方程组Normal P-P, 正态概率分布图Normal Q-Q, 正态概率单位分布图Normal ranges, 正常范围Normal value, 正常值Normalization 归一化Nuisance parameter, 多余参数/讨厌参数Null hypothesis, 无效假设Numerical variable, 数值变量Objective function, 目标函数Observation unit, 观察单位Observed value, 观察值One sided test, 单侧检验One-way analysis of variance, 单因素方差分析Oneway ANOVA , 单因素方差分析Open sequential trial, 开放型序贯设计Optrim, 优切尾Optrim efficiency, 优切尾效率Order statistics, 顺序统计量Ordered categories, 有序分类Ordinal logistic regression , 序数逻辑斯蒂回归Ordinal variable, 有序变量Orthogonal basis, 正交基Orthogonal design, 正交试验设计Orthogonality conditions, 正交条件ORTHOPLAN, 正交设计Outlier cutoffs, 离群值截断点Outliers, 极端值OVERALS , 多组变量的非线性正规相关Overshoot, 迭代过度Paired design, 配对设计Paired sample, 配对样本Pairwise slopes, 成对斜率Parabola, 抛物线Parallel tests, 平行试验Parameter, 参数Parametric statistics, 参数统计Parametric test, 参数检验Pareto, 直条构成线图(又称佩尔托图)Partial correlation, 偏相关Partial regression, 偏回归Partial sorting, 偏排序Partials residuals, 偏残差Pattern, 模式PCA(主成分分析)Pearson curves, 皮尔逊曲线Peeling, 退层Percent bar graph, 百分条形图Percentage, 百分比Percentile, 百分位数Percentile curves, 百分位曲线Periodicity, 周期性Permutation, 排列P-estimator, P估计量Pie graph, 构成图,饼图Pitman estimator, 皮特曼估计量Pivot, 枢轴量Planar, 平坦Planar assumption, 平面的假设PLANCARDS, 生成试验的计划卡PLS(偏最小二乘法)Point estimation, 点估计Poisson distribution, 泊松分布Polishing, 平滑Polled standard deviation, 合并标准差Polled variance, 合并方差Polygon, 多边图Polynomial, 多项式Polynomial curve, 多项式曲线Population, 总体Population attributable risk, 人群归因危险度Positive correlation, 正相关Positively skewed, 正偏Posterior distribution, 后验分布Power of a test, 检验效能Precision, 精密度Predicted value, 预测值Preliminary analysis, 预备性分析Principal axis factoring,主轴因子法Principal component analysis, 主成分分析Prior distribution, 先验分布Prior probability, 先验概率Probabilistic model, 概率模型probability, 概率Probability density, 概率密度Product moment, 乘积矩/协方差Profile trace, 截面迹图Proportion, 比/构成比Proportion allocation in stratified randomsampling, 按比例分层随机抽样Proportionate, 成比例Proportionate sub-class numbers, 成比例次级组含量Prospective study, 前瞻性调查Proximities, 亲近性Pseudo F test, 近似F检验Pseudo model, 近似模型Pseudosigma, 伪标准差Purposive sampling, 有目的抽样QR decomposition, QR分解Quadratic approximation, 二次近似Qualitative classification, 属性分类Qualitative method, 定性方法Quantile-quantile plot, 分位数-分位数图/Q-Q 图Quantitative analysis, 定量分析Quartile, 四分位数Quick Cluster, 快速聚类Radix sort, 基数排序Random allocation, 随机化分组Random blocks design, 随机区组设计Random event, 随机事件Randomization, 随机化Range, 极差/全距Rank correlation, 等级相关Rank sum test, 秩和检验Rank test, 秩检验Ranked data, 等级资料Rate, 比率Ratio, 比例Raw data, 原始资料Raw residual, 原始残差Rayleigh's test, 雷氏检验Rayleigh's Z, 雷氏Z值Reciprocal, 倒数Reciprocal transformation, 倒数变换Recording, 记录Redescending estimators, 回降估计量Reducing dimensions, 降维Re-expression, 重新表达Reference set, 标准组Region of acceptance, 接受域Regression coefficient, 回归系数Regression sum of square, 回归平方和Rejection point, 拒绝点Relative dispersion, 相对离散度Relative number, 相对数Reliability, 可靠性Reparametrization, 重新设置参数Replication, 重复Report Summaries, 报告摘要Residual sum of square, 剩余平方和residual variance (剩余方差)Resistance, 耐抗性Resistant line, 耐抗线Resistant technique, 耐抗技术R-estimator of location, 位置R估计量R-estimator of scale, 尺度R估计量Retrospective study, 回顾性调查Ridge trace, 岭迹Ridit analysis, Ridit分析Rotation, 旋转Rounding, 舍入Row, 行Row effects, 行效应Row factor, 行因素RXC table, RXC表Sample, 样本Sample regression coefficient, 样本回归系数Sample size, 样本量Sample standard deviation, 样本标准差Sampling error, 抽样误差SAS(Statistical analysis system ), SAS统计软件包Scale, 尺度/量表Scatter diagram, 散点图Schematic plot, 示意图/简图Score test, 计分检验Screening, 筛检SEASON, 季节分析Second derivative, 二阶导数Second principal component, 第二主成分SEM (Structural equation modeling), 结构化方程模型Semi-logarithmic graph, 半对数图Semi-logarithmic paper, 半对数格纸Sensitivity curve, 敏感度曲线Sequential analysis, 贯序分析Sequence, 普通序列图Sequential data set, 顺序数据集Sequential design, 贯序设计Sequential method, 贯序法Sequential test, 贯序检验法Serial tests, 系列试验Short-cut method, 简捷法Sigmoid curve, S形曲线Sign function, 正负号函数Sign test, 符号检验Signed rank, 符号秩Significant Level, 显著水平Significance test, 显著性检验Significant figure, 有效数字Simple cluster sampling, 简单整群抽样Simple correlation, 简单相关Simple random sampling, 简单随机抽样Simple regression, 简单回归simple table, 简单表Sine estimator, 正弦估计量Single-valued estimate, 单值估计Singular matrix, 奇异矩阵Skewed distribution, 偏斜分布Skewness, 偏度Slash distribution, 斜线分布Slope, 斜率Smirnov test, 斯米尔诺夫检验Source of variation, 变异来源Spearman rank correlation, 斯皮尔曼等级相关Specific factor, 特殊因子Specific factor variance, 特殊因子方差Spectra , 频谱Spherical distribution, 球型正态分布Spread, 展布SPSS(Statistical package for the social science), SPSS统计软件包Spurious correlation, 假性相关Square root transformation, 平方根变换Stabilizing variance, 稳定方差Standard deviation, 标准差Standard error, 标准误Standard error of difference, 差别的标准误Standard error of estimate, 标准估计误差Standard error of rate, 率的标准误Standard normal distribution, 标准正态分布Standardization, 标准化Starting value, 起始值Statistic, 统计量Statistical control, 统计控制Statistical graph, 统计图Statistical inference, 统计推断Statistical table, 统计表Steepest descent, 最速下降法Stem and leaf display, 茎叶图Step factor, 步长因子Stepwise regression, 逐步回归Storage, 存Strata, 层(复数)Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Strength, 强度Stringency, 严密性Structural relationship, 结构关系Studentized residual, 学生化残差/t化残差Sub-class numbers, 次级组含量Subdividing, 分割Sufficient statistic, 充分统计量Sum of products, 积和Sum of squares, 离差平方和Sum of squares about regression, 回归平方和Sum of squares between groups, 组间平方和Sum of squares of partial regression, 偏回归平方和Sure event, 必然事件Survey, 调查Survival, 生存分析Survival rate, 生存率Suspended root gram, 悬吊根图Symmetry, 对称Systematic error, 系统误差Systematic sampling, 系统抽样Tags, 标签Tail area, 尾部面积Tail length, 尾长Tail weight, 尾重Tangent line, 切线Target distribution, 目标分布Taylor series, 泰勒级数Test(检验)Test of linearity, 线性检验Tendency of dispersion, 离散趋势Testing of hypotheses, 假设检验Theoretical frequency, 理论频数Time series, 时间序列Tolerance interval, 容忍区间Tolerance lower limit, 容忍下限Tolerance upper limit, 容忍上限Torsion, 扰率Total sum of square, 总平方和Total variation, 总变异Transformation, 转换Treatment, 处理Trend, 趋势Trend of percentage, 百分比趋势Trial, 试验Trial and error method, 试错法Tuning constant, 细调常数。

descriptive statistics 描述统计学abortion statistics流产统计(学)accident statistics事故统计学accurate statistics精密统计actuarial statistics保险统计agricultural statistics 农业统计amplitude statistics 幅度统计ancillary statistics辅助统计量applied statistics应用统计banking statistics银行业务统计Bayesian statistics 贝氏统计(以主观估计为概率曲线的基础)benchmark statistics标志性统计数biological statistics生物统计学birth statistics出生统计Boltzmann statistics玻耳兹曼统计Bose-Einstein statistics 玻色-爱因斯坦统计(法) boundedly complete statistics有界完备统计量business statistics经济情况统计, 业务统计capital construction statistics基本建设统计car statistics车辆统计classical statistics经典统计(法)classification statistics 分类统计commercial statistics商业统计commodity statistics商品统计comprehensive table statistics综合统计表configurational statistics 构形统计学conversational statistics 对话统计学cost statistics成本统计counting statistics计数统计critical statistics临界统计customs clearance statistics结关[报关]统计demographic statistics 人口统计derived statistics整理后统计数字descriptive statistics 描述统计(学)dynamic statistics动态统计学economic statistics经济统计educational statistics 教育统计学elementary statistics 基础统计学empirical statistics经验统计employment statistics 就业率统计enumerative statistics枚举统计学family budget statistics家庭开支统计Fermi-Dirac statistics费米-狄拉克统计financial statistics金融统计, 财政统计, 财务统计foreign trade statistics外贸统计forest statistics森林统计学freight traffic statistics货物运输统计government statistics政府统计graphic statistics统计图表harvest statistics收成统计health statistics卫生统计学historical statistics 历史统计inductive statistics归纳统计学industrial statistics工业统计insurance statistics保险统计intensity statistics强度统计inventory statistics库存统计表labour statistics劳动统计linguistic statistics语言统计学loan statistics借书统计, 出借资料册次统计locomotive repair statistics机车检修统计manufacturing statistics 制造业统计mathematic(al) statistics 数理统计学Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics麦克斯韦-玻耳兹曼统计medical statistics医用统计学minimal sufficient statistics最小充分统计量mortality statistics死亡率统计national statistics全国性统计national income statistics 国民收入统计national wealth statistics 国富统计nonparametric statistics 非参数统计official statistics官方统计operating statistics业务统计, 行车统计output statistics产量[产品]统计parameter-free statistics 非参数统计parametric statistics参数统计(学)passenger traffic statistics 旅客运输统计photo-counting statistics 光子计数统计学plant statistics厂内统计population statistics人口统计primary statistics原始统计probability statistics概率统计quantum statistics量子统计rank statistics秩统计量registration statistics人口登记统计short time statistics短时统计特性social statistics社会统计static statistics静态统计status statistics有关居民阶级构成的统计资料sufficient statistics充分统计test statistics检验统计量trade statistics商业统计train operating statistics 行车统计transport statistics运输统计unbias(s)ed statistics无偏统计vital statistics(出生、结婚、死亡等)人口动态统计; [美]妇女的三围尺寸(胸围、腰围、臀围)wage statistics工资统计statistics of attributes质的统计, 属性统计statistics of circulation书刊发行(量)统计; 图书馆资料流通统计statistics of classification frequency分类频率统计statistics of extremes极值统计statistics of fixed assets固定资产统计statistics of grouping the same item同项归并统计statistics of income 进款统计statistics of random processes随机过程统计学statistics of rupture 断裂统计学。
统计学 英文

Business Statistics Review SectionsTrue or FalseF1 A continuous variable may take on any value within its relevant range even though the Measurement device may not be precise enough to record it.F2 A Marine drill instructor recorded the time in which each of 11 recruits completed an obstacle course both before and after basic training. To test whether any improvement occurred, the instructor would use a t-distribution with 11 degrees of freedom.T3 A sampling distribution is a distribution for a statistic.T4 A test for the difference between two proportions can be performed using the chi-square distribution.F5 As the size of the sample is increased, the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean for a normally distributed population will stay the same.T6 Determining a college student’s academic major would be an example of measurement on a nominal scale of measurement.T 7 For a given level of significance, if the sample size is increased, the power of the test will increase.F8 For a given level of significance, if the sample size is increased, the probability of committing a Type I error will increase.T9 For all two-sample tests, the sample sizes must be equal in the 2 groups.T 10 Histograms are used for numerical data while bar charts are suitable for categorical data.F 11 If P(A) = 0.4 and P(B) = 0.6, then A and B must be collectively exhaustive.T 12 If the population distribution is symmetric, the sampling distribution of the mean can be approximated by the normal distribution if the samples contain 15 observations.F13 In a chi-square test, it is possible for the observed frequencies to be fractions or decimal values.T 14 In a one-factor ANOV A analysis, the among sum of squares and within sum of squares must add up to the total sum of squares.F 15 In forming a 90% confidence interval for a population mean from a sample size of 22, the number of degrees of freedom from the t distribution equals 22.F 16 In testing the difference between two proportions using the normal distribution, we may use either a one-tailed Chi-square test or two-tailed Z test.17 Ogives are plotted at the midpoints of the class groupings.T 18 Other things being equal, as the confidence level for a confidence interval increases, the width of the interval increases.T 19 Repeated measurements from the same individuals is an example of data collected from 2 related populations.F 20 Student grades (A to F) are an example of continuous numerical data.F 21 The analysis of variance (ANOV A) tests hypotheses about the population variance.F22 The answer to the question “What is your favorite color?” is an example of an ordinal scaled variable.F23 The coefficient of variation measures variability in a data set relative to the size of the arithmetic mean.F 24 The F distribution is symmetric.T25 The interquartile range is a measure of variation or dispersion in a set of data.F 26 The median of the values 3.4, 4.7, 1.9, 7.6, and 6.5 is 1.9.F 27 The median of the values 3.4, 4.7, 1.9, 7.6, and 6.5 is 4.05.F28 The number of customers arriving at a department store in a 5-minute period has a binomial distribution.F29 The probability that a standard normal random variable, Z, falls between –2.00 and –0.44 is 0.6472.T30 The prob ability that a standard normal random variable, Z, is between 1.50 and 2.10 is the same as the probability Z is between – 2.10 and – 1.50.T 31 The smaller is the p-value, the stronger is the evidence against the null hypothesis.T 32 The sum of cumulative frequencies in a distribution always equals 1.F 33 The sum of relative frequencies in a distribution always equals 1.F 34 When A and B are mutually exclusive, P(A or B) can be found by adding P(A) and P(B).T 35 When the F test is used for ANOV A, the rejection region is always in the right tail.T 36 A researcher is curious about the effect of sleep on students’ test performances. He chooses 60 students and gives each 2 tests: one given after 2 hours’ sleep and one after 8 hours’ sleep. The test the researcher should use would be a related samples test.T 37 A sample is the portion of the universe that is selected for analysis.F 38 In a Poisson distribution, the mean and variance are equal.T 39 The larger is the p-value, the more likely one is to reject the null hypothesis.T 40 The number of customers arriving at a department store in a 5-minute period has a Poisson distribution.ChoiceA The process of using sample statistics to draw conclusions about true population parameters is called(A) statistical inference. (B) the scientific method.(C) sampling. (D) descriptive statistics.D Those methods involving the collection, presentation, and characterization of a set of data in order to properly describe the various features of that set of data are called(A) statistical inference. (B) the scientific method.(C) sampling. (D) descriptive statistics.C The collection and summarization of the socioeconomic and physical characteristics of the employees of a particular firm is an example of(A) inferential statistics. (B) descriptive statistics.(C) a parameter. (D) a statistic.D The estimation of the population average family expenditure on food based on the sample average expenditure of 1,000 families is an example of(A) inferential statistics. (B) descriptive statistics.(C) a parameter. (D) a statistic.B The universe or "totality of items or things" under consideration is called(A) a sample. (B) a population.(C) a parameter. (D) a statistic.A The portion of the universe that has been selected for analysis is called(A) a sample. (B) a frame. (C) a parameter. (D) a statistic.B A summary measure that is computed to describe a characteristic of an entire population is called(A) a census. (B) a parameter. (C) a statistic. (D) the scientific method.C A summary measure that is computed to describe a characteristic from only a sample of the population is called(A) a parameter. (B) a census. (C) a statistic. (D) the scientificmethod.D Which of the following is most likely a population as opposed to a sample?(A) respondents to a newspaper survey. (B) the first 5 students completing an assignment.(C) every third person to arrive at the bank. (D) registered voters in a county.A When studying the simultaneous responses to two categorical questions, we should set up a (A) contingency table. (B)frequency distribution table.(C)cumulative percentage distribution table. (D)histogram.B which of the following is most likely a parameter as opposed to a statistic?(A) The average score of the first five students completing an assignment.(B) The proportion of females registered to vote in a county.(C) The average height of people randomly selected from a database.(D) The proportion of trucks stopped yesterday that were cited for bad brakes.B When polygons or histograms are constructed, which axis must show the true zero or "origin"?(A) The horizontal axis. (B) The vertical axis.(C) Both the horizontal and vertical axes. (D) Neither the horizontal nor the vertical axis.A A survey of 150 executives were asked what they think is the most common mistake candidates make during job interviews. Six different mistakes were given. Which of the following is thebest for presenting the information?(A) A bar chart. (B) A histogram(C) A stem-and-leaf display. (D) A contingency table.D Which of the following statistics is not a measure of central tendency?(A) Arithmetic mean. (B) Median. (C) Mode. (D) Q3.A You have collected information on the market share of 5 different search engines used by U.S. Internet users in May 2007. Which of the following is the best for presenting the information? (A) A pie chart. (B) A histogram(C) A stem-and-leaf display. (D) A contingency table.Which measure of central tendency can be used for both numerical and categorical variables? (A) Arithmetic mean. (B) Median. (C) Mode. (D) Standard deviation.D In a right-skewed distribution(A) the median equals the arithmetic mean (B) the median is less than the arithmetic mean.(C) the median is larger than the arithmetic mean. (D) none of the above.C If two events are collectively exhaustive, what is the probability that both occur at the same time?(A) 0. (B) 0.50.(C) 1.00. (D)Cannot be determined from the information given.C In a perfectly symmetrical distribution(A) the range equals the interquartile range.(B) the interquartile range equals the arithmetic mean.(C) the median equals the arithmetic mean.(D) the variance equals the standard deviation.D If two events are mutually exclusive, what is the probability that one or the other occurs? (A) 0. (B) 0.50. (C) 1.00. (D) Cannot be determined from theinformation given.A Simple probability is also called(A) marginal probability. (B) joint probability.(C) conditional probability. (D) Bayes' theorem.B If the outcome of event A is not affected by event B, then events A and B are said to be(A) mutually exclusive. (B) statistically independent.(C) collectively exhaustive. (D) None of the above.B Which of the following about the binomial distribution is not a true statement?(A) The probability of event of interest must be constant from trial to trial.(B) Each outcome is independent of the other.(C) Each outcome may be classified as either "event of interest" or "not event of interest."(D) The random variable of interest is continuous.C Which of the following about the normal distribution is not true?(A) Theoretically, the mean, median, and mode are the same.(B) About 2/3 of the observations fall within 1 standard deviation from the mean.(C) It is a discrete probability distribution.(D) Its parameters are the mean, , and standard deviation, .C If n = 10 and p = 0.70, then the mean of the binomial distribution is(A) 0.07 (B) 1.45. (C) 7.00 (D) 14.29C In its standardized form, the normal distribution(A) has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.(B) has a mean of 1 and a variance of 0.(C) has an area equal to 0.5.(D) cannot be used to approximate discrete probability distributions.D If we know that the length of time it takes a college student to find a parking spot in the library parking lot follows a normal distribution with a mean of 3.5 minutes and a standard deviation of 1 minute, find the point in the distribution in which 75.8% of the college students exceed when trying to find a parking spot in the library parking lot.(A) 2.8 minutes (B) 3.2 minutes (C) 3.4 minutes (D) 4.2 minutesD If we know that the length of time it takes a college student to find a parking spot in the library parking lot follows a normal distribution with a mean of 3.5 minutes and a standard deviation of 1 minute, find the probability that a randomly selected college student will take between 2 and 4.5 minutes to find a parking spot in the library parking lot.(A) 0.0919 (B) 0.2255 (C) 0.4938 (D) 0.7745A Which of the following statements about the sampling distribution of the sample mean is incorrect?(A) The sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately normal whenever the sample size is sufficiently large(B) The sampling distribution of the sample mean is generated by repeatedly taking samples of size n and computing the sample means.(C) The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is equal to μ .(D) The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is equal to σ .C The width of a confidence interval estimate for a proportion will be(A) narrower for 99% confidence than for 95% confidence.(B) wider for a sample size of 100 than for a sample size of 50.(C) narrower for 90% confidence than for 95% confidence.(D) narrower when the sample proportion is 0.50 than when the sample proportion is 0.20.A Which of the following would be an appropriate null hypothesis?(A) The mean of a population is equal to 55.(B) The mean of a sample is equal to 55.(C) The mean of a population is greater than 55.(D) Only (A) and (C) are true.B Sampling distributions describe the distribution of(A) parameters. (B) statistics.(C) both parameters and statistics. (D) neither parameters nor statistics.D The t distribution(A) assumes the population is normally distributed.(B) approaches the normal distribution as the sample size increases.(C) has more area in the tails than does the normal distribution.(D) All of the above.C Which of the following would be an appropriate null hypothesis?(A) The population proportion is less than 0.65.(B) The sample proportion is less than 0.65.(C) The population proportion is no less than 0.65.(D) The sample proportion is no less than 0.65.B The t test for the difference between the means of 2 independent populations assumes that the respective(A) sample sizes are equal. (B)sample variances are equal.(C) populations are approximately normal. (D)All of the above.A The t test for the mean difference between 2 related populations assumes that the(A) population sizes are equal.(B) sample variances are equal.(C) population of differences is approximately normal or sample sizes are large enough.(D) All of the above.D The statistical distribution used for testing the difference between two population variances is the___ distribution.(A) t (B) standardized normal (C)binomial (D) FA The test for the equality of two population variances is based on(A) the difference between the 2 sample variances.(B) the ratio of the 2 sample variances.(C) the difference between the 2 population variances.(D) the difference between the sample variances divided by the difference between the sample means.A In a one-wayANOV A, the null hypothesis is always(A) there is no treatment effect. (B) there is some treatment effect.(C) all the population means are different. (D) some of the population means are different.D Why would you use the Tukey-Kramer procedure?(A) To test for normality. (B) To test for homogeneity of variance.(C) To test independence of errors. (D) To test for differences in pairwisemeans.Calculation1 EstimationThe president of a university would like to estimate the proportion of the student population that owns a personal computer. In a sample of 500 students, 417 own a personal computer.What is the 99% confidence interval for the proportion of student population who own a personal computer ?答:μ=n p p /)1(*p -Z ±= 0.834±2.58500/834.0*166.0⇒0.791≤≤μ0.877A prison official wants to estimate the proportion of cases of recidivism. Examining the records of250 convicts, the official determines that there are 65 cases of recidivism. A confidence intervalwill be obtained for the proportion of cases of recidivism.What is the 99% confidence interval for the proportion of cases of recidivism?答:μ=n p p /)1(*p -Z ±= 0.26±2.58250/74.0*26.0)(=?2 One Sample TestA drug company is considering marketing a new local anesthetic. The effective time of theanesthetic the drug company is currently producing has a normal distribution with an average of7.4 minutes with a standard deviation of 1.2 minutes. The chemistry of the new anesthetic is such that the effective time should be normal with the same standard deviation, but the mean effective time may be lower. If it is lower, the drug company will market the new anesthetic; otherwise, they will continue to produce the older one. A sample of size 36 results in a sample mean of 7.1.A hypothesis test will be done to help make the decision.What is the appropriate hypotheses and if the level of significance had been chosen as 0.1,would the null hypothesis will be rejected? List the sequential steps of hypothesis testing.答:假设:effective time may be lowerStep1: H 0 : μ≤7.4H 1 : μ>7.4Step2: n=100, α=0.1Step 3: Because σis known, you use the Z distribution and the Z-test statistics for thisexample.Step 4: α=0.1 The critical value ±1.65reject H 。

1. 统计学相关英文缩写1.1. 常见的统计学英文缩写•ANOVA:Analysis of Variance (方差分析)•CI:Confidence Interval (置信区间)•ED:Estimated Difference (估计差异)•T-test:Student’s t-test (t检验)•SD:Standard Deviation (标准差)•SE:Standard Error (标准误差)•N:Sample size (样本容量)1.2. 数据分析英文缩写•EDA:Exploratory Data Analysis (探索性数据分析)•PCA:Principal Component Analysis (主成分分析)•ML:Machine Learning (机器学习)•RMSE:Root Mean Square Error (均方根误差)•ROC:Receiver Operating Characteristic (受试者工作特征)•AUC:Area Under Curve (曲线下面积)•SVM:Support Vector Machine (支持向量机)2. 编写统计分析报告的注意事项2.1. 格式规范在编写统计分析报告时,应尽量遵循以下格式规范:•使用标准科技论文格式,包括标题、作者、摘要、引言、方法、结果、讨论等部分。
•使用统一的字体和字号,一般选择宋体、Times New Roman等常用字体,字号一般为12号。
2.2. 使用英文缩写在报告中,为了简洁和减少篇幅,可以使用一些常见的统计学和数据分析英文缩写。

Executive summaryWith the development of globalization and information technology, outsourcing has gained great popularity all over the world. On the other hand, virtual works have more chances to find freelance works with the development of outsourcing. The reasons for outsourcing includes low operational and labor costs, tax breaks, to gain more global and local market share, to reduce risks, to move to higher segments of the value added chain, to serve for innovation as well as to focus to accelerate business transformation. Now the Brammer is encountered with a problem of management that the purchasing and management of spares for the daily operations, maintenance and repair of production and manufacturing equipment is often a complex, time and resource consuming issue for most organizations. The Brammer is considering whether they will outsource the management of spares.This research will focus on identifying a management problem of the Brammer and designing an appropriate business research strategy for success in business. What is more, the essay will choose a qualitative research methodology to investigate the organizational management problem of the Brammer.1. Background informationAs one of the Europe’s leading supplier of quality industrial maintenance, repair and overhaul products, the Brammer has enjoyed good reputation all the world. With its head quarter in England, the Brammer operates out of more than 300 locations in 15 countries. The aim of the company is to supply a range of solutions which are designed to help the clients to cut down the total cost of component acquisition.Even faced with the globally economic crisis, the Brammer has kept a stable increase in 2008. The following statistics will present the outstanding achievement of it from 2006 to 2010:Brammer FundamentalsYear Ending Revenue (£m)Pre-tax (£m)EPS P/E PEG EPSGrth.Div YieldIt is predicted that in the fiscal year 2011, the Brammer will still keep a tendency of increase in the revenue.2. Analysis of the symptoms of the management problems.However, with the growth of the company, some management problems occurs which affects the continuous development of the company.For most organizations, without proper management, the purchasing and management of spares for the daily operations, maintenance and repair of production and manufacturing can turn into a complex, time and resource resourcing issue. This problem also concerns Ian Ritchie, Brammer’s UK’s managing director.In order to cut down the cost of such purchasing and management and focus on the core business of the Brammer, he has taken into consideration outsourcing such purchase and management to other small companies, with the more and more popularity of outsourcing and outsourcing websites.However, this has not been approved by the board of directors. But it will be discussed as a good idea to cut down the cost of purchasing and management.3. The statement of the management problemIn different stages of a company, it will have a chance to be encountered with various problems in the areas of marketing, human resources, finance, operations or general management. For the Brammer, it is obvious the company is facing the problem in operations or general management. With the expansion of the company, the cost of daily purchasing and management is increasing, which will have a negative effect on the final profit of the company. As a result, it needs better methods of management to reach a better settlement. (Gupta, & Ashok, 1992, p.p. 44-59),This essay is trying to have a research about whether the Brammer should take advantage of the outsourcing in order to achieve the goal of reducing the cost. Before the conclusion is finally drawn, some research questions should be raised.1) What are the reasons for outsourcing?2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing?3) Whether there is a need for the Brammer to use outsourcing as a method to solve the operational and management problems?4) If the outsourcing is carried out by Brammer, how and where to seek for outsourcer who can offer high quality of service?5) Is there any other problems in the management of the Brammer? If yes, how to solve them?In order to offer some suggestions for the Brammer to solve the current operate and management problems, with the growth of the company, this essay is trying to have a research on the necessity and feasibility of outsourcing the daily purchasing and management to some other companies as to cut down the routine cost of the company. As a result, the research objectives will center around the advantages and disadvantages of the outsourcing. This essay is making an effort to find out whether outsourcing will help solve operate and management problems that concerns the Brammer.6. Research methodologyIn order to have a better understanding of outsourcing and its benefits in current economic environment, two kinds of qualitative research methodologies will be used in this research.1) Literature reviewLiterature review can be defined as an overview of the available literatures in a certain field which is closely connected the research objects, including the process of search and evaluation of such resources. In this research, some valuable literatures of the peer researchers in recent years will be searched and evaluated. All the resources will center around the pros and cons of outsourcing as well as the cases of the usage of outsourcing. (Deavers, 2010, p.p. 503-519),2) Interviews of the users of outsourcingIn order to have a deeper understanding of the management of outsourcing, after the literature review, the research will conduct some interviews of the current or previous users of outsourcing. The interview will focus on the following questions: (Perry, 1997, p.p. 785-802)➢In which occasions, have you chosen the outsourcing to solve the management problems?➢Are there any problems in the process of outsourcing?➢Have you achieved the goal of outsourcing, such as cost reduce, to improve innovation, as well as to focus on the core competitiveness.➢How to choose a qualified company for outsourcing?7. Review of the methodology●Reasons for the chosen research methods.1) Literature review:A good literature review will collect up-to-date and useful information for theresearcher. What is more, it will make the researcher have a deeper understanding of the specific field. In this research, literature review will offer the current situation of the situation, as well as the pros and cons of outsourcing. (Fan, 2000, p.p. 213-219)2) Interviews:By interviewing the current or previous users of the outsourcing, it can give the researcher a closer connection with outsourcing. What is more, some experience and lessons will learn from the interviews. Based on the literature review and interviews, the Brammer can decide whether outsourcing will be carried out to solve the management problems in current situations.●Research methodology limitations.It is unavoidable that each research methodology has its own limitations. The literature review as well as the interviews is no exceptions.1) Literature review:During the research, the problem of time constraint will be encountered. What is more, it will a difficulty to get access to the most up-to-date literature resources.2) Interviews:➢Due to the fact that the interviews have to be done face to face, some interviewees will feel embarrassment, as a result, the results of suchinterviews will be negatively affected.➢Because of the time limitations of the interviews, it is reduce the depth of the questions in the interview, which will have an influence the final results ofthe interviews.➢The face to face interviews have a high requirement for the interviewer.➢Some questions will not get the expected answers due to the protection of trade secret. (Barclay, 2001, p.p. 81-101)●Research methodology ethical considerations.During the process of the research, all the ethical principles will be upheld, what is more, no one under the age of 18 will take part in the research, last but least, all the responses from the interviews will be kept confidential.8. Plan for the business researchIn order to carry out the research, here are some plans for the research. (Witte, 2000, p.p. 179-195),1) First step: conducting the literature review.2) Second step: based on the literature review, some preparations will be done for the interviews.3) Third step: conducting face to face interviews.4) Fourth step: drawing conclusions from both the literature review and interviews.5) Fifth step: having a better understanding of the Brammer.6) Last step: offering recommendations or suggestions for the Brammer.9. ConclusionIn face with the operation and management problems of the Brammer, whether outsourcing will be carried out to cut down the daily cost will be the research objects of this research. Despite the limitations of literature review and interviews, they will still be good research methodologies for this research, at last, some recommendations or suggestions will be offered to the Brammer by the research.10. ReferenceBarclay, J. (2001), “Improving selection interviews with structure: organization’s use of behavioral interviews”, Personnel Review, vol.30, 81-101Deavers, K. (2010), Outsourcing: A corporate competitiveness strategy, not a search for low wages. Journal of Labor Research, 18, 503-519Digital Look, (2012), retrieved on January 6, 2012, from the website:Fan, Y. (2000), Strategic outsourcing: evidence from British companies. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 18, 213-219Gupta, U, & Ashok, G. (1992), Outsourcing the function: it is necessary for your organization? Information systems management, 9, 44-50Perry, C. (1997), “Process of a case study methodology for postgraduate research in marketing”, European Journal of Marketing, vol.32, 785-802Witte, J. (2000), “Research Methodology”, Social Science Computer Review, vol.18, 179-195。

案例 讨论 二
某组成部分的观察单位 各组成部分的观察单位
数 数
*100 %
发生某事件的观察单位 数 可能发生某事件的观察 单位总数
观察期内新发病的例数 同期内可能发生该病的 平均人数
时点现患病人数 检查人口数
案例 讨论 二
95.8 98.3 98.7
均数为 S
(X - X)2
n -1
2614.92 3.32 238-1
235Leabharlann 98.7=1699/238=7.14(μ mol∕kg)
— 标准差为
经案例分析可知该发汞结果测定为 偏态分布,因为均数(average)适用于对 称分布或偏度不大的资料,尤其适合正 态分布。标准差(standard deviations)同 样适用于近似正态分布。所以不能选用 均数与标准差来计算该企业法功的平均 水平与变异程度。

汉译英Population 总体,样本总体sample 样本,标本parameter 限制因素median 中位数odd 奇数,单数even 偶数range 极差variance 方差standard deviation 标准差Covariance 协方差empty event 空事件product event 积事件conditional probability 条件概率Random variable 随机变量binominal distribution 二项式分布uniform distribution 均匀分布Poisson distribution 泊松分布residual 残差central limit theorem 中心极限定律英译汉descriptive statistics 描述统计学mathematical statistics 数理统计学inductive statistics 归纳统计学Inferential statistics 推断统计学dimension 维,维数continuous variable 连续变量ordinal variable 有序变量nominal variable 名义变量dichotomous 两分的;二歧的discrete variable 离散变量categorical variable 分类变量location 定位,位置,场所dispersion 分散mean 均值unimodal单峰的multimodal 多峰的chaotic 无秩序的grouped data 分组数据frequency distribution频数分布cumulative frequency 累加频数tallying 计算Uniformly distribution 均匀分布histogram 直方图frequency polygon 频率多边图rectangle 矩形Percentile 百分位数quartile 四分位数interquartile range 四分位数间距simple event 简单事件Compound event 复合事件mutually exclusive 互斥的,互补相交的complementary event 对立事件Independent 独立的joint probability function 联合概率函数jacobian雅克比行列式Law of large numbers大数定律point estimate 点估计estimate 估计值statistic 统计量optimality 最优性Unbiased estimate 无偏估计量efficient estimate 有偏估计量unbiasedness无偏性efficience有效性Consistent estimate 一致估计量asymptotic properties 渐近性质Confidence interval 置信区间interval estimation 区间估计null hypothesis 原假设alternative hypothesis 备择假设significance level 显著性水平power function 幂函数testing procedures 检验方法test statistic 检验统计量rejection region 拒绝区域acceptance region 接受区域critical region 临界区域first-derivatives 一阶导数second-derivatives 二阶导数Likelihood ratio 似然比dependent variable因变量unexplanatory variable未解释变量independent variable自变量Error term 误差项regression coefficients 回归系数Sum of squared residuals 残差平方和Marginal probability function 边际概率函数joint probability density function 联合概率密度函数Marginal probability density function边际概率密度函数stochastically independent 随机独立的Mutually independently distribution 相互独立的分布independently and identically distribution 独立同分布的likelihood function 似然函数maximum likelihood estimator 最大似然估计量maximum likelihood estimate 最大似然估计值log-likelihood function 对数似然函数ordinary least squares estimation/estimate/estimator 普通最小二乘估计/估计值/估计量linear unbiased estimator 线性无偏估计第三章、概念与符号[An index]把指数定义成是对一组相关变量之中变化进行测算的一个实数。

Aabscissa 横坐标absence rate 缺勤率absolute number 绝对数absolute value 绝对值accident error 偶然误差accumulated frequency 累积频数alternative hypothesis 备择假设analysis of data 分析资料analysis of variance(ANOV A) 方差分析arith-log paper 算术对数纸arithmetic mean 算术均数assumed mean 假定均数arithmetic weighted mean 加权算术均数asymmetry coefficient 偏度系数average 平均数average deviation 平均差Bbar chart 直条图、条图bias 偏性binomial distribution 二项分布biometrics 生物统计学bivariate normal population 双变量正态总体Ccartogram 统计图case fatality rate(or case mortality) 病死率census 普查chi-sguare(X2) test 卡方检验central tendency 集中趋势class interval 组距classification 分组、分类cluster sampling 整群抽样coefficient of correlation 相关系数coefficient of regression 回归系数coefficient of variability(or coefficieut of variation) 变异系数collection of data 收集资料column 列(栏)combinative table 组合表combined standard deviation 合并标准差combined variance(or poolled variance) 合并方差complete survey 全面调查completely correlation 完全相关completely random design 完全随机设计confidence interval 可信区间,置信区间confidence level 可信水平,置信水平confidence limit 可信限,置信限constituent ratio 构成比,结构相对数continuity 连续性control 对照control group 对照组coordinate 坐标correction for continuity 连续性校正correction for grouping 归组校正correction number 校正数correction value 校正值correlation 相关,联系correlation analysis 相关分析correlation coefficient 相关系数critical value 临界值cumulative frequency 累积频率Ddata 资料degree of confidence 可信度,置信度degree of dispersion 离散程度degree of freedom 自由度degree of variation 变异度dependent variable 应变量design of experiment 实验设计deviation from the mean 离均差diagnose accordance rate 诊断符合率difference with significance 差别不显著difference with significance 差别显著discrete variable 离散变量dispersion tendency 离中趋势distribution 分布、分配Eeffective rate 有效率eigenvalue 特征值enumeration data 计数资料equation of linear regression 线性回归方程error 误差error of replication 重复误差error of type II Ⅱ型错误,第二类误差error of type I Ⅰ型错误,第一类误差estimate value 估计值event 事件experiment design 实验设计experiment error 实验误差experimental group 实验组extreme value 极值Ffatality rate 病死率field survey 现场调查fourfold table 四格表freguency频数freguency distribution 频数分布GGaussian curve 高斯曲线geometric mean 几何均数grouped data 分组资料Hhistogram直方图homogeneity of variance 方差齐性homogeneity test of variances 方差齐性检验hypothesis test 假设检验hypothetical universe 假设总体Iincidence rate 发病率incomplete survey 非全面调检indepindent variable 自变量indivedual difference 个体差异infection rate 感染率inferior limit 下限initial data 原始数据inspection of data 检查资料intercept 截距interpolation method 内插法interval estimation 区间估计inverse correlation 负相关Kkurtosis coefficient 峰度系数Llatin sguare design 拉丁方设计least significant difference 最小显著差数least square method 最小平方法,最小乘法leptokurtic distribution 尖峭态分布leptokurtosis 峰态,峭度linear chart 线图linear correlation 直线相关linear regression 直线回归linear regression eguation 直线回归方程link relative 环比logarithmic normal distribution 对数正态分布logarithmic scale 对数尺度lognormal distribution 对数正态分布lower limit 下限Mmatched pair design 配对设计mathematical statistics 数理统计(学)maximum value 极大值mean 均值mean of population 总体均数mean square 均方mean variance 均方,方差measurement data 讲量资料median 中位数medical statistics 医学统计学mesokurtosis 正态峰method of least squares 最小平方法,最小乘法method of grouping 分组法method of percentiles 百分位数法mid-value of class 组中值minimum value 极小值mode 众数moment 动差,矩morbidity 患病率mortality 死亡率Nnatality 出生率natural logarithm 自然对数negative correlation 负相关negative skewness 负偏志no correlation 无相关non-linear correlation 非线性相关non-parametric statistics 非参数统计normal curve 正态曲线normal deviate 正态离差normal distribution 正态分布normal population 正态总体normal probability curve 正态概率曲线normal range 正常范围normal value 正常值normal kurtosis 正态峰normality test 正态性检验nosometry 患病率null hypothesis 无效假设,检验假设Oobserved unit 观察单位observed value 观察值one-sided test 单测检验one-tailed test 单尾检验order statistic 顺序统计量ordinal number 秩号ordinate 纵坐标Ppairing data 配对资料parameter参数percent 百分率percentage 百分数,百分率percentage bar chart 百分条图percentile 百分位数pie diagram 园图placebo 安慰剂planning of survey 调查计划point estimation 点估计population 总体,人口population mean 总体均数population rate 总体率population variance 总体方差positive correlation 正相关positive skewness 正偏态power of a test 把握度,检验效能prevalence rate 患病率probability 概率,机率probability error 偶然误差proportion 比,比率prospective study 前瞻研究prospective survey 前瞻调查public health statistics 卫生统计学Qquality eontrol 质量控制quartile 四分位数Rrandom 随机random digits 随机数字random error 随机误差random numbers table 随机数目表random sample 随机样本random sampling 随机抽样random variable 随机变量randomization 随机化randomized blocks 随机区组,随机单位组randomized blocks analysis of variance 随机单位组方差分析randomized blocks design 随机单位组设计randomness 随机性range 极差、全距range of normal values 正常值范围rank 秩,秩次,等级rank correlation 等级相关rank correlation coefficent 等级相关系数rank-sum test 秩和检验rank test 秩(和)检验ranked data 等级资料rate 率ratio 比recovery rate 治愈率registration 登记regression 回归regression analysis 回归分析regression coefficient 回归系数regression eguation 回归方程relative number 相对数relative ratio 比较相对数relative ratio with fixed base 定基比remainder error 剩余误差replication 重复retrospective survey 回顾调查Ridit analysis 参照单位分析Ridit value 参照单位值Ssample 样本sample average 样本均数sample size 样本含量sampling 抽样sampling error 抽样误差sampling statistics 样本统计量sampling survay 抽样调查scaller diagram 散点图schedule of survey 调查表semi-logarithmic chart 半对数线图semi-measursement data 半计量资料semi-guartile range 四分位数间距sensitivity 灵敏度sex ratio 性比例sign test 符号检验significance 显著性,意义significance level 显著性水平significance test 显著性检验significant difference 差别显著simple random sampling 单纯随机抽样simple table 简单表size of sample 样本含量skewness 偏态slope 斜率sorting data 整理资料sorting table 整理表sources of variation 变异来源square deviation 方差standard deviation(SD) 标准差standard error (SE) 标准误standard error of estimate 标准估计误差standard error of the mean 均数的标准误standardization 标准化standardized rate 标化率standardized normal distribution 标准正态分布statistic 统计量statistics 统计学statistical induction 统计图statistical inference 统计归纳statistical map 统计推断statistical method 统计地图statistical survey 统计方法statistical table 统计调查statistical test 统计表statistical treatment 统计检验stratified sampling 统计处理stochastic variable 分层抽样sum of cross products of 随机变量deviation from mean 离均差积和sum of ranks 秩和sum of sguares of deviation from mean 离均差平方和superior limit 上限survival rate 生存率symmetry对称(性)systematic error 系统误差systematic sampling 机械抽样Tt-distribution t分布t-testt检验tabulation method 划记法test of normality 正态性检验test of one-sided 单侧检验test of one-tailed 单尾检验test of significance 显著性检验test of two-sided 双侧检验test of two-tailed 双尾检验theoretical frequency 理论频数theoretical number 理论数treatment 处理treatment factor 处理因素treatment of date 数据处理two-factor analysis of variance 双因素方差分析two-sided test 双侧检验two-tailed test 双尾检验type I error 第一类误差type II error 第二类误差typical survey 典型调查Uu test u检验universe 总体,全域ungrouped data 未分组资料upper limit 上限Vvariable 变量variance 方差,均方variance analysis 方差分析variance ratio 方差比variate 变量variation coefficient 变异系数velocity of development 发展速度velocity of increase 增长速度Wweight 权数weighted mean 加权均数Zzero correlation 零相关unit onedivision of labor 劳动分工commodity money 商品货币legal tender 法定货币fiat money 法定通货a medium of exchange交换媒介legal sanction法律制裁face value面值liquid assets流动资产illiquidl assets非流动资产the liquidity scale 流动性指标real estate 不动产checking accounts,demand deposit,checkable deposit 活期存款time deposit 定期存款negotiable order of withdrawal accounts 大额可转让提款单money market mutual funds 货币市场互助基金repurchase agreements 回购协议certificate of deposits存单bond 债券stock股票travelers\'checks 旅行支票small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款large-denomination time deposits大额定期存款bank overnight repurchase agreements 银行隔夜回购协议bank long-term repurchase agreements 银行长期回购协议thrift institutions 存款机构financial institution 金融机构commercial banks商业银行a means of payment 支付手段a store of value储藏手段a standard of value价值标准unit tworeserve 储备note 票据discount贴现circulate流通central bank 中央银行the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统credit union 信用合作社paper currency 纸币credit creation 信用创造branch banking 银行分行制unit banking 单一银行制out of circulation 退出流通capital stock股本at par以票面价值计electronic banking电子银行banking holding company 公司银行the gold standard金本位the Federal Reserve Board 联邦储备委员会the stock market crash 股市风暴reserve ratio 准备金比率unit threedeficit 亏损roll展期wholesale批发default不履约auction拍卖collateralize担保markup价格的涨幅dealer交易员broker经纪人pension funds 养老基金face amount面值commerical paper商业票据banker\'s acceptance银行承兑汇票Fed fund 联邦基金eurodollar欧洲美元treasury bills 国库券floating-rate 浮动比率fixed-rate 固定比率default risk 拖欠风险credit rating信誉级别tax collection税收money market货币市场capital market资本市场original maturity 原始到期期限surplus funds过剩基金回复引用举报返回顶部2#admin发表于2006-11-24 08:49 |只看该作者unit four管理员premium 升水 discount 贴水par 平价deficit 赤字future 期货capital movements 资本流动foreign exchange dealings 外汇交易balance of payment 国际收支eurodollar market 欧洲美元市场spot rate 即期汇率 forward rate 远期汇率 cross rate 交叉汇率 arbitrage transation 套汇交易space arbitrage 地点套汇 time arbitrage 时间套汇 interest arbitrage 套利 direct quotation 直接标价法indirect quotation 间接标价法decimal system 十进制 long position 多头 short position 空头 swedish kronor 瑞典克郎 Sfr 瑞士法郎DM 德国马克FFr 法国法郎Dkr 丹麦克郎Nkr 挪威克郎Yen 日元Can $加拿大元 £英镑Lit 意大利里拉 Aus $澳大利亚元 DG 荷兰盾BF 比利时法郎unit fivethe society for worldwidetelecommunication(SWIFT)环球银行金融电讯协会the clearing houseinterbank paymentssystem(CHIPS)纽约银行同业清算系统over-the-counter market场外交易市场invoice发票,发货单portfolio债务,投资组合turnover总成交额not-for-profitcooperative非盈利性组织triangular arbitrage三角套汇unit sixquota 配额guaratee保函fixed exchange rate固定汇率balance of paymentdeficit国际收支逆差international reserve国际储备credit tranche drawing信贷份额借款credit tranche信贷份额credit tranche facilities信贷份额贷款便利international payment国际收支buffer stock缓冲存货extended facilities补偿信贷便利government borrowing国债;政府借款price fluctuation价格波动,价格涨落export earning 出口收益enlarged access policy 延期进入政策credit policy信用政策组,债务调整Bretton Woods Agreement布雷顿森林协议International MonetaryFund 国际货币基金组织International Bank forResonstruction andDevelopment(IBRD)国际复兴与开发银行InternationalDevelopment Association(I.D.A.)国际开发协会International FincanceCorporation(I.F.C.)国际金融公司financial intermediary金融中介concessional terms特惠条件trade credit商业信贷earning capacity收益能力Bank for InternationalSettlements(B.I.S.)国际清算银行financial settlement财务清算接着来:unit sevensyndication辛迪加underwrite包销,认购hedge对冲买卖、套期保值innovation到期交易spread利差principal本金swap掉期交易eurobond market 欧洲债券市场euronote欧洲票据Federal Reserve Bank(FRB)联邦储备银行unsecured credit无担保贷款定期支付存款lead bank牵头银行neogotiabletime deposit议付定期存款inter-bank money market银行同业货币市场medium term loan 中期贷款syndicated credit银团贷款merchant bank商业银行portfolio management 有价债券管理lease financing租赁融资note issurance facility票据发行安排bearer note不记名票价underwriting facility包销安排floating-rate note 浮动利率票据bond holder债券持持有者London Interbank OfferedRate(LIBOR)伦敦同业优惠利率back-up credit line备用信贷额promissorynote(P.N..p/n)本票revolving cerdit 循环信用证,即revolving letterof creditnon interest-bearingreserves无息储备金interest rate controls 利率管制interest rate ceiling 利率上限interest rate floor 利率下限deposit insurance 存款保险。

统计学学科英语作文模板英文回答:Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, and interpreting data to provide information. It is used in a wide variety of fields, including business, economics, healthcare, and social science.Statistical methods can be used to describe data, make inferences about a population, and predict future events. Descriptive statistics provide a summary of the data, such as the mean, median, and mode. Inferential statistics allow us to make inferences about a population based on a sample. Predictive statistics allow us to use data to make predictions about future events.Statistics is a powerful tool that can be used to make informed decisions. It is important to understand the basics of statistics in order to be able to interpret data and use it to make sound decisions.中文回答:统计学是一门收集、整理和解释数据以提供信息的科学。

Aabscissa 横坐标absence rate 缺勤率absolute number 绝对数absolute value 绝对值accident error 偶然误差accumulated frequency 累积频数alternative hypothesis 备择假设analysis of data 分析资料analysis of variance(ANOVA) 方差分析arith-log paper 算术对数纸arithmetic mean 算术均数assumed mean 假定均数arithmetic weighted mean 加权算术均数asymmetry coefficient 偏度系数average 平均数average deviation 平均差Bbar chart 直条图、条图bias 偏性binomial distribution 二项分布biometrics 生物统计学bivariate normal population 双变量正态总体Ccartogram 统计图case fatality rate(or case mortality) 病死率census 普查chi-sguare(X2) test 卡方检验central tendency 集中趋势class interval 组距classification 分组、分类cluster sampling 整群抽样coefficient of correlation 相关系数coefficient of regression 回归系数coefficient of variability(or coefficieut of variation) 变异系数collection of data 收集资料column 列(栏)combinative table 组合表combined standard deviation 合并标准差combined variance(or poolled variance) 合并方差complete survey 全面调查completely correlation 完全相关completely random design 完全随机设计confidence interval 可信区间,置信区间confidence level 可信水平,置信水平confidence limit 可信限,置信限constituent ratio 构成比,结构相对数continuity 连续性control 对照control group 对照组coordinate 坐标correction for continuity 连续性校正correction for grouping 归组校正correction number 校正数correction value 校正值correlation 相关,联系correlation analysis 相关分析correlation coefficient 相关系数critical value 临界值cumulative frequency 累积频率Ddata 资料degree of confidence 可信度,置信度degree of dispersion 离散程度degree of freedom 自由度degree of variation 变异度dependent variable 应变量design of experiment 实验设计deviation from the mean 离均差diagnose accordance rate 诊断符合率difference with significance 差别不显著difference with significance 差别显著discrete variable 离散变量dispersion tendency 离中趋势distribution 分布、分配Eeffective rate 有效率eigenvalue 特征值enumeration data 计数资料equation of linear regression 线性回归方程error 误差error of replication 重复误差error of type II Ⅱ型错误,第二类误差error of type I Ⅰ型错误,第一类误差estimate value 估计值event 事件experiment design 实验设计experiment error 实验误差experimental group 实验组extreme value 极值Ffatality rate 病死率field survey 现场调查fourfold table 四格表freguency 频数freguency distribution 频数分布GGaussian curve 高斯曲线geometric mean 几何均数grouped data 分组资料Hhistogram 直方图homogeneity of variance 方差齐性homogeneity test of variances 方差齐性检验hypothesis test 假设检验hypothetical universe 假设总体Iincidence rate 发病率incomplete survey 非全面调检indepindent variable 自变量indivedual difference 个体差异infection rate 感染率inferior limit 下限initial data 原始数据inspection of data 检查资料intercept 截距interpolation method 内插法interval estimation 区间估计inverse correlation 负相关Kkurtosis coefficient 峰度系数Llatin sguare design 拉丁方设计least significant difference 最小显著差数least square method 最小平方法,最小乘法leptokurtic distribution 尖峭态分布leptokurtosis 峰态,峭度linear chart 线图linear correlation 直线相关linear regression 直线回归linear regression eguation 直线回归方程link relative 环比logarithmic normal distribution 对数正态分布logarithmic scale 对数尺度lognormal distribution 对数正态分布lower limit 下限Mmatched pair design 配对设计mathematical statistics 数理统计(学)maximum value 极大值mean 均值mean of population 总体均数mean square 均方mean variance 均方,方差measurement data 讲量资料median 中位数medical statistics 医学统计学mesokurtosis 正态峰method of least squares 最小平方法,最小乘法method of grouping 分组法method of percentiles 百分位数法mid-value of class 组中值minimum value 极小值mode 众数moment 动差,矩morbidity 患病率mortality 死亡率Nnatality 出生率natural logarithm 自然对数negative correlation 负相关negative skewness 负偏志no correlation 无相关non-linear correlation 非线性相关non-parametric statistics 非参数统计normal curve 正态曲线normal deviate 正态离差normal distribution 正态分布normal population 正态总体normal probability curve 正态概率曲线normal range 正常范围normal value 正常值normal kurtosis 正态峰normality test 正态性检验nosometry 患病率null hypothesis 无效假设,检验假设Oobserved unit 观察单位observed value 观察值one-sided test 单测检验one-tailed test 单尾检验order statistic 顺序统计量ordinal number 秩号ordinate 纵坐标Ppairing data 配对资料parameter 参数percent 百分率percentage 百分数,百分率percentage bar chart 百分条图percentile 百分位数pie diagram 园图placebo 安慰剂planning of survey 调查计划point estimation 点估计population 总体,人口population mean 总体均数population rate 总体率population variance 总体方差positive correlation 正相关positive skewness 正偏态power of a test 把握度,检验效能prevalence rate 患病率probability 概率,机率probability error 偶然误差proportion 比,比率prospective study 前瞻研究prospective survey 前瞻调查public health statistics 卫生统计学Qquality eontrol 质量控制quartile 四分位数Rrandom 随机random digits 随机数字random error 随机误差random numbers table 随机数目表random sample 随机样本random sampling 随机抽样random variable 随机变量randomization 随机化randomized blocks 随机区组,随机单位组randomized blocks analysis of variance 随机单位组方差分析randomized blocks design 随机单位组设计randomness 随机性range 极差、全距range of normal values 正常值范围rank 秩,秩次,等级rank correlation 等级相关rank correlation coefficent 等级相关系数rank-sum test 秩和检验rank test 秩(和)检验ranked data 等级资料rate 率ratio 比recovery rate 治愈率registration 登记regression 回归regression analysis 回归分析regression coefficient 回归系数regression eguation 回归方程relative number 相对数relative ratio 比较相对数relative ratio with fixed base 定基比remainder error 剩余误差replication 重复retrospective survey 回顾调查Ridit analysis 参照单位分析Ridit value 参照单位值Ssample 样本sample average 样本均数sample size 样本含量sampling 抽样sampling error 抽样误差sampling statistics 样本统计量sampling survay 抽样调查scaller diagram 散点图schedule of survey 调查表semi-logarithmic chart 半对数线图semi-measursement data 半计量资料semi-guartile range 四分位数间距sensitivity 灵敏度sex ratio 性比例sign test 符号检验significance 显著性,意义significance level 显著性水平significance test 显著性检验significant difference 差别显著simple random sampling 单纯随机抽样simple table 简单表size of sample 样本含量skewness 偏态slope 斜率sorting data 整理资料sorting table 整理表sources of variation 变异来源square deviation 方差standard deviation(SD) 标准差standard error (SE) 标准误standard error of estimate 标准估计误差standard error of the mean 均数的标准误standardization 标准化standardized rate 标化率standardized normal distribution 标准正态分布statistic 统计量statistics 统计学statistical induction 统计图statistical inference 统计归纳statistical map 统计推断statistical method 统计地图statistical survey 统计方法statistical table 统计调查statistical test 统计表statistical treatment 统计检验stratified sampling 统计处理stochastic variable 分层抽样sum of cross products of 随机变量deviation from mean 离均差积和sum of ranks 秩和sum of sguares of deviation from mean 离均差平方和superior limit 上限survival rate 生存率symmetry 对称(性)systematic error 系统误差systematic sampling 机械抽样Tt-distribution t分布t-test t检验tabulation method 划记法test of normality 正态性检验test of one-sided 单侧检验test of one-tailed 单尾检验test of significance 显著性检验test of two-sided 双侧检验test of two-tailed 双尾检验theoretical frequency 理论频数theoretical number 理论数treatment 处理treatment factor 处理因素treatment of date 数据处理two-factor analysis of variance 双因素方差分析two-sided test 双侧检验two-tailed test 双尾检验type I error 第一类误差type II error 第二类误差typical survey 典型调查Uu test u检验universe 总体,全域ungrouped data 未分组资料upper limit 上限Vvariable 变量variance 方差,均方variance analysis 方差分析variance ratio 方差比variate 变量variation coefficient 变异系数velocity of development 发展速度velocity of increase 增长速度Wweight 权数weighted mean 加权均数Zzero correlation 零相关unit onedivision of labor 劳动分工commodity money 商品货币legal tender 法定货币fiat money 法定通货a medium of exchange交换媒介legal sanction法律制裁face value面值liquid assets流动资产illiquidl assets非流动资产the liquidity scale 流动性指标real estate 不动产checking accounts,demand deposit,checkable deposit 活期存款time deposit 定期存款negotiable order of withdrawal accounts 大额可转让提款单money market mutual funds 货币市场互助基金repurchase agreements 回购协议certificate of deposits存单bond 债券stock股票travelers\'checks 旅行支票small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款large-denomination time deposits大额定期存款bank overnight repurchase agreements 银行隔夜回购协议bank long-term repurchase agreements 银行长期回购协议thrift institutions 存款机构financial institution 金融机构commercial banks商业银行a means of payment 支付手段a store of value储藏手段a standard of value价值标准unit tworeserve 储备note 票据discount贴现circulate流通central bank 中央银行the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统credit union 信用合作社paper currency 纸币credit creation 信用创造branch banking 银行分行制unit banking 单一银行制out of circulation 退出流通capital stock股本at par以票面价值计electronic banking电子银行banking holding company 公司银行the gold standard金本位the Federal Reserve Board 联邦储备委员会the stock market crash 股市风暴reserve ratio 准备金比率unit threedeficit 亏损roll展期wholesale批发default不履约auction拍卖collateralize担保markup价格的涨幅dealer交易员broker经纪人pension funds 养老基金face amount面值commerical paper商业票据banker\'s acceptance银行承兑汇票Fed fund 联邦基金eurodollar欧洲美元treasury bills 国库券floating-rate 浮动比率fixed-rate 固定比率default risk 拖欠风险credit rating信誉级别tax collection税收money market货币市场capital market资本市场original maturity 原始到期期限surplus funds过剩基金收藏0分享0回复引用举报返回顶部。

Pelican商店案例分析报告(一)70%顾客使用优惠券消费,并有70%顾客选择签帐卡付费方式;93.0%的顾客为女性,已婚的占总体84%图1 Pelican商店促销期间顾客基本情况分布(二)71.0%的女性顾客及57.1%的男性顾客使用了优惠券,72.6%的已婚顾客及56.3%的单身顾客使用了优惠券;使用美国运通、万事达和维萨卡的促销顾客与普通顾客各占一半,选择签帐卡支付的顾客中有81.4%使用优惠券,使用发现卡支付的全部为普通顾客图2 顾客类型在性别下的对比图3 顾客类型在支付方式下的对比图4顾客类型在婚姻状况下的对比图5顾客类型在性别及支付方式下的的交叉对比(三)每位顾客的净消费额集中于10~90美元区间,仅有3%的顾客当日消费在240美元以上;购物数量集中于1~5件区间,仅有3%的顾客当日购物在10件及以上图6 当日净销售额的频数分布图7 当日销售商品数量的频数分布(四)当日卖出的商品中72.67%通过签帐卡支付,仅有3.11%和2.17%通过美国运通及发现卡支付;但使用美国运通支付的顾客平均购买商品数量为5件,使用签帐卡支付的顾客平均购买商品数量则为3.34件图8 不同支付方式下购物数量的对比(五)普通顾客与促销顾客在消费额上均集中于10~89美元区间;但整体上看促销顾客比普通顾客更愿意高消费,促销顾客中有10%的消费额在170美元及以上,14.29%的消费额在110~169美元区间;而普通顾客中,消费额在110~169美元区间的占10%,170美元及以上的则没有3.11% 2.17%13.04%72.67%9.01%5.001.753.003.342.900. ExpressDiscoverMasterCardProprietary CardVisa求和项:Items 平均值项:Items表1 净销售额与顾客类型的交叉频率表TypeNet Sales10~29 30~49 50~69 70~89 90~109 110~129 130~149 150~169 ≥170TotalPromotional 11.43% 22.86% 20.00% 11.43% 10.00% 7.14% 4.29% 2.86% 10.00% 100% Regular 16.67% 33.33% 20.00% 13.33% 6.67% 3.33% 3.33% 3.33% 0.00% 100% Total 13% 26% 20% 12% 9% 6% 4% 3% 7% 100% (六)进一步的分析表明,持有优惠券的女性顾客消费额整体高于普通的女性顾客,男性顾客同样如此,但与女性顾客相比,男性顾客消费的金额主要集中于10~49美金区间;持有优惠券的已婚顾客整体消费水平高于普通的已婚顾客,但持有优惠券的单身顾客中有11.11%消费金额在170美金及以上,明显高于其他类型的顾客表2净销售额与顾客类型在性别分类下的交叉频率表Type GenderNet Sales10~49 50~89 90~129 130~169 ≥170TotalPromotional Female 33.33% 31.82% 16.67% 7.58% 10.61% 100% Male 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100%RegularFemale 44.44% 37.04% 11.11% 7.41% 0.00% 100% Male 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100% Total 39% 32% 15% 7% 7% 100%表3净销售额与顾客类型在婚姻情况分类下的交叉频率表Type Married StatusNet Sales10~49 50~89 90~129 130~169 ≥170TotalPromotional Married 34.43% 31.15% 16.39% 8.20% 9.84% 100% Single 33.33% 33.33% 22.22% 0.00% 11.11% 100%RegularMarried 56.52% 30.43% 8.70% 4.35% 0.00% 100% Single 28.57% 42.86% 14.29% 14.29% 0.00% 100% Total 39% 32% 15% 7% 7% 100%(七)当日净销售额的均值为77.60美金,95%置信水平下的区间为[66.56,88.65];而促销顾客当日消费金额的均值为84.29美金,95%置信水平下的区间为[69.64,98.95],普通顾客当日消费金额的均值为61.99美金,95%置信水平下的区间为[41.03,75.09]表4净销售额在总体及顾客类型下的描述性统计结果NNet SalesMean95% Confidence Interval for Mean StDevMedianMinMaxSkLower boundUpper bound Total 100 77.60 66.56 88.65 55.66 59.71 13.23 287.59 1.71 by Type Promotional 70 84.29 69.64 98.95 61.46 63.42 13.23 287.59 1.52 Regular3061.9941.0375.0935.0751.0022.50159.751.35(八)虽然使用美国运通支付的顾客数最低,仅占2%,但其消费能力最强,当日消费额的均值为166美金;选择签帐卡支付的顾客当日消费额的均值为80.27美金,95%置信水平下的区间为[66.54,94.00]表5净销售额在总体及顾客类型下的描述性统计结果Method of PaymentNNet SalesMean95% Confidence Intervalfor Mean StDev Median Min Max SkLower bound Upper boundAmerican Express2 166.00 — — 141.42 166.00 66.00 266.00 — Discover 4 60.25 27.19 93.31 20.78 56.25 39.50 89.00 1.09 MasterCard 14 67.11 44.77 89.46 38.70 56.00 25.00 145.20 1.23 Proprietary Card70 80.27 66.54 94.00 57.59 62.80 13.23 287.59 1.56 Visa1062.8432.5893.1042.3154.0019.50160.401.49图9 支付方式与消费金额均值的对比(九)女性顾客当日消费额的均值为79.19美金,95%置信水平下的区间为[67.47,90.91],男性顾客当日消费额的均值为56.49美金,95%置信水平下的区间为[28.37,84.60];已婚顾客当日消费额的均值为78.03美金,95%置信水平下的区间为[65.51,90.54],单身顾客当日消费额的均值为75.35美金,95%置信水平下的区间为[51.28,99.42],但通过中位数可以看出单身顾客的消费水平整体高于已婚顾客1070144262.880.367.160.3166. CardMasterCardDiscoverAmerican Express计数项:Method of Payment 平均值项:Net Sales表6净销售额在性别及婚姻类型下的描述性统计结果NNet SalesMean95% Confidence Intervalfor Mean StDev Median Min Max SkLower bound Upper boundby Gender Female 93 79.19 67.47 90.91 56.90 62.40 13.23 287.59 1.66 Male 7 56.49 28.37 84.60 30.40 47.20 29.50 118.80 1.78 By Married StatusMarried 84 78.03 65.51 90.54 57.67 59.00 13.23 287.59 1.73 Single1675.3551.2899.4245.1764.4629.50192.801.35(十)50~59岁年龄段的顾客消费能力最强,当日消费额的均值为102.95美金,95%置信水平下的区间为[63.45,142.44],但同时这一群体消费额的标准差也最高,达92.03美金;30~39岁年龄段的顾客消费相对更稳定,当日消费额均值为78.24美元,95%置信水平下的区间为[56.47,100.00],消费额的标准差为59.00美金表7净销售额在年龄分段下的描述性统计结果AgeNNet SalesMean95% Confidence Intervalfor Mean StDev Median Min Max SkLower bound Upper bound 20~29 10 77.12 50.99 103.26 36.54 71.50 31.60 146.80 0.44 30~39 30 78.24 56.47 100.00 58.29 59.00 14.82 253.00 1.67 40~49 33 69.76 52.07 87.44 49.88 54.50 13.23 198.80 1.26 50~59 16 102.95 63.45 142.44 74.12 92.03 22.42 287.59 1.59 ≥601162.9633.2992.6244.1645.2218.00159.751.05(十一)并未有证据表明顾客的年龄与消费额之间存在显著的相关性,两者的Pearson 相关系数为-0.011,p 值为0.916图10 年龄与净销售额的散点图501001502002503003501525354555657585N E T S A L E SAGE图11性别分类下年龄与净销售额的散点图。

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STAT7055 - Lecture 2
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Intersection, Union and Complement
STAT7055 LECTURE 2 Probability
பைடு நூலகம்
February 17, 2016
STAT7055 - Lecture 2
February 17, 2016
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Random Experiment
A random experiment is a process that results in one of several possible outcomes, none of which can be predicted with certainty. For example:
STAT7055 - Lecture 2
February 17, 2016
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A simple event is an individual outcome from the sample space. An event is a collection of one or more simple events (or outcomes).
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不变性 Invariance
不成比例次级组含量 Disproportionate sub-class numbers
不成比例的 Disproportional
不等次级组含量 Unequal subclass number
W估计量 W-estimation
W检验 W test
Z变换 Z-transformation
Z检验 Z test
变异性 Variability
标目 Heading
标签 Tags
标准差 Standard deviation
半数致死量 Median lethal dose
半衰期 Half-life
报告摘要 Report Summaries
备择假设 Alternative hypothesis
SPSS统计软件包 SPSS(Statistical package for the social science)
S形曲线 Sigmoid curve
Waston-William检验 Waston-William's test
百分比趋势 Trend of percentage
百分条形图 Percent bar graph
百分位曲线 Percentile curves
百分位数 Percentile
不分组资料 Ungrouped data
不可能事件 Impossible event
不同质 Heterogeneity
步长因子 Step factor
处理 Treatment
次级组含量 Sub-class numbers
存 Storage
大错敏感度 Gross-error sensitivity

连检定法 Run test
机率密度函数 Probability density function
机率分布 Probability distribution
机率函数 Probability function
随机变数 Random variable
累积相对频率分布 Cumulative relative frequency distribution
累积百分频率分布 Cumulative percent frequency distribution
叙述统计学 Descriptive statistics
平均数 Mean
中位数 Median
A与B的联集 Union of events A and B
事后机率 Posterior probabilities
事前机率 Prior probabilities
独立事件 Independent events
不相交事件 Mutually exclusive events
条件机率 Conditional probability
超几何分布 Hypergeometric probability distribution
卜松密度 Poisson densities
卜松机率分布 Poisson probability distribution
几何密度 Geometric densities
负二项密度 Negative binomial densities
非抽样误差 Non-sampling error
随机抽样 Random sampling
统计学在现实生活中的运用【英文】 the usefulness of statistics in real world applications

Statistics in engineering (cont)
Comparing GPS and traditional methods of tractor navigation during spraying Queensland Cotton has employed USQ statisticians to improve international competitiveness (commercial-in-confidence) Different irrigation methods have been compared (PRD and RDI)
Statistics in aviation
Private pilot deaths in Australia from 1992 to 1999 were studied. The effect of age was of interest
Statistics in health research
Stats makes maths relevant: real data, examples Statistics leads to jobs!
Statistics in biology
USQ’s internationally recognised Muscular Research Laboratory has received over $1M to study Duchene Muscular Dystrophy Statistics used to analyse preliminary results from mice Ca response curve a measure of muscle strength

transport statistics
statistics of grouping the
same item
unbias(s)ed statistics
statistics of income 进款统计 statistics of random processes 随机过程统计学 statistics of rupture 断裂统计学
output statistics 产量[产品]统计 parameter-free statistics 非参数统计 parametric statistics 参数统计(学) passenger traffic statistics 旅客运输统计 photo-counting statistics 光子计数统计学 plant statistics 厂内统计 population statistics 人口统计 primary statistics 原始统计 probability statistics 概率统计 quantum statistics 量子统计 rank statistics 秩统计量
贝氏统计(以主观估计为概 率曲线的基础)
benchmark statistics 标志性统计数 biological statistics 生物统计学 birth statistics 出生统计 Boltzmann statistics 玻耳兹曼统计 Bose-Einstein statistics 玻色-爱因斯坦统计(法) boundedly complete statistics 有界完备统计量 business statistics 经济情况统计, 业务统计 capital construction statistics 基本建设统计 car statistics 车辆统计

Measures of Variability
Range, Standard Deviation, Variance, Coefficient of Variation
Measures of Relative Standing
Percentiles, Quartiles
Measures of Linear Relationship
Copyright © 2009 Cengage Learning
When referring to the number of observations in a population, we use uppercase letter N
When referring to the number of observations in a sample, we use lower case letter n
The mean is generally our first selection. However, there are several circumstances when the median is better.
The mode is seldom the best measure of central location.
To illustrate, consider the data in Example 4.1.
The mean was 11.0 and the median was 8.5.
Now suppose that the respondent who reported 33 hours actually reported 133 hours (obviously an Internet addict). The mean becomes
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Executive summaryWith the development of globalization and information technology, outsourcing has gained great popularity all over the world. On the other hand, virtual works have more chances to find freelance works with the development of outsourcing. The reasons for outsourcing includes low operational and labor costs, tax breaks, to gain more global and local market share, to reduce risks, to move to higher segments of the value added chain, to serve for innovation as well as to focus to accelerate business transformation. Now the Brammer is encountered with a problem of management that the purchasing and management of spares for the daily operations, maintenance and repair of production and manufacturing equipment is often a complex, time and resource consuming issue for most organizations. The Brammer is considering whether they will outsource the management of spares.This research will focus on identifying a management problem of the Brammer and designing an appropriate business research strategy for success in business. What is more, the essay will choose a qualitative research methodology to investigate the organizational management problem of the Brammer.1. Background informationAs one of the Europe’s leading supplier of quality industrial maintenance, repair and overhaul products, the Brammer has enjoyed good reputation all the world. With its head quarter in England, the Brammer operates out of more than 300 locations in 15 countries. The aim of the company is to supply a range of solutions which are designed to help the clients to cut down the total cost of component acquisition.Even faced with the globally economic crisis, the Brammer has kept a stable increase in 2008. The following statistics will present the outstanding achievement of it from 2006 to 2010:Brammer FundamentalsYear Ending Revenue (£m)Pre-tax (£m)EPS P/E PEG EPSGrth.Div YieldIt is predicted that in the fiscal year 2011, the Brammer will still keep a tendency of increase in the revenue.2. Analysis of the symptoms of the management problems.However, with the growth of the company, some management problems occurs which affects the continuous development of the company.For most organizations, without proper management, the purchasing and management of spares for the daily operations, maintenance and repair of production and manufacturing can turn into a complex, time and resource resourcing issue. This problem also concerns Ian Ritchie, Brammer’s UK’s managing director.In order to cut down the cost of such purchasing and management and focus on the core business of the Brammer, he has taken into consideration outsourcing such purchase and management to other small companies, with the more and more popularity of outsourcing and outsourcing websites.However, this has not been approved by the board of directors. But it will be discussed as a good idea to cut down the cost of purchasing and management.3. The statement of the management problemIn different stages of a company, it will have a chance to be encountered with various problems in the areas of marketing, human resources, finance, operations or general management. For the Brammer, it is obvious the company is facing the problem in operations or general management. With the expansion of the company, the cost of daily purchasing and management is increasing, which will have a negative effect on the final profit of the company. As a result, it needs better methods of management to reach a better settlement. (Gupta, & Ashok, 1992, p.p. 44-59),This essay is trying to have a research about whether the Brammer should take advantage of the outsourcing in order to achieve the goal of reducing the cost. Before the conclusion is finally drawn, some research questions should be raised.1) What are the reasons for outsourcing?2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing?3) Whether there is a need for the Brammer to use outsourcing as a method to solve the operational and management problems?4) If the outsourcing is carried out by Brammer, how and where to seek for outsourcer who can offer high quality of service?5) Is there any other problems in the management of the Brammer? If yes, how to solve them?In order to offer some suggestions for the Brammer to solve the current operate and management problems, with the growth of the company, this essay is trying to have a research on the necessity and feasibility of outsourcing the daily purchasing and management to some other companies as to cut down the routine cost of the company. As a result, the research objectives will center around the advantages and disadvantages of the outsourcing. This essay is making an effort to find out whether outsourcing will help solve operate and management problems that concerns the Brammer.6. Research methodologyIn order to have a better understanding of outsourcing and its benefits in current economic environment, two kinds of qualitative research methodologies will be used in this research.1) Literature reviewLiterature review can be defined as an overview of the available literatures in a certain field which is closely connected the research objects, including the process of search and evaluation of such resources. In this research, some valuable literatures of the peer researchers in recent years will be searched and evaluated. All the resources will center around the pros and cons of outsourcing as well as the cases of the usage of outsourcing. (Deavers, 2010, p.p. 503-519),2) Interviews of the users of outsourcingIn order to have a deeper understanding of the management of outsourcing, after the literature review, the research will conduct some interviews of the current or previous users of outsourcing. The interview will focus on the following questions: (Perry, 1997, p.p. 785-802)➢In which occasions, have you chosen the outsourcing to solve the management problems?➢Are there any problems in the process of outsourcing?➢Have you achieved the goal of outsourcing, such as cost reduce, to improve innovation, as well as to focus on the core competitiveness.➢How to choose a qualified company for outsourcing?7. Review of the methodology●Reasons for the chosen research methods.1) Literature review:A good literature review will collect up-to-date and useful information for theresearcher. What is more, it will make the researcher have a deeper understanding of the specific field. In this research, literature review will offer the current situation of the situation, as well as the pros and cons of outsourcing. (Fan, 2000, p.p. 213-219)2) Interviews:By interviewing the current or previous users of the outsourcing, it can give the researcher a closer connection with outsourcing. What is more, some experience and lessons will learn from the interviews. Based on the literature review and interviews, the Brammer can decide whether outsourcing will be carried out to solve the management problems in current situations.●Research methodology limitations.It is unavoidable that each research methodology has its own limitations. The literature review as well as the interviews is no exceptions.1) Literature review:During the research, the problem of time constraint will be encountered. What is more, it will a difficulty to get access to the most up-to-date literature resources.2) Interviews:➢Due to the fact that the interviews have to be done face to face, some interviewees will feel embarrassment, as a result, the results of suchinterviews will be negatively affected.➢Because of the time limitations of the interviews, it is reduce the depth of the questions in the interview, which will have an influence the final results ofthe interviews.➢The face to face interviews have a high requirement for the interviewer.➢Some questions will not get the expected answers due to the protection of trade secret. (Barclay, 2001, p.p. 81-101)●Research methodology ethical considerations.During the process of the research, all the ethical principles will be upheld, what is more, no one under the age of 18 will take part in the research, last but least, all the responses from the interviews will be kept confidential.8. Plan for the business researchIn order to carry out the research, here are some plans for the research. (Witte, 2000, p.p. 179-195),1) First step: conducting the literature review.2) Second step: based on the literature review, some preparations will be done for the interviews.3) Third step: conducting face to face interviews.4) Fourth step: drawing conclusions from both the literature review and interviews.5) Fifth step: having a better understanding of the Brammer.6) Last step: offering recommendations or suggestions for the Brammer.9. ConclusionIn face with the operation and management problems of the Brammer, whether outsourcing will be carried out to cut down the daily cost will be the research objects of this research. Despite the limitations of literature review and interviews, they will still be good research methodologies for this research, at last, some recommendations or suggestions will be offered to the Brammer by the research.10. ReferenceBarclay, J. (2001), “Improving selection interviews with structure: organization’s use of behavioral interviews”, Personnel Review, vol.30, 81-101Deavers, K. (2010), Outsourcing: A corporate competitiveness strategy, not a search for low wages. Journal of Labor Research, 18, 503-519Digital Look, (2012), retrieved on January 6, 2012, from the website:Fan, Y. (2000), Strategic outsourcing: evidence from British companies. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 18, 213-219Gupta, U, & Ashok, G. (1992), Outsourcing the function: it is necessary for your organization? Information systems management, 9, 44-50Perry, C. (1997), “Process of a case study methodology for postgraduate research in marketing”, European Journal of Marketing, vol.32, 785-802Witte, J. (2000), “Research Methodology”, Social Science Computer Review, vol.18, 179-195。